The Jones Engineering Sustainability Newsletter
Welcome to another installment of EcoSync, our employee Sustainability newsletter, where we persistently delve into topics vital to our company’s dedication to sustainability and corporate responsibility. In this edition, we explore the significance of The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Our Community Strategy
As we continue our responsible business journey, it’s essential to remember that our efforts extend beyond just our immediate goals and business activities. We are part of a global community, and our actions can contribute positively to the world around us. One framework that guides our collective efforts towards a better future is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. Adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, these 17 interconnected goals and their 169 targets address various global challenges, ranging from poverty and inequality to climate change and environmental degradation.
Responsible Business Framework
Emp loyee Wellbeing | Health& Safety
D iversity & Inclusion | Learning&Development
Our People We s trive to treat our people withfairness, equality and respect , we foster a culture ofinclusionanddiversity, and provide a safe working environment. Ch ari t y | Partnerships | Sponsorships through strategicpartnerships our communities andstrivetomake a di erence W e continueto playan activerole within.
Why do they matter to us?
Carbon Management | Biodiversi t y Resource E ciency(Energyand Water) We seekto minimize ourenvironmental impact through measurestoimprove our resource e cency andreduce our waste . OurPlanet
While the SDGs are global in nature, they have significant implications for our work and our role within our communities.
Embracing the SDGs can help us drive innovation, foster collaboration, and build a more resilient and sustainable business model. We have chosen seven of the 17 global goals that align to our Responsible Business Framework. These seven are where we feel, as a global company, we can contribute the most and have the biggest impact.
OurCommunity ResponsibleSourcing | Circular Economy SustainableProducts &Services have on ourenvironmentandsupply chain suppliers to reduce anynegativeimpact our products and se rv ic e s We are commitedtoworkingwithour customers and o u r Our ProductsandServices
Pillar Statement Themes UN SDG’s UN SDG’s Themes Pillar Statement Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure 9 3 8
Our Community Strategy & the SDG’s
Jones Engineering has started to integrate and contribute to our chosen SDG’s in several ways. There are also several projects and initiatives in development which we will be sharing with you through this platform as they come to fruition, throughout the year. One of the most impactful ways we can contribute to the advancement of the SDG’s goals and targets is through our charity and sponsorship donation program.
2023 Community Action
In 2023 we contributed over €475,000 to community groups (sponsorship) and registered charities within the regions we work, increasing our spending by 123% from 2022.
Donations were made to numerous community sports clubs supporting SDG 3, Good Health & Wellbeing through the promotion of physical and social activities.
We have a long-term partnership with Barnhall Buffaloes, a tag rugby team for adults with special needs which was set up in 2015. Each year we support both financially and the running of an annual blitz event. (SDG 3 & 10).
The Jones Engineering Team from LLA3 engaged with The Swedish Red Cross in the donation and installation an additional air conditioning unit, along with an upgrade to their existing extraction system to their Offices and Store in Lulea, Sweden. (SDG 3 & 11)
Jones Engineering has been a longstanding supporter of the STEM Engineering-in-a-Box programme, which engages primary school children through fun learning. Through this connection, we became a sponsor of the ESB Science Blast at its inception in 2019 and continued this support throughout the pandemic and beyond. (SDG 9 & 11)
In 2023 we made numerous donations to various charities big and small. Significant donations were made to The Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Cork ARC Cancer Support, Focus Ireland, UNICEF and The Jack & Jill Foundation.
2024 & Beyond - Get Involved!
This year we have an allocated budget of €500,000 to make a difference through community impact funding and supporting employee volunteer hours.
We want you to help us distribute this fund to good causes throughout the regions we are working. If you have a charity that is close to your heart or are working or living within a community that could use financial support to increase wellbeing, equality or the environment, please fill out an application form here and send it to
Our sponsorship committee sits once a month to review all applications and ensure alignment with the SDG’s. Two examples of great causes we have supported this year are:
• Providing funding to a residential community in Ireland for the upgrade of their green space with pollinator friendly trees, shrubs, and plants.
• Procuring, packing, and distributing 300 food parcels in the Middle East during the holy month of Ramadan.
We would love to see more initiatives and requests like these come through and to be able to contribute positively and make an impact.
What can you as an individual do to contribute?
Individuals play a crucial role in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs. Here are five ways you can make a difference:
1. Raise Awareness: Spread the word about the SDGs and their importance among your friends, family, and community.
2. Change Consumption Habits: Make sustainable choices in your daily life, such as reducing waste, conserving energy and water, choosing environmentally friendly products, and supporting ethical and fair trade practices.
3. Advocate for Change & Equality: Use your voice to advocate for policies and practices that support the SDGs. Advocate for gender equality, diversity, and social inclusion in all aspects of society.
4. Volunteer: Get involved in local community projects and initiatives that address specific SDGs, such as poverty alleviation, education, environmental conservation, or healthcare. Jones Engineering is working towards organizing regional volunteering opportunities so stay tuned for more information.
5. Support Sustainable Businesses: Patronise businesses that prioritise sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical practices.
Find out more about the Sustainable Development Goals here.
Watch these short videos
What is the monthly newsletter?
Through the monthly newsletter we will cover topics such as biodiversity, carbon emissions, waste management, water, wellbeing, and much more.
The purpose is to raise awareness of what Jones Engineering is doing within this topic and how you can get involved. We will share facts, figures and knowledge, and from time-to-time host team or individual challenges. Of course, there will be prizes for the winning person or team.
Your involvement is key to the success of our ESG journey. We encourage everyone to get involved and participate in upcoming programs, events, and challenges. You can find out more at the Jones Engineering website’s sustainability page, through the monthly newsletter or by contacting anyone in the Jones ESG committee.
Get Involved Our Ask
Share your ideas
Have an idea for an environment or social initiative? We’d love to hear it!
Should your ESG initiative idea come to fruition, you’ll be eligible to receive a €250 donation to a charity or community initiative of your choice.
We would like to invite you to share your sustainability journey. Whether it is a small change in your daily routine, a volunteer project or an initiative you are involved within or outside the company, your story matters. Sharing your story may inspire others to make a difference.
A selection of stories will be shared each month through the newsletter.
Contact Aoife O’Donnell with your suggestions and stories. Let’s collaborate to make a difference.