EVO LVE H O U S I N G A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 1
O U R STR AT EG IC PL A N 2020 – 202 3
Our Strategic Plan 2020–2023 guides us to achieving
These goals establish a framework and provide key
the best possible results for our residents, our clients,
indicators that mark our progress in the pursuit of our
and the broader community.
vision and purpose.
The plan creates a clear pathway that will help our
They clearly summarise what success looks like for our
team members as they work to create more community
organisation and are critical factors for ongoing growth
housing and provide support to our residents and
and achievement.
clients. It allows us to be best placed to fulfil our purpose to enable more people to live in quality homes
Objectives correspond with each goal and identify
in thriving and inclusive communities.
how they will be delivered over three years.
A high level summary of the plan is featured here.
The objectives break down each goal into identifiable
Each strategic objective is then explored in more
and achievable actions, and they assist us to develop
depth throughout the Annual Report, with information
more detailed operational plans. They are specific,
on key programs and initiatives that correspond to
measurable outcomes supporting the attainment of
the objective, and a check list of success measures
their associated goal.
to track our progress. A more in-depth version of the Strategic Plan can also be accessed by visiting
Metrics associated with the strategic objectives
indicate how we are progressing toward reaching our goals and allow us to adjust our approach to
improve results.
This strategic plan is directed towards four key goals: • achieve sustainable growth;
Robust business review practices with governance
• enhance business practice and capacity;
measures are in place to ensure the appropriate levels
• provide quality homes and services; and
of focus and activity are underway.
• improve social outcomes for our clients.