Evolve Housing Annual Report 2020–2021

Page 90

EVO LVE H O U S I N G A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 1

12 YE A R S O F J OY When Executive Manager of Social Housing Joy Sneesby

Evolve Housing management. Around this same time,

first began working at Evolve Housing in 2009, it was

the Housing Pathways system (the centrally managed

on a 3-month secondment from Housing NSW. That

NSW social housing waitlist) was introduced, and Joy

temporary stint turned into a 12-year period of service

helped to train her team in using it.

in community housing, with Joy making a significant contribution to both Evolve Housing and the sector.

Since Joy began in 2009, Evolve Housing has grown from managing less than 2,000 properties to 4,270 pro-

Joy, who announced her retirement in the 2020–2021

perties, and the organisation’s policies and procedures

financial year, first joined Evolve Housing as part

have developed significantly under Joy’s guidance.

of a program by Housing NSW to transfer skills and

“The past 12 years has seen tremendous growth and

knowledge to the community housing sector, which

opportunities across the community sector. Greater

was expected to grow dramatically.

structure in reporting and accountability came with the sector growth,” Joy said.

Her 3-month secondment turned into a 6-month stint, before she was offered the opportunity to stay at

“I walk away from a 12-year career in community

Evolve Housing (then known as Affordable Community

housing knowing there is real cohesion across all

Housing Limited) permanently. “Leaving behind a 25-

levels of social housing where government and non-

year career in government, I just knew that community

government housing are really working together to

housing was going to be the perfect fit for me. From

deliver great person-centred outcomes such as the

day one, I have felt valued and to be honest, I have

Together Home program.” “As I head into retirement,

felt that each and every day while being at Evolve; my

I would like to thank every applicant that I have sat

knowledge, experience and opinions mattered,” Joy

beside, every tenant that I have walked beside and

said of her experience.

every team member that I have worked beside.”

Joy said that moving into community housing felt like


“coming home”, and that the sector offers flexibility

Over her time at Evolve Housing, Joy has made

and creativity in decision-making, and places tenants

close connections with a number of residents,

at the forefront of every decision and policy.

including Margaret, who she appears on the front cover of this Report with. Margaret has

When Joy first joined Evolve Housing, the organisation

been volunteering with our Friendship Aged

was much smaller and had less resources. Housing

Network (FAN) program for 10 years, calling

allocations were managed locally using a paper-based

senior residents each week to offer a friendly

system. This began to change in 2010 when Evolve

chat and information on support services.

Housing received a large quantity of properties under

Joy and Margaret have built up a friendship

a stimulus package. To handle the increased portfolio

over the years due to their contributions to

efficiently, Joy worked to build an Applications and

Evolve Housing programs and shared interest

Allocations Team, which worked in partnership with

in helping tenants.

Housing NSW to transfer properties and tenants into


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Articles inside

Kaylem, cadet

page 89

Our people

page 85

People and culture achievements

pages 86-88

Financial commentary

page 98

12 years of Joy (Sneeby

pages 90-91

Resident engagement strategy

page 70


pages 77-80

Our people

page 82

Resident engagement

page 69

Opportunity Pathways

pages 66-67

Social outcome policy

page 68

Improved social outcomes for our clients

page 65

Vegepod growability program

pages 62-64

Evolving green sustainability program

page 60

Q&A with Together Home case manager

page 57

Supporting our residents

page 59

Arncliffe community hub

page 54

Providing quality homes and services

page 51

Case study A

page 56

George’s story

page 55

Improving business resilience

pages 49-50

Governance and legal

page 48

Increasing our people capability

page 46

Community housing leasing program

pages 38-39

Improving our IT systems

page 44

Our strategic plan

pages 32-34

Achieve sustainable growth

page 35

Enhance business practice and capacity

pages 42-43

Lidcombe Rise project

pages 40-41

Our operating environment

pages 28-31

Types of housing we provide

pages 26-27
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