NAXOS Nafsika M. Class: E-ST School year: 2018-19 R A L L E I A E X P E R I M E N TA L PRI M ARY SCHO O L S
GEOGRAPHY Naxos is a Greek island.
NAXOS Naxos is the largest island in Cyclades complex in the Aegean sea. The largest town and capital of the island is Chora or Naxos city, with 6,533 inhabitants. The main villages of Naxos are Filoti, Apiranthos, Vivlos, Agios Arsenios and Korono .
NAXOS -CLIMATE The climate of Naxos is mediterranean, mild and dry, with cool summers and mild winters. The island is rich in springs and streams, due to its rich vegetation, the richest of all the islands of the Cyclades.
HISTORY The importance of Naxos has been great in the history. According to excavations, the early Cycladic civilization was already developed during the period, 5500 - 3000 BC. Naxos was the centre of the ancient Cycladic civilization. In many locations on the island, many Cycladic figurines have been found, as well as other findings of Cycladic culture.
HISTORY During the Classical times (7th-6th century BC), Naxos was inhabited by the Ionians. This is the beginning of the island's flourishing arts, especially sculpture and architecture. In 480 BC it takes part in the naval battle of Salamis with 4 triremes. Following the final defeat of the Persians by the Greeks.
HISTORY From the 11th to the 14th century, the Minasites began arriving in Naxos after the lost battle of Matzikert (1071AD). The Venetians will dominate Naxos for about three and a half centuries by establishing a feudal system that will apply until the beginning of the 19th century .
HISTORY In 1537 Naxos, like most of the Aegean islands, was captured by the Turks. In 1628 some privileges were granted to the Naxians and it became an important step towards the administrative independence of the Cyclades. In the 17th century, the communication of Naxos and the other Cycladic islands continued to turn towards Asia Minor and Constantinople. In the context of trade exchanges with Asia Minor, significant numbers of Naxians are concentrated in Constantinople .
HISTORY In Naxos after the Asia Minor Catastrophe in 1922 and the Exchange of Populations, many Greek refugees from Asia Minor arrive on the island and settle in Chora, Koronos and elsewhere.
PORTARA Ιs a monument located in the island of «Palatia» at the northern edge of the port of Naxos . The name Portara means in Greek big door.
SOURCES Wikipedia