EVO LVE H O U S I N G A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 1
LIDCOMBE RISE PROJECT COMMENCES DEVELOPMENT Construction has commenced on the Lidcombe Rise
architecturally designed to complement and energise
development, which is part of the NSW Government’s
the local landscape. All four apartment blocks will
Communities Plus program. Evolve Housing is proud to
be constructed to the same high standard, with
partner with the Billbergia Group and the NSW Land
a consistency of quality across the private market,
and Housing Corporation on this project, to develop
social housing, and affordable housing dwellings.
vacant land and create a vibrant neighbourhood of mixed housing.
The property is located near public transport, schools, the Lidcombe Library, an aquatic centre, and public
The development is set to deliver 376 new homes
open spaces for residents to enjoy. Given the current
in total and will also help create hundreds of jobs.
adverse economic and health situation in New South
The project will include 63 social housing properties,
Wales, the timing of this development is well-placed to
which we will manage on behalf of the NSW Land and
provide economic stimulus, more local jobs, and much-
Housing Corporation on a 20-year lease.
needed housing in Sydney.
We will also own and manage 93 affordable housing
“There has never been a more important time to
properties in the development. The remaining 220
develop social housing in Sydney, and this project will
properties will be private market dwellings, sold on
deliver new, high-quality homes to fulfil that demand,
an ‘off the plan’ basis by our development partner
while also boosting the economy by creating jobs,”
Billbergia Group.
Evolve Housing CEO Lyall Gorman said.
Excavation and foundation/basement works are
“We are pleased to be working with the NSW Land
underway on the Lidcombe Rise development, which
and Housing Corporation and the Billbergia Group to
will consist of four apartment blocks constructed
create a thriving, accessible new community for the
over a one-hectare site. The development will be
people of Lidcombe.”
ATTAINMENT OF ASES ACCREDITATION During the year, Evolve Housing attained accreditation
The process to achieve accreditation took more than
in Australian Services Excellence Standards (ASES),
6 months, and required documentation and proof of
which is a national quality improvement program for all
practice in relation to the following:
homelessness services. We initially applied for this
• All required policies and procedures in place,
as ASES accreditation was needed for our status as
accessible and known by clients, staff,
a provider of Specialist Homelessness Youth Services.
management and Board
Achieving accreditation shows our commitment, strong policy and procedures, and high-level client services.
• Implementation of strong financial planning and a good financial position