EVO LVE H O U S I N G A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 1
Photo: Evolve Housing staff and residents
VEGEPOD GROWABILITY PROGRAM ROLLED OUT AT SDA PROPERTIES In 2020–2021, we partnered with the Community
and Hunter Region, allowing 35 residents to have the
Greening Project and garden supply company Vege-
opportunity to grow their own food, have a nice garden
pod to install community gardens in our Specialist
area to meet in, and enjoy the benefits of gardening.
Disability Accommodation (SDA) properties as part of the Growability program.
One of the properties was located in Narara and is home to three Evolve Housing residents. These residents and
The Growability program was specifically developed
some Evolve Housing staff had a fun day installing
for people living with a disability. It allows people
the veggie garden. Each resident also received a free
with cognitive disability to establish and maintain
watering can and gardening gloves.
a community garden. It supports the belief that all
people benefit from time spent in green spaces,
The program comes as Evolve Housing continues to
and that wellbeing is enhanced through meaningful
expand our SDA portfolio and look for ways to support
interactions with nature. We have installed community
our residents. As at 30 June 2021, we managed 95 SDA
gardens at 9 SDA properties across the Central Coast
properties with a total of 350 tenancies.