EIT and its knowledge and innovation communities (KICs)

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El EIT y sus comunidades de conocimiento e innovaci贸n (KIC): partenariados sostenibles en educaci贸n, investigaci贸n y emprendimiento Endika Bengoetxea Partnerships Management unit European Institute of Innovation and Technology 19 julio 2013


• What are the EIT and its KICs?

• How can the EIT and KICs contribute to the RIS strategy?

What are the EIT and its KICs? The EIT: an institute for Europe


US: approx. 21% EU: approx. 2%

Bruegel policy brief 2009 Reinhilde Veugelers

EUROPE‘S UNLOCKED POTENTIAL TO SUPPORT WORLD-CLASS INNOVATION • High level of education & solid academic base • Historical power houses of research & science • Increasing number of centres of excellence • Impressive corporations and SMEs • Long tradition of product development • Growing European interactions between national R&D players

UNLOCKING THE EUROPEAN INNOVATION POTENTIAL Integrating the three sides of the knowledge triangle to drive entrepreneurial innovation Business Higher Education

Research & Technology

EIT`s mission: To become the catalyst for a step change in the European Union’s innovation capacity and impact”

EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (EIT) Facilitating the following transitions:  from idea to product from lab to market from student to entrepreneur in areas of high societal need.



Source: Science, Vol. 308, p. 640

• • • • •

Go for the best individuals Make sure they understand the master plan Make sure they form a strong team Create respect for the involved competence areas Complement strength/weakness profiles of the team members

Modernisation of higher education in Europe Key Policy messages • Modernisation agenda focus:

 More graduates,  Quality, relevance and employability  HE’s contribution to economic recovery and long-term growth

• Worldwide competition and tightening budgets will challenge universities increasingly to modernise further and to diversify on the basis of their strenghts.


• Highly integrated, creative, excellence-driven and autonomous long-term partnerships

• Driven by societal challenges: climate change mitigation and adaptation, future information and communication society and sustainable energy

• Fostering the emergence of entrepreneurs

 Internationally distributed innovation hubs working across borders.

KIC ACTIVITIES KIC activities include:

• Education and training activities promoting the development of innovation skills, university-academia collaboration, improving management skills, and fostering mobility of students and researchers; • European added value investment, integrating higher education and research to achieve a critical mass and encourage the dissemination and exploitation of results; • World-class research and innovation in areas of economic and social interest, with the potential to strengthen Europe's competitiveness; • Dissemination of best practices, targeting the creation of partnerships between the areas of higher education, research and business

THE KIC MODEL • High degree of integration: each KIC constituted as an independent legal entity, gathering world-class KIC partners from the three KT sides. • Long-term strategic approach: KICs are set up for a minimum of 7 years to eventually become self-sustainable. • Sufficient autonomy and flexibility: the EIT offers KICs a fully bottom-up approach to define the work-plan for the short and long terms. • Results/High-Impact-oriented activities: KICs are designed to operate as a business-like organization, implementing a Business Plan with measurable deliverables, results and impact. • The co-location model: Typically each KIC has 4-6 co-location centers in different EU countries, each one associated with a subtheme of the overall theme of the KIC. Such centers become attractive breeding-grounds for new ideas and interactions, consolidating and accelerating the innovation process.

Industry/SMEs Higher Education Institute -

How do the KICs work in practice?

Research Institute Entrepreneurship -

KIC Co-location Centre -

Using KIC InnoEnergy as an example

KIC ACHIEVEMENTS SINCE THEIR IMPLEMENATION IN 2010 • 17 innovation hotspots spread across Europe • More than 350 partners from business, higher education and research and other relevant institutions • Approx. 300 million € EIT investment into the existing three KICs with more than 1.1 billion € leveraged from external sources • KICs have recruited more than 1000 students into about 20 specific educational






entrepreneurship • Approx. 90 innovation projects initiated by the KICs, 108 start-up companies, 400 business ideas incubated.

Climate-KIC • Mission: Climate-KIC aims to significantly accelerate the innovation required for a transformation to a low-carbon economy, and to ensure Europe benefits from new technologies, company growth and jobs.

• Thematic Focus Area: assessing climate change and managing its drivers, transitioning to resilient, low-carbon cities, advancing adaptive water management and developing zero carbon production systems • Governance: CEO - Mary Ritter, Chairman - John Schellnhuber

• Partners inc. Bayer, EDF, GDF Suez, DSM, Schipol Airport ETH Zurich, Imperial College London, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK, Technische Universität Berlin, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, l’Institut national de la recherche agronomique INRA, Delft University of Technology & Utrecht University,…

EIT ICT Labs • Mission: EIT ICT Labs intends to turn Europe into the global leader in ICT innovation by establishing a new type of partnership between leading companies, research centres and universities in Europe. • Thematic Focus Area: smart spaces, smart energy systems, health and wellbeing, digital cities of the future, future media and content delivery and intelligent mobility and transportation systems • Governance: CEO – Willem Jonker , Chairman – Henning Kagermann • Partners inc. Alcatel Lucent, Fraunhofer, KTH, Nokia, Aalto University, Ericsson, INRIA, Philips, Orange, SAP, Siemens, TRENTO Rise, Universite Paris Sud, Telecom Italia, VTT,...

KIC InnoEnergy • Mission: KIC InnoEnergy’s strategic objective is to become the leading engine of innovation in the field of sustainable energy. • Thematic Focus Area: energy form chemical fuels, renewables, clean coal technologies, sustainable nuclear and renewable energy convergence, intelligent, energy efficient buildings and cities and european smart electric grid and electric storage • Governance: CEO - Diego Pavia, Chairman - Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn • Partners inc. EnBW, Vattenfall, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Grenoble Ecole de Management, CEA, EDF, VITO, ESADE, Gas Natural Fenosa, TNE, K.U. Leuven, ABB, KTH, AGH University of Technology, Central Mining Institute,…

KIC PARTNERS: 2010-2012 2012 KIC Partners 60

Climate-KIC 86 KIC Partners


EIT ICT Labs 75 KIC Partners

KIC InnoEnergy 104 KIC Partners



Academic 31

30 30



Industry Research




19 20






0 Climate-KIC


KIC InnoEnergy

In 2012, the three KIC brought together over 260 KIC Partners


How can the EIT and KICs contribute to the RIS strategy? Opportunities in Europe for innovation, nurturing entrepreneurial talent and partnerships.

Horizon 2020 and the EIT

• EIT contribution to H2020:

EIT is an integral part of Horizon 2020

address societal challenges via the integration of the knowledge triangle • EIT contribution to H2020 overall policy objectives • EIT’s RIS strategy (complementary with DG REGIO’s RIS3)

KIC partnership  Outreach is part of the missions of the EIT and its KICs (4.4%)  KICs policy for entry of partners  Open strategy with regard to entry and exit of affiliated partners

Partners: 267 of which 82 Core partners • • • •

78 universities (27 Core partners) 59 research centres (24 Core partners) 119 companies (31 Core partners) 11 Cities, Regions, NGOs

Investing in the next round of KICs

European Commission proposal of future themes 2014:


• Food4future

• Added value manufacturing

• Raw materials

• Smart secure societies

• Healthy living & active • Urban mobility ageing Proposed Budget:

• H2020 total financial contribution to the EIT KICs) : 3.18 billion € for 2014-2020.

(for existing and new

KICs added value seen by entrepreneurs • Access to the KIC infrastructure and network • Mentoring and business coaching to prepare and implement business plans • Meeting potential business partners and new customers • Raising company’s own profile through KIC’s partners • Access to new technologies • Exploring markets beyond the home market • Thematic specialisation • Comparative advantages • The market-orientation • Shorter time to market • Bridging the gap between academia and business • Proximity to finance sources: seed funding, VC…

www.eit.europa.eu www.climate-kic.org www.eitictlabs.eu www.kic-innoenergy.com

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