Moutai Magazine - International Edition Issue 11 Spring 2016

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11 SPRING 2016

Illumination 熠熠生輝 Traditional Custom of China's Monkey Year 金猴獻瑞滿山醉 : 中國猴年的傳統風俗 Tracey Emin: I Cried Because I Love You 翠西 • 艾敏 : 我哭只因我愛你 Tang Shu-wing: Macbeth in Cantonese 鄧樹榮 : 演繹粵語版的《馬克白》 The Ink World of Lam Tian-xing 林天行的水墨之境 Drinking Moutai in Hong Kong's Clubs 在香港夜店喝茅台

Refinement 陽春白雪


CHINA KWEICHOW MOUTAI DISTILLERY (GROUP) CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501 KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501 Production & Advertising Sales Agent: ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED Room 2103, 21/F, Sino Plaza, No.255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Fax: (852) 3580 2588 Consultant : Yuan Renguo, Li Baofang, Zhao Shuyue

Yu Yat Yiu A talented well-known music producer. Music creations included pop music, musicals, dance music, movie and TV soundtracks. In 1997, Yu, Anthony Wong, and a team of musicians and artists established an independent music production company "People Mountain People Sea".

Publisher |  Francis Wong Chief Executive Officer |  Christine Yin Executive Chief Editor |  Jocelyn Liao Project Manager |  Grace Liu Art Director |  Johnny Woo

Once Break Once Reborn

Senior Project Editor |  Laura Su, Joey Li Photographer |  Han Xingxi, Li Lewei Translator |  Billy Yung, Joey Li

Johannes Pong Jet-setting travel and food writer Johannes Pong covers the Hong Kong scene. He's also a regular TV personality, and took Travel Channel's Andrew Zimmern out for snake wine on an episode of Bizarre Foods.

Corrector |  Yanni Li Project PR |  Meng Yuan Marketing Executive |  Nikita Wan, Denise Chan Advertising Enquiry |  Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Email | Dong Tiezhu

RIGHTS Moutai Magazine (International Edition) is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Reprints, copy or use of any content in this magazine whether in whole or in part, shall only be allowed with the explicit written permission of KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. No responsibility can be taken for unsolicited texts and photographs. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or the license holder. All contents in this magazine have been complied with the best of our knowledge, but no warranty or representation is given as to its accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness or otherwise. Moutai Magazine (international edition) appears quarterly with editions published under cooperation or license in two languages. Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited

The Panama Pacific Exposition Gold Medal

Dong Tiezhu is a holder of Ph.D in Chinese culture at the University of California, Berkeley. Familiar with both Chinese and Western culture, Dong has been teaching Chinese culture at Wofford College (USA) and United International College (Zhuhai).

Special Thanks :

"Spring" is the most gorgeous name. ——  Zeus A year's plan starts from the spring. In this issue of MOUTAI MAGAZINE, We review the traditional custom of China's Monkey Year, Enjoy the artworks of UK's renowned artist Tracey Emin, Watch the Cantonese Macbeth directed by Hong Kong drama master Tang Shu-wing, Take a look at the ink world of Hong Kong artist Lam Tian-xing, Drink Moutai in nightclubs for the first time, and Experience the luxury of MO Bar and Swiss Chedi Andermatt, Having a fantastic start of the new year in the artistic atmosphere.



春天是所有名字中最美的。 ——宙 斯 一年之計在於春,本期《MOUTAI MAGAZINE》將帶您 一覽中國猴年的傳統習俗; 欣賞英國當代知名藝術家翠西·艾敏的藝術; 觀看香港戲劇大師鄧樹榮粵語版的《馬克白》 ; 體驗藝術家林天行的水墨之境; 經歷第一次在夜店喝茅台; 感受香港文華東方酒店酒吧的精緻; 及瑞士切蒂安德馬特酒店的奢華; 在藝術氛圍中,開啟新的一年。


MOUTAI Magazine



MARCH 2016




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Traditional Custom of China's Monkey Year   金猴獻瑞滿山醉 : 中國猴年的傳統風俗


Monkey Year Elements in International Brands  國際品牌中的猴年元素




Traditional Custom of China's Monkey Year


I Cried Because I Love You: Tracey Emin's Solo Exhibition in Hong Kong 我哭只因我愛你: 英國知名藝術家翠西·艾敏香港個展覽


Tang Shu-wing: Macbeth in Cantonese 鄧樹榮:演繹粵語版的《馬克白》


The Ink World of Lam Tian-xing 林天行的水墨之境


A National Brand's "New Style": Drinking Moutai in Hong Kong's Clubs 民族品牌「新玩法」: 在香港夜店喝茅台

Go East Taitung


No Liquor, No Spring Festival 無酒不成新年


From a "Small Workshop" to a World-Renowned Brand 從「小作坊」到享譽世界的知名品牌 貴州茅台:鞏固和提升是制勝未來的關鍵詞


Moutai on the World Map 茅台在全球

Chinese, the pronunciation of "illumination" is same as that of "art" which punningly highlights the context of this

本期主題熠熠生輝。封面靈感來自春回大地的生機。在漢語中,「熠」和「藝」的讀音 一致,也一語雙關地體現了本期雜誌的文章脈絡。


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I Drink, Therefore I am: The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong  飲酒思源 :香港置地文華東方酒店「MO Bar」及 「PDT HK Pop-Up Bar」


The theme of this issue is "Illumination". The cover is inspired by the return of spring and its vibrant green. In issue.

The Chedi Andermatt A Luxury under the Swiss Alps  阿爾卑斯山下的奢華 瑞士:切蒂安德馬特酒店


Traditional Custom of

CHINA'S MONKEY YEAR 金猴獻瑞滿山醉 中國猴年的傳統風俗 TEXT/ 文 Joey Li



Allusion of Monkey With the circulation of 12 Earthly Branches, old Chinese year passes, and here comes the Year of Monkey. Monkey is a well-known animal for it is similar to human beings; if you are asked with a puzzle: "With feet and hands, crawling and walking; like a person when it's walking, like a dog when it's crawling", with no doubt, the answer is monkey. As a primate, monkey is good at climbing, with rapid and agile action. Monkeys always live together and live on fruits and vegetables. Many old sayings take monkeys for analogy, like "when the tree falls, the monkey will scatter", meaning when a person loses power, his followers disperse all at once. Monkey was called "ape" in the old times, which always acted as an image in ancient poems, like many Tang poems from Du Fu and Liu Cang. For the same pronunciation of "monkey" and "chief " in Chinese, monkey images were used in carving or drawing on the wall and fresco to express a wish for advancement and rising in career. For example, a sculpture work was found in a family of Jiangsu; the wall of courtyard was carved with a bunch of monkeys, deer, peaches and bats, which meant "advancement", "fortune", "emolument" and "longevity". In ancient China, monkeys were also called "apes"; people like them for the symbolic meaning of longevity, just as a saying recorded in the book "Bao Pu Zi" goes, "Monkey lives for 800 years". At the same time, monkey faces look like the elders, appearing peaceful, calm and satisfactory. They are good at climbing with long arms, so more magic characters were given to them in the old times. The most familiar story is in "The Spring and Autumn of Wu and Yue": The emperor fights with a girl from country Yue with swords, and climbs up the tree, becoming a white ape. The saying "Do not teach a monkey to climb a tree" tells people that monkey can climb trees without learning. What's more, the article "Wang Sun Fu" from Wang Yanshou in Han Dynasty and the "Zeng Wang Sun" from Liu Zongyuan in Tang Dynasty all described monkeys.

猴子的典故 辭別舊歲,迎來新年,古代中國曆法紀年十二地支過去一輪,今年又逢猴年。 猴子是人們熟知的動物。如果有人叫你猜中國的謎語:「有腳又有手,能爬又能走;走時像 個人,爬時像條狗。」不用說,謎底是猴子。 猴子屬靈長類動物,善攀援,動作敏捷快疾;喜群居,以山果草葉為食。中國古人常把猴子 稱之為「猢猻」,俗語雲:「樹倒猢猻散。」也常把猴子稱為猿、猿猴、猿猱,「風急天高猿嘯 哀」( 唐·杜甫《別韋少府》);「清猿聲入楚雲哀」( 唐·劉滄《長州懷古》)。因「猴」與「侯」 同音,故古代建築的壁畫、磚雕上,常常出現猴子的形象,表現「掛印封侯」的祝願。在江西流 坑古村落的一戶人家裡的天井照壁上有一幅浮雕作品,上面有猴子、白鹿、仙桃、蝙蝠,表現出 封侯與福、祿、壽的對應關係。在中國古代,常將猿猴連稱,人們喜愛猿猴,還因為古人將它視 為長壽的象徵。《抱樸子》一書中就有「猴壽八百歲」的記載,伴隨長壽的自然是安詳平和,生 活幸福。猿猴長壽而面目又似老人,加上長臂善於攀援,因此猿猴在中國古代傳說中還被賦予更 為神奇的色彩。最膾炙人口的故事,當屬《吳越春秋》中所記越女和袁公比劍術之事,當對搏三 擊之後,袁公飛上樹梢化白猿而去。《詩經·小雅·角弓》中的「毋教猱升木。」就是說:猴不 用人教,就會攀木,說明古人對猴有仔細的觀察。漢代王延壽撰有《王孫賦》,唐柳宗元有《贈 王孫》賦等都是寫猴。


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The Monkey King The most attractive monkey in Chinese ancient legend is the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, which is from the novel in Ming Dynasty—"Journey to the West"; its image has been deeply rooted in people's mind along these years. The monkey with human dressing has appeared in such Chinese folk arts as paintings, dough modeling and kite-making. In addition, it is showed on the stage of Chinese opera, movie and TV program. The brave image of Sun is also seen as a symbol of national spirit. The art image of Sun can be traced back to Sui and Tang Dynasties; the character of "Shen" in the 12 earthly branches, which presents monkey in the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs, has been changed into a monkey image in human's clothes. The novel "Journey to the West" is not first produced in Ming Dynasty; the story about a monkey following the monk to go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures had appeared in the Five Dynasties Time. The mural painting in the Western Xia period, which was found in Dun Huang, Gansu Province, has recorded a monk worshiping the Samantabhadra. With the monk, there is a white horse and a monkey with human body. And these monkey images are precursors of Sun Wukong. "The Ancient Mirror" from Wang Mian (Tang Dynasty) is a representative work of monkey legend, which is also a basis of "Journey to the West" as well as the Monkey King image. The Monkey King has become an almighty character who dares to challenge authority and a big hero in the minds of Chinese audiences. Sun is also called "Gold Monkey" and "Magical Monkey". Mao Zedong has written a poem describing Sun: "The Golden Monkey wrathfully swung his massive cudgel and the jade-like firmament was cleared of dust."

人們熟知的美猴王 中國古典小說中更為神奇的猿猴,還是小說《西遊記》中那位神通廣大的猴王孫悟空,在書中被喻 為「心猿」。他那猿猴頭而身穿人類服裝的有趣造型,今天已是家喻戶曉、老少熟知,並被作為中國畫、 年畫以及面塑、剪紙、風箏等民間工藝創作的題材,更是活躍在戲曲舞臺和電影、電視螢幕之中。特別 是孫悟空豎起「齊天大聖」的大旗,身披鎧甲大鬧天宮的無畏形象,更被視為中華民族英勇抗暴精神的 象徵。 談起行者孫悟空那猴首人裝的藝術造型,則需追溯到明代《西遊記》小說成書以前,至少在隋唐時期, 十二辰 ( 十二時 ) 中的「申」像,就已經從寫實的猴子被塑造成猴首人軀身穿袍服的形貌。就是由歷史 上唐玄奘西天取經而鋪衍的故事中,出現有隨行的猴行者,《西遊記》也非首創,至少在五代時已經出 現。甘肅敦煌榆林窟西夏時期的壁畫,有西行求法高僧禮拜普賢菩薩的畫像,在高僧身後隨有馱經的白 馬,白馬旁立有合什禮拜的猴首人身的猴行者。這些猴行者的形貌,正是後來孫悟空藝術造型的前身。 猴的神話傳奇故事以唐人王勔的《古鏡記》最具代表性。至明代文學家吳承恩彙集前人的神話傳說, 進一步創作了《西遊記》,創造出齊天大聖孫悟空的典型形象,對後世影響尤巨,成為人人皆知的、敢 於反抗玉皇大帝的、善於識別真偽的、能驅魔除怪的代表,並稱為金猴、神猴、靈猴。毛澤東就有「金 猴奮起千鈞棒,玉宇澄清萬里埃」的詩句。


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The Monkey Drama Ancient people take use of monkey's ability in climbing to train them and make them perform acrobatics. It was recorded in Song Dynasty that the performance has begun from Han Dynasty. There're also Monkey drama images in the stone painting of Han Dynasty, indicating a long history of Chinese Monkey Drama. Ancient Han citizens regarded monkey as the guard of horse, so they always keep a monkey in the horse stable and arrange monkey drama for the fete ceremony. So monkey owns another name "Maliu", which is still kept in Cantonese. The monkey drama was less religious gradually; in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the monkey drama performed on the street was for living. In Chinese Republican Period, the Sun Wukong drama, also known as monkey drama was moved to traditional opera stage and obtained an ardent welcome. The facial makeups and performances are with diverse characteristics in dramas from different areas. Watching monkey drama is also an essential program for Chinese people in the Year of Monkey. In 2004, the program "Gold Monkey" in the Spring Festival Gala has gained a popularity, which was performed by Liu Xiao Ling Tong, the role-player of Sun Wukong in the TV series. This year, the Monkey King also gave an extraordinary performance in the New Year's Eve Show in Liaoning Television, which appealed to the elders as well as the young people born in 80s and 90s.

猴戲 人們利用猴的攀援特點,經過對它訓練演示雜技,如宋代陳暘所撰的《樂書》,就有「漢世有獼猴 緣杆之技。」李昉的《太平廣記》也有「蜀人陽千度弄胡孫 ( 猢猻 ),飼養十餘頭,會人言語。令騎馬 作參軍戲。」 早在漢代,畫像石中百戲圖裏就有猴戲形象,可知我國馴猴作戲的歷史甚早。古代漢族人民把猴子 視為馬的守護神,常於馬廐內養猴子以留住馬匹,並讓猴子表演猴戲做祭祀之用,因此猴子又有「馬騮」 的別稱,此名稱至今仍保留在粵語中。後來猴戲的宗教性變淡,迄明清時候,玩猴者多為謀生之計流浪 江湖。至民國時期,猴戲被搬上了戲曲舞臺,孫悟空戲(俗稱「猴戲」)深受歡迎,先期猴戲也各具風 格,在臉譜、扮相和表演上都各有不同。 猴年春節,看猴戲也是家家戶戶的新年節目之一,2004 年中國央視春晚六小齡童一場《金猴鬧春》 讓觀衆以別樣熱鬧的方式迎接猴年的到來。今年美猴王也登臺遼寧春晚,上演了別開生面的猴戲,不僅 老一輩的觀衆喜愛,也觸動了年輕人童年對孫悟空的懷念與熱愛。


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Monkey Artworks Among the realistic monkey artworks in ancient Chinese relics, the earliest is the prehistoric pottery. A tiny pottery ape less than 5 cm high has been found in Hubei's Tianmen City, a Neolithic site. Since the body is very small, the prehistoric artists only molded out its general outline, but the physical characteristics of apes has already been extremely vivid. When it came to Bronze Age, ape's model was still a favorite artistic image, frequently used as a decorative bronze image. Ape-shaping bronze artworks were found in the Qin and Han culture relics from the Southwest of China. The ancients also often take use of apes' diastolic physical characteristics, making exquisite handicrafts with practical functions. For example, the ape-shaped silver hook was obtained from Lu tombs in Qufu, Shandong. There are more successful designs of the action that ape stretches its long arms in Han Dynasty relics. An elegant flower-shaped ape hook was unearthed from a Western Han tomb: The ape hangs upside-down in the core of four flowers; the ape grasps the flower using right arm and right paw and drops its left extended arm, which is used for hanging objects. "Sage Monkey Ushers in Longevity" (used by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty) Sculptor: Du Shiyuan

In addition to realistic artworks, there are also some symbolic works in the Han Dynasty tombs. For example, a figurine

[ 清 ] 乾隆皇帝御玩《灵猴献寿》

combining monkey and horse and the picture in which monkey rides the horse in stone relief or paintings mean that "getting

盖盒御用雕刻家 : 杜士元

success soon" in Chinese. In this sense, the Year of "Shen" (or Monkey) is a wishful year for career advancement and happiness.

猿猴藝術品 中國古代文物中寫實的猿猴造型藝術品,其中年代最早的是史前的原始陶塑。在湖北天門市石河鎮 新石器時代遺址中出土的小型陶塑動物中,有高度不及 5 釐米的小陶猿猴。由於形體很小,史前藝術家 只塑出它的大輪廓,但是已能掌握猿猴的體質特徵,極為古拙傳神。 歷史進入青銅時代,猿猴造型仍是人們喜愛的藝術形象,常被採用為青銅器的裝飾圖像。到秦漢時 期西南地區的古代滇族文物中,更是常有以猿猴造型為題材的青銅藝術品。古人還常利用猿猴舒張長臂 的形體特徵,製成具有實用功能的精美工藝品。例如從山東曲阜魯國墓葬發掘中獲得的銀質猿形帶鉤, 利用猿猴前伸的長臂,製成帶鉤臂部,臂端的猿爪自然曲握成鉤。以猿猴伸臂作鉤的設計構思,在漢代 的文物中有更成功的創作。河北滿城西漢中山靖王劉勝墓發掘中,出土過青銅花形懸猿鉤。在倒垂的四 瓣花朵的花芯處,倒懸一猿,猿猴用右臂和右爪上抓花芯,將伸展的左臂下探,左爪呈鉤狀,用以懸物。 在漢墓中發現的猿猴圖像,除了寫實的以外,也有一些寓意象徵性的作品。例如將猴和馬組合在一 起,在畫像石和陶俑中都出現有猿猴騎在馬背的圖像,其寓意為「馬上封侯」,以企望官場升遷。由此 看來,申年即猴年也意味著對企望升官的人是一個好年頭。

"Three wise monkeys" (Bronze) by China's famous artist Huang Yongyu 黃永玉創作的《三不猴》青銅雕塑


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生肖猴年限量 琺琅腕錶

Monkey Year Elements in

International Brands


elements appears evidently; besides the aesthetic


significance, the 12 animals also mean an inher-


itance of industrial arts and skills. Piaget is known

推出 Altiplano 生肖限量琺琅腕錶,秉承

for its high-end and traditional handicrafts, and


also for its insistence of perfection. Like former


years, they launched Altiplano limited watch with

琺琅圖案搭配 18k 白金表殼和 78 顆圓形

a monkey in black and white on the dial plate. The


sands of delicate details to make a lifelike monkey. In addition, the enamel design is collocated with 18k platinum watchcase and 78 round diamonds, which also lighten the Lunar New Year.

With a worldwide spreading of Chinese traditional culture, the 12 creatures of Chinese Zodiac have become increasingly familiar in many western countries. Bunches of brands begin to take these elements in their products, to seek deeper design inspiration and national sources and to create a more intercultural brand image. In the clothing, cosmetic, jewelry and watch area, many brand owners will launch a series of limited edition with lively and vivid animal images and the red elements in every Chinese Spring Festival, to occupy the large consumer market.

CHOPARD's New Year Edition --L.U.C XP Urushi Chopard produced a series of watches named "Jin Hou Zhai Tao", which means a gold monkey is picking the peach. This special watch's dial plate was designed by Japanese lacquer art master, using traditional lacquer skills. An agile monkey sits on the peach tree and picks the peach under the golden sky and rays of sunlight. The color of dial plate


matches the rose golden watch case. The monkey's


movement also means a fruitful year.

計靈感和民族性的藝術資源,推動品牌形象更加國際化。在服裝、美 設計的限定產品,充滿動物的生動氣息和新年的紅色元素,以期佔有 中國消費者及中華文化愛好者的廣大市場。



製表世家蕭邦在猴年來臨之前推出了 一款以「金猴摘桃」主題的蒔繪系列腕錶,

GIORGIO ARMANI's Highlight Powder


Adidas has been valuing the precious chance for brand

elements into Tubular. Based on the style of Tubular X, Tubular

Tubular 系 列 鞋 款, 以 Tubular X、Tubular Runner

Runner and Tubular Doom, using red as the main color, taking

以及 Tubular Doom 為藍本,採用紅色為主色調,以

the Monkey King, Sun Wukong as the source of inspiration, the


golden details and opera thermoprint make the shoes unique


and vivid.


MOUTAI Magazine


published the limited Monkey's product, the new


highlight powder, with a red case and a big Chi-


nese "Fu", meaning blessing and good fortune. The


powder shaped like a cake is also carved with a


monkey on it, which looks interesting and happy.

祥,這枚猴年限量版腕表將博大精深的東 方工藝與瑞士高級製表工藝完美融合,堪 稱一件瑰美的作品。


阿迪達斯一貫格外重視新年這一時間點的品牌 推廣,於是今年將猴元素注入一直深受消費者寵愛

錶盤由日本漆藝大師手工限量製作,在採 活現的金猴棲身於結滿碩果的樹枝上,採

底就公佈了猴年的限定產品,為 2016 年

promotion in Spring Festival; this year, they inject the monkey

這枚 L.U.C XP 系列農曆猴年特別版腕錶

At the end of 2015, GIORGIO ARMANI has

阿瑪尼的彩妝系列產品早在 2015 年

ADIDAS Originals Tubular



The wide-range use of Chinese New Year


TEXT/ 文 Joey Li IMAGE/ 圖 From Internet


watch inherits former distinct style, using thou-




PIAGET Launched Altiplano Enamel Watch

傳統喜慶的紅色,印上大大的「福」字, 餅狀高光上線條流暢的靈猴形象也給產品 增添了一分趣味與喜氣。

MOUTAI Magazine


Tracey Emin's Solo Exhibition in Hong Kong

"I look at myself, and I paint myself, but they’re portraits of my mind, of my deepest thoughts."


——Tracey Emin, 2015

「我看著自己的內心深處,把所見的畫出來。 它們是我精神世界的描繪,最深層的思考。」 ——Tracey Emin, 2015 年

英國知名藝術家翠西·艾敏香港個展 TEXT/ 文 Jocelyn Liao TRANSLATION/ 譯 Billy Yung   IMAGE/ 圖 Li Mengyang


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MOUTAI Magazine



n every Art Basel Hong Kong, the world's leading contemporary

associated with love, sex, and death. In 2007, she served as the British

artists gather in Hong Kong. This year, the influential British

artist representative in the Venice Biennale. In 2012, Queen Elizabeth II

contemporary artist Tracey Emin comes to Hong Kong as well to

awarded her the title of CBE (Commander of the Order of the British

present her exhibition "I Cried Because I Love You". This joint exhibition takes place across Hong Kong's Lehmann Maupin and White Cube galleries and marks Emin's first solo presentation in Greater China. Born in London in 1963, Tracey Emin obtained an MA from Royal

This time, Emin came to the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong to meet with the media. She walked in, in a black short-sleeved dress with a heart-shaped neckline, nylons, and black heels with rosettes on them.

College of Art. What made her famous was a bed. In 1998, she created

Although aged over 50, she was much younger than I expected. She

the installation work "My Bed". It shows her real bed at the time in all its

apologized for being late and asked if we had seen the show in order. "If

embarrassing glory, with personal items, shoes, vodka bottles, and dirty

your questions are good, I'm going to say what I want to say because I'd

underwear strewn across the crumpled stained sheets. After displayed,

rather do it that way, if that's OK?" Emin added. When talking about her

this work caused frenzy and won the Turner Prize from London's

creation experience, Emin would involuntarily stand up with emotional

Tate Gallery in 1999. In 2014, this work was sold at a high price of


2.2 million pounds (about 20.2 million RMB). Emin's work is often 24

Empire) for her contributions to arts.

She explained the title of the show – She found the sentence scrawled MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine


on a piece of paper, but felt it had sad connotations; however the more

work was the result of an intense process of self-discovery. She had

she thought about it, she felt it could be positive. How one could love

described her practice as being about "rites of passage, of time and age,

someone so much that it hurts, an impossible love, not unrequited love.

and the simple realization that we are always alone". In this twofold solo

"It's my life. I think I've cried over more people that I love than people

exhibition, new paintings were created from photographs of herself.

that I hate. I don't think I've really hated hardly anyone. I think my big

Emerging from layers of application, obliteration and reworking,

mistake is loving people too much", she said. Even more interesting was

she used a minimal palette built-up to outline the body, allowing the

that this exhibition of works was related to a stone outside her studio. In

practices of drawing and painting to seamlessly merge. As Emin had

2015, she wore a white shroud originally made to adorn her father's body

said, "When I'm drawing, I can play. I can trust's like freedom;

at his funeral and married a stone. Maybe due to her disastrous love life,

it's everything. Then when I'm painting, it's like I'm scared and I don't

Emin rest her hope on the stone, a metaphor for stability and enduring

know what's going to happen, as the painting takes over it becomes more

love: "I thought the stone is so majestic and beautiful. I really do love

exciting." While in a new series of large-scale embroideries, the hand-

the stone. And then I thought about the way I love, how I pour love into

crafted process of making the works allows for the energy and tactile

things and people, whatever it is, passionately, but not expecting it to be

trace of the artist's hand to remain present in the densely stitched and

returned either. I just accept that's the way it is; it's just me who gives.

collaged compositions. Emin herself also visited Art Basel Hong Kong and appeared on the

The stone becomes a metaphor for my feeling. That's actually kinda beautiful." She recalled finding a small box and in it was a ring adorned

cover of a magazine together with Hong Kong celebrity David Tang.

with an ant. "I put it on my finger and suddenly realized it's superstitious

Besides major galleries, artists, curators, and collectors, celebrities' visits

to put a wedding ring on your finger unless you are getting married,

also brought surprises to the exhibition. The 2-day preview exhibition

otherwise you have to throw the ring away," she said. But because she

of this year's Art Basel Hong Kong had witnessed the presence of such

liked the ring so much, she came to her favorite large stone outside her

celebrities as Leonardo DiCaprio, Hidetoshi Nakata, Rosamund Kwan,

studio and married the stone. She said she'd spend her honeymoon "in

and Karen Mok.

Tibet" but "not sure if that's the right answer". Repeatedly turning to self-portraiture and the classical nude, Emin's


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色的 v 字型的連衣裙、絲襪和高跟鞋,嘴角依舊歪歪的。藝




術家雖已 50 歲,但比我想像中年輕許多。由於遲到了 10 多



(Tracey Emin)也親臨香港,在香港立木畫廊和白立方畫














翠西·艾敏 1963 年出生於倫敦,在皇家藝術學院獲得 碩士。讓她一舉成名的作品竟然是一張床。1998 年,她創












並榮獲了 1999 年英國泰特美術館特納獎,輾轉到 2014 年,




這件作品以 220 萬英鎊(約人民幣 2020 萬)高價售出。她




的作品常常與愛情、性和死亡相關。在 2007 年,她成為第




52 屆威尼斯雙年展的英國代表藝術家。2012 年英女皇伊莉




莎白二世授予她大英帝國司令勳章 (CBE),以表彰她對藝術

頭有關,這是位於她工作室外的一塊石頭。2015 年,她與








這次,艾敏來到了香港四季酒店與媒體見面。她身著黑 28

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多(Leonardo DiCaprio)、日本足球明星中田英壽,藝人 關芝琳、莫文蔚等人都被現場目擊。


Tang Shu-wing: Macbeth in Cantonese 鄧樹榮:演繹粵語版的《馬克白》 TEXT/ 文 LIAO CHENLIN TRANSLATION/ 譯 JOEY LI  IMAGE/ 圖 TANG SHU-WING THEATRE STUDIO

To commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's Death, in 2015, the Shakespeare's Globe invited Hong Kong dramatist Tang Shu-wing to reinterpret "Macbeth", the famous tragedy from Shakespeare, as one of the two dramas that were played in Chinese language in mid-season month. It's the second time that Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio takes the stage of Shakespeare's Globe after they acted "Titus Andronicus". In 2016, the "Macbeth" from Tang Shu-wing comes on stage of Hong Kong Arts Festival, interpreting the essence of Shakespeare's piece in Asian Aesthetic sights. 為紀念莎士比亞逝世四百年,莎士比亞環球劇場 2015 年邀請了香港戲劇家鄧樹榮,重新詮釋 莎翁著名悲劇《馬克白》,並為環球劇場劇季中兩套以華語演繹的莎劇之一。這是繼《泰特斯》 後,鄧樹榮戲劇工作室再次獲邀前往倫敦莎士比亞環球劇場。2016 年,鄧樹榮版本的《馬克白》 在香港藝術節登場,以亞洲美學精神解讀莎翁作品的精髓。


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MOUTAI Magazine


Everyone can be Macbeth

the expression of the body and its physical movements and live accompaniment reveal the characters' relationship as well as the

"Macbeth" is Shakespeare's most gloomy as well as heart-quaked

director's vision of time and space. Besides the topics like desire and

short tragedy, and director Tang Shu-wing recomposes it into a Chinese

ambition, the troubled times and clashes appeared in every history

story, acting in Cantonese. It tells the story of a modern couple making

period, reflecting variety of present problems.

a dream in which they enter the universe of Macbeth in a buried past of

From "Hamlet" in 2006, "Titus Andronicus" played in 2008-2013,

ancient China, assuming the roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and

and "Titus Andronicus 2.0" in 2011-2012, to the new "Macbeth", it

encountering various characters in the play. Macbeth receives a prophecy

seems that Tang favors Shakespeare's works; he described this master as

from three witches that one day he will become a king but he has no son

an excellent psychologist, who had created great pieces of work that can

to inherit his throne. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by

be deeply excavated and performed by directors and actors.

his wife, Macbeth commits more and more murders. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the

Keeping Creative Sights

realms of arrogance, madness and death. Tang Shu-wing's staging has a pleasing simplicity and uses dynamic


As Director Tang Shu-wing said, he is a halfway opera lover. He

and vivid imagery to deliver the story, which is also derived from

attended in the Department of Law in the University of Hong Kong,

his cultural quality as well as his passion for the Western simplicity

and still played drama after he graduated. Between 1986 and 1992, Tang

movement. Inspired by the tradition of Asian physical theatre, this

studied in France where he obtained master degree in Department of

version of Macbeth transmits the spirit of the play through a succession

Theatricals and served as the dean of Department of Theatricals in Hong

of stylized images. It is comparable to the aesthetics of dance, where

Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2009-2011. Tang's sources of MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine


influence are "theatre of the convention" of Meyerhold, "poor theatre" of Grotowski, Tai Chi and Yoga. He believes that physical theatre and minimalist aesthetics are the best ways to realize his vision. He is dubbed "Alchemist of Minimalist Theatre". Although he is the current Artistic Director of Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio and also the Head of Program of the first ever physical theatre training program in Hong Kong, he claims that he is not completely understand theatre in his book "Begin With Writing La Seine": "Sometimes I want to be in my 20s, with the pure sights to see the world; however, past is past. People should look forward. So I always use this saying to encourage myself: I don't completely understand theatre

So I always use this saying to encourage myself: I don’t completely understand theatre arts. And then I can see the world in a more creative way and find a solution if I met a problem.

arts. And then I can see the world in a more creative way and find a solution if I met a problem."

Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio is a registered charity financially supported by the Springboard Grant under the ACDFS (Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme) of Hong Kong SAR Government and a Residential Theatre Company that has established a long-term

「我現在常以這樣一句說話勉勵自己:我其 實不太完全明白戲劇藝術。這樣,我就可以 用稍具創意的眼光看世界,若遇到問題,或 者會比較容易找到解決方法。」

collaboration with the Hong Kong Arts Centre. Having physical theatre and minimalist aesthetics as its artistic direction, the Studio has a belief that theatre is an art feeling life through self-discovering and body is the origin of self-discovery, so physical theatre is a way they train and create. The studio was formerly known as "No Man's Land" which

——Tang Shu-wing 鄧樹榮

was founded in 1996. The works of "No Man's Land" include both contemporary works and classic works; the most renowned ones are "Between Life and Death" (2002) and "Titus Andronicus". In 2009, "No Man's Land" was renamed Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio, with the mission to bring quality theatre works to wider audience, and has completed such works as "Titus Andronicus 2.0", "Detention", "Thunderstorm", "A Passionate Body", "Why Aren't You Steve Jobs" and "Macbeth". "Detention" has been played for a long period and 127 times in nine countries over Europe and Asia. "Titus Andronicus" was invited to London Shakespeare Festival in May 2012 as well as Berlin and Neuss in 2013. "Titus Andronicus 2.0" was played in Singapore, Norway, Poland, Beijing and Taipei in 2010-2012. "Thunderstorm" was debuted in the Hong Kong New Vision Arts Festival in 2012 and earned overwhelming acclaim; then, it was invited to perform in the Singapore Huyi Festival in 2013 and Taipei Guandu Festival in 2014; at the same time, it served as one of the representative programs in Hong Kong Week 2014. In August 2015, the Studio was invited to premiere "Macbeth" in Globe and re-run "Thunderstorm" in Beijing National Theatre respectively. In September 2015, the studio re-ran "Titus Andronicus 2.0" in Hong Kong. In March 2016, "Macbeth" was replayed in Hong Kong Arts Festival. In addition, the studio will open a 3-year Physical Theatre Training Program, including One-year Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Program, Professional Laboratory, and International Theatre Master Class. 34

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從 2006 年的《哈姆雷特》,2008 至 2013 年排演的《泰特 斯》,2011 至 2012 年的《泰特斯 2.0》到現在的《馬克白》,似 乎鄧樹榮特別鍾情莎士比亞的作品,他形容這位巨匠是一個 高超的心理學家,作品厚重,能讓導演和演員不斷發掘新的 事物,以不同的形式做表演的探索。

永遠保持創意的眼光 用鄧樹榮導演的話說,他是一個半途出家的戲劇愛好 者。他曾就讀香港大學法律系,畢業後仍參與業餘劇團演 出,1986 至 1992 年就讀於巴黎著名的新索邦大學,獲得戲 劇系碩士,探索自己的風格,2009 至 2011 年任香港演藝學 院戲劇學院院長,他多年修煉瑜伽,倡導簡約美學及形體劇 場,他被譽為「簡約劇場煉金術師」。 雖然鄧樹榮已是香港具有代表性的劇場導演,在他的著 作《書寫塞納河開始》中,他卻說自己不太完全明白戲劇: 「有時,我想回到二十多歲的我,用偏向純真的眼光看世界, 但畢竟,過去已成過去,人總得向前看。於是,我現在常以 這樣一句說話勉勵自己:我其實不太完全明白戲劇藝術。這 樣,我就可以用稍具創意的眼光看世界,若遇到問題,或者 會比較容易找到解決方法。」

鄧樹榮戲劇工作室 「鄧樹榮戲劇工作室」為註冊慈善團體,獲香港特別行 政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的躍進資助,二零一二年四 月起成為香港藝術中心駐場藝團。形體劇場是他們的藝術方 向,因為他們相信劇場是一門透過自我發現去感受生命的藝 術,而身體就是自我發現的起點,所以,形體劇場於他們來 說是一個訓練及創作方法。 工作室前身是創立於一九九六年的「無人地帶」,它約 有一半的作品為當代作品,一半為經典作品,較具代表性的 包括《生與死三部曲》以及《泰特斯》。 「無人地帶」於二零零九年易名為「鄧樹榮戲劇工作室」。 「工作室」的作品包括《泰特斯 2.0》、《打轉教室》、《舞 .雷


雨》、《熱血軀體》公開課堂、《你為甚麼不是 Steve Jobs?》及 《馬克白》等。



長壽劇目《打轉教室》,由二零一一年首演起 , 已演出


127 場 , 踏足歐亞九個城市, 《泰特斯》曾獲邀於二零一二年




一三年獲邀於德國柏林及諾伊斯演出。《泰特斯 2.0》在二零




北。《舞 .雷雨》於二零一二年十月香港新視野藝術節首演




一四年十月於台北關渡藝術節演出,同時為「香港週 2014」






蹈十二天」重演《舞.雷雨》, 九月於香港重演《泰特斯 2.0》。




展一個為期三年的「形體戲劇訓練課程」, 主要內容包括一


年制青少年班 , 專業實驗室及國際大師班。 MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine


The Ink World of


Lam Tian-xing TEXT/ 文 LIAO CHENLIN   IMAGE/ 圖 Rong Baozhai 榮寶齋   Jennifer Wang


LEFTSIDE: Hillside  山居 (2015) Ink Colour on Paper  水墨設色紙本 110cmx98cm

RIGHTSIDE: Out of Dust  塵外 (2015) Ink Colour on Paper  水墨設色紙本 68cmx68cm


ecently, Rong Bao Zhai Hong Kong held the "Tian Xing

rhythm and show the natural vitality. As a result, it's the combination of

Fantasia-The Ink Colour Paintings of Lam Tian Xing"

ink and color that makes them charming. Background blended into the

exhibition. Part of work of the "Tibet Series" and "Village

foreground creates a gorgeous harmony between " ink" and " color".

Series" is published for the first time. We'd like to precisely describe Lam as a color ink artist rather than

Mentioning Hong Kong's well-known artist Lam Tian-xing, what most people will remember is that his work was sent into the outer space by China's Shenzhou series spacecraft. But for the artist himself, perhaps he would prefer everyone to pay attention to his art style.


becomes his most favorite theme. The lotus is not only the imagery of

color pattern and uses rich colors, adding new elements to Chinese

art, but also the imagery of religion. The relationship between lotus and

traditional paintings. He has left an important treasure in Chinese

religion was engraved in his works which have both pure ink and bright

contemporary art history.

colors representing social and spiritual ideals in Buddhism.

Two-dimensional surface constituted picture brings straightforward


Lam has traveled in Tibet for several times, which has changed his art style dramatically. Before his first trip to Tibet in 1999, he never

expression of emotion. Lam likes to take the natural world as different

thought he would suffer from altitude sickness. After his return to Hong

shapes as it's a concise way of thinking and helps you to remove all the

Kong, it took him several years to recover. Most people probably will not

details of harassment and to highlight a clear and powerful language of

go to Tibet again if they have illness; however, Lam is still not afraid of it.

painting. The comparison between different faces of shape and color

MOUTAI Magazine

lotus series creations. He started to paint lotus since childhood, which

ink artist. He breaks the Chinese landscape painting in black and white

Lam said, the simpler the picture is, the easier it is to move people.


The meaning of ink is also reflected repeatedly in Lam Tian-xing's

He continued to travel in Tibet in 2003 and 2005 for sketching and

of the ink and contrast as well as the mutual close relation between

painting this sacred land. In this exhibition, he even said: "If I disappear

the front and rear through the lines can sketch out beautiful and rich

one day, I must be in Tibet, where is my destination."

MOUTAI Magazine


A renowned contemporary artist who has developed his own profound style in ink color painting, which has harmoniously blended the traditional framework of Chinese ink color paintings with bold western techniques in rich and vibrant colors, with layered images that are both abstract and concrete. Lam was born in October 1963 in Fujian Province, China. He immigrated to Hong Kong with his father where he started his first studio in 1984. In the cosmopolitan, he began to think about the balance of traditional and modern culture. He later returned to Mainland China to continue his studies at the Chinese Painting Department of Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts and graduated in 1990. Lam has held more than 50 solo exhibitions in many major cities around the world, such as Beijing, Hong Kong, New York, Berlin, Milan, Singapore, Taipei and Seoul. He has participated in more than 100 joint exhibitions around the globe. Many of the exhibitions are the most representative and significant ones, such as:

Lam Tian-xing 林天行

- Centennial Exhibition of Chinese Paintings in Beijing - China National Art Exhibition - Art Exhibition Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening - International Ink Painting Biennial Exhibition of Shenzhen - Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition

Lam's works have been widely collected by private and corporate organizations from home and abroad, such as major museums, 5-stars hotels, airlines and banks. Lam's paintings, "Morning Songs" and "Side View in Victoria Harbor", have accompanied the space shuttles of the Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou VII in 2005 and 2008 respectively, witnessed these important national milestones, and brought honor to Hong Kong. Moreover, he has published more than 20 albums of his works.

The simpler the picture is, the easier it is to move people. ——Lam Tian-xing

Museum collections and others: - National Art Museum of China

- Hong Kong Trade Development Council of Washington

- Research Institute of Chinese Painting in Beijing

- Cathay Pacific

- Guangzhou Museum of Art

- United Airline

- Shenzhen Museum of Art

- Four Seasons Hotels, Hong Kong and Macau

- Shenzhen Fine Art Institute

- Mandarin Oriental Hotel Hong Kong

- Hong Kong Museum of Art

- Shangri-La Hotel Beijing

- Heritage Museum of Hong Kong

- Bank of China Hong Kong

- Hong Kong Government House

- Credit Suisse HK Offices

越是單純的畫面,越容易感動人。 ——林天行

Lam, the chairman of the Hong Kong International Art Association, is now working as a professional painter. He is also a member of the China Artists'



Association, a member of the Founding Committee of the Chinese Painting Institute (Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Committee), a specialist of the Li Keran

Sparkling  生輝 (2015)

Academy of Painting, a professor of China Tropical Rainforest Academy of Arts and the visiting painter of the Shenzhen Art Gallery.

Ink Colour on Paper  水墨設色紙本 45cmx53cm

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UPSIDE: Diffusion  漫開 (2015) Ink Colour on Paper 水墨設色紙本 45cmx53cm

近日,香港榮寶齋舉辦了《天行造境 ·林天行彩墨画













UPSIDE: Colourful Scene (1-4)   五彩的地方 ( 一至四 ) (2014) Ink Colour on Paper 水墨設色紙本 235cmx54cmx4


MOUTAI Magazine







行恢復後依然繼續入藏。在 2003 年和 2005 年,林天行兩次













MOUTAI Magazine


Windows of Tibet  藏 窗 (2014)

Ink Colour on Paper   水墨設色紙本 45cmx53cm

Windows of Tibet(1)   西藏·窗 ( 一 ) (2011)

Ink Colour on Paper   水墨設色紙本 45cmx53cm

Loitering in the New Territories  新界漫遊 (2012) Ink Colour on Paper   水墨設色紙本 68cmx68cm


如何在其中尋得一片淨土,如何讓傳統與現代並存。1990 年,















林天行 1963 年 10 月生於中國福州市。少年時代先後拜 畫家吳國光、林光、陳挺、劉牧諸先生學西洋畫與中國畫,

2005 及 2008 年,林天行的作品《晨曲》、《維港兩岸》 獲邀隨神舟六號及七號太空船升空。

1984 年,他隨父親移居香港,大都市的喧鬧,也讓他思考 44

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A National Brand's "New Style"


Drinking Moutai in Hong Kong's Clubs TEXT/ 文 Jocelyn Liao TRANSLATION/ 譯 Billy Yung IMAGE/ 圖 Li Lewei


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ive at night all for the necessities of life. What intoxicates you is not

自醉……回味著夜生活如夢初醒」1930 年代至

dream time." These are the lines once sang by the famous singer Zhou

1940 年代,中國著名歌星周旋曾這樣唱道。

Xuan in 1930s and 1940s.


nightlife from singing hall and ballroom to nightclub and bar. In the nightclub


and bar menus, most drinks are popular drinks of the Western world. If more


exciting element can be added, guests will love and indulge in it. Today, a new


In March 2016, Moutai officially landed in Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong and ignited the flame of Hong Kong's "Moutai Night" activities in the well-known Zentral Club and Magnum Club. Lan Kwai Fong is Hong Kong's world-famous landmark recreation area while

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More than half a century has passed and people have transferred their

taste is coming.


「夜生活 , 都為了 , 衣食住行 , 酒不醉人人

wine but your own mind….Ponder the night life as if waken from

2016 年 3 月,國酒茅台正式登陸香港蘭桂坊, 在知名夜店 Zentral 和 Magnum Club 點燃了香港 「茅台之夜」活動的火焰。 蘭桂坊是香港聞名世界的地標式娛樂區域, 而本次活動的場地 Zentral 和 Magnum Club 則

Zentral and Magnum are the top nightclubs with the most numerous visitors in


Hong Kong. Both nightclubs are at the heart of Lan Kwai Fong and the California

坊的核心地帶。Zentral 所在的加州大廈,正是

Tower where Zentral is located is the landmark of Lan Kwai Fong.


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About Magnum and Zentral These two clubs belong to AUX International Holdings Limited (formerly known as Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited) that once ran the Beijing Club and Billion Club in Hong Kong and now runs such famous clubs as Magnum and Zentral. Major press conferences for the movies "Lan Kwai Fong 1-3" were all held in Magnum. On January 23, 2014, Magnum was listed on the HKEx board and became Hong Kong's first nightclub share. 這兩家俱樂部隸屬奧克斯國際控股有限公司,前身為 「Magnum Entertainment Group Holdings Limited」。曾在香 港 經 營 Beijing Club、Billion Club, 以 及 如 今 的 Magnum 和 Zentral 等著名夜店會所。《喜愛夜蒲》、《喜愛夜蒲 2》和《喜 愛夜蒲 3》的主要記者會均在這裡舉行。2014 年 1 月 23 日, 它在港交所主板上市,被譽為香港夜店第一股。

Splendid Night

White Sonata

In particular, this activity launched the "Splendid Night" and "White Sonata" Famous American singer Rihanna once held the world's



premiere conference for her music documentary "Half of

Magnum 舉行音樂紀錄片《Half of Me》的全

Me" at Magnum. The movie "Lan Kwai Fong 3" was also shot

球首映發布會,電影《喜愛夜蒲 3》曾以此作

here. Known as the pastime site for Hong Kong celebrities,

為取景地。它更是香港首個上市的夜店 , 被譽

Magnum is also Hong Kong's first listed nightclub.


For this time's "Moutai Night" activities, the two clubs were


permeated with decorative Moutai elements. Moutai's logo was

均充滿了茅台的元素。茅台的 LOGO 不斷地

showed in different forms by the constantly changing lights.


Moutai cocktails for the splendid and exciting night. Almost all guests presented had savored them. 我們特別推出 Splendid Night 及 White Sonata 兩款茅台雞尾酒, 寓意夜之馨斕及歌舞昇平。現場賓客幾乎人手一杯。

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Guests from home and abroad were very interested in Moutai and indicated that this was their first time to savor Moutai cocktails; in the past, they believed that Moutai appeared only at dinner table; much to their surprise, Moutai was also available in Hong Kong's fashion nightclub. According to Zentral, the club received 25% more visitors than usual at that day. Moutai's long history of thousands of years is added with modern elements while Hong Kong's nightlife landmark also ushers in a new trend. Such integration between Chinese and Western elements as well as traditional and modern elements is bringing unusual sparks and more surprises in other places of Hong Kong. 本地及外國客人對茅台十分感興趣, 並反映這是第一次品嚐茅台的雞尾酒,以前 他們認為茅台只在飯桌上才出現,意想不到 的是茅台在香港時尚夜店裡也能買到。據 Zentral 反映,活動當天的客流量比往常多 25%。 茅台數千年悠久的歷史註入了現代的元 素,而香港夜蒲地標則迎來了新的潮流。這 種中西元素、傳統與現代的融合,碰撞出了 不一樣的火花。這樣的驚喜,將陸續在香港 發生。 52

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The Chedi Andermatt A Luxury under the Swiss Alps 阿爾卑斯山下的奢華 瑞士:切蒂安德馬特酒店 TEXT/ 文 Joey Li EDIT/ 編 Jocelyn Liao IMAGE/ 圖 The Chedi Andermatt


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stablished in 1992, GHM (General Hotel Management) was created by the starter of Aman Resorts, Adrian Zacha and Hans Jenni. Following the slogan "A style to remember",

they have created some of the world's most highly regarded intimate luxury resorts and hotels from our home base in Asia, to set up a specialized resort hotel brand. 20 years of living and working in these uncommon destinations provide GHM with valuable insights, local knowledge and cultural sensitivities to build every unique resort. They remain committed to the signature Asian inspired cutting edge design, utilizing it in each new location according to that region's history and traditions with great respect for the local environment, which provides a superior individualized experience for different visitors. Chedi is a high-end hotel brand owned by GHM, and the name "Chedi" means "temple" in Indonesian, serving customers with fully blessings, wishes and extraordinary Asian cultures.

An Integrated Vacation Resort Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps in the Urseren Valley, picturesque Andermatt is known for its towering peaks, cavernous canyons, wild waterfalls and still mountain lakes, benefitting from some of the finest air and water quality in the world. In early 2014, General Hotel Management's (GHM) first European hotel project The Chedi Andermatt & Residences has completed its unveiling here. This Asian

Also, the radiant light reflects a sense of space and a perception of place

brand synonymous with style and service chose renowned architect Jean-

exude throughout the hotel. With the open-plan approach, lofty ceilings,

Michel Gathy to design these spacious guest rooms and suites. The Chedi

timber pillars and carefully positioned light-magnifying glass surfaces

Andermatt nestles elegantly among the classic ski chalets of Andermatt,

– augmented by the tapestry of wood, rich earthy hues and layered,

and an effortless two-hour train ride from Zurich will bring guests

tactile soft-furnishing – Jean-Michel has managed to make The Chedi

straight to the idyllic heart of Andermatt, directly opposite the hotel.

wonderfully inviting, familiar and aspirational, all at the same time.

The first glimpse into the philosophy and design achievement of the larger Andermatt Swiss Alps development project – envisioned

set out to create a hotel that would pay homage to the past, while also

as a year-round resort destination comprising residential apartments,

continually evolve, not only as the development progressed, but from

luxury chalets, 18-hole championship golf course, retail village,

day to night, season to season and person to person. The element of

hotels, sports center and leisure facilities – The Chedi is an exciting

and executed, using locally sourced materials and expertise. So it was

benchmark for the reawakening of this quaint hamlet, now poised

recognized as a tribute to traditional Swiss architecture as well as elevating

to rival any world-class mountain hideaway and jet-set hot spot.

the concept, which makes the luxurious mountain hotel cozy and stylish,

Acting as one of the first hotels in Switzerland, The Chedi Andermatt

comfortable and classy. The exterior echoes established Swiss chalet-

provides customers with the comfort of a 5-star chalet, the energy of

style, imbued with contemporary graces – the timber facade, pitched

a sporty destination, the aesthetics of a contemporary design and the

roof and stone embellishment provide a classic frame for the generous

respect of local value and architectural language. Besides, it's also a

incorporation of glass, reflecting and illuminating the inner social scene

drinks and snacks to haute Swiss cuisine, western and eastern

major position strike for the industry where Swiss service values are

and outer natural beauty. Warm and welcoming, the 30-meter check-

dishes. What attracts visitors, is the year-round 2,400 sq.m. spa with

expressed and respected, having lost nothing of the traditional comfort.

in bar transforms a traditional reception into a place to meet, mingle

temperature-controlled outdoor lap pool, also providing 35-meter

The design of the Chedi Andermatt is respectful, quirky, energetic,

and mix drinks and likewise, departing from a formal lobby, the feature

indoor pool, hydrothermal baths, state-of-the-art gym, yoga and

creative but yet beautifully integrated in a small village. It gives a new

fireplace and large loungers invite a shared space to relax and refuel.

personal training, Finnish saunas, sol steam baths and 10 luxury

life for Andermatt, the mountain, a new vision for the Swiss Alps.

Scene of the Chedi Andermatt 切蒂安德馬特酒店場景

glass was used to ensure the changing vistas became part of the hotel, to radiate the energy of tradition, time and treasured holiday moments.

Luxury Hydrotherapy Facilities The Chedi offers seven dining venues, serving everything from

In the 104 guest rooms, striated woodwork sits knowingly next to

treatment rooms. The outdoor lap pool gives an opportunity for visitors

striking 4-meter monochromatic Rubens-inspired murals; the authentic

to enjoy the relaxing time as well as the beautiful scene of Alps. Also,

timber-clad walls behind the beds are dotted with antique lanterns

in the 10 luxury treatment rooms, well-trained physiotherapists will

to emulate a starry night sky. The concept of "adjustable living" is

provide all-round care with the finest products from some organic

thoughtfully in harmony with the setting – the double shutter windows

brands like SpaRitual, ila, REN and Alpienne, incorporating local

Michel balances honored heritage and distinctive design with awe-

accommodating in-and-out fireplaces, allowing guests to enjoy the

folk remedies, pure olive oil, beeswax and lanolin. It will be cost extra

inspiring nature at The Chedi Andermatt; all were sustainably designed

ambient heat from both within their room and out on their terrace.

dozens of Swiss franc for treatment service in additional time.

Combining Tradition and Innovation Motivated by the location and the destination experience, Jean-


For The Chedi was in the center of Andermatt, Jean-Michel Gathy

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"Pin River—Yangtze" by Maya Lin (2015)


Material: steel pins


林瓔作品《針河 – 揚子江》(2015)




167 cm x 5,814.1 cm x 3.8 cm

融入優美的小村莊,為小鎮、山區和整個阿爾卑斯山帶來一 片全新景象。

尊重瑞士傳統的創意之作 設計師 Jean-Michel 從項目的位置及環境體驗着手,把 令人尊重的傳統、無與倫比的設計和大自然的雄偉集於一身, 完全採用可持續發展的設計及施工方式,選用本地物料及專 才。該項目是對瑞士傳統建築尊崇之作,把建築概念提升到 一個新層次。整個堅固豪華的山區酒店給人溫馨、時尚、舒 適又優雅的感覺。酒店外貌與瑞士豪華小屋風格相互呼應, GHM 酒 店 集 團 (General Hotel Management) 由 Aman


Resorts 安縵創辦人艾德里安·澤查 (Adrian Zacha) 及漢斯·


珍妮 (Hans Jenni) 於 1992 年成立,有着傳奇安縵之父以及

外圍的天然美景更加明亮。全長 30 米的大堂櫃檯散發溫暖





展和運營尊貴時尚酒店和度假村。GHM 集團旗下物業衆多,



在 104 個客房中,橫紋木材裝飾與長達 4 米的單色魯本





的生活體驗。切蒂是 GHM 旗下高端的精品酒店品牌,源自





別有特色,巧妙地利用光影作用製造出空間感,項目的設計 為開放式,採用高樓底、木柱子和仔細定位的光線放大鏡,


配以木材掛毯、豐富泥土色調和層次感的軟裝飾,令空間感 進一步增強,致力將這裏塑造成熱情活力、富於親切感的奇






Michel 將這項作品定位為一家尊重歷史傳統的酒店,令酒





2014 年初,期待已久的 GHM 首個歐洲酒店項目切蒂


安德馬特酒店正式揭幕,作為以出色的風格與服務為宗旨 的亞洲酒店集團,GHM 任命知名建築師讓·米歇爾·加希


(Jean-Michel Gathy) 為這次項目的總設計師,負責酒店客房 和套房的設計。從遠處看,切蒂安德馬特酒店若隱若現於山



的 7 間餐廳提供飲品、小食、瑞士美食、西方及東方佳餚。


值得一提的是,佔地 2400 米的水療中心可謂自成一國,提



MOUTAI Magazine

供四季開放的室外恆溫標準泳池、35 米室內泳池、熱水浴池、




氣浴及 10 間豪華水療室。露天恆溫泳池讓人在放鬆的同時,

華小屋、18 洞標準高爾夫球場、零售村、酒店、運動中心





括 SpaRitual、ila、REN 以及 Alpienne 等最頂級的有機系列,







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he "food and beverage", or "F & B" industry

exciting one. Especially when drinking and drinks had

had been termed like so for as long as people

become very progressive in last decade or so everywhere

remember. The idea of putting the two together

super urban, like in Tokyo, London, New York City or

seems most natural; both are basic intakes to sustain our

Singapore. Hong Kong is indeed a bit behind in this particular

lives, both had over the time evolved into an essential part

aspect. The reasons behind this phenomenon could not

of human culture and lifestyle. Yet in modern commercial

be simple, but one factor might be more determining than

world, it takes double the effort to perfect them hand in hand

others. In our local cultural, there had been long associations

at one single location. Restaurants are obviously more food

between places for alcohol consumptions and bad deeds.

oriented, all kinds of drinks served are merely for the sake of

Parents won't be happy to see their children working in such

food consumption (though selling drinks at restaurant, even

places; bartenders aren't the most noble occupation in the

just bottled water, might be even much profitable than food).

eyes of the general public. All these stereotypical opinions

Whereas at places designed for drinkers' pleasure, small bites

towards the industry seem obstructing its healthy and normal

found on their food menu aren't meant to feed you, but to

development quite significantly.

enrich your drinking experience. Or put it in another way,

I 飲酒思源 Drink, Therefore I am

The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong 香港置地文華東方酒店 「MO Bar」及「PDT HK Pop-Up Bar」


to get you drink more. Though there are more and more

always do. Limited by obstacles so fundamental, there are

restaurants here in Hong Kong trying to have a serious bar

still a few true enthusiasts who don't hesitate to put in a lot

section, some even with professional mixologists pouring

of thoughts into this matter, aiming to bring the drinking

posh cocktails to their customers, seemingly only the more

culture of Hong Kong back on tracks. Among those, we have

resourceful enterprises can do both F & B with identical

our own Culinary celebrity, Chef Richard Ekkebus from The

strengths under one roof.

Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong. As the Culinary

F & B are indeed two ecologies apart. As much as they

Director of the hotel, with two shinning Michelin Stars in

are both socializing destinations, places for a drink or two

his pocket for his famous fine dining jewel "Amber", Chef

bound to be more interpersonal than even the most casual

Ekkebus never confined himself within his very successful

eatery. In dim lighting, with a few tipsy coolers, people mingle

restaurant, but trying to bring in exciting talents to grace the

better and easier. Like minded people usually gather together

F & B contents of this very modern and sophisticated hotel

at their favorite drinking venue, creating localization of

in the heart of Central business district. One of his most

members from an established community, facilitating people

important contributions was to initiate a program series

connections especially important for newcomers.

called "MASTERS OF MIXOLOGY" at "MO Bar", the

Hong Kong is no doubt a metropolis in an international scale. We could find almost any urban facilities like how you'd

TEXT/ 文 Yu Yat Yiu IMAGE/ 圖 Han Xingxi

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Nevertheless, Hongkongers are still with luck as they

hotel's popular chill out drinking place. During the past seven years, "MASTERS OF

find them in other big cities round the globe. But talking

MIXOLOGY" had brought some of the most celebrated

about bar scene, we certainly aren't having a reasonably

names the world recognize regarding the art of cocktail 61

PDT New York was exactly duplicated in MO Bar 紐約 PDT 被複製到香港 MO Bar

making, to this southern Chinese Special Administrative

Hwan Eom from South Korea and Mr. Takumi Watanabe

transformed "The Shell", which is the mezzanine floor at MO

including himself. He first of all made an Osseau Iraty Cheese

Region. To name a few, key person of New York tiki cocktail

from Japan, they are all influencers in their professional field.

Bar, candidly into an almost exact replica of the original PDT

melt with black truffle and fried chicken dog named "The

in East Village, NYC. The transformation was being done

Frenchie". Other interesting ideas included a bahn mi dog by

culture, Mr. Brian Miller; winner of James Beard Awards, president and founder of LUPEC NYC, an organization

Chef Ekkebus and his team at Landmark Mandarin Oriental

down to every single detail, such as the secret entrance thru

Chef Jowett Yu from 'Ho Lee Fook', Japanese cutlet inspired

committed to promoting women bartenders while raising

Hong Kong had pushed the limit once and for all, trying to

the wall of a telephone booth, the sofas, the red brick wall, the

dog by Chef Matt Abergel from 'Yardbird', and 'Demon

funds for women’s charities, Ms. Lynnette Marrero; Mr. Jim

physically 'transplant' a bar from other part of the globe to

artworks, even founder and star mixologist Mr. Jim Meehan,

Dog' by Demon Chef Alvin Leung of "Bo Innovation", using

Kearns who had worked at famous venues such as 'Pegu Club',

Central, Hong Kong. Their first ever attempt was in 2014

and Mr. Jeff Bell the General Manager were all in residence

YouTiao (deep fried long savory dough) as hotdog bun, and

'Death & Co', 'Mayahuel', 'Rye House' and 'Astor Room';

June, a pop-up cocktail bar "Tippling Club" from Singapore

for the whole period when PDT was in business at MO Bar.

Sichuan style spicy minced pork as fillings.

certified doctor of tequila, a USBG spirits professional, Brand

was being brought to MO Bar for three nights only. Named

PDT HK provided lucky Hongkongers with 12 special

The PDT HK pop-up bar was so successful that their

Ambassador for Del Maguey and Mezcal expert Mr. Ryan

by Drinks International as one of the best bar in the world,

cocktails, some of which were specially designed and created

kitchen almost ran out of ingredients for their gourmet dogs

Fitzgerald; winner of the Bols Cocktail Competition and

"Tippling Club" proved to be extensively popular, and the

for this pop-up occasion, others were signatures from the

after two weeks. Part of the proceed from these funky dogs

the Hennessy Art of Mixing Contest, the 2009 Domaine de

pop-up was indeed a great success. MO Bar had also invited

original NYC establishment. PDT at East Village had long

went to 'Feeding Hong Kong', a charity food bank which

Canton Bartender of the Year Mr. John Lermayer; Mr. Adam

No. 5 of 2014 Drinks International World Best 50 Bars

been the after hours gathering spot for many local celebrity

provides free meals to those who are in needs. This happy

DelGiudice, who gained his fame when working in Lenny

"Employee Only", to open a 4-day-pop-up bar last summer.

chefs in New York City, such as Daniel Humm, David Chang

ending of PDT HK pop-up bar certainly won't be the last

Kravitz's famous "Florida Room"; Mr. Manabu Ohtake from


Despite inviting guest mixologists to perform at MO Bar,

and Wylie Dufresne. The fact that PDT was hidden behind a

one Landmark Mandarin Oriental would settle for, we are all

Japan, who was named the Diageo Reserve World Class

which brought world famous New York City underground

But nothing could be crazier than their recent transplant,

street food joint "CRIF DOG", made gourmet hotdogs a very

looking forward to future exciting projects at MO Bar, and

Bartender of the Year 2011; Mr. Sebastien Reaburn from

speakeasy "PDT (short for Please Don't Tell)", literally the

special addition to the menu of this humble but very famous

are optimistic that these events could in fact bring in valuable

Australia, who once took charge of legendary "The Year 1806"

best bar in the world for many recent years, to MO Bar for

bar. Chef Ekkebus certainly followed this tradition by inviting

inspirations to our local F & B sector, especially helpful to the

in Melbourne. There are a lot more to name, such as Mr. Do-

almost a whole month in the beginning of 2016. This project

a few of his friends, each to create a special dog for PDT HK

awakening of the local drinking culture.

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我們常常聽到「餐飲業」這個詞語。 把「餐」和「飲」放在一起,今天看起 來是自然不過的事;但其實,如果稍為 細心留意一下,在現代化而且分工明細 的商業世界,「飲」和「食」有彼此重 疊的區域之時,卻更多是只偏重於其中 一方的現實。似乎只有最「高級」的場 所,才能把兩者的水平做到相得益彰。 畢竟在同一屋簷下,把食物和飲料都做 得專業,便差不多等於要把兩家獨立運 作, 擁有專業人員團隊的機構合在一 起。這樣,首先在成本上,就已經是個 可觀的數字;繼而營運管理亦有加倍的 負擔。 相對於「食」,「飲」更多是一種 時間的消磨,是生活態度和生活享受的 一部份,是一種人們聚居生活的社交活 動。 食物和飲料都是維持生命的必需 品。它們在人類漸漸合作組織起較複雜 的群體生活時,便開始變成了一種文化, 一種生活習慣和模式,繼而被商品化, 捲入了現代消費主義的巨輪之中。在這 個過程裏,因為飲和食在同屬一類之時, 也有着一些基礎上的差別,因此它們倆 的發展是既相扣相連,同時亦見各自為 政、主副對調的情況出現的。 一家菜館,人家進去大都是為了填 飽肚子,在這裏食物便是這個活動的重 點。在吃的時候,也要有些喝的東西相 伴。就算是講究得如配葡萄酒、配上等 茗茶,或者近期流行的配精品萃取各式 果菜菌藻谷仁汁,這個飲料還是為了食 物而存在的,是個陪襯。有另一種情況, 飲料是主角,這時候食物就是成就暢快 一杯的配角了。那怕你認真地喝的是茶 是酒,此刻你大概不是為了填飽肚子或 者解渴,而是在品嚐飲料為你帶來的各 式官能刺激,和感受你藉着飲料所能夠





























Jeff Bell General Manager of PDT and World Class USA Bartender of the Year 2013 傑夫·貝爾 紐約 PDT 酒吧總經理、2013 年美國最佳調酒師

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之前,開始了一個名為「國際調酒師 MASTERS OF MIXOLOGY」的盛會。

然後,今年初 MO Bar 成功完成另

每 年 Richard 會 邀 請 來 自 世 界 各



約並長期高踞「全球 50 間最佳酒吧」

天獨厚的置地文華東方酒店 MO Bar

榜 首 的「PDT (Please Don’t Tell)」 整


個搬來香港 , 經營了差不多一整個月。



來 自 紐 約 的「 海 盜 調 酒 師」,Tiki 雞

文華東方酒店把 MO Bar 內閣樓的 The

尾酒專家 Brian Miller;曾獲詹姆斯比

Shell,完全變身成「PDT HK」。賓客

爾 德 獎(James Beard Awards) 以 及

要進入 PDT HK,必須從位於閣樓的

現 任 LUPEC NYC 行 動 主 席 的 女 調


酒 師 Lynnette Marrero; 曾 於「Pegu


Club」、 「Death & Co」、「Mayahuel」、

PDT 一模一樣的一處空間,所有細節

「Rye House」及「Astor Room」等名


酒 吧 效 力 的 紐 約 調 酒 師 Jim Kearns;


獲 USBG Spirits Professional 專 業 銜 頭

都做到跟紐約 East Village 本店同出一


轍。本身是調酒師的 PDT 創辦人 Jim

斯卡爾酒 (Mezcal) 專家的美國調酒名

Meehan, 與 PDT 的 總 經 理 Jeff Bell,

人 Ryan Fitzgerald;擅長以新鮮果汁,

及 2013 年 度 美 國 WORLD CLASS 最

Jigmee Lama


佳調酒師 Nick Brown,和 PDT 一起就

Head Bartender of MO Bar

經常在電視現身的波士頓調酒師 John

這樣移植過來了 MO Bar 的閣樓,於

The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong

Lermayer;曾經在 Lenny Kravitz 設計,

PDT HK 的吧枱,親自為香港客人調

於美國邁阿密的「Florida Room」任職


香港置地文華東方酒店 MO Bar 首席調酒師

調酒師因而成名的 Adam DelGiudice;

PDT HK 總共提供 12 款獨有的飲

於 2011 年 贏 得 DIAGEO 調 酒 大 師 賽

料,包括 PDT 的經典之作和特別為香


世 界 冠 軍 的 日 本 東 京 調 酒 師 Manabu




市東村(East Village)一熱狗店「CRIF


吧「The Year 1806」主理人的澳洲著

DOG」 內 的 原 裝 正 版 PDT, 原 來 是


名調酒專家 Sebastien Reaburn;還有「韓

當地許多名廚的聚腳點,好像 Daniel


國重量級調酒師」Dohwan Eom,日本

Humm, David Chang 和 Wylie Dufresne

最優秀的調酒師之一 Takumi Watanabe

等。他們分別有為紐約的 PDT 創作熱








PDT HK 的小吃菜單上的熱狗系列,



便包括了由 Richard Ekkebus 親自創作


華 東 方 和 Richard 的 瘋 狂 程 度 絕 不 只

的熱狗「The Frenchie」,還有其他幾


於 此。MO Bar 除 了 把 調 酒 大 師 請 過


餐 廳「MO Bar」。MO Bar 是 文 華 東


的大廚 Matt Abergel 以他的日本菜烹飪





pop up 活動。先有來自新加坡,擠身

「好利福」,出生於臺灣的主廚 Jowett

這個名字的酒吧在當中。MO Bar 所行

Drinks International「國際 50 最佳酒吧」

Yu 以他創新的中菜口味,設計有東方


及 Miele「亞洲 20 最佳餐廳」之列的

色彩的熱狗;還有米芝蓮 3 星餐廳「BO


「Tippling Club」, 於 2014 年 6 月 開

Innovation」的廚魔 Alvin Leung,以非


設為期三天的雞尾酒 Pop-up 餐廳。在



2015 年夏季,又請來 2011 年「Tales of



the Cocktail」「全球最佳酒吧」大獎得

港幣 10 元予「樂餉社」,為這香港唯

東方酒店的 MO Bar,在她的酒店廚藝

主,及 2014 年 Drinks International「全

一的食物銀行,籌得超過 3000 份餐膳。

總監,國際名廚 Richard Ekkebus 先生

球第 5 佳酒吧」,靈感源自上世紀 20


的帶領下,不斷創獻新猷。Richard 除

至 30 年代美國實行禁酒令時期的「秘



密 酒 館」 的「Employees Only」 , 一



連四天於 MO Bar 內主理 Pop-up 酒吧


的推動之下,MO Bar 破天荒在七年多



MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine


TEXT/ 文 Johannes Pong IMAGE/ 圖 Johannes Pong

TAITUNG Unwind with a road trip down the eastern strip of Taiwan with its slow lifestyle, majestic mountains, fresh Pacific seafood and rich aboriginal culture.


riving along the sun-drenched coastal Highway 11 of Taitung and Hualien is faintly reminiscent of a road trip through Tokyo or California. Overhead, the sky is an

incredibly bright blue, and to the east, the Pacific Ocean is a limitless azure expanse. The only reminder that you're not on the American West Coast or in Japan would be the towering green mountains on the other side. Taitung is situated on a plain at the southern mouth of the East Rift Valley. The mountain range to the West and the Pacific in the east supplies Taitung with spectacular scenery, abundant seafood and a refreshingly cool and comfortable ocean breeze for this subtropical area (around the same latitude as Hong Kong or Honolulu). It also makes the region atmospherically and culturally different from the rest of Taiwan. The presence of the indigenous Taiwanese tribes is strong and undiluted as its relative isolation made Taitung the last place to be settled by the immigrants from Fujian. And the Chinese who did make their way to this mountainous territory were predominantly Hakka. The Japanese only developed the area in the early 20th century, building railway and roads, finally linking Taitung to the other cities on the island. The capital of Taitung County — Taitung City — is more town than city. For a bit of culture and live music, pop by Tiehua Music Village with its lovely stretch of lawn and an alfresco bar. Once an abandoned rail workers' dormitory, it reopened in style and now hosts regular concerts and weekend markets. Check out their performance schedule for the night, as their open mic nights attract major talent from all over Taiwan. Come nightfall, the atmospheric fire pit is lit, with pine-scented smoke keeping the mosquitoes at bay. The famous aboriginal singer-songwriter Panai from the Puyuma tribe is a regular here, in all her hippie tribal splendor. Her deep, rich soulful voice reminded me of Tracy Chapman. Taiwan's smallest regional center Taitung City is neither by the sea nor close to the mountains, so don't bother staying at generic urban hotels surrounded by concrete. Instead, wake up to the sound of the surf or a view of majestic mountains from one of the many quaint and comfortable guesthouses dotted along the coast or by the foothills. Many of them are built by architects from Taipei. Free from the constraints of the crowded capital and with ample space to work with, imagination


MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine


runs wild. Energycolor is a fantastic bed and breakfast in stark modernist architecture all in black, surrounded by a garden of cacti along the coast near off Highway 11. The spacious rooms and corridors are of grey and black minimalism, with striking accents of orange and yellows from vases and jars of marmalade (the Chinese name for the inn is "Grey Black Orange Yellow"). The owner, Big Sister Gao, offers her homemade marmalade and jams with freshly baked bread for breakfast. Creative multi-course meals are served during lunch and dinner, inspired by Gao's travels all over the globe. "Cuzco's Memory" is a chicken broth with garlic and onsen egg, and "Metéora of Greece" features grilled Matsuzaka pork or chicken flavored with Greek herbs. Nearby is Adobe, another design marvel in somber black, a striking contrast to the vibrant sun-soaked landscape and the scintillating Pacific. A stunning staircase of purple inspired by Mayan architecture leads up to its roof. The more adventurous can choose to stay with the indigenous tribes of the region. The Amis are the largest of Taiwan's aboriginal tribes,

with a population of 140,000, spreading across the coastal plains and

the coming of age test. Most villages are very welcoming and may well

mountains of Hualien and Taitung. Taiwanese diva Amei Chang is the

invite you into their dance circle. The Paiwan and Puyuma tribes also

most famous member of this matriarchal society, and she's now coming

hold their own festivals during that time.

out with more alternative music as Amit, her original name in her

me a shot of mijiu (rice liqueur) at 11:30 am, after we had just watched

mother tongue. The Bunun, with a population of about 40,000, mostly stay in the

a quaint Amis version of STOMP. I accepted and downed the glass. I

mountainous areas. They are short in stature, and are excellent hunters.

didn't want the locals to lose face. A lady with red-stained teeth then

It's possible to trek with them as they search for game like wild deer and

offered me my first betel nut. "What does it do to you?" I inquired.

boar deep in the mountain forests. Learn more about their culture at

"It freshens your breath — just like chewing gum." The woman

Bunun Buluo (Bunun Village) in Yanping Township, an eco-park and a

replied. "Don't swallow, just chew. And spit out the juices from the first

resort offering accommodation, a café and restaurant serving tribal food.

chew, or you might faint." She warned.

The Taitung Tourism Board had arranged for me and a bunch of

My teeth bit through the fibrous betel leaf and into the peppery

Hong Kong journalists to have a leisurely hike up a mountain with a

flesh of the areca nut. I spat out the astringent blood-red juice

friends to send out a representative to carry the fire with their chief. Not

Bunun guide, finished with a picnic feast with their school children.

unceremoniously onto the floor. The Amis laughed. I felt tingling

surprisingly, none of the Cantonese media had the courage to do it. So

There, we witnessed what the Bunun are also famous for — their

heat emanate from the blood in my veins, with a heightened sense of

naturally, it was up to me, then Nightlife Editor of Hong Kong Magazine,

sophisticated polyphonic vocal music, performed as a multi-part

awareness. I was strangely content. Who needs coffee or Coke when you

to smoothen Amis and Cantonese relations. I also yodeled three times

harmony to pray for blessings. It was truly one of the most joyful

have rice liquor and betel nuts?

according to tradition.

experiences in my life. It wasn't a Christian hymn performed in a domed

My Han Chinese guides were slightly shaken by my quick conversion

Then all the males of our group were forced to join them in

church by a choir, yet, it gave me the chills that the Vienna Boys' Choir

to indigenous drug culture. "Oh my, you'll try anything, won't you?"

a vigorous tribal dance which none of our exhausted selves were

would. The hills were alive with the sound of music. The most sublime of

One remarked passive aggressively. Apparently I had established a bold

coordinated enough to handle. I think we enjoyed our public humiliation

sacred music, offered to the gods in a natural cathedral.

reputation in her eyes.

more than the Amis appreciated our horrible Hong Kong Chinese

Of all the tribal celebrations, the annual Amis Harvest Festival in

Perhaps it was from the night before, at that delightful seaside

attempt at rhythm.

the summer is the most well known. It's not the harvest of crops that

restaurant, Bakelang Houseboat, where we feasted on creative tribal

is celebrated with gusto, but the harvest of Amis adulthood, when a

cuisine such as a salad of betel nut flower (more like mini-slivers of fine,

lost our primal connection to song and dance. Indigenous people all over

new generation of teenagers will carry on their cultural traditions that

crisp bamboo shoots than petals — and not psychoactive like betel nut),

the world are readily in tune with rhythm, so free with the manipulation

fresh sashimi, small clams called "ocean melon seeds" and a traditional

of their vocal chords and the movement of their bodies. It's a natural

stew cooked with heated stones in a hollowed out log. And I, high on

expression of joy, and a cathartic way to deal with the harsher realities

shots of sweet millet liquor, somehow ended up carrying a huge bamboo

of life. When did modern, urbanized man lose our innate connection

and in full regalia of their colorful costumes — dance their way

torch with a topless Amis tribesman and lit a big bonfire by the sea. It

to music and dance? Karaoke does not count. Probably the same time

through the night to the chants of their elders in order to pass

was their welcoming ritual and they were asking their new Hong Kong

when we divorced ourselves from nature.

is waning with the onset of "civilization." Each village holds its own festival, near the middle of July through to August for around three days, where teenage Amis will climb mountains, swim oceans —


In a courtyard outside the Amis Folk Center, a tribesman offered

MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine

It is shocking to realize that most of the civilized world has somehow


Drinking Intellectually 文字飲


Liquor, Spring Festival



TEXT/ 文 Dong Tiezhu

n traditional sense, Chinese New

and the king would release these doves. This

Year is much more than just eating

ritual expressed the king's gratitude, marked

dumplings, watching the Spring Festival

the beginning of a new year, and symbolized

Gala Evening, or setting off firecrackers. In ancient China, when to begin the New

beginning of life, when promoting life growth,

to traditional Chinese calendar, the Xia Dynasty

the negative energy that hinders growth

took the 1st month and the Shang Dynasty took

should be driven away as well. In the Wei Jin

the 12th month, while the Zhou Dynasty took

Dynasties, early in the morning on the 1st day

the 11th month as the beginning of the year.

of the 1st lunar month, the magistrate of every

We don't know why they chose these months,

county would kill sheep and chicken, and then

but they seemed to believe that a new dynasty

hung the sheep's head and chicken on the

must have a New Year different from the

city gate to drive away evil. This was because

previous dynasty; with a brand new year, the

spring was the season for plants to grow but

nature would change its way of communicating

sheep and chicken ate much grass and grain;

with people, a new regime could really begin,

these two animals were the representatives

and people could have truly new life.

that hindered plant growth; so people should

theoretically, both of our manners of communicating with the nature and our living

MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine

Now that the Spring Festival is the

Year varies with culture and regime. According

Therefore, with unique New Year,


that all things would grow smoothly.

kill them as an example to warn those negative energies and make all things flourish. Either to release animals or drive away

standards are different from most countries

evil needed a ritual and liquor is inseparable

of the world. This is why we Chinese choose

for various rituals since ancient times. In this

the Spring Festival as the beginning of a

sense, liquor has profound connections with

year. The New Year's Day ( January 1st) in

Chinese New Year. For over 2,000 years, liquor

Gregorian calendar is said to be based on

appears in every Chinese New Year. Without

the time when the Nile floods every year.

liquor, China's Spring Festival will be colorless.

This criterion is completely different from

According to historical records, on every Spring

the Chinese tradition in terms of geography

Festival, the Zhao people in Handan City

or astronomy. This New Year Day is close

dedicated not only doves but also liquor vessels

to the day of Winter Solstice or Slight Cold

to the king. The king would fill all these vessels

according to China's 24 Solar Terms but very

with fine liquor and then hold a ceremony

far from the spring in most areas of China.

to celebrate the New Year. During the Spring

Chinese people always believe that

Festival, the king would also raise his officials'

spring is the actual beginning of a year

salaries and present fine liquor to them. Each

because spring symbolizes the beginning

official, however, could generally gain only two

of life. Therefore, the Chinese New Year is

liters of liquor, just as the saying goes, "never

also called Spring Festival. According to the

drink too much even if it is the best liquor".

book "Liezi" (a Taoist text attributed to Lie

Chinese people like to celebrate the New Year

Yukou of China's Warring States period), in

with fine liquor, pray to gods and ancestors

Handan, capital of the Zhao state, on the 1st

for good fortune, and then begin to work hard

day of the 1st lunar month, people across

in the year because all these are the traditions

the state would dedicate doves to their king

of Chinese New Year since ancient times. 73

中國新年的傳統意義,遠遠不止是吃一頓餃子看一場 春晚或是放一頓鞭炮。



















國 24 節氣中的冬至和小寒,在中國的大部分地區距離真




















因此,至今仍有著自己獨特新年的中國人,理論上和 74


MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine



From a "Small Workshop" to a World-Renowned Brand

process, reform and opening up as well as

green development, strive to open and share,


global economic integration, the growth route

coordinate domestic and international markets


of this enterprise is always closely related to the

as well as online and offline markets, further


development trend of the country and region.

explore and well-cultivate markets, enhance


For more than 10 years, in the truly market-

weak links, ensure stable development,


oriented transformation, Moutai has kept

and increase revenue as well as profit.


growing at high speed and become a leading

貴州茅台:鞏固和提升是制勝未來的關鍵詞 TEXT/ 文 Dai Shijin, People's Daily

With the theme of "Moutai, the Top Liquor", Kweichow Moutai's exhibition hall at this year's Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) fully demonstrated Moutai's culture and highlight moments, bringing a shining color to the liquor industry that is under profound adjustment. 「國酒茅台,玉液之冠」——這是貴州茅台在今年博鰲亞洲論壇展廳裡的主題。這裡有茅台的文化 脈絡和精彩剪影,在行業深度調整的大背景之下,這裡顯現出了一抹亮色。


of Guizhou Province. The revenue and profit

highest openness level. Today, in the first year

入、利潤分別占全國 18 家白酒上市公

of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. in the first three

of the "13th Five-Year Plan", Kweichow Moutai

司的 27% 和 45%。

quarters of 2015 respectively account for 27%

will adhere to the top priority of "strengthening

and 45% of China's 18 listed liquor companies.

the enterprise", that is, acceleration


development and transformation development,


and the primary goal of "strengthening the

會責任觀。僅在過去 5 年,他們即投

As a responsible enterprise, Kweichow


social responsibility in its corporate values and

joint-stock company while enlarging Moutai

入 13 億元,在捐資助學、扶貧濟困、

adheres to the corporate concept of "big brand

Group". According to planning, by 2020,


shoulders more responsibility". In the past five

Moutai will produce 120,000 tons of baijiu,


years alone, Moutai had donated 1.3 billion

including 50,000 tons of Moutai liquor, reach

要貢獻。同時,還投入近 6 億元開展公

RMB and made important contributions in

the overall income level of 100 billion RMB,

益事業。其中,連續 4 年出資 4 億元,

such aspects as donating to schools, subsidizing

and keep ranking first in the industry in terms


the needy, providing disaster relief, protecting

of comprehensive benefits. Besides, Moutai

助學活動,幫助 8 萬名貧困學子圓夢大

environment, promoting agriculture, and

Group will cultivate two to three new listed


sponsoring local governments to improve

companies, further consolidate and enhance


traffic environment. At the same time, Moutai

Moutai's status as "the No. 1 distilled liquor


had also donated nearly 600 million RMB

brand in the world", and develop itself into

近 20 億元參與茅台小城鎮建設;投入

to public welfare undertakings. One of these

a diversified investment holding group.

環保資金 11 億元。目前,茅台支持地 方解決就業 8718 人,間接帶動就業人

projects was a total donation of 400 million


RMB in four consecutive years for carrying 日前,貴州茅台酒股份有限公司公

接使近 12 萬戶農戶成為直接受益者,

learning aid activities. It had helped 80,000

佈了 2015 年年報,公司以 326.6 億元

戶均年收入達 6400 元,很好地改善了

poor students to realize their college dreams

的營業收入和 155.03 億元的淨利潤贏


and became the project with largest amount of


subsidies, largest number of sponsored students,


out the "Moutai • National Pillar" large-scale

不斷鞏固和提升,始終是茅台未來 發展的關鍵詞。2016 年,貴州茅台表

widest coverage, and greatest influence



in the history of Project Hope. Besides,



Moutai had invested nearly 2 billion RMB



ecently, Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Moutai stands out from various famous

in constructing Moutai Town and 1.1 billion



released its 2015 annual report.

traditional brands at BFA. Among BFA's

RMB in environmental protection. Currently,



Moutai's revenue of 32.66 billion

corporate partners, Kweichow Moutai is

Moutai has offered jobs for 8,718 people and


RMB and net profit of 15.503 billion RMB

a famous enterprise rising from a small

indirectly increased hundreds of thousands



showed that this well-known liquor brand kept

workshop of the agricultural age. Today,

of jobs. Moutai also carries out agricultural



growing even in adversity and ran very well.

Moutai has grown into "the No. 1 distilled

cooperation to directly benefit nearly 120,000



liquor brand in the world", boasting infinite

farmers, helping them to achieve an average



market vitality and brand influence.

annual income of 6,400 RMB and greatly



improving the local people's livelihood.


劃,到 2020 年實現白酒產量 12 萬噸,


其中茅台酒產量 5 萬噸,整體收入達到




According to reports, the profitability of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. has exceeded the international wine giant "Pernod

From a state-owned factory combined by


Ricard" and Moutai Group's total assets

several workshops in 1952 to an enterprise

Continuous consolidation and

for the first time have exceeded 100 billion

with market value of over 200 billion RMB

enhancement is always the keyword for

RMB. At the same time, Moutai has

and one of the global top 100 brands today,

Moutai's future development. In 2016,

從 1952 年幾個酒窖合併成立國營

外,還要在集團內部培育 2 至 3 個上市

become the single alcoholic product that

Kweichow Moutai's growth route closely

Kweichow Moutai indicates that it will



has the highest sales income in the world.

coincides with China's economic progress; at

follow the "13th Five-Year Plan" development



every turning point, such as industrialization

strategy, strengthen innovation-driven and



With such exceptional performance, 76

力的製造業領軍品牌。2015 年前三季

the fields with the intensest competition and

Moutai always emphasizes the core position of


The industry of Kweichow Moutai is among

manufacturing and globally influential brand

MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine


M UTAI on the world map

Thai Royalty Celion Visited Moutai  Group 茅 台 在 全 球

on the World Map

In March, a delegation led by Thai royalty Celion visited Moutai Group to learn about Moutai's culture and feel Moutai's charm. Yuan Renguo (Chairman of Moutai Group) and Zhao Shuyue (Deputy Party Secretary and Secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Moutai Group) warmly welcomed Celion and her delegation members. Celine indicated that although she had repeatedly approached Moutai liquor, these approaches lied only in Moutai's taste. It was until this time when she set foot on Moutai Group for the first time to talk about Moutai's making technique and closely feel Moutai's charm did she realize that Moutai was not only a bottle of liquor, but also represented a culture of China. Celine also invited Chairman Yuan

茅台新年實現開門紅 近日,貴州省委書記陳敏爾、省長孫志剛分別在《茅台集團 關於 2015 年工作情況和 2016 年重點工作的報告》上作出重要 批示,點贊茅台「十二五」順利收官,勉勵茅台「十三五」良好 開局。 元旦以來,茅台集團上下搶抓「兩節」機遇,乘勢而上、精 准發力抓生產、促銷售,開年即呈現出產銷兩旺的良好態勢,包 裝生產加班加點、庫存幾乎為零成為新年新常態。 據悉,茅台集團 1 月份完成白酒銷量近萬噸,同比增長 25% 以上,其中茅台酒銷量同比增長 90% 左右;實現銷售收入 近百億元,同比增長 75% 左右;實現利潤同比增長 5% 左右; 完成增加值同比增長 50% 左右。(記者 葉遠鳴)

Renguo to drink Moutai in the Thai palace and hoped to hear and see more about Moutai and Moutai people.

泰國皇室親王席琳 ·榮頌來茅台參觀   3 月,泰國皇室親王席琳 ·榮頌、泰國國防部素拉查·祈特 鏘少將一行就來到茅台,了解國酒文化,感受茅台魅力。茅台集 團董事長袁仁國, 黨委副書記、 紀委書記趙書躍熱情迎接了席 琳 ·榮頌一行。 席琳·榮頌表示,盡管之前多次接觸過茅台酒,但僅限於茅 台酒的口感上,這次初次踏上茅台的土地,在茅台酒的原產地聊 著茅台酒的釀造工藝,近距離感受茅台酒的魅力,才知道茅台不

UPSIDE: Li Keqiang (front middle), Li Baofang (front 6th from right) and other representatives in a group photo



Before the opening ceremony, Li Baofang (front 1st from left) led a team to inspect Moutai's exhibition situation  開幕式前,李保芳(前左一)率隊巡察公司展館布展情況


Moutai Becomes the Diamond   Partner of BFA 2016 On March 24, the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2016

and appreciation from the world. (Reported by Wang Yuan and photographed by Xinhua News Agency) 3 月 24 日,博鰲亞洲論壇 2016 年年會開幕。中國國務院

Moutai Achieved a Good Start in   New Year

Moutai Gained Much   Accomplishment in CIADE 2016 On March 19 to 21, with the theme "Toasts to China • Tastes from the World", the 2016 China International Alcoholic Drinks Expo (CIADE) was grandly held

was opened. Premier Li Keqiang attended the opening ceremony and delivered a


keynote speech called "A New Vision for a Dynamic Asia Through Joint Efforts".


Li Baofang, Party Secretary and General Manager of Moutai Group, was invited

本屆博鰲亞洲論壇,並與 FMG、 德勤、海南航空、Uber、阿里

Governor Sun Zhigang made important instructions on the "Report for the 2015

Baofang, Party Secretary and General Manager of Moutai Group, personally led an

to attend this year's BFA. Together with the representatives from other world-


Working Summary and 2016 Planning of Moutai Group", praised Moutai for its

exhibition team to attend the Expo.

renowned enterprises or entities such as FMG, Deloitte, Hainan Airlines, Uber,


successful completion of the "12th Five-Year Plan", and encouraged Moutai to have

Alibaba, and Bloomberg News, Li Baofang attended the dialogue chaired by Li


a good start in the "13th Five-Year Plan".

2016 年博鰲亞洲論壇迎來成立十五周年紀念,論壇今年的

Recently, Guizhou Provincial Party Secretary Chen Min'er and Guizhou

in the International Exhibition Center of Luzhou City. More than 700 domestic and foreign companies from 25 countries and regions participated in the Expo. Li

Moutai's pavilion used China red as its main color and was integrated with dragon totem culture as well as red revolution culture to highlight Moutai's special

Since New Year's Day, Moutai Group has seized the opportunities of New

role in China's historic development as well as Moutai's mysterious and profound


Year's Day and Spring Festival, made great efforts in production and sales, and kept

culture. Many consumers from home and abroad came here because of Moutai's

this year's forum is "Asia's New Future: New Dynamics, New Vision". As the first


a good momentum of booming production and sales. Almost zero inventory has

fame; they indicated that Moutai was already famous as early as 100 years ago

international conference organization headquartered in China, for 15 years, BFA


become a new normal in the new year.

and has made special contribution for the development of New China; with its

Keqiang before the opening ceremony. 2016 marks the 15th anniversary of BFA's establishment and the theme of

has witnessed the dynamic development in Asia and has become an increasingly


According to statistics, compared with the previous statistics period, Moutai

mysterious and unique making technique, Moutai is a respectable national top

important platform for international exchanges. Having cooperated with BFA


Group has sold nearly 10,000 tons of liquor in January, an increase of more than

product and national card. "When drinking with friends, I love to drink baijiu,

for 10 years, as a diamond partner of the forum, Moutai Group always sticks to


25% in total and an increase of 90% for Moutai liquor; sales revenue approximated

especially Moutai. It tastes very good and I have already heard of its fame long ago",

tradition, innovation, responsibility as well as charity, and blazes a new development


10 billion RMB, an increase of about 75%; profits increased by about 5%; added

said Thomas, an interviewee from France.

path for Chinese enterprises. With the world-renowned aroma of a century,


到茅台更多的聲音,看到更多茅台人的身影。 Moutai has witnessed the revival of a nation and won more and more attention

(記者 王媛 圖片提供 新華社)

MOUTAI Magazine

value increased by about 50%. (Reported by Ye Yuanming)

MOUTAI Magazine

At the exhibition site, visitors could savor and comment on Moutai liquor; by


M UTAI on the world map

and the Beijing opera, Moutai's image also appeared at the New York Times Square,

gain a bottle (125 ml) of complimentary Ren liquor to have a big taste of Moutai.

attracting more friends from around the world to understand Moutai, China's

Exhibited products include aged Moutai, ordinary Moutai, Moutai series liquors,

national liquor. In Moutai's "Making Wish to Win Prize" activity at Crown's (casino)

and new products launched in recent years, such as Moutai Zodiac liquor, bringing

Hawker Bazaar, the Moutai Feitian liquor bottle at the site was very striking and

全球知名傳播服務集團 WPP 旗下市場調研機構華通明略發

a wonderful Moutai feast for Moutai fans.

amiable. Foreign friends who have known Moutai before were also attracted to

布了 2016 年第六屆 BrandZTM 最具價值中國品牌 100 強榜單,

the beautiful booth that combined modern and traditional elements. In Moutai's

茅台以 115.07 億美元的品牌價值位列第 13 位,位居中國酒類

"Making Wish" activity, the Moutai distributor elaborately prepared a set of cards


for learning such brief Chinese words as " 幹杯 " (Bottom up), " 我要喝茅台

其品牌價值較去年增長 51%。

The pavilions of Moutai subsidiaries were very bustling as well. The personalized customization company attracted many consumers to place orders at site to customize personalized products. With attractive packaging and reasonable price, products of other Moutai subsidiaries, such as Xijiu Company, Technology Development Company, Health Wine Company, and Eco-Agriculture Company, also attracted many consumers to visit or purchase. (Reported and photographed by Deng Chao and Wang Zhu)

茅台參展 2016 瀘州國際酒博會成果豐碩

酒 " (I want to drink Moutai), " 新年快樂 "(Happy New Year), " 恭喜發財 "(Wish


you prosperity), and " 我愛茅台酒 "(I love Moutai). These cards helped guests to

比去年增長 13%。市場導向型企業的品牌價值為 2,681 億美元,

experience and feel the charm of the Chinese language, learn more about Moutai

占比 51%,首次過半,這印證了中國經濟正向市場驅動轉型的

and Chinese liquor culture, and express their hopes and wishes for the New Year.

趨勢。(記者 葉遠鳴)

listed in "Top 10 Annual Economic Figures for 2015" with high scores after experts' appraisal was integrated. Former U.S. ambassador to China Gary Locke sent a video only a well-known brand in China but also an influential enterprise in the world, and hoping that "Kweichow Moutai will make more contributions to the Sino-US

3 月 19 日 至 21 日, 主 題 為「 舉 杯 中 國· 品 味 世 界」 的 2016 中國國際酒業博覽會在瀘州國際會展中心隆重舉行,吸引 了來自國內外 25 個國家和地區的 700 餘家企業參展,茅台集團 公司黨委書記、副董事長、總經理李保芳親率參展團隊赴會。 國酒茅台館以中國紅為主色調,融入龍圖騰文化和紅色革命 文化,既凸顯了茅台酒在中國曆史發展中的特殊地位,也彰顯了 茅台酒神秘厚重的國酒文化。許多海內外消費者慕名而來,紛紛 表示,茅台酒早在百年前就聞名於世,在新中國的發展中作出過 特殊貢獻,其神秘獨特的生產工藝更是一絕,是民族精品,國家 名片,值得尊重。「我平時和朋友喝酒都愛喝白酒,尤其是茅台 酒,口感非常好,茅台的名氣我也是早有耳聞。」來自法國的托 馬斯在接受記者采訪時說。 展館現場,可以親自品評茅台酒,還能通過掃描茅台網上商


(Contributed by Guizhou Moutai Chiew I/E Co., Ltd.)

茅台酒進出口公司借中國春節推介貴州茅台酒 2016 年春節期間,茅台進出口公司策劃了名為「茅台環宇

袁仁國榮獲「2015 中國十大經濟年度人物」   美國前駐華大使駱家輝賀電 「 2015 中國十大經濟年度人物評選」1 月 29 日在北京揭曉, 貴州茅台集團董事長袁仁國最終在 30 名優秀候選企業家中脫穎 而出,獲得「2015 中國十大經濟年度人物」殊榮。在網絡票選中, 袁仁國票數第一。並綜合專家評選後,以高分入選了此次「2015 中國十大經濟年度人物」。美國前駐華大使駱家輝為活動發來視 頻,對袁仁國的入選表示祝賀。駱家輝說,貴州茅台不僅是中國 的知名品牌,也是世界有影響的企業,「期待貴州茅台為中美兩 國的交往做出更多貢獻」。


展出的產品囊括了陳年茅台酒、普通茅台酒、茅台系列酒以及近 年來新推出的茅台生肖酒等新品,可謂一應俱全,著實給「茅粉」

2016 胡潤男性富豪最青睞的送禮品牌前十名 Ranking















萬寶龍(Montblanc) 2.2%



















讓來自世界的朋友了解國酒茅台。 在澳洲墨爾本皇冠賭場前與 Hawker's Bazaar 合作的「許 願茅台抽大獎」活動,現場醒目的茅台飛天酒瓶讓人們一眼看到, 覺得無比親切。其他以前不了解茅台的外國友人們也被現代與傳 統結合的美麗展臺所吸引,紛紛駐足留影。「許願茅台」活動中 茅台經銷商精心准備了一套簡短中文學習卡包括「幹杯」、「我


寶格麗(BVLGARI) 1.45%

Moutai Listed in Top 10 Favorite Gift   Brands of Luxury Male Consumers Recently, the Hurun Research Institute released the "Hurun Chinese Luxury


Consumer Survey 2016", which is the 12th report to be issued annually by the


Institute. The Institute aims at revealing the lifestyles, consumption habits, as well

(茅台進出口公司 供稿)


as brand recognition changes and preferences of rich Chinese people. The Institute surveyed 458 rich Chinese people whose personal assets exceeded 10 million RMB.


Of those surveyed, 57 people (12%) had a net worth of more than 100 million


Moutai Ranked 1st in Liquor   Category of BrandZTM Top 100 Most   Valuable Chinese Brands 2016

酒、生態農業等公司的產品,包裝精美、價格合理,消費者也紛 Moutai's Australian distributor was promoting Moutai 澳洲經銷商推介茅台酒

Yuan Renguo Listed in "Top 10   Annual Economic Figures for 2015"   Former U.S. Ambassador to China   Congratulated Yuan Renguo

2016's top 10 favorite gift brands of luxury male consumers




城二維碼免費領取 125ml 裝仁酒,大過一把「茅台癮」。館內

紛前往參觀或購買。 (鄧超 王柱 攝影報道)

榜單顯示,2016 年中國百強品牌總價值為 5,256 億美元,

Chairman Yuan Renguo was accepting the award

for the event to congratulate Yuan Renguo, saying that Kweichow Moutai is not

Moutai I/E Company   Promoted Moutai Liquor During   Spring Festival

Recently, in the "BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands 2016" released by Millward Brown (a market research institution of the world's leading communications services group WPP), with a brand value of 11.507 billion USD,

RMB each. The ratio of males to females was nearly one to one. The surveyed people came from more than 40 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, as well as major second-tier cities in China.

榜單 | 2016 中國千萬富豪最喜歡品牌發布,中   國僅茅台入選前十 近期,胡潤研究院發布了《2016 至尚優品—中國千萬富豪

Moutai ranked 13th in the overall list and 1st in the alcohol category. In a year's time,

品牌傾向報告》, 這是胡潤研究院連續第十二年發布此報告,旨

with a benchmark progress in the industry, Moutai increased its brand value by 51%


Global Promotion" activity. Distributors in such countries and regions as Germany,

over last year. According to the list, the total value of Top 100 Most Valuable Chi-

與偏好,對中國富豪階層的生活形態變化做出描述 . 其對 458 位

Ireland, Russia, Greece, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong,

nese Brands 2016 is 525.6 billion USD, an increase of 13% over last year. The total


announced in Beijing. Moutai Group Chairman Yuan Renguo stood out from the

Macau, Spain, and Japan carried out promotional activities in different forms to

value of market-driven enterprises is 268.1 billion USD, accounting for 51% and

及 40 多個省市,包括北京、上海、廣州、深圳一線城市以及中

30 outstanding entrepreneur candidates and finally won the title of "Top 10 Annual

promote Moutai's brand reputation and market share. Accompanied by the monkey

indicating that the Chinese economy is transforming to market-driven. (Reported

國主要的二線城市,其中 57 位資產過億(12%),男女比例接近

dance led by Liu Xiao Ling Tong (the role-player of Monkey King in the TV series)

by Ye Yuanming)


On January 29, the list of "Top 10 Annual Economic Figures for 2015" was

Economic Figures for 2015". Ranking 1st in internet voting, Yuan Renguo was


茅台名列 BrandZTM 2016 最具價值中國品牌 100   強酒類第一位

scanning the QR (quick response) code of Moutai's Online Store, each visitor could

During the 2016 Spring Festival, Moutai I/E Company launched the "Moutai

MOUTAI Magazine

MOUTAI Magazine


M UTAI on the world map



准備了十分有特色的幾款雞尾酒,受到了大家的一致好評。頒獎 禮上,貴州茅台法國公司總經理陳興為獲勝球隊一一贈送了茅台 飛天就作為獎品。作為第二次與寶馬梅傑夫馬球合作方貴州茅 台,努力為大家呈現了更驚豔更難忘的雞尾酒之夜,為來客留下 了深刻的印象,也使法國和歐洲了解國酒,認識茅台,讓茅台漸 漸在歐洲甚至整個世界具有影響力,發展茅台在海外市場的高端 酒類形象。

Moutai's Australian Online Shopping   Platform Launched Moutai's Australian online shopping platform ( has been officially launched and consumers can directly buy their favorite Moutai from the platform. Currently, the products sold online mainly include four series: Moutai Feitian liquor, Moutai Prince liquor, Millesimes Moutai liquor, and special release Moutai Feitian liquor was awarded to the winning teams as prizes

liquor. For delivery fee, purchasers can directly pick up their goods from the Sydney


flagship store at Sussex St. free of charge or choose cheap express delivery. It is reported that each order delivery within Australia costs $10.


茅台澳洲網購平臺開通 3

茅台澳洲網上購買平臺(現已正式開 通,消費者在其官方網站上可直接選購心儀的茅台酒。該網在售 產品主要為茅台飛天酒、茅台王子酒、茅台年份酒及茅台特別款 四大系列。在快遞郵費方面,購買者除了直接從悉尼 Sussex St 的旗艦店免費取貨外,還可選擇平價運送,據悉,澳洲境內每筆 訂單只需 $10。

Delegation from Japan's Toppan Printing Visited Moutai Wine Company On March 10, the Masahiro Doyo delegation from Japan's Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. (one of the Fortune 500 companies) visited Moutai Wine Company and received warm welcome from Situ Jun, Chairman of Moutai Wine Company. 2\3\4: Moutai offered the classic Moutai liquor and two delicious Moutai cocktails for participants and spectators

Masahiro Doyo highly praised Moutai Wine Company for its capacious and tidy



production workshop, unique wine cave, and spectacular ongoing chateau. (Contributed by Moutai Wine Company)

Moutai Attended the Megève Polo Tournament Again On January 21 to 24, 2016, Kweichow Moutai attended the 21st Megève


and helping Moutai to promote its influence as well as image of high-end liquor in


Europe and throughout the world. 3 月 10 日,世界 500 強企業日本凸版印刷株式會社本部長道

awards ceremony, Herve Tan, General Manager of Moutai's French distributor

Snow Polo Tournament for the second time. During the 4-day tournament, various

presented the Moutai Feitian liquor as prizes to the winning teams. As a partner of

polo masters throughout Europe gathered here and presented the audience with

the Megève Polo Tournament for the second time, Kweichow Moutai presented a

wonderful and exciting matches. Moutai specially provided several very distinctive

more stunning and memorable night of cocktails and deeply impressed all guests,

cocktails for the event and won much praise from the guests presented. At the

providing a good opportunity for French and European people to know Moutai

MOUTAI Magazine

茅台第二次參加梅傑夫雪上馬球比賽 2016 年 1 月 21 日至 24 日,貴州茅台第二次參加了第 21 屆 Megève 雪上馬球比賽。此次比賽為期四天,雲集了整個歐洲

MOUTAI Magazine

用雅浩一行到訪茅台葡萄酒公司,茅台葡萄酒公司董事長司徒軍 熱情接待道用雅浩一行。道用雅浩對茅台葡萄酒公司給予了高度 評價,對茅台葡萄酒公司規模整潔的生產車間、別具一格的葡萄 酒洞、輝煌大氣的在建酒莊更是稱贊不已。 (葡萄酒公司供稿)


香飄世界百年 相伴民族復興 The Aroma of a Century The Revival of a Nation

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