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E X H I B I T I O N S a r t



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Nieuwe titels - NouveautĂŠs - New titles



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Art, p. 4 Ancient Art, p. 4 Art History, p.8 Modern Art, p.9 Contemporary Art, p. 20 Popular Culture & Street Art, p. 28 Archaeology & Reference, p. 30 Antiques & Collectables, p. 32 Belgium, p. 34 Photography, p. 36 Travel, p. 47 Fashion, p. 48 Food, p. 52 Gardens, p. 55 Architecture & Interior Design, p. 58 Design, p. 67 Creative thinking , p. 68 Graphic Art & Design, p. 69 Life Style & Sports, p. 70 DIY, p. 74 Cinema & Music, p. 75 Literature, p. 78 Comics, p. 81 Gifts, p. 82 Kids, p. 88 Games, Craft, p. 89 Calendars, p. 92-93 Last minute, p. 94


Expo: 13/2/2016 ‐ 8/5/2016, Noordbrabants Museum, ’s‐Hertogenbosch Matthijs.Ilsink.&.Jos.Koldeweij Paperback | NL ed. 270 x 225 mm 192 p | 140 col.ill. € 24,95 | Jan. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301160 (NL)


Kenmerkend voor Bosch zijn de beroemde monsters, duivelse figuren, engelen en heiligen die zijn tekeningen en panelen bevolken. Zijn karakteristieke werk, vol illusies en hallucinaties, wonderlijke gedrochten en nachtmerries, verbeeldt onnavolgbaar de grote thema's van zijn tijd: verleiding, zonde en rekenschap. Werkend rond 1500, de overgang tussen middeleeuwen en renaissance, weerspiegelen zijn schilderijen en ekeningen op raadselachtige wijze de relatie tussen de mens, zijn omgeving en zijn schepper.

ISBN 9789462301177 (F) ISBN 9789462301184 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Jheronimus Bosch Visioenen van een genie Bosch.Research.and.Conservation. Project:.Matthijs.Ilsink,.Jos.Koldeweij,. Ron.Spronk,.Luuk.Hoogstede,.Robert. G..Erdmann,.Rik.Klein.Gotink,. Hanneke.Nap,.a.o. Hb with slip case | NL ed. 325 x 240 mm 592 p | 450 col.ill. € 125,00 | April 2016 ‐R/P [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301115 (NL)

Vijfhonderd jaar na de dood van de kunstenaar verschijnt de nieuwe en definitieve catalogus van al zijn bewaard gebleven schilderijen en tekeningen. De ongelooflijke creativiteit van deze laatmiddeleeuwse kunstenaar die in ontelbare details tot uiting komt, wordt hier voor het eerst uitvoerig toegelicht. Er wordt speciale aandacht besteed aan Bosch als inventor, als geraffineerd tekenaar en als vrijmoedig schilder.


ISBN 9789462301122 (F) ISBN 9789462301139 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Jheronimus Bosch Schilder en tekenaar - Catalogue raisonné Bosch Research and Cons. Project: Luuk Hoogstede, Ron Spronk, Robert G. Erdmann, Rik Klein Gotink, Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Hanneke Nap, Daan Veldhuizen Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 240 mm 500 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 120,00 | March 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301153 (E)

In het verleden hebben de kunsthistorici zich vooral toegespitst op de onderwerpen en betekenissen van Bosch' werken, terwijl aan aspecten als schildertechniek, de medewerking van een atelier en de bewaringstoestand van de nog bestaande schilderijen aanzienlijk minder aandacht werd besteed. Sinds 2010 bestudeert het Bosch Research and Conservation Project de werken aan de hand van moderne onderzoeksmethoden. Hun bevindingen worden in dit buitengewone boek voor het eerst gepubliceerd.


Hieronymus Bosch Technical Studies. Painter and Draughtsman 4


Expo: 17/6/2016 - 16/12/2016, Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerpen. Incl. music CD - Graindelavoix

450 years ago, anecdotes that we would now relate via social media were shared in churches, then the most important places for meeting up with others. As well as being places of liturgy, churches were where people celebrated, grieved, paraded, begged, gossiped and even played. Everyday life played out . within. And this can be seen in paintings on the subject made in such great quantity in Antwerp in the 16th and 17th centuries. These church interiors are not only masterpieces of perspective, but also present fascinating scenes of existing or lost churches replete with splendid indoor vistas, every corner revealing to us daily life.


Claire Baisier, Thomas Fusenig, Ulrich Heinen a.o. Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 210 mm | 176 p | 200 col.ill. € 35,00 | June 2016 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867265 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Divine Interiors Experience the Age of Rubens

(incl CD)

At 152 paintings, the collection of 'Flemish Primitives' held by the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp is the largest in Flanders. This publication gives an overview from 'pre-Eyckian' painting to some of the highpoints of late medieval art from beyond the Low Countries. Works discussed include altarpieces, secular art, pieces by women religious, Flemish artists elsewhere in Europe, as well as sculpture.

The Century of the Flemish Primitives Late Medieval Art in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp

Paul.Vandenbroeck Hardback | Eng. ed. 220 x 230 mm 144 p € 24,50 | June 2016 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867272 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

De Eeuw Der Vlaamse Primitieven



Series: Cahiers of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 100 col.ill. € 20,00 | April 2016 [IT] Silvana

Among the three most renowned Flemish Baroque painters - Rubens, Van Dyck, Jordaens - Jacques Jordaens is undoubtedly the least studied, and therefore the least understood. He is often reduced to the role of talented genre painter, author of homely scenes like The King Drinks and As the Old Sing, So the Young Pipe. Yet the image of Jordaens as a poor man's Rubens - however beloved - obscures the better part of his extensive and varied oeuvre.

ISBN: 9788836627820 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Jacques Jordaens (1593 - 1678) E

Allegories of Fruitfulness and Abundance

Expo: 4/6/2016 ‐ 28/8/2016 and Oct. 2016‐Feb. 2017, Musée des Beaux‐Arts de Rennes et de Dole Guillaume.Kazerouni,.Yohan.Rimaud Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 220 mm 256 p € 29,00 | June 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers

Fermé pour rénovation, le musée de Besançon propose une exposition de soixante peintures et dessins de la révolution à la Seconde République. L'occasion de découvrir des oeuvres de David, Delacroix, Courbet, Goya, Géricault et Ingres..., les artistes les plus fameux d'Europe. Des oeuvres néoclassiques, romantiques, réalistes et paysagistes qui offrent dans toute la richesse de leur expression la vision de leur époque.


De David à Courbet Chefs d’oeuvre de la première moitié du XIXe siècle 5

ISBN: 9789461613004 (F)


Expo: 20/01/16 ‐ 15/05/2016, K.M.S.K, Brussel | 15/07/2016 - 30/10/2016 Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 235 mm 272 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Jan. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461612694 (NL)


Naast fraaie ontwerpschetsen voor prenten, schilderijen, glasramen en wandtapijten van vooraanstaande meesters zoals Frans Floris en Peter Paul Rubens, schitteren zelfstandige kunstwerken zoals de sublieme figuurstudies van Hendrick Goltzius en Cornelis De Vos of de puntgaaf verzorgde landschappen van Pieter Stevens en Adriaen Frans Boudewijns. Veel van de tekeningen zijn nooit eerder aan het publiek voorgesteld.

ISBN 9789461612700 (F) ISBN 9789461612717 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Van Floris tot Rubens Meestertekeningen uit een Belgische privéverzameling

Expo: 11/2/15 ‐ 23/5/16, Galerie des beaux‐arts, Bordeaux | 30/6/16 - 26/9/16 Palais Fesch, Ajaccio Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 280 x 220 mm 348 p | 290 col. & bw ill € 29,00 | March 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836632831 (E/ F)


Ce catalogue accompagnant l'exposition permet de mettre à l'honneur la figure fascinante et polymorphe de la bacchante et de s'interroger plus généralement sur la représentation de la femme dans les arts du XIXe siècle. De Pradier à Rodin, de Berlioz aux Ballets russes, les artistes les plus divers exploitent ce motif qui fait de l'ivresse la compagne d'Éros et de Thanatos. Abordant toutes les techniques et toutes les disciplines des arts visuels, mais aussi la danse, le théâtre, l'opéra, le cinéma..


Bacchanales Modernes! Le nu, l’ivresse et la danse dans l’art français du XIXème siècle

Expo: 12/3/2016 ‐ 26/6/2016, Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 260 mm 296 p | 150 col.ill. € 39,00 | March 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836633548 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART


This volume offers readers a vast, fascinating overview of the incredible artistic season that flourished in Parma in the first half of the 16th century, thus allowing the city - which had a fairly secondary role from a geographical and political aspect - to take on a prominent role in the development of the Italian Renaissance, alongside cultural centres such as Florence, Venice and Rome.

Correggio and Parmigianino Art in Parma during the sixteenth century


Museo Nacional del Prado Hardback | Eng. ed. 322 x 279 mm 494 p | 189 col. & bw ill € 110,00 | April 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500970744 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

The book is arranged chronologically by the date of the artworks featured, creating a rich dialogue between artists from different schools working in the same period. There are sections looking in depth at specific painters (Velazquez, Titian, Greco and Bosch), and at the themes of still life, portraits and religious paintings. The Prado Masterpieces can be read as a complete history of art, as illustrated by the careful selection of highlights from the Prado's Collection.

The Prado E


Expo : 12/03/2016 ‐ 05/06/2016, Royal Academy of Art, London Arturo Galansino, Simone Facchinetti Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 270 x 240 mm 176 p | 80 col.ill. € 43,95 | March 2016 [UK] Royal Academy ISBN: 9781910350263 (E)


Venice at the start of the 16th century was Europe's capital of culture: home to some of the finest artists of the Italian Renaissance, whose importance stretched far beyond the region. The first great painter to emerge was also the most mysterious: Giorgione (1478-1510). This sumptuous volume brings together many of the works attributed to Giorgione, along with other masterpieces of the Venetian School, demonstrating the extraordinary richness of colour and mood for which these artists were famed.


In the Age of Giorgione Expo: 18/3/2016 ‐ 27/6/2016, National Portrait Gallery, London

Russian portraiture enjoyed a golden age between the late 1860s and the First World War. While Tolstoy and Dostoevsky were publishing masterpieces such as Anna Karenina and The Brothers Karamazov and Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov were taking Russian music to new heights, Russian art was developing a new self-confidence. The penetrating Realism of the 1870s and 1880s was later complemented by the brighter hues of Russian Impressionism and the bold, faceted forms of Symbolist painting.

Rosalind P. Blakesley Paperback | Eng. ed. 290 x 230 mm 176 p | 70 col. & bw ill € 36,95 | March 2016 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855145375 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

Russia and the Arts

The Age of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky

E Expo : 3/3/2016 ‐3/7/2016, V&A, London

Published to accompany the V&A's major spring exhibition, Botticelli Reimagined, 5 March to 3 July 2016. The Florentine painter Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) is one of the greatest artists of all time. Renowned for the iconic Birth of Venus and Primavera, his work has become part of our collective visual memory, influencing product development, fashion design and artists as diverse as Andy Warhol, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Rene Magritte and Jeff Koons

Botticelli Reimagined



Mark.Evans,.Stefan.Weppelmann Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 247 mm 360 p | 280 col.ill. € 52,50 | Feb. 2016 [UK] V & A Museum ISBN: 9781851778706 (E)


Mark Getlein, Annabel Howard Paperback | Eng. ed. 292 x 203 mm 312 p, Illustrated in colour throughout € 36,95 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780675770 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

This compelling book chronicles 75 of the most influential artists from the dawn of the 20th century to the present, and from around the world. Each entry provides a fascinating insight into the artist and his or her vision of what they were trying to do, while also acknowledging the lasting effect or impression of their work. Arranged in a broadly chronological order, the book gives a sense of the impact each artist has had on the development of art practice over the last 100 years.


Art Visionaries Glenn Adamson & Julia Bryan‐Wilson Hardback | Eng. ed. 231 x 172 mm 256 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 36,95 | May 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500239339 (E)

Today's artists have an unprecedented level of choice with regard to materials and methods available to them, yet the processes involved in making artworks are rarely addressed in books or exhibitions on art. The book's introduction sets out a history of trends in artistic production and the possible catalysts for the proliferation of production strategies since the mid-twentieth century, followed by nine chapters that explore different methods and media.


Art in the Making E

Artists and their Materials from the Studio to Crowdsourcing Lorenzo Servi/SerraGlia Paperback | Eng. ed. 220 x 145 mm 112 p € 12,90 | Jan. 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694180 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

Have you ever wondered why our senses become more alert and sensitive and we see things that continually surprise and inspire us when we visit a city for the first time as a tourist? On the other hand, why does it often seem that nothing extraordinary or exceptional ever happens during our everyday routines? Art is Everywhere combines science, hands-on practices used in art workshops, and clear and simple language to answer these questions (and raise some others).


Art Is Everywhere How to Really Look at Things

Spanning seven centuries, this selection of 50 iconic paintings offers readers a crash course in art history while presenting gorgeous color reproductions that are a pleasure to contemplate. Starting with Giotto's Arena Chapel frescoes and continuing through Botticelli's The Birth of Venus, da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring as well as works by Monet, van Gogh, Cassatt, Cézanne, Dalí, Kahlo, Hopper, Pollock, Rothko, and O'Keeffe, nearly every important painter is represented.

50 Paintings You Should Know


Kristina.Lowis.and.Tamsin.Pickeral Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 193 mm 160 p | 30 bw ill. € 19,95 | March 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791381701 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

Sinds de dood van Vincent van Gogh, nu 125 jaar geleden, waren het incident waarbij hij zijn oor afsneed en zijn zelfmoord met een revolver een permanente bron voor discussie en ze speelden een grote rol in het creëren van de mythe rond de kunstenaar. Wat was precies de ziekte waaraan Van Gogh leed, en hoe heeft deze zijn werk beïnvloed? Deze fascinerende publicatie onderzoekt hoe Van Goghs ziekte zich al in zijn jeugd manifesteerde en hoe hij er tot aan zijn dood mee worstelde, hoe mensen rondom hem erop reageerden en hoe deze mentale toestand een weerslag had op zijn werk.

Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Prof. dr Louis van Tilborgh, Nienke Bakker, Teio Meedendorp, Laura Prins Hardback | NL, Fr and Eng. eds. 245 x 188 mm | 160 p | 90 col.ill. € 29,95 | July 2016 Expo: 15/7/2016 ‐ 25/9/2016, Van [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301405 (NL)

ISBN 9789462301412 (F) ISBN 9789462301429 (E)

De quoi Van Gogh souffrait-il exactement et comment sa maladie a-t-elle influencé son oeuvre? Dans l'exposition et l'ouvrage qui l'accompagne, le Musée Van Gogh étudie les manifestations de la maladie de Van Gogh de sa jeunesse à sa mort, la manière dont il l'a gérée, les réactions de son entourage et les répercussions de sa condition mentale dans ses tableaux et ses dessins.

De waanzin nabij Van Gogh en zijn ziekte

Aux confins de la folie Van Gogh et sa maladie

On the Verge of Insanity Van Gogh and His Illness

De eerste publicatie die de complexe aspecten van Van Goghs ziekte en hoe deze zijn werk heeft beïnvloedt, grondig onderzoekt.




Theo van Doesburg als rondtrekkende propagandist, rusteloos op zoek naar een wereldhervormende esthetiek. Centraal staan de interdisciplinariteit en de interactiviteit die leidden tot een nieuwe stijl die in overeenstemming was met een nieuwe leefwijze en waarin kunst, architectuur, film, poëzie, literatuur, design, typografie enzovoort hand in hand gingen. Centraal staat met andere woorden de creatieve dynamiek van de avant-garde die de grondslagen legde van een universele hedendaagse kunst.

Hardback | NL, Fr and Eng. eds. 310 x 240 mm | 272 p | 150 col.ill. € 44,95 | Feb. 2016

Cet ouvrage kaléidoscopique présente Théo van Doesburg tel un propagandiste nomade, en permanente recherche d'une esthétique nouvelle qui, en interaction avec la science et la technologie contemporaines, se propose de réformer le monde. Le livre se composera de plus de cent tableaux, dessins, photographies, revues, publications, meubles, maquettes et reproductions de plans d'architecture. La plupart de ces oeuvres proviennent de musées hollandais.

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301245 (NL)

Theo van Doesburg

Expo: 26/2/2016 ‐ 29/5/2016, Bozar, Brussel

ISBN 9789462301269 (E) ISBN 9789462301252 (F)

Een nieuwe kijk op leven, kunst en technologie Une nouvelle expression de la vie, de l'art et de la technologie A new Expression of life, art and technology




Expo: 18/3/2016 ‐ 25/7/2016, Musée Jacquemart‐André, Paris Eds:.Claire.Durand.Ruel.et. Jacques.Sylvain.Klein Hardback | French ed. 280 x 240 mm 192 p | 100 col.ill. € 44,95 | March 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301276 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Le XIXe siècle voit l'émergence d'un genre pictural nouveau : le paysage en plein air. Grâce à cette révolution picturale, la Normandie va devenir, pendant un siècle, la destination favorite de tous les peintres d'avant-garde, au premier rang desquels les Impressionnistes. Pour attirer les artistes, la Normandie dispose de sérieux atouts : la beauté et la diversité de ses paysages, la richesse de son patrimoine architectural, la mode des bains de mer et la facilité d'accès depuis Londres et Paris.

L'atelier en plein air Les impressionnistes en Normandie

Expo: 18/2/2016 ‐ 15/5/2016, Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki Gabriel.P..Weisberg.&.Anna.Maria. von.Bonsdorff Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 238 mm 256 p | 170 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. € 44,95 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301214 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Toen Japan in 1854 zijn grenzen moest openstellen voor de handel met het Westen, maakte Europa kennis met de Japanse kunst en cultuur. De interesse groeide al snel uit tot een echte rage. Het japonisme verspreidde zich in de 2 helft van de 19e eeuw in Frankrijk, Engeland en elders in Europa, maar nergens lijkt de invloed van de Japanse kunst zo diepgaand te zijn geweest als in Scandinavie. Die invloed wordt hier voor het eerst bestudeerd, a.d.h.v tal van werken van beroemde Japanse en Europese kunstenaars.

Japanomania in the Nordic Countries 1875-1918 Expo: 18/02/2016 ‐ 29/05/2016, Munch Museum, Oslo Directed by Jon Ove Steihaug & Richard Meyer Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 240 mm 256 p | 200 col.ill. € 44,95 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301313 (E)



This revelatory catalogue delves into the many affinities shared between two widely renowned and discussed artists, Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) and Munch (1863-1944), whose intensely studied work has, until now, never been considered in relation to one another. It brings to light how these two monumental figures curiously relate on an existential level, in how they deal with questions concerning sexuality, and in their way of utilizing self-portraiture as a means to explore issues of personal identity.

Mapplethorpe + Munch


Expo: 3/6/2016 ‐ 25/9/2016, Kunsthaus Zürich | Nov. 2016‐ March 2017, MoMA, New York Hardback | French ed. 305 x 240 mm 368 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 54,95 | June 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301399 (F)

ISBN 9781633450035 (E)


Cet ouvrage présente plus de 100 tableaux, complétés par des oeuvres sur papier, des écrits et des films. A travers quelque 500 illustrations et 14 essais, il analyse toute la gamme de l'oeuvre de Picabia. Les auteurs, parmi lesquels des professeurs distingués comme George Baker, Briony Fer et David Joselit et des spécialistes incontestés de Picabia comme Carole Boulbès et Arnauld Pierre, abordent des sujets variés, dont la corporalité des abstractions de Picabia, son passage inattendu à la peinture...


Francis Picabia Notre tête est ronde pour permettre à la pensée de changer de direction Expo: 04/09/2011 ‐ 31/12/2017, FeliXartmuseum, Drogenbos New in English Hardback | NL and Eng. eds. 220 x 230 mm 144 p | 75 col.ill. € 24,50 | March 2016 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867135 (E)


This publication exhibits the guiding principle so characteristic of Belgium's rich artistic tradition: breaking with convention owing to a Belgian receptiveness to all manner of influences. This 'unorthodox' story, in which oftentimes roguish - recycling and parody led repeatedly to new syntheses, is an integral part of Belgium's art history that deserves to be remembered. Artists: Prosper De Troyer, Marthe Donas, Jozef Peeters, Oscar et Floris Jespers, Jan Kiemeney, Jules Schmalzigaug, Ossip Zadkine ao

ISBN 9789085867128 (NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Modern Art from the Interbellum Collection of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp

Moderne kunst uit het interbellum Collectie van het K.M.S.K.A

Expo: 2/3/2016 ‐ 12/6/2016, Bibliothèque Wittockiana, Bruxelles ‐ 22/2/2017 ‐ 21/5/2017, Centre Wallonie‐Bruxelles, Paris Jacques Carion & Jean‐Luc Outers Hardback | French ed. 220 x 160 mm 160 p | 100 col.ill. € 22,00 | March 2016 [BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie) ISBN: 9782873174491 (F)


Cet ouvrage qui prolonge l'exposition « Henri Michaux : face à face », présentée à la Bibliothèque Wittockiana à Bruxelles puis au centre Wallonie-Bruxelles de Paris, fait apparaître ce que disent les textes d'henri Michaux sur la peinture, la sienne et celle des autres (de Klee à Zao Wou-Ki, de Matta à Magritte), et ce qu'ils disent face à la peinture (dans des livres illustrés qui sont de vrais livres de dialogues).

Henri Michaux Face à face


I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ Belgum

Expo: 6/2/2016 ‐ 29/5/2016, Palais Lumière, Evian William Sciama, Blandine Chavannes, Anne-Cécile Nentwig Paperback with flaps | French ed. 300 x 245 mm 164 p | 84 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461612861 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Le musée des beaux-arts de Nantes est riche d'une très importante collection de portraits féminins, tout particulièrement pour la période 1860 1930. Une soixantaine d'œuvres seront exposées, souvent inédites et restaurées. Elles permettront d'illustrer un sujet rarement mis à l'honneur, hors des monographies. Peintures, sculptures et dessins enrichiront le parcours chronologique et thématique

Belles de jour Figures féminines dans les collections du musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes. 1860-1930 Expo: May 2016, Musée d’art moderne de Troyes Eric Blanchegorge, Daphné Castano Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 240 mm 176 p | 190 col.ill. € 29,00 | May 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461612977 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Cette manifestation est le fruit d'une collaboration entre le musée d'Art moderne de Troyes et la fondation Singer à Laren. Les Lévy se sont plus particulièrement attachés à la scène française du début du XXe siècle tout comme les Singer ont tissé des liens étroits avec les plus importantes écoles artistiques hollandaises de leur temps, notamment l'École de Laren, dont le nom renvoie à cette petite ville qui a accueilli plusieurs générations d'artistes.

Une modernité hollandaise La Collection Singer de Laren

Expo: 16/4/2016 ‐ 26/9/2016, Musée des Beaux‐Arts, Caen, dans le cadre des manifestations « Normandie Impressionniste » Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 220 mm 208 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | April 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461612847 (F)


Portrait inédit du peintre Frits Thaulow (1847-1906), chef de file des artistes norvégiens en France. Intitulée « Frits Thaulow, paysagiste par nature ». Domicilié plus de 10 ans en France, Thaulow a pourtant mené une carrière internationale exceptionnelle entre 1870 et 1906, tant en Europe qu'aux Etats-Unis. À chacune des Expositions Universelles (Philadelphie, Paris, Anvers), des Biennales de Venise, à chacun des Salons des XX ou de La Libre Esthétique à Bruxelles, ou encore à la Sécession de Munich.

Frits Thaulow Paysagiste par nature



Marijo Volker Hardback | French ed. 240 x 170 mm 448 p | 150 col.ill. € 34,50 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Editions Marot ISBN: 9782930117515 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Le tableau 'Les demoiselles D'Avignon', qui a été exposé la première fois en 1917, a fait l'objet au cours des années de recherches approfondies et de nombreuses spéculations. Plusieurs pistes de recherche ont permis d'établir qu'à l'époque de la création de cette oeuvre énigmatique Picasso était attiré par l'ésotérisme qui depuis la Fin de Siècle était devenu une source d'inspiration importante pour les écrivains et les artistes. C'est la piste que l'auteur de cet ouvrage a voulu privilégier et approfondir.

Picasso et l'Occultisme à Paris Aux Origines des Demoiselles D'Avignon

Expo: 16/2/2016 ‐ 19/6/2016, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Previously in Musée Orsay, Paris Hardback | NL ed. 230 x 180 mm 192 p | throughout col.ill. € 19,95 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée ISBN: 9789079310593 (NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Dit voorjaar is in het Van Gogh Museum Lichte zeden te zien: een spraakmakende tentoonstelling in samenwerking met Musée d’Orsay over de verbeelding van prostitutie in de Franse kunst uit de jaren 1850-1910. Een onderwerp dat nooit eerder in een tentoonstelling op grote schaal is gepresenteerd.

Lichte zeden Prostitutie in de Franse kunst 1850-1910

Expo: 4/12/2015 ‐ 12/6/2016, Fondation Gianadda, Martigny Daniel Marchesseau, Yann Hendgen, François Cheng, Gao Xingjian, Dominique de Villepin, Pierre Schneider, Sam Szafran Paperback | French ed. 240 x 220 mm 214 p, throughout col. & bw ill. € 42,50 | Feb. 2016 [CH] Fondation Gianadda ISBN: 9782884431583 (F)


Zao Wou-Ki est reconnu dans le monde entier comme l'un des plus grands peintres contemporains. Né à Pékin en 1920 et naturalisé français en 1964, il s'est éteint à Nyon dans le canton de Vaud en 2013, à l'âge de 93 ans. L'exposition met en situation les différentes étapes de la pratique chromatique et lumineuse du peintre pendant une soixantaine d'années suivant un parcours personnel aussi riche qu'inspiré.

Zao Wou-Ki



Expo: 17/10/2015 ‐ 6/3/2016, Musée départemental Matisse, Le Cateau‐Cambrésis Paperback with flaps | Eng./Fr. ed. 280 x 240 mm 280 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Oct; 2015 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836632350 (F)

ISBN 9788836632459 (E)


Ce catalogue explore toutes les techniques de gravure pratiquées par l'artiste et ce de 1900 jusqu'à la toute fin de sa vie. Tirées à très peu d'exemplaires, les oeuvres sont rares, Matisse les considère comme des dessins et ne retouche pas les plaques : il recommence ! Pour lui, gravure, dessin, peinture, sculpture ont la même importance et sont représentées dans cet ouvrage toutes les grandes thématiques qui construisent sa constante recherche sur la figure humaine.


Matisse et la gravure | and Engraving l'autre instrument | The Other Instrument

Expo: 10/2/2016 ‐ 16/5/2016, Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 432 p | 770 col.ill. € 75,00 | Feb. 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836630882 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


The Kirk Edward Long Collection, one of the most comprehensive repositories of sixteenth-century prints in private hands, includes more than seven hundred engravings, etchings, woodcuts, and chiaroscuro woodcuts. Essays by ten renowned scholars describe various aspects of sixteenthcentury print culture. In addition, the catalogue features 151 detailed entries on individual prints and suites by eighteen scholars, an illustrated checklist of the entire collection, and an extensive bibliography.

Myth Allegory Faith The Kirk Edward Long Collection of Mannerist Prints

New in paperback. Clare A. P. Willsdon Paperback | Eng. ed. 310 x 240 mm 288 p | 261 col. & bw ill € 29,50 | Jan. 2016, Reprint July 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292228 (E)

For the first time, this book explores to the full, with dazzling visual accompaniment, the fascinating story of the Impressionist love affair with the new thinking about gardens, their flowers and design, in 19th-century France. While the approach is to concentrate on analyses of specific works, the historical context is presented in a clear, informative and engaging manner. There is also some lively discussion of the private lives of these artists.


In The Gardens Of Impressionism Painting the Modern Garden Monet to Matisse

Expo: 30/1/2016 - 17/4/2016, Royal Academy, London Hardback, 300 x 280 mm, 304p, ISBN 9781910350027, € 69,95



Expo: 26/3/2016 ‐ 24/7/2016, MoMA, N.Y. Jodi Hauptman Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 203 mm 224 p | 230 col. & bw ill € 46,95 | March 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9781633450059 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


A towering figure in 19th-century art, Degas is best known as a painter and chronicler of the ballet. Published to accompany an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, this richly illustrated catalogue presents approximately 180 monotypes along with some 50 related works, including paintings, drawings, pastels, sketchbooks and prints. Essays and case studies by curators, scholars and conservators explore the creative potency of Degas's rarely seen monotypes, and highlight their impact on his wider practice.

Degas A Strange New Beauty Expo: 16/2/2016 - 19/6/2016, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Previously in Musée Orsay, Paris Guy Cogeval, Nienke Bakker, Marie Robert Hardback | Eng. ed. 297 x 245 mm 308 p | 328 col. & bw ill € 45,50 | Feb. 2016 [F] Flammarion (Eng) ISBN: 9782081372740 (E)


This comprehensive tome traces the artists, sculptors, and photographers who - at times fascinated or repelled by prostitution in all its forms- captures the realities and fantasies of this ambiguous world. From the scandalous Olympia by Manet to Degas's Absinthe Drinker, from Toulouse-Lautrec and Munch's forays into brothels to the caricature portraits of Georges Rouault, Kees Van Dongen and Pablo Picasso, this book foregrounds how prostitution played a central role in the development of modern painting.


Splendours and Miseries Images of Prostitution in France, 1850-1910

Expo: 7/10/2015 ‐ 29/2/2016, Grand Palais, Paris Ed.: Didier Ottinger, Diana Widmaier-Picasso, Emilie Bouvard Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 244 mm 340 p | 394 col.ill. € 53,50 | Dec. 2015 [G] Hirmer ISBN: 9783777425207 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


The publication will showcase the rich confrontation with Picasso's work undertaken by contemporary artists since the 1960s. With works by Francis Bacon, Georg Baselitz, Jean-Michel Basquiat, David Douglas Duncan, Rineke Dijkstra, David Hockney, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Martin Kippenberger, Jeff Koons, Paul McCarthy, Richard Prince, Sigmar Polke, Julian Schnabel, Andy Warhol.

Picasso Mania Picasso and the contemporary masters


Expo: 26/2/16 ‐ 26/6/16, Albertina, Vienna Klaus Albrecht Schröder Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 245 mm 320 p | 150 col.ill. € 51,95 | June 2016 [G] Hirmer ISBN: 9783777425771 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


The Russian Avant-Garde, which brought about an artistic revolution between 1905 and 1934, represents one of the most fascinating chapters in the history of 20th-century art. Artists like Malevich, Kandinsky and Chagall are highly esteemed the world over. But this movement was much more diverse than is generally realised. For the first time this artistic wealth is being presented in a major sequence of pictures.

Chagall to Malevich The Russian Avant-Gardes Compact edition Norbert Wolf Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 222 mm 288 p | 220 col.ill. € 39,95 | April 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382418 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

This book draws our attention back to the birth of Art Deco -a period between two devastating world wars when industrialization was flourishing, interest in archaeology was peaking, and movements such as Cubism, Constructivism, Futurism, and Modernism were turning the art world on its head. Brilliantly designed to reflect the style it celebrates, Art Deco is filled with hundreds of examples of painting, architecture, interiors, jewelry, crafts, furniture, and fashion.


Art Deco

Expo: 10/9/15 ‐ 6/1/16, Fundación Mapfre, Madrid | 6/2/2016 ‐ 15/5/2016 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor Guy Cogeval & Isabelle Cahn Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 250 mm 336 p | 267 col.ill. € 65,95 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791355245 (E)


Pierre Bonnard is often considered a painter of idyllic scenes, replete with color and serenity, however, this view overlooks many of the most striking aspects of Bonnard's oeuvre. Over the course of his career, Bonnard worked within-often expanding and challenging-many genres and techniques. Alternating between the traditions of Impressionism and the abstract visual modes of modernism, Bonnard addressed elements present within many movements in order to synthesize a world worthy of his utopian vision.

Pierre Bonnard Painting Arcadia



One of the most recognizable artists of his era, Amedeo Modigliani is also perhaps one of the least understood. In this thorough yet refreshingly concise volume, Werner Schmalenbach examines Modigliani's oeuvre, offering a chronological tour of every aspect of Modigliani's career. The informative commentary is complemented by numerous splendid reproductions, many of them full-page color illustrations. The result is an intimate portrait of a life devoted to art and an essential reference for any art lover.

Werner Schmalenbach Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 195 mm | 226 p | 113 bw ill. € 20,95 | March 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382067 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Modigliani Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings

E Expo: 14/07/2016 ‐ 06/11/2016, Musée des Impressionnismes, Giverny. Spring 2016: Munchen, Spring 2017: Madrid Blanca Pons-Sorolla, Véronique Gerard-Powell, Dominique Lobstein and Maria Lopez Fernandez Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 241 mm 224 p | 130 col.ill. € 54,00 | April 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847848355 (E)


Published on the occasion of a major retrospective, this gorgeous new survey focuses on the paintings related to the years Joaquín Sorolla spent in Paris. Richly illustrated. Included are more than one hundred paintings reflecting the artist's career, from his early work in Paris in which the influence of the French Impressionists is clearly evident, to the distinctive pictures that reflect his mature and celebrated style.


Sorolla and the Paris Years

With his pioneering visual language, not least inspired by children and the mentally ill, Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985) succeeded in disengaging himself from traditions and reinventing art, so to speak. Dubuffet's influence can also still be felt in contemporary art and Street Art, for example in work by David Hockney, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Keith Haring.

Expo: 31/01/2016 ‐ 08/05/2016, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel Raphaël Bouvier Paperback | Eng. ed. 310 x 274 mm | 232 p | 160 col.ill. € 58,00 | Feb. 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740999 (E)

Jean Dubuffet


Metamorphoses of Landscape


From 1945 to 1985, Joseph Beuys produced a body of work which was the subject of much critical discussion during his own lifetime. Arranged chronologically, this overview draws on selected works produced during this 40-year period and includes drawings and watercolours, sculptures and objects, environments and performances. Alain Borer takes in nature and people, material and form, chaos and reason and addresses the transformation of his work from early imaginary worlds into unlimited artistic forms.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 312 x 246 mm | 240 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 58,50 | Jan. 2016 ‐R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500092675 (E) Reprint I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

The Essential Joseph Beuys

E 17

Expo: 14/02/2016 ‐ 15/05/2016, MOMA, N.Y. | 10/2016: MNCARS, Madrid | 03/2017: KNW, Düsseldorf Christophe Cherix & Manuel J. Borja‐Villel Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 241 mm 352 p | 450 col. & bw ill € 69,95 | Feb. 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed

Marcel Broodthaers's (Belgian, 1924-1976) extraordinary output across mediums placed him at the center of international activity during the transformative decades of the 1960s and 1970s. Published to accompany the artist's first museum retrospective in New York, Marcel Broodthaers examines the artist's work across all mediums. Essays by the exhibition organizers Christophe Cherix and Manuel Borja-Villel provide historical and theoretical context for the artist's work.


ISBN: 9780870709623 (E) I04b ‐ 20TH CENTURY ART

Marcel Broodthaers A Retrospective (Veritablement)

In 2011 a sensational find came to light in Andy Warhol’s estate: an extensive collection of drawings that provides impressive evidence of Warhol’s artistic talents. He used iconic photographs and magazine illustrations, many of which were taken from LIFE magazine, as inspiration. This publication explores these sources and presents them in juxtaposition.

Expo: 4/11/2015 – 17/1/2016, ETH, Zürich Paul Tanner Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 320 x 255 mm | 136 p | 130 col.ill. € 32,50 | Dec. 2015 [G] Hirmer ISBN: 9783777424385 (E/ G)

Andy Warhol

I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

The LIFE Years 1949 - 1959

E New and Expanded Edition

Gerhard Richter: Panorama is the first and most complete overview of Richter's whole career. Where previous monographs have focused on a single aspect of his work, this broad-ranging survey encompasses his entire life's work and provides the definitive account of Richter's colossal artistic achievements. This new and expanded edition of Panorama includes over forty paintings made between 2000 and 2015, studio photographs and archival images, alongside texts by international critics & curators

Edited by Nicholas Serota, Mark Godfrey with Dorothée Brill and Camille Morineau Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 290 x 245 mm | 312 p | 315 col.ill. € 41,95 | March 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764117 (E)

Gerhard Richter

New and Expanded Edition


I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E Expo: 06/07/16 ‐ 30/10/16, Tate Modern, London | 30/11/16 ‐ 12/03/17, Kunstforum, Vienna Edited by Tanya Barson Paperback | Eng. ed. 285 x 233 mm 272 p | 300 col.ill. € 41,95 | July 2016 [UK] Tate

Once-in-a-generation publication on one of the most significant and popular artists of the twentieth century Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) was one of the foundational figures of American modernism. Lavishly illustrated, and including rarely reproduced works and a full illustrated chronology, this is the definitive book on one of the most significant and popular artists of modern times.


Georgia O'Keeffe 18

ISBN: 9781849764032 (E) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Expo : 02/07‐02/10/2016, Royal Academy of Art, London Tim Barringer, Edith Devaney Hardbackwith dust jacket | Eng. ed. 280 x 200240 mm 176 p | 150 col.ill. € 45,95 | June 2016

This publication will look exclusively at the portraits he has been painting in the last few years - the subjects of which are friends, family and art-world luminaries. Vibrant, observant and full of life, these portraits mark a return to vivid, Technicolor form. The book will show the stages of each painting, from first to last mark, to give the reader a unique insight into Hockney's working method.

[UK] Royal Academy ISBN: 9781910350287 (E) I04B ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

David Hockney 79 Portraits and Two Still-LIfes

E Richard Benefield, Sarah Howgate, Lawrence Weschler Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 255 mm 228 p | 404 col.ill. € 40,00 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Prestel + ISBN: 9783791354231 (E)

This lush and impeccably produced catalogue features more than 200 full-color works of art from museum collections and David Hockney's private studio, including such major new works as "The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate Wood and Bigger Yosemite". It also includes multiple-image galleries (spread over gatefolds) of some of his iPad drawings and self-portraits, plus film stills from the artist's "Cubist" movies.

I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART

David Hockney E

A Bigger Exhibition

From the 1950s on, Hockney's most persistent subject matter, in paintings, drawings, collages and photoworks, has been of people usually very close to him, as well as of himself. These works are narratives of autobiographical relationships: they reflect the intimate and often intense stories of this artist's life.

New in paperback. Expo: 2/7/2016 ‐ 2/10/2016, Royal Academy, London Marco Livingstone & Kay Heymer Paperback | Eng. ed. 261 x 206 mm | 240 p | 246 col. & bw ill € 30,50 | April 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292341 (E)

Hockney’s Portraits and People I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E 19

Expo: June 2016 ‐ Oct. 2016, Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki | Nov. 2016 ‐ Feb. 2017, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag | ...

Onder redactie van Jeremy Lewison & Susanna Pettersson Hardback | NL ed. 290 x 250 mm | 240 p | 130 col. & bw ill € 44,95 | June 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301368 (NL)

ISBN 9789462301382 (E) ISBN 9789462301375 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Dit prachtige boek begeleidt een grote retrospectieve tentoonstelling van het werk van Alice Neel (1900-1984). Aan de hand van een zeventigtal schilderijen uit heel haar lange carrière worden alle aspecten van haar oeuvre belicht. Alhoewel ze ook stillevens en stadsgezichten schilderde, is ze toch vooral bekend om haar intieme en expressieve portretten van vrienden, familieleden en bekende figuren uit de culturele wereld. Al deze werken blijk van een scherp psychologisch inzicht en opmerkingsvermogen. Ce catalogue détaillé réévalue l'oeuvre d'Alice Neel, une des artistes figuratives américaines les plus renommées du 20e siècle. Présentant quelque soixante-dix tableaux répartis sur l'ensemble de la carrière de l'artiste, ce beau livre va de pair une rétrospective majeure de son oeuvre. Il révèle aussi son intérêt pour l'histoire de la photographie, la peinture allemande des années 1920, et des artistes comme Van Gogh et Cézanne, ce qui contribue à expliquer la véracité et l'intensité émotionnelle brute.

Alice Neel

Portret van het moderne leven Painter of Modern Life Peintre de la vie moderne


Het werk van schilder Luc Tuymans (1958) is een permanent onderzoek naar beelden en de beeldenstorm die dagelijks over ons waait. Naar hoe de mensen en dingen zich aan ons voordoen. Naar de kloof tussen representatie en realiteit. Omdat een bril de aanblik van iemand mee vormgeeft, is zo'n ogenschijnlijk vanzelfsprekend instrument voor een kunstenaar-onderzoeker van beelden belangrijk. Een bril bepaalt mee hoe we iemands identiteit 'lezen', hoe bijkomstig hij ook lijkt.

Expo: 13/5/2016 ‐ 18/9/2016, MAS, Antwerpen

[BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867241 (NL)

The work of the painter Luc Tuymans (1958) is an ongoing investigation of images and the flood of images in which we are immersed on a daily basis; of how people and things appear to us; and of the gap between representation and reality. Because glasses help shape the way someone looks, such an apparently obvious instrument is important to an artist and image researcher. However incidental they may seem to be, glasses help determine how we 'read' a person's identity.

ISBN 9789085867258 (E)

Luc Tuymans

Ken Pratt, Pavel Buchler en Eric Rinckhout Hardback | NL ed. 294 x 193 mm | 96 p | 35 col.ill. € 29,50 | May 2016





Onder redactie ǀĂŶ Sigrid Bousset Ğn Katrien Bruyneel. Met bijdragen van Frank Peeters, Koen Van Synghel, Nadia Sels, Luc Van den Dries Hardback | NL ed. 250 x 190 mm 224 p | 130 col.ill. € 44,95 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301320 (NL)

ISBN 9789462301337 (E)


Het werk van de veelzijdige kunstenaar Jan Fabre spreekt al meer dan dertig jaar tot de verbeelding. Dit boek zoomt in op de centrale plek waar al deze verbeelding en creativiteit borrelt en ontstaat: het Troubleyn/Laboratium, de werkplaats van Jan Fabre aan de rand van de Seefhoek, de Antwerpse volkswijk waar de kunstenaar is opgegroeid. Hier werkt Jan Fabre met zijn theatergezelschap Troubleyn aan nieuwe creaties.


Jan Fabre Troubleyn / Laboratorium

Verschenen tgv 20 jaar Kunstenfestivaldesarts,

Onder leiding van Daniel Blanga‐Gubbay & Lars Kwakkenbos Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 400 p | 200 col.ill. € 28,50 | May 2015 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462300699 (NL)


Met de twintigste editie van het Kunstenfestivaldesarts als startpunt benadert dit boek enkele invalshoeken die van cruciaal belang zullen zijn voor het geheugen van de podiumkunsten. The Time We Share wordt samengesteld uit belangrijke vragen die gedurende twee decennia werden opgeworpen op het Kunstenfestivaldesarts en vele andere scènes en die tot vandaag relevant zijn. Elk hoofdstuk brengt artistieke projecten van verschillende festivaledities bijeen.

The Time We Share

ISBN 9789462300712 (E) ISBN 9789462300705 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


Reflecties op de podiumkunsten 1 inleiding, 3 bedrijven en 2 intermezzo's

Le temps que nous partageons

At first glance, the detailed works by Rinus van de Velde (*1983 in Leuven) seem to be autobiographical. His large-format coal drawings are based on photographs he has taken himself, in most cases feature the artist, and they appear to document occurrences in his own life that are in part mundane, in part absurd. At the same time, the striking works are always imbued with a certain melancholy.

Rinus van de Velde Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 290 x 245 mm | 144 p | 70 col.ill. € 39,80 | Jan. 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775739771 (E/ G) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Rinus van de Velde Selected Works



Expo: 29/1/2016 ‐ 8/5/2016, The New Art Gallery Walsall Texts by Andrew Graham Dixon, Martin Herbert & Charlotte Mullins Hardback | Eng. ed. 295 x 240 mm 168 p | 72 col.ill. € 38,00 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Roberto Polo Gallery ISBN: 9781907363108 (E)


The Music Boy exhibition at the New Art Gallery Walsall is the artist's first in the United Kingdom. The catalogue featuring extensive essays by Andrew Graham-Dixon and Martin Herbert, as well as a foreword by Charlotte Mullins was published on the occasion. The exhibition is titled after a quadriptych of paintings depicting the artist's grandmother and his uncle playing an accordion. Jan Vanriet's work mainly concerns the memory of history and the construction of pictorial surface.


Jan Vanriet The Music Boy

Expo : 28/02/2016 ‐ 22/05/2016, Mac's, Grand‐Hornu Denis Gielen, Laurent Busine et Sergio Bonati, entretien avec l'artiste Hardback | French ed. 270 x 210 mm 132 p | 60 col.ill. € 19,00 | March 2016 [BE] MAC's Grand Hornu ISBN: 9782930368658 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


Monographie d'un des artistes belges les plus importants, actif depuis les années 1960. Premier ouvrage d'importance sur Jacques Charlier depuis les années 1990. Plus de 60 illustrations documentant ses dernières peintures - dont certaines sont exposées et publiées pour la première fois - démontrant sa capacité « d'illustrer chaque idée qui lui passe par la tête avec un style et le média qui lui convient le mieux ».

Jacques Charlier Peintures pour tous

Expo: 25/2/2016 ‐ 29/5/2016, Musée d'Ixelles Hardback | No text 295 x 230 mm 176 p € 39,00 | Feb. 2016 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321183 (‐) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Jean-Marie Bytebier (°1963) is a Belgian artist, whose work references several 20th-century painting traditions in which the unfinished and the notion of absence play prominent parts. With his paintings Bytebier creates an intriguing world of often undetermined landscapes, a foliage of silent and blurry spaces devoid of human beings but in which the cultural remnants of humanity subtly seep through.

Jean-Marie Bytebier AB. ad


Expo : 25/09/2015 ‐ 07/02/2016, Bozar, Brussels Eva Wittocx Paperback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 260 x 220 mm 140 p € 24,50 | Nov. 2015 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321169 (E/ F/ NL)

Tina Gillen (°1972, Luxemburg) is al sinds eind jaren 1990 actief als schilder. Ze werkt op het raakvlak tussen figuratie en abstractie, tussen het platte vlak en de ruimte. Haar werk is opgebouwd uit lagen die ze zichtbaar over elkaar schuift. Je herkent architecturale elementen uit de werkelijkheid, zoals gevels en gebouwen, die toch een gevoel van afstandelijkheid oproepen. Gillen betrekt de tentoonstellingsruimte uitdrukkelijk in haar werk.



Tina Gillen Echo

A founding member of the Japanese avant-garde Gutai movement, Shozo Shimamoto (1928- 2013, Japan) is one of the first Japanese painters to ban the paintbrush. Shimamoto was well known for using different media and exploring different concepts of time and space, while simultaneously focusing on mechanic methods within his practice.

Published by the Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation with MER. Paper Kunsthalle Hardback | Eng. ed. 294 x 245 mm | 112 p € 35,00 | March 2016 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321282 (E)

Shozo Shimamoto



Expo: 29/10/2015 - 28/2/2016, Centrale, Brussels Carine Fol, Rolf Quaghebeur, Koen Thys & Güslün Karamustafa Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 235 x 165 mm 112 p € 29,00 | March 2016 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321220 (E/ F/ NL)

Mystic Transport is an exhibition project initiated through a chance encounter between two artists, Koen Theys and Gulsun Karamustafa; both very much intertwined with the city they live in; Brussels and Istanbul. Both Theys and Karamustafa employ the visible and invisible materials and remnants from their immediate city surroundings: religious parades, the hamam, war propaganda, gender issues and the entertainment industry.


Koen Theys & Güslün Karamustafa NL/F/E

Mystic Transport

Sinds midden jaren 1970 produceert Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (1951, Antwerpen) tekeningen, teksten en schilderijen op papier zowel als synthetisch materiaal. Ze presenteert die in installaties en maakt korte video's. Haar werk, waarin het erotische en het machinefetisjisme op een bijna wetenschappelijke manier samengaan, is doordrongen van een onverbloemde feministische toon. Interieurs, vaak huiselijke ruimten, dienen als decor voor haar tekeningen en collages.

Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven Jazzz

NL 23

Hardback | NL ed. 245 x 165 mm | 112 p | 56 col.ill. € 29,50 | Dec. 2015 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321152 (NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

David Zwirner Books

Raoul De Keyser: Drift is published on the occasion of the eponymous show at David Zwirner, first presented at the London gallery in November 2015 and traveling to New York in 2016. Curated by Ulrich Loock, who contributes the catalogue's text, the exhibition is organized around a group of twenty-three paintings that the artist completed shortly before his death. Collectively, these works have become known as The Last Wall.

Text by Ulrich Loock Hardback | Eng. ed. 267 x 191 mm | 112 p | throughout col.ill. € 40,95 | April 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9781941701287 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Raoul De Keyser Drift

E Paperback | NL ed. 245 x 165 mm 256 p € 20,00 | March 2016 [BE] ARA ‐ MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321213 (NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

The world of a/the Monkey is the written result of years of fascination by theater director Pol Dehert for the life and works of the 17th-century poet and libertine John Wilmot, alias "the monkey", duke of Rochester. In this essay, devised as a play in several acts, Dehert sketches the signs of early modern visual culture, the prevalent theoretical morals of libertinism, and the theatrical baroque body.

Pol Dehert: The world of a/the Monkey NL

Een anatomie van het barokke lichaam

Michael Buthe has no reservations: taking his lead from German Art Informel and American Minimal Art, he is fascinated by non-European cultures, counters the cool concept of Minimalism with pronounced sensuousness, and seduces viewers into raising spiritual as well as social questions. The retrospective brings together apparently archaic assemblages, brightly colored works on paper, and intensely worked canvases, collages, and paintings in gold.

Expo: 5/3/2016 ‐ 5/6/2016, S.M.A.K. Gent, Ghent | going to: Haus der K unst, Munich | Previously at the Kunstmuseum Luzern Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 204 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 39,80 | Nov. 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740388 (E/ G)

Michael Buthe Retrospective


E/G Unlike hardly any other contemporary German artist, Anselm Kiefer has rendered the horrors of recent history and created profound works of art with mythological, religious, and philosophical themes. Subtle layers that alternately cover as well as uncover one another; that contain the knowledge of the inevitable transformation and dissolution of all matter—monumental and material-related at once. All of these fundamental elements that also inform his woodcuts.

Expo: 18/03/2016 ‐ 19/06/2016, Albertina, Vienna Antonia Hoerschelmann Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 160 p | 71 col.ill. € 39,80 | March 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775741019 (E)

Anselm Kiefer


The Woodcuts

E 24

Dennis Busch, Robert Klanten (Eds) Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 320 p € 44,00 | April. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899555837 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


The Age of Collage Vol. 2 documents current developments in the world of collage and reveals why this technique is as fresh as ever. A comprehensive collection of examples ranging from subversive to museum-worthy, this striking showcase positions collage between provocation and commerce. Presenting the work of more than 70 collage artists-from established names including John Baldessari and Richard Prince to up-and-coming talents such as Lola Dupré and Mat Maitland.

Volume 1: The Age of Collage Contemporary Collage in Modern Art ISBN9783899554830 , 39,90 euro

The Age of Collage. Vol. 2 Contemporary Collage in Modern Art

The first major new overview of Eliasson in more than ten years engages with the artist's ongoing interest in finding visionary shapes for abstract ideas. This richly illustrated publication presents a spectacular journey through spheres, tunnels, towers, walkways and archways, as well as pavilions and larger buildings realized by Eliasson and his studio since the late 1990s. Produced in close collaboration with the artist and his studio.

Olafur Eliasson Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 220 mm | 416 p | 600 col. & bw ill € 85,50 | April 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500343135 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Olafur Eliasson Unspoken Spaces


The long and top-class list of the artists being presented ranges from Pablo Picasso, Henry Moore, and Jean Tinguely to Franz West, Damien Hirst, and Monika Sosnowska. On the basis of selected works from the Kunstmuseum Basel and outstanding loans from international museums and private collections, the tour opens up a dense, extremely rich world of contrasts.

Expo: 19/04/2016 ‐ 18/09/2016, Kunstmuseum, Basel Simon Baier Hardback | Eng. ed. 265 x 200 mm | 240 p | 140 col.ill. € 39,80 | April 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740715 (E)

Sculpture on the Move 1946-2016




Expo: 28/2/2016 ‐ 11/9/2016, Deichtorhallen Hamburg–Sammlung Falckenberg Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 178 mm 688 p | 600 col.ill. € 55,00 | March 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9781941701263 (E)


Philosophically profound, deeply literary and biting in his satire, Raymond Pettibon is the foremost draftsman of his generation, and one of America's most important contemporary artists. Approaching "high" and "low" subject matter with equal appetite and comfort, Pettibon plumbs the depths of American sexuality, politics, subcultures, mores, and intellectual histories. Raymond Pettibon: Homo Americanus presents over six hundred works from every part of the artist's career.


Raymond Pettibon Homo Americanus - Collected Works

Expo: 24/6/2015 ‐ 30/9/2016, Centre Pompidou, Paris | 4/5/2016 ‐ 21/8/2016, Tate Modern, London | 30/9/2016 ‐ 15/1/2017, Kiasma Edited by Chrstine Van Assche with Clarrie Wallis Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 300 x 245 mm 196 p | 250 col.ill. € 42,50 | April 2016

Born in Beirut to a Palestinian family, artist Mona Hatoum came to Britain as a student in the mid-1970s. Her art is concerned with confrontational themes including violence, oppression and voyeurism; and with the juxtaposition of opposites such as beauty and horror, desire and revulsion. A wide range of texts cover both the theory and practice of Hatoum's work, with 250 colour images covering the whole of Hatoum's oeuvre, this is the essential book on a distinctly powerful voice in contemporary art.


[UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849763608 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Mona Hatoum

William Wegman Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 248 mm 176 p | 140 col.ill. € 39,50 | March 2016 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419720239 (E)

William Wegman's postcard paintings reflect a lifetime of engagement with narrative, perspective, art history, architecture, popular culture, humor, and philosophy in art. Starting with one or more vintage postcards, Wegman constructs scenes that range from intimate interiors to cosmic vistas, filling audaciously complex spaces with intriguing incident.

William Wegman E




Expo: 25/2/2016 ‐ 17/4/2016, Botanique, Brussels Vincent Glowinski & Agnès Debizet Hardback|Eng/Fr ed . 280 x 220mm 208p |200 col & bw ill €.39,00 | Feb2016 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720160 (E/ F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


For a decade, street artist Vincent Glowinski Bonom (aka) has been scattering - under the pseudonym Bonom - skeletons, animals or characters in the most striking places if Brussels and Paris. The originality of his universe, combined with a personal style, a sense of space and a taste for risk, make him considered as one of the most interesting artists of his generation. Today, freed from his fictional character, Vincent Glowinski works open. He invites sculptor Agnès Debizet, to take part.

Mater Museum Vincent Glowinski & Agnès Debizet Expo: 25/2/2016 ‐ 29/5/2016, Musée d’Ixelles, Bruxelles Sous la direction de Claire Leblanc Paperback with flaps | French ed. 240 x 230 mm 96 p | 70 col. & bw ill € 20,00 | Feb. 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836633289 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


Ce catalogue accompagnant l'exposition vous invite à plonger dans l'univers inventif et sensible de l'artiste Agnès Varda, lauréate de la Palme d'honneur au Festival de Cannes en 2015 pour son oeuvre cinématographique. C'est dans la ville de son enfance qu'elle propose, pour la première fois en Belgique, un voyage visuel atypique au détour d'installations, de photographies et vidéos. Son oeuvre généreuse mêle avec humour souvenirs d'enfance et productions récentes.

Agnès Varda Patates&compagnie

Paperback | French ed. 238 x 170 mm 136 p € 18,00 | May 2016 [BE] MAC's Grand Hornu ISBN: 9782930368665 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART ‐ MAGAZINE

Ce numéro 21 de la revue DITS s'articule à partir de cette phrase : « Où sont passées mes pantoufles », tirée de la chanson Jean Constantin, « Les Pantoufles à PAPA », 1956 et traite de la question de l'oisiveté.


DITS 21 « Où sont passées mes pantoufles » Oisiveté ?


Tristan Manco Paperback | Eng. ed. 310 x 260 mm 256 p | 540 col. & bw ill € 35,80 | March 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292181 (E)

Make Your Mark introduces the work of 45 artists who are extraordinarily diverse but united by one basic principle: their art is completely fresh, original and the epitome of creativity. This book focuses not only on the handmade and the hand-drawn but also the unusual techniques and unconventional approaches to the media used. Make Your Mark is an inspirational guide for practitioners, students and fans as well as anyone in commercial branding and communications not frightened by integrity.



Make Your Mark The New Urban Artists David McComb Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 250 x 195 mm 288 p | 200 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. € 30,00 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780674766 (E)

Over the past century tattoo culture has emerged from the underground and hit the mainstream. This book reveals the entire history. Combining a wealth of visual material from across the many cultures and subcultures associated with tattoos, including fashion, music and art, with examples of some of the most exquisite tattoos ever inked, the book shows over 400 photographs, many published for the first time. This visual history forms a unique examination of the tattoo as a form of personal expression.



100 Years of Tattoos Jonathan Shaw Hardback | Eng. ed. 267 x 305 mm 256 p € 60,00 | April 2016 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576877692 (E)


'Vintage Tattoo Flash' draws from the personal collection of Jonathan Shaw and represents a selection of over 300 pieces of flash from one of the largest private collections in existence. This book spans the first roughly 75 years of American tattooing from the 1900s Bowery, to 50s Texas, through the Pike in the 60s and the development of the first black and grey, single-needle tattooing in LA in the 70s. The book lovingly reproduces entirely unpublished sheets of original flash.

Vintage tattoo Flash From the Hundred-Year Collection of Jonathan Shaw



FUEL Arkady Bronnikov & Damon Murray & Stephen Sorrell Hardback | Eng. ed. 200 x 120 mm 256 p | 186 col. & bw ill € 30,50 | Feb. 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9780956896292 (E)

This book features over 180 photographs and accompanying texts of Russian criminal tattoos from the Arkady Bronnikov collection. From the mid-1960s to the late-1980s Bronnikov worked as a senior expert in criminalistics at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was here that he interviewed, gathered information and took photographs of convicts and their tattoos, building one of the most comprehensive archives of this phenomenon.



Russian Criminal Tattoo Police Files - Volume 1

Skulls are one of the oldest symbols of our world, rich with cultural resonance and significance. From the origins of Aztec skull art and the Jolly Roger that was hoisted on pirate flags to the sugar skull for Mexico's Day of the Dead, skulls have a wealth of source history and, of course, a long line of artistic tradition. Skull Sourcebook features hundreds of different skull images and artworks through history, and author Adele Nozedar deeply explores their iconic significance

Adèle Nozedar Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 248 x 222 mm | 288 p | 500 col.ill. € 23,95 | May 2016 [UK] Quayside (Quarto) ISBN: 9781631061585 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Skull Sourcebook Over 500 Skulls in Art & Culture

E With 240 stickers Studio Rarekwai Paperback | Eng. ed. 165 x 210 mm 108 p | 243 col.ill. € 22,95 | April 2016


With over 240 fully peelable stickers, Stickerbomb 3 presents the most exciting work from a fresh lineup of global artists, illustrators and graffiti writers. The book will appeal to existing fans of the Stickerbomb series, as well as new sticker enthusiasts discovering it for the first time.

Stickerbomb 3

[UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780677590 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Sticker Bomb 1 ISBN 9781856695671, 24,50 euro Sticker Bomb 2, ISNB 9781856696623, 24,50 euro

Keri Smith's The Wander Society is her first direct call to action, to empower readers to actively engage with the world around them. Society wants us to live a planned existence. The path of the wanderer is not this! The path of the wanderer is an experiment with the unknown. To be idle, to play, to daydream. The Wander Society offers us all a way to experience the joys and possibilities of unplanned time.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 181 x 111 mm | 208 p € 19,20 | March 2016 [UK] Penguin UK ISBN: 9780141982304 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Keri Smith: The Wander Society



Beneath the waters of Abukir Bay lie the submerged remains of the ancient Egyptian cities Naukratis and Thonis-Heracleion. These pioneering underwater excavations continue today, and have yielded a wealth of ancient artefacts, to be exhibited in Britain for the first time in 2016. This book showcases a spectacular collection of artefacts, coupled with a retelling of the history by world-renowned experts in the subject, bringing the reader face-to-face with this vibrant ancient society.

Expo: 19/5/2016 ‐ 27/11/2016, British Museum, London Paperback | Eng. ed. 288 x 253 mm | 272 p € 37,95 | May 2016 [UK] British Museum ISBN: 9780500292372 (E) ISBN 9780500051856 (Hb)

Sunken Cities



E Expo: 21/4/2016 ‐ 14/8/2016, British Museum, London

Sicily's central location and natural resources have meant that various peoples have sought to conquer, control and settle on the island throughout its 3000-year history. Its Italian identity, with which we are familiar today, emerges only comparatively recently. It was under the rule of the ancient Greeks and medieval Normans that Sicily really flourished - golden eras when it became a serious political player and one of the wealthiest and most culturally prosperous places in Europe.

Dirk Booms and Peter Higgs Paperback | Eng. ed. 250 x 220 mm I12 288 p | 200 col.ill. € 45,95 | May 2016 [UK] British Museum ISBN: 9780714122892 (E)

Sicily Culture and conquest

E Reprint

Réunis dans un même coffret, ces deux volumes, différents dans leur présentation, traitent tous deux de la relation qui a toujours existé au Katanga entre la faune et la société des hommes. Dans le premier volume l'auteur explore les coutumes et croyances relatives à la faune. Le second volume se présente comme un guide. Pour chaque espèce étudiée, outre les caractéristiques biologiques, les aspects relatifs au folklore, aux croyances ou à la chasse sont abordés.

Michel Hasson Hb with slip case | French ed. 297 x 210 mm | 792 p | throughout col.ill. € 100,00 | March 2016 ‐R/P [BE] Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA) ISBN: 9789492244178 (F) I07 ‐ AFRICAN ART & ETHNOGRAPHY

Katanga Des animaux et des hommes


Straying from the traditional art canon of the delicate Baule masks and figures, Baule monkeys explores the darker side of this art form, in all its aspects. This makes it the first book to deal exclusively with the eponymous sculptures. These awe-inspiring bowl-bearing figures were physical manifestations of invisible powers, both malign and benign, and served their communities through the mediation of diviners.



Baule Monkeys | Singes Baule 30

Bruno Claessens & Jean‐Louis Danis Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 230 mm 192 p | 130 col.ill. | 130 col. & bw ill € 59,95 | June 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301344 (E)

ISBN 9789462301351 (F) I07 ‐ ETHNOGRAPHY & AFRICAN ART

New in paperback


Robert Aldrich Paperback | Eng. ed. 198 x 129 mm 304 p | 128 col. & bw ill € 18,95 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292310 (E) I12 ‐ HISTORY

A collection of biographical essays on prominent gay figures, Gay Life Stories gives a voice to more than 80 people from every major continent and from all walks of life. With many striking illustrations - including paintings, drawings, photographs and archival documents - Gay Life Stories will entertain, give pause for thought, and ultimately celebrate the diversity of human history.


Gay Life Stories

Although in a way, history is being made every day, some stand out in the memory or learning more than others. These are the days that had the most impact on the people who witnessed them and the greatest consequences for society in the months and years to follow. These are the discoveries that opened up eyes to a wider world, the decisions and acts that steered people from one possible future to another, and the disasters that shocked people into working together for support and community.

Peter Furtado Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 26,50 | April 2016 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844039050 (E) I12 ‐ HISTORY

1001 Days That Shaped Our World


Joanna Ebenstein Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 224 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 29,50 | May 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500252185 (E)


I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE Crucial Interventions


Beneath the original Venetian glass and rosewood case at La Specola in Florence lies Clemente Susini's Anatomical Venus. This life-sized wax woman is adorned with glass eyes and human hair and can be dismembered into dozens of parts revealing, at the final remove, a beatific foetus curled in her womb. Incisive commentary and captivating imagery reveal the evolution of these enigmatic sculptures from wax effigy to fetish figure and the embodiment of the uncanny.

The Anatomical Venus


Hardback | Eng. ed. | 256p | € 29,50 | April 2016 ‐R/P

ISBN: 9780500518106 (E)

The Sick Rose

Hardback | Eng. ed. | 256 p | € 29,50 | Nov. 2014 ‐R/P ISBN: 9780500517345

Judith Miller and Mark Hill Paperback | Eng. ed. 235 x 190 mm 432 p | 4000 col.ill. € 28,95 | March 2016 [UK] M. Beazley (Octopus) ISBN: 9781784720773 (E)

Miller's Collectables Handbook & Price Guide 2016-2017 is the up-to-date guide to the collectables market no dealer, collector or auctioneer should be without. In-depth features explain why one piece is worth more than another, show how to value an item and teach you to be your own expert this book is the essential eBay companion! Biographies of designers and factories give the background information you need to help date and value objects.



Miller’s Collectables Handbook & Price Guide 2016-2017

Designers in the twentieth century were driven by the possibilities of mass-production and excited by the host of new materials. The period is also infused with the importance of women after the First World War and the emergence of a youth culture, and the new market for modern, fashionable goods from the 1950s onward. Where the older generation were used to 'make do and mend', the young embraced wholeheartedly the disposable society.

Judith Miller Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm | 288 p | 500 col & bw ill. € 41,50 | Oct. 2015 [UK] Jacqui Small (Quarto) ISBN: 9781909342538 (E) I08 ‐ ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES

Vintage Home 20th-century Design for Contemporary Living


Patrick Favardin Hardback, linen bound with dust jacket | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 160 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 45,00 | May 2016 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542905 (F)

« L'espèce est rare, mais elle existe », souligne Pascal Renous, critique d'art des années 60, en parlant des couples de créateurs. Créateurs-décorateurs bicéphales, Janine Abraham et Dirk-Jan Rol se sont rencontrés dans l'atelier de Jacques Dumond en 1955. Le couple partage un même amour de la rigueur, de la ligne et des aplats de couleur. Leurs premières créations communes sont présentées dès 1956 au Salon des artistes décorateurs.

Janine Abraham & Dirk-Jan Rol F

50 ans de création



Expo: 30/1/2016 ‐ 10/4/2016, Musée Royal de Mariemont Catherine Noppe, Ludovic Recchia & Marie Dufaye Paperback | French ed. 230 x 165 mm 96 p € 15,00 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Musée Royal de Mariemont

À partir de la collection personnelle de l'artiste Gisbert Combaz (1869-1941), ce projet révèle l'intérêt porté au 19e siècle par cet artiste moderne, qui fut aussi un orientaliste reconnu, pour la céramique japonaise dont celle d'Edo. À travers lui, cette publication met en lumière le rapprochement qu'il y eut entre cette découverte du grès japonais et celle du grès de Puisaye (France), fait qui influença fortement la céramique belge des années 1890-1910.


ISBN: 9782930469560 (F) I09 ‐ DECORATIVE ARTS

Un esprit japonais Collection Arts céramiques contemporains volume 6

Expo: 11/12/2015 ‐ 30/3/2016, Musée International de la Parfumerie, Grasse Textes de Jean Pierre Brun et Xavier Fernandez. Photographies de Gabrielle Voinot Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 220 mm 264 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | Dec. 2015 [IT] Silvana


L'usage du parfum n'a cessé de se développer au cours des siècles, depuis que l'Homme a commencé à brûler des bois, résines, herbes aromatiques ou épices et à s'enduire d'huiles parfumées. Dans le cadre de la découverte de parfumeries sur les sites archéologiques de Délos (Grèce), Herculanum, Pompéi et Paestum (Italie), un archéologue et un chimiste se sont associés pour étudier les parfums antiques.

ISBN: 9788836631629 (F) I12 ‐ CULTURAL HISTORY

Parfums antiques de l’archéologue au Chimiste Anja Brunt Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 280 x 210 mm 64 p € 14,95 | May 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694258 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

Rubbish Rocks! For, whoever has an eye for it, there is beauty in everything, from rubbish to plain useless stuff. Designer Anja Brunt and illustrator Tineke Meirink have always been intrigued by the beauty of the mundane. For BIS Publishers they both made a memory game and now they join forces for a combination celebration and DIY book on rubbish art.


Trashures The Beauty of Useless Stuff Revised edition.

In the hands of the world's most creative jewellers rings transcend into works of art in endlessly intriguing ways. Now updated to include 100 entirely new designs, this marvellously illustrated survey showcases over 500 contemporary rings created by nearly 300 international designers. New Rings is both a wonderful snapshot of the work of the best art jewellers at work in the world today and a superb resource for jewelry lovers everywhere.

Nicolas Estrada Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 188 mm | 272 p | 600 col. & bw ill € 29,50 | May 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292402 (E) I10 ‐ JEWELLERY

New Rings 500+ Designs



Hardback | NL ed. 350 p | throughout col.ill. € 35,00 | May 2016 [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée ISBN: 9789490880088 (NL)

"Villa Voortman" zoals het experiment heet, startte als een stedelijke antenne voor mannen en vrouwen die geen of moeilijk toegang hebben tot de klassieke psychiatrische hulpverlening. Het gaat om hardnekkige "daklozen" van de psychiatrie omdat ze vaak als 'onbehandelbaar' worden afgewezen en op 'zwarte lijsten' terechtkomen. Humane oplossingen vinden ook voor deze problematische groep zorgwekkende zorgvermijders blijft een opdracht van onze samenleving.

II16 ‐ HERITAGE (incl. CD)

Villa Voortman


Koninging Elisabeth was een meer dan begenadigd fotografe die vanuit haar geprivilegieerde positie de Eerste Wereldoorlog vanaf de eerste linie kon documenteren. Niet alleen het leven aan het front, maar ook het culturele leven van de tijd werden door haar vereeuwigd. Haar beeldarchief is dan ook van onschatbare waarde en toch bleef het, op enkele overbekende foto's na, grotendeels onontsloten.

Nadine Hullebusch Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 300 x 300 mm | 252 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 49,95 | April 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565471 (E/ F/ NL) I12 ‐ HISTORY

Koningin Elisabeth van België Fotografe in de Eerste Wereldoorlog


Expo: 6/02/2016 ‐ 9/04/2016, BELvue Museum, Brussel

Filateliefde laat je tijdens het lezen ronddwalen doorheen de postgeschiedenis en de verhalen over postzegels. De verzameling die bewaard wordt in het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika en de objecten uit privécollecties nodigen ons daar eveneens toe uit.

Mathilde Leduc‐Grimaldi (éd.) Paperback | NL ed. 180 x 155 mm 96 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 16,50 | Feb. 2016


[BE] Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA)

De geschiedenis van België via de postzegel

Complètement timbré Histoire et philatélie en Belgique




ISBN: 9789492244215 (NL)

ISBN 9789492244208 (F) ISBN 9789492244222 (E) I12 ‐ HISTORY


Antwerpen à la carte toont met oude en actuele beeldende kunst en met waardevol erfgoed een nieuw portret van Antwerpen als etende stad. Het boek en de gelijknamige expositie onthullen het verrassende, grillige en vaak onzichtbare spoor van de voedselketen door Antwerpen sinds 1500. Waar kwamen gewassen vandaan? Waar lagen markten en later winkels? Gelijken hedendaagse keukens en restaurants nog op de keuken en herberg van pakweg de zeventiende eeuw? En waarom werd voedselafval vroeger gerecycleerd?

Expo: From 13/5/2016, MAS, Antwerpen Leen Beyers & Ilja Van Damme (red.) Hardback | NL ed. 285 x 210 mm | 192 p | 220 col..&.bw ill € 30,00 | May 2016 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867227 (NL)

Antwerpen à la carte Over steden en eten




Le livre s'interroge sur les espaces et les lieux qui, au fil des ans, ont accueilli des révolutionnaires - belges et étrangers - et leurs activités. Il met aussi en relief les interactions entre la géographie sociale de Bruxelles et la pratique politique transgressive.

Sous la direction d'Anne Morelli Hardback with dust jacket | French ed. 280 x 225 mm | 304 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,00 | Sept. 2016 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720191 (F)

Le Bruxelles des Révolutionnaires de 1830 à nos jours



Dans le cadre de sa collection « Mémoires et Partages », Le Noyer Edition a le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution à venir du livre de prestige et de grand format consacré aux plus beaux temples maçonniques de France et de Belgique. Hommage rendu à l'architecture maçonnique sous toutes ses formes, périodes et styles. Le texte, dans lequel il nous décrit son parcours maçonnique, est de Serge Moati et les photos sont de François Nussbaumer.

Temples Maçonniques Vrijmetselaarstempels de France et de OD %HOJLTXH | in Frankrijk en België



Serge Moati, François Nussbaumer Paperback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 370 x 260 mm 200 p | throughout col.ill. € 49,00 | Nov. 2015 [F] Le Noyer ISBN: 9782951290075 (E/ F/ NL) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

ZĞďŝƌƚŚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŽŽů

Expo: 18/3/2016 ‐ 21/8/2016, Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel Hardback with flaps | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm 240 p | 130 col. & bw ill € 39,00 | March 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836632626 (NL)


Hedendaagse kunst als provocatie: het rauwe leven gezien door de lens van Amerikaans fotograaf Andres Serrano. Met haar honderdtal foto's belicht deze tentoonstelling op een didactische manier het creatieve pad van Andres Serrano - alle reeksen zijn aanwezig. Tegelijkertijd schetst de retrospectieve ook richtlijnen die zijn werk coherent maken. Doorheen deze tentoonstelling presenteren we het cruciale werk van een fotograaf die als een van de spilfiguren van de hedendaagse scène wordt aanzien.

ISBN 9788836632602 (F) ISBN 9788836632619 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Andres Serrano Uncensored Photographs Expo: 18/3/16 ‐ 21/8/16, Musées Royaux des Beaux‐Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 280 x 230 mm 192 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 30,00 | March 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836632596 (E/ F/ NL)


Cet ouvrage offre à voir deux séries de photos d'Andres Serrano jamais publiées. La première, Residents of New York, a été réalisée en 2014 dans la ville de l'artiste. La seconde série, Denizens of Brussels, a été réalisée en mars 2015 en étroite collaboration avec les Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts, alors qu'Andres Serrano préparait sa rétrospective à Bruxelles.


Andres Serrano Denizens of Brussels | Residents of New York

Andres Serrano (*1950 in New York), one of the most celebrated representatives of international contemporary photography and art, achieved major prominence for his work Piss Christ which to this day has not lost any of its unsettling impact. Religion, sexuality, and death are pervasive elements of his oeuvre. Raised as a Catholic in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, he became curious about the Hasidic community there from an early age.

Expo: 18/3/2016 ‐21/8/2016, Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels | MEP, Paris, Fall 2016 Alex Wiederin Hardback | Eng. ed. 345 x 285 mm | 240 p | 220 col.ill. € 48,00 | March 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775741248 (E)

Andres Serrano Salvation


E 36

Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 270 mm 240 p | 329 col. & bw ill € 42,50 | May 2016 Sophie Howarth & Stephen McLaren [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544532 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


This critically engaging anthology explores the ways in which photographers from across the globe are viewing the complicated dynamics of family life. The book is divided into two parts: 'Our Own Families' and 'Other People's Families'. The book is divided into two parts: 'Our Own Families' and 'Other People's Families' and it takes readers on powerful journeys and enables them to reflect on how they photograph their own families.

Family Photography Now ISBN9780500289075 (E/Pb) € 29,50

Max Störm Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 290 mm 112 p | 50 col. & bw ill € 29,95 | March 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9789171263773 (E)

This is a monograph on Erik Johansson, a superstar in the Photoshop community. He has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media and has had TED-talks. His images are created with a camera and refined into absurdity on the computer. Johansson takes numerous pictures, and combines them to create what looks like a real photograph, yet with logical inconsistencies that impart an effect of surrealism. The result: mathematically precise, compelling landscapes where perspectives are always misleading.



Imagine by Erik Johansson & Göran Segeholm

A groundbreaking exploration of the longstanding relationship between performance art and photography

Performing for the Camera examines how the photograph has both documented and developed our understanding of performance since the invention of the photographic medium. It engages with both the serious business of art and performance and the humour and improvisation of posing for the camera.

Performing for the Camera



Expo: 18/02/16 ‐ 12/06/16, Tate Modern, London Edited by Simon Baker Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 265 x 215 mm | 224 p | 300 col.ill. € 43,50 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764001 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Vicki Goldberg Hardback | Eng. ed. 273 x 235 mm 192 p | 52 col.ill. | 123 bw ill. € 46,95 | April 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791381350 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


The second in an acclaimed series of illustrated biographies of Magnum photographers, this volume chronicles the life and work of Bruce Davidson, a truly American artist, iconoclast, and humanist. Bruce Davidson began his love affair with photography at age ten. The son of a hardworking divorced mother, he was a loner who disliked school and had difficulty conforming to the world around him. His camera released him from the boundaries of his youth and opened the doors to a lifetime's work.

Bruce Davidson Magnum Legacy Expo : 16/03 - 19/06/2016, Barbican Center, London Hardback | Eng. ed. 289 x 250 mm 272 p € 49,95 | April 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382326 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


This generously illustrated book brings together an international array of photographers whose images of Great Britain create a many-faceted, outsiders portrait of the country and its people.. Two dozen artists from countries around the world offer their own perspectives on British society. In a project that is unparalleled in its scope and scale, iconic British photographer Martin Parr has selected works, dating from the interwar period to today.

Strange and Familiar Britain as Revealed by International Photographers

Expo: 16/2/2015 ‐ 23/4/2016, Gagosian Gallery, London Mark Francis, introduction by Michael Bracewell, contributions by Ara Merjian Paperback | Eng. ed. 318 x 254 mm 256 p € 80,00 | Feb. 2016 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419719486 (E)


Artists Richard Avedon (1923-2004) and Andy Warhol (1928-1987) came to prominence in a time of profound change around the world. Amid that political and social upheaval, both men became renowned for their work, elucidating themes of portraiture, celebrity, gender, politics and religion. Avedon brought the personality of the sitter to the forefront, revealing his subjects' inner selves. Warhol created portraits and images that were emotionally opaque, glamorous and impersonal.

Richard Avedon and Andy Warhol Outside/In



Expo: 22/1/2016 ‐ 3/4/2016, FOAM, Amsterdam | 29/4/2016 - 2/7/2016, Fifty One Too, Antwerpen Martine D'Astier and Martine Ravache Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 221 mm 168 p | 107 col.ill. € 29,50 | March 2016 [US] Abrams


Jacques Henri Lartigue (1894-1986) was the best-known 'amateur' in the history of photography, famously discovered by the art world and given an exhibition at MoMA in New York when he was in his late sixties. He began by recording the pastimes and customs of his wealthy Parisian milieu, indulging his fascination with sports and aviation, and throughout his long life he was never without his camera.

ISBN: 9781419720918 (E)


Lartigue Life in Color

Jessica Ferber Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 191 mm 144 p € 40,00 | Dec. 2015 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576877623 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


A visionary of the Greenwich Village nightlife scene in the 1950s and 60s, photographer Robert James Campbell vigorously documented New York's jazz era, and its metamorphosis into the beat and folk movements. Rebirth of the Cool collects the best of Campbell's work, shot at legendary clubs like Birdland, The Village Vanguard, and The Gaslight Café, as well as street photography, international work from his time spent in Germany, and tour photography.

Rebirth of the Cool Discovering the Art of Robert James Campbell

A visual feast of America's most interesting characters, Outsiders tours the United States from the late 1950s to the early 1980s through the lens of artists like Diane Arbus, Gary Winogrand, and D.A. Pennebaker. In a time of intense political and cultural upheaval, these legendary photographers and filmmakers turned their attention to individuals and communities on the margins of mainstream society.

Edited by Sophie Hackett and Jim Shedden Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 254 x 152 mm | 180 p € 35,80 | April 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847849550 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

The Outsiders American Photography and Film, 1950s-1980s


W Magazine provides the world's most prestigious fashion photographers, art directors, stylists, and models with a forum to run riot. W Erotic Stories presents 11 spectacular photo stories staged there: visions, erotic fantasies, dreams, and nightmares enacted by style icons such as Tilda Swinton, Kate Moss, and Amber Valetta.

Hardback | Eng. ed. (G. summ) 330 x 254 mm | 256 p | 166 col.ill. € 22,50 | Jan. 2016 [G] Schirmer/ Mosel ISBN: 9783829606899 (E (G)) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY & FASHION

W Fashion Stories E 39





Visa pour l’image 2016

Frédéric Cornu

Twenty years of the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography

International Festival of Photojournalism, Perpignan

« SPOTLIGHT » fait le point sur 20 ans d'activité des Journées photographiques de Bienne. La publication s'intéresse aux enjeux et perspectives futures des festivals de photographie ainsi que de la photographie suisse. La question du métier de photographe y est soulevée, et certains parcours illustrés (Charles Fréger, Matthieu Gafsou, Mishka Henner, Benjamin Lowy, Yoshinori Mizutani, Mikhael Subotzky, Joël Tettamanti, Corinne Vionnet, …). Un ouvrage de référence sur la photographie suisse.

Jean-François Leroy

Chaque photographie, qu'elle donne à voir un paysage ou un personnage, sera titrée par sa position géographique (latitude - longitude) et la date de prise de vue, du type IGN2086O 50°28 983' - 03°21 802' - 2012, le titre participant ici pleinement au propos, se référant à cette carte qui sera incluse dans toute monstration. [BE] Snoeck Publishers | Hardback | 250 x 250 mm | 128 p | ISBN: 9789461612946 (F) | € 29,00 [BE] | April 2016

[BE] Snoeck Publishers | Paperback | 250 x 200 mm | 208 p | 150 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789461612908 (E/ F/ G) | € 37,00 [BE] | May 2016


Depuis sa première édition en 1989, le Festival International du Photojournalisme nous rappelle que, pour une information visuelle juste, le regard du photojournaliste est indispensable. Les photos reproduites sont des documents d'archives ou d'actualité. Elles relatent les guerres ethniques, les conflits, les oubliés de l'histoire. Elles nous parlent de nature et d'environnement, de peuples, de religions, de faits de société, ou encore des grands fléaux de notre époque. Expo: 27/08 ‐ 11/09/2015, Perpignan [BE] Snoeck Publishers | Paperback | 230 x 170 mm | 208 p | 300 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789461612991 (E/ F) | € 25,00 [BE] | Aug. 2016



Agnès Geoffray

Irlande 66/69

Pol Pierart

Les Captives - collection « Livres d’art et de photographie »

Guy Jungblut & Jacques Piraprez / Nutan

Mon Plus Beau Posthume

Textes de Philippe Artiëres et Sophie Delpeux

Troisième livre de cette jeune artiste française de notoriété internationale qui intrigue et fascine par ses manipulations d'images originale ou trouvées. Agnès Geoffray, dans une posture d'iconographe, se joue des images, par le biais de mises en scène, d'association, de fragmentations, elle déploie un univers de tensions - latentes et mystérieuses. Expo: 18/9/2015 ‐ 5/12/2015, ISELP, Brussels [BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie) | Hardback | 230 x 160 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9782873174583 (E/ F) | € 28,00 [BE] | Jan. 2016

Deux jeunes photographes belges, l'un à l'été 1966, l'autre en 1969, partent en Irlande pour mener à bien leur travail de fin d'études en photographie. Quand le premier, Guy Jungblut (alias Yellow), arrive à Dublin, il découvre une ville à peu près conforme à celle que James Joyce a souhaité préserver dans Ulysse. Le second, Jacques Piraprez (alias Nutan), sur ses traces, documente lui aussi l'Irlande de la fin des années 60. [BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | 170 x 120 mm | 256 p | 200 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782873403843 (F) | € 19,00 [BE] | April 2016


Pol Pierart

Photographies calembourgeoises de Pol Pierart. Soi-même comme personnage et le langage comme pâte à modeler, avec humour et poésie. Ses petits montages de textes dans l'image séduisent par leur fausse légèreté, leur gravité décalée, leur sens de la dérision touchante et profondément humaine. [BE] Yellow Now | Paperback | 170 x 120 mm | 64 p | ISBN: 9782873403911 (F) | € 12,00 [BE] | April 2016



Paul Bulteel

Sarah Moon

Joel Meyerowitz

Cycle & Recycle

Now and then

Morandi's Objects

Paul Bulteel & Johan Pas

Her first campaign shots for Cacharel were followed by countless commercial works for Dior, Chanel, Comme des Garcons, and Christian Lacroix. Additionally, Moon photographed fashion editorials for magazines, shot short movies and documentaries. She was the first woman to ever shoot for the renowned Pirelli calendar. Looking at Moon's frequently blurred black-and-whites or her pale color photographs one is beckoned into a realm of dreams, myths, and fears.

"I sat at Giorgio Morandi's table in exactly the same place that he sat for more than 40 years. On his table the same slant of light glowed for me as had for him. I watched it slowly bloom across his now empty, but tracery filled work surface for two days in the spring of 2015. One by one, more than 260 objects that he had collected came into my hands."

Belgian photographer Paul Bulteel takes on this task in a series of striking and highly illuminating photographs of what happens when our discarded paper, metal, glass, plastic, appliances, clothing and countless other industrial byproducts and leftovers are broken down and transformed into new materials. Visually fascinating and well documented, these images give us food for thought. [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | 240 x 290 mm | 176 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783775741057 (E) | € 45,00 [BE] | Feb. 2016

[IT] Damiani | Hardback | 320 x 254 mm | 116 p | 65 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9788862084536 (E) | € 45,00 [BE] | Feb. 2016

Expo: 27/11/2015 – 28/2/2016, Deichtorhallen, Haus der Photographie, Hamburg [G] Kehrer | Hardback | 225 x 200 mm | 160 p | 133 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783868286564 (E) | € 45,00 [BE] | Feb. 2016


E/F/IT E/It Maria Callas

Terry O'Neill

The Exhibition


edited by Massimiliano Capella

Since the early sixties, Terry O'Neill (London 1938), one the world's most respected photographers of our time focussing on the art of portrait, has skilfully captured intimate, candid, and spontaneous images of most of the legends of the 20th century. From the first photographs of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones to the stars of cinema in Hollywood's Golden era, from the greatest opera singers to world leaders such as Nelson Mandela or Winston Churchill, to David Bowie.

Maria Callas is brought back to life in this unprecedented sequence of photographs (1942- 1974) and period newspapers (1947-1960) from her personal collection, organized in albums that fully express her taste and choices. The images and the articles preserved by Callas are often enhanced by autograph annotations revealing the names of the people portrayed alongside her on special occasions or simply in moments of her everyday life. Expo: 11/03/2016 ‐ 18/09/2016, AMO Arena Museo Opera, Verona [IT] Silvana | Hardback | 270 x 208 mm | 256 p | 150 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9788836633623 (E/ IT) | € 34,00 [BE] | March 2016

[IT] Silvana | Paperback with flaps | 280 x 230 mm | 96 p | 60 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788836633715 (E/ F/ IT) | € 25,00 [BE] | April 2016


Walker Evans Labor Anonymous Thomas Zander & David Campany & Heinz Liesbrock & L. Thompson

Walker Evans remains one of the most important and influential photographers in the history of the medium. Many of Evans's individual images have become landmarks in both the history of photography and the social history of that era. Experimental and yet classical, Evans's photo-essays have been overlooked until recently. This book presents fifty hitherto unpublished photos from this classic series. Expo: 31/01/2016 ‐ 03/04/2016, Fondation A Stichting, Brussels [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | 250 x 240 mm | 170 p | 123 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783863358716 (E) Walther König | € 52,50 [BE] | April 2016




Nick Brandt

Photography Into Art

London Rising

Inherit the Dust

Pre-Raphaelites to the Modern Age

Illicit Photo's from the City's Heights

Nick Brandt

Edited by Carol Jacobi

With Inherit The Dust, Nick Brandt returns to East Africa to photograph, in a unique and dramatically different way, the escalating changes to the continent's natural world and its animals. In a series of epic panoramas, Brandt photographs in places where the animals used to roam, but due to the impact of man, no longer do. In each location, Brandt erects a life-size panel of portrait photographs that include groups of elephants, rhinos, giraffes, lions, cheetahs and zebra.

An exploration of the relationship between photography, painting and sculpture, from the 1840s to 1914

Bradley L. Garrett, Alexander Moss and Scott Cadman

Distributed Art Publishers [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | 336 x 387 mm | 128 p | 66 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780692520543 (E) | € 66,50 [BE] | March 2016

E NY Skyscrapers Dirk Stichweh and Jörg Machirus

This book takes a bird's-eye view of New York City-and the results are nothing less than extraordinary. Managing to obtain access, often exclusive, to over 60 rooftops throughout Manhattan, Dirk Stichweh and Jörg Machirus photographed the incredible views afforded them from these heights. This book presents 200 full-color illustrations of New York City's vistas from the top in a vertically oversized format. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | 320 x 240 mm | 192 p | 180 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791382265 (E) | € 42,50 [BE] | April 2016

Photography was entangled with art from the very moment of its invention by painter and printmaker Louis Daguerre in 1839. This is the first publication to explore photography's complex and fascinating inter-relationship with painting and sculpture in the 19th and early 20th centuries. this book includes 200 illustrations accompanied by refreshing new scholarship. Expo: 11/05/16 ‐ 25/09/16, Tate Britain, London [UK] Tate | Hardback | 260 x 220 mm | 176 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781849764025 (E) | € 35,00 [BE] | May 2016


In this book, an intrepid crew of city explorers share dizzying photos and stories collected while journeying up, over, and into the London skyline. Jaw-dropping photographs offer extraordinary views from vantage points that most of us will never reach. Divided into thematic chapters, the book offers personal accounts of various excursions, including travels up freestanding masts, pylons, and chimneys; the tops of public spaces such as council blocks, the Barbican Centre, and the British Museum. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | 240 x 193 mm | 176 p | 20 bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791381947 (E) | € 31,95 [BE] | March 2016


The Extraordinary Beauty of Birds Designs, Patterns and Details Deborah Samuel, with contributions by Mark Peck

In this magnificent display of ornithological beauty, readers are given the chance to marvel at the textures and colors of birds in stunning detail-and are rewarded with a new appreciation of art in nature. Deborah Samuel's photographs are meant to inspire and teach. In this book she turns her lens toward the bird, and her images are as surprising as they are exquisite. From nest to egg to feather, these images are an exercise in seeing and a showcase of what photography can reveal. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | 240 x 240 mm | 288 p | 135 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791382036 (E) | € 42,50 [BE] | April 2016


Feathers Displays of Brilliant Plumage Robert Clark

Exquisite images from award-winning National Geographic photographer Robert Clark offer a captivating perspective on the vast beauty and myriad functions of a seemingly simple thing: the bird feather. Each detailed close-up is paired with informative text about the utility and evolution of the feather it depicts, making this handsome marriage of art and science the ideal gift for bird lovers, natural history buffs, and photog­raphy enthusiasts. [US] Chronicle Books | Hardback | 235 x 184 mm | 176 p | 70 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781452139890 (E) | € 26,95 [BE] | April 2016

In her latest book, Diving for Pearls, Nan Goldin presents us with almost exclusively new, unpublished work. The book includes a new muse in Venice, cityscapes and animals, self-portraits, Venitian interiors, mirrors and gravestones. A true token of Goldin's lifelong dedication to her friends is deeply portrayed by her pairing of their portraits with paintings of saints that she took in museums.

Nan Goldin & Lotte Dinse Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 229 mm | 208 p | 169 col.ill. € 45,00 | April 2016 [G] Steidl ISBN: 9783958290945 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Nan Goldin Diving for Pearls

E Saul Leiter, Foreword by Robert Benton Hardback | Eng. ed. 200 x 203 mm 192 p | 85 col. & bw ill € 47,80 | April 2016 [G] Steidl ISBN: 9783958291034 (E)


Fed by thrilling recent discoveries from Saul Leiter's vast archive, In My Room provides an in-depth study of the nude, through intimate photographs of the women Leiter knew. Showing deeply personal interior spaces, often illuminated by the lush natural light of the artist's studio in New York City's East Village, these black-and-white images reveal the unique collaboration between Leiter and his subjects.


Saul Leiter In My Room

E In his new book, Robert Polidori presents us with a single large-format photograph of a city block in an improvised,auto-constructed settlement in Mumbai, India. In an almost seamless déroulement that appears to expand like an accordion or folding-screen, the photograph is composed of multiple images imperceptibly overlaid and welded together in a complex process to form a panoramic view.

Robert Polidori 60 Feet Road, Bhatiya Nagar Facades Robert Polidori Hardback | Eng. ed. | 320 x 400 mm | 96 p | 25 col.ill. € 98,00 | May 2016 | [G] Steidl ISBN: 9783958291119 (E)

E In 1949 Georgia O'Keeffe chose the National Gallery of Art as the custodian of nearly 1,600 photographs by Alfred Stieglitz - the Key Set, as it has become known.This elegant book presents some of the most significant and compelling photographs acquired over the years, ranging from experimental photographs made in the earliest years of the medium's history to key works by major 20th-century figures and contemporary pieces that reset the ways in which photography shapes our experience of the modern world.

The Altering Eye Photographs from the National Gallery of Art


Sarah Greenough Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 298 mm | 336 p | 326.col..&.bw ill € 60,95 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544525 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY



Bruce Gilden

Thomas Struth

Hey Mister, Throw Me Some Beads!

New Pictures from Paradise

Interview by Sophie Darmaillacq

With texts by Ingo Hartmann and Hans Rudolf Reust

In 1974, Bruce Gilden was a young photographer when he first went down to Mardi Gras to shoot his first personal essay away from his home city New York. But when Gilden first stepped foot in New Orleans, he found himself in 'a pagan dream' where you can be what you want to be. The energy, the mentality, social / cultural mores of Mardi Gras were all new for Gilden, but he captured the carnival crowds with the same raw intensity and poignancy that characterize his most iconic New York street photographs.

Thomas Struth draws the viewer into the semidarkness of forests and jungles, the impenetrable yet bright green of trees, bushes, and tropical plants. With 11 new pictures, the expanded new edition of his Paradise book contains the entire series taken in China, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Peru, Florida, and Hawaii. [G] Schirmer/ Mosel | Hardback | 324 x 413 mm | 80 p | 36 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783829607599 (E/ G) | € 77,50 [BE] | April 2016

[G] Kehrer | Hardback | 327 x 248 mm | 120 p | ISBN: 9783868286083 (E/ F) | € 44,00 [BE] | Dec. 2015




Marc Lagrange

Jimmy Nelson

Prix Pictet 06

Before they pass away - Compact edition-


Diamonds & Pearls

Since the beginning of mankind, the struggle between order and disorder has emerged as a central issue of our times. And from modern society's desire to impose order on the world, the opposite has resulted: disorder. From the disruption of nature to growing signs of disorder, this sixth volume by the Prix Pictet illuminates this all-important theme.

Belgian photographer Marc Lagrange has quickly gained a reputation as one of the most original and talented erotic photographers around. Taking a distinctive approach to setting voluptuous scenes, Lagrange meticulously composes timeless settings-with each location and prop carefully chosen to enhance the romantic and revealing mood. Building trust and chemistry with his models, Lagrange is daring but never crosses into mere titillation. The tension is palpable and a sense of mystery pervades each elaborate

Jimmy Nelson

This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles, art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are the guardians of a culture that they-and we-hope will be passed on to future generations in all its glory.

Expo: 26/2/2016 ‐ 26/3/2016, CAB, Ixelles [G] teNeues | Hardback | 320 x 250 mm | 132 p | 90 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832732578 (E) | € 49,90 [BE] | Nov. 2015

[G] teNeues | Hardback | 355 x 280 mm | 208 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832797058 (E/ F/ NL/ G) | € 79,90 [BE] | March 2016 ‐R/P

[G] teNeues | Hardback | 320 x 250 mm | 304 p | 320 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832733186 (E/ G) | € 49,90 [BE] | Feb. 2016 ‐R/P

Reprint. First published May 2013




Equine Beauty

Toiletpaper Volume II

A Study of Horses

Platinum Collection

Raphael Macek

Maurizio Cattelan & Pierpaolo Ferrari

Raphael Macek's inspiring images of equine majesty feature both close-ups and complete figures against the backdrops of artful landscapes. His balanced composition and exquisite lighting highlight the form, texture and muscularity of each unique creature. There's a liveliness and immediacy to this collection. So much so, that at times, it's as if these compelling portraits might just come to life at any second.

In a hotly anticipated follow-up to the first Toiletpaper anthology, Toiletpaper Volume II: Platinum Collection presents a selection of the best images from the past five issues of Toiletpaper magazine, the creative collaboration of Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari. The book also includes special projects shot by Cattelan and Ferrari for such publications as Purple, New York Magazine, Kenzine, Le Monde and Dazed & Confused. Limited edition (1,000 c), each of which is accompanied by a watch.

[G] teNeues | Hardback | 284 x 230 mm | 208 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832733841 (E/ F/ G/ SP/ P) | € 29,90 [BE] | April 2016 Compact edition (original edition: ISBN 9783832797270)

[IT] Damiani | Hardback | 345 x 238 mm | 240 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788862084451 (E) | € 132,00 [BE] | Feb. 2016 Limited edition, 1000 copies | Incl. watch | Boxed



Enchanted Lands


Roland & Sabrina Michaud

Holy City

Roland and Sabrina Michaud, now in their eighties, have spent most of their lives together exploring Africa and Asia. Their travels have taken them to far-flung places, including Yemen, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. Throughout their journeys Roland and Sabrina photographed and wrote about what they saw. This breathtaking account of their travels features nearly 500 colour images that capture, with sensitivity, curiosity and delight, the people they met and the landscapes they traversed.

Christopher Roche

[UK] Prestel + | Hardback | 285 x 220 mm | 406 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791382159 (E) | € 59,95 [BE] | Nov. 2015

The acclaimed photographer Christopher Roche offers a stunning panoramic portrait of Banaras, the spiritual capital of India. Spending two years covering the city's daily events, Roche turned his lens toward its holy men, temples, shrines, and religious ceremonies. He depicts the ubiquitous lingams and yonis, as well as the city's fabled burning Ghats-a series of long, wide steps leading to the Ganges. [UK] Prestel | Hardback | 260 x 300 mm | 160 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791382241 (E) | € 56,95 [BE] | April 2016


Katharina von der Leyen Hardback | NL ed. 254 x 203 mm 160 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | May 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733896 (NL)

ISBN 9783832732912 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS


Als het om emoties gaat, zijn honden niet bepaald terughoudend. Vaak gedragen ze zich zoals wij dat niet altijd durven: extreem vrolijk en uitbundig maar soms ook heel tactloos. Ze wentelen zich met groot plezier door het slijk en slapen wanneer het ze uitkomt. Als er nog anderen liggen te snurken, maakt ze dat helemaal niets uit. Van honden kunnen we leren dat vrolijkheid niet zomaar een gemoedstoestand is, maar een gave.

Liefde voor Honden

Anna Cavelius Hardback | NL ed. 254 x 203 mm 144 p | 128 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | May 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733902 (NL)

ISBN 9783832733308 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS


Elke kat heeft zijn eigen karakter. Juist daarom vinden veel mensen het zo'n fascinerend dier. Met zijn eigengereide inborst weet hij ons telkens weer om de vinger te winden. Dit boek is een liefdesverklaring aan alle huistijgers die ons leven verrijken. Neem een kijkje in de complexe kattenziel, waarin zoveel menselijks schuilt. De schrijfster, een doorgewinterde kattenbezitster, deelt hier met ons haar haar ervaringen - persoonlijke, buitengewone en aandoenlijke. Want katten zijn niet zomaar huisdieren.

Liefde voor Katten

Susan Chi Hardback | Eng. ed. 190 x 150 mm 128 p | 100 col.ill. € 19,90 | March 2016 ISBN: 9783832733667 (E)



TADA's Revolution is a playful, visual journey into the fantastical and imaginative miniature worlds of Los Angeles-based artist, Susan Chi. The book is a wondrous showcase of carefully and meticulously-crafted and detailed sets and dioramas, using all miniature items, objects, and furniture handmade by Chi or from the artist's own collection of vintage toys curated specially from auctions, toy stores, and flea markets around the world.

Tada's Revolution Mischief in MIniature


A portrait of Istanbul's outposts of good food, design, retail, and more, this definitive travel guide will make you feel like a local no matter where you are from. On first impression, Istanbul can seem a touch demure. But beneath its inimitable skyline is a teeming, triumphant metropolis with imperial history, intrigue, and entrepreneurial zeal written into its streets. It's a city constantly being remade and reimagined, and the resulting sense of opportunity and vigor is palpable.


Monocle Tyler Brûlé and Andrew Tuck (Eds) Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 140 mm | 148 p € 15,00 | March 2016 [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides ISBN: 9783899556239 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

Istanbul Monocle

A portrait of Istanbul's outposts of good food, design, retail, and more, this definitive travel guide will make you feel like a local no matter where you are from. On first impression, Istanbul can seem a touch demure. But beneath its inimitable skyline is a teeming, triumphant metropolis with imperial history, intrigue, and entrepreneurial zeal written into its streets. It's a city constantly being remade and reimagined, and the resulting sense of opportunity and vigor is palpable.


Tyler Brûlé and Andrew Tuck (Eds) Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 140 mm 148 p € 15,00 | March 2016 [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides ISBN: 9783899556247 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL



Susannah Conway Hardback | Eng. ed. 152 x 152 mm 224 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 13,80 | June 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452137261 (E)


LONDONTOWN is a photographic love letter to this bustling world capital. Photographer Susannah Conway takes us beyond familiar sites like Buckingham Palace and the London Eye to capture an authentic local experience of the city. Readers will travel with her as she crisscrosses London, shooting all the hippest, most exciting and most historical neighborhoods, sampling the city's effortless cool, vibrant street life and timeless savoir faire. Mixing signature Polaroid shots with modern digital photos.


Londontown A Photographic Tour of the City's Delight This fully illustrated guide unveils the beauty of rural France, providing complete visitor's information for these exceptionally preserved destinations. Practical information includes accommodation options ranging from hotels to campsites, restaurants and markets, and artisanal produce and local specialties. The book includes an overview map of France, and each village is featured on an easy-to-read road map, accompanied by indications for the best way to arrive by road, train, and airplane.

The Most Beautiful Villages of France E

Les Plus Beaux Villages de France association Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | 272 p | 300 col.ill. € 23,50 | May 2016 [F] Flammarion (Eng) ISBN: 9782080202666 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

The Official Guide

In Fifty Places to Camp Before You Die, Chris Santella illuminates the best destinations for exploring the great outdoors. The book features the world's top spots for sleeping under the stars and enjoying a host of outdoor recreational activities that make camping such a time-honored tradition. Featuring favorite US National Parks destinations, as well as more exotic locales in Italy, Chile, France, Botswana, Germany, and more.

Fifty Places to Camp Before You Die 47

Chris Santella Hardback | Eng. ed. 203 x 178 mm | 224 p | 40 col.ill. € 22,95 | May 2016 [US] S.T.C. ISBN: 9781419718267 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

Theo‐Mass Lexileictous, Sven Ehmann, Robert Klanten (Eds) Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 245 mm 304 p € 44,00 | Feb. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556384 (E)

Other rules apply to the fashion of the future. New technologies and materials make things possible today that couldn't have even been imagined in the past. Hightech fabrics and melting forms are no longer science fiction but reality. Fashion is constantly reinventing itself, but many designers and stylists are now taking it to extremes. Inspired by the odd, mutant, and deformed, they are redefining clothing to expand the body -from wearables to the utter transfiguration of the human silhouette.


Otherworldly E

Avant-Garde Fashion and Style

Corinna Williams & Nina Zywietz Hardbackwith dust jacket | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 220 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | April 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733704 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Fashion changes, but style endures. Coco Chanel knew what she was talking about: she used the transience of fashion to her advantage, revolutionizing traditional women s fashion styles at the dawn of the 20th century. Since then, styles have changed and evolved with every passing season. But what is style, and what kinds of style are there? These are precisely the questions we answer in For the Love of Style.


For the Love of Style For the first time, every Chanel collection ever created by Lagerfeld is here gathered in a single volume - a unique opportunity to chart the development of one of the world's most influential fashion brands and discover rarely seen collections. Each collection is illustrated with carefully curated catwalk images, showcasing hundreds of spectacular clothes, details, accessories, beauty looks and set designs - and of course the top fashion models who wore them on the runway.

Patrick Mauriès Hardback | Eng. ed. 277 x 190 mm | 632 p | 1100 col. & bw ill € 68,95 | April 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500518366 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Chanel Catwalk The Complete Karl Lagerfeld Collections

E 48

Josh Sims Paperback | Eng. ed. 224 x 158 mm 192 p | 173 col.ill. | 91 bw ill. € 15,20 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780677828 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION


"Women are into fashion, men are into style, style is forever" Domenico Dolce Womenswear progresses in leaps and bounds, fuelled by the readiness of women to wear what may at the time be perceived as the radical or outrageous. Not so menswear –menswear evolves, slowly. But from what? Behind nearly every item in the modern male wardrobe is a ‘first of its kind’ – the definitive item, often designed by a single company for specialist use, on which all subsequent versions have been based.

Icons of Men's Style -pocket editionJeffrey Mayer, Basia Szkutnicka Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 210 mm 400 p | 875 col.ill. € 53,50 | April 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780677422 (E)

Vintage Details is a stunning collection of more than 600 beautifully photographed details from previously unseen 20th-century vintage clothing. The images are arranged by detail: necklines; collars; sleeves; cuffs; pockets; fastenings and buttonholes; hems, darts, stitching and fitting devices; pleats, frills and flounces; embellishment; surface texture and print.


Vintage Details E

A Fashion Sourcebook Expo: 18/3/2016 - 14/8/2016, MoMU, Antwerpen

Fashion Game Changers traces radical innovations in Western fashion design from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. With over 200 images and commentaries from an international range of leading fashion curators and historians, this beautifully illustrated book showcases some of the most revolutionary silhouettes and innovative designs of over 100 years of fashion.

Karen Van Godtsenhoven, Miren Arzalluz, Kaat Debo Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 210 mm | 292 p | 200 col.ill. € 34,50 | April 2016 [UK] Bloomsbury Academic ISBN: 9781474279048 (E)

Fashion Game Changers


Reinventing the 20th-Century Silhouette

E The Pocket Square features the essential 22 pocket square folds, for linen, cotton and silk. As well as brief descriptions and advice on when to wear each style, the book provides easy-to-follow diagrams of how to wear each fold with panache. Style icons from every decade offer style inspiration. It's the essential gift for the fashion-conscious manabout- town wishing to experiment with the endless possibilities of this precious piece of fabric and turn it into the ultimate signature of their style.

The Pocket Square 22 Essential Folds

E 49

Alexander Philips Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 148 mm | 160 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 15,20 | April 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500518861 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Expo: 11/2/2016‐ 23/5/2016, National Portrait Gallery, London ZŽďŝŶ DƵŝƌ Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 254 mm 304 p | 300.col & bw.ill. €.60,95 | March.2016 -R/P [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855145610 (E)


In more than 2,000 issues, British Vogue magazine has acted as cultural barometer, putting fashion in the context of the larger world in which we live – how we dress, how we entertain, what we eat, listen to, watch, who leads us, excites us and inspires us. Decade by decade, Vogue 100 celebrates the greatest moments in fashion, beauty and portrait photography. Illustrated throughout this book focuses on the faces that shaped the cultural landscape: from Matisse to Bacon, Freud and Hirst, from Dietrich to Pa

Vogue 100 A Century of Style


Vogue 100 postcard box 165 x 125 mm Box with 40 cards € 21,95 | Feb. 2016 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855145818 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Désirée Sadek Hardback | Eng. ed. 340 x 244 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 48,00 | Feb. 2016 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419720208 (E)

From Maison Chanel on rue Cambon to Jean Paul Gaultier on rue Saint-Martin, the history of French fashion is often closely tied to those of Parisian addresses. With exclusive photographs by Guillaume de Laubier and text by Désirée Sadek, Inside Haute Couture offers a private tour of 10 meccas of French fashion.


Inside Haute Couture E

Behind the Scenes at the Paris Ateliers

This cutting-edge book documents the evolution of street style photography, from the fieldwork photos of early anthropology to the glamorized snapshots that appear on blogs today, and explores the structural shifts in the global fashion industry that street style has helped bring about. Street Style is an essential read for students and scholars of fashion, anthropology, sociology, media and cultural studies, and fans of street style photography alike.

Brent Luvaas Paperback | Eng. ed. 234 x 156 mm | 336 p | 148 col.ill. € 26,95 | March 2016 [UK] Bloomsbury Academic ISBN: 9780857855756 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Street Style An Etnography of Fashion Blogging

E How have sneakers come to gain this status and what makes them fashionable? In what ways are sneaker subcultures bound up with gender identity and why are sneakerholics mostly young men? Based on the author's own ethnographic fieldwork in New York, where sneaker subculture is said to have originated, this unique study traces the transformation of sneakers from sportswear to fashion symbol.

Yuniya Kawamura Paperback | Eng. ed. 234 x 156 mm | 176 p | 40 col.ill. € 26,95 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Bloomsbury Academic ISBN: 9780857857330 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Sneakers Fashion, Gender and Subculture

E 50

Ellen Köhrer and Magdalena Schaffrin Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 192 p | 200 col.ill. € 47,50 | April 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791381763 (E)

Sustainability is in fashion right now and designers are taking note. With an ever-growing number of environmentally conscious consumers at hand, the fashion industry is responding to demands for products that are both beautiful and resourceefficient. This book showcases the work of today's designers who are doing just that.


Fashion Made Fair E

Modern - Innovative - Sustainable

Expo: 10/4/16 ‐ 21/8/16, LA County Museum of Art | 3/12/16 ‐ 2/3/17 Powerhouse Museum, Sydney | 25/5/17 ‐ 17/9/17 St. Louis ^ŚĂƌŽŶ ^ĂĚĂŬŽ dĂŬĞĚĂ͕ <ĂLJĞ ƵƌůĂŶĚ ^ƉŝůŬĞƌ ĂŶĚ ůĂƌŝƐƐĂ D͘ ƐŐƵĞƌƌĂ Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm 272 p | 290 col.ill. € 50,95 | April 2016 [UK] Prestel

This fully illustrated book accompanies one of the most comprehensive exhibitions dedicated solely to three centuries of men's fashion.

ISBN: 9783791355207 (E)

Reigning Men


Fashion in Menswear 1715 - 2015

E ƌŝ ^ĞƚŚ ŽŚĞŶ Θ ^ŝŵŽŶ ŽŽŶĂŶ Hardback | Eng. ed. 241 x 178 mm 240 p € 35,00 | May 2016 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576877975 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

This follow up to bestselling Advanced Style (Powerhouse, 2012, also available) features more senior street style and inspiration from all over the globe. In this new edition Ari Seth Cohen shares his work from the past few years, which now includes photographs of some of the world's best-dressed older gentlemen as well as ladies. Advanced Style: Older And Wiser is similar in format to the original with dozens of images from cities all over the world.


Advanced Style Older And Wiser Companion Volume to Pattern Magic and Pattern Magic 2 Tomoko Nakamichi Paperback | Eng. ed. 257 x 190 mm 100 p | 20 col.ill. | 124 bw ill. € 30,50 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780676944 (E)

In this new addition to the Pattern Magic series from Japan, Tomoko Nakamichi teaches you how to sculpt with fabric, creating beautiful shapes, waves and accents. Next, she looks at creating dynamic movement in garments, using ruffles, shirring and precise, sharply pleated lines. Thorough step-by-step instructions and diagrams will ensure that your own patterns translate beautifully to your choice of garment, while photographs of the finished garments will inspire you to create your own designs.

Pattern Magic 3 E



Daphne Aalders. Met beelden van Tom Swaelens en illustraties van Fatinha Ramos Hardback | NL ed. 260 x 205 mm | 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 28,50 | May 2016 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867234 (NL)

Antwerpen-Noord is een veelheid aan culturen en eetgewoonten. Je hoeft geen 200 meter te stappen of je passeert wel een slager, visboer, groentewinkel of kruidenier waar je een veelheid aan producten vindt die je nog nooit hebt gezien, laat staan geproefd. Daphne Aalders was jarenlang culinaire journaliste, met de wereldkeuken als specialiteit. Voor de stad Antwerpen schreef ze twee boekjes: 't Winkelend Noord: al het eten van de wereld, en 't Winkelend Noord: koken met ingrediënten van de wereld. Met haar kennis en achtergrond richtte Daphne Aalders Food for Foodies op, een organisatie die culinaire wandelingen in de buurt aanbiedt en kookworkshops in de Permekebibliotheek aan het De Coninckplein. En nu is er Al het eten van de wereld, een kookboek van al het eten in de wereld, met gerechten samengesteld, gekookt, geproefd en gesmaakt op een plek van amper enkele vierkante kilometers groot, in het noorden van Antwerpen.

Al het Eten van de Wereld Food for Foodies. Vol. 1



Het gebruik van superfoods in smoothies en sapjes is reeds gekend, maar je kan deze poeders, zaden en gedroogde bessen ook perfect verwerken in lunchgerechten, bij het ontbijt of in heerlijke tussendoortjes. Dit boek bevat 56 recepten met superfoods in de hoofdrol. Ze zijn stuk voor stuk eenvoudig, lekker en snel klaar te maken. Ideaal tijdens een drukke werkweek. Alle recepten werden door voedingsconsulent Mario De l'arbre ontwikkeld, waardoor de gerechten perfect uitgebalanceerd zijn.

Recepten: Mario De l’arbre. Design: Taste Design Hardback | NL ed. 250 x 200 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. € 24,50 | Dec. 2015 [BE] Vision ISBN: 9789079881352 (NL)

ISBN 9789079881369 (F) ISBN 9789079881376 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

Les Superfood ne sont plus uniquement un hype mais sont maintenant bien connus du grand public. Ce livre contient 56 recettes avec les Superfood "à l'honneur". Elles sont savoureuses et faciles à préparer. Idéal lors d'une semaine de travail bien remplie . Toutes les recettes ont été élaborées par un nutritionniste, Mario De l'arbre. Les plats sont parfaitement équilibrés et les vitamines et minéraux ont un eet positif pour le corps.

Become a Super Food Chef Eenvoudige shakes en lekkere gerechten met Super foods Des shakes simples et des bonnes recettes avec les superfood Simple shakes and delicious dishes with Superfoods



Hrh Princess Tatiana Hardback | French ed. 250 x 190 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. | 200 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | July 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733803 (F) A taste of Greece Recipes, Cuisine & Culture ISBN 9783832733377 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY


Un choix savamment sélectionné des meilleures recettes grecques. En achetant ce livre, vous ne vous offrez pas seulement un regard et un goût de la Grèce certainement nouveau pour vous, mais vous viendrez également en aide aux personnes qui en ont besoin : les ventes de cet ouvrage permettront à BOROUME de fournir des repas à davantage de familles.

Le gout grec Recettes, cuisines et culture

Tali Shine & Steph Adams Hardback | French ed. 250 x 190 mm 176 p | 200 col.ill. | 200 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | April 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733780 (F)


Ce livre est votre guide pour les cafés les plus branchés, les plus délicieux et les plus sains et biologiques de la planète. Il présente des recettes uniques et exclusives, des plats signatures des endroits spécialement choisis par l'auteur, Tali Shine. Vous y trouverez des recettes de jus et de smoothies, de brunches, de dîners qui vous mettront l'eau à la bouche, ainsi que des bonbons et des friandises.

Good to Glow ISBN: 9783832733414 (E ) II01 ‐ COOKERY

Rayonner par votre alimentation

Jasper Udink ten Cate Hardback | NL ed. 254 x 208 mm 192 p € 24,95 | Feb. 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694296 (NL)

Hoe kan je een diner met behulp van presentatie, verhalen, geur, muziek, associaties, persoonlijkheid, ingrediënten, interactie, omgeving en tijd veranderen van een etentje tot een bijzondere eetbelevenis? Jasper Udink ten Cate brengt ons een geheel nieuwe kijk op eten en beleving. Het boek bevat boordevol inspirerende recepten : Hoe maak ik een eetbare tentoonstelling? Wat is het recept voor eetbare parfum? En hoe maak je een vinyl plaat van chocola? Dit boek is nieuw en uniek en spat van de inspiratie!


Creative Chef Maak van je diner een spectaculaire beleving!


How to Become a Creative Chef ISBN: 9789063694142 II01 ‐ COOKERY

Claus Meyer Hardback | Eng. ed. 246 x 189 mm 256 p € 32,95 | April 2016 [UK] M. Beazley (Octopus) ISBN: 9781784721565 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

Discover fresh, Nordic family cooking with this book from Noma co-founder Claus Meyer. With its focus on good, seasonal ingredients and lightness of touch, Nordic cuisine is perfect family food. In this book, Claus Meyer brings the ethos that built Noma into the world's best restaurant into the home with easy-going, accessible dishes that will fit seamlessly into family life. The book is divided into four seasonal chapters so that you can get the most from the food and flavours in season.


The Nordic Kitchen One year of family cooking Zena Alkaya Paperback | Eng. ed. 160 x 160 mm 196 p | 250 col.ill. € 13,50 | June 2016 [UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711237452 (E)

Café London takes locals and tourists beyond the obvious guidebook destinations. It highlights the best places to go for a trendy brunch, simple lunch and decadent afternoon tea, as well as the best places for a real coffee and a perfect cup of tea. Covering more than 100 destinations, it's an essential guide for visitors looking for an authentic London experience, and Londoners looking to discover new café favourites.



Café London Brunch, Lunch, Coffee and Afternoon Tea

1101 Cocktails WR 7U\ %HIRUH <RX 'LH François Monti Hardback | Eng. ed. 178 x 111 mm 224 p € 13,50 | April 2016 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844038770 (E) II01 ‐ DRINKS

Eat Grub The Ultimate Insect Cookbook Shami Radia & Neil Whippey & Sebastian Holmes Hardback | Eng. ed. 230 x 190 mm | 192 p € 26,95 | March 2016

Eat Nordic is all about eating locally sourced seasonal ingredients combined in a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and fat. The traditional diet of Northern Europe - with its emphasis on good, home-made and often home-grown, seasonal food - consists of a wide variety of grains, berries, vegetables, fish, poultry and game (but very little meat). Trine Hahnemann Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 176 p € 20,00 | Feb. 2016

[UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711236943 (E)

Eat Nordic

[UK] Quadrille

The ultimate diet for weight loss, health and happiness

ISBN: 9781849497633 (E)



Om tot rijkere en meer gediversifieerde tuinen te komen met een grote belevingswaarde het hele jaar rond, ontwikkelden botanici Harry van Trier en Jan Hendrickx na zorgvuldig testen een plantenlijst met 251 soorten en cultivars die uitstekend gedijen in ons Belgische klimaat en het zonder meer schitterend zouden moeten doen in onze tuinen. Dit boek is in de eerste plaats bedoeld voor tuinaannemers, maar richt zich ook naar de avontuurlijke hobbytuinier die zijn tuin wil verrijken.

De Planten voor ieders tuin

Harry van Trier & Jan Hendrickx Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 272 p | 600 col.ill. € 24,95 | April 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green ISBN: 9789058565426 (NL) ISBN 9789058565433 (F)


Le monde végétal est un monde de découvertes, parsemées de nouveaux défis. Les botanistes, les pépiniéristes et les forces vives du secteur vert se sont mis autour de la table pour concevoir un repère utile aux jardiniers, pour leur donner dUn aide-mémoire standard que chaque jardinier tant amateur que professionnel - consulte facilement pour ses conseils et les familiariser avec l'immense éventail des possibilités.

Les plantes pour le jardin de chacun



Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 39,90 | April 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732455 (E)


Penthouses and rooftop terraces let you reach for the stars and the only limit on what you can design in your exclusive oasis is your imagination. In densely populated areas, rooftop gardens inject a lovely note of green into the urban landscape. People grow their own vegetables or use grass and shrubs to frame an opulent lounge area or pool. This book explores the sophisticated interplay of indoor and outdoor living among the clouds and immerses you in the feeling of living between heaven and earth.


Living Roofs Clive Nichols Hardbackwith dust jacket | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 176 p | 154 col.ill. € 39,90 | March 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733322 (E)

Paradise Found - Gardens of Enchantment shows the world's most beautiful gardens, from English gardens and romantic rose gardens to enchanting nature gardens. The evocative photographs and excellent plant portraits by Clive Nichols, a master of using light to create mood, are equally moving and inspiring. Classic garden poems and quotes accompany the reader through this volume on a visual stroll through nature.


Paradise Found Gardens of Enchantment



Expo: 9/04/2016 ‐ 25/09/2016, L’Institut du monde arabe, Paris Sous la direction d’Agnès Carayon et Sylvie Depondt Paperback | French ed. 260 x 200 mm 200 p | 200 col.ill. € 25,00 | April 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461612915 (F)


Cette exposition sera une invitation à découvrir les jardins arabo-musulmans de façon originale et spectaculaire. Elle abordera l'histoire des jardins et de la ville, depuis la plus haute antiquité jusqu'aux innovations les plus contemporaines. Elle portera sur une aire géographique très large, couvrant l'ensemble du monde arabe, de la péninsule ibérique au sous-continent indien.


Jardins d'Orient De l'Alhambra au Taj Mahal

Carles Broto Hardback | Eng. ed. 284 x 242 mm 300 p | 678 col.ill. € 55,00 | May 2016 [ES] Links ISBN: 9788416239917 (E) II02 ‐ GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN


A thorough technical introduction provides guidance to architects and designers exploring vertical gardens, an innovative and ever more popular response to increasing urbanization. This book features the most exciting projects from around the world, illustrated with full color photographs, plans and in-depth explanations from the architects. It will be an inspiration to architects, students and those interested in urban design.

Vertical Gardens

Jacobo Krauel Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 285 mm 256 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 50,00 | May 2016 [ES] Links ISBN: 9788416239948 (E) II02 ‐ GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN


This volume presents a selection of the best recent projects in the field of landscape architecture, an area that is growing in importance in line with society's increasing sensitivity to its environment. The imaginative and innovative solutions presented, developed in response to a variety of scales and contexts, will serve as a useful aid to both professional landscape designers and students. Featuring more than twenty projects from around the world, each extensively documented.

Creative Landscape Design 56

Edited by Liz Dobbs Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 26,95 | May 2016 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844037926 (E)

With a myriad of plant choices at garden centres, this book is a guide to what to look for when choosing varieties. The book has been written with the home gardener in mind and full-colour photographs, authoritative text, and at-a-glance growing information is provided for each plant. Expert contributors have chosen plants based on plant awards, impartial trials and records, and feedback from gardeners.



1001 Plants You Must Grow Before You Die

Do you dream of transforming your back garden? Whatever your desire, the Garden Design Bible has a plan that you can adapt to your own space. Choose from 40 designs, or mix and match elements from several to create your ideal garden. Each of the designs is fully illustrated and has a comprehensive plant list and planting diagram. Reissued with a smart new cover, this book has sold 60,000 copies.

Tim Newbury Paperback | Eng. ed. 260 x 194 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. € 22,80 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Hamlyn (Octopus) ISBN: 9780600632443 (E) II02 ‐ GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN

Garden Design Bible 40 great off-the-peg designs

E Ian Hodgson Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 227 mm 176 p € 33,50 | May 2016 [UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711237285 (E)


The New Wild Garden combines new approaches to a more naturalistic design with the practical side of growing wildflowers and shows how to incorporate wildflowers, real meadows and a looser prarie-style planting into gardens and wild spaces. With serious concern into the decline of pollinators and habitats, meadows are currently the focus of enormous creativity.This book includes 15 step-by-step projects and an essential plant list, as well as offering inspiration to gardeners.


The New Wild Garden Jackie Bennett & Andrew Lawson Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 277 mm 192 p € 33,50 | March 2016 [UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711237261 (E)

The book will focus on the gardens that Shakespeare knew, including the five gardens in Stratford upon Avon in which he gardened and explored. From his birthplace in Henley Street, to his childhood playground at Mary Arden's Farm, to his courting days at Anne Hathaway's Cottage and his final home at New Place - where he created a garden to reflect his fame and wealth. Cared for by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, these gardens are continually evolving to reflect our ongoing knowledge of his life.


Shakespeare's Gardens 57


Paperback | NL ed. 255 x 200 mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,50 | May 2016 [BE] VAi ISBN: 9789082122558 (NL)

ISBN: 9789082122565 (E)


Reeds meer dan twintig jaar publiceert het Vlaams Architectuurinstituut (VAi) het Architectuurboek Vlaanderen. Deze 12de editie toont in welke mate architectuurcultuur is doorgedrongen in onze samenleving, en illustreert de grote verscheidenheid van de realisaties door architecten in en uit Vlaanderen en Brussel. De meer dan 100 geselecteerde projecten vertonen een aantal overeenkomsten. Ze weerspiegelen de inventieve oplossingen die architecten ontwikkelden om een succesvolle interactie tussen functie, vorm, schaal, hergebruik en toe-eigening te realiseren en ze worden gekenmerkt door nauwkeurigheid, vakmanschap en een grote aandacht voor context. Het boek toont architectuur op maat. Dertien essays geclusterd rond vier thema's leven, stad, schaal en de vorm - schetsen de huidige ontwikkelingen in de architectuur in en uit Vlaanderen. In aanvulling op de essays, toont het boek een selectie van de beste projecten door een caleidoscoop van plannen, schetsen en foto's.

The 12th edition of the Flanders Architectural Review reverberates with the rich variety of architectural projects realised in Flanders and Brussels. The selected projects reflect the inventive solutions that architects have developed as a way of establishing successful interactions between form, scale, reuse and everyday appropriations. The book presents tailored architecture


Image: Rijksarchief Gent, Robbrecht en Daem architecten

Architectuurboek Vlaanderen N°12 Architectuur op maat

Flanders Architectural Review N°12

The Flanders Architecture Institute (VAi) commissioned the BRAVOURE team to create an exhibition in the Belgian pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2016 in Venice on the theme of 'craftsmanship'. This accompanying publication is a further elaboration of the work exhibited in the pavilion and a contribution to the architectural debate in Flanders and beyond. Comprised out of essays, interviews and images, this book offers an answer to the question what craftsmanship can mean today. Curators: architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, doorzon interieurarchitecten, Filip Dujardin Contributions from: De Smet Vermeulen architecten, Philippe Vander Maren - Richard Venlet, Wim Goes Architectuur, architecten Els Claessens en Tania Vandenbussche, Eagles of Architecture, Jo Van Den Berghe - architect, BURO II & ARCHI+I, Robbrecht en Daem architecten i.s.m. Arch & Teco, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Laura Muyldermans + Atelier Starzak Strebicki, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh en Stéphane Beel Architects


BRAVOURE SCARCITY BEAUTY Biennale Architettura 2016 - Belgian Pavilion


Expo: 28/5/2016 - 27/11/2016, Belgian pavilion, Architecture Biennale Venice 2016 Paperback | Eng. ed. 200 x 147 mm 152 p € 19,50 | May 2016 [BE] VAi ISBN: 9789082122572 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE Image: Maarschalk Gerardstraat 5, Eagles of Architecture © Filip Dujardin

Jan De Vylder, Inge Vinck & Jo Taillieu Paperback in box | Eng./ NL ed. 210 x 150 mm 400 p € 80,00 | April 2016 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321237 (E/ NL) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE


Following the international success of the joined publications 1 boek 1, 1 boek 2 and 1 boek 3, MER. Paper Kunsthalle and architecten de vylder vinck taillieu present 1 boek 4, 1 boek 5 and 1 boek 6, equally grouped in a box. De vylder vinck taillieu is considered one of the most influential contemporary Belgian architecture bureaus; often joining forces with the art world.

Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu 1 boek 4, 1 boek 5, 1 boek 6 (box)

Reprint Jan De Vylder, Inge Vinck & Jo Taillieu Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. 210 x 148 mm 400 p | throughout col.ill. € 35,00 | Oct. 2011 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789490693138 (E/ NL)

This book is a third in a series of three presented by the Ghent based architects de vylder vinck taillieu. Following 1 boek 1, which displays a selection of drawings and projects, and 1 boek 2, which provides text and contexts with these projects; 1 boek 3 is a full-colour illustrated catalogue of drawings, blueprints and photographs that provide further inside into the work of these internationally acclaimed architects.


Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu NL/E

1 boek 3

Giambattista Piranesi, a remarkable artist and outstanding engraver, was also an engineer, archeologist, architectural critic and theoretician. In this fully illustrated book a wide range of aspects of Piranesi's oeuvre and thinking are examined, with a particular focus, on one hand, on his polemical and theoretical works and texts and, on the other, on the visual and compositional strategies that formed the basis of his prints.

Dirk De Meyer, Bart Verschaffel, Pieter‐Jan Cierkens (eds.) Paperback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm | 192 p | several col.ill. € 40,00 | Jan. 2016 [BE] A&S/Books, UGent ISBN: 9789076714462 (E)

Aspects of Piranesi Essays on History, Criticism and Invention



Victor Horta (1861-1947) est l'un des plus grands architectes belges. Mais qui était l'homme derrière cet architecte révolutionnaire ? Comment Horta obtenait-il ses commandes et quels milieux fréquentait-il ? Comment faisait-il face aux déceptions et aux critiques ? Qu'y avait-il de novateur dans son art et comment a-t-il évolué ? Pour la première fois dans la littérature relative à Horta, ces questions sont traitées conjointement dans cet ouvrage monumental. (Nederlandse editie: isbn 9789061533931)


Michèle Goslar Hb with slip case | French ed. 325 x 245 mm 564 p | 600 col.ill. € 149,95 | May 2012 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789061534037 (F)

Victor Horta 1861-1947

ISBN 9789061533931 (NL)

L'Homme - L'Architecte - L'Art Nouveau



Baires Raffaelli Paperback | Eng. ed. 150 x 105 mm 144 p € 12,00 | Jan. 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694111 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE


Research, in almost every field of human knowledge, has practical goals, but while in Architecture, research is often purely theoretically, done by insiders for other insiders, risking being a product limited to the academic world. The Fast Guide to Architectural Form, while staying on theoretical ground, is a very practical guide to the basic forms and shapes in architectural planning and design. The book is foremost a visual guide.

The Fast Guide to Architectural Form

Carles Broto Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 284 x 242 mm 300 p | 498 col.ill. | 110 bw ill. € 55,00 | May 2016 [ES] Links ISBN: 9788416239894 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE


The exercise of creating homes for our ever-expanding populations is one of the greatest architectural challenges of today. Presenting a selection of projects by internationally renowned practices, that feature the latest technical and formal innovations while responding with creativity to the program, this detailed study explores the complexity of this fascinating typology.

Apartement buildings Now Design & Innovation

192 b/w plans & drawings (Previously announced with ISBN 9788490540381 Beach Ho Arian Monstaedi Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 240 mm 256 p | 435 col.ill. | 192 bw ill. € 55,00 | May 2016 [ES] Links ISBN: 9788416239962 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE


Forward-looking projects by internationally renowned architects whose work stands as a landmark to innovation. Large-format glossy photographs, floor plans, technical details and architectural commentary straight from the studios of the designing architects themselves make this an invaluable volume for any design or architecture professional. The reader will find a thorough explanation of the materials and techniques employed in each project.

Architectural Beach Houses 60

Expo: 28/5/2016 ‐27/11/2016, 15th Venice Biennale Alejandro Aravena 2 Vol./Boxed | Eng. ed. 267 x 210 mm 575 p | 700 col.ill. € 125,00 | May 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9788831723770 (E)

The 15th International Architecture Exhibition will be all about these success stories and exemplary cases where architecture has made, is making, and will make a difference in the lives of everyday people by achieving what has previously seemed impossible. Reporting from the Front will not be just a chronicle of passive witness but a testimony to work that balances hope and rigor in the quest for an architecture of the public good.


Reporting From the Front E

15th Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition

Renzo Piano himself presents in his own words the works on which he has built his reputation over a span of fifty years.Over one hundred works are described (almost twice as many as featured in the original edition that this volume supersedes), accompanied by over one thousand images, including new photographs, drawings and sketches, both intimate and authoritative, all with commentaries by the architect that combine personal anecdote and technical description with original insights.

Renzo Piano | Foreword by Kenneth Frampton Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 245 mm | 576 p | 1000 col. & bw ill € 66,95 | July 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500343104 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Renzo Piano The Complete Logbook


Nicolas Grospierre Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 208 p | 176 col.ill. € 39,95 | March 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382296 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE


At once a reference work and a personal exploration of modernist architecture, this fascinating collection of Nicolas Grospierre's photography covers structures built between 1920 and 1989 in Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. These images range from iconic buildings to little-known structures.

Modern Forms A Subjective Atlas of 20th Century Architecture


by Monocle Hardback | Eng. ed. 265 x 200 mm 402 p | throughout col.ill. € 44,00 | Sept. 2015 [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides ISBN: 9783899555608 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

A handbook for making a home that will stand the test of time, take knocks and scuffs in its stride, and where lives can unfold, children grow up, and dogs run wild. This Monocle book tells us how to turn a house into a home. Both a practical guide and a great source of inspiration, The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes presents the interiors, furniture, and locations you need to know about along with portraits of the people who can make it happen.


The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes

Photographed by James Silverman. Editors: James Silverman, Robert Klanten Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 44,00 | March 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899555981 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Endless expanses. Interior design, architecture, and spectacular views of sweeping landscapes. This book is a dazzling compilation of dream houses with a view, photographed by James Silverman on his travels. Whether of a remote mountain cabin in Norway, a sensuous desert oasis in Morocco, or a monolithic concrete home in Switzerland, Silverman's photographs capture the seemingly uninterrupted flow between interiors and exteriors.

Infinite Space Contemporary Residential Architecture and Interiors

Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 288 p € 44,00 | March 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899555905 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Small stores are experiencing a rebirth. Driven by the personalities behind them and featuring select products, atmospheric interiors, and impeccable service, these spaces offer promising alternatives to webshops and chains. Whether brand new and based on innovative ideas or passed down for generations and revamped, the stores and their shopkeepers featured in this book stand out for the singular experience they provide to their customers and the personal selection of items they sell.

The Shopkeepers Storefront Businesses and the Future of Retail


Mimi Zeiger Hardback | Eng. ed. 171 x 171 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 30,95 | March 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847848225 (E)



A presentation of micro-scaled contemporary residences that demonstrate domesticity can be both compact and beautiful. How we live in cities-smaller, denser, smarter-is at the heart of Tiny Houses in the City. This book looks at the tiny house movement through the lens of metropolitan life. Tiny Houses in the City features an international collection of more than 30 homes that exemplify compact living at its best.

Tiny Houses in the City Claire Bingham Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 39,90 | March 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733735 (E)

Using easy to understand do-it-yourself projects, Modern Living - How to Decorate with Style shows how investing just a little time and money can make a big splash in your home. Working on your own, you can give your home a facelift that will make it even more comfortable and beautiful.


Modern Living How to decorate with Style

E Sonia Lucano Paperback | Eng. ed. 285 x 220 mm 192 p € 25,80 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292396 (E)

Natural materials, neutral colours, clean, elegant lines: the Scandinavian look is one of the most popular in contemporary interior design. This book is the perfect introduction to its history and major practitioners, covering such great designers as Arne Jacobsen and Stig Lindberg, and such key furniture and textiles designers as Litala and Marimekko. It will also teach readers how to recreate Scandinavian style with 30 step-by-step projects that show them how to customize furniture and household objects.



Interior Inspiration: Scandinavia Alain Laurens, Daniel Dufour, Ghislain André, and La Cabane Perchée Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 316 mm 240 p | 200 col.ill. € 38,50 | April 2016 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419719745 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

French design company La Cabane Perchée pres­ents 40 extraordinary treehouses designed and built by the acclaimed team. Featuring houses in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Russia, Italy, Spain, and the United States, Dream Treehouses showcases both exterior and interior images of each house.


Dream Treehouses Extraordinary Designs from Concept to Completion 63

Catriona Gray Hardback | Eng. ed. 289 x 254 mm 224 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 40,95 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Conran ISBN: 9781840916645 (E)

From Pop art to Op art, plastic furniture to bubble-gum paint colours, the Sixties saw a new wave of interior design that was closely linked to popular culture and fashion, becoming increasingly youth-oriented and playful to appeal to the new generation of baby-boomers. In Sixties House, mid-century modern enthusiast Catriona Gray has drawn on the magazine's peerless archive, curating the best illustrations and photographs to show how the use of colour, pattern, homewares and furniture evolved.



Sixties House Interiors, design & style from the 1960s Caroline Clifton‐Mogg Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 235 mm 224 p | 250 col.ill. € 41,50 | March 2016 [UK] Jacqui Small (Quarto) ISBN: 9781910254165 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


The arrangement of rooms has always been a vital part of successful interior decoration, and it is even more important when it comes to creating an interior that is a mixture of the expected and the completely unexpected. It is an art and it requires a real skill, for there has to be respect for every objet trouvé, as well as an understanding of how each element will work best. Modern Retro shows how to combine, how to edit and how to put the unlikely and the unusual together in a sympathetic way.

Modern retro from Rustic to Urban, Classic to Colourful The first part of the book gives core interior decorating advice using elements from the shopkeepers' stores and homes. It describes inspirational furniture and lighting ideas, suggests ways to store and display everything from books to quirky collections, and offers advice on layout, walls and floors too.

Caroline Rowland Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm | 192 p | 250.col..&.bw ill € 34,50 | Oct. 2015 [UK] Jacqui Small (Quarto) ISBN: 9781909342903 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

The Shopkeeper's Home The World's Best Independent Retailers and their Stylish Homes


Take a look at extraordinary living and working spaces! In Personalities, people open doors into their very personal immediate surroundings: their homes and spaces of creative work. As different as they are, what connects them is something very special: the USM modular furniture system.

Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 327 x 230 mm | 192 p | 126 col. & bw ill € 38,00 | Nov. 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740807 (E/ G) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Personalities E/G 64

by Francesc Zamora Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 191 mm 480 p € 29,99 | Feb. 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062395207 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Bursting with ideas for designing, building, and decorating, this outstanding compendium features an extensive collection of cottages and cabins from around the world. Adapted to the specific needs and particular tastes of individual clients, these idyllic getaway homes and country hideaways incorporate practical, innovative, and stunning solutions for a variety of design needs.

150 Best Cottage and Cabin Ideas

Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 191 mm 480 p € 29,99 | June 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062444523 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


150 Best of the Best Loft Ideas presents 150 stunning lofts constructed and designed by notable architects and designers from around the world. Made popular in the nineteen fifties and sixties in New York City, lofts-synonymous with a modern, avant-garde lifestyle-continue to maintain their wide appeal. While loft living once meant converting old industrial warehouses into a warm and inviting living environment, today the style has evolved into an airy, open approach for any modern living space.

150 Best of the Best Loft Ideas

Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 191 mm 480 p € 29,99 | June 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062444660 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Packed with detailed color photographs, comprehensive layout illustrations, and essential information, 150 Best Tiny Homes is the ideal solution for making the most of small living spaces-homes between 500 and 800 square feet-common to contemporary urban environments. Inside you'll find 150 homes from around the world-each a model of efficiency and an inspiration for designing and decorating a range of compact dwellings.

150 Best of the Best Tiny Home Ideas


Kathleen Hackett Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 203 mm 240 p | 200 col.ill. € 48,00 | March 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847847457 (E)


Focusing entirely on private homes, this is the first book to get to the heart of the Brooklyn lifestyle. Profiling homes that exemplify a distinctive perspective, Brooklyn Interiors goes beyond the front doors of the new creative class-inside the borough's most compelling brownstones, row houses, lofts, condos, carriage houses, and even one houseboat. From Williamsburg and Greenpoint to Carroll Gardens and Park Slope and every neighborhood in between, the connecting thread is a brilliant resourcefulness.


Brooklyn Interiors From Burnished to Polished, From Modern to Magpie

A must-have design source, with cutting-edge ideas from the world's best designers and architects. Contemporary Interiors showcases a wide range of twenty-first-century residences by world-renowned architects and designers. Filled with more than 300 color illustrations, specialist Philip Jodidio compiles from around the globe fifty of the most innovative homes designed and built within the last five years.

Philip Jodidio Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 216 x 203 mm | 304 p | 250 col.ill. € 48,00 | March 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847848041 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Contemporary Interiors A Source of Design Ideas

E The superb private interiors of Venice are revealed in this lavishly photographed book. This gorgeously photographed journey through entrancingly beautiful Venetian interiors is sure to appeal to Venice's many admirers interested in the elegance and refinement of classical Old World interior design.

Toto Bergamo Rossi Hardback | Eng. ed. 311 x 250 mm | 310 p | 400 col.ill. € 64,00 | Feb. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847848164 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Inside Venice A Private View of the City's Most Beautiful Interiors

E Nathan Williams Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 203 mm 368 p | throughout col.ill. € 37,95 | Oct. 2015 [US] Workman ISBN: 9781579656652 (E)

ISBN 9781579655327 (Kinfolk Table)

The Kinfolk Home invites readers into 40 homes around the world, from Portland, Oregon, to Copenhagen to Tokyo. Some have constructed shiny new urban homes from the blueprints up, while others live in a countryside cottage first occupied by their great-great-great-great-grandparents. What all of these spaces have in common is that they have been put together slowly, deliberately, and with great intention. With luscious photographs and insightful interviews, each home tour is guaranteed to inspire.


The Kinfolk Home Interiors for Slow Living 66


Expo: 31/1/2016 ‐ 29/5/2016, Centre d'innovation et de design, Grand‐Hornu Maria Cristina Didero Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 260 x 210 mm 128 p | 80 col.ill. € 29,95 | Feb. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek

Born in Sunderland, the famous British designer Michael Young has set his offices in Bruxelles and Hong Kong. In Asia he has tested for more than ten years the most advanced and sophisticated processes, focusing on different kinds of material but his aluminum projects are the ones that stand out for their uniqueness of approach and a special twist. Next to his designs in aluminum - limited editions or mass produced - he also included a selection of his most iconic projects from recent years.


ISBN: 9789058565402 (E/ F) II05 ‐ DESIGN

Al(l) - Projects in Aluminium by Michael Young Expo: Opening of the new museum, the 11th of December, Collection "ADAM". Coédition CFC‐Éditions et ADAM

De la collection privée du Plasticarium à un musée d'art et de design à Bruxelles. Nouveau musée et centre d'art, le ADAM (Art & Design Atomium Museum) a pour ambition de devenir une référence muséale en matière d'expositions d'art et de design à Bruxelles. Installé sur le plateau du Heysel, à deux pas de l'Atomium, il dispose de près de 5.000m2 et a pour exposition permanente la collection du Plasticarium. Constituée depuis les années 1980, cette collection est un ensemble singulier et unique au monde


Anne Bony, Alexandra Midal et Richard Thommeret Paperback | Eng./Fr/NL/Germ. ed. 280 x 230 mm 216 p | 300 col.ill. € 24,00 | Dec. 2015 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720153 (E/ F/ NL/ G) II05 ‐ DESIGN

Art & Design Atomium Museum The Plastic Collection Pierre Gencey Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 352 p | 600 col.ill. € 65,00 | May 2016 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542752 (F) II05 ‐ DESIGN

La redécouverte des archives de René Gabriel (1899-1950) à la bibliothèque de l'École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs a permis d'éclairer sous un jour nouveau l'oeuvre de ce décorateur, figure marquante du modernisme social et des années de reconstruction. René Gabriel connaît ses premiers succès en dessinant et produisant, jeune étudiant, ses propres papiers peints.


René Gabriel Reprint

Charles (1907-1978) and Ray (1912-1988) Eames are among the most important designers of the 20th century, and the story of the Eames Office embodies the development of visual and material culture of the post-war, modern period. The World of Charles and Ray Eames charts the history of their inspiring and prolific world and brings together key works and ideas explored at the Eames Office throughout its extraordinary history.

Edited by Catherine Ince Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 240 mm | 320 p € 68,50 | Feb. 2016 ‐R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500518304 (E) II05 ‐ DESIGN

The World of Charles and Ray Eames

E 67

Donald Roos Paperback | Eng. ed. 215 x 140 mm 160 p € 14,95 | May 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694234 (E) I30 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

Don't Read This Book focuses on how to make choices about everything you do in your daily creative practice and life. The book follows the 'To Don't List' method: When you say 'no' to one idea, you have more time to execute another one. In short: the more you subtract, the more focus and time you get.

Don't Read This Book E

TIme Management for Creative People Dorte Nielsen and Sarah Thurber Hardback | Eng. ed. 234 x 155 mm 192 p € 24,00 | April 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694159 (E) I30 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

This book as an opportunity to dispel the myth that creative talent is something possessed by a gifted minority. This is the opportunity to pass on 'the secret' of highly creative people to a much wider audience. It's a chance to give others the knowledge, techniques, and training they need to enhance their own innate creativity and lead the way to fun, fulfilment, invention, innovation, and change.

The Secret of the Highly Creative Thinker E

How to make connections others don't Harry Starren Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 140 x 180 mm 160 p € 12,90 | March 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063693855 (NL)

ISBN 9789063693473 (E)

Following the successful Think Like a Lawyer Don't Act like One, we now present a book that presents, in the same format, 75 extremely short and visual management lessons. Like the lawyer the manager is a professional that many people have problems with. Mistakes managers make while managing people tend to fall into similar patterns -and they are all bad. This books will clarify those patterns in a very simple way to help the reader to avoid those mistakes that so many mangers make.


Think Like a Manager, Don't Act Like One 68


Reprint Stuart Tolley Paperback | Eng. ed. 250 x 195 mm 288 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 37,95 | April 2016 ‐R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292198 (E)

This book showcases around 150 outstanding minimalist designers working across a wide range of formats and media - from independent magazines and album covers to corporate identity and branding. Only the finest international examples created in the last two to three years have been included, ensuring that Min is at the forefront of contemporary design.


Min The New Simplicity In Graphic Design


This book serves as an introduction to the key elements of good design. Broken into sections covering the fundamental elements of design, key works by acclaimed designers serve to illustrate technical points and encourage readers to try out new ideas. Themes covered include narrative, colour, illusion, ornament, simplicity, and wit and humour. The result is an instantly accessible and easy to understand guide to graphic design using professional techniques.

The Graphic Design Idea Book

Steven Heller, Gail Anderson Hardback | Eng. ed. 220 x 158 mm 128 p | 50 col.ill. € 19,95 | April 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780677569 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Inspiration from 50 Masters

E John Ingledew Paperback | Eng. ed. 241 x 171 mm 184 p € 27,50 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780677293 (E)

How to Have Great Ideas is the essential guide for students and young professionals looking to embrace creative thinking in design, advertising, and communications. It provides 53 practical strategies and projects for unlocking innovative ideas. Packed with great examples of innovative thinking in graphic design, advertising, photography, illustration, architecture, product design, furniture design, industrial design, animation, digital design, car design engineering, art and fashion.


How to Have Great Ideas


A Guide to Creative Thinking

CD inlcudes 122 free fonts Guem‐Hee Hong Hardback | Eng. ed. 215 x 140 mm 496 p | 112 col.ill. € 37,95 | March 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780677583 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Fonts based on handwritten scripts are some of the bestselling typefaces of the font foundries. Script Fonts is a visual encyclopedia of over 300 fonts that includes complete alphabets and numerals for each font and a piece of sample text that shows how each typeface works in the context of a paragraph. It is richly illustrated with over 100 examples of the typefaces as used in manuscripts, on posters, in advertising and other graphic design. The accompanying CD inlcudes 122 free fonts.

Script Fonts E 69

New additions to the automotive market are judged primarily by efficiency or fuel consumption. Things are quite different for historical cars. René Staud has shot automotive classics in settings ranging from the subtle to the spectacular. The Classic Cars Book conveys a real passion for these spectacular vehicles, appealing to existing fans and those yet to fall under their spell.

Original edition: 98, euroRené Staud, texts by Jürgen Lewandowski Hardback | Eng/Fr/Germ./Russ./Chin..ed 320 x 250 mm | 304 p | 150 col.ill. € 39,90 | May 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733858 (E/ F/ G/ R/ CH)

The Classic Cars Book


Compact Edition


"One must first imagine a car," stated Enzo Ferrari. Nobody creates pictures worthy of the Commendatore's imagination quite like Günther Raupp. Not just a random flood of images, this internationally renowned automotive photographer's artworks capture the seductive essence of these status symbols from Maranello-maintaining the legendary Ferrari luster.

Hardback | Eng./Fr/Germ./It. ed 370 x 290 mm | 304 p | 250 col.ill. € 98,00 | Feb.2016 ‐R/P [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832797256 (E/ F/ G/ IT)


The Ferrari Book Günther Raupp

E/F/G/... Original edition : 49.90 euro Paolo Tumminelli Hardback | E/F/G/Sp/It. ed 320 x 250 mm 220 p | 107 col.ill. | 27 bw ill. € 29,90 | Jan. 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733520 (E/ F/ G/ SP/ IT) II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR


This book presents an anthology of classic custom-built cars, produced since the 1950s as one-offs or in a very limited number. Rare cars, little advertised and often jealously guarded in private collections, when they did not just mysteriously disappear altogether. These elegant and extrovert cars are examples of a concept of luxury that cannot be measured merely in terms of a market, but rather in terms of pure exclusiveness.

Luxury Toys: Classic Cars Compact edition


Original edition: 98, euro-

The introduction of the Porsche 901 in 1963 marked a milestone in automotive history. Although the name later had to be changed because Peugeot had patented having a 0 in the middle of car model numbers, the 911 didn't let anything stand in the way of its becoming an iconic sports car. For the 50th birthday of the populous 911 family, the famous automotive photographer RenĂŠ Staud, showcases the most important models-all in his typically radiant and distinctive style.

The Porsche 911 Book

Photographs by RenĂŠÂ Staud Hardback  | Eng/Fr/Germ./Russ./Chin. ed 320 x 250 mm | 320 p | 225 col.ill. â‚ŹÂ 39,90  | Oct. 2015 [G]  teNeues ISBN: 9783832733278 (E/ F/ G/ R/ CH) II07 â€? LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

Compact edition


Original edition: 98, euro-

This turbo-charged book is an exciting thrill ride for all lovers of the Porsche experience. As you browse, you embark on a nostalgic, image-packed journey through the annals of high-performance motor engineering and design. The book's dynamic layout and design capture every element of these ultimate rides-power, freedom and speed. Captivated from the first glance, you will keep coming back for more! After a while, the book becomes like your own personal road movie as the sights and sounds come to life.

Edited by Frank Orel Hardback  | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 304 p | 173 col.ill. â‚ŹÂ 39,90  | May 2016 [G]  teNeues ISBN: 9783832733872 (E/ F/ G) II07 â€? LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

The Porsche Book Compact Edition

E/F/G From the very first 300 SL to its 2011 successors, this iconic sports car shows how engineering can claim the status of fine art. Who better to document this parade of automotive milestones than RenĂŠ Staud? A photographic homage to the "sports car of the century" spanning 60 years of model history, from the 1952 300 SL racers to the latest-generation SL.

Original edition: 98, euroRenĂŠÂ Staud, Texts by JĂźrgen Lewandowski, Foreword by Paolo Tumminelli Hardback  | Eng/Fr/Germ./ Russ./Chin. ed 320 x 250 mm | 304 p | 200 col.ill. â‚ŹÂ 39,90  | May 2016 [G]  teNeues

The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Book Compact Edition

ISBN: 9783832733865  (E/.F/.G/ R/ CH) II07 â€? LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

E/F/G/... BMW will be holding its centenary celebrations in March 2016. Innovative technology, dynamism and sporting elegance - the vehicles of the world-famous manufaturer with its headquarters in Munich have been writing automobile and motorcycle history since 1916. This volume tells of the fascinating success of the company in lively prose and with numerous photographs.

BMW - 100 Masterpieces E Dit eerste deel begint met een inleiding die van 1896 - de stichting van de Belgische Automobielclub, voorloper van de RACB - tot 1949 loopt en die bestaat uit "geĂŻllustreerde sleutelmomenten", onderverdeeld in drie periodes. Vanaf 1950 wordt de "jaarlijkse kalender" (nationaal en internationaal) vollediger en zijn er specifieke hoofdstukken, gewijd aan ĂŠĂŠn of andere wedstrijd of discipline.

[G]  Hirmer ISBN: 9783777425238 (E) II07 â€? LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

Jeanâ€?Paul Delsaux Hardback  | NL ed.  297 x 210 mm | 320 p â‚ŹÂ 59,00 | April 2016 [BE]  Kon. Boudewijnstichting ISBN: 9789082377286 (NL)

120 Jaar Belgische Autosport

VOLUME 2 / NL: 1966 -1980 ISBN 9789492347008


VOLUME 2 / FR: 1966 - 1980

120 Ans de Sport Automobile Belge NL F

BMW Museum, Munich Andreas  Braun Hardback | Eng. ed.  270 x 300 mm 240 p | 250 col. & bw ill â‚ŹÂ 54,00 | March 2016


ISBN 9789082377293 (F) II07C â€? SPORTS & LEISURE

Sam Murphy Paperback | NL ed. 235 x 190 mm 208 p | 120 col.ill. € 24,95 | Feb. 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565440 (NL) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE


Run for Life is een praktische, inspirerende en uptodate gids voor elke vrouwelijke loper en elke vaardigheid: van start-to-runners tot doorwinterde loopsters met heel wat meer kilometers op de teller. Ook voor zij die even geen puf meer hebben, de motivatie kwijt zijn of geen vooruitgang meer boeken biedt dit aanstekelijke boek een oplossing. Met tips en informatie voor elke leeftijd over: het perfectioneren van de looptechniek, het kopen van de ideale loopschoenen, het inpassen van loopsessies...

Run for Life De complete gids voor elke loopster Sven Ehmann, Robert Klanten (Eds) Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 38,00 | March 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556520 (E)

Velo 3rd Gear is a showcase of today's most covetable bicycles, the latest designs and technologies, and truly stylish bike-related clothing. It shares compelling perspectives, stories, and experiences from the growing community of cyclists worldwide and introduces a wide range of products and accessories to satisfy its diverse needs and discerning aesthetics.


Velo 3rd Gear Bicycle Culture and Stories


Including a range of events, from easy to expert, and travelling from Britain’s highest peaks to the unforgiving Moroccan desert, this stunningly illustrated book is the essential guide for anyone who wants to test themselves by taking on some of the world’s most celebrated and rewarding physical challenges.

Tobias Mews Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 174 mm | 240 p € 22,95 | March 2016 [UK] Aurum (Quarto) ISBN: 9781781314449 (E) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE

50 Races to Run Before You Die The Essential Guide to 50 Epic Foot-races Across the Globe


The ultimate do-it-yourself guide for camping and wilderness survival. From the author of the award-winning Complete Outdoors Encyclopedia, this volume is the most complete camping instruction book published. This monumental full-color guide to the outdoors features more than 600 photographs, diagrams, and illustrations, clearly explaining and illustrating the most successful techniques for any camping or backcountry survival scenario.

Vin T. Sparano Paperback | Eng. ed. 229 x 184 mm | 352 p | 600 col.ill. € 31,95 | April 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780789331199 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

Complete Guide to Camping and Wilderness Survival E 72

Guy Andrews Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 258 mm 256 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 45,95 | April 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544570 (E) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE


This book is grouped into thematic chapters, each featuring one 'story' of an iconic moment, event or scene: the Tour de France, track racing in the velodrome, winter training and the revelry of the fans and crowds. Images are by a variety of iconic photographers, including Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Guy Le Querrec and Harry Gruyaert. This publication is a celebration of the great artists who have captured those most fugitive of moments in cycling: the personalities, emotions and human endurance.

Magnum Cycling

Paul Smith & Richard Williams Paperback | Eng. ed. 340 x 240 mm 256 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 45,50 | May 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292365 (E) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE


Had it not been for a serious crash in his teens, the fashion designer Paul Smith might have pursued a career as a racing cyclist. This scrapbook showcases Paul's favourite people, races and places in the cycling world through the images and personalities that inspired him. Ultimately, this is not merely a book about one man's enthusiasm for a sport, but an insight into how the people, stories and imagery that have profoundly influenced one of the most successful personalities in the design world.

Paul Smith's Cycling Scrapbook

:ĞĂŶ ĂŵŝĞŶ >ĞƐĂLJ Paperback | Eng. ed. 229 x 171 mm 320 p | 1150 col.ill. € 31,95 | April 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780789331106 (E) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE


The most in-depth guide to soccer clubs around the world, featuring 1,000 illustrations and more than 1,000 teams from 100 countries. This superbly illustrated volume is the fan's most comprehensive insight into 1,000 football clubs (a.k.a., soccer teams), both professional and collegiate, from every continent, illustrating each club's history and what it means to support their team.

1000 Football Clubs Champions of the Beautiful Game


Rieke Hessels & Bianca Dewamme Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | +100 col.ill. € 19,95 | April 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565457 (NL) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF


Wie houdt van scrapbooken, naaien, decoreren of knutselen maar niet van gepriegel met schaar of cuttermes, droomt misschien wel van de Silhouette® Cameo snijplotter. Dit boek biedt beginnende gebruikers van de populaire plotter een hands-on inleiding: van de installatie van de machine en het gebruik van de software tot het maken van de eerste projecten. Voor de meer ervaren gebruikers biedt dit boek een heel scala aan mogelijkheden die u misschien niet voor mogelijk achtte.

Make it yours. Pimp it! DIY - Toepassingen met de snijplotter

Christine Wittoeck Paperback | NL ed. 170 x 110 mm 128 p € 18,00 | March 2016


[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565488 (NL) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF


Heb je soms last van een schuldgevoel als je niet direct kunt antwoorden op sms, e-mail of telefoon? Voel je je naakt of verloren zonder smartphone? Dit is het boek voor u én voor iedereen die wel eens wil weten hoe het echt zit: ben je digitaal verslaafd of heb je alles nog perfect onder controle? Start to Digital Detox is een praktisch werkboek. Het is een persoonlijk hulpmiddel om stress en afleiding, veroorzaakt door digitaal werken en communiceren, te herkennen en stap-na-stap aan te pakken.

Start to Digital Detox Digital Detox Starterskit

Pavan Ahluwalia Hardback | Eng. ed. 180 x 160 mm 96 p € 13,80 | May 2016 [AUS] Hardie Grant ISBN: 9781784880354 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE


Update your look and add some glamour with one of the coolest fashion trends around temporary tattoos. This is the perfect book for creating and applying henna and temporary tattoos. Versatile, customizable, and suitable for any occasion, learn how to create these stylish tattoos at home. This exciting book will have you sleeved up with fake ink in no time whether for a festival, a birthday party, or just for fun.

Part-Time Ink Create Your Own Stylish Henna Designs and Temporary Tattoos


Charles Eames nam door de jaren heen meer dan 239 foto's op de filmsets van Billy Wilder. Dit boek baseert zich op deze nooit eerder uitgegeven foto's. Een ongekend facet van het ontwerpersduo Ray en Charles Eames komt hier aan bod. Onder de vele reeksen fotonegatieven vormt de reeks « Movie-sets » de basis voor de tentoonstelling Eames & Hollywood. Deze foto's van Charles Eames zijn volledig gewijd aan filmopnames, zowel binnen als buiten, van de beroemde regisseur Billy Wilder.

Expo: 10/3/2016 ‐ 4/9/2016, Art and Design Atomium Museum (ADAM), Brussels Edited by Alexandra Midal Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 280 x 230 mm | 216 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 39,00 | March 2016 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720177 (E/ F/ NL) II14‐ CINEMA ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Parmi les nombreuses séries de clichés, la série intitulée Movie-Sets constitue la base de l'exposition Eames & Hollywood. Ces photographies de Charles Eames sont entièrement dédiées aux tournages de films dirigés par le célèbre réalisateur Billy Wilder, en intérieur et en extérieur. Le travail de Charles est d'une grande qualité picturale. Armé de son fidèle appareil, il s'intéresse autant aux assistants, maquilleuses, techniciens au travail, etc. qu'aux stars elles-mêmes.


Eames & Hollywood Collection "ADAM" From Almodóvar to Ozu, Fellini to Tarantino, this striking reference book features graphic designer Andy Tuohy's portraits of 52 renowned film directors. Entries include kings of world cinema Wong Kar-Wai and Akira Kurosawa, arthouse pioneers Fritz Lang and David Lynch as well as the often under-appreciated female directors Kathryn Bigelow and Jane Campion. Expert text by film journalist Matt Glasby gives you the key facts about each director, all illustrated by fascinating movie stills and posters.

Andy Tuohy with Matt Glasby Hardback | Eng. ed. 219 x 159 mm | 224 p € 20,00 | Sept. 2015 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844038220 (E) II14 ‐ CINEMA

A to Z Great Film Directors E The unforgettable world of the Lord of the Rings has returned to theatres thanks to Peter Jackson's thrilling adaptation of The Hobbit. Illustrating the breath-taking visuals and undeniable global impact of the films, The Hobbit: The Poster Collection features iconic and rare posters created for the extraordinary trilogy. Filled with stunning poster art from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, and The Hobbit: There and Back Again.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 401 x 302 mm | 40 p € 23,80 | March 2015 [UK] Insight Books ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781608873869 (E) II14 ‐ CINEMA

The Hobbit: Definitive Movie Posters E Art History for Filmmakers is an inspiring guide to how images from art can be used by filmmakers to establish period detail, and to teach composition, color theory and lighting. The book looks at the key moments in the development of the Western painting, and how these became part of the Western visual culture from which cinema emerges, before exploring how paintings can be representative of different genres, such as horror, sex, violence, realism and fantasy, and how the images in these paintings connect

Gillian McIver Paperback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. € 47,50 | March 2016 [UK] Bloomsbury Academic ISBN: 9781472580658 (E) II14 ‐ CINEMA

Art History for Filmmakers The Art of Visual Storytelling

E 75

FUEL Jonny Trunk & Jerry Dammers & Damon Murray & Stephen Sorrell Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 250 mm 248 p | 640 col. & bw ill € 53,50 | April 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9780993191138 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC


The first edition of The Music Library came out in 2005. It brought together over 325 sleeves with information about these rare and elusive albums.The Music Library sparked a resurgence of interest in the subject over the last ten years, with many new libraries and recordings coming to light. The amazing cover designs of over 100 newly discovered libraries are beautifully reproduced (alongside all the sleeves contained in the first book) accompanied by exhaustive updated captions.

The Music Library (Revised and Expanded Edition)

Cobain on Cobain places the reader at the key moments of Kurt Cobain's rollercoaster ride, telling the tale of Nirvana entirely through his words and those of his bandmates as they unleashed the whirlwind that would consume them for the last half of their five-year career. The most comprehensive compendium of interviews with the band ever released, the interviews start from the release of their first album Bleach to the band's collapse on their 1994 European tour.

Nick Soulsby Paperback | Eng. ed. 234 x 156 mm | 592 p € 22,95 | March 2016 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781785580857 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

Cobain on Cobain Interviews and Encounters

E A celebration of the flamboyant Queen front man, who was both one of rock music's greatest stage performers and an inimitable recording artist. Featuring a retrospective commentary on his albums, a complete discography and accompanied by photographs and memorabilia throughout. Published in recognition of what would have been Freddie's 70th birthday.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 275 x 215 mm | 224 p € 26,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781783059706 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

Freddie Mercury An Illustrated Life

E With an introduction by Pete Townshend, There Is No Substitute is a tribute to The Who's late drummer Keith Moon, compiled by Ian Snowball with the authorisation the Keith Moon Estate and Keith's daughter Amanda de Wolf. The book includes contributions from friends and fans of Keith - a diverse cross section of drummers, musicians, fans, writers and people who knew him.

Ian Snowball Hardback | Eng. ed. 267 x 240 mm | 208 p € 33,95 | May 2016 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781785581489 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

There Is No Substitute Keith Moon



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical era. Born in Salzburg, Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. Lavishly illustrated throughout, this fascinating new biography sets Mozart's musical revolution in the context of the times. Includes a CD of the composer's most famous works.

Peggy Woodford Paperback | Eng. ed. 248 x 170 mm | p € 17,95 | July 2016 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781785582134 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

New Illustrated Lives... Mozart

Maybe I'm Doing It Wrong: The Life of Randy Newman is a primer for newcomers to his work and a rewarding handbook for the aficionado. It includes biographical notes, key background facts, figures, tasting notes, asides, diversions and essays.

David & Caroline Stafford Hardback | Eng. ed. 234 x 156 mm | 288 p € 26,95 | April 2016 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781783055531 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

Randy Newman Maybe I'm Doing It Wrong

Find out how legendary musician Bruce Springsteen earned his monicker. There's only one Boss; his story is revealed here. A supreme songwriter, Springsteen is a rock 'n' roll legend, and this lavishly illustrated book is an examination of his life and music. A comprehensive overview of a fascinating and unique artist, Boss: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band - The Illustrated History is a tribute to Springsteen's body of work.

Gillian G. Gaar Hardback | Eng. ed. 286 x 222 mm | 208 p | 150 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. € 33,50 | July 2016 [UK] Quayside (Quarto) ISBN: 9780760349724 (E)

Bruce Springsteen: Boss


THe Ultimate Illustrated History of Bruce Springsteen



The mostly never-before-published images in Schapiro's rare collection represent Bowie at his most creative and inspired self and present a glimpse into the intimacy that Schapiro and Bowie shared during their time together. Bowie and Schapiro kidded and laughed about shooting a series of close-up portraits on a putrid green background because they felt it was the worst possible background colour for a magazine, and so they did on this lark - with the image eventually becoming a People magazine cover.

David Bowie

Hardback | Eng. ed. 356 x 279 mm 76 p € 40,00 | April 2016 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576878064 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

Photographs by Steve Schapiro


Great Expectations Charles Dickens Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm | 320 p € 6,95 | March 2016 ‐R/P ISBN: 9781847493811 (E)

The Game of Chess and Other Stories

Stefan Zweig

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm | 300 p € 6,95 | March 2016

ISBN: 9781847495815 (E)

The Double Fyodor Dostoevsky Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm | 256 p € 6,95 | Aug. 2016 ISBN: 9781847496034 (E)

Tales Of Horror Edgar Allan Poe Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm | 352 p € 6,95 | Sept. 2016 ISBN: 9781847496096 (E)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm | 160 p € 6,95 | Aug. 2016 ISBN: 9781847496027 (E)

The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm | 288 p € 6,95 | March 2016 ‐R/P ISBN: 9781847493729 (E)

Frankenstein Mary Shelley Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm | 224 p € 6,95 | Feb. 2016 ‐R/P ISBN: 9781847493507 (E)

Alma Evergreens: all at 6,95 euro



Lucky Alan

Here I Am

Heroes of the Frontier Book of Numbers

Jonathan Lethem

Jonathan Safran Foer

Dave Eggers

Hamish Hamilton Hardback/ Paperback | Eng. ed

Hamish Hamilton

Paperback | Eng. ed. 198 x 129 mm | 176 p € 13,20 | July 2016

256 p € 16,95 | Sept. 2016

[UK] Random House UK

[UK] Penguin UK

ISBN: 9781784701635 (E)

ISBN: 9780241146187 (E/ Pb)


Joshua Cohen

Paperback | Eng. ed. 198 x 129 mm | 592 p € 14,95 | June 2016

Hardback/ Paperback | Eng. ed. 384 p Hb: 27,80 | Pb: 18,95 | July 2016

[UK] Random House UK

[UK] Penguin UK

ISBN: 9780099597384 (E)

ISBN: 9780241289945 (E/Pb) II15b ‐ LITERATURE

ISBN: 9780241146170 (E/ Hb) ISBN: 9780241289938 (E/Hb)




De schittering van diep zwart L'éclat du noir profond Didier Comès Thierry Bellefroid, Olivier Grenson, Didier Platteau Paperback | NL ed. 56 p | 63 col. & bw ill. € 5,00 | Dec. 2015 [BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting ISBN: 9789492347015 (NL)

The Arab of the Future


Volume 2: A Childhood in the Middle East, 1984-1985 A Graphic Memoir Hodder ISBN 9781473638112 (vol 1) Riad Sattouf Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 160 p € 28,95 | Sept. 2016


The real life of Agatha Christie

(Art Masters)

Anne Martinetti, Guillaume Lebeau Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 260 x 190 mm 120 p | throughout col.ill. € 17,80 | May 2016

Steffen Kverneland Paperback | Eng. ed. 260 x 190 mm | 280 p | throughout col.ill. € 21,95 | March 2016

[UK] SelfMadeHero

[UK] SelfMadeHero

ISBN: 9781910593110 (E)

ISBN: 9781910593127 (E)

[UK] Hachette ISBN 9789492347022 (F)

Asterix and the Missing Scroll (Album 36) Jean‐Yves Ferri (Author), Didier Conrad (Illustrator), Rene Goscinny (Author), Albert Uderzo (Author), Paperback | Eng. ed. 287 x 216 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. € 10,95 | March 2016

ISBN: 9781473638235 (E)



Ben Gijsemans

Daniel Clowes

Who Are You? The Life & Death of Keith Moon Jim McCarthy & Marc Olivent Paperback | Eng. ed. 244 x 160 mm | 160 p € 22,95 | May 2016

Jonathan Cape Hardback | Eng. ed. 155 x 198 mm | 180 p € 25,95 | March 2016

Ben Gijsemans Hardback | Eng. ed. 269 x 218 mm | 88 p € 25,50 | March 2016

[UK] Random House UK

[UK] Random House UK

[UK] Omnibus +firm+

ISBN: 9781910702451 (E)

ISBN: 9780224101462 (E)

ISBN: 9781783058884 (E)

[UK] Orion (Hachette) ISBN: 9781510100466 (E)


Lavinia Bakker Paperback | Eng. ed. 220 x 170 mm 144 p € 12,90 | Feb. 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694197 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

From the makers of Once upon a time I was..., the guided notebook to create your own autobiography (now in its third printing), we present this new notebook, which helps you to find your talent and passion and the job and life that matches best with who you are and what you want to be.

Once Upon a Time I Wanted to Be... E

An inspirational notebook to help you find your passion and talent

Gavin Lucas Hardback | Eng. ed. 195 x 195 mm 192 p | 400 col.ill. € 20,00 | March 2016 [UK] Prestel + ISBN: 9783791381503 (E)


This is the first book to explain the genesis and cultural significance of emoji, the world's cutest and most popular form of shorthand. If you have a Twitter account or regularly send text messages, it's highly likely that you've used or received emoji. These characters include symbols and pictograms that represent a host of everyday objects and activities plus, crucially, a selection of faces that denote a range of emotions from happy to sad, angry, confused, surprised or tired.


Story of Emoji Christoph Cassar. Illustrations by Carla McRae Hardback | Eng. ed. 185 x 160 mm 112 p | throughout col.ill. € 13,80 | Feb. 2016 [US] Smith Street Books (Abrams) ISBN: 9781925418033 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE


Spotting the modern hipster used to simple - a guy you wouldn't expect to have a beard had a beard. Over recent years the line between hipster and everyday human has blurred beyond recognition, so it's understandable if you've grown confused. Don't worry - How To Spot A Hipster is here to help.

How to Spot a Hipster 82

This special-edition postcard box presents 100 of the most significant, interesting and curious examples that the history of cycling has witnessed. Each postcard features essential information about the model, with key facts and technical specifications. With specimens ranging from those for use in the mountains, for racing and in the city, to tandems, kids’, folding, touring, cargo and curiosity bikes, there is something to suit every taste.

Boxed | Eng. ed. 163 x 122 mm | 100 p | 100 col.ill. € 20,50 | Jan. 2016 [UK] THAMES & HUDSON (gifts) ISBN: 9780500420331 (E) ISBN 9780500515587 (book) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Cyclepedia 100 Postcards of Iconic Bicycles

Boxed | Eng. ed. 155 x 100 mm 100 p € 20,50 | Feb.2016 [UK] THAMES & HUDSON (gifts) ISBN: 9780500420409 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

The mid-20th century was one of the most popular, collectable and dynamic periods of international design. Drawing on the inventive style of the era, this range of gift products features exclusive illustrations of iconic mid-century designs, from Eames chairs to Poul Henningsen lamps and George Nelson clocks, all rendered in a distinctive graphic style. They will be the perfect present for all design aficionados or for anyone looking to inject a little mid-century style into their home.

Mid-Century Modern 100 Postcards Of Iconic Design Paperback | No text 220 x 155 mm 108 p | 26 bw ill. € 14,95 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781856699969 (‐)

The Dreamday Pattern Journal is a new concept in luxury stationery. Each journal contains patterned pages for colouring-in and doodling interleaved with blank pages for taking notes and drawing. Each has a visual theme associated with a particular period or place. Composed of cream and grey stocks and featuring coloured endpapers, richly patterned covers and a bellyband, the journals are a perfect blending of the traditional blank journal and the current craze for colouring-in books.


The Dreamday Pattern Journal Art Deco - Manhattan Magnum Photos Boxed | Eng. ed. 155 x 100 mm 100 p € 22,95 | March 2016 [UK] THAMES & HUDSON (gifts) ISBN: 9780500420362 (E)

ISBN 9780500420355 (notebook) ISBN 9780500420348 (sketchbooks)

A boxed collection of 100 postcards featuring the work of more than 65 Magnum greats, curated from the bestselling book Magnum Magnum.

Magnum Photos 100 Postcards 83


Published in 1890, The Picture of Dorian Gray is Oscar Wilde's only novel, and at first, it was considered too salacious to publish. In this story of greed, sin, and arrogance, a young, handsome man makes a devil's bargain to have his portrait age instead of his body. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a time-honoured story that remains relevant today. In A Novel Journal: The Picture of Dorian Gray, the famously insightful novel serves as the lines of this journal in tiny type.

Oscar Wilde Journal | Eng. ed. 210 x 127 mm 192 p € 13,95 | March 2016 [UK] CANTERBURY CLASSICS ‐ GIFTS

The Picture of Dorian Gray

ISBN: 9781626866058 (E|JOURNAL)

Novel Journal (Compact) Once considered too scandalous to publish, Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray is the story of a young man who is granted his wish to have his portrait age in his place. But his resulting youthful handsomeness is exploited in hedonistic pursuits that horribly disfigure the once beautiful painting. The complexity and intrigue of the novel has led to its continued popularity for more than a century, the moral implications continuing to fascinate readers of today.

The Picture of Dorian Gray A Novel Journal


More titles in this series available Oscar Wilde Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 231 x 188 mm 160 p € 18,50 | April 2015 [UK] CANTERBURY CLASSICS ‐ GIFTS ISBN: 9781626863354 (E|FLEXI) II10 ‐ GIFTS



Octopus Tote Bag

Tote Bag | Eng. ed. | . 406 x 394 mm | € 14,50 | April 2016 | [US] Gibbs Smith ‐

The Jungle Book. There's no jealousy in the...

Tote bag


ISBN: 9781423643968 (E)

Tote Bag | Eng. ed. 320 x 420 mm | p € 14,95 | Oct. 2015 [UK] Publikum ISBN: 9786082213316 (E)


Bright Ideas 10 Metallic Colored Pencils Box 197x89 mm, with10 pencils, € 14,50 | March 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452154794 (E)

Andy Warhol People Pencils by Sukie Box, 197 x 89 mm, with 10 pencils € 12,95 | March 2016

[US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452145860 (E)

Soup Can Crayons Purple Soup Can Crayons Orange Mudpuppy & Andy Warhol Tin can 100 x 60 mm € 10,50 | April 2016 ‐R/P [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery ISBN: 9780735346383 (E)

642 Things to Write About Me By the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. Introduction by Jason Roberts Paperback | Lined | Eng. ed. 228 x 186 mm | 304 p € 16,95 | Feb. 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452147307 (E)

Vintage. Mini Notebook Set Letters to My Mom Write Now, Read Later, Treasure Forever 12 fold‐and‐mail envelopes, full‐colour sticker sheet Lea Redmond Hardback | Eng. ed. 150 x 210 mm 12 p € 14,50 | March 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452149219 (E)

Notebook | Eng. ed. 152 x 102 mm 160 p € 8,95 | Jan. 2016 [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery ISBN: 9780735346543 (E)

I'm kind of Awesome Inner-Truth Journal Mini lay‐flat binding, full‐color throughout, ribbon page marker Paperback | Eng. ed. 146 x 101 mm | 160 p € 9,50 | Feb. 2016 [US] Knock Knock ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781601067951 (E)


2 cotton tea towels (2 designs) Accessories | No text 711 x 508 mm 2 p € 16,95 | March 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452150604 (‐) II10 ‐ GIFTS ‐ COOKERY

Keep things neat, tidy, and dry behind the bar and in the kitchen with 100% cotton tea towels illustrated with an array of cocktail glasses and bar tools.

Behind the Bar 2 Tea Towels, 2 Classic Designs

Combining the fine arts of drinking and swearing, this set of 15 coasters (3 designs) features festive toasts in gold foil-stamped calligraphy-plus classic cocktail recipes on the backside. Sturdy, reusable, and suitable for all drinking occasions, these eye-catching coasters will keep guests entertained and tabletops dry at the same time. Also available this season: Bon Appetit, Bitches! Tea Towels and Fucking Brilliant Pencils

Cheers, Bitches! Coasters

Calligraphuck Boxed | Eng. ed. 2 p € 14,50 | Oct. 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452148311 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS ‐ COOKERY


Josh Lafayette Cards | Eng. ed. 103 x 73 mm 78 p € 12,95 | March 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452150567 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS ‐ COOKERY

This playful take on tarot makes divining the sacred mysteries of "what's for dinner tonight?" a snap. Simply lay the cards out three at a time and voila-a meal appears, a vision from the spirit realm. This dining divination game can be played alone or with hungry friends to give apathetic appetites a mystical nudge in the right direction.

Food Fortunes

Mindful living is happy living. This refreshing book from the creators of Happiness Is... illustrates 500 inspiring ways to slow down, unplug, de-stress, connect with others, and relish the simple moments in life: sitting under a ceiling fan on a hot day, taking lunch away from your desk, letting go of negative thoughts, a beach yoga session, and more.

Happiness Is... 500 Ways to Be in the Moment


Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar Paperback | Eng. ed. 152 x 152 mm 272 p | 500 col.ill. € 12,50 | Feb. 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452152011 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

This playful set of notecards features vintage photos of classic nudes in need of a derrière. Each image has a circular cutout where the buttocks should be, leaving the card's recipient to complete the picture with a curled finger. All in good cheeky fun!

Cheeky Greetings 16 Notecards and Envelopes

The perennially popular peony is a timeless symbol of good fortune, prosperity, and romance. Each notecard in this box of twenty features a gorgeous photograph of the beloved bloom, perfect for expressing well-wishes at any occasion.

Box | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 16 cards € 14,20 | March 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452145273 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS ‐ EROTIC

Kari Herer Cards | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | 20 p € 14,50 | Feb. 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452145051 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS ‐ GARDEN

Pretty Peonies 20 Different Notecards & Envelopes

Eng. ed. 267 x 267 mm € 12,80 | March 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452143347 (E)

This wanderlust-inspired desk décor assembles in mere minutes without glue or scissors! Two die-cut cards containing full-colour punch-out pieces are enclosed in a flat-pack envelope. Fully assembled, the pieces make a colourful 7-inch globe on a stand, inviting paper craft lovers and fans of vintage décor to travel the world on a moment's notice-no passport required!


Paper Globe Journal | Eng. ed. 197 x 133 mm 224 p € 16,80 | March 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452145846 (E)

The vintage-inspired design of this travel journal is fit for adventures of any kind. Kraft and glassine pockets throughout provide a convenient place to store travel memorabilia, while a silk-screened cover and 100% recycled papers-a mix of kraft, cream, and white stocks-add a uniquely tactile appeal.

Travel Journal: Sunshine Camper



age 3+ Marion Deuchars Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 210 mm 32 p | 32 col.ill. € 16,50 | April 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780677712 (E)

Bob the bird is just like all his friends, apart from his skinny legs. When Bob is teased, he decides to try and change himself to fit in. But little does he know where all his efforts will lead him… An affirming picture book for age 3+ about the power of art and of being confident enough to be yourself.



Bob the Artist

A sticker book featuring fun fold-out scenes that children will love customising with over 300 reusable stickers Following the enormous popularity of All Around the World, illustrator Géraldine Cosneau presents another charmingly illustrated sticker book that celebrates having fun being active. With over 330 reusable stickers and 18 large-scale drawings to colour in, All Around the World: Sports and Games represents hours of play.

Géraldine Cosneau All Around the World Sports and Games

A young girl falls asleep and travels in her dreams through the sky, down to the ocean's depths, and into a jungle. She is accompanied by a lion friend, who eases her fears, gives her confidence, and helps her explore the world around her. Along the way she meets whales, jellyfish, grizzly bears and wolves. Then it is time for the moon balloon to take the girl home to her bed, where she awakes, snuggled safely next to the lion, who returns to being a stuffed toy.

Géraldine Cosneau Paperback with flaps | no text 190 x 310 mm 48 p € 14,80 | April 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764100 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS

ISBN: 978185437964 All around the World

Britta Teckentrup Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 240 mm | 56 p | 56 col.ill. € 14,50 | April 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791372464 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS

Before I Wake Up... E Amy Novesky Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 229 mm 40 p € 17,95 | March 2016 [US] Abrams Books for Young Readers ISBN: 9781419718816 (E)

Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010) was a world-renowned modern artist noted for her sculptures made of wood, steel, stone, and cast rubber. Her most famous spider sculpture, Maman, stands more than 30 feet high.

Cloth Lullaby E

The Woven Life of Louise Bourgeois 88


Dilemma op Dinsdag Box with Cards | NL ed. 133 x 40 mm 64 p € 15,00 | May 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694463 (NL)

De absurde dilemma’s van Dilemma op Dinsdag zijn in een sociaal en grappig kaartspel gegoten, dat je niet alleen laat lachen, maar ook zorgt voor vurige discussies en duels. Er zijn twee spelopties waar je tussen kunt kiezen, omdat alles in het leven nu eenmaal een dilemma is. Het spel bestaat uit 60 helften van een dilemma waardoor het mogelijk is om meer dan 1000 verschillende dilemma’s te creëren. Het doel van het spel is, in beiden gevallen, om zo min mogelijk punten te scoren. .


Het Grote Dilemma Op Dinsdag-Spel


Het is simpel, je moet kiezen!

Rixt Hulshoff Pol & Hanna Piksen Hardback | NL ed. 250 x 200 mm 120 p € 17,90 | Jan. 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694272 (NL)

Wat kun jij met dit boek? In de 23 workshops prikkelen kunstenaars je met hun vragen. Voorbeelden van vragen waar zij zelf vanuit werken en soms ook mee worstelen. Eeuwig terugkerende en ook niet eerder gestelde vragen, speciaal bedacht voor jullie. Om over na te denken, mee te stoeien en vooral iets mee te gaan doen.

ISBN 9789063694166 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Maak het met kunstenaars NL

Een kunstboek voor iedereen

From the best-selling children's author of Press Here and Mix it Up! comes an imaginative children's stencil kit that will delight aspiring young artists and encourage all children to express themselves with art, just like Tullet himself! Included with the large-format, paperback sketchbook kids will find six die-cut boards and more than 200 stencil shapes to spark their imaginations. Illustrated in color throughout

Paperback | Eng. ed. 343 x 245 mm | 70 p € 22,95 | Feb. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500650752 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

My Stencil Kit Hervé Tullet

E Kelli Anderson Pop‐up book | Eng. ed. 305 x 241 mm 6 p | throughout col.ill. € 34,95 | April 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452136219 (E)

Defying every expectation of what a book can be, this pop-up extravaganza transforms into six fully functional tools: a real working planetarium projecting the constellations, a musical instrument complete with strings for strumming, a geometric drawing generator, an infinite calendar, a message decoder, and even a speaker that amplifies sound. Artist Kelli Anderson contributes enlightening text alongside each pop-up, explaining the scientific principles at play in her constructions. For readers of all ages

This Book Is a Planetarium E

And Other Extraordinary Pop-Up Contraptions 89


A new twist on the bestselling Listography journal series, this game invites players to create and share lists based on fun and thought-provoking topicsfrom geography and pop culture to toothpaste and constellations! With the goal of being the first around the game board, players score points according to the number of similar or unique answers. Every round in the game results in creative thinking, surprise outcomes, and lots of laughs.

Forrest‐Pruzan Creative and Lisa Nola Box| Eng. ed. 95 x 267 mm € 24,95 | June 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452151779 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Listography: The Game

500-piece puzzle in square shaped box with insert about Gustav Klimt.

Klimt Expectation 500 Piece Puzzle

Lulie Wallace | Box 210 x 210 mm | p € 15,50 Jan. 2016 [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery ISBN: 9780735346628 (E)


This 200 piece Mudpuppy puzzle, packaged like one of Andy Warhol's iconic Brillo Boxes, will delight puzzlers of all ages. - 208 pieces, 15 x 15 Package dimensions: 5 x 5 x 5

Mudpuppy & Andy Warhol Box 130 x 130 mm | 208 p € 18,20 | Jan. 2016

Andy Warhol Brillo Puzzle

ISBN: 9780735346055 (E)

[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery

208 piece puzzle II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Game with 20 puzzle pieces Anne Laval, Magma Box 168 x 133 mm 20 p | throughout col.ill. € 13,50 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781856699808 (E)

This wonderful game will allow your family to create its own fairy tales. Highly original and with a contemporary twist, this box contains 20 cards, printed on both sides, which can be interchanged, allowing for all kinds of plots. With three alternative endings! Can you save the missing elf before he is eaten by the big, bad wolf? Is the witch offering you a poisoned apple, or will she help you - by magically shrinking the giant pink rabbit that is terrorizing your castle? Tell a different story each time


Story box Create Your Own Fairy Tales

28 dominos Illustrated by Itsuko Suzuki Box 105 x 50 mm 28 p € 14,50 | Jan. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781856699839 (E)

This game is for two to four players and contains 28 cute and colourful dog dominoes. Have fun matching seven delightful pooches: Chihuahua, Dachshund, Dalmation, Labrador, Poodle, Pug and Alsatian. Get your last domino down first to win the game and become top dog!

Dog Domino 90


Our Label & Sticker Books each contain 32 sheets of high-quality sticker paper with a total of about 250 labels, stickers and strips of sticker tape per volume. The stylish designs come in various shapes and sizes and allow you to label, decorate and seal your envelopes, packages and many other items. The sticker paper is uncoated and easy to write on with pen, pencil or felt marker.

Pepin van Roojen Cards | Eng. ed. 241 x 172 mm | 32 p € 9,95 | March 2016 [NL] Pepin Press ISBN: 9789460094200 (E) II29 ‐ .DIY..|.DOE.HET.ZELF

Labels & Stickers: Art Nouveau

PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high-quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book, when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm. Depending on the theme, we have selected a suitable light-weight paper quality

Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed 345 x 250 mm | 12 p € 12,95 | March 2016 [NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap ISBN: 9789460090721 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

Maps #60 Gift wrapping paper book

PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that, depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.

Floral Still Life

180gsm art paper Paperback | Eng. ed. 420 x 300 mm 24 p € 19,95 | April 2016 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098550 (E)

Giant Artists' Colouring Books


Reprint. First published Oct. 2014

Thomas Pavitte Paperback | Eng. ed. 356 x 254 mm | 48 p € 12,95 | Aug. 2016

Thomas Pavitte Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. € 12,95 | March 2015 ‐R/P

[UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781573501 (E)

[UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781573372 (E)





LAST MINUTE... Beverley Calte Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./Fr. ed. 300 x 230 mm 288 p € 39,95 | Aug. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301443 (E/ F) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART


Ceci n'est pas un catalogue raisonné. Pas plus un album de famille. C'est surtout un album dé-raisonné, le collage d'une vie commentée discrètement par son auteur. C'est la reproduction de l'univers d'Olga Mohler- Picabia autour d'un mentor et d'un grand amour, Francis Picabia. Une variation sur le thème de Pygmalion, cet album est l'expression bien personnelle d'un quart de siècle d'apprentissage. Un portrait en creux drôle, intime, sensible et souvent bouleversant de Picabia, à travers les yeux d'Olga.

Album Picabia Olga Mohler Picabia Expo: 14/9/2016 ‐ 15/1/2017, DƵƐĠĞ Maillol, Paris Sous la rédaction de Andres Pardey Hardback | French ed. 280 x 240 mm 192 p | 250 col.ill. ca € 39,95 | Sept. 2016

Un ouvrage de référence sera publié à l'occasion de la première exposition d'envergure consacrée à l'artiste à Paris. Ce catalogue rassemblera une importante iconographie (260 illustrations), essais historiques, textes inédits de Ben, biographie, bibliographie. La première section, sous la direction de Monsieur Andres Pardey, présentera les débuts de la carrière de Ben avec une sélection d'œuvres clés des années 1958 à 1978. Ben investit la seconde partie de ses installations les plus contemporaines.

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301474 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Ben Vautier Tout est art?


Expo: 18/6/2016 ‐ 31/12/2016, Musée Mandet, Riom Marie‐Josée Linou Paperback with flaps | Eng./Fr. ed. 225 x 190 mm 144 p | 80 col.ill. € 19,00 | July 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836633333 (E/ F) I09 ‐ DECORATIVE ARTS


Le design au Japon est le lieu d'un extraordinaire foisonnement dont cet ouvrage inédit souhaite rendre compte en faisant découvrir des pièces de jeunes créateurs aux côtés de celles de maîtres reconnus du design et des arts décoratifs japonais. Plus de quatre vingt dix oeuvres : mobiliers et objets en céramique, orfèvrerie, verrerie et bambou, provenant de collections publiques et privées racontent une esthétique qui, revendiquant une continuité avec le passé, met le beau à l'honneur.

Japon! Design et arts décoratifs des années 1950 à 2000 94

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