Cop3 proposal 2

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Is packaging design the most significant factor effecting consumer choice when purchasing cosmetic products?

Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal

Introduction: Packaging design plays an important part of the success of a product, but is it the strongest influence on consumer choice when purcahsing cosmetic products? I plan to explore all aspects that contribute to how a consumer is influencing into buying products. This can be through packaging design, advertising and pricing etc. Through exploring, researching two cosmetics brand we can seek a conclusion and determine an answer to the question.

Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal

Subjects: - Packaging design - Advertisement - Specific cosmetic brands - Consumer thoughts - Surveys

Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal

Quotes: - “Packaging facilitates access to beauty” Jean-Yves Bourgeois - “Market research and design gives form to the idea. The biggest role of a designer is very much to understand and position themselves between the craft of making something but maintaining the integrity of the research behind the brand. In other words, market research is key.” Mike Smart - “Unseen is unsold” Maeve Hosea

Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal

Books: - What is packaging design? (essential design handbooks) - Giles Calver, 2003 - Package design workbook: The art and science of successful packaging - Steven DuPuis and John Silva, 2008 - New packaging design - Janice Kirkpatrick, 2009 - Packaging design - Bill Stewart, 2007 - Packaging design strategy (Pira packaging guide) - Bill Stewart, 1994

Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal

Websites: - - - - -

Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal


Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal


Emily Fieldhouse - COP3 Proposal

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