LVCVA Panel for Convention Facilities in Clark County

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OversightPanelforConventionFacilitiesinClarkCounty MEETING AGENDA

April 27, 2017 9:00 AM

Las Vegas Convention Center • Board Room 3150 Paradise Road • Las Vegas, NV 89109


Bill Ham • Chair

Tom Thomas • Vice Chair

Gary Bogan

Robert Cilento

Michael Crome

Ron Frye

John Littell 1. CALL TO ORDER


Comments are limited to three (3) minutes in length and must pertain to agenda items on this agenda.


Approval of this Agenda, April 27, 2017.

Approval of the Minutes from March 23, 2017.

For Possible Action.


This is an information item. Not an action item.



ITEM A. Las Vegas Convention Center District Staff Report: Review of Panel Questions from March 23rd Meeting

LVCVA staff will provide responses to the questions/requests raised by the Oversight Panel during its regular meeting on March 23, 2017.

This is an information item. Not an action item.

Oversight Panel for Convention Facilities in Clark County Agenda • April 27, 2017 • Page 2

ITEM B. Las Vegas Convention Center District Staff Report: Presentation of Delivery Methods for Design and Construction

LVCVA staff will provide a presentation of the possible delivery methods for design and construction of the Las Vegas Convention Center District (LVCCD).

This is an information item. Not an action item.

ITEM C. Las Vegas Convention Center District Plan Document


LVCVA staff will present a proposed timeline for submittal of the draft LVCC District Plan document.

This is an information item. Not an action item.


Supporting documentation for the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) District Plan will be provided.

This is an information item. Not an action item.


8. COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR BY THE PUBLIC Comments are limited to three (3) minutes in length.


Items on the Agenda are for possible action by the Oversight Panel, unless stated otherwise. Items may be taken out of order. Items may be combined for consideration.

Items may be removed from the agenda or delayed at any time.

Persons are invited to submit written remarks for all matters, both on and off the agenda. Written remarks presented for inclusion in the Oversight Panel minutes must be flat, unfolded, on paper of standard quality, and 8½ by 11 inches in size. Written remarks shall not exceed five (5) pages in length. The Oversight Panel will not accept for filing any submission that does not comply with this rule. On a case-by-case basis, the Oversight Panel may permit the filing of noncomplying [sic] written remarks, documents, and related exhibits pursuant to NRS 241.035(1)(e).

Oversight Panel meeting rooms are accessible to persons with disabilities. If special arrangements are required, please contact the LVCVA Security Department at: 702-892-7400, which is a 24-hour Dispatch Control Center, or contact Courtney Lipski in the LVCVA Board Office at: 702-892-7511.

Members of the Panel may participate in this meeting via telephone conference call. The general public may listen to the conference call at the above-referenced meeting location.

For information or questions regarding this agenda please contact: Courtney Lipski, Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority 3150 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 702-892-7511 or

Oversight Panel for Convention Facilities in Clark County Agenda • April 27, 2017 • Page 3


Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) – Visitor Information Center

3150 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Cashman Center

850 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas, NV 89101

Clark County Government Center

500 South Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89155 City Hall, City of Las Vegas

495 South Main Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101

Clark County Law Library

309 South 3rd Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101

LVCVA Website: Nevada Public Notice Website:

OversightPanelforConventionFacilitiesinClarkCounty MEETING MINUTES

March 23, 2017 9:00 AM

Las Vegas Convention Center • Board Room 3150 Paradise Road • Las Vegas, NV 89109


Bill Ham • Chair

Tom Thomas • Vice Chair

Gary Bogan

Robert Cilento

Michael Crome

Ron Frye

John Littell

Rossi Ralenkotter, President/CEO

Luke Puschnig, Esq., CEM, Legal Counsel

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

Executive Staff in Attendance


Rana Lacer, Chief Financial Officer

Ed Finger, Senior Vice President of Finance

Terry Jicinsky, Senior Vice President of Operations

Terry Miller, LVCVA Owner’s Representative, Cordell Corporation

Chair Bill Ham called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. A quorum of the members was present at roll call.


There were no comments from the floor by the public.


Vice Chair Tom Thomas moved, seconded by Member Michael Crome, and it was carried by unanimous vote of the voting members present to approve the March 23, 2017, agenda of the OversightPanelforConventionFacilitiesinClarkCounty,aswellastheFebruary23,2017,minutes oftheOversightPanelforConventionFacilitiesinClarkCounty.


Chair Bill Ham recognized the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) trade show customers presenting to the Panel and thanked them for their attendance. Chair Ham also congratulated the LVCVA for Las Vegas being named the #1 Tradeshow Destination for the 23rd consecutive year by Trade Show News Network.

Oversight Panel for Convention Facilities in Clark County Minutes • March 23, 2017 • Page 2

Chair Ham discussed the role of the Oversight Panel in determining the expansion and renovation plan of the Las Vegas Convention Center District (LVCCD) in relation to timing, details, and presentation of the final plan.



ITEM A. Las Vegas Convention Center District Staff Report: Review of Panel Questions from February 23rd Meeting

Terry Jicinsky, LVCVA Senior Vice President of Operations, outlined the topics of discussion and reviewed the timeline for approval of the final plan.

Mr. Jicinsky introduced LVCVA trade show customers; Megan Tanel, Vice President of Exhibition & Events of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, CONEXPO-CON/AGG; Timothy McGuinness, Staff Vice President of Global Trade Expositions, International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC); Karen Chupka, Senior Vice President of International Consumer Electronics Show & Corporate Business Strategy, International Consumer Electronics Show (CES); and Chris Brown, Executive Vice President of Conventions & Business Operations, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB).

Mr. Jicinsky referenced Panel member questions from the February 23 Oversight Panel meeting in regards to customer interviews, meeting space, and exhibition space. Mr. Jicinsky deferred the discussion to the LVCVA trade show customers in attendance.

Ms. Tanel discussed the 2017 CONEXPO-CON/AGG trade show on March 7-11. Ms. Tanel detailed the show’s use of indoor/outdoor exhibition space, demand for additional meeting space, and her excitement for the expansion of the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC).

Mr. Jicinsky acknowledged ICSC’s recent trade show location bid and expressed his appreciation to Mr. McGuinness for the opportunity for ICSC RECon to remain in Las Vegas.

Mr. McGuinness recognized the strength of the trade show industry, outlined the specifics of ICSC RECon, and discussed the show’s endurance in Las Vegas. Mr. McGuinness emphasized the necessity and importance of the expansion of the LVCC, specifically in relation to the maximization of the trade show attendees’ time by containing events on the LVCC campus.

Ms. Chupka addressed the importance of the expansion of the LVCC in relation to the current limitations in meeting and exhibit space and the demands of CES.

Mr. Brown thanked the Oversight Panel and the LVCVA for collaborating and listening to the needs of the customers. Mr. Brown echoed Ms. Chupka’s emphasis on the necessity for additional meeting and exhibit space, as well as Mr. McGuiness’ prioritization to contain show events to the LVCC campus. Mr. Brown also discussed show attendee mobility and encouraged centralized meeting space in the new facility.

Chair Bill Ham thanked the LVCVA trade show customers for their presentations to the Panel.

Member John Littell inquired about amenity and technology needs of trade shows, to which Ms. Tanel emphasized the importance of flexibility in space, creative concepts encouraging brand logo, embracing the younger generations, and focusing on new and innovative ideas. Ms. Chupka provided perspective on the technological needs of shows, emphasis on usability of meeting rooms, and freight access. Mr. Brown encouraged food and beverage variety and the availability of seating, emphasized flexibility in space, and discussed infrastructure support of live broadcasting. Mr. McGuinness underlined the imperativeness of back of the house operations and the connectivity of the buildings. Ms. Chupka stated that it would also be beneficial to provide easy access points for camera crews, as well as secured drop-off locations for VIP guests.

Member Gary Bogan questioned the expectations for room design as it related to materials and the “look” of the space. Ms. Tanel and Ms. Chupka both answered that the emphasis should be on flexibility and usefulness of the space.

Chair Ham inquired about the demands of the differing generations as it related to engagement. Ms. Tanel discussed how CONEXPO-CON/AGG catered to differing generations. Mr. McGuinness elaborated on the emphasis to engage the younger generations in business discussions, but also recognized the existing entertainment offered in Las Vegas as a destination. Ms. Chupka emphasized varieties in food and beverage, lounge areas, wifi availability, and advanced technology amenities such as charging stations, that were among the priorities of younger demographics of show attendees.

Chair Ham discussed the need for a more inviting pre-function area, small gathering places, and additional seating and asked if the expectation was to formalize these spaces or allow each show to create spaces as needed. Ms. Chupka reemphasized the importance of flexibility in space and encouraged the incorporation of natural light. Mr. Brown discussed the importance of break areas and suggested that it would be beneficial to formalize lounge spaces and also incorporate customizable spaces for shows to utilize.

Chair Ham asked if sustainability was an important aspect for trade shows, to which Ms. Chupka suggested that sustainability was becoming more important to show attendees. Mr. McGuinness said that although it was an important aspect, it would not deter ICSC from choosing Las Vegas. Ms. Tanel added that sustainability was the “right thing to do” and offered ideas on how a new facility could incorporate such Mr. Brown agreed that sustainability was important, but that it would also not deter NAB from choosing Las Vegas.

Member Ron Frye requested Ms. Chupka provide the Panel with the ratio of meeting room versus exhibit space, to which Ms. Chupka briefly discussed the demand for both the smaller and larger spaces. Member Frye asked the customers for their thoughts on the future of trade shows. Ms. Tanel responded that the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) was currently working on a futurist study of the industry. Mr. McGuinness added that the predictability of the trade show industry was limited, however the industry was very competitive. Mr. Brown agreed that the predictability was limited. Ms. Chupka reiterated the importance of flexibility offered to exhibitors.

Chair Ham expressed his appreciation to the presenters.

Mr. Jicinsky summarized the commonality in demand from each presenting trade show customer and discussed the need for flexible venue space.

Oversight Panel for Convention Facilities in Clark County Minutes • March 23, 2017 • Page 4

Mr. Jicinsky stated that “the real value of having our clients here is to use it in designing our program” and introduced Terry Miller, LVCVA Owner’s Representative, to comment on how the conversation would continue with the customers.

Mr. Miller addressed the Panel and stated that the conversations with customers and stakeholders would be continual in order to encourage business growth throughout the destination. Mr. Miller also elaborated on the importance of flexibility and the anticipation of demand.

Mr. Jicinsky went on to discuss how international venues were in the competitive set and introduced Hugh Sinnock, LVCVA Vice President of Customer Experience, to provide perspective on international convention centers.

Mr. Sinnock delivered a PowerPoint presentation of his visit to the following competitive convention centers in Asia; Korea International Exhibition & Convention Center – KINTEX in Goyang, South Korea; COEX, Convention and Exhibition Center in Seoul, South Korea; AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong, China; Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) in Hong Kong, China; China International Exhibition Center (old and new) in Beijing, China; Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in Shanghai, China; and National Exhibition Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai, China.

Chair Ham thanked Mr. Sinnock for his report.

Mr. Jicinsky explained how the competitive set concepts would assist in the design process and allow for the inclusion of trends and new ideas.

Mr. Jicinsky and Mr. Miller answered Panel member questions from the February 23 Oversight Panel meeting. Mr. Miller discussed the prioritization within the budget plan. Mr. Jicinsky discussed the expansion and renovation program as they related to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building certification.

Member Frye suggested the use of Green Globe certification versus LEED, to which Mr. Miller agreed.

Vice Chair Tom Thomas spoke about the potential geographic sustainability concepts that LEED did not recognize, to which Mr. Miller acknowledged. Mr. Jicinsky said that the final plan would allow flexibility to address certification throughout the process.

Mr. Jicinsky discussed potential concurrency with certain renovation projects during the expansion construction.

Mr. Jicinsky noted planned Panel member competitive set site visits in Chicago, Orlando, and San Diego in April. He went on to discuss the domestic and international competitive set as it related to forward-thinking design work.

This was an information item. Not an action item.

ITEM B. Las Vegas Convention Center District Staff Report: Presentation of the Budget, Schedule, and Funding

Mr. Miller discussed the LVCCD program budget through a detailed analysis of the construction cost budget, contingency budget, and soft cost budget.

Chair Ham expressed his concerns with projected costs in comparison to competitive markets, to which Mr. Miller explained the specific costs associated with the projects in those markets and identified the differences between competitive projects and the LVCCD. Chair Ham requested a cost comparison and analysis of disparities in costs.

Member Ron Frye discussed soft cost items as well as third party source for the cost analysis, to which Mr. Miller recognized local and national contractors that provided cost information. Member Frye also inquired about escalation in cost, to which Mr. Miller identified. In a ddition, Member Frye asked about operating supplies and equipment costs, to which Mr. Jicinsky answered that those costs were included in the capital funds of the operations budget.

Member Frye and Mr. Miller examined the budgeted costs allotted for a contractor. Chair Ham suggested that such specifics could be discussed as the process moved forward. Chair Ham reiterated the importance of the presentation of a cost comparison.

Mr. Miller briefly discussed the LVCCD schedule and cash flow.

Member Michael Crome inquired about the project timeline as it related to the expansion versus the renovation and additions. Rana Lacer, LVCVA Chief Financial Officer, answered that the cash flow for the renovations and additions had been programmed into the model.

Ms. Lacer provided a brief history of funding for the LVCVA and presented the financing program for the LVCCD.

Chair Ham asked Ms. Lacer about pledged revenue and debt services, to which Ms. Lacer outlined room tax revenue and various revenue streams for the LVCVA versus operating costs. Ms. Lacer discussed LVCVA bonds and recognized Marty Johnson with JNA Consulting Group, LVCVA Financial Advisor, and Kendra Follett with Sherman and Howard, LVCVA Bond Counsel, in the audience.

Member Robert Cilento inquired about total revenues, to which Ed Finger, LVCVA Senior Vice President of Finance, and Ms. Lacer outlined.

Member Crome asked about the revenue growth assumptions and general obligation bonds, to which Mr. Finger explained the percentage of revenue growth and outlined the specifics of general obligation bonds. Ms. Lacer noted her appreciation of the general obligation bonds and examined the benefits of such.

Member John Littell discussed how the metrics in Las Vegas were changing and expressed his concerns with the overall budget. Member Littell suggested that milestones and financing for each milestone be incorporated in the plan.

Oversight Panel for Convention Facilities in Clark County Minutes • March 23, 2017 • Page 6

Chair Ham explained the purpose of the Oversight Panel as it related to approving a plan for the LVCCD. Chair Ham explained how the plan should incorporate four distinct tenets; the envisioned product of the expansion and renovation, the method of procurement, scheduling, and budget. He also expressed the importance of the Panel’s insights for the purposes of checks and balances.

Mr. Jicinsky acknowledged that the initial plan was one of many steps in the entire process of the LVCCD project.

This was an information item. Not an action item.



There were no comments from the floor by the public.


Chair Bill Ham adjourned the meeting at 11:59 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Date approved: April27,2017



Numbers may not foot or cross food due to rounding

Numbers may

Oversight Panel Meeting January 26, 2017


Meetings Topics


A. Additional exhibit space needed for current customers:

• CES requested 500K to 750K

• SEMA requested 200K to 500K

• Con AGG/Con Expo requested 500K to 750K.

B. Renovation without displacement:

• Existing exhibit halls vary in size:

600,000 SF of additional exhibit space is required to satisfy the immediate need

The opportunity includes:

1. Expansion of three largest trade shows.

2. Future expansion of remaining existing shows.

3. Attract new shows from other cities.


• Five Year Capital Improvement Plan continues with the renovation of West Halls and meeting rooms


• Continued plan for expansion of McCormick Place and $1.2B district enhancements


• Recent legislation signed by the governor for a 1.3M SF expansion

New York

• Recent approval of $1.5 B expansion of Jacob Javits Center.

San Francisco

• $500M expansion of Moscone Center

Everybody always asks.


SET Atlanta World Congress Center

151,000 Square Feet

Ceiling Height 30’ to the bottom of the grid

Dropped Ceiling Height 16’

Floor Boxes are on 30’ Centers

Columns are on 90’ Centers and 180’ Centers

Lights in this hall can be turned off individually without lift required

Floor Load 350 lbs. per square foot —

Slab on Grade Docks 16–24

Overhead Doors

B5b 14’w x 16’h

B5c 22’w x 15’7”h

B5g 21’3”w x 15’7”h

B5h 24’w x 15’7”h

B5i 24’w x 15’7”h

B5j 19’9”w x 15’7”h

Entrance Access Doors

B5a 19’10”w x 9’11”h

Building B — Level One Exhibit Halls

Atlanta World Congress Center



LVCC District Phases Two and Three

Expansion (Phase Two)

• New 600,000 SF exhibit space to provide swing space for renovation, expanded space for current shows

Renovation/Additions (Phase Three)

• Facility-wide enhancements

• Additional meeting rooms

• New east side lobby

• Connector between exhibit halls

Phase Two Expansion

1. Exhibition



4. Support/Circulation

5. Service

Phase Two Expansion

Phase Two Expansion

Phase Two Expansion

Phase Two Expansion

Phase Two Expansion

Phase Three

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

North Hall

Enhance Concessions

Increase Show Staging Area

Upgrade Technology

Central Hall

Upgrade Power Distribution

Upgrade Block House

Increase Concession Outlets

South Hall (Lower Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Increase Show Staging

Add Concession Outlets

South Hall (Upper Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

North Hall

Enhance Concessions

Increase Show Staging Area

Upgrade Technology

Central Hall

Upgrade Power Distribution

Upgrade Block House

Increase Concession Outlets

South Hall (Lower Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Increase Show Staging

Add Concession Outlets

South Hall (Upper Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Add Freight Elevators

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

North Hall

Enhance Concessions

Increase Show Staging Area

Upgrade Technology

Central Hall

Upgrade Power Distribution

Upgrade Block House

Increase Concession Outlets

South Hall (Lower Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Increase Show Staging

Add Concession Outlets

South Hall (Upper Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Add Freight Elevators

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

North Hall

Enhance Concessions

Increase Show Staging Area

Upgrade Technology

Central Hall

Upgrade Power Distribution

Upgrade Block House

Increase Concession Outlets

South Hall (Lower Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Increase Show Staging

Add Concession Outlets

South Hall (Upper Level)

Upgrade Power Distribution

Add Freight Elevators

Phase Three


Food and Beverage

Enhance Prep Kitchens

Increase Customer Seating

Upgrade Technology


Upgrade Finishes

Increase Natural Lighting

Upgrade Escalators/Elevators

Meeting Rooms

Upgrade Finishes

Upgrade Technology

Add Service Pantries

Back of House

Install Internal Surveillance

Increase Command Center

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

Food and Beverage

Enhance Prep Kitchens

Increase Customer Seating

Upgrade Technology


Upgrade Finishes

Increase Natural Lighting

Upgrade Escalators/Elevators

Meeting Rooms

Upgrade Finishes Upgrade Technology

Add Service Pantries

Back of House

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

Food and Beverage

Enhance Prep Kitchens



Upgrade Finishes



Upgrade Finishes Upgrade


Back of House

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

Food and Beverage

Enhance Prep Kitchens

Increase Customer Seating

Upgrade Technology


Upgrade Finishes

Increase Natural Lighting

Upgrade Escalators/Elevators

Meeting Rooms

Upgrade Finishes

Upgrade Technology

Add Service Pantries

Back of House

Install Internal Surveillance

Increase Command Center

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

New Enclosed Connector

New East Lobbies

New Pedestrian Connector

New Meeting Rooms Modified Traffic/Transportation

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

New Enclosed Connector

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

New Enclosed Connector

New East Lobbies

New Pedestrian Connector

Meeting Rooms

Phase Three Renovation/Additions

New Enclosed Connector

New East Lobbies

New Pedestrian Connector New Meeting Rooms

LVCC District Phases Two and Three

Phases Two and Three will result in 2.5M SF of exhibit space …..

North Hall
Central Hall
North Hall
Central Hall
South Hall
North Hall
North Hall



- SF


South Hall (Lower)
North Hall

Meetings Topics

Feb 23rd Review and Discuss LVCC District Program Scope

Mar 23rd Review and Discuss Program Budget, Schedule and Funding

Apri 27th Review and Discuss Design and Construction Method

✽ Request from LVCVA for Plan Approval (Early May) ✽

May 25th Approval of the Plan


Bill Ham Chair

Tom Thomas ViceChair

Gary Bogan

Robert Cilento

Michael Crome

Ron Frye

John Littell

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