Best Ways to Identify and Manage Depression By J. Edwards Holt
WHILE MOST PEOPLE OCCASIONALLY FEEL SAD OR DEPRESSED, DEPRESSIVE DISORDER IS SOMETHING WAY BEYOND THAT. IT’S A COMPLEX DISORDER ANYONE CAN SUFFER FROM AND AFFECTS YOUR EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL, BEHAVIORAL, AND COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS. Depressive disorder can make it difficult to manage the symptoms and leave you wondering how to deal with it. It is not uncommon for individuals with diagnoses like autism, anxiety disorder, and even those with physical illnesses to experience some form of depression. It is also very common for a family member or someone in close contact with the individual to experience depression themselves. While there are some common depression symptoms, it affects everyone differently. This article will help in identifying symptoms and managing depression.
58 | Exceptional Needs Today | Issue 7
How to identify depression There currently isn’t a “depression test.” You can decide to see a mental health professional any time you think you’re experiencing depression. But if you aren’t sure, look through these symptoms and let your doctor know. • Feeling hopeless The most common symptom of depression is having a hopeless outlook on life. Depression skews how you view and feel about life, so you may feel like things will never get better. De-