Moutai Magazine - International Edition Issue 24 Summer 2019

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24 SUMMER 2019

Friend Circle of the Belt and Road 「一帶一路」朋友圈 Open up the Farthest Road


China's Development, An Opportunity to the World 中國發展,世界機遇

Joseph Sung: Treat Science with Humanism 沈祖堯:以人文精神對待科學

Accumulated Strength

蓄 勢待發



CHINA KWEICHOW MOUTAI DISTILLERY (GROUP) CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501 KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Maotai, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, China 564501

Consultant : Li Baofang, Li Jingren, Wang Yan Production & Advertising Sales Agent: ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED Room 2103, 21/F, Sino Plaza, No.255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Fax: (852) 3580 2588

Not only a renowned DJ and classical music contributor, he is also good at life style story telling. With a Master Degree in Buddhist Studies from the University of Hong Kong, he starts history research and publishes articles on the Stand News, Music Lover etc.

Samuel Siu Publisher  Francis Wong Chief Executive Officer  Christine Yin Chief Executive Editor  Jocelyn Chenlin Liao Art Director  Johnny Woo Senior Project Editor Laura Su, Olivia Kwan

As an aviation geek and travel enthusiast, Samuel Siu has visited many exotic destinations and “forbidden areas” for vintage aircraft spotting and experiencing, including Iran and North Korea. Samuel used to be an infographic designer and also worked as a renowned radio news anchor in Hong Kong, where he collected unique insights on lifestyle.

Erika Leung

Photographer Han Xingxi, Li Lewei Translator Billy Yung, Olivia Kwan Project PR Meng Yuan, Mocha Du Marketing Executive Nikita Wan Advertising Enquiry Tel: (852) 3580 2598 Email:


Moutai Magazine (International Edition)

is published quarterly by ER HONGKONG HOLDING LIMITED under a license by KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. Reprints, copy or use of any content in this magazine whether in whole or in part, shall only be allowed with the explicit written permission of KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO., LTD. No responsibility can be taken for unsolicited texts and photographs. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or the license holder. All contents in this magazine have been complied with the best of our knowledge, but no warranty or representation is given as to its accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness or otherwise. Moutai Magazine (international edition) appears quarterly with editions published under cooperation or license in two languages. Sponsor: Top Gainer Industrial Limited

Independent author, translator, marketing & communications consultant. Translated works (into Chinese) "The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee". Co-founder, Editor-in-chief of "Fragrance Moment" magazine, the world's first Chinese fragrance lifestyle magazine, the unique Chinese magazine allowed to be displayed in public areas in Paris' 5-star hotels in 2012-2013.

Special Thanks :

JUN 2019

“The language of friendship is not words but meanings.” -- Henry David Thoreau Building up international relation is an eternal topic nowadays. In order to maintain the relationship, we not only need to hold on to the similarities and common goal, but also need to embrace differences. In Moutai Magazine issue 24, we will: Look into the opportunities that the “Belt and Road” Initiative brings to China and the world; Enjoy Cultural Moutai’s Trip to South America; Join the largest event of Chinese brand held by Moutai in East Africa; Converse with Joseph Sung about the connection between science and humanism; Sail to Hemingway’s “second hometown” and get to know his liquor story; Travel from the Chishui River to the Rhine; Appreciate Montreal with Grande Dame of Sherbrooke Street; And have an insight into our neighbor “Slav”.

「友誼的語言無關詞句,而在於意義。」 — [ 美 ] 亨 利·大 衛·梭 羅 國際關係的建立是一個經久不衰的話題。 為了維繫良好的關係,我們不僅需要找到彼此的相似之處和共同目標, 更需要包容彼此的差異。 本期 Moutai Magazine,我們將帶您 : 探究「一帶一路」帶給中國和世界的機遇 ; 享受文化茅台南美之旅 ; 深入茅台在東非舉行的最大規模中國品牌活動 ; 與沈祖堯進行關於人文精神和科學的對話 ; 來到海明威的「第二故鄉」 ,品讀他與酒的人生故事 ; 從赤水河到萊茵河 ; 跟「舍布魯克街的貴婦人」一起,享受蒙特利爾 ; 了解我們的鄰居「斯拉夫」 。


天 地  廣闊

All-Embracing 包 羅萬象



ISSUE #24 2019


10 C O V E R STO RY The cover of issue 24 is inspired by the phenomenon of giving “likes” on social media platforms, symbolizing the world’s positive anticipation and great expectation on “the Belt and Road” Initiative as well as praise for Kweichow Moutai, and representing international relation is as close and friendly as interpersonal friend circle, which will facilitate Kweichow Moutai’s pace of moving towards international.

本期封面靈感來源於社交媒體上好友之間的「點讚」,寓意著世界對「一帶一 路」的良好預期和厚望以及對貴州茅台的讚許之意,也代表在「一帶一路」大 背景下的國際關係如同人際朋友圈一般緊密和友好,為貴州茅台「走向國際」 助力。 8


MOUTAI Magazine


The "Belt and Road" Initiative: The Development of China, An Opportunity to the World 一帶一路:中國發展,世界機遇 Open up the Farthest Road, Cultural Moutai's Trip in South America 開拓最遠南美路,「文化茅台」香醉世界!


10 20

Moutai Held the Largest Event of Chinese Brand in East Africa 茅台在東非舉行最大規模中國品牌活動


Joseph Sung: Treat Science with Humanism 沈祖堯:以人文精神對待科學





"I drink, therefore I am." Hemingway's Liquor Story 「我喝,故我在」以酒為伴的海明威


From the Chishui River to the Rhine 從赤水河到萊茵河


Grande Dame of Sherbrooke Street Shows You What to Appreciate in Montreal 跟「舍布魯克街的貴婦人」一起,享受蒙特利爾


Artistic Pilgrimage: A Review of Art Basel Hong Kong 2019 藝術朝聖——2019 香港巴塞爾藝術展


Moutai on the World Map 茅台在全球



JUN 2019


The "Belt and Road" Initiative:

The Development of China, An Opportunity to the World 中國發展,世界機遇



MOUTAI Magazine


JUN 2019

thousand US dollars. Its growth rate of 6.6% ranked first

Strength: China's economic performance has won praise from the world

among the world's top five economies, contributing nearly

30% to the global economic growth. China continues as the

This year, the second "Belt and Road Forum for

biggest contributor to the global economic growth.

International Cooperation" was held in Beijing. In 2019, the

International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that it would

Potential: New development space hidden in the big market

trim the global economic growth forecast, but China is the

only major economy whose economic growth forecast this

From the sustainable growth of consumption to the

year has been raised, which has become a highlight in the

new opportunities of industrial transformation, China's

"Global Economic Weather Map".

economic potential continues to be tapped.

"The world needs China, and the global economic

The space of the consumer market is very large -

growth cannot be achieved without China's sustainable

"The China market is full of great imagination." Wang

development." Lagarde, the chairman of IMF, said during the forum.

Hualei, the general manager of Enohub Pte Ltd in Singapore,

growth of China grew by 6.4% year-on-year in the first

partners and initially reached a cooperation agreement with

looked very excited. During the forum, he gained a lot of

Despite many external uncertainties, the economic

several Chinese companies.

quarter of this year, achieving a smooth start under pressure

China has the unique market potential in both buying

and challenges, continuing to play the role as a "stabilizer"

in the global economy. By witnessing China's unexpectedly

from and selling to the world with a huge consumer market

economy as "stable and resilient".

growing middle-income group.

of nearly 1.4 billion people and the world's largest and most

exceeding performance, foreign media recognized China's

Data shows that in 2018, China's total retail sales of

"When I first visited China 10 years ago, I realized that

the future of Hungary would largely depend on its relations

consumer goods reached 38.1 trillion yuan, with a year-

attended the forum, stated after witnessing the economic

the national retail and catering enterprises achieved sales

on-year increase of 9%. During the Spring Festival of 2019,

with China." Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary who

of over 1 trillion yuan, and the total amount of online

development in China that he firmly believed China would

transactions of UnionPay reached 1.16 trillion yuan. "Two

play a more positive role in the currently ever-changing

'trillion yuan'" has caught the world's attention.


According to the data of 2018, in the China market, about

As China's economic strength enhances, an increasing

750 new businesses were created every hour, creating more

number of Chinese enterprises have gone abroad and

than 1,500 jobs. The import and export value of foreign

become the main force in building the "Belt and Road".

trade exceeded 500 million US dollars, and people spent

The "Belt and Road" Initiative is a bridge connecting

4.3 billion yuan on shopping and catering. The courier

China market and the world stage.

companies handled more than 6 million shipments...

Data shows that in the past six years, the value of trade

Unlimited opportunities for industrial transformation –

between China and countries along the "Belt and Road"

"From the manufacturing country to the manufacturing

has exceeded 6 trillion US dollars, during which Chinese

enterprises have directly invested over 90 billion US dollars

power, China is relying on independent innovation,

along the route. Meanwhile, Chinese enterprises have

the world." Dong Mingzhu, the chairman of Gree Electric

research and development as well as technology to change

and built 82 overseas cooperation zones in the countries

Appliances Inc. said in the forum.

also turned in more than 2 billion US dollars for the host

As for the potential of the manufacturing industry in

country's taxes and fees, creating nearly 300,000 jobs for the local area.

China, international capital also votes with actual actions.

economic power and its increasing level of importance on

of Foreign Exchange, in 2018, direct investments to

According to the statistics from the State Administration

The solid data indicates China constantly enhancing

manufacturing industry accounted for 19% of the entire

the world stage.

non-financial sector, and the scale of investment increased

In 2018, the economic aggregate of China has reached

by nearly 40% compared with the previous year. For many

90 trillion yuan, and its per capita GDP was close to 10



MOUTAI Magazine



The Belt and Road


JUN 2019

years, the manufacturing industry has been one of the top

e-commerce transaction volume increased by 25.1% in

two attracting the most direct investments in China.


China's economy is undergoing a self-pressurizing trial.

Statistics shows that the current dynamism represented by

Vitality: The reform and opening-up policy stimulates high-quality development of new vitality

intelligence, high-end and high-tech contributes more than one-third to China's economic growth and more than twothirds to urban new jobs. The value and "temperament" of China's economy is changing.

Expanding the foreign market access in a broader field,

Regional development goes hand in hand -

strengthening the international cooperation in intellectual

Just like the water flow, greater altitude intercept leads

property protection, increasing imports of goods and

to stronger potential energy. Compared with the developed

services on a larger scale, more effectively implementing

countries, the urbanization rate in China still has a gap, and

the international macroeconomic policy coordination

the regional development is very different, which is both a

and paying more attention to the implementation of the

challenge and an opportunity of potential.

opening-up policy...

The "Belt and Road" has turned the western region in

At the opening ceremony of the forum, President Xi

China into a new frontier. "The opening of the new land-

Jinping announced that China will adopt a series of major

greatly reduces the transportation time from western China

and structural arrangements and promote a higher level

sea channel not only saves transportation costs, but also

reform and opening-up measures, strengthen institutional

to Southeast Asia," said Lee Hsien Loong, the prime minister

of opening-up to the outside world, attracting the global

of Singapore in the forum.


In the first quarter of this year, Chongqing achieved a

"In the future, we will continue to significantly reduce

total import and export value of 131.53 billion yuan, which

the negative list and promote the modern opening-up of

Among them, the total import and export volume of the

agriculture." "Strengthen the protection of the legitimate

was an increase of 21.9% over the same period last year.

the modern service industry, manufacturing industry and

countries along the "Belt and Road" increased by 34.6%.

rights and interests of foreign intellectual property rights and

Besides Chongqing, the trade volume between Hunan

prevent compulsory technology transfer"... With these heavy

and the countries along the "Belt and Road" in 2018 was

measures, China's investment and business environment

80.26 billion yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 36.5%.

will undoubtedly be more attractive.

Harbin has become the largest exporter of e-commerce

"Mr. Xi Jinping's major measures for China's further

parcels to Russia for many years. Zhengzhou's cross-border

reform and opening-up have assured the world with 14


MOUTAI Magazine

the promotion of innovation and development, China's

certainty, confidence and hope." Guterres, the Secretary

economy is accelerating towards high-quality development.

General of the United Nations, highly praised.

On the display walls alongside the main channel in the

Despite the slowdown in global trade and investment

growth, China's actual use of foreign investment was

forum, pictures with high resolution were showing the

countries. Over 60,000 new foreign-funded enterprises were

innovation: including the moment of the detector "Chang'e

world's major achievements in science and technology

138.3 billion US dollars in 2018, ranking first in developing

4" successfully landing on the back of the moon, the first

established throughout the year, which was an increase

trial of the large-scale amphibious aircraft on the water, and

of 69.8%. The intensive release of a series of open and

the successful launch of the world's first QUESS named "Mo

favorable policies starting from this year has made our


country's attractiveness to foreign investment continue to

Innovation is productivity. Enterprises rely on it, and the


country depends on it.

In its latest edition of annual Doing Business report, the

"We must conform to the development trend of the

World Bank has raised China's ranking by 32 at a time. As the ranking jumped sharply, China's determination to continue

fourth industrial revolution, jointly grasp the opportunities

pace did not slow down.

jointly explore new technologies, new formats and new

players. In the first quarter of this year, the scale of tax

paths, and build a digital and innovative 'Silk Road'."

of digitalization, networking and intelligent development,

to optimize its business environment was not shaken and its

models, explore new growth dynamic and development

China currently has more than 100 million market

President Xi Jinping issued an initiative to strengthen

reduction in China exceeded 340 billion yuan, and the


scale of tax reduction in the whole year was nearly 2

Data shows that in 2018, the national research and

trillion yuan. At the same time, China has put more efforts into the promotion of "streamlining administration and

experimental development expenditure increased by 11.6%

access, increases intellectual property protection, and

increase of 0.03 percentage points over the previous year.

than the previous year, and the ratio to GDP was 2.18%, an

optimizing services" policy, continues to broaden market

The construction of the innovation center for science and

treats domestic and foreign investors equally. The reform

technology with great global impact in Beijing and Shanghai

measures are also deepening.

was accelerated. The construction of the international

With the reform and opening-up as the driving force and 15

JUN 2019

science and technology innovation center in GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area was implemented.

The construction of three comprehensive national science centers in Huairou District of Beijing, Zhangjiang District of Shanghai and Hefei of Anhui Province is progressing

smoothly. Hainan Province is driving the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy...

"The predictability of China's development trend is a

valuable quality in today's world." Raffarin, the former prime minister of France, said that China, which has undergone tremendous changes, is a portrayal of Chinese people's courage to reform.

Charm: China brings more opportunities to the world Information from the press conference in 27th Summit

Forum showed that during the preparatory process and

the event, the parties reached 283 pragmatic results. The

Business Conference signed a total of more than 64 billion US dollars in project cooperation agreements.

"We will further reduce the tariff level, eliminate various

non-tariff barriers, and open up the big China market. We welcome high-quality products from all over the world." At the opening ceremony, President Xi Jinping said that

the enterprises along the "Belt and Road" will feel more opportunities.

Earlier this year, eight containers filled with fresh cherries

from Patagonia in Argentina arrived at China ports, which

were snapped up during the Spring Festival. This means that after Chile, Argentina has also entered the cherry market in China.

These little cherries go viral in China, which is a vivid

portrayal of the achievements of the "Belt and Road"

Initiative between China and Latin America. It is also the

"sweet sharing" of China's opportunities in Latin America. In the "2018 Annual Report on International Trade

Development in Latin America and the Caribbean", the

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America

and the Caribbean pointed out that in 2018, the total export

development in the past few decades, especially in the

on-year, achieving a substantial increase for the second

making tremendous contributions to human well-being.

fields of economy, science and technology and innovation,

volume of Latin American countries increased by 9.7% year-

"The success of China is a chemical reaction combining

consecutive year. The report believes that the main reason

the fact that China sticks to the reform and opening-up

for the continuing growth of regional product exports is the

policy with a strong strategic focus and its outstanding

strong demand in the China market.

leadership." Abiy, the prime minister of Ethiopia, said that

PiĂąera, the president of Chile, who made light of travelling

China's proposing the "Belt and Road" Initiative is full of

from afar to attend the forum, has sincerely praised China's



MOUTAI Magazine

to world peace, stability and development through interacting with the world.

China's economic achievements are remarkable, but

there are still challenges to be overcome.

At the end of this year, China will hold the second

China International Import Expo (CIIE). In last year's event, President Xi Jinping used "the ocean" as a metaphor to

announce with confidence: "The economy in China is an ocean, not only a small pond."

The ocean is endless and magnificent. The development

of China for many years has proved that the ocean will

always be deep and vast regardless the inevitable storms with wind and waves from time to time.

We are now looking into the future. President Xi Jinping

said: "We firmly believe that a more open China will build up a more benign interaction with the world, which will bring more progress and prosperity to China and the world."



2019 年,國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)宣布下調全球經濟增長預 期,但中國是唯一被上調今年增長預期的主要經濟體,成為「世 界經濟氣象圖」中的一抹亮色。


IMF 總裁拉加德在論壇期間說。


長 6.4%,在壓力挑戰下實現平穩開局,繼續扮演世界經濟「穩 定器」的角色。超預期的表現,讓外媒紛紛贊譽中國經濟「底 盤穩、韌勁足」。

「10 年前首次來到中國,我就意識到,匈牙利的未來很

大程度上取決於同中國的關系。」出席論壇的匈牙利總理歐爾 班說,此次目睹中國經濟發展變化後,他更堅信中國將在當前 復雜多變的世界中,發揮更積極的作用。





wisdom and perspectives, which is conducive to building a

數據顯示,近 6 年來,中國與沿線國家貨物貿易額超過 6

more equitable international order, bringing development

萬億美元,中國企業對沿線國家直接投資超過 900 億美元,


多億美元,為當地創造近 30 萬個就業崗位。

opportunities to more countries, especially developing

同沿線國家共同建設 82 個境外合作園區,上繳東道國稅費 20

Charles Onunaiju, the director of the Nigerian China


Research Center, said the opening-up of China has benefited


future development, but also believes that it can contribute

接近 1 萬美元,6.6% 的增速在世界前五大經濟體中居首位,

the world, indicating that China is not only confident in its

2018 年,中國經濟總量跨過 90 萬億元大關,人均 GDP


JUN 2019


對世界經濟增長貢獻率接近 30%,持續成為世界經濟增長最






外匯管理局數字顯示,2018 年,制造業吸收直接投資占整個


非金融部門的 19%,引資規模較上年增長近 4 成,持續多年












一個近 14 億人口的龐大消費市場,和全球規模最大、最具成




數據顯示,2018 年,中國實現社會消費品零售總額 38.1


萬億元,同比增長 9%。2019 年春節期間,全國零售和餐飲


企業實現銷售額超 1 萬億元,銀聯網絡交易總額達 1.16 萬億元。




以 2018 年數據測算,在中國市場上,每小時就能新誕生

約 750 戶企業,創造超過 1500 個就業崗位,外貿進出口值超

今年一季度重慶實現進出口總值 1315.3 億元,較去年同

期增長 21.9%。其中,對「一帶一路」沿線國家合計進出口額

過 5 億美元,百姓花費 43 億元用於購物和餐飲消費,快遞企

增長 34.6%。

業處理超過 600 萬件快件……



MOUTAI Magazine


不只是重慶。在湖南,2018 年對「一帶一路」沿線國家

海張江、安徽合肥 3 個綜合性國家科學中心建設進展順利,海

貿易額 802.6 億元,同比增長 36.5%;哈爾濱連續多年成為國


內對俄出口電商包裹量最大的城市,鄭州 2018 年跨境電商交


易額增長 25.1%……







來自 27 日高峰論壇記者會的信息顯示,在此次論壇籌備


進程中和舉辦期間,各方達成了 283 項務實成果。企業家大


會共簽署了總額 640 多億美元的項目合作協議。










今年初,裝滿阿根廷巴塔哥尼亞新鮮櫻桃的 8 個集裝箱抵





世界以確定性、 信心和希望。」聯合國秘書長古特雷斯高度




盡管全球貿易和投資增長放緩,2018 年在全球跨國投資

聯合國拉丁美洲和加勒比經濟委員會在《2018 年拉美加

下降 19% 的情況下,中國實際使用外資 1383 億美元,穩居發 展中國家首位。全年新設外資企業超過 6 萬家,增長 69.8%。

勒比國際貿易發展年度報告》中指出,2018 年,拉美對外出



口總額同比增長 9.7%,連續第二年實現較大幅度增長。報告





一次性提升 32 位。排名大幅躍升之際,中國持續優化營商環




中國目前市場主體超過 1 億戶。今年一季度,中國減稅規

模超過 3400 億元,全年減稅降費規模近 2 萬億元。同時,中








尼日利亞中國研究中心主任查爾斯 · 奧努納伊朱說,中國













「我們要順應第四次工業革命發展趨勢, 共同把握數字化、








數據顯示,2018 年,全國研究與試驗發展經費支出比上


年增長 11.6%,與國內生產總值之比為 2.18%,比上年提高 0.03




北京、上海全球影響力科技創新中心建設加速推進,粵港 19

JUN 2019

Open up the Farthest Road, Cultural Moutai's Trip in South America 20


MOUTAI Magazine

開拓最遠南美路, 「文化茅台」香醉世界! TRANSLATION/ 譯 Billy Yung


JUN 2019


rom April 4 to 14, 2019, the delegation of

enhanced the internationalization of Moutai's products,

(Chairman and General Manager of Moutai

significant practice for Moutai to promote Chinese culture

brand, culture and marketing. It has also become another

"Cultural Moutai's Trip in Chile" led by Li Baofang

overseas and lead national brands to rise in the world after

Group) visited Chile, Argentina and Peru. This is another

the global centennial celebrations for its Panama gold award

brand and culture promotion activity held by Moutai Group

in 2015 and the acceleration of global deployment.

in the countries along the "Belt and Road" following Russia,

Amity between the people holds the key to state-to-state

Italy, the United States, Germany, South Africa and Australia.

relations. With the interaction between Eduardo Frei (former

The words "Cultural Moutai" and "Moutai Phenomenon"

Chilean President) and Moutai as well as the presence of

have become hot topics in major media at home and

high-level celebrities from all walks of life in Chile, this

abroad. Like the market value of Moutai, "Moutai Craze" is

activity of Moutai has added a splendid chapter to the

also permeating the global market and continues to prevail.

friendship between the two countries.

Further Enhancing the Sino-Chilean Friendship

Frei said that we met with Moutai in the "Chile Week"

held in Beijing last year. Today, Moutai Group's return visit to Chile would be more conducive to the relationship between

On the evening of April 8, the activity and dinner of

the Chinese and Chilean peoples.

"Cultural Moutai • Colorful Guizhou——The Belt and Road

At the end of April 2019, Chilean President Sebastian

Branding Initiatives in Chile" was held at the Casa Piedra

Pinera led a delegation to Beijing to attend the Belt and

convention center in Santiago, Chile.

Road Forum for International Cooperation. China and Chile

At the dinner, Li Baofang quoted the Latin American

signed several cooperation agreements to further promote

proverb "A true friend is one who can touch your heart from

the in-depth development of bilateral relations. During this

across the world", which was widely spread in the circle of

period, the Chilean Wine Association also launched the


Wines of Chile Roadshow 2019.

More than 500 influential guests from Chile's political,

The Moutai Group led by Li Baofang has provided

business, culture, sports, and journalism circles as well

powerful support to the Chilean Wine Association,

as Moutai distributors participated enthusiastically in the

promoting friendly cooperation with each other.

activity, making it the largest, most influential and most

In this sense, the "Cultural Moutai • Colorful Guizhou" trip

widely spread brand event in Chile. This activity has greatly

in South America is not only a high-level overseas cultural



MOUTAI Magazine

promotion activity of an enterprise, but also an effective

brimming with ever fresh fragrance with the passage of time.

and Road" Initiative. It is also a responsibility of Moutai, the

representatives also expressed their hopes for deepening

culture and telling China's stories well, to demonstrate

Chilean Agriculture Minister Antonio Walker emphasized that

In the promotion activity, Chilean political and business

exploration of Moutai's initiative to implement the "Belt

cooperation between Moutai and Chile. In his speech,

participant, promoter and forerunner of spreading Chinese

Chinese enterprises like Moutai had made Chile's agriculture

the confidence of Chinese culture and the artisan spirit of

develop very well.

Chinese enterprise to the world.

During this trip in South America, the Moutai delegation

Friendship Spreading and Culture Pilgrimage

set foot on Chile, Argentina and Peru, surveyed the markets of these three countries, visited Chinese embassies and

consulates in these three countries, and met with various

The connections between Moutai and Chile have a long

celebrities and statesmen, such as Eduardo Frei, Felipe

history. Through Chinese communities and other trade

Alessandri, Alfonso LarraĂ­n Santa MarĂ­a, and Rodolfo

channels, Moutai has been in South America for more than


50 years.

This trip in South America has greatly enhanced

In 2005, Moutai started a trial sale in Chile. In 2006,

Moutai's status in the political and business circles as

Moutai officially established the first distributor in South

well as overseas Chinese in South America, and further

America, starting the deployment of Moutai liquor in the Latin American market.

With closer exchanges between China and Chile, the

cooperation between Moutai and Chile has become more

and more in-depth. Li Baofang introduced that Moutai Wine had recently established a strategic partnership with Chile's Vinedos Marchigue to jointly build a winery base in the Colchagua Valley.

Chile is the representative of New World wines, and

Moutai is the world's No. 1 distilled liquor brand. Moutai's trip in Chile is the "handshake" between the masters of

Chinese and Chilean liquors. It is also a perfect opportunity

for telling Moutai's stories well and enhancing the friendship. There is a proverb in Latin America, "Condition of good

friends, condition of old wine." The friendship between China and Chile, which has grown from one generation

to another, is like a bottle of aged Moutai and aged wine, 23

JUN 2019

expanded the influence of Moutai and even Chinese baijiu

On January 14, the front page of Moutai's internal

in South America, laying a solid foundation for Moutai's next

newspaper published Li Baofang's article "Thoughts on

and broader development.

important text for the beginning of 2019. It was not only a

deployment in the South American market, mutual benefit

the Construction of 'Cultural Moutai'". This was the most

As Li Baofang said, Moutai's visit to Chile was not only a

call on the "Cultural Moutai" strategy, but also a sign that the

spread of friendship, but also a pilgrimage to culture. As a

connotation of "Cultural Moutai" had been developed and

liquor-making peer, we knew that Latin America, including

perfected and a complete system had been formed.

Chile, not only had a liquor-making tradition praised by

Moutai's trip in South America has demonstrated

the world, but also had a cultural heritage that affected the

"Cultural Moutai" to the fullest. In the Chilean brand


promotion activity, the "Moutai Cultural Exchange

Li Baofang said that only openness and inclusiveness

Association of South America" jointly unveiled by Eduardo

was the key to growth and progress. Our purpose of

Frei, Antonio Walker, Xu Bu (Chinese Ambassador to Chile),

promoting "Cultural Moutai" to the world was to deepen

and Li Baofang was officially established.

mutual recognition with the world through this important

This association will actively promote the development

bridge of culture. At the same time, we hoped to use liquor

and common progress of all parties in such fields as

culture to more people around the world.

understanding and in-depth cooperation between Moutai

as a special carrier to introduce the long-standing Chinese

economy, education and science, promote mutual

Group and the liquor enterprises from such South American

Telling Moutai's Story Well, Internationalizing "Cultural Moutai"

countries as Chile, Argentina and Peru, and set up a socially

influential bridge for communication, exchange, and mutual learning.

The development principle of "culture goes first and

In addition, the Kweichow Moutai "Entering Santiago

market follows" has been running through the development

of Chile" commemorative liquor skillfully integrated the

of Moutai brand. Nowadays, under the macro guide of the

cultures of China and Chile.

country's "Belt and Road", Moutai has its own understanding

A series of creative demonstration and the integration of

and far-sighted expectations for this principle.

local culture had attracted the guests to fully explore and

spirit to the world has established a higher reputation for

enriching and expanding the cultural connotation as well

Letting culture go first and spreading China's culture and

feel Moutai. As mentioned by Li Baofang, only by constantly

Moutai and provided greater impetus for Moutai's brand

as enriching and concreting the cultural denotation, can


Moutai form the persuasion and cohesion of cross-language, 24


MOUTAI Magazine

development has created an excellent traditional culture

cross-region and cross-culture, and keep its vitality and

and the noblest spiritual pursuit. The high-quality national

competitiveness forever.

brands represented by Moutai are carrying the long-

Responding to the "Belt and Road", Upgrading Activities

standing and profound Chinese culture to the world, serve as a unique spiritual and cultural symbol of the Chinese

nation, lead overseas friends to understand and recognize

Li Baofang once said that the "Belt and Road" Initiative

the profound Chinese culture, and lead China's high-quality

proposed by China had provided Moutai with a world

baijiu enterprises to shine in the world. On the ancient Silk

stage to showcase Chinese culture. The background of

Road, the magnificent epic of the new era is being written.

economic globalization and the "Internet +" era had created

Under the same starry sky, the profound friendship

a historical opportunity for Moutai to go abroad and show

between China and South America, which has been

cultural confidence.

established since ancient times, is shining with new

In the past three years, Moutai has carried out cultural


and brand promotion in the countries and regions along

the "Belt and Road", such as Germany, Africa and Australia, which has caused widespread concern.

Now Moutai focuses on South America, the natural

extension of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and the

indispensable participant in the construction of the "Belt

and Road". This is undoubtedly Moutai's another practice

"A true friend is one who can touch your heart from across the world"

of positively responding to the "Belt and Road" Initiative",

promoting Chinese culture overseas, and leading national brands to rise in the world.

Moutai added a "Colorful Guizhou" section to the Chilean

exhibition. The presentation and participation of Guizhou culture had also brought solid soil to the promotion and deepening of cultural Moutai.

2019 is the 70th anniversary for the founding of the

People's Republic of China. China's 5,000 years of civilization 25

JUN 2019


019 年 4 月 4 日至 14 日,由茅台集團黨委書記、





董事長、總經理李保芳帶隊的「文化茅台 · 多彩



2019 年 4 月底,智利總統塞瓦斯蒂安 · 皮涅拉率團到北

繼俄羅斯、意大利、美國、德國、南非、澳大利亞等國之後, 再次於「一帶一路」沿線國家開展品牌文化推介活動。



萄酒協會也啓動 2019 年智利葡萄酒協會中國巡展開幕式。






承上啓下 中智情緣

從這個意義上說,「文化茅台 · 多彩貴州」的南美之行,


4 月 8 日晚,文化茅台 · 多彩貴州「一帶一路」行——走




文化中心 Casa Piedra 石頭城舉行。







聞界及茅台經銷商 500 多名重量級嘉賓熱情參與,成為當前 智利舉辦活動中規模最高、影響最大、傳播最廣的品牌活動,

易渠道,茅台酒在南美洲的出現已經超過 50 年。

成為茅台自 2015 年金獎百年巡回、加速全球佈局以來,推動




2005 年,茅台在智利試銷,2006 年正式成立南美第一家





國之交在於民相親。智利前總統愛德華多 · 弗雷與茅台的



品牌,此次茅台走進智利,是中智兩國釀酒大師跨越山海的「握 手」,也是講好茅台故事,共敘美好情誼的絕佳契機。


歲月積澱的友誼,正如陳年的茅台酒和陳釀的葡萄酒,跨越時 空,歷久彌香。


合作的期望。智利農業部長安東尼奧 · 沃克致辭時強調,類似 茅台這樣的中國企業,讓智利的農業有了很好的發展。


國家,考察了智利、阿根廷和秘魯市場,還分別拜訪了當地使 領館,並拜會了智利前總統弗雷、聖地亞哥市市長費利佩 · 阿 雷桑德里、阿根廷電視台台長米格爾 · 佩雷拉、全球葡萄酒巨

頭乾露酒莊第七代掌門人兼董事長阿方索 · 拉雷恩 · 聖瑪利 亞、阿根廷共和國莊園莊主、阿根廷河床俱樂部主席河床隊主 席 Rodolfo D'Onofrio 等名人政要。


「真正的朋友,能 從世界的另一頭觸 及你的心靈」

地位,進一步擴大了茅台乃至中國白酒在南美的影響力,為茅 台下一步佈局南美市場,實現互利共贏和更廣闊的發展打下了 堅實基礎。


更是文化的朝聖。身為釀酒同行,我們知道,包括智利在內的 26


MOUTAI Magazine

拉丁美洲,不僅有著令世人稱道的釀酒傳統,更有著影響全 球的文化積澱。



個重要的橋梁,加深與世界的相互認同。同時,讓悠久的中 國文化,以酒為特殊的載體,在全球範圍內被更多人瞭解。




發展的過程中。如今在國家「一帶一路」的宏觀戰略下,茅 台更是對這一原則有著自己的理解和更遠的期待。


茅台樹立了更高的美譽度,對茅台的品牌國際化道路提供了 更大的助推力。

1 月 14 日,茅台內部報紙頭版刊發李保芳署名文章《關

於「文化茅台」建設的一些思考》,這篇 2019 年開年最重要

的文字,既是「文化茅台」戰略的動員和發聲,也標誌著「文 化茅台」的內涵已發展完善,形成了完整的體系。

了展示中華文化的世界舞台,而經濟全球化和「互聯網 +」時

智利品牌推介會上,由智利前總統愛德華多 · 弗雷、智利農




業部部長安東尼奧 · 沃克、中國駐智利大使徐步與李保芳共

過去三年, 茅台先後在德國、   非洲、澳大利亞等「一帶一路」







如今茅台將目光聚焦南美洲——21 世紀海上絲綢之路的





而貴州茅台「走進智利 · 聖地亞哥」紀念酒,更是巧妙地





2019 年,是中華人民共和國建國 70 週年。中國 5000 多

度地讓嘉賓接觸茅台,感知茅台。如李保芳所提及的,茅台只 有不斷豐富和拓展文化內涵、豐滿和具象文化外延,才能形成








領中國優質白酒企業邁向全球,飄向世界。在古老恢弘的絲綢 之路上,新時代的壯麗史詩正在書寫。






JUN 2019

Moutai Held the Largest Event of Chinese Brand in East Africa 茅台在東非舉行最大規模 中國品牌活動



MOUTAI Magazine



outai is the best product of China, and we will

other local celebrities or representatives, together with Gao

Moutai," said Mizengo Pinda (Tanzania's former

and Yang Jianjun (Deputy General Manager of Moutai Group),

Wei (Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania)

all become the promotion ambassadors of

witnessed the grand opening of the event.

Prime Minister) in his speech when attending the "Cultural

2019 marks the 55th anniversary for the establishment

Moutai¡Colorful Guizhou" The Belt and Road Branding

of diplomatic relations between China and Tanzania. The

Initiative in Tanzania held on the evening of May 9, 2019 in

Dar es Salaam.

arrival of Moutai has attracted much attention.

has become the focus of Moutai's global market network

land in our impression for Africa. We have known since

In his speech, Wang Yan said, "Tanzania is the warmest

"Strengthening cooperation with the African continent

construction." Wang Yan (Moutai Group's Deputy Party

childhood that there is a Tanzania-Zambia railway, and

a speech on behalf of Moutai that Africa was the only

running on the grasslands of East Africa. As a famous

promotion activities twice in succession within two years.

'Belt and Road' Initiative and China's national development

America in April, this was Moutai's another large-scale

continent has become the focus of Moutai's global market

from the TV, we saw the snow of Kilimanjaro and the lions

Secretary and head of the delegation to Africa) said in

traditional brand of China, Moutai has been following the

continent where Moutai had held high-level brand

strategy. Strengthening cooperation with the African

Following a promotional campaign held in South

network construction."

marketing campaign for the global market as well as the

Moutai's development in Africa officially began in

largest cultural event of Chinese brand in Tanzania's history.

November 2017. In that year, Li Baofang (Chairman and

Mizengo Pinda (Former Tanzanian Prime Minister), John

General Manager of Moutai Group) led a team to make the

Malecela (former Vice President and former Prime Minister

first effort at the Group level, and successfully held the large-

of Tanzania), Humphrey Moshi (Director of the Center for

scale brand promotion campaign "Meeting in Africa through

Chinese Studies at the University of Dar es Salaam), and


JUN 2019

the Unique Aroma" in Cape Town.

various media and outdoor

"For the area along the 'Belt and

advertising channels, local people's

Road' like Africa, we must follow

attention to Moutai had reached

the overall situation and persist

an unprecedented height.

for a long time. It will be fruitful

"The 'Belt and Road' Initiative

after several years." Li Baofang

is an unprecedented model

and other Moutai executives

in the history of global

expressed this on different

development cooperation,"


Professor Moshi expressed

According to statistics, in

his heartfelt welcome to

2018, Moutai liquor and Moutai

the Moutai delegation in

series liquor achieved a

his speech. "Moutai is an

revenue of 470 million USD, a

important 'additive' to strengthen

year-on-year increase of 28.6%.

deep exchanges and cooperation

Moutai has filled the overseas

between the two countries.

blank market continuously and

In addition, we have more

achieved rapid development

expectations for Moutai's cultural

To date, Moutai has 115

should be held more," Moshi

in the "Belt and Road" markets.

exchanges. Activities like today

overseas distributors, covering

pointed out.

67 countries and regions on five

continents as well as major duty-

Moutai and Africa: Future and Opportunities on the Hot Land

free ports all over the world.

Moutai liquor and Moutai

series liquor have started from scratch in the African market,

"This is a historic moment. The

covering 11 countries. There are

about 50,000 Chinese and about

people of China and Tanzania

Tanzania, about 200,000 Chinese

through some cooperation,

can establish good relations

724 Chinese-funded institutions in

such as Moutai's establishment

and more than 200 Chinese-funded institutions in Kenya, and more

of distribution outlets here. Moutai

Chinese-funded institutions in

good relations between China and

Group is the representative of

than 300,000 Chinese and 400

Tanzania," said Mizengo Pinda in


his passionate speech. He believed

This data shows that these three

that Moutai's arrival in Tanzania

East African countries in Moutai's

would create another historical

trip have a vibrant emerging

market, which is sufficient to

node. "We will all become the

growth. Moutai will continue to

and hope that Moutai will become


of Tanzania."

promotion ambassadors of Moutai

provide rich soil for Moutai's rapid

a tourism promotion ambassador

develop weak markets in Africa as

Since the beginning of this

Xu Chen (Charge D'affaires of

the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania)

century, more and more Chinese

that in the past two days, through

up businesses, ran farms, or served

have come to Africa, where they set

told the visiting Moutai delegation



MOUTAI Magazine

as technical talents, working hard with local people to build

this land." Wang Yan said, "We come to Africa, not only for

communities together. "It is our pride that Moutai liquor

commercial profits, but also for long-term development and

has entered Africa." Many Chinese-funded enterprises told


Moutai representatives.

Launching the African Moutai Fans Union

Yang Jianjun and John Malecela jointly released the

Kweichow Moutai Commemorative Liquor (Entering Dar es

For Moutai's two visits to Africa, Wang Yan made it clear

Salaam, Tanzania).

that Moutai hoped to deepen its efforts here, actively

"Today, Moutai is starting here, not only because the

respond to the construction of the "Belt and Road", and

good past between us, but also because the bright future of 31

JUN 2019

bring more quality Chinese products to the African people.

older generation of Chinese leaders.

the core site of its second brand promotion in Africa upon

accompanied Nyerere, the Father of Tanzanian, to visit China.

relations between China and Tanzania.

Malecela. Malecela is very familiar with China, and is also

"The first time I drank Moutai was in the 1970s when I

Gao Wei spoke highly of Moutai's selecting Tanzania as

Since then, I have fallen in love with this special drink," said

the 55th anniversary for the establishment of diplomatic

very fond of Moutai and Moutai's hometown Guizhou.

"This is the warmest night I've ever spent here," said the

This brand promotion, like Moutai's trip to South America,

84-year-old John Malecela in a conversation with Wang Yan

took the exhibition of "Culture Moutai" as a special carrier to

and Yang Jianjun. John Malecela is an important witness

to the exchanges between China and Tanzania in the 1970s.

promote the image of colorful Guizhou.

and Prime Minister of Tanzania, and was a good friend of the

translation. Culture is the most effective way to overcome

Fine liquor is a world language that requires no

As a senior statesman, he once served as the Vice President



MOUTAI Magazine

obstacles and touch people's hearts. Moutai is promoting

century-old enterprise."

deepening the mutual recognition of Moutai, Guizhou and

achieve each other. The cooperation with Tanzania and

Wang Yan said, "China and Africa need, support, and

"Cultural Moutai • Colorful Guizhou" to the world and is

even the entire Africa is the wish of Moutai. Moutai is willing

the world through this important bridge of culture.

to become a contributor and witness for realizing a better

On the scene of the gala, Yang Jianjun gave a passionate

future between China and Africa."

toast on behalf of Moutai, and all people present raised their

It is reported that after the Tanzanian promotion


event, Moutai will hold an African distributor convention

Wang Yan said, "We are going abroad even if Moutai

to carefully consider how Moutai can better participate

is in short supply in the domestic market because this

in international market competition and how to further

is our long-term strategy. We must proceed from long-

expand the African market.

term thinking, long-term layout, and the goal of building a 33

JUN 2019




大使。」當地時間 2019 年 5 月 9 日晚,在達累斯

茅台在非洲的開拓,從 2017 年 11 月正式開始。那年,

薩拉姆穆里馬尼會議中心出席「文化茅台 · 多彩




桑尼亞前總理米增戈 · 平達在致辭中這樣表示。




的重點。」茅台集團黨委副書記、赴非代表團團長王焱在代表 茅台致辭時說,非洲是茅台過去不到兩年時間內,唯一連續兩


這是繼 4 月南美之行後,茅台在本年度舉行的又一次針對

據統計,2018 年,茅台酒及系列酒出口實現收入 4.7 億




美元、同比增長 28.6%,海外空白市場不斷被填補,特別是在「一

除了米增戈 · 平達,坦桑尼亞前副總統、前總理約翰 ·

海外經銷商,覆蓋了五大洲 67 個國家和地區以及全球重要免

帶一路」沿線市場實現了快速發展。迄今,茅台共有 115 家



馬賽馬拉,坦桑尼亞革命黨中央委員會委員漢佛雷 - 頗雷博雷,

茅台酒及系列酒在非洲市場已從零開始,覆蓋了 11 個國

達累斯薩拉姆省前省長薩依德 · 默克 · 薩迪奇,達累斯薩拉

姆市市長思博拉 · 麗安娜,達累斯薩拉姆大學校長威廉 · 安

家。坦桑尼亞華人約 5 萬、中資機構約 724 家;肯尼亞華人


中資機構超 400 家。

約 20 萬、中資機構 200 多家;埃塞俄比亞華人超過 30 萬、



使館文化參贊高煒 , 茅台集團黨委委員、副總經理楊建軍一起,


在熱情歡快的蘇庫馬族傳統舞蹈引領下,共同見證盛會拉開帷 幕。



2019,適逢中坦建交 55 週年。茅台的到來,引起關注。








為中國傳統知名品牌,茅台一直在緊緊追隨『一帶一路』倡議 34


MOUTAI Magazine





兩國深度交流合作的一個重要的『添加劑』,此外,我們對茅 該更多舉辦。」摩西指出。

「這是我在本地度過的最溫暖的夜晚,」84 歲的約翰 ·

翰 · 馬賽馬拉,是上世紀七十年代中坦兩國交往的重要見證者。 作為元老級政治家,他曾出任坦桑副總統、總理等職,是中國



「我第一次喝茅台,是 1970 年代,陪同坦桑尼亞國父尼





良好關係的代表。」坦桑尼亞前總理米增戈 · 平達致辭時充滿















動人心的渠道。茅台推動「文化茅台 · 多彩貴州」走向全球,

前總理約翰 · 馬賽馬拉,共同發佈了貴州茅台酒「走進坦桑尼




亞 · 達累斯薩拉姆」紀念酒。

「今茅台在這裡起步, 不僅看重我們之間擁有美好的過去,



晚會現場,楊建軍代表茅台充滿激情地致祝酒辭,全場舉 王焱表示, 「我們在國內市場供不應求的情況下走出國門,

















建交 55 週年之際,選擇在坦桑尼亞作為非洲二次品推的核心


JUN 2019



MOUTAI Magazine


Joseph Jao-Yiu Sung: Treat Science with Humanism 以人文精神對待科學 EDIT/ 文 Jocelyn TRANSLATION/ 譯 Kwan


JUN 2019


oseph Jao-Yiu Sung, the academician of the

of Edvard Munch's masterpiece "The Scream" went viral on

doctor named as "Asian Hero" by Time Magazine

commented, "President Sung is so cute!" His photo was

Facebook, which won a lot of praises and "likes". Someone

Chinese Academy of Engineering, is also a

even reposted on Weibo, and one of the comments said, "Is

for his fight against SARS. He was the president of the

this really not Feng Gong?"

Chinese University of Hong Kong and awarded as "the most

When Sung worked as the president of the Chinese

popular president in Hong Kong". He has been in charge of scientific research among colleges and universities in

University of Hong Kong, he was busy with a series of

of Engineering, Joseph Sung is also the academician of

as a doctor and visited the patients every week. When

administrative affairs. However, he continued his duty

Hong Kong for many years. Apart from the Chinese Academy

mentioning his experience of studying medicine and being

numerous colleges and universities around the world

a doctor, I had to say that his fight against SARS brought a

including the Royal College of Physicians, the American

turning point to his life. During his undergraduate period,

College of Gastroenterology and Royal Australasian College

he studied at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine and

of Physicians.

focused on the books about medicine and technology. He

In 2011, after taking the position as the president of the

did not actually learn about humanities, but since SARS,

Chinese University of Hong Kong for less than one year,

he gradually realized that a doctor needs more than just

Joseph Sung was selected as "the most popular president in

knowledge and technology, but also perspectives and

Hong Kong". During Professor Joseph Sung's trip in Europe,

standards towards human's values and ethics. Without

the photo of him imitating the facial expression and gesture



MOUTAI Magazine

His experience of medical treatments for many years

understanding of humanities, one will never become a good

made him feel that medicine is not entirely about science,

doctor even if they are equipped with rich knowledge and

but a combination of 50% of science and 50% of humanities.

superb technology, and patients will not feel taken good

Medical evidences will let doctors

care of in this case. Later on, he

know what the best treatment

started to read books describing

is, but when interacting with

life-and-death experiences,

patients, one should pay

medical ethics and researches on

concentrated attention. "Maybe

death processes and their effects.

it also verifies Einstein's view of

What impressed him deeply is

religion: 'Science is lame without

a book named "Tuesdays with

religion, and religion is blind

Morrie". This book is about the

without science.'"

story of Morrie, a university

These words remind me of

professor who turned from a

doctor to a patient himself. His

Joseph Sung's speech at the

to Boston to visit him and learn

that the value of a university

graduation ceremony, "I believe

student travels from Chicago

cannot be judged by the salary

from his reflection on family,

of its graduates, nor can it be

career, and wealth. "These are

judged by what car they drive

good life materials." Sung also

or what kind of houses they live

likes to read biographies and the

in. It should be based on the

biography of Mother Teresa is his

influences that its students bring

favorite. Mother Teresa was not a

to the society and human beings

medical worker, but she always

after graduation." For Joseph

treated people with dignity at

Sung, "take a chance" is a motto

the last moments of their lives.

that he enjoys the benefit all his

Joseph Sung said, "Her story

life. "The bacteria I studied at

indicates that we might not 'cure'

every patient, but we can definitely 'care' about them."

that time not only affected human bodies, but also affected

only from the books, but also from the stressful period

bacteria. These bacteria are related to human beings, just

the tubing. The oil pipes in Canada have been blocked by

Joseph Sung obtained feelings for medical ethics not

like the dental calculus on our teeth. The reason why it is

that he experienced. Here, I have to mention "SARS" again.

easy for people to slip when climbing the mountain is the

Sung recalled at that time when he had to treat some of

moss and bacteria on top. If I only understand medical

the doctor fellows who were unfortunately infected by the

knowledge, I will not relate the blockage of petroleum

virus, those "doctor patients" would turn their faces away

pipes to vascular occlusion, which actually share the same

when Sung used the stethoscope to listen to their lungs

principle. If I can handle the blockage of oil pipes, I can

because they did not want to infect Sung. Sung would pat

handle vascular occlusion. They are originally integrated."

them on the shoulders and took their hands for a while.

Some people think that they have to get admitted into

"You will see the gratitude in their eyes when you take their hands without feeling ashamed of them." Speaking of

the Harvard University since it has the highest ranking

limbs would be kept in the caves. When Jesus treated the

majors. And after they enter, they will find out all the majors

in the world even if they are not interested in any of the

here, he thought of a story: Once, the lepers with deformed

are highly research-oriented, which might be beyond

lepers, he would go into the caves, touched the patients

their competence. If one only looks at the ranking of the

and told them they were cleaned. The fact is, Jesus is a god

university without considering his or her personal interest

and he could definitely cure the patients only by pointing

or competence, even if he or she manages to graduate

at them, but touching the patients was a gesture assuring

from the university, does it really mean that he or she has

the patients that they were cured and cleaned not only

received a good higher education?

physically but also mentally.


JUN 2019




的他主管香港高校科研工作多年,除了中國工程院院士,還擁 有英國皇家內科醫學院、美國胃腸病學學院、澳洲皇家內科醫 學院等多個不同的「院士」頭銜。

2011 年在香港中文大學校長任上不足一年,就被選為「香


· 蒙克名作《吶喊》中人物表情和手勢的照片在臉書上流出後, 頓時獲得很多個贊。「校長你太可愛了!」在轉載他照片的微 博下,更有留言說:「這真不是馮鞏麼?」


醫生,  每周出診。  提起學醫和做醫生的經歷, 不得不說抗擊


沈祖堯 (香港中文大學前校長、中國工程院院士)

沈祖堯,1959 年 10 月 22 日生,胃腸病學專家,祖籍浙江寧波,現居

中國香港,中國工程院院士,歐亞科學院院士,香港科學院創院院士,香港 中文大學莫慶堯醫學講座教授。

沈祖堯於 1983 年獲得香港大學內外全科醫學士學位;1992 年獲得加拿

大卡爾加裏大學生命科學博士學位;1997 年獲得香港中文大學醫學博士學

位;2003 年在非典一疫中,沈祖堯帶領其醫療隊伍在前線與疫癥對抗,展

開了一系列 SARS 冠狀病毒臨床及流行病學的研究,被《時代周刊》列為當 年的「亞洲英雄」;2010 年出任香港中文大學校長;2011 年當選中國工程

院院士;2012 年當選歐亞科學院院士;2013 年獲頒世界傑出華人獎;2015 年當選香港科學院創院院士。




了結腸鏡檢查對早期發現無癥狀大腸癌的臨床篩查價值;在消化系統腫瘤發 生的分子機制方面作了系列創新性研究。



MOUTAI Magazine

大醫學院,著重研習醫學和技術方面的書籍,未曾認真涉獵人 文學科,但自「非典」後,他漸漸意識到,一個醫生需要的不 僅僅是知識和技術,還需要對於人的價值、道德有看法和標

準,如果缺失了,哪怕有再豐富的知識和再精湛的技術,也不 會成為一名好醫生,病人也難以覺得受到好的照顧。之後,他 閱讀了不少描述生死經歷、醫學倫理、研究死亡過程及影響

的書籍。給他印象很深的是《相約星期二》(Tuesdays With Morrie),描述一個大學教授莫裏從醫生變成了病人,學生每


的反思,「這些是很好的生命教材」。沈祖堯還很喜歡看傳記, 他感覺特別好的是德蘭修女的傳記,她本非醫務工作者,但能 在很多人生命的最後時刻給予他們尊嚴。沈祖堯說:「這代表 了 cure( 醫療)這個詞,未必能時時刻刻都醫治好一個病人, 但你可以做到 care(關懷)。」



那時候曾給一些醫生病人看病,當他用聽筒為他們聽肺的時候, 有的人不願意,轉過臉去,不想將病傳染給他。沈祖堯依然會 拍拍他們的肩膀,捉一下他們的手。「當你不嫌棄他們,捉一 下他們的手,會看到他們很感激的眼神。」講到這裏,他想起 一則故事:以前手腳變形的麻風病人會被趕進山洞裏去,當耶 穌醫治麻風病人時,他會專門到這個地方,摸一下他們,說你 們幹凈了。「其實如果是神祗的話不用摸啊,指一下也可以,

但那種摸的動作就是告訴病人:『你幹凈了!』 一一個心靈 上的醫治,連覺得自己骯臟的感覺也醫治了。」


一半科學,一半人文學,醫學的證據能告訴妳什麽是最好的治 療方法,而和病人接觸的時候,則要用心。「也許這也印證了 愛因斯坦對宗教的看法:『科學如果沒有宗教是跛腳的,宗教 沒有科學是盲目的。』」


所大學的價值,不能用畢業生的工資來判斷,更不能以他們開 的車、住的房子來作準,而是應以它的學生在畢業後對社會、 對人類的影響為依歸。」 闖一闖,對沈祖堯來說是一生受用。 「當時我研究的細菌不只影響人體,還影響到油管,加拿大的 石油油管都是給細菌塞住的,這些細菌跟人是相關的,如我們

牙齒上的牙石,爬山為什麽容易滑倒,因為青苔和細菌在上面。 我如果只懂醫科的東西,就不會想到石油管堵塞會和心臟裏面 的血管塞了是同一個原理,如果我能搞定石油管的阻塞,我也 可以搞定心臟裏面那條管,它們原來是融會貫通的。」


全沒有興趣的科目,也要去讀,結果發現科目的研究性很強。 如果只看排名,而不是個人興趣和能力,就算能畢業,是否就 代表你真的接受了很好的高等教育呢? 41

JUN 2019



MOUTAI Magazine

"I drink, therefore I am."

「我喝,故我在」 EDIT/ 文 Jia xuan 家軒 TRANSLATION/ 譯 Olivia Kwan

Hemingway's Liquor Story



JUN 2019

in China, Hemingway and his works were deeply loved by the majority of Chinese readers, and he was also one of the few foreign writers who have been pursued after by Chinese readers in that closed and undeveloped era.

Hemingway's destined connection with Cuba is not

a secret to most people who know him. He saw Cuba

as his life destination and spent more than one third of his life time at Havana, where he wrote the renowned

The Old Man and the Sea and won Pulitzer Prize as well as Nobel Prize in Literature. The severe fight between

Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, and a huge marlin "


not only highlights the relationship between human and

njoy wine and songs while we can, for life is

nature, but also the perseverance of human beings.

short." The soul of literature that lies at the

The British scholar Herbert Ernest Bates once

bottom of one's heart should naturally be

commented: "Hemingway was a man with an axe. What

activated by the reward from heaven. Do you remember

Hemingway went for was that direct pictorial contact

the subtle feeling when using the tip of your tongue to

between eye and object, between object and reader. To

taste a glass of fine wine? It is like dipping the nib with

get it he cut out a whole forest of verbosity. He got back

ink, and then something inside you is switched on.

to clean fundamental growth." Hemingway's concise and

From dribs and drabs in your memories and pleasant

direct narrative style was originated from his thorough

moments in your life to your unrestrained fantasies, you

observation of life. More importantly, he managed to explore

just cannot stop writing. Speaking of great writers who

his perception of life and humanity from the bottom of his

cannot live without liquor, Ernest Miller Hemingway

soul, with a "catalyst" accompanying his whole life: liquor.

definitely was a representative among them.

Thanks to the fragrance of fine liquor, Hemingway has

Most Chinese readers are quite familiar with the name

been able to put aside the worldly eyes. Through thoroughly

of Hemingway. During the development of modern history

tempered and polished words, his was suddenly enlightened and able to see beyond his own eyes. Today, if you have the

opportunity to visit Havana in Cuba, following Hemingway's footprints is a must. El Floridita and Hotel Ambos Mundos, where Hemingway once stayed, have become the most classic attractions for the tourists. People will not leave

without trying the famous Mojito mixed with Rum, mint and

lemonade, which was said to be Hemingway's favorite. Apart from Mojito, Hemingway was especially fond of Absinthe,

a type of distilled alcoholic beverage with 65-84% alcohol

content. People also called it "Green Fairy" or "Green Muse". Absinthe was favored by many men of letters in history,

inspiring their creation of works and arts. However, it was

questioned by the later generations due to its ingredients. There is another cocktail named "Daiquiri" worth being mentioned. Local people loved to call Hemingway "Papa",

and he always enjoyed "Daiquiri" without

adding sugar, so



MOUTAI Magazine

"If you want to know about a culture, spend a night in its bars."

As Hemingway once said, "Don't bother with churches,

the cocktail has been granted a nick name "Papa double".

government buildings or city squares, if you want to

"I drink, therefore I am." Hidden in the world's forgotten

know about a culture, spend a night in its bars." Fine

corner, Hemingway, the natural and unrestrained writer,

liquor penetrated through his whole life, lighting up

left a literature legacy. His revolutionary sentiment was

his most wonderful sentimental feelings as fuel and

also appreciated by Castro, the former leader of Cuba,

sublimating into the treasures of human's literary

who once commented that the novel The Old Man

civilization. Fine liquor brought Hemingway to the

and the Sea, published in 1952, was "unprecedented".

boundary of the universe, letting him know that the lost

After all, the year when the book was passed for

time could not be traced back in a delighted way.

press was already the eve of Cuban revolution.

Hemingway always enjoyed meals accompanied

Hemingway was not only respected in his "second

hometown" Havana, he had a precious connection of

by liquor. To be specific, he would use Absinthe as an

invasion and aggression from the Japanese imperialist,

oysters. After meal, he would enjoy some brandy. He liked

appetizer, red wine as table wine, and white wine with

fate with China. In 1941, when China was subjected to the

some Vodka in the afternoon and Whisky at dusk. He was so

Hemingway visited Chengdu and Chongqing in China

particular about it that Whisky and ice cubes must be served

as a professional journalist and commissioner from the

separately so he could adjust the proportion by himself.

U.S. government. He was so moved and impressed by

Ernest Miller Hemingway, a great writer who loved

the ancient and profound Chinese culture so he started to compose the first draft of For Whom the Bell Tolls, a

bullfight, hunting, boxing, adventures and women, once

to the records provided by the translators in Chongqing,

in Cuba, these brave words were seen as praise for Castro, the

said, "A man can be destroyed but not defeated." For people

literary work about Anti-Fascist War, in Chengdu. According

great revolution leader. In the eyes of the world, these words

Hemingway and his wife also visited some military

are also the best life annotation of this liberated tough man.

academies and expressed deep admiration for Chinese people's hard work in building military fortifications.


JUN 2019

酒 當 歌, 人 生 幾 何。 潛














的大文豪,歐內斯特 · 海明威(Ernest


Miller Hemingway)是他們的代表人

(Hotel Ambos Mundos),都是遊






朗姆酒加薄荷葉、46 檸檬調配的雞






馏製作,高酒精度数(65-84% ) 的








多種文化藝術提供助力。 但後來由



(The Old Man and the Sea), 並 榮

質疑。另一種稱為 Daiquiri 的雞尾酒,


因 海 明 威 又 名 Papa double。Papa

漁 夫 聖 地 牙 哥(Santiago) 與 一 條 大 馬林魚的纏鬥,不僅彰顯了人與自然 的關係,而且突出了人類百折不撓、 誓不低頭的堅毅精神。


(Herbert Ernest Bates) 的 評 論 指: 「海明威是一位拿著板斧的人。他所 孜孜以求的,是眼睛和對象之間,對

象和讀者之間直接相通,產生光鮮如 畫的感覺,為了達到這個目的,他砍


基本枝幹的清爽面目。」海明威爽朗、 直接的敘事筆調,不僅來源於他對生

活細微的觀察,更重要的是他將靈魂 深處對人生和人性的感悟發掘出來,

而這一切都離不開伴隨著海明威一生 的催化劑——酒。

是古巴人對海明威的暱稱,據悉海明 1899 年 7 月 21 日- 1961 年 7 月 2 日), 出生於美國伊利諾州芝加哥市郊區奧克帕克, 美國作家、記者,被認為是 20 世紀最著名的 小說家之一。 海明威的一生之中曾榮獲不少獎項。他在第一 次世界大戰期間被授予銀制勇敢勳章;1953 年,他以《老人與海》一書獲得普利策獎 ; 1954 年的《老人與海》 又為海明威奪得諾貝爾文學獎。 2001 年,海明威的《太陽照樣升起》與《永 別了,武器》兩部作品被美國現代圖書館列入 「20 世紀中的 100 部最佳英文小說」。 海明威一生中的感情錯綜複雜,先後結 過四次婚,是美國「迷惘的一代」(Lost Generation)作家中的代表人物,作品中對人 生、世界、社會都表現出了迷茫和彷徨。他一 向以文壇硬漢著稱,他是美利堅民族的精神豐 碑。海明威的作品標誌著他獨特創作風格的形 成,在美國文學史乃至世界文學史上都佔有重 要地位。



「我喝, 故我在」,瀟灑如海

明威,藏身被世界遺忘的角落,寫下 傳世佳作,這般氣概,令人折服。海 明威的革命情懷,也得到古巴前領導 人卡斯特羅的讚賞。他曾稱,《老人 與海》這部出版於 1952 年的小說,

是「前所未有」的作品。畢竟,付梓 的那一年,正是古巴革命爆發前夕。 海明威不僅在「第二故鄉」的

哈瓦那備受尊崇,海明威的平生與中 國有過難得的緣分。一九四一年,時 值中國蒙受日本帝國主義侵略,海明 威以職業記者和美國政府特派員的身 份,到訪中國的成都和重慶。古老而 厚重的中華文化,感染了海明威,而


MOUTAI Magazine

「如果你想要了解 一種文化,別去什 麼教堂、政府大樓 或城市廣場;花一 晚上的時間體驗一 下它的酒吧。」

且他還在中國開始撰寫反法西斯戰爭題 材作品《喪鐘為誰而鳴》的初稿,地點 就在成都的一座小樓里。根據重慶翻譯 學家的資料,海明威夫婦還曾經參觀了 軍事院校,對中國人民用辛勤汗水建造 軍事工事,深表欽佩。


解一種文化,別去什麼教堂、政府大樓 或城市廣場;花一晚上的時間體驗一下 它的酒吧。」美酒貫穿了這個大文豪的 一生,讓他將人生最精彩的感悟點燃、 升騰、綻放,升華成人類文學文明的瑰 寶。酒,帶著海明威直抵宇宙的邊界, 讓他感受到失去的時間無法追溯,但痛 快酣暢。


以苦艾酒開胃,佐餐喝紅葡萄酒,用白 葡萄酒配牡蠣,餐後喝白蘭地,下午喝 伏特加,黃昏喝威士忌。威士忌和冰塊 必須分開供應以便自行調節酒水比例, 甚為講究。


生活和文學都充滿英雄氣概的海明威曾 經說:「人可以被毀滅,但不可以被戰 勝。」這豪言壯語,在古巴被視為對身 陷囹圄的革命領袖卡斯特羅的讚美;而 在世人看來,也是這位肆無忌憚的硬漢 最貼切的人生註腳。 47

JUN 2019

From the Chishui River to the Rhine 從赤水河到萊茵河 EDIT/ 文 Natalya Zhang TRANSLATION/ 譯 Ziyang



MOUTAI Magazine


rowing up by the Chishui River known as "The

he had seen some foreigners sharing their feelings with great

smelling the fragrance of Moutai liquor and also

the first time. "I figured they might not have the chance to

River of Fine Liquor", I often say that I grew up

exaggeration on social media after tasting Chinese baijiu for

had deep feelings for it.

taste the real good one," he said, "you have Moutai, and we

When my husband, who is from Germany, visited China

have Riesling. They are both the pride of our countries."

for the very first time, my father at home was thrilled. At

Indeed, every time I wanted to have some white wine

the banquet filled with hot Guizhou cuisine, he brought out

in Germany, I would definitely order one glass of Riesling.

treasured it for more than 30 years just to wait till the time

Riesling is from, just to trace to the source.

a bottle of Moutai which was the same age as me. He has

This summer, I made a special trip to the Rheingau, where

when he could meet his son-in-law, and his dream finally

Germany produces the best Riesling in the world, and the

came true. Excitedly, my old man filled my husband's cup

best Riesling grapes in Germany are from the Rheingau, so

"very good". Although Moutai from Maotai Town in China

the Rheingau. It all thanks to the selfless gift from the nature.

with Moutai, and toasted with his poor English by saying

you can easily infer that the best Riesling in the world is from

and the white wine from Germany both looked transparent,

Most vineyards producing Riesling are planted alongside the

the former is made from fermented grains, which is so much

Rhine, a river with a great reputation in Europe. Once the

different from the one made from grapes in either mouth

river reaches the Rheingau region, it gives way and makes a

feel or taste.

turn almost at right angles, turning the direction of the water

My husband raised the cup carefully and sipped, savoring

flow, which creates the most important condition for the

the liquor. After a while, he was pop-eyed with amazement

growth of grapes planted on the north bank facing the south

and commented with the Chinese words he just learnt: "It

—— more sunlight.

tastes good! So good!" Afterwards, my husband told me that

The northern mountains block the cold wind, so the


JUN 2019

Rhine is

able to store heat

at day time. Starting at dusk, the

temperature dramatically drops, generating thick

damp mist. The cold mist will slowly cross the river and

climb up, surrounding the vineyards. Therefore, the grapes


from the Rheingau at 50 degrees north latitude are granted

a famous city in the Rhineland region,


It is said that more than 2000 years ago when the ancient

a special and well-rounded taste due to the temperature

is known to be relevant to hot springs by the suffix "baden".

Wandering in the Rheingau vineyards, I could see

Romans built their first fortress in Mainz, a troop of soldiers

Riesling grapes everywhere from the mountain top to the

took some horses to the other side of the Rhine to check the

river bank of the Rhine. Although Riesling grapes are called

war situation. However, the horses ended up rolling around

"the Emperor of Grapes", they look inconspicuous on the

in the hot spring pool, totally forgetting about their mission.

appearance. I could not quite understand why this variety

Therefore, the ancient Romans named the place "Wiesen

is so special. An expert pointed out that the rhizomes of

(land) baden (bath)". I seriously doubted that it was actually

Riesling grapes are extremely strong and can penetrate up

the soldiers who enjoyed the pool and blamed it to the

to 15 meters deep into the ground, which will absorb the

horses which could not justify themselves.

mineral substances and transmit them into the grapes,

In August every year, the longest Riesling booth in the

bringing out mineral aromas. Another fun fact is that

world will be set up at the Castle Square, waiting for you to

Germany, which makes Riesling grapes and Riesling wine

festival has more than 40 years of history. At the carnival,

the Rheingau is the smallest wine production region in

revel at the Rheingau Wine Festival lasting for 10 days. This

even more precious.

you may be able to encounter a friend you are familiar with

The ancient Greek tragedian Euripides (480-407 B.C.)

from your childhood —— the Little Red Riding Hood, and

once said, "Where there is no wine, there is no love." The

took a glass of fine wine from her hand. Yes, the costume

Rheingau region is definitely full of "love", which is not

of the Little Red Riding Hood created by the Brothers

limited to love between men and women, but love for life

Grimm represents the major feature of the local traditional

and pride for traditional cultures.

costumes for ladies. 50


MOUTAI Magazine

was getting late, I

randomly turned into a hotel

after passing through a narrow alley and

surprisingly found six guest rooms made of wine barrels.

Each room was named after a local chateau, costing 109

Euro per night. If you are a wine lover, I am sure you will love

You can

the special experience living in this hotel.

also reach the peak

My trip to Rheingau was not only about tasting wine.

of the Niederwald and

Slightly drunk, I was always surprised by the fact that even

find a statue of The Germanic

though the history of winemaking here could be traced back

Goddess buried by Frederick

to the era ruled by Karl der Groce in 800 A.D., the chateaus

William I in 1877. Following the

are still exuding vitality after 1200 years has passed. The

direction the goddess is "looking

wine makers are innovative while remaining traditions, in

at", you can see the Rhine and the

accordance with the concept of "sustainable development"

Rheingau vineyards. Beside the statue

and "environmentally-friendly", protecting the water sources

is the most joyful cable car. The staff will

and ecology nearby and investing energy and money into

hand you a glass of Riesling sparkling

optimizing the recycling of wine bottles in order to decrease

wine before you get on the cable car.

unnecessary resource wastage. In Germany, each bottle

For me, this sudden happiness made me

must be recycled for at least 40 times!Â

laugh. I cannot imagine what can be more

Even so, the local people are still alert to dangers even

pleasant than enjoying the wine and the

in times of calm. A local friend who was with me during the

view at the same time.

trip told me: "You know what? Riesling grapes must grow

Underneath the cable car is a town

in somewhere with low temperature. If the temperature

called "Rudesheim". When the day


JUN 2019

on the earth continues to rise, this place might no longer

be suitable for the grapes to grow. We might have to plant

the grapes in Iceland and I don't want that. Only here is the hometown of Riesling," she sighed.Â

These ancient chateaus are also committed to the

development of tourism, bringing pleasant wine tasting

experience to the tourists and conveying their production and management philosophy, spreading the historical knowledge and culture of German wines to people of different skin colors around the world.Â

After my trip to the Rheingau, I told my husband at the

dinner table: "I hope Maotai Town will be opened up for

tourism, so I can take you to the factory producing Moutai liquor and learn how it is made. I even have a classmate

working as a taster there. He can tell the production year

of Moutai only by smelling. Are you curious about how he

was trained and how he works?" My husband looked up and said, "Oh my god. That will be interesting!"



MOUTAI Magazine

長在中國的「美酒河」赤水河邊,我常常 這樣說,我是聞著茅台的酒香長大的,對 杯中恩物也有著感情。






用蹩腳的英文忙不迭勸酒:「Very good !」。雖說名


(white wine),則來自葡萄,口感味道都不一樣。



之前有看到社交媒體上分享外國人第一次喝到中國白酒的浮 誇感受。「那可能是他們沒有喝到好的中國白酒。」先生接

著說:「中國有茅台,我們有雷司令,它們是我們兩個國家 的驕傲。」


單上的 Riesling(雷司令),毫不猶豫的點上一杯。今年夏天, 我專程到德國雷司令的萊茵高產區追根溯源。



最好的雷司令,在萊茵高!這一切的一切,是大自然的無私 53

JUN 2019



MOUTAI Magazine


贈 與, 雷 司 令 葡 萄

為 Wiesen(土地) baden(泡澡)。我嚴重懷疑在池子里樂




在這個生來就與享樂有關的城市,每年 8 月,在城堡廣




葡萄酒節上把酒狂歡,這個節日,已有 40 多年歷史。你也許








你也可以登頂尼德瓦爾德峰,這裡有 1877 年德意志皇帝

北緯 50°的萊茵高產區的葡萄,被晝夜巨大的溫差,賦予了特









著美酒,看著美景更讓人愉悅的事情呢 ?




的窄巷,隨便拐進一家酒店,發現竟然有 6 個用酒桶做成的房



探入地底 15 米,將不同深度的礦物質吸納,輸送到枝端小小

間,每個房間用當地酒莊命名,109 歐在酒桶住一晚,這樣的





古希臘悲劇作家 Euripides(480-407 B.C.)曾經說

800 年卡爾大帝統治時期,1200 年彈指而過,這些酒莊仍然



(But where there is no wine,there is no





每個酒瓶至少要回收利用 40 次!









baden 這 個 詞 綴,




關。 傳 說 2000




多 年 前, 古 羅 馬











啊,那實在太有趣了!」 55

JUN 2019

跟「舍布魯克街的貴婦人」 一起,享受蒙特利爾

TEXT/ 文 Joseph Tsui



MOUTAI Magazine


JUN 2019


xperience tells. "Grande Dame of Sherbrooke

Street" is located in the Golden Square Mile in downtown Montreal.

Like her neighbors, the

prestigious department store Holt Renfrew and

Montreal Museum of Fine

Arts, this Dame has a great

view of Mont Royal. Different from any other hotel in the

world, it was an innovation

at the time of four St.James Street tycoons.

Those tycoons who

founded the Ritz-Carlton Montreal used to live in

To adore this Dame is to appreciate her commitment

Golden Square Mile, a place belonged to Montreal's elite who owned 3/4 of Canada's entire wealth in the early

to modern luxury. Designed by New York architects

themselves and their European visitors, a "luxurious home-

been built in Adam style, a neoclassical style of interior

Warren and Wetmore, the main building of the hotel has

twentieth century. They dreamed of their own place for

design and architecture with a single uniform scheme, by

away-from-home (Waller, 31)", a symbol of refinement

which the building has therefore distinguished itself from

and elegance, and a landmark for Montreal. Bearing this in

those Victorian and Georgian mansions. What is more, this

mind, they combined the Ritz and Carlton designations and

magnificent example of everlasting elegance comes together

opened the world's first Ritz-Carton hotel. That is to say,

with the hotel's most recent 200-million renovation and the

they turned a new page of Montreal's and even the world's

upbeat Ritz-Carlton residences and reaches "a captivating

hospitality industry.

balance between tradition and innovation".

The opening of the Ritz-Carlton Montreal on December

Meanwhile, the continuity of the Old World tradition can

31, 1912 has become a day to remember in history not only because "the inauguration celebrations would become

be seen from the well-maintained revolving door. This is

but also because the hotel itself has acted as an important

of Windsor, Sir Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth II and

the door that celebrities, for instance, Duke and Duchess

one of the decade's biggest social gatherings (Waller, 43)"

Prince Philip, American President William Howard Taft,

witness and become an inseparable part of the Montreal

French President Charles de Gaulle, Israel's Prime Minister

and Canada history itself since that day.

Golda Meir, Elizabeth Taylor, and Rolling stones (Waller, 15) etc, used to pass through. Ritz-Carlton staffs who dressed

"The most satisfactory accomplishment of all is to enjoy life and help others to enjoy it, too, even if it does mean spending money."

up in uniforms used to open the door and lead them into

the lobby with a salute. Now it will be your turn to enjoy the 5-star welcome.

This welcome, as Waller described, is from "a haven of

care, kindness, and unflagging hospitality of the very highest order (Waller, 14)" and I can't agree more. I further argue that

this sentiment has loyally been delivered, according to César

-Charles Hosmer, Ritz-Carlton founder

Ritz's will, by everyone and everything inside this hotel. It

can be found in a smile, in an occasional eye contact, from 58


MOUTAI Magazine

the wide, curving staircase, from the front desk which is

tucked into a corner, and from the signature afternoon tea. I can't say enough this legacy of extraordinary service

represents the best part of Montreal. No wonder it attracts a veritable kaleidoscope of people who influence the society of Quebec, of Canada, and of North America.

Maison Boulud is the place where these elites frequent.

As same as what they do, you will definitely find yourself in

love with sitting in the greenhouse. A fine dining experience with the view of a serene garden and pond is irresistible.

"Dinner is a rite, and everyone should dress for it." -César Ritz Maison Boulud is located in the new wing (completed

in April, 1957) and is facing the Duck Garden opened since June, 1959. It is a masterpiece of Mr. Andrew

Torriani, CEO and GM of the Ritz-Carlton Montreal, and

3-Michelin star Chef Daniel Boulud from New York. Maison Boulud, since its birth, has enticed everyone who sees dining as a rite.

The cuisine in Maison Boulud is steeped in French

culinary tradition with a focus on local Quebec products.

Daniel Boulud's menu is driven by the seasons and bounty of Québec's local purveyors. Executive Chef Riccardo

Bertolino prepares refined yet soulful contemporary French food as well as specialties from Boulud's New York City restaurants.

According to "No Ordinary Hotel" by Adrian Waller, the

Ritz-Carlton Montreal has a long history of stocking up the

world's finest wines. This tradition has well pleased many of prestige patrons, formerly Prince Edward and lately Duke of Windsor, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton who arrived at the hotel to marry on Sunday, March 15, 1964 with only

two hours' notice (Waller, 184). Today, Maison Boulud has a selection of more than 600 wines on menu to quench a thirst. 59

JUN 2019

「最令人滿意的成就就是 享受生活和幫助別人享受生活, 即使這有時候意味著花費。」


—Charles Hosmer 麗思卡爾頓酒店創立者


Square Mile 黃金平方英里」地帶,面朝舍布魯克大街與皇家 山,比鄰高級百貨公司 Holt Renfrew 和蒙特利爾大美術館建



這位「貴婦人」由紐約 Warren and Wetmore 建築師事務


這位「貴婦」出身豪門,「她」的創立者包括 4 位大亨,





他們以「黃金平方英里」為家,據說掌控著 20 世紀初期全加





合 20 世紀和 21 世紀建築精髓,舍布魯克街的風貌為之一新。


與 新 翼 不 同, 酒 店 正 門 經 意 維 持 著 開 業 時 的 風


店業界的英倫翹楚 Carlton 和歐陸天縱奇才 César Ritz 為這家


蒙特利爾麗思卡爾頓酒店在 1912 年 12 月 31 日開業,這


白二世與愛丁堡公爵,美國第 27 任總統塔夫脱,法國總統戴












MOUTAI Magazine

2012 年以來,Maison Boulud 成為酒店的主餐廳。這是酒店

首席執行官和總經理 Andrew Torriani 的得意之作——他成功 說服了紐約米芝蓮星廚 Daniel Boulud,與他聯手在酒店裡打

造一家餐飲界有口皆碑的餐廳,將加拿大的法系烹調藝術發揚 光大。


推陳出新的,忠實本地特色食材的,不時不食的,餐廳行政總 廚 Riccardo Bertolino 的拿手好戲,是花樣翻新的季節菜單,

他以本地最新鮮考究的食材入饌,並佐以巧思,屢受食家好評; 若是客人對紐約道地美食念念不忘,餐廳延續紐約星級餐廳傳 統的保留菜單也能讓客人大快朵頤。

據傳記作者 Adrian Waller 記載,蒙特利爾麗思卡爾頓酒


及夫人,包括在婚禮前 2 小時到達酒店的伊莉莎白泰勒和李 察波頓夫婦。今天,Maison Boulud 的酒單精選 600 款佳釀, 相信足以博老饕一粲。 Food & Wine Paring

美酒配佳餚——來自總廚 Riccardo 和首席侍酒師 David Goirand 的特別推薦 加拿大本土野生大蝦,綠蘆筍,點綴煙燻紅椒粉


材。我們小心控制烹飪過程,試圖保持其原汁原味,運用香料畫龍點睛。 Riccardo Bertolino:


Wild shrimps from Canada, green asparagus, smoked Paprika

We have put forward this dish because we are working with Canadian wild


shrimps only. As this product is full of flavors and very high end, we have tried to keep


it in its authenticity and avoid altering the taste of them with controlled cooking and


a light seasoning to highlight the product through a direct and tasty cuisinematch to make the Kamouraska Lamb shine.

傳遞在眼神中,在嚴格遵照 César Ritz 要求設立的,位於大堂 最顯眼位置的弧形樓梯和最不顯眼角落的前台裡游弋,在延續 Carlton 傳統的下午茶裡生生不息。


所在,一百多年來,它服侍著左右當地,加拿大以至北美的中 堅力量,它與紐約的關係千絲萬縷,只要稍加留意,不難發現 是誰在你週遭,不動聲色地改變著社會的面貌。

「晚餐是一場儀式, 每個人都應該為之著裝打扮。」 —César Ritz

和這群菁英一樣,你也會愛上坐在 Maison Boulud 餐廳

的陽光房裡,讓酒店後花園的四時景緻伴隨你享用米芝蓮星廚 精心設計的菜單。

Ritz 先生的名言說到了蒙特利爾本地人的心坎裡去。飲


起,把酒菜交給誰主理,可是一等一的大事。也正因如此,自 61

JUN 2019



MOUTAI Magazine

Our Neighbor "Slav"

鄰居「斯拉夫」 TEXT/ 文 Joseph Tsui


JUN 2019



MOUTAI Magazine


n the world of nectar, the protagonists of the East

waiting for rescue, and a Russian tycoon said proudly,

China's northern neighbor, is known worldwide

industry has always been weak, yet it has many features.

"It's Russian (Made in Russia)." Although the Russian light

and West dominate their respective fields. Russia,

Perhaps when talking about clocks and watches, no one

for its national liquor, Vodka. The word "vodka" itself

cares about Russian brands, but obviously they are not

evolved from the Russian word "voda (water)". It reminds us

negligible. From the "Vostok" and "Poljot" brands born in

of the famous booze of Russians and the feeling of drinking

the former Soviet Union era for military demand, to price,

spirits like water. Some people cannot stand vodka. They

quality, and the unique Russian design, they have won

think it too "savage and rough", just like drinking pure

much praise from watch fans.

ethanol with water. But in Russia, the status of this national

Russian art has a lasting and mysterious appeal.

liquor full of Slavic style is unshakable, and even the great scientist Mendeleev had set the best alcohol content

Various literature, art, music and architecture masters

countries produce vodka as well, but the most authentic

"Seven Sisters" in the Stalinist style, from Pushkin, Gogol to

keep emerging. From the "onions" of the Kremlin to the

standard for vodka: 38%. In fact, European and American

Tolstoy, from Savrasov to Repin, from Glinka, Tchaikovsky

vodka comes from Slavic nations.

to Rachmaninoff... These artists are as many as the stars

When mentioning Russia, besides charming men and

above the Red Square. Taking music as an example, the

women, vodka would be another lingering imprint. As the

Russian national music school was awakened by Glinka,

national liquor of Russia, it appropriately embodies the

and then developed by "The Five (composers)", and finally

national characteristics of Russians, or Slavs. We are no

immortalized by Tchaikovsky. I have seen a ranking list,

stranger to this "huge" neighbor of northern China. From the

the world's top 10 greatest composers. Nine of them are

political system and architectural style deeply influenced

Germanic people and one is Slavic, that is, Tchaikovsky.

by the former Soviet Union in the early period of the PRC,

Tchaikovsky's three ballet masterpieces "Swan Lake", "The

to the imprint left by the Soviet folk songs in our memory,

Sleeping Beauty" and "The Nutcracker" have become the

and to the endless derisions about this "fighting nation" on

synonym of ballet. The great achievements of the Tsarist

the Internet, many Chinese people are keen to talk about

Russia period continued after entering the Soviet Union

Russia. In fact, the historical battle results of this "fighting

era. In the world's music map after World War II, numerous

nation" are not excellent at all. Apart from successfully

masters from Soviet Union shined in all fields of orchestra.

driving out the Mongolians and the victory of the Great

From composers and conductors to piano and violin

Patriotic War in World War II, there seems to be no other

soloists, as well as singers and ballet dancers, they seemed

excellent achievements. But the reason why we still call it a

to have won all the world prizes. Especially composers,

"fighting nation" may be because it is "tough" in its national

Western Europe after World War II failed to further dominate


classical music, while such Soviet Union composers as

On this land full of ice and snow, the people living here

D. Shostakovich continued to create profound and great

naturally have to fight with nature since ancient times.

works for the public, which was amazing. The two music

The nationality shaped by this exercise process would

academies in Moscow and St. Petersburg have been

be quite different from that created by the rich plains

exporting generations of musical talents to the world.

or the sunshine of the Mediterranean. Nowadays, the

The music competition named after Tchaikovsky has

entertainment media still makes fun of the Russian

also become a holy place for music talents to compete.

nationality frequently. In various American main-melody

In the past 20 years, Russia in our mind seems

movies, the Cold War mentality lingers, and the villain

to be Putin's Russia. This frozen and snowy world

is either from Russia or because of the legacy side

advocates strongman politics. Throughout history,

effects of the former Soviet Union. On the other

almost every revival of Russia started from the

hand, of course, the Russian-made products

disaster of a nearly dying country and seemed to

seem to be the synonym of tough quality. What

be always accompanied by strongman politics:

impressed me most was that in the movie "2012",

Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and Catherine the

when none of the airplanes in the airport could

Great... This country is full of contradictions and

be started, the protagonist drove an ultra-large

charms. Should I go to Russia this Christmas?

transport aircraft "Antonov" in front of the people 65

JUN 2019







中 國 的 北 邊 鄰 居 俄 羅 斯, 便 以 其 國 酒「 伏 特 加

















in Russia」。俄國輕工業向來薄弱,但卻不乏特色。或許在論















MOUTAI Magazine

斯大林風的「七姐妹」建築,從普希金、果戈里到托爾斯泰, 從薩夫拉索夫到列賓,從格林卡、柴可夫斯基到拉赫瑪尼諾

夫……藝術家們的數量,如同紅場上空的繁星。以音樂為例, 俄國民族樂派的覺醒,可追溯至格林卡,再經「五人集團」的 壯大,最後經由柴可夫斯基昇華至不朽。曾看過一個排行榜, 世界最偉大的前十位作曲家,九個日耳曼人,一個斯拉夫人, 那便是柴可夫斯基。柴氏的三部芭蕾鉅作:《天鵝湖》、《睡 美人》與《胡桃夾子》已然是芭蕾舞的代言詞。沙俄時期的偉 大成就,沒有因為進入蘇聯時期而黯淡。在二戰後的世界音 樂版圖當中,蘇俄的一眾高手,橫跨樂團各個領域。從作曲

家、指揮家到鋼琴、小提琴等獨奏家,再到歌唱家、芭蕾舞 家,似乎將所有世界性大獎拿了個遍。尤其是作曲家,二戰後 的西歐已無法保住古典音樂的霸主地位,而蕭斯塔克維奇(D.

Shostakovich)等蘇俄作曲家,卻仍能源源不斷為大眾創作出 深刻偉大的作品,讓人驚歎。莫斯科和聖彼得堡的兩所音樂學 院,為全世界源源不斷輸出了一代代的音樂人才,以柴可夫斯 基命名的音樂比賽,也成為了樂壇翹楚一決高下的聖地。

近 20 年來,說起俄羅斯,似乎就是普京的俄羅斯。在這

冰天雪地的地界裡,崇尚著強人政治,縱觀歷史,俄羅斯的一 次次強大,都是從幾乎亡國的災難當中出發,似乎也永遠是伴

隨著強人政權:伊凡雷帝、彼得大帝、葉卡捷琳娜…… 這國 度處處散發著太多的矛盾,太多的魅力。今年的聖誕,我該不 該去一趟俄羅斯呢?


JUN 2019

A Review of Art Basel Hong Kong 2019


EDIT/ 文 Olivia Kwan

——2019 香港巴塞爾藝術展



MOUTAI Magazine


n March, apart from the floral fragrance from

the early spring, Hong Kong was also filled with a strong artistic atmosphere. Artists, galleries

and art lovers from all over the world came together to

participate in the city's large and small art exhibitions. The high-profile Art Basel Hong Kong also celebrated its 7th

edition this year, starting a heart-warming pilgrimage for art lovers.

Art Basel Hong Kong 2019 was set to take place from

March 27th to 31st in the Hong Kong Convention &

Exhibition Centre, featuring more than two hundred premier galleries from 35 countries. Art Basel Hong Kong has always

been a stage for Asian arts. Half of the participating galleries once again had exhibition spaces in Asia and Asia-Pacific.

It is worth mentioning that there were 5 galleries from Asia


JUN 2019

entering the main exhibition area. The show provided an in-depth overview of the region's diversity through both

historical material and cutting-edge works by established and emerging artists.

The five-day exhibition was divided into eight distinctive

sections, satisfying art lovers with varied tastes:

"Galleries" presented art from the world's leading

modern and contemporary art galleries, displaying

paintings, sculptures, installations, photographs, film,

video and digital artworks from the 20th and 21st centuries. Participating artists included Sigmar Polke, Yoo Youngkuk,

Alice Neel, Xu Bing, Huang Rui, etc. Also, you should not miss London gallery Richard Nagy's showing of famed Austrian

artist Egon Schiele's masterpieces. While last year was the 100th anniversary of Schiele's death, the art world is still

very much under the influence of the pioneering sketches and oil paintings he created during the First World War.

Apart from works by experienced artists, "Discoveries"

offered a powerful platform to emerging contemporary

artists, showcasing works by the next generation of talents at an early stage in their career. Attending novel artists included Zarina, Wu Zhong, Tishan Hsu, Candice Lin,

Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Shen Xin and more. Their exciting works definitely shone through the sector, hidden with

their novel interpretation to life. Among them, Candice Lin's brand-new works used artistic installations to review the

historical fragments during the American colonial era with the theme of Chinese labors' indelible experiences during the period. Now living in Los Angeles, she hopes to utilize

the process of artistic creation to deepen her understanding of history.

If you are especially interested in Asian art industry,

"Insights" could be a good place to go. This section

presented precisely-curated projects highlighting artists

from Asia and the Asia-Pacific regions, allowing insights into

artists' careers, particular themes, and art periods from 1900 through to the present day.

"Kabinett"'s participants presented curated exhibitions

in an architecturally delineated space within their booths. The curatorial concepts in the sector aimed to highlight

diverse perspectives through thematic group exhibitions, art-historical showcases, and solo shows for rising stars,

including Liu Xiaodong, a contemporary artist from China, Christopher Wool, Simon Starling and Wu Dayu, etc. Yoko

Ono, John Lennon's widow, also returned to the sector this 70


MOUTAI Magazine


JUN 2019

year. Her work "Painting to Hammer a Nail" consisted of a

hammer, a trough of nails and a white wood panel. Visitors are invited to pound a nail into this painting, realizing the interaction between visitors and the art piece.

Dedicated to presenting large-scale sculpture and

installation works by leading artists from around the world, "Encounters" curated by Alexie Glass-Kantor provided

visitors with the opportunity to see works that transcend the traditional art fair stands, presented in prominent locations

throughout the exhibition halls. Inspired by Maya Angelou's poem "Still I Rise", the theme of this sector was "Still We

Rise", aiming to inspire visitors to re-think ways to deal with challenges by the space created with large-scale artistic

installations, bringing out a special immersive experience. Among all 12 pieces of large-scale installations, 8 of them

were first unveiled in Hong Kong. "Homage to The Square"

by Jose Dรกvila paid a tribute to the art master Josef Albers.

Other participating artists were Tony Albert, Latifa Echakhch, Elmgreen & Dragset, Gerasimos Floratos, Pinaree Sanpitak, Lee Bul, Chiharu Shiota and Zhao Zhao.

Curated by Li Zhenhua, Director and Founder of Beijing

Art Lab, "Film" presented an exciting program of 59 short

films and special screenings by and about artists, among

which "Hometown Boy" definitely attracted much attention. Featuring the life story of Liu Xiaodong, this film was first

launched in 2010 and won Best Documentary of 48th Golden Horse Award. Also, Lou Ye's "Spring Fever" and Cheng Ran's

"M+ Live Art: Miraculous Trajectories" were shown during the exhibition, glutting fans' eyes.

"Conversations" led art lovers into deeper insights of

arts, offering a platform for dynamic dialogues between

prominent members of the international art world, each

offering their unique perspectives on producing, collecting, and exhibiting art. The series included artist talks, panels,

and discussions with a range of speakers including artists,

gallerists, curators, collectors, architects, art lawyers, critics, and many other cultural players. Also, the section this year

collaborated with 25-year-old "ArtAsiaPacific" with a series of four panels that revisited and examined contemporary

art in Asia from curatorial, institutional, technological and

commercial perspectives, during the magazine's founding decade in the 1990s. In "Magazines", art publications from around the world displayed their magazines in singlemagazine stands or the collective booths.



MOUTAI Magazine

Blue is the Warmest Color Among all exhibits in Art Basel Hong Kong 2019, blue is

an element that cannot be ignored. In the dazzling array

of art collections, you can always see the blue, just like a vortex, leading you into a calm and deep ocean of art. 73

JUN 2019

入 3 月,除了初春的花香,香港更瀰漫著一股濃濃

的藝術氣息。來自世界各地的藝術家、藝廊和藝術 愛好者齊聚一堂,紛紛參與到個中藝術展中。備受

矚目的香港巴塞爾藝術展也於今年迎來了第七屆盛會,開啟一 段令人心波蕩漾的藝術朝聖之旅。

本屆巴塞爾藝術展香港展會於 3 月 27 日至 31 日在香港

會議展覽中心舉行,共有來自 35 個國家的 200 多間頂尖藝廊

參與展出,其中,21 間畫廊首次參展,帶來了自己的得意之 作——作品兼備藝術歷史題材和前衛構想,包羅萬有。

港展會一向是反映亞洲藝術氛圍的盛會,亦是展示亞洲頂尖藝 廊代表作品的最佳舞台,因此,本次參展的藝廊半數都來自亞 洲和亞太地區,更有 5 間亞洲藝廊登上主展區,進一步增強了 亞洲在國際展會上的影響力,讓觀眾透過亞洲多元的藝術創作 進一步了解亞洲文化。




自二十及二十一世紀的現代及當代藝術作品,作品類型涵蓋了 畫作、雕塑、藝術裝置、數碼藝術等。展出作品的藝術家包括 被稱為「二十一世紀最『貪婪』實驗藝術家之一」的德國畫家 Sigmar Polke、美國畫家 Alice Neel、中國獨立藝術家徐冰、

黃銳、韓國藝術家劉永國等。倫敦 Richard Nagy 畫廊還展出 了奧地利著名藝術大師 Egon Schiele 的作品,他在第一次世 界大戰期間創作的畫作畫功細緻有力,被譽為奧地利表現主義 先驅,為後世帶來了深刻的影響。相信他的畫作能夠讓觀眾在 駐足間引出深刻的思考。

除 了 資 深 藝 術 家 作 品,「 藝 術 探 新(Discoveries)」

展區讓新一代當代藝術家綻放光芒。參與的新銳藝術家包括 Zarina、吳鐘、徐梯善、林從欣、Lawrence Abu Hamdan、

沈莘等。略顯「生澀」的作品中,我們能看到不少出其不意的 新想法及亮點,新穎的表現形式下隱藏著這些新銳力量的活力 和他們對生活別樣的理解與詮釋。其中,現時居於洛杉磯的新 晉藝術家林從欣展出的全新作品引起大家關注,她以藝術裝置 審視美國殖民時代的歷史片段,以當時中國苦力難以磨滅的經 歷為主題,希望利用藝術創作的過程加深對歷史的認識。


(Insights)」呈獻了亞洲及亞太區(泛指土耳其至紐西蘭, 以及亞洲、中東至印度半島)藝術家精確細致的策展專案,讓 觀眾一睹藝術家們各具特色的創作事業、專題研究,深入了解 二十世紀以來的亞洲藝術運動。


也是本屆巴塞爾藝術展香港展會的矚目焦點。前者將風格迴異 的展覽分佈在展場的不同角落,觀眾能夠在行走間欣賞到我國

當代藝術家劉小東於誠品畫廊的個展、Luhring Augustine 推 出的 Christopher Wool 個展、The Modern Institute 帶來的由

Simon Starling 為本次藝術展特別創作的裝置藝術以及大未來 林舍畫廊展出的抽象畫家吳大羽的繪畫作品等。John Lennon



MOUTAI Magazine


JUN 2019

遺孀、前衛藝術家小野洋子(Yoko Ono)今年也回歸這個展



出。 其 中, 墨 西 哥 藝 術 家 Jose Dávila 的 作 品《Homage to

區,她的作品《Painting to Hammer a Nail》由一把錘子和一



The Square》更向藝術大師 Josef Albers 致敬,作品輕微移




外,觀眾還能看到 Tony Albert、Latifa Echakhch、Elmgreen


& Dragset、Lee Bul、塩田千春和趙趙等藝術家的作品。

主題《Still We Rise》啟發於美國黑人詩人 Maya Angelou 的


詩作《Still I Rise》。每件作品都嘗試挑戰藝術和空間結構之

總監李振華策劃,呈獻了 59 部由藝術家為主題的精彩短片及


特別放映節目。在香港展會期間播映的影片中,最值得留意 76


MOUTAI Magazine

是以中國著名畫家劉小東為主角的《金城小子 (Hometown



立的 1990 年代期間所呈現的面貌。「藝文出版(Magazines)」

Boy)》。該影片曾在 2011 年獲得第 48 屆金馬獎「最佳紀錄片」




《奇跡尋蹤》為藍本而製作的電影《M+ Live Art: Miraculous








節。本年度 22 場研討會及講座邀請到了國際藝壇的藝術家、







談,觀眾能夠解開藝術的神秘面紗,加深對藝術工作、國際藝 壇及藝術市場的認識,拉近自己與藝術的距離。今年,該環節



JUN 2019

on the world map

茅 台 在 全 球

on the World Map

Kweichow Moutai Annual General Meeting 2018 On the morning of May 29, Kweichow Moutai Annual General

Meeting 2018 was unprecedented hot. All shareholders wanted the answers about the trend of Moutai and its stock price.

This year, for the first time, the annual shareholders' meeting

was endowed with a theme, that is, "Honesty, Mutual Trust,

Consultation, and Win-Win". 72 issues were collected in advance, involving Moutai marketing, production, finance and other

aspects. Li Baofang had a heart-to-heart exchange with the

present shareholders on these issues. He said that he had foreseen

safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Li Baofang hoped

attention. He also tolerated various doubts on the Internet. He

and do a good job together. The warm atmosphere on the spot

that the reform of marketing system would attract national

that all shareholders should ignore some doubts of the Internet

said that everyone was the host. Executives would listen to various

had provided a preliminary answer to Moutai's stride towards the

comments, but not just compliment.

"Post-100-Billion Era".

Facing the doubts about the establishment of a marketing

Moutai also specially set up two mailboxes at the entrance of

company, Li Baofang exchanged views with shareholders from

the venue for shareholders to submit written issues. In the square,

promoting development". He said that large shareholders would

about any thoughts and suggestions freely. Through all these

three aspects: "anti-corruption, making up shortcomings, and

an "investor phonograph" was also provided for investors to talk

not compete with small and medium shareholders and would

details, investors saw an open and confident Moutai. 78


MOUTAI Magazine

貴州茅台 2018 年度股東大會

5 月 29 日上午,貴州茅台股東大會空前火熱。關於茅台怎麼走,

股價怎麼走,所有股東都想獲得答案。 今年貴州茅台年度股東大 會首次出現大會主題的描述——「誠信、互信、共商、共贏」。會

議提前徵集了共 72 個問題,涉及茅台行銷、生產、財務等各個環節。 對這些問題,李保芳對在場股東做了一次推心置腹的交流。他說, 事先已經預見到行銷體制改革會引起全國的關注。他也對網路上各 種質疑的聲音給予了包容,他說,大家都是東家,再難聽的話管理 者也能聽進去,不准光聽好聽的。


展」三個方面與股東進行了交流,並稱大股東不會與中小股東爭利, 會維護大家的合法權益。李保芳希望能消除網路上的一些聲音,不 要分心,大家一起做好事業。現場熱烈的氣氛,為茅台大步向「後 千億時代」邁進,提供了初步的答案。


問。廣場內,也擺放了一個「投資者留聲機」,讓投資人有任何思 考和建議,都可以暢所欲言。點滴細微之處,讓投資者看到了一個 開放而自信的茅台。

a representative of Chinese entrepreneurs. He said that Moutai

had entered Chile, carried out business cooperation with Vinedos

Marchigue, and become a part of the Chilean brewing industry.

Li Baofang Attended the Roadshow of Chilean Wine Association

This was an important opportunity for Moutai and Chile to deepen understanding and accelerate cooperation. In the future, Moutai would pay more attention to future investment and business

On April 25, upon the opening ceremony of the Second Belt

and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the Chilean Wine

development in Chile.

and General Manager of Moutai Group) was invited to attend the


Association held a roadshow in Beijing. Li Baofang (Chairman

ribbon cutting ceremony of the roadshow. Chile President Pinera

also attended the event.

(Song Lang)

4 月 25 日,第二屆「一帶一路」國際合作高峰論壇開幕之際,

As a strategic partner of the Chilean wine roadshow, Moutai


also set up a booth in the event. President Pinera tasted Moutai


liquor and praised it in front of the booth. Li Baofang presented a


bottle of 50-Year Millesimes Moutai to President Pinera as a gift to


thank him for his concern for China's national brands.

保芳把一瓶 50 年陳年茅台酒作為禮物贈送給皮涅拉總統,以感謝

Li Baofang attended the event, fulfilling his promise made in


South America. He not only personally led a team to participate in


the roadshow held by the Chilean Wine Association in Beijing, but


He would work together with the association to well develop the


also would help the Association to expand its influence in China.


Chinese market, the world's largest liquor consumption market,


pushing the two countries' peers to contribute more influential


alcohol brands to the world.


as other Chinese entrepreneurs conducted in-depth talks on


At noon that day, President Pinera and Li Baofang as well

已經進入智利,和馬吉戈酒莊開展了業務合作,是智利釀酒業的一 台會更加重視和關注未來在智利的投資和業務發展。(宋浪)

strengthening exchanges and cooperation. Li Baofang spoke as 79


JUN 2019

on the world map

Li Baofang Attended the Opening Ceremony and Session of BFA On March 28, the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference

2019 was held. Li Baofang (Chairman and General Manager of

Moutai Group) attended the opening ceremony and participated in the dialogue of the Session "Consumption: Upgrading, or

Downgrading". Li Baofang emphasized that for Moutai, the most important thing of "consumption upgrading" was to upgrade its quality and service, not its price.

In the face of the ever-increasing short supply of Moutai

Li Jingren Attended the China Liquor Brand Development Forum

liquor, for the question of how to stabilize the market and enable everyone to drink happily and safely, Li Baofang used two words "stick to". He said that Moutai was different from the high-tech

On May 9, the China Liquor Brand Development Forum

industry that was upgrading every day. What Moutai's ancestors

sponsored by Sohu was held in Beijing. Li Jingren (General

handed down was intangible cultural heritage. "What Moutai

Manager of Moutai Group) was invited to attend the event and

needs to do is to stick to high quality, good brand reputation, and

discussed the future development of liquor brand with the senior

excellent service. Always ensuring the high quality of Moutai liquor

executives of such liquor enterprises as Fenjiu, Xifeng, and Yanghe.

is the only magic weapon to stabilize Moutai's market."

In his speech on the theme of "Building Brand Cornerstone,

Other participants of the Session included Andy Pharoah

Fostering Cultural Fertile Soil——Promoting China's Liquor Brand

(Senior Vice President of Mars Incorporated), Wang Junzhou

to Achieve Higher Quality Development", Li Jingren pointed out

(President of Gome Retail Holdings Ltd.), and Wang Zhonglei (Co-

that facing the complex and changeable market environment

Founder, Vice Chairman and CEO of Huayi Brothers). Li Jingren

of the new normal, only through building brand cornerstone,

(General Manager of Moutai Group), Yang Daiyong (Deputy General

fostering cultural fertile soil, and empowering brand with culture,

Manager of Moutai Group), Li Mingcan (Deputy General Manager

could we win more initiative in the fierce market competition.

of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.), and Huang Wei also participated in

Quality was the core of brand building, and culture was the key

the above activities. All participants had a lively discussion on the topic of consumption trends.

force of enterprise development.

For the future development of liquor brand, Li Jingren put

(Dai Shijin and Song Lang)

forward three suggestions: First, revere nature and stick to

exquisite making technique. Only by taking good care of the


environment and sticking to the technique can we produce highquality products. Second, further promote culture and provide

3 月 28 日,博鰲亞洲論壇 2019 年年會開幕,集團公司董事長、

more excellent service so as to lead the development and win


the market. Third, go abroad together and form a joint force. The


"Belt and Road" Initiative has provided a major opportunity for


China's liquor industry to go abroad. China's liquor enterprises


should reach a consensus, go abroad together, and form a brand


cluster to create a cluster effect of "1+1>2", representing China's


independent brands to spread China's voice on the international


stage. (Meng Xianxin)

好堅守,把茅台酒的品質做好,才是茅台穩定市場的不二法寶。」 出席當天分論壇的還有瑪氏集團公司高級副總裁 Andy




——2019 年中國酒業品牌發展論壇」在北京舉行。集團公司總經


5 月 9 日,由搜狐財經、搜狐酒業主辦的「大國釀造 文化傳承

大家就消費趨勢話題展開腦力激蕩,集思廣益。(戴世錦 宋浪)

理李靜仁應邀出席活動,並與汾酒、西鳳酒、洋河等酒企高層一起 80


MOUTAI Magazine


influence will leap to a new level. Therefore, I think it is a matter


of celebration for all African distributors here to join hands with


Moutai and cooperate with Moutai."


Regarding the responsibility of overseas distributors, Wang Yan


hoped that Moutai's partners would really put "Cultural Moutai"


into practice, and pass on the cultural concept, enterprise value


and brand value established by Moutai to the market terminal


through culture and service.

品質產品。二是做深文化、做精服務。只有做深文化才能引領發展, 做精服務才能贏得市場。三是抱團出海、形成合力。「一帶一路」

(Shang Yusong)




在坦桑尼亞達累斯薩拉姆舉行。來自 9 個國家的 10 家企業代表與

抱團出海,形成品牌集群,發揮出「1+1 > 2」的聚勢效應,代表

坦桑尼亞當地時間 5 月 10 日上午,非洲茅台酒經銷商座談會



交流,有了很大收穫。短短兩年多時間,茅台在非洲從無到有,取 得了較好成績,離不開當地經銷商的艱苦付出。



心,就能衝擊千億集團,非常不容易。「2019 年,隨著茅台千億 目標的實現,品牌影響力將會躍上一個新的臺階。所以,在座各位

非洲經銷商能聯手茅台、與茅台合作,我覺得是值得慶賀的一件事。」 對於海外經銷商的責任,王焱希望合作夥伴們真正把「文化茅

台」落到實處,通過文化與服務兩個關鍵,把茅台確立的文化理念、 企業價值以及產品品牌價值,傳遞到市場終端。 (尚鈺淞)

Wang Yan and African Distributors Discussed Overseas Market Construction

Yang Jianjun Signed Moutai's First African Memorandum on Talent Exchange

On the morning of May 10, the African distributors convention

was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Representatives from

On May 8, the Moutai delegation visited the University of Dar

10 enterprises of 9 countries had a face-to-face talk with top

es Salaam (UDSM) in Tanzania. Yang Jianjun (Deputy General

African market.

Vice Chancellor) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

executives of Moutai Group on the development and trends of the

Manager of Moutai Group) and Professor William Anangisye (UDSM

Wang Yan (Deputy Party Secretary of Moutai Group) said

on Talent Exchange.

during the discussion that face-to-face exchanges with local

The visit to UDSM was the first activity of Cultural Moutai's

distributors had yielded great results. In just over two years, Moutai

Trip in Tanzania. At the same time, this MOU had also established

which was inseparable from the hard work of local distributors.

Africa for the first time.

had started from scratch and achieved good results in Africa,

Moutai's cooperative relationship with important universities in

Wang Yan emphasized that Moutai was the most competitive

As the only comprehensive university in Tanzania, UDSM

spirits brand in the world. From the perspective of the domestic

has continuously exported many outstanding elites to Tanzania

be very impressive for Moutai Group to break through 100 billion

university in Tanzania, but also an important bridge for cultural

market, whether in the capital market or product market, it would

and even East Africa. It is not only the largest and oldest public

RMB by using only a main product as its core. "In 2019, with the

exchange between China and Tanzania in recent years. The

realization of Moutai's goal of 100 billion RMB, Moutai's brand

Center for Chinese Studies at UDSM has played an active role in 81


JUN 2019

on the world map


Moutai Entered Top 5 of "BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands"

"BrandZ 2019 Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands" was TM

promoting Sino-Tanzanian and Sino-African cooperation.

released in Beijing on the afternoon of May 6. Moutai grew by 58%

with East China Normal University and Zhejiang Normal University.

brand value of 36.555 billion US dollars (about 247.95 billion RMB).

in value, climbing two times to top 5 compared with 2018, with a

It is reported that UDSM has established friendly exchanges

Despite the slowdown of China's economic growth and the

The signing of the MOU also marked Moutai College's formal

participation in this group. The MOU showed that the two sides

strain of international trade, the total value of BrandZ 's top 100

sharing, academic discussions and mutual exchange of personnel,

same time, Chinese brands with overseas business have won more


brands has reached a record high of $889.7 billion, up 30%. At the

would strengthen academic exchanges, and carry out information

consumers' recognition.

making Moutai a bridge for talent exchange between China and

Among them, Moutai's achievements are particularly

Tanzania through the Confucius Institute of UDSM. (Shang Yusong)

impressive. From $16.219 billion in 2017, the brand value first


entered the top ten. Now it has entered the top five, and the brand


value has increased by 125%. According to the report, Moutai is

constantly promoting online sales to cover more low-end cities,

坦桑尼亞當地時間 5 月 8 日,茅台代表團到訪坦桑尼亞達累

and cooperating with a professional block chain company to

斯薩拉姆大學。現場,集團公司副總經理楊建軍與大學校長威廉 ·

prevent counterfeit products.


茅台品牌價值首進「BrandZ 2019 最具價值

此次拜訪坦桑尼亞達累斯薩拉姆大學是「文化茅台 · 多彩貴






「BrandZ 2019 最具價值中國品牌 100 強」排行榜 5 月 6 日 TM


下午在北京發佈。茅台以 58% 的價值增長,比 2018 年攀升兩位至


儘管中國經濟增速放緩,國際貿易形式緊張,但 BrandZ 最


top5,品牌價值 365.55 億美元(約合人民幣 2479.5 億元)。



具價值中國品牌 100 強的品牌總價值仍創新高,達 8897 億美元,




增長了 30%。與此同時,具有海外業務的中國品牌也贏得了更多


其中,茅台成績尤為亮眼,從 2017 年的 162.19 億美元品牌價


值首次進入前十,如今已進前五,品牌價值更上升了 125%。報告稱,

茅台成為中坦兩國人才交流的橋樑。 (尚鈺淞)





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