Brief 13 : Photography Year Book
Level 6
Brief 13 : Photography Year Book
Module : 0UGD603
Eve Warren
Board 1 : Pitch
Level 6
Every year courses within the college turn to the Graphic Design department for help to design a year book that captures the past three years of their graduates. Designing a year book is a great opportunity to work with a small team of people as well as work directly with professional printer to produce a piece of commercial work that will have a large print run. Each year all students on Graphic Design are given the opportunity to pitch an idea for the year book. The teams that are unaccessful get assigned to other courses across college for their services. Myself, Thomas Squire and Sam Hoh joined forces to pitch for the year book. After a few brainstorming sessions we came up with a concept called ‘ Graphic design & ____’ We felt that our time on the course has not only developed us as designers but as developed us a people with outside interests.
Brief 13 : Photography Year Book
Module : 0UGD603
Eve Warren
Board 2 : Initial Research
Level 6
Brief 13 : Photography Year Book
Sadly we were not given the Graphic Design year book to work on but rather excitingly we were given the chance to work on the photography yearbook, as our original concept for Graphics was quite image led. Firstly we looked at previous year books, however after a few initial meetings it was made clear that a book was not a format Photpgraphy were after. Instead they wanted to make a pack of postcards, therefore we started to explore and exploit the format and come up with ways in which would be best to show off student work. Below is some initial visual research.
Module : 0UGD603
Eve Warren
Board 3 : Design development
Level 6
Brief 13 : Photography Year Book
Due to limitations with the format of the postcard we wanted to make the most of the available space. We explored how landscape and portrait images sat on a card and we played around with borders. We kept students personal statements, simple and plane on the back. After a few meetings with photography - they felt that the postcards looked too safe. We felt a little confused as there wasn’t a great deal we could do with the format. However collectively with their tutor we came up with an idea invisioned bleeding images across other postcards. However in order to do this, we laid out the work on the floor and we chose what images would bleed onto one another. Our discussions were based on colour, composition and themes. We then developed a complicated grid systemb in which the cards sat, making a large joiner / puzzle. The Photography team loved it. They also came back with a name for their show, ‘Not good with words’, in which we based the cover from which also used a bleed within the title.
Module : 0UGD603
Eve Warren
Board 4 : Postcards
Level 6
Brief 13 : Photography Year Book
Each postcard has been created in a landcape format. As all images need to fit together in one whole grid. However the information on the back of the postcard has been kept to portrait for legibiity and ergonomic reasons. As well as the postcard working as an individual showcase for each student, they also work as a wall mounted grid of images. Each postcard overlaps one another in a series, they have been ordered based on various aethetic qualities. Visually the grid represents the graduating year as a whole developing as a group of people and photographers who have stuck together thick and thin for three years.
Module : 0UGD603
Eve Warren
Board 5 : Covers
Level 6
Brief 13 : Photography Year Book
The completed photography year book features a front and a back cover whichis constructed from GF Smith stock, 700 gsm in a smoke grey. A white spot varnish has been used to print the text on both the front and back cover Sandwiched between the covers are 32 individual postcards, one for each student as well as one card that gives details of how to lay the pack out. Th final typography uses on the cover is the typeface Arnhem Pro, the typeface compliments the sans serif we choice for the personal statements , the font is Calluna Sans. The postcards are held together by secured 80 mm X bands in a vibrant yellow. The X bands were initially hard to find however we went our of our way to get them.
Module : 0UGD603
Eve Warren