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Van Eyck in detail Compacte Uitgave
Haarscherpe analyse van details uit Van Eycks oeuvre die met het blote oog vaak niet waar te nemen zijn. Elk detailbeeld is voorzien van toegankelijke commentaar. Met nieuw beeldmateriaal na de restauratie. Herziene uitgave in een compacte versie, aan een scherpe prijs.
9789493039322 (HB‐NL) 9789493039230 (HB‐E)
Van Eyck in detail The Portable Edition
Haarscherpe analyse van details uit Van Eycks oeuvre die met het blote oog vaak niet waar te nemen zijn. Elk detailbeeld is voorzien van toegankelijke commentaar. Met nieuw beeldmateriaal na de restauratie. Herziene uitgave in een compacte versie, aan een scherpe prijs.
ISBN 9789491819827 (Bruegel) ISBN 9789493039070 (Da Vinci) [BE] Ludion, Hardback, 190x150 mm, p, throughout col.ill., NL & Eng. eds., Jan. 2020, € 14,90
Van Eyck in detail ‐NL‐ In dit fascinerende boek wordt het oeuvre van Jan van Eyck haarscherp onder de loep genomen. Ieder paneel is een levendige verzameling van mensen, voorwerpen en luxestoffen, die zowel in de voor‐ als de achtergrond met ongelofelijke precisie worden weergegeven ‐ of zo lijkt het toch. Dit boek onthult echter dat de ware kracht van Van Eyck in de suggestie lag: als een van de eersten begreep hij dat het menselijk brein in staat is om de visuele waarneming aan te vullen waar nodig. Promo prijs tot 30/4/2020. Nadien: 39,90 euro [BE] Ludion, Hardback,320x250 mm, 256 p, NL ed., Jan. 2020, € 34,90
Van Eyck in Detail ‐ENG‐ Razor‐sharp analysis of details from Van Eyck’s work, which often cannot be observed with the naked eye. Each detail is accompanied by accessible commentary. With a biography, an essay on the oil painting technique and a catalogue of Van Eyck’s oeuvre. Second edition.
9789461300577 (HB‐NL)
Promotional price until 30/4/2020. Afterwords 39,90 euro [BE] Ludion, Hardback,320x250 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020‐N/P, € 34,90
9789461300591 (HB‐E) 4
Van Eyck
An Optical Revolution In 2020 the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent will host the largest ever exhibition of Van Eyck's work. An Optical Revolution includes artworks by Van Eyck, several pieces from his studio and international masterpieces from the late Middle Ages, which makes the world of Van Eyck more tangible than ever. This tie‐in exhibition catalogue unravels some of the myths that surround Van Eyck and his technique while showing his complete oeuvre and his influence in a new perspective.
9780500023457 (HB‐E)
Expo: 'An Optical Revolution': 01/02/2020 ‐ 30/04/2020, Museum of Fine Arts, Gent Author(s): Till‐Holger Borchert, Jan Dumolyn, Maximiliaan Martens [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 330x250 mm, 490 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 76,95
Van Eyck ‐ Het Lam Gods in Detail Het retabel van het Lam Gods in de Gentse Sint‐Baafskathedraal behoort zonder enige twijfel tot de hoogtepunten van de schilderkunst uit de hele wereld. In vijf thematische hoofdstukken ‐ het goddelijke, de mens, natuur, architectuur en tactiliteit ‐ gidst Maximiliaan P.J. Martens u via paginagrote details langs het beroemde altaarstuk. In een boeiende inleiding worden zowel de betekenis als de achtergrond van dit meesterwerk van de gebroeders Van Eyck belicht. Met prachtige nieuwe foto's. [BE] Ludion, Paperback, 265x200 mm, 128 p, throughout col.ill., NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 17,90
9789493039339 (PB‐NL)
Van Eyck ‐ L’Agneau mystique par le détail
9789493039353 (HB‐F)
Cette nouvelle publication, avec de magnifiques détails en pleine page commentés par Maximiliaan P.J. Martens, se propose de l'assister dans cette (re)découverte du polyptyque des frères Van Eyck à travers six chapitres thématiques ‐ le divin, l'humanité, la nature, l'architecture, la vie quotidienne et la tactilité. Avec de nouvelles photographies de L'Agneau mystique après restauration.
9789493039346 (HB‐E)
[BE] Ludion, Hardback, 285x200 mm, 128 p, throughout col.ill., French ed., Feb. 2020, € 17,90
Gids: Het Lam Gods, Gent In een verhelderende tekst formuleert Peter Schmidt de betekenis en achtergrond van het meesterwerk van de gebroeders Van Eyck. Herziene uitgave in een vernieuwde lay‐out. Author(s): Peter Schmidt [BE] Ludion Museumgidsen, Paperback, 210x165 mm, 96 p, NL ed., May 2014, € 12,00
9789491819063 (PB‐NL) ISBN 9789491819070 (F) ISBN 9789491819087 (E)
Raphael in Detail
9789493039223 (HB‐E)
Rafaël geldt als een van de populairste kunstenaars uit de renaissance. Hij is wereldberoemd voor zijn serene madonna's en zijn werk in het Vaticaan: de Stanze di Raffaello trekken dan ook bezoekers van over de hele wereld. Ter gelegenheid van het 500jarig overlijden van Rafaël (1483‐1520) in 2020 belicht Raphael in Detail een vijftigtal meesterwerken uit zijn oeuvre. Prachtige, uitvergrote details wijzen de lezer de weg in deze ontdekkingsreis door het oeuvre van Raphaël. [BE] Ludion, Hardback, 320x250 mm, 224 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 39,90
École de Mons. 1820 ‐ 2020 Deux siècles de vie artistique
Nombre d'artistes, ont façonné la ville de Mons en véritable pôle culturel. Qu'ils soient montois ou non, pléthore de talents sont passés par la cité du Doudou. L'exposition "École de Mons" leur rend l'hommage qu'ils méritent, à travers plus de 150 oeuvres à découvrir. Des premiers professeurs de l'Académie à Anto‐Carte, de Gustave Camus aux artistes d'aujourd'hui. Expo: 7/3/2020 ‐ 16/8/2020,, BAM, Mons [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Hardback, 310x240 mm, 224 p, 200 col. & bw ill., French ed., April 2020, € 32,00
9789461616104 (HB‐F)
Pieter Bruegel, Mayken Verhulst en Mechelen Het Begin van een wonderlijke Schildersdynastie
Zijn allereerste opdracht als kunstschilder, nog voor hij ingeschreven was in een schildersgilde, kreeg Pieter Bruegel te Mechelen. Het betreft het schilderen van de zijpanelen van het drieluik van de Mechelse Handschoenmakersgilde bestemd voor de Sint‐Rombouts‐Kathedraal. Hij kon deze eerste bestelling binnenrijven door bemiddeling van zijn Mechelse familie, namelijk het voorname schildersgeslacht Verhulst. Vooral Mayken Verhulst, zijn schoonmoeder, had een uiterst belangrijke positie. Expo: 4/12/2019 ‐ 18/1/2020, Museum het Zotte Kunstkabinet, Mechelen Author(s): Jan Op de Beeck [BE] Galerie 't Vliegend Peerd, Paperback with flaps, 295x225 mm, 120 p, 65 col. & bw ill., NL ed. (E/ F summ), Dec. 2019, € 21,50
9789463965415 (PB+‐NL (E/ F)) 6
Blind Date
The Bold and The Beautiful in Flemish Portraits
9789463887403 (HB++‐E)
This book wants to offer the reader an appointment with history, or rather, a blind date with portrayed men and women from days gone by. Blind Date shows an exceptional sample of portraiture from the past. The Phoebus Foundation possesses a wealth of such portraits, so many and diverse that they could compile an exhibition and a book that illuminate the genre of portrait painting in all its facets, from selfie to group portrait. Expo: 14/3/2020 ‐ 31/12/2020, Snijders & Rockoxhuis and the Keizerskapel, Antwerpen
ISBN 9789463887397 (NL)
Author(s): Katharina Van Cauteren, Nils Büttner, Matthias Ubl, Hildegard Van de Velde. Scenography by Walter Van Beirendonck [BE] Hannibal Publishing, Hardback, linen bound with dust jacket, 290x250 mm, 288 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 60,00
The Hand of the Master (450th Ann. Edition) Pieter Bruegel de Oude wordt internationaal geroemd als de grootste zestiende‐eeuwse schilder van de Nederlanden. 2019 is het jaar waarin het 450‐jarige jubileum van zijn overlijden wordt gevierd. Naar aanleiding daarvan organiseerde het Kunsthistorisches Museum in Wenen de grootste monografische tentoonstelling over deze kunstenaar ooit en konden onderzoekers het werk van Bruegel in detail bestuderen. De resultaten van dat onderzoek worden in deze publicatie verzameld. Author(s): Manfred Sellink, Ron Spronk, Sabina Penot, a.o.
9789492677822 (HB‐E)
[BE] Hannibal Publishing, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 480 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 69,00
Crazy about Dymphna
The Story of a Girl who Drove a Medieval City Mad In the early sixteenth century, the popularity of Saint Dimpna made the abbot of the abbey of Tongerlo decide to have a huge altarpiece that would depict the life story of this special saint. The assignment came into the hands of the Antwerp painter Goossen Van der Weyden, grandson of Flemish Primitive Rogier, who took over many elements rom his grandfather in his eclectic style. The result of this assignment, the monumental Dimpna altarpiece, was recently acquired by The Phoebus Foundation. Author(s): Sven Van Dorst, Catheline Périer‐d'Ieteren, Till‐Holger Borchert, Stephan Kemperdick [BE] Hannibal Publishing, Hardback, linen bound with dust jacket, 290x250 mm, 384 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 60,00
9789463887427 (HB++‐E) ISBN 9789463887410 (Nl) 7
Génie d’avant‐garde ‐ Le maître et son Ecole Une exposition consacrée à des oeuvres artistiques de Franscisco de Goya y Lucientes est organisée du 7 novembre 2019 au 10 février 2020 par le musée des Beaux‐Arts de la Ville d'Agen, au sein de l'ancienne église des Jacobins. Le projet d'exposition s'appuie sur une recherche approfondie concernant l'achat à Madrid au XIXe siècle par le Comte de Chaudordy, ambassadeur de France à Madrid de 1874 à 1881, de huit oeuvres réalisées ou attribuées à Goya.
9789461615602 (PB+‐F)
Expo: 07/11/2019 ‐ 10/02/2020, Musée des Beaux‐Arts d'Agen [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Paperback with flaps, 280x220 mm, 224 p, 200 col. & bw ill., French ed., Jan. 2020, € 25,00
Drawings by Francisco de Goya This book brings together more than 100 drawings by Goya from the Prado's own collections and from public and private ones around the world. It is presented as a chronological survey of his work that includes drawings from throughout his career, ranging from the Italian Sketchbook to the Bordeaux Albums. It also offers an up‐to‐date vision of the ideas that recurrently appear in Goya's work, revealing the ongoing and long‐lasting relevance of his thinking. Expo: 19/11/2019 ‐ 16/2/2020, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
9780500971000 (HB‐E)
Author(s): José Manuel Matilla [UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback,239x152 mm, 360 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 36,50
Masters of Art:
Although Bosch's known works amount to no more than two dozen paintings and a handful of drawings, the artist had an enormous impact on religious imagery during his lifetime and for centuries afterward. His enigmatic and mind‐bending depictions of humans, animals, and nature undoubtedly influenced the surrealist movement of the 20th century. This book explores Bosch's works in terms of medieval morality, the religious beliefs of his time, and the Northern Renaissance in general. [UK] Prestel +, Paperback with flaps, 210x170 mm, 112 p, 55 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 12,95
9783791386256 (PB+‐E)
Albrecht Dürer During his lifetime, Dürer found tremendous success as a painter and printmaker, taking commissions from prominent figures such as Frederick the Wise and Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. His drawings and studies reveal his interest in human proportions, anatomy, and perspective. Featured in this book are Dürer's drawings from the Albertina Museum's preeminent collection including family portraits, studies of animals and plants, and studies of the human body.
9783791359311 (HB‐E)
Reprint. Expo: 20/09/2019 ‐ 06/01/2020, Albertina Museum, Vienna Author(s): Christof Metzger (Editor) [UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 285x245 mm, 488 p, 260 col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020 ‐R/P, € 65,00
Visions of Antiquity Published to coincide with an exhibition at the British Museum, this original volume explores Piranesi's skill as a draughtsman. While many studies focus on Piranesi's activities as a printmaker, this beautifully illustrated book examines the many unanswered questions about his drawings. It will establish a clear relationship between his drawings and his prints, discuss the involvement of studio hands in his late works, and examine how his style as a draughtsman evolved. Expo: 20/02/2020 ‐ 09/08/2020, British Museum [UK] Thames & Hudson, Paperback, 250x250 mm, 144 p, 100 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 28,95
9780500480618 (PB‐E)
Angelika Kauffmann Angelika Kauffmann (1741–1807) is regarded as the first woman artist of European standing. Well educated and very well connected, she enjoyed an international reputation. She pursued a brilliant career and was one of the outstanding artist personalities of the Classical Age in Londonand Rome. She was admired by Goethe and Herder and her clients included queens and emperors from across the continent. Expo: 30/01 ‐ 24/05/2020,, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf; 25/06 ‐ 20/09/2020, Royal Academy of Arts, London [G] Hirmer, Hardback,286x235 mm, 200 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 45,00
9783777434629 (HB‐E)
British Baroque Power and Illusion
From the Restoration of Charles II in 1660 to the death of Queen Anne in 1714, the late Stuart period was a time of change for Britain. This book, which accompanies a major exhibition at Tate Britain, London, explores how art and architecture was used by the crown, the church, and the aristocracy to project images of power and status in an age when the power of the monarchy was being questioned. Expo: 05/02/2020 ‐ 19/04/2020, Tate Britain, London Author(s): Edited by Tabitha Barber [UK] Tate, Paperback, 265x210 mm, 176 p, 150 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 33,95
9781849766814 (PB‐E)
El Greco
Carnets d'Expo The last great master of the Renaissance, Domenikos Theotokopoulos (1541‐1614), known as El Greco, 'The Greek', holds a singular place in the history of art. Born in Crete, trained in the Byzantine tradition, El Greco continued his apprenticeship in Italy, in contact with Venetian aesthetics and Roman mannerism. It was in Spain, where he settled in the 1570s and where he imported his Italian influences (Titian, Tintoretto, Michelangelo) that he revealed the extent of his talents. [F] Gallimard (Eng. titles) (ACC), Hardback, 178x125 mm, 64 p, 40 col.ill., Eng. ed., Oct. 2019, € 12,95
9782072877094 (HB‐E)
In Four Tempos The full‐size plaster models that represented the passage from a preliminary designing phase to the production of the marble sculpture were of great significance to Italian sculptor Antonio Canova's creative process. As the subtitle emphasises, the temporal dimension holds great importance in the neoclassic sculptor's creative and productive phases: the plaster artefact posits a before and an after. [IT] 5 Continents Editions (ACC), Hardback,300x240 mm, 96 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 45,80
9788874399215 (HB‐E)
A Century of Songye and Luba Masks Kifwebe masks are ceremonial objects used by the Songye and Luba societies (Democratic Republic of Congo), where they are worn with costumes consisting of a long robe and a long beard made of plant fibres. As in other central African cultures, the same mask can be used in either magical and religious or festive ceremonies. In order to understand Kifwebe masks, it is essential to consider them within the cosmogony of the python rainbow, metalworking in the forge, and other plant and animal signs. [IT] 5 Continents Editions (ACC), Hardback, 337x241 mm, 240 p, 175 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 117,50
9788874398645 (HB‐E)
Visions of Africa Author(s): Alain‐Michel Boyer
Exploring the masks of an African culture that were one of Picasso's primary influences. The We, whose name means 'men who easily forgive', live in the forests along the western border of the Ivory Coast. Theirs is regarded as a mask culture, as opposed to other societies that have none (such as the Ashanti in Ghana). The bold, striking sculpture on these masks ensured they would be among the first examples of African art to captivate Cubist artists in the West. [IT] 5 Continents Editions (ACC), Paperback,241x165 mm, 152 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 39,00,
9788874398683 (PB‐E)
YUA: Spirit of the Arctic
Highlights from the Thomas G. Fowler Collection Author(s): Hillary C. Olcott
This superb collection of works by Native Alaskan and Canadian Inuit artists celebrates their creativity and skill while highlighting the history and culture of the Arctic. Over the course of his life, artist, adventurer, and collector Thomas G. Fowler gathered a rich and diverse group of works by Native artists from the Arctic. He was inspired by the concept of yua, a recognition that all things, including objects, have a unique inner essence or spirit.
[UK] DelMonico Books (Prestel), Hardback, 255x215 mm, 140 p, 125 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 41,50,
9783791359458 (HB‐E) 11
The Remarkable Stories Behind Famous Portraits Portraiture is one of the oldest and most studied genres of art. While most scholars will look at a painting's composition, style, and themes, often questions remain unanswered ‐ who were these people and why were they painted? This entertaining book reveals the identities and lives of some of the most famous characters that populate art history from the Renaissance to the 21st century. [UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 260x200 mm, 208 p, 92 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 32,50
9783791386201 (HB‐E)
Worship and Adoration When considering the term “icon”, how can the idea of cultic worship be connected with the concept of the transcendental today? The qualities of the traditional icon continue to have an effect, particularly in the spiritual presence and auratic power of many modern and contemporary artworks. This volume presents masterpieces which expressesaspects of spirituality and reverence in a variety of individual ways.
9783777433967 (HB‐E)
The works extend from Russian icons via Caspar David Friedrich, Wassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Piet Mondrian, Mark Rothko and Yves Klein to Andy Warhol, Niki de Saint Phalle, Isa Genzken and Andreas Gursky. Everyday icons from the world of brands and pop culture complete the range of images. The choice of works and the essays by selected authors contrast the interpretation of the traditional concept of the icon in art with the phenomenon of the creation of icons in our day‐to‐day environment. The publication aims to demonstrate the spiritual power of art and invites the reader to contemplation. Expo: 19/10/2019 ‐ 01/03/2020, Kunsthalle, Bremen [G] Hirmer, Hardback, 200x150 mm, 368 p, 120 col.ill., Eng. ed.,Jan. 2020, € 58,00,
Inspired by the East
How the Islamic world influenced Western art The West has long had a fascination with the art and culture of the Orient. Covering a period from the late fifteenth century to the present day, Inspired by the East sheds light on the complex cultural exchange between these civilisations. this richly illustrated book offers a new perspective on what the Islamic world has meant to Western artists, designers and thinkers.
Expo: 10/1/2019 ‐ 26/1/2020, British Museum, London [UK] British Museum, Hardback, 270x240 mm, 256 p, 188 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Dec. 2019, € 57,95
9780714111933 (HB‐E)
Japan Supernatural
Ghosts, Goblins and Monsters 1700s to Now Japan Supernatural takes readers on a journey of discovery of the astonishing array of yokai culture and yurei (ghosts) ‐ phenomenal beings from fiendish goblins through to mischievous shapeshifters ‐ that have inhabited Japanese culture for centuries. Once serving the purpose of explaining the unexplainable, they have been kept alive through folklore and legend in stories and artworks.
9781741741469 (PB‐E)
Author(s): Melanie Eastburn; foreword by Michael Brand; preface by Mami Kataoka [UK] T & H, Distributed, Paperback, 240x185 mm, 312 p, 260 col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 50,95
Art Brut (3rd edition) This extensively updated and expanded edition of the groundbreaking and critically acclaimed reference features sixty new artists.
Author(s): Lucienne Peiry, James Frank [F] Flammarion (Eng), Hardback, 217x165 mm, 400 p, 471 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 36,50
9782080204448 (HB‐E)
A History of Pictures
From the Cave to the Computer Screen
9780500094235 (PB‐E)
A new, compact edition of David Hockney and Martin Gayford’s brilliantly original book, with a revised final chapter and three entirely new Hockney artworks Informed and energized by a lifetime of painting, drawing and making images with cameras, David Hockney, in collaboration with the art critic Martin Gayford, explores how and why pictures have been made across the millennia. What makes marks on a flat surface interesting? How do you show movement in a still picture, and how, conversely, do films and television connect with old masters? Juxtaposing a rich variety of images – a still from a Disney cartoon with a Japanese woodblock print by Hiroshige, a scene from an Eisenstein film with a Velázquez painting – the authors cross the normal boundaries between high culture and popular entertainment, and make unexpected connections across time and media. New Format, Revised Edition. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Paperback, 240x165 mm, 368 p, 315 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Apr. 2020, € 28,95,
Fantastic Women
Surreal Worlds from Meret Oppenheim to Louise Bourgeois Frida Kahlo was just one of them: between 1930 and the 1960s many more women artists contributed to the Surrealist movement than has hitherto been assumed. The male Surrealists surrounding André Breton mostly saw them only as partners or models, but this volume shows how much more these women artists had to offer. Painting, drawing, objects, photography and films complement each other to create an overall picture of work of the women artists of the avant‐garde from all over the world. Expo: 13/02/2020 ‐ 24/05/2020, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
9783777434148 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Ingrid Pfeiffer, Kirsten Degel [G] Hirmer, Hardback, 290x240 mm, 432 p, 350 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 72,50
Love Stories The National Portrait Gallery's collections hold numerous portraits of creative partnerships. This book looks at the extensive collection of the Gallery and explores the role of love and the people featured both as sitters and artists. Drawing on recent scholarship, the exhibition will explore changing ideas of love, and give readers the opportunity to discover love stories both tragic and transcendent.
9781855147034 (HB‐E)
Expo: summer 2019 ‐ spring 2021, internationally‐touring exhibition [UK] National Portrait Gallery, Hardback,248x197 mm, 224 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 43,50 14
Les sculpteurs du travail Cette exposition temporaire sera élaborée sous la direction de Cécilie Champy‐Vinas, commissaire invitée, conservatrice au Petit Palais, musée des Beaux‐Arts de la Ville de Paris, et de Cécile Bertran, directrice du musée Camille Claudel. Elle abordera la thématique du travail dans la sculpture au tournant du siècle, et notamment les trois projets de monuments au travail conçus à cette période en France et en Belgique. Expo: 4/4/2020 ‐ 6/9/2020, Musée Claudel, Nogent‐sur‐Seine [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Hardback, 250x200 mm, 112 p, 100 col. & bw ill., French ed., March 2020, € 20,00
9789461616043 (HB‐F)
Académie de médécine
Catalogue des peintures et sculptures L'Académie nationale de médecine est une institution publique française, créée en 1820, dont le but premier est de conseiller le gouvernement en matière de santé publique. Comme beaucoup d'institutions publiques, elle est dotée d'un patrimoine artistique (tableaux, sculptures, bustes, médaillons) qui lui sert de décor. Cette collection comporte des tableaux de peintres célèbres (Vuillard, Rigaud, Duplessis, Gérôme, Boulanger, Scheffer, Meynier, Lhermitte, Bonnat, Gervex, Roll...) ou moins connus. [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Hardback, 280x240 mm, 352 p, 300 col. & bw ill., French ed., March 2020, € 40,00
9789461615633 (HB‐F)
The Art of Chivalry between East and West This unique exhibition explores the ancient roots of chivalry as wall as the role of a knight in combat and the different chivalric codes that developed around the world, from Iraq and Syria in the East, to France and Spain in the West. Through over 130 rare artworks fro the 10th to the beginning of the 16th centuries, including spectacular arms, armour, and rare manuscripts, discover how some of these practices and the knoghtly spirit became a past time, and how some of them continue around the world .
L'art de la chevalerie entre Orient et Occident L'exposition se place dans une double perspective. Elle s'insère dans l'un des axes majeurs de la politique scientifique et culturelle du Louvre Abu Dhabi, qui vise à mettre en lumière les croisements entre les cultures, sans nier les différences ou les oppositions. Elle s'inscrit par ailleurs dans la saison « Art et société » du musée émirien.
9789461615954 (HB‐E) 9789461615930 (HB‐F)
Expo: 19/2/2020 ‐ 30/5/2020, Louvre, Abu Dhabi [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Hardback, 285x240 mm, 208 p, 300 col. & bw ill., French & Eng. eds., Feb. 2020, € 35,00
James Ensor. Kroniek van zijn Leven 1860 – 1949 Uitgebreide en rijkelijk geïllustreerde biografie met voetnoten. De auteur maakt gebruik van onuitgegeven briefwisseling. James Ensor (1860‐1949) is meer dan de 'schilder van maskers en geraamten'. Zijn oeuvre is omvangrijk en gediversifieerd. Hij heeft stillevens, portretten, landschappen, karikaturen, fantastische en religieuze scènes getekend, geëtst en geschilderd. De satirische, politieke, religieuze en historische thema's zijn legio. Author(s): Xavier Tricot [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Paperback,300x230 mm, 224 p, NL ed., May 2020, € 34,95
James Ensor. Chronicle of his life 1860 – 1949 9789462302501 (PB‐NL)
9789462302570 (PB‐F)
James Ensor (1860‐1949) is without doubt one of the most complex artists of the second half of the 19th century. Although James Ensor draws his inspiration from the Bible and historical writings, scholarly reference books and popular magazines, his own fantasies constantly feed his visual language. Unquestionably, carnival masks and skeletons have become his emblems. The concurrently enigmatic and prolific artist drew, engraved and painted still lives, portraits, landscapes, caricatures, as well as fantasy Author(s): Xavier Tricot
9789462302525 (PB‐E)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Paperback,300x230 mm, 224 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 34,95
James Ensor. Chronique de sa vie 1860 – 1949 Ensor trouve son inspiration dans la Bible comme dans les écrits historiques, dans les ouvrages de référence érudits comme dans les revues populaires mais ce sont surtout ses propres fantasmes qui alimentent son langage visuel. Le masque de carnaval et le squelette seront sans conteste devenus ses emblèmes. il a dessiné, gravé et peint natures mortes, portraits, paysages, caricatures, scènes fantastiques et religieuses. Anarchiste, il aborde des thèmes tant satiriques, politiques, religieux qu'historiques. Author(s): Xavier Tricot [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Paperback,300x230 mm, 224 p, French ed., May 2020, € 34,95
James Ensor
The Entry of Christ into Brussels in 1889 During 1889, Belgian artist James Ensor (1860‐1949) painted a monumental canvas that would be his magnum opus: The Entry of Christ into Brussels in 1889. The work is one of the most complex paintings ever painted. It is only forty years after its completion that the monumental canvas was first publicly exhibited at the James Ensor retrospective at the Brussels Palais des Beaux‐Arts in 1929. Needless to say, therefore, that the exhibiting of Ensor's work in 1929 was for many a revelation. [BE] Pandora, Hardback,325x245 mm, 230 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 59,95
9789053254660 (HB‐E) 16
Esprit es‐tu là?
Les peintres et les voix de l'au‐delà Cet ouvrage révèle l'oeuvre d'une sélection d'artistes spirites autour de trois figu res principales de la fin du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle : Augustin Lesage, Victor Simon et Fleury‐Joseph Crépin. Originaires tous trois du Nord de la France et de milieu modeste rien ne les prédestinait à la peinture. Naissent alors des œuvres étranges, d'une minutie exceptionnelle et d'une grande qualité plastique, conçues comme des édifications spirituelles... Expo: 01/04/2020 ‐ 26/07/2020, Musée Maillol, Paris
9789462302532 (HB‐F)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Hardback, 280x220 mm, 192 p, 100 col.ill., French ed., April 2020, € 34,95,
J.M.W. Turner. Peintures et Aquarelles de la Tate Voyage en couleurs
Ce catalogue révèle le rôle qu'ont joué les aquarelles dans la vie et l'art de Turner, des œuvres de jeunesse qu'il envoya à la Royal Academy aux fascinantes expérimentations lumineuses et colorées de sa maturité. Pour un public moderne, ces dernières comptent parmi ses œuvres les plus radicales et accomplies. Ce catalogue d'exposition exceptionnel, présentera une soixantaine d'aquarelles et près de dix huiles sur toile. Expo: 13/03/2020 ‐ 20/07/2020, Musée Jacquemart‐André, Paris [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 192 p, 100 col. & bw ill., French ed., March 2020, € 39,95
9789462302204 (HB‐F)
Landschap in veelvoud
België en de enscenering van het pittoreske landschap in het 19de‐eeuwse album en boek
Paysage (au) pluriel
La Belgique et la mise en scène du paysage pittoresque dans les albums et les livres au XIXesiècle 9789461616050 (HB‐NL) 9789461616067 (HB‐F)
In Landschap in veelvoud. België en de enscenering van het pittoreske landschap in het negentiende‐eeuwse album en boek wordt de pittoreske kunst opnieuw in haar volle breedte in kaart gebracht. Dat gebeurt op basis van nooit eerder gebruikt materiaal, verzameld in een ongemeen rijke private collectie van voornamelijk lithografische albums en geïllustreerde uitgaven uit de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw. Author(s): Lut Pil [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Hardback, 320x240 mm, 320 p, 150 col. & bw ill., NL ed., Jan. 2020, € 40,00 17
Aubrey Beardsley
9781849766807 (FLEXI‐E)
A SUMPTUOUSLY DE SIGNED NEW BOOK ON THIS PERENNIALLY FASCINATING ARTIST Aubrey Beardsley (1872‐1898) is best remembered for his powerful illustrations for Salomé by Oscar Wilde. Spanning just seven years, his intense, prolific career as a draftsman and illustrator was cut short when he died at the age of 25. His subversive black‐and‐white drawings and his complex persona became synonymous with decadence: He alighted on the perverse and erotic aspects of life and legend, shocking audiences with his bizarre sense of humor and fascination with the grotesque. His keen observation of his contemporaries makes him of his time, but his distinct style has resonated with subsequent generations. A major influence on the development of Art Nouveau, and on psychedelic pop culture and design in the late 1960s, Beardsley's drawings remain a key reference for many artists today. Here, short essays on aspects of Beardsley's remarkable career complement reproductions of his fascinating work. Expo: 04/03/2020 ‐ 25/05/2020, Tate Britain, London ‐ 9/6/2020 ‐ 13/9/2020, Musée d'Orsay, Paris [UK] Tate, Flexi (Pb luxe), 298x196 mm, 192 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed.,March 2020, € 33,95,
A Book of Fifty Drawings. Aubrey Beardsley
A BOOK OF FIFTY DRAWINGS BY AUBREY BEARDSLEY Aubrey Beardsley (1872‐1898) lived a desperately short life and his career spanned just seven years. Nonetheless, his output as a draftsman and illustrator was prolific. Beardsley's subversive illustrations became synonymous with decadence: He delighted in the erotic, shocking audiences with his bizarre sense of humor and fascination with the grotesque. Expo: 04/03/2020 ‐ 25/05/2020, Tate Britain, London ‐ 9/6/2020 ‐ 13/9/2020, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
9781849766951 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Aubrey Beardsley, Alice Insley [UK] Tate, Hardback, 150x116 mm, 128 p, 51 bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 13,95
Aubrey Beardsley
Decadence and Desire This beautifully designed, accessibly priced gift book offers a wealth of illustrations by Beardsley, and introduces his exquisitely wrought drawings and prints to a new audience. With a text by Jan Marsh and around 110 illustrations from the extensive collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum, this book brings together a carefully curated selection of works from Beardsley's tragically short but highly productive life.
Expo: 04/03/2020 ‐ 25/05/2020, Tate London; Musée d'Orsay, Paris. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 190x170 mm, 144 p, 100 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 20,50 in association with V&A, London
9780500480595 (HB‐E) 18
Venice with Turner 9781849767033 (HB‐E)
Experience the magic and wonder of the majestic floating city through the eyes of one of the world's great painters J.M.W. Turner's elegant pencil sketches and watercolours of Venice are so poignant and evocative that the gentle sound of water lapping against gondolas can almost be heard when looking at them. In this beautiful selection, Ian Warrell employs the very finest examples of Turner's Venetian studies to either guide your next visit or awaken your memories of trips past. Author(s): Ian Warrell [UK] Tate, Hardback, 230x264 mm, 128 p, 100 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 33,95
Gauguin and the Impressionists
Masterpieces from the Ordrupgaard Collection
9781912520503 (PB‐E)
Masterpieces of nineteenth‐century French painting from the Ordrupgaard Collection in Copenhagen are travelling to the Royal Academy of Arts in the spring of 2020. Drawn from the remarkable collection of the Danish insurance magnate and art lover Wilhelm Hansen, these works represent the very best of French Impressionism. Expo: 29/3/2020 ‐ 14/6/2020, Royal Academy of Arts, London Author(s): Anna Ferrari and Anne‐Birgitte Fonsmark [UK] Royal Academy (ACC), Paperback, 250x235 mm, 144 p, 100 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 22,00
Alfons Mucha
Great Masters of Art series At the beginning of the twentieth century, when Alfons Mucha went to the United States for four years as a lecturer, the world‐famous poster designer, Art‐Nouveau book illustrator, designer, photographer and painter was greeted with enthusiasm. Mucha is regarded as one of the most important representatives of Jugendstil; he knew how to move between the various genres more skilfully than virtually any other artist of his day. [G] Hirmer, Hardback, 205x140 mm, 80 p, 55 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 14,50
9783777434889 (HB‐E)
Vienna 1900
Birth of Modernism The catalogue highlights the splendor and wealth of artistic achievements of an era shaped by the emergence of the Secessionists, the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy and the deaths of eminent artists of Viennese Modernism, including Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Koloman Moser and Otto Wagner. The publication aims to convey on many pages a sense of the character of this time and of the vibrant atmosphere in the then metropolis Vienna. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag (T&H distr), Hardback, 280x235 mm, 560 p, 1300 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 69,50
9783960985976 (HB‐E)
Masters of Art: Schiele Egon Schiele left an enormous artistic legacy that is all the more powerful for the brevity of his career. Isabel Kuhl's lively text follows Schiele's trajectory from an artist in the Art Nouveau style to a powerful interpreter of human sexuality and considers the many hardships, including exile and even imprisonment, faced by Schiele as a young and rebellious artist with a singular vision. [UK] Prestel +, Paperback with flaps, 210x170 mm, 112 p, 55 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 12,95
9783791386263 (PB+‐E) 20
Léon Spilliaert (1881 ‐ 1946)
9789462302174 (HB‐NL)
Léon Spilliaert is meermaals in verband gebracht met sleutelfiguren uit het Belgische symbolisme, maar toch ontwikkelde hij een heel aparte, individuele stijl. Dit boek brengt meer dan honderd werken uit internationale verzamelingen bij elkaar, waaronder een reeks beklemmende zelfportretten die Spilliaert als twintiger maakte en die als markante voorbeelden van het genre beschouwd worden. Expo: 23/02/2020 ‐ 25/05/2020, Royal Academy, London ‐ 15/6/2020‐13/9/2020, Musée d'Orsay, Parijs Author(s): Anne Adriaens‐Pannier, Adrian Locke, Will Stone, Luc Tuymans et al. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Hardback, 290x220 mm, 176 p, 130 col.ill., NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 34,95
Léon Spilliaert
catalogue raisonné of the prints
9789053254677 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Oeuvrecatalogus van de prenten ‐ catalogue raisonné des estampes ‐ catalogue raisonné of the prints Het grafische oeuvre van Léon Spilliaert (1881‐1946) werd lang weinig of niet besproken. Pas in 1982 werd er een eerste tentoonstelling volledig aan gewijd. Spilliaerts prenten, kaft‐ en boekillustraties zijn misschien minder bekend dan zijn originele werken op papier, maar ze zijn minstens zo mysterieus en aanlokkelijk en zo gevarieerd inzake onderwerp: portretten, figuren, landschappen, stadsgezichten,...
Reprint [BE] Pandora, Hardback, 297x245 mm, 192 p, throughout col.ill., Eng./Fr./NL ed., Jan. 2020, € 49,95
Paul Delvaux
De man die van treinen hield Paul Delvaux had een bijzondere interesse in treinen en stations. Reeds in zijn eerste post‐impressionistische werken staan spoorwegen centraal. In zijn later surrealistisch werk zijn treinen of stations een weerkerend, maar vaak naar de achtergrond gebracht, onderwerp. Train World organiseert een tentoonstelling met een aantal iconische meesterwerken van Paul Delvaux met de trein als onderwerp.
9789461615718 (HB‐NL) 9789461615725 (HB‐F)
Paul Delvaux
L'homme qui aimait les trains Paul Delvaux était fasciné par les trains et les stations. Déjà dans sa période post‐impressioniste, le train apparaît comme thème. Dans son œuvre surréaliste, le train ou les stations font souvent partie du décor ou en sont le thème principal. Train World organise une exposition avec une large sélection de l'œuvre de Paul Delvaux lié au train. Expo: 22/10/2019 ‐ 15/03/2020, Train World, Brussels Author(s): Camille Brasseur [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Hardback, 260x210 mm, 240 p, 300 col. & bw ill., French ed., Oct. 2019, € 34,00
Pierre Soulages
La puissance créatrice
9789461616005 (PB+‐F)
Pierre Soulages has gained international recognition as a prominent figure of both art informel, which arose in France during World War II, and abstract expressionism, its American counterpart. From the 1940s to the 1970s, black progressively conquered the surface of Soulages's calligraphic abstract paintings, which also incorporated subtle hints of color (mainly ocher and blue). His aesthetics radically shifted toward monochrome in 1979, when he initiated his lifelong series Outrenoir. Expo: 23/01/2020 ‐ 19/04/2020, Museée départemental Lympia, Nice [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Paperback with flaps, 260x220 mm, 96 p, 100 col. & bw ill., French ed., Feb. 2020, € 20,00
Picasso and Paper On Pablo Picasso's often experimental and at times revolutionary use of paper. This handsome new publication examines a particular aspect of his legendary capacity for invention: his imaginative and original use of paper. He used it as a support for autonomous works, including etchings, prints and drawings, as well as for his papier‐collé experiments of the 1910s and his revolutionary three‐dimensional 'constructions', made of cardboard, paper and string. With reproductions of more than 300 works. Expo: 25/1/2020 ‐ 13/4/2020, Royal Academy, London ‐ 24/5/2020 ‐ 23/8/2020, Cleveland Museum of Art
9781912520176 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Ann Dumas, Emmanuelle Hincelin, Christopher Lloyd, Emilia Philippot, Bill Robinson, Stephen Coppel, and Violette Andres [UK] Royal Academy (ACC), Hardback,286x235 mm, 328 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 52,00
Masters of Art:
Picasso was arguably the most influential artist of the 20th century. Over the course of a career that spanned seven decades ‐ and included thousands of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, drawings, prints, and tapestries ‐his work continued to evolve in response to his own life and to events in the world around him. This elegant introduction to Picasso offers lively artistic and biographical commentary, as well as beautiful reproductions of key works. [UK] Prestel +, Paperback with flaps, 210x170 mm, 112 p, 55 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 12,95
9783791386287 (PB+‐E)
Picasso & Matisse Beauty is a Line
Lijnen komen samen in dit boek bij de dubbeltentoonstelling in het Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede en in het Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso, Münster. Van sierlijke lijnen en klassieke contouren van onder meer Picasso en Matisse (Enschede), tot spontane vormen en geometrische onderzoekingen van Cy Twombly en Gerhard Richter (Münster). Expo: 01/02/2020 ‐ 24/05/2020, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede / Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso, Münster [NL] Waanders & De Kunst, Paperback, 270x240 mm, 96 p, 38 col.ill., NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 21,95
9789462622807 (PB‐NL)
Une correspondance surréaliste Vendredi is one of the most unusual magazines issued by Belgian Surrealists. It was written by hand, never published and created weekly for almost two years, from 11 November 1949 to 5 October 1951. Over 100 issues were produced in total by the driving force, Paul Colinet, in collaboration with René Magritte, Marcel Mariën, Louis Scutenaire, Irène Hamoir, Marcel Broodthaers and Pierre Alechinsky, among others.
9789493039247 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Expo: Nov 2019 ‐ ..., Koninklijke Bibliotheek ‐ Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels Author(s): Xavier Canonne Reprint
[BE] Ludion, Hardback,240x170 mm, 992 p, Eng./Fr./NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 125,00
7 arts En 1922, trois très jeunes gens créent une revue d'avant‐garde du nom de 7 Arts. Comme son nom l'indique, elle entend promouvoir tous les arts mais surtout leur synthèse, vue au travers de l'architecture et du cinéma, qui ont cette particularité de les réunir tous. Pierre Bourgeois, le poète, Victor Bourgeois, l'architecte et Pierre‐Louis Flouquet, le peintre, seront bientôt rejoints par Georges Monier, le musicien et Karel Maes, peintre mais aussi graveur et créateur de meubles. Expo: 05/03/2020 ‐ 09/06/2020, CIVA, Brussels Author(s): Sous la direction de Yaron Pesztat
9782875720481 (PB+‐E/ F/ NL)
[BE] CFC‐Éditions, Paperback with flaps, 310x200 mm, 240 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr./NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 35,00
The Challenge of Ceramics This book explores the great interest that Pablo Picasso had towards ceramics, which he certainly didn't consider a minor art, but a means of artistic expression in its own right, like sculpture, painting and graphics. In Vallauris, at the Madoura ceramic laboratories, Picasso dedicated himself to working clay for a period of twenty‐five years, from 1946 to 1971, producing thousands of unique pieces. Expo: 01/11/2019 ‐ 12/04/2020, MIC, Faenza [IT] Silvana, Paperback, 280x240 mm, 160 p, 130 col. & bw ill., Eng./ It. ed., Jan. 2020, € 32,00
9788836644872 (PB‐E/ IT) 24
Edward Hopper
A New Perspective on Landscape
9783775746540 (HB‐E)
Edward Hopper's world‐famous paintings articulate an idiosyncratic view of modern life. With his impressive subjects, independent pictorial vocabulary, and virtuoso play of colors, Hopper continues to influence to this day the image of the United States in the first half of the twentieth century. He began his career as an illustrator and became famous around the globe for his oil paintings. They testify to his great interest in the effects of color and his mastery in depicting light and shadow. Expo: Spring 2020, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen / Basel Author(s): Ulf Küster (ed) [G] Hatje Cantz (Thames), Hardback, 304x274 mm, 168 p, 110 col.ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 74,00
Frida A to Z
The life of an icon from Activism to Zapotec Track Frida's rise as one of Mexico's most important and celebrated artists, her friendships with European surrealists, the sensation caused by her first exhibition in New York, her contribution to popular culture and the unparalleled phenomena that is Frida Kahlo. This book looks at the life, art, collaborations, friendships, politics, beauty and agony surrounding one of the 20th Century's most distinctive and important artistic voices ‐ all in a brilliantly illustrated A to Z format. Author(s): Nadia Bailey, Susanna Harrison
9781925811476 (HB‐E)
[US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Hardback, 240x200 mm, 56 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 16,95
The search for a style: 1948‐1963 Fernando Botero is the best known Colombian artist of all times. His work is found in many international collections and is also known to be very well represented in several important donations he himself has made to his nation.
9788857241869 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Christian Padilla [IT] Skira, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 200 p, 120 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 58,00
Andy Warhol
9781849766708 (PB‐E)
9781849766715 (HB‐E)
A fascinating 're‐visioning' of Warhol and his unique view of American Culture. As an underground art star, Andy Warhol (1928‐87) was the antidote to the prevalent abstract expressionist style of 1950s America. Looking at his background as a child of an immigrant family, his ideas about death and religion, as well as his queer perspective, this book explores Warhol's limitless ambition to push the traditional boundaries of painting, sculpture, film and music. It reveals an artist who both succeeded and failed in equal measure; an artist who embraced the establishment while cavorting with the underground. Exploring Warhol's knowing flirtation with the commercial world of celebrity alongside his advocacy of alternative lifestyles, it presents his work within the context of his time in a way that connects to contemporary concerns. Including a unique contribution from writer Olivia Laing, an artist's response from Martine Syms and an exclusive interview with former Factory insider, Bob Colacello, this book returns Warhol to the shifting creative and political landscape in which he lived, and highlights how he and his work marked a period of cultural transformation. EXHIBITIONS: Tate Modern: 12 Mar ‐ 6 Sept 2020, Museum Ludwig: Cologne, 10 Oct 2020 ‐ 21 Feb 2021, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto: 27 Mar ‐ 13 Jun 2021, Dallas Museum of Art, Texas: 11 Jul ‐ 7 Nov 2021 Expo: 12/03/2020 ‐ 06/09/2020, Tate Modern, London. Traveling to other venues [UK] Tate, Paperback, 289x219 mm, 224 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed.,March 2020, € 34,90, Hardback, 289x219 mm, 224 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 55,50
Andy Warhol
Tate introductions
9781849763189 (PB‐E)
Tate Introductions: Andy Warhol is part of the popular series that offers a concise introduction and pictorial overview of the greatest modern artists and artistic movements. Warhol's work reflected and commented on contemporary themes in American society: consumerism; celebrity; mass production; disaster and death. To capture these ideas he used a wide range of iconic images: Coca Cola; Marilyn Monroe; Elvis Presley; the electric chair; the crashed car; the race riot; and the atomic bomb.
Yayoi Kusama Love Forever
Yayoi Kusama is certainly one of the most important post‐war and contemporary artists of the moment, with exhibitions all over the world. Her work is not only of historical importance, but it also appeals to a huge, broad and international audience, and escapes almost all art concepts such as Minimal Art, Pop Art and Happening. Since 2005, the 0‐institute has been collecting archive material with a team of art historians and doing interviews with eyewitnesses, including artists, friends, and organizers. Author(s): Harrie Verstappen, Paul Damstee, Margriet Schavemaker. Design: Tijs Visser with Luc Derycke
9789463930772 (PB‐E)
[BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Paperback,210x140 mm, 128 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 25,00
David Hockney Drawing From Life
David Hockney is recognised as one of the master draughtsmen of our times and a champion of the medium. This book will feature Hockney’s work from the 1950s to now and focus on his depictions of himself and a smaller group of sitters close to him: his muse, Celia Birtwell; his mother, Laura Hockney; and his friends, the curator, Gregory Evans, and master printer, Maurice Payne.
9781855147973 (HB‐E)
Expo: 27/2/2020 ‐ 28/6/2020), National Portrait Gallery, London ‐ Oct. 2020 ‐ Jan. 2021, Morgan Library, N.Y. Author(s): Sarah Howgate & Isabel Seligman [UK] National Portrait Gallery, Hardback,267x248 mm, 208 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 43,50
Dotremont en de surrealisten Een jeugd in oorlog. 1940‐1948
Een nieuwe blik op de Belgische kunstenaar Christian Dotremont en zijn banden met het surrealisme. Alvorens Cobra op te richten en het logogram uit te vinden, begint Dotremont zijn carrière als jonge dichter in de kring van de surrealisten. De context van de bezetting confronteert hen met existentiële vragen. Dankzij het archieffonds van Christian Dotremont, dat door zijn broer Guy aan de Koning Boudewijnstichting geschonken werd, kan deze bewogen en cruciale periode gereconstrueerd worden.
Dotremont et les surréalistes. Une jeunesse en guerre. 1940‐1948
9789492347145 (PB‐NL) 9789492347152 (PB‐F)
Un nouveau regard sur Christian Dotremont et ses liens avec le surréalisme. Avant de fonder le mouvement Cobra et d’inventer les logogrammes, Dotremont entame son parcours comme jeune poète aux côtés des surréalistes. Le contexte d’Occupation les confronte à des questions existentielles. Le fonds d’archives Christian Dotremont, confié par son frère Guy à la Fondation Roi Baudouin, permet de reconstruire cette période agitée et cruciale du parcours de l’artiste et de l’histoire du surréalisme.
[BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting, Paperback,, 62 p, NL & French eds., Jan. 2020, € 5,00 27
Gerhard Richter Life and Work
9783791386515 (HB‐E)
One of the world's most revered visual artists, Gerhard Richter embraces many concepts in his work and continually thwarts categorisation. In this expansive and authoritative overview, Armin Zweite leads readers through every phase of Richter's celebrated career including his early artistic education in East Germany and his later prolific output in West Germany: the black and white photo paintings, the brilliantly conceived colour charts and lush, inscrutable grey paintings, installations with glass and mirrors, his landscapes, portraits, and still lifes, and his monumental abstract paintings, which broke records at auction. Also included are selections from Richter's larger‐scale thematic works, such as Atlas, his ongoing collection of photographs and newspaper clippings, and October 18, 1977, a series of paintings commemorating the lives and deaths of members of a German left‐wing terrorist group. The beautiful plates sections feature exquisite reproductions of more than 250 of his most famous works, including Ten Large Colour‐charts (1966), Annunciation after Titian (1973), Faust (1980), Skull with Candle (1983), Funeral (1988), Strip (2012), and Double Gray (2014). Throughout, Zweite's clear‐eyed commentary offers an expert appraisal of the breadth of Richter's oeuvre. This six‐decade monograph of Richter's work is a visually stunning and articulate appreciation by one of the world's foremost experts on the artist and his life. See also the exhibition in New York, March 2020 [UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 365x240 mm, 480 p, 418 col.ill., Eng. ed.,March 2020, € 128,50,
Masters of Art:
Lucian Freud dedicated his life to portraying the people in his world without flattery or refinement. This introduction to Freud's life and oeuvre opens with an illuminating essay that explores how Freud's adherence to realism and focus on the human figure moved him in and out of the spotlight until the 1980s when renewed international interest in painting and figuration gave his work a new significance.
[UK] Prestel +, Paperback with flaps, 210x170 mm, 112 p, 55 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 12,95
9783791386270 (PB+‐E)
For Clever Scholars, Astronomers and Doctors Lievelingsboek van Panamarenko. Volledig door de kunstenaar bedacht en vormgegeven, met een tekst van Jon Thompson. Derde druk van het oorspronkelijk in 2001 uitgegeven kunstenaarsboek. Favorite book of Panamarenko himself. Completely edited and designed by the artist, with a text by Jon Thompson.
Third reprint, first published in 2001. [BE] Ludion, Hardback,430x300 mm, 112 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 60,00
9789493039308 (HB‐E)
Kris Fierens
Beeldend kunstenaar ‐ overzicht 1980‐2020 Kris Fierens (°1957) gebruikt het karakter van een voorstudie of een schets als een volwaarding ding. Of in hun mogelijkheid imiteren ze het karakter van een voorstudie. Realiteit en emotie bereiken een virtueel nulpunt. De gebaren of gestes die hij hierbij stelt worden gewoon de 'objets trouvés'. Het object 'an sich' is nooit aanwezig. Het is de meegenomen materie die hem in staat stelt om zijn droom te redden. Sporen van iets dat zich nog moet voltrekken.
9789082808056 (HB‐E/ NL)
Expo: 21/3/2020 ‐ 24/5/2020, De Garage, Mechelen Author(s): Marc Ruyters, Eric Rinckhout, Koen Leemans [BE] [ander]‐zijds, Hardback, 295x245 mm, 288 p, 200 col. & bw ill., Eng./ NL ed., March 2020, € 45,00
Luc Tuymans (Spotlight Series) Amnesia
The latest in the Spotlight Series, which focuses on new bodies of work by contemporary artists, Tuymans continues to take on increasingly complex subject matters in his primarily muted palette. Published on the occasion of the artist's 2020 solo exhibition at David Zwirner Hong Kong, this book features an essay by art critic Su Wei, who approaches Tuymans's newest paintings and how they expand his oeuvre.
Expo: 2020, David Zwirner, Hong Kong [US] David Zwirner Books, Hardback, 241x171 mm, 76 p, 30 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 36,00
9781644230336 (HB‐E)
Dolgedraaid ‐ Dancer Brut Author(s): Curatoren: Savine Faupin, Christophe Boulanger. Auteurs: Bart Marius, Christophe Boulanger, Marc Ledoux & Peter Holvoet‐Hanssen [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Hardback, 247x175 mm, 208 p, 120 col. & bw ill., NL ed., May 2020, € 29,95
Hors de soi ‐ Dancer Brut 9789462302563 (HB‐NL)
Author(s): Curatoren: Savine Faupin, Christophe Boulanger. Auteurs: Bart Marius, Christophe Boulanger, Marc Ledoux & Peter Holvoet‐Hanssen [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Hardback, 247x175 mm, 208 p, 120 col. & bw ill., French ed., May 2020, € 29,95
9789462302556 (HB‐F)
Berend Strik
Deciphering the Artist's Mind Dit rijk geïllustreerde boek, dat is vormgegeven door Irma Boom, brengt een gedetailleerd overzicht van zijn hele oeuvre, aangevuld met teksten die Strik in samenwerking met Marja Bloem schreef, de neerslag van zijn ontmoetingen en gesprekken met de kunstenaars. De structuur van het boek laat de lezer nieuwe verbanden in het werk van Berend Strik ontdekken en onthult een persoonlijke kijk en reflectie op kunst, architectuur en fotografie. Author(s): Marja Bloem
9789462302198 (HB‐E)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Hardback, 280x220 mm, 304 p, 200 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 44,95 30
Koen Vanmechelen
The Worth of Life. 1982 ‐ 2019 An artist of international renown based in Belgium, Koen Vanmechelen has centered his work on the relation between nature and culture throughout the course of an almost forty‐year‐long journey. Acclaimed for his exploration of the intersections between art and science, the artist tries, through his projects, to understand and pose questions on the great challenges of the 21st century.
9788836645015 (HB‐E/ IT)
Expo: 04/10/2019 ‐ 02/02/2020, Teatro dell'architettura, Mendrisio Author(s): Didi Bozzini [IT] Silvana, Hardback,270x270 mm, 144 p, Eng./ It. ed., Nov. 2019, € 40,00
Karin Hanssen
Returning the Gaze De tentoonstelling Returning the Gaze vertrekt van het idee van de spiegel, van herhaling door middel van appropriatie van fotografische beelden en van de blik van de ander (The Borrowed Gaze). Returning the gaze of de blik terugwerpen, beantwoorden is een tentoonstelling waarin de blik als sociaal masker, als spiegel van de ander een prominente plaats krijgt.
9789077207697 (HB‐E/ NL)
[BE] Stockmans Art Books, Hardback,275x195 mm, 64 p, Eng./ NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 40,00
Fabrice Samyn. I am Cet ouvrage constitue la première monographie consacrée à l'artiste belge Fabrice Samyn (b. 1981). Organisée par différents jeux d'analogies (forme, signe, thème), elle permet de saisir la mesure d'une œuvre qui s'articule sous la forme d'un rhizome autour de la question de l'identité. Elle s'épanouit dans une espace inclusif des diversités et des dualités. This publication is the first major monograph on the work of the Belgian artist Fabrice Samyn (born 1981). It is organised in various sets of analogies (form, sign, theme), and gives the measure of a work structured as a tree around the question of identity. It thrives in a space which includes diversities and dualities. In it we mainly discover the dualities between icon and idol, light and shade, presence and duration, male and female, author and impostor.
9789462301986 (HB‐F) Author(s): Vinciane Despret, Pascal Rousseau, Wivine de Traux
9789462302075 (HB‐E)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Hardback, 297x240 mm, 208 p, 180 col. & bw ill., French & Eng. eds., May 2020, € 49,95
Tadashi Kawamata
Maquettes / Models 1 1980‐2005 Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata (°1953) lives and works in Paris. For the past three decades, Kawamata has been creating transient, site‐specific intallations in public spaces, often where you least expect them. An essential element in his work is the process of building, by which the participation of local residents plays a key role. Typically, his sculptural works are made of simple construction materials, such as wooden pallets, residual wood, old chairs, etc. Author(s): Tadashi Kawamata, Andreas Pluskota, Mouna Mekouar
9789089315809 (HB‐E)
[BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Hardback,279x216 mm, 472 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 60,00
Matt Mullican
Representing the Work This richly illustrated monograph accompanies the first Belgian retrospective of the work of Matt Mullican. In 2020 the MAC's will be presenting the first retrospective in Belgium of the Californian artist Matt Mullican. Since the early 1970s, Matt Mullican has sought to structure the world and to understand it using various supports (stone slabs, flags and banners, stained‐glass windows or computer assisted compositions, etc.) to establish a truly personal cosmology. Expo: 16/2/2020 ‐ 18/10/2020, MACs, Grand Hornu, Charleroi Author(s): Matt Mullican, Denis Gielen [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Hardback,297x265 mm, 160 p, Eng./Fr. ed., Feb. 2020, € 39,00
9789463931618 (HB‐E/ F)
Matt Mullican 9789463930109 (PB‐E)
The Meaning of Things This title is the book‐form of a work by Matt Mullican, “The Meaning of Things (who feels the most pain?)†(2014), consis ng of 676 collages and texts on sheets of standard prin ng paper. At the approximate center of each collage is a small image that appears to be a printout of an image procured from the Internet. Around the images are hand‐drawn, quasi‐calligraphic marks (in black only), curved, giving the impression of an “organic†form in the manner of ornate, rococo frames. First shown at Ros Expo: 16/2/2020 ‐ 18/10/2020, MACs, Grand Hornu, Charleroi Author(s): Matt Mullican, Denis Gielen [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Paperback,297x210 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 29,00 32
Richard Tuttle
The Role Of The Story Teller Color is not easy to translate into words. Perhaps color actively resists language or plausible definition? And vice versa: words can change color. With his documented writings, images of artworks and selections of text, Tuttle departs from concrete notions of color, instead proposing a boundless vision of "real" color. Tuttle's themes and provocative ques‐tions bring together seemingly disparate episodes, providing new ways to consider and experience our own relationship to color. Author(s): Phillip Van Den Bossche, Ann Demeester
9789463931137 (HB‐E)
[BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Hardback,210x210 mm, 504 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 125,00
Gudny Rosa Ingimarsdottir Some things...
9782875720535 (PB+‐E/ F)
Gudny Rosa Ingimarsdottir est née en 1969 à Reykjavik (Islande). Elle a étudié à l'Icelandic College of Art and crafts in Reyjavik, au début des années 1990. Elle a ensuite poursuivi sa formation à La Cambre (Bruxelles) pour la terminer à l'HISK‐Hoger (Gand). Elle vit et travaille à Bruxelles tout en restant active sur la scène islandaise.Gudny Rosa a présenté une exposition solo à la National Gallery of Iceland en 2008. Expo: 23/01/2019 ‐ 21/03/2019, l'ISELP, Brussels [BE] CFC‐Éditions, Paperback with flaps,250x180 mm, 132 p, Eng./Fr. ed., Jan. 2020, € 24,00
Nick Ervinck ‐ Henry Moore This book came about as a result of the work Cabinet of Curiosities, which Nick Ervinck made for the library of Waregem. With that he paid homage to the iconic British sculptor Henry Moore, to whom many contemporary artists, such as himself, owe a debt. In addition to a special interest in organic forms, Ervinck and Moore also share the desire to push artistic boundaries, each within the possibilities of their own time. They want to create an innovative design language with a variety of new materials.
9789463887175 (HB‐E)
[BE] Hannibal Publishing, Hardback, 330x275 mm, 204 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 55,00 Rights: Wal & Bxl, G/A/CH, S-Eur
Balthasar Burkhard et Peter Downsbrough Above & Below
Véritable livre d'artistes et d'amitié pensé et mûri pendant près de dix‐huit ans, cet ouvrage associe dans une mise en page remarquable et immédiatement reconnaissable les univers deux grands artistes contemporains sensibles à l'espace à la communication. Collaboration inédite entre ces deux grands artistes contemporains éditée et présentée dans le cadre de l’exposition Balthasar Burkhard au Botanique (Bruxelles) du 28/11 au 2/2/2020. Expo: 28/11/2019 ‐ 02/02/2020, Botanique, Bruxelles
9782873175511 (PB‐E/ F)
[BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie, Paperback, 265x200 mm, 24 p, 24 bw ill., Eng./Fr. ed., Dec. 2019, € 15,00
Xavier Noiret‐Thomé
La partie de cartes / The Card Game 1995‐2019 Cet ouvrage réunit une collection de cartes‐vues de tableaux et d'œuvres d'art acquises par le peintre Xavier Noiret‐Thomé qui les détourne allègrement en intervenant sur ces images en peinture avant de les rebaptiser. Comme l'écrit Benoit Dusart qui préface le livre, « Les tableaux ne valent pas que pour leur titre et certains d'ailleurs n'en n'ont pas. J'écris « tableau » plutôt que carte postale car il s'agit de peinture.
9782873175498 (PB‐E/ F)
Author(s): Texte de Benoit Dusart [BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie, Paperback, 240x170 mm, 112 p, 25 bw ill., Eng./Fr. ed., April 2020, € 17,00
Bye Bye Future!
L'art de voyager dans le temps Le Musée royal de Mariemont présente en janvier 2020 une exposition explorant le thème des recadrages espaces‐temps dans l'art intitulée « Bye Bye Future?! L'art de voyager dans le temps ». La scénographie ludique et originale de l'architecte Sébastien Faye fait la part belle à la carte blanche donnée au célèbre architecte utopiste Luc Schuiten ‐ invité d'honneur de cette manifestation.
9782873175542 (PB‐F)
Expo: 25/01/2020 ‐ 24/05/2020, Musée royale de Mariemont Author(s): Sous la direction de Sofiane Lagouhati. Avec la participation de Luc Schuiten [BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Mythes et symboles, Paperback,220x160 mm, 256 p, French ed., Jan. 2020, € 26,00 34
Djos Janssens Forever Today
Attentif à déconstruire les codes de notre société de consommation et ses stéréotypes, cet artiste qui travaille le texte et contexte de ses installations in situ revient ici, d'une part, sur ses interventions dans différentes cliniques et bâtiments publics et privés du pays où il crée des environnements adaptés à leurs usagers, et, d'autre part, sous la rubrique « peinture », un ensemble de montages et de collages associant photographie, dessin et typo. Expo: 19/12/2019 ‐ 22/12/2019, Galerie Yoko Uhoda, Liège Author(s): Textes de Anne‐Françoise Lessuisse, Philippe Van Cauteren et Caroline Lamarche
9782873175528 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
[BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie, Hardback,250x220 mm, 216 p, Eng./Fr./NL ed., Dec. 2019, € 30,00
Le temps des commissaires
Un panorama des arts plastiques au pays de Liège de 1980 à 2000
9782873404529 (PB‐F)
En 1989, le Centre wallon d'art contemporain fêtait le vingtième anniversaire de sa première exposition; une belle occasion de plonger dans les pages de la création contemporaine liégeoise. Dès la sortie de Libres échanges. Une histoire des avant‐gardes au pays de Liège de 1939 à 1980, nous avions projeté la suite de cette publication. Le quarantième anniversaire du Cwac nous en donne l'occasion. Le Temps des com missaires apporte un éclairage sur l'activité artistique à Liège entre 1980‐2000. Author(s): Sous la direction de Marc Renwart [BE] Yellow Now, Paperback,245x165 mm, 264 p, French ed., Dec. 2019, € 24,00
Art Autun 2020
Rien ne se perd, rien ne e crée, tout se transforme. Biennial of contemporary art
A l'instar de l'événement 2018, le commissariat de l'exposition, assuré par Reniere&Depla, un duo de peintres belges installés à Autun il y a trois ans, se veut porteur de sens : "nous voulons montrer ce qui nous a émus, émerveillés et ce qui a vécu avec nous de manière implicite". Ce sont donc trente‐trois artistes belges et français qui feront vivre cette nouvelle edition dans laquelle la création contemporaine dialoguera ponctuellement avec des maîtres modernes. Expo: 04/04/2020 ‐ 24/05/2020, Autun Author(s): Reniere & Depla
9789461616111 (PB+‐E/ F/ NL)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Paperback with flaps, 260x200 mm, 160 p, 100 col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr./NL ed., April 2020, € 25,00
Wolfgang Tillmans Today Is The First Day
Conceived and designed by Wolfgang Tillmans, and published in association with the exhibitions Rebuilding the Future, at IMMA, Dublin and Today Is The First Day, at WIELS, Brussels, this richly illustrated artist's book explores the latest developments in Tillmans's work over the last three years. Today Is The First Day spans the artist's multifaceted approach to image‐making, video, performance, music and political activities, presenting newly commissioned texts... Expo: 1/2/2020 ‐ 24/5/2020, Wiels, Brussels [G] Walther Koenig Verlag, Paperback, 251x197 mm, 512 p, 537 col.ill., 13 bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 29,95
9783960987543 (PB‐E)
Derek Jarman Protest!
This major new publication offers a definitive overview of Derek Jarman's life and work. It covers all aspects of his oeuvre, from his features to his Super‐8 films, his painting, design for theatre, poetry, gardening, memoir and political activism. Protest! contains excerpts from Jarman's own writings, short interviews with friends andcollaborators and newly commissioned texts from a wide range of contributors including John Maybury, Peter Tatchell, Philip Hoare, Sir Norman Rosenthal and Olivia Laing. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 340x245 mm, 320 p, 300 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 69,80
9780500971086 (HB‐E)
Contemporary Ceramic Art Contemporary ceramicists are using cutting‐edge technology, conceptual thinking and new platforms to push the boundaries of clay and broaden its appeal. A generation is emerging whose work is irreverent, playful and radical ‐ but also beautiful ‐ while established avant‐garde ceramicists are gaining broader recognition. This book, a companion volume to Unravelled and Threads, explores the work of ninety artists at the vanguard of this movement. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 280x220 mm, 360 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Apr. 2020, € 48,00
9780500295786 (PB‐E)
The Story of Contemporary Art From object versus sculpture and painting versus conceptual to local versus global, gallery versus wider world, The Story of Contemporary Art traces a history in terms of drastic changes in social and political life over the last sixty years. Key to the book is the story of how a perception that art was made almost exclusively by white men from North America and Western Europe has been radically overturned. Compelling and intelligent, but never academic, this book tells us how. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 260x200 mm, 280 p, 201 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Apr. 2020, € 41,00
9780500239872 (HB‐E)
Tracey Emin / Edvard Munch The Loneliness of the Soul
Tracey Emin (b. 1963) has long claimed that Edvard Munch (1863‐1944) was the artist who had inspired her the most. In her formative years as an artist, it was the expressionism of Munch's paintings and his uncompromising will to explore the complexity and vulnerability of the human condition that attracted her. This book sheds light on the impact of Munch's art on Emin's artistic approach and her expressive repertoire in paintings, sculptures, textiles and neons. Expo: 6/5/2020 ‐ 11/10/2020, Munch Museum, Oslo ‐ 15/11/2020 ‐ 28/2/2021, Royal Academy, London Author(s): Kari J. Brandtzaeg, Edith Delaney, Rudi Fuchs
9788293560364 (HB‐E)
[UK] T & H, Distributed, Hardback, 270x220 mm, 192 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 65,50
Elizabeth Peyton Aire and Angels
Peyton is one of the world's leading contemporary artists. Internationally celebrated, her work has been at the forefront of a re‐evaluation of figurative art and the tradition of portrait painting since the 1990s. Curated by Lucy Dahlsen in close discussion with the artist herself, the exhibition and publication comprise around 50 key works which will tour internationally. Expo: 03/10/2019 ‐ 05/01/2020, National Portrait Gallery, London
9781855147478 (PB‐E)
Author(s): Lucy Dahlsen, Dr Nicholas Cullinan & Thomas Crow [UK] National Portrait Gallery, Paperback,213x163 mm, 232 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 36,50
Steve McQueen Steve McQueen is one of the most important artists, film‐makers and screenwriters working today. Over the last 25 years he has been hugely influential in expanding the way in which artists work with film. He has also authored some of the most seminal works of moving image designed for gallery‐based presentation, as well as four films for cinematic release, Hunger (2008), Shame (2010), 12 Years a Slave (2013) and Widows (2018).
9781849766784 (PB‐E)
Expo: 13/02/2020 ‐ 11/05/2020, Tate Modern, London ‐ June‐Sept. 2020, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan Author(s): Edited by Clara Kim [UK] Tate, Paperback, 297x210 mm, 176 p, 120 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 33,95
Gottfried Helnwein Complete Works
9788857239897 (HB‐E)
The most complete monograph realized about the noted Austrian painter, photographer, filmmaker, performer and set designer, born in Vienna in 1948. Author(s): Demetrio Paparoni [IT] Skira, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 416 p, 564 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 86,50
Anselm Kiefer Opus Magnum
In 23 leaded cabinets bearing poetic titles, Kiefer has arranged objects and materials into still lives. Time capsules and shop windows in one: Opus Magnum displays the artist's main subjects.
9783829608985 (HB‐E/ G)
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel, Hardback, 320x245 mm, 128 p, 50 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., April 2020, € 0,00
Lynette Yiadom‐Boakye Lynette Yiadom‐Boakye (b.1977) is a British artist and writer acclaimed for her enigmatic portraits of fictitious people. Her paintings often allude to historic European portraiture ‐ notably Thomas Gainsborough, Francisco de Goya, John Singer Sargent and Edouard Manet ‐ yet in subject matter and technique her approach is decidedly contemporary. Through her focus on the depiction of imagined black characters Yiadom‐Boakye's paintings raise important questions about identity and representation. Expo: 19/05/2020 ‐ 31/08/2020, Tate Britain, London ‐ 25/9/2020‐21/1/2021, Guggenheim Bilbao ‐ Spring‐summer 2021, SFMOMA [UK] Tate, Paperback, 275x230 mm, 192 p, 120 col.ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 34,90
9781849767040 (PB‐E)
Richard Prince Cowboy
In the mid‐1970s, Richard Prince was an aspiring painter working in Time Inc.'s tear sheet department clipping texts for magazine writers. After he removed the articles, he was left with advertisements: glossy pictures of commodities, models, and other objects of desire. He began to re‐photograph the advertisements, cropping and enlarging them, and selling the artworks as his own. Prince paid particular attention to the motif of the cowboy, often depicted in advertisements for Marlboro cigarettes. [UK] DelMonico Books (Prestel), Paperback, 305x230 mm, 480 p, 746 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 75,95
9783791359687 (PB‐E)
Otobong Nkanga. From Where I Stand The exhibition explores the politics of land and its relationship to the body, and histories of land acquisition and ownership. It will feature new works created especially for the Tate St Ives exhibition, including a wall painting and sculpture, alongside well known works such as The Weight of Scars 2015, Tsumeb Fragments 2015, and From Where I Stand 2015, as well as several paintings and photographs which will be shown publicly for the first time. Expo: 21/09/2019 ‐ 05/01/2020, Tate St Ives
9781849767118 (PB‐E)
Author(s): Anne Barlow, Giles Jackson [UK] Tate, Paperback,262x282 mm, 32 p, Eng. ed., Dec. 2019, € 27,95
Rose Wylie Rose Wylie is the third artist to participate in an exhibition collaboration between the Royal Academy and The Gallery at Windsor, Vero Beach, Florida. This book accompanies her show and features an interview with the artist by Tim Marlow, Artistic Director Royal Academy. [UK] Royal Academy (ACC), Paperback, 305x245 mm, 96 p, 45 col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 26,00
9781912520510 (PB‐E)
Koen Lauwaert Shot in Time
9789057791550 (HB‐E/ IT)
The first anthological book by the Belgian photographer Koen Lauwaert, who displays his talent for developing an original and poetic language that alternates the different registers of contemporary photography, from portraiture to abstraction through reportage. Shot in time is an autobiographical narrative in which the passion for photography goes hand in hand with Koen's nomadic soul, the images are taken all over the world, notably in Italy, a country for which the author has a predilection. [BE] LAUWAERT, Hardback, 330x285 mm, 208 p, Eng./ It. ed., Jan. 2020, € 45,00
Vincent was here Karin Borghouts
Vincent van Gogh (1853 ‐ 1890) verhuisde al vroeg van plaats naar plaats en verbleef nergens lang. In de Borinage koos hij ervoor om kunstenaar te worden en maakte vanaf dan zo'n 900 schilderijen en 1.100 werken op papier. Ook liet hij 902 brieven na. Fotograaf Karin Borghouts volgde het spoor van Vincent vanaf zijn geboorteplaats Zundert in Nederland tot Auvers‐sur‐Oise in Frankrijk waar hij zich van het leven beroofde. Ook reconstrueerde zij 25 van Van Goghs stillevens en fotografeerde deze.
9789080990333 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Expo: 21/9/2019 ‐ 12/1/2020, Noordbrabants Museum ‐ 16/2/20 ‐ 14/6/20, Van Goghhuis, Zundert ‐ 29/6/20 ‐ 30/9/20, Rossaert, Antw. Author(s): Photograpy: Karin Borghouts. Texts: Xavier Canonne (Musée Photo, Charleroi), Ron Dirven (Van Goghhuis Zundert) [BE] Galerie R. Van de Velde, Hardback, 300x240 mm, 208 p, 130 col.ill., Eng./Fr./NL ed., Oct. 2019, € 39,00
Lara Gasparotto Solstices
Met Solstices creëert Lara Gasparotto haar meest persoonlijke boek. Geen tekst, alleen maar foto's. Beelden die verschijnen, intiem, én heel dicht bij de kunstenaar. Lara wandelt in haar eigen biotoop en capteert op haar unieke wijze hoe haar generatie beweegt en wat ze voelt. Van Brussel naar Oekraïne, van Congo naar Luik. Van winter naar lente, van herfst naar zomer. In één beweging voeren de poëtische beelden je mee op een trip, actueler dan ooit. [BE] Stockmans Art Books, Hardback,280x220 mm, 253 p, No text, Nov. 2019, € 50,00
9789077207703 (HB‐‐)
Pol Pierart
Miroir = Mire Age
9782873404567 (WIRE‐O‐F)
Trente ans qu'il fixe par la photographie, sans jamais se renier, un petit théâtre cent fois monté et démonté, comme les tréteaux des baladins portés autrefois de ville en ville. Tout son monde est là, qui tient en ces objets exhumés du fond des tiroirs, oubliés, râpés, mutilés parfois, agrémentés de mots qu'il dispose à leurs côtés. Coédition: La Pierre d'alun, coll. La Petite Pierre [BE] Yellow Now, Wire‐o binding, 140x110 mm, 64 p, 27 bw ill., French ed., Sept. 2019, € 15,00
Photo/Brut This groundbreaking volume on photo brut presents the work of 40 artists, revealing a fascinating and boundary stretching art form that tackles unconventional approaches to photography, and gives voice to marginalized and provocative artists from around the world. [F] Flammarion (Eng), Hardback,280x240 mm, 322 p, Eng. ed., Sept. 2019, € 58,00
9782080204325 (HB‐E)
Tim Onderbeke Labyrinth
Na het afwerken van een reeks foto's over Bruta‐lisme in opdracht van een Belgisch magazine bleef Tim Onderbeke (°1983, Gentbrugge) met een ongenoegen zitten. "Wat is de intentie van een gebouw? Wat betekent de symbiose van het functionele en de esthetiek beïnvloed door zijn tijd en welke invloed heeft dit op het het landschap zoals we het vandaag kennen?
9789463930857 (PB‐E)
Author(s): Veronique Boone [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Paperback,297x210 mm, 224 p, Eng. ed., Oct. 2019, € 39,00
Vues artistiques
Album ‐ Les Établissements Decoux Collecte inédite et érudite de cartes vues du premier quart du vingtième siècle dans leurs rapports à la peinture naturaiste du dix‐neuvième siècle dans une présentation soignée et élégante qui en fait un véritable livre d'artiste.
9782873175481 (HB‐F)
[BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie, Hardback, 320x240 mm, 80 p, 120 col. & bw ill., French ed., Jan. 2020, € 26,00
Photography and Film from the 1960s to Now: Liberation through Photography This photographic exploration draws together the work of approximately fifty artists of different ethnicities, generations, and gender identities to look at how ideas of masculinity have evolved since the 1960s. Each of its six themed chapters features bold and arresting work by artists such as Richard Avedon, John Coplans, Robert Mapplethorpe, Herb Ritts, Collier Schorr, Larry Sultan, Wolfgang Tillmans, and David Wojnarowicz, who are all renowned for their depictions of masculinity and its tropes. Others, including Rotimi Fani‐Kayode, Masahisa Fukase, Adi Nes, Hank Willis Thomas, and Akram Zaatari, offer ethnically and culturally diverse perspectives. A number of female photographers Laurie Anderson, Heather Cassils, Marianne Wex explore the influence of the female gaze and younger artists like Andrew Moisey, Mahtab Hussain, Omar Viktor Diop, and Sam Contis offer a 21st‐century perspective of maleness through the lens of immigration and global politics. Each chapter in the book opens with an essay by a key thinker in the worlds of art, history, culture, and queer studies. Spanning decades and continents, this exploration shows how increasingly difficult it is to define masculinity. Expo: 20/02/2020 ‐ 17/05/2020, Barbican Art Gallery, London ‐ 16/10/20 ‐ 10/1/21, Martin Gropius‐Bau, Berlin Author(s): Alona Pardo [UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 320x228 mm, 304 p, 250 col.ill., Eng. ed.,Feb. 2020, € 52,00,
9783791359519 (HB‐E)
Zanele Muholi New monograph on the award‐winning and groudbreak Zanele Muholi (South Africa, 1972) came to prominence in the early 2000s with photographs that sought to envision black lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and intersex lives beyond deviance or victimhood. Muholi's work challenges hetero‐ patriarchal ideologies and representations, presenting the participants in their photographs as confident and beautiful individuals bravely existing in the face of prejudice, intolerance, and, frequently, violenc Expo: 29/04/2020 ‐ 18/10/2020, Tate Modern, London ‐ Travelling to other venues Author(s): Edited by Allen Sarah and Yasufumi Nakori [UK] Tate, Paperback with flaps, 245x170 mm, 192 p, 150 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 33,95
9781849766821 (PB+‐E)
Charlie Koolhaas. City Lust
London Guangzhou Lagos Dubai Houston Photography book on the globalised economy, gender roles and pop culture by Charlie Koolhaas (daughter of architect Rem Koolhaas). Charlie Koolhaas looks at the traces of constantly changing global economy: intercontinental markets; the chiffres of pop culture and of merchandizing; the brokers trading goods around the planet; and male and female role models in context with business‐driven relationships. [G] Scheidegger & Spiess (not), Hardback,300x205 mm, 412 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 58,00
9783858818041 (HB‐E)
Anton Corbijn Moode
In MOØDE, leading international photographer and film‐maker Anton Corbijn presents images from his extensive body of work in which he explores the crossover between photography and the world of fashion ‐ in the broadest sense of the word. Corbijn's portraits of figures such as Alexander McQueen, Tom Waits and Naomi Campbell have now achieved iconic status.
9789463887373 (HB‐E)
[BE] Hannibal Publishing, Hardback,320x320 mm, 200 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 59,00 [Rights: Wallonie & Brussels, G/ Aus/ CH, S- Eur]
Sanne De Wilde & Bénédicte Kurzen Land of Ibeji
Land of Ibeji is the joint work of two photographers. Bénédicte Kurzen and Sanne De Wilde took fi rst prize in the World Press Photo Contest Portrait category with this project. In the book they explore the myth of twinhood in Ibeji, Nigeria. For the Yoruba people, 'double birth' and 'the inseparable two' represent the ultimate harmony between two people. Four times more twins are born in West Africa than in the rest of the world.
[BE] Hannibal Publishing, Hardback,270x230 mm, 224 p, Eng. ed., June 2020, € 55,00 [Rights: Wallonie & Brussels, G/ Aus/ CH, S- Eur]
9789463887366 (HB‐E)
Erik Johansson Places Beyond
The photographer and visual artist Erik Johansson creates surreal worlds through his own unique method. It often takes him months just to make one image, in a process where his photographs are combined so that an original place emerges. The result is often humorous, sometimes even scary, but always mind‐blowing. Erik Johansson has become world‐famous through his captivating and detailed images. Places Beyond is his second and biggest book so far, presenting his best images in large format. He also reveals the secrets of his method in an inspirational chapter where he explains his creative process. Places Beyond contains more than a hundred stunning pictures. [SW] Max Ström (T&H distr), Hardback, 232x295 mm, 144 p, 105 col.ill., Eng. ed.,Jan. 2020, € 36,50,
9789171264916 (HB‐E)
From Babylon Berlon to La Rampa Havana
9783777434582 (HB‐E)
The photographer Margarete Freudenstadt has dedicated herself to cinema and strikingly captured contemporary history with her camera. Cinemas confronts her melancholic pictures of movie theaters in the former East Germany after the fall of the Wall, with the opulent but crumbling film palaces of today's Cuba in an exciting dialogue. Author(s): Christoph Wagner [G] Hirmer, Hardback,290x260 mm, 96 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 50,95
Daido Moriyama: A Diary. Hasselblad Award 2019 With its generous image flow, this book celebrates Daido Moriyama as the 2019 Hasselblad Award winner and his highly influential, lifelong radical and authentic approach to photography. "A Diary" points to his continuous, daily photographic expeditions, resulting in an oeuvre charged with fragments, repetitions, chance and chaos. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag (T&H distr), Hardback,300x249 mm, 250 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 58,00
9783960986621 (HB‐E)
I Can Make You Feel Good Even before becoming the first African American photographer to shoot the cover of Vogue in September 2018 with an iconic portrait of Beyoncé, Tyler Mitchell was making a name for himself as a photographer and video director focusing on youth culture and racial identity. A sought‐after portraitist, his subjects include Amandla Stenberg, Ashton Sanders, Aweng Chuol, KiKi Layne, and Stephan James. In speaking of his work, Mitchell cites an ''affirmation in blackness and a unifying visual text of hope.'' [UK] Prestel, Hardback, 290x240 mm, 192 p, 120 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 48,50
9783791386089 (HB‐E)
Cecil Beaton’s Bright Young Things Beaton used his camera, his ambition and his larger‐than‐life personality to mingle with a flamboyant and rebellious group of artists, writers, socialites and partygoers. These 'Bright Young Things' captured the spirit of the roaring twenties and thirties as they cut a dramatic swathe through the epoch. Beaton quickly developed a reputation for his beautiful, often striking and fantastic photographs, which culminated in his portraits of Queen Elizabeth in 1939. Expo: 12/3/2020 ‐ 7/6/2020, National Portrait Gallery, London
9781855147720 (HB‐E)
Author(s): By Robin Muir. Designed by Thomas Perrson [UK] National Portrait Gallery, Hardback, 300x245 mm, 280 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 50,00
Dorothea Lange Words & Pictures
9781633451049 (HB‐E)
Towards the end of her life, Dorothea Lange remarked that "all photographs can be fortified by words." Though Lange's career is widely heralded, this connection between words and pictures has received scant attention. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art, this catalogue provides a fresh approach to some of her best‐known and beloved photographs, highlighting the ways in which these images first circulated in magazines, government reports, books, etc. Expo: 09/02/2020 ‐ 09/05/2020, Museum of Modern Art, New York Author(s): Sarah Hermanson Meister, Julie Ault & 13 more [US] MOMA, N.Y., Hardback, 267x229 mm, 176 p, 76 bw ill., 75 duotone ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 65,50 46
Francesco Neri Farmers
9783960700432 (HB‐E (NL/F))
In 2018 the Italian photographer Francesco Neri won the first August Sander Prize for Portrait Photography of the Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, with his portrait study of farmers in his northern Italian homeland. Neri, who studied with Guido Guidi in Ravenna, comes from the analogue tradition of Italian photography. His carefully composed portraits of men, women and children of family owned farms are surprisingly small, as he prints them as contacts... Expo: 19/01/2020 ‐ 29/03/2020, Fondation A Stichting, Brussels Author(s): Edited by Fondation A Stichting, Brussels [G] Hartmann Books, Hardback,305x240 mm, 96 p, Eng. ed (NL/ F summ.), Jan. 2020, € 38,00
Peter Bialobrzeski
Give My Regards To Elizabeth This book is a record of Peter Bialobrzeski's time in England in the early 1990's, when he finished his studies at the Folkwang School, Essen with a one year DAAD stipend at the London College of Communication. The publication is his diploma work, made in two handbound, then still completely analogue made dummy books. Now, 27 years later the book is published as an almost facsimile version of the original layout. [G] Hartmann Books, Hardback, 230x290 mm, 96 p, 8 4 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., April 2020e, € 35,00
9783960700456 (HB‐E/ G)
Hans‐Christian Schink Hinterland
The German term Hinterland describes the sparsely populated areas off the cities. As the title of this book it refers to the remote regions of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg‐Vorpommern, surrounding the greater area of Berlin. Hans‐Christian Schink explains: "On the other hand, the title Hinterland also refers to the imaginary landscapes that emerge from my memory. Landscapes that I know from my childhood….so this series is not about portraying concrete places. ... [G] Hartmann Books, Hardback, 310x295 mm, 148 p, 76 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., Jan. 2020, € 45,00
9783960700449 (HB‐E/ G)
The Cindy Sherman Effect
Identity and Transformation in Contemporary Art Since the 1970s Cindy Sherman (born in Glen Ridge, NJ, in 1954) has caused a stir in the art world with her photographic self‐stagings. From the beginning, Schirmer/Mosel has accompanied her rise to international fame that started with her famous series Untitled Film Stills. In 1982 we published the first of eight books of her work to date. Author(s): Cindy Sherman
9783829608909 (HB‐E)
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel, Hardback, 285x225 mm, 172 p, 100 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 49,80
Peter Lindbergh
Images of Women - I - ( Far more interested in charisma and personality than perfection and glamour, Lindbergh played a pivotal role in creating the beauty ideal of the 90s. His 1997 monograph Images of Women, vol. I, a comprehensive overview of his fashion photos and portraits of celebrities, is now available again in a reduced‐size hardcover edition. [G] Schirmer/ Mosel, Hardback, 290x195 mm, 296 p, 161 col. & bw ill., French/ Germ. ed., Feb. 2020, € 49,80
9783829608893 (HB‐F/ G)
Peter Lindbergh
Images of Women - II - (2005-2014) Photographs 2005‐2014 Special edition in reduced size Peter Lindbergh’s secret to success was his sensitive interaction with models. Images of Women, vol. II (2005–2014) is both fashion and portrait photography starring Monica Bellucci, Juliette Binoche, Charlotte Rampling, Tilda Swinton and many more. Now available in a reduced‐size hardcover edition. 161 Novatone plates [G] Schirmer/ Mosel, Hardback, 290x195 mm, 296 p, 161 col.ill., 161 col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., Feb. 2020, € 49,80
9783829609029 (HB‐E/ F/ G)
Ladies & Gentlemen of the Congo British photographer Tariq Zaidi presents a fashion subculture of Kinshasa & Brazzaville: La Sape, Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes (Society of Ambiance‐Makers & Elegant People). Its followers are known as »Sapeurs« (»Sapeuses« for women). Most have ordinary day jobs as taxi‐drivers, tailors and gardeners, but as soon as they clock off they transform themselves into debonair dandies. Author(s): Tariq Zaidi
9783868289732 (HB‐E)
[G] Kehrer, Hardback, 270x190 mm, 144 p, 120 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 39,90
Helen Levitt Helen Levitt (1913 ‐ 2009) numbers among the foremost exponents of street photography. As a passionate observer and chronicler of everyday street life in New York, she spent decades documenting residents of the city's poorer neighbourhoods such as Lower East Side and Harlem. Levitt's oeuvre stands out for her sense of dynamics and surrealistic sense of humour, and her employment of color photography was revolutionary. Expo: 10/07/2020 ‐ 11/10/2020. Reprint (new edition), Photographers’ Gallery, London
9783868288971 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Walter Moser, various contributors [G] Kehrer, Hardback, 270x220 mm, 232 p, 237 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020 ‐R/P, € 39,90
Fred Stein
Paris ‐ New York Fred Stein (1909 Dresden ‐ 1967 New York) was a master of the art of street photography. As an early pioneer of the hard‐held camera, he captured poignant moments in the street life of two of the world's great cites: Paris and New York, where he lived after fleeing from Nazi Germany.
9783868289664 (HB‐E)
[G] Kehrer, Hardback, 310x240 mm, 200 p, 128 duotone ill., Eng. ed., Nov. 2019, € 39,90
Boys! Boys! Boys! The male counterpart to Girls! Girls! Girls! presents a contemporary collection of male erotic photography, full of variety, power, and intensity. For this new publication, Ghislain Pascal asked renowned photographers such as Wolfgang Tillmans, Matt Lambert, Allen Ginsberg, Greg Gorman, and many others on both sides of the Atlantic to contribute to a stunning celebration of contemporary queer and fine art. Author(s): MENDO, Ghislain Pascal [G] teNeues, Hardback, 240x195 mm, 224 p, 130 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 39,90
9783961712526 (HB‐E)
Girls! Girls! Girls! A fascinating and fresh contemporary erotic photography collection. This new photo collection captures the erotic body and gaze with as much realism, rather than projection, as possible. The portfolio delights in diversity, from provocative shots to more tender images, united by an artistic quality and flair. Whether refined or candid, posed or unedited, modern or retro, this is a unique celebration of female sexuality and form in the 21st century. Author(s): MENDO, Ghislain Pascal [G] teNeues, Hardback, 240x195 mm, 224 p, 130 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 39,90
9783961712533 (HB‐E)
Africa State of Mind
Contemporary Photography Reimagines a Continent Africa State of Mind gathers together the work of an emergent generation of photographers from across Africa, including both the Maghreb and sub‐Saharan Africa. It is both a summation of new photographic practice from the last decade and an exploration of how contemporary photographers from the continent are exploring ideas of 'Africanness' to reveal Africa to be a psychological space as much as a physical territory ‐ a state of mind as much as a geographical place.
9780500545164 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Ekow Eshun [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 280x223 mm, 272 p, 250+ col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 54,50
The Boy and the Belle Epoque As a little boy of seven or eight, Jacques Henri Lartigue was given his first camera, and soon was developing his own photographs. Born into a prosperous family, from childhood Lartigue acutely observed the social rituals of the upper echelons of society through his photography. These images of family beau‐monde and demi‐monde life are not only evidence of a prodigious talent, but also offer an intimate, adolescent perspective of Belle‐Époque Paris before the outbreak of the First World War.
[UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 240x190 mm, 192 p, 150 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 38,50
9780500021309 (HB‐E)
East of Nowhere Fabio Ponzio
In 1987 Fabio Ponzio decided to embark on a photographic odyssey in search of Eastern Europe. When he arrived in Poland the country was on the verge of collapse. There was little food in the shops and the queues to buy bread were immense. In Ceausescu's Romania, people's lives were reduced to a succession of dark days; the Securitate wielded absolute control and used informants, bribery and violence to beat any instinct for freedom out of individuals. Year after year, Ponzio returned...
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 275x214 mm, 156 p, 80 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 55,50
9780500545201 (HB‐E)
The Street Photographer's Manual The Street Photographer's Manual celebrates the spirit of street photography with inspiring instruction to help you capture the perfect urban moment. Through twenty simple project tutorials on subjects such as 'Sequences', 'Shadows' and 'Objects', as well as illustrated profiles of twenty internationally acclaimed street photographers, including Bruce Gilden, Nils Jorgensen and Trent Parke, author David Gibson gives you a visual tour of the medium ‐ perfect for the aspiring street photographer
New Edition [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 229x177 mm, 192 p, 100+ col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 20,50
9780500545263 (PB‐E)
Richard Misrach
The Photography Workshop Series In this book, Richard Misrach offers his insighton creating photographs that are visuallybeautiful and have cultural implications.Through images and words, he shares hisown creative process and discusses a widerange of issues, from the language of colorphotography and the play of light andatmosphere, to transcending place and timethrough metaphor, myth, and abstraction.
Author(s): Photographs and texts by Richard Misrach. Introduction by Lucas Foglia and Meghann Riepenhoff
9781597114776 (PB+‐E)
[US] Aperture, Paperback with flaps, 190x254 mm, 128 p, 75 col.ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 32,00
Vivian Maier Developed
The Real Story of the Photographer Nanny Author Ann Marks unravels the mysteries surrounding the life of Vivian Maier, the nanny who lived secretly as a world‐class photographer. Revelations include a traumatic New York childhood with a family at such odds, its ten members were buried in nine different cemeteries. An emotionally damaged Maier overcame early constraints through fortitude, intellect, and immense creative resources, to live an independent, fulfilling life on her own terms.
[US] Powerhouse Books, Hardback, 229x152 mm, 250 p, 500 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 28,00
9781576879030 (HB‐E) 52
The Araki Effect Over 300 images by the most famous contemporary Japanese photographer from the 1960s to today. Nobuyoshi Araki (Tokyo, 1940) is known the world over for his controversial erotic portraits of Japanese women, often bound using the kinbaku (Japanese bondage) technique. A unique figure in contemporary photography, he has always found creative inspiration in his daily existence, without making any distinction between his personal life and public and professional practice. Author(s): Filippo Maggia
9788857241951 (HB‐E)
[IT] Skira, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 200 p, 320 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 55,00
Wo | Man Ray
Seductive Photography Man Ray, surrealist master and exponent of the Dada movement, managed to reinvent not only the photographic language, but also the representation of the body and face, as well as the genres of the nude and the portrait themselves. This book brings together around 200 photographs produced from the 1920s right up to his death in 1976, all featuring female subjects.Through rayographs, solarisations and double exposures, the female body undergoes a continual metamorphosis of forms and meanings...
9788836645077 (PB‐E)
Author(s): Walter Guadagnini, Giangavino Pazzola [IT] Silvana, Paperback,247x179 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 30,00
Cold Instinct A photographic book of herpetofauna to discover the astonishing world of reptiles and amphibians. Cold Instinct is the first book released by the world renowned amphibian and reptile photographer, Matthijs Kuijpers. This publication is a photographic book of unparalleled quality featuring a vast range of cold blooded species from the depths of the world's most intrepid jungles to the driest of deserts. Author(s): Matthijs Kuijpers [IT] Skira, Hardback, 300x240 mm, 168 p, 72 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 58,00
9788857242590 (HB‐E)
The Human Planet A dynamic aerial exploration of our changing planet, published on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. George Steinmetz is at home on every continent, documenting both untrammeled nature and the human project that relentlessly redesigns the planet in its quest to build shelter, grow food, generate energy, and create beauty through art and architecture. [US] Abrams, Hardback with dust jacket, 279x292 mm, 256 p, 225 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 45,50
9781419742774 (HB+‐E)
Polaroid Now
The History and Future of Polaroid Photography This officially licensed partnership with the world‐renowned Polaroid brand celebrates the history and evolution of the first and foremost instant imaging camera system. The book features historic and current Polaroid photography from iconic midcentury photographers and artists to contemporary creatives. Augmenting the photographs, a comprehensive visual and written index lists every Polaroid camera created to date. [US] Chronicle Chroma, Hardback, 206x178 mm, 320 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Aug. 2020, € 35,20
9781797201375 (HB‐E)
Weston Edward One of the most influential photographers of the 20th century, Edward Weston's black‐and‐white photographs are part of museum collections around the world. This sumptuous mono‐graph features 125 of Weston's photographs from his extensive archive of iconic still lifes, nudes, and landscapes, alongside 125 written excerpts from his daybooks that chronicle his life and travels.
9781797202556 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Edward Weston; Essay by Steve Crist [US] Chronicle Chroma, Hardback, 254x203 mm, 264 p, 125 bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 34,00
Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die Punk and post‐punk graphic design
A collection of over 650 original scans of printed ephemera and memorabilia from the prime years of the punk and post‐punk movements. This book represents the cream of that collection ‐ over 650 original scans of posters, flyers, covers and ads from the prime years of the movement which changed the world of graphic design forever. The book is beautifully produced with front and back cover artwork by Malcolm Garrett and Peter Saville, the designers behind some of punk's most memorable album covers. The unique mix of imagery and text makes this arguably the most essential and final work on the graphic design revolution within the punk and post‐punk movements of America and the UK. Expo: 20/11/2019 ‐ 26/4/2020, ADAM ‐ Design Museum, Brussels. Previously in the Museum of Arts and Design in New York [UK] Pavilion, Hardback,x mm, p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 43,50,
9781911641360 (HB‐E)
The Story of H8000 Hardcore 1977‐1999 A Hardcore Punk History by Hans Verbeke
THE STORY OF H8000 HARDCORE 1977‐1999 vertelt de geschiedenis van de eerste en tweede lichting punk en H8000 hardcorebands uit West‐Vlaanderen. Alles begint in 1978, wanneer een net‐niet‐legendarisch concert van de Sex Pistols in Kortrijk, met de lokale helden P.I.G.Z. in het voorprogramma, wordt afgelast. Wat volgt is een meeslepend verhaal dat voorbijraast als een losgeslagen sneltrein, tot de scene abrupt ontspoort rond de millenniumwende. Author(s): Hans Verbeke & Onno Hesselink
9789090323251 (PB‐E)
[BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Paperback,235x170 mm, 640 p, Eng. ed., Dec. 2019, € 39,00
9789463931601 (2 VOL HB‐E)
Elisabeth Ouni A Polaroid Story
"Snapping hiphop, rap, soul, rnb, blues, jazz artists on Polaroid, is not as easy as you might think… In 2009 Elisabeth Ouni, who is passion‐ate about urban music, hiphop, rap and the mindset that comes along with it, decided to follow her dream: to make a Polaroid portrait of all the big and emerg‐ing stars of this scene. Ouni lives in Ostend and has Tunisian roots. She embraces her passion fearlessly and starts a quest that brings her places. Expo:, Travelling exhibition in Berlin, Paris and New York [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Set of 2 hardback Volumes,255x205 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 65,00
Nick Cave
Stranger Than Kindness Stranger Than Kindness is a journey in images and words into the creative world of musician, storyteller and cultural icon Nick Cave. This highly collectible book contains images selected by Cave from 'Stranger Than Kindness: The Nick Cave Exhibition', presented by the Royal Danish Library in partnership with Arts Centre Melbourne. [UK] Canongate (Faber), Hardback, 280x210 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 49,95
9781838852245 (HB‐E)
Stones from the Inside Rare and Unseen Images
As soon as Bill Wyman was given a camera as a young boy, he quickly developed a passion for photography. After joining what would become the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band, Wyman continued his hobby. When he didn't have his bass, he had his camera. The result is an arresting, insightful and often poignant collection of photographs, showing his exclusive inside view of the band. Author(s): Bill Wyman
9781788840699 (HB‐E)
[UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Hardback,298x235 mm, 272 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 51,95
Terry O'Neill's Rock 'n' Roll Album Terry O'Neill (1938‐2019) was one of the world's most celebrated and collected photographers. No one captured the frontline of fame so broadly ‐ and for so long. Terry O'Neill's Rock 'n' Roll Album contains some of the most famous and powerful music photographs of all time. At the same time the book includes many intimate personal photos taken 'behind the scenes' and at private functions. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Hardback, 325x275 mm, 300 p, 250 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 58,50
9781788840828 (HB‐E)
Stardust, Rayguns, and Moonage Daydreams Inspired by the one and only superhero, extraterrestrial, and rock and roll deity in history, BOWIE: Stardust, Rayguns, & Moonage Daydreams is the original graphic memoir of the great Ziggy Stardust! In life, David Bowie was one of the most magnetic icons of modern pop culture, seducing generations of fans with both his music and his counterculture persona. In death, the cult of Bowie has only intensified. Author(s): Michael Allred
9781683834489 (HB‐E)
[UK] Insight Books, Hardback, 286x216 mm, 160 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 42,50
9781684055609 (HB‐E) The Mighty Elvis 57
No Time To Die
The Making of the Film The official making of book for No Time To Die, the 25th official James Bond 007 film. Bond has left active service and is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica. His peace is short‐lived when his old friend Felix Leiter from the CIA turns up asking for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology. [UK] Titan Books, Hardback,302x273 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 52,50
9781789093599 (HB‐E)
Photographed by Terry O'Neill Terry O'Neill was given his first chance to photograph Sean Connery as James Bond in the film Goldfinger. From that moment, O'Neill's association with Bond was made: an enduring legacy that has carried through to the era of Daniel Craig.
9781788840729 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Terry O'Neill, edited by James Clarke [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Hardback,328x285 mm, 240 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 65,00
R.W. Fassbinder Filmstills 1966‐1982
A visual distillate of Fassbinder's art, with key stills from each of his movies, an essay by German film historian Hans Helmut Prinzler, and a birthday message by John Waters. With a Birthday messagy by John Waters and a text by Hans Helmut Prinzler.
New edition [G] Schirmer/ Mosel, Paperback, 192x144 mm, 200 p, 180 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., May 2020, € 10,00
9783829608954 (PB‐E/ G) 58
Démons et Merveilles Critique de la raison pure
Olivier et Quentin Smolders mélangent depuis plus de trente ans leurs plumes, pinceaux, sels argentiques et autres colles arabiques dans des chaudrons qui fleurent la gourmandise de vivre autant que la noirceur du monde. Collaborant régulièrement sur des projets de films, de livres et d'expositions, ces deux complices ont croisé avec passion les images saisissantes, les faits‐divers insolites, les projections mentales, les cabinets de curiosités et les textes extravagants. Expo: 24/01/2020 ‐ 01/03/2020, Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris Author(s): Olivier Smolders, Quentin Smolders & Christophe Chabert
9782875720511 (PB+‐F)
[BE] CFC‐Éditions, Paperback with flaps,210x150 mm, 80 p, French ed., Jan. 2020, € 24,00
L'Attrait du Sommeil
Documenter une Présence au Monde
L'enfant doit se coucher mais il a peur du noir. Il retarde le moment où la lumière s'éteindra, dévorée par la nuit. Les ténèbres l'aveugleront bientôt. « Encore une histoire ! » quémande‐t‐il à ses parents lassés de relire encore et toujours le même conte dont les pages poisseuses commencent à se déchirer. Les adultes ont oublié qu'il s'agit d'une question de vie ou de mort.
Johan van der Keuken (1938‐2001) est l'auteur d'une oeuvre considérable traversée par une grande diversité de pratiques et de formes : la photographie, le cinéma (une soixantaine de films), l'installation et l'écriture théorique s'y côtoient dans un mouvement de perpétuel questionnement des formes et des techniques.
Johan van der Keuken
[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Cinéma, Sous la direction de Antony Fiant, Gilles Mouëllic, Caroline Zéau, 235x165mm, 224 p, Jan. 2020, € 24,00, ISBN: 9782873404475 (PB /F)
[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Cinéma, Adèle Bossard‐Giannesini, 170x120mm, 112 p, 100 bw ill, March 2020, € 12,00, ISBN: 9782873404574 (PB /F)
Journal intime de Valerio Zurlini
Sierra de Teruel d'André Malraux
De Journal intime, Serge Daney écrivait que c'était un « des films les plus déchirants qui soient ». C'est à cette déchirure ‐ cet écartement entre angoisse et sérénité, exode et séjour, vide et plénitude, nostalgie et renoncement ‐ que ce livre réfléchit. Si le film de Valerio Zurlini est si « déchirant » c'est qu'il peint un tableau de la vie nue. À savoir le tableau d'une vie strictement privée, une vie privée de tout, une vie apolitique, une vie qui n'est pas porteuse de possibles, ...
Film unique, Sierra de Teruel rejaillit comme un cri ‐ celui d'un homme qu'on étrangle dans son cachot. Aurait‐il eu le temps de dessiner sur ses murs sombres, avec la craie abandonnée par son devancier maintenant fusillé, de raconter ce qu'il a vu, vécu ou recueilli d'autres combattants qui comme lui se cabrent, mais c'en est trop pour ceux qui le surveillent, qu'il eût imaginé les formes surtendues et démanchées de l'unique film d'André Malraux.
[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Films, Jean‐Christophe Ferrari, 170x120mm, 112 p, 100 col.ill, 100 duotone ill, June 2020, € 12,50, ISBN: 9782873404598 (PB /F)
[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Films, Pierre Gabaston, 170x120mm, 112 p, 100 duotone ill, March 2020, € 12,50, ISBN: 9782873404581 (PB /F)
Côté films #40
Côté films #39
A Visual Protest The Art of Banksy
Decades before he blew the lid off the high‐stakes art world by shredding a work immediately following its purchase at an auction, Banksy was committing acts of artistic protest on the streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout the world. We still don't know who Banksy is, but thanks to this book we have a greater sense of how he works. This book features approximately eighty works from the start of his street art career to today, most photographed in situ and presented in vibrant illustrations. This book guides readers through Banksy's artistic processes and explains his influences, such as the Situationism movement and the May 1968 uprising in Paris. It delves into key works such as Love Is in the Air, a stencilled graffiti that subverts the idea of violent protest; Flag, in which the iconic American photograph at Iwo Jima is altered to reflect a group of Harlem children atop a burnt‐out car; and the slyly titled Turf War, in which Winston Churchill sports a grassy Mohawk. The book also pays tribute to Banksy's rats, a reviled symbol of urban decay that the artist reimagines as rappers, violin players, and painters. As Banksy continues to challenge the political, economic, and racial oppression that takes place every day in cities around the world, this book offers a timely appreciation of just how the artist has embedded himself into the psyche of the powerful as well as the voiceless without ever revealing his own identity.
9783791386065 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Gianni Mercurio [UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 290x235 mm, 240 p, 360 col.ill., Eng. ed.,April 2020, € 38,95,
The Stencil Graffiti Handbook Tristan Manco
A wave of protest is in the air and on the walls! A new generation of politicized artists, designers and communicators the world over are using stencil art as an accessible yet powerful means of giving voice to their ideas. The Stencil Graffiti Handbook sees Tristan Manco back on the streets. Through an incomparable network of street‐art contacts, gained through over two decades of immersion in the scene, Manco has scoured the globe to find the most interesting street artists working today. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 230x175 mm, 288 p, 430 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 27,80
9780500022856 (PB‐E)
Alice, Curiouser and Curiouser
9781838510046 (HB‐E)
Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is a cultural phenomenon. First published in 1865, it has never been out of print and has been translated into 170 languages. But why does it have such enduring and universal appeal for both adults and children? This book explores the global impact of Alice in Wonderland across art, design and performance from the nineteenth century to today. It shows how Alice has been re‐imagined and reinterpreted by each new generation: from the original illustrations by John Tenniel to artwork by Peter Blake and Salvador Dali, and from the 1951 Disney movie to Tim Burton's latest interpretation. This beautiful, playful publication also includes specially commissioned interactive illustrations by award‐winning artist Kristjana S. Williams, as well as insights from an array of cultural stars from Stephen Fry to Tim Walker, Ralph Steadman to Heston Blumenthal into the profound influence of Alice on their life and work. Expo: 27/06/2020 ‐ 10/01/2021, V&A, London [UK] V&A Museum, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 224 p, 150 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 45,50,
Mark Ryden’s Super Spirit Animals From his Snow Yak to his very personal interpretation of the California bear, for more than 20 years Mark Ryden has populated an incredible "pop surrealist" bestiary of half‐animal, half‐plush creatures. Freely inspired by the Rushton toys that enjoyed their heyday in America in the '60s and '70s, these creatures are now the object of a cult worship among fans of the artist, and are one of his marks of distinction in the world of contemporary art.
[US] Cernunnos (A&BC), Hardback, 254x203 mm, 150 p, 100 col.ill., Eng. ed., Oct. 2020, € 32,50
9782374951416 (HB‐E)
My Neighbor Hayao
Art Inspired by the Films of Miyazaki Beloved by millions, praised by film critic Roger Ebert as "the best animation filmmaker in history," and referred to as the "Japanese Walt Disney," Hayao Miyazaki is known for his sense of whimsical adventure, deep reverence for nature, and strong female characters. As a prolific creator, his influence and admirers include Steven Spielberg, Wes Anderson, and Akira Kurosawa. [US] Cernunnos (A&BC), Hardback, 251x203 mm, 264 p, 400 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 28,50
9782374951355 (HB‐E)
The Unnatural History Museum Viktor Wynd
For over a decade, from a tiny storefront in east London, the artist Viktor Wynd has been reinventing the cabinet of curiosities for the twenty‐first century. The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History is now one of the city's most tantalising tourist destinations. Wynd first introduced his worldview in the book Viktor Wynd's Cabinet of Wonders, which John Waters called ''an insanely delightful how‐to guide . . . told with lunatic humour and absolute joy. Expo: Monsters of the Deep, Opens 20th March 2020. National Maritime Museum Author(s): Viktor Wynd. Photography by Oskar Proctor. Illustrations by Theatre of Dolls [UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 200 p, 160 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 45,50
9783791385198 (HB‐E)
Best Friend Forever Discover the whimsical world of Victorian pet taxidermy through the extraordinary collection of J.D Powe. Once much loved, these furry friends where immortalised, outliving their owners, and are now both symbol of love, grief, and our complex relationship with the animal kingdom. Discover hundreds of Victorian cats, dogs, and other domestic pets from the past and how they were preserved to be cherished for eternity. [US] Cernunnos (A&BC), Hardback, 235x184 mm, 200 p, 250 col.ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 15,50
9782374950822 (HB‐E)
Studio Ghibli
My Neighbor Totoro Sketchbook Celebrated for being one of the best hand‐drawn films in the history of animation, My Neighbor Totoro is a true inspiration. This luxe hardcover sketchbook is a must‐ have for Totoro fans. (Japanese Animation Blank Journal, Notebook with Hayao Miyazaki Movie Artwork) [US] Chronicle Gifts, Hardback, 237x185 mm, 128 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 22,30
9781452179599 (HB‐E)
The Art of Tattoo II INK: The Art of Tattoo II showcases a brand new curation of talents from all over the world who continue to redefine and rejuvenate the scene with their original and eye‐catching work; including interviews with top artists who stand out with their distinct and diverse styles. Like its predecessor, it is a must‐have visual collectible for fans of beautiful artwork and tattoos in the flesh.
9789887972679 (FLEXI‐E)
[UK] Victionary, Flexi (Pb luxe),230x170 mm, 288 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 43,50
The Cannabis Dictionary
An A‐Z of Cannabis, from health and CBD to science and culture A cannabis revolution is taking place. As people embrace it like never before, The Cannabis Dictionary looks at every aspect of this special plant. Hundreds of entries cover the key information from the cannabis world, from health effects, CBD oil and varieties of the plant, to legalization, big business and psychological impact. Renowned cannabis journalist Alex Halperin is your guide through the many facts and falsehood surrounding the subject, giving an intelligent, in‐depth but accessible overview of [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus), Hardback, 210x149 mm, 224 p, 75 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 19,50
9781784726607 (HB‐E)
Tiny Tattoos
Over 1,000 Small Inspirational Artworks Tiny tattoos are big news. With celebrities showcasing them on social media (step forward Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin and Bella Hadid), micro tattoos are a major trend. This sourcebook of 1000 mini works of art, in a range of styles and carefully‐organized subjects, is curated by talented tattooist and insta‐star Rebecca Vincent. A source of inspiration for tattoo artists or for anyone browsing for a foray into ink. [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus), Hardback, 201x150 mm, 192 p, 1200 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 19,50
9781784726508 (HB‐E)
Gaston Eysselinck 1907 ‐ 1953 In de voetsporen van Le Corbusier
Het beperkt oeuvre van de Gentse architect Gaston Eysselinck behoort tot de meest boeiende getuigenissen van een vernieuwende architectuur in België. Tijdens zijn studies aan de Gentse Academie komt hij in contact met publicaties van de Europese avant‐garde, de Russische architectuur en het werk van Le Corbusier. Na een studiereis in 1927 en 1929 naar Nederland bouwt hij zijn eerste woningen waarin hij op een creatieve wijze de opgedane ervaring weet te assimileren.
9789461615671 (HB‐NL) 9789461615787 (HB‐E)
Gaston Eysselinck 1907 ‐ 1953 In the Footsteps of Le Corbusier
The Ghent architect Gaston Eysselinck (1907 ‐ 1953) was a central figure in the Belgian architecture of the period between the wars. Only a limited number of his designs were built and these were mostly houses. Several of them are part of the modern heritage. His series of small and compact terraced houses were an innovative housing type. His tubular furniture from the early 1930 s, designed for his own home, was among the best in Europe. The Post Office building in Ostend is undoubtedly his masterpiece.
Author(s): Marc Dubois [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Hardback, 285x240 mm, 328 p, 300 col. & bw ill., NL & Eng. eds., Dec. 2019, € 36,00
9782875720559 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
La Villa Empain
Boghossian Foundation Nouveau livre‐référence sur la Villa Empain, véritable temple de l'Art déco de l'architecte Michel Polak au début des années 1930 et dont on célèbre le dixième anniversaire de la restauration en 2020. L'ouvrage se propose de repositionner l'histoire de la Villa Empain dans son contexte historique. Il se penche également sur le parcours de l'architecte Michel Polak ainsi que sur les architectes belges de l'entre‐deux ‐guerres. Collection "Lieux de mémoire" Author(s): Jean Boghossian, Cécile Dubois & Diane Hennebert [BE] CFC‐Éditions, Hardback,320x220 mm, 128 p, Eng./Fr./NL ed., April 2020, € 19,00
Juliaan Lampens. 1950‐1991 9789492567147 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Juliaan Lampens 1950‐1991 is the reissue of the catalogue published by the deSingel Arts Centre in 1991. The hand of the master is present in every facet of this publication, which makes this a unique reference work. In both a literal and figurative sense, Lampens helped shape the book: he selected the texts and images, wrote specifically for the publication and collaborated with the designer. Publications about Juliaan Lampens (1926‐2019) are scarce and highly sought after. Interest in the architect's oeuvre has only increased in recent years, including internationally, as demonstrated by the special edition of the renowned Japanese architecture magazine a+u that was devoted to Lampens. With this reissue, supplemented by an updated biography, the Flanders Architecture Institute is responding to an ever‐growing demand. Previously untranslated texts are now provided in both French and English, thereby offering the reader three equivalent language editions in one volume. [BE] VAi, Hardback, 217x301 mm, 136 p, (facsimile 136 p. + insert 24 p.), throughout bw ill., Eng./Fr./NL ed., April 2020, € 49,50,
Degeyter ‐ Architect This publication is the first overview of the work of this important post‐war Belgian architect. During the first ten years he mainly built classically inspired houses. The first “modern” house he designed was for glass artist Michel Martens who later became his collaborator designing and manufacturing stained glass windows for Degeyters many churches. But the most important and largest part of the architect's oeuvre is without any doubt houses. They bring out the stylistic diversity of the architect. He possessed the talent of keeping the old and embracing the new at the same time and respected local materials and traditions. Degeyter was a man with a clear vision and only one criterium: the esthetic.
9789463930413 (PB‐E)
[BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Paperback, 280x195 mm, 195 p, througout col.ill., Eng. ed.,May 2020, € 39,00,
Dressed for the City
Leietheater Deinze TRANS V. 9789463930116 (PB‐E)
The large auditorium with its theatre tower gives the building a characteristic silhouette. The brick dress is made up of glazed and matte white stones in a pattern that is laid over the stack of volumes and, depending on the weather conditions, lights up softly or brightly. The Museum van Deinze en de Leiestreek, which had drifted into the open space of the old Leiearm, is framed and is once again the cultural heart of Deinze. [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Paperback, 275x195 mm, 128 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 39,00 65
Beyond the West
New Global Architecture Beyond The West inspires a fresh understanding of global contemporary architecture beyond the Western Countries. Architects throughout the world work against a backdrop of rapidly growing cities, changing societies and climate, and emerging economies. Beyond The West journeys across Asia, Africa, and the Americas to under‐stand how local architects respond to a changing world, and focuses its wide lens on inspiring and truly global architecture. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 300x240 mm, 304 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 49,90
9783899558791 (HB‐E)
Container Atlas
A Practical Guide to Containter Architecture In recent years container architecture has become an essential part of our twenty‐firstcentury surroundings, with it being used to create modular structures for pavilions, brand showrooms, retail premises, and even residential homes. During this time, architects have been developing increasingly inventive methods of working with this unassuming construction material, shifting from simple stacks to elaborate compositions. Updated & Extended edition [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 300x240 mm, 304 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 49,90
9783899556698 (HB‐E)
Concrete Houses The Poetics of Form
Concrete has conviction, strength and directness. It has plasticity, too, which makes the possibilities for form‐making almost endless. Illustrated throughout with exceptional colour photography, and selected plans and drawings, Concrete Houses celebrates the incontrovertible fusion of concrete's versatility and brute force to make timeless architecture of lyric beauty. Author(s): Joe Rollo
9781760760410 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 299x238 mm, 304 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 57,95
2G Essays 80: Studio Fala Atelier Fala is a young architecture practice founded in 2013 in Porto, and led by Filipe Magalhães, Ana Luisa Soares and Ahmed Belkhodja. Hedonistic yet restrained, the studio takes lightness and joy very seriously. Their projects can be characterized by a strong tendency towards autonomy, or better: towards an emerging independence of architectural language. Many of the refurbishment projects in Porto were initiated by private investors, trying to make a fortune by real estate speculation. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag, Paperback,300x230 mm, 160 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 39,95
9783960985952 (PB‐E)
Architecture is a Social Act Architecture influences the way we live and the way we live influences architecture. Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects ‐ Architecture Is a Social Act explores these two ideas at the core of LOHA's work and shows how one informs the other. The book features 25 projects from across two decades and two continents, ranging in scope from housing projects and commercial complexes to cultural landmarks and master‐planned communities. Author(s): Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects
9789492311450 (PB‐E)
[NL] Frame, Paperback, 265x200 mm, 256 p, 250 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 39,00
Junya Ishigami
Serpentine Pavilion 2019 Ishigami's design takes inspiration from roofs, the most common architectural feature used around the world. The design of the 2019 Serpentine Pavilion is made by arranging slates to create a single canopy roof that appears to emerge from the ground of the surrounding park. Within, the interior of the Pavilion is an enclosed cave‐like space, a refuge for contemplation. For Ishigami, the Pavilion articulates his 'free space' philosophy in which he seeks harmony between man‐made structures and nature. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag, Hardback,177x154 mm, 272 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 29,95,
9783960986379 (HB‐E)
Modernist Architecture & Interior In 2006, architectural designer and curator Adam Stech embarked on a photographic project to document the best Modernist architecture around the globe. Twenty‐five countries and more than a decade later, the fruits of that monumental project are gathered in this impressive collection covering nearly a century of architectural history. Driven by a passion for rediscovering forgotten or lesser known architectural treasures of Modernism, Stech took thousands of diverse photographs of exteriors and interiors. This survey features often overlooked details that tech helps bring to light. Examples of seating, storage, tables, handrails, lighting, doors, windows, fireplaces, and other decorative or functional elements illustrate how architects imbued every aspect of a building with Modernist ideals. tech's brief personal commentary reveals insights into his photography such as capturing Le Corbusier's bold use of primary colours, the California vibe of an Albert Frey house, or the over‐the‐top elegance of Togo Murano's Grand Prince Hotel. Expansive and inspiring, this is destined to become the definitive guide to 20th‐century Modernism.
9783791386096 (HB‐E)
[UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 220x140 mm, 1000 p, 1000 col.ill., Eng. ed.,April 2020, € 38,95,
Lina Bo Bardi Habitat
Lina Bo Bardi is regarded as one of the most important architects in Brazil's history. Beginning her career as a Modernist architect in Rome, Bo Bardi and her husband emigrated to Brazil following the end of WWII. Bo Bardi quickly resumed her practice in her adopted homeland with architecture that was both modern and firmly rooted in the culture of Brazil. In 1951 she designed ''Casa de Vidro'' ('Glass House'), her first built work, where she and her husband would live for the rest of their lives. Expo in Designmuseum, Gent van 25.10 tot 16/2/20. Expo: 13/06/2020 ‐ 04/10/2020, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago [UK] Prestel +, Paperback, 275x205 mm, 352 p, 398 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 58,50
9783791359649 (PB‐E)
Villa Design
9783037682630 (HB‐E/ F/ G)
Surrounded by a magical flair, villas have been the gleaming diamond of residential design since ancient times, characterized by generosity, representation and individuality. This classic form of habitation is a synonym for architectural distinctiveness with the nimbus of a refined way of living and sophisticated building culture ‐ regardless of the style. This volume presents the work of renowned architects as well as designs by young and up‐and‐coming design studios. Author(s): Agata Toromanoff [G] Braun, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 304 p, 500 col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., April 2020, € 58,00
Beautiful Beach Houses
Living in Stunning Coastal Escapes A superb guide to the best contemporary beach house designs from around the world. Includes more than 30 beach houses by award‐winning and high‐profile architects. The lure of a home by the ocean resonates with us all, bring to mind the beauty and changing moods of the water, the intoxicating salty scent and the sound of waves against the shore. But what makes a beach house, and how does the idea of a home by the coast differ across the world? [UK] Images (ACC), Hardback,267x230 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 51,95
9781864708615 (HB‐E)
Hard Stuff
Fascination Concrete After the Middle Ages, concrete fell into oblivion and was only rediscovered around 1700. Through constant further development and improvement, it became the most widely used building material of our time. The publication shows the enormous relevance and inimitable fascination of concrete in impressive imagery and versed texts with all relevant facts.
9783037682647 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Chris van Uffelen [G] Braun, Hardback, 280x240 mm, 224 p, 450 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 58,00 69
150 Best New Cottage and Cabin Ideas 150 Best New Cottage and Cabin Ideas shows off a diversity of creative, and innovative getaway homes the exemplify the small‐space trend. Francesc Zamora draws on the developments of distinguished international architects and designers who have worked to achieve practical, innovative, and stylish solutions adapted to the specific needs and particular tastes of their clients. An inspirational source of ideas for architects, designers, and homeowners alike ...
9780062995148 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Francesc Zamora [US] Harper Collins US (HCUK), Hardback, 191x191 mm, 480 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., July 2020, € 25,50
Solace in Nature
Homes that Blend with the Landscape This book is a treatise on how to reconnect people with nature through contemporary architecture and design. Solace in Nature is about finding solace within the landscape in the bluffs, mountains, hills, woodlands, forests, bushland reserves or hinterlands without eschewing the mode of luxury living associated with sophisticated design elegance and innovative architectural features. [UK] Images (ACC), Hardback, 280x212 mm, 192 p, 250 col.ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 45,50
9781864708448 (HB‐E)
The New Farm
Contemporary Rural Architecture Recent generations of farmers have reinvented the family farm and its traditions, embracing organic practices and sustainability and, along with them, a bold new use of modern architecture. The New Farm profiles sixteen contemporary farms around the globe, accompanied by plans and colorful images that highlight the connections among family, food, design, terrain, and heritage.
9781616898144 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Daniel P. Gregory, Abby Rockefeller [US] Princeton, Hardback, 254x203 mm, 192 p, 150 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 45,50
Cool is Everywhere
New and Adaptive Design Across America Equal parts design inspiration and travelogue, this book highlights the rapidly growing adaptive reuse movement. Organized by city, Design. Renew. Reuse. highlights remarkable projects that have transformed ordinary buildings into works of art. [US] Abrams, Hardback, 254x178 mm, 240 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 32,50
9781419738227 (HB‐E)
9781616899059 (PB+‐E)
The heyday of the national A‐frame craze saw tens of thousands of these easy and affordable structures built as vacation homes, roadside restaurants, churches, and even pet stores. A‐frame chronicles America's love affair with the A‐frame, from postwar getaway to its recent revival among designers and DIYers. Part architectural history and part cultural exploration, the book documents every aspect of A‐frame living with cartoons, ads, high‐style and do‐it‐yourself examples, family snapshots, ...
Author(s): Chad Randl [US] Princeton, Paperback with flaps, 222x203 mm, 224 p, 150 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 28,50
Kengo Kuma
My life as an Architect in 25 Buildings Through twenty‐five stories, this intimate little publication paints a picture of how a building inspired a boy to become an architect, how Japan's national heritage helped form his thinking, and how his professional experience has made him one of the most successful architects of his generation. This book contains something for everyone: design acumen, insights into Japanese culture, a tour of Tokyo and the heartfelt commitment to producing buildings that have meaning and longevity.
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 185x135 mm, 128 p, 50 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 18,80
9780500343616 (HB‐E)
The Iconic Interior
1900 to the Present
This compact volume features over 100 of the most spectacular interiors from across the world, spanning the entire 20th century to the present day. It includes interiors assembled by artists and fashion designers, architects, interior and set‐designers, bringing together diverse design talents from Piero Fornasetti to Alvar Aalto, Marc Newson and Matthew Williamson. Twenty short profiles are presented in the introduction, with a single iconic photograph and a concise, informative text; the interiors are arranged by chronological order, with superb colour photography and texts recounting the stories of these remarkable designs. Representing every style from minimalism and Art Nouveau to Gesamtkunstwerk creations that defy definition, these interiors are elegant compositions that will endure.
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 224x208 mm, 368 p, 571 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 36,50,
9780500023334 (HB‐E)
Out of the Blue
Fifty Years of Designers Guild Out of the Blue unravels Tricia Guild's unique and creative approach, focusing in on her inspiration, her intuitive design methodology and the techniques, processes and materials used. Frustrated with the lack of truly contemporary fabrics and wallpapers for interiors, Tricia's vision was to create a lifestyle. Tricia showed people how to put the different elements of a room together; how colour, pattern, texture and form can combine to create a harmonious space.
[UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Hardback, 270x215 mm, 240 p, 250 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 39,00
9781788840743 (HB‐E)
Surreal Spaces, Architecture and Interiors Oscar Wilde claimed that "progress is the realization of utopia." Dreamscapes illustrates utopian visions and invites the reader into otherworldly scenes that manifest visions of idealised worlds, offering a path toward a better future. The showcased pieces blur the lines between practical applications for architecture and design, abstract artistic expressions, and expand the possibilities of architecture, interior, and set design.
[G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 260x210 mm, 208 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 29,90
9783899552492 (HB‐E)
Where We Work
Lessons from Contemporary Workspaces Departing from Frame’s successful The Other Office series, this book will explore the many different iterations of today’s workspaces through an in‐depth exploration of 50+ projects worldwide. From co‐works and corporate offices to work cafés and transit spaces, and everything in between, a curated selection of projects will highlight today’s varied and bold interpretations of the workplace. Author(s): Ana Martins
9789492311504 (HB‐E)
[NL] Frame, Hardback, 265x200 mm, 320 p, 250 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 49,00
Be Well
New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well One of life's greatest pleasures is a day spent rejuvenating the body and nourishing the spirit. Humans have practiced self‐care for centuries‐in the sweat lodges of the American Southwest, Roman baths, the hammams of the Ottoman Empire, Japanese onsens, and Finnish saunas. Today, a new interest in self‐care is redefining how we accomplish wellness, and there have never been more options.
[G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 260x210 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020,€ 39,90
9783899559958 (HB‐E)
Coastal Blues
Home decorating ideas inspired by seaside living Covering homes from as far apart as the Bahamas and Denmark, authors Sally Hayden and Alice Whately begin by looking at the essential components of the coastal look ‐ colour and texture, materials, furniture, fabrics, accessories and display. [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, Hardback,254x216 mm, 160 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 25,50
9781788791472 (HB‐E)
How we live now
Making your space work hard for you When the housing market takes a dip, fewer of us move as we just can't afford it. That's the time to take a long hard look at your home and work out how to make the most of every room ‐ even every corner. Perhaps you're trying to carve out more space to accommodate a growing family, or maybe you're wondering where you can squeeze in a home office, a utility room or a kids' playroom. Author(s): Rebecca Winward
9781788791830 (HB‐E)
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, Hardback, 235x190 mm, 160 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 25,00
Relaxed Rustic
Bring Scandinavian tranquility and nature into your home Relaxed rustic interiors are about embracing the pared‐back lifestyle of living in the country, taking nature as the main point of inspiration. Use colours, textures and details to create a home in which to unwind ‐ a retreat from the rest of the world. Niki Brantmark explores various takes on this simple, informal style.
9781782498148 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Niki Brantmark [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, Hardback, 254x216 mm, 176 p, 250 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2019, € 25,00
Live Beautiful Beautiful design isn't just pleasant to look at; it improves the quality of our lives. It helps foster the traditions, rituals, and ceremonies we create in our homes. In Live Beautiful, the highly anticipated design book by Athena Calderone, the EyeSwoon creator taps into her network of interior decorators, fashion designers, and tastemakers to reveal how carefully crafted interiors come together. She also opens the doors to two of her own residences.
9781419742804 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Athena Calderone [US] Abrams, Hardback, 279x229 mm, 256 p, 180 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 38,95
Shed Style
Decorating cabins, huts, pods, sheds and other garden rooms
9781788791823 (HB‐E)
From the traditional gardener's potting shed to a writer's cabin to an artist's studio, Selina explores sheds, cabins, huts, greenhouses, pods and all manner of garden structures, providing ample inspiration for anyone dreaming of their own garden hideaway. She reveals how any existing shed, cabin or outbuilding can become a versatile work or social space rather than just somewhere to store the lawnmower. Author(s): Selina Lake [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, Hardback, 254x216 mm, 160 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 26,00
Individual. Inspiring Authentic Interiors
and How You Can Add Personality to Wherever You Call Home We all deserve to live unapologetically in homes that reflect who we are. Instead of a cookie‐cutter approach, we crave spaces that make us feel secure and connected, nurtured and enriched. Individual journeys to 15 truly unique homes that are authentic reflections of the characters that inhabit them. Learn how to imbue your space ‐ whether it's a rented apartment or a cottage in the country ‐ with the essence of you Author(s): Jessica Bellef [UK] Murdoch (Faber), Hardback,265x200 mm, 224 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 36,80
9781911632399 (HB‐E) 75
Historic Artists’ Homes & Studios Guide
From the desert vistas of Georgia O'Keeffe's New Mexico ranch to Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner's Hamptons cottage, step into the homes and studios of illustrious American artists and witness creativity in the making. Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Historic Artists' Homes and Studios program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, this is the first guidebook to the forty‐four site museums in the network, located across all regions of the United States and all open to the public. Author(s): Valerie A. Balint [US] Princeton, Paperback with flaps, 229x152 mm, 256 p, 225 col.ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 32,50
9781616897734 (PB+‐E)
Mad About the House
101 Interior Design Answers The chapters focus on Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Windows, Doors & Skirtings, Furniture Layout, Lighting, before finally a round‐up of Fixtures & Fittings. In addition to the no‐nonsense practical answers, there are checklists and step‐by‐step guides to key decorating challenges everything from How to Hang Wallpaper, to Arranging a Gallery Wall, How to Choose a Mattress and What Makes the Best Work Surface. [UK] Pavilion, Hardback,235x194 mm, 208 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 29,50
9781911624929 (HB‐E)
The Elements of a Home
Curious Histories behind Everyday Household Objects, from Pillows to Forks This captivating collection reveals the fascinating stories behind more than 60 everyday household objects. With tales from the kitchen, the bedroom, and every room in between, these pages expose how napkins got their start as lumps of dough in ancient Greece, why forks were once seen as immoral tools of the devil, and how Plato devised one of the earliest alarm clocks using rocks and water‐plus so much more. Author(s): Amy Azzarito, Alice Pattullo [US] Chronicle Books, Hardback, 203x152 mm, 224 p, throughout bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 19,50
9781452178721 (HB‐E)
Wild Interiors
Beautiful plants in beautiful spaces, and how to be the best plant parent Bestselling author Hilton Carter brings his unique eye and love of plants to show you how to create luscious interiors that not only look amazing but are good for your well‐being, too. Showcasing all‐new photography, Hilton gives you inspiration on how you can use plants to decorate your home.
9781782498759 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Hilton Carter [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, Hardback, 235x190 mm, 208 p, 200 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 21,50
Plants for small spaces, indoors and out A hands‐on guide to transforming small urban spaces into lush, plant‐filled retreats. In Green, Jason Chongue explains and simplifies how to curate and look after plants in small urban spaces. He provides a practical and personal guide to creating urban gardens and styling with plants, perfect for a range of environments and climates, inside or out. From balconies, porches, courtyards and small backyards to entryways, offices and living spaces, this 'how to' guide is an approachable resource. Author(s): Jason Chongue
9781743795545 (FLEXI‐E)
[UK] Hardie Grant, Flexi (Pb luxe), 240x190 mm, 192 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 19,50
How to style and display your collections Find out how you can use what you already have in a stylish and unexpected way to revitalise a room. Whether you want to group a collection of colourful vases against a dark wall, use picture rails to line up a selection of prints, or organise plants and treasured finds from the natural world, any shelf can be a stage for artful arrangements with this innovative guide.
9781782498445 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Geraldine James [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, Hardback, 235x190 mm, 192 p, 250 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2019, € 25,00 77
Plant Tribe
Living Happily Ever After with Plants The bestselling authors of Urban Jungle delve into the many ways that nurturing plants helps nurture the soul. This new book by the authors of the bestselling Urban Jungle addresses the life‐changing magic of living with and caring for plants. [US] Abrams, Hardback,254x216 mm, 240 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 32,50
9781419740411 (HB‐E)
Biophilia. Bringing nature indoors A Natural Design for Living Well
In this beautifully illustrated guide, best‐selling author Sally Coulthard demonstrates how to transform your living and working spaces into places that put you in touch with nature. Create a space filled with natural elements, patterns, nature's colours, fabrics and textures that lift your mood; find out why natural sounds and water are soothing; and learn how to make small changes that will inspire, invigorate and enrich your relationship with the natural world. Author(s): Sally Coulthard [UK] Kyle Books (Octopus), Hardback, 200x165 mm, 160 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 19,50
9780857837158 (HB‐E)
Little Book, Big Plants
Bring the outside in with over 45 friendly giants Learn how to care for your own houseplant giants, from the glorious Fiddle Leaf Fig and impressive Banana Plant to the ever‐popular Monstera ‐ this book will cover 45 favourites and include everything you need to know about creating your own indoor jungle. Little Book, Big Plants will not only instruct you on how to best care for your gentle giants, but will also show you how to encourage growth and make your own natural fertiliser as you increase the size of your collection. [UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant), Hardback, 180x160 mm, 144 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 13,00
9781787135062 (HB‐E)
Iconic Designs
50 Stories about 50 Things This handsome volume provides a treasure trove of 'stories' that will shed new light on the iconic designs that we use without thinking, aspire to possess, love or hate (or love to hate) and which form part of the fabric of our everyday lives. Subjects range from the late 19th century to the present day, and include the Sydney Opera House, the Post‐It Note, Coco Chanel's classic suit, the Sony Walkman™, Hello Kitty™, the typeface Helvetica, the Ford Model T, ... [UK] Bloomsbury Academic, Paperback, 246x189 mm, 240 p, 50 col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 23,50
ISBN 9780857853523 (Hb)
9781350112476 (PB‐E)
Soviet Design
From Constructivism To Modernism. 1920‐1980 The Soviet Union has left a vast heritage in interior design that is largely unknown in the West. Other than architecture and graphic or product design, interior design from the Soviet era has not yet been thoroughly investigated. For the first time ever, this book offers a comprehensive survey of the country's interior design culture between revolutionary avant‐garde and late Soviet modernism. [G] Scheidegger & Spiess (not), Hardback, 300x240 mm, 432 p, 300 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 84,50
9783858818461 (HB‐E)
Thonet & Design With around 400 objects in its possession, Die Neue Sammlung ‐ The Design Museum in Munich boasts one of the world's largest and most important collections of Thonet furniture. One that therefore not only reflects the development of seating furniture but also, and in particular, represents an important chapter in European company history. The catalogue shows distinguished chair designs from 1838 to the present day. Expo: 17/5/2019 ‐ 2/2/2020, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum, Pinakothek der Moderne, München Author(s): Ed.: Anggelika Nollert [G] Walther Koenig Verlag (T&H distr), Paperback, 300x230 mm, 168 p, 165 col. & bw ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., Jan. 2020, € 40,00
9783960985822 (PB‐E/ G)
Art in silver
Thalen & Thalen Pure! 9789058566379 (HB‐E/ F/ NL/ G)
In a world dominated by short lifecycles and recycling, Thalen & Thalen delivers creations that will stand the test of time. They translate their love for silver into creations that reflect their passion and personalities and invite the viewers to follow them on the path of life they have chosen. Rob and Jaap Thalen are guided by a quest to pureness; purity in their choice of material and shapes, but also in their ways of expression.
Author(s): Rob and Jaap Thalen [BE] Stichting Kunstboek, Hardback, 225x225 mm, 224 p, 120 col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr/NL/Germ. ed., June 2020, € 34,00
Parures de fête
Splendeurs des tapisseries des collections de Saumur Avec 70 tapisseries, allant du XVe au XXe siècle, Saumur présente l'un des plus importants patrimoines lissier de France. Certaines oeuvres relèvent des chefs d'oeuvre du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance qui ne dépareraient pas les plus grands musées, et la plupart sont des pièces uniques réalisées pour des commandes spéciales. Expo: 18/09/2019 ‐ 10/11/2019, Grand Dortoir, Abbaye royale de Fontevraud [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Paperback with flaps, 290x230 mm, 336 p, 300 col. & bw ill., French ed., Jan. 2020, € 29,50
9789461615855 (PB+‐F)
Retro Watches
The Modern Collector's Guide Eschewing the common categories of the 'classics', the ostentatiously high‐priced, and the 'blingy', Retro Watches brings together individualist pieces that few have seen and even fewer own. A collector's guide for those who want to make a statement with the watch they wear, but who are looking for something a little different. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 197x215 mm, 256 p, 186 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 27,80
9780500022962 (HB‐E)
Home Computers
100 Icons that Defined a Digital Generation It is all too easy to forget, as we go through life with computers in our pockets, that the digital revolution started at home. Home Computers showcases the quirky and characterful beginnings of a commercial product that would come to unite the globe: the personal computer. As so much technology is forgotten once it is superseded, this is a celebration of industrial design and techno‐utopianism from the not‐so‐distant past.
[UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 246x210 mm, 256 p, 350 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 34,00
9780500022160 (HB‐E)
Fake Books
The Art of Bibliophilic Deceit Bourgeois scholarship as disguise: "Fake books" are objects that simulate the most important carriers of knowledge and culture by subverting fundamental functions such as visualization, information or entertainment. Most of these "book simulators" are beautiful containers, which serve for storing ‐ or hiding ‐ approximately everything. The viewer is always confronted by the discrepancy between appearance and being, between form and function. Author(s): Armin Müller
9783716518595 (HB‐E/ G)
[CH] Benteli, Hardback, 210x193 mm, 352 p, 800 col. & bw ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., May 2020, € 72,50
The Gardens of Eden
New Residential Garden Concepts and Architecture for a Greener Planet As our lifestyles become more sustainable, so does the way we interact with the outdoors. Today's gardeners aim not only to create decorative outside spaces but also to give something back. No matter what size your patch is, it's easy to create diverse and rich environments for plants and insects, or grow your own vegetables or fruits. This book presents spaces that are more imaginative, diverse, and sustainable. Learn how to grow food in the city, get creative with native plants, and design greener corners within urban areas. The Gardens of Eden looks at fascinating examples around the world, teaching what you can do for nature while revealing what a garden can do for you. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 260x210 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed.,Jan. 2020, € 39,90,
9783899559903 (HB‐E)
Urban Oasis
Tranquil Outdoor Spaces at Home Having personal, private, outdoor space is becoming ever‐more elusive as urban areas become more crowded due to population growth and development. Urban Oasis: Tranquil Outdoor Spaces at Home features projects from Sydney to Singapore and London to New York that showcase inspirational and aspirational rooftops, gardens and courtyards that offer private pockets of paradise. [UK] Images (ACC), Hardback, 250x200 mm, 224 p, 300 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 45,50
9781864708417 (HB‐E)
100 20th‐Century Gardens and Landscapes 100 20th‐Century Gardens and Landscapes highlights the evolution of gardens and landscapes over the past century, tracing how these distinctive creations complemented buildings of their period. Entries in this book are grouped in chronological periods, documenting changing styles and techniques in a visual timeline. Designers and architects such as Piet Oudolf, Charles Jencks, Frederick Gibberd, Geoffrey Jellicoe, Vita Sackville‐West and Gertrude Jekyll are all featured, alongside more detailed essays.. Author(s): Twentieth Century Society [UK] Pavilion, Hardback, 219x219 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 36,50
9781849945295 (HB‐E)
The Gardener's Book of Patterns
A Directory of Inspiration, Presentation and Repetition Fully endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society, Jack Wallington's practical reference guide shows readers how to choose and use plants with pattern, and transform their gardens with texture, shape and flair. The book is packed with photographs, drawings and illustrated planting plans featuring 'patterns' that can be scaled up or down to fit the area being planted. Explore how to bring pattern into every aspect of the garden, from lawns and borders to paving and water features.
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 246x190 mm, 224 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 28,95
9780500023273 (HB‐E)
Small Garden Style
A Design Guide for Outdoor Rooms and Containers Petite gardens align with the movement to live smaller and create a life with less stuff and more room for living. But a more eco‐friendly and efficient space doesn't have to sacrifice style. In Small Garden Style, garden designer Isa Hendry Eaton and lifestyle writer Jennifer Blaise Kramer show you how to use good design to create a joyful, elegant, and exciting yet compact outdoor living space for entertaining or relaxing.
9780399582851 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Isa Hendry Eaton [US] Ten Speed Press, Hardback,232x187 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 23,50 83
Modern Ikebana
A New Wave in Floral Design Ikebana als inspiratiebron voor een nieuwe generatie
9789493039278 (HB‐E)
De Japanse kunst van het bloemschikken ontstond in de zesde eeuw en vindt haar oorsprong in de bloemenoffers in boeddhistische tempels. Doorheen de geschiedenis heeft ikebana zich vertakt tot verschillende varianten, elk met een lange lijst regels waarvoor een leven lang amper voldoende is om ze onder de knie te krijgen. Vandaag zien we ‐ zowel in Japan als in het Westen ‐ een nieuwe generatie die in alle vrijheid naar de Japanse kunst kijkt. Verleid door de filosofie, het lijnenspel en het ritme, gebruikt ze de complexe traditie als inspiratiebron voor originele en soms bonte creaties. [BE] Ludion, Hardback,260x215 mm, 224 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 34,90,
The Little Book of Bonsai
An Easy Guide to Caring for Your Bonsai Tree
9780399582592 (HB‐E)
Filled with photos of stunning, inspiring trees, The Little Book of Bonsai provides simple, clear, effective guidance on bonsai care, including wiring, watering, pruning, pests, disease, tools, repotting, fertilizing, and more. Dupuich covers indoor and outdoor bonsai care, selecting the right container, displaying your bonsai, and choosing different species with clear, step‐by‐step photos to help you cultivate your trees with confidence. Author(s): Jonas Dupuich [US] Ten Speed Press, Hardback,201x160 mm, 112 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 15,95
Ikebana Masterclass Ikebana Masterclass is het achtste boek in Stichting Kunstboeks internationale reeks rond Ikebana. Dat onze boeken doorheen de jaren ook hun weg naar Japan en de verschillende Ikebana Headquarters hebben gevonden, bewijst deze editie waarvoor we kunnen rekenen op de medewerking van de grootmeesters (Iemoto) van de vijf grootste ikebanascholen (Sogetsu, Ichiyo, Ikenobo, Ohara en Misho).
9789058566287 (HB‐E)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Hardback,290x240 mm, 208 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 59,90
Hiroto Inoue Monograph
9789058566393 (HB‐E)
Hiroto Inoue studied architectural engineering and worked at a construction company for ten years before changing careers. He opened a flower shop and dedicated most of his time to commercial flower designs, especially wedding flower decoration. The designs in this book show Hiroto Inoue from a different, far more personal side. Whether his background in engineering has something to do with it or not, Inoue excels in creating intricate geometric designs and compositions that often seem to defy gravity. Author(s): Hiroto Inoue; Photography by Kiyokazu Nakajima [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Hardback, 330x245 mm, 96 p, 50+ col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 39,90
Hiroyuki Oka
Beautiful Vegetables Hiroyuki Oka is one of a kind. The young Japanese floral designer is not only gifted with that typical Japanese sense of aesthetics ‐ a combination of detailed craftsmanship, faultless execution and a talent to pare things down to their essence ‐ but has a unique, intelligent view on design and a great sense of humor. His first Monograph (2013) didn't go unnoticed and this second book Beautiful Vegetables continues on the same path. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Hardback, 280x280 mm, 96 p, 50+ col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 39,90
9789058566386 (HB‐E)
Creativity with Flowers A collection of floral recipes
Topfloristen Per Benjamin (SE) en Max van de Sluis (NL) delen hun uitgebreide kennis op het vlak van bloemsierkunst in dit vuistdikke receptenboek voor smaakvol en eigentijds bloemwerk. Stap‐na‐stap toveren ze boeketten, tafeldecoraties, schikkingen met snijbloemen maar ook met planten, bruidsboeketten, rouwwerk, spektakelstukken voor het interieur en feestelijke kerststukken uit hun vingers. Author(s): Per Benjamin, Max van de Sluis. Fotografie: Helén Pe, Pim van der
9789058566348 (HB‐E)
Maden [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Hardback, 245x245 mm, 448 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 65,00
With how‐to tutorials
9789058566249 (HB‐E)
Bouquets is het tweede boek in de inspirerende 'how‐to' reeks van Laura Dowling en bouwt voort op de premisse van haar succesvolle eerste boek Floral Diplomacy in the White House (2016), namelijk de idee dat bloemen de kracht hebben om de manier waarop mensen denken en voelen te veranderen én om krachtige emotionele verbindingen ‐ met de natuur en met anderen, met ons verleden en met onze wensen voor de toekomst ‐ te creëren. Author(s): Laura Dowling [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Hardback, 260x210 mm, 128 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 30,00
Peter Arnold No flower, whether in a garden or as a cut flower in a vase, is as well‐known and as varied in shape and colour as the tulip. Once the most expensive flower bulb in the world, this ever‐cheerful member of the lily family is defined by its vibrant hues and simple sophistication of form. In this newly‐designed classic of floral photography, Peter Arnold captures the tulip in all its beauty and diversity. From familiar to exotic tulip varieties, his exquisite tulip pictures are supplemented with new texts. A w
9783961712656 (HB‐E/ G) [G] teNeues, Hardback, 240x195 mm, 144 p, 110 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., Feb. 2020, € 19,90 86
Cloudscapes Frameables
Each book contains a curated selection of twenty‐one high‐quality reproductions that can be easily removed from the book, framed in a standard‐size frame, and displayed in the home. Step‐by‐step tips for grouping the works to create a harmonious gallery add an interior designer's touch to the ensemble. Graphic, colorful, or abstract; paintings, engravings, or drawings ‐ each work of art is explained on the back of the print.
9782080204509 (PB‐E)
Author(s): Pascaline Boucharinc [F] Flammarion (Eng), Paperback, 300x240 mm, 46 p, 21 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 21,95
Animal Kingdom Frameables
Each book contains a curated selection of twenty‐one high‐quality reproductions that can be easily removed from the book, framed in a standard‐size frame, and displayed in the home. Step‐by‐step tips for grouping the works to create a harmonious gallery add an interior designer's touch to the ensemble. Graphic, colorful, or abstract; paintings, engravings, or drawings ‐ each work of art is explained on the back of the print.
9782080204493 (PB‐E)
Author(s): Cindy Lermite [F] Flammarion (Eng), Paperback, 300x240 mm, 46 p, 21 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 21,95
9782080204523 (PB‐E)
9782080204516 (PB‐E)
Pepin Press Art Portfolios contain 8 high‐quality art reproductions printed on 200 GSM paper or satin coated art paper. These papers are non‐ageing, manufactured from chlorine‐free pulp by FSC and PEFC certified mills. The prints are enclosed in hardback portfolio covers made of premium paperboard with inner end papers along with flaps for further protection. The portfolios have a high‐quality cloth spine (made of rayon, a plant‐based fiber) and a cotton ribbon closure.
Art Portfolio [NL] Pepin Press, Hardback,300x420 mm, p, No text, Feb. 2020, € 29,95
9789460092015 (HB‐‐)
1920s Avant‐Garde Art Portfolio
[NL] Pepin Press, Hardback,300x420 mm, p, No text, Feb. 2020, € 29,95
9789460092008 (HB‐‐)
Claude Monet Labels & Stickers
Our Label & Sticker Books each contain 32 sheets of high‐quality sticker paper with a total of about 250 labels, stickers and strips of sticker tape per volume. The stylish designs come in various shapes and sizes and allow you to label, decorate and seal your envelopes, packages and many other items. The sticker paper is uncoated and easy to write on with pen, pencil or felt marker [NL] Pepin Press, Paperback,241x172 mm, 32 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 9,95
9789460094316 (PB‐E) 9789460094316 (PB‐E) 88
William Morris
Art Portfolio
Art Portfolio 9789460092060 (HB‐‐)
Van Gogh
9789460092084 (HB‐‐)
Natural History
Art Portfolio
Art Portfolio
9789460092077 (HB‐‐)
9789460092022 (HB‐‐)
Flower Prints
Tropical Birds
9789460092046 (HB‐‐)
9789460092053 (HB‐‐)
Art Portfolio
Art Portfolio
Marbled Paper Design
Gift wrapping paper book #102
9789460091247 (PB‐‐)
PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high‐quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). [NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap, Paperback,345x250 mm, 16 p, No text, Feb. 2020, € 12,95
Claude Monet
Gift wrapping paper book #101 PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high‐quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers).
[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap, Paperback,345x250 mm, 16 p, No text, Feb. 2020, € 12,95
9789460091230 (PB‐‐)
Letter writing Set Luxury box with fine paper sheets, matching envelopes and assorted stickers 10 sheets (A5) of 4 different designs, total of 40 sheets 40 envelopes with 2 different designs 50 assorted stickers and labels Sheets, envelopes and stickers can be used in combination or independently. [NL] Pepin Press, Box,170x230 mm, 40 p, No text, March 2020, € 19,95
9789460094880 (BOX‐‐)
9789460094897 (BOX‐‐) 90
9789460094866 (BOX‐‐)
The Leathercraft Handbook
20 Unique Projects for Complete Beginners Destined to be a classic, this modern introduction offers a contemporary twist on the age‐old craft of leatherworking. The Leathercraft Handbook guides you through all the skills, tools, and techniques you need to make beautiful and durable pieces, from elegant accessories to stylish homewares ‐ without the need for expensive equipment. Try your hand at more than 20 step‐by‐step projects, complete with easy‐to‐follow tutorials and templates that can be scaled up or down.
9781781576908 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Candice Lau [UK] Ilex (Octopus), Hardback,246x189 mm, 176 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 26,00
Harry Potter ‐ Knitting Magic
The official Harry Potter knitting pattern book
9781911641926 (HB‐E)
Introducing the first official Harry Potter knitting book a deluxe guide to creating over 25 authentic Harry Potter knits based on the iconic films. Channel the magic of the Harry Potter films from the screen to your needles with the ultimate knitter s guide to the Wizarding World. Featuring over 25 magical knits, the book includes patterns for clothing, home projects and keepsakes pulled straight from the movies and even includes a few iconic costume pieces as seen on‐screen. [UK] Pavilion, Hardback,254x203 mm, 208 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 33,50
Edwin Menue ‐ Cuines, 33 Hij wou professioneel motorcrosser worden, maar na een zware val moest hij die jeugddroom opbergen. En dus besluit Edwin Menue om zich met al zijn ambitie en Zeeuwse koppigheid op de keuken te storten. Falen was geen optie. Na een stage bij onder meer Oud Sluis start hij, samen met zijn vrouw Fleur Boussy en schoonbroer Frederik, Cuines 33 een uniek restaurant in Knokke. De drive, exquise smaak en passie werden nog geen jaar later beloond met een eerste Michelinster
9789058566256 (HB‐E/ NL)
Author(s): Michaël De Moor. Fotografie: Stefanie Geerts [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Food, Hardback, 315x260 mm, 224 p, 100 col. & bw ill., Eng./ NL ed., Dec. 2019, € 59,90
De Theeroos
Thee beleven doorheen de seizoenen. Valérie Hallin Valérie Hallin is anglofiel in hart en nieren. Voor haar voelt reizen naar Engeland als thuiskomen. Het hoeft ons dan ook niet te verbazen dat ze van 's lands nationale trots, de thee, haar beroep heeft gemaakt. Ze schoolde zich om tot theesommelier en trakteert gasten in haar Engelse tuin, vol schitterende rozen. In dit heerlijke boek geeft Valérie wat achtergrond bij de verschillende theeën en hun (geneeskrachtige) eigenschappen, deelt ze naast heel wat theeweetjes ook haar succesrecepten.
9789058566331 (HB‐NL)
Author(s): Valérie Hallin. Fotografie: Véronique De Walsche [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Hardback, 240x195 mm, 160 p, 75 col. & bw ill., NL ed., Dec. 2019, € 29,95
La Wallonie, à pleines dents De bonnes adresses. De belles tables. Des chefs. Des artisans. Des éleveurs. Des maraîchers. Des recettes. Des souvenirs. Des portraits. Des bières et du vin. Du rêve. Des discussions. Des copains. Des gourmands, plein de gourmands, et toutes leurs histoires.
[BE] Sh‐op Editions, Hardback,x mm, 360 p, French ed., Dec. 2019, € 32,00
9782930974040 (HB‐F)
Cape Winelands
The Art of Luxury Tasting
9789058566270 (HB‐E)
Vader De Leeuw begon ruim veertig jaar geleden met het invoeren van Zuid‐Afrikaanse wijn. Ondertussen is Kaapwijn Import De Leeuw onder de gedreven leiding van zoon Peter uitgegroeid tot een van de meest performante aankoopplatformen in België. Het huis vertegenwoordigt een fijne selectie van topdomeinen die niet alleen schitterende wijnen voortbrengen, maar evenzeer zelf de moeite van het ontdekken waard zijn. Author(s): Peter De Leeuw, André Morgenthal. Photography: Henk van Cauwenbergh [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Food, Hardback, 380x267 mm, 288 p, 150 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Dec. 2019, € 85,00
Eat Your Greens!
Tasty and simple vegetable‐based recipes to prepare at home. If you're not a fan of eating your greens and struggling to hit your five a day, this collection of recipes will transform you into a veggie believer. With more than 800 concise, uncomplicated ways to make your meals more green‐focused, you'll be swapping outboiled carrots for broccoli roasted with garlic, chili, cashew nuts, and soy sauce quicker than you can say kale. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 240x180 mm, 192 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 29,90
9783899559996 (HB‐E)
Secrets of Chinese Cooking Cookbook Chow! guides the reader through the basics ‐ how to wash rice, serve tea and make noodles from scratch ‐ before introducing them to a variety of dishes based around meat, seafood and vegetables. Whether you seek familiar tastes or adventurous dishes, Chow! has it all: from stuffed mushrooms and fried rice to minced pigeon, crab fat with green vegetables and duck tongue soup. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Hardback,185x125 mm, 320 p, Eng./Chin. ed, April 2020, € 26,00
9781788840750 (HB‐E/ CHIN)
Healthy Home‐cooked Takeaway Meals Treat yourself and put takeaway food back on the menu with low‐calorie curries, stir‐fries, pasta dishes, pizzas, as well as good‐old fish and chips. If you are vegan, vegetarian, dairy or gluten‐free there are plenty of choices for you here.
9780241435861 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Chris Bavin [UK] Dorling Kindersley, Hardback,217x170 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 21,50
A Cookbook FALASTIN is a love letter to Palestine, the land and its people; an evocative collection of over 110 unforgettable recipes and stories from the co‐authors of Jerusalem and Ottolenghi: The Cookbook, and Ottolenghi SIMPLE. Travelling through Bethlehem, East Jerusalem, Nablus, Haifa, Akka, Nazareth, Galilee and the West Bank, Sami and Tara invite you to experience and enjoy unparalleled access to Sami's homeland. Author(s): Sami Tamimi, Tara Wigley & Yotam Ottolenghi
9781785038723 (HB‐E)
[UK] Random House ‐ Ebury Press, Hardback,220x155 mm, 352 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 40,95
Vegan JapanEasy
Over 80 delicious plant‐based Japanese recipes Believe it or not, Japanese cuisine in general is actually quite vegan‐friendly, and many dishes can be made vegan with just a simple substitution or two. You can enjoy the same big, bold, salty‐sweet‐spicy‐rich‐umami recipes of modern Japanese soul food without so much as glancing down the meat and dairy aisles. [UK] Hardie Grant, Hardback, 249x190 mm, 208 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 28,60
9781784882846 (HB‐E)
Japanese in 7
Delicious Japanese Recipes in 7 Ingredients or fewer Japanese food is healthy, delicious and universally enjoyed but despite the popularity of sushi and noodle bars worldwide too few of us cook this delightful cuisine at home. In Japanese in 7 (the latest addition to the in 7 series), Kimiko Barber uses just 7 ingredients or fewer to make deliciously fragrant dishes that you can effortlessly pull together any night of the week. [UK] Kyle Books (Octopus), Paperback, 246x189 mm, 176 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 23,50
9780857838445 (PB‐E)
Thai in 7
Delicious Thai Recipes in 7 Ingredients or Fewer Thai recipes can often feature a long and off‐putting list of ingredients, so it becomes a cuisine we treat ourselves to in a restaurant or as a takeaway rather than cook at home. In Thai in 7, acclaimed chef Sebby Holmes shows how with you only need 7 ingredients or fewer to make deliciously fragrant and fiery Thai dishes any night of the week. Sebby's innovative, easy recipes retain the punchy flavours of Thai food using ingredients that can be found in any supermarket. [UK] Kyle Books (Octopus), Paperback, 246x189 mm, 176 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 23,50
9780857838346 (PB‐E)
Manfred Thierry Mugler Photographer
A stunning visual journey of the enduring legacy of fashion and couture icon Manfred Thierry Mugler Since launching his namesake label in 1974, Manfred Thierry Mugler has been celebrated for his fierce silhouettes and creative vision. Illustrated with 144 photographs from his captivating personal collection, including both iconic and never‐before‐published images, this lavishly produced book proves that Mugler's spectacularly bold work is best captured by the creator's own singular photography.
9781419745782 (HB BOX‐E)
Expo: 13/10/2019 ‐ 08/03/2020, Kunsthal, Rotterdam Author(s): Thierry Mugler [US] Abrams, Hb with slip case, 349x246 mm, 208 p, 144 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 117,00
Hella Jongerius
Interlace, Woven Research / Entrelacs, une recherche tissé Hella Jongerius and her design team from Jongeriuslab transformed the exhibition spaces of Lafayette Anticipations in Paris into a weaving laboratory, experimenting the future of textile making: digital, 3D and space weaving through different looms that they adapted or even made from scratch. This catalogue, designed by the internationally acclaimed graphic designer Irma Boom, is conceived as a textile object. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag, Paperback, 240x170 mm, 140 p, 74 col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr. ed., Nov. 2019, € 29,80
9783960987031 (PB‐E/ F)
Fashion Spaces
A Theoretical View The age of social media has brought a new type of space into the world of fashion retail. When architecture and fashion meet in the creation of ephemeral spaces for the immediate presentation of new collections, for example, these temporary but real spaces are brought into the realm of the everlasting digital space as they are shared and re‐shared on platforms like Instagram. Author(s): Vésma K. McQuillan
9789492311481 (PB‐E)
[NL] Frame, Paperback, 208x145 mm, 160 p, 100 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 15,00
Japanese Dress in Detail Fashion in Detail series
A unique insight into the history and key themes of Japanese dress from the eighteenth century to the present, Japanese Dress in Detail reveals the elaborate embroidery, precise folds and sophisticated dyes that form some of the most beautiful garments in the Victoria and Albert Museum's unparalleled Japanese dress collection. This book provides readers with the rare opportunity to examine historical clothing, from breathtaking Edo‐period kimono to exciting contemporary designs. Expo: 29/02/2020 ‐ 21/06/2020, Victoria and Albert Museum, London [UK] Thames & Hudson, Paperback, 290x205 mm, 208 p, 198 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 36,50
9780500480571 (PB‐E)
The World According to Coco
The Wit and Wisdom of Coco Chanel French couturière Coco Chanel has achieved legendary status across the world and continues to captivate young generations of fashion fans who eagerly collect and share her quotes, creations and insights. A close friend of some of the leading wits and writers of her days, Coco Chanel was fierce and uncompromising in her pronouncements on fashion, women and life. Presented in a beautiful package and accessible format, this book is the perfect gift for fans of fashion in general and Chanel in particular. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 170x120 mm, 176 p, 50 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 14,50
9780500023488 (HB‐E)
Gabrielle Chanel Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel is an icon of fashion, and can lay claim to having invented the look of the 20th century. This volume, published to accompany a landmark exhibition in Paris, traces the birth and evolution of Chanel's timeless style. Specially commissioned photographs showcase the clothing, while essays by fashion historians illuminate events, themes and the spirit of the age. Rare archival documents and portraits of Gabrielle Chanel herself make this an indispensable volume for fashion historians. Expo: 04/2020 ‐, Palais Galliera, Musée de la mode de la Ville de Paris [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 310x245 mm, 304 p, 250 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 61,50
9780500023464 (HB‐E)
Kaiser Karl
The Life of Karl Lagerfeld On the last morning of his life, Karl Lagerfeld's only companion was Sébastien, his bodyguard and right‐hand man. The king of fashion insisted on being cremated, along with his universally recognisable 'gear' ‐ the dark glasses and high starched collar that served as a bastion for his secrets. It is only now that witnesses have begun to talk. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Hardback,225x145 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 23,50
9781788840705 (HB‐E)
Kyoto to Catwalk The kimono is the ultimate symbol of Japan, revered within the country as the embodiment of national culture and regarded internationally as an exotic fascination. The iconic garment is often viewed as traditional, unchanging and timeless, but this book counters that conception, presenting the kimono as highly dynamic and fashionable dress. The cultural and sartorial significance of the kimono is explored in historical and contemporary contexts, both in Japan and the West, where its impact on clothing styles has been felt since the seventeenth century. Beautifully illustrated, the book features over 250 kimono and kimono‐inspired garments from the V&A and collections around the world, revealing its sartorial influence on pop stars from David Bowie to Björk and examining the ways in which fashion designers such as Issey Miyake, John Galliano and Alexander McQueen have reworked its legacy.
9781851779925 (HB‐E)
Expo: 29/02/2020 ‐ 21/06/2020, V&A, London [UK] V&A Museum, Hardback, 310x240 mm, 336 p, 270 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 52,00, 98
How to Wear Socks Socks, a bare necessity in anyone's wardrobe, are often a one‐and‐done, wear‐it‐if‐it's‐clean kind of garment. You put them on, pull them up, and go about the rest of your day. But there's a lot more to a good sock than meets the eye, or the foot. Within the world of socks, there are a staggering number of options, from material to style to length to, of course, color and print. How to Wear Socks teaches you everything you need to know about socks. [US] Abrams Image, Hardback, 175x125 mm, 128 p, 100 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 12,95
9781419742934 (HB‐E)
Older, But Better, But Older
From the Authors of How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are Older, but Better, but Older has the playful wit, self deprecation and worldly advice we have come to expect from these bestselling authors, but now that advice is focused on the French woman's mindset as she hurtles towards forty. Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas are back to amuse you with how they find they are modifying their favorite bad‐girl behavior as they address beauty, love, seduction as well as lifestyle, family, work, and living alone. [US] Random House US, Hardback,203x140 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 25,95
9780385544863 (HB‐E)
The Mr Porter Guide to a Better Day The MR PORTER Guide To A Better Day covers all aspects of a man's daily life, from morning rituals, to flawless grooming to handy tips for taking the work out of your working and social life. Compiled by MR PORTER's Editors and featuring wisdom from Messrs Tom Ford, Laird Hamilton and more, this volume is packed with expert advice, helpful illustrations and full‐colour photography that explores the habits and routines of the world's most stylish men. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 240x170 mm, 348 p, 160 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 41,00
9780500295700 (PB‐E)
The Slow Home Still is a stunningly photographed interiors book that invites readers to take on the philosophy of the SLOW movement. Living Sustainably. Local. Organic. And Whole. Still features 20 indepth studies of inspirational interiors designed according to the SLOW principles. The owners explain why they chose this path and how it has benefitted their lives. All of the homes have been exclusively photographed by renowned interiors photographer Chris Warnes. [UK] Hardie Grant, Hardback, 283x216 mm, 248 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 39,00
9781743795705 (HB‐E)
Simply Living Well
A Guide to Creating a Natural, Low‐Waste Home Simply Living Well is a beautiful guide to living well, sustainably. With step‐by‐step guidelines, gorgeous photography, and easy, comprehensive recipes for everyday use, Simply Living Well is about reducing our footprint for the generations to come. Author Julia Watkins, of the popular Instagram account @simply.living.well, shares rituals, recipes, and projects for living sustainably, inspired by both wisdom rooted in traditional cultures and her own grandparents. [UK] Hardie Grant, Hardback, 229x178 mm, 240 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 20,80
9781743796054 (HB‐E)
Clean Green
Tips and Recipes for a naturally clean, more sustainable home
9781787135024 (HB‐E)
Learn how to create your own cleaning products that are better and healthier to use and keep your home sparkling clean. What is in my cleaning products? Are these chemicals bad for my health? Do they damage the environment? How do I reduce the amount of plastic in my home? These are questions we should all be asking when it comes to cleaning our homes. Clean Green shows you how to tackle each room and cleaning task in a natural way. Author(s): Jen Chillingsworth [UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant), Hardback, 155x120 mm, 160 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 11,80 100
A Companion for Slow Living Grounded is a guide to slow living for those who want to feel more connected to the outdoors. Organised into chapters for the four seasons, each project will lead you to discover a new way to practise slow living and weave nature into your everyday life. Build a garden bed and plant seeds. Watch your vegetable garden grow, and pluck a tomato or two to make a salad. Go on a walk in the woods, build a campfire and then read the moon. Rediscover a childlike joy of nature through over 20 projects. [UK] Hardie Grant, Flexi (Pb luxe), 240x190 mm, 192 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 19,50
9781741176827 (FLEXI‐E)
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning Dostadning, or the art of death cleaning, is a Swedish phenomenon by which the elderly and their families set their affairs in order. Whether it's sorting the family heirlooms from the junk, downsizing to a smaller place, or using a failsafe system to stop you losing essentials, death cleaning gives us the chance to make the later years of our lives as comfortable and stress‐free as possible. [UK] Canongate (Faber), Paperback,178x129 mm, 144 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 13,50
9781786891105 (PB‐E)
F*ck Being Humble
Why self‐promotion isn't a dirty word Whether it is through our parents, our education, our bosses, our colleagues, or the media we consume, we are constantly told that being humble is essential to our professional success. It's often seen as distasteful or arrogant to shout about our achievements. But in a modern workplace, where the conventional, steady, linear career path is becoming rarer and rarer, this advice seems ever‐more obsolete. In the age of flexible working and portfolio careers, it's time to f*ck being humble. [UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant), Paperback with flaps,216x138 mm, 208 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 16,95
9781787135130 (PB+‐E)
Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature 9781526624048 (TPB‐E) 9781526624031 (HB‐E)
A stunning companion book to the spectacular exhibition where visitors will see creatures, specimens and artefacts from the Museum's world‐leading scientific collection displayed side by side with elements from the Wizarding World ‐ immediately recognisable to fans of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. Readers will be able to pore over breathtaking photography and beautiful artwork as they explore the parallels between wild animals, creatures from myth and legend and fantastic beasts. Expo: 22/5/2020 ‐ 3/1/2021, Natural History Museum, London [UK] Bloomsbury, Pb & Hb eds., 254,x 203 mm, 160 p, Eng. ed., June 2020, € 22,50
Island Dreams
The Mapping of an Obsession In Island Dreams, Gavin Francis examines our collective fascination with islands. He blends stories of his own travels with psychology, philosophy and great voyages from literature, shedding new light on the importance of islands and isolation in our collective consciousness.
9781786898180 (HB‐E)
[UK] Canongate (Faber), Hardback, x mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 27,95
The Magnificent Maps Puzzle Book Discover the world's greatest maps as never before in the most fiendishly difficult cartographic quiz book. The Magnificent Maps Puzzle Book invites the reader to embark upon a thrilling journey from the streets of ancient Rome to the vastness of Canada's Arctic North, from pre‐Revolutionary New York to the trenches of the First World War and from Germany's emerging Autobahn network to the craters on the far side of the moon. [UK] British Librairy, Flexi (Pb luxe), 216x143 mm, 240 p, 40 col.ill., Eng. ed., Oct. 2019, € 15,80
9780712352994 (FLEXI‐E)
The Alps in Panoramic Paintings These remarkable vintage map artworks, both hand drawn and painted, capture the beauty of the Alps more effectively than any camera or computer. As downhill skiing became popular in 20th‐century Europe, resorts in the Austrian, German, French, and Swiss Alps commissioned paintings of their ski runs to turn into maps. The best of these paintings are now featured in this book showing the artists' ability to combine technical virtuosity, geographic information, and creative flair. Author(s): Tom Dauer
9783791385877 (HB‐E)
[UK] Prestel, Hardback, 290x240 mm, 192 p, 91 col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 48,50
A World of Maps from the British Library
This is an atlas with a difference. Few of the maps in this book could reasonably be called accurate in the modern sense and could almost certainly not be used to plan a journey. Yet this atlas can help us to travel in a way that regular atlases do not, because by looking at old maps and getting to know their stories we can be transported back to the times in which they were made. Atlas is the definitive printed showcase of the British Library's extensive and unparalleled map collection. [UK] British Librairy, Paperback with flaps, 280x220 mm, 272 p, 100 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 20,00
9780712353328 (PB+‐E)
A Map of the World
According to Illustrators and Storytellers For centuries we have used the tools of cartography to represent both our immediate surroundings and the world at large‐and to convey them to others. In our age of satellite navigation systems and Google Maps, personal interpretations of the geography around us are becoming even more relevant. A new generation of designers, illustrators, and mapmakers has been discovering their passion for various forms of illustrative cartography and A Map of the World is a compelling collection of their work. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 330x245 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 39,90
9783899558814 (HB‐E)
Reflections on Peace This book explores the conditions and consequences of peace processes in Lebanon, Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Rwanda, Cambodia, and Colombia. Leading photographers and writers of war returned to those countries where they first reported during conflict. Analysts, lawyers, negotiators and writers who lived through war and peace added their voices to the project. All together they examine what lessons can be learned from the peace that was brokered in these nations, how peace has endured over time, and in the
Réflexions sur la paix
9782490952090 (PB‐E)
9782490952083 (PB‐F)
Depuis la fin de la guerre froide, plusieurs nations ont été confrontées à une guerre civile à la violence sans précédent, dont l'issue semblait inextricable. Pourtant, elles sont parvenues à installer un retour à la normale relativement stable. Ainsi, des contextes différents ont permis à la Bosnie‐Herzégovine, au Cambodge, à la Colombie, au Liban, à l'Irlande du Nord et au Rwanda de réussir à se transformer, et chaque pays s'est appuyé sur des principes et des processus uniques...
Expo: May 2020, Musée de la Croix‐Rouge, Genève, Suisse ‐, Oct. 2020, Maison de l'Industrie, Paris [F] HEMERIA, Paperback, 240x170 mm, 456 p, 200 col. & bw ill., Eng. & French eds., May 2020, € 39,00
Can We Save the Planet? A Primer for the 21st Century
The effects of global warming are being felt around the world through climate change, and images of our rivers and oceans choking with plastic have provoked an instinctive horrified reaction. This engaging and incisive volume offers insightful analysis of a range of key issues including deforestation, global warming and single use plastics, while evaluating whether ‐ and how ‐ it may just be possible to mend our planet. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 229x152 mm, 144 p, 150 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 16,90
9780500295304 (PB‐E)
Citizen Woman
An Illustrated History of the Women's Movement One hundred years ago American women fought for and won an equal voice at the ballot box with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. This happened thanks to the unrelenting activism of women in the US and around the rest of the world, who shifted the notion of women's suffrage from fringe idea to reality. Although that was a huge achievement, successive generations of global activists have had to combat enormous gaps in women's rights that have continued to exist today. Author(s): Jane Gerhard, Dan Tucker [UK] Prestel +, Hardback, 260x215 mm, 256 p, 180 col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 38,95
9783791385303 (HB‐E)
Is Technology making us Sick? A Primer for the 21st Century
Modern technology has enhanced our lives in numerous ways. But, as technology crowds further into our personal lives, is it doing us more harm than good? This rigorous and insightful volume assesses the impact of our increased screen time and daily interactions with personal technology on our individual choices, our relationships, and our mental and physical health, and suggests how best to mitigate any adverse effects. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 229x152 mm, 144 p, 150 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 16,90
9780500295311 (PB‐E)
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Bill Gates
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, shares what he has learnt in over a decade of studying climate change and investing in innovations to address climate problems. He explains how the world can work to build the tools it needs to get to net‐zero greenhouse gas emissions ‐ investing in research, inventing new technologies and deploying them quickly at a large scale. Gates is optimistic that the world can prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis. [UK] Penguin ‐ Allen Lane, Hardback,x mm, 208 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 28,95
9780241448304 (HB‐E)
No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference Greta Thunberg
This book brings you Greta in her own words, for the first time. Collecting her speeches that have made history across Europe, from the UN to mass street protests, No One Is Too Small to Make A Difference is a rallying cry for why we must all wake up and fight to protect the living planet, no matter how powerless we feel. Our future depends upon it. New Expanded Edition [UK] Penguin UK, Paperback,161x112 mm, 112 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 5,95
9780141992716 (PB‐E)
An Incomplete Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene Views, thoughts, considerations, insights, images, notes and remarks on the Anthropocene. The Earth has entered a new geological epoch, and the climate crisis is a reality. Connectedness includes a diverse selection of contributions, including Björk, Greta Thunberg, Donna Haraway and Tomas Saraceno, that brings many perspectives and disciplines into the discussion to the crucial period in which we are currently living. Author(s): Marianne Krogh [UK] T & H, Distributed, Hardback, 245x170 mm, 304 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 57,95
9788793604865 (HB‐E)
Do One Thing Every Day to Change the World A Journal
Activism is on the rise. Consumers, shareholders, employees, students, and many other social groups want to get involved with political, environmental, and social issues. Do One Thing Every Day to Change the World is the ideal tool for turning those ambitions into positive change. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Journal,146x114 mm, 368 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 13,80
9780593135075 (JOURNAL‐E) 106
Antony d'Ypres
Fotografen van de wederopbouw
9789490880286 (HB‐NL)
Na 'de stalen storm van de industriële oorlog' was het idyllische landschap van de Westhoek in België getransformeerd tot een desolaat maanlandschap. De Eerste Wereldoorlog had tientallen dorpen en steden langs het front volledig van de kaart geveegd. Van de middeleeuwse stad Ieper restten nog slechts ruïnes; de velden errond waren bezaaid met granaatputten, mijnkraters, loopgraven, bunkers, smalspoorlijnen, prikkeldraad, oorlogsschroot en stapels onontplofte munitie. De discussie over het lot van Ieper sleepte lang aan, en maakte dat de wederopbouw pas na december 1920 van start kon gaan. Bevoorrechte getuigen Robert en Maurice Antony, van de bekende studio Antony d'Ypres, documenteerden met hun foto's de verwoesting en de wederopbouw van Ieper en omstreken: het ruimen van de slagvelden, de voorlopige begraafplaatsen, de terugkeer van de bewoners, de barakken en noodwoningen, het fronttoerisme, de vele herdenkingen en de inhuldigingen van begraafplaatsen en monumenten. Ofschoon veelal gericht op de verkoop van souvenirfoto's en prentkaarten, zijn de Antony‐foto's van een uitzonderlijke artistieke kwaliteit, en van onschatbare documentaire waarde. Hardcover met ingekleefd vignet. Expo: 07/03/2020 ‐ 15/11/2020, Lakenhallen, Ieper [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée, Hardback, 270x240 mm, 272 p, 300 col. & bw ill., NL ed., March 2020, € 39,95,
9789492455185 (HB‐NL)
Strijdtoneel Limburg
Van schermutseling tot wereldoorlog Nieuwsgierig naar het woelige verleden van Limburg? In Strijdtoneel Limburg vertellen Rombout Nijssen en Rick de Leeuw je over het rijke militaire verleden van Limburg en nemen ze je aan de hand van twintig markante gebeurtenissen en locaties mee op pad langs een rijkelijk geïllustreerd parcours in Limburg. Vanuit Hasselt vertrek je richting het westen en het zuiden, om verder via het Maasland naar het noordelijke Lommel af te reizen. Als een ware tijdreiziger verplaats je je door de provincie Limburg. Author(s): Rombout Nijssen, Rick de Leeuw [BE] OKV, Hardback, 230x297 mm, 144 p, throughout col.ill., NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 29,00
Didier Verriest Na veel inspanning kreeg Didier Verriest de toelating om te fotograferen in enkele belangrijke federale gebouwen in Brussel. Het zijn Belgische monumenten die we als burger of toerist vaak alleen maar kunnen aanschouwen aan de buitenkant. In dit boek, met een inleiding van Joannes Késenne, neemt Verriest ons mee op zijn tocht en geeft op die manier een vrije rondleiding door deze bijzonder mysterieuze, onbekende plekken van het Belgisch patrimonium.
9789076417318 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Author(s): Photography: Didier Verriest, Introduction Joannes Késenne [BE] Arte Libro, Hardback, 260x240 mm, 152 p, throughout col.ill., Eng./Fr./NL ed., Jan. 2020, € 39,00
The Art of Justice
Palace of Justice Brussels This book is aimed as much at those who love the courthouse as at those who love Justice itself, defenders of its key role in democracy. Once the largest Palace of Justice in the world... an architectural extravaganza installed in the heart of Brussels city, looming over the people and imposing itself as a separate power. No building is more representative of Belgian genius and folly. [BE] Stockmans Art Books, Hardback,242x218 mm, 344 p, Eng./Fr./NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 75,00
9789077207727 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Visit Antwerp Guide (NL) Ontdek Antwerpen ‐ 2020
Deze gids maakt je vlot wegwijs in Antwerpen. De stad bestaat uit 8 wijken, elk met hun eigen karakter en charme. Kom je hier voor een stevige portie cultuur, om geschiedenis op te snuiven, te shoppen of culinair te genieten? Het kan in elke wijk. Want Antwerpen is compact, maar heeft veel te bieden. Aan jou om dat te ontdekken. Veel plezier! Also German and Spanish editions available
9789085868040 (PB‐NL)
[BE] BAI, Paperback,210x147 mm, 100 p, NL ed., Jan. 2020, € 3,00
ISBN 9789085868033 (F) ISBN 9789085868002 (E)
La Belgique est un plaisir et doit le rester Les Snuls parlent des Snuls
En 1989, les Snuls débarquent avec Plus ou moins net une émission hebdomadaire diffusée sur Canal+ Belgique. Ils vont durant 4 ans proposer une émission d'humour caustique pleine d'autodérision belgobelge. Leurs sketches télévisuels fédèrent un public fidèle particulièrement amateur de leur univers. Leurs chansons parodiques (Hazewee à Laeken par exemple) deviennent des classiques des soirées d'étudiants du début des années 1990. Author(s): Gilles Dal
9782875720528 (PB+‐F)
[BE] CFC‐Éditions, Paperback with flaps,210x170 mm, 240 p, French ed., April 2020, € 24,00
#Briljantwerp Het licht in de Koekenstad is een bijzonder licht. Het steekt blond opgeblazen haartooien in brand. Het maakt grijze gevels wit en geeft elk blad aan de bomen een eigen kleur. Als de zon lang laag blijft staan, schijnt ze overal doorheen. Een haarpluim die s'ochtends nog zorgvuldig over de schedel werd gekleefd, van het ene oor naar het andere, steekt nu fel omhoog in een zachte bries.
9789463963688 (HB‐E/ NL)
Author(s): Photography: Matthieu Bout. Preface: Guillaume Van der Stichelen [BE] WALKER MILTON, Hardback, 162x300 mm, 120 p, throughout col.ill., Eng./ NL ed., Nov. 2019, € 24,95
Car Cards from Belgium 9789492347169 (HB‐NL/ F)
Album comportant près de 200 cartes postales de Belgique illustrant des milliers de voitures de toutes nationalités des années 1940 à 1970. De Collectie postkaarten van Patrick Van der Stricht... " bestond uit duizenden exemplaren, veel zwart‐wit kaarsten uit de jaren 30‐40 maar ook de eerste glossy prenten uit de vijftiger jaren.... Hoewel de meeste kaarten gewoon banale meer herkenbare foto's zijn, is de aantrekkelijkheid van de ouderwetse pleninen en gebouwen groot...." (Ever Meulen, introductie) Author(s): Patrick Van der Stricht [BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting, Hardback, 218x304 mm, 126 p, throughout col. & bw ill., NL/ Fr ed., Jan. 2020, € 29,00
Brussels. The Entrepreneur's Handbook StartUp Guide
In addition to a rich history of art, architecture and food, Brussels boasts a reputation as a hub for global affairs and commerce. For the city's startup ecosystem, this international flavor has helped foster a new generation of innovators. The government has invested significantly in initiatives designed to promote entrepreneurship (espec among students and recent college graduates) and the results are starting to show. Incl: top startups, entrepreneurs, investors, programs, schools and coworking spaces [G] StartUp Guides (Gestalten), Paperback, 240x170 mm, 200 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 20,00
9783947624270 (PB‐E)
BBTK 125 De Bond der Bedienden, Technici en Kaderleden (BBTK) heeft een geschiedenis van meer dan 125 jaar. Die staat beschreven in dit boek, van de oprichting van de eerste socialistische bediendevakbond in 1891 in Brussel over de periode na de Eerste Wereldoorlog ‐ toen de overheid meende dat bedienden geen sociale bescherming behoefden ‐ tot de uitbouw van een modern socialistisch bediendesyndicalisme. [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée, Paperback, 300x230 mm, 320 p, 260 col.ill., NL ed., Nov. 2019, € 29,90
9789490880262 (PB‐NL) ISBN 9789490880279 (PB-F)
The Monocle Book of Japan
9780500971079 (HB‐E)
Ever since it launched in 2007, Monocle has had a rich and deep connection with Japan. From day one the magazine has had a Tokyo bureau ‐ which today also encompasses a Monocle shop and radio studios ‐ run under the watchful eye of Asia bureau chief Fiona Wilson. Over the past decade the magazine has built up a unique understanding and passion for the nation. It has covered everything from a live journey on the Emperor's jet and the tastiest places to eat in Kagoshima to the fashion designers crafting new levels of excellence and the businesses with remarkable stories untold outside Japan. This new book reveals the best of the nation in the run up to the 2020 Olympics. Complete with stunning photography and intriguing essays, it is a unique showcase of a country that for many remains a mystery. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 300x225 mm, 304 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 61,50, [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Hardback, 300x225 mm, 304 p, throughout col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 61,50,
Craftland Japan In Japanese life and culture, there has never been a clear distinction between art, craft and design. Generations of artisans have for centuries forged and refined their crafts, which have become the envy of the modern world. Regions of Japan are renowned for specific traditions, many of which are born of local materials and the natural settings in which they are produced. Craftland Japan is not merely a book about Japanese crafts: it is a glimpse into centuries of tradition and wisdom through the prism of contemporary makers. It celebrates the union of craft, design, materiality and landscape in a manner that most cultures can only hope to emulate. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 240x172 mm, 288 p, 583 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 34,50,
9780500295342 (PB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson +, Paperback, 240x172 mm, 288 p, 583 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 34,50,
Do You Read Me?
Bookshops From Around the World Bookshops are powerful places with the freedom to deep‐dive into their niches, from cooking to cartoons, architecture to anarchy. Do You Read Me? reconsiders the bookshop as a cornerstone of the community, where subcultures have the physical space to thrive. Bookshops are universally recognized as marketplaces of knowledge, curiosity, inspiration, and entertainment. They also promote communication and tolerance across cultures and have become destinations for both local communities and travelers. Within a changing media environment their role has been shifting, leading their overseers to pursue different ways to engage with their customers and build local‐and sometimes even regional‐ support for their businesses. Do You Read Me? seeks out the most innovative and beautiful bookshops achieving this, sharing their concepts and celebrating book culture in all its glorious forms. Author(s): Marianne Julia Strauss [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 260x210 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed.,April 2020, € 39,90,
9783899559941 (HB‐E)
Handmade in Japan
The Pursuit of Perfection in Traditional Crafts In an era where global interest in handmade, small‐batch products is heightening as a response to mass production, Handmade in Japan takes a look inside the workshops of the country's artisans, revealing their endless pursuit of excellence, and what it means to dedicate one's life to the stewardship of irreplaceable cultural heritage.
[G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 290x225 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020,€ 39,90
9783899559927 (HB‐E)
Makers Paris This inspirational guide introduces you to the locals behind thirty‐five of Paris's unique shops, studios, and more.
Author(s): Carrie Solomon, Kate Van Den Boogert [UK] Prestel, Hardback, 270x210 mm, 256 p, 225 col.ill.,
9783791386225 (HB‐E)
Eng. ed., April 2020, € 41,50
The New Traditional
Heritage, Craftsmanship and Local Identity A new generation wants to lead a more meaningful and sustainable life by reconnecting with heritage and traditions. They are looking to the craftsmanship, lifestyle, and unique experiences of the people keeping these practices alive.
[G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 260x210 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020,€ 39,90
9783899559842 (HB‐E)
The Alps
High Mountains in Motion
9783961712632 (HB‐E)
Extreme weather conditions, transitioning seasons, daytime and night time, erosion and deposition, melting and freezing, and avalanches: the Alps are a site of constant change, as much as a place of retreat, tranquility and history. As climate change increasingly disrupts the region's natural cycles and ecosystem, Fischer's photographs remind us just how important it is to protect this unique and beautiful landscape. Author(s): Lorenz Andreas Fischer [G] teNeues, Hardback, 287x250 mm, 288 p, 200 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 35,00
Nordic Islands
Iceland, Greenland, Norway and Faroe Islands One of the most renowned nature photographers in Europe, Stefan Forster, documents the extraordinary Nordic islands. Over the course of more than 80 intrepid trips through Greenland, Iceland, Norway and the Faroe Islands, Forster captures the epic landscapes, wildlife and beauty of these far‐flung isles. The result is a fascinating photographic portrait of some of the most remote and ruggedly beautiful places on earth. Author(s): Stefan Forster
9783961712557 (HB‐E/ G)
[G] teNeues, Hardback, 320x250 mm, 256 p, 140 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., April 2020, € 39,90
Paul Almasy Paris
Post‐war Paris brought a blossoming of culture and thought. The Nouvelle Vague transformed French cinema, young couturiers reinvigorated French fashion, existentialism flourished in literature and philosophy, and the city swung and swayed to a vibrant jazz and rock 'n' roll scene. In the middle of it all, was Paul Almasy. The well‐travelled photojournalist, born in Hungary, had made Paris his hometown and spent his days and nights wandering its alleys, avenues, and after‐hours bars. [G] teNeues, Hardback, 240x195 mm, 144 p, 120 bw ill., Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., March 2020, € 19,90
9783961712571 (HB‐E/ F/ G)
Iconic New York Expanded Edition
Few cities spark the imagination like New York. Its very name stands for excitement and dreams of possibility. Famed for both its hectic pace and for being a melting pot of cultures and ideas, this is perhaps the world's ultimate metropolis. As a native New Yorker, photographer Christopher Bliss understands the city on many levels. Iconic New York offers a dramatic overview of the city, capturing its essence with dynamic and engaging images of its architecture, landmarks, and energetic lifestyle.
9783961712663 (HB+‐E/ F/ G)
Updated reprint featuring 50 pages of new photography Author(s): Christopher Bliss [G] teNeues, Hardback with dust jacket, 287x223 mm, 192 p, 200 col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., April 2020, € 35,00
Serge Ramelli Barcelona
In his tenth book for teNeues, Ramelli turns his lens on Barcelona, Spain's second largest city and one of the most popular destinations in Europe. This joyful collection of the city's neighbourhoods, street life, and iconic monuments is sure to delight any fan of the vibrant Catalan capital. With his distinctive eye for the atmosphere‐ as much as the architecture‐of a place, the YouTube and Instagram star captures Barcelona's most beloved districts and landmarks in all of their seductive magic. [G] teNeues, Hardback, 320x250 mm, 176 p, 85 col. & bw ill., Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., March 2020, € 39,90
9783961712502 (HB‐E/ F/ G)
Lost Wheels
The Nostalgic Beauty of Abandoned Cars
9783961712588 (HB‐E/ G)
In his unique photo journey, Dieter Klein travels to remote corners of Europe and the United States to find abandoned cars in forgotten places. In shabby backyards and dusty barns, in deserted fields and thick forests, Klein roams strange and isolated places to find once gleaming vehicles left to rust and ruin. From a dented Porsche to a faded Cadillac, a battered VW Beetle to a whole fleet of abandoned military jeeps, Klein's subjects creak with bygone glamour and might. Author(s): Dieter Klein [G] teNeues, Hardback, 235x300 mm, 208 p, 160 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., April 2020, € 39,90
Cairo Inside Out Cairo Inside Out evokes the light and moods of this great metropolis with stunning photographs shot from the city's indoor havens. We observe it through and from nostalgic haunts, such as Cafe Riche and the Windsor Hotel, and look out onto its great sights‐the Nile, the Red Pyramid at Dahshur, Ibn Tulun mosque‐from the most intimate urban interiors, homes, and watersides. [UK] Bloomsbury, Paperback,216x216 mm, 184 p, Eng. ed., Dec. 2019, € 0,00
9789774169229 (PB‐E)
Stockholm Style Guide Eat Sleep Shop
Get to know Stockholm style, with its fascinating architecture and the most beautiful addresses off the well‐known tourist paths. From Scandinavian design gurus in the fashion district to designer hotels in former factories to hip cafes and vegan restaurants ‐ an indispensable companion for those in search of the extraordinary and keen to explore off the well trodden tourist trails. Author(s): Lisa Arnold
9781911632917 (HB‐E)
[UK] Murdoch (Faber), Hardback,210x140 mm, 288 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 25,50
My Town
An Artist's Life in London David Gentleman, an iconic British illustrator and designer, has lived a lifetime in London. Drawing from over sixty years of engagement with this most well‐known capital city, My Town presents London as it was and as it is today. His beautiful and intricate work ‐ of the Thames, Hampstead Heath, Camden Town (where David Gentleman has lived in the same house for fifty years), London's parks and sights ‐ offers us the pleasure of looking again at the everyday. [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Particular Books, Hardback, 288 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 35,00
9781846149757 (HB‐E)
Highlights of a Fascinating Country Cherry blossoms, Mt. Fuji, tatami mats, karaoke, manga, geishas, samurais, sushi, ramen, and sake ‐ all this, and more, is Japan! This lavishly illustrated book invites you to explore the 'Land of the Rising Sun', a country of 6,852 islands and 127 million people, a place of extraordinary beauty with a fascinating cultural heritage. From Hokkaido to the island of Honshu, where you'll find the busy metropolis of Tokyo and the imperial city of Kyoto, to the natural wonders of the smaller islands... [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC, Hardback,295x231 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 32,50
9783955049379 (HB‐E)
The Passenger: Volume 1 Greece
9781787702189 (PB‐E)
Few countries have received more media attention in recent years and even fewer have been represented in such vastly divergent ways. There’s a downside to all this attention: everyone seems to have something final to say about Greece. News replaces people’s actual stories, impressions substitute facts, characters take the place of people. In this volume of The Passenger, we chose to set those opinions aside in order to give to the stories, facts, and people of Greece the dignity and centrality they deserve. [UK] Europa Editions (Faber), Paperback,240x160 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 27,95
The Passenger: Volume 1 Japan
9781787702196 (PB‐E)
Visitors from the West look with amazement, and sometimes concern, at Japan’s monolithic social structures and unique, complex culture industry; the gigantic scale of its tech corporations and the resilience of its traditions; the extraordinary diversity of the subcultures that flourish in its “post‐human” megacities. The country nonetheless remains an impossibly complicated jigsaw puzzle whose overall design eludes us. [UK] Europa Editions (Faber), Paperback,240x160 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 27,95
Vertical Luxembourg Le Noyer Edition fera paraître prochainement un livre de prestige et de grand format « Bruxelles Vertical », hommage rendu à la verticalité sous toutes ses formes, périodes et styles dans la ville. Les photos sont de Bastin & Evrard et de François Nussbaumer, le texte (en français et anglais) est de Stéphane Demeter, historien et archéologue. Pour tous les amoureux de la capitale belge, il sera le livre cadeau de référence pour les fêtes de fin d'année. Author(s): Photography: Christof Weber et de François Nussbaumer. Text: Isabelle Becker.
9782490543007 (PB‐E/ F/ LUX)
[F] Le Noyer, Paperback,430x300 mm, 120 p, Eng./Fr./Lux. ed., Jan. 2020, € 48,00
Monocle Travel Guide: Hong Kong Updated Edition
A procession through Hong Kong's outposts of good food, design, retail, and more, this definitive travel guide will make you feel like a local no matter where you are from. Vertigo‐inducing skyscrapers that cling to mountainous slopes and busy fishing villages that proudly hold on to their cultural heritage: Hong Kong is more diverse than you'd imagine. Navigate the futuristic covered skyways connecting office towers and you'll pass over temples from which incense smoke trails towards the heavens. [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides, Hardback, 210x140 mm, 148 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 18,00
9783899558760 (HB‐E)
Monocle Travel Guide: London Updated Edition
A parade through London's outposts of good food, design, retail, and more, this definitive travel guide will make you feel like a local no matter where you are from. Vast and sprawling, a tangle of roads and lanes, a muddle of rising and falling neighborhoods: London can be a big beast to tame, even for the people who get to call it home. But this ever‐changing and regenerating capital can also charm you with its beauty, from wind‐rustled parks to that winding River Thames. [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides, Hardback, 210x140 mm, 148 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 18,00
9783899558777 (HB‐E)
Monocle Travel Guide: New York Updated Edition
A journey through New York's outposts of good food, design, retail and more, this definitive travel guide will make you feel like a local no matter where you are from. New York used to be such an easy city to crack for the visitor. Not only was there that simple‐to‐master grid of streets but, really, who wanted to stray from Manhattan? Today, while that stretch from Wall Street to the Upper East Side and beyond still enchants, awes, and bamboozles, you really do need to cross some bridges and head upstate. [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides, Hardback, 210x140 mm, 148 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 18,00
9783899558784 (HB‐E)
Monocle Travel Guide: Paris Updated Edition
There's the food, the culture, the architecture, the art‐‐Notre Dame and Montmartre and the Louvre‐‐and then there's the side of Paris you've never seen, until now. Paris: the city of love, the city of light ‐‐the city everyone thinks they know from movies and books. But there's more to this vigorous new‐old metropolis than Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides, Hardback, 210x140 mm, 148 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 18,00
9783899558753 (HB‐E) 116
Curious Travel Guides:
Wanderlust in Berlin
An Insider's Guide to the Best Places to Eat, Drink and Explore Wanderlust In Berlin is an insider's compendium that reveals the very best places to eat, drink and explore in Berlin. Wanderlust In Berlin is a stylish, beautifully designed tour guide to Berlin's patchwork of uniquely independent boroughs, from its culinary renaissance, maverick coffee culture and notorious bar scene through to its edgy cultural offerings, distinguished museums and stirring history. Author(s): Julian Thompson
9781741176476 (PB‐E)
[UK] Hardie Grant, Paperback, 230x150 mm, 240 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 19,50
The Most Beautiful Villages of France The Official Guide (2020 edition)
Discover the 158 most picturesque villages to visit in France, along with a dozen itineraries for walks along on the surrounding pilgrimage trails, in this fully updated illustrated travel guide. From the half‐timbered Alsatian houses of Eguisheim to the lavender fields of Montclus in the Languedoc‐Roussillon, this illustrated guide unveils the beauty of rural France, providing complete visitor's information for these exceptionally preserved destinations. [F] Flammarion (Eng), Flexi (Pb luxe), 216x181 mm, 280 p, 300 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 21,80
9782081508286 (FLEXI‐E)
Amsterdamse huismusea Op bezoek in bekende huizen
Een tocht langs kleurrijke Amsterdamse huismusea is een historische ervaring. We volgen het spoor van grachtengordeladel, VOC‐bestuurders, arbeiders, weeskinderen, Multatuli, Anne Frank en Willem Witsen en anderen, om te ervaren hoe ze woonden, werkten, aten, sliepen. Dat betekent verflucht opsnuiven in het atelier van Rembrandt. De rijk gedekte eettafel van de familie Van Loon bewonderen, of de 18de‐eeuwse damessalon van Louisa Willet‐Holthuysen. Author(s): Froukje Wattel [NL] Waanders & De Kunst, Paperback, 215x145 mm, 256 p, 150 col.ill., NL ed., Jan. 2020, € 19,95
9789462622371 (PB‐NL)
Q&A a Day for Travelers Whether you are glamping in Banff, hiking the Appalachian Trail, skiing in the Alps, or discovering secret corners of your home town, the prompts in this journal will spur you to remember great trips, meals, people, and all the odd moments and details that make traveling such an exciting pastime. Questions range from philosophical ("Where is your paradise?") to specific ("What is the most exotic food you have ever eaten?"). Foil‐stamped cover [US] Potter Style (RH US), Hardback,183x152 mm, 368 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 20,50
9781984826916 (HB‐E) 117
New Climbing and People on the Rocks Climbing has recently exploded as a global phenomenon, thanks to a plethora of dedicated gyms springing up and media coverage that has had a wide reach. Using breathtaking imagery and in‐depth stories, Cliffhanger gives you a complete look at the world of this outdoor pursuit ‐ both as a sport and a lifestyle ‐ by highlighting the people, places, history, and culture that make the activity so fascinating. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback,290x225 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 39,90
9783899559965 (HB‐E)
Fifty Places to Rock Climb Before You Die
Rock Climbing Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations Fifty Places to Rock Climb Before You Die is a beautifully illustrated guide to some of the greatest rock‐climbing locations around the world, as recommended by expert climbers. The book will cover three types of climbing‐ trad, sport, and bouldering ‐ and will showcase breathtaking venues from Joshua Tree to Jeju, South Korea. [US] Abrams Image, Hardback with dust jacket, 203x178 mm, 224 p, 40 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 25,00
9781419742927 (HB+‐E)
En solitaire
Le Long du Pacific Crest Trail Time is precious. The world is waiting. Rediscover yourself. The Great Alone is the epic adventure of a relatable explorer. Why does a 44‐year‐old father leave his family for six months to walk 4,286 km across America on the Pacific Crest Trail? What effect does it have on his marriage? on his children? and on himself? [G] Gestalten Verlag, Flexi (Pb luxe), 240x170 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., French ed., April 2020, € 24,90
9783899558746 (FLEXI‐F)
Sailing the Seas
Sailing Voyages and Oceanic Getaways Since the dawn of time, exploring the world by boat has been seen as the pinnacle of freedom. And what may often have seemed an impossible dream is now within reach, thanks to businesses offering boats for hire and specialist companies organizing trips that give people the opportunity to live that dream for a few weeks. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback,290x225 mm, 256 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 39,90
9783899559972 (HB‐E)
She Surf
The Rise of Female Surfing While surfing is usually seen as a male domain, women have long been nurturing their own water stories and claiming their rightful place in the world of this sport. She Surf hails the females, past and present, who are engaged in expanding the art of surfing. Through exclusive interviews and evocative imagery, the book travels from the iconic waves of Hawaii to remote locations in Morocco. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Hardback, 260x210 mm, 256 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 35,00
9783899559989 (HB‐E)
Snowkiting, Freedom of Flow Dixie Dansercoer
This visually‐pleasing publication offers thorough insight into the history, technique and various disciplines of this contemporary winter sport. The book offers many lively experiences and anecdotes from the featured experts who partook in the sport's development over the last 30 years. They are the pioneers who pushed the limits of the (im)possible to embark on far‐fetched snowy adventures. [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Hardback, 300x300 mm, 128 p, 150 col.ill., Eng. ed., Dec. 2019, € 34,00
Snowkiting, La liberté de la glisse Dixie Dansercoer 9789461615503 (HB‐E) 9789461615763 (HB‐F)
Cet ouvrage permet à tous les passionnés de glisse comme aux profanes, de découvrir l'histoire, la technique et les diverses disciplines du snowkite, ce sport de pleine nature englacée. Il nous livre les meilleures expériences de ceux qui ont développé au cours des trente dernières années, cette activité totalement unique, repoussant à l'infini les limites de notre planète blanche. [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Hardback, 300x300 mm, 128 p, 150 col.ill., French ed., Dec. 2019, € 34,00
The Survival Handbook Written by Colin Towell, an ex‐SAS Combat Survival Instructor, The Survival Handbook is bursting with survival tips, manual skills, camping essentials, and advice on how to survive whatever the great outdoors throws at you. Author(s): Colin Towell [UK] Dorling Kindersley, Flexi (Pb luxe),213x156 mm, 320 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 18,50
9780241437483 (FLEXI‐E)
50 Things to Do in the Wild 50 savvy skills for outdoor adventurers. This trusty guide teaches you all the essential skills you need to survive in the wild, from building a shelter to making a fire. With easy‐to‐understand instructions. The book is divided into four main chapters reflecting the elemental skill sets: Earth ‐ Air ‐ Water ‐ Fire. With extra tips and a rundown of useful tools, you'll find everything you need to get out there, have an adventure and survive the great outdoors [UK] Pavilion, Hardback,254x203 mm, 144 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 14,50
9781911641216 (HB‐E)
50 Things to Do With a Penknife A beautifully presented, practical gift guide to the age‐old art of whittling. There are 50 projects featured in the book, ranging from quick makes to more elaborate projects, and even a chapter on creating things from cork. Author(s): Matt Collins
[UK] Pavilion, Hardback,254x203 mm, 144 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 14,50,
9781911216865 (HB‐E)
The Pendleton Field Guide to Camping Calling all campers! From beloved heritage brand Pendleton, here is a helpful companion for outdoor enthusiasts and weekend adventurers. Organised into three sections, this handbook offers practical advice on where to go camping, how to go camping, and how to enjoy it once you're there. Entries include a brief history of national parks, a checklist of packing essentials, and step‐by‐step tutorials for starting a fire, pitching a tent, and brewing a cup of coffee in the wilderness.
9781452174754 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Pendleton Woolen Mills [US] Chronicle Books, Hardback, 203x152 mm, 192 p, 50 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 19,50 120
Nests, Eggs, Birds An Illustrated Aviary
Did you know that the tailorbird "sews" leaves together to make its nest? Or that hummingbird eggs are the size of jellybeans? [US] Ten Speed Press, Hardback,229x178 mm, 144 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 17,95
9780399581854 (HB‐E)
Epic Cycling Climbs In recent years, as cycling's popularity has changed our cities, made us more active and taken us down less‐travelled roads, the mountains of Europe have become the primary destination for everyday riders who want to challenge themselves, experience the storied roads and escape their everyday lives. This publication is aimed at all who wish to be inspired by those challenges or celebrate those personal victories. Author(s): Michael Blann [UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 255x305 mm, 256 p, 173 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 50,95,
9780500023082 (HB‐E)
The Harley‐Davidson Source Book All the Production Models Since 1903
The Harley‐Davidson Source Book celebrates these iconic motorcycles in encyclopedia form. Rich with vivid photography, insightful commentary, and production specs and data, this is the #1 resource for die‐hard Harley fans all around the world. When most people close their eyes and imagine a motorcycle, that motorcycle looks very much like a Harley‐Davidson. That's because Harley builds the archetypal motorcycle, the mythic bike that exists beyond the input provided by our traditional senses. Author(s): Mitchel Bergeron [UK] Motorbooks (Quarto), Hardback with dust jacket, 235x276 mm, 304 p, 200 col.ill., 100 bw ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 45,50,
9780760361900 (HB+‐E)
My Cool Motorcycle
An inspirational guide to motorcycles and biking culture The motorcycle can lay claim as the most influential form of mobility becoming the embodiment of liberation and rebellion; never more so than in the 50s and 60s with the era of rockers, ton‐up boys, the 59 Club and cafe racing. My Cool Motorcycle celebrates a love affair with motorcycles and the strong culture within the tight‐knit community. Explore how the origins of the era of motorcycle subculture have lived on, through the fashions and spin‐off cultures that this versatile machine has spawned. Author(s): Chris Haddon
9781911641544 (HB‐E)
[UK] Pavilion, Hardback,200x171 mm, 160 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 14,60,
The Poster
A Visual History The Poster brings together over 300 examples that tell a comprehensive visual history of poster design and the various ways the poster has been used to tell, to sell, to charm and to spur on change. Organized into seven thematic chapters that tell the story of the poster as a medium, each poster is accompanied by a concise commentary that explains the work in terms of its design, printing, content, message and the commercial, social or political impact it may have had.
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 298x240 mm, 304 p, 300 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 65,50
9780500480380 (HB‐E)
A Book on Books
Celebrating the art of book design today A Book on Books showcases some of the best book design work from all over the world in celebrating the designers' contributions to preserving reading culture, as they continue to make books eye‐catching and exciting to read or own. It also captures the voices of key influencers from publishing, printmaking, bookfair‐organising, and bookshop‐owning standpoints, as they continue to play a crucial role in keeping the book‐making industry alive and thriving even in the unknown future. [UK] Victionary, Paperback,250x185 mm, 272 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 43,50
9789887972631 (PB‐E)
The Design of Words In our complex media landscape, print and digital interact in ever‐more surprising ways; as such, the art of creating robust, flexible, and beautiful layouts for print is more essential than ever. The Design of Words is a comprehensive manual for active and aspiring print designers, editors, and bookmakers, aimed at bolstering design practice with historical insights, tips, techniques, and type fundamentals. [US] Moleskine (Princeton), Hardback,298x210 mm, 160 p, Eng. ed., Aug. 2019, € 32,50
9788867327683 (HB‐E)
Dick Bruna
The Illustrators This latest volume in the successful 'Illustrators' series examines the life and work of Dutch artist Dick Bruna (1927‐2017), creator of the world‐famous children's character Miffy. Ingman and Reihill show how the simple complexity of Bruna's work appeals to children, artists and designers alike, capturing the imagination across ages and artistic disciplines. The book includes previously unpublished drawings and paintings from Bruna's personal archive. Author(s): Bruce Ingman, Ramona Reihill
9780500094136 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Hardback, 245x187 mm, 112 p, 80 col. & bw ill., Eng. ed., Apr. 2020, € 27,50,
Natural Palettes
Inspiration from Plant‐Based Color Renowned natural dyer, artist, and educator Sasha Duerr envisions a new age of fresh, modern color palettes, drawing from our original source of inspiration and ingredients ‐ the natural world around us. This innovative plant‐based color‐guide includes twenty‐five palettes with five hundred natural color swatches, providing inspiration for sustainable fashion, textiles, fine art, floral design, food, medicine, gardening, interior design, and other creative disciplines. [US] Princeton, Paperback with flaps, 184x146 mm, 448 p, 700 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 28,50
9781616897925 (PB+‐E)
Dot Line Shape As much as skills and styles matter when it comes to design, every visual begins with a fundamental element that can be enhanced or expanded into an aesthetically pleasing and meaningful piece of work. Whether they serve as simple points of focus or building blocks for complex patterns, these elements present countless possibilities when combined with purpose and principles like contrast, balance, rhythm, and white space. [UK] Victionary, Paperback,230x175 mm, 296 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 43,50
9789887903468 (PB‐E)
Letters as Symbols
International collection of lettermarks The logos featured in Letters As Symbols are a combination of work made by the greatest of all time and of work by contemporary known and unknown designers or agencies. Looking purely at the aesthetics of these logos, they are all equal and have the qualities a good logo must have. Because Paul and I did not want to make a distinction between famous and non‐famous designers, the logos are arranged in a non‐specific way. [BE] Stockmans Art Books, Hardback,297x210 mm, 320 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 40,00
9789077207642 (HB‐E)
Wyndham Payne. Design
9781788840651 (HB‐E)
Wyndham Payne presents a detailed survey of the artist's work: lino cuts, woodcuts, drawings in pen, watercolours, silhouette painting on glass, and later, when his health became too poor for commercial work, models ‐ including automata ‐ for his children and grandchildren. The book also includes a fulsome biography of the artist, covering his life and work. Author(s): Paul Payne. Introduction by William Connelly [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Hardback, 214x140 mm, 96 p, 113 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 19,50 123
Nathalie Teirlinck met tekeningen van Ingrid Godon Op een dag ontwaakt een jongen zonder herinneringen op het strand. Via talrijke ontmoetingen leert hij de regels van het spel. Of leren de anderen nog het meest van hem? Aan de hand van het hoofdpersonage exploreert auteur en regisseur Nathalie Teirlinck het universele verlangen naar geborgenheid en een thuis. Een modern sprookje dat op een speelse manier reflecteert over prangende thema's als 'anders zijn', vriendschap en ‐eigenwaarde. Met prachtige illustraties van kunstenares Ingrid Godon.
9789463931625 (HB‐NL)
Expo: Theatervoorstelling 6/2/2020‐ 27/4/2020, SHEL(L)TER, hetpaleis & Zonzo Compagnie/ Nathalie Teirlinck [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Hardback, 230x180 mm, 65 p, throughout col.ill., NL ed., Jan. 2020, € 19,99
miniMER. imprint of Borgerhoff & Lamberigts
9789463931595 (HB‐N)
Kleine catalogus van de collectie van het S.M.A.K. Deze catalogus van het S.M.A.K is voor de grootste tot de kleinste bezoekers van het museum. Het samenstellen en schrijven van een catalogus, ook een kleine, betekent vooral keuzes maken. Samen met de kinderen van Methodeschool De Buurt ging de publiekswerking van het S.M.A.K. deze uitdaging aan. De kinderen bezochten meermaals de tentoonstelling "Highlights for a Future" en kozen en argumenteerden welke kunstwerken volgens hen in deze catalogus thuishoren. [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Hardback,200x145 mm, 320 p, Norwegian ed., March 2020, € 22,90
It's a Great Big Colourful World Tom Schamp
9783791374369 (HB‐E)
One winter morning, Otto the cat looks out the window and sighs, ''Why is everything so grey today?'' Luckily his friend Leon the chameleon is around to show him just how many colours there are in the world. In these exciting and funny spreads filled to the brim with brilliantly illustrated objects, Leon and Otto identify people, places, and things of every hue. On pages dedicated to infinite shades of a single colour, Tom Schamp's brilliant drawings play with perspective and unexpected pairings. [UK] Prestel ‐ Kids, Hardback,335x275 mm, 48 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 20,80
Old Enough to Save the Planet
Be Inspired by real‐life Children taking Action against Climate Change Meet kids just like you taking action against climate change. Learn about the work they do and discover how the future of our planet starts here... with you.
[US] Magic Cat (A&CB), Hardback, 280x240 mm, 32 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 16,95
9781916180529 (HB‐E)
Pets and Their Famous Humans In this charmingly illustrated collection of pet‐related stories children will find out about some of history's most important scientists, artists, writers, and musicians and their beloved animals. Did you know that Mozart's pet starling was the inspiration for his Piano Concerto No. 17? Or that writer Dorothy Parker loved animals so much she let a pair of alligators swim in her bathtub? Author(s): Ana Gallo, Katherine Quinn [UK] Prestel ‐ Kids, Hardback, 265x205 mm, 48 p, 44 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 18,00
9783791374253 (HB‐E)
The Bird Within Me
Written and illustrated by Sara Lundberg
9781911496151 (HB‐E)
Berta is a young girl with an artistic soul growing up on a farm in the Swedish countryside at the beginning of the 20th century. Her father doesn't understand her and her mother is dying. But Berta longs to be an artist and can't stay on the farm forever. Based on the life of Swedish artist Berta Hansson, this is the story of a young woman with the bravery to live her own truth and follow her own path, despite the protests of her father and society at the time A universal story of longing and imagination Author(s): Translated by B.J. Epstein [UK] Book Island (T & H, Distributed), Hardback,270x210 mm, 128 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 18,90
100 Children's Books that inspire our world
An amazing collection of the most beloved, original, inspiring, hysterical, heart‐warming, compelling, rude and downright scary books that have enchanted children the world over. All the classic children's authors are represented with one stand‐out book, plus mentions for their best‐known works. Ordered chronologically, the book features favourite children's books ranging from Victorian classics to modern day bestsellers.
Author(s): Colin Salter [UK] Pavilion, Hardback, 229x184 mm, 224 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 21,90
9781911641087 (HB‐E)
Build a Castle
64 slot‐together cards For creative Fun 9781843654469 (BOX‐‐)
These slot‐together building cards are creative fun for all the family Turrets, ramparts, portcullises, arrow‐slit windows, walls, roofs, flags and more ‐ create your own medieval masterpiece. Each box contains 64 cards (105 x 69 mm) in a variety of graphic designs. Clever paper engineering allows you to slot the cards together, building up and out in whichever way you like! Also included is a short booklet, with information on the architecture of castles and suggestions of card building methods. Box of 64 cards + booklet. Age Range: 3 ‐ 5 years Author(s): Paul Farrell [UK] Pavilion, Box,146x216 mm, 64 p, No text, March 2020, € 18,50
Arbres de Bruxelles à colorier Collection 7|107
Ce cahier propose aux enfants dès 4 ans de partir à l'aventure dans les rues, les jardins et les plus beaux parcs de Bruxelles, à la découverte de 20 arbres extraordinaires : les géants, le plus ancien, les trésors cachés… A la fois proposition de découverte de la ville, de ses quartiers, de ses richesses culturelles et naturelles, et cahier de jeux et d'activités ludiques, il a pour objectif d'inciter l'enfant à prendre conscience de l'importance de la nature en ville, et en particulier des arbres, et l'in Collection 7|107
9782875720450 (PB‐F)
9781616898946 (BOX‐E)
Author(s): Textes de Ludovic Flamant. Illustrations en noir et blanc de Gwen Guégan [BE] CFC‐Éditions, Paperback,295x210 mm, 52 p, French ed., April 2020, € 12,00
Sea Stamps
25 stamps + 2 ink pads Fins and shells, tails and scales, Sea Stamps is a spirited collection of twenty five shapes and textures waiting to be mixed and matched to invent your own creatures in their sea surroundings bustling tide pools, bright coral reefs, and magical ocean floors. The combinations are infinite!. Author(s): Compiled by Louise Lockhart [US] Princeton, Box,95x279 mm, 25 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 24,95
Minalima: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone J.K. Rowling
An irresistible new edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone created with ultra‐talented designers MinaLima, the design magicians behind the gorgeous visual graphic style of the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts films. J.K. Rowling's complete and unabridged text is accompanied by MinaLima's handsome colour illustrations on nearly every page, superb design, and eight exclusive, interactive paper‐engineered elements ‐ including Harry's Hogwarts letter, the magical entrance to Diagon Alley, ... [US] Harper Collins US (HCUK), Hardback,241x165 mm, 368 p, Eng. ed., Oct 2020, € 31,95
9781526626585 (HB‐E)
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them ‐ Newt Scamander Illustrated Edition ‐ paperback
This glorious paperback edition of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is considered a classic throughout the wizarding world. It features an extraordinary array of magical creatures, from Acromantula to Yeti via ten different breeds of dragon ‐ all beautifully illustrated in full colour by the brilliantly inventive, Greenaway Medal shortlisted Olivia Lomenech Gill. Famed Magizoologist Newt Scamander's years of adventure and exploration have yielded a work of unparalleled importance... [UK] Bloomsbury, Paperback,247x213 mm, 160 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 16,95
9781526620316 (PB‐E)
Quidditch Through the Ages Illustrated Edition ‐ J.K. Rowling
This spectacular new edition includes everything you ever wanted to know about Harry's favourite sport ‐ be it information on key teams, the evolution of the broomstick, or the many fouls played in the game! J.K. Rowling's Quidditch Through the Ages brings together one of the world's best loved storytellers with the creative genius of Emily Gravett. A sumptuous visual feast of a book, the pages are bursting with glorious illustrations, handmade memorabilia and two breathtaking gatefold spreads.
[UK] Bloomsbury, Hardback, 160 p, Eng. ed., Oct. 2020, € 32,50
9781526608123 (HB‐E) ISBN 9781526612373 (deluxe) 128
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling 9781526610287 (PB‐E)
9781526610348 (PB‐E)
9781526610300 (PB‐E)
9781526610324 (PB‐E)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling 9781526618153 (PB‐E)
9781526618214 (PB‐E)
9781526618177 (PB‐E)
9781526618191 (PB‐E)
The Language of Thorns.
Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic ‐ Leigh Bardugo Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, no. 1 New York Times‐bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love. Enter the Grishaverse . . .
[UK] Hodder Children (Hachette), Paperback, 304 p, Eng. ed., June 2020, € 11,50,
9781510104426 (PB‐E)
The Conference of the Birds: Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children Ransom Riggs
'Do you trust me?' An instant bestseller, A Map of Days launched readers into the previously unexplored world of American peculiars, one bursting with new questions, new allies, and new adversaries. Now, with enemies behind him and the unknown ahead, Jacob Portman's story continues as he takes a brave leap forward into The Conference of the Birds, the next instalment of the beloved, bestselling Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series. [UK] Penguin UK, Trade Pb,208x132 mm, 336 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 18,95
9780241320907 (TPB‐E)
The Last Wish
Andrzej Sapkowski Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. But not everything monstrous‐looking is evil; not everything fair is good . . . and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth. [UK] Orion (Hachette), Paperback, 198x129 mm, 288 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 13,50
9781473231061 (PB‐E)
Inge Braeckman
In de eerste uren Zomer neemt Inge Braeckman het delicate maar belang‐rijke evenwicht tussen natuur en cultuur, poëzie en muziek, taal en zang als uitgangspunt. Aan de hand van vier delen die fungeren als vier bewegingen van het muzikaal‐poëtische principe, structureert ze de bundel op een intuïtief‐rationele manier waarbij ze telkens weer elke voor de hand liggende of voorspel‐bare systematiek ontkracht. [BE] MER. ‐ B & L, Paperback,297x215 mm, 48 p, NL ed., Dec. 2019, € 19,00
9789463931120 (PB‐NL)
The Illustrated letters of Oscar Wilde: A Life in Letters, Writings and Wit
This packed illustrated biography tells the life of Oscar Wilde through his own words ‐ private letters, poems, plays, stories and legendary witticisms. It includes his relationships with key artists and writers of the time. It is illustrated throughout with paintings, engravings, contemporary photographs, cartoons and caricatures of Wilde and his social circle. With illustrations and paintings by Aubrey Beardsley, Henri de Toulouse‐Lautrec, James Whistler and Max Beerbohm, [UK] Pavilion, Hardback, 190x251 mm, 160 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 24,90
9781849945837 (HB‐E)
Tales of East Africa
9781452182582 (HB‐E)
Tales of East Africa is a collection of 22 traditional tales from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Welcome to a world of magical adventure?a place where a boy spares the life of a fearsome monster, a flock of doves brings a girl back from the dead, and a hare wreaks havoc among all the other animals. Translated and transcribed by folklorists and anthropologists in the early 20th century, these stories evoke the distinctive beauty and irresistible humor of East African folklore. Author(s): Illustrations by Jamilla Okubo [US] Chronicle Books, Hardback,229x190 mm, 176 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 23,50 130
Such a Fun Age
Utopia Avenue
The Mirror and the Light
[UK] Bloomsbury | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | | 480 p | ISBN: 9781526607911 | € 15,95 | Feb. 2020
[UK] Bloomsbury | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 203 mm | 320 p | ISBN: 9781526612144 | € 17,50 | Jan. 2020
[UK] Hodder (Hachette) | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | 608 p |iSBN: 9781444799439 | € 21,50 | June 2020
[UK] Harper Collins UK | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | 240 x 159 mm | 864 p | ISBN: 9780007580835 | € 18,50 | March 2020
The Glass Hotel
The Wild Silence
Vesper Flights
[UK] Picador (MacMillan) | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | x mm | 320 p | ISBN: 9781509882816 | € 20,50 | March 2020
[UK] Penguin UK ‐ Hamish Hamilton | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | x mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9780241207079 | € 21,95 | June 2020
[UK] Penguin UK ‐ Michael Joseph | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 288 p | ISBN: 9780241401460 | € 21,95 | April 2020
[UK] Random House ‐ Jonathan Cape | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 400 p | ISBN: 9780224097017 | € 24,95 | Aug. 2020
Colum McCann
Emily St. John Mandel
On Earth We're Briefly Georgeous Ocean Vuong
[UK] Random House ‐ Jonathan Cape | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 198 x 129 mm | 256 p | ISBN: 9781529110685 | € 13,50 | May 2020
Kiley Reid
Ali Smith
David Mitchell
Raynor Winn
Helen Macdonald
Silver Sparrow
A Thousand Moons
The Death of Vivek Oji
[UK] OneWorld (MacMillan) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | 234 x 152 mm | 368 p | ISBN: 9781786077967 | € 22,50 | March 2020
[UK] Faber & Faber | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | x mm | 272 p | ISBN: 9780571333387 | € 19,50 | Feb. 2020
[UK] Faber & Faber | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | x mm | 304 p | ISBN: 9780571350995 | € 19,50 | July 2020
Sebastian Barry
Tayari Jones
The Testaments
Funny Weather
Death in Her Hands
[UK] Random House ‐ Chatto & WIndus | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 198 x 129 mm | 400 p | ISBN: 9781784708214 | € 13,50 | June 2020
[UK] Picador (MacMillan) | Hardback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 256 p | ISBN: 9781529027648 | € 29,50 | April 2020
[UK] Random House ‐ Jonathan Cape | Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | x mm | 272 p | ISBN: 9781787332201 | € 21,95 | April 2020
Margaret Atwood
Hilary Mantel
Ottessa Moshfegh
Art in an Emergency
Akwaeke Emezi
The Nickel Boys Colson Whitehead
[UK] Little Brown (Hachette) | Paperback | Eng. ed. | 198 x 129 mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9780708899427 | € 12,95 | June 2020
Uitzicht met Kamer Mattias Ysebaert
De jonge fotografiestudente Laura heeft in haar eerste week op kot in de hoofdstad niet bepaald te kampen met een gebrek aan aandacht. Huisgenoten en opdringerige ouderejaars slepen haar mee naar feestjes en op verkenning in de grote stad en er is ook nog de overbezorgde mama die elke dag belt. En wie is die man die haar voortdurend lijkt te achtervolgen? Als de nachten nu toch maar eens rust zouden brengen… [BE] Oogachtend, Paperback,260x190 mm, 80 p, NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 22,00
9789492672285 (PB‐NL)
Congé Dessiné Frederik Feyfer 9789492672278 (PB‐NL)
Frederick Feyfer (Leuven, 1977) is grafisch vormgever en illustrator. Elk jaar schakelt hij bewust voor een langere periode de digitale knop uit om met een rugzak vol schetspapier, vulpotlood en aquarelverf exotische oorden op te zoeken. Het is zijn vorm van onthaasting. In zijn debuutalbum Congé Dessiné zijn twintig jaar tekenen en reizen voor het eerst gebundeld tot een verzameling indrukken en ontmoetingen die je meenemen op een visuele trip langs vier continenten. Author(s): Elke Lahousse (voorwoord) [BE] Oogachtend, Paperback, 270x195 mm, 85 p, throughout col.ill., NL ed., Nov. 2019, € 38,00
Man en Kerel
Stefan Van Dinther De kachel brandt, er is genoeg koffie en het dak lekt niet. Man en Kerel willen dan ook liever niets veranderen. Maar het moet. En dan gaan ze aan de slag. Ze ontdekken nieuwe mogelijkheden, draaien hun wereld een kwartslag en proberen een ei te bakken. Niet alles is even succesvol, maar dat geeft niet. Man en Kerel blijven proberen. [BE] Oogachtend, ,x mm, p, NL ed., March 2020, € 22,00
9789492672292 (‐NL)
Graph ik Graph‐ik is het resultaat van een intensief beeldend creatie proces onder begeleiding van striptekenares Phaedra Derhore. 9 jongeren (16‐28 jaar) werkten aan hun eigen kortstrip en deelden hiervoor een vaste werkplek in Stadhuis Leuven. Ze wisselden ervaringen en experimenten uit waardoor ze elkaar versterkten in hun werk en een eigen visuele vertelstijl ontwikkelden. Graph‐ik is een bundeling van authentieke verhalen, ontstaan vanuit de verschillende persoonlijkheden van de jongeren. [BE] Oogachtend, Paperback,230x160 mm, 176 p, NL ed., Feb. 2020, € 19,99
9789492672308 (PB‐NL)
La déesse requin Lison Ferné
L'histoire est librement inspirée de La fille du roi dragon, un conte classique chinois, sorte de variation orientale de La petite sirène d'Andersen. Le monde est divisé en deux : d'un côté celui des humains, de l'autre celui des dieux de la mer dont est issue la jeune Dahut. Cette dernière ne craint pas de braver les interdits de sa mère, la déesse Boddhisatava, pour assister à une grande fête dans le monde des humains.
9782875720498 (HB‐F)
[BE] CFC‐Éditions, Hardback,275x200 mm, 112 p, French ed., Jan. 2020, € 18,00
Het amusement Brecht Evens
Drie twintigers. De exuberante, paradijselijke grootstad ligt aan hun voeten. Maar Rodolphe zit opgesloten in zijn hoofd, Jona wordt ingehaald door zijn kwalijke reputatie en Victoria wordt beteugeld door een cordon bezorgde vrienden. In deze pulserende mozaïek kruisen ze elkaar, in taxi, restaurant en discotheek, één zwoele zomernacht lang. REPRINT. Special price from the Jury at the Festival of Angoulême 2019 !, Vooruit, Gent
9789492672094 (HB‐NL)
[BE] Oogachtend, Hardback, 265x215 mm, 336 p, throughout col.ill., NL ed., March 2020 ‐R/P, € 35,00
The Art of Laurent Durieux Laurent Durieux is a famous Belgian illustror who is well known by pop culture fans and collectors for his cult movie poster reinterpretations. Every one of his American exhibitions was sold out on opening night and attended by thousands of enthusiastic fans. This book will be his first monograph and will cover his entire career, with particular focus on his most iconic alternative movie posters (including Jaws, The Birds, Vertigo, and The Master). [US] Cernunnos (A&BC), Hardback, 289x219 mm, 248 p, 300 col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 45,50
9782374951492 (HB‐E)
The Gashlycrumb Tinies
An A to Z of Poor Little Orphans The Gashlycrumb Tinies is a rhyming alphabet unlike any other: melancholy, strange and quite phantasmagorically witty. A is for AMY who fell down the stairsn right up to ZILLAH, who drank too much gin... an A to Z of poor little orphans and their untimely ends. This cult book by Edward Gorey ‐ the genius who inspired Tim Burton, Neil Gaiman and Guillermo Del Toro ‐ was first published in 1963. This edition of the book comes in a special slipcase with ribbon. Author(s): Edward Gorey [UK] Bloomsbury, Hardback,152x127 mm, 64 p, Eng. ed., Oct. 2019, € 17,50
9781408891421 (HB‐E)
The Garden of Inside‐Outside by Chiara Mezzalama (Author), Régis Lejonc (Illustrator)
Inspired by the childhood of the author, whose father was appointed Italian ambassador to Tehran in 1980, this picture book is a beautiful evocation of a country struck by war, where friendship arises despite the rising walls. In the summer of 1981, Chiara and her family join their father in Iran. At their beautiful palace, there is an inside and an outside, separated by a wall. Inside, there is a wild garden where princes and princesses used to walk. Outside, in the black city, there are soldiers... Author(s): Translated by Sarah Ardizzone
9781911496168 (HB‐E)
[UK] Book Island (T & H, Distributed), Hardback, x mm, 40 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 18,90 134
The Loneliness of the Long‐Distance Cartoonist Through a series of exquisitely observed autobiographical sketches, Adrian Tomine explores his life ‐ from an early moment on the playground being bullied, to a more recent experience, lying on a gurney in the hospital, and having the nurse say "Hey! You're that cartoonist!" Self‐deprecating, honest, and above all else, humorous, Tomine mines his conflicted relationship with comics and writing, animating the absurdities of modern life and how we choose to live it. [UK] Faber & Faber, Hardback, 160 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 22,50
9780571357680 (HB‐E)
The Mystic Lamb Admired and Stolen
An exceptional insight into Jan Van Eyck, one of the world's most influential painters. In The Mystic Lamb, the famous Flemish illustrator Jan Van der Veken and history professor Harry De Paepe, produce a series of works in honour of Van Eyck's coveted treasure. The book discusses Jan Van Eyck and explores why his paintings were so exceptional, as well as the robbery of two parts of the work in 1934, which was never resolved.
Celebrates the famous 15th Century Belgian painter Jan Van Eyck. [UK] SelfMadeHero, Hardback, 240x170 mm, 112 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 19,50
9781910593899 (HB‐E)
The Essential Compendium of Dad Jokes
The Best of the Worst Dad Jokes for the Painfully Punny Parent When does a joke become a dad joke? When its punchline is apparent (Get it?). This definitive book of 301 wonderfully cringe‐worthy dad jokes features all the classics, twists on the classics, and fresh new material, from "I'm on a seafood diet...I see food and I eat it," to "I used to hate facial hair...but now it's growing on me." With original illustrations throughout, this extensive collection will provide hours of silliness for the whole family.
[US] Chronicle Books, Hardback, 178x127 mm, 272 p, throughout duotone ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 16,95
9781452182797 (HB‐E) 135
Siberian Haiku Drawing on her father's exile in Siberia, writer Jurga Vile brings to light a neglected, even suppressed, episode from the history of the Soviet Union. Beautifully drawn by Lina Itagaki, Siberian Haiku uses the child's perspective to tell an unforgettable story of courage and human endurance.
[UK] SelfMadeHero, Hardback, 260x190 mm, 240 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 22,50
9781910593776 (HB‐E)
Thoreau and Me Cédric Taling
In Thoreau and Me, Cédric Taling explores the causes and consequences of today's climate emergency. Blending humour, philosophy and fiction, Taling asks how, at a time of unprecedented ecological and climate breakdown, we can learn to live with and respond to eco‐anxiety.
[UK] SelfMadeHero, Paperback, 240x170 mm, 128 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 19,50
9781910593837 (PB‐E)
A Gift for a Ghost In Borja González's stunning graphic novel, two parallel stories reflect and intertwine in a tale of youthful dreams and desires. In 1856, Teresa, a young aristocrat, is more interested in writing avantgarde horror poetry than making a suitable marriage. In 2016, three teenage girls, Gloria, Laura, and Cristina, want to start a punk band called the Black Holes. They have everything they need: attitude, looks, instinct . . . and an alarming lack of musical talent.
[US] Abrams, Hardback with dust jacket, 229x159 mm, 128 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 23,50
9781419740138 (HB+‐E)
A Very Modern Dictionary
Over 600 words, phrases and abbreviations to keep your culture game on point
This up‐to‐the‐second updated and expanded edition of the original 2017 publication, A Very Modern Dictionary has been brought back to the very forefront of modern parlance. No need to get the closest teen or Twitter follower to translate ‐ this book is your passport to a new world of communication. Author(s): Tobias Anthony
9781925811360 (HB‐E)
[US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Hardback, 189x116 mm, 176 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 13,00
Hair Icons
Pop culture's most memorable hairdos Certain hairdos are the defining feature of someone's public image. It's that level of hair iconic‐ness that Luke Tribe has illustrated in this fun, colorful and sassy book. Luke possess one of those encyclopedic brains for pop culture. In this careful curation 100 iconic hairstyles, he brings to this book a truckload of obscure references to film, TV, music and more. Author(s): Luke Tribe
9781925811483 (HB‐E)
[US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Hardback, 170x150 mm, 112 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., May 2020, € 13,00
50 Heroines Who Shaped Contemporary Culture
9781797201351 (HB‐E)
Icons features bold, colourfully illustrated portraits of 50 of the most admired women in the fields of music, film, literature, politics, human rights, and more. This diverse and inclusive collection of the world's most inspiring women includes the likes of Michelle Obama, Beyoncé, Aretha Franklin, Dolly Parton, Oprah Winfrey, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Yayoi Kusama, Diana Ross, and so many more. Author(s): Micaela Heekin, Monica Ahanonu [US] Chronicle Chroma, Hardback, 203x216 mm, 112 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 24,80
The Underachiever's Manifesto
The Guide to Accomplishing Little and Feeling Great Lower the bar! With gentle humour and genuine wisdom, The Underachiever's Manifesto is the playfully persuasive pocket guide to living life to the least and loving it. The funny, easy‐to‐follow advice contained within states the case for making the right amount of effort‐a lot less than we've been led to believe‐and reveals how mediocrity is the key to happiness at work and in relationships, dieting, exercise, investment, and more. Just turn it down a notch! [US] Chronicle Books, Hardback, 152x102 mm, 100 p, 15 bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 9,20
9781452184630 (HB‐E)
Not Now
The Procrastinator's Manual Struggling to realize your full procrastination potential? Finally, a primer for procrastinators has arrived. Not Now is an illustrated instruction manual that teaches novice and advanced procrastinators how to dally, dawdle, and lollygag their way to expert‐level procrastination. Author(s): Benjamin English [US] Princeton, Paperback with flaps, 146x102 mm, 144 p, 100 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 12,95
9781616898427 (PB+‐E)
A Pocket Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue Originally published in 1785, the Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue was one of the first lexicons of English slang, compiled by a militia captain who collected the terms he over‐heard in London's slums, dockyards, and taverns. Some of the terms have found their place in today's common English as idioms. This handy pocket‐sized edition gathers the most amusing and useful terms and phrases from the dictionary and helpfully presents them for easy modern‐day deployment. [US] Chronicle Books, Hardback, 140x89 mm, 176 p, 20 bw ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 13,00
9781452184609 (HB‐E)
Everything You Know About Animals is Wrong A humorous and informative book, debunking a range of commonly held myths about animals. Camels store water in their humps and magpies love to steal shiny objects. Or do they? A must‐read in the Everything you Know series, this book debunks a range of old‐cod stories about animals in author Matt Brown's inimitable humorous and fascinating style. [UK] Pavilion, Hardback,190x137 mm, 160 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 14,60
9781849945820 (HB‐E)
This Book Is Literally Just Pictures of Snoozy Animals That Will Make You Sleep Better
As suggested by its title, this ridiculous book is a sleeping aide which harnesses the relaxing power of cute animals. Well, wait ‐ haven't you heard? The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is to just get eight hours sleep per night. Except there's one big catch: getting a good sleep is borderline impossible in our current snoozing climate. We've got smartphones forever by our bedside ‐ complete with the blue light temptation of scrolling through social media till sunrise. [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Hardback, 185x160 mm, 96 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 13,00
9781925811384 (HB‐E)
How to Vegan
An illustrated guide The most comprehensive (and hilarious) guide on the market on how to eat vegan, how to talk vegan and how to cope with blokes in the pub who don't understand nutrition. Who is this book for? It's for vegans, people who want to know about vegans, vegetarians who dabble in the dark arts of soya milk, meat‐reducers and full carnivores looking to take the piss out of vegans. What isn't in this book? Arguments for or against veganism; it's obvious that you should be vegan and here is how to do it. Author(s): Stephen Wildish
9781529107104 (HB‐E)
[UK] Random House ‐ Pop Press, Hardback, 206x139 mm, 128 p, throughout duotone ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 14,95
A Declaration of Love
9783961712618 (HB‐E/ G)
It is no longer a secret that chickens are the new stars of the farmyard, meadows, gardens, and urban backyards. As more and more people think about local and sustainable living, the trend towards keeping chickens and home‐laid eggs seems more popular than ever. With this photo book, Matteo Tranchellini and Moreno Monti pay tribute to our favorite, feathered friends. With dazzling pictures, the photographers set straight some preconceptions about poultry, showing their elegance, grace, and character. Author(s): Moreno Monti, Matteo Tranchellini [G] teNeues, Hardback, 270x300 mm, 188 p, 120 col.ill., Eng./ Germ. ed., March 2020, € 39,90
Portaits of Eighty‐Eight Dogs and One Little Naughty Rabbit For as long as he can remember, Tein Lucasson has adored dogs. And today, the graphic designer, art director, and producer has made his four‐legged canine friends into a creative career, transforming photographs of dogs from friends, family, and fans into artistically‐refined, anthropomorphic images in the style of Old Master paintings. From a Labrador in an aristocratic coat to a mongrel in a sailor suit, Lucasson's customized pet portraits bring out the unique character of each pooch.
9783961712519 (HB‐E/ F/ G/ IT)
Author(s): Tein Lucasson [G] teNeues, Hardback, 287x223 mm, 192 p, 89 col.ill., Eng./Fr/Germ./It. ed, March 2020, € 25,00
Pets Rock
More Fun than Fame
9783961712489 (HB‐E/ F/ G)
Big news for all fans of pop culture, cosplay, and pets: Pets Rock from teNeues is back! After two best‐selling editions of the Pets Rock franchise, this new volume presents the latest portraits from the Pets Rock cosmos, all of which are created by photographing the animals in their familiar environment. In the species‐appropriate post production, the models are digitally transformed into hip‐hop greats, film divas, and historic personalities. Author(s): Takkoda [G] teNeues, Hardback, 320x250 mm, 160 p, 90 col.ill., Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., Feb. 2020, € 29,90 140
9781452181110 (BOX‐E)
Mars Metallic Colored Pencils
10 Pencils featuring photos from NASA 10 metallic colored pencils feature foil‐stamped labels for Red Planet exploration and identification. Featuring Photos from NASA! Great gift for anyone interested in space exploration ‐ Perfect for notes, coloring books, or drawing ‐ High‐quality, two‐tone art pencils Let NASA's Mars imagery add color to your artistic and space quests! [US] Chronicle Gifts, Box,x mm, 10 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 17,50
Mars: 100 Piece Puzzle
Featuring photography from the archives of NASA
9781452181127 (BOX‐E)
Your adventure to Mars starts now as you assemble this deluxe, 100‐piece puzzle! Beautiful and unique oversized circular floor puzzle! Featuring photography from the archives of NASA, the completed puzzle will beguile Red Planet and space fans of all ages. Completed puzzle measures 76 cm in diameter. Great family puzzle for ages 6 and up. Challenging yet fun to complete [US] Chronicle Books, Box,x mm, 100 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 23,50
Friends: 500 piece jigsaw puzzle Ross' sage advice on the art of pivoting might just come in handy when the time comes for you to assemble the individual pieces of "Friends Jigsaw Puzzle: The one with 500 pieces". Jigsaws are thundering their way back into vogue, especially in these screen‐heavy times where we all craving any form of digital detox. This 500‐piece jigsaw puzzle is going to take some good ol' fashion puzzling ‐ after all, you can't google a jigsaw puzzle.
9781925811537 (BOX‐E) ISBN 9781925811148 (Playing cards Friends)
Author(s): Chantel de Sousa [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Box, 216x292 mm, 500 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., March 2020, € 16,00
Where’s Bowie?: 500 piece jigsaw puzzle In case you missed it ‐ jigsaws are back, baby! Give yourself a much‐needed digital detox, turn off your phone/tablet/laptop screens, grab a stiff drink, and put on your puzzle hat. This 500‐piece jigsaw puzzle is going to take some good ol' fashion puzzling. Maybe whack on Aladin Sane, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust, or whichever Bowie record you adore the most, for the ideal backing track to your puzzle‐solving adventure. [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Box, 216x292 mm, 500 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 16,00
9781925811551 (BOX‐E)
Andy Warhol Selfies 1000 Piece Puzzle
. .
Puzzle size: 686 x 508 mm [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Box, 203x203 mm, 1000 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 18,60
9780735363120 (BOX‐E)
90's Bingo
A throwback to the raddest decade ever Name a more 90s‐esque pastime than bingo! This flat‐pack bingo game is flashback to the iconic pop cultural moments of the, like, totally greatest decade ever. Yes, this is history at its most irreverent. With 12 randomized bingo cards, and 64 tokens with 90s‐centric flavor, this game can keep you and your friends playing all night long. (This box set includes more detailed instructions on how to play.) [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Box, 216x147 mm, 48 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 18,50
9781925811575 (BOX‐E) 142
Show Me the Monet
A Card Game for Wheelers and (Art) Dealers Build the most valuable art collection by trading and collecting famous works by fourteen of the greatest artists of all time, from Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt to Vermeer and Frida Kahlo. This card‐based party game combines masterpieces and money‐‐sure to be a hit at any game night, family gathering, or even as an ice breaker for your new book club. After all the cards are drawn, the player with the highest‐value collections takes the prize. May the canniest‐‐and luckiest‐‐dealer win!
9781984824295 (BOX‐E)
Author(s): Thomas Cushing [US] Potter Style (RH US), Box,x mm, 64 p, Eng. ed., May 2020, € 22,00
A 500‐pc Jigsaw Puzzle & Stickers Vibrant characters invite you to Dreamland, an 18 x 24 inch puzzle fizzing with Hattie’s iconic sass and retro charm. In this psychedelic, poppy piece of art, flowers and hearts in high heels dance on a collage of rainbows, stardust, and checkerboard floors. An enclosed sticker sheet gives puzzlers the chance to inject some of Hattie’s signature style into their everyday lives using stickers on notebooks, phone cases, computers, or any surface that needs a jolt of style and color. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Box,x mm, p, Eng. ed., June 2020, € 16,50
9780525574651 (BOX‐E)
Wondrous Workings of Planet Earth Puzzle
Ecosystems of the World 500‐Piece Jigsaw Puzzle and Poster The uniquely informative and charming art from Rachel Ignotofsky's book The Wondrous Workings of Planet Earth portrays our planet in this family‐friendly 500‐piece puzzle. As you piece the puzzle together, you'll tour our planet's incredible ecosystems large and small, from reefs, deserts, and rainforests to ponds, backyard gardens, and even a drop of water. A poster that features the puzzle design on the front is enclosed to reference while assembling the 18 x 24" puzzle. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Box,248x197 mm, 500 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 19,95
9780593135020 (BOX‐E)
LEGO® Brick Notebook
Blank Journal for LEGO® Lovers, Notebook of LEGO® Pieces to Organize Your Thoughts Build your ideas ‐ brick‐by‐brick ‐ in this lined notebook inspired by the iconic LEGO® brick. This notebook features a colorful pattern of LEGO bricks. Choose a cover to suit your mood: one side has warm‐toned bricks, the other has cool‐toned bricks. Add a dose of nostalgia and fun to your bullet journaling, note‐taking, list‐making, daily planning, or everyday writing!
9781452179650 (HB‐‐)
Author(s): LEGO [US] Chronicle Gifts, Hardback,178x229 mm, 144 p, No text, April 2020, € 18,60
LEGO Note Brick (Blue‐Green)
LEGO Note Brick (Yellow‐Orange)
Looks just like stacked LEGO® bricks! LEGO® bricks meet stationery: Note‐taking has never been this fun! This box contains over 200 colorful note sheets, each with a LEGO brick design on one side and room on the other side for notes to save or send. Doubling as a keepsake box, the LEGO® Note Brick is a perfect way to bring joy to friends, family, and the LEGO lovers in your life. When you've used up all the notes, the box can double as a place to organize and store your favorite LEGO bricks and builds.
9781452179698 (BOX‐‐)BLUE GREEN
Author(s): LEGO
9781452180397 (BOX‐‐) YELLOW ORANGE
[US] Chronicle Gifts, Box, 140x80 mm, 224 p, 224 col.ill., No text, April 2020, € 14,95
LEGO® Brick Erasers 8 Erasers 9781452179636 (BOX‐‐)
Look just like LEGO® bricks! This pack of eight LEGO® brick‐shaped erasers is fun for LEGO lovers, as a standout addition to a student's school supplies, a nostalgic desk statement at the office, or just a creative and colorful way to erase mistakes. Die‐cut box tray and sleeve (4 x 5½ inches) holds 8 erasers in 4 colors. Erasers have 8 realistic studs on top to make them look just like classic 2x4 LEGO bricks Author(s): LEGO [US] Chronicle Gifts, Box,x mm, 8 p, No text, April 2020, € 18,60 144
Mom's One Line a Day A Five‐Year Memory Book
Remember all the moments of motherhood: This classic five‐year journal and memory book is perfect for mums who want to capture the everyday joys, challenges, and in‐betweens of motherhood. Start on any date and record a single thought, memorable milestone, or special event to build a record of precious moments in parenting over the course of five years. As you fill the pages, you'll preserve both small and significant memories and create a poignant keepsake you can look back on... Hardcover with padded and foil‐stamped cover [US] Chronicle Gifts, Hardback,165x102 mm, 372 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 18,50
9781452180724 (HB‐E)
9781452174792 (HB‐ E)
9781452180915 (HB‐E)
9780811870191 (HB‐E)
Book Marks (Guided Journal) A Reading Tracker Meet your new reading buddy: an all‐in‐one spot to record everything and anything book related. Inspired by bullet journaling, Book Marks offers ideas for setting up a multitude of book tracking pages with a mix of fill‐in prompts, charts, lists, and plenty of dot‐grid pages to customize. To help expand your literary horizons, the journal also includes a section of recommended reading lists compiled by Book Riot. [US] Abrams Noterie ‐ Gifts, Paperback with flaps,x mm, 144 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 17,50
9781419743573 (PB+‐E)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Cat For cat lovers of an artistic purr‐suasion, here is a smile‐making celebration of their favourite artists. From Frida Catlo to Yayoi Catsama, Vasily Catdinsky to Henri Catisse, gathered together are more than 20 influential artistic felines. Each portrait of the artist as a cat is accompanied by a clever biography revealing the thrilling feline lives (all nine) behind their famed artwork. Author(s): Nia Gould
9781452178387 (HB‐E)
[US] Chronicle Books, Hardback, 203x152 mm, 120 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., June 2020, € 16,95
Bookish Cats A pawsitively purrfect collection of litterary classics. Introduce little ones to great works of literature and their famous writers through these adorable cat portraits and clever kitty‐inspired book titles and author names. The entire family will enjoy this book s hilarious puns including Romeow & Juliet by William Shakespurr, Alice s Adventures in Whiskerland by Lewis Catroll, Oliver Hiss by Charles Lickens, and many more! [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Board book,180x180 mm, 28 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 13,60
9780735363786 (BOARD‐E)
The Boob Book Featuring 30 types of breasts, The Boob Book is an illustrated celebration of womanhood and the boobs that come with it. Scattered throughout are boob miscellany: a boob personality flow chart, boob facts, boob self‐care tips, a roundup of bras, types of nipples, a boob doodle, and illustrated ways we show off the goods. [US] Chronicle Books, Hardback, 152x152 mm, 112 p, throughout col.ill., Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 24,80
9781452177595 (HB‐E)
Mindful String Games
10 Games to Quiet Your Mind Move your hands to still your mind. In this meditative take on the traditional cat's cradle, players use a looped string to inspire mental calm. The boxed set includes an instruction booklet with dreamy illustrations for 10 games to play alone or with a friend. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Box,x mm, p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 17,50
9781452179681 (BOX‐E)
Vintage Recordings and Data A5 Journal
The Vintage Recordings and Data A5 Journal from Galison features a series of analog images from the past such as a vinyl album, floppy disc, VHS tape, cassette tape, and many more. The journal has sleek silver gilded page edges and 136 lined pages. [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Journal,210x148 mm, 136 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 14,90
9780735362727 (JOURNAL‐E)
Andy Warhol Sunset Magnets
Andy Warhol Sunset Magnets by Galison include 9 different colored versions of Warhol's famous Sunset masterpiece. 9 magnets [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Accessories,171x114 mm, p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 9,90
9780735362819 (ACC‐E)
Andy Warhol Pop Art Notecard Set
The Andy Warhol Pop Art Notecard Set from Galison contains a mashup of folded and flat card sizes featuring famous Warhol works. The accompanying envelopes offer a special surprise and delight feature with a famous Warhol quote printed inside the envelope closure flap. Six designs, 2 cards each. [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Box,203x137 mm, 12 p, Eng. ed., Jan. 2020, € 18,60
9780735363946 (BOX‐E)
Grids & Guides, Eco
A Notebook for Ecological Thinkers The perfect journal for the sustainably minded, Eco combines the classic, sophisticated Grids & Guides format with a fresh, green‐themed design. Featuring 160 pages of post‐consumer recycled graph paper in a variety of designs, the eight infographics and charts support green living with useful information on Backyard Biodiversity, Decoding Recycling Symbols, How to Calculate Your Carbon Footprint, and more.
9781616898816 (NOTEBOOK‐E)
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Notebook,x mm, p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 18,60
I Love the Earth
A Journal for Celebrating and Protecting Our Planet The journal opens with a short infographic reference section that explains how our planet works and how we can help save it, and then features engaging writing and drawing prompts, as well as inspiring quotes about the natural world. Perfect for nature lovers ages ten and up, this journal is an inspiring, interactive way to understand the world we live in. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Journal,203x153 mm, 192 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 17,99
9780593135037 (JOURNAL‐E)
Great Outdoors Flexi Journal With gorgeous illustrations of a vintage camper van making its way through a lush forest, this journal is sure to spark creativity and wanderlust in journalers and nature lovers alike. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Paperback,x mm, 192 p, No text, Feb. 2020, € 11,20
9781452181943 (PB‐‐)
Les Madones ‐ A6 Layflat Notebook Christian Lacroix Heritage Collection
To celebrate a heritage rich in unique, exuberant, and iconic design from Christian Lacroix stationery and gift, the house reintroduces some of the most beloved artwork on our most popular gift items. The Christian Lacroix Heritage Collection Les Madones A6 Layflat Notebook features iconic couture gowns from the house archives. This A6 size small notebook is embossed with the signature Paseo design, has shiny spot varnish detail, and includes the signature black and white striped chevron ribbon marker. [US] Galison / Lacroix, Notebook,148x105 mm, p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 16,00
9780735364134 (NOTEBOOK‐E)
Little Notes: Katazome 9781616899028 (BOX‐E)
Little notes, sweet and unexpected, say everything you need, when you only need to say a little. Perfectly sized to slip in a sweetheart's pocket, deliver to a coworker's desk, or attach to a bottle of wine, your little notes will delight on all occasions. Each note features a spot illustration a delicate flower, a graceful branch that adds charm to your special message. [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Box,115x90 mm, 30 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 18,50 148
Time for You - Sand Timer See what a difference just five minutes can make when you give yourself the gift of "you time." This beautiful timer, with sparkling sand set in a wooden base with metallic accents, is both an artful desktop display and a gentle reminder to make time for yourself each day. box with hinged lid, glass 5‐minute sand timer with silver ink on wooden base + By Carissa Potter [US] Chronicle Gifts, Box,137x88 mm, 24 p, Eng. ed.,
9781452178271 (BOX‐E)
April 2020, € 26,95
Button Box: Read Outside LoveLit
Twenty‐four unique button designs, including the phrases, 'Squatch Reads, Sunrise Reader," "Book Scout," "Reading Ranger," "Take a Book Break," and "Read Between the Climbs," are found in the Read Outside button box collection. [US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts, Box,x mm, p, Eng. ed., July 2019, € 138,00
9781423652915 (BOX‐E)
Polaroid Notebook [US] Chronicle Chroma, Hardback,209x133 mm, 240 p, Eng. ed., Aug. 2020, € 22,50
9781797201382 (HB‐E)
Creative Notes 20 Notecards and Envelopes Poketo
[US] Chronicle Gifts, Box,x mm, 20 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 17,50
9781452174778 (BOX‐E) 149
Marimekko Notebook Collection Saapaivakirja/Weather
[US] Chronicle Books, Set/ Pack,216x152 mm, 64 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 18,50
9781452176710 (SET‐E)
This is my bookstore
100 Postcards of Beautiful Shops These are the bookshops we all dream of: charming, cozy, quirky, and gorgeous. With this postcard set, booklovers can tour the literary worldâ€"from London to Tokyo, Mexico City to NYCâ€"then send a note to a fellow bibliophile! [US] Chronicle Gifts, Box,x mm, 100 p, No text, April 2020, € 21,60
9781452177939 (BOX‐‐)
Ex Libris
Fifty Postcards Ex libris, or bookplates, are miniature artworks designed to be pasted inside books to signify ownership. A peek into the personal libraries of bibliophiles, this boxed postcard collection features designs commissioned by passionate readers including Adam Smith, Charles Dickens, Greta Garbo, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Edith Wharton. Perfect for mailing or framing, these literary prints will fascinate readers, lovers of literary ephemera, and history and art enthusiasts.
9781616898786 (BOX‐E)
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Box,156x108 mm, 50 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 20,95
Herbaria. The Pressed Plant Collection of Beatrix Farrand 12 Notecards and Envelopes
9781616899066 (BOX‐E)
Beatrix Farrand (1872‐1959) stands among the leading twentieth‐century landscape architects. A founding member (and first woman) of the American Society for Landscape Architects, Farrand created more than two hundred private gardens and landscapes in the United States and Great Britain. She was also an expert archivist who pressed and preserved over nine hundred specimens from her garden in Maine. [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Box,178x140 mm, 12 p, Eng. ed., Feb. 2020, € 18,50 150
I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf A look at the culture and fanaticism of book lovers, from beloved New York Times illustrator Grant Snider. It's no secret, but we are judged by our bookshelves. We learn to read at an early age, and as we grow older we shed our beloved books for new ones. But some of us surround ourselves with books. We collect them, decorate with them, are inspired by them, and treat our books as sacred objects. [US] Abrams, Hardback,235x197 mm, 128 p, Eng. ed., April 2020, € 15,95
9781419737114 (HB‐E)
A Love Letter to Women and Their Cats There's no question that cats rule the world ask any cat owner and they'll tell you how these balls of fur insert themselves into our lives and establish dominion over the household. In this book, Leah Goren brings together smart, funny essays by ban.do founder Jen Gotch, writer Mara Altman, novelist Emma Straub, and designer Justina Blakeney, among others. Author(s): Leah Goren [UK] Prestel, Hardback, 222x165 mm, 224 p, 80 col.ill., Eng. ed., April 2020, € 20,80
9783791385990 (HB‐E)
The Art of Marion Peck 30 Collectible Prints
For over 20 years, Marion Peck has stood out in the contemporary art scene as the godmother of Pop Surrealism. A unique artist who distanced herself from passing trends and seasonal impulses, Peck joyfully plays and blends all of the rules of classical pictorial technique with modernity to introduce us to a world both familiar and enchanting. [US] Cernunnos (A&BC), Box,238x165 mm, 30 p, Eng. ed., March 2020, € 22,51
9782374951119 (BOX‐E)
Eat. Sleep. Beach. Read.
Beach Bag
LoveLit Tote Bag, € 16,80
LoveLit Tote Bag, € 16,80
9781423645085 (TOTE‐E)
9781423633433 (TOTE‐E)
Take Me to the Beach
Pack it In Pack it Out Tote
LoveLit Tote Bag, € 16,80
LoveLit Tote Bag, € 16,80
9781423652007 (TOTE‐E)
9781423645092 (TOTE‐E)
Search Seek Explore
Andy Warhol Marilyn Monroe
Tote Bag + 3 Limited Edition Pins, € 22,50
LoveLit Tote Bag, € 16,80
9781423650065 (TOTE‐E)
9780735363939 (BAG‐E)
!! NIEUW ADRES VANAF 15/4/2020 : Warotstraat 50, B- 3020 HERENT (Veltem-Beisem) !!
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SOUTHERN EUROPE Bookport Associates Joe Portelli T: +39 02 45 10 36 01 E: bookport@bookport.it U.K. A selection of titles are available via: ACC ART BOOKS E: orders@nbninternational.com www.accartbooks.com/uk/ For all other titles or more information please contact Exhibitions International orders@exhibitionsinternational.be
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