EVO LVE H O U S I N G A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 1
Evolve Housing is delivering the NSW Government’s
A is a long-term rough sleeper. A has been living on
Together Home program in the South Western Sydney,
the streets on and off for 20 years. He previously had
Western Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains areas.
a housing property however due to lack of support and his vulnerability, this placement broke down.
The project delivers stable housing and wraparound support to hundreds of rough sleepers and is the
Upon entering the Together Home program, A’s com-
largest housing response dedicated to rough sleepers
plexities were noted by all relevant services. Due to
in NSW history. It involves securing homes from the
his disengagement issues, securing and finalising NDIS
private rental market to be used by those experiencing
(National Disability Insurance Scheme) funding was
homelessness, who will be able to live in the properties
difficult. For this reason, A was placed on a higher needs
for two years.
support plan, which allows for daily in-house support. A is building his everyday living skills and developing
In Tranche 1 of the program, Evolve Housing received
excellent rapport with his support staff.
more than $4 million of funding from the NSW Government to source and manage tenancies in 46 homes for
A recently received his COVID-19 vaccine and has also
people experiencing homelessness in the regions where
planned a second GP appointment, which his dad stated
the program was being delivered.
has not happened in years. This is a positive development for A, as he previously tended to disengage when health
We have also received additional funding of $3.7 million
services were recommended.
as part of Tranche 2 of this program to further assist an additional 45 clients.
Soon A will undergo a neuropsychiatric assessment, which will allow support staff to get a better
During the tenancy period, we also offer support
understanding of his capabilities and provide better
services to help tenants rebuild their lives, with the
assistance where needed. A’s tenancy is no doubt being
aim of transitioning to community housing or a private
maintained and the Together Home program has hugely
market tenancy.
benefited him.