Moutai magazine - International Edition Issue 10 Winter 2015

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10 WINTER 2015

Splendid Night 夜之馨斕 Interview with Ma Shifang, Winner of Golden Melody Awards 專訪金曲獎得主馬世芳 Cocktail, Moutai's New Style 茅台雞尾酒,玩出新花樣 The World's 50 Best Bars in 2015 2015 全球 50 間最佳酒吧 Charming Lan Kwai Fong 情迷蘭桂坊 CLUB W: Tasting Wine on the Internet Club W:在互聯網上品酒

Tender is the Night 夜色溫柔

One of a Kind 別創新格

A typical representative of the Chinese yeast liquor, Moutai cultivates yeast from wheat using ancient techniques and according to the change of seasons, producing a one-of-a-kind distilled liquor that emits a divine aroma.



CHINA KWEICHOW MOUTAI DISTILLERY (GROUP) CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501


Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501 Production & Advertising Sales Agent: ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED Room 2103, 21/F, Sino Plaza, No.255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Fax: (852) 3580 2588 Consultant : Yuan Renguo, Li Baofang, Zhao Shuyue

Dong Tiezhu Dong Tiezhu is a holder of Ph.D in Chinese culture at the University of California, Berkeley. Familiar with both Chinese and Western culture, Dong has been teaching Chinese culture at Wofford College (USA) and United International College (Zhuhai).

Publisher |  Francis Wong

Chief Executive Officer |  Christine Yin Executive Chief Editor |  Jocelyn Liao Project Manager |  Grace Liu Art Director |  Johnny Woo

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Photographer |  Han Xingxi, Wu Lei Translator |  Billy Yung, Grace Liu

Liao Chenlin Liao Chenlin is a journalist with Master degree in journalism from the Chinese University of Hong Kong focusing on culture news, character interviews and life style. She also worked as a PR in Ogilvy and Mather, OCAT and Sutton PR Asia.

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Marketing Executive |  Nikita Wan, Denise Chan Advertising Enquiry |  Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Email |


Moutai Magazine (International Edition) is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Reprints, copy or use of any content in this magazine whether in whole or in part, shall only be allowed with the explicit written permission of KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD.

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editions published under cooperation or license in two languages. Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited

Special Thanks :

“Night brings the sage ideas.” ——  Menander In this issue of MOUTAI MAGAZINE, we start from the culture of cocktails, Review the stories of classic cocktails and explore Moutai cocktails, Take a look at global top bars, Talk with Ma Shifang about music and see the artwork of Maya Lin, Enjoy the fantastic moment of Lan Kwai Fong, Walk into the first Baijiu bar in New York, Learn how to taste wine on the internet and café-style bar, and Have a fine experience of high-end resort hotel in Maldives, Getting to know people's colorful night life in the dim light.

「黑夜給智者帶來思想。」 ——米 南 德 本期《MOUTAI MAGAZINE》從雞尾酒文化出發, 重溫世界經典雞尾酒的故事,並發掘茅台雞尾酒; 一覽全球最佳酒吧的風采; 體驗蘭桂坊的美妙; 走進紐約首家白酒酒吧; 和馬世芳聊聊音樂,觀賞林瓔的藝術; 了解如何在互聯網上品酒及咖啡館化的酒吧; 感受馬爾代夫高端度假酒店的精緻; 在燈火闌珊中,探究當代社會人們豐富的夜生活。


MOUTAI Magazine

Winter Sonata

冬 之戀歌


World-Renowned Classic Cocktails 揚名世界的經典雞尾酒

Mentioning outdoor activity at night in Hong Kong, people always think of Lan Kwai Fong. This issue’s cover is inspired by this famous fashion and entertainment zone. Let’s enjoy the cozy night that brings us a feeling of freedom. 說起在香港夜晚外遊的地方,人們總會第一時間想到蘭桂坊。本期封 面靈感正來源於這個香港著名的時尚娛樂區。夜闌人不靜,讓我們一 同享受夜色帶來的愜意和自由。


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The World's 50 Best Bars in 2015

Light Up Your Night: Lumos New York's First Baijiu Bar

2015 全球 50 間最佳酒吧

讓黑夜發光 : 紐約首間白酒酒吧 Lumos



For Music Itself Instead of Limelight

Club W Tasting Wine on the Internet

專訪金曲獎得主馬世芳 : 做音樂,不是出風頭

在互聯網上品酒 : 美國 CLUB W 線上品酒俱樂部

CONTENT 目 錄 Gold Prize Since 1915 金獎百年 10   Globalized Moutai, a Great Brand from National    Essences     世界的茅台:民族沃土之上的品牌參天大樹

12   World-Renowned Classic Cocktails     揚名世界的經典雞尾酒 22   Cocktail, Moutai's New Style     茅台雞尾酒,玩出新花樣

28   The World's 50 Best Bars in 2015    2015 全球 50 間最佳酒吧 36   Charming Lan Kwai Fong    情迷蘭桂坊 44   Light Up Your Night: Lumos     New York's First Baijiu Bar     讓黑夜發光 : 紐約首間白酒酒吧 Lumos

50   For Music Itself Instead of Limelight     Interview with Ma Shifang,     Winner of Golden Melody Awards    專訪金曲獎得主馬世芳 : 做音樂,不是出風頭 56   An Exhibition Full of Data     ——Maya Lin's Solo Exhibition in Hong Kong     用數據做展覽    ——著名美籍華裔建築師林瓔香港個展

64  Club W     Tasting Wine on the Internet      在互聯網上品酒 : 美國 CLUB W 線上品酒俱樂部 70  Café-Style Bar     咖啡館化的酒吧 72   Maldives: The Cheval Blanc Randheli     馬爾代夫 : 白馬莊園度假酒店

78   Moutai on the World Map       茅台在全球

MOUTAI Magazine


Gold Prize Since 1915 金獎百年

Globalized Moutai, a Great Brand from National Essences 世界的茅台:民族沃土之上的品牌參天大樹 TEXT/ 文:Jin Shidai 金仕岱

For the universe, 100 years is a fleeting moment; for China, 100 years is a difficult process for the rise of a nation; for Moutai, 100 years contributes to the brilliance of a world brand. Through its own tough footprint and will, Moutai proves a truth: Only with unswerving inheritance, responsibility and commitment, global vision, and constant innovation, can a national brand give off impressive and shining brilliance in the world. 對於宇宙,百年轉瞬即逝,一如白駒過隙;對於中國,百年是一個民族崛起的艱辛歷程;對於茅台,百年成就了 一個世界品牌的輝煌。 中國茅台用自己的艱辛足跡和堅韌意志證明著一個真理:唯有堅定的傳承,唯有責任與擔當,唯有世界的目光, 唯有持續的創新,才能讓民族品牌擦出令世界矚目的耀眼光芒。


n October 12, 2015, at the Sino-Russian entrepreneur forum in Moscow, former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Boris Titov told Moutai Group Chairman Yuan Renguo frankly: Over a long period, he always thought that "Moutai" only referred to China. Only later did he realize that Moutai was actually a world-renowned brand. One month later, on November 12, a professor from Stanford University attended the celebrations held in San Francisco for Moutai's 100th anniversary of winning the Panama gold award and commented on Moutai, "Moutai has done very well today, much better than 100 years ago. Kweichow Moutai has become a worldwide influential big brand. We can prove this from all aspects, such as Moutai's impressive sales volume, growth rates in the international market, and the awareness and strategy of constant self-innovation according to the modern business model."


MOUTAI Magazine

100 years ago, it was certainly not easy for the Moutai liquor hidden in mountains to win the Panama gold award. Yet it is even more difficult to live up to this honor and grow into an impressive world-class brand. Today, the brilliance and glory of the Moutai brand has already surpassed the height of that Panama medal 100 years ago and has won widespread respect from the world. When hearing that Moutai was holding celebrations in San Francisco on November 12, former US President Jimmy Carter personally issued a congratulatory letter to Moutai. He said in the letter, "Moutai Group has set an example. That is, the Chinese enterprises benefiting from stable bilateral relations can play an important role in stabilizing bilateral relations, reducing misunderstanding, and enhancing mutual understanding....I congratulate you on the centennial celebrations held in San Francisco for Moutai's winning the Panama gold award!"

On the celebrations held in the City Hall, the Mayor of San Francisco Edwin Mah Lee (Li Mengxian) even declared November 12 to be "San Francisco's Moutai Day". "100 years ago, in our city, Moutai won the Panama Pacific Exposition gold award." Edwin Mah Lee praised Moutai in his passionate speech, "100 years later, today, we take this opportunity to celebrate this history because Moutai is not just a drink! Widely used in celebrations, this spirits represents tradition and history, demonstrates the extraordinary brewing technique, and brings wonderful tasting experience. Where there are Chinese people, there is Moutai." With mysterious and superb brewing technique and unique "Chinese taste", Moutai is attracting more and more attention from the world, and is gaining more and more honors in the global market. For the past few years, Moutai has been frequently included in the world's prestigious list of Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands selected by BrandZ,

Gold Prize Since 1915 金獎百年

even exceeding many global well-established food enterprises. So far, Moutai has won 17 significant international authoritative awards. Its ranking of brand recognition is constantly improved every year. Today, as a mature national brand that has garnered the titles of "Green Food", "Organic Food", "Geographically Representative Product", and "China's Intangible Cultural Heritage", Moutai boasts the world's best technology for making distilled liquor and the strictest quality control system, a welltrained, responsible, and proud business team, and an enterprise tradition of willing to pay, share, and use the wealth earned through hard work to help more disadvantaged groups....All of these help "Moutai China", this world-class brand, to win louder applause from the world. In the context of international vision, the concept of "the most extensive global network and the most valuable brand" has been changed from the original possibility into today's reality. Moutai has not only entered the high-end markets of the world's major metropolises but also invested in such main Western wine-producing countries as France. Its acquired Chateau Loudenne in Bordeaux has even begun to produce Moutai wine. For Chinese liquor, the amazing surprise brought by this initiative of walking into the world's famous wine-producing areas has greatly inspired China's national brands to embrace all corners of the world. Today's Kweichow Moutai, has not only become one of the world's most famous liquor brands and one of the world's top three distilled liquors, but also developed into a conglomerate that mainly produces and sells alcoholic beverages. It is widely involved in diversified fields, such as liquor, health wine, wine, securities, insurance, banking, tourism, transportation, education, real estate, agriculture, and liquor related industries. With a staff of 30,000 people, annual revenues of over 40 billion RMB, total assets of nearly 100 billion RMB, and brand value of over 110 billion RMB, Moutai ranks first in the liquor industry. Each year, Moutai pays a total tax of about 16.5 billion RMB as well as a total profit and tax of over 30 billion RMB, with both profile and paid taxed accounting for 31% of China's liquor industry. Kweichow Moutai is a blue-chip stock and the highest-priced stock in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. Its total market capitalization

ranks first among China's listed liquor companies. In China's liquor industry, Moutai is also the only enterprise that won the titles of grade-one national enterprise, the national top award for enterprise management—— Golden Horse Award, and the national quality management award (twice). The market blaze has made a tough and strong Moutai. As an iconic symbol for demonstrating China's strength, today's Moutai brand already has enough confidence and strength to stand shoulder to shoulder with other world-class alcohol brands.

非凡的釀制工藝和美妙的品鑒過程。無論在哪 裡,只要有中國人,就一定會有茅台酒。」 國酒茅台以其神秘而精湛的釀制技藝及獨 特的「中國味」,吸引越來越多的世界目光, 在全球市場收穫越來越多的美譽。過去幾年間, 在世界企業界擁有極高聲譽的 BrandZ 全球品 牌百強評選,貴州茅台屢屢入選,排位甚至超 過不少老牌的跨國食品企業。 迄今,中國茅台已榮獲沉甸甸的國際權威 性大獎 17 個之多。茅台酒品牌知名度排名每 年都有提升。 今天, 作為中國白酒行業唯一集綠色食

2015 年 10 月 12 日,俄羅斯前副總理季










一個月以後的 11 月 12 日,一位參加茅
























今天,茅台品牌的光芒與榮耀,早已超越 了百年前巴拿馬那枚獎牌所閃耀的高度,贏得 了世界的普遍尊敬。 當聞訊茅台 2015 年 11 月 12 日在三藩市

國民族品牌擁抱五湖四海。 今天的貴州茅台,不僅已步入世界最知名 酒類品牌陣營,位居世界三大蒸餾名酒之列, 並已發展為以酒類生產經營為主,涉足白酒、






等多產業領域的大型企業集團。擁有員工 3 萬


人,年營業收入 400 多億元,總資產近 1000


億元,品牌價值達 1100 多億元,居白酒行業


之首。年上交國家稅金 165 億元,利稅 300





典儀式上,慎重宣佈 11 月 12 日為「三藩市茅




「100 年前,就在我們這座城市,茅台酒 榮獲了巴拿馬太平洋萬國博覽會頒發的最高金

家企業管理最高獎「金馬獎」和兩次榮獲全國 質量獎於一身的企業。



台,「而 100 年後的今天,我們借此機會慶祝






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Classic Cocktails 揚名世界的經典雞尾酒 EDITING/ 編輯 Jocelyn Liao

Usually, when going to a bar, restaurant, or club for relaxation, people may order a cup of cocktail, swirl it occasionally, and savor it carefully. As an alcoholic beverage prevailing in the world, cocktail has diverse tastes as well as styles, and even becomes an art today. It is said that the United States is the birthplace of cocktail. In 1920s, Americans invented many classic cocktails, witnessing the romance and fashion of cocktails. As a result, people always associate the cocktail culture with the United States. Of course, other countries also created many classic cocktails. So, let's review the stories of these classic cocktails and seek new vitality from their colorful stories. 當人們去酒吧、餐廳、俱樂部等放鬆休閒時,常少不了點杯雞尾酒,拿在手裡,晃一晃,細細品嚐。這一種 風行世界的酒精飲品,不僅在口感上,也在造型上具有變化多樣的特色,甚至成為了一種藝術。據說雞尾酒 的發源地是美國,上世紀二十年代,美國人發明了很多經典雞尾酒,見證了它的浪漫情調和流行時尚,這使 得人們將雞尾酒文化和美國總是聯繫在一起。當然,還有不少經典之作也誕生在其他國家。 讓我們去重新了解經典雞尾酒的故事,看看這五光十色的背後,能否煥發新的生機。


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Martini 馬天尼

When mentioning Martini, people may think of such a statement: "Cocktail begins with and ends with Martini." It is also called "the best masterpiece of cocktail". The habit of adding vanilla to wine has a history of several centuries. Over 150 years ago, a family called Martini opened a small winery near Turin of Italy, actively explored the wine mixing technology, and successfully created a wine that is called "Vermouth" (absinthe) today. Then, the Martini products were popular in Italy immediately and favored worldwide, and were known as the elegant, noble, and fragrant aperitif with the lowest alcohol content. It is said that the name "Martini" was established since the Italian absinthe manufacturer "Martini & Rossi" exclusively called its wine "Martini cocktail". Its prototype was gin added with some kind of wine. At the beginning, it was mainly sweet and used sweet absinthe as auxiliary material. As times changed, the spicy taste gradually became the mainstream. Published in 1979, "The Perfect Martini Book" introduces 268 kinds of martinis. Depending on different amounts of added absinthe, this cocktail falls into several types, such as extra dry, dry, medium, and sweet. To make this cocktail, some add little ice cubes before shaking the mixture while others use other spirits or Japanese liquors as the base liquor. 提起馬天尼酒,難免想起這樣一種說法:「雞尾酒自馬天尼酒開始, 又以馬天尼酒告終。」它又被稱為「雞尾酒中的最佳傑作」。

Margarita 瑪嘉烈特

ico, margarita has a rich taste, fresh fruit Created in Mexflavor, and special aroma of tequila. It tastes sweet and sour, and very refreshing. In 1949, a national cocktail competition was held in the United States and a bartender called Jean Durasa from Los Angeles participated in the competition. With this cocktail, he won the champion. This cocktail was named margarita to commemorate his late lover Margarita. In 1926, Durasa came to Mexico and fell in love with Margarita. Mexico witnessed their romance. Unfortunately, once they went hunting, Margarita was hit by a stray bullet and died in Durasa's arms. So, Durasa used Mexico's national liquor tequila as the base liquor of the cocktail, used the sourness of lemon juice to indicate the sorrow and grief of his heart, and used salt to indicate his yearning tears. Today, along with its worldwide popularity among bars, margarita also becomes a representative of tequila cocktail. Generally, this cocktail is made from 40 ml of tequila, 20 ml of Cointreau, and 20 ml of lime juice. To make this cocktail, take a cocktail cup, use the lime slice to rub the rim of the cup and make the salt stick to the rim. Shake three ingredients with ice carefully and pour into the cup before serving. 瑪嘉烈特誕生於墨西哥,它的口感濃郁,帶有清鮮的果香和龍舌蘭

在葡萄酒內加入香草的習慣已有好幾百年歷史。150 多年前,一名

酒的特殊香味,入口酸酸甜甜,非常的清爽。1949 年,美國舉行全國雞


尾酒大賽。一位洛杉磯的酒吧調酒師尚·杜拉薩(Jean Durasa)參賽。




已故戀人瑪嘉烈特。1926 年,杜拉薩去墨西哥,與瑪嘉烈特相戀,墨西






用墨西哥的國酒龍舌蘭為雞尾酒的基酒,用檸檬汁的酸味代表心中的酸 它的原型是杜松子酒加某種酒,最早以甜味為主,選用甜苦艾酒為

副材料。隨著時代變遷,辛辣的味感逐漸成為主流。1979 年在美國出版 的《馬天尼酒大全》,介紹了 268 種馬天尼酒。因加入苦艾葡萄酒量的



楚,用鹽霜意喻懷念的淚水。如今,瑪嘉烈特在世界酒吧流行的同時, 也成為 Tequila 的代表雞尾酒。 通常,它以 40 毫升龍舌蘭酒、20 毫升君度橙酒、20 毫升青檸檬




沾上一層「鹽霜」,將 3 種配料加冰塊後倒入搖杯內搖勻,倒入雞尾酒



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Known as the "Cocktail Queen" and "Men's Cocktail", the Manhattan cocktail is always popular since its birth. According to legend, this cocktail was specially invented by Winston Churchill's mother Jennie Jerome at New York City's Manhattan Club where she hosted a banquet for the presidential candidate she supported. Generally, its ingredients are 40 ml of Canadian whisky, 20 ml of vermouth, and 2 dashes of Angostura bitters (a bitter liqueur made from gentian and orange). To make this cocktail, combine all ingredients in a mixing cup with ice, stir and strain into a cocktail cup, and garnish with a cherry. 曼哈頓酒被譽為「雞尾酒王后」,自誕生起,這款雞尾酒總是深受 歡迎。據說這款雞尾酒的產生與美國紐約曼哈頓有關,並且由英國前首 相溫斯頓·邱吉爾(Winston Churchill)的母親珍妮(Jeany)發明。珍 妮是紐約布魯克林含有四分之一印第安血統的美國人,是紐約社交圈的 知名人物。據說,這款酒誕生在曼哈頓俱樂部,她為了自己支援的總統 候選人舉行宴會而發明了這款雞尾酒,並譽為「男人的雞尾酒」。 它一般的配料是 40 毫升加拿大威士忌,20 毫升味美思酒,2 注安 格斯特拉苦酒 ( 用龍膽和苦橙制成的一種苦味利口酒 )。調制方法是將所 有配料倒入一個裝有冰塊的玻璃杯中,攪拌均勻後倒入雞尾酒碟,最後 加入一顆櫻桃點綴。

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Bloody Mary


In the mid-16th century, England's Queen Mary I came to power. In order to revive the Catholic Church, she persecuted a large number of Protestants. Therefore, people called her "Bloody Mary". In the United States' gin era between 1920 and 1930, Harry's New York Bar in Paris invented this cocktail and called it "Bloody Mary". This cocktail looks blood red and a little hard to drink. Actually, it has the taste of tomato juice and is healthy. Its spices and flavorings include salt, black pepper, and Tabasco. It has a bright red color and tastes salty and sweet. Usually, to make this cocktail, add some ice cubes to a long drink cup, pour all ingredients except tomato juice into the cup. Stir gently. Fill up the cup with tomato juice. Stir gently again. Garnish with celery stalk or a shrimp. The ingredients are 50 ml of vodka, 10 ml of lemon juice, freshly cracked pepper, salt, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and 120 ml of tomato juice.

在 16 世紀中葉,英格蘭的女王瑪麗一世當政,她為了復興天主教 而迫害一大批新教教徒。人們就把她叫做「血瑪麗」。在 1920 至 1930 年的美國金酒時代,巴黎的哈裏紐約酒吧創造了這款通紅的雞尾酒,就 用「血腥瑪麗」給它命名。 這款酒看起來血紅血紅,有點難以下嚥,但味道卻是番茄汁的味道, 有益健康。調料包括鹽、黑胡椒粉、辣醬油、辣椒汁等。 它的色澤鮮紅,口味又鹹又甜。人們通常的喝法是:取一個長飲杯, 加入適量冰塊,並將除番茄汁以外的配料盡數倒入,適當攪拌,接著倒 入番茄汁至杯滿,再次攪拌,最後用芹菜梗或一個整蝦點綴。配料是 50 毫升伏特加,10 毫升檸檬汁,鮮磨的胡椒粒,鹽,塔巴斯科辣椒醬,伍 斯特醬及 120 毫升番茄汁。

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Tequila Sunrise 龍舌蘭日出

This cocktail is named for its appearance when served, with gradations of color resembling a sunrise. Endowed with an elegant temperament by a high long-drink cup, its appearance fully demonstrates the meaning of its name. Tequila Sunrise has such a lively appearance all because of the grenadine syrup. As a combination of various fresh fruit juices, this cocktail is full of fruit flavor. Besides, the unique enthusiastic tequila also endows this cocktail with an endless savor. In 1973, the "Eagles" recorded a song called "Tequila Sunrise", further opening up the market for this cocktail. One year later, the Hollywood movie with the same name was being shown in the United States, making the "Tequila Sunrise" an essential drink in various bars. In 1988, Hollywood reshot this movie and invited the famous movie star Mel Gibson to star in the movie, instantly promoting this cocktail to a new height in the cocktail industry. We can say that without the popularity of Margarita and Tequila Sunrise in the world, today's global reputation of tequila would be impossible. 龍舌蘭日出色彩鮮豔,由黃色逐步漸變到紅色,就像日出時天空泛起的絢麗華光,讓人可以聯想到少女清純、熱 情的陽光氣息。這款雞尾酒本身的造型已經能夠讓你明白它名稱的緣由。高身的長飲 (Long Drink) 酒杯賦予它優雅的 氣質。龍舌蘭日出如此富有朝陽氣息的外觀有賴於紅石榴糖漿 (Grenadine)。 而在口味上,由於它集多種新鮮果汁於 一身,所以果香味十足。加上龍舌蘭酒特有的熱烈火辣,飲後使人回味無窮。 《龍舌蘭日出‌‌》(Tequila Sunrise)也是‌‌「老鷹樂隊」在 1973 年推出的單曲,進一步為這款雞尾酒打開了市場。 一年以後,好萊塢的同名影片‌‌在美國熱映,使得‌‌「龍舌蘭日出‌‌」成為各大酒吧上必備的飲品。1988 年,好萊塢將‌‌「龍 舌蘭日出‌‌」老片新拍,並請來著名影星梅爾·吉普森(Mel Gibson)擔綱主演,一舉將其在雞尾酒界的地位推上了一 個新台階。同時我們可以這樣說,沒有瑪嘉烈特和‌‌龍舌蘭日出在全世界的流行,也就沒有龍舌蘭酒今日的全球性聲譽。


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Singapore Sling



The Singapore Sling cocktail was born in the famous Raffles Hotel that is called "an exotic, Oriental, and mysterious place" by Westerners. In 1910, Ngiam Tong Boon, a Hainanese bartender working at the Long Bar in Singapore's Raffles Hotel developed this world-renowned cocktail. "Sling" was originally an American drink composed of spirits, water, and sweetener. And "Sling" was cleverly translated into "si ling (commander)". Guests can toss peanut shells onto the floor when savoring Sling at the Long Bar, the only place in Singapore where "littering" is permitted. Generally, the ingredients of Singapore Sling are 40 ml of gin, 20 ml of cherry brandy, 30 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of grenadine, 1 dash of Angostura bitters, and some chilled soda. To make this cocktail, pour ice cubes and all ingredients except soda into the cocktail shaker. Shake well, pour into a fancy cup, and fill up the cup with soda. Garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cocktail cherry. Singapore Sling has an endless savor with sweet and sour flavor, carbonic acid gas, and vinous flavor full of fruit scent. 新加坡司令雞尾酒誕生于著名的萊佛士酒店,這座酒店被西方人士 稱為「充滿異國情調的東洋神秘之地」。1910 年,原籍海南島的華人調 酒師嚴崇文 (Ngiam Tong Boon) 在萊佛士酒店的長酒吧 (Long Bar) 中 發明了這款享譽世界的雞尾酒。「Sling」指的是一種傳統的、流傳于美 國的混合飲料,一般由烈酒、水和糖衝調而成。而「Sling」也被巧妙地 按照諧音翻譯為「司令」。在長吧中品嚐司令酒,客人可以把吃剩的花 生殼隨意地扔在地板上,這在處處講求規矩的新加坡來說,實為罕見。 新加坡司令的配料一般是 40 毫升琴酒,20 毫升櫻桃白蘭地,30 毫升檸檬汁,10 毫升必得利石榴汁及 1 注安格斯特拉苦酒及冰鎮蘇打水。 人們將蘇打水以外的所有配料加冰塊後倒入搖杯內搖勻,接著倒入一個 芬西玻璃杯 (Fancy Glass) 中,並加入冰鎮蘇打水直到杯口,最後用一 顆櫻桃、一片菠蘿點綴這杯酒。它的口感酸甜,外加碳酸氣體的跳動和 果味的酒香,飲來回味無窮。

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7 Mojito


With a slightly sweet and sour taste and a fresh mint aroma, mojito has a light taste and low alcohol content, making it very suitable for women to drink. Reportedly, its predecessor was invented by the British pirate Richard Drake. Rum was originally called "pirate's drink". As one of the most famous rum-based cocktails, mojito was originally the drink of pirates, slaves, and workers. Later, it was spread from Cuba to the Key West Resort of the United States, a place swarmed with scholars and artists. Then, it was introduced to Miami's South Beach——a home to nightlife and fashion, and finally became one of the most popular cocktails among such cities as New York and San Francisco in recent years. From the active promotion for mojito in the Bacardi rum advertisement, you can see how popular it is. Originally in Cuba, the upper class and American tourists drank the daiquiri cocktail and mojito was just the cocktail for the working class. However, every cocktail has its day. Both the legend of pirates and its green feature might be the reason why it is cooler than daiquiri.

Cuba Libre


The Cuba Libre cocktail originated from the Spanish-American War. It was said that this cocktail was invented on a whim by an American captain in a bar of Old Havana during the war. He mixed Coca-Cola with rum and garnished with lemon to celebrate Cuba's liberation. It is handed down because of its cool and delicious taste. When Cuba was independent from Spain, people used their frequent words at that time to name this cocktail. As a result, the "Cuba Libre" was born. It was said that in a sultry afternoon of November 1898, an American captain entered a bar and ordered a cup of iced Bacardi rum. Suddenly he saw several officers having a drink that was just invented in 1886, that is, the Coca-Cola we know today. Then he remembered the "Prohibition". Therefore, he immediately ordered a Coke and poured it into his liquor. The mixed drink was surprisingly delicious and all other people in the club followed suit. After sipping the drink, a Cuban said: "Isn't it Cuba Libre?" The liquor accidentally mixed by this captain turned out to have the same taste with a drink once popular among the revolutionary army. The Coke, however, was undoubtedly much cheaper than coffee or honey. So, from then on, Cubans turned to use the popular Coke as material to produce Cuba Libre. 自由古巴這款雞尾酒起源於美西戰爭,據說是美西戰爭時一位美軍




朗姆酒 (rum) 混合起來,用檸檬柱作為裝飾,來以慶祝古巴獲得解放。

前身是由英國海盜李查·德瑞克(Richard Drake)發明的。朗姆酒本




古巴傳到對岸美國的度假勝地基韋斯特(Key West,一個文人藝術家扎

1898 年 11 月的一個悶熱的下午,一名美軍中尉走進了一個名叫「美




然瞥見在吧台邊坐著的幾個軍官都在裝模作樣地喝一種 1886 年才誕生













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Cocktail, Moutai's New Style 茅台雞尾酒,玩出新花樣 TEXT/ 文 Wang Jiangyue  IMAGE/ 圖 Luo Hao, Wang Jiangyue

In recent years, the worldwide spirits circle are talking more and more about a kind of spirits, that is, Chinese liquor or Baijiu. As China's liquor culture, Baijiu culture is already very familiar to the Chinese and Asians. Interestingly, as Baijiu receives more and more concern from other countries, many Western bartenders started an interesting attempt: What will be the effect of using this ancient Oriental liquor in the fashionable cocktail?

近年來,世界範圍的烈酒圈裡有一個烈酒品種被各個專業人士聊得越來越多——這就是中國白酒,國際上習慣稱 Baijiu。本來,白酒文化就是中國的釀酒文化,對於中國人乃至亞洲人已經再熟悉不過。有趣的是,隨著近幾年世 界上其他國家對於白酒的關注度越來越高,那些來自歐美的調酒師紛紛開始了一個有趣的嘗試:這個來自東方的古 老的酒,如果把它用在現在流行的雞尾酒中,會是什麼效果?


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n fact, some have already done such a thing. In 2015, in the cocktail capital New York, the world's first overseas Baijiu bar Lumos was opened to offer over 60 kinds of cocktails that use Baijiu as the base. It is easy to imagine that this Baijiu trend from the cocktail capital will soon be spread to every fashionable metropolis of the world. This time let's come to Paris to witness the new styles created by Moutai and cocktail. When mentioning the overseas market development of Chinese Baijiu, we have to mention the worldwide and rapid development of Kweichow Moutai, especially in its French market. As we know, France is a famous winemaking country. Globally, the French wine, brandy, spirits, or whatever plays a very important role in various alcoholic beverage categories, which is a great pride for the French people. Thus, it is a great challenge to attract the public of such a great wineproducing country to understand and accept Moutai, a foreign spirits brand. However, it would be a very innovative choice for Moutai to use cocktail as a breakthrough point. Here, we might start with Paris' cocktail culture. The essence of Paris' cocktail culture is hidden in large or small hotels and bars on every corner of Paris. Whether you are a casual young student, an elder, or a person emphasizing status and ostentation, Paris always has the best site available for you. For example, near the Bastille, there are cheaper and lively student bars. If you want to have a more private and quieter place, a built-in bar of such hotels as Le Bristol and Plaza AthĂŠnee would be a good choice. In a word, in Paris' bars, regardless of status or level, all people loving wine are equal and can find their own suitable ways to savor wine comfortably and easily. For people to savor China's national liquor comfortably, Moutai are actively developing and launching cocktails. It cooperated with the Intercontinental Paris Le Grand to initiate its first official cocktail promotion. In 2014, to greet the 2014 Chinese Lunar New Year and repay the hotel guests, the

Intercontinental Paris Le Grand launched for the first time two Moutai cocktails, that is, "Coconut Cooler" and "Cosmo Moutai". Once launched, the cocktails attracted much attention from Paris' bartending community. When sipping "Coconut Cooler", you can immediately feel Moutai's special flavor and then mainly feel the strong coconut aroma. The ingredient pineapple juice endows this cocktail with much vitality; "Cosmo Moutai" has a sweetness of cranberry and Moutai's rich aftertaste. After that, in October of the same year, Moutai's French dealer and Peninsula Paris jointly launched a new cocktail called "La Rose d'Occident" in which the cucumber fragrance is used to neutralize Moutai's mellowness and the grapefruit juice is used to enhance the flavor. Besides, in France, Moutai also worked with some of the most influential cocktail bars and professional spirits institutions to launch the Moutai punch bowl cocktail. In 2015, Moutai invited professional mixologists and sommeliers to taste this cocktail first at the Moutai tasting activity held in Paris' Cernuschi Museum of the Asian Arts. Originally, a postmodernism style bar called "Le Coq" in Paris first experimented on this punch bowl cocktail. The bar coupled a little pomegranate juice and orange juice with maraschino and falernum (a sweet syrup that mainly contains flavors of almond, ginger, cloves, lime, and sometimes vanilla or allspice) to make the cocktail. It tastes sweet, sour as well as refreshing, and is very suitable for drinking in summer. Later in 2015 when the Moutai tasting activity was held in Paris' Cernuschi Museum of the Asian Arts, in order to demonstrate Moutai's Oriental charm and profound history, this recipe remained unchanged but some modifications were made to ingeniously launch the punch bowl Moutai cocktail that had a unique Oriental characteristic. As a type of cocktail, punch bowl has been a favorite cocktail in major bars. The bowl used for the Moutai cocktail this time was a huge ceramic bowl with classical Oriental charm. Coupled with green ceramic cups, the Moutai cocktail was

demonstrated in a unique, restrained yet passionate way. During the tasting activity, as one of the invited mixologists, David Combet from Paris' Marriott Hotel even joked, "You guys really play well. I can now ridicule my fellow mixologists: As a mixologist, you're out if you haven't drunk Baijiu cocktail." If Moutai wants to conquer the French public, it must conquer the professionals and practitioners of the French alcoholic beverages industry first. That is the reason why from 2015 on Moutai and Moutai cocktail have been presented at the worldrenowned Paris Cocktails Spirits salon. As the most authoritative and influential cocktail event currently, Paris Cocktails Spirits had been held in Paris for eight times and 2015 was the eighth year. Its main director Thierry Daniel went to study in the US at his early years. Later, he retuned and brought the most authentic New York cocktail culture back to Paris. He integrated Paris' classic, fashionable, and exquisite but casual personality with the original culture and created the European Paris Cocktails Spirits. In recent years, as Baijiu is increasingly popular in the world, more people come into contact with and try this mysterious Oriental nectar. Because of this and Thierry's keen sense, Thierry came to work with us and presented Moutai at Paris Cocktails Spirits. This was the first time for a Chinese spirits brand to appear on such a professional and influential cocktail event. You can imagine how people crowed around Moutai's booth to know and savor Moutai in the 2-day event surrounded by various famous spirits brands. Many foreign professionals who have already known Kweichow Moutai even shouted excitedly: "Baijiu, Baijiu!" when they saw us. Besides, to maintain good cooperative relationship with excellent bartenders is also very important for promoting Moutai cocktail. In Paris, Moutai has established and maintained long-term cooperative relationship with many young and influential bartenders. In the future, we believe that more exciting and innovative styles will be used to demonstrate the fashionable and classic Moutai cocktails.

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事實上,已經有人正在做這樣的事情。 2015 年在雞尾酒之都美國紐約,出現了全球 第一家海外的白酒酒吧 Lumos,裡面提供的將 近六十多種雞尾酒全都是用中國的白酒作為基 酒來調製。 不難想像,這一股來自雞尾酒之都的白酒 潮流將會很快擴大到世界各個時尚大都市。這 一次我們就一起來看看,茅台酒和雞尾酒正在 玩出何種新花樣。 提到中國白酒在海外的市場發展,就不得 不提到貴州茅台在全世界範圍的發展,而這其 中,茅台法國市場的發展尤其迅猛。众所皆知, 法國,是聞名世界的釀酒大國,無論其葡萄酒、 白蘭地還是烈酒都在全世界範圍同類酒中佔有 相當重要的位置,而這也是一直讓法國人極為 驕傲的。由此,想要讓這樣一個產酒大國的大 眾們了解和接受茅台酒——這一來自異國的烈 酒品牌,可謂是一項相當有挑戰的事情。由此, 如果能把茅台嘗試著以雞尾酒的形式作為一個 切入點,會是一個極為創新的選擇。 說到這裡,我們不妨先從巴黎的雞尾酒文 化談起。巴黎雞尾酒文化的精華,存在於那些 遍佈巴黎各個角落,或大或小的酒店和酒吧裡。 無論你是較為隨意的年輕人學生一族,還是年 長或者較為講究身份地位排場的人,你總能在 巴黎找到最合心意的酒吧。比如在 Bastille 附 近,就有便宜熱鬧的學生酒吧,如果你想去相 對較有隱私性較安靜的地方,酒店內置酒吧是 一個不錯的選擇,比方說在 Le Bristol,又或 者在 PlazaAthénee。總而言之,在巴黎的酒 吧裡,不分層次,每個人都是平等的愛酒人士, 每個人都能找到適合自己的方式舒適而輕鬆地 品酒。 巴黎的首次官方茅台雞尾酒推廣,就是 和巴黎的洲際大酒店(Intercontinental Paris Le Grand) 合 作 的。 為 了 迎 接 2014 年 中 國 農曆新年,也為了回饋、感謝酒店的客人, 巴黎洲際酒店于 2014 年的中國農曆新年首 先推出了兩款茅台雞尾酒,分別叫做椰香茅 台(CoconutCooler) 和 宇 宙 沁 酷(Cosmo Moutai)。一經推出,吸引了巴黎調酒界的眾 多目光。其中,椰香茅台入口第一時間有茅台 酒的特殊味道,之後轉為椰子濃香。搭配菠蘿 汁讓雞尾酒充滿活力;而宇宙沁酷有蔓越莓的 香甜和濃郁的茅台的回甘。也是在此基礎上,


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Punchbowl 作為雞尾酒的一個類型,一直是各





Rose d’Occident),其中有黃瓜的清香來

茅台雞尾酒,選用的 bowl 是具有東方古典韻







為如此,嗅覺敏銳的 Thierry 找到了我們,彼



此一拍即合,便有了這次國酒茅台在 PARIS

出茅台 punch bowl 雞尾酒,並在 2015 年巴

受邀的調酒師之一,來自巴黎 Marriott 酒店的



David Combet 還開玩笑說: 「你們真的挺會玩,


酒師和侍酒師一嚐為先。這款 Punchbowl 雞



尾酒最先是在巴黎的一個叫做 Le Coq(雄雞)






石榴汁和橘汁,配以 maraschino 黑櫻桃酒和

的酒類專業從業人員。這也是為什麼從 2015







喊着「 baijiu ! baijiu( 白酒 ) !」



後來經過稍加修改,用在了 2015 年巴黎亞洲




巴黎成功舉辦了八屆,2015 年是第八年。主



要負責人 Thierry Daniel 早年在美國留學,后





了獨具東方特色的 Punchbowl 茅台雞尾酒。




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The World's 50 Best Bars in 2015 2015 全球 50 間最佳酒吧 EDITING/ 編輯 Jocelyn Liao TRANSLATION/ 譯 Grace Liu IMAGE/ 圖 The Artesian, The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog, The Nightjar


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or the sixth year, Britain's premier industry magazine "Drinks International" recently announced the world's 50 best bars of 2015. It's an honor for every world's top bar to receive the award. The best bar list is not determined by the magazine but a voting body of 334 top-notch bartenders and industry experts from around world. Any bar has the opportunity to be placed on the list, no matter it's in the hotel or restaurant, even the speakeasy bar. Artesian, the Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog, and the Nightjar all retained their ranks as the world's top three bars. Two of them are from London. The Hong Kong bar Lobster and Quinary ranked 18th and 39th respectively. London and New York bars accounted for at least one third on the list. London dominated the roster with nine bars, two of which belong to the cocktail industry master Ryan Chetiyawardana: White Lyan (No. 26) newly opened in 2013 and Dandelyan (No. 50) in the 5-star Mondrian London Hotel. New York came in with eight wins – including year 2011 and 2014 listed legendary speakeasy PDT (No. 37), plus two of NoMad Hotel's spaces: Elephant Bar (No. 24) and the NoMad Bar (No. 36).

英 國 飲 料 行 業 權 威 雜 誌《 國 際 飲 料 》 (Drinks International)近期公佈了 2015 年全球 50 最佳酒吧榜 單。這也是該雜誌連續六年舉辦的業界盛事。能在這份 榜單上佔有一席異地,都是全球頂級酒吧所趨之若鶩 的。雜誌自身不參與評定酒吧,而是邀請了 334 位來自 英國、美國、德國、法國、巴西、澳洲、西班牙、瑞 士、瑞典、丹麥、希臘、黎巴嫩、智利、阿根廷、以色 列、秘魯、墨西哥、中國、新加坡、多米尼加共和國等 國家的頂級調酒師和行業專家進行評鑒。不論是酒店裡 的酒吧,還是餐廳酒吧或地下酒吧,任何調酒的場所都 有機會上榜。 最新榜單中的前三名和上一屆的評選結果一樣,依 舊是 Artesian、The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog、 Nightjar,前三位的酒吧中有兩家來自倫敦。香港有 兩家酒吧上榜,分別為: Lobster Bar(排名 18 位)和 Quinary(排名 39 位)。 在這份榜單中,來自倫敦和紐約的酒吧是佔了至 少三分之一。倫敦總共有 9 家酒吧上榜,雞尾酒界的知 名人物雷恩·切提亞瓦達納(Ryan Chetiyawardana) 的公司就有兩家酒吧上榜,分別為 2013 年才開設的 White Lyan(第 26 名)及倫敦五星級酒店蒙德里安酒店 內 Dandelyan 酒吧(第 50 名)。紐約有 8 間酒吧上榜, 包括已經在 2011 年及 2014 年入榜的傳奇地下酒吧 PDT (Please Don't Tell,第 37 名),位於麥迪遜花園廣場北 部高端藝術酒店 NoMad 酒店中的兩間酒吧:Elephant Bar(第 24 名)和 NoMad Bar(第 36 名)。


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No.1 The Artesian For the 4th consecutive year, the Artesian located at London's swanky Langham Hotel stood out from the keen competition and nabbed the top spot. Its victory mostly depends on its brand-new cocktail. The Artesian run by Alex Kratena and Simone Caporale is rewarded the best cocktail bar in the world. It launched a new cocktail menu called "Surrealism" that is inspired by the Spanish artist Salvador Dali's cookbook (Les Diners de Gala). The modeling of this cocktail is the bizarre and innovative base on Dali's art. Full of aroma, the wine is placed in a giant copper ant surrounded by burning flame. 第一名:The Artesian 在這其中,位於倫敦的全球連鎖奢侈酒店朗庭酒店(Langham London Hotel)內的 The Artesian 酒吧更是其中的佼佼者,從激烈的競爭中脫穎而出,連續四年蟬聯全球最 佳酒吧稱號。The Artesian 酒吧的獲勝有賴於它把雞尾酒提升至一個嶄新的層面。 這家由餐飲界知名人物阿力·奎特納( Alex Kratena)、西蒙·卡波雷(Simone Caporale)掌管的酒吧曾獲得全球最佳雞尾酒酒吧稱號。他們最新的酒單叫超現實主 義(Surrealism),靈感來自西班牙畫家達利(Salvador Dali)的名作《卡拉的晚宴(Les Diners de Gala)》,這個系列的雞尾酒的造型也十分因應達利藝術中的詭異和想像力, 酒放置於巨型紅銅色螞蟻之中,周圍燃燒著火焰,散發著香味。

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No.2 The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog ranked 2nd this year. It was opened in 2013 in Manhattan. Without luxury appearance, outstanding decoration, or sign of notice about wine consumption outside the door, this unattractive small New York bar has been a success ever since its opening, cultivating a dedicated following. The North Irish-born Sean Muldoon and Jack McGarry who were both the bartenders of a five-star hotel at their hometown opened the Dead Rabbit after immigrating to U.S. The bar they opened is reminiscent of north Ireland. It serves 145 kinds of pure Irish whisky. The bar was awarded the best bar in North American before and its bartender also became the top bartender of year 2015. Their bar is attracting not only the Irish visitors but also the Wall Street elites.


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第二名:The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog 今年蟬聯第二名,這家小 酒館 2013 年在曼哈頓開業。這家酒吧的外表並不華麗,綠色的門廊 也沒有特別的裝修,店外也沒有貼和酒有關的標誌,坐落在紐約街邊 似乎很不起眼,但自開業起,它就成為酒友們、行家們談論最多的酒 吧。 它由兩位北愛爾蘭首府貝爾法斯特移民到美國的調酒師開設,他 們是尚·梅頓(Sean Muldoon)、傑克·麥加里(Jack McGarry), 這一對搭檔還在家鄉的時候已經是當地一家五星級酒店的調酒師。他 們來到紐約以後,帶著思鄉的情感開設了一家具有北愛爾蘭特色的酒 吧,提供 145 種純度百分之百的愛爾蘭威士忌。此前,它已經獲過得 北美最佳酒吧稱號,他的調酒師也成為了 2015 年度最佳調酒師。雖 然這裡愛爾蘭遊客居多,但也為華爾街的精英們所愛。

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No. 3 Nightjar Regularly voted as one of the best bars in the world, Nightjar is a London based bar and opened in 2010. It stands out of the crowd of London bar scene, wins a huge success, operates an online-only booking system, and charges your credit card if you don't show up. Having consecutively been voted one of the best three bars in the world for the last three years, Nightjar's mission is to breathe new life into forgotten cocktails and bring fresh perspective to classic recipes. Alongside the cocktail menu is an extensive spirits list—including the UK's largest selection of quality French and Swiss absinthes—a menu of tapas and sharing plates, as well as a schedule of the very best Vintage Blues, Ragtime, Stride and Swing that London has to offer. Nightjar is launching a new menu of original and innovative to serve for the spring and summer months. Having trawled dozens of cocktail books and other publications, Nightjar is able to identify stalwart classics and forgotten gems from three great eras of drinking. With unrelenting urge for innovation and originality, the bar team constantly seek out new and unique ingredients, flavors and garnishes to bring to the menu. The driving forces of historic influence and invention behind all of the cocktails culminate in a menu made up of four main sections, interweaving history with innovation throughout. 第三名:倫敦 Nightjar Nightjar 於 2010 年在倫敦開業,短短幾年內已經在倫敦競爭激 烈的酒吧生態中鶴立雞群。想到 Nightjar 喝杯酒,客人只能在網上預 約。如果你不出現,信用卡還是會被照扣款。 Nightjar 已在過去三年內連續上榜全球最佳酒吧前三的名單。它 的目標是調製出讓人難忘的新鮮的雞尾酒,並巧妙地將美味的菜餚與 之融合搭配。除了雞尾酒以外,它還有一系列來自英國和瑞士的高端 苦艾酒,配以餐前小吃。客人在這能欣賞到倫敦特有的復古藍調、爵 士樂和步履。在研習了大量雞尾酒出版物後,Nightjar 將在 2016 年春 夏推出一系列新酒單。它擁有經典款的雞尾酒,並堅持研發新鮮獨特 的材料、口味和配菜。Nightjar 致力於將歷史的傳統經典與創新結合 在一起。

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Charmin Lan Kwa 36

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ng ai Fong 情迷 TEXT/ 文 Jocelyn Liao IMAGE/ 圖 Han Xingxi

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In Cantonese, " 蒲 ", "wet", or "hea" means "go out for pastime" while " 蒲點 " means a place for outing pastime. So, if you ask where to "wet" in Hong Kong, many people would recommend Central's "Lan Kwai Fong". Lan Kwai Fong is a small square of streets in Central and Hong Kong's premier


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dining and entertainment destination. This world-renowned district is home to over 100 restaurants, bars, clubs, and shops. Just around the corner from the city's busy Central business district, it's the perfect place for after work drinks, dinner with friends and spending a great night out. During the day,

there are not too many people here; however, when the night with neon lights approaches, relaxation, alcohol, rhythm, desire, and freedom will become the themes here. 在粵語中,「蒲」字的意思是「外出消遣」, 有和它相同意思的還有「wet」、「hea」及「溜


源於一個村落。它看上去就是一條 L 型上坡小







人,在 18 世紀俗稱「爛鬼坊」,後來由於名字


不吉利,改為了「蘭桂坊」 ;也有說這個名字來


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In 1977, Paramount Pictures released a musical called "Saturday Night Fever". Directed by John Badham and starring John Travolta as well as Karen Lynn Gorney, the film described the inner emptiness and loneliness of young generations at that time; they indulged in pleasure to unleash their depressed mood. The movie popularized the worldwide disco culture


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between 1970s and early 1980s and was frequently saluted by numerous later Hollywood musicals and comedies. This worldwide prevailing "Saturday Night Fever" also swept Lan Kwai Fong and led to the opening of Hong Kong's classic discotheque "DD" (Disco Disco) at the end of 1978, initiating the rise of Lan Kwai Fong. Later, DD became the world's sixth popular

discotheque for a period and was visited by Rod Stewart, Madonna, Sean Penn, Andy Warhol, as well as many other celebrities. As a result, DD's founder Gordon Huthart was jokingly called the "Grandfather of Lan Kwai Fong". DD's original site now belongs to the Volar Club, which is also a popular nightclub for Hong Kong celebrities.

1977 年,派拉蒙電影公司發行了一

1980 年代初全世界的迪斯可流行文化,後來

部 音 樂 片 ——《 週 末 夜 狂 熱 》 (Saturday



Night Fever),影片由約翰·貝德漢(John


安迪·沃霍爾(Andy Warhol),都在這裡留下


B a d h a m )指 導 , 尊 特 · 拉 華 達( J o h n


踪影。而 DD 的創辦人哥頓·赫薩特(Gordon

T r a v o l t a )與 卡 倫 · 琳 戈 妮( K a r e n L y n n

了蘭桂坊,可以說 1978 年底開業的經典的士

Huthart)也被笑稱為「蘭桂坊祖父」。DD 當年


高 Disco Disco(簡稱 DD)是蘭桂坊興起的源

的位置如今屬於 Volar Club,也是香港城中名


頭。DD 後來一度還成為了當時世界排名第六


的空虛與寂寞。這部電影帶動了 1970 年代至

的士高。搖滾巨星洛·史都華(Rod Stewart)、

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The man behind the Lan Kwai Fong Group is Dr. Allan Zeman. He grew up in Montreal, Canada and began as a lingerie salesman before setting up his own successful fashion label in his late teens. When he was 20, he made his first trip to Hong Kong and took advantage of the city's "can-do" attitude to set up his fashion export and supply chain management businesses. He immediately fell in love with the vitality of the city and decided


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to build his business empire in Hong Kong. Unable to find quality Western establishments to entertain international buyers and designers in a relaxed atmosphere, in early 1980s he opened his own restaurants and bars in a place called Lan Kwai Fong which till then was a collection of flower shops, meat vendors and small printers, just steps away from the bustling Central business district. The overnight transformation into

the hippest wining and dining neighborhood in Hong Kong led Allan to begin buying up property and developing the area into a world-class entertainment destination. Lan Kwai Fong's visitors are mostly young people who often enjoy their nightlife here. Every Halloween, with exotic clothes, many people dressed themselves up as various characters, turning Lan Kwai Fong into a carnival paradise.







人,在加拿大成長,1970 年代因工作需要來




(California),這成為蘭桂坊繁榮的基石。 「加



利福利亞」一舉成功,盛智文在翌年以 3200






成了酒吧、夜店等潮流消費場所。經過 30 多


1980 年代初,由於發現了香港沒有讓國





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Light UpYour Night

Lumos New York's First Baijiu Bar 讓黑夜發光 紐約首間白酒酒吧 Lumos TEXT/ 文 Jocelyn Liao  IMAGE/ 圖 Lumos


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n recent years, Chinese liquor is being frequently presented in the US market in multiple ways. There were Baijiu with karaoke in the capital city, Baijiu infused ice cream in Houston, Baijiu with hand-pulled noodles and ping pong games in Los Angeles, and Baijiu with dim sum in Miami. But if you want to enjoy a glass of pure Baijiu or Baijiu cocktail, you'd better go to New York. The first Baijiu bar in New York was opened. Lumos brings Chinese style into SOHO, Manhattan, the worldwide cocktail art center. Opened less than a year, Lumos was rated as top 10 best new bars in New York. One shot (1 oz, 29 ml) of Kweichow Moutai in Lumos costs 32 USD (about 215 Chinese Yuan). Comparing to its price in China, it's really expensive, but customers are still ravenous for it. With the price starting

from 15 USD, its cocktails use 40 kinds of Chinese liquor as base liquor and use many Chinese traditional food materials, such as sesame, cilantro, bell pepper, goji, lychee, tamarind, tarragon, and saffron. Orson Salicetti, co-founder of Lumos is a top craft cocktail chef. He grew up in Caracas, Venezuela and began his career in the culinary arts in his mother's restaurant. At age 17, he left Venezuela to explore the Netherlands and Spain. In Spain, he began cultivating a love of wine, gaining a particular interest in the wines of southern Europe. Orson moved to New York City in 2001 and became a head bartender at Manhattan's famed Apotheke in Chinatown. It was here where Orson settled into his signature style of creating cocktails. In 2009, Orson won the coveted title of "New York Rising Star Mixologist".

The other co-founder, Li Qifan, was born in China and moved to U.S. when she was 12 years old. Though grew up in U.S., she still has affection on Chinese culture. Their Chinese and Western background motivated them to start such an interesting business. Recently, Moutai Magazine International Edition made an interview with them.

Q: How did Mr. Orson Salicetti and Ms. Li Qifan get the inspiration to open a Baijiu bar in New York? A: I had the idea of opening a Baijiu bar before meeting Orson. I chose Baijiu because it is a liquor with very unique flavor profile and long history behind it. Also there are hundreds of bars in NYC. I wanted our place to be unique and memorable. After meeting Orson, he brought my dream of

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bringing Baijiu to western consumers to life. Q: Why do you think Baijiu bar will be popular here? A: Although Baijiu has a history of thousands of years, but to most people it is something new. Baijiu has a very unique earthy flavor and many layers of aftertaste that is something western liquors do not have, so I was very sure Baijiu will leave people a very strong impression. Q: Why is it called "Lumos"? A: With the meaning of "Light Up", Lumos is the magical Latin word used in "Harry Potter" when they try to light up the magic wand. We want Lumos to be a magical place that will light up your night. Q: How long did you plan for the business? Did you get some difficulties during the process of opening such a special bar? A: It took us over a year for the planning, because Baijiu is a very unique product with a strong flavor. We did many experiments to come up with today's menu. We kept the unique flavor profile of Baijiu, but

took away the sharpness which made it easier for new consumer to accept. Q: What's special on the design of the bar and your menu? A: Traditionally Chinese drink Baijiu on dinner table with food, because it pairs very well with Chinese cuisine. So we decided to merge Chinese cuisine into our drinks. By doing so we used many cooking ingredients such as aniseed, coriander, and star anise. We want western consumer to experience more of the Chinese culture through our drinks, and the Chinese customer to have a feeling of hometown. Q: What is your market orientation and main customers target? How about the response so far? A: Most of our customers are western consumers, but we also want more Chinese to come and try a different style of Baijiu. Our responses are surprisingly well. Most people think our cocktail balances out the Baijiu very well and made them fall in love with the liquor. Q: How do you introduce Baijiu to

foreigners who are not familiar with it? What's their favorite flavor? A: We always suggest them starting out with our cocktails and then moving on to our infusion shots for them to have a smooth start to Baijiu. Q: How do you think of Moutai? A: I myself love Moutai, and so do many of our loyal customers. But it is hard for someone new to Baijiu to accept it. Q: The way of most Chinese people drinking Moutai is to directly take a shot. How do you present Moutai in New York? Do you have any innovative ideas of drinking Moutai? A: Now we only sell Moutai by shots, because the only Moutai product we carry, that is Feitian Moutai, has too strong flavor to mix. Chinese and people who know Baijiu love it, but it is hard for new customer. We have a strong interest in exploring more Moutai products and try more possibilities. We are trying more products and making special Moutai cocktails with the upcoming Moutai moment event. Q: You are going to have two Moutai related events. It seems very interesting. Please make a brief introduction of it. A: We will hold a Moutai tasting with press and our customers. We want this event to help more people to know about the brand, understand that Baijiu has many categories, and learn more about the history behind it. Also it is a good chance for us to learn more about Moutai, and to create more drinks with it. Also, the Chinese new year is coming up, and we see this as an early celebration with one of the most famous Baijiu brands. Q: What's your future plan? Will you open Baijiu bar in other places? A: Our main goal is to let more people know about Baijiu and start to drink it. Yes, we do have plans to bring our Baijiu project around the world. Q: I know Mr. Salicetti is a craft cocktail chef and Ms. Li is an architect. How do you know each other and start the business together? A: Our landlord introduced me to him. We find that both of us have great passion about what we do. Also both of us like adventurous projects, so we clicked right away.

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中國白酒近年來越來越多地出現在美國市 場,它被呈現的方式可謂花樣多端。首都華盛 頓有白酒卡拉 OK 歌廳,休斯頓有白酒雪糕, 洛杉磯有白酒麵條,邁阿密有白酒點心。但如 果你想純粹地享受一杯白酒或白酒雞尾酒,還 是去紐約好,因為那裡有了屬於當地的第一間 白酒酒吧——Lumos。 Lumos 的成立為世界雞尾酒藝術中心之 一的紐約又增添多了幾分中國味道。開業不到 一年,它即被評為紐約 10 大最佳新酒吧。在 Lumos 酒吧喝貴州茅台酒按杯計算,一杯約 1 盎司(約 29 毫升),收費 32 美元(約 215 人民幣),比起茅台在中國的價格,這確實不 菲,但依然有很多顧客垂青。店內所有的雞尾 酒的基酒來自 40 多種中國白酒,他們還加入 了中國傳統的食材,包括芝麻、胡荽叶、柿子 椒、枸杞、荔枝、羅望子、龙蒿、番紅花等, 每杯價格 15 美元起。 Lumos 由一位常居紐約的委內瑞拉調酒 大師 Orson Salicetti 先生與美國華裔建築師 李齊凡女士於 2015 年開設,位於紐約曼哈頓 SOHO 區。Salicetti 先生在自己母親的餐廳開 始了自己的事業,17 歲開始旅居荷蘭、西班牙, 2001 年移居紐約,並在當地唐人街知名的、 以復古藥局為主體的雞尾酒吧 Apotheke 任職。 從那時起,他開始喜歡將廚房裡的新鮮食材加 入到雞尾酒中,這樣獨樹一幟的風格也使他在 業內名聲大起。而 Lumos 的另一位創辦人則 是華裔建築師李齊凡,她 12 歲隨家人從中國 移民至美國,雖然在美國成長,但始終對中國 的文化帶有感情。兩位創始人中西相融的背景, 是這家白酒酒吧誕生的催化劑。近期,《世界 之醉》國際版對 Lumos 的創辦人進行了採訪。

問:Lumos 的創 辦 人 Orson Salicetti 先 生和 李齊凡女士是如何獲得在紐約開白酒酒吧的靈


感的 ?


答:我(李齊凡)在認識 Salicetti 先生前已

問:為什麼酒吧叫 Lumos ?


答:Lumos 是《 哈 利· 波 特》 裡 面 一 個 代





Salicetti 先生見面後,我們一拍即合,他讓我

同一把手電筒。我們希望 Lumos 成為一個神




問:你們用了多長時間來計劃開設這個酒吧? 這中間有遇到什麼困難嗎?







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We kept the unique flavor profile of Baijiu, but took away the sharpness which made it easier for new consumer to accept. 我們保留了白酒的獨特香味, 同時也拿掉了它太過於辛辣的 那部分,讓它更易於被這邊喝 慣了低度數葡萄酒或者洋酒的 客人接受。






去十分有趣。請簡單說一下這兩個活動是什 麼?

讓它更易於被這邊喝慣了低度數葡萄酒或者洋 酒的客人接受。

答:目前為止 7 成的客人都是西方人,但我們 也希望有更多中國人的到來,嘗試另一種喝白









也是我們一個了解茅台的好機會,也算是迎接 農曆新年到來的預熱活動吧。

答:中國人喝白酒的傳統是吃飯的時候配合食 物喝的,因為酒和菜好相配。所以我們將一些

問:您如何看待茅台? 問:你們未來的計劃是什麼?

中國的食材,譬如茴香籽、香菜、八角等,放 入我們的雞尾酒中。當我們介紹這些食材的時











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For Music Itself Instead of Limelight Interview with Ma Shifang, Winner of Golden Melody Awards

做音樂,不是出風頭 專訪金曲獎得主馬世芳 INTERVIEW&TEXT/ 採寫 Liao Chenlin IMAGE/ 圖 Liao Chenlin


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Ma Shifang is Taiwan's well-known music critic and radio host. He has frequently introduced rock music to audience since his school days and operated music production and distribution. He won numerous important awards such as the Golden Melody Award for Best Mandarin Pop Vocal Album, Chinese Music Media Awards as well as Golden Bell Award for Best Pop Music Broadcast Program Award, and has served as a judge of these important awards. 馬世芳是台灣知名的樂評人及電台音樂節目主持人。他在學生時代起已頻繁在電台介紹經典搖滾樂,後擔綱主持, 並涉足唱片製作和發行。他製作的專輯獲得兩岸重要的音樂和廣播獎項,如金曲獎最佳國語流行演唱專輯、華語 音樂傳媒大獎、廣播金鐘獎最佳流行音樂節目獎,並多次擔任這些重要獎項的評委。

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Ma Shifang's home is like a record shop. 馬世芳台北的家像唱片店一樣

Growing Up with Ballad Ma Shifang was born in a literary family. His father is Liang Xuan, an important writer of Taiwan. His mother is Tao Xiaoqing, a Taiwan veteran broadcaster and known as the Mother of Taiwan Ballad. As Taiwan's campus ballad major force behind, Tao started her broadcast career in 1966, when she was only 19 years old and is one of the first DJs in Taiwan to introduce Western popular music on the radio. Ma Shifang grew up in witnessing ballad singers coming and going to his home. At that time, most ballad singers were college students, thus Ma called them aunties and uncles, which included young Jonathan Lee. Someone even joked, "Your mother is the Mother of Ballad, so 'Ballad' is you?" Before working in radio, he never


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thought he would embark on the same path as his mother's. Ma Shifang entered the broadcasting industry in Taiwan at the age of nine. Lee Weiwei, the host of "Children Music World", opened a children's storytelling unit and brought Ma in to it, which made up of the earliest career memories of Ma. He took a storybook every week to the radio at that time and built a close relationship with the radio. In 1989, just graduated from high school, as a guest host, Ma started introducing classic rock to the audience and never stopped in the next 27 years. He originally wanted to attend foreign language college and be a translator, but finally he accidentally entered National Taiwan University, majoring in Chinese language and literature. Ma said he did not study hard, because he was too engrossed

in editing "National Taiwan University Humanities News" and co-edited with his classmates in the book "1975-1993 Taiwan Pop Music 100 Best Albums". After graduation, he founded the music community website "543 Music Station" and won the Golden Melody Award with the albums "Then We All Wept in Silence" and "Material Girls". Since 2002, he has served as the presenter of "543 Music" in Taiwan News 98 radio station, which contains interviews and music features of numerous famous music composers, singers, and bands, such as the memorial issue of British rock master David Bowie, face-to-face depth interviews with Jonathan Lee, Luo Dayou, Eason Chan etc. In addition to the broadcast program, Ma Shifang also engaged in writing. He is the co-author of "Taipei 100" (100 Reasons

to Survive in Taipei) which was a hot topic in 1998; then he wrote a book named "Underground Homesickness Blues" inspired by a song name of American rock legend Bob Dylan. This book was listed in 2008 Taipei International Book Fair. He also published series of essays, including "My Back Pages" in 2010 as well as "Lend Me Your Ears" and "Song of the Object" in 2014. "Lend Me Your Ears" even won the China Times 2014 "Good Book Award".

Leading the Beatles Pilgrimage Ma Shifang is known as a super fan of Beatles in Taiwan's music industry. This is also influenced by his mother. Once upon a time, Ma found a collection of 1980s Beatles hits album, which has 20 songs on tape. "I

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had a strange fascination after listening to Beatles and was never tired of that. It's like you're always eating the same thing and familiar with the taste, but you still feel like having it. And it's always delicious and your favorite for every time and you don't want to change it." Ma said, "The charm of the Beatles is indescribable." Five years ago, Ma Shifang attended the Liverpool Sun City Music Festival with Taiwan's indie bands and visited the Beatles related attractions, such as the former residence of members. After that trip, a friend of him suggested that he should lead a Beatles pilgrimage tour. At first, Ma thought nobody would join such a tour. His friend advised him to have a try. The result was that the tour group was successfully built for three consecutive years. Ma limited the number of people to 20 each time. Among them, some are super fans of Beatles, some are just curious about the legend, and even some ladies came because of their husbands who are big fans of Beatles; they ranges from high school students to 60-year-old people.

Superstar Era has Passed Young Generation Needs Endurance

"Taipei is not my home; my hometown has no neon lights." In 1982, an angry young man was screaming with curly hair and black sunglasses who shocked the entire Taiwan. He is Luo Dayou. These words are also the preface for the Luo Dayou topic of Ma Shifang's show "Hear Me" on Youku in 2015. With the rapid changes of the society, Chinese music ecology is quite different from the era that Luo Dayou led. Ma Shifang made ​​ this comparison: In the past, if super stars like Luo, Cui Jian came out, all of us would follow them. That's because the media was monopolized and audience didn't have many choices; previous record companies spent a lot of money on advertisement; nowadays, even if you spend a lot, probably nobody will care; in the previous scene you can only enjoy music from what music companies offer, but now, there're more channels than before. This is good for community division. Taiwan now has more than 100 TV channels, but the young rarely watch them and the media is no longer monopolized. In the recent decade, new ballad of mainland China is very lively. This vibrant scene benefits from the booming of internet. If it were in the past, it's impossible for these

ballad singers to have tour show. But at the same time, Ma Shifang believes it's hard for anyone to sweep a generation now. "Superstar era has passed and it seems not easy to come back. The scene of collective worship to someone won't happen in the future. The last one probably is Jay Chow. Today's media ecology and listening environment are not the same. The stars we talk about today are mostly popular from the 20th century, not the 21st century. Nobody can go beyond or copy the legend of this decade." Music creations of young generation are booming; however, in Ma Shifang's opinion, most young people, not just in Taiwan, enter the music industry just for the purpose of limelight while Chinese music creators behind the scene are extremely scarce. "Limelight is transitory when engaging in music. For sustainable development, endurance is indispensable. Composing, writing lyrics, and creating can all be learned and improved, but you can survive only after gaining these professional skills. Most people enter this industry just in the pursuit of limelight. However, a journey with the purpose of limelight is unsustainable."

Limelight is transitory when engaging in music. For sustainable development, endurance is indispensable. 做音樂出風頭是一時的,但要長久往下走,要有續航力的能耐。

民謠伴成長 馬世芳出生於文藝世家, 父親是作家亮







《1975-1993 台灣流行音樂百張最佳專輯》一






曉清 1966 年開始做廣播節目,當時她年僅 19





小姐》等專輯斬獲金曲獎。2002 年起,他在

樂的 DJ 之一。馬世芳在目睹着民謠歌手來來

報到,從此與電台結下不解之緣。1989 年,

台灣 NEWS 98 電台主持《音樂五四三》,內








今 27 年從未間斷。他大學時本想修讀外語、

英國搖滾樂巨匠大衛·寶兒(David Bowie)




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Ma Shifang (right) and Eason Chan (left), a popular music star of Hong Kong

Ma Shifang (left) and Luo Dayou (right), “the Godfather of Chinese popular music”






作。1998 年,他和友人合著的《在台北生存




數,大約 20 人,每年去的人不一樣,有聽得


搖滾傳奇詩人巴布·狄倫(Bob Dylan)歌曲






了 2008 台北國際書展;2010 年,他出版散文

60 歲的人都有。


輯《昨日書》; 2014 年出版散文輯《耳朵借


我》、 《歌物件》,其中《耳朵借我》獲中


國時報 2014「開卷好書獎」。

Young)。「不管什麼心情,都可以從他的音 樂中找到。」馬世芳說。


體更加無法壟斷。 而觀看大陸,中國新民謠近 10 年十分熱 鬧,這個熱鬧看起來就是靠網絡串聯,以前這 些民謠歌手到處去走穴基本上不可能。但馬世

帶隊披頭士朝聖團 在台灣的音樂界,馬世芳是眾所周知的披

100 多家,可是電視台年輕人都不怎麼看,媒

巨星的時代已過去 年輕世代要有續航能力

芳認為,很難再有誰的音樂能橫掃一代人。「巨 星的時代過去了,看起來不太容易回來,要大 家都服氣的巨星不容易,最後一個大概是周杰




張 80 年代披頭士精選專輯,裡面有 20 首歌

燈。」1982 年,一個燙著一頭卷發,戴著黑

你看現在的巨星都是 20 世紀出來的,21 世紀

的錄音帶。「我聽了之後發現 Beatles 有一種


出來的想不到有誰了。這 10 幾年下來沒有人





是馬世芳 2015 年為優酷錄製節目《聽說》羅














浦參加 Sun City 音樂節,趁著空檔走訪了與









聖之旅,馬世芳覺得:「這樣團有人參加才怪, 我的朋友建議我還是試試看嘛,結果竟然開成

從羅大佑引領的 1980 年代到現在,隨著



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An Exhibition Full of Data Maya Lin's Solo Exhibition in Hong Kong


著名美籍華裔建築師林瓔香港個展 TEXT/ 文 Jocelyn Liao, IMAGE/ 圖 Pace Hong Kong

Maya Lin's (b. 1959, Athens, Ohio, United States) work encompasses large-scale environmental installations, architectural projects and memorials. She interprets the world through a twenty-first century lens, utilizing technological methods to visualize the natural environment. Hailing from a family of cultural figures, she is the daughter of Henry Huan Lin, the former dean of Ohio University's College of Fine Arts, the granddaughter of famed politician and diplomat Lin Changmin and niece of famous Republican Era architect and writer Lin Huiyin.

美籍華裔藝術家林瓔出身文化世家,不僅是政治家、外交家林長民的孫女,還是民國才女林徽因的侄女。在耶魯 大學讀書期間,她以設計越戰紀念碑(Vietnam Veterans Memorial)一舉成名。此作品在修建之初曾因為林瓔的 華裔身份等原因經歷了不少波折,但作品最終經過時間的考驗成為華盛頓建築地標之一,以此為題材拍攝的紀錄 片《Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision》更獲奧斯卡最佳紀錄片,其他作品如美國公民權利紀念碑及華人博物館皆 是建築設計中的代表作。


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"Silver Pearl" by Maya Lin (2015) Material: recycled silver 林瓔作品《銀色珠江》(2015) 材料:再造銀

57.8 cm x 176.5 cm x 1 cm 58

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t's a process that balances scientific data with the handmade," says Maya Lin. "I start with extremely complex scientific data points and then, through a visual editing process, I find the scale and simplicity of the form—revealing a landscape both visually discernible and compelling." Acclaimed American artist and architect Maya Lin will hold her first Hong Kong solo exhibition at Pace Gallery Hong Kong, opening on January 21, 2016 and on view through March 12. The exhibition presented selections from her "Disappearing Bodies of Water" and "Fractured Landscape" series, and two new wall pieces made using steel pins or recycled silver. The exhibition presented feature works that reveal Lin's interdisciplinary artistic practice and commitment to the natural environment, the central concern throughout her entire body of work. Developed from methods of rendering nature such as cartography, Lin's sculptures integrate the rational with the beautiful, transforming the visible natural world and "invisible" environmental forces into tangible works of art using materials such as marble, wood, silver and iron. The works on view engage thematically with history, technology, memory and time. The "Disappearing Bodies of Water" series uses layers of Vermont Danby marble to chart the changes of sites including Lake Chad in Africa and the Aral Sea in the Middle Asia. The shape of each layer, derived using data from satellite imagery, maps the diminishment of these bodies of water from overuse as well as climate change. The sculptures can be seen as records of environmental change and tributes to the bodies of water as they existed in recent memory. Suggesting bodies of water, the works that make up the "Fractured Landscape" series are the result of the artist pressing sheets of paper against shards of glass covered in pastel. Though abstract, they evoke images of deltas, marshes, islands and river systems. Continuing Lin's cartographic imagery and methodology are two wall-mounted works, "Pin River–Yangtze" (2015) and "Silver Pearl" (2015), which use pins and recycled silver, respectively, to form aerial

Maya Lin’s exhibition in Pace Hong Kong 林瓔香港佩斯個展現場

views of water systems and flood plains. The works in the exhibition depict the water patterns of Asia's longest river and tributary system using steel pins, and those of Southern China's Pearl River in silver.

About the Artist

Lin received significant recognition as a student at Yale University with her design of the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial (1982). The documentary film on this subject, "Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision" (1994), won an Academy Award for Best Documentary. Other works by Lin include the Museum of Chinese in America (2009) in New York and the Civil Rights Memorial (1989) in Montgomery Alabama, both regarded as outstanding works of architecture and design. Lin was recently commissioned by Novartis, a global leader in the medical industry and noted patron of world class architecture, to design part of their new research campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lin's work is held in numerous public collections worldwide, including the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art (Bentonville, Arkansas), Minneapolis Institute of Art (Minnesota), Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), Museum of Modern Art (New York), National Gallery of Art (Washington, D.C.), Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art (Kansas City, Missouri), Phoenix Art Museum (Arizona), and Toledo Museum of Art (Ohio). Her "Pin River–Yangtze" (2007) is on permanent display at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. In 2015, Lin was awarded the Medal of Arts from the "Art in Embassies" Program and the "Portrait of a Nation" award from the National Portrait Gallery, both in Washington, D.C. She was the recipient of the 2014 Gish Prize for her contributions to art and social change, and has been named by LIFE Magazine as one of the "100 Most Important Americans of the 20th Century." Lin was awarded the 2009 National Medal of the Arts by President Barack Obama. She is an Honorary Trustee at the National Resources Defense Council and serves on the Board of Trustees at Museum of Chinese in America. In 2015, Rizzoli International published "Maya Lin: Topologies", the most comprehensive monograph on the artist to date.

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"Pin River—Yangtze" by Maya Lin (2015) Material: steel pins 林瓔作品《針河 – 揚子江》(2015) 材料:鋼針

167 cm x 5,814.1 cm x 3.8 cm


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"Pin River—Yangtze" by Maya Lin (Part, 2015) Material: steel pins 林瓔作品《針河 – 揚子江》(局部,2015) 材料:鋼針

167 cm x 5,814.1 cm x 3.8 cm


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本次香港佩斯畫廊呈現了林瓔香港首次個 人展覽。 「這是一個手繪圖與科學數據的平 衡,」林瓔解釋道:「我從一個非常複雜的科 學數據開始,經歷用視覺編輯的過程,最終得 到一個形式的極度簡化,展現這個明眼可辨又 令人信服的景觀。」此次展覽將展出林瓔的雕 塑及裝置作品,包括《消逝的水體》系列、《破 碎景觀》系列及以回收銀與針海來創作的牆上 裝置作品,表述藝術家對自然生態的關注以及 不同角度探索世界的實踐。 林瓔的作品遍布美國各地,在她近年作品 中,她持續關注生態問題,用雕塑和繪畫去展 現自然樣貌,將「不可見」的世界格局巧妙轉 化為人們可以感受到的藝術作品。她的作品完 美地將理性與美感相融合,運用科技的手段研 習自然及地理景觀,將抽象的自然樣貌轉化為 單一材料如大理石、木材、銀或者鐵,打破二 維與三維的空間,建立了與歷史、時空、科技 以及語言相關聯的獨特景觀。 此次展出的《消逝的水體》系列,就以 多層次的佛蒙特州大理石來展現非洲查德湖、 中亞鹽海隨著時間而消逝的狀態。每一層大理 石的形狀來自衛星拍攝水體不斷萎縮的圖片。 這些自然景觀隨著自然或人為的破壞改變著樣 貌,甚至逐漸瀕臨消失,而這組雕塑就成為了

Maya Lin’s exhibition in Pace Hong Kong 林瓔香港佩斯個展現場

它們曾經存在過的證據,成為了自然的紀念碑。 同時展出的紙上作品系列《破碎景觀》猶 如描繪河流和小溪的畫作,來自藝術家以紙按 壓於塗蠟彩的玻璃碎片上的創作。該作品模仿 大自然不斷創建和毀滅的過程,通過改變創作








(2009)。2009 年,林瓔從 Maya Lin: Three

口、泥潭、島嶼、 河流等水系景觀的記憶與


Ways of Looking at the Earth, Selections from



Systematic landscapes 選出的三件主要作品






2013 年,Maya Lin: Here and There 在


州的鳳凰城美術館、美國俄亥俄州的 Toledo

佩斯倫敦和佩斯紐約同時展出。2015 年,林


Museum of Art 美術館等。她的作品 Pin River-

瓔獲得了美國華盛頓 Art in Embassies 項目的


Yangtze (2007) 被北京的美國駐中國大使館永

藝術獎牌和國家肖像館的 Portrait of a Nation



的獎項。同時她也是 2014 年 Gish Prize 的得





並被《生活》雜誌選為「20 世紀美國最有影



響力的 100 人」之一。林瓔於 2009 年被美國





維爾的 Storm King 藝術中心(2009)。2006


作品被媒體包括紐約時報、時代週刊、Art in


華人博物館的董事會成員。2015 年,著名出

America 及國家地理雜誌等等廣泛報導,並被

館舉辦了 Maya Lin: Systematic Landscapes

報 社 Rizzoli 出 版 了《MayaLin: Topologies》

選為美國公共電視台 PBS 節目 Art21 第一季





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Tasting Wine on the Internet

在互聯網上品酒 美國 CLUB W 在線品酒俱樂部 TEXT/ 文 Jocelyn Liao IMAGE/ 圖 CLUB W

The Internet Plus brings all kinds of convenience and interest to our daily lives, and makes the wine and internet ever closer at this time. Today, we know what's happening around the world without walking away from home, we enjoy gourmet foods via online shops, and one of the best innovations is the American Club W that delivers wine to your doorstep. 互聯網+時代的到來, 為我們的生活帶來了形形色色的便利和趣味,並讓酒和互聯網之間也形成了密不可分的 關係。這個時代,足不出戶可知天下事,近幾年,人們越來越流行足不出戶嚐遍天下美味,而美國 CLUB W 線 上品酒俱樂部,便是其中革新的佼佼者。


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lub W is a personalized e-commerce wine club. It tailors wine to its monthly subscribers. It was founded by CEO Xander Oxman, co-founder Mark Lynn and Geoff McFarlane in Denver in February, 2012. The company later relocated its headquarter to Los Angeles. Club W received totally 12 million dollars in financing from Venture Partners in year 2013 and 2014. It has been featured in "The New York Times" and "The Wall Street Journal" since then. As new consumers, even if you don't know much about wine, you won't feel overwhelmed, as Club W uses its custom Palate Profile system to make wine recommendations to consumers. When you log-on to Club W's website, you can create your own palate preferences and get the wine recommendation according to the multiple-choice test. Questions include: How do you like your coffee? How do you feel about salt? Do you like citrus? Do you like earthy flavors like mushrooms and blacktruffles? Do you like blackberries and blueberries? How adventurous are

you when it comes to food and drink? Then, the top picks based on your own Palate Profile will be sent to you subsequently. And you can become a monthly subscriber after registering as Club W's member. After that, you will receive Club W's featured wines every month. Each bottle comes with a tasting video, food pairing suggestions and a wine card with information on the varietal, winemaker and region. Club W works directly with vineyards and winemakers across the world. So, they are able to provide the competitive price for customers. The cost for a Club W monthly experience starts at three bottles for $39 (260 RMB) per month. The members of Club W have the opportunity to pick out their favorite wine from 12 of the top global picks that are produced in small-scale, with an extra payment of only $13 for each bottle. The extra wines will be delivered with the monthly purchases free of delivery charges. Club W also allows users to cancel or skip a shipment at any time, as well as to return or exchange any wines disliked.

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Club W 是一家以個性化網上訂閱為基礎的品酒俱樂部,並且能


夠直接為客戶量身挑選酒。它於 2012 年 2 月成立於美國丹佛,隨後


搬去了加州,並將總部設在洛杉磯。他的創辦人是 Xander Oxman、


Mark Lynn 和 Geoff McFarlane。2013 年至 2014 年,他們受到了共 約 1200 多萬美元的風投,開始見諸於紐約時報、華爾街日報。 如果你是一個新用戶,哪怕是一個以前沒怎麽接觸酒的用戶,你

每月 39 美元,就會有 3 瓶美酒免費送貨上門。Club W 團隊每 月會從全球小批量生產的酒裏挑選出 12 瓶,會員將有資格從這 12

也不用擔心。當你登陸 Club W 的網站,它首先會有一個選擇題測試,

瓶酒中挑選自己中意的,每瓶多加 13 美元。額外購買的酒將與每月


訂購的 3 瓶一起免郵費送到你手中。



Club W 就是其中的代表。

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你也不用擔心自己對洋酒一竅不通,Club W 將根據資料量身推

薦適合你品味的產品。如果你懂得品酒,當然可以自由選擇。難得的 是,你可以自由跳過或取消某次發貨,如果不滿意他們也可以給你退 換。 國內多數人還是習慣喝白酒,所以將這種模式運用到白酒銷售 中,似乎不怎麽靠譜。不過好在還是有許多人喜歡喝洋酒,所以經營 洋酒的商家也可以考慮類似的嘗試。 同時,把品酒俱樂部搬到網上並與電商相結合,也讓人感覺靈光 一現。原來賣酒也可以這樣的,有沒有給你帶來一些啟發呢?

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Drinking Intellectually 文字飲

Café-Style Bar 咖啡館化的酒吧


or a long time, I always do not understand why people have to go to a bar to drink. For most Chinese people, eating and drinking are inseparable. Without some cuisines to go with, the liquor would be tasteless. Therefore, if there are no other cuisines, at least some peanuts are required. All those who drink without cuisines are either lovelorn or crazy. Not to mention that the alcohol of a bar is much expensive than that of a supermarket. So, if you really want to drink, why not drink at home? I once served as a waiter in a bar at Beijing's Houhai area for a summer. According to my observation, not many people really drank in the bar. Some were chatting; some were playing lively games with dices; others were busy with something else while drinking; many of them even indicated that they were visitors to Beijing and were advised to stay at a Houhai bar for a while when visiting Beijing. Not until 2003 when I went to study in the United States did I found that Americans really drank in bars. When my classmates took me to eat steak or lobster at such restaurants as Apple Bee and Red Lobster, almost no one asked for a drink. I asked them


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TEXT/ 文:Dong Tiezhu

why and they said that it's better to drink in a bar. I went to a bar for the first time when a professor invited some postgraduates to drink. At that time, I thought how could he be so unserious? At the bar door, the waiter asked for my identification and stopped me from entering because I can't prove I was already 21 years old. So I had to return to my apartment for my passport. Eventually, I entered this place that was a little mysterious in my imagination. Inside, it was quieter than I expected. Different from Houhai's bar, there was no singer at all. Some were playing billiards. On a corner, the professor and some classmates asked for a jug of beer and were talking about the theory of a famous scholar. When I sat down, they had started to drink the second jug. It was said that a few centuries ago, American cowboys liked to drink only in the bar where they could make friends or show off their strength. In contrast, the café was the public space for intellectuals to talk about art or politics. Pure conversation needed rationality whereas cowboys needed alcohol. Only a large cup of spirits was the right thing for stimulating cowboys' mood and whatever else was too redundant. So, just drink it.

Pure drinking without cuisines, however, was apparently easier to cause drunkenness. Obviously, a group of strange drunkards together were more likely to cause conflict. Their fighting might mess up the floor or even cause casualty. So the United States began the "Prohibition" movement in the early 20th century. This movement, however, was doomed to fail because drinking is human nature. Eventually, the United States Federal Government regulated that all people under 21 were forbidden to drink. Many Chinese people cannot understand these regulations: Americans can drive at 16 and get married at 18. Why can't a 20-year-old father drink? The answer is very simple: For Chinese people, drinking is always coupled with eating. People who can sit together to eat are family members or friends instead of strangers that might easily fight with each other. In such private gatherings, even if people get drunk, they usually will not cause casualty. Americans, however, like to drink in such public places as bar. Among a group of strangers, once drunk, trouble might easily follow. After all, marriage is a private thing. Quarrel between husband and wife is just a private matter that can be handled

by an 18-year-old youth; the challenge from alcohol, in fact, not to mention 21 years old, even if a man of 31 or 41 years old is not necessarily able to handle. In short, drinking is private matter for Chinese but a public behavior for Americans. As the "Prohibition" was deepened, though there were still some messy bars, many bars in the United States became a place to chat with friends, similar to a pub in China. This kind of bar had been changed from a land for cowboy binge to a place for middle-class' gathering. For these bars, what attracted customers was no longer alcohol, but style. Thus, the cocktail or draught beer that boasted a style became a unique signature of a bar. Everyone in the bar drank the alcohol that was not so intoxicating, talking about movies, life, or distant places. This was not much different from sitting in a café except that you must be over 21 years old. In 2009 I taught at a university of the South Carolina State after getting my doctorate. The next year I took some colleagues to visit Fudan University in Shanghai. After a meeting, my colleagues asked me to take them to a bar. I was not familiar with Shanghai either but I happened to see a bar near the university. So I took them there. After entering, we surprisingly found that someone was performing pole dance with hit music and a large crowd even danced crazily at the center of the bar. Then we found a table to sit down but immediately left after drinking a bottle of beer. I asked my colleagues how they felt. One colleague euphemistically but specifically said that the bar he wanted to stay was a bar similar to the bar we often visited in South Carolina. At there, we could chat quietly and easily and it would be perfect if a cup of signature cocktail was at hand....




理解:美國人 16 歲可以開車,18 歲可以結婚,


為什麼一個可以做爸爸的 20 歲男人卻還不能



















直到 2003 年我去美國讀書才發現,美國


人真的是在酒吧喝酒的,師兄們帶我去 Apple

其實不用說 21 歲,就算是 31 歲甚至 41 歲的

Bee 或者 Red Lobster 這樣的飯店吃牛排或










證件,要證明我有 21 歲才放我進去。於是師















太多的區別——除了你必須年滿 21 歲。


2009 年我博士畢業到南卡羅來納州某大



















血身亡。於是美國在 20 世紀初興起了禁酒運






是人的天性。最後,美國聯邦規定 21 歲以下


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Maldives The Cheval Blanc Randheli 馬爾代夫白馬莊園度假酒店 EDITING/ 編輯 Liao Chenlin IMAGE/ 圖 Cheval Blanc Randheli

Maldives is considered as "The Last Paradise of Indian Ocean." There are many holiday heavens but the most aesthetically pleasing one is the Cheval Blanc Randheli of LVMH. Swiss tennis star Roger Federer and Roman Abramovich, the owner of Chelsea Football Club become its frequent guests as it just opened. 馬爾代夫被譽為「印度洋上人間最後的樂園」,在這片樂土上,有無數的度假天堂,其中非常有設計感的一家, 非 LVMH 集團旗下的白馬莊園度假酒店莫屬。酒店開業不久,瑞士網球天王羅傑·費達拿、俄羅斯富商兼切 爾西俱樂部老闆羅曼·阿布拉莫維奇就成為了這裡的常客。


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Visit for more information on Cheval Blanc Randheli.

ernard Arnault, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of LVMH, bought Château Cheval Blanc which is the most famous wine castle in the Bordeaux wine region of France. There are two stories about "Cheval Blanc". The first one: There was a chic inn at its original location. Henri, the King of France, often rode his favorite white horse and passed here, so people called this inn "Cheval Blanc" and continued to use this name for the Château. The second one: It is a living place for horse. Its name changed to "Cheval Blanc" as it was sold. When LVMH began to collect names of this new resort in Maldives, Mr. Arnault delightfully accepted this name. Cheval Blanc Randheli is an intimate and contemporary 45-villa haven on the unspoiled Noonu Atoll, a 40 minute journey north of Malé. Guests can enjoy in the Maison's own bespoke seaplane for an exceptional holiday start. Having created the iconic One&Only Reethi Rah Maldives in 2005, Jean-Michel created his second property in the Maldives, which is also the second Cheval Blanc Maison in the world, opened on 15th November 2013. The island of Randheli in the Maldives was chosen for its spectacular environment, lush vegetation and secluded turquoise lagoon, allowing Jean-Michel to craft a highly intimate "Maison" in the true sense of the word, inspired by a private residence. According to Jean-Michel, guests visit the Maldives for the sea, sand and sun—so these were the most important elements for him to consider when designing Cheval Blanc Randheli. The graphic architecture is complemented by stylish interior design furnished with a mix of materials from the Indian Ocean and Europe but with natural textures being the essence—teak, rattan, bamboo, leather, bronze, thatch and coconut and shell. This is in turn enhanced by a vivid palette of colors: white, taupe and oyster grey with splashes of pop yellow and green, as well as bespoke design elements and a residential-style medley of artwork throughout. A collection of 45 sculptural color "spots" by artist Vincent Beaurin also makes each villa truly individual. Cheval Blanc Randheli is an intimate and contemporary 45-villa hotel. These natural elements have been incorporated into the architecture and interior design, seen in the lofty cathedral style ceilings framed by seven meter high doors allowing for beautiful natural light and views. Great attention has been given to the privacy of guests and ensuring a feeling of space. This is reflected in the sleek design of each villa. Large glass doors, on both sides of the villa, open fully onto the idyllic landscape or can be closed to create a warm and cozy atmosphere. The sheer volume of space in the buildings and the doors in the villa bedrooms are the aspects the designer believes really have the wow-factor. The Maison has been conceived in synergy with the island's natural surroundings, lush vegetation and lagoon views. Contemporary yet indigenous, graceful and understated, it is the perfect balance of modern architecture and traditional inspirations. The flow of the resort creates a residential feel that is full of surprises and variety. An abundance of settings have been designed for guests to use as per their disposition—for relaxation, for contemplation, for invigoration, for conversation or simply to enjoy a stunning view. "I believe that the perfect hotel in the Maldives is a hotel where you are extremely comfortable with your spouse or partner. A Maldivian hotel needs to encourage an environment of love and life, a place for emotion and togetherness. At Cheval Blanc Randheli, we have created a Maison that supports and caters to the clientele's need for intimacy, privacy and comfort but yet remains dynamic, contemporary and lively," says Jean-Michel of his latest design.

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Scene of the Cheval Blanc Randheli, Maldives 馬爾代夫白馬莊園度假酒店場景

1998 年,LVMH 集團掌門人伯納德·阿 諾特(Bernard Arnault)購入法國波爾多極富 盛名的白馬酒莊。據說「白馬」的典故有兩個 原因:一個是酒莊所在地原有一間別致的客棧, 法國國王亨利(Henri)常騎白色愛駒經此休憩, 故此客棧取名為「白馬客棧」,改為酒莊後沿 用「白馬」之名;第二個是這裡曾作為養馬之所, 出售成為酒莊後更名為「白馬」,當 LVMH 徵 集酒店名時,阿諾特欣然借用了這個名字。 白馬莊園度假酒店坐落於未經人工雕飾的 諾魯環礁 (Noonu Atoll) 之上,島嶼十分寧靜, 屬於馬爾代夫群島的一部分,距離該國首都馬 累約 40 分鐘路程,你可乘坐莊園專屬的私人 定制水上飛機到達這裡,讓你的假日體驗從一 開始就有非凡的感覺。它 2013 年 11 月開業, 是世界上第二座白馬莊園。該酒店由著名的丹 尼斯頓建築事務所 (Denniston Architects) 知 名 設 計 師 Jean Michel-Gathy 設 計, 這 是 他 繼 2005 年親自操刀設計標新立異的馬爾代夫 One&Only Reethi Rah 酒店之後在馬爾代夫的 第二座酒店作品。 馬爾代夫 Randheli 島因繁茂的草木以及








私密的「莊園」。Jean-Michel 的設計理念是










元素及起居風格的手工藝品俯仰皆是。45 座


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出自 Vincent Beaurin 之手的各色雕塑作品更





客對浪漫、  私 密性以及舒適的需求,但又不

酒店內設 45 棟別墅,採用了高懸的教堂

Jean-Michel 對 自 己 的 最 新 力 作 如 此 評

式天花,並嵌以高達 7 米的大門,美麗的自然







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M UTAI on the World Map 茅 台 在 全 球


Yuan Renguo (4th from right) and Li Baofang (3rd from left) attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony  公司領導袁仁國(右四)、李保芳(左三)與參會嘉賓一起為典禮剪彩

Moutai Leaders Celebrated the 1st Anniversary of Establishing the Macau Association of Moutai Culture On December 1, 2015, the ceremony for "celebrating the 16th anniversary of Macau's return to the motherland, commemorating Moutai's 100th anniversary of winning the Panama gold award, and celebrating the 1st anniversary of establishing the Macau Association of Moutai Culture (MAMC) was grandly held at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center. CPPCC Vice Chairman and MAMC Consultant Edmund Ho Hau Wah, Macau SAR Chief Executive and MAMC Consultant Fernando Chui Sai On, as well as Moutai Group leaders Yuan Renguo and Li Baofang attended the ceremony. Chairman Yuan Renguo of Moutai Group extended his wishes to the Association, saying that he expected the Association would further gather elegant friends from all sectors of Macau, actively carry out cultural activities, promote the spread and development of Moutai culture in Macau, and make new achievements in such aspects as


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inheriting the Chinese culture, promoting the national brand, carrying forward the essence of national liquor, highlighting the brand charisma, improving Moutai's image, and making more friends. Moutai's flair bartending attracted many distinguished guests. In Moutai's mellow aroma, Moutai enthusiasts from all sectors of Macau drank and chatted happily, enjoying the endless charm of Chinese liquor culture. (Reported and photographed by Chen Si)

茅台集團公司領導出席澳門茅台文化協會   成立一周年活動 2015 年 12 月 1 日,「慶祝澳門回歸祖國十六周年、紀念茅台酒 榮獲巴拿馬萬國博覽會金獎 100 周年暨澳門茅台文化協會成立一周年」 活動在澳門旅遊塔會展中心隆重舉行。全國政協副主席、澳門茅台文 化協會顧問何厚鏵,澳門特別行政區行政長官、澳門茅台文化協會顧 問崔世安,茅台集團公司領導袁仁國、李保芳等出席活動並剪彩。 袁仁國董事長對澳門茅台文化協會寄予良好祝願,他說,希望澳

M UTAI on the world map





揚國酒精粹、彰顯名牌魅力、提高茅台形象、廣交天下朋友等方面不 斷取得新的成績。

42 面大鼓環繞廣場,茅台集團公司國酒茅台文化研究會會員、老 領導、省市領導、特邀嘉賓、經銷商、供應商、公司各單位代表,以


及龍獅隊、儀仗隊、鼓樂隊、舞蹈隊共 42 個方陣整齊排列,知名企業



化的無窮魅力。(陳思 攝影報道)

等各界人士共同見證茅台集團一年一度的行業盛事。祭祀大典由國酒 茅台文化研究會副會長趙書躍主持。 9 點整,祭祀大典拉開序幕。三獻禮曲聲中,國酒文化研究會會 長袁仁國、副會長李保芳、劉自力緩緩走向祭祀區,向曆代祖師、宗 師供奉帛、爵並上香,員工代表為祖師宗師敬獻高粱、小麥和水,敬 告先師,國酒人將永遠傳承先師厚德,高舉質量大旗,堅守傳統工藝, 釀造人間佳釀,鞠躬完成獻禮。 自 2004 年以來,茅台集團公司每年舉辦茅台酒節,迄今為止已 成功舉辦了十二屆。茅台酒節昭示了國酒人傳承曆史、弘揚茅台傳統 文化的雄心壯志,志在打造「受人尊敬的世界級企業,享譽全球的國 酒茅台」。


MCRA members were worshiping their ancestors and masters  國酒文化研究會會員祭拜祖師爺

12th Moutai Liquor Festival Grandly Held On November 20, 2015, the 12th Moutai Liquor Festival organized by the Moutai Culture Research Association (MCRA) was grandly held at Moutai's new packaging workshop square. 42 large drums surrounded the square. 42 phalanxes formed by MCRA members and senior leaders, provincial and municipal leaders, invited guests, dealers, suppliers, staff representatives, lion-dancing and dragon-dancing teams, ceremonial guards, drum corps, and dancing team were neatly arranged. All walks of life including famous entrepreneurs, professionals of the liquor industry and associations, securities industry representatives, arts masters, and major domestic media reporters together witnessed this annual event of Moutai Group and the liquor industry. The worship ceremony was presided over by the MCRA Vice President Zhao Shuyue. At 9 am, the ceremony began. In the music of "Three-Consecrations", MCRA President Yuan Renguo as well as Vice Presidents Li Baofang and Liu Zili walked slowly toward the worship area to worship Moutai people's ancestors and masters. Staff representatives presented sorghum, wheat, and water to the ancestors and masters, and pledged that Moutai people wound always inherit the high morality of predecessors, ensure high quality, and stick to traditional technique to make quality liquor. Since 2004, Moutai Group has held the Moutai Liquor Festival for 12 consecutive years. The festival demonstrates Moutai people's ambitions of inheriting history, carrying forward Moutai's traditional culture, and striving to "build a well-respected world-class enterprise, and continue to make the world-renowned Moutai liquor".


Total Price of Poly's Moutai Exclusive Auction Reached 21 Million Yuan On December 7, the "Poly Moutai Club——Kweichow Moutai" exclusive auction was held in Four Seasons Hotel Beijing. Over 1,000 bottles of aged Moutai were auctioned to various liquor enthusiasts and collectors. The total price of this exclusive auction reached 21 million RMB and the completion rate was about 80%. In the auction, the intriguing "Jinlun Brand" Exported Moutai made in 1957 (green label and white porcelain bottle) was especially favored by many collectors, and was eventually sold at the price of 2.16 million RMB, the highest price of this exclusive auction. Returned from overseas, this liquor made its debut in the auction and was really a rarity. It was rare for a liquor that had been stored for over half a century to remain such good quality and nice appearance. Therefore, its collection value was self-evident. Besides, the "Three Revolutions" "Jinlun Brand" Kweichow Moutai made in 1981 was also favored very much. This group of auction items had clear and complete packing list and were properly preserved. After several rounds of auctions, they were eventually traded at 650,000 RMB. In addition to single bottle of aged rarity, this auction also provided several other options, such as combination of liquors made in different years, combination of commemorative liquors, and precious liquors with original boxes. The auction items included "Jinlun", "Sunflower", and "Five-Star" Moutai. They were well preserved and had numerous categories as well as good quality and appearance. (Reported by Zhang Liangjun)

茅台酒專場拍賣成交 2100 萬元 2015 年 12 月 7 日,「保利茅台會——貴州茅台酒拍賣專場」 在北京四季酒店隆重舉行,一千餘瓶茅台老酒經過現場眾多愛酒 及藏酒人士緊張激烈的競拍,基本名酒有主。本次拍賣專場共實

2015 年 11 月 20 日,莊重而又喜慶熱烈的氣氛籠罩了新包裝車

現成交額 2100 萬元,成交率接近 80%。

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拍賣會上,備受關注的 1957 年「金輪牌」外銷貴州茅台酒(綠 標白瓷瓶)得到眾多藏家青睞,並最終以 216 萬元成交,成為全場

中國入選的 31 個品牌中有茅台(416 歲)、青島啤酒(112 歲) 和中國銀行(103 歲)超越百齡。(記者 葉遠鳴)

成交價最高的拍品。該款酒為海外回流珍品並首次面世,堪稱稀世 珍品,而且經過半個多世紀陳放,品相還如此之好,實屬難得,收 藏價值之大不言而喻。此外,被稱為「三大革命」的 1981 年「金輪牌」 貴州茅台酒(原箱三大革命)也備受青睞,此組拍品封箱單清晰完 整,保存不易,經過現場多輪競拍,最終以 65 萬元成交。除單瓶 珍品年代老酒外,本次拍賣還有以年份區分的瓶裝組合、紀念酒組 合、珍貴原箱拍品等多種規格,囊括金輪牌茅台酒、葵花牌茅台酒、 五星牌茅台酒等,品類多,品相極佳,保存完好。(記者 張靚君)

Moutai Listed in the World's 500 Most Influential Brands On December 15, 2015, the 2015 (12th) World's 500 Most Influential Brands list exclusively compiled by the World Brand Lab was announced in New York. A total of 31 brands from Mainland China were listed. With prominent quality, outstanding performances in brand loyalty, product market, and capital market, good reputation, and market reputation, Moutai was listed for the first time. This year, in the 2015 World's 500 Most Influential Brands, 27 countries were represented on the list; among which, the United States had 228 brands in the top 500, continuing its leadership in world brands. The United Kingdom ranked No. 2 with 44 brands while France ranked No. 3 with 42 brands. The top ten countries also include: Japan (37 brands), China (31 brands), Germany (25), Switzerland (22), and Italy (17 brands). This list covered a total of 53 industries. With 38 brands, the food and beverage industry ranked No. 1 among all industries. The average age of the 500 brands listed for 2015 has achieved 100.71 years. Among China's 31 listed brands, Moutai (416 years), Tsingtao Beer (112 years), and Bank of China (103 years) are over 100 years old. (Reported by Ye Yuanming)

Moutai Listed in "2015 Top 10 Influential Chinese Brands" On December 28, 2015, jointly organized by the World Executive Group, World Brand Lab, "World Entrepreneur", "Meet Boss", and World Media Lab, the "World Entrepreneur Forum" was held in Beijing. The "Chinese Brand Annual Awards" reputed as "Chinese Brand Oscar" were also announced there. In the "2015 Top 10 Influential Chinese Brands" of the Baijiu industry, Moutai ranked 2nd. During the event, the World Brand Lab released the "2015 Top 10 Influential Chinese Brands" in such 12 industries as Baijiu and convenience store. Many famous professors from such prestigious universities as Harvard and Yale as well as experts, scholars, business leaders, and media elites from the Greater China region attended the forum, and various well-known media from home and abroad reported this event in full.

茅台上榜「2015 年中國十大影響力品牌 TOP10」 2015 年 12 月 28 日,由世界經理人集團、世界品牌實驗室、《世界 企業家》、《總裁》雜誌、世界媒體實驗室聯合主辦的「總裁世界年會」 在北京舉行,被譽為「中國品牌奧斯卡」年度頒獎的「中國品牌年度大 獎」評選同時在北京揭曉。 茅台酒榮獲白酒類「2015 年中國十大影響力品牌 TOP10」,並位 居第二名。 此次盛會發布了 2015 年度的「中國品牌年度大獎」、「中國最具 影響力品牌 TOP10」、「中國品牌年度特別大獎」、「中國經濟年度風雲 人物」、「五星鑽石獎」及《世界媒體 500 強》等獎項。世界品牌實驗室 發布了包括白酒、便利店等 12 個行業的「2015 年中國十大影響力品牌 TOP10」。來自美國哈佛、耶魯等著名學府的知名教授和大中華地區的

國酒茅台首次入選世界品牌 500 強 2015 年 12 月 15 日,由世界品牌實驗室獨家編制的 2015 年

專家學者、企業領袖以及傳媒精英們出席會議並發表精彩的主題演講, 眾多國內外知名新聞媒體赴會作全程報道。會議主題圍繞「全球化時代 的大數據、大品牌和大戰略」展開。

度(第十二屆)《世界品牌 500 強》排行榜在美國紐約揭曉。中國 內地入選品牌共有 31 個,國酒茅台憑借卓越的品質和品牌忠誠度、 產品市場和資本市場的優秀表現、良好的口碑和市場美譽度首次入 選。 從品牌數量的國家分布看,今年《世界品牌 500 強》排行榜 入選國家共計 27 個,美國占據 500 強中的 228 席,繼續保持品牌 大國風範;英國以 44 個品牌入選超越法國位居第二;法國以 42 個 品牌入選屈居第三。日本、中國、德國、瑞士和意大利分別有 37 個、31 個、25 個、22 個和 17 個品牌入選,是品牌大國的第二陣 營。從行業來看,排行榜共覆蓋 53 個行業,食品與飲料行業因 38 個品牌入選而位居第一。 2015 年度《世界品牌 500 強》的平均年齡達到 100.71 歲,


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Moutai Won the Title of "Iconic Products in the Chinese Liquor History of 1985-2015" Yuan Renguo and Ji Keliang Won the Title of "Outstanding Contributors in Chinese Liquor History" On January 9, 2016, the lists of "Outstanding Contributors in the Chinese Liquor History of 1985-2015" and "Iconic Products in

M UTAI on the world map

the Chinese Liquor History of 1985-2015" were released. 48 people including Yuan Renguo and Ji Keliang were honored as "Outstanding Contributors in the Chinese Liquor History of 1985-2015". Moutai, Wuliangye, and Luzhou Laojiao were honored as "Iconic Products in the Chinese Liquor History of 1985-2015". This appraisal was carried out by the first national organization in the Chinese liquor industry, that is, the Chinese Liquor Professional Committee of China National Food Industry Association (CNFIA). It was a systematic review and summary for 30 years' development of China's liquor industry since 1985, and was a significant event in the liquor industry. (Reported by Ye Yuanming)

茅台酒榮獲 「1985-2015   中國白酒曆史標志性產品」 袁仁國季克良榮獲「中國白酒曆史傑出貢獻人物」 1 月 9 日,「1985-2015 中國白酒曆史傑出貢獻人物」和「19852015 中國白酒曆史標志性產品」新鮮出爐,袁仁國、季克良等 48 人 獲評「1985-2015 中國白酒曆史傑出貢獻人物」。茅台酒、五糧液酒、 瀘州老窖特曲酒等產品榮獲「1985-2015 中國白酒曆史標誌性產品」。


Seminar participants were savoring Millesimes Moutai  研討後參會者品鑒茅台窖藏 5 年、7 年、9 年的 38 度和 53 度陳釀

中國食品工業協會白酒專業委員會是中國白酒行業第一個全國性 行業組織。此次評選是該組織對 1985 年至今中國白酒行業 30 年發展 的系統回顧與總結,是白酒行業的一件大事。(記者 葉遠鳴)

Semences de Provence held the 2nd Excellent Sorghum Grower Awards Ceremony

In Europe, sorghum is mainly used to feed animals, but in Asia, especially in China, it is also used to produce liquor. Each year, China imports about 4 million tons of sorghum on average. By participating in this meeting, Moutai has brought a new concept for European sorghum growers——Sorghum can be used as the main materials not only for feeding livestock but also for making liquor, and sorghum planting can have a broader space for development. This also provides a good opportunity for Kweichow Moutai to develop the French market and even the entire European market.

貴州茅台出席法國 2015 年高粱頒獎大會

法國 Semences de Provence 公司舉辦第二屆高粱優秀種植者獎勵大會

Kweichow Moutai Attended the 2015 Sorghum Awards Ceremony in France As the world's largest liquor brand that uses sorghum as raw material, Kweichow Moutai participated for the first time in the 2nd Excellent Sorghum Grower Awards Ceremony and the 50th anniversary of Semences de Provence's establishment. With top planting technology and advanced marketing methods, Semences de Provence is the most authoritative researcher and developer of sorghum planting in France and even in Europe. On November 2, 2015, the company hosted a sorghum planting awards ceremony at Provence's Chateau des Baux to reward excellent sorghum growers and experts. All these award winners had made great contributions to the spread and development of sorghum culture. To better discover China's national liquor Moutai, Mr. Alexandre Vingtier chaired a seminar at Provence's Saint Rémy on November 3, 2015. The seminar was followed by an exceptional tasting of Moutai cocktail as well as the 5-year, 7-year, and 9-year Millesimes Moutai (alcohol content: 38% or 53%).

作為世界上最大的以高粱為原料的白酒品牌,貴州茅台第一次參 加法國 Semences de Provence 公司成立五十周年繼第二屆高粱優秀 種植者獎勵大會。 法國乃至全歐洲最權威的高粱生產研發商 Semences Provence 擁 有頂尖的種植技術和先進的銷售方式。2015 年 11 月 2 日,Semences Provence 在普羅旺斯 des Baux 城堡舉辦了高粱種植頒獎大會。意在 獎勵優秀的高粱種植者和高粱領域的專家。這些獲獎者都為高粱文化 的傳播和發展做出了不小的貢獻。 為了更好地了解國酒茅台,2015 年 11 月 3 日茅台在普羅旺斯 Saint Rémy 舉行了由 Alexandre Vingtier 先生主持的研討會。在會議 之後,茅台為大家奉上了茅台雞尾酒和茅台窖藏 5 年、7 年、9 年的 38 度和 53 度陳釀。 在歐洲,高粱被用於動物飼養,但是在亞洲尤其是在中國,高粱 也用於釀造白酒,中國每年都會進口平均將近四百萬噸高粱。 通過參加此次會議,茅台為歐洲高粱種植者帶來了全新理念—— 高粱不僅僅用於牲畜飼養,同時也可以作為白酒釀造的主要原料,高 粱種植業可以有更廣闊的發展空間。這也為貴州茅台在法國市場甚至 整個歐洲市場的發展提供了良好的機會。

MOUTAI Magazine



Participants were making Moutai cocktails 參賽者用茅台酒配合各種食物、色彩元素調制雞尾酒

First Moutai Cocktail Contest Held in Sydney In November 2015, the first "Enter the Dragon" Moutai Cocktail Contest was perfectly completed in Sydney. After receiving the applications of nearly 100 bartenders from all over Australia, Evershine Australia Trading PTY Ltd. invited 12 top bartenders to compete in Sydney. Participants spared no effort to coordinate Kweichow Moutai's unique taste with various foods, colors, and elements so as to create new Moutai taste and new ways of drinking Moutai. They hoped to promote China's national liquor in the Western world in this way. Ultimately, with the masterpiece of "Banana Dynasty", the bartender Bobby Carey from Earl's Juke Joint bar of Sydney won the champion of this Moutai cocktail contest.


MOUTAI Magazine

首屆國酒茅台龍爭虎鬥雞尾酒大賽在澳洲悉尼舉 行 2015 年 11 月「龍爭虎鬥」茅台雞尾酒大賽在澳大利亞悉尼完美落 幕。澳大利亞明耀貿易有限公司在收到了來自澳大利亞各地近 100 名 調酒師的申請後,邀請了 12 位頂尖調酒師齊聚悉尼參加比賽。參賽者 用盡渾身解數將貴州茅台獨特的口感與各種食物、色彩元素進行調和, 創造出了獨特的茅台新喝法、新口感,並希望能通過這種方式將中國 國酒在西方世界廣而告之。最終,由來自悉尼本土 Earl's Juke Joint 酒 吧的調酒師伯比   克雷,憑借佳作「香蕉王朝」,贏得首屆茅台雞尾酒大 賽的桂冠。


"Heavenly Aroma" was being staged at Moutai's conference center 舞臺劇《天香》在茅台隆重上演獻禮茅台金獎百年

"Heavenly Aroma" Was Staged to Celebrate Moutai's Centennial Gold Award On November 18 to 19, 2015, "Heavenly Aroma", China's first visual stage play specially created to reflect the liquor culture and commemorate Moutai's 100th anniversary of winning the Panama gold award was staged at Moutai's conference center, presenting a magnificent visual feast of Moutai culture for the audience. Directed by China's famous stage play director Jin Miaomiao and adapted by the national first-class writer Li Gangyin, this play combined the 3D hologram virtual environment with stage arts to demonstrate Moutai's mysterious and unique brewing environment, superb making technique as well as profound history and culture. With a duration of 90 minutes, this large-scale visual stage play was a combination of image, music, dance, and song; in the artistic form, the excellent performances of actors and actresses thoroughly demonstrated Moutai people's spirits of inheritance, innovation,

sticking to exquisite making technique, and eager to progress. (Reported and photographed by Luo Jing and Deng Chao)

舞臺劇《天香》在茅台隆重上演 獻禮茅台金獎百年 2015 年 11 月 18 日至 19 日,為紀念茅台酒榮獲巴拿馬萬國博覽會 金獎 100 周年而專門創作的中國首部酒文化影像舞臺劇《天香》在茅台 會議中心隆重上演,為觀眾呈現了一場氣勢恢宏的茅台文化視聽盛宴。 本劇由中國著名舞臺劇導演靳苗苗執導,國家一級作家李鋼音編 劇,采用 3D 全息影像的虛擬環境與舞臺藝術相結合的手段,藝術地展 現了茅台神秘獨特的釀造環境,巧奪天工的釀造工藝以及悠遠厚重的 曆史文化。 時長 90 分鐘的大型影像舞臺劇,融影像、音樂、舞蹈、歌曲為一 體;演員們或剛勁有力,或柔美委婉,通過藝術的表現形式將茅台人 堅守工藝、銳意進取、繼承創新的茅台精神表達得淋漓盡致。 (羅晶 鄧 超 攝影報道)

MOUTAI Magazine


香飄世界百年 相伴民族復興 The Aroma of a Century The Revival of a Nation

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