A questionnaire measuring the browsing habits of creatives
Which of the following social networking platforms are you familar with?
Behance Tumblr Vimeo Pinterest
Stumbleupon Instagram Gimmebar Dribble
Hourly Daily Weekly
Monthly Never
0 - 12 mo 1 -2 yrs
2 - 3 yrs 4+
Yes No
To measure your regular browsing habits, how often do you use these platforms?
How long have you actively used online platforms to view and share work?
Do you often share your work on social networking sites?
What academic year are you in? 1st
How do you balance self promotion and inspiration on these platforms? (Mark your usage on the scale)
Promotion Inspiration
Do you often look at online platforms / publications during a project? If yes, at what point of the design process do you rely on platforms most heavily?
Ideas Research
Development Finishing
Yes No
Before you start a project, do you often scout for existing projects with a similar theme, format or idea?
Do you think trends are...
An essential phase young designers go through. Something to be avoided. A key part of contemporary graphic design practice that needs to be engaged with.