Open piece no 2

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Open Piece No. 2 for any group of bass instruments

Everette Minchew

NeverThemeTwice Š 2013

Performance Notes

Every performer should begin with the tutti section and progress to the next pitch at his/her own pace. Try to connect the notes and take breaths as needed. Play everything legato. Please take as much time as you feel necessary on each pitch. Make sure there are enough players to cover all of the pitches. Try to create an arc when performing this piece. The solo can be played by anyone. Solo can be repeated and varied each time it is played. When a player is finished a solo he/she should return to their place in the tutti section. The tutti section can be performed more than once. Playing the tutti section more than once is encouraged. On each performance of the tutti section the players should vary the dynamics or attack of each note which can be decided before the performance. During a repetition of the tutti section, performers can play some tones as a quickly repeated pattern of 16th or 32nd notes until he/she feels the need to move to the next pitch.

Open Piece No. 2

Score in C

for any group of bass instruments

Everette Minchew


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Never Theme Twice © 2013


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