17 AUTUMN 2017
A Journey to Australia and South Africa 澳非之旅
Inside & Out of Roles: Interview with Chang Chen 角色內外:張震專訪
"Moutai Craze" Under "the Belt and Road" 「一帶一路」下的「茅台旋風」
When Moutai Merged with French Cuisine Caprice at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong 香港四季酒店 Caprice: 茅台酒融入法式佳餚
Erika Leung CHINA KWEICHOW MOUTAI DISTILLERY (GROUP) CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501 KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501
Consultant : Yuan Renguo, Li Baofang, Zhao Shuyue Production & Advertising Sales Agent: ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED Room 2103, 21/F, Sino Plaza, No.255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Fax: (852) 3580 2588
Independent author, translator, marketing & communications consultant. Translated works (into Chinese) "The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee". Co-founder, Editor-in-chief of "Fragrance Moment" magazine, the world's first Chinese fragrance lifestyle magazine, the unique Chinese magazine allowed to display in public areas in Paris' 5-star hotels in 2012-2013.
Selina S Publisher Francis Wong Chief Executive Officer Christine Yin Chief Executive Editor Jocelyn Chenlin Liao Art Director Johnny Woo
A senior feature and lifestyle editor working for mainstream luxury publications in China. Her articles of artists and gourmets interview, as well as luxury hotel reviews are featured in various streaming media platforms.
Senior Project Editor Laura Su, Spencer Hua
Natalya Cheung
Photographer Han Xingxi, Li Lewei, The Fotop Perry, CalvinSit, Hui Yau Tak Translator Billy Yung, Spencer Hua Project PR Meng Yuan, Mocha Du Marketing Executive Nikita Wan, Helen Fu
A global traveller visiting over 70 countries. A renowed DJ and contributor of lifestyle. The author of "DAYDOW TRIP: A world journey of self-discovery".
Advertising Enquiry Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Email: er-hk@everreliable.net
Moutai Magazine (International Edition)
is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Reprints, copy or use of any content in this magazine whether in whole or in part, shall only be allowed with the explicit written permission of KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. No responsibility can be taken for unsolicited texts and photographs. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or the license holder. All contents in this magazine have been complied with the best of our knowledge, but no warranty or representation is given as to its accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness or otherwise. Moutai Magazine (international edition) appears quarterly with editions published under cooperation or license in two languages. Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited
Special Thanks :
Brand New Look 煥 然一新
SEP 2017
Journey is the precious treasure. --- Lloyd Alexander Under “the Belt and Road”, Moutai steps forward steadily on the world map. In the 17th issue of Moutai Magazine, let us Experience the “Moutai Craze” under “the Belt and Road Initiative”, Listen to the story of actor Chang Chen’s characters, Taste the creative culinary with Moutai made by Michelin-starred restaurant, Sense the aroma of Moutai in Australia and South Africa, Walk through the history of Sydney, Observe the incredible scene of Paris, Travel to Boston for a trip of coffee, Welcome every fresh journey of the world.
旅途是不可多得的寶藏。 — 勞 埃 德·亞 歷 山 大 中國的「一帶一路」戰略,讓貴州茅台酒在世界版圖中邁出了更堅定的步伐。 本期 Moutai Magazine,我們將帶您 : 體驗「一帶一路」下的「茅台旋風」 ; 和演員張震聊聊他角色內外的人生 ; 在香港四季酒店品嘗米芝蓮星級大廚用茅台酒製作的法式料理 ; 了解中國國酒在澳洲和南非的反響 ; 走過悉尼的歷史和現在 ; 欣賞巴黎動人的風光 ; 去波士頓體驗一次咖啡之旅 ; 在世界地圖上,迎接每一次新鮮旅途。
Broader Horizon
天 地 廣闊
Universally Accessible 放 之 四海而皆準
ISSUE #17 2017
With the inspiration of “the Belt and Road Initiative”, Moutai starts its journey to every corner of the world. People from different nationalities now are able to taste the aroma of China and have opportunities to love Moutai.
在「一帶一路」政策的鼓舞下,茅台帶著它獨具特色的酒香向世界各個角落出發, 讓不同膚色的人品嘗中國的韻味,讓世界知道茅台,了解茅台,迷上茅台。
MOUTAI Magazine
The "Moutai Craze" Under "the Belt and Road" 「一帶一路」下的「茅台旋風」
Savoring China 品味中國味道
Moutai in Australia 茅台在澳洲
Africans Talk about Moutai with Me 非洲人和我聊茅台
Inside & Out of Roles: Interview with Chang Chen 角色內外 : 張震專訪
When Moutai Merged with French Cuisine: Interview with Chef Guillaume Galliot at Michelin Two-Star Caprice, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong Guillaume Galliot: 茅台酒融入法式佳餚 米芝蓮二星餐廳香港四季酒店 Caprice
Sydney, from the Ocean 悉尼:自海中來
Exploration of Africa 非洲之探索
Travel in Coffee 咖啡帶我去旅行
An Unrestrained Paris 自由的巴黎
Moutai on the World Map 茅台在全球
SEP 2017
The "Moutai Craze" Under "the Belt and Road" 「一帶一路」下的「茅台旋風」 TRANSLATOR/ 譯 Billy
MOUTAI Magazine
In recent years, Moutai Group has actively implemented China's "Belt and Road" ("B&R") strategy, proactively gone abroad, vigorously implemented the internationalization strategy for product, brand, and market, warmly embraced the global market, actively participated in the world's economic recovery, and steadily ushered in a "Moutai Craze" in the world. 近年來,茅台集團積極落實中國「一帶一路」戰略,主動走出中國,大力實施產品 國際化、品牌國際化、市場國際化戰略,深度擁抱全球市場,在積極參與世界經濟 復蘇的進程中,以更加穩健的步伐在國際市場掀起了「茅台旋風」。
SEP 2017
n 1978, China began to implement the
policy of reform and opening up, bringing huge power and space for the Chinese
society, especially for the business community; in
1997, the Asian economic crisis broke out, leading the Chinese people to intuitively feel for the first time the close relation between their own interests and the outside world.
In 39 years' reform and opening up, and huge
transformation of China's integration into the world,
Moutai has grown from a small traditional workshopstyle distillery into China's famous enterprise with
the highest market value in the global spirits industry and with products distributed all over the world.
The popularity of global free trade has given Moutai
full growth opportunities, making Moutai more selfconfident, intelligent, and responsible.
Today's China is greatly different from the one
at the beginning of reform and opening up in 1978. In the 80s and 90s of last century, China was poor
and backward, without any comparative advantage in capital-intensive industries. After 30 years' rapid development, China has developed from a lowincome country with a per capita GDP less than
one-third of African countries into a middle-income country with a per capita GDP of 7,600 USD.
Similarly, Guizhou, the home of Moutai, has long
ago changed its rugged and poor situation. With
intensive highways, high-speed railways, and the
increasing number of airports, today's Guizhou has
become a forefront linked to the world and a province with leading growth rate for economic indicators in China.
After nearly 40 years' market-oriented reform
and global integration, China has become the most important core engine for economic growth in Asia and even the world. A large number of Chinese
enterprises are going abroad, and integrating into the
global industrial chain, value chain as well as logistics chain. China's economic aggregate today has also
provided a solid foundation for creating more worldclass enterprises to lead the future.
In recent years, Moutai has entered the
accelerated implementation stage of its
internationalization strategy, showing a more and
more strong momentum of development. In 2005, Moutai cooperated with France's Camus company
MOUTAI Magazine
49.89% Europe
24.56% Africa
1.12% Oceania
11.84% Duty-free
9.12% 13
SEP 2017
(an operator with top leading duty-free sales network),
figures is the strength of innovation and change. In the
free shops in nearly 60 international airports of over 30
of China's "Belt and Road" strategy and the overseas
through which Moutai entered more than 300 duty-
overseas market expansion, Moutai takes the opportunities
countries; in May 2013, Moutai acquired the prestigious
celebrations for Moutai's 100th anniversary of winning
French Château Loudenne; in 2015, upon Moutai's 100th
the Panama gold award, further explores the market
anniversary of winning the Panama gold award, Moutai held
and improves the network. Moutai carries out "cultural
various overseas commemorative activities in Moscow and
marketing" by integrating Eastern culture with Western
Milan, returned to San Francisco, and received a precious
culture, and adopts "event marketing" with various types
gift——San Francisco Moutai Day; one year later, Moutai
of themes. The "smart marketing" particularly helps
held the anniversary celebration for Moutai Day, through
Moutai's products and services to meet the international
which Moutai Group General Manager Li Baofang brought
market demand, laying a foundation for the rapid growth of
Moutai's aroma abroad again and fully demonstrated the
overseas market.
charm of China's manufacturing brand; in December 2016,
The growth and change in Chinese enterprises is an
taking the opportunity of "the Belt and Road", Moutai held
important part in the history of world economy. Take
Germany—Moutai's 'The Belt and Road' Tour" in Hamburg.
several workshops in the remote and mountainous village,
a large-scale brand activity with the theme of "A Toast with
Kweichow Moutai as an example. 60 years ago, we were just
In July 2017, at the Sino-German "Belt and Road"
and exchanged our goods with the outside world through
economic summit forum of the G20 Summit, as a
porters and horses. In today's China however, Moutai has
representative of Chinese entrepreneurs, Moutai Group
become a successful traditional enterprise that finds a way
Chairman Yuan Renguo delivered a speech titled "Closed
out for its brand. Our products not only win favor in China,
World Cannot Bring Progress". He shared Moutai's views and
but also attract more attention from all over the world.
expectations on the world's future and was enthusiastically
Our most famous core product--Moutai shares the title of
echoed. This series of overseas activities have vigorously
"World's Top Three Distilled Liquors" with French Cognac
enhanced Moutai's brand charm and influence, and
brandy and Scotch whisky. Moutai Group's profitability has
promoted Moutai's internationalization process.
surpassed the international liquor giant Pernod Ricard;
For the markets of "B&R" countries, Moutai has
Moutai has become the single alcoholic product with the
developed the "B&R" commemorative liquor. With modern
highest sales income in the world and an enterprise with
design concept, this liquor breaks the boundary of product
a worldwide sales network. In 2017, Moutai's stock market
deployment and provides a large window for Moutai's
value keeps rising, breaks through 500 billion RMB, and
further participation in international competition, gradually
surpasses Diageo, helping Moutai to be the world's most
showing a bright future of Moutai liquor along "the Belt and
valuable spirits enterprise.
For several consecutive years, Moutai has been included
According to statistics, in 2016, Moutai Group exported
in the FT Global 500 list by the British Financial Times and
1,721.03 tons of Moutai liquor and Moutai series liquor,
the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands, surpassing
achieving an export volume of 314 million USD. Its
many global well-established food enterprises. Over the past
international markets mainly included Asia (accounted for
few years, Kweichow Moutai has achieved better growth
49.89%), Europe (24.56%), Americas (11.84%), duty-free
performance than most of the world's famous enterprises:
(9.12%), Oceania (3.47%), and Africa (1.12%). At present,
Sales revenue (including tax) reached 182.5 billion RMB, an
Moutai has entered 26 of the countries and regions along
increase of 233% compared with the "11th Five-Year Plan";
"the Belt and Road"; from 2013 to 2016, Moutai's sales
total profit reached 94.4 billion RMB, an increase of 258%;
increased by nearly 100 tons, sales revenue increased by
paid tax reached 66 billion RMB, an increase of 222%; total
16.8 million USD, and sales in these markets accounted
assets increased by 3.19 times, capital maintenance and
for nearly 18.91% of total exports. In 2017, Moutai's stock
appreciation rate was always above 121%, and profit margin
market value keeps rising, breaks through 500 billion RMB,
on net assets was always above 20%. Today, Kweichow
and surpasses Diageo, helping Moutai to be the world's
Moutai Co., Ltd.'s revenue and profit respectively account
most valuable spirits enterprise.
for 27% and 45% of China's 18 listed baijiu companies, and
Behind the rapid growth of Moutai's overseas sales
its share in China's high-end baijiu market is more than 50%. 14
MOUTAI Magazine
Moutai also built the first college in China's baijiu industry,
exchanges, mutual improvement, and mutual benefit.
airport will be open in the third quarter of this year.
world-oriented Chinese brand, a well-respected world-class
which will start enrollment this year. Besides, the Moutai
We will seize the "B&R" opportunity, turning Moutai into a
In recent years, Moutai Group has actively responded
enterprise, and the world-famous liquor.
to the "B&R" strategy, deepened the deployment in the
In the future, Moutai will further go abroad steadily,
related countries, held brand promotion in Moscow, Milan
ensure that the overseas market sales account for more
commemorate liquor. This year, Moutai's "B&R" promotion
Plan", lead overseas mainstream consumer groups to better
and Hamburg, and specially launched the "Belt and Road"
than 10% of total sales at the end of the "13th Five-Year
will enter Africa and Australia. At present, Moutai has
understand, accept, and love Moutai, and promote the
entered 26 of the countries and regions along "the Belt and
internationalization of brand, product, and market. Moutai's
Road"; from 2013 to 2016, Moutai's sales increased by nearly
planning is clear, that is, to develop Moutai into a diversified
100 tons, sales revenue increased by 16.8 million USD, and
investment holding group as well as a well-respected
sales in these markets accounted for nearly 18.91% of total
world-class enterprise. To achieve this goal, Moutai needs
to further improve its influence and reputation in major
"The Belt and Road" is an upgraded version of reform
global markets, unswervingly and actively participate in
and opening up. It is not only a road of peace, prosperity,
the competition of international liquor industry, deeply
openness, innovation, and civilization that will bring huge
participate in the global value chain, and seize the "B&R"
market space to the Chinese manufacturing industry,
strategic opportunity to promote the internationalization of
but also an important platform for promoting progress,
Moutai's product, brand, culture, and marketing. 15
SEP 2017
1978 年,中國開始實行改革開放政策,這個轉向,給中
國社會,特別是工商業界釋放了巨大的動力和空間;1997 年, 亞洲經濟危機爆發,讓中國人第一次直觀地感受到外部世界與 自身利益的緊密相關。
39 年來的改革開放,中國融入世界的巨大轉型,茅台也
從一個小的作坊式傳統工廠,成長為今天全球烈酒行業股票市 值第一、產品遍佈世界的中國品牌企業。茅台在全球自由貿易
5000 億
在中國市場的普及,讓我們獲得了充分的成長機會,更加自信、 智慧、擔當。
今天的中國,與 1978 年改革開放之初有了巨大不同。上
世紀八九十年代,中國貧窮落後,在資本密集的產業上沒有比 較優勢。30 多年的高速發展,中國已經從一個人均 GDP 不及
非洲國家平均數三分之一的低收入國家變成一個人均 GDP 達 7600 美元的中等收入國家。
三分銀」的狀況,這裡通過密集的高速公路、高速鐵路以及數 量不斷增多的機場,通江達海,成為能方便連結世界的熱土, 各項經濟指標的增速,更是在中國各省區市位列前茅。
4000 億
在歷經了近 40 年的市場化改革和全球化融合,中國已成
為亞洲乃至全球經濟增長中最為重要的核心引擎。大批中國企 業走向全球,並開始融入全球產業鏈、價值鏈和物流鏈。中國 今天的經濟總量,也為打造更多能夠引領未來的全球性企業提 供了厚實的土壤。
現出了越來越強勁的發展勢頭。2005 年,茅台與全球免稅店
管道經營商法國卡慕公司合作, 「借船出海」入駐 30 多個國家、
60 多個國際機場的 300 多個免稅店;2013 年 5 月,茅台收購 了久負盛名的法國波爾多海瑪酒莊。2015 年,國酒茅台借金
獎百年契機,從莫斯科、米蘭開展國酒茅台海外紀念活動,並 重返美國三藩市,收下當地厚禮——三藩市貴州茅台日,並在 一年以後舉行了週年紀念活動,茅台集團總經理李保芳為茅台
飄香海外再掀新風,盡展中國製造的品牌魅力;2016 年 12 月, 茅台打開國家一帶一路的築夢空間, 在德國漢堡成功舉行了
2017 年 7 月,茅台集團董事長袁仁國在 G20 峰會德中「一
帶一路」經濟高峰論壇上,作為中國企業家代表發聲,發表《封 閉的世界不能帶來進步》演講,代表茅台分享我們對於世界未
目前,茅台酒已進入 26 個「一帶一路」沿線國家和地區,從
1680 萬美元,銷量占出口總量的 18.91%。2017 年,茅台股
2013 年至 2016 年,茅台酒銷量增加近百噸、銷售收入增加
票市值不斷上升,突破 5000 億元人民幣,超越帝亞吉歐,成
1721.03 噸,實現出口創匯 3.14 億美元。其中亞洲市場占比
資 料 顯 示, 2016 年, 茅 台 集 團 出 口 茅 台 酒 及 系 列 酒
一路」戰略和巴拿馬 100 周年海外慶典契機,深耕市場、健
49.89%,歐洲市場占比 24.56%,美洲市場占比 11.84%,免
稅市場占比 9.12%,大洋洲占比 3.47%,非洲市場占比 1.12%。
面,使茅台的產品和服務貼合國際市場需求,為海外市場的高 16
MOUTAI Magazine
介活動還將走進非洲和澳洲。目前,茅台酒已進入 26 個「一
帶一路」沿線國家和地區,從 2013 年至 2016 年,茅台酒銷
量增加近百噸、銷售收入增加 1680 萬美元,銷量占出口總量
的 18.91%。
英國金融時報全球上市企業 500 強排行,並連續多年入選華
通明略 Brand Z 全球品牌價值百強企業權威排行,排位超過很
業績超過全球大部分知名企業:銷售收入 ( 含稅 ) 1825 億元,
較「十一五」增長 233%;利潤總額 994 億元,增長 258%;
末的宏偉藍圖中使海外市場的銷量占到總銷量的 10% 以上,
資本保值增值率均在 121% 以上,淨資產收益率均在 20% 以
上繳稅金 660 億元,較增長 222%;企業資產總額增長 3.19 倍,
占中國 18 家白酒上市公司的 27% 和 45%,茅台酒在中國國
內高端白酒市場佔有率更是超過了 50%。茅台還建了中國白
SEP 2017
Savoring China 品味中國味道
MOUTAI Magazine
For thousands of years, Moutai people have always stuck to the traditional techniques of making yeast during the Dragon Boat Festival, feeding materials during the Double Ninth Festival, steaming for nine times, fermenting for eight times, collecting liquor for seven times, classifying before storing, blending before preserving, and spending at least five years for the entire process. From material feeding to delivery of finished product, each bottle of ordinary Moutai liquor is made through 30 processes, 165 processing procedures, and at least five years.
千百年來,茅台酒始終堅持 端午踩曲,重陽投料,九次蒸煮,八次發酵, 七次取酒,分型貯存,勾兌存放五年後 包裝出廠的傳統工藝。
5 年時間,歷經 30 道工序、165 個工藝環節。
SEP 2017
Along the track of 27.51° north latitude, in the hinterland of the YunnanKweichow Plateau, thousands of kilometers from the coastline, a river flowing through the world's unique karst landform is bringing the mysterious bouquet hidden in mountains to you. Here is Moutai Town of China's Guizhou Province—a distinctive and magical land. A mysterious bouquet called "Jiang fragrance" and a Jiang fragrance liquor named "Kweichow Moutai" here are intoxicating the entire world. 沿著北緯 27.51 度的軌跡,在雲貴高原 腹地,從世界獨有的喀斯特地貌中潺潺 穿行的河流正推動著重重峰巒深藏的神 秘酒香。這裡是中國貴州省茅台鎮—— 這片與眾不同的土地誕生了與法國科涅 克白蘭地、英國蘇格蘭威士忌齊名的世 界三大蒸餾名酒——中國貴州茅台酒。
ocated in northwestern Renhuai City of China's
Guizhou Province, on the east bank of the Chishui River, at the foot of the Hanpo Mountain, and
on the slope of the Ma'an Mountain, Moutai Town is the
core production base of Chinese Jiang fragrance baijiu and
boasts a long history of liquor-making tradition and unique
natural environment. The climate here features mild winter,
hot summer, slight wind, less rainfall, high temperature, and high humidity. Such a climate and the slightly acidic purple soil in the valley together generate the unique, exceptional,
MOUTAI Magazine
and natural water for making Moutai. Besides, the brewing
This is the philosophy of "harmony between man
environment with a history of thousands of years, as well as
and nature" believed by the Chinese people. Moutai's
accomplish Moutai's unique "Jiang fragrance". These factors
year, that is, make yeast during the Dragon Boat Festival,
the abundant and unique microbes active in the air together
complicated and seasonal making process lasts for one
also determine that Moutai can be produced only in Moutai
feed materials during the Double Ninth Festival, steam for
Town. In other words, Moutai is destined to be a scarce
nine times, ferment for eight times, and collect liquor for
seven times. After being produced, the liquor is classified
Along the Chishui River, with an area of 15.03 square
and stored, blended and preserved in cellars, and finally
kilometers, the origin protected area of Kweichow Moutai is
packaged to enter the market. The entire process takes five
the only area for producing Moutai. On the world map, you
years. In other words, before each bottle of ordinary Moutai
will never find the same or similar area. Therefore, "out of
liquor is delivered to consumers, at least five years are
Moutai Town, producing Moutai is impossible".
Along the Chishui River is the boundless sorghum field.
For such hard-won and unparalleled liquor, its distinctive
The farmers
here carry on
can be felt
the ancient
only through
careful tasting.
To taste this
sow in spring,
classic Oriental
harvest in
liquor, you can
autumn, weed
follow these
manually, and
steps: Inspect
refuse to use
the color, smell
any chemical
the aroma, and
fertilizer. This
taste the flavor.
native variety
Observe the
of the Chishui
"color" and
is an organic
liquor. Against
River basin
"luster" of the
sorghum called
the white
"red tassels",
which features
you can see a
thick husk, small grain, red color, high content of tannin and
yellowish "color" as well as a pure and clear "luster", which
best choice for making Moutai.
amylopectin, and abundant phenolic substances. It is the
is the excellent quality achieved by Moutai's unique making
As a heritage of farming civilization, Moutai's making
Moutai's Jiang fragrance is a complex aroma formed
technique still strictly abides by the tradition. The period
in natural fermentation. It can be said that the aromatic
the next year is the period for feeding materials, boiling
complicated in the world's alcoholic beverages, and remain
from the Double Ninth Festival to the Dragon Boat Festival
components of this Jiang fragrance are the most
materials, and collecting liquor, and requires much water.
a mystery today. When drinking Moutai, from light smell to
In this period, the Chishui River happens to be clear and
deep smell, you can smell the aromas of flower, grass, fruit,
transparent. During the rainy season after the Dragon Boat
sweetness, dried plant, and acid.... It is these substances
Festival, the river water turns reddish brown due to the
with different aroma characteristics that form Moutai's
wanton rainfall. In this period, Moutai's brewing process is
complicated aroma characteristics.
in the fermentation and collection stage, and little water is
Moutai is high-alcohol spirits. Therefore, tasting with a
needed. Such seasonal making technique determines that
small sip is the most appropriate way. When Moutai enters
Moutai cannot be produced in large scale.
your mouth, a cold aroma will permeate your tongue, 21
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MOUTAI Magazine
and then a smooth and warm stream will fill your organs,
a topmost feature: no dizzy feeling, throat stimulation, or
giving an intoxicating enjoyment. In addition, Moutai has
heart-burnt feeling after drinking; even with poor appetite,
after drinking Moutai, people will have a good appetite.
Moutai is the only healthy drink in the Chinese liquor
industry to boast multiple certifications, including Level
National Intangible Cultural Heritage, and National Raw
A Green Food, Organic Food, Designated Origin Product,
Grain Solid-state Fermentation Liquor. Therefore, Moutai
is also a symbol of health. Many examples have proved
that long-term moderate drinking of Moutai is beneficial to
China Kweichow Moutai, French Cognac brandy, and
觀酒液的「色」與 「澤」。在白色背景的襯托下,可以
Scotch whisky are all top distilled liquors in the world.
看到微微黃的「色」, 同時呈現一種毫無雜質、 晶瑩清澈的
Beauty or ugliness is just different life experiences brought
styles can also bring colorful cultural experiences for people.
aromatic Moutai might lead you to experience the long
by different cultures. Similarly, excellent spirits with different
To taste Moutai is to taste China. A cup of mellow and
and proud Chinese history, and feel the splendid chapters
of the contemporary China. The vivid expression, vigorous
liquid will be blended with your wonderful and colorful life.
emotion, and multilayered aftertastes of this wonderful
覺到強烈的酸味,往舌根走,有了堅果香,酒齡較老的茅台酒, 香」。
瓶上為人熟知的 26 個字:「微黃透明,醬香突出、幽雅細膩、
茅台酒是中國白酒行業中唯一集 A 級綠色食品、有機食品、
悠久的釀酒傳統和獨特的自然環境。 這裡冬暖夏熱, 少雨少
實際上,這款經典佳釀自中國漢朝時(公元前 135 年)
赤水河畔有 15.03 平方公里的貴州茅台酒原產地保護區,
即被選為皇室貢品,1915 年,茅台在世界精品雲集的巴拿馬
你可品到中國歷史的悠遠浩瀚, 也可嘗到中國當代的精彩華
作為農耕文明的傳承,茅台酒的生產工藝依然嚴格恪守傳 23
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Moutai in Australia 茅台在澳洲
MOUTAI Magazine
or 14 years since China's national liquor Moutai
sophisticated sales network. Relying on the existing sales
history, unique making technique, and typical
the sales network of Moutai liquor quickly covers the entire
network for wine and the strong support from Moutai Group,
entered the Australian market, due to its long
Australia, New Zealand, and many Pacific islands.
Jiang fragrance taste, Moutai has become an undisputed
Mr. Willian Dong also mentioned that Moutai was
representative of China's famous liquors in Australia. In
2014, Moutai's first Australian franchised store was open
originally sold to the local Chinese and the ubiquitous
of Sydney, and all Chinese association representatives
Asian, and even to the White. In general they begin to try
Chinese restaurants, and then gradually extended to the
in Sydney's Sussex Street. Politicians of Australia, elites
Moutai in Chinese restaurants, then gradually like it, and
attended the opening ceremony. After the opening of the
finally regard it as a part of enjoying the Chinese food
first store, the Australian Chinese finally can enjoy here the
culture. This is an interesting process. Westerners are not
authentic Moutai from China, and the store also becomes
used to drinking Moutai at the beginning, just as drinking
a window for local Western people to understand China's
wine for Chinese people; however, after understanding
baijiu culture.
Moutai's culture and Moutai's benefits for health, and
According to Mr. Willian Dong (President of Evershine
knowing Moutai's brand image, Westerners gradually like to
Trading, Moutai's exclusive agent in Australia and New
drink Moutai. Many Western friends like to drink Moutai and
Zealand), Moutai has been well-known in the market of
ask for Moutai every time when eating in Chinese restaurant.
Chinese people; our biggest challenge is to improve Moutai's
Initially, Westerners buy Moutai probably because of
brand recognition in the mainstream society of Australia; "Let's all drink and sing our song despite whether life is
business needs. Because of the growing business contacts
to promote Moutai liquor is to promote Chinese culture;
guests from China with the best liquor of China. Gradually,
between Australia and China, they want to entertain their
short or long." China has lots of poetries for praising liquor;
they not only get used to and enjoy this spirits from China,
through our unremitting efforts, Moutai liquor currently has
but also recommend it to their friends. Therefore, Moutai
fully covered many high-end restaurants, airport duty-free
is not only popular with Chinese, but also has a great
stores, and liquor stores in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane,
reputation among Westerners. Moutai liquor is a good
Hobart, the Whitsundays, and Perth; this makes us fully
match for Chinese food, just like steak for wine.
confident for the future performance of Moutai in the
Moutai comes to Australia not just to spread its making
Australian market.
history of more than 2,000 years and its traditional making
Moutai's Australian agent has advanced warehouses and 25
SEP 2017
technique that is regarded as a national intangible cultural
achieved positive social results, effectively boosted the
years' civilization in the liquor culture; as an emotional
Moutai to further penetrate the mainstream market of
market demand, and provided more opportunities for
heritage; it is also an epitome of China's thousands of
Australia. This year's contest will be kicked off again and the
dependence of overseas Chinese, Moutai becomes a
participating bartenders will use China's legendary Moutai
medium and messenger of Chinese culture. Willian Dong
to create various refreshing cocktail masterpieces through
sincerely hopes that Moutai Group will stand at a new
their exceptional talents.
starting point, continuously enhance the brand value,
At the Melbourne party, Australia's famous bartender
improve brand awareness, and lead more Australians to know China through Moutai.
Jason Crawley specially developed three Moutai cocktails
between China and Australia, the rapid development
industry, and introduced three characteristics of Moutai
according to the popular demand of the local catering
With the deepening of friendly and cooperative relations
cocktail to the owners and bartenders of local restaurants;
of bilateral trade, the continuous deepening of cultural
the activity also invited the bartender Blake Hall and the
exchanges, and the mutual flow of people, more and more
famous chef Donovan Cooke from "The Den" to create
Chinese brands begin to land in the Australian market and
together a cocktail with "The Den" style, and use Moutai
start their overseas deployment. Moutai, with its adherence
liquor to make snacks and desserts.
to product quality and its promotion manner tailored for
During these two parties, together with the star-rated
the local market demand, has set a benchmark for China's enterprises in Australia.
bartenders Jenny Chiu, Jason Crawley, and Blake Hall,
held the Moutai cocktail parties titled "Happy Spring
New Zealand also organized a Moutai liquor master class
Moutai's brand and business manager for Australia and
During the Chinese New Year of 2017, Moutai respectively
to introduce Moutai's culture and various Moutai cocktails
Festival—Blessings from Moutai" in Melbourne and Sydney.
for the locals and the Chinese from other regions by using
At the Sydney party, Mr. Bobby Carey, Champion of the
English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
"Enter the Dragon" Moutai Cocktail Contest presented for
In the activities, guests fully enjoyed the wonderful liquor
the guests his cocktail that won the champion. It is worth
and food, learned Moutai knowledge, felt refreshing, and
mentioning that the "Enter the Dragon" Moutai Cocktail
expected more activities in the future.
Contests in these years have found a brand-new way for
integrating Moutai with Australian people's drinking habits, 26
MOUTAI Magazine
茅台酒來到澳洲,所傳遞的不僅是其 2000 餘年的釀造歷
寄託,成為傳遞中國文化的媒介和使者。William Dong 說,
當地無可爭議的代表。茅台澳洲首家專賣店 2014 年在悉尼華
他衷心希望貴州茅台集團站在新的起點上, 不斷提升品牌價
用到來自中國的正宗茅台酒,這裡也將成為當地西方人瞭解中 國白酒文化的一個視窗。
茅台澳新獨家代理商明耀貿易總裁 William Dong 先生表
2017 年中國春節期間,茅台分別在墨爾本和悉尼舉行了
Bobby Carey 先生為賓客呈現了奪魁雞尾酒的調製。值得一提
William Dong 先生曾也提到過,茅台酒最初的銷售管道
在墨爾本晚會中,澳洲著名調酒師 Jason Crawley 針對當
是當地的華人和無處不在的華人餐館,然後逐漸擴展到亞裔, 甚至白人當中去。一般他們開始是從唐餐館裡試飲,到逐漸喜
地餐飲業和大眾需求,特別研製了 3 款茅台雞尾酒,並向當地
還邀請了 The Den 調酒師 Blake Hall 和名廚 Donovan Cooke
一同合作炮製擁有 The Den 風格的雞尾酒,並用茅台酒調製
在兩場晚會期間,茅台澳新地區品牌及業務經理與 Jenny
品牌之後,就喜歡喝起茅台酒來了。很多西方朋友很喜歡喝茅 台酒,每次去中餐館吃飯,他們都主動叫茅台酒來喝。
Chiu、Jason Crawley 、Blake Hall 三位星級調酒師還組織了
且在西方人當中,也有相當響亮的名氣。吃中餐配茅台酒,就 好像吃牛扒配紅葡萄酒。
SEP 2017
Africans Talk about Moutai with Me 非洲人和我聊茅台 TEXT/ 文 尹承德 Yin Chengde TRANSLATOR/ 譯 Jinqiang
Recently, the Chinese film "Wolf Warriors II" became a blockbuster film of the summer vacation. Since its release, the box office had kept rising to surpass 800 million USD, constantly refreshed various Chinese film records, and became a phenomenal film. The film mainly told the Chinese soldiers' rescue story in Africa. In one scene of the film, the starring actor and director Wu Jing drank Moutai heroically, which aroused people's attention. In fact, Moutai is not an advertised product of the film; it appears in the film only because Wu Jing loves Chinese brands. In recent years, along with the fully deployment of China's "Belt and Road" strategy, Moutai has started a new pace in the African continent. From the experience of diplomat Yin Chengde, let's find out Moutai's image in the minds of Africans. 近日,中國影片《戰狼 2》強勢引爆中國暑期電影檔,上映至今,票房一路高歌超越 了 8 億美元,不斷刷新華語電影各種記錄,成為一部現象級電影。該影片主要講述中 國軍人在非洲救援的故事,其中一幕是影片導演兼主演吳京大飲茅台,事實上,茅台 在該片中並沒有任何商業植入,吳京純屬出於中國品牌的熱愛而將茅台呈現在螢幕。 近年來,隨著中國「一帶一路」戰略的全面鋪開,茅台在非洲大陸上,又開始了新的 步伐。讓我們從外交官尹承德的經歷中瞭解非洲人心中的茅台形象。
MOUTAI Magazine
hatting is a great pleasure in life. Most people,
We all teach at the university in Monrovia."
unfettered chatting makes people happy.
are from the Chinese embassy."
whether Chinese or foreigners, like chatting. An
I also introduced my wife and myself, and told them: "We
In 1984 when I started to work in the Chinese Embassy
After hearing this, they said to us with astonishing looks:
in Liberia, I often chatted with the local people in leisure
"Ah, you are our good friends." They immediately stood up
time. Cheerful and straightforward, African people would
and shook hands with us cordially.
tell others the exact thought in their minds. One day, several
The reason why the Liberian people were so friendly to
embassy colleagues and I drove to the bustling beach. Some
the Chinese was because of our selfless aid. At that time
coconut trees. There were so many coconuts that people
of 100,000 people in the eastern outskirts of Monrovia. This
people swam at the sea while others enjoyed the cool under
we were helping them to build a stadium with a capacity
could pick them at pleasure. After swimming, my wife and I
huge and towering building had a great impact on Liberia.
rest under the trees. I picked a big coconut at hand. Without
Every day many people from all over the country made a
tools, I could not open it no matter how hard I tried. Then, a
special trip to visit it; they all gave a thumbs-up when seeing
black couple passed by us. When seeing my trouble with the
the Chinese people; some even hugged and kissed the
coconut, the husband smiled and said, "It's hard to open!
Chinese. After they sat down, I readily took out a bottle of
Let me help you." Then, he picked up our umbrella, plunged
Moutai and various snacks to entertain them. When seeing
the umbrella tip into the coconut heart. After pulling out the
the Moutai liquor, they said surprisingly, "This is the world
umbrella, he told us to collect the coconut milk with cups.
famous Moutai!"
We enjoyed the delicious coconut milk and invited them to
I was surprised that they knew Moutai. Then I asked,
sit down and chat with us‌
"Have you ever drunk Moutai?"
The husband said, "My name is Balu and my wife is Hana.
The husband seemed to have opened his chatterbox and
SEP 2017
Yin Chengde, born in 1940, a former First Secretary of Chinese Embassy in Ghana and former Counselor of Chinese Embassy in the United States, the Editor-in-chief of "International Studies" magazine, and a researcher of the China Institute of International Studies.
Mingzhao often invited his brother to chat and dine. Every
time when they dined together, Tang Mingzhao used Moutai to entertain his brother. At the beginning, his brother just
felt that Moutai was mellow and especially tasty, but did not know Moutai's fame and story. During the banquet, Tang
Mingzhao asked a Chinese diplomat to introduce the details
尹承德,1940 年生,曾任我國駐迦納大 使館一秘,駐美國大使館參贊,中國國際 問題研究所《國際問題研究》雜誌主編、 特邀研究員。
of the Moutai liquor to them. Then, they suddenly realized
that "Moutai is the world famous liquor, and it's really lucky to drink Moutai."
The diplomat told them: In 1915, the US government held
the Panama Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco to celebrate Panama Canal's opening for navigation. 41
talked about the story of Moutai with us.
countries participated in the exposition and the Chinese
As a matter of fact, his brother Rabbi was the Deputy
government sent the Moutai liquor for exhibition as well.
Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations,
Thousands of exhibited liquors were dazzling and dizzying.
and knew Tang Mingzhao (from China), the then Deputy
China's Moutai liquor was contained in yellow pottery bottle
Secretary-General of the United Nations. They became
with sealed mud at the bottle mouth. Compared with other
good friends due to frequent contacts in the work. Tang
countries' liquors in carved glass bottles, Moutai seemed 30
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to be very rustic. Several days had passed but no one was
historical status of "national liquor" and "diplomatic liquor"
interested in this liquor. Then, the Chinese exhibitor felt
was established in people's minds.
anxious and was puzzled why no one appreciated such fine
Balu said, "After hearing the introduction of Moutai from
liquor. So, he held a bottle of Moutai and shuttled in the flow
the Chinese diplomat, my brother was very surprised and
of people to introduce Moutai. Accidentally, his Moutai bottle
felt lucky to drink such good liquor in the United Nations!"
was knocked down and fell to the ground. Immediately, the
He went on to say, "When my brother was about to return
strong bouquet permeated the entire exhibition hall. All
home, he visited Mr. Tang Mingzhao and asked him whether
that the bouquet was from China's Moutai liquor. As a result,
Mingzhao generously took out five bottles from his cabinet
exhibitors were surprised. After some inquiries, they knew
he could give my brother a few bottles of Moutai. Mr. Tang
the exhibition booth of Moutai liquor was tightly crowded
and gave them to my brother. My brother treated them
with people and the exhibited Moutai liquor was sold out
as a treasure and repeatedly thanked Mr. Tang Mingzhao.
soon. Finally, experts from various countries were attracted
Then, my brother brought these five bottles of Moutai back
as well. After experts' evaluation, China's Moutai liquor won
home. He invited the entire family and his good friends to
the reputation of "World Famous Liquor", and shared the
the gathering and took out the Moutai liquor for us to taste,
title of "World's Top Three Distilled Liquors" with French
saying that this was China's Moutai, the world's best liquor.
Cognac brandy and Scotch whisky. After the founding of the
After tasting we all praised Moutai highly, saying that even
People's Republic of China, Premier Zhou Enlai designated
we were far away in Africa, we were so lucky to drink the
Moutai as the national banquet liquor. Since then Moutai's
world's best liquor——China's Moutai!" 31
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看到幾位凡人正在興致勃勃地聊天,他不願驚動大 南地北,遂不禁歎道:你們相聚傾談之樂,連我神 仙也享受不到。這雖然是笑話,人與人能夠傾心一 聊,自然有它的樂趣。
1984 年,我赴駐賴比瑞亞大使館工作,閒暇
時間經常和當地人聊天。非洲人性格開朗,心直口 快,心裡怎麼想,嘴裡就怎麼說。有一天我和大使
明照,由於在工作中經常交往,成為好朋友。唐明 吃飯,唐明照都用茅台招待他哥哥。開始他哥哥只 是感到茅台酒醇香,特別好喝,但不知道茅台酒的 名望和經歷。在席間,唐明照讓中國的一位外交官 向他們介紹了茅台酒,他們才恍然大悟:「原來茅
台是世界名酒。今天我能喝到茅台真是三生有幸。」 那位外交官向他們說:1915 年,美國政府為
參加, 當時的中國政府把茅台酒送去參展。各國
下海游泳、有的在椰子樹下納涼,樹上的椰子很多, 後到椰子樹下休息,伸手摘了一顆大椰子,足有兩 公斤重,但沒有帶工具,怎麼也打不開。一對黑人 夫婦從我們身旁經過,見我正撥弄椰子,他們駐步 微笑。我抬頭一看,還未說話,那位男士笑著說:
「打不開吧!我來幫你們。」說著拿起我們的陽傘, 把傘尖對準椰子的上端中心,用力一紮,將傘尖紮 入椰心,然後,把傘拔出說:「快拿杯子!」我夫 人忙將杯子遞上,椰子汁咕咚咕咚從小孔流出。我 讓他們先喝,他們搖搖頭,我夫人喝了一杯,我接 著喝了一杯,清涼可口,十分愜意,我請他們在沙 地上坐下,彼此聊了起來……
他們先向我們自我介紹, 男的說:「我叫巴盧,
「啊!你們是我們的好朋友。」立即起立伸出友誼 的手,和我們緊握不放。
國博覽會(即巴拿馬萬國博覽會)。有 41 個國家
送去上千種酒,可以說,琳琅滿目,讓人目不暇接。 中國送去茅台酒是用黃陶釉瓶盛裝的,用泥封著瓶 口。比起其他國家用刻花玻璃酒瓶裝的酒,顯得很 土氣。幾天過去了,沒有人問津,中國人員有些著 急。心想,這麼好的東西怎麼無人識貨呢?於是, 抱著一瓶茅台酒,穿梭在人流之中,到處向人們介 紹。突然被人撞了一下,手裡的茅台酒瓶摔到了地 上。頓時,整個展覽大廳充滿了濃郁的酒香。參加 展覽的人,都感到奇怪,一打聽才知道這酒香來自
中國的茅台酒。人們把茅台酒展台圍了個水泄不通, 一會兒工夫,展品便被大家搶購一空。這時才引起 各國專家的注意。經過專家品評,中國的茅台酒被 評為「世界名酒」,與法國科涅克白蘭地、英國蘇 格蘭威士卡共用世界三大蒸餾名酒的寶座。新中國 成立後,周恩來總理把茅台定為國宴用酒。從此奠 定了茅台在世人心目中「國酒」、「外交酒」的歷 史地位。
東郊修建一座可容納 10 萬人的體育場。一個龐然
即從他的酒櫃裡取出 5 瓶送給我哥哥。我哥哥如獲
都有人從全國各地專程前來參觀,他們見到中國人 親吻。待他們坐下,我隨手取出一瓶茅台和各種小 吃,招待他們。他們一看茅台,以驚訝的口吻說: 「這是世界名酒茅台呀!」
我感到奇怪,他們怎麼知道茅台?遂問道: 「你
那位男士好像打開了話匣子,滔滔不絕地向我 33
你能送給我幾瓶茅台嗎?唐明照先生慷慨大方,當 至寶,連聲向唐明照先生稱謝。」他說:「我哥哥 將這 5 瓶茅台帶回國內,請全家和他的幾個好朋友
聚會,他拿出茅台讓大家品嘗,說這是中國的茅台, 是世界上最好的酒。」大家品嘗後讚不絕口,說:
「沒有想到, 我們遠在非洲,喝到了世界上最好
SEP 2017
Interview with Chang Chen ——張震專訪
MOUTAI Magazine
SEP 2017
nside and out of the lens, you are able to identify Chang Chen as two different persons with the
same body. There is a clear boundary between his
life and work, so that he can truly be himself at normal days.
He believes it is unnecessary to make poses or do fake street shootings. He usually said "sorry, I'm not feeling well today" when he was asked to have a photo with fans. However, once the camera is on, the true him is hiding away and
endeavors to shape the character no matter it is handsome or ugly.
The style of idol which belongs to decades ago, he has.
At that time, films are treated as artwork while actors got fame because of good movies. Chang's private life hides
deeply behind his characters, and is peeped rarely. His duty
is to forget himself and be the role in the script, what makes him like a niche star that immerses himself in making films, compared with those who are called "flow-driven stars".
He also would like to become the "mainstream stars", but
those he desired and existed in last decade, such as Brad
Pitt and Tony Leung Chiu Wai. He thinks it would be more fortunate if he can meet a director that is able to achieve each other.
Owning the Character Instead of Playing Thirty years in film industry, Chang Chen had never
lacked opportunities to cooperate with extraordinary
directors. He put the gloomy boy of Guling Street in his
personality when he was 14 acted as a leading role on the
silver screen for the first time. However, he did not wish to act at that time. He was pushed to be an actor and under the harsh director Edward Yang, he even changed to an
introverted boy instead of the outgoing person he used to be. After Edward Yang, he cooperated with Ang Lee, Wong Kar Wai, Tian Zhuangzhuang, and Hou Hsiao-hsien. All of
them are the iconic directors in Chinese film industry who have their distinctive director style and aesthetic system. However, after realizing the amusement of acting and
gaining authority in the industry, Chang Chen was not
willing to be "characterized" all the time. Instead, he wished to create characters that truly belonged to him.
He put his bet on the young director Lu Yang, who
directed the film "My Spectacular Theatre" and received recognition in the industry.
Three years ago, when Chang Chen accepted the offer of
the film "Brotherhood of Blades", it was his first attempt to
MOUTAI Magazine
SEP 2017
connect with the mainstream. The role Chang played in the
film, Shen Lian, was an ordinary person who lacked political sense and the power to change his own destiny. Shen Lian
then became an impressively atypical character in Chinese kung-fu films.
"Chang Chen is a mysterious actor. Every film since "The
Bright Sunshine Day" is favorable, but no one can assure his personality," Lu said. However, Shen Lian was the role that Chang Chen attempted to confirm his own characteristics. "I did not care about cameras when I was acting, because I think that is the most natural way to act. I noticed, after gaining more experience, there are numerous ways of
acting and shooting." Chang Chen was consciously showing the personal charisma of Shen Lian when shooting the
"Brotherhood of Blades". And this time in the "Brotherhood of Blades II", Chang Chen blended Bajiquan, the martial art
he learned when played "The Razor" in "The Grandmaster", into Shen Lian's movement since "the Bajiquan is fast and vigorous and the speed of it can be used to lessen the age gap between actor and character". 38
MOUTAI Magazine
Chang Chen had always been hesitating whether to seize
life. "Marriage is kind of important," Chang said, "I have to
the opportunity when mainstream films invited him. "I felt
shoulder more responsibilities and be selfish no more, and
uncertain at the beginning, but I'm getting used to it and
become more conservative. I would like to keep everything
able to play different types of roles. Genre is not a problem
in my control range instead of doing everything I want to."
when you revolved from character actor to mature actor."
Although this new father is still getting used to the
changes, he started to learn the things that single person
Continuingly Being an Actor
unable to enjoy. For instance, " it is easy to share your
opinion of foods with others, and when you are in a bad
Wu Qingyuan is the role that Chang Chen thinks the
mood, someone will cheer you up, and she will listen for
hardest to extricate himself. Chang Chen learned how to
sure. We will quarrel, but being single you can only vent
play Go and let himself live in bitter life in order to "become"
your spleen. I'm also facing the problem of choosing
a Go master. Chang Chen got a diving license for the role in
something.I used to buy the more expensive one or nothing,
"Missing", won the national first prize of Bajiquan after "The
but now I can let my wife help me to choose. Because of
Grandmaster", and learned the martial art of swords for
my daughter, the most important thing between my work
"Brotherhood of Blades". Getting into the character is the
gap is facetiming with her. I smile much more than before
technique that Chang has mastered ever since his first film,
when I saw her. These tiny things in life are entertaining, and
but after Wu Qingyuan, Chang finally learned how to get rid
being single is no way to experience them. Being a father is
of the character from his mind. "I played as The Razor for
handsome one way or another."
three years. Because I think Bajiquan is interested, so I can
Last Year, Chang Chen played a role in Japanese
shield the disturbance from other things and continuingly
director Sabu's film "Mr. Long". Chang believed the hidden
Chang Chen acknowledged the essence of pursuing
and women is like the peaceful and placid self in real life. "I
practice it."
assassinator who likes to make noodles for neighbors, girls
something in life after learning martial arts. "It is the mental
think my pace mismatches the whole industry. Playing in
pursuit instead of physical. It does not matter whether the
two or three high quality films in one year is enough for me.
pursuit is right or wrong, good or bad, but something that
I expect more time with my family and I'm making my effort
can endure, and that is what I think critical."
to do so." The quality is what Chang regarded as the most
Married in 2013 and having a daughter in 2015, Chang
substantial things rather than quantity. "I wish to extend the
Chen has become another role that hardly to extricate,
period of acting so that being an actor is able to last longer,
and the pace of life has changed, as well as the focus of
and make myself rise steadily in this industry." 39
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偶爾才被窺見,而他的本職工作是努力忘記自我,成為劇中的 那個人。這個時代的「流量擔當」一出,他反而顯得像是埋頭 拍電影的小眾明星。
流。畢 • 彼特或者梁朝偉那樣的,可雅可俗,更有幸一點,能
師》練成全國八極拳一等獎、演《繡春刀》就去學習刀法,進 入角色是張震從第一部作品就已練就的技藝,但在有了吳清源
2013 年結婚,2015 年有了女兒小源寶,張震擁有了人生
直延續的事情,讓自己在這個行業能夠不斷穩定地上升。 」
現這個人物的魅力。尤其在《繡春刀 II:修羅戰場》中,更年 41
SEP 2017
When Moutai Merged with French Cuisine
--Interview with Chef Guillaume Galliot at Michelin Two-Star Caprice at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
專訪米芝蓮二星餐廳香港四季酒店 Caprice 大廚
Guillaume Galliot
TEXT/ 文 Selina S. IMAGE/ 圖 Calvin Sit 香港四季酒店 TRANSLATION/ 譯 Spencer
MOUTAI Magazine
SEP 2017
MOUTAI Magazine
Fine and smooth tastes, multi-flavor sauces, exquisite dishes, thoughtful dish garments…Every French cuisine is the synonym of art. There is a Michelin starred chef whose expertise lies in his classical French technique, and his talent is found among the myriad flavors brought in perfect harmony on each plate. In his working experience in China, he started to get in touch with Moutai and use the liquor as condiment in his dishes. He is, Chef de Cuisine at Michelin 2-star Caprice at Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, Guillaume Galliot. 細膩順滑的口感、美味多層次的汁醬、精致考 究的餐具擺設、深思熟慮的完美擺盤……法國 美 食 總 帶 有「 藝 術」 的 光 環。 有 一 位 星 級 名 廚,擅長將各國飲食文化的特點融入在法式傳 統中,創造出層次更豐富的新派法餐;在中國 的工作經歷中,他接觸了貴州茅台酒,並將茅 台酒作為調料,融入在法式佳餚中。他就是米 芝蓮二星餐廳香港四季酒店 Caprice 的掌門人 Guillaume Galliot。
delicate and luxury tastes, and the French regarded "eating"
Using Artistic Gastronomy to Conquer the Picky Taste Buds
as pleasure of life; "Food is not just a kind of enjoyment, but art." Galliot is the one who is good at enjoying this pleasure and creating astonishing tastes for picky taste buds.
Nine years ago, the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing
Foie gras is a traditional French ingredient. It has the rich
brought the world's attention. Besides the games between
tastes as a kiss and is smooth as cream, which allows chef to
competition was performed and publicized outside the
that are impossible to resist. Galliot may restrain the edge of
different countries and nationalities, another cultural
use different culinary skills to create luxurious opulent tastes
game venues. With the gathering of athletes who have
foie gras for the artistic purpose to illustrate "the importance
different food culture, the city's catering industry became
of exploration in the taste in order to embrace its different
prosperous. There were numerous opportunities to exhibit
layers." The dish of Foie Gras with Dumplings and Mashed
different cuisines at that time while Chinese and French
Pumpkin is a representative of Galliot's cooking concept.
culinary arts communicated greatly with each other during
The dumplings that contain foie gras covered by mashed
the festivities. As a witness, Galliot had vanquished gourmet
pumpkin enable every bit to have the sweet of pumpkin, the
fans with his culinary talents at the Raffles Hotel Beijing.
aroma of foie gras and the tenacity of dumpling.
As a chef who is famed by the Michelin, Guillaume Galliot
In 2010, Galliot received the opportunity to bring his
has caught attention gradually since he became the chef of
unique culinary vision to life. At "The Tasting Room by
the Raffles Hotel Beijing. French cuisine is popular due to the
Galliot" in the City of Dreams, Macau, he drew on his 45
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"Moutai is a name card from China to the world. The Chinese cuisine with the aroma of Moutai is able to well demonstrate the charm and profound history of Chinese drinking culture." personal culinary journey to craft a truly modern French
fine dining experience. In the first year, the restaurant was
recognized with one star in the Michelin Guide, an accolade
he maintained for four consecutive years until achieving the coveted two Michelin star rating in 2016 and 2017. At "The
Tasting Room", Galliot received further accolades including Asia's 50 Best Restaurants 2017.
Natural Taste is the Soul of Gastronomy City lights and boats in Victoria Harbor consist of the
portrait of summer nights in Hong Kong. Michelin two-star Caprice at 6th Floor of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong is
a great place to spend the night. The modern Chinoiserie
dĂŠcor, Czech crystal chandeliers, and panoramic views of Victoria Harbor will complete a dining experience further
elevated through Galliot's inspired, globally flavored French cuisine. With his appointment to Caprice, Guillaume Galliot joins one of the most talented teams in one of the most
breathtaking restaurants in Asia that boost the interests of public in Caprice's new menu.
Galliot believes that natural taste is the soul of
gastronomy. In his culinary, every detail is served for the
connotation of "creative French cuisine." The knowledge of
senses empowers the eating experience to exploration. The time feels like slower when seating at the Caprice, and that is suitable for enjoying Galliot's creative cuisine, which is inspired by the world's cultures.
An exquisite appetizer "Beef-Oyster Tartare and Caviar"
fuses Galliot's concept of natural tastes. Every bite of the
tartare is chewy, because of its combination of fresh wagyu
beef and the seasonal Australian oyster. Along with the light flavor of fruits and top-graded caviar, they build the senses of ocean in your mouth.
Another signature dish of Galliot is made of roasted
pigeon, confit legs, beetroot variation and Port wine sauce. 46
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This dish engages Galliot's personal understanding of
cooking pigeons. The legs of pigeons were sealed by oil and
roasted till the bones are able to pull out easily. The flavor of pigeon with beetroot variation and Port sauce enriches the tastes with deliciousness.
The Great Potential of Moutai in Culinary Galliot likes traveling around the world, and it is possible
for you to catch up with him in the trip but not in the pace
he adds new ingredients to his cuisine. He gets inspirations from different countries but still maintains the elegance of
France. Laksa from south-east Asia, the lighter touch of the Mediterranean or Chinese chicken soup can all be seen in Galliot's work where he excels in making flavors of France dance in unison with the tastes of the world.
Born in France and experiencing the 2008 Beijing
Olympics, he is well acknowledged the importance of baijiu in Chinese culture. "Moutai is a name card from China to
the world. The Chinese cuisine with the aroma of Moutai is able to well demonstrate the charm and profound history of Chinese drinking culture." In the journey of finding
delight and freshness, Galliot expects to blend baijiu into his cooking.
Mixing sauces is the task that examines chef's skills the
most. There is a main course in Caprice's menu that is made of slow cooked turbot, mashed zucchini, wild mushrooms, sweet corn, Culatello ham and ComtĂŠ cheese emulsion. Galliot used Moutai to mix the sauce and he said "good
sauce can improve the tastes and flavor of food, and the
multi-layered flavors that Moutai has are able to be released through the process of mixing." In traditional French
culinary, the chef usually uses rice wine from France to
create different tastes as time lapses in this dish, but Galliot uses Moutai to present its aroma and flavors.
"French culinary is based on the natural tastes of food,
but would like to combine different ingredients and highlight their own characters within one perfect dish." Galliot
noticed that the famous Kweichow Moutai, which can be the ingredients of food, is originated from the profound Chinese food culture. Meanwhile, whether combined with refine
French tastes, passionate Italian food or whatever cuisines, Moutai can reveal its glamour. Besides the deep flavor that is simulated by culinary skills, it also has the extraordinary tastes that no one can resist. The gourmets' amazement
will be further elevated through Galliot's inspired, globally flavored French cuisine. 47
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「茅台酒似乎是中國發給世界的一張 文化名片,中國菜系搭配酒香突出、 回味悠長的陳釀,很好地展示了中華 酒及中國飲食文化的魅力和底蘊。」
除了競賽場上各國、各民族的運動員選手們過招的體育競賽項 目,賽場外還有一項文化賽事在展示、交流。2008 年,隨著
不同飲食文化、習俗的運動員聚集北京,這個城市的餐飲行業 也尤為興旺,不同菜系在這個世界性賽事的舞台上都有著綻放 精彩的機會。中式的席珍美饌和法式的餐桌藝術,此時有了奇
的大廚手下,能夠以不同的形式和搭配出現。Galliot 也許會
妙的交流,Guillaume Galliot 是見證者,曾掌勺屹立於北京
作為頂著「星星」光環的法國名廚,Guillaume Galliot 的
名氣更從 2008 年北京奧運同年在北京飯店萊佛士掌勺開始積
兩年後的 2010 年,Galliot 在澳門新濠天地以他個人命
名的餐廳「禦膳房」(The Tasting Room By Galliot)裏,以
Galliot 的帶領下,餐廳在開業第一年已摘下一星米芝蓮榮譽
Galliot 恰是會享受這一樂事的人,而且還能為不少刁鉆的味
並連續四年獲獎,在 2016 及 2017 年間更是奪取了二星米芝
蓮評級。今年揭榜的「2017 亞洲 50 佳餐廳」,其中 Galliot 48
MOUTAI Magazine
香港四季酒店二星米芝蓮 Caprice 法國餐廳位於酒店六層,是
個「莫讓此夜虛度」的好去處。只見高級象牙白色糅進了鉆石 黑色的輕法式裝潢,還有盞盞捷克水晶燈從穹頂垂下,搭配著 窗外壯闊的維港景觀,此處確是能詮釋「高級法國料理藝術」
的地方。Caprice 已是城中知名的法國餐廳,名流雅士及商界
菁英薈常聚於此,三個月前新主廚 Guillaume Galliot 的上任, 讓人們對於 Caprice 的全新菜單有了新的期待。
Galliot 深信食物的天然真味是美膳的靈魂,在他呈現的
出品裏,會巧妙地融會每個細節,從視覺藝術開啟「新派法菜」 的意蘊,再尋訪至感官的味覺的學問,令用餐體驗變成連串的
新發現。端坐在香港四季酒店 Caprice 餐廳內,時光嫻靜,很
適合享用主廚 Galliot 從世界文化中汲取靈感的「新派法菜」。 一道精致的法式開胃小菜「生牛肉鮮蠔鞳鞳配頂級魚子
醬」,融合了 Galliot「保持美膳天然真味」的理念而精心創 作而成。鮮和牛每一口都充滿彈性,有清淡的草本芬芳和細膩
果香,新鮮當季的澳洲巖蠔拌入生牛肉中制成粉嫩嬌鮮的鞳 鞳,頂上鋪滿頂級魚子醬,鮮甜嫩美的鞳鞳和著魚子醬一並包 裹整個口腔,仿佛翺遊在海洋的蔚藍馨香中。
Galliot 招牌菜式還包括有一道「香烤乳鴿伴紅菜頭配波
特酒汁」,加入了 Galliot 大廚個人對於乳鴿烹制的理解,油
封處理乳鴿全身最有韌勁和口感的腿部肉件,將乳鴿油浸封 存,讓味道完全滲透,並在開封時經過烤制,讓乳鴿骨頭都已
法餐中,調配醬汁最能展現大廚功力和內涵,Caprice 餐
玉米及風幹火腿配芝士汁」的主菜,Galliot 創新地以茅台酒
感,茅台酒有著很多內藏的能量,能夠通過醬汁的調制而被 慢慢釋放」。這道慢煮多寶魚的菜式,通常會用新鮮野菌配
Galliot 是位滿世界跑的大廚,你可能追得上他遊歷全世
Galliot 這次以渾厚野性的茅台酒替代了黃酒,酒體在熱度提
意」,也可能加入了中式清爽淡雅的雞湯……Galliot 擅於將
漓盡致!」Galliot 發現,被眾文人墨客和歷史名人盛贊的貴
出身在以葡萄酒文化為主導的法國,在經歷過 2008 年北
味無窮的驚艷之味。Galliot 在烹飪地道的法餐的同時孜孜不
Galliot 總是期望能以中國底蘊十足的酒文化作為契機,融入
驚喜。 49
SEP 2017
Sydney, from the Ocean 悉尼:自海中來 50
TEXT&IMAGE/ 圖、文 Natalya Cheung TRANSLATOR/ 譯 Spencer
MOUTAI Magazine
SEP 2017
he name Australia is derived from the Latin "Terra Australis", which means the "southern land", a name used for a hypothetical continent in the
Southern Hemisphere since ancient times. Australia is
separated alone with other land by the ocean and becomes the only country that comprising one island. On the other hand, this unique geographic character is biologically
fragile. The island was formed 200 million years ago and
every unexpected visitor may put the biological chain to
a risk of disorder. When Europeans first began visiting and
mapping Australia in the 17th century, 11% of 273 kinds of
terrestrial mammals had become extinct and 21% of them
are dying out. The reason of this tragedy is mainly because
of the invasion of cats. In order to catch mice, sailors kept a
few cats on the ship, but they were bred quickly and started hunting local animals, which barely had ability to defeat
cats. Because of the isolation of this island, large amount of visitors came for its distinctive cultural and natural scenes.
However, the first group of immigrants from Great Britain on this island was prisoners.
In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east
coast, which he named New South Wales and claimed
for Great Britain. In the colonial history of Great Britain,
prisoners were the main export items, especially to North
America. In 1880s, the prisons of Great Britain were almost full, so that the government decided to send prisoners to New South Wales as well. The British Government sent
a fleet of ships with 700 prisoners, 209 chicken, 74 pigs, 29 goats and 4 male horses, the "First Fleet", under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip, to establish a new
penal colony in New South Wales. A camp was set up and
the flag rose at Sydney Cove, Port Jackson, on 26 January
1788. According to a population survey in 1828, 50% of the
The name Australia is derived from the Latin "Terra Australis", which means the "southern land", a name used for a hypothetical continent in the Southern Hemisphere since ancient times
population in New South Wales was exiled prisoners, and police officers were also from well-behaved prisoners.
There is no wonder that when the two most developed
cities Sydney and Melbourne were fighting for becoming capital, they despised on each other and Sydneysiders
thought Melburnians are greedy rough guys because their
ancestors came to Melbourne for god rush. "You prisoners'
posterity, how better you are?" Melburnians fought back to Sydneysiders.
Today's Sydney looked far from penal colony. The
「澳大利亞,意為『南方大陸』, 來自拉丁文 Terra Australis」
first stop in Sydney could be started in Circular Quay,
where Captain Arthur Phillip boarded and now the main transportation hub that ferry, bus, metro's stations are
located. On sunny days, young people carrying sun tanner 52
MOUTAI Magazine
and towel take ferry to nearby islands lying on the beach, showing their beautiful body and get tanned.
If Circular Quay is regarded as a hub, it only has more
crowded and anxious for catching up the train, it is,
however, much more special than that. Circular Quay looks like a well-shaped woman lying by the ocean, which has
numerous bars array inside her cave. Seaside open seats
are mostly wanted by visitors, where full of sunshine and
gathering people with drinks and jazz before dawn. Time is not a concern here with the good mood, but seagulls are.
They will steal your fries in a sudden and fly away to Sydney Opera House. Yes, the Opera House is the sight you cannot miss if you are drinking in the bars.
Planning began in the late 1940s, when Eugene Goossens,
the Director of the NSW State Conservatorium of Music,
lobbied for a suitable venue for large theatrical productions. An international design competition was launched by Cahill
in 1955 and the winner, announced in 1957, was Jørn Utzon, a Danish architect. According to legend the Utzon design was rescued from a final cut of 30 "rejects" by the noted
Finnish American architect Eero Saarinen who lobbied every parties and made sure this Danish fairy tale was apparent in the South Hemisphere.
The Opera House was formally completed in 1973 after
14-year construction. Thousands of visitors worship this great architecture in every day. Some people said she is the sail on the sea, while some others regarded her as
the precious shells beside the ocean. Unfortunately, the designer Jørn Utzon himself said he was inspired by a
SEP 2017
以躋身前列,海關規定嚴禁攜帶蔬果、肉類入境。排隊核查時, 帥氣的警犬出場,把等待入境的人兒嗅個遍,如果發現違禁物 品——有時只是一包桂圓乾——抱歉,沒收物品不說,還有高 額的罰款等著你。這樣做,完全不是虛張聲勢或者過度緊張, 而是因為,這裡是——澳大利亞。
澳 大 利 亞, 意 為「 南 方 大 陸 」, 來 自 拉 丁 文 Terra
的被湛藍海水包圍, 使之成為世界上唯一獨佔一個大陸的國
家。這樣的澳大利亞,是脆弱的,2 億年前澳洲大陸形成,在 漫長的斗轉星移間,任何外來不速之客的光臨,都會造成生物 鏈條的紊亂。自 18 世紀歐洲移民踏足澳洲大陸以來,澳大利
亞特有的 273 種陸棲哺乳動物中,有 11% 絕種,21% 瀕危, 而究其原因,居然是因為船員養在船上捉老鼠用的貓「移民」 到了這片新大陸,這種在另外的大洲再平常不過的生物,在新
peeled orange. Utzon died in Copenhagen in 2008, aged 90.
He had never returned to Australia to see the completed
opera house.
各地的遊客前來。 然而,首批登上這片大陸的外來人口,是
The Sydney Harbor Bridge is a perfect background for
the Opera House, what was designed and built in 1930s.
1770 年,英國著名探險家庫克船長在澳大利亞東南岸的
The bridge held together by six million Australian-made
hand-driven rivets rather than welding, was, at the time, a
"The Coathanger" because of its arch-based design and
是大批囚犯,主要輸出到北美。到了 18 世紀 80 年代,英國
marvelous construction technique. The bridge is nicknamed
has a ridiculous opening ceremony. When the guests were
地好了。1788 年 1 月 26 日,阿瑟 · 菲利普船長率領 11 艘船,
about to open the bridge by cutting a ribbon at its southern
攜帶著 700 名流放犯,及 209 只雞、74 頭豬、29 只綿羊、4
end, a man in military uniform rode up on a horse, slashing
匹雄馬等登陸悉尼。同年 2 月,以悉尼為中心的新南威爾士殖
the ribbon with his sword and opening the Sydney Harbor
民地正式成立。據 1828 年的一次人口普查顯示,新南威爾士
Bridge in the name of the people of New South Wales before
州有 50% 的人口為流放犯人,警隊的警員也是來源於表現較
the official ceremony began. He was promptly arrested and
the ribbon was hurriedly retied for continuingly performing
the official opening ceremony. The intruder was convicted of offensive behavior and fined 5 pounds.
with ocean for destiny. The transportation hub and the most
Sydney, one of the oldest cities in Australia, is bound
famous architecture are both on the seaside. There is also
a fish market facing the sea and providing fresh Australian lobster that has tight meat and is suitable for sashimi.
瑟 · 菲利普船長上岸的港灣,已然是悉尼主要交通樞紐,渡輪、
Pelicans in the market often rob a big fish head and enjoy it
Humpback whales breed in north-east Australia from
July to November and migrate back to South Pole, since
then starting the great migration of animal world. There is
great opportunity to watch the humpback whales expel air
of the water slapping the water with their fins or tails. It is
through their blowhole and you can even see them leap out
difficult to forget the scene in your life once you saw.
MOUTAI Magazine
紀 30 年代的單拱橋顯示了那個年代的超高建築技藝,整个钢
铁巨汉用了 600 万个铆钉,却不曾焊接一处。这个被澳洲人
1932 年 3 月 19 日,大桥剪彩仪式正在热闹进行,彩带被捧起,
等待貴賓,此時,一名前騎兵軍官弗朗西斯 · 葛洛特,騎馬擅
上世紀 40 年代,悉尼一些有識之士爭相奔走遊說,為求
得一個固定演出場地,1955 年,政府終於撥款開始籌建歌劇
出盡風頭的「騎士」最終被罰款 5 英鎊。
約恩 · 伍重,跨過大洋,在另外的大洲鑄造了一個建築史上的 童話。伍重的作品,屬於從廢紙簍當中撿回來的遺珠,當時,
粗的澳洲大龍蝦, 肉質緊實、 爽脆, 不用過多的烹飪, 刺生
他的作品已被判出局,後來芬蘭籍的建築師埃洛 · 沙里寧來到
悉尼歌劇院,一修就是 14 年,從 1973 年至今,每天接
7 月到 11 月,海洋霸主座頭鯨在澳洲東北部產子,拖家
受數千遊客的膜拜,有人說,她是在海上桀驁揚起的風帆,有 人說,她是悉尼灣浪花撫摸下潔白的貝殼。她的設計者伍重卻
在丹麥去世,享年 90 歲,直到生命最後一刻,都未曾親自看
說,他的靈感來源,是一個撥開的橘子。這個老人,2008 年
作為悉尼歌劇院完美背景的是海灣大橋,這個建於上世 55
SEP 2017
Exploration of Africa 非洲之探索
TEXT/ 文 Veronique Natalya Cheung TRANSLATOR/ 譯 Yung
MOUTAI Magazine
South Africa: Born at the End of the World Unlike other African countries, South Africa is a country
at the junction of two oceans, mountains and seas, as well as civilization and wildness. Apart from the breathtaking
natural scenery, gap and contrast is its consistent theme. It
has been ruled and freed; it was a colony, but now becomes the most democratic country; it was split, and then merged; colored races are isolated and integrated here; as a result
of compromise among various colonial parties, it had three capitals, but the most famous city is not one of them.
Coming to Africa, we have to talk about the baobab tree,
that is, the tree that "the Little Prince" always wanted to
eliminate from his planet. As a national treasure of South
Africa, baobab appears everywhere and even becomes the
name of South African Airways' VIP lounge. With round and
bulging trunk, and branches stretching out into the sky, this kind of tress is like a little rebellious fat man with a bizarre
hairstyle. Legend holds that when the baobab was planted
by God, it kept walking. So God pulled it up and replanted it upside down to stop it from moving. It is also said that the
life of the baobab tree can be as long as thousands of years; however, because the tree has no tree rings, no proof is available.
Although not one of the capital, Johannesburg (short
for Jo'burg) is more famous than other cities. It was a
bright diamond city as well as a crime city of apartheid.
It once suffered from international sanctions because of apartheid; as a result, the economic downturn and high
crime rate have not improved today; on the other hand, the
oil blockade caused by international sanctions forced South
Africa to find another way out. That is, the Sasol Company in Jo'burg used coal as raw materials to develop liquid fuels,
SEP 2017
which is so far a miraculous technology without equal. If
seems to be bluish while the Indian Ocean water is warmer
Jo'burg would be the right choice, and the Indaba Hotel of
at the confluence of the two oceans. The sea water near
and relatively green. Therefore, you can dimly see a line
you are afraid of the city's rampant crime, the outskirts of
the Cape of Good Hope is highly changeable and may be
Johannesburg is one of the paradises. The rooms are rows
turbulent at any time.
of thatched-roof bungalows full of local style. Outside the
Finally you will come to Cape Point, the best place to
rooms are large grass and lakes, with wild birds walking
around everywhere. The hotel offers the buffet dinner with
see the stars and the sea. There is the world's most lonely
style and coupled with local music. You can always hear the
looking at the end of the world day after day, taking care of
lighthouse standing at the confluence of oceans, quietly
local specialties. The restaurant is decorated with African
ships, storm, waves, stars and the moon, guarding the long
sound of all kinds of drums and African artists may paint the
and dark stormy night, and then casting a strong light to the
face for guests besides the dinner table. Cuisines are from
all over the world. If you love adventure, you can try the barbecue of those unknown animals.
Among the three capitals, I like Cape Town most. The
Banks of the Nile
city faces seas and with a mountain at its back. Looking
forwards, you can see the monstrous and endless waves at
China and Egypt, the two major ancient civilizations,
the confluence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean;
look at each other across space, silently experience the
looking backwards, you can see "God's Dinner Table"——
vicissitudes of thousands of years, look at the growth of
the towering and flat-topped Table Mountain.
younger countries, and look into the future with their
The Table Mountain is very flat, like a huge rectangular
penetrating eyes. In the morning when I take the Egypt Air
dinner table. The white clouds surrounding it are just like
flight from Cairo to Luxor, I witness the splendid scene of
the white tablecloth. The mountain is more than 1,000
sunrise. I see the Sun God Amon rising from the horizon. The
meters high. If you do not want to walk, you can choose the
Nile reflects itself into another river in the sky. Then Amon
360-degree view cable car. Close to the sea and surrounded
takes a gorgeous boat in the sky river, passing slowly, and
by vapor, the Table Mountain often has different climates
disappears at the other end of the horizon. After the sudden
within a day and is covered with clouds and fogs most of
drop of temperature at night, Amon appears in time on the
the time. Overlooking from the mountain, you can see Cape
next day and never disappoints his faithful Egyptian people.
Town stretching slowly at the foot of the mountain and
From birth to death and rebirth, Amon gives the belief
the city edge gradually disappearing in the vast and blue
of resurrection to the Egyptians day after day and leads
Atlantic Ocean. On the mountain there are various small
them to believe that the soul can find a way back as long
local animals, such as Rock Dassie.
as the body is kept intact. So mummy comes into being. In
Besides Rock Dassie, the other two lovely animals are
fact, the word "mummy" is not religious, romantic, or holy.
penguins and seals. The Boulders Beach has a well-known
It is derived from the Greek "asphalt", because the formed
gathering place for penguins. Groups of penguins enjoy the
mummy always shows the color of asphalt.
sunshine there. There are of course some rebels. They break
Through this inland flight I can see the Nile from the sky.
through the fence of fate and waddle along the streets to
explore this unknown world. The Dukier Island of the Hout
Egypt is the Nile's bounty. In such a country with only three
see baboons at the roadside of the Kruger National Park.
amazingly runs from south to north into the Mediterranean
to four rainfalls that last for less than five minutes, the Nile
Bay is a great place to see seals. Besides, people can often
Sea, moistening the entire Egypt. Several of its major
Driving along the coast, you can see the whale if you are
tributaries are straight and form a holy lotus shape. This
lucky enough.
narrow jade belt miraculously brings the oasis banks to the
Keep driving south along the N2 highway and you will
boundless desert and lively colors the lonely loess. In this
soon come to Chapman's Peak Drive, a section of cliff
way and for tens of thousands of years, it runs from south to
highway along the coast. Keep driving and you will come
north silently and becomes Egypt's precious lifeblood and
to the Cape of Good Hope. The wind there is too heavy for
eternal backbone, helping Egypt to create the most stunning
you to hold your camera. In the Cape of Good Hope you can
glory in human history.
also see a strange scenery. The Atlantic water is colder and
MOUTAI Magazine
就是那個小王子一心想要從自己星球上鏟掉的那些樹。作為南 非國寶,處處都可以看到它身影,南非航空的貴賓休息室名字
也以它命名。這種樹樹幹圓鼓鼓的,枝丫亂七八糟的伸向天空, 像一個留著古怪髮型的叛逆期的小胖子。據說猴麵包樹是上帝 栽種的,由於它總是走來走去,上帝就把它拔出來,再倒著栽 到地裡,以防它亂動。也有人說,猴麵包樹的壽命可長達數千 年,但是由於這種樹沒有年輪,所以無從考證。
聲。它曾是燈火璀璨的鑽石之城,也是種族隔離的罪惡之都。 它曾因種族隔離而遭受國際制裁,經濟一蹶不振,犯罪率居高
封鎖使南非不得不另闢蹊徑,在約翰尼斯堡成立 Sasol 公司,
選,Indaba Hotel Johannesburg 就是一個世外桃源,房間都
綠草地和湖泊,到處都有野生的鳥類四處走動。酒店提供當地 59
SEP 2017
特色自助餐,餐廳的裝修很有非洲味道,背景絕對是本土的音 樂,各類鼓點響個不定,還有非洲藝人到餐桌給客人臉上畫彩 繪,而菜點來自世界各地,如果你不怕的話,可以試試那些不 知名動物的烤肉。
迤邐展開,向後是有「上帝餐桌」之稱的桌山,山頂綿延平展, 氣象巍然,向前看大西洋和印度洋兩大洋在此交匯,匯合處巨 浪滔天,終年不息。
話可以選擇 360 度觀景纜車。由於臨海,水汽氤氳,桌山一 日之內往往氣候不齊,大部分時間雲霧繚繞。從桌山上俯望, 開普敦城在山腳下緩緩延伸,城市邊緣逐漸消失在廣闊蔚藍的 大西洋裡。桌山上有著各類當地特有的小動物,比如蹄兔(Rock Dassie),儘管名字裡有個兔子,看起來也毛絨絨的,它卻是 大象的近親。
(Boulders Beach)裡面有個著名的企鵝聚集地,企鵝成群 結對的在此曬太陽,當然也會有不甘寂寞的反抗者,掙脫命運 的藩籬來到街上,搖搖擺擺的探索未知的世界。豪特灣(Hout
Bay)的德克島 (Duiker Island) 則是看海豹的好地方。此外, 克魯格國家公園路邊常常可以見到狒狒,沿海邊開車,運氣好 的話還可以看到鯨魚。
沿著 N2 公路往南一直開下去,一會就來到 Chapman's
Peak Drive,一段沿著大海在懸崖絕壁上修建的公路,再往下
走就是好望角。這裡的風特別大,大到你會拿不住手裡的相機。 在好望角還可以看到一個奇特景色,大西洋的水比較冷,海水 偏藍,而印度洋比較溫暖,顏色比較綠,所以在那個點可以看 到隱隱約約有一條線。好望角海水變化多端,隨時都會有風起 雲湧。
最後來到 Cape Point,是真正看到星辰大海的地方。這
靜靜的望著世界盡頭,照看著船隻,風暴,巨浪,星空和月亮, 看守著漫長漆黑的暴雨之夜,然後向懸崖下投出強光。
MOUTAI Magazine
尼羅河的兩岸 中國和埃及這兩大文明古國,隔空相望,默默經歷著幾千
年的滄桑巨變,看著後輩成長,也用經過歲月洗練的眼睛,翹 首眺望未來。清晨,我從開羅乘上埃及航空內陸段開往盧克索 的飛機,目睹了日出盛況,只見太陽神阿蒙周而復始地從地平 線上爬起,尼羅河在天上映射出另外一條河,阿蒙坐著華麗的 船,緩緩駛過,消失在地平線那一頭,經過氣溫驟降的黑夜, 第二天,準時冒頭,從不讓信仰他的埃及人民失望。
以至於他們認為,只要保留好肉身,靈魂便能尋到歸路。於是, 木乃伊應運而生了。其實「木乃伊」這三個字,不宗教不浪漫 不聖潔,它源於希臘語中的「瀝青」,因為成型的木乃伊總是 呈現出瀝青的色澤。
尼羅河的慷慨饋贈,在這個一年只有三到四次,每次不到五分 鐘降水的國度,尼羅河竟能高馳不顧的從南往北,潤澤上下埃 及,奔流進地中海。幾大支流的入海口,形成中通外直,不蔓 不枝蓮花的聖潔形狀。這窄窄的一條玉帶,為無垠沙漠,神跡 一般帶來兩岸綠洲,為寂寞黃土增添生命色彩。就這樣,千萬
年的,從南往北,沉默不語,成為埃及的寶貴命脈和不朽脊樑, 協助埃及創造了人類史上最讓人瞠目結舌的無限榮光。 61
SEP 2017
Travel in 咖啡帶我去旅行
TEXT/ 文 Erika
Good coffee is a pleasure. Good friends are the treasure.
MOUTAI Magazine
luggage onto the tower room. He asked me to feed myself with oatmeal, milk, orange juice and fruits stored in
refrigerator "before you head for the coffee tasting event tomorrow."
"Are you going to Counter Culture Coffee's Training
Center?" The lady who helped me pay the street parking
Boston-Tasting at Ten
with her own app and money happily suggested. "Why not try a breakfast under grapevine at 'Neighborhood
"Training Centers are open to the public every Friday
Restaurant' before Tasting at Ten?"
from 10–11 a.m. for a free public coffee tasting."
With all these great expectations I successfully engaged
"I will be there."
the front row at counter. It was a crush into "Hologram" and
"To taste some coffee and do cupping."
by "Wave Filter" and espresso. Both host and hostess led
"What are you in the States for, madam?"
"Big Trouble", two exceptional blends served in "pourover"
It takes around 6 hours driving from Montreal to Boston.
us to do the flavor study without over-describing and I
All the way over the mountains, farmlands, lakes, forests
did appreciate the Q & A session. They answered all the
and towns, I was crossing Vermont, New Hampshire and
questions regarding the making of great coffee, from seed
Massachusetts. There is free Wi-Fi found throughout the
to harvest, from green bean purchase to roasting plan, from
highway in Vermont as well as the green mountains. When
grinding to extraction and from value to making choices.
arriving in New Hampshire, the rain stopped and a huge
"Are you guys used to offering extra time to answer
rainbow appeared, which I reckoned as a good sign.
questions?" Marty, the host, nodded.
It was 9pm-ish in Boston when my host carried my
I guess "Sharing" is his favorite virtue. He told me how he
SEP 2017
managed the balance between class time and participant numbers in a Home Brew class. He suggested coffee guys
should keep learning for a lifetime. He offered me a pack of Kenya beans, which was about to launch. "Try it with your bean seeker friend."
He shared his humility when I asked for a signature. Following his suggestions, I had a great time in
Cambridge at ease, successfully getting rid of the tourists and the highway traffic jam in the afternoon.
波士頓 -Tasting at Ten 「培訓中心的公眾開放時間是每週五上午 10-11 點,有個
叫 Tasting at Ten 的活動。」 「好,我來。」
「小姐妳來美國幹什麼?」 「喝咖啡,還有,杯測。」
從滿地可開車到波士頓需要 6 小時,一路翻山越嶺,途徑
小鎮。佛蒙特州的公路提供全線免費 Wi-Fi 上網,以及從南向
北橫貫全州的綠山山脈。轉入新罕布什爾州時,雨散雲收,巨 大的彩虹出現眼前,我想這是個好兆頭。
到波士頓時是晚上 9 點,房東幫我把行李扛上閣樓,打開
雪櫃,說,「妳明天一早出門去參加咖啡品鑒活動以前,記得 填飽肚子,我給妳準備了麥片、牛奶、橙汁、水果。」
「去 Counter Culture Coffee 培訓中心嗎?附近有間鄰家
小館,妳可以坐在葡萄架下吃個早餐再過去。」幫我用手機 App 付了停車費的女生好興奮地推薦。
Tasting at Ten 準時開始,我不負眾望、成功躋身吧台前
排座位。主人家準備了烘焙後養豆 8 天的 Hologram 和 Big
Trouble 兩款咖啡豆拼配。先試手沖蛋糕杯(注:用波浪形濾
紙的咖啡手沖濾杯俗稱「蛋糕杯」)滴濾,繼而 espresso。
男女主持人不作過度引導,仔細辨識具體風味的任務交給我們 獨立完成。我們交完作業(發表各自的品嘗感受)以後,他
們一一作答「風味是如何煉成的」,從種子到採收、從生豆採 購到烘焙思路、從研磨到萃取、從價值觀到取捨之道。
Marty 點頭。
他拿給我一包準備上市的肯尼亞咖啡豆,說道:「和妳的尋豆 師朋友一起試試看。」
按照 Marty 的建議,我成功避開人流,從容地逛了劍橋郡,
MOUTAI Magazine
Counter Culture Coffee and my own roast, 1 from Werka,
Cupping in New Haven
Ethiopia, 1 from Myanmar and 1 from Colombia. Figure the
origins out from blind cupping, Erika." Connie gently started
It was another 3 hours' drive from Boston to New Haven.
the test.
A trip to southwest was a quest for splendid colors in both
I do admire her gentleness, which is also a part of Yale's
clouds and sky. Connie, my bestie, a bean seeker, lives in
charm. It is a strength of accumulation with a richness of
study, wisdom, intellectual, curiosity, sharing, focus and
"You discovered a great Ethiopian bean and named it
continuous improvement. It comes with love and faith from
'China Beauty'. It is now known but you let go the fame. I
inner side of human, becomes visible, approachable and
really admire you."
vivid through the architecture, collections in the gallery,
Connie's visiting scholar husband was preparing cupping
schools, churches, memorial halls, driving speed, the
for us.
volume and topic of chitchats in restaurants, raindrops and
"We cup 5 beans, all washed, 2 different Kenyan from
breezes. 65
SEP 2017
Harvard is fast, pentium, warm, brave and sunny. Yale
and the people showcase the abundance of a scholar's
「這裡的 5 款水洗處理法咖啡豆,兩個來自肯尼亞不同產區,
分別是 Counter Culture Coffee 的和我烘的,一個埃塞俄比亞
talks extended from consumer behavior study to supply
Connie 溫柔地給我出盲品試題。
We tasted both honey processed and natural Geisha. Our
沃卡產區,一個緬甸產區,一個哥倫比亞,Erika 妳來喝一下。」
chain management. We studied the pathway of a scientist
那種溫柔屬於 Connie,也是耶魯大學人文氣質的一部分。
and his political status at home.
cooked for us, and made us desserts and honey lemon
Connie roasted her favorite bean samples for cupping,
ginger tea.
Connie went with me to New York for tasting coffee.
開車到地處波士頓西南方的紐黑文大概需要 3 小時,沿途
師女友 Connie,住在耶魯。
Connie 把壓箱底的豆子拿出來烘了杯測,給我們做飯、做
Connie 和我一起去紐約喝咖啡。
MOUTAI Magazine
delighted us.
The barista who hosted the cupping event told us she
loved staying here. She loved the strollers and dogs under the shadow trees, the beautiful houses with Hydrangea
Brooklyn - Flavor Crushes in Blue Bottle Coffee
alongside, and the Brooklyn's grand park is just 2 blocks away.
Brooklyn is a historical commuter suburb. Frequent
"Look! The skyline of Manhattan!" Driving off island is
here may be adventurous for some people who carry the
pleasant, with not much traffic and a peer to the charm of
memory of mobsters in 1970s. Today we were adventuring
downtown. The skyscrapers, including the Empire State
from the aromatic Blue Bottle single origin beans (Ethiopia,
Building, looked glossily fantastic in the sun at 1pm.
Peru, Myanmar and Costa Rica) to our heart, reaching the
Park Slope, in Blue Bottle Coffee's poetic words, is "with
decision to let go the past and embrace the moment without
as many writers as there are families, and a tree-to-human
expectation and bias. Can we choose to witness instead of
ratio enviable for any city" and "well on its way to becoming
the center of intellectual and cultural activity that it is
My decisions also include: sweep all the Kenyan beans in
voyage pack into my shopping cart; take a detailed note of
It doesn't have to be present in the cupping event held
the barista's recommendations of places in Brooklyn.
every Saturday afternoon. Chocolate brownies, toast stuffed
Next Time
with avocado and buckles with rose pedals are all ready for the most sensitive and critical palate. The contemporary
Autumn in East Coast is marvelous. Dare as you are, take
art never stops at appearance but flavor crushes with or
the train from Montreal to New York, enjoy one of the best
without coffee. Sophisticated balance between savory and
rail routes of the world before sipping a sparkling drink on a
sweet, subtle hint of Himalayan pink salt, surprised us and
SEP 2017
Thursday night in Lincoln Center. Do a quest in Rockefeller Center for the second New York shop of Blue Bottle Coffee the next morning, and thereafter we can figure out the upcoming check point.
1-4pm on Friday afternoon will belong to Home Brew
Class in Counter Culture Coffee's New York Training Center. Continue to fuel your soul up in New York until Tuesday,
then take 2 hours' train to spend a day in Yale's library-it sounds like a plan. As I wish.
When you wish.
在藍瓶咖啡認識布魯克林 「看,曼哈頓的天際線。」在島外行車的福利包括避開擁
堵和遠觀曼哈頓之美。建築群,包括著名的帝國大廈,在下午 一點的陽光裡,鮮花簇錦般美好。
布魯克林公園坡地區,在藍瓶咖啡的眼中自有其詩意: 「其
間作家之多、人均擁有樹木比率之高,足以令任一城市暗羨」。 「它正在成為當代知本家的聚居地和文化活動中心」。
朱古力布朗尼、牛油果多士、加了玫瑰的當季扣蛋糕。廚房裡 的當代藝術不僅在於外相,我們貪婪,我們需要每一口的咸甜 鮮「穠纖合度」,與咖啡融匯出全新風味,我們需要這樣的驚 喜,而藍瓶咖啡辦得到。
下是兒童車和狗,旁邊是坡地大宅和拾級而上的繡球花,大公 園距此僅兩個街區。
險。上世紀 70 年代的黑幫火拼至今依然令人色變。而當下我
們也在探險,這探險從藍瓶咖啡烘焙的埃塞俄比亞、秘魯、緬 甸、哥斯大黎加 4 個產區的單源咖啡豆開始,從千香萬味導向 我們內心,直抵放下前塵種種,不帶期待、不帶偏見,擁抱當 下所有的已知未知,以同在取代評判的選擇。
是全球最美的十條火車線路之一,試一試何妨?禮拜四晚到埠 後,懷抱一瓶骨碌碌的起泡飲品,看林肯中心的夜景;次日清 晨,到洛克斐勒中心玩尋寶遊戲那樣找到深藏的藍瓶咖啡分店 喝一杯,再決定下一站的方向。
禮拜五下午 1-4 點,屬於 Counter Culture Coffee 的培訓
中心的自家沖煮課程。下課後繼續在紐約充實靈魂直至週二, 再搭 2 小時火車到耶魯大學圖書館裡打書釘,也不是不可以。 只要我願意。 只要你願意。
MOUTAI Magazine
Some important tips Counter Culture Coffee
www.counterculturecoffee.com BOSTON TRAINING CENTER 374 Somerville Avenue Somerville, MA 02143 Blue Bottle Coffee
www.bluebottlecoffee.com Park Slope
203 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
SEP 2017
An Unrestrained Paris 自由的巴黎
TEXT&IMAGE 圖、文 / Joseph & Josephine
MOUTAI Magazine
SEP 2017
Speaking of the Flower City, Paris must recall many
The Louvre can be seen as the most representative of
people's resonance. It always has something to attract
the historical buildings. Since Philip II of the 12th century,
of nationality you are, what kind of personality, and what
a thousand years. It is difficult to descript the Louvre's
you or make you feel comfortable, no matter what kind
this palace experienced a lot of stories through nearly
kind of hobby you have. It is a magical city. In August, the
magnificence. When I went out from the Louvre metro, I was
weather in Paris is dry and cool, which makes me feel more
shocked. The exit of metro was just close to the sidewall
comfortable and finally get rid of the sticky and sweaty
of the palace, so that when tourists still felt dizzy from
summer from the subtropical city—Hong Kong.
complicated underground railway system, they were just
Since the Enlightenment, Paris has been one of the
shocked by the luminous wall of the Louvre. Compared to
cultural centers of the world. Her broad mind and inclusive
the British Museum, they all have great treasures, but every
diversification endow her with her own temperament, which
corner of the Louvre reveals the brilliance of the former
is different from any other European cities. In Paris, I've not
France. When you come to the Pantheon, it's a little hard to
only drunk the finest coffee, but also tasted the authentic
believe that these great stars like Hugo and Voltaire just lie
Pho in Vietnamese restaurant. What impressed me most is
down in their coffins in front of you. In the National Opera
the large area of old grand buildings in the center of Paris.
House, the delicate architecture and the wonderful music
It's rare even in Europe that an international metropolis
are perfect match. The Eiffel Towel shows the great process
can still have such a wide range of well–preserved historical
in modern industry. It also can be seen as the symbol that
buildings. Not to mention that these historical buildings are
human beings show the power to the God. And you can still
still playing a practical role. The modern history of Paris was
feel Napoleon's arrogance through the Arc de Triomphe.
not calm, but fortunately, she could be said to be survivors
Through the Seine tour, you can overview all these beautiful
in the historical turmoil. As long as you have been to Berlin,
scenes mentioned above. The only pity is too dizzying.
you will have the same feeling with me.
For me, delicious food and music are both important.
MOUTAI Magazine
Apparently, Paris is a treasure house for me. Gibert & Joseph, and Melomania are both record shops. Although most of the records are second-hand, the kinds of versions are rare and rich. As one of the two cultural origins of café (the other is Vienna), the Café de Flore, the Les Deux Magots and other cafes brighten the café culture of Paris, like shinny stars.
Every delicate table and chair and every sip of coffee makes you feel like at home. As the saying goes, "you are a waiter,
not a servant", waiters' elegant behavior and sweetly polite words interpret it perfectly.
Paris is not a place that despises the poor and curries
favor with the rich; her breath is free but persistent. You can live a voluptuous life or choose to live comfortably here.
No matter what kind of people, they are all drinking coffee
at the café of Paris; soaked in a unique embrace of this city, you can assimilate into Paris naturally and easily. 73
SEP 2017
12 世紀菲力二世以來,近千年的時光積澱的盧浮宮,的確難
MOUTAI Magazine
Sacré-Cœur, Paris The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris, commonly known as Sacré-Cœur Basilica and often simply Sacré-Cœur
(French: Basilique du Sacré-Cœur), is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Paris, France. A popular landmark, the basilica is located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city. Sacré-Cœur is a double monument, political and cultural, both a national penance for
the defeat of France in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War and the socialist Paris Commune of 1871 crowning its most
rebellious neighborhood, and an embodiment of conservative moral order, publicly dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was an increasingly popular vision of a loving and sympathetic Christ.
The Sacré-Cœur Basilica was designed by Paul Abadie. Construction began in 1875 and was finished in 1914. It was consecrated after the end of World War I in 1919.
對 我 而 言, 美 食 與 音 樂 不 可 辜 負, 巴 黎 自是 我 的 寶 地。
Gibert & Joseph、Melomania 等等這樣的唱片店自然是朝聖之
地,裡面雖多是二手唱片,但其廣度和深度,版本的豐富與罕見, 都會使你的錢包變得乾癟。雙叟、花神為代表的一眾咖啡廳,如 同點點繁星一樣,共同閃耀巴黎咖啡文化這片絢爛的天空。作為 兩大咖啡廳文化發源地之一(另一為維也納),巴黎咖啡廳裡每 一張閒暇的桌凳,每一口濃郁的咖啡,都使你流連忘返。侍者們
的一言一行很好地詮釋了那句話「你是一名侍者,並非僕人」。 巴黎不是一個嫌貧愛富之地,她的氣息是自由但執著的。你
喝著巴黎的咖啡,浸泡在巴黎特有的一種底氣當中,讓 你自然而然地融入其中。
SEP 2017
China Moutai Presented Activities for Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return 國酒茅台慶祝 香港回歸 20 週年系列活動 T
he biggest party in the last 20 years came to Lan Kwai Fong. It’s been two decades since Hong
Kong’s biggest ever party was in LKF. The huge
celebration on June 30 was one of the high points of the city’s Handover celebrations. Party people, the biggest
bash is coming back, on June 30 at an outdoor street party from 5pm until late. China Moutai and Lan Kwai Fong
group jointly held the party. It was also included in the HK government official celebration events.
Kweichow Moutai HK20 – Lan Kwai Fong Handover
Anniversary Party , a star-studded and high-spirited
night brought celebrity performances, cultural dancing, performances from the Hong Kong Police Pipe Band, drinking contests, and fun-fair booths.
While that’s the evening of June 30 sorted, there are
10 of Hong Kong’s best bars offering Kweichow Moutai
cocktails from the evening before the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region Establishment Day holiday until July 14. Joining in the celebration are Bar de Luxe, Ciao Chow, Havana, Jashan, Jinjuu, Bitter and Sweats, China Bar,
Mokum, Zentral, Wahtiki Island Lounge and the Woods. They are each presenting a special cocktail menu inspired by the spirit that is the taste of China.
Before the party, Moutai organized a free-ride activity
at Hong Kong’s hotspot – Star Ferry. About 130 thousands passengers benefited from the activity. It also became a
pilot project of Moutai’s overseas public benefit activities. 76
MOUTAI Magazine
均有街頭慶祝活動。適逢今年是香港回歸為慶祝香港回歸中國 20 周年,國酒茅台與蘭桂坊將攜手呈獻「香港二十 ‧ 蘭桂坊
中國香港回歸派對」。此次活動更成為了香港政府官方指定慶 祝活動。
回歸紀念日前夕(2017 年 6 月 30 日),蘭桂坊化身大型
戶外派對,為到來慶祝回歸的群眾帶來連串精采節目。本地歌 影視紅星、樂壇新力軍、香港警察樂隊風笛隊、民族舞表演、 茅台競飲比賽、攤位遊戲等!
迅速,客戶群亦越趨年輕化,趁著香港回歸中國 20 周年這個 大日子,與大家齊集蘭桂坊這個中西合璧、具活力和創意的地 方一同慶祝,最適合不過!未來三年,貴州茅台酒計劃在海外 的銷售量提升到整體銷量的 10%,讓海外主流消費人群更多 地瞭解茅台、接受茅台、喜歡茅台、摯愛茅台。
被譽為「蘭桂坊之父」的蘭桂坊協會主席盛智文博士 (Dr.
Allan Zeman) 表示:「蘭桂坊見證著香港時代的變遷,自 80
年代起一直是深受港人和遊客熱愛的蒲點,是中西文化匯聚之 地。蘭桂坊也是推廣飲酒文化的地方,今次與國酒茅台合作, 與區內多家酒吧合作炮製茅台雞尾酒,定能擦出不少火花!」
今次參與創作茅台雞尾酒的酒吧共有 12 間,包括 Bar de
Luxe, Ciao Chow , Havana, Jashan, Jinjuu, Magnum, Wahtiki
Island Lounge, Woods, Zentral 等 , 於 6 月 30 日至 7 月 14 日
期間 (Bar de Luxe, Wahtiki 及 Jinjuu 將提早於 6 月 16 日開始 ) 推出期間限定茅台雞尾酒。
天星小輪免費乘搭活動及展覽,兩天合計約 13 萬人次受惠, 不少外國遊客乘搭天星小輪往返次數高達 7 次,感受中國國酒 茅台的溫暖回饋。
酒。另外,在入口和候船區,我們均佈置了多個茅台形象宣傳 裝置,讓乘客在乘搭天星小輪的同時,感受到茅台的新形象。
SEP 2017
on the world map
茅 台 在 全 球
on the World Map
ed in the dialog among business leaders of BRICS countries. The
Yuan Renguo Attended the BRICS Business Forum
organizer hoped to hear the expectations and insights of BRICS
cooperation from China's manufacturing industry, especially from
On September 3, organized by the CCPIT (China Council for
the famous traditional brands like Moutai.
the Promotion of International Trade), the BRICS Business Forum
Yuan Renguo participated in the discussion of "Trade and In-
2017 was held in Xiamen. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a
vestment" presided by Zhao Zhongxiu (Vice-President of University
tries should work together to usher in the second "golden decade"
with the highest market value in the world, Moutai's voice and
keynote speech at the opening ceremony, saying that BRICS coun-
of International Business and Economics). As the spirits enterprise
of cooperation. He urged the member countries to work together,
views aroused widespread concern in the business community of
with the growth benefiting the people of the member nations, and
BRICS countries.
ultimately reaching people around the globe. Moutai Group Chair-
"In recent years, based on 'the Belt and Road', Moutai has
man Yuan Renguo attended the opening ceremony and participat-
launched various large-scale overseas activities for brand promo78
MOUTAI Magazine
tion in many countries including the BRICS countries. This year we will enter Africa to promote our brand in South Africa, one of the BRICS." Yuan Renguo said that the BRICS were the world's most
promising emerging markets; establishing multilateral trade cooperation system among the five countries and reducing trade bar-
riers were extremely favorable to the enterprises including Moutai in the region; over the past few years, Moutai had kept deploying
distributors in overseas markets; we were not only increasing the export of our products, but also increasing global investment,
import procurement, as well as local employment and taxation;
our annual global trade volume had reached hundreds of millions
of dollars; in the future, this figure would account for 10 percent of Moutai Group's total sales revenue.
袁仁國出席金磚國家工商論壇並與中外政商 領袖對話:茅台努力成為金磚合作的建設者
9 月 3 日,由中國貿促會牽頭主辦的 2017 金磚國家工商論壇
在廈門舉行,中國國家主席習近平出席開幕式併發表題為《共同開 創金磚合作第二個「金色十年」》的主旨演講,強調金磚國家要共
keynote speech.
"As a member of global business, we will seize 'the Belt and
Road' opportunity, turning Moutai into a world-oriented Chinese
brand, a well-respected world-class enterprise, and the world-fa-
mous liquor," Yuan Renguo said.
Yuan Renguo and his delegation also visited Germany's BMW
company and BMW Museum. With exceptional craft and pursuit
of perfection in every product and process, China's Moutai and
Germany's car respectively represent the profound artisan spirit
and traditional culture of Asia and Europe. Unlike "Made in Germa-
ny", Moutai's artisan spirit contains the mystery and simplicity of
Chinese traditional culture——Such traditional techniques as mak-
ing yeast during the Dragon Boat Festival, feeding materials during
the Double Ninth Festival, steaming for nine times, fermenting for
eight times, collecting liquor for seven times, and preserving for
five years, highly integrate the entire making process with local cli-
mate, environment, and humanities, fully demonstrating magical
Oriental charms. From fermentation to delivery of finished product, every bottle of Moutai liquor is made through 30 processes,
165 processing procedures, and at least five years.
At present, Moutai has entered 26 of the countries and regions
Yuan Renguo Attended the German-Chinese Forum
along "the Belt and Road"; from 2013 to 2016, Moutai's sales in-
creased by nearly 100 tons, sales revenue increased by 16.8 million
On July 5, Yuan Renguo (Chairman of Moutai Group and Kwe-
USD, and sales in these markets accounted for nearly 20% of total
ichow Moutai Co., Ltd.) attended the "Globalization and One Belt,
One Road" German-Chinese Forum in Germany and delivered a
(Reported and photographed by Chen Zhao)
SEP 2017
on the world map
the guests watched the fireworks display for celebrating the 20th
anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China.
Yuan Renguo said that Hong Kong was known as the interna-
7 月 5 日,茅台集團公司董事長、股份公司董事長袁仁國應邀
tional financial center, the world trade center and the international
shipping center; it was the transfer station and trade zone between
China and the world; in the future, Moutai would gradually in-
crease the export volume of Moutai liquor and Moutai series liquor
through Hong Kong, keep promoting Moutai culture to the world,
and permeate the world with Moutai liquor and Moutai culture.
傳統文化。與「德國製造」不同,茅台的工匠精神,蘊含了中國傳 統文化的神秘與質樸——端午踩曲、重陽投料,九次蒸煮,八次發
7 月 1 日,以「鳳翥環宇,比翼淩雲」為主題的香港回歸二十
周年鳳凰衛視客戶答謝會在香港舉行,來自 60 家企業的近百名客
台酒,從發酵到出廠,至少歷經 5 年、30 道工序、165 個工藝環節。
目前,茅台酒已進入 26 個「一帶一路」沿線國家和地區,從
2013 年到 2016 年,茅台酒銷量增加近百噸、銷售收入增加 1680 萬美元,銷量占出口總量的近 20%。
(Zhang Yingfang)
平紳士代表鳳凰人向近百名客戶及嘉賓表達了深深的感激之情。吳 小莉、胡一虎、盧琛等多位資深鳳凰衛視主持人上臺分享了自己與
(陳朝 攝影報導)
Yuan Renguo Interviewed at Phoenix TV's Client Appreciation Gala
機構總裁崔慧娟的陪同下參觀了鳳凰衛視總部,現場瞭解鳳凰衛視 日常工作運作情況,感受鳳凰衛視新聞直播氛圍。在環球貿易廣場
天際 100 觀景臺舉行的答謝晚宴上,全體到場嘉賓共同觀看了慶 祝香港回歸二十周年煙花匯演。
On July 1, the Phoenix TV Client Appreciation Gala for celebrat-
ing the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China was held
gathered at Phoenix TV's Hong Kong headquarters to celebrate
in Hong Kong. Nearly 100 clients and guests from 60 companies
the anniversary of Hong Kong's return. Yuan Renguo, Chairman of
Moutai Group and Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. was invited to attend
the gala.
At the appreciation gala, on behalf of all Phoenix people, Liu
Moutai Customized Liquor (Oversea) Limited Held a Board Meeting
Changle (Chairman and CEO of Phoenix Satellite Television) ex-
pressed deep gratitude to nearly 100 clients and guests. Wu Xiaoli, Hu Yihu, Lu Chen and many other senior Phoenix TV presenters shared their own stories of Phoenix TV.
After the gala, accompanied by Cui Huijuan (President of
On July 1, the 2017 board meeting of Moutai Customized
Phoenix TV's China Business Development and Operation Agen-
Liquor (Oversea) Limited was held in Hong Kong. Yuan Renguo
Phoenix TV's headquarters, learned about the daily operation of
Moutai Customized Liquor (Oversea) Limited), Lin Yonghui, An
cy), Yuan Renguo and other entrepreneur representatives visited
(Chairman of Moutai Group, Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., and
Phoenix TV, and felt the atmosphere of Phoenix TV's live news
Huailun, Xu Jianfang and Fang Xiaokui (Directors of Moutai Cus-
broadcasting. At the appreciation gala held on the Sky100 Hong
tomized Liquor (Oversea) Limited) attended the meeting.
Kong Observation Deck of International Commerce Center, all
At the meeting, related participants reported on the compa-
MOUTAI Magazine
Li Baofang was Elected the First Director of National Brand Plant From July 9 to 10, hosted by the China Central Television
(CCTV), the National Brand Summit was opened in Mudanjiang
City of Heilongjiang Province. Jia Yumei (Vice-Governor of Heilongjiang Province), Yin Hong (Deputy Director of the Department of
Circulation Industry Development of Ministry of Commerce), and Ren Xue'an (Director of CCTV Advertising Management Center)
attended the summit. Moutai Group was invited to the summit
due to its great brand charisma. At the forum, Li Baofang (General Manager of Moutai Group) was elected the first rotating Director
for the "Council of National Brand Plan, Development and Innovation". In his keynote speech entitled "Open Mind and International
Vision——Internationalization of Chinese Enterprise Brand", he told
tiative of National Brand Plan". The initiative called on all Chinese
Moutai's road of internationalization as well as Moutai's mission
independent brands to improve their product quality and brand
and desire of taking an open and inclusive attitude to go abroad
image with unremitting efforts, and develop "Chinese Brands" into
together with more Chinese brands.
"China's National Brand" as soon as possible. This was Moutai's
This forum established the "Council of National Brand Plan,
determination and proposal for creating national brands, as well
Development and Innovation", which was composed of all mem-
as a declaration for Chinese enterprises to build national brands.
bers of the "National Brand Plan". In a closed-door meeting held
on July 9, after several rounds of co-election by Alibaba, Haier, Yili, Country Garden, Huawei and dozens of council members, Li Bao-
7 月 9 日至 10 日,由中央電視臺主辦的國家品牌高峰論壇在
fang was elected the first rotating Director while Zhang Xiaoyun
(Chief Operating Officer of Huawei's Consumer Business Group)
rotating Deputy Directors. For Moutai, this meant not only recog-
and Chu Yu (Vice-President of Alibaba Group) were elected the
nition, trust and encourage, but also hope, mission, and expecta-
Li Baofang on behalf of the Council issued the "Mudanjiang Ini-
( 下接 P.82)
ny's business development in 2016 and the 2017 work plan, read
market. The report pointed out that in 2016, the company sold 33
cussed and reviewed several proposals, such as the process and
of 5.9 million HKD, successfully completing the 2016 target tasks.
tons of Moutai liquor, earned 50.23 million HKD, and gained profit
the report on the "relevant matters of customized liquor", dis-
(Zhang Yingfang)
business model of customizing Moutai liquor in the international
會議彙報了茅台酒個性化定制行銷(海外)公司 2016 年公司
經營發展情況及 2017 年工作計劃;宣讀了 2017 年「關於個性化
行銷(海外)公司全年茅台酒銷售量 33 噸,收入 5023 萬元港幣,
7 月 1 日,茅台酒個性化定制行銷(海外)公司 2017 年董事
流程及業務模式等議案。報告指出,2016 年,茅台酒個性化定制
利潤 590 萬元港幣,圓滿完成了 2016 年目標任務。
SEP 2017
on the world map
( 上接 P.81)
2017 年 7 月,在中國酒業協會的積極宣導下,組成了赴帝亞
家品牌計劃發展與創新理事會」。在 9 日舉行的閉門會上,經過阿
墨西哥時間 7 月 12 日,在中國酒業協會秘書長宋書玉的帶領
同推舉,李保芳當選為首任輪值理事長,華為消費者 BG 首席運營
Enrique 親自帶領考察團參觀了酒廠,詳細介紹了酒廠的歷史文化、
艙晉級,這是茅台關於國家品牌打造的決心與呼聲,也是中國企業 打造民族品牌的一份宣言書。
隨後,考察團與墨西哥龍舌蘭管理委員會副主席 Josafath、亞
洲區代表 Alba 進了交流座談,AIba 介紹了墨西哥與中國簽訂龍舌
(記者 王媛 攝影報導)
Moutai and Other Liquor Enterprises Visited Diageo and Pernod Ricard
廠和墨西哥龍舌蘭管理委員贈送了各自公司的產品,茅台則贈送的 是極具特殊和吉祥意義的雞年生肖茅台酒。
In July 2017, under the active advocacy of China Alcoholic
"Dream About Ikebukuro" Sponsored by Moutai Started Shooting
Drinks Association (CADA), a study delegation for visiting Diageo's
Mexican tequila distillery and Pernod Ricard's Cuban distillery was
formed, and various liquor enterprises led by Moutai Group active-
ly participated in the delegation.
On July 12, led by Song Shuyu (CADA Secretary-General), Yang
At 4:00 pm on July 1, the executive committee of the "Dream
Zongjie, Xiang Ping (General Manager Assistants of Kweichow
About Ikebukuro" micro-film held an opening ceremony at the
Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.) and executive leaders from other liquor
mony included Wang Jun (Consul General of the Chinese Embassy
Moutai Co., Ltd.), Lei Sheng (Deputy General Manager of Kweichow
Fureika Karaoke hall of Ikebukuro. The guests of the opening cere-
enterprises came to their first stop——Diageo's Mexican tequila
in Japan), Zhang Yongxiang (Chairman of the Japanese Culture
distillery located in Mexico's second largest city Guadalajara.
Promotion Society), Fu Mingchao (Chairman of the Hainan Cham-
The delegation was highly valued and warmly received by the
ber of Commerce), Chen Yansheng (Chairman of the Japan-China
tequila distillery. The distillery director Enrique personally led the
Film Association), Liu Qihua (Wang Danfeng's daughter), Kyo Tana-
delegation to visit the distillery, and introduced in detail the histo-
ka (son of Japan's former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka), and Mo
ry, culture, raw material cultivation, and production technique of
Bangfu (famous Chinese writer in Japan) as well as the represen-
the distillery.
tatives of Japanese mainstream media, Chinese media in Japan,
Subsequently, the delegation discussed with Josafath
sponsors, and Chinese groups. As a sponsor, Moutai's Japanese
(Vice-Chairman of the Mexican Tequila Regulatory Council) and
distributor Nichiwa Shoji Co., Ltd. had provided strong support for
Alba (Asia Regional Representative of the Council). Alba introduced
this event. Nichiwa Shoji Director Guo Bin on behalf of Kweichow
Mexico's tequila trades with China and the world.
Moutai liquor wished the shooting of "Dream About Ikebukuro"
At the end of the visit, in a friendly and enthusiastic atmo-
a complete success, and thanked Hu Yifei (author of the novel
sphere, the delegation respectively presented their products to
"Dream About Ikebukuro") and the production team of the film; he
Diageo's tequila distillery and the Mexican Tequila Regulatory
believed that they could film well the struggle history of the Chi-
Council. Moutai presented the very special and auspicious Zodiac
nese in Japan and demonstrate Chinese people's positive image
Liquor for the Year of Rooster.
of hard work and active integration into the Japanese society. 82
MOUTAI Magazine
Report", invited the enterprises with outstanding performance in
targeted poverty alleviation to share their experiences and participate in the dialogue, and presented the annual awards for contribution in targeted poverty alleviation.
The conference's comment on Yuan Renguo's contribution
was: Over the years, Yuan Renguo had led Moutai Group to made important contributions in such aspects as donating to schools,
7 月 1 日下午 4 時,《夢系池袋》系列微電影執行委員會於池
subsidizing the needy, providing disaster relief, constructing
袋新富麗華卡拉 ok 大廳舉行了啟動儀式。
commonweal projects, protecting environment, and promoting
agriculture, highlighting the social responsibility sense of "big
brand, great contribution, and more responsibility". "Enhance the
skills to alleviate poverty". Moutai's generous contribution this year
was to donate 100 million RMB every year for three years to realize
the college dreams of poor students all over the country. As a
leader of the national brand, Yuan Renguo had always followed his
conscience. He had repeatedly stressed that "Moutai's hometown
is China", "Moutai is an enterprise with conscience", and "Moutai
will develop itself into a well-respected world-class enterprise as
well as the world-famous national liquor".
Moutai Group Awarded the Annual Exemplary Enterprise in Targeted Poverty Alleviation
500 多家報名參評企業中,茅台集團脫穎而出榮獲兩項大獎:集團
On July 28, the "9th Annual Conference for China's Corporate
7 月 28 日,「第九屆中國企業社會責任年會」在北京舉行。
Social Responsibility" was held in Beijing.
Moutai's social responsibility and contribution had aroused
widespread concern and praise. Among more than 500 partici-
pating companies, Moutai Group stood out and won two awards:
"Annual Exemplary Enterprise in Targeted Poverty Alleviation" for
3 年內每年拿出 1 億元人民幣以公益推動精准扶貧,幫助全國各地
Moutai Group and "Responsible Leader of 2017" for Moutai Group
Chairman Yuan Renguo.
The annual conference focused on the annual topic of "Target-
ed Poverty Alleviation", published the "Targeted Poverty Alleviation
茅台」。 83
香飄世界百年 相伴民族復興 The Aroma of a Century The Revival of a Nation