DMEM Student Showcase Booklet 2016

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DMEM STUDENT SHOWCASE Department of Design, Manufacture & Engineering Management


Welcome to DMEM DMEM is a dynamic, enthusiastic and innovative department whose key aim is to deliver a broad-based education alongside progressive research, to meet the current and future needs of industry and commerce. Our objective is to improve organisational performance through product, process and business development. Our fields of expertise range from creative and engineering design, through to manufacturing and supply and the management of the entire value chain. Meeting the needs of tomorrow’s world demands innovation and ingenuity, and a sound understanding of technology and business, coupled with the skills to organise and direct and the vision and determination to lead. All our courses focus on presentation and interpersonal skills as well as leadership and entrepreneurship, using group activities and integrating studies to enhance these skill sets. These attributes and capabilities are developed right across our exciting and challenging range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, designed to train tomorrow’s leaders in industry and business.


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Rachel Armit

Katy Craig

Roddy Lyle

Liam Taylor

Jemma Webb

Matthew Carter

Jordan Euston

Richard Knight

Michael McPhillimy

Yee May Chau

Jonathan Barlow

Kirstin Gribbin

Thomas Marmion

Daisy Tydeman

Eric Williamson

Lewis Connell

Stephanie Hewitt

Nataliya Korzhuk

Daniel Melville

Mandy Cheung

Maria Connolly

Katherine Haynes

Reinis Mikelsons

Fraser Walker

Zhengyang Zhao

Hugh Cruickshank

Jamie Hogg

Jennifer Maxwell

Aiden Winchester

Thomas Dobie

Allison Craig

Ka Chun Ho

Max Munro

Kyle Watt

Gemma Bleakney

Jack Edward

Erin Kennedy

Caragh McMonagle

Caroline Brown

Hazim Fakhri

Douglas Fleming

Connar Mackay

Peter Stewart

Ryan Toomey

Stephen Adam

Connor Buchanan

Jerin George

Callum Kettles

Robyn McRae

Graeme Reid

Joey Ho

Glen McMurchy

Alice Tait

Amie Walker

Natalie Britovsek

Lauren Cassidy

Stephen Gillan

Roddy MacLellan

Chris Miller

Kyle Robertson

Ryan Logan

Mairi Mitchell

Angus Thomson

Iain Broadhead

John Duncan

Jason Gilmour

Ewan McDermott

Rachel Nisbet

Emily Sloan

Benjamin Macinnes

Michael Northcote

Sarah Thomson

Amy Brown

Iain Fraser

Megan Hendry

Joshua McKenzie

Katy Oldfield

Alix Speed

Andrew Tyler

Kate Cameron

Gillian Swarbrigg

Stuart Taylor

James Cassidy

Gregor Thomson

Andrew Forbes

Joanna Reid

Mhairi Ward

Louis Faber

Jack Taylor

Steven McLaughlin

Tim Elizondo

Liam Binnie

Sarah Glenny

Jonathan Tait

Ross Williamson

Alexander MacPhail

Richard Trotter

Scott Wilson

Craig Haglington

Carmen Cummiskey

Calvin Hepburn

Alyssa Wilson

Philip Schnier

Murray Weir

Dominic McCafferty

Andrew Edgar

Brandon Longcake

PRODUCT DESIGN ENGINEERING After the first two foundation years, the PDE course focuses on specialist design topics such as engineering analysis, prototyping and proof-of-concept modelling, design methods, and mechatronics, in addition to extending knowledge and application of computer aided design, management of the design process and production techniques. In Year 4 (BEng) and Year 5 (MEng) the focus is on project work and further advancing knowledge in design and manufacture. Individual projects give students the opportunity to propose their own project brief which reflects their interests, career aspirations and apply and extend knowledge from across the curriculum. A member of academic staff acts as supervisor to offer support and guidance throughout the project. In addition, an Industry Project gives students the opportunity to experience the “real world� by working to the requirements of a brief set by an industrial client. Teams of students act as consultants engaging in client meetings and proposing solutions.

Rachel Armit 4th Year BEng PDE A Product to Aid in Keeping Pets Safe Everyday three cats and dogs are stolen in the UK. One of the most common ways dogs are stolen are from when they are tied up outside shops. Through this project I aimed to create a product that safely secured pets outside shops. In doing this successfully it was hoped it would help combat the pet theft statistics while also encouraging owners to take their pets out with them on a more regularly basis.


Jonathan Barlow 4th Year BEng PDE Designing a Game Controller for People with Physical Disabilities Video games seem like something that anyone could get involved with. Unfortunately, conventional game controllers are practically unusable for many with physical disabilities, making it very difficult for them to engage in normal gaming activities. After researching various conditions and interviewing multiple people with various conditions, I chose to design a game controller for people who only have the use of a single hand. With this goal in mind, I designed this one-handed controller that crucially has the full functional capabilities of a conventional game controller.


Maria Connolly 4th Year BEng PDE Remote Loadsharing Case The final product is a case designed for Aggreko. The remote loadsharing test is performed to ensure that the generators can be synchronised and work in parallel when out in the field. Currently, the equipment is balanced in the control panel and the components are spread out over the shop floor, this design provides a storage solution, a cable management system and allows the test to be performed whilst the equipment is in the case.


Allison Craig 4th Year BEng PDE Pool Depth Adjustment Tool Depth adjustment aids provide pools with large expanses of deep water the opportunity to deliver more varied lessons to a higher capacity of pupils. Demand is growing in the UK due to the implementation of a new ASA certified class structure. The platforms play an essential part in the delivery of these new lessons for many facilitates. The current models fail to meet the customers needs in terms of usability, versatility, safety and reliability. The Multi Swim Stand focuses on these areas delivering an efficiently operational solution that is usable for all pool types.


Katy Craig 4th Year BEng PDE


The Rejuvention of Personal Safety Alarms for the Elderly One in three people over the age of 65 suffer a fall each year. The use of personal alarms can allow those fallers to gain quick assistance and increase their chance of returning to an independent life. Despite these benefits, research has revealed that many who own an alarm have no desire to use the current systems available. The Loc8 alarm combines the functionalities of a mobile phone with a typical wrist watch to produce a product which can be used anywhere and at any time, and that can also automatically activate in the event of a fall or change in heart rate.

Kirstin Gribbin 4th Year BEng PDE The Redesign of the Traditional Ballet Pointe Shoe As we all know, Ballet is a beautiful form of dance performed, which draws and inspires audiences from all over the world to watch. What we dont know about these amazing dancers, is the pain they go through whilst wearing the shoes. Due to the material selection of the Traditional Pointe Shoe, it was not suitable, as it was causing rubbing and irritation to their skin, causing painful soft tissue damage. The aim for this project, was to redesign the Pointe Shoe, using new improved material selection to provide safety, comfort and enhance their performance whilst en Pointe.


Katherine Haynes 4th Year BEng PDE


Indoor Clothes Drying and Controlling Humidity Drying clothes passively indoors has become the norm for 80 of households. What is unknown to most is that in areas of insufficient ventilation moisture levels can rise by 30, leading to serious health problems and damage to the structure of the building. A solution to this is a product that combines a hanging frame with a dehumidifier enclosed within a cover, so clothes can dry naturally whilst the moisture from them is collected and contained. It is significantly cheaper to run than a tumble dryer and when not in use fold down to become compact and easy to store.

Ka Chun Ho 4th Year BEng PDE Hair Styling Device Styling a perfect hair style is a long and difficult, involving multiple steps, which many people find difficult. There are many tools and devices which could ease the process. This product will provide multiple uses and multitasking allowing users to save time. It was also designed to have interaction with other hair styling products. A rotation brush helps to spread hair styling products and hot air blowing helps to dry hair styling products quickly and provide a strong structure for the hairstyle. This product simplify the hair styling process.


Roddy Lyle 4th Year BEng PDE Optimising the Forging of Aerofoils using Ultrafine Grained Titanium This is a manufacturing research project focused on optimising the forging method of Titanium aerofoil compressor blades. The ability to produce a high strength and reliable quality component is imperative in aerospace manufacturing. By introducing a novel grade of metal, Ultrafine Grained Ti-6Al-4V, it is anticipated both the forging process and as a result the aerofoil product will be greatly enhanced.


Thomas Marmion 4th Year BEng PDE Arthritis and Exercise The number one reason for a lack of physical activity associated with arthritis is the repercussions of joint pain that hinder the performance and enjoyment out of any activity, but more so for muscle strengthening. The product aims at reducing the strain and effort required for controlling the load by supporting the joints and assisting in the users grip. Therefore, allowing the user to pay more attention to technique and lifting the weight safely with minimal consequences.


Reinis Mikelsons 4th Year BEng PDE Camera Filter Module Aim of the product is to solve the problem of camera filter usage while in motion. This device lets easily switch between different filters and keeps them safe and secure. The final product has been made and is fully functional.


Max Munro 4th Year BEng PDE Air Quality Improvement for Cycling Commuters PM2.5 particle exposure poses severe cardiovascular and respiratory health risks.Vehicle exhausts are one of the most common sources of PM2.5 and, providing you are reasonably fit and a non-smoker, the typical commuter rush hour is the unhealthiest part of your day. As cyclists breathe more deeply and frequently than any other type of commuter due to the physical exertion required to cycle, they are more heavily exposed to PM2.5To combat this, a product has been developed to remove PM2.5 from the air a cyclist breathes.


Liam Taylor 4th Year BEng PDE


Threadless Wheel Nut System for Formula 1 Motorsport Formula 1 and other race categories currently use a threaded wheel nut system to secure the wheels to the car. Due to this threaded design issues arise that cause loss of time, race retirements and safety issues. The aim for this project was to eliminate these issues by creating a wheel nut system that did not rely on threads to operate. Through further research of the problem, gathering information from users and progressing through a design process a new wheel nut was created. The new design uses a quick release mechanism and promises to resolve the current issues.

Daisy Jane Tydeman 4th Year BEng PDE Night-Time Thoughts An over-active mind is the main cause for insomnia, though physical problems can also be an influential factor. Progressive Muscle Relaxation was found to be the most effective physical technique used and was simulated to create a physical sleeping aid. It helps the subject fall asleep by teaching the muscles how to relax and by subtly distracting the individual from their thoughts. The product is an under-garment to be worn in bed and uses Electrical Muscle Stimulation technology to tense and release the muscles.


Fraser Walker 4th Year BEng PDE Re-design of Camping Equipment to Aid in the Put-up and Take-down Process The task of setting up a tent on ones own is no easy task. In case of emergency the documented advice is to stay warm and set up your tent. The problem with this advice is that if on a solo expedition and the emergency is a broken limb then erecting a tent is going to be near impossible. I have designed a tent that inflates around the user from their rucksack allowing them the best chance of survival in an emergency situation as well as a tent which is easily put up during normal use.


Kyle Watt 4th Year BEng PDE Tool Handler for Improving the Shear Forming Tool Change at the AFRC The Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC) have a current need for an improvement in their shear forming tool change process. Through user understanding, several key issues were raised, including safety and accuracy. Through the design development process, a simplistic tool handler has been achieved - which provides a process where no user manipulation of the shear forming tooling is required. Further to increased safety, the new tool handler allows for the process to be repeated time and time again, with 100 accuracy.


Jemma Webb 4th Year BEng PDE


Limiting Control Valve Leakages In order to enable production rates on oil rigs to remain uninterrupted for longer periods of time than currently, a solution to limit the frequency at which the control valves leak is required. Using existing valves, and applying modifications which meet industry standards and can withstand the harsh conditions in which the valve is placed, the frequency of control valve leakages has been substantially reduced. The modifications allow for current protocol, assembly and maintenance procedures to be followed - an aspect continually reinforced by the customer.

Eric Williamson 4th Year BEng PDE Improving Hygiene on Board Coach Restrooms Restrooms on board coaches have always had a reputation of being unhygienic. Men play a larger role in the problem due to their tendency to stand opposed to sit. The traditional toilet has been redesigned to feature a retractable seat and dual action cleaning system. After flushing the toilet, the seat automatically get retracted into the side wall, passing through the cleaning system. Thus improving the seat hygiene as the seat is cleaned in between every use.


Zhengyang Zhao 4th Year BEng PDE The Assistance chair The assistance chair is a cheap, convenient and popular chair that can help elderly, disabled or injured people to stand up. Not only does the product help users to stand up, it also functions as a trolley to provide walking support to the users. When the user is able to stand up, they simply push the motor button which is located on the chair arm to start the motor. The motor will rotate to pull the two main supports closer. Following this, the seat will rise slowly to give support to user. The user can therefore stand up easier.


Gemma Bleakney 4th Year MEng PDE Portability of Oxygen Cylinders This project aims to develop a product that will make the transportation of Oxygen Therapy Cylinders easier for users. The product should be able to be carried for long periods of time, as well as providing the user with necessary amount of Oxygen required. The majority of people using these cylinders suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, so already have problems with breathing, never mind trying to carry these cylinders as well. From my research it is clearly highlighted that the transportation of these cylinders is strenuous and there is a better solution.


Matthew Carter 4th Year MEng PDE


Smart Training Aid for Swimmers and Trainers Stopwatches are great, but I cant time 30 people at once When swimmers meet to train a workout plan is created, communicated and swum. Rarely are many metrics collected and remembering the workout plan can become a chore. Existing tracking methods require permanent installation, this product is a plug and play tracking device to give live feedback to both swimmers and trainers, as well as display the current workout. By continually engaging the university swim team with prototypes and concepts the outcome is a fast and easy to use solution for improving teams.

Lewis Connell 4th Year MEng PDE Improving the Recovery Time of Injured Wrists After spending weeks in a cast a persons wrist becomes stiff and their range of movement decreases. This product tackles this problem and provides users with affordable, home physiotherapy to increase movement with comfortable, controlled and heated stretches.


Hugh Cruickshank 4th Year MEng PDE Improving Mobility of Residents in Residential Care Home Bathrooms This project addresses the issue of limited space in residential care home bathrooms. A lack of adequate floor space means that conventional mobility aids are unable to be used, making the task of using the bathroom both time-consuming and potentially dangerous for residents. The solution to this problem explores a redesign of the traditional walking frame, improved to better facilitate rotational movement of the user, making it more better suited to navigating tight spaces.


Jack Edward 4th Year MEng PDE Line Judge for Social Tennis In social tennis, there are no line judges or technology that can tell the players whether or not a ball has landed in or out. By exploring different solutions, I opted to focus on using technology that was reliable and cost effective. I created a prototype that utilised pressure sensitive technology and an Arduino microcontroller; the technology can be used by two people, is simple to use and is relatively accurate.


Jordan Euston 4th Year MEng PDE


Prevention and Recovery of Missing/Stolen Dogs The solution developed was based around a market gap identified in the research stage which highlighted the demand for an affordable, more convenient and widely available product. The solution also looks to capitalise on the prevalent market trend of the Humanisation of dogs which means that dogs are now considered regular members of the family as opposed to a pet. The developed product is a bluetooth collar which corresponds with a household beacon and owners smartphones that can be adapted through different modules to allow the look to be customised for your dog.

Stephanie Hewitt 4th Year MEng PDE Rehabilitation Prevention of Plantar Fasciitis There are 2.1 million regular runners in the UK and 1 in 10 of them will suffer from Plantar Fasciitis at some point in their careers. It was decided to design a new solution to rehabilitate injury that can also be used to prevent it in the first place. A structured methodology was followed and a massaging orthotic was created. Not only does the design help to lengthen and loosen the plantar fascia, it also supports the foot into a shape that encourages fore foot striking - the most natural running form. Users will have reduced injury rate and be able to run faster.


Jamie Hogg 4th Year MEng PDE Redesign of the Evacuation Chair The increasing number of paramedics off work with lower back issues due to lifting heavy loads has led to the redesign of the evacuation chair. This product was designed to optimise the performance of the user by reducing the need to lift the chair and by enhancing the control of the chair. Each of these new features will increase the safety of the paramedic and also increase the safety of the patient being transported from the incident to the ambulance.


Erin Kennedy 4th Year MEng PDE Improving Comfort for Long Haul Travelling The aim of this project was to develop a product to improve comfort for long haul journeys. The design of most buses and planes does not have passengers comfort in mind, which can make travelling an unpleasant experience. Most existing products that were researched and analysed were not effective. Therefore, working alongside users and experts, a solution was developed to support the head and neck, which makes the experience of travelling more enjoyable and relaxing.


Richard Knight 4th Year MEng PDE


Improving the Functionality of the Drum Kit Drummers in a live environment are faced with the issue of getting as many tones as possible from their drum kit while taking up minimal space. Advances in technology mean drummers can call up dozens of tones using electronics, however, common opinion in the drumming community is that these are lifeless. With an intuitively operated mechanism, this solution sees a second shell located inside the drum pushed onto the drum head to change the diameter in one second. This allows the drummer an added tone in one drum while keeping the soul of the acoustic drum kit.

Nataliya Korzhuk 4th Year MEng PDE Evaluation of Tube Storage Mechanisms Storage of instrumentation tubes is not a typical problem. Made of high quality stainless steel, the tubes are tough and are typically stored in pigeon-hole or cantilever racks, so frequently used in industrial environment. Loading process requires the tubes to pass along each other, introducing friction (as does the accumulation of debris) and point loads.However, when the product is sold on a basis of it being scratch-free, a more controlled environment is desirable. This project aims to reduce the risk of damage to the tubes by designing a new storage system.


Jennifer Maxwell 4th Year MEng PDE


Assisting Arthritis Sufferers with the Opening of Medication Bottles After observing an arthritis sufferer struggling to open the childproof cap on medication bottles, assistive devices were researched. Preliminary research concluded that currently few products exist to aid with this challenge, thus the project focus was established. User consultations produced requirements which the assistive device being developed must incorporate. The product produced assists the user with the push down force, turning torque and their lack of grip, making the task easier for them with minimal effort needed to be enforced.

Caragh McMonagle 4th Year MEng PDE Improving Road Visibility at Night A quarter of travel is between 7pm-8am which accounts for 40 of serious injuries to the same group and 60 of roads in the UK do not have sufficient lighting as street lights are only installed in built up areas. Road traffic collisions result in about 15 of deaths to people aged 1725 who find nighttime driving to be a concern. A system has been developed for a new infrastructure lighting unit that will improve road users perception of the vicinity and alert them to potential hazards while driving in the dark or in adverse weather.This will aid in reducing road accidents


Michael McPhillimy 4th Year MEng PDE Golf Putter Redesign A modular putter which can have its properties adjusted, depending on what the user desires. A redesign of the classic golf putter, this new putter design can be adjusted into different configurations with the use of modular sections. The properties of the putter such as its loft, material, weight and shape can be adjusted. It was developed to counteract the negative effect that a legal anchoring putting stroke had on the putters loft angle at impact. The modular design suits the type of golfer who desires many options from a single club.


Daniel Melville 4th Year MEng PDE The Tripod for People with Physical Impairments Through personal usage I found camera tripods to be painstakingly slow to setup and dismantle. Looking further into the market, I found that camera tripods were also preventing people with arthritis from achieving the full potential of their photography equipment.Research into what other markets were doing to aid arthritis coupled with monthly arthritis meetings led a prototype based approach.The final solution was to create a tripod where the user could release all the tripod legs simultaneously which would then lock in place.


Aiden Winchester 4th Year MEng PDE


Improving Airplane Seat Comfortability by Reducing Neckback Strain Airline companies are continuously compromising passenger comfort for the extra revenue that can be obtained from squeezing extra seats onto the plane which in turn reduces space for each passenger. This is due to an increasingly competitive market worth billions of pounds. As a result of this, neck and back pain are found to be common injuries. The aim of my project is to focus on reducing both neck and back pain and to increase passenger comfort without altering the airplane seat itself or changing the amount of passenger space available dictated by the airline company.

Caroline Brown 5th Year MEng PDE Modular Hut The project was to design a modular hut that will extend the availability of rural areas beauty to outdoor enthusiasts improving the interaction between human and nature. As modular construction expands in the industry, the methods are now being used in other forms. This design features one module and the final solution is completely off-grid utilising features such as water harvesting, solar panels and a composting toilet. These huts can be transported to any area of land and would be perfect in vast areas of landscape that is commonly walked.


Yee May Chau 5th Year MEng PDE


Redesign of the Rolling Makeup Case In filming, theatre, photography, and television sectors, a professional makeup artist would have no control over the location of work, frequency or distance of travel, nor working hours in their careers. Despite this key disadvantage, there has been little innovation invested into one of the makeup artist’s greatest tools – the rolling makeup case. The aim of the project was to improve upon the functionality of existing products to ultimately enhance ease of use. This resulted in a 38L backpack with swivel and sliding compartments, adjustable straps and zipped pockets.

Mandy Cheung 5th Year MEng PDE Redesign of the Domestic Recycling Bin for Compact Waste Recycling is a highly important part of today’s world if it is to be protected for future generations. However, many domestic households are reluctant to recycle everything due to small houses with minimal space to store their recyclables. The aim of this project is to develop a product which maximises bin capacity through compacting recyclables in one container to save space for users at home. The developed product integrates hydraulics to compress waste, increasing the amount of recyclables that can be disposed of in waste bin for more recyclables to be added.


Thomas Dobie 5th Year MEng PDE Household Maintenance at Heights The main problem with household maintenance is that it is estimated that 48,000 people a year in the UK attend AE due to ladder accidents around the home. The project focused on gutter clearing and the final solution aims to eliminate the risk of falling off the ladder by allowing the home owner to clear gutters from the ground. The design utilises modular heads to allow the user to perform a variety of tasks.


Hazim Fakhri 5th Year MEng PDE Redesigning the Stretcher for Catastrophic Events There some problems which related to the use of conventional stretcher including injuries and physical strains and difficulty in rescuing a casualty from difficult to reach area due to adverse and catastrophic events. Thus, this project has redesigned the stretcher to be easier in transporting a casualty on an uneven and damaged road due to the catastrophe as well as reducing the rescuers physical strain and injuries. Also, with an ability to be transformed into a compact size, it also minimises the handling difficulties and maximising the overall usability of a stretcher.


Douglas Fleming 5th Year MEng PDE


Monitoring Cycling Body Position The adoption of wearable technology in sport is on an upward trend. So too is the participation in cycling activities like mountain biking. Until now mountain biking lacked the possibility for monitoring performance and technique without the use of video analysis. A technology which generally isnt accessible for every rider.This product aims to improve the focused practise experience and takes wearable technology to the mountain bike trails. The hope is to improve riding technique, reduce injury and facilitate better performance of all those who use the product.

Joey Ho 5th Year MEng PDE Improving Spinal Health through Better Sitting Habits With the population sitting now more than ever, our modern lifestyles have led to consistently declining sitting habits, and poor spinal health. An adjustable lumbar support was developed which can be retro-fitted to existing chairs that monitors the users positioning through various sensors. Feedback is given to the user through a small indication light up display which users can place on their desks. A smartphone app is also utilised to help users monitor their posture, and provide performance tracking to encourage better sitting habits. Â


Ryan Logan 5th Year MEng PDE


Reducing Domestic Water Usage Domestic water use is extremely inefficient despite efforts from governments and suppliers around the world to promote water conservation. Globally, inefficient water use results in substantial consequences, most noteworthy the contribution to climate change.To address this, an innovative water saving tap, designed for households, was produced. The primary selling point is its ability to reduce household water consumption without degrading water use experience. Furthermore, the devices dual function to account for and educate on behavioural misuse enhances its uniqueness.

Benjamin Macinnes 5th Year MEng PDE Encouraging and Facilitating the Outdoor Use of Laptops The use of laptops outdoors is plagued by a number of issues. Screen glare and battery loss have been highlighted as the two manjor factors which discourage users from utilising their portable devices outside. The cocoon allows users to transport their laptop, whilst offering protection from the sun and extended battery life through the use of innovative sliding panels and an integrated battery. The carry case is the first of its kind to offer additional benefits whilst allowing for simple transportation.


Connar Mackay 5th Year MEng PDE Innovative Asthma Inhaler Non-adherence to asthma medication leads to expensive emergency medical healthcare and death. An NHS statement claims that 90 of asthma related deaths are preventable. The Br.Ease product tackles these issues through two unique USPs. The product provides the user with instant feedback on their personal medication plan as well as the remaining dose count. This improvement is achieved while, at the same time, designing a sleek, minimalistic product at 35 volume reduction compared to the number 1 competitor.


Glen McMurchy 5th Year MEng PDE Redesign of Wind Tower Internal Platforms Renewable energy is fast becoming one of our main forms of electricity generation within Europe and worldwide. In order to make these structures more accessible and cost efficient more intelligent designs have to be put forward that reduce re-work, costs, material usage and overall lead times. The platforms are considered one of the most difficult and costly procedures in terms of manufacture and assembly of tower sections. My redesign focused on creating a modular platform design that is much simpler resulting in reduced lead times and capital costs associated with towers.


Mairi Mitchell 5th Year MEng PDE


Improving the Safety of Constructing Traffic Systems Rising global population has increased traffic-density and accidents on the road. With this comes the need for traffic management and the construction of these systems takes hundreds of lives each year. Injuries or fatalities of road workers is a real issue and as existing products carry high initial investments, a market gap for first response situations was identified. QUICKCOVER is a lightweight, compact traffic system deployment product that attaches easily to any vehicle fitted with a tow bar and allows the driver to remotely deploy without exiting the vehicle.

Michael Northcote 5th Year MEng PDE Energy Recovery Mechanism for Roller Shutter Doors Estimated operational cost upwards of 65,000 per annum for roller shutter doors is considered unfavourable to Jaguar Land Rovers policy on environmental responsibility. The solution proposed disengages the motor at 52 displacement from the fully opened state. Gravity will thereafter return the roller shutter door to a complete close as a result of passing the threshold of translational equilibrium. An energy recovery system in the form of a resistance mechanism is employed to retain constant speed and safe working conditions resulting in savings of 10,000 per annum.


Peter Stewart 5th Year MEng PDE Anti-Drowning Device for People with Epilepsy In Britain each year approximately 1000 people die as a result of accidents caused by epileptic seizures. One of the most common and highly publicised accidents is drowning in the bath as a result of a seizure, During the research stages it was discovered that before an epileptic seizure, in 99 of cases, the patient has a spike in heart-rate. A wrist mounted heart-rate monitor senses a spike in heart-rate. When this is detected, a wireless signal is sent to the main unit to pull the bath plug out, removing the water, which is the primary threat.


Alice Tait 5th Year MEng PDE Energy Reduction in the Operation of Roller Shutter Doors Roller shutter door usage within an industrial setting require high energy input. The project brief, coordinated with Jaguar Land Rover, states annual energy use of around 150,000 kWh for a 460 door site. The product Rotate utilises an innovative gear system which allows for 34,600 cycles worth of energy to be generated from a door with 173,000 existing cycles per year; one free cycle within five. Implementation of this product aims to reduce the energy, and therefore cost, required to operate roller shutter doors within an industrial environment.


Angus Thomson 5th Year MEng PDE


Redesign of Ski Patrol Rescue Toboggan The rescue toboggan is an essential piece of equipment utilised by ski patrols to transport injured skiers and snowboarders from the ski slope to seek medical attention. Despite their popularity concerns have been raised regarding the toboggans comfort, safety and usability. Therefore the aim of this project was to redesign the rescue toboggan to improve safety, ease of use and the rescue experience for the casualty. To achieve this the final solution incorporates an assistive braking mechanism, a removable stretcher design and a bespoke suspension system.

Sarah Thomson 5th Year MEng PDE Improving the Safety of Lone Health Workers Current lone worker devices implemented within the NHS cost a minimum of 10month for each device. This has led to the majority of devices being removed as a cost cutting measure. As a device with an upfront cost of 49 and no monthly fee, POINT fills a gap in the market. Not only does it send an SMS with an exact location in an emergency, there is also a powerful siren which acts as a primary means of defence against the attacker.


Ryan Toomey 5th Year MEng PDE


Heating System for Individuals in Extreme Temperature Environments During the winter months around the world, peoples day-to-day lives are hindered by the effects of extreme temperatures. Simple tasks, such as leaving the warmth of their homes can be extremely detrimental to a persons health and normal body functions. The aim of the project was to develop a productsystem that will heat ambient air to comfortable levels along with providing a secondary heating aspect for the core body temperature. After extensive research and development, the final outcome was the Polaris - wearable winter heating system.

Amie Walker 5th Year MEng PDE Improving Production Lines within Cummins Diesel Recon Industrial cranes are used within manufacturing facilities on non-continuous production lines which aids in moving heavy components and assists with manual handling. However, they take up space, cause safety issues and are time consuming to move a component. Therefore, this project focused on an alternative design that is easier for the operator to use. The new design concentrates on the safety of the user and component and can also be integrated into the production line to provide an efficient and smooth transition of components.


PRODUCT DESIGN & INNOVATION The BSc (Honours) degree in Product Design & Innovation (PDI) is an engaging and in-depth technological design and product development course. It provides a holistic education of knowledge and skills relating to user and market research, product design, creativity, business, enterprise, technology and mass production. The course is based in the department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management (DMEM) with specialist modules in entrepreneurship taught by the university’s Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship. Our PDI graduates have the potential to engage with exciting opportunities after graduation. We have PDI graduates: working as product designers for highly prestigious design companies such as Apple and Dyson; going on to further study at prestigious European design schools such as Northumbria and Milan; winning sought- after design awards such as the RSA Student Design Award.

Stephen Adam 4th Year BSc PDI We Are Still Your Neighbours Rough sleepers in Glasgow have nowhere to store their belongings. As a result, they regularly lose items essential for survival such as sleeping bags. sleeping mats and warm clothes.Losing such items makes the challenge of sleeping rough even more difficult and adds unnecessary problems to a population of people whos lives are chaotic and unpredictable. Own Locker gives rough sleepers the opportunity to store their belongings safely and securely. This empowers ownership and will introduce stability and normality into their lives.


Natalie Britovsek 4th Year BSc PDI Reducing the Threat of Deep Vein Thrombosis With people travelling by plane now more than ever, the threat of DVT is increasing steadily. I have identified a gap in the market for a product which would be provided by the airlines to help reduce the risk of a passenger developing the condition. By creating a product to help increase the movement in the passengers lower limbs, this will help boost blood circulation and should in turn, help reduce the risk of DVT.


Iain Broadhead 4th Year BSc PDI Respirator: Designed with Empathy Negative attitudes towards respirators result in some workers avoiding using them which puts their health at risk. Using human-centered design research methods I uncovered a detached relationship between users and respirators. Through emotionally durable design I have developed a customisable solution. Removable covers, which use a magnet, allow the user to choose their style. The result is a respirator product which gives the user a sense of belonging and encourages use.


Amy Brown 4th Year BSc PDI A Security Walking Aid for the User and Dog in Public How important do you believe it is to have your dog under your control in public? If your dog wanders off or is let go, others dogs, humans and itself is in danger. Many users stated during research that the comfortability of holding leads and reacting to an emergency with a lead caused many problems. Safe Paws was developed and allows the user to hold the lead in any position they wish and allowing two hands to pull back the lead in case of an emergency. It also features reflective strips for night walking and additional storage.


Connor Buchanan 4th Year BSc PDI


Kitchen Aid for the Visually Impaired The visual impaired population is increasing dramatically and many find it difficult and intimidating while being in a kitchen environment. This gave the inspiration to design a device that will make using the cooker safer and enhance the users confidence. Dial Safe is a notification device that is mounted around a oven dial, this will inform the user with a vibration each time they increase or decrease the temperature by 10C. This product will give the user peace of mind and prevent issues such as food poisoning from undercooked food or a fire from burning food.

Lauren Cassidy 4th Year BSc PDI Independent Living for the Visually Impaired Primary research revealed that people with visual impairment enjoy cooking but find the kitchen environment the most frustrating to work in due to the lack of simple support aids. Research showed that the visually impaired prefer support aids to be uncomplicated and straightforward to use. The Chef Aid food preparation board was created to meet the needs highlighted by the research. It will support the user to prepare food in a safe manner, whilst minimising the risk of cuts and cross contamination. The Chef Aid is also suitable for people who have arthritis in their hands


John Duncan 4th Year BSc PDI Refugee Furniture Over the last five years the conflict in Syria has resulted in the mass displacement of people and is considered the worlds largest humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. The situation has forced those affected to live in conditions which lack the basic amenities required for everyday life. This product seeks to provide the user with a basis to move forward through this transitional phase via the design of a portable furniture solution which provides both bed and chair functionality.


Iain Fraser 4th Year BSc PDI Improving the Walkability and Comfort of Alpine Ski Boots The aim of this project is to improve the comfort and walkability of the modern day ski boot providing a more enjoyable user experience. Through idea generation and user interaction I have been able to develop and model a new and innovative ski boot design that solves many of the problems highlighted by the customer. Through the use of prototypes and user testing I have been able to prove that my concept works and that it could be a viable and marketable product. I have produced a fully functional prototype and CAD model in order to show the design in more detail.


Jerin George 4th Year BSc PDI


An Innovative Solution for Keyboarding Pain Fit for all Users Typing on regular keyboards often leads to the development of many hand related conditions, making it difficult and painful for users to continue typing. Research showed the need for an entirely new ergonomic design. My design allows the user to type in a comfortable position and makes use of new technology to allow full customisation of the keyboard to meet their needs of comfort and performance. The design was tested, giving highly positive feedback from users that suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, a condition that causes agonising pain and joint deformation in the hand.

Stephen Gillan 4th Year BSc PDI Refugee Survival Pack The worrying plight of refugees has become an increasing daily headline in mainstream news. An influx in the vast numbers of refugees has caused major concern for support agencies.Through professional consultation, empathic modelling and visual research, it was concluded that transporting of the individuals personal items was a major issue during the migration process.This then lead to the design of the Refugee Survival Pack. This utility belt inspired product will house the refugees most necessary items in a secure way, allowing for effective and efficient retrieval.


Jason Gilmour 4th Year BSc PDI


Physical Issues in the Office Environment Problem: Physical Issues in the Office Environment integration of technology within the office workstation to improve physical health issues surrounding incorrect posture.Solution: A posture recognition device which sits on your current office chair to sense, record and store posture behaviour of the user. Correct posture is achieved as the device senses the users posture through built in sensors. This posture data is then recorded and stored for the user to analyse via website or smart phone app. Changes made by user achieves the correct posture they desire.

Megan Hendry 4th Year BSc PDI Stimulating Users to Reduce their Sedentary Lifestyles Our desire to stay proactive and embrace the challenges life throws at us is a concept we tackle every day, however this longing for personal and academic fulfilment has its downfalls, and can often result in extreme physical inactiveness. Ventur was designed to combat societys increasing sedentary habits, through its compact exterior, and innovative technologies. Using NFC and GPS technology, Ventur wearable device can notify the user through its simplistic LED light interface, and track the users micro-break activities throughout the day.


Callum Kettles 4th Year BSc PDI


Improving the Airline Travel Experience for Reduced Mobility Passengers Airline passengers with reduced mobility receive a vastly different experience than passengers living without a disability. The level of assistance provided varies greatly between airlines and airports, while the equipment provided is viewed as unsuitable, unsafe and outdated. The MOBUS chair revolutionises the reduced mobility passenger experience, acting as a mobile aircraft wheelchair, uniquely designed to fit over existing airline seating. This functionality reduces the need for physical passenger handling while awarding users in-flight mobility and comfort.

Roddy MacLellan 4th Year BSc PDI Wearable Technology for the Developing World This project seeks to harness the power of wearable technology to bridge gaps in the maternal and neonatal healthcare journey in rural and urban India. Such gaps include non-existent birth registrations and inaccurate medical and vaccination records. The solution is a lowcost, simple and robust wearable bracelet held within a wearable bangle. The bangle is worn by the mother, and the bracelet by a newborn. The device utilizes NFC technology to store small amounts of important medical data, enhancing the connection between mothers, newborns, and the wider healthcare system.


Ewan McDermott 4th Year BSc PDI


Ergonomic Re-Design of Portable Gas Detectors Portable gas detectors used in gas distribution applications are heavy, require the display to be read and need two hands for use. If used for long periods, this can lead to an uncomfortable user experience. A design for usability approach was taken to improve employee experience whilst satisfying all needs. Ergon incorporates head-up display glasses that conveniently project gas readings directly to the user while communicating wirelessly with the instrument. This allows the instrument to be relocated in an ergonomic backpack which distributes the weight more effectively.

Joshua Mckenzie 4th Year BSc PDI Fluid Monitoring Solution for Long-term Care Facilities Elderly residents in Long-term Care are 5 times more likely to suffer from dehydration. This shows a substantial failure in our Care Homes, which is often attributed to negligence. Research gathered from Carers alerted at the core of this pandemic was a poorly designed monitoring system reliant on constant observation and documentation. Steam is an automated fluid monitoring solution, consisting of a motion detecting vessel and resident prioritisation software. This solution removes responsibility from staff and facilitates aid for those most in need.


Robyn McRae 4th Year BSc PDI


Think Living with Dementia Dementia is a brain disease for which there is no medical treatment and society can only manage the progressive decline for those afflicted through either home or residential care. appu is a diagnostic wearable system that monitors patient movement in relation to the status of their condition. It analyses realtime data in app format to facilitate the communication of a patients daily activity between carer change-overs. This technology can play a pivotal role in supporting carers and providing remote family members with an accurate profile of a patients wellbeing.

Chris Miller 4th Year BSc PDI Tabletop Gaming Model City The project aimed to provide high quality wargaming terrain to customers by utilising recent developments in CADCAM technologies. The manufacturing processes traditionally used are complex and expensive, forcing a limited range due to the substantial investment required per product. Laser cutting allows for one plus production with low lead time and no static inventory, allowing a huge catalogue of products to be made available at very low cost. A wide range of ideas were brought to concept stage with 25 reaching completion before the full product launch later in the year.


Rachel Alison Anne Nisbet 4th Year BSc PDI


Accessory to Help with the Transportation of Shopping Litter in Scotland has been a problem that Scotland has been trying to tackle for numerous years. On 20th October 2014 the Carrier Bag Charge (Scotland) was enacted. This legislation requires all retailers to charge a minimum of 5p per carrier bag. The aim of this project was to provide a sustainable accessory to help the user transport shopping from the supermarket to the car. This product will help remind the user to take this product to the supermarket, this product also allows the user to organise their shopping.

Katy Oldfield 4th Year BSc PDI OAIS – An Eye Drop Assistive Device The aim of this product was to provide a method of selfadministration of eye drops to all users, with a focus on those who are dexterity disabled or have a psychological fear of the process. This was done with the introduction of a unique and soothing roller-ball application method, as well as a sterilization system to provide high quality, hygienic care. The end product is an easy to use, innovative design which is ergonomically designed to be comfortable for users of all ages.


Graeme Reid 4th Year BSc PDI


Homelessness Hygiene Those who suffer from homelessness often have to resort to unconventional measures in order to achieve a standard of personal hygiene. Not reaching the standards of personal hygiene set out by society can raise a number of barriers to this vulnerable group. This product can be used to wash clothing, giving individuals who are suffering from homelessness more independence, as well as alleviating strain on services. The product is a portable and simple means of washing clothing by hand, keeping the clothing and water contained and using similar principles to a washboard.

Kyle Robertson 4th Year BSc PDI Portable Police Officer Communication The current communication solution for police officers world wide is outdated. With 4G being implemented across the globe, high speed data communication is becoming available to everyone. Why not Police Officers? This product modernises communication for officers and provides them with an effective, efficient and easy to use communication solution focused towards the specific needs of the modern day officer.


Emily Sloan 4th Year BSc PDI


Designing Display Equipment for Retail Clothing Stores Providing a new Display EquipmentSystem used in Retail Clothing Stores. This new design is to reduce the activity of retail staff being forced to overstock items onto one rail fixture, due to the lack of space to display a large quantity of stock. This issue is resolved by creating an adjustable rail, which can be expanded. A new hanging system is also incorporated into the rail, to allow the items on display to be presented in an organised manner, which can result to enhancing the stores overall layout and attract more retail customers.

Alix Speed 4th Year BSc PDI Re-Design of the 1000A Metering Unit Following a placement with Scottish Power, I found that although well designed in function many pieces of electrical switchgear on the market lack innovation; including the 1000A metering unit- designed in 1999. This large metal enclosure had a history of many H&S incidents. It stood at 1.8m and weighed 120kg. Despite this, the unit was still generating an annual profit of ÂŁ84,357. The solution was to take a completely innovative approach in terms of design and user interaction. The proposed unit now weighs 65kg and stands at 1.1m- a much safer and engineer friendly design.


Andrew Tyler 4th Year BSc PDI


SMART Dashboard Equipment - Improving Driver Alertness The focus for my project was to design an instrument which can be attached somewhere on the car dashboard to provide an optimum driving environment for the user and decrease the risk of car accidents due to general unawareness of what is happening outside the vehicle. My final design uses an unusual, yet effective means to alert the user when they are becoming distracted. With the use of a smartphone eyetracker app, my product will produce a series of mentally stimulating scentbased alerts at points when the driver shows signs of inattentiveness.

Mhairi Elena Ward 4th Year BSc PDI Improving the Quality of Everyday Life for Visually Impaired within the Kitchen This product was designed to help cataract sufferers regain a sense of independence within their everyday life. This liquid level indicator mug allows the user to make a cup of tea independently without the added stress of spillages and accidents. Liquid sensors distributed evenly on the inside surface of the mug detect the presence of liquid, sending intermittent vibrations through the handle of the mug, discreetly alerting the user that the liquid is reaching maximum capacity.


Ross Williamson 4th Year BSc PDI Power Vs. Accuracy During my 9 years as a member of a golf club, I have noticed a very common problem amongst my friends and peers with their golfing philosophy. The vast majority of amateur golfers prioritise power over accuracy, believing that the further they hit the ball, the better they will score. Through various methods of research I have found a large amount of evidence that disproves this common misconception and I aim to present my findings in order to change the average golfers priorities and help to improve their golfing ability.


Alyssa Wilson 4th Year BSc PDI Improving Product Usability for Users with Reduced Handling Capabilities The aim of this project was to generate a concept which would aid limited dexterity users perform daily tasks. The project specifically studies users with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Arthritis, who struggle with strength in their hands and wrists. The resulting problem focus was increasing usability of bottled products which reduces strain caused by holding and squeezing the bottle. The product, SQUEEZE, is compatible to all bottle sizes, featuring two squeezable foam inserts and a supportive handle which reduce the amount of force required by the user.


PRODUCTION ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT After the first two foundation years, the PEM course focuses more on production techniques such as processes and computer aided manufacture; and management aspects of engineering organisations including operations management, quality management, innovation management and production economics. In Year 4 (BEng) and Year 5 (MEng) students focus on project work and further advancing their knowledge in production engineering and management. Individual Projects give students the opportunity to propose their own project brief which reflects their interests and career aspirations, to which they can apply knowledge gained from across the curriculum. A member of academic staff acts as supervisor to offer support and guidance throughout the project. In addition, the Industrial Group Project gives students the opportunity to experience the “real world� by working to the requirements of a brief set by an industrial client on an engineering/operations management-related industrial problem. Teams of students act as consultants, engaging in client meetings and proposing solutions. Academic staff, including visiting professors, supervise the Industrial Group Projects.

Kate Cameron 4th Year BEng PEM Improving Lean Initiatives at Delphi Diesel Systems This project focuses on improving the lean initiatives that are in place on a manufacturing line at Delphi Diesel Systems. The focus of improvements are to reduce material and operator movements as well as increase visibility and the effectiveness of their Kanban system. This was accomplished through a redesign of the manufacturing lines layout.


Louis Faber 4th Year BEng PEM Improving Changeovers in Semi-Conductor Manufacturing Through ‘Standardisation’ The project examines the extent to which changeovers negatively impact upon productivity at Texas Instruments’ semi-conductor manufacturing plant. Specific attention is given to the levels of downtime from tools which carry out ‘epitaxy’. Recommendations for implementing procedural changeover standards were outlined in order to reduce changeover variation and to establish best practices. The result of implementing these standardised changeover procedures within the tool group is the delivery of significant improvements to total tool group downtime from 13% to 3%.


Alexander MacPhail 4th Year BEng PEM Development of a Forecasting Method to Enhance the Accuracy of Sales Forecasts Customer demand forecasting based on personal decision making rather than science typically results in poor forecast accuracy. To improve forecast accuracy at world leading wood chip board manufacturer quantitative based forecasting methods were used to highlight the benefits of forecasting based on numeric calculations rather than personal judgement.


Philip Schnier 4th Year BEng PEM Reducing Machine Downtime Using Continuous Improvement Techniques The collaborative project with LifeScan Scotland Ltd., based in Inverness, investigates stoppages on one the machines required to manufacture OneTouch Verio blood glucose test strips for diabetics. By developing Overall Equipment Effectiveness measures and determining the root causes of the stoppages, the project has allowed the team at LifeScan to continue meeting business targets whilst developing an understanding of where improvements can be made in order to maximise machine utilisation.


Gillian Swarbrigg 4th Year BEng PEM Implementation of Lean Manufacturing Principles to Fray Bentos Line This project aimed to increase the throughput of the pie line using Lean tools and techniques. A team was created and taught the basics of lean to continue the improvements made to the line. Bottleneck analysis was carried out and measures to minimise the impact were suggested. The throughput was successfully increased and the ethos within the line was improved with operators taking ownership of their stations and empathetic of all other jobs on the line.


Jack Taylor 4th Year BEng PEM Reducing Overtime Required by Maximising Utilisation of Key Workstations Reducing the amount of overtime required to match customer set due dates by 9.4. Achieved by implementing decision making scheduling algorithms at key points in the production system to level out the workflow and increase the utilisation of critical workstations in a job shop environment.


Richard Trotter 4th Year BEng PEM


Optimisation of the Master Production Schedule within Alexander Dennis Ltd. Alexander Dennis Limited is the largest manufacturer of buses in the UK and have operations across the rest of the world. The master production schedule (MPS) plays an important role in keeping the business up and running. Within the company they are having issues with the planning process that goes into the scheduling, from lack of software use to communication issues.The aim of this project is to set out recommendations, implementation guidelines and an appropriate validation. With this they can go on to implement what they find suitable to aid the schedulers.

Murray Weir 4th Year BEng PEM Optimisation of Process Flow to Ensure On-time Delivery within Woodward Woodward Inc., service aircraft fuel control units at their Prestwick site, and are currently failing to meet their on-time delivery goal of 12 days due to a variety of issues within the line. Therefore the aim of the project was to ensure the company met their turnaround time goal. The current system was analysed using a simulation and fishbone analysis, before appropriate solutions were generated and theoretically tested. Final recommendations were made to the company that are hopefully adopted and assisting in on-time delivery.


Stuart Taylor 4th Year MEng PEM Tailor Sheared Blanks Government fuel efficiency regulations are forcing car manufacturers to produce more fuel efficient cars. The most popular method of improving the fuel efficiency of their cars is to reduce the overall mass of the car by using tailored blanks. This project has explored improving these tailored blanks by making them out of ultra-fine grained metal.


Steven McLaughlin 5th Year MEng PEM Process Optimisation - The Use of Simulation to Analyse and Improve Capabilities This project worked in collaboration with Scotia Double Glazing. The company have recently observed a rapid expansion in production demand and as such wished to investigate alternative methods in which to cope with such a demand.Through the application off Manufacturing simulation software, the project was able measure, critically analyse and thus predict the impact of implementing new technology within the production line and thus make comprehensive recommendations in which to regain total control of production and thus cope with the ever increasing demand.


Scott Wilson 5th Year MEng PEM


Improving the Efficiency of MRB Construction using Data Mining Working with Hydrasun Ltd, this project involved the review of state of the art data mining techniques and methods to improve the creation of vital manufacturing documentation. In doing so, stakeholder interviews, detailed design and simulation testing was applied. As a result, a process was developed that incorporated integrated decision trees and association rules into a pre-built software program. This program, upon testing, was found to improve the construction of Hydrasuns Manufacturing Record Books by a predicted 19 resulting in annual cost reductions of 34,000.

SPORTS ENGINEERING The Sports Engineering degree offers a special combination of subjects from the areas of engineering, design and sports science to facilitate the development of high-performance sports equipment. In Year 1, students are introduced to human anatomy and physiology alongside conventional 1st year engineering subjects. In Year 2, biomechanics is introduced to improve understanding of the forces relating to the human body. As well as further design and production subjects, materials and thermodynamics are introduced in a sports context. In Year 3, more advanced mechanical design and physiology subjects are delivered in parallel. Throughout these first three years of study, the Integrating Studies modules enable students to develop transferable skills such as team-working, and to utilise theoretical knowledge in practical project work. This culminates in two major pieces of project work in Year 4. Students undertake an individual project in which they can design a sports-related product, putting to use the skills and knowledge they have gained during the previous three years. In addition, an Industry Project gives students the opportunity to experience the “real world� by working to the requirements of a brief set by an industrial client. Teams of students act as consultants engaging in client meetings and proposing solutions.

James Cassidy 4th Year BEng SE Designing a Grip Training Aid for Rock Climbers Grip strength is the most important factor in the sport of rock climbing and injuries to the hands and fingers are very common. The purpose of this project was to design a product which incorporates progressive resistance to allow for strength training and rehabilitation purposes. It also allows for a full range of movement which current grip training products on the market fail at.The unique design of utilising latex resistance bands incorporated into a glove like design allow for maximum functionality as well as comfort.


Tim Elizondo 4th Year BEng SE Training Aid for Olympic Lifting The aim of this project was to reduce injury rates in Olympic lifting.The proposed solution was to create a motion capture garment which will provide accurate qualitative data of the users movements. This provides a detailed analysis on technique which reduces the risk of injury. Motion capture is widely used in the sports industry however, this technology is confined to indoor labs and remains exclusive. Through using sensor data rather than cameras, this technology can be implemented into a sports garment at an affordable price.


Craig Haglington 4th Year BEng SE Preventing Hamstring Injuries in Football Football is one of the worlds most predominant sports. With millions of pounds being spent on players and staff, it is a mystery as to why hamstring injuries still have such a major impact on the sport. The aim of the project was to design a device that will apply a controlled heat to the muscle in order to maximise muscle performance and help reduce the chance of sustaining an injury. The device will aim to provide visual feedback to offer the user reassurance of product efficiency.


Dominic McCafferty 4th Year BEng SE Ankle Protection in Football Although ankle injuries are more common than ever, in recent years ankle protectors are becoming less and less popular with modern day footballers. This new design aims to provide a product that keeps the ankle protected without reducing the skilled performance of the player.


Gregor Thompson 4th Year BEng SE Tennis Grip to Reduce Hand Pain Hand pain during tennis matches is a common problem for both amateur and professional players. A major cause of this pain is friction between the hand and grip. This design focuses on cooling the players hand, through increased air flow, reducing friction between the skin and grip. The ergonomic shape aids comfort and reduces movement between the hand and racquet. A honeycomb interior covered by a perforated outer gel ensures that air will always flow through the handle during every point.


Liam Binnie 4th Year MEng SE Improving Inconsistencies in the Golf Swing Every year golfer spend a lot of time and money in an effort to improve their game. The aim of this project was to create a product that would help them to do this. The result is a base layer that incorporates electronics, muscular support systems and a resistance element, all of which combine to improve the power and consistency of the golfers swing.


Carmen Cummiskey 4th Year MEng SE


The Redesign of Body Protection for Equestrian Sport Over the past decade there have been many advancements in the safety of the products worn by horse riders, however, comfort and usability was something that was not always improved alongside this. The project had a user-centred design focus optimising a variety of consumer research techniques.The outcome was a product that was innovative and unlike anything else currently available on the market. It used a push and twist mechanism to adjust all the straps simultaneously. This was the TEQNOX body protectors main unique selling point.

Andrew Edgar 4th Year MEng SE The Design of an Interchangeable Sole Mechanism for Running Shoes Running is one of the most popular sports in the UK, with more and more participants every year. New popular forms of the sport, such as off-road and trail running, have meant that runners have to invest in new and expensive footwear in order to compete. This product provides a simple and affordable solution to allow runners to change the soles of their running shoes, instead of having to purchase a completely new pair. The design incorporates an easy to use slide-and-click system and allows the user to customise the shoe to their personal preference.


Andrew Forbes 4th Year MEng SE Enhancing Comfort Inside the Ski Boot The focus of this project was to develop an affordable solution to ski boot discomfort without having to interfere with current ski boot technology. This resulted in an all in one solution, incorporating innovate features into the design of a regular skiing sock. The individual features integrated into the products design focus on inhibiting certain over-use injuries from occurring. The main achievements of the project involved diverting pressure away from the metatarsal region of the foot, along with reducing impact forces during shin bang.


Sarah Glenny 4th Year MEng SE Design of a Squatting Rehabilitation Aid Many injuries to the lower posterior chain can be rehabilitated through the performance of compound movements, such as the squat. In order to promote recovery, it is key that these movements are performed with sound technique. This project focused on providing a piece of equipment that allows rehabilitation to occur whilst providing the opportunity to develop joint movement mechanics; thus reducing the potential of further and future injury. The product can be adjusted to suit the needs of each individual user, increasing functionality and market appeal.


Calvin Hepburn 4th Year MEng SE


Recovery and Storage of Tennis Balls in Wheelchair Tennis Wheelchair tennis players face many problems in training and matches. This project produced a product which would eliminate one of these issues which is simply picking up and storing tennis balls. The product attaches onto existing wheelchairs and allowed free movement for the user to operate the wheels. The product traps the balls in the discs and the balls roll round, hit the rods and roll into the basket. This allows the user to effortlessly pick up balls independently and without discomfort or causing strain to the lower back.

Brandon Longcake 4th Year MEng SE A Training Aid to Maintain Correct Form when Squatting With the ever-increasing importance placed on personal appearance by modern culture, more and more people are attending health clubs and fitness centres in an attempt to get the perfect body. This time spent in the gym is often wasted due to the incorrect execution of exercises, particularly the squat. In an effort to solve this issue, the squat brace has been created. Through its innovative design, the squat brace will help the user perform a perfect squat every time.


Joanna Reid 4th Year MEng SE


Aiding Achilles Tendinopathy and Calcaneal Apophysitis in Young Athletes The aim of the project was to design and engineer a well-fitting footwear product which will aid Achilles tendinopathy and Calcaneal apophysitis in young athletes, allowing them to continue to partake in sport and exercise whilst minimising discomfort. The project focused around the redesign of studded footwear to address the issue of posterior heel pain in young athletes involved in rugby. The final concept features an optimised sole design for a studded rugby boot which, whilst providing relief, also enhances the efficiency of the foot’s windlass mechanism.

Jonathan Tait 4th Year MEng SE A Rugby Place Kick Training Aid The aim of the project was to design and develop a rugby kicking training aid specifically looking at the place kick. The main focus of the product was to give feedback on the flexion and extension of the striking legs knee. This will help the player improve their consistency which was found to be one of the main issues that a wide range of kickers had. The finalised product should be able to be used by all skill levels to help improve their kicking success.


THE BOOKLET TEAM The design team would like to thank the following for their help in bringing this booklet together; Frank Gaddis, Andrew Lynn, Hilary Grierson, Caroline McGuire, Ross Brisco and the staff of DMEM

Callum Kettles 4th year PDI

Mandy Cheung 5th year PDE

Yee May Chau 5th year PDE

Ewan McDermott 4th year PDI

Kate Oldfield 4th year PDI

Joey Ho 5th year PDE

DMEM University of Strathclyde James Weir Building 75 Montrose Street Glasgow G1 1XJ t: +44 141 548 2091 f: +44 141 552 7986 e: Facebook: Youtube: The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263

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