Exhibitions International - Fall-Winter 2017-'18

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2017 - '18

Van Sumatra over Java, van de Molukken tot Papoea: in heel Indonesië speelden en spelen de voorouders een vooraanstaande rol. Hun cultus en voorstellingen getuigen van een enorme diversiteit, kracht en poëzie. Een bijzondere introductie tot Indonesië, vertrekkend vanuit het erfgoed, maar met actuele vragen rond tradities en rituelen in een hedendaagse maatschappij. Nooit eerder getoone archeologische en etnografische schatten worden samengebracht met uniek beeldmateriaal en interviews. Een samenwerking met het National Museum in Jakarta en tal van collecties uit alle uithoeken van de archipel. Europalia Indonesia ‐ Expo: 11/10/2017 ‐ 14/01/2018, Bozar, Brussels Daud Tanudirjo, Pieter ter Keurs, Francine Brinkgreve (red.) Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 220 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 38,00 | 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613752 (NL) ISBN: 9789461613769 (F) ISBN: 9789461613776 (E)

Voorouders & Rituelen Europalia Indonesia De Sumatra à la Papouasie, en passant par Java et les Moluques : les ancêtres ont joué et jouent encore un rôle de premier plan en Indonésie. Les cultes qui leur sont portés et leurs représentations reflètent avec force et poésie l'énorme diversité du pays. Une introduction captivante à l'Indonésie, présentant son patrimoine et questionnant aussi la place des traditions et rituels au sein d'une société contemporaine.

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Ancestors & Rituals (F) Ancestors & Rituals (E) (XURSDOLD ,QGRQHVLD

Europalia Indonesia ‐ Expo: 18/10/2017 ‐ 21/01/2018, Bozar, Brussels Charles Esche, Riksa Afiaty and Enin Supriyanto Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm 176 p | 130 col.ill. € 28,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613783 (E)


The project takes its name from the demand for the transfer of power and other things to the newly independent Indonesia in 1945. It travels through time, from European colonial occupation through the development of the republican state to the trans‐national contemporary cultures of today. It looks at the various international exchanges that happened in the territories of contemporary Indonesia through the images and ideas of artists.

Power and other things Indonesia & Art (1835-NOW) 4


Indonesië beslaat met zijn meer dan 17.000 eilanden een oppervlakte die gelijk is aan het grondgebied van de Europese Unie. De Indonesische archipel is een plaats van samenvloeiingen en ontmoetingspunten, en was altijd al een van de belangrijkste knooppunten van de wereldhandel. Lang voor de containerschepen en olietankers van vandaag, hebben hier Austronesisiche bootjes, Arabische dhows, Chinese jonken, Iberische karvelen en vaartuigen van Oost‐Indische Compagnie aangemeerd.

Archipel Indonesië. Het Rijk van de Zee Europalia Indonesia ‐ Expo: 25/10/2017 – 21/1/2018, La Boverie, Liège Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 220 mm 208 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 38,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614278 (NL)

ISBN: 9789461614292 (E)

L'Indonésie et ses plus de 17 000 îles s'étendent sur un espace équivalent à celui de l'Union européenne. Aire de confl uences et de rencontres, l'archipel indonésien a de tout temps été l'un des plus importants carrefours du commerce mondial, où ont amarré les navires austronésiens, les boutres arabes, les jonques chinoises, caravelles ibériques et autres nefs des Compagnies des Indes orientales avant les porte‐ containeurs et pétroliers d'aujourd'hui.

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Archipel Indonésie. Les Royaumes de la Mer

ISBN: 9789461614285 (F) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

Archipel Indonesia, Kingdoms of the Sea

De Universiteit Gent bewaart een belangrijke collectie middeleeuwse handschriften, waarvan talrijke schitterend verlucht zijn. Voor deze wetenschappelijke catalogus werden alle manuscripten opnieuw onderzocht en beschreven. De talrijke illustraties van miniaturen, gehistorieerde initialen, randversieringen en tekstpagina's tonen de rijkdom van de collectie die door deze nieuwe publicatie in woord en beeld wordt ontsloten.

E Albert Derolez

Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 220 mm | 304 p | 175 col.ill. € 60,00 | Nov. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613813 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

Medieval Manuscripts Ghent University Library


Angus Hyland & Caroline Roberts Paperback | Eng. ed. 190 x 152 mm | 160 p | col.ill. throughout | € 17,60 | July 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270719 (E)


Cats have been revered by artists since ancient times for their beauty, grace, independence and air of mystery. Domesticated, but with a touch of the wild about them, they share our homes and endlessly fascinate us. The Book of the Cat is a cool and quirky collection of feline art and illustration by artists from around the world. Interspersed through the illustrations are short texts about the artists and their subjects. Beautifully designed and packaged, the book will appeal to cat lovers of all ages.


The Book of the Cat Cats in Art

This beautifully produced, richly detailed, and comprehensive survey of fifty influential women artists from the Renaissance to the Post‐Modern era details their vast contributions to the art world.

50 Women Artists You Should Know

Christiane Weidemann Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 195 mm | 160 p | 80 col.ill. € 19,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791383613 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY


Drawing Masterclass explores the act of vision of the world's great artists, describing how the images were created to allow you to weave some of this magic into your own drawings. The book is organized into seven chapters covering important genres: nudes, figures, landscapes, still life and studies, heads, fantasy and abstraction.

Drawing Masterclass Creative Techniques of 100 Great Artists



Guy Noble Flexi cover | Eng. ed. 242 x 199 mm | 288 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 27,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500293393 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

In het Brugge van de vroege zestiende eeuw heerst een stabiel economisch klimaat dat niet te vergelijken is met de hoogtijdagen uit de vijftiende eeuw. Een kleine maar rijke elite blijft kunst bestellen, maar globaal gezien neemt de vraag af, alhoewel de kwaliteit hoog blijft. Omstreeks diezelfde tijd verzamelen zich een aantal belangrijke humanisten. Erasmus noemt Brugge het 'Athene van het Noorden'. De catalogus biedt een staalkaart van de Brugse artistieke productie van 1525 tot 1625 met werken van Ambrosius Benson, Adriaen Isenbrant, Marcus Gerards, Lancelot Blondeel, Pieter Pourbus, Pieter, Antoon en Gillis Claeissens en Frans Pourbus. Bovendien wordt op de marketingkeuzes en de zoektocht naar nieuwe doelgroepen door deze kunstenaars. Ongekende topstukken worden samengebracht en bieden een krachtig beeld van inventiviteit in tijden van schaarste.


Expo: 13/10/2017 ‐ 21/01/2018, Groeningemuseum, Brugge Anne van Oosterwijk & Till‐Holger Borchert (red.)

Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm | 320 p | 300 col.ill. € 45,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614094 (NL) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Vergeten Meesters Pieter Pourbus en Brugge 1525 - 1625

Expo: 13/10/2017 ‐ 21/01/2018, Groeningemuseum, Brugge Anne van Oosterwijk & Till‐Holger Borchert (red.) Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 320 p | 300 col.ill. € 45,00 | Nov. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614155 (E)


Unknown, unloved: this certainly applies to the Bruges‐based masters from the sixteenth century. Ambrosius Benson, Lancelot Blondeel, Pieter Pourbus and the Claeissens family are in the shadow of their predecessors, the Flemish primitives, and their contemporaries from Antwerp. Bruges’ golden age is over and the market has changed. Inspired by its glorious artistic past, a totally new style arises in Bruges. It’s high time to focus on these forgotten masters!

Forgotten Masters Pieter Pourbus and Bruges. Painting from 1525 to 1625 7

ISBN 9789461614094 (NL) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Expo: 14/10/2017 ‐ 28/01/2018, Musée des Beaux‐Arts, Rennes Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 220 mm 360 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 39,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614162 (F)

Le musée des Beaux‐Arts de Rennes et le musée des Beaux‐Arts de Québec organisent conjointement une exposition de peintures des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles provenant du fonds réuni par l'abbé Philippe Desjardins (1753‐1833) et aujourd'hui dispersés dans les musées et églises de Québec. Ces tableaux, montrés pour la première fois en Europe, proviennent des églises de Paris et d'Ile‐de‐France et ont été vendus suite à la dispersion des biens de l'Église pendant la Révolution.



Le Fabuleux Destin des Tableaux des Abbés Desjardins Expo: 13/09/2017 ‐ 15/01/2018, Musée du Louvre‐Lens Hardback | French ed. 290 x 230 mm 400 p | 350 col. & bw ill € 39,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614179 (F)

L'ambition de ce projet d'exposition est d'offrir au public une clé d'accès spécifique aux civilisations antiques par une activité pratiquée par beaucoup et connue de tous tant elle est présente encore dans notre vie quotidienne, la musique, et de mettre en lumière son rôle et son importance dansles sociétés anciennes (Orient ancien, Égypte, Grèce et Rome), à travers des œuvres d'une grande diversité.



Musiques! Échos de l'Antiquité

Hardback | French ed. 250 x 210 mm 200 p | 180 col.ill. € 25,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613721 (F) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART


Découvrez les oeuvres majeures de la collection de peinture du 14e siècle au 19e siècle : Giotto, Malouel, Spranger, Vasari, Rubens, Champaigne, Mignard (avec le sculpteur également natif de Troyes, Girardon), Le Brun, Boucher, Robert, Vernet, Fragonard, Greuze, Vien, Bellotto, David, Doré, Corot, sans oublier les chefs d'oeuvres que sont les deux Watteau et l'ensemble exceptionnel de Natoire, le plus important de France.

Six Siècles de Peinture De Giotto à Corot. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Troyes


The Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, holds the most extensive collection of Dutch master drawings in Sweden. It comprises important works by Rembrandt and his pupils, as well as drawings by Abraham Bloemart, Jan van Goyen, Herman Saftleven, Willem van de Velde and many other artists. Although trade contacts between the Netherlands and Sweden were lively in the seventeenth century, they account for only a small part of the collection.

Nationalmuseum Stockholm, Martin Olin & Börje Magnusson Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 210 mm | 336 p | 600 col.ill. € 59,80 | Oct. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743259 (E)

Dutch Drawings


in Swedish Public Collections


Joris Hoefnagel (1542‐1600) internationalized Flemish, miniature painting in the sixteenth century unlike any other artist. He enriched the natural sciences as well, particularly entomology, with exquisite depictions owing to his keen gift of observation. Upon viewing his breathtaking works, it is all the more surprising that he Hoefnagel developed his own talent as a self‐taught artist.

Thea Vignau‐Wilberg Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 210 mm | 256 p | 514 col.ill. € 50,00 | Oct. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775741736 (E)

Joris and Jacob Hoefnagel


Art and Science around 1600


Kazuya Takaoka Paperback | Eng./ Jap. ed. 304 x 210 mm 592 p € 58,00 | Oct. 2017 [JA] Pie Books ISBN: 9784756249234 (E/ J) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

This art book showcases depictions of hell in Japanese art from the 12th century to the 19th century. It features a large collection of masterpieces presented with details and enlargements from the works. These images are of aesthetic, thought‐provoking, frightening and wickedly funny. This volume also features the 19th century woodblock‐printed edition of Ojoyoshu (The Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land) written by the medieval Buddhist monk Genshin (942 ‐ 1017)

Hell in Japanese Art


Expo: 17/10/2017 ‐ 21/1/2018, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna ‐ 8/2/2017 ‐ 21/5/2018, Frankfurt


Even in his lifetime, Peter Paul Rubens (1577‐1640) was renowned throughout Europe, and today he is justly celebrated as the greatest painter of the Flemish Baroque. This book draws on the large number of paintings from Rubens and his workshop owned by the Kunsthistorisches Museum, which include both exuberantly colored, multi‐figured masterpieces‐‐such as the huge altarpieces he produced for the Jesuit church at Antwerp‐‐and intimate compositions like The Fur, Head of Medusa, or his late Self‐Portrait.

Stefan Weppelmann Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 336 p | 292 col. ill. € 55,50 | Nov. 2017 [G] Hirmer ISBN: 9783777428581 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Rubens The Power of Transformation

Expo: 8/9/2017 ‐ 03/12/2017, Albertina, Vienna Eva Michel Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 285 x 235 mm 224 p | 168 col.ill. € 46,95 | Oct. 2017 [G] Hirmer ISBN: 9783777428635 (E)


Pieter Bruegel the Elder is considered the greatest Dutch draughtsman of the sixteenth century. Even during his lifetime his drawings were highly valued and many ended up being widely disseminated in the for m of copperplate prints. Drawing on the pictorial tradition of previous artist generations, Bruegel provided new impulses in terms of both subject and form.


Pieter Bruegel the Elder Drawing the World

Expo: 29/9/2017 ‐ 7/1/2018, Albertina, Vienna Achim Gnann Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 448 p | 270 col.ill. € 55,50 | Oct. 2017 [G] Hirmer ISBN: 9783777428598 (E)


Raphael is truly a universal genius of the High Renaissance ‐ be it as a painter and architect in Florence and Rome or in the employment of popes and worldly rulers. His masterful drawings perfectly illustrate his thought and creative processes from the sk etch all the way to the finished composition.




Expo: 11/11/2017 ‐ 18/03/2018, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem


Zelden zijn meer humoristische schilderijen gemaakt dan in de Nederlandse Gouden Eeuw. De welvaart en een nieuw koperspubliek stimuleerden schilders om een enorme variëteit aan beeldgrappen te bedenken. Ondeugende kinderen, dwaze boeren, malle dandy's en drinkebroers, kwakzalvers, koppelaars, luie dienstmeiden en lustige dames ‐ ze figureren in grote getalen in topstukken uit de Gouden Eeuw. De humor die in de werken besloten ligt moet voor tijdgenoten gemakkelijk herkenbaar zijn geweest.

Anna Tummers, Jasper Hillegers, Elmer Kolfon, Mariët Westermann Paperback with flaps | Eng./ NL ed. 270 x 240 mm | 176 p € 27,50 | Nov. 2017 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621671 (E/ NL) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

De kunst van het lachen. +XPRU LQ GH *RXGHQ(HXZ The Art of Laughter: Humour in the Golden Age Expo: 07/09/2017 ‐ 14/01/2018, Mauritshuis, Den Haag Edwin Buijsen e.a. Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm 144 p € 24,95 | Sept. 2017 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621442 (NL)


De Vlaamse portretten die tussen 1400 en 1700 werden geschilderd, zijn vaak zo natuurgetrouw dat de afgebeelde personen nog steeds springlevend lijken. Het Mauritshuis toont in dit boek een aantal van de mooiste voorbeelden. In Zuiderburen trekken drie eeuwen Vlaamse portretkunst aan ons voorbij. Met werk van Rogier van der Weyden, Hans Memling, Peter Paul Rubens en Anthony van Dyck, maar ook door minder bekende namen als de Meester van Frankfurt, Cornelis de Vos en Michaelina Wautier.


Zuiderburen Portretten uit Vlaanderen, 1400-1700 Expo: februari 2018, Mauritshuis, Den Haag Ariane Van Suchtelen, Wouter Kloek, Mariët Westermann, e.a. Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm 176 p € 27,50 | Feb. 2018 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621657 (NL)

Jan Steen is een van de populairste schilders uit de Hollandse Gouden Eeuw. Hij staat bekend om zijn komische voorstellingen van verlopen huishoudens, vertier in de herberg, kwakzalvers en liefdeszieke meisjes.

NL - E

Historisch drama door Jan Steen Historical Drama by Jan Steen


ISBN: 9789462621664 (E)


Expo: 23/9/2017 ‐ 21/1/2018, Museum Alkmaar Gerdien Wuestman (red.) Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 270 x 230 mm 160 p | 120 col.ill. € 27,50 | Sept. 2017 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621541 (NL) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART


Emanuel de Witte (1615/16‐1691/92) genoot in de zeventiende eeuw een grote reputatie genoot als vernieuwend schilder, vooral van kerkinterieurs. Circa 400 jaar geleden zag Emanuel de Witte in Alkmaar het licht, dat hij als geen ander in de Gouden Eeuw wist vast te leggen.

Emanuel de Witte Meester van het licht

Expo: 13/7/2017 ‐ 22/10/2017 Cooper, Tarnya Paperback | Eng. ed. 290 x 230 mm 192 p € 35,00 | July 2017 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855147751 (E)

The creative encounter between individual artists and sitters is explored in this major exhibition featuring portrait drawings by some of the outstanding masters of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Drawn from the holdings of British collections, exquisite observational drawings by artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Holbein, Rubens and Rembrandt will be on display in a celebration of portrait drawing from the life during a time of extraordinary artistic ingenuity.



The Encounter: Drawings from Leonardo to Rembrandt Accompanies a splendid exhibition devoted to the art of the second half of the 16th century in Florence A unique opportunity to celebrate the outstanding cultural and intellectual era Curated by Carlo Falciani and Antonio Natali, the show, and this accompanying book, explores the development of Florentine art in the second half of the century through the painting, sculpture, and draughtsmanship of such artists as Andrea del Sarto, Bronzino, Pontormo, Giorgio Vasari, Giambologna and Bartolomeo Ammannati.

Expo: 21/9/2017 ‐ 21/1/2018, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 245 mm | 360 p | 150 col.ill. € 47,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Mandragora (ACC) ISBN: 9788874613519 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Arts in Florence


In the Second Half of the 16th Century

"A painting must stand as a painting, made by human hand," wrote Caspar David Friedrich, "not seek to disguise itself as Nature." One of his generation's most popular painters, Friedrich imagined landscapes of powerful beauty and spirituality from within the confines of his studios. This breathtaking monograph, filled with glorious reproductions and details of his paintings, argues for Friedrich's reputation as a sublime artist and interpreter of nature.

Caspar David Friedrich



Johannes Grave Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 255 mm | 288 p | 250 col.ill. € 46,80 | July 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791383576 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Great works of art cannot be fully understood in a single encounter: to revisit and reconsider art again and again throughout one’s life is to be richly rewarded with an ever‐deepening appreciation and insight. Similar benefits come from analysing a work of painting, sculpture or installation in detail. Modern Art in Detail: 75 Masterpieces spotlights the finer points that even connoisseurs may miss, casting light upon minutiae that a quick glance will almost certainly fail to reveal.

Modern Art in Detail 75 Masterpieces

Susie Hodge Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 220 mm | 336 p | 750 col. & bw ill € 34,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500239766 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Art in Detail 100 Masterpieces ISBN: 9780500239544 (E)



Expo: 15/9/2017 – 22/1/2018, Musée Jacquemart‐André, Paris


De Corot à Cézanne et Matisse, les plus grands noms du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle seront réunis en un somptueux florilège. Passant des paysages changeants de Monet, Pissarro et Sisley aux doux portraits de Renoir, Morisot ou Gonzalès, l'exposition permettra de découvrir des trésors peu connus en France. Seront également mis à l'honneur des artistes aussi emblématiques que Degas, Manet ou Courbet, avant un final consacré à l'art vibrant et sensuel de Gauguin.

Sous la direction d’Anne‐Birgitte Fonsmark et Pierre Curie Hardback with dust jacket | French ed. 280 x 240 mm 176 p | 100 col.ill. € 39,95 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301863 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Le jardin secret des Hansen La collection d'Ordrupgaard

Expo: September 2017, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


While legend has it that Vincent van Gogh (1853‐1890) sold only one work in his lifetime, it was not long after his death that sales of his paintings shattered auction house records. This superbly researched book illuminates the critical role the Thannhauser Gallery occupied in cultivating and shaping an early clientele for the artist's works. Founded in Munich in 1909, the Thannhauser Gallery was Germany's preeminent promoter of the avant‐garde in the decades before World War II.

The Thannhauser Gallery Marketing Van Gogh


Edited by Stefan Koldehoff & Chris Stolwijk Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 200 mm 328 p | 170 col. & bw ill € 49,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301665 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Marc Pairon Hb with slip case | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 310 x 250 mm 304 p | 110 col.ill. € 78,50 | May 2017 [BE] Charles Catteau, asbl ISBN: 9789491218101 (E/ F/ NL)

E/ F/ NL

Jean Colin (1881‐1961) werkte meestal in een realistische stijl, die vlot kopers vond. Vandaag is hij nauwelijks bekend. Jean Colin liet echter een meesterlijk impressionistisch oeuvre na dat nooit tentoongesteld werd. Colin schilderde die doeken immers voor zijn eigen plezier. Na de dood van de schilder zijn de meeste van deze werken onder de vele familieleden verdeeld of verzeilden ze in kelders van musea. Dit 'eerbetoon' vertelt het verhaal van de verborgen meesterwerken van Jean Colin.


Belgian Impressionism. The Hidden Masterpieces A tribute to Jean Colin +Boxed edition+

Expo : 20/5/2017 ‐ 3/10/2017, Pompidou Metz ‐ 8/2/2018 ‐ 30/5/2018, Bozar, Brussels (NL ed: Jan. 2018)


Fernand Léger (1881‐1955), een gepassioneerd getuige van een bijzonder boeiend tijdperk, is een van de bekendste moderne kunstenaars. Hij was heel productief, in alles geïnteresseerd en een groot reiziger. Zijn hele carrière lang was hij op diverse gebieden actief: poëzie, film, circus, dans, architectuur en stedenbouw… Hij streefde ernaar tegelijk moderne en volkse werken te maken en was het toonbeeld van de kunstenaar die zich voor de maatschappelijke vooruitgang inzette.

Ouvrage collectif sous la direction d’Ariane Coulondre Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 240 mm 304 p | 260 col.ill. € 44,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301832 (NL)

ISBN 9789462301849 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Fernand Léger Schoonheid alom

Paul Klee (1879‐1940) is one of the most influential painters of European modernism. With an oeuvre comprising nearly ten thousand works, numerous solo and group exhibitions of his work have been mounted well beyond his lifetime. To this very day, the intense interest in his work has not waned. And yet there has never been an exhibition that has extensively examined Klee's relationship to abstraction.

Paul Klee The Abstract Dimension

Expo: 01/10/2017 ‐ 21/01/2018, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel Anna Szech Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 245 mm | 200 p | 116 col.ill. € 58,00 | Oct. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743310 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART



Expo: 26/10/2017 –11/2/2018, National Portrait Gallery, London John Elderfield Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 256 p € 48,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855145474 (E)


This book, like the exhibition it accompanies, looks at the special pictorial and thematic characteristics of Cézanne's portraiture practice, including his creation of complementary pairs and multiple versions of the same subject . The chronological development of the artist's portraiture is also explored , with an examinat ion of the changes that occurred with respect to his style and method, on the one hand, and his understanding of resemblance and identity, on the other .

Painting People ISBN 9781855147164

Cézanne Portraits

Expo: 03/10/2017 ‐ 28/01/2018, Musée Bonnard, Le Cannet (Côte d’Azur) Paperback with flaps | French ed (Eng. summ) 270 x 190 mm 160 p | 40 col.ill. € 28,00 | Oct. 2017 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836636396 (F (E))

2017 est une année importante pour la ville du Cannet et le musée Bonnard puisqu'elle marque les 150 ans de la naissance du peintre qu'ils honorent. Pour commémorer cet anniversaire, le musée présente deux expositions phares au sein desquelles figureront des oeuvres exceptionnelles prêtées par les plus grandes institutions françaises et les grandes collections privées dont Hommage à Bonnard ‐ 150 ans de sa naissance.


Hommage à Bonnard 150 ans de sa naissance

"Long live painting!" With this rallying cry, Henri Matisse, greeted his colleague Pierre Bonnard on a 1925 postcard from Amsterdam. Widely considered two of the greatest painters of French modernism, they were united by a forty‐year‐long friendship and a keen appreciation of each other's work. This catalogue offers fascinating insights into their artistic dialogue.

Matisse ‐ Bonnard "Long Live Painting!"

Expo: 13/09/2017 ‐ 14/01/2018, Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Felix Kramer (editor) Hardback | Eng. ed. | 280 x 230 mm | 240 p | € 60,00 | Oct. 2017 | [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791356327 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART



Expo: 22/11/2017 ‐ 02/04/2018, Tate Modern, London Edited by Nancy Ireson & Simonetta Fraquelli Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 235 mm 224 p | 150 col.ill. € 32,50 | Nov. 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764711 (E)


Amedeo Modigliani (1884‐1920) produced some of the most memorable art of the early twentieth century. Born in Livorno, Italy and working in Paris from 1906, he was unappreciated in his lifetime but has come to be regarded as one of the most influential figures of early modernism. In a tragically short career, experimentation and innovation were consistent priorities.

ISBN 9781849765251 (Hb) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Expo: 02/11/2017 ‐ 29/04/2018, Tate Britain, London ‐ 20/06/2018 ‐ 14/10/2018, Petit Palais, Paris


The EY Exhibition: Impressionists in London: French Artists in Exile charts the story of the French artists who took refuge in London during and after the devastating Franco‐Prussian War and the Paris Commune. Following these traumatic events there was a creative flourishing in London as the exiles responded to British culture and social life ‐ regattas, processions, parks, and of course the Thames.

Edited by Caroline Corbeau‐Parsons Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 235 mm 272 p | 200 col.ill. € 45,00 | Nov. 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849765244 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Impressionists in London French Artists in Exile

by Ian Warrell Paperback | Eng. ed. 275 x 220 mm 240 p € 26,80 | July 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849765275 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


Turner's sketchbooks offer perhaps the most appealing introduction to the artist. They give us a privileged look over Turner's shoulder, allowing us to witness the creation and development of ideas that can be traced through to his major paintings. In the absence of detailed written accounts of his extensive travels, the notebooks are also a record of his impressions of the many places he visited across Britain and Europe.

Turner's Sketchbooks 16

Throughout his career, Gustav Klimt completed hundreds of paintings and thousands of drawings of delicate beauty, many of them featuring the female form. Designed to imitate an artist's sketchbook, this gorgeous volume reproduces Klimt's most beautiful erotic sketches and watercolors. The experience of viewing them will awaken the senses and afford the reader the guilty pleasure of leafing through an artist's most private visions

Norbert Wolf Hardback | Eng. ed. 230 x 185 mm | 64 p | 38 col. & bw ill € 22,60 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791383897 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Gustav Klimt Erotic Sketchbook


For Henri Matisse, drawing was an exercise as personal as it was essential to his art. These black and white and gently colored sketches allow the viewer to appreciate the quality of Matisse's lines, their confidence and ease, as well as the intense relationship between artist and model. Matisse's joie de vivre, his love of beauty, and his fascination with the human body are fully in evidence in this lovely volume.

Norbert Wolf Hardback | Eng. ed. 230 x 185 mm | 64 p | 38 col. & bw ill € 21,80 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791383927 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Henri Matisse Erotic Sketchbook


With his erotic nude studies Auguste Rodin completed the artistic step towards modernity. In his works on paper he broke with art traditions, establishing his total independence of prevalent beauty ideals and morals. This reprint of our 1995 classic presents 105 drawings, watercolours, and scissor cuts collected from museums and private collections from all over the world.

Auguste Rodin

Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 297 x 228 mm | 168 p € 39,80 | Sept. 2017 [G] Schirmer/ Mosel ISBN: 9783829608121 (E/ F/ G) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Erotic Watercolours



Saskia van Kampen‐Prein, Sandra Kisters, Marijke Peyser, Laurens Vancrevel, Bert Janssen, Katinka Duffhuis Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 230 mm 312 p € 34,95 | June 2017 [NL] Boijmans van Beuningen ISBN: 9789069182933 (NL)

1/ E

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen has been collecting Surrealist art since 1965. In something over half a century, what began with a single purchase has now grown into a world‐class core collection with works by Dalí, Magritte, Man Ray, De Chirico, Ernst and many others. Surrealism, which started as a literary movement, is not a school, but rather a collective attitude or lifestyle in which automatism, chance and the subconscious are key. The museum's collection includes paintings, sculptures, objects, drawings

ISBN: 9789069182988 (E)


A Dream Collection - Een Droomcollectie Surrealism in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

-PROMOSpecial price on the occasion of the René Magritte tribute year 2017 René Magritte (1898‐1967) was a surrealist artist whose thought‐provoking works used ordinary objects to challenge how viewers perceived reality. His extensive oeuvre was documented in a comprehensive five‐volume project. Designed as an art book, René Magritte: Newly Discovered Works includes color illustrations of 130 previously unpublished or unknown works authenticated by the committee between Sept. 2000 and March 2010.

PROMO : now 25,‐ instead of 49,95, co‐ed Menil Foundation, Houston Sara Whitfield Hardback | Eng. ed. 325 x 245 mm 160 p | 120 col.ill. € 25,00 | May 2012 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789061539896 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Magritte ‐ Newly Discovered Works Oil paintings, gouaches, drawings


Catalogue de l'exposition Marcel Lecomte. Les alcôves du surréalisme. Numéro 22 de la série des Cahiers des Musées royaux des Beaux‐Arts de Belgique, ce livre dresse le portrait de cet acteur moins connu mais néanmoins important du surréalisme belge. Il reprend également la correspondance entre Magritte et Marcel Lecomte et l'ensemble des chroniques que ce dernier rédigea à propos du fameux peintre surréaliste belge.

Marcel Lecomte

Expo: 13/10/2017 ‐ 18/02/2018, K.M.S.K, Bruxelles Paul Aron, Philippe Dewolf, Michel Draguet Paperback | French ed. 240 x 170 mm | 144 p | 70 col.ill. € 20,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] K.M.S.K.B., Brussels ISBN: 9789077013168 (F)

Les alcôves du surréalisme - Cahiers des M.R.B.A.B.ISBN 9789077013175 (NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART (Belgium)



Chagall's creative breakthrough came at a time when his life was torn between contrasting experiences. Chagall lived in Paris from 1911 until 1914, creating paintings that combined his recollections of Russian provincial life with iconic fragments of the metropolis around him. Reminiscences of Russian folk art make an appearance in his works from the period, as do the most recent stylistic experiments he was exposed to through his life in the center of the artistic avant‐garde.


Expo: Fall 2017, Kunstmuseum Basel ‐ Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao 2018 Hardback | Eng. ed. 275 x 223 mm | 294 p | 217 col.ill. | 20 bw ill. € 39,80 | Oct. 2017 [G] Walther Koenig Verlag ISBN: 9783960982326 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

The breakthrough Years 1911 - 1919





Paul Cézanne


Le chant de la terre

Serena Bucalo‐Mussely

Daniel Marchesseau

Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) s'impose naturellement comme le mentor le plus emblématique de cette génération et figure, à son acmé, au premier rang des maîtres de la modernité.Nous souhaitons par cette exposition éclairer plusieurs facettes de ce corpus intellectuel autant que pictural. Grâce à une suite d'études et de versions rapprochées, ce lien secret mais libre que l'artiste entretient délibérément avec ledit motif inspire ses mythes personnels. [CH] Fondation Gianadda | 241 x 220 mm | p | 114 col. & bw ill. | € 35,50 [BE] | July 2017 9782884431620 (F, PB)

This tome reveals the dialogue, largely unexplored until now, between the artists on the subjects and questions central to their work. The two legendary twentieth-century artists shared a vast network of acquaintances and sources of inspiration, which are mapped out in a constellation diagram. More than one hundred full-page reproductions of their works establish clear correlations in their artistic production Expo: 4/10/2016 ‐ 5/2/2017, Musée Picasso, Paris. Traveling to Qatar in spring 2017 [F] Flammarion (Eng) | 290 x 230 mm | 288 p | 186 col.ill. | € 38,50 [BE] | Nov. 2017 9782080203151 (E, HB+)

1917. Picasso in Barcelona Sous la direction de Malén Gual

Cette exposition célèbre la dernière période significative du temps passé à Barcelone par Pablo Picasso en 1917. L'arrivée de l'artiste à Barcelone cette année coïncide avec un boom artistique important dans la ville, sa présence a largement été encensée dans les cercles artistiques et la presse quotidienne a publié beaucoup d'articles à son sujet. Cette brève période passée à Barcelone se révèle très intéressante d'un point de vue artistique pour Picasso. Expo: 26/10/2017 ‐ 28/01/2018, Musée Picasso, Barcelona [IT] Silvana | 280 x 240 mm | 180 p | 200 col. & bw ill. | € 35,00 [BE] | Nov. 2017 9788836637331 (E, HB) ISBN 9788836637324 (F)


Roberta Bernstein, Edith Devaney, Hiroko Ikegami, Morgan Meis & Robert Storr Hardback | French & Eng. ed. 300 x 280 mm 240 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301894 (F)

F-E Expo : 23/09/2017 ‐ 10/12/2017, Royal Academy, London

Ce catalogue d'exposition comprendra plus de 150 oeuvres, parmi lesquelles des sculptures, dessins et estampes, ainsi que des oeuvres nouvelles de l'artiste. Johns est reconnu comme un des artistes les plus significatifs et influents des vingtième et vingt‐et‐unième siècles, et la publication couvrira plus de 60 ans, des débuts de sa carrière à l'époque actuelle, rassemblant des oeuvres d'art qui ont rarement l'occasion de quitter les collections internationales publiques et privées.

€ 56,00 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Royal Academy (ACC) ISBN: 9781910350683 (F)

Jasper Johns Une forme de ressemblance avec le vrai Jasper Johns (b.1930) is regarded as one of the most influential American artists of the last sixty years. When he broke onto the New York art scene in the 1950s, Johns and his lover Robert Rauschenberg established a decisive new direction in an art world that had been dominated by the Abstract Expressionists. Johns's striking use of popular iconography, such as flags, numbers and maps, rendered with a distinctive textural, painterly surface, made a colossal impact.

Jasper Johns

Jasper Johns Pictures Within Pictures 1980-2015 € 62,95 | Oct. 2017 ISBN: 9780500239711 (E)

Expo: 20/9/2017 ‐ 23/1/2018, Musée Maillol


La peinture américaine des années 1950 se caractérise par une grande diversité. Les artistes explorent les thèmes, idées, passions inspirés du contexte politique et social de l'Amérique. Des typologies variées d'œuvres symboliques du Pop Art, les univers esthétiques d'artistes tels que James Rosenquist, Jasper Johns et John Wesley cohabitent et se confrontent. Les États‐Unis voient s'imposer en l'espace d'une décennie des artistes considérés aujourd'hui parmi les plus grands noms de l'art du XXe siècle.

Pop Art ‐ Icons that matter Collection du Whitney Museum of American art 20

Sous la direction de David Breslin Hardback | French ed. 276 x 237 mm 192 p | 130 col.ill. € 39,95 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301887 (F) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Expo: 02/02/2017 ‐ 04/03/2017, Axel Vervoordt Gallery, Antwerpen

Masatoshi Masanobu was born in 1911 in Suzuki City, the Prefecture of Kochi, Japan. He was a member of the Gutai movement, although his work is not as conspicuous as that of the other Gutai members, nor did he make any historic performances or paintings that stood at the forefront of the era. But in fact he was any less radical than the rest of the group. Masanobu was a rather orthodox Japanese painter, who tried to make a living as an artist while supporting himself as an art teacher.

Koichi Kawasaki, Tsukasa Ikegami, Jiro Yoshihara, Ming Tiampo, Axel Vervoordt Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. 180 x 115 mm 86 p | 11 col.ill. | 26 bw ill. € 45,00 | May 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321558 (E/ NL) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Masatoshi Masanobu E/ NL

Jacques Majorelle (1886‐1962) est une figure emblématique de l'orientalisme. Fils de l'ébéniste Louis Majorelle, il se forme à l'École régionale des beaux‐arts de Nancy, puis à Paris, à l'Académie Julian. Majorelle se rend dès 1908 en Espagne, en Égypte et en Italie avant de s'établir en 1917 au Maroc. Il y développe un langage chromatique singulier qui lui offre une place dépouillée de toute influence parmi ses contemporains.

Jacques Majorelle

Expo: octobre 2017, Fondation Jardin Majorelle, Marrakech Félix Marcilhac & Amélie Marcilhac Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm | 336 p | 1000 col.ill. € 65,00 | Oct. 2017 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782376660088 (F) I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART

F One of the greatest living painters and portraitists, Lucian Freud (born 1922) brings a powerfully obsessive scrutiny to bear upon his subjects. "I want the painting to be flesh," Freud has avowed, and through this aspiration he achieves almost devastatingly unsentimental and revelatory portraits of his sitters, as he translates the act of scrutiny into strokes of paint. Like the studio of his friend Francis Bacon, Freud's own studio has attained its own intensity as the site of his one‐on‐one encounters.

Lucian Freud Closer. UBS Art Collection

Expo: 22/07/2017 ‐ 22/10/2017, Martin‐Gropius‐Bau, Berlin Foreword by Gereon Sievernich, preface by Mary Rozell, text(s) by Richard Cork, Anders Kold, graphic design by Julia Wagner Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 265 x 230 mm | 120 p | 55 col.ill. € 35,00 | June 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743112 (E/ G) I04B ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Published to accompany the first exhibition in Paris of highlights from The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Being Modern tells the stories behind 120 select artworks and design objects acquired by MoMA between the late 19th century and the present, providing a unique insight into the making of one of the greatest collections of modern and contemporary art in the world.

Being Modern: MoMA in Paris

Expo : 10/10/2017 ‐ 5/03/2018, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris Quentin Bajac & Olivier Michelon Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 305 x 240 mm | 288 p € 62,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500239797 (E) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E 21

Known for her portraits of family, friends, writers, poets, artists, students, singers, salesmen, activists and more, Alice Neel (1900‐84) created forthright, intimate and, at times, humorous paintings that quietly engaged with political and social issues. In Alice Neel, Uptown, writer and curator Hilton Als brings together a body of paintings and works on paper of African Americans, Latinos, Asians and other people of color for the first time

Als, Hilton Hardback | Eng. ed. 267 x 216 mm | 144 p | 57 col.ill. € 56,00 | June 2017 [US] David Zwirner Books ISBN: 9781941701607 (E) I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Alice Neel Uptown

E Dalí/Duchamp examines in detail the often‐overlooked relationship between two of the twentieth century's most famous artists. Though polar opposites at first glance, Duchamp, the father of conceptual art who rejected painting in 1918; and the more showmanlike Dalí, the exceptional painter of fantastical landscapes; were united by a combination of humour and scepticism that led both to challenge conventional views of art and life.


Professor Dawn Ades CBE, Dr William Jeffett, Gavin Parkinson, Ed Ruscha, Cécile Debray‐Amar, Pilar Parcerisas, Montse Aguer Teixidor Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 240 mm | 224 p | 150 col.ill. € 47,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Royal Academy (ACC) ISBN: 9781910350478 (E) I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E This collection of rarely seen masterpieces from The Phillips Collection traces the development of American art from Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism. During the Gilded Age, American artists like Julian Alden Weir, John Henry Twachtman, Ernest Lawson, and others developed landscape paintings which set the course for modern art in America.

From Hopper to Rothko America's Road to Modern Art

Expo: 17/06/2017 ‐ 03/10/2017, Museum Barberini, Potsdam, Germany Ortrud Westheider & Michael Philipp (editors) Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 248 p | 200 col.ill. € 52,00 | July 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791356938 (E) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART


Mark Rothko's iconic paintings are some of the most profound works of twentieth‐century Abstract Expressionism. This collection presents fifty large‐scale artworks from the American master's colour field period (1949 1970) alongside essays by seminal modern art critic and Rothko biographer Dore Ashton and SFMOMA curator of painting and sculpture Janet Bishop. Featuring illuminating details about Rothko's life, influences, and legacy, and brimming with the emotional power and expressive colour..


Rothko The Color Field Paintings


foreword by Dore Ashton, compiled by Janet Bishop Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 229 mm € 37,95 | Sept. 2017 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452156590 (E) I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Expo: 21/10/2017 ‐ 25/02/2018, Memlingmuseum, Brugge Margaret K. Koerner (Ed) Hardback | NL? eNG? fR edS. 305 x 230 mm 232 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 49,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301917 (NL)

ISBN: 9789462301924 (E)

ISBN: 9789462301931 (F)

De unieke selectie uit het werk van William Kentridge en de uitzonderlijke locatie ‐ het Brugse Sint‐Janshospitaal, met zijn 800 jaar een van de oudste nog bestaande ziekenhuiscomplexen in Europa ‐ maken van deze tentoonstelling een niet te missen gebeuren over trauma en heling. Centraal staat een hedendaagse interpretatie van de middeleeuwse dodendans: More Sweetly Play the Dance, een video‐installatie van Kentridge uit 2015. De dialoog tussen de opmerkelijke setting en de geëxposeerde kunstwerken ‐ onder meer van Marcel Broodthaers, met wie Kentridge een aantal dingen gemeen heeft ‐ daagt de bezoeker uit om laag na laag van de geschiedenis te 'doorwerken'. De catalogus bevat vier verfrissende essays van Margaret Koster Koerner, curator van de tentoonstelling, Benjamin Buchloh, Joseph Leo Koerner en Harmon Siegel.

Cette exposition d'envergure présente une sélection exceptionnelle des oeuvres de William Kentridge pour l'Hôpital Saint‐Jean de Bruges. Illustrant les thèmes du traumatisme et de la guérison, elle est axée sur l'installation vidéo de 2015 More Sweetly Play the Dance, interprétation contemporaine de la Danse macabre du Moyen Âge.


William Kentridge Smoke, Ashes, Fable

Expo: 21/10/2017 ‐ 18/2/2018, S.M.A.K., Gent

Het oeuvre van Gerhard Richter overstijgt de historische scheiding tussen abstracte en figuratieve schilderkunst. Zijn werken beperken zich niet tot een zelfgenoegzaam spel van kleuren en vormen maar scheppen al evenmin een zuiver beeld van de realiteit. Zelfs als die realiteit en haar feitelijkheden de onderwerpen van zijn werken vormen, stelt de schilderende scepticus het figuratieve ter discussie. Met 25 sleutelwerken van de kunstenaar, en daarnaast nog andere werken uit de jaren '60‐'70.

Gerhard Richter Over schilderen. Vroege beelden

O.l.V. Stephan Berg, Christoph Schreier, Martin Germann Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 320 x 240 mm 128 p | 70 col.ill. € 29,95 | June 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301825 (NL) ISBN 9783777428949 (E)

Gerhard Richter Atlas Hardback | Eng. ed. 215 x 165 mm | 864 p | € 24,80 | [G] Walther Koenig Verlag ISBN: 9781933045474 (E)



Katrin Dekoninck is een allround kunstenares die de mens in al zijn eerlijkheid en eenzaamheid weergeeft. Op een indringende manier beroert ze de toeschouwer in verschillende disciplines. Hoewel de nadruk in die boek ligt op haar levensgrote sculpturen in klei is zij ook vaardig in tekenen, schilderen en handgemaakte animaties. Steven Van Der Heydenj tracht met woorden de deur op een kier te zetten op weg naar dialoog en verankering. Zijn gedichten schreef hij in interactie met de beelden van Katrin.


Katrin Dekoninck & Steven Van Der Heyden. Photography: Stef De Belder Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 210 x 260 mm | 96 p | 50 col.ill. € 24,95 | Nov. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565730 (E/ NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Een ontmoeting tussen woord en beeld



KOP toont een opeenvolging van schilderijen, tekeningen, collages, assemblages die onderling enorm verschillen. Zowel de uitdrukkingswijze, de technische uitvoering als de geladenheid van de vijftien maal zes objecten lopen sterk uiteen. Op de Beeck's fantasie lijkt onuitputtelijk, zijn creatief vermogen veelzijdig en onbeperkt, voortdurend balancerend op de grens tussen droom en werkelijkheid. Hij bouwt zich een klein universum uit dat teruggrijpt naar vroegere culturen maar evenzeer SF‐elementen.

Daniël Op de Beeck & Johan van Cauwenberge (photography) Hardback | NL ed. 200 x 350 mm | 80 p | 100 col.ill. € 29,95 | Sept 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565815 (NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Daniël Op de Beeck Kop

La pratique de l'artiste belge Jacques André consiste entre autres à acheter en nombre et accumuler des exemplaires des mêmes objets (le plus souvent des livres, disques et DVD, considérés comme « marqueurs culturels » de l'époque) pour ensuite les exposer ‐ en piles soigneusement architecturées, sous vitrines, sur étagères ou entassés sous les cimaises...

Jacques André Catalogue des achats 2004-2017

Edition Musée des Arts contemporains de la Fédération Wallonie‐Bruxelles Paperback | French ed. 275 x 210 mm | 56 p | 300 col.ill. € 9,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] MAC's Grand Hornu ISBN: 9782930368719 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

F Dit eenentwintigste nummer van de Cahiers van de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België verscheen ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling Pierre Lahaut, De jaren 60 georganiseerd door de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België. Ce vingt‐et‐unième numéro des Cahiers des Musées royaux des Beaux‐Arts de Belgique a été réalisé à l'occasion de l'exposition Pierre Lahaut, Les années 60 organisée par les Musées royaux des Beaux‐Arts de Belgique.

Camille Brasseur, Lambros Couloubaritsis, Michel Draguet Paperback | NL/ Fr ed. 210 x 170 mm | 80 p | 52 col.ill. € 18,00 | March 2017 [BE] K.M.S.K.B., Brussels ISBN: 9789077013144 (NL/ F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART (Belgium)

Pierre Lahaut les années 60 / de jaren 60

NL/F 24

Het persoonlijke archief van kunstenaar Raoul De Keyser (1930‐2012) omvat allerhande beeldmateriaal en documenten die een interessante kijk bieden op zijn leven, oeuvre en internationale netwerk. Deze publicatie bevat een selectie uit het archief dat door de zonen van de kunstenaar werd overgedragen aan Universiteit Gent ‐ een plek waar De Keyser nog als ambtenaar had gewerkt.

Archief Raoul De Keyser Archives Raoul De Keyser

Expo: 20/10/2017 ‐ 18/02/2018, SMAK, Gent Steven Jacobs (ed.) Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. 297 x 210 mm 60 p € 15,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] A&S/Books, UGent ISBN: 9789076714509 (E/ NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART (Belgium)

E/ NL Michiel & Arnout De Cleene [BE] Art Paper Editions ISBN: 9789490800673 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

A gridded flag blew for 39 days in the Citadelpark. 13 photographs and measurements were the starting for F#1‐13, a collection of photographs, wind barbs and texts.


F#1‐13 Michiel & Arnout De Cleene

Manor Grunewald Paperback | Eng. ed. 300 x 230 mm 240 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Art Paper Editions ISBN: 9789490800666 (E)

Manor Grunewald focuses on the process of transforming images, whereby the printing process itself, as well as the results achieved with various printing techniques, plays a special role within his compositions, in which order and chaos, the creating, breaking, interrupting and dissolving of structures, are all key elements.



Manor Grunewald External Hard Disk

Working closely together with her sister Lieve, who wanted to surprise Brigitte for her seventieth birthday, photographer Titus Simoens created a book out of old photographs and clippings of her college years. Leaving the design partly up to chance, Simoens builds an accidental and surprising narrative. Photo album meets artist's book in a story at once original and coincidental.

Paperback | Eng/ Bosnian ed. 275 x 205 mm | 176 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 33,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Art Paper Editions ISBN: 9789490800659 (E/ BOSNIAN)

Titus Simoens


For Brigitte 25

Expo: 26/10/2017 ‐ 19/11/2017, House of cultures, Saint‐Gilles


Caribaïest une artiste née à Tokyo en 1984. Elle est titulaire d'un Diplôme National Supérieur d'Expression Plastique (DNSEP,Fr,2008). Elle vit et travaille à Bruxelles depuis 2009et expose régulièrement son travail depuis 2004 en France et en Belgique où ellea reçu plusieurs prix et bourses de soutien à la création. «Caribaï est une peintre japonaise. Elle est née franco‐vénézuélienne à Tokyo.

Akira Mizubayashi & Claude Louis‐Combet Paperback with flaps | Eng./Fr. ed. 245 x 220 mm 112 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 24,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720290 (E/ F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Caribaï – Dépaysages Peintures & collages

Expo: 10/3/2017 ‐ 2/7/2017, K.M.S.K.B, Brussel ‐ M.R.B.A.B., Bruxelles

E/ F/ NL

The work of Brussels‐based artist Angel Vergara (°1958, Spain) is a continued research into the aesthetical and ethical power of the image. Through mediation and transformation of existing images by means of performance, video, installation and painting, Vergara questions the way images shape our reality.

Angel Vergara, Michel Draguet & Frederik Leen Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 320 x 250 mm 91 p € 35,00 | July 2017 [BE] AsaMER ISBN: 9789077013151 (E/ F/ NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

From Scene to Scene Angel Vergara

This publication forms the catalogue of three solo‐exhibitions of artist Katinka Bock in Paris, London and Toronto that were linked to the work 'Zarba Lonsa' which she created during her residency at Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers in Paris in 2016. Katinka Bock (°1976) creates sculptures and installations that explore temporality and space using clay, natural and found materials, and more recently bronze.


Zarba Lonsa Katinka Bock


Katinka Bock Japanese binding | Eng. ed. 280 x 216 mm 200 p | 112 col.ill. € 39,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321701 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Rudi Fuchs, Guy Massaux, Steven ten Thije, Luk Lambrecht, Lieze Eneman Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 217 mm 78 p € 24,50 | July 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321619 (E)


This publication documents Buren's large‐scale in‐situ work La salle aux piliers colorés, which was conceived for the project A Tiger Cannot Change its Stripes at the Cultural Centre of Strombeek and exhibited in three parts during 2016 with works of Simon Hantaï, Michel Parmentier, Jacques Villeglé, Athina Ioannou and Krijn de Koning. The book includes texts by a.o. Rudi Fuchs, Guy Massaux (Association Michel Parmentier) and Steven ten Thije (Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven).


Daniel Buren A Tiger cannot change its Stripes

Michael Schwab, Gerhard Eckel, David Pirrò Paperback | Eng. ed. 279 x 216 mm 400 p | 200 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. € 39,00 | 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321725 (E)


This book forms a catalogue of the research project 'Transpositions', instigated by Austrian artists Michael Schwab, Gerhard Eckel and David Pirrò. The project investigates the possibility of generating new auditory and visual forms based on the analysis and mathematical transformation of scientific data. In addition, the project studies whether and how these new forms are of scientific significance by asking the collaborating researchers to scientifically analyse the artistic outputs.


DA.TA (Transpositions)

Thierry De Cordier Paperback | French ed. 234 x 158 mm 272 p € 29,00 | Nov. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321664 (F)

As stated in the preface to this volume, the artist "one day started to collect ‐ endeavouring to uncover the absolute absurdity that would be God ‐ all affirmations of his being, whatever their character or source, contradictory or not." The result is a 272 pages compendium buffering even the most avid reader.

Dieu, Thierry De Cordier




Limited printrun: 300 copies Fabienne Audéoud Paperback | Eng./Fr. ed. 300 x 210 mm 112 p € 35,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321633 (E/ F)


Delphine Deguislage is staging sculpted limbs from a female body, which is both almighty and fragmented, together with reinterpreted household objects and tools, as well as distorted architectural fragments. Often chosen for their function and/or their symbolic significance, they concentrate forms of intensities. Posed and exposed, they seem to be reclaiming both a physical and mental realm.


Delphine Deguislage Fight, Fore, Free, To, One

Hardback | NL ed. 210 x 150 mm 160 p € 19,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321657 (NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Met dagboekfragmenten rijgt Ann Huybens in SOP de losse eindjes van haar leven weer aaneen. De hardnekkige hersentumor die haar 'eerste' leven als succesvolle modeontwerpster uit elkaar deed spatten, blij zich een weg banen door de nieuwe verbindingen die Ann elke dag opnieuw maakt. Het leven van alledag wordt begrensd door twee nieuwe marges: de epilepsieaanvallen enerzijds en de vervelende cocktail van medicatie en routine anderzijds.


SOP Ann Huybens

'Trying' is a retrospective publication about the oeuvre of Spanish artist Lopez Menchero, focussing on his artistic practice of the past 25 years. Between 2000 and 2002, the work of Belgian born Lopez Menchero was included in solo and group presentations in major Belgian institutions like Middelheim Museum, M HKA, CC Strombeek, D'Hondt‐Dhaenens and S.M.A.K.

Trying Emilio Lopez-Menchero

Hans Theys, Koen van Synghel, Luk Lambrecht Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 297 x 210 mm 320 p | 850 col.ill. € 45,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321527 (E/ F/ NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

E/ F/ NL Dit boek is de weerslag van het doctoraatsonderzoek van Nele Wynants aan Université libre de Bruxelles en de Universiteit Antwerpen. Het onderzoek bestudeert de immersieve ervaring van de toeschouwer in het hedendaagse theater. Aan de hand van historische voorbeelden trekt de auteur verbanden met hedendaagse immersieve kunsten en voert een pleidooi voor een sterk ervaringsgericht begrip van het kijken.


De Binnenkant Van Het Beeld Nele Wynants


Nele Wynants Paperback | NL ed. 235 x 165 mm 324 p | 33 col.ill. € 29,00 | Nov. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321671 (NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Deze publicatie vormt de neerslag van het doctoraatsonderzoek van Carla Swerts (°1992) waarin zij poogt het westerse beeld van het Midden‐Oosten ‐ de Oriënt ‐ te nuanceren door een alternatieve verbeelding van het gebied aan te reiken. Swerts neemt hierbij stelling in t.o.v. de positie van de kunstenaar, die binnen deze context vraagt om een actief engagement met het gebied, geworteld in de ervaring zelf.

Carla Swerts. Vormgeving: Studio Luc Derycke, Jeroen Wille Paperback | NL ed. 148 x 105 mm 480 p | 372 col. & bw ill € 19,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321718 (NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Woestijngetijden Een zintuiglijke hertekening van de Westerse verbeelding van het Midden-Oosten


Koenraad Tinel & Stefan Hertmans Hardback | NL ed. 275 x 189 mm 144 p | 112 col.ill. | 112 bw ill. € 35,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321640 (NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Koenraad Tinel (Gent, 1934) is beeldhouwer en tekenaar. Al heel vroeg begon hij te tekenen en piano te spelen. In 1944 vluchtten zijn ouders met hem en zijn zus naar Duitsland, een odyssee door de puinhopen van Europa die onuitwisbaar in zijn geheugen staat gegrift. Zijn sculpturen, veelal uit metaal en mixed media, vallen op door hun directe zeggingskracht en grote emotionele intensiteit.


Crux Tinel's Metamorphosis

This hybrid between canonical cataloguing and artist‐driven exhibiting will be the first comprehensive monography of Tim Volckaert (°1979). The work of Tim Volckaert translates a world vision where duality ‐ which characterizes and dominates the history of Western thought ‐ is central. In his drawings, sculptures and actions the image of 'the landscape' is often the starting point.


Archivist: An Introduction to the Work of Tim Volckaert


Authors: Hans Theys, Frank Maes, Stefan Hertmans, Joris Van der Borght, Karel Thienpont, Frederik Van Laere, Luc Derycke, Stef Van Bellingen, Pieter Vermeulen Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 330 x 240 mm 320 p | 600 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. € 45,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321695 (E/ NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Depuis bientôt 32 ans, le Centre d'Art Contemporain du Luxembourg Belge (CACLB) poursuit ses missions et de (Re)découvrez les multiples facettes de l'Art Contemporain au travers des réalisations mises en place ces dernières années dans cet écrin de verdure niché au coeur de la province du Luxembourg belge.

Alain Renoy Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 260 x 200 mm | 224 p € 39,00 | June 2017 [BE] Prisme Éditions ISBN: 9782930451220 (E/ F)

Habiter les Lieux ‐ Occupying Spaces


Centre d'Art Contemporain du Luxembourg belge


Un voyage onirique à travers dix‐neuf triptyques. Ou comment un poète choisit de mettre en vis‐à‐vis deux oeuvres, l'une d'un maître intemporel du XVIe au XXe siècles, européen, et l'autre d'un artiste émergeant, reconnu, du monde d'aujourd'hui. Entre Klimt et Custodio, plusieurs femmes, pourtant si proches ?

Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 88 p € 39,00 | Nov. 2011 [BE] Prisme Éditions ISBN: 9782930451244 (E/ F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Nicolas Le Brun Triptyques Poetiques


Expo: 23/09/2017 ‐ 21/01/2018, Keramis, La Louvière Frank Steyaert Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 300 x 240 mm 176 p € 39,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Prisme Éditions ISBN: 9782930451237 (E/ F)

Frank Steyaert est né en 1953 à Termonde, en Belgique. Son oeuvre se rattache à la Nouvelle Céramique, un courant international émergeant dans les années 1970 et caractérisé notamment par une approche sculpturale réaliste. Artiste pluridisciplinaire, doté d'un énorme bagage technique, il est céramiste et auteur de bijoux, d'estampes, de meubles et d'éléments monumentaux en terre cuite intégrés à des projets d'architecture.


Frank Steyaert Memorabilia



Jan Andriesse, Bert Boogaard, Ulrich Bischiff, Marlene Dumas, Christfried Weirauch Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 320 x 235 mm 88 p | 75 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | Oct. 2017 [G] Walther Koenig Verlag ISBN: 9783960982494 (E/ G)

The renowned international artist Marlene Dumas created a big new altarpiece for the Annenkirche in Dresden. It draws on Christian motifs and explores their meaning in the story of Salvation. The publication includes a lot of illustrations of the altarpiece and Dumas' working process. In her own article she speaks about the background and motives of her paintings.


Marlene Dumas An Altarpiece for the Annenkirche in Dresden

Public Works is a comprehensive monograph on American artist Rita McBride (born 1960), whose pieces made with everyday objects and structures blur the lines between sculpture, architectural installation and industrial design. The volume addresses a body of public artwork spanning a 20‐year period.

Rita McBride Public Works

Expo: 15/9/2017 ‐ 7/1/2018, Wiels, Brussels A Field Manual by Gina Ashcraft & Mark von Schlegell. Paperback | Eng. ed. 211 x 140 mm | 352 p | 400 col.ill. € 29,80 | Feb. 2016 [G] Walther Koenig Verlag ISBN: 9783863358501 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

E At first sight, this may seem anachronistic, as we live in times marked by an almost iconoclastic storm of media images that reduces any visual material to the same level of meaning. With regard to the seemingly endless possibilities, however, the appropriation of artworks and thus of a relatively small and, moreover, extremely charged segment of image production, raises exciting questions, with a poignancy that would be impossible when it comes to the integration of non‐art material.

Editors: Verena Gamper & Florian Steininger Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 280 x 230 mm | 208 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | Nov. 2017 [G] Walther Koenig Verlag ISBN: 9783960982524 (E/ G) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Remastered Die Kunst der Aneignung / The Art of Appropriation

The acrylic paintings by the Düsseldorf‐based painter Sven Kroner (*1973 in Kempten) have an element of longing nourished by memories of things past. At the same time, they also tell of the desire for fateful unpredictability and irrationality. What the viewer often initially reads as the pleasant feeling of an idyll in the style of the old masters, frequently dissolves into an experience imbued with irony and unreality: it is not an airplane that comes down over Kroner's model railroad‐like fir forests, bu

Sven Kroner

E 31

by Oliver Zybok Hardback | Eng. ed. 299 x 228 mm | 160 p € 35,00 | July 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775742948 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Jonathan Jones Hardback | Eng. ed. 325 x 249 mm 400 p € 81,50 | Oct. 2017 [US] Rizzoli + ISBN: 9780847860166 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


Compiled in close collaboration with the artist and unprecedented in its scope, this definitive book collects ten years of Tracey Emin's drawings, paintings, sculptures, appliques and embroideries, neons, video stills, and installations. A multimedia artist whose intensely personal work blurs the boundaries between art and life, Emin remains one of the most highly publicised contemporary British artists and continues to stir as much controversy as she has acclaim.

TRACY EMIN Works 2007-2017

Expo: 12/09/2017 ‐ 28/01/2018 / 16/02/2018 ‐ 27/05/2018, Barbican Art Gallery, London / Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt


Basquiat first came to prominence when he collaborated with Al Diaz to spray‐paint enigmatic statements under the pseudonym SAMO(c). He went on to work on collages, Xerox art, postcards, performances, and music before establishing his reputation as one of the most important painters of his generation.

Dieter Buchhar, Eleanor Nairne & Lotte Johnson Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 296 p | 300 col.ill. € 50,00 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791356365 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Basquiat Boom for Real

Reprint Ronnie Wood Hardback | Eng. ed. 267 x 207 mm 272 p € 34,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9781780678665 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


Ronnie Wood is one of the foremost rock guitarists in the world, but his artistic talents extend beyond music. Throughout his stellar musical career from The Birds to the Faces and the Rolling Stones, Ronnie has never lost his passion for painting, drawing and sculpture. Exuding the same irrepressible energy as Ronnie himself, Ronnie Wood: Artist is the first ever comprehensive collection of his paintings and other artworks, created to mark the occasion of his seventieth birthday.

Ronnie Wood Artist 32

This first volume in a catalogue raisonné of Tuymans's paintings surveys nearly 200 works that were vital to his artistic development. The years 1978 to 1994 witnessed the maturation of his signature method of painting from preexisting imagery‐such as magazine images, Polaroids, and television footage‐as well as his first solo exhibition. This publication is a testament to Tuymans's persistent assertion of the relevance and importance of painting‐a conviction that he maintains even in today's digital world

Eva Meyer‐Herrmann Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | 448 p € 210,00 | Nov. 2017 [US] David Zwirner Books ISBN: 9781941701614 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART (Belgium)

Luc Tuymans: Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings. Volume I: 1978-1994

E Deborah Wye, Jerry Gorovoy Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 267 x 230 mm 248 p | throughout col.ill. € 62,95 | Sept. 2017 [US] MOMA, N.Y. ISBN: 9781633450417 (E)

The first publication to fully survey Louise Bourgeois's printmaking, a major component of her artistic practice.


Louise Bourgeois An Unfolding Portrait


This memoir spans Marina Abramovic's five decade career, and tells a life story that is almost as exhilarating and extraordinary as her groundbreaking performance art. Taking us from her early life in communist ex‐Yugoslavia, to her time as a young art student in Belgrade in the 1970s, where she first made her mark with a series of pieces that used the body as a canvas, the book also describes her relationship with the performance artist named Ulay who was her lover and sole collaborator for 12 years.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 198 x 134 mm | 384 p € 15,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Penguin UK ISBN: 9780241974520 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Marina Abramovic

Abramovic Marina

The Cleaner

Walk Through Walls

Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 217 mm | 272 p | 180 col.ill. € 39,80 | Feb. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775742610 (E)


Fifty postcards featuring Sophie Calle's best‐known works.

Sophie Calle: My All

50 Postcards Cards | Eng. ed. 150 x 105 mm | 50 p € 32,00 | June 2017 [F] Editions Actes Sud (T&H distr.) ISBN: 9782330053697 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

E 33

Expo: 12/09/2017 ‐ 04/02/2018, Tate Britain, London Ann Gallagher Paperback | Eng. ed. 257 x 220 mm 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 33,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764643 (E)

Born in London in 1963, Rachel Whiteread is one of Britain s most exciting contemporary artists. Her work is characterised by its use of industrial materials such as plaster, concrete, resin, rubber and metal. With these she casts the surfaces and volume in and around everyday objects and architectural space, creating evocative sculptures that range from the intimate to the monumental.


Rachel Whiteread

Rachel Whiteread. Modern Artists Series


Charlotte Mullins Paperback | Eng. ed. | 128 p | 100 col.ill. |€ 22,95 | Sept. 2017 ISBN: 9781849765633 (E)

Expo: 10/10/2017 ‐ 04/02/2018, Tate Modern, London Edited by Juliet Bingham Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm 224 p € 32,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764650 (E)



Russian‐born conceptual artists Ilya and Emilia Kabakov are among the most celebrated artists of their generation. Known for their pioneering large‐scale environments and installations, the artists' work fuses the everyday with the conceptual. Deeply rooted in the visual culture of Soviet society yet speaking equally to universal themes, their work is characterised by a sense of melancholia but also humour.


Ilya and Emilia Kabakov

Expo: 12/7/2017 ‐ 22/10/2017, Tate Modern, London

In the period of radical change that was 1963‐83, young black artists at the beginning of their careers in the USA confronted key questions and pressures. How could they make art that would stand as innovative, original, formally and materially complex, while also making work that reflected their concerns and experience as black Americans? This significant new publication surveys this crucial period in American art history, bringing to light previously neglected histories of twentieth‐century black artists.

Soul of a Nation Art in the Age of Black Power

E 34

Edited by Mark Godfrey and Zoe Whitley Paperback | Eng. ed. 257 x 220 mm 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 40,50 | July 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764636 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Expo: 20/10/2017 ‐ 25/02/2018, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

The Van Gogh Museum invited the celebrated Chinese artist Zeng Fanzhi to present recent work inspired by Vincent van Gogh. Although the two artists differ greatly in historical period and place of origin, their art is very similar in substance. This similarity is apparent in the themes that Van Gogh and Zeng both perpetually explore, such as style, identity and personality, and the question of self‐control and the outside world's degree of control over the individual.

Axel Rüger, Hans den Hartog Jager, Gladys Chung Hardback | Eng./Chin. ed 260 x 240 mm 80 p | 38 col.ill. € 20,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée ISBN: 9789079310883 (E/ CHIN) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Zeng Fanzhi ‐ Van Gogh

Expo: 27/08/2017 ‐ 22/10/2017, Ludwig Museum, Koblenz

Internationally renowned British sculptor Tony Cragg (1949) is presented here through a selection of his latest sculptures as well as an overview of his graphic works, showing his artistic path and creative process from the initial idea to the final object. Tony Cragg has set his relations between the natural and the artificial. In his work, there is a momentum swinging towards the invisible and the visible.

Edited by Oscar J. Antuña Benítez, Beate Reifenscheid Paperback with flaps | Eng./ Germ. ed. 270 x 210 mm 120 p | 95 col.ill. € 25,00 | Sept. 2017 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836637997 (E/ G) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Tony Cragg Sculptures and Works on Paper

Cy Twombly' most personal and intimate work group, most of it from the artist's private collection. With a special dust jacket created by the artist for this new edition and essays by Simon Schama and Roland Barthes.

Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 338 x 244 mm | 160 p € 49,80 | Aug. 2017 [G] Schirmer/ Mosel ISBN: 9783829607872 (E/ G)

Cy Twombly


50 Years of Works on Paper


100 colour illustrations Hardback | Eng. ed. 203 x 279 mm 144 p | 100 col.ill. € 27,95 | Oct. 2017 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419724633 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

E Dave Eggers is one of the most notable writers of his generation, recognised for such bestselling and critically acclaimed books as A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, A Hologram for the King, What Is the What, and The Circle. Before he embarked on his writing career, Eggers was classically trained as a draftsman and painter.

Dave Eggers Ungrateful Mammals

In the Darkness of the Night is an artist's book by Bruno Munari. Through a compelling combination of paper stocks, cut outs, and simple but lively animal illustrations, the book follows interconnected journeys across three tales in three settings: in the night, in the meadow, and in a cave.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 241 x 171 mm | 60 p € 31,50 | Oct. 2017 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616896300 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

In the Darkness of the Night Bruno Munari


'Art is theft,' Picasso once proclaimed. The wily old Spaniard was being provocative ‐ he often equated theft to what could more benignly be called influence. But increasingly much of the best and, even, most original art involves an act or two of unequivocal, overt theft ‐ an act of simple copy and paste.

Beg, Steal and Borrow

Robert Shore Paperback | Eng. ed. 185 x 135 mm | 192 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 18,20 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780679464 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Artists Against Originality



Design: Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 220 mm 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 12,00 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Elephant Magazine ISBN: 015584 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN


Direct, spontaneous and multidisciplinary, Elephant surveys the international visual art scene in greater depth and with more energy than any other publication. Social media provides us with an endless stream of images celebrating the perfect life‐the perfect body, the perfect dinner, the perfect couple enjoying the perfect sunset in the perfect holiday destination. But are we living better lives as a result of this idealizing visual bombardment? In issue 32 of Elephant we talk to artists who are scrutiniz

Elephant N° 32 The Art and Culture Magazine - Fall 2017

Exclusief bij Oogst 11 : een stadskaart van Antwerpen van de hand van dichter Maarten Inghels Deze mensen werkten mee: Jim Hollingworth ‐ Hans Bogaert ‐ Frederik Willem Daem ‐ Saskia de Coster‐ Sam De Wilde ‐ Miles Fischler ‐ gerlach en koop ‐ Maarten Inghels ‐ Andrés Neuman ‐ Daan Pieters ‐ Bruno V. Roels ‐ Daniël Rovers ‐ Bryan Schutmaat ‐ Batia Suter ‐ Jozefien Van Beek ‐ Stefan Vanthuyne.

Jozefien Van Beek, Frederik Willem Daem Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm | 92 p | throughout col.ill. € 14,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Oogst Magazine ISBN: 9789082746907 (NL)

Oogst ‐ Vol. 11


Een tentoonstelling op papier



Drawing Masterclass explores the act of vision of the world's great artists, describing how the images were created to allow you to weave some of this magic into your own drawings. The book is organized into seven chapters covering important genres: nudes, figures, landscapes, still life and studies, heads, fantasy and abstraction.

Drawing Masterclass

Guy Noble Flexi cover | Eng. ed. 242 x 199 mm | 288 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 27,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500293393 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

Creative Techniques of 100 Great Artists

E Copying is how we learn. It is the oldest, grandest tradition and essential to an artist's development. Featuring 20 masterpieces by Michelangelo, Modigliani, Matisse, and more, The Nude Sketchbook is the first in an innovative new series that combines careful study with independent expression. Each image is accompanied by helpful prompts from iconic artists, critics, and art historians, with plenty of blank space to practice and explore within the theme.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 248 x 190 mm | 128 p € 15,50 | July 2017 [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781574881 (E) II09 ‐ DIY

The Nude Sketchbook: Learn the art of drawing from the masters (The Ilex Sketchbook)


E The Portrait Sketchbook Learn the art of drawing from the masters (The Ilex Sketchbook) With centuries of artistic wisdom, The Portrait Sketchbook offers everything you need to train your eye, hand, and mind. Featuring 20 works and a host of helpful prompts [UK] Ilex (Octopus) | 248 x 190 mm | 128 p | € 15,50 9781781575031 (E, PB) [BE] | Jul y 2017


E The Still-Life Sketchbook

The Anatomy Sketchbook

(The Ilex Sketchbook)

(The Ilex Sketchbook)

Line, shape, space, composition and depth are most simply understood through the study and practice of still-life drawing.

Anatomical mastery was critical to Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci's success. They understood that to draw a figure you must first learn its underlying architecture. . Includes 20 pioneering examples of anatomical study.

[UK] Ilex (Octopus) | 248 x 190 mm | 128 p | € 15,60 [BE] | Feb. 2018 9781781575345 (E, PB)


[UK] Ilex (Octopus) | 248 x 190 mm | 128 p | € 15,60 [BE] | Feb. 2018 9781781575055 (E, PB)

This book demystifies the art and practice of drawing. Through fifty drawings by great masters past and present, the techniques and ideas behind their master sketches will put you on the path to making your own great drawings.

Read This if You Want to Be Great at Drawing

Selwyn Leamy Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 180 mm | 128 p | € 18,40 | Oct. 2017 | [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270542 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

E Alex Hammond Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 148 mm 144 p | 110 col. & bw ill € 18,40 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270832 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Since software programs have come to dominate offices and studios, the pencil has become a symbol for creative freedom. In other words, the work you do on the computer is what you do for work, to pay the rent, whereas the stuff you do with your pencil is the stuff you do for fun.


The Secret Life of the Pencil Great Creatives and their Pencils

Artist and life drawing expert Jake Spicer takes you through a series of carefully crafted tutorials, from how to put together a basic portrait sketch to developing your portraits and then taking your drawings further. From understanding and constructing the head and shaping the hair, to checking the relationships of the features and achieving a lifelike expression, every aspect of the portrait process is examined, along with advice on which materials to use and how to find a model.

Reprint Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 128 p | € 12,60 | Oct. 2017 ‐R/P | [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781570357 (E) II09 ‐ DIY

Draw Faces in 15 Minutes Amaze your friends with your portrait skills

E Yes, you can draw! And this book will show you how. By the time you finish reading, youll have all the skills you need to sketch a convincing clothed figure in 15 minutes. Artist, life drawing expert, and best‐selling author Jake Spicer takes you through a series of carefully cra!ed tutorials, from how to put together a basic sketch of a person to developing your drawings and taking them further.

Draw People in 15 Minutes Create a Length Portrait with only Pencil & Paper (Draw in 15 Minutes)

E 39

Reprint Jake Spicer Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. | 225 x 177 mm | 128 p | € 12,60 | Oct. 2017 ‐R/P | [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781572085 (E) II09 ‐ DIY

Morbid Anatomy Hardback | Eng. ed. 264 x 206 mm 368 p € 41,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519714 (E) I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Death is an inevitable fact of life. Throughout the centuries, humanity has sought to understand this sobering thought through art and ritual. The theme of memento mori informs medieval Danse Macabre, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Renaissance paintings of dissected corpses and "anatomical Eves," Gothic literature, funeral effigies, Halloween, and paintings of the Last Judgment.


Death: A Graveside Companion

Faye Dowling Paperback | Eng. ed. 190 x 150 mm 160 p € 18,40 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270429 (E)


From fine art to street style, the aesthetics and motifs of the gothic are entwined with the heart of today's alternative visual culture. Vampires and demons have become screen icons of the modern underworld. Skulls, crosses and religious iconography represent symbols of rebellion for a new gothic generation, a shorthand for an allegiance with a modern day underworld where monsters and misfits rule the world.


The Book of Black Susan Owens Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 152 mm 240 p | 80 col.ill. € 26,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764674 (E) I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Ghosts are woven into the very fabric of British life. Their enduring popularity in literature, art, folklore and film attests to their continuing power to fascinate, terrify and inspire. Our conceptions of ghosts the fears that they provoke, the forms they take personifies our shared past, reminding us of the layers of history beneath our feet and of old stories and timeless terrors that refuse to be erased.


The Ghost A Cultural History 40

Hannah Graves (editor) Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 225 mm 288 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Oct. 2017 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899559262 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Modern‐day passion, tangible tradition, and striking creativity: trace how tattooing continues to evolve in the follow up to Forever. From the fluidity of watercolor to the meticulous nature of dotwork to the stunning detail of realism, the various styles of tattooing allow creativity to flourish. And whether inked in a clandestine spot or showcased visibly, every piece has its story. In Ukraine and Turkey, tattoos are political statements.


Forever More The new Tattoo

Steven Burton & Father Greg Boyle Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 224 mm 176 p | 240 col. & bw ill € 46,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576878491 (E) I20b ‐ COUNTER CULTURE


Skin Deep is a project that seeks to show the effects of this ongoing gang conflict in Los Angeles. Steven Burton set out to photograph realistic portraits of former gang members who are trying to escape the revolving door of death and prison. The aftermath of gang life is not only carried within ‐ it is also scrawled across faces and bodies. Skin Deep uniquely highlights the impact tattoos have on the way a person is perceived by showing what each participant might look like without them.

Skin Deep Looking Beyond the Tattoos Jonathan Shaw Hardback | Eng. ed. 277 x 315 mm 256 p | 240 col. & bw ill € 63,50 | Oct. 2017 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576878477 (E) I20b ‐ COUNTER CULTURE


In Vintage Tattoo Flash: Volume 2, Jonathan Shaw unearths more gems from his extensive and world‐renowned collection of traditional American tattoo art. Comprised entirely of previously unseen and unpublished work, Volume 2 picks up where the first volume left off ‐ contributing a new and important body of work to the historical record of this outsider art form.

Vintage Tattoo Flash Volume 2


Tom Angell Hardback | Eng. ed. 190 x 130 mm 224 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,50 | Sept. 2017 [AUS] Hardie Grant ISBN: 9781784881207 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

London is a world leader in tattoo art and The London Tattoo Guide is the authoritative, first‐of‐a‐kind and beautifully presented handbook that illuminates the leading pioneers of the city's tattoo industry. The book profiles the top London studios championing new aesthetics and techniques, and celebrates their resident tattooists.


London Tattoo Guide

2017 edition with more pages, updated to include Dismaland, Calais & Gaza Gary Shove & Patrick Potter Hardback | Eng. ed. 259 x 221 mm 240 p € 31,50 | July 2017 ‐R/P [UK] Carpet Bombing Culture books ISBN: 9781908211309 (E)


The single best collection of photography of Banksy's street work that has ever been assembled for print, covering his entire street art career, spanning the late '90s right up to 2016. If that isn't enough there are some words too. This new 2017 edition includes his groundbreaking 'Dismaland' show, the Calais refugee crisis wake‐up, as well as new works from Gaza and Bristol. This book is designed to provoke and inspire you ‐ and is a work of art in itself.

Banksy You Are An Acceptable Level Of Threat



Chris Riddell. Created by Spymonkey Boxed | Eng. ed. 140 x 89 mm € 14,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452162478 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES


Who had the greatest last words, and what were they? Who enjoyed the slowest, most tedious death? Who had it coming more than anyone else? From the celebrated comedy ensemble SpyMonkey and acclaimed illustrator Chris Riddell, this hilariously morbid (and informative!) trump card game has players testing their knowledge while having a lark with everyone’s favorite Shakespearean construct: the amazing deaths!

Great Shakespearean Deaths Card Game

Rohan Daniel Eason Boxed | Eng. ed. 203 x 121 mm 20 cards € 19,95 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270221 (E)

Fire your imagination with these fun storytelling cards. Reviving the Victorian craze for 'myrioramas', the 20 picture cards can be placed in any order to create seamless scenes. Almost infinite combinations of cards provide endless storyscaping possibilities. Traverse an enchanted landscape as you build a perpetual panorama inhabited by fire‐breathing dragons, magical unicorns and sinister shadow figures. With many games to play and millions of stories to tell, each turn of the card is a new adventure.



The Hollow Woods Story-Telling Card Game

Boxed | Eng. ed. 78 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,50 | Nov. 2017 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452164342 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES


This deluxe box houses a beautifully rendered and wholly original tarot card deck and detailed guidebook. Each of the 78 Major and Arcana cards features a tarot archetype depicted in the likeness of a GoT character, place, or object. Artist and tarot expert Craig Cross has hand cut a lino block for each card, which he then prints and watercolours. Tarot writer Liz DeanÆs guide book provides an overview of the deck, how to interpret each card, and how to do a reading.

HBO's Game of Thrones Tarot 43

Dit is de eerste publicatie die volledig is gewijd aan de voorstelling van moeders en kinderen in de kunst van het hele Afrikaanse continent. Voorstellingen van moeders en kinderen zijn niet weg te denken uit de beeldende kunsten van het Afrikaanse continent, van de prehistorische rotskunst in Egypte en de Sahara tot de hedendaagse kunst van Zuid‐Afrika. Dit boek legt een klemtoon op vroegere, traditionele kunstvormen die hoofdzakelijk werden voortgebracht door en voor mannen in patriarchale sociaalpolitieke stelsels. Deze vertrouwde figuren idealiseerden en verheerlijkten het moederschap om de status quo in stand te houden. In recentere voorbeelden, vele gemaakt door vrouwen die ook moeder zijn, wordt het moederschap dan weer veel realistischer en subjectiever benaderd.


Maternity Herbert M. Cole

Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. and Fr. eds. | 297 x 245 mm | 384 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 79,95 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301801 (E)

ISBN: 9789462301818 (F) ‐ I07 ETHNOGRAPHY & AFRICAN ART

Mothers and Children in the Arts of Africa Sur le continent africain, les images de mères et d'enfants dominent partout où les arts visuels sont valorisés, des sites d'art rupestre de l'Égypte et du Sahara aux arts contemporains d'Afrique du Sud. Déclinées dans une grande variété de matières ‐ de la pierre au bois en passant par l'ivoire, les métaux, le perlage et même les tableaux ‐ les images maternelles sont utilisées par tous, des gens du peuple aux rois, et animent pratiquement tout type d'objet fabriqué dans la région.

Maternité Mères et enfants dans les arts d'Afrique

Expo: 14/9/2017 ‐ 14/01/2018, British Museum, London Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 250 mm 368 p | 300 col.ill. € 56,00 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500021286 (E) I06 ‐ ARCHAEOLOGY

Takes readers on a journey from antiquity to modern archaeology to tell the story of the Scythians, the great nomadic civilization that flourished in southern Siberia from 900‐400 BC.


Scythians Warriors of ancient Siberia


Reeks " Collecties van het KMMA ", Co‐editie met Philippe de Moerloose Patricia Van Schuylenbergh en Han de Koijer (ed.)

Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 180 x 155 mm | 208 p | 160 col.ill. € 19,50 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA) ISBN: 9789492669056 (NL) Série "Collections du MRAC", Une coédition Philippe de Moerloose ISBN: 9789492669049 (F)

Vandaag, net als in het verleden, geniet het Nationaal Park Virunga, het voormalige Nationaal Albert Park, van een internationale reputatie en erkenning. Het is het eerste nationaal park op het Afrikaanse continent, gecreëerd door de Belgen, met de steun van Amerikaanse wetenschappers om de berggorilla beter te kunnen beschermen. Deze leeft verspreid over een uitgestrekt gebied dat bestaat uit een diversiteit aan natuurlijke habitats met uitzonderlijke fauna en flora, die koste wat kost onaangetast moesten blijven. In het licht van dit streefdoel, draaide het wetenschappelijk beheer van het park voornamelijk rond een volledige inventarisatie en een ecologische follow‐up op lange termijns.


Virunga Archieven en collecties van een uitzonderlijk nationaal park

Aujourd'hui comme par le passé, le Parc national des Virunga, ex‐Parc national Albert, jouit d'une réputation et d'une reconnaissance internationale. Premier parc national du continent africain, créé par les Belges avec l'appui de scientifiques américains pour hâter la protection du gorille de montagne, celui‐ci recouvre une vaste zone constituée par une diversité d'habitats naturels qui sont les refuges d'une faune et d'une flore exceptionnelles qu'il s'agissait de préserver à tous prix.

Virunga Archives et collections d’un parc national d’exception

Series "Collections of the RMCA", Co‐published with Philippe de Moerloose

Virunga Archives and collections of an outsanting national park

ISBN: 9789492669063 (E)

Hardback | Eng. ed. 200 x 152 mm 352 p € 22,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Workman ISBN: 9780761189817 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

A tour of medicine's most outlandish misfires, Quackery dives into 35 "treatments", exploring their various uses and why they thankfully fell out of favour ‐ some more recently than you might think. Looking back in horror and a dash of dark humour, the book provides readers with an illuminating lesson in how medicine is very much an evolving process of trial and error, and how the doctor doesn't always know bests.


Quackery A Brief History of the Worst ways to cure Everything


De verlovingsring van Maria van Bourgondië, de indrukwekkende Mariakroon van de Antwerpse Kathedraal, de imposante Russische tsarenkroon van de Romanovs, de diadeem van Cartier die koningin Elisabeth van België droeg en de 'bling bling' van populaire hiphoppers van nu. Ze tonen stuk voor stuk hoe diamanten vorm geven aan onze verlangens. Hedendaagse werken van Berlinde De Bruyckere, Jan Fabre, Phillip Aguirre, Sobudh Gupta en Thierry de Cordier zorgen voor een kritische blik.

Schitterend Verlangen

Expo: 18/10/2017 ‐ 14/1/2018, Mas, Antwerpen Hardback | NL & Eng eds. 235 x 170 mm | 160 p € 19,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867524 (NL)

ISBN: 9789085867531 (E)


Hoe menselijke verlangens zich vertonen als diamanten

Dazzling Desire

NL - E

Diamonds and their emotional meaning

Deze mooi uitgegeven catalogus belicht de geëmailleerde uurwerken (1650‐1850). Deze prachtiche kleinoden vormen een belangrijk onderdeel van de rijke verzameling precisie‐instrumenten van de KMKG. In een eerste deel wordt de evolutie weergegeven 'van horologium tot uurwerk'. Vervolgens worden de geëmailleerde horlogekastjes onder de loep genomen. Daarbij wordt uitvoerig aandacht besteed aan de geëmailleerde versiering, de iconografie hiervan en het artistieke landschap van de periode 1650‐1850.

Sophie Balace, Janette Lefrancq, Van Gompen Michaël Paperback | NL/ Fr ed. 210 x 210 mm | 104 p € 12,00 | June 2017 [BE] K.M.K.G./ M.R.A.H. ISBN: KMKG15253 (NL/ F) I08 ‐ ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES

Once upon a time.


/ ÅJH G RU GH OD PRQWUH ÌPDLOOÌH Het gouden tijdperk van het geëmailleerde uurwerk (1650-1850)

Introduction by Lorenzo Benedetti Japanese binding | Eng. ed. 280 x 216 mm 272 p | 112 col.ill. € 39,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321732 (E)

Antonio Ratti was a captain of industry, philanthropist, Maecenas and art collector. Among his legacy is the Ratti Foundation at Lake Como, where the archive is held of textile designs, both historical and from the Ratti Indrustries. The foundation also houses a summer programme for contemporary artists.

Antonio Ratti Il Tessuto Come Arte: Antonio Ratti Imprenditore e Mecenate




Fotografe Daniëlle van Zadelhoff is een ongekend talent met een fascinatie voor de menselijke psyche. Het geeft haar foto's een spanning die niemand onberoerd laat. Eenzaamheid, kwetsbaarheid; rauwe, alledaagse, pure emoties biedt ze de toeschouwer in een totaal eigen integer afgebakende vorm aan. En dat terwijl Daniëlle pas in 2013 haar eerste camera kocht en ze zich vanaf dat moment er volledig in verloor; in uiterst positieve zin welteverstaan!

Expo: Summer 2017, Brugge Photo Festival, Sint‐ Janshospitaal, Brugge Neri Oxman, Ruud Priem, Fernando Francés

Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 305 x 235 mm | 248 p | throughout col.ill. € 56,00 | July 2017 [BE] Stockmans Art Books ISBN: 9789077207369 (E/ NL)

Hoewel de associatie met werken van de grote meesters uit de Vlaamse Primitieven of Zuid‐Nederlandse schilderkunst voor de hand ligt, mag deze niet de boventoon krijgen. Het is het talent van de Daniëlle van nu die met hedendaagse middelen in een compleet andere techniek als de fotografie nog treffender scoort. Het spel met het licht, de finesse van de kleurnuances, de inzet van het perspectief, de verfijnde touche; alles ten dienste van de compositie en het onderwerp. Daniëlle van Zaldelhoff; ongekende artisticiteit in fabelachtige sfeer gevangen.


Danielle van Zadelhoff


Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 192 p € 50,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Stockmans Art Books ISBN: 9789077207390 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY-FASHION

UN/CUT is a work of art. In UN/CUT, Pascal van Loenhout showcases his 'un‐hairdressy' cuts. The work of the unconventional Antwerp hairdresser was photographed by Charlie De Keersmaecker and given a design by Paul Boudens. The result is a timeless book that every fashion/hair fan will want on their coffee table.


UN/CUT Pascal Van Loenhout


The Picture of Dorya Glenn ‐ een samenwerking tussen fotograaf Filip Naudts en de Nederlands‐Chinese schrijfster/beeldend kunstenaar Julie O'Yang ‐ is een fotografische romance noir, een donkere surrealistische sci‐fi fotonovelle waarin de auteurs tevens de hoofdpersonages spelen: Julie in de gedaante van de buitenaardse Dorya Glenn, en Filip in die van zichzelf. De ambities van Julie en Filip zijn met Dorya Glenn zijn groot. Zo willen ze met hun hoofdpersonage Dorya Glenn een hype creëren, een TV‐format uitwerken en wereldwijd performances koppelen aan de uitgave van hun boek. Van Arno kregen ze alvast de toestemming om een van zijn songs te gebruiken voor de trailer van hun boek, en ook met Sioen is er een samenwerking in de maak.

E/NL Filip Naudts & Julie O'Yang

Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 160 p | 100 col.ill. € 24,95 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565778 (E/ NL) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

The Picture of Dorya Glenn Filip Naudts & Julie O'Yang

.tiff is het jaarlijkse magazine van het FoMu, voor inspirerende jonge Belgische fotografen. België barst van het fotografisch talent. De FoMu curatoren maken een strenge selectie uit wat zich in ons land aandient als aanstormend talent. .tiff is een magazine in poster formaat dat erom vraagt uit elkaar gehaald en binnenste buiten gekeerd te worden om zo een eigen leven te leiden. Maria Baoli, Pauline Beugnies, Jeroen Bocken, Arnaud De Wolf, Massao Mascaro, Pauline Niks, Thomas Nolf, Calixte Poncelet,

Maria Baoli, Pauline Beugnies, Jeroen Bocken, Arnaud De Wolf, Massao Mascaro, Pauline Niks, Thomas Nolf, Calixte Poncelet, Alexey Shlyk, Sine Van Menxsel. Portfolio | Eng. ed. 750 x 500 mm | 11 p € 5,50 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Fotografiemuseum ISBN: 9789066251908 (E)

TIFF 2016 Young Belgian Talent introduced by FoMu

10 folded A2 posters (62 cm x 43 cm). Annual magazine I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

E Hardback | Eng. ed. 380 x 279 mm 278 p | 150 bw ill. € 98,00 | Sept. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710249 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Aesthetically appealing high-quality photo book in a large format with artistic images of Hollywood legends such as Julia Roberts, Sylvester Stallone, Annie Leibovitz, Herb Ritts, Madonna and Prince

Hollywood Royale E 0DWWKHZ 5ROVWRQ 48

Hardback | E/F/NL/G/Sp ed 370 x 290 mm | 256 p | 60 col.ill. | 65 bw ill. € 79,90 | Aug. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710386 (E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Elegant and edgy, sophisticated and seductive, alluring and artistic, Belgian fine‐art photographer Frank De Mulder s images are all of this and so much more. A revered contemporary master of erotic photography whose images have been published in Playboy, Maxim, GQ as well as in four previous books, De Mulder has cemented his status as a leader in the field with original images that are flawlessly executed with painterly clarity while being sensually compelling. This newest book apt‐ ly titled Tribute is a visual salute to his illustrious career. Presenting some of his most celebrated photographs as well as several never‐before‐published shots, it brims with an erotic, daring, and intimate spirit. Known for his gorgeous models, exotic locations, and intriguing narratives, De Mulders images have garnered countless fans from across the world. Spanning provocative scenes captured in mysterious hotel rooms to elegant shots in some of nature s most splendid landscapes, Tribute transports readers to a world of beguiling female beauty while always being respectful of the subjects. After flipping through the pages of this book, viewers will come away with a unique impression of all the complexities of female sensuality: fragile, emotional, flamboyant, erotic. Whether you re a longtime follower of De Mulder s work or a newcomer to the enthralling world of erotic photography, this seminal book is a must‐have addition to any collection of photography volumes.

Frank De Mulder Tribute

With the first centrefold, the radiant Marilyn Monroe, Hugh M. Hefner masterminded a cultural icon: Playboy’s Playmate of the Month. This stunning volume contains all 734 nude centrefolds from 1954 to 2016, as well as an intro from Hefner and essays from literary luminaries, including Dave Hickey, Robert Coover, and Maureen Gibbon, amongst other. Updated to include an essay by Elisabeth Wurtzel (Prozac Nation), this collector’s edition captures the entire cultural and aesthetic arc of the Playboy centrefold


Foreword by Hugh Hefner, introduction by Dave Hickey Hardback | Eng. ed. 343 x 203 mm | 844 p € 68,95 | Sept. 2017 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452161037 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Playboy The Complete Centerfolds, 1953-2016

Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 340 x 275 mm 176 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 59,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710539 (E)


The photography of Daniella Midenge is the perfect symbiosis of artistic photography, erotic appeal, and an unforgettable signature style. Strong women, accentuated by their beauty and sensuality, are the hallmark of this fashion photographer, with her pictures evoking intimacy and passion. Black‐and‐white or colour, her photos have an incredible power of expression that draws the eye of men and women alike.

Sex & Cigarettes Daniella Midenge



Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 318 x 250 mm 224 p | 200 duotone ill. € 69,90 | July 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710393 (E/ F/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Elliott Erwitt's new masterpiece Cuba is dedicated to this South American country and presents images taken in 1964 and 2015/2016. In this high‐quality coffee‐table book Erwitt presents photographs of Fidel Castro, whom he got close like no other, and offers insights into the land and the people of Cuba.

Elliott Erwitt Cuba

Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 340 x 270 mm 224 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 59,95 | July 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710270 (E/ F/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


New York is probably the most photographed city in the world. It is hard to resist the fascination for the Big Apple, and many have tried to visually capture the singularly unique "Empire State of Mind." It's not just the classic landmarks that belong to an emotional portrait of the metropolis, but also the bustling life in the urban canyons of Manhattan and its neighborhoods. And this is why Bernhard Hartmann never approaches New York City from just one perspective.

New York

Bernhard Hartmann

Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm 176 p | 85 col.ill. € 59,90 | Oct. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710263 (E)

ISBN: 9783961710652 (F)

Serge Ramelli's new masterpiece: after having focused on Paris and New York he has now pointed the camera on the legendary city of Venice. With his impressive black‐and‐white images Ramelli brings Venice to life and takes you on a very special sightseeing tour.


Serge Ramelli Venice



Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm 220 p | 70 col.ill. € 39,90 | Aug. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710003 (E)

A compendium of over seventy colour, super‐magnified photographs of common and rare bug species. Will appeal to children and adults of all ages alike, because of the educational aspect to the book with accessible informational text, and of course, the sheer wonder of viewing the different insect types in intense macro detail. A visually‐breathtaking and intellectually‐enlightening addition to any child's bookshelf or grown‐up's coffee table.



Insecta Charles Nesbit

Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 240 p | 170 col.ill. € 49,90 | Aug. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710294 (E/ F/ G)

Comprehensive look at the world's most diverse tropical rain forests. Equally visual and informative, this book features both stunning photography and detailed texts. A meaningful gift for anyone with an interest in nature, animals, travel, and more.



Jungle Spirits Christian Ziegler

Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 314 x 246 mm 304 p | 137 col.ill. € 39,90 | Aug. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710379 (E/ F/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Poliza's bestseller is now available in a handy format and at an unbeatable price.


Best of Eyes over Africa Michael Poliza

Language can hardly convey the majesty and beauty of a landscape ‐ the photographs in Elements of Iceland speak volumes in their eloquence. Wettke's photographic journey across the volcanic island is guided by nature's elemental forces: he shows us the diverse forms of fire, water, air, light, and earth. Whether the structures of lava flows, sculptural ice formations, or nature's artworks, aurora borealis, lighting up the sky‐Jurgen Wettke's photography brings us closer to these wonders of nature.

Iceland Nature of the North


Jurgen Wettke Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 260 x 340 mm | 208 p | 135 col. & bw ill € 79,90 | Oct. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710287 (E/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Through breathtaking black‐and‐white images, Baheux captures the world's most beautiful icy landscapes and the fascinating animals that inhabit them. Taken in such far‐flung lands as Norway, Iceland, and Canada, Baheux's images present polar bears and their cubs, foxes frolicking in snow, and seals navigating icy waters. While the photographs convey evocative beauty, they also act as a call to action to protect these magnificent icy lands and the creatures that rely on them.

Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm | 192 p | 125 duotone ill. € 59,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710485 (E/ F/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Ice is Black Laurent Baheux

E/F/G Many have tried to convey the true spirit of Africa's animals in words, photography, or in music. There may be no challenge greater; Africa's fauna are vast in number and rich in diversity. In this finely crafted collection, French photographer Laurent Baheux uses the medium of black‐and‐white photography to capture the intricate details of both the wondrous beasts and the magnificent settings in which they dwell.

The Family Album of Wild Africa Laurent Baheux

Hardback | Eng ed. (F/G summ) 311 x 220 mm | 304 p | 175 duotone ill. € 39,90 | Aug. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710492 (E (F/G)) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY FRENCH COVER ISBN: 9783961710300 (F (E/G)) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Joachim Schmeisser Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm 176 p | 50 col.ill. | 50 bw ill. | 100 col. & bw ill € 59,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710478 (E/ F/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Because elephants are pachyderms, a combination of two Greek roots meaning "thick skin," one might think that nothing bothers them and that they lead quiet, safe lives. Nothing could be further from the truth: elephants have been hunted and killed for their ivory tusks since antiquity. And people often ignore the calves left behind, who must now live out their lives as traumatized and fearful orphans.

Elephants in Heaven


In her large photographs and films, Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra manages to capture people who have stopped somewhere ‐ in a park, on a beach, at a party, in life ‐ so that they are present to an astonishing degree, right there in that very moment. The artist is typically interested in transitions, the stages of life when we are on the way to becoming ourselves plus something else. Adolecents who stand somewhat insecure in swimsuits on the beach. The dancer who is fully immersed in music at a club. The young person who has put on a military uniform. The woman who has just given birth. . .

Expo: 21/9/2017 ‐ 30/12/2017, Museum of Modern Art, Louisiana


Edited by Michael Juul Holm. Essays by Poul Erik Tøjner and Thomas Weski, texts by Hans den Hartog Jager.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 245 mm | 328 p € 49,95 | Oct. 2017 [G] Walther Koenig Verlag ISBN: 9783960982166 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Expo: 28/5/2017 ‐1/10/2017, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel

Rineke Dijkstra. The Ones And The Many Retrospective

A life for pictures In his creative artistic work, Wolfgang Tillmans (*1968 in Remscheid) revolutionized the medium of photography in an unprecedented way and opened it up towards other media. Beginning in the early nineties, Tillmans documented the people and situations in his immediate surroundings in scenes from London, New York, or Berlin, creating the portrait of a new generation in a style‐defining manner. Since the late nineties he has been creating a greater number of cameraless, abstract images that develop from his direct work with and on photographic paper, some of which acquire a sculptural, object‐like character. He has also been developing innovative, anti‐hierarchical installations of his photographs in space in exhibition contexts. This catalogue is published on the occasion of an extensive exhibition of Tillmans's oeuvre at the Fondation Beyeler in Basel and arranges and groups his works in a fresh way.

Wolfgang Tillmans

Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 245 mm | 304 p | 383 col. & bw ill € 58,00 | Oct. 2017 ‐R/P [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743297 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Wolfgang Tillmans A Life for Pictures



"What are they all doing up there?" wondered the Züricher Tagesanzeiger. It's probably a "forgotten popular sport," suggested Der Spiegel. Focus even speculated about the "secret sex life of trees." One thing is certain: Jochen Raiss's Women in Trees, published by Hatje Cantz in June 2016, immediately became a best seller. This is true because‐as we like to believe‐the happiness felt by these women (who may have simply been in the mood to climb a tree) is palpable to us all.

Ed. Jochen Raiß, graphic design by Anja Haering Hardback | Eng. ed. 178 x 128 mm 112 p | 50 col.ill. € 15,00 | Sept. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743150 (E)

More Women in Trees


Climbing Up Again


The works of British artist Abigail Reynolds are always closely linked to literature. So it's not surprising that the winner of the third BMW Art Journey researched historical book collections on several continents for her project The Ruins of Time: Lost Libraries Along the Silk Road. On her five‐month‐long journey that took her from China through Kazakhstan to Turkey and Greece, Reynolds visited sites where libraries were lost due to political conflicts, plundering, natural disasters, and wars.

András Szántó Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 180 mm | 192 p | 80 col.ill. € 29,80 | Nov. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743051 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Abigail Reynolds The Ruins of Time

E The photographer and architect Gabriela Torres Ruiz (*1970 in Mexico City) shows how silence can be captured photographically and the associations it engenders. With a fine sense for the poetic interplay between light, color, and space, her Silence series juxtaposes landscape motifs and interior photographs in diptychs and triptychs.

Gabriela Torres Ruiz Silence

Timothy Persons Hardback | Eng./ Germ./ Sp.ed 290 x 230 mm | 112 p | 90 col.ill. € 40,00 | Oct. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743181 (E/ G/ SP) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

"My language is visual. I'm neither a sociologist, nor a journalist, nor an anthropologist‐well, perhaps marginally so." Christine Turnauer is a photographer with a passion. Her fascinating images focus on that which is magically unusual about everyday life. She has applied this approach to her latest series of photographs detailing her search for Roma history. Her documentation begins in Gujarat and Rajasthan in northwestern India, where the European Roma have their roots.

Karl‐Markus Gauß Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 280 mm | 276 p | 260 col.ill. € 68,00 | Oct. 2017 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775743075 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Christine Turnauer The Dignity of the Gypsies

E 54

Magnum Photos

Hardback | Eng. ed. 200 x 200 mm | 752 p | 365 col.ill. € 28,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791383767 (E)

Featuring new and iconic images, this follow‐up to Prestel's highly successful A Year in Photography: Magnum Archive includes some of the most striking photography ever collected in one volume. As readers flip the pages they will find themselves traveling from west to east across the globe. Each country is represented in three or four images captured by a single photographer. While renowned figures such as Robert Capa, Bruce Davidson, and Martin Parr are included, readers will also find younger photographers such as Olivia Arthur, Alessandra Sanguinetti, and Mikhael Subotzky, all of whom present dazzling new views of our changing world. Shining a light on the human condition in every corner of the globe, this compilation exemplifies Magnum founder Henry Cartier‐ Bresson's vision of "a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually."



Around the World in 365 Photos from the Magnum Archive

Magnum Atlas

Expo: 19/02/2017 ‐ 20/07/2017, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany


Pieter Hugo's images are unflinching and unforgettable. Beginning with "Looking Aside," his series of portraits of marginalized people, Hugo has striven to capture the African continent with empathy and impartiality. Whether confronting the aftermath of genocide in Rwanda, documenting electrical waste dumps in Ghana, or photographing in Nigeria's dynamic film industry, Nollywood, Hugo treats his subjects with reverence and awe.

Pieter Hugo, Ralf Beil, Uta Ruhkamp Paperback | Eng. ed. 315 x 260 mm 304 p | 285 col.ill. € 48,95 | June 2017 [UK] Prestel + ISBN: 9783791383842 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Pieter Hugo Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Expo: 26/04/2017 ‐ 14/08/2017, Centre Pompidou, Paris ‐ 23/09/2017 ‐ 04/02/2018, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art


Walker Evans was one of the most important American photographers of the 20th century. His focus on everyday life in America, in both urban and rural settings, makes him also one of the most relatable. This retrospective volume traces Evans' career through more than 300 images‐from his first photographs of the late 1920s to his Polaroids of the 1970s.

Walker Evans 55

Clément Chéroux Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 320 p | 400 col.ill. € 62,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791357065 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

From the oldest surviving photograph from 1826, to Trump's election win in 2016, this is a chronological tour through the greatest images ever captured, and an all‐inclusive guide to the art of photography. Featuring photographs from around the world and by myriad different photographers, readers can discover all the big names, from Henri Cartier‐Bresson to Annie Leibovitz, Ansel Adams to Helmut Newton, and many more besides.

Paul Lowe & Fred Ritchin Paperback | Eng. ed. 211 x 162 mm | 960 p € 25,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781844039173 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

1001 Photographs You Must See Before You Die

E Particular Books Mihaela Noroc Hardback | Eng. ed. 200 x 150 mm 352 p € 34,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Penguin UK ISBN: 9781846149412 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Since 2013 Mihaela Noroc has travelled the world with her backpack and camera taking photos of everyday women to showcase the diversity and beauty all around us. The Atlas of Beauty is a collection of her photographs that celebrates women from fifty countries across the globe and shows that beauty is everywhere, regardless of money, race or social status, and comes in many different sizes and colours.

The Atlas Of Beauty

Women of the World in 500 Portraits


The Earth has changed… A new edition of this classic book, with 100 new photographs by Yann‐Arthus Bertrand. The result of a five‐year airborne odyssey across five continents and sixty countries, The Earth from the Air is the bestselling and most popular book of aerial photography ever published. This updated edition of the internationally acclaimed original features an updated text and over 100 breathtaking new photographs.

New edition (new texts & images) Hardback | Eng. ed. 364 x 285 mm | 440 p | throughout col.ill. € 70,00 | Aug.2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544846 (E)

The Earth from the Air


Yann Arthus-Bertrand

In Endangered, the result of an extraordinary multiyear project to document the lives of threatened species, acclaimed photographer Tim Flach explores one of the most pressing issues of our time. Travelling around the world to settings ranging from forest to savannah to the polar seas to the great coral reefs Flach has constructed a powerful visual record of remarkable animals and ecosystems facing harsh challenges.

Tim Flach Endangered


Tim Flach, text by Jonathan Baillie Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 340 x 267 mm 320 p | 180 col.ill. € 62,95 | Oct. 2017 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419726514 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Expo: 19/11/2017 ‐ 28/5/2018, Museum of Modern Art, N.Y. Quentin Bajac Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 304 x 240 mm 336 p | 450 col.ill. € 81,50 | Nov. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544969 (E)


One of the most significant photographers of our time, Stephen Shore has often been considered alongside other artists who rose to prominence in the 1970s by capturing the mundane aspects of American popular culture in straightforward, unglamorous images. Published to accompany the exhibition showing at The Museum of Modern Art. Includes hundreds of photographic works, along with additional materials including books, ephemera, and objects.


Stephen Shore

A comprehensive overview of Thomas Struth’s photographic œuvre, from his 1987 Unconscious Places to his celebrated Museum Photographs, Family Portraits, Paradise Pictures, and his most recent series Nature and Politics. Schirmer/Mosel. With texts by Thomas Weski, Ulrich Wilmes and Jana‐Maria Hartmann and a discussion between Thomas Struth with Okwui Enwezor.

Thomas Struth Figure Ground: Retrospective

Expo: 05/05/2017 ‐ 17/09/2017, Haus der Kunst, München Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 320 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 68,00 | Sept. 2017 [G] Schirmer/ Mosel ISBN: 9783829608107 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

E Expo: 20/10/2017‐11/02/2018, Photographer’s Gallery, London Photographs and text by Wim Wenders Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 235 mm 340 p | 240 col. & bw ill € 54,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544785 (E)


Wim Wenders, the distinguished filmmaker and co‐founder of New German Cinema, is also a world‐renowned photographer. He has exhibited his large‐format, panoramic photographs internationaly. Now, for the first time, this book presents his polaroids. Spanning the 1970s to the present day, they feature friends, actors and personal heroes, objects, places, spaces and situations from the everyday life of a travelling filmmaker. Wenders does not order his 'photographic notes' by theme, but as stories.

Wim Wenders Instant Stories



Harry Gruyaert Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 300 x 204 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 68,50 | July 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544921 (E) ISBN 9789492677075 (NL) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

A stunningly produced two‐volume publication – one volume featuring Harry Gruyaert’s photographs of Los Angeles and Las Vegas in 1982, the other his photographs taken in Moscow in 1989

Harry Gruyaert E


Meyerowitz, Joel Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 325 x 262 mm 112 p € 48,95 | Sept. 2017 [IT] Damiani ISBN: 9788862085649 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Cézanne painted his studio walls a dark grey. He mixed the color and painted it himself. Every object in the studio, which was illuminated by a vast north window, seemed to be absorbed into the grey of the background. And Meyerowitz suddenly saw how Cézanne, making his small, patch‐like brush marks, moved from the object to the background, and back again to the objects, without the familiar intervention of a renaissance‐ like illusion of perspective.

Joel Meyerowitz: Cezanne's Objects Joel Meyerowitz

Curated by Michael D. Carroll Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 235 mm 0 p € 25,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781908211507 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Through the careful selection of striking images and dedicated colourization research, Retrographic will take you on a visual tour of the distant past. Many of these moments are already burned into our collective memory through the power of photography as shared by people across the 177‐year long Age of the Image. And now, these visual time capsules are collected together for the first time and presented in living colour.

Retrographic The world's most iconic images transformed into living colour


Maryam Omidi Hardback | Eng. ed. 168 x 203 mm 192 p € 27,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Fuel ISBN: 9780993191190 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Visiting a Soviet sanatorium is like stepping back in time. Originally conceived in the 1920s, they afforded workers a place to holiday, courtesy of a state‐funded voucher system. At their peak they were visited by millions of citizens across the USSR every year. A combination of medical institution and spa, the era’s sanatoriums are among the most innovative buildings of their time. Although aesthetically diverse, Soviet utopian values permeated every aspect: western holidays were perceived as decadent.

Holidays in Soviet Sanatoriums

In the process of decommunisation, Ukraine has toppled all its Lenin monuments. The authors have hunted down and photographed these banned Soviet statues, revealing their inglorious fate.

Looking for Lenin

Niels Ackerman Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 160 x 200 mm | 176 p € 27,95 | May 2017 [UK] Fuel ISBN: 9780993191176 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Christopher Herwig Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 165 x 206 mm 192 p | illustrated throughout € 27,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Fuel ISBN: 9780993191183 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


A follow‐up to the hugely successful Soviet Bus Stops, with new photographs of bus stops in Russia, Crimea, Georgia and Ukraine. Christopher Herwig has an insatiable appetite for 'Soviet Bus Stops'. After the popular and critical success of his first book, Herwig has returned to the former Soviet Union to hunt for more.

Soviet Bus Stops Volume II


New and updated edition Colin Westerbeck Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 292 x 221 mm 400 p | 310 col. & bw ill € 62,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270665 (E)

In this book, the authors explore and discuss the development of one of the most interesting and dynamic of photographic genres. Hailed as a landmark work when it was first published in 1994, Bystander is widely regarded by street photographers as the 'bible' of street photography.


Bystander E

A History of Street Photography

What is it that makes us human? There are more than seven billion of us on the planet and we come in all different shapes and sizes, are born in different cultures and to different parents, but fundamentally we are the same. People Like Us provides a tongue‐in‐cheek investigation of the human race that might serve as a guide to earthlings for an imaginary alien visiting our planet for the first time. Amusing and entertaining, it documents the things we do; the things that make us human.


Sasha Gusov and Amanda Renshaw Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 185 x 135 mm 240 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 18,40 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270818 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

People Like Us Finlay Wilson Hardback | Eng. ed.

Get ready to lose yourself in the wilds of Scotland and reconnect with the natural world in this gorgeous little book that will make you look at yoga in a whole new way ‐ kilt optional!

160 p | throughout col.ill. € 14,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Hodder (Hachette) ISBN: 9781473667846 (E) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE

Kilted Yoga E

From the Yogi who broke the internet - yoga, laid bare

William Wegman is a world‐renowned American artist whose paintings, photographs, videos and drawings have been exhibited in museums and galleries internationally. Today he is perhaps best known for his collaborations with his longstanding muses, an ever‐expanding cast of Weimaraners, for whom performing elaborate scenarios or merely posing demurely for their portraits comes as second nature.

William Wegman Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 210 x 148 mm | 352 p € 26,60 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500293195 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

William Wegman Being Human


You know photography, don't you? Nice group pictures, tasteful landscapes, perhaps a filter from an app on your phone. Conventional, easy to manage, inoffensive, boring...right?

If You're Bored With Your Camera Read This Book

Demetrius Fordham Paperback | Eng. ed. | 248 x 190 mm | 128 p | € 16,20 | July 2017 | [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781574317 (E) II09 ‐ DIY

E Rhiannon Adam Hardback | Eng. ed. 230 x 177 mm 240 p | 450 col. & bw ill € 27,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544600 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Polaroid: The Missing Manual is the go‐to resource for all lovers of instant photography. Divided into two main parts, 'Camera and Film Format Guide' and 'Creative Techniques', it offers a comprehensive introduction to instant photography.


Polaroid. The Missing Manual The Complete Creative Guide


Paperback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed.

?Ce quatrième livre d'Agnès Geoffray à La Lettre volée propose une constellation d'images et de textes. Les visuels du travail artistique d'Agnès Geoffray sont mis en dialogue avec de courtes notes de J. Emil Sennewald, d'une teneur plus poétique que critique, révélant toute la singularité de son travail d'écriture. À la fin de l'ouvrage, un texte analytique qui porte un regard novateur sur la question de l'acte d'image clôt l'ensemble des échanges.


230 x 165 mm 288 p | 62 col.ill. € 24,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie ISBN: 9782873174965 (E/ F/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Before the Eye Lid's Laid ‐ Avant la pose des paupières Agnès Geoffray - J. Emil Sennewald

GuidoLu' est un duo d'artistes formé en 1992. Adepte des installations évolutives, des processus combinatoires et des manipulations et détournements d'images et d'objets, il mêle performances, espaces sonores et projections vidéo afin d'engendrer d'infinies corrélations et résonances. Petite Pilule pour la folie, Opérette en 36 tableaux (La Lettre volée, 2005) a été nominée pour le prix Werkleitz Project Grant 2004 au Kasseler Dokumentarfilm und Videofest à Cassel.

Livre d’artiste Paperback | French ed. 297 x 210 mm | 224 p | 216 bw ill. € 30,00 | July 2017 [BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie ISBN: 9782873174866 (F) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Guido‐Lu' Parti Pris

F Dans la même série : Avoir un Bon Copain; Les Enfants Terribles

Après Avoir un bon copain (publié en 2013), Les Enfants terribles (en 2015) et Avoir un bon copain. Les retrouvailles (en 2016), à table ! dévoile une nouvelle sélection de photographies (sur les pratiques du manger et boire ensemble) de l'impressionnante collection privée de Véronique Marit.

Avant‐propos: Paul Fournel Paperback with flaps | French ed. 170 x 120 mm 160 p € 16,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Yellow Now ‐ Carnets ISBN: 9782873404130 (F) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Véronique Marit. A Table! Collection Les carnets #10

F Paperback with flaps | French ed. 170 x 120 mm 96 p € 14,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Yellow Now ‐ Carnets ISBN: 9782873404123 (F)

Depuis plus de quarante ans, bernard Plossu parcourt le monde, son 50 mmen bandoulière, et partage ses images poétiques dans des dizaines de livres fascinants. Tout cela avec une facilité déconcertante. Personne mieux que luine capture avec autant d'élégance et de désinvolture un oiseau qui s'envole, deux écolières mexicaines, une route en égypte, ses potes californiens, un lit défait ou un indien Lacandon.


Bernard Plossu & Claude Deloffre carnets #9 A Boire et A Manger - Collection Les 62


Ten years... That's how long it took me to write a sequel to my first book, Matière Chocolat. During those ten years, I worked at Belcolate every day, which enabled me to continue growing in my trade as a chocolatier and refine the artistic approach of my work. In these two books, I shared more than one hundred pieces and demonstrated some unique techniques. These many gestures all prove indispensable in our job. Everything that stems from the mind must be shared. Stéphane Leroux

2 hardback volumes in box, 368 + 152 pages, Stéphane Leroux. Photography: Tom Swalens

Set of 2 hardback Volumes | Eng. and French eds. 280 x 230 mm | 520 p | 1295 col. & bw ill € 125,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867319 (E) ISBN: 9789085867326 (F)

Dix ans… C'est le temps qui sépare le présent ouvrage de ma première publication, Matière Chocolat. Une décennie qui, grâce à une pratique quotidienne au sein de Belcolade, m'a aussi permis d'évoluer encore et toujours dans mon travail du chocolat et de peaufi ner mon approche artistique. Dans ces deux volumes, j'ai souhaité vous présenter plus de cent pièces et techniques pour la plupart inédites. Autant de gestes et d'approches indispensables à la pratique et à la survie d'un métier comme le nôtre

Stéphane Leroux %OHX &KRFRODW



Fresh eggs. Grandmother's pickling jars. Backyard orchards. Return to the good life with this inspiring volume. Living on the land and learning to reap the benefits of nature. From farm‐fresh eggs and herb gardens that enrich home cooked meals to beekeeping to aid in the pollination of small crops, there's a lifestyle that exists in harmony with our environments. These locales reveal and embrace the many layers of this way of life.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Jan. 2018 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899559187 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

Farmlife New Farmers and Growing Food


Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm 192 p | throughout col.ill. € 29,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556438 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

Stay for Breakfast presents breakfast ideas from around the world in all their delectable diversity from poached eggs to cold‐pressed juices and from granola with chia seeds to the classic english breakfast . Its spectrum of recipes will give readers the opportunity to rediscover traditions and be introduced to enticing new possibilities. In the process, the book will inspire them to make more time for their morning meal and for themselves.


Stay for Breakfast Recipes for Every Occasion

Sue Quinn Hardback | Eng. ed. 234 x 220 mm 400 p | 750 col. & bw ill € 34,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519493 (E)


Street food is fresh, cheap, plentiful, varied and available in an increasing number of metropolitan locations. Food that was previously only obtainable from Saharan roadsides can now be found in New York City; Patagonian village foods are picked up in downtown Hong Kong. Millions of people all over the world are choosing to eat street food every day, and their numbers are rising year on year. The book includes the authors' own recipes so readers can make 72 of the finest dishes.

The World Atlas of Street Food



Sweet: an original collection of over 110 recipes for sweets, bakes and desserts from the renowned food writer and chef, Yotam Ottolenghi.

Ebury Press Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 195 mm | 368 p € 38,95 | 7/09/2017 [UK] Ebury Press (RHUK) ISBN: 9781785031144 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

Sweet Ottolenghi Yotam Goh Helen

Caz Hildebrand Hardback | Eng. ed. 246 x 175 mm 224 p | 100 col.ill. € 23,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9780500519677 (E)


Herbarium: 16 Notecards ISBN: 9780500420669 (E)

A stylishly illustrated compendium of over sixty spices, brilliantly designed by the bestselling author of Herbarium.


The Grammar of Spice

The Game Chef: Wild Recipes from the Great Outdoors, the companion to the TV series, features real food sourced in natural, healthy environments, cooked for enjoyment and well‐being. Successful restaurateur Angelo Georgalli has created a selection of his favourite recipes that are nutritious, delicious and naturally sourced. The Game Chef features recipes for fish, pork, venison, lamb and rabbit, as well as salads, sauces, dressing, soups, stews and accompaniments.

Game Chef Wild recipes from the great outdoors

Beatnik Publishing Hardback | Eng. ed. 261 x 207 mm | 188 p € 33,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Beatnik (Prestel) ISBN: 9780992264888 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

E New edition

1001 Whiskies You Must Try Before You Die takes you on a fascinating global whisky tour ‐ from Scotland and Ireland through North America, Japan, India, and the rest of the world, providing insight into the 1001 best and most exciting whiskies ever made. This comprehensive and throughly‐researched guide explores the traditional tipple's incredible diversity, introduces you to the host of often new, and sometimes rare finds, and is sure to enhance your appreciation and enjoyment of the drink in all its forms

Dominic Roskrow Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 25,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781844039852 (E) II01 ‐ DRINKS

1001 Whiskies You Must Try Before You Die

E 65


E Champagne The Essential Guide to the Wines, Producers, and Terroirs of the Iconic Region Peter Liem

From the expert behind the top-rated resource ChampagneGuide.net comes this groundbreaking guide to the modern wines of Champagne--a region that in recent years has undergone one of the most dramatic transformations in the wine-growing world. A comprehensive buyer's guide helps wine buyers navigate the sparkling wine aisle, and never-before-published maps of every vineyard in the region make this the definitive resource for any wine lover.

E Coffee Art

Easy Leaf Tea Tea House Recipes to Make at Home Timothy d'Offay

Unravel the history, sample the flavours and experience the amazing versatility of the world's favourite brew and all its health-giving properties. [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small | x mm | 144 p | € 20,50 [BE] | Nov. 20107 9781849758246 (E, HB)

Creative Coffee Designs for the Home Barista Dhan Tamang

Dhan Tamang is a world-renowned latte artist particularly known for his use of colour, and now you too can create impressive multicoloured designs following Dhan's step-by-step instructions. By the end of this book you will be able to create fabulous designs to delight family members and dinner party guests alike. [UK] Cassell (octopus) | 216 x 159 mm | 128 p | € 12,60 [BE] | Oct. 2017 9781844039487 (E, HB)

[UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) | 254 x 203 mm | 328 p | 75 col. & bw ill. | € 75,50 [BE] | Oct. 2017 [Boxed Book & Map Set] 9781784724474 (E, HB BOX)


E Gin Tonica 40 recipes for Spanish-style gin and tonic cocktails

Straight Up

The Essential Cocktail Book

Where to drink & what to drink on every continent

A Complete Guide to Modern Drinks

David T Smith

Joel Harrison, Neil Ridley

Aromatic, refreshing, delicious and a feast for the eyes, the generously-sized and creatively garnished "gin tonica" Spanish-style drink is taking the cocktail world by storm.

How great would it be to have access to the world's experts to help you choose the coolest and most interesting bars, wherever you find yourself in the world? Well, now you do. Straight Up is a carefully curated collection of insider tips that will allow you to discover the best drinking spots around the globe.

[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small | 194 x 130 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. | € 9,95 [BE] | Oct. 2017 ‐R/P Reprint 9781849758536 (E, HB)


[UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) | x mm | 288 p | € 21,50 [BE] | Oct. 2017 9781784722739 (E, HB)


Megan Krigbaum

An attractive companion to The Essential Bar Book, this gorgeously photographed compendium for professional and home bartenders offers recipes, history, and techniques to create 150 essential cocktails, both modern and classic. [US] Ten Speed Press | 177 x 127 mm | 336 p | 150 col.ill. | € 20,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9780399579318 (E, HB)

Including 30 gardens, a mixture of private, public and corporate projects in Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, the USA, France and England. For the first time, private projects in the USA and Switzerland are shown, gardens which enchant by their beautiful setting, their scale or their exclusiveness. Unusual projects like the cloister's gardens of the Hauterive Abbey (Switzerland) or the Haute Couture fashion show stage set for Dior in 2012 or even more, a secluded Japanese garden with view to Mount Fuji ... The Wirtz Gardens III est la suite aux Volumes I et II avec un mélange de projets de différentes époques de la main de Jacques, Martin et Peter Wirtz. Aussi bien des projets publics que des projets résidentiels sont présent avec, comme nouveauté, quelques projets américains et un projet japonais.


Also available: Wirtz, The Privat Garden Photography by Bertrand Limbour

Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 320 x 270 mm | 272 p | throughout col.ill. € 95,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Wirtz International ISBN: 9789085867081 (E) II02 ‐ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS

The Wirtz Gardens Part III

John Hill Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 247 mm 224 p | 155 col.ill. € 37,80 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791383101 (E) II02 ‐ GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN


Beginning with Filoli, the century‐old, forward‐looking estate situated just south of San Francisco, and closing with The Park, the first public garden ever created in Las Vegas, John Hill takes readers on a worldwide tour, one per year, of beautiful, inspiring, creatively designed, and historically significant landscapes.

100 Years, 100 Landscape Designs


Alana Langan Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 170 mm 160 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 20,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500501030 (E)


Ferns are back in the bathroom, cacti are sitting on plant stands and you don’t have to look far to see a devil’s ivy hanging from a ceiling. Indoor plants are the ultimate indoor accessory. Softening interiors and readily available, they are also a stylist’s best friend. However, it’s their power to transform a sterile space into an urban sanctuary that makes them more than just an inanimate prop – all you need to know is how to use them.


Plant Style How to greenify your space

Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 240 mm 208 p | 160 col.ill. € 59,90 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green ISBN: 9789058565822 (E)


Acht zorgvuldig geselecteerde zwart‐wit foto's van sterke, herkenbare emoties vormen het uitgangspunt en de inspiratiebron voor deze publicatie. Ze worden op verrassende wijze geïnterpreteerd en omgezet in sprekend bloemwerk. Ikebana through Emotions toont hoe Ikebana schikkingen een gevoelige snaar kunnen raken, en ondanks het juist toepassen van de regels en het gebruik van zorgvuldig geselecteerde materialen, emoties kunnen evoceren die voor iedereen herkenbaar zijn.


Ikebana Through Emotions Mit Ingelaere

Martine Soulier. Photographies: Matthias Parillaud Paperback with flaps | Eng./Fr. ed. 280 x 215 mm 128 p | 300 col.ill. € 29,95 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green ISBN: 9789058565761 (E/ F)


In her new book Martine Soulier presents many unusual, practical, fast, simple, generous, festive, chic and conceptual flower wrappings. In no time the reader will learn how to create innovative floral designs and guided by the many tips and tricks and step by step pictures in this beautiful book everyone will be able to try their hand at folding, rolling, sticking, stacking, crumpling, tearing and cutting techniques to achieve a one of a kind wrapping befitting the flower design.

Wrapping in all its forms L'Emballage dans tous ses Etats 68


Book presentation: 9/11/2017 at Bozar. Size of the book: 24,5 x 18,9 x 6,3 cm Maarten Van Den Driessche

Paperback | Eng. ed. 245 x 189 mm | 732 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 59,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301559 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE ‐ MONOGRAPHIES

From a dovecot in the Dutch village of Dorst to the Concertgebouw in Bruges. From an art gallery in the multicultural London district of Whitechapel to a new storehouse for the renowned winery Le Pin in Pomerol and the City Archives of Bordeaux. The oeuvre on which Robbrecht en Daem architecten has worked since its foundation in 1975 has developed a variation and maturity that stands up on the international stage. The extensive portfolio includes an impressive number of architecture and infrastructure projects, interiors and landscapes in Belgium and abroad. The constant quality of the work is invariably a result of the precise architectural vision that, from the start, has characterized the practice around founding duo Paul Robbrecht (b. 1950) and Hilde Daem (b. 1950) and, since 2002, Johannes Robbrecht (b. 1977), and which still today forms the basis of a careful project approach. An entirely idiosyncratic vision regarding colour use, dimensioning and materiality is combined with a position of dialogue with regard to the commission, the functions, the built context. The work of Robbrecht en Daem architecten is timeless, sustainable and focused, but above all also serviceable.


Robbrecht en Daem An Architectural Anthology

Jan De Vylder, Inge Vinck & Jo Taillieu Paperback in box | Eng./ NL ed. 210 x 150 mm 400 p € 80,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321237 (E/ NL) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Following the international success of the joined publications 1 boek 1, 1 boek 2 and 1 boek 3, MER. Paper Kunsthalle and architecten de vylder vinck taillieu present 1 boek 4, 1 boek 5 and 1 boek 6, equally grouped in a box. De vylder vinck taillieu is considered one of the most influential contemporary Belgian architecture bureaus; often joining forces with the art world.


Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu 1 boek 4, 1 boek 5, 1 boek 6 (box)


Julien De Smedt & Julien Lanoo Paperback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm 256 p € 34,00 | Sept. 2017 [NL] Frame ISBN: 9789492311139 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE


Built Unbuilt revisits 16 years of Julien De Smedt's work from the inception of the architectural practice PLOT with Bjarke Ingels in 2001 to the work of JDSA and the founding of the design studio Makers With Agendas with William Ravn in 2013. The Built section of this book gives an overview of De Smedt's built work seen through the lens of photographer Julien Lanoo. The Unbuilt section is a selective narrative by De Smedt of projects that haven't made it to the built world.

Built Unbuilt Julien De Smedt

Expo: 13/10/2017 ‐ 14/1/2018, DeSingel, Antwerpen Caroline Voet. Photography: Friederike von Rauch, Jeroen Verrecht Paperback | Eng. ed. 265 x 175 mm 224 p € 24,50 | Oct. 2017 [BE] VAi ISBN: 9789492567031 (E)

This manual is an introduction to Dom van der Laan's design methodology, as he applied it to Roosenberg Abbey. Original drawings are combined with explanatory diagrams, complemented by nine original letters from the architect to the Sisters as well as a series of photographs by Friederike von Rauch, to offer an in‐depth reading of this building on different levels.



A House for the Mind Dom Hans van der Laan

Paperback | Eng./ It. ed. 190 x 145 mm 52 p | 49 col.ill. | € 10,00 | Sept.2017 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836637232 (E/ IT)

Jan De Vylder (1968) is a flemish architect based in Gent. He worked under his own name since 2000, first with Trice Hofkens, then with Inge Vinck and finally in 2010 architecten de vylder vinck taillieu was founded by Jan De Vylder, Inge Vinck and Jo Taillieu. The office has won several prizes (Schelling Architektur Preize 2016) and works all over the world.

Jan De Vylder Architecten de Vylder Vinck Taillieu


Voor veel inwoners van de stad Antwerpen is Linkeroever onbekend terrein. Vanaf de oevers van de Schelde ziet de overkant van de rivier eruit als een verzameling hoge gebouwen, zwevend boven een groene strook. Hoewel herinneringen aan zomeravonden op het Sint‐Annastrand deel uitmaken van het collectieve geheugen van de stad, wordt Linkeroever vaak over het hoofd gezien en vergeten. Het is 'aan de andere kant van de rivier' ‐ een deel van de stad, maar toch ver weg.


Christoph Grafe (ed). Texts: Bernard Colenbrander, Christoph Grafe, Bram van Kaathoven, Jannah Loontjens, Bart Tritsmans. Photography: Michiel De Cleene Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. 255 x 200 mm 208 p € 24,50 | Sept. 2017 [BE] VAi ISBN: 9789492567024 (E/ NL) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Sprong over de Schelde / Across the river


Prefabrication offers a simple path to the green home of your dreams. "Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid "profiles more than 30 of the most energy‐efficient homes in the United States, and this hardworking guide reveals how homeowners can achieve similar results with floor plans, the latest, most efficient technologies, and multiple images of the exterior and interior of each home.

Reprint Hardback | Eng. ed. | 254 x 241 mm | 240 p | € 20,00 | Sept. 2017 ‐R/P | [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419703256 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid Your Path to Building an Energy-independent Home


-PROMOHenry Van de Velde (1863‐1957) is een van de belangrijkste vertegenwoordigers van de art nouveau en het functionalisme. Dit boek neemt u mee op een architectuurreis naar een aantal steden waar hij actief was. Vanuit Brussel trekken we naar Duitsland waar Van de Velde aan de basis lag van het vermaarde Bauhaus. In Hagen, Weimar, Gera, Jena en Chemnitz bezoeken we ware architecturale meesterwerken.

Promo ! 15 euro ipv 38 euro ! Joseph Hostens, Luc Buerman Hardback | NL AND fR; ED ed. | 260 x 240 mm | 196 p | € 15,00 | Sept. 2013 | [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461610836 (NL) ISBN: 9789461610843 (F)

In de Voetsporen van Henry Van De Velde

NL )

Henry Van de Velde (1863‐1957) est un des principaux représentants de l'art nouveau et du fonctionnalisme. Ce livre vous propose un circuit architectural des principales villes qu'il a marquées de son empreinte. De Bruxelles, nous partons pour l'Allemagne, où Van de Velde fut indirectement à l'origine du Bauhaus. À Hagen, Weimar, Gera, Iéna et Chemnitz, nous visitons d'authentiques chefs‐d'oeuvre architecturaux.

Sur les pas de Henry Van De Velde



Gathering together the world’s leading experts on vernacular architecture, this once‐in‐ageneration publication examines how local buildings have stood the test of time and offer vital lessons for the future. The core of the book is arranged by climate zone, from desert to tropical, temperate to arctic. Within each section, buildings are presented regionally, showing how local climatic conditions and vegetation affect the evolution of building styles. This central part is bookended by a range of essays exploring the economic and anthropological aspects, while the reference section offers information on materials science and engineering, including how buildings have been adapted to contend with natural disasters.

Sandra Piesik


Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 360 x 280 mm | 600 p | 1000 col. & bw ill € 135,00 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500343241 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Habitat Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Planet

Anna Yudina

Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 256 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 55,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500343265 (E)

How far can we expand the concept of ‘urban nature’? How would it make us feel? And how is it going to transform our cities – and, eventually, ourselves? Garden City captures the growing global movement among contemporary architects for biodesigning buildings less as skin and bodies – structure and façade – and more as living entities, capable of being ecologically autonomous, horticulturally productive and ultimately pleasing to our day‐to‐day lifestyles. It presents more than 100 (mostly completed) projects, a life‐affirming range of buildings and design ideas that can be applied to new buildings and those needing rehabilitation. From office buildings that incorporate urban farms and exchange the CO2 produced by humans for food and oxygen produced by plants, to lightweight systems for growing gardens on vertical surfaces; from ‘tree houses’ the size of city blocks to civic buildings that are ‘plugged into’ existing water‐management systems – there are rich and often unexpected ideas for every inquiring designer. The future of our urban architecture is biologically alert, naturally self‐sustaining and alive. Garden City is this future’s first manifesto.


Garden City Supergreen Buildings, Urban Skyscapes and the New Planted Space 72


Reprint Introduction by Aaron Betsky Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 216 mm 288 p | 650 col.ill. € 34,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500343357 (E)


Zaha Hadid is the leading architect in the world, and is the first female recipient of the prestigious Pritzker Prize (2004). This is the complete monograph of Hadid's works, from her early, unbuilt projects and ideas from her student years to her very latest projects around the world, including the Aquatics Centre for the London 2012 Olympic Games, the Guangzhou Opera House in China, and the Eli & Edythe Broad Art Museum in Michigan, USA. The book also includes her furniture, product and exhibition designs

II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE (monographies)

The Complete Zaha Hadid Cemal Emden & Burcu Kutukcuoglu (editor) Hardback | Eng. ed. 324 x 216 mm 323 p | 150 col.ill. € 50,00 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791384023 (E)

In 2010, photographer Cemal Emden set out to document every building designed by the master architect Le Corbusier. Traveling through three continents, Emden photographed all the 52 buildings that remain standing. Each of these buildings is featured in the book and captured from multiple angles, with images revealing their exterior and interior details.


Le Corbusier E

The Complete Buildings Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris

« L'architecture est semblable aux astres bienfaisants qui éclairent le monde » Claude Nicolas Ledoux, L'Architecture considérée sous le rapport de l'art, des moeurs et de la législation, 1804 Représenter le monde, la planète et le cosmos est l'une des plus grandes utopies de l'architecture. Il est ainsi possible, entre culture populaire et recherche savante, de construire une histoire transversale de l'architecture lorsqu'on la croise avec la géographie et l'astronomie.

Yann Rocher Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 245 mm 400 p | 360 col.ill. € 45,00 | Sept. 2017 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782376660101 (F) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Le Globe et L'Architecte F Centre historique de la capitale, l'île de la Cité abrite notamment l'Hôtel‐Dieu, la cathédrale Notre‐Dame de Paris, la Sainte‐Chapelle, le Palais de justice ou encore le marché aux fleurs. Le noyau de Paris reste pourtant un endroit méconnu, en décalage avec son statut de coeur de métropole.

Paris île de la Cité 2040

Dominique Perrault & Philippe Béléval Hardback | French ed. 305 x 250 mm | 288 p | 250 col.ill. € 40,00 | Sept. 2017 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782376660118 (F) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE



Reprint Sven Ehmann, Sofia Borges

Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 240 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Aug. 2017 ‐R/P [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899554663 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

From weekend homes to get‐away cabins, this architecture embodies our longing for relaxing in nature. Rock the Shack takes us to the places we long for. For the first time in the history of humankind, more people live in cities than in the country. Yet, at the same time, more and more city dwellers are yearning for rural farms, mountain cabins, or seaside homes. These kinds of refuges offer modern men and women a promise of what urban centers usually cannot provide: quiet, relaxation, being out of reach, getting back to basics, feeling human again. Rock the Shack is a survey of such contemporary refuges from around the world‐from basic to luxury. The book features a compelling range of sparingly to intricately furnished cabins, cottages, second homes, tree houses, transformations, shelters, and cocoons. The look of the included structures from the outside is just as important as the view from inside. What these diverse projects have in common is an exceptional spirit that melds the uniqueness of a geographic location with the individual character of the building's owner and architect.


Rock the Shack The Architecture of Cabins, Cocoons and Hide-Outs

A boat is a hole in the water that you put your passion into. Movable homes provide endless opportunities for exploration and changes of scenery. Modified ferries allow ample space for families. Shanty boats inspire images of Huck Finn's literary journey and youthful spirit. Former cruise ships become charming hotels. These floating domiciles showcase alternative living solutions from the private to the commercial. From the romantic lakes of Kashmir to the Bay of Venice, houseboats claim their space atop the water worldwide. These charismatic and aquatic homes provide refuge from being landlocked and promise to satisfy curious natures. A Life Afloat profiles the imaginative inhabitants and designers behind these houseboats; the volume offers inspiration to anyone interested in a touch of escape from a weekend change of scenery to a permanent change of address.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm | 272 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Oct. 2017 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899559163 (E)



Rock the Boat Cabins and Homes on the Water


Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899559170 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

An oasis within the home: contemporary bathroom design that can be simultaneously luxurious and functional. Where can you start your morning routine and unwind and relax at the end of a long day? The Bathroom. It can be a sanctuary within one's own four walls or a place to pause before rushing out of the door. From the utilitarian to the luxurious and from the Victorian‐influenced to the modern, these rooms are also showcases from stunning design.


Take a Bath Interior Design for Bathrooms

Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 276 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Oct. 2017 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899559309 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Interior designers and architects are creating unforgettable spaces and setting stunning new standards for restaurants, bars, and cafes. People love to go out and indulge their senses by trying new restaurants. Pastel colors, hyper‐realistic murals, indoor jungles, curved and luxurious couches, golden accents, and soft light. Designers, architects, and restaurateurs transform a night out at a restaurant into a unique and memorable experience.


Appetizer New Interiors for Restaurants and Cafés

Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Oct. 2017 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899559293 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

From vertical living to upscale townhouses, these city abodes showcase inviting and innovative metropolitan interiors and lifestyles. Around the world, more and more of us are moving to cities and establishing our homes there. The urban landscape offers a multitude of enticing options: from cozy apartments to chic duplexes to historic townhouses.


Bohemian Residence Metropolitan Apartments and Interior Design


Buildings designated brutalist in style were largely built in the 1960s and 1970s, exuding an aura of daring, uncom promising design today. It is the French term "brut", meaning raw or unrefined, that lent its name to this particular architectural phenomenon. Vilified for decades as the step‐child of modernism, brutalist architecture is now enjoying an astonishing comeback as the latest discovery among digital trendsetters.

Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 280 x 197 mm |304 p 600 ill. | € 56,00 | Oct. 2017 [G] Braun ISBN: 9783037682241 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Massive, Expressive, Sculptural Brutalism Now and then

E Daylight is an important consideration in almost every architectural project. This title presents residential projects in which it is a fundamental feature of the design. The spotlight is on conservatories or winter gardens, built with glazed or opaque roofs depending on the climatic conditions. It was in the 19th century when winter gardens were first used as rooms where people met to converse and gossip, an extension of conventional living spaces.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 197 mm | 192 p | 250 ill. € 41,95 | Oct. 2017 [G] Braun ISBN: 9783037682265 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

The Sunny Side of Life Winter gardens, Sunrooms, Greenhouses


Hardback | Eng. ed. 246 x 244 mm | 272 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 56,50 | Oct. 2017 [G] Braun ISBN: 9783037682272 (E)

The four walls that we inhabit are far more than just a roof over our heads ‐ it's the place where our personal and unique life is played out with all its complexities and nuances. It is not uncommon when we move to feel regret that we cannot simply take our abode, the focus of our lives, along with us. For many people it is increasingly important to be able to move easily, to be able to react spontaneously to personal desires or life changes of all kinds. Because of the increased needs to both preserve our identity that is rooted in our home and to be more geographically mobile, the market for "movable" houses has grown and diversified. This is most noticable in the growing numbers of commissions received by architects and designers for technical and creative conceptions of mobile houses. As much as concept, appearance and construction might vary greatly from house to house, what unites all of the projects presented in this volume is the claim to a design that is both larger than life and consistently compelling.


Nomadic Living 76


Rural villa, beach house, or chalet, this volume features beautiful holiday homes. We reveal how to bring home the world's most glamorous looks. Includes house inspiration from all over the world, from New Zealand to Bali to Alpine to Malibu.

Homes Away from Home Escapades de rêve

Claire Bingham Hardback with dust jacket | Eng/ Fr/ Germ. ed. 287 x 223 mm | 176 p | 150 col.ill. € 39,90 | July 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710133 (E) ISBN: 9783961710157 (F) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Modern Living - Déco contemporaine

( ) *

Claire Bingham Hardback with dust jacket | Eng / Fr. / Germ. ed. 287 x 223 mm 176 p | 150 col.ill. € 39,90 | July 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710102 (E)

ISBN: 9783961710126 (F)

E I *

Modern Living ‐ Grandiflora is an uplifting, inspiring, and practical guide to using flowers and foliage in the home. From lush greenery to modern florals, we step inside beautiful botanical interiors that lift your spirits with a cool mix of vibrant colors, stylish accessories, and elegant design details. Author and interiors writer Claire Bingham leads by example, sharing her passion for floral‐themed houses and people who dream up eye‐catching schemes using nature as their cue.

Grandiflora. Interiors Inspired By Nature Modern Living

Déco contemporaine Grandiflora Intérieurs au naturel

Adriano Sack, Dagmar von Taube Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 220 p | 160 col.ill. € 49,90 | Aug. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710164 (E/ F/ G) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Living in Style ‐ How We Live visits the homes of creative workers, artists, and style icons all over the world and shares them with us via home stories.

E /F / G

How we live Living in Style


Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 220 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | July 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710065 (E/ F/G) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

A must have for every interior design aficionado . Discover 25 exclusive homes and their beautiful, bespoke interior design concepts .

London E/F/G

Living in Style

Living in Style Amsterdam Edited by Mendo

Cool, creative, and not afraid to buck convention, Amsterdam makes the hearts of architecture and design lovers beat a little faster. You ll find furniture that is refreshingly different, yet still functional; hotels where creative minds feel at home; restaurants that are a joy for both the eye and the palate; and museums and concept stores around every corner. Innovative living spaces and furnishing concepts freed from transitory trends and the talented visionaries who created them. [G] teNeues | 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 200 col.ill. | € 49,90 [BE] | July 2017 9783961710072 (E, HB)



E Living in Style Paris

Caroline Sarkozy, Caroline Clavier & Jean‐François Jaussaud (photos)

A visually appealing and inspiring work that delves into the world of French interior design and architecture: the perfect book for interior design aficionados, architecture lovers, and Francophiles alike. Curated by Caroline Sarkozy, a seasoned French interior designer who specializes in the renovation and creation of high-end interiors worldwide. [G] teNeues | 320 x 250 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | € 49,90 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9783961710058 (E/ F/ G, HB)


Dutch Interior Design Leonie Hendrikse & Jeroen Stock Maximum inspiration: striking photography, mood- boards, and customized interiors. A unique coffee table book that provides profound insights into the world of finer living.Experience the look and feel of flexible, contemporary Dutch interior design [G] teNeues | 320 x 250 mm | 256 p | 175 col.ill. | € 49,90 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9783961710430 (E/ F/ G, HB)

City Living looks at the movement toward ecologically minded compact houses through the lens of urban life. An international collection of fifty‐five homes that exemplify compact living at its best. The residential projects selected for this volume illustrate strategies for building tiny in urban areas that include urban infill, adaptive reuse, transforming and flexible living spaces, and micro‐unit buildings. The selection is truly global, including designs from the U.S., Canada, Britain, France, Germany..

Hardback | Eng. ed. 218 x 203 mm | 420 p | 600 col.ill. € ϯϲ,ϵϱ | Oct.͘ 2017 [US] Rizzoli [ONLY FIRM] ISBN: 9780789332707 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

City Living Apartments, Lofts, Studios, and Townhouses

E Lucy Johnston Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 195 mm 288 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 41,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519615 (E)

Despite many predictions that the internet and e‐commerce would kill the high street, independent retail is far from dead. While big‐chain high‐street retailers have suffered through lack of originality and crippling overheads, new independent retailers are rapidly growing in number and rejuvenating neighbourhoods across the world. Flexible, energizing pop‐up shops are becoming an increasingly popular and effective strategy not only for new businesses but also now for established brands.



The Creative Shopkeeper The mid‐twentieth century was a dynamic period in international design, including interior design, and has retained its influence on popular culture today. This handbook shows readers how to create a tailor‐made home inspired by the iconic designs of this period. Working through the home one room at a time, the book highlights classic items of furniture and signature accessories. In‐depth case studies demonstrate the essential elements and provide inspiration.

D C Hillier Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 192 p € 20,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519578 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Mid‐Century Modern at Home A Room-by-Room Guide To Achieving The Perfect Look


This handbook shows how to create a tailor‐made home inspired by Scandinavian design. Working through the home one room at a time, the book highlights classic items of furniture and signature accessories. In‐depth case studies demonstrate the essential elements and provide inspiration. Colour combinations are explored to help personalise these iconic styles for the home.


Scandinavian Style at Home A Room-by-Room Guide To Achieving The Perfect Look 79

Allan Torp Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm 192 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 20,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519561 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Damian Thompson Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 216 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small ISBN: 9781849758994 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Books fulfil myriad functions in our lives. They provide essential information, foster enthusiasms and spark memories. But these personal treasures also add colour and a true sense of personality to our homes. Books Make a Home explores the important role they play as Decoration, as well as functional items.

Books Make a Home Elegant Ideas for Storing and Displaying Books

Mark & Sally Bailey Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 216 mm 144 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,95 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small ISBN: 9781849758611 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


In Handmade Home, Mark and Sally Bailey of destination homeware store Baileys Home & Garden turn to the homes of artists, craftspeople and designers and those who collect their work. Living with paintings, sculptures, ceramics and textiles ‐ in fact almost anything crafted by hand ‐ will give your home a distinct personality that is welcome in this age of mass production.

Handmade Home Living with Art and Craft


Discover lagom‐the Swedish idea of balance, harmony, beauty, and sufficency. Our love affair with all things Scandinavian shows no signs of letting up. Having embraced the Danish concept of hygge, we're now looking to Sweden and one of their essential philosophies, lagom. It's best described as "not too much, not too little; just the right amount," which, in practice, is balance‐and isn't that what we're all looking for?

Elisabeth Carlsson Paperback | Eng. ed. 146 x 146 mm 176 p | throughout col.ill. € 12,50 | July 2017 [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small ISBN: 9781782495383 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

The Lagom Life A Swedish way of living In this captivating book, Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and author of the bestselling sensation The Little Book of Hygge takes us on a treasure hunt to unlock the doors to inner fulfilment. From how we spend our precious time, to how we relate to our neighbours and cook dinner, he gathers evidence, stories and tips from the very happiest corners of the planet. This is the ultimate guide to how we can all find a little more lykke in our lives.

The Little Book Of Lykke The Danish Search for the World's Happiest People E 80

Meik Wiking Hardback | Eng. ed. 209 x 206 mm| 288 p € 14,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Penguin Life ISBN: 9780241302019 (E)

Antonia Af Petersens Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 216 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,95 | Nov. 2017 [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small ISBN: 9781849758758 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Scandinavian style has long been associated with light, clean‐lined spaces or pared‐down monochrome interiors. However, in recent years the colour palette has seen a dramatic shift away from pale, cool shades and dramatic, darker and more characterful hues have begun to appear in stylish Nordic homes. Why have the Scandinavians suddenly welcomed colour in this way and how is it being used?

New Nordic Colour Decorating with a Vibrant Modern Palette

Sally Bailey Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 216 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small ISBN: 9781849758796 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


In this beautiful book, Mark and Sally Bailey of Baileys Home Store share their passion for rescued, repaired, reused and recycled pieces. The look they love is simple, stripped back and stylish, focusing on the integrity of the materials and surface quality ‐ chipped paint revealing the layers beneath, combinations of rough textures with clean lines or old materials with sleek stainless steel or concrete.

Recycled Home

Magnus Englund & Christina Schmidt Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 216 mm 144 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small ISBN: 9781849758772 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


In Scandinavian Modern, Magnus Englund and Christina Schmidt of design store Skandium trace the development of the Scandinavian style, introduce key designers and take a look at some of the most stylish homes in Scandinavia. The first section, Elements, takes a lively look at Scandinavian designers and design in the context of materials: wood, glass, textiles, ceramics and so on.

Scandinavian Modern


Paperback | Eng. ed. 279 x 215 mm 176 p | throughout col.ill. € 18,00 | Sept. 2017 [US] Simon & Schuster ISBN: 9781941815281 (E) II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE ‐ BETTER LIVING

Kinfolk is a slow lifestyle magazine that explores ways for readers to simplify their lives, cultivate community and spend more time with their friends and family. It is the place to discover new things to cook, make and do.

Kinfolk ‐ Volume 25


Nathan Williams Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 203 mm 368 p | 200 col.ill. € 39,50 | Oct. 2017 [US] Workman ISBN: 9781579657581 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE


Pairing insightful interviews with striking images of these men and women and their workspaces, The Kinfolk Entrepreneur makes business personal. The book profiles both budding and experienced entrepreneurs across a broad range of industries (from fashion designers to hoteliers) in cities across the globe (from Copenhagen to Dubai). Readers will learn how today's industry leaders handle both their successes and failures, achieve work‐life balance, find motivation in the face of adversity, and so much more.

The Kinfolk Entrepreneur Ideas for Meaningful Work

Whether you're a minimalist or someone who takes pleasure in her collections, we all yearn for an unencumbered life in a home that makes us happy. Remodelista: The Art of Order shows us how, with more than 100 simple and stylish tips, each clearly presented and accompanied by full‐colour photographs that are sure to inspire. Readers will learn strategies for conquering their homes' problem zones (from the medicine cabinet to the bedroom closet) and organising tricks and tools.

Artisan Hardback | Eng. ed. 234 x 165 mm | 256 p | 300 col.ill. € 27,95 | Nov. 2017 [US] Workman ISBN: 9781579656935 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR



The Organized Home

Artisan Michelle Slatalla Hardback | Eng. ed. | 267 x 200 mm | 256 p | € 42,00 | Nov. 2016 | [US] Workman ISBN: 9781579656522 (E)



Dirk De Meyer. With a preface by Kersten Geers Swiss binding | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | throughout col. & bw ill


Eighteenth‐century Neapolitan staircases present a shift from the traditional, monumental Baroque palace stairs towards the staircase that is serving four, five or more levels of apartments of different social standing. While prefiguring stairs in modern apartment buildings, they solve issues of aristocratic etiquette as well as practical plan arrangements. They are showpiece and utility in one.

€ 29,00 | July 2017 [BE] A&S/Books, UGent ISBN: 9789076714493 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Eighteenth‐century Neapolitan staircases Showpiece and Utility

Expo: 14/10/2017 ‐ 04/03/2018, Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag


Het ontstaan van de Franse Art Deco is een complex en fascinerend proces. In dit boek wordt op een nieuwe manier gekeken naar deze boeiende geschiedenis, waarin couturier Paul Poiret een belangrijke rol speelde. Paul Poiret was een van de grootstevernieuwers van de mode aan het begin van de 20ste eeuw. Zijn invloed reikte echter veel verder dan de mode alleen.

Art Deco Paris


Benno Tempel, Madelief Hohé, Doede Hardeman, Frouke v. Dijk, Eveline Holsappel, Wim v. Sinderen Paperback | Eng./ NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 256 p | 200 col.ill. € 22,50 | Oct. 2017 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621589 (E/ NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Expo: 26/10/2017 ‐ 29/1/2018, Neue Galerie New York Christian Witt‐Dorring, Janis Stages Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 235 mm 400 p | 280 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. € 51,80 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791357164 (E)


The Wiener Werkstatte, founded by Josef Hoffmann, Koloman Moser, and Fritz Waerndorfer, was an artists' and craftsmen's collective that existed in Vienna from 1903 until 1932. The artists' goal was to bring high‐quality design and craft into all areas of life and to elevate everyday objects into pieces of art. During that time, the collective produced items in a variety of media including ceramics, furniture, glass, jewelry, metalwork, and textiles.


Wiener Werkstätte 1903‐1932 The Luxury of Beauty

Pierre‐Emmanuel Martin‐Vivier & Jean‐Louis Gaillemin Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 305 x 230 mm 336 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 65,00 | Nov. 2017 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542899 (E)


Né en 1902, Jean Royère, le « moderne d'hier », manifeste très jeune son goût pour la décoration. Ses meubles et objets, parmi lesquels les emblématiques fauteuils et canapés Ours, font aujourd'hui l'objet d'un véritable engouement de la part des collectionneurs d'art et de design à travers le monde. Préfacée par Jean‐Louis Gaillemin, cette nouvelle édition permet de découvrir et d'approfondir des aspects méconnus de l'oeuvre de Jean Royère, notamment grâce à une centaine de nouvelles illustrations.

French ed. 305 x 230 mm 336 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 65,00 | Nov. 2017 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542882 (F) I09 ‐ DECORATIVE ARTS

Jean Royère

Designer et artiste inclassable, Pucci de Rossi (1947‐2013) a été un pilier de la scène artistique européenne des années 1980. Bijoux, mobilier, sculpture, peinture, l'univers de Pucci ne connaît pas de frontières, hormis celles de sa propre imagination. Sous sa main, les matériaux les plus modestes sont transcendés et deviennent des créations aussi fortes visuellement que fonctionnelles.

Pucci de Rossi

Jean‐Louis Gaillemin, Laure Vernière, Lauren Fishbein Paperback with flaps | Eng./Fr. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 352 p | 600 col. & bw ill € 50,00 | Sept. 2017 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542936 (E/ F) II05 ‐ DESIGN

E/F 84

Plywood: Material of the Modern World ‐ V&A, London : 15/07 ‐ 12/11/2017

Plywood is an astonishingly versatile material, made by gluing together layers of cross‐grained veneers, creating a pliable board that can be stronger than solid wood. Stylish and practical, plywood offers huge possibilities for experimental design, and it has been used to make a wide range of products, from aeroplanes, boats and automobiles to architecture and furniture.


Christopher Wilk Hardback | Eng. ed. 255 x 210 mm 240 p € 41,95 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519400 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE

Plywood Materials’ series

When you step into the headquarters of the Republic of Fritz Hansen in Allerod, northwest of Copenhagen, you are breathing in the spirit of a company that has made design history. The showroom, which is a mecca for design and architecture students, displays pieces that have become icons: the Series 7 chair, the Swan lounge chair, the Lissoni sofa. Again and again, the Danish furniture maker has teamed up with big‐name visionary designers including Arne Jacobsen, Poul Kjaerholm and Piero Lissoni.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 224 p | 215 col. & bw ill € 49,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832769154 (E) II05 ‐ DESIGN

In Perfect Shape Republic of Fritz Hansen


Designers from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland have long pursued the shared goal of social equality through design, believing that well‐ designed everyday goods not only enhance daily life, but should also be the birthright of all.

Modern Scandinavian Design

Charlotte Fiell & Peter Fiell Hardback | Eng. ed. 315 x 249 mm | 592 p € 84,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270528 (E) II05 ‐ DESIGN

E Reprint

Whether for protest, political or religious congress, solidarity, social companionship, eating, or comfort, sitting communally is one of the most powerful and prevalent of human social acts. This simple act of seating held special significance in numerous utopian communities that emerged in 19th century America and was given physical presence in the form of a variety of styles of wooden benches unique to these would‐be arcadias.

Francis Cape Paperback | Eng. ed. 220 x 170 mm | 112 p | 70 col.ill. € 24,80 | Nov. 2017 ‐R/P [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616891596 (E)

We Sit Together


Utopian Benches from the Shakers to the Separatists of Zoar

E 85

Expo: 1/10/2017‐28/01/2018, MoMA, NY Paola Antonelli Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 200 mm 288 p | 450 col.ill. € 48,95 | Oct. 2017 [US] MOMA, N.Y. ISBN: 9781633450363 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION


An encyclopaedic selection of 111 garments, footwear, and accessories ‐ from humble masterpieces to high fashion ‐ that have had a strong impact on society in the 20th and 21st centuries and continue to hold currency today.

Items: Is Fashion Modern?

Expo: 28/10/2017 ‐ 31/01/2017, Palais Lumière, Évian Hardback | French ed. 300 x 245 mm 256 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Nov. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614261 (F)


Les débuts de la photographie de mode sont timides et peu audacieux. Si de nombreux magazines existent pour diffuser la mode au début du XXe siècle, le dessin y occupe une place centrale. Si dans les médias, la place de la photographie de mode connait un essor similaire à celui de la photographie en général, jusque dans les années 1920, les contraintes liées aux techniques d'impression ne favorisent pas son utilisation.

Le chic français Images de femmes 1900-1950



Caroline Cox

Hardback | Eng. ed. 243 x 221 mm | 400 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 31,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) ISBN: 9781784722425 (E)

Discover the inspirational world of global street styles and the fascinating stories behind them, accompanied by hundreds of stunning photographs. Filled with eye‐catching images of 100 styles from around the globe, The World Atlas of Street Fashion is a celebration of those who dare to think differently. Written by acclaimed fashion historian Caroline Cox, The World Atlas of Street Fashion celebrates the invention and creativity to be found in fashion all around the globe. From the Chinese skinheads of Beijing to the feminist funkeiras of São Paolo, the raggare of Stockholm to the Junglists of Whistler, this is world street style as you've never seen it before. Organized geographically by continent, this book examines street style in all its international diversity, by tracing the many and varied ways in which it has developed in different regions of the world, from the streets to the catwalk. From the famous to the niche, the rebellious to the downright revolutionary, The World Atlas of Street Fashion offers a ground‐breaking portrait of world street style.


The World Atlas of Street Fashion


Roger K. Burton Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 304 p | 300 col.ill. € 48,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270948 (E)


The Contemporary Wardrobe Collection is the most comprehensive collection of street clothing in the world, regularly used in movies and music videos. With more than 15,000 garments, designed since the 1930s, the collection covers a multitude of cult fashions from zoot suiters, to mods to new romantics, and has dressed everyone from David Bowie to Kanye West. Rebel Threads showcases some of the most iconic styles in this amazing Aladdin's cave of street fashion, takes us up close to the garments.


Rebel Threads

Clothing of the Bad, Beautiful & Misunderstood

Pocket Edition


Curated by connoisseurs of vintage clothing, the Vintage Showroom is a vast collection of rare 20th‐century pieces that fashion designers and stylists pay to view, using the cut and detailing of individual garments as inspiration for their own work. Offering one‐of‐a‐kind access, Vintage Menswear now makes this unique resource available in book form. Featuring 130 of the most influential examples of 20th‐century and earlier European, American and Asian utilitarian tailoring and design.

Douglas Gunn Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 180 mm | 304 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 20,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270955 (E)

Vintage Menswear


A Collection from The Vintage Showroom 87

London may have Savile Row and Paris its luxury houses, but nowhere can compete with the essence of Italy's nonchalant elegance: sprezzatura. This book presents the most in‐depth look at the designers, tailors and artisans who for generations have defined the very notion of Italian style.

Hugo Jacomet Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. | 345 x 275 mm | 304 p | € 67,20 | Oct. 2017 | [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500518571 (E)

The Italian Gentleman


E The skilled tailors of Savile Row in Mayfair, central London, have dressed kings, movie stars, rock legends, billionaires ‐ and even a few regular guys. A Savile Row suit remains an enduring and highly individual symbol of the finest a man can buy.

Savile Row The Master Tailors of British Bespoke

James Sherwood & Tom Ford Hardback | Eng. ed. | 259 x 206 mm | 288 p | € 41,95 | Aug. 2017 | [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292617 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

E 2017 marks the 70th anniversary of the House of Dior. It was in 1947 that Christian Dior presented his first collection and heralded the birth of a new fashion silhouette for women. After the austerity of the war years, the cinched waistlines, full skirts and soft shoulders of the New Look came to embody a revival of Parisian luxury. Paris regained its place as the global capital of fashion and the name of Dior became a synonym for haute couture.

Christian Dior

Reprint. Expo : 5/07/2017 ‐ 7/01/2018, Published to mark the 70th anniversary of, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris Olivier Gabet & Florence Müller Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. | 355 x 280 mm | 368 p | € 70,00 | Nov. 2017 ‐R/P | [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500021545 (E)

Designer of Dreams

Dior: Catwalk The Complete Collections Hardback | Eng. ed. 277 x 190 mm 632 p | 1100 col.ill. € 67,50 | June 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519349 (E)


Yves Saint Laurent is one of the world's most famous designers, who's haute couture collections have deeply marked society and revolutionised the image of women. All About Yves documents the life of this great designer, from his childhood, to the seminal moments of his career, up until his death in 2008.

Ormen, Catherine Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. | 300 x 250 mm | 128 p | € 48,95 | Oct. 2017 | [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786271242 (E)

All About Yves


E 88

An understanding of trends is a fundamental skill for anyone working in the fashion industry. In this book Gwyneth Holland and Rae Jones look at how to produce a well‐researched trend, from initial inspiration to concrete idea and, eventually, real product.

Fashion Trend Forecasting

Gwyneth Holland Paperback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 175 mm | 160 p | € 25,20 | July 2017 | [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270580 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

E Only a few years ago, fashion photography used to be a stuffy world for a tiny elite. Now an explosion in social media and lifestyle advertising has created opportunities for a whole new breed of professional photographer.

Fashion and Lifestyle Photography

Dixie Dixon Paperback | Eng. ed. | 255 x 235 mm | 192 p | € 25,50 | Oct. 2017 | [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781574225 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

E In Love Those Eyes, Sarah Ellis and Elisa Mazzone bring you 50 gorgeous eye‐makeup recipes. These mouth‐watering ideas will delight all the more when you apply them to your own eyes. As with any great recipe collection you are inspired to adjust and re‐balance the elements to suit your own eye shape, complexion or mood. Featuring light looks to warm your day, cool powerful looks to say you mean business, carefree looks for out and about, dramatic looks for turning those heads.

Sarah Jane Ellis & Elisa Mazzone Paperback | Eng. ed. | 201 x 187 mm | 144 p | € 12,60 | July 2017 | [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781574188 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Love Those Eyes

E How do you navigate the confusing and competitive fashion world after the relative comfort of fashion school? How do you learn to adapt to an industry that constantly evolves and throws new challenges your way? And above all, how do you play to your strengths as a designer, and build a successful career in business.

Jay Calderin Hardback | Eng. ed. | 195 x 147 mm | 208 p | € 18,95 | Nov. 2017 | [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781574492 (E)

What They Didn't Teach You in Fashion School


E 89

'This ad is gender neutral', proclaimed a 2016 poster for the fashion brand Diesel; 'I resist definitions', announced a Calvin Klein ad in the same year, while a Louis Vuitton shoot featured Jaden Smith, son of actor Will Smith, wearing a skirt like a natural.

Androgyne Fashion and Gender

Patrick Mauriès Hardback | Eng. ed. 336 x 240 mm | 192 p € 54,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519356 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION


Fashion photography reflects not only the desires and fantasies of the consumer, but also the changing face of cultural values in society as a whole. A stunning object in its own right, Fashion Photography: The Story in 180 Pictures charts the evolution and glamour of the genre. Featuring names from classic photography alongside those from more recent generations, its draws upon myriad archives and sources to provide a comprehensive and accessible exploration of the subject.


Eugénie Shinkle Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 290 x 245 mm 272 p € 56,00 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500021392 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Fashion Photography The Story in 180 Images

A visual feast of 400 dazzling images, this is a comprehensive survey of the genre over the last century. The book also offers an overview of the development of fashion, as seen through the eyes of the greatest illustrators of the day.

100 Years of Fashion Illustration Pocket Edition

Cally Blackman Paperback | Eng. ed. 200 x 156 mm | 384 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 17,60 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270689 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

E In a permanently switched‐on society where we’re all overloaded with information and the sheer volume of choice can be overwhelming ‐ how do you know what to wear with what? Often this comes down to gut instinct but individual style can be learned. In Know Your Style Alyson Walsh speaks to fashion experts and creative women from around the globe, to gather ideas and information and reveal how to dress with confidence and lead a stylish life.


Know Your Style Mix it, match it, love it


Alyson Walsh Hardback | Eng. ed. 180 x 140 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,50 | Sept. 2017 [AUS] Hardie Grant ISBN: 9781784881184 (E)


Ellen Miller Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 400 p | 1840 col. & bw ill € 70,00 | July 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780679488 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION PATTERNS


Creating Couture Embellishment offers a step‐by‐step guide to manipulating fabric and making and applying a rich variety of embellishments. Chapters cover fabric‐manipulation techniques of pleating, quilting, tucking, ruffling, shirring and smocking, as well as the fabrication and application of feathers, beading, embroidery, flowers, decorative ribbons and bows, bias bindings and piping, fringe, braids and passementerie. The heirloom quality created by the insertion or application of lace is also explored.

Creating Couture Embellishment

Louise Young Hardback | Eng. ed. 248 x 176 mm 256 p € 25,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) ISBN: 9781784723705 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION, LIFE STYLE & GLAMOUR


The definitive guide to recreating the most striking make‐up and hair styles of the 20th C. From renowned film, television and make‐up artist Louise Young, along with leading film industry hairstylist Loulia Sheppard. Step‐by‐step photography and clear, concise instructions help you to recreate make‐up and hair looks from the past 100 years of beauty, from the dark, smouldering eyes of the jazz‐age flapper to the red lips and victory rolls of the 1940s, right up to the electric colours of the 1980s.

Timeless A Century of Iconic Looks

The Metropolitan Museum of Art Hardback | Eng. ed. 159 x 108 mm 24 p | 366 col.ill. € 19,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419726781 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS


The diary is not year‐specific and can be started at any time. Drawing from The Metropolitan Museum of Art's famous costume collection, this journal features a stunning dress, ensemble, or accessory on every page, identified with a brief caption. Arranged by colour, the diary covers over 300 years of style, and includes designs by Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, and more.

Daily Dress (Guided Journal) A Line-A-Day 5 Year Diary


There are only two notable differences between toys for little boys and toys for grown‐up boys: the toys get bigger with age‐and more expensive. Matchbox cars give way to high‐end sports cars, model boats become motorboats and sailing yachts, and the plastic wristwatch turns into a Swiss chronograph with a perpetual calendar and minute repeater.

Michael Brunnbauer Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm | 256 p | 700 col.ill. € 79,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710188 (E/ F/ 'Ϳ

Ultimate Toys for Men II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

E/F/G Darryl Sleath Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 161 mm 930 p € 25,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781844039647 (E) II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR


This ultimate guide to road trips is a must for every motor enthusiast. From Cheddar Gorge in the UK to the Lost World Highway in New Zealand, this is a compilation of the most unforgettable and extraordinary journeys our planet has to offer. Divided into themed chapters (Scenic, Adventure, and Historical & Cultural), this book strives to inspire readers to strike out on their own adventures, while also being the perfect read for the armchair traveller.

1001 Drives You Must Experience Before You Die

Dit bijzondere boek, een initiatief van de UA professoren Gaetane Stassijns en Marc Peeters, bundelt getuigenissen van bekende en minder bekende mensen uit de meest diverse disciplines en een aantal toegankelijke bijdragen van specialisten. Allen hebben de bedoeling de lezer te wijzen op het nauwelijks te overschatten belang van 'beweging' in het licht van een goede gezondheid. Bekende 'ervaringsdeskundigen' zijn onder meer Bart Peeters, Bart De Wever, Elodie Ouedraogo, Karel Van Eetvelt, Lydia Chagoll,...

Michaël De Moor, Gaëtane Stassijns e.a. Hardback | NL ed. 330 x 245 mm | 160 p | 60 col.ill. € 39,90 | Nov. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565839 (NL) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Move! Henk van Cauwenbergh

NL 92

E/F/G The Harley-Davidson Book

E Fast Forward The World's Most Unique Cars [G] Gestalten Verlag | 300 x 270 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 49,90 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9783899559026 (E, HB)

These cars are futuristic, utopian, eccentric, and always ahead of their time. From models that were never presented to consumers to those produced as limited series, Fast Forward shows cars that pique people s interest and enthusiasm. From cars never shown to those models that see small production runs, Fast Forward presents vehicles that are just as much sculpture as automobile.

Harley Davidson is much more than a motorcycle manufacturer; for over 100 years it is an iconic brand and today it stands for an entire way of life. To make the reader see and feel this way of life is the purpose of The Harley Davidson Book: we learn about the brand's history, about racing, important events, and the customizing scene; but first of all the book showcases a lot of the most legendary motorcycle. [G] teNeues | 320 x 250 mm | 224 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | € 49,90 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9783961710232 (E/ F/ G, HB+)


E/F/G The Porsche 911 Book

The Porsche Book - Vol. 2

René Staud

The Ferrari Book

The Porsche Book, Volume II, traces Porsche's influence on automotive history: from the legendary Ducktail to the latest Panamera models. This book will be developed in cooperation with award-winning German automotive magazine ramp, ensuring that it gets as dynamic as the brand itself and illustrating with a great number of exciting photos that driving a Porsche means much more than getting from A to B, it is an entire lifestyle.

Passion for Design

The Porsche 911 bestseller is now available in a handy flexi-cover format and at an unbeatable price. The introduction of the Porsche 901 in 1963 marked a milestone in automotive history. Although the name later had to be changed because Peugeot had patented having a 0 in the middle of car model numbers, the 911 didn t let anything stand in the way of its becoming an iconic sports car. This success story spans all the way from the 901 and the Carrera RS 2.7 [G] teNeues | 187 x 146 mm | 160 p | 100 col.ill. | € 9,99 [BE] | July 2017 9783961710409 (E/ F/ G, FLEXI)

[G] teNeues | 320 x 250 mm | 224 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | € 49,90 [BE] | Nov. 2017 9783961710218 (E/ F/ G, HB+)


In The Ultimate Ferrari Book, Ferrari enthusiasts will find 40 spectacular icons, all of them selected for their design. Describing the core elements of the contemporary craze for Ferrari and automobiles, in general, this book is a new and different treat for all ultimate fans. [G] teNeues | 370 x 290 mm | 416 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | € 128,00 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9783961710201 (E/ F/ G/ IT, HB)

Horse expert and aficionado, Peter Clotten takes you on a journey in The Equestrian World into a world where there is always the scent of polished leather and fresh hay in the air. Peek behind the scenes at world‐famous competitions‐from heart‐pounding head‐to‐head races and hard‐hitting polo matches to exquisitely controlled dressage riding.Expressive portraits and informative accompanying text will acquaint you with famous riders and horse enthusiasts as well as manufacturers, saddleries, and designers.

The Equestrian World Peter Clotten


Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm | 256 p | 275 col.ill. € 79,90 | Sept. 2017 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783961710089 (E/ F/ G)

The Hunting Book

Oliver Dorn ISBN: 9783961710171 (E/ F/ G)

Le Monde de la Chasse Oliver Dorn

ISBN: 9783961710607 (F (E/G))

Celebrating the most important, popular, and diverse hiking trails in the world, this book invites readers to take a walking tour through the planet's natural wonders. Divided into six sections, the book groups trails by theme: pilgrimages, historic hikes, mountain hikes, wilderness trails, trails through diverse environments, and long‐distance trails.


Karen Berger, Bill McKibben (foreword) Hardback | Eng. ed. 264 x 264 mm 336 p | 350 col.ill. € 51,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Rizzoli + ISBN: 9780847860937 (E) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE ‐ TRAVEL

Great Hiking Trails of the World More and more people are taking a break from conventional life for the freedom and adventure of being on the road and living in a converted vintage truck, camper, or van. One of these vandwellers, Foster Huntington, created the #vanlife hashtag as he chronicled his adventures living in a van while driving across country. He tapped into a community of like‐minded individuals looking to explore nature at their own pace.

Foster Huntington Hardback | Eng. ed. | 256 p € 23,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Little Brown (Hachette) ISBN: 9780751570274 (E) II17 ‐ NATURE

Van Life Inspiration For Your Home on the Road

E The places time forgot From the magical empty theatres of Detroit to the lost playgrounds of Chernobyl, there are places across the globe that were once a hub of activity, but are now abandoned and in decay. With nature creeping in and reclaiming these spots, we are left with eerie crumbling ruins and breathtaking views that offer us a window into the past and capture our imagination. Abandoned showcases the very best photographs from around the world documenting this phenomenon.

Abandoned The most beautiful and forgotten places from around the world

E 94

Hardback | Eng. ed. 197 x 178 mm | 192 p € 18,95 | July 2017 [UK] Random House UK ISBN: 9781785035517 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p € 39,90 | Aug. 2017 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556780 (E)

From dog sledding to ice fishing to waterfall climbing to bandy, countless possibilities await beyond the crowded ski slope and traditional winter activities. Create the winter wonderland that you desire and crave. Colder temperatures invite a variety of unique ways to interact with nature. Dog sleighs and snowshoes facilitate movement across snowy plains for everyday icy life whilst ice motocross and figure skating provide a burst of adrenaline.



Below Zero Adventures Out in the Cold

A unique illustrated history of travel and exploration, Journey follows the stories of human movement, from the fi rst humans to leave Africa to the fi rst to leave the planet. Experience the romance of travel alongside rare images, maps, and artefacts from archives around the world.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 301 x 252 mm | 360 p | throughout col.ill. € 34,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] D. K. ISBN: 9780241289426 (E)



An Illustrated History of Travel

E 501 of the most spectacular journeys are collected into one volume, perfect for any intrepid traveller. This book will inspire you to experience some of the most incredible journeys on earth, whether that's canoeing down the Yukon River in North America or embarking on the Nilgiri Mountain Railway in South Asia‐ there is something for everyone.

D. Brown, J. Brown and A. Findlay Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 190 mm | 384 p € 31,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Bounty (Octopus) ISBN: 9780753732540 (E)

501 Must‐Take Journeys


E Whether you are an adventurer, intrepid backpacker, holiday‐maker or simply interested in the wider world, this book will surely stir your imagination.

501 Must‐Visit Wild Places 501 Series

Arthur Findlay, Jackum Brown and Fid Backhouse Paperback | Eng. ed. x mm | 384 p € 31,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Octopus ISBN: 9780753732557 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

E 95

These are the stories of fifty countries that once existed – however briefly – but have now have been erased from the map. Varying vastly in size and shape, location and longevity, they are nonetheless united by one fact: all of them endured long enough to issue their own stamps. Some of their names, such as Biafra or New Brunswick, will be relatively familiar. Others, such as Labuan, Tannu Tuva and Inini, are far less recognizable. But all of these lost nations have fascinating stories to tell, whether they were as short‐lived as Eastern Karelia, which lasted only a few weeks during the Soviet–Finnish War of 1922, or as long‐lasting as the Orange Free State, a Boer Republic that celebrated fifty years as an independent state in the late 1800s. Their broad spectrum reflects the entire history of the 19th and 20th centuries, with its ideologies, imperialism, waves of immigration and conflicts both major and minor.

Bjorn Berge

Hardback | Eng. ed. 162 x 215 mm | 240 p | 160 col. & bw ill € 23,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519905 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

The motifs and symbols chosen for stamps have always served as a form of national self‐presentation, an expression of the aims and ambitions of the ruling authorities. Drawing on fiction and eye‐witness accounts as well as historical sources, Bjørn Berge’s witty text casts an unconventional eye on these lesser‐known nations, teasing out informative anecdotes and fascinating facts. At a time when issues of sovereignty and statehood are filling the media once again, this is a different kind of history book that will intrigue anyone keen to understand what makes a nation a nation.


Nowherelands An Atlas of Vanished Countries

Atlas of Untamed Places is an intrepid journey through nature's most unusual, wild, feral, and extraordinary places. Readers will discover everything from ancient, protected zones, to the inhabitable and unimaginable. Incredible photography presents new wildernesses being carved out by rivers and quakes, as well as and man‐made wilds like Chernobyl which, after being barren for years, has developed into a growing natural habitat, free from human intervention.

Chris Fitch Hardback | Eng. ed. 259 x 185 mm | 224 p € 24,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Aurum (Quarto) ISBN: 9781781316771 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

Atlas of Untamed Places An extraordinary journey through our wild world

E This is the ultimate bible to Paris unknown. If you want to see Paris like it is in the movies, Nessy will show you the director s cut. If you seek the unusual and the underground, she ll take you down the rabbit hole and park you at the mad hatter s doorstep. If you think you know Paris, let Nessy challenge you. This book will encourage the wanderer within. It is a true traveller's companion as much as a beautifully‐designed collectible for your bookshelf.

Don't be a Tourist in Paris A Messy Nessy Chic Guide

E 96

Paperback | Eng. ed. 215 x 145 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. € 35,00 | July 2017 [UK] Roads ISBN: 9781909399976 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

Griet De Smedt & Annick Verschueren Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 144 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 24,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565808 (NL) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

De titel Stof voor durf‐het‐zelvers laat ondertussen geen enkele naaister meer onbewogen. Stof voor durf‐het‐zelvers 3 is alweer het derde boek in een prachtige reeks Het is geen aanvulling op de eerste twee boeken, noch een herneming ervan. Dit boek is het resultaat van een evolutie, en misschien zelfs wel een revolutie in het naailandschap.


Stof voor durf‐het‐zelvers 3

Rieke Hessels & Bianca Dewamme Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 300 col.ill. € 19,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565792 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF


Opvolger Make it yours, niet langer een echte handleiding, maar een actieboek waarmee zowel beginners als gevorderden direct aan de slag kunnen. Bij elk project staat de nodige technische informatie geïntegreerd, waardoor er nóg meer ruimte is voor leuke creatieve toepassingen ‐ van eenvoudig tot ambitieus. Dit boek bevat maar liefst 30 nieuwe originele projecten in de meest vernieuwende Silhouette materialen ‐ bovendien zijn de projecten haalbaar met elk type van de Cameo snijplotter.

Pimp it more !


Handstyle Lettering puts the best in contemporary hand‐lettering on display with artist profiles as well as broad surveys of handcrafted typographic projects used for signage, logos, invitations and more. The on‐trend pieces within exist at the intersection of art, typography and design; their creators help lend authenticity and style to corporate identities, or allow small brands and individual projects distinguish themselves from competitors with elegance and flair.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 205 x 190 mm | 256 p € 39,00 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Victionary ISBN: 9789887714842 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

Handstyle Lettering From calligraphy to typography


From the London Centre for Books Arts, the internationally recognized, artistrun, open‐access studio at the forefront of the book‐craft community, comes this definitive manual for creating hand‐bound books. Making Books: A Guide to Creating Handcrafted Books offers beginners and advanced artists alike a comprehensive overview of the tools, principles, and techniques used in hand bookbinding. Through hundreds of vibrant photographs and clear illustrations showing step‐by‐step instructions, Making Books leads

Hardback | Eng. ed. x mm | 192 p € 66,95 | Nov. 2017 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616896317 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Making Books A Guide to Creating Handcrafted Books

E Herbert Press

Protest Knits is the book for you. From pussy hats to protest scarfs and political pin cushions to shy anarchist socks. Make your point with a crochet hook or pair of knitting needles. From the easy peasy to the more complex, here are more than 15 projects for some crafty therapy.

Protest Knits

Jayne Parsons Hardback | Eng. ed. x mm | 96 p € 12,60 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781912217007 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

Got Needles? Get Knitting !

E As crafters, we learn different stitches over time without thinking a lot about how they're broken down. But when Natalie Chanin and her team began to look at their popular stitches more closely, they realised that they were all based on a geometric grid system a system that can easily be dissected and charted. The Geometry of Hand‐Sewing is a must‐have instruction manual to the embroidery and hand‐sewing techniques and styles. Within, readers will find invaluable instruction on technique.

2 plastic, perf stitch card inserts Natalie Chanin, illustrated by Sun Young Park | Eng. ed. | 273 x 216 mm | 256 p | € 21,80 | Nov. 2017 | 002014 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419726637 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

The Geometry of Hand‐Sewing A Romance in Stitches and Embroidery from Alabama Chanin and The School of Making

E 98

Modernism #70

Art Deco #75

Christmas #80

Gift wrapping paper book

Gift wrapping paper book

Gift wrapping paper book

[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap | 345 x 250 mm | 12 p | € 12,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9789460090820 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH, PB)

[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap | 345 x 250 mm | 12 p | € 12,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9789460090875 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH, PB)

[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap | 345 x 250 mm | 12 p | € 12,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9789460090929 (E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH, PB)



Floral Engravings

Op Art

Art Déco

Paper Placemat Pads

Greeting Card Set

Origami Book

PEPIN placemat pads all contain 8 sheets of 6 different designs, so in all 48 placemats per pad. The designs are printed with soy-based ink on high-quality FSC-certified paper. The placemats can very easily be removed from the pads without damaging the sheets. The placemats measure 42 cm x 30 cm (16½ inch x 12 inch). The design, printing quality and materials are all of the highest quality, PEPIN placemat will make your dinner table look truly wonderful.

Pepin van Roojen

Pepin van Roojen

20 folded greeting cards (2x10 designs) and 20 envelopes (10x2 designs) with matching designs, all kept in high-quality box with magnetic snap closure.

PEPIN origami books contains 96 beautifully designed origami sheets that can be easily removed. Included are a few folding diagrams.

[NL] Pepin Press | 170 x 120 mm | 20 p | € 19,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9789460094736 (E, CARDS)

[NL] Pepin Press ‐ Placemats | 300 x 420 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | € 19,95 [BE] | Aug. 2017 glued spine, greyboard back, shrink‐wrapped, 8 x 6 designs 9789460097164 (‐, PAD)


[NL] Pepin Press | 220 x 220 mm | 96 p | € 17,95 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9789460094514 (E, PB)



1960s Design


Marker Colouring Card Books

Marker Colouring Card Books

Pepin Van Rooje

Pepin Van Rooje

PEPIN Marker Colouring Cards contain 20 cards, made of professional-quality bleedproof paper specially formulated for use with felt-tipped pens and markers (alcohol and non-alcohol based). The 250 gsm paper is thick enough to make the cards suitable for mailing, made from responsible sources and is acid-free and age resistant. As with our other artists' colouring books, our marker books are printed with intricate designs in fine lines using a special formulated colour. For best result we recommend the use o

PEPIN Marker Colouring Cards contain 20 cards, made of professional-quality bleedproof paper specially formulated for use with felt-tipped pens and markers (alcohol and non-alcohol based). The 250 gsm paper is thick enough to make the cards suitable for mailing, made from responsible sources and is acid-free and age resistant. As with our other artists' colouring books, our marker books are printed with intricate designs in fine lines using a special formulated colour. For best result we recommend the use o

[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | 150 x 150 mm | 20 p | € 11,95 [BE] | July 2017 9789460096815 (E, PB)

[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | 150 x 150 mm | 20 p | € 11,95 [BE] | July 2017 9789460096822 (E, PB)



E Arabian



Marker Colouring Sheets

Marker Colouring Sheets

Marker Colouring Sheets

Pepin Van Rooje

Pepin Van Rooje

Pepin Van Rooje

PEPIN Marker Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free bleedproof paper, printed with exciting and intricate designs. The printing is done in very light lines, so that the printed outline will not or hardly be visible after colouring. The 150 gsm paper is made to our specifications to be suitable for alcohol and non-alcohol based felt-tipped pens and all types of markers. However, other techniques can also be used.

PEPIN Marker Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free bleedproof paper, printed with exciting and intricate designs. The printing is done in very light lines, so that the printed outline will not or hardly be visible after colouring. The 150 gsm paper is made to our specifications to be suitable for alcohol and non-alcohol based felt-tipped pens and all types of markers. However, other techniques can also be used.

PEPIN Marker Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free bleedproof paper, printed with exciting and intricate designs. The printing is done in very light lines, so that the printed outline will not or hardly be visible after colouring. The 150 gsm paper is made to our specifications to be suitable for alcohol and non-alcohol based felt-tipped pens and all types of markers. However, other techniques can also be used.

[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | € 14,95 [BE] | July 2017 9789460098826 (E, HB)

[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | € 14,95 [BE] | July 2017 9789460098840 (E, HB)

[NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books | 345 x 250 mm | 16 p | € 14,95 [BE] | July 2017 9789460098833 (E, HB)


Book Collector Carry with Love Totes 4260416450363 (TOTE)

Charlotte Bronte BabyLit® Totes 9781423647775 (‐, TOTE)

Jane Austen BabyLit® Totes 9781423647782 (‐, TOTE)


Books and Stuff

Carry with Love Totes

Carry with Love Totes

4260416450226 ( TOTE )

4260416450301 (TOTE )

Edgar Allan Poe BabyLit® Totes 9781423647768 (‐, TOTE)

Katze Carry with Love Totes 4260416450349 (‐, TOTE)

Louisa May Alcott BabyLit® Totes

Call Mom Carry with Love Totes 4260416450370 (‐, TOTE)

William Shakespeare BabyLit® Totes 9781423646853 (‐, TOTE)

9781423647799 (‐, TOTE)

Anne of Green Gables BabyLit® Totes

Anne of Green Gables (Littlelit Tote)

9781423648062 (‐, TOTE)

9781423648079 (‐, TOTE)

BabyLit® Totes



E E Cats in Movies Notecards

Certificates for Everyday Things

Floral Patterns of India: 16 Notecards

Susan Herbert

Susan Herbert’s delightful feline reimaginings of famous scenes from art, theatre, opera and film have won her a devoted following. These clever and charming notecards feature her renditions of twenty classic movie scenes with cats in the starring roles. They will make an ideal gift for cat-loving culture buffs and cultured cat-lovers everywhere.

Marian Bantjes

Henry Wilson

Do you have something to celebrate? Something to announce, or get off your chest? Maybe you’re feeling contrite? The renowned designer Marian Bantjes has created ten unique gift certificates to commemorate life’s major milestones, from jobs won, chores done, races run, friendship won, to things acquired, feuds expired, inventions, intentions and honourable mentions.

[UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts | x mm | p | € 13,20 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9780500420829 (E, cards)

[UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts | 200 x 250 mm | p | € 17,50 [BE] | Oct. 2017 9780500420775 (E, PB)

This gift range is inspired by Henry Wilson’s Floral Patterns of India, an outstanding sourcebook of photographs and drawings for lovers of both design and India, and practising artists and designers everywhere. Henry Wilson’s drawings – which in a magically abstract form copy the decoration illustrated or perform variations on it – interpret and revel in the Indian aesthetic.


[UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts | x mm | p | € 15,50 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9780500420850 (E, CARDS)



Floral Patterns of India: Sticker & Tape Book

Floral Patterns of India: Giftwrapping Paper Book

Mid-Century Modern:

Henry Wilson

Henry Wilson

This gift range is inspired by Henry Wilson’s Floral Patterns of India, an outstanding sourcebook of photographs and drawings for lovers of both design and India, and practising artists and designers everywhere. Henry Wilson’s drawings – which in a magically abstract form copy the decoration illustrated or perform variations on it – interpret and revel in the Indian aesthetic.

This gift range is inspired by Henry Wilson’s Floral Patterns of India, an outstanding sourcebook of photographs and drawings for lovers of both design and India, and practising artists and designers everywhere. Henry Wilson’s drawings – which in a magically abstract form copy the decoration illustrated or perform variations on it – interpret and revel in the Indian aesthetic.

The mid-20th century was one of the most popular, collectible and dynamic periods of international design. Drawing on the inventive style of the era, this range of gift products features exclusive illustrations of iconic mid-century designs rendered in a distinctive graphic style by Here Design, an award-winning, multi-disciplinary design studio.

[UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts | x mm | p | € 13,20 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9780500420874 (E, PB)

[UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts | x mm | p | € 14,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9780500420867 (E, PB)


Giftwrapping Paper Book

[UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts | 684 x 480 mm | 10 p | € 17,50 [BE] | Sept. 2017 10 sheets wrapping paper & 12 gift tags 9780500420836 (E, PB)




Internet Password Logbook Editors of Rock Point

All the Things I Love Journal

642 Lists to Write

A timely and valuable resource in the "Age of the Hacker." This essential notebook maintains your personal and financial safety. Record the necessarily complex passwords and user log-in names required to thwart hackers. This time- and headache-saving logbook has numerous tabbed alphabetical pages to make looking up a website address--and its corresponding log-in(s) and password(s) - easy to manage.


San Francisco Writers' Grotto

This vintage-inspired journal is the perfect place to collect and reflect on beloved people, places, activities, things, and moments. Lined, gridded, and blank pages inside are interspersed with pockets for stashing paper keepsakes and memorabilia, while 100% recycled paper pages and a silk-screened cover make this a tactile treasure worthy of its beloved contents.

The quirky inspiration of the 642 Series takes on a new form in this collection of fun and thought-provoking lists. Filling out these lists will provide hours of entertainment and inspiration, whether the journaler is looking for a creative way to pass the time, an opportunity for self-reflection, or a spark to jumpstart creative writing projects

[UK] Quayside (Quarto) | 155 x 107 mm | 128 p | € 8,50 [BE] | Aug. 2017 ‐R/P

[US] Chronicle Gifts | 197 x 133 mm | 192 p | € 17,95 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9781452165332 (E, NOTEBOOK)

[US] Chronicle Gifts | 229 x 191 mm | 304 p | € 15,50 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9781452156408 (E, NOTEBOOK)

Reprint 9781631061943 (E, HB)



Letters to My Daughter Lea Redmond

E Bright Ideas Productivity Journal

Letters for the Year

A new twist on the bestselling Bright Ideas line, this journal offers creative thinkers the perfect place to plan, list, organise, and invent. The journal features dotted paper, page numbers, and a fill-in table of contents, plus vivid coloured paper, a beautiful exposed spine, and a sturdy cover.

[US] Chronicle Gifts | 95 x 202 mm | 52 p | € 21,50 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9781452165967 (E, HB)

Lea Redmond

This keepsake booklet of prompted letters invites parents to give the gift of a lifetime to their daughter, whether she’s still at home or out on her own. Each letter offers a chance to share favorite memories, words of wisdom, and hopes for a bright future. Once filled out, sealed, and postdated, the letters become a special paper time capsule full of love, which the recipient will treasure for years to come. [US] Chronicle Gifts | 95 x 202 mm | 118 p | € 14,50 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9781452153827 (E, other)

[US] Chronicle Gifts | 216 x 152 mm | 192 p | € 15,50 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9781452165172 (E, OPEN)

Letters to My Son Lea Redmond [US] Chronicle Gifts | 95 x 202 mm | 0 p | € 14,50 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9781452153810 (E, other)


by (artist) Yao Cheng Hardback | Eng. ed. 165 x 102 mm 372 p € 17,95 | Sept.. 2017 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452164601 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

This stunning new version of our bestselling One Line a Day memory book features a dreamy watercolour cover design by Yao Cheng that shimmers with gold foil stars. Inside, watercolour‐washed pages in full‐colour offer space to record a brief daily thought on the same day over five years allowing journalers to rediscover past highlights while they reflect on the present.

One Line a Day ‐ Celestial A Five-Year Memory Book


This sweet new version of our classic bestselling One Line a Day memory book features vibrant floral watercolor artwork on its cover and within. With foil‐stamped accents, gilded page edges, and a silky ribbon marker, this strikingly beautiful five‐year diary brings unexpected joy and reflection to each day, and makes an exceptional gift for Mother's Day, graduations, and all sorts of springlike celebrations.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 156 x 95 mm | 372 p € 17,94 | Feb. 2018 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452164618 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Floral One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book



E Living Well One Line a Day

One Line a Day

Gardener's One Line a Day

A Five Year Memory Book

A Five-year Memory Book

A Five-Year Reflection Book

This classic memorykeeper is the perfect way to track the ups and downs of life, day by day. The 365 daily entries appear five times on each page, allowing users to revisit previous thoughts and memories over five years as they return to each page to record the current day's events.

This classic journal provides space for gardeners to lightly track and record information on their gardens and inspiration over a five-year period. In our winning One Line a Day format, this elegant journal is the perfect gift for novice and seasoned gardeners alike.

[US] Chronicle Gifts | 162 x 105 mm | 370 p | € 14,50 [BE] | Jan. 2016 ‐R/P

[US] Chronicle Gifts | 162 x 105 mm | 370 p | € 15,50 [BE] | Sept. 2014 9781452119533 (E, HB)

This elegant journal adds a creative dimension to any wellness program, whether fitnessbased or rooted in spirituality. Journalers can track well-being by recording meaningful musings and health-minded observations. Daily entries are small but profound motivations to stay committed, and the fiveyear format will enable users to observe growth and positive change over the course of time.

Reprint 9780811870191 (E, HB)


[US] Chronicle Gifts | 162 x 105 mm | 372 p | € 15,50 [BE] | Sept. 2013 9781452125480 (E, HB)

The fantastic and peculiar book of tales featured in the #1 international bestselling Miss Peregrine series is brought to life in this beautifully illustrated volume‐now in a luxe paperback edition with an all‐new tale added! A companion to the New York Times bestselling Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, which was also developed as a major motion picture directed by Tim Burton.

Tales of the Peculiar

french flaps, printed endpapers, two‐color interior with illustrations Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 228 x 152 mm | 208 p € 10,50 | Oct. 2017 [US] Penguin US ISBN: 9780399538544 (E)

Ransom Riggs & Andrew Davidson € 11,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Penguin UK ISBN: 9780141371658 (E)

E The return of Twin Peaks this May is one of the most anticipated events in the history of television. The subject of endless speculation, shrouded in mystery, fans will come flocking to see Mark Frost and David Lynch's inimitable vision once again grace the screen. Featuring all the characters we know and love from the first series, as well as a list of high‐powered actors in new roles, the show will be endlessly debated, discussed, and dissected.

Mark Frost Hardback | Eng. ed. 220 x 155 mm | 160 p € 24,50 | Nov. 2017 [UK] MacMillan ISBN: 9781509802043 (E) I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Twin Peaks The Final Dossier

E The tale of Beren and Lúthien was, or became, an essential element in the evolution of The Silmarillion, the myths and legends of the First Age of the World conceived by J.R.R. Tolkien. Returning from France and the battle of the Somme at the end of 1916, he wrote the tale in the following year.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 228 x 149 mm | 288 p € 28,95 | June 2017 [UK] Harper Collins UK ISBN: 9780008214197 (E) II11 ‐ PHANTASY & S.F

Beren and Lúthien J. R. R. Tolkien



Imaginary worlds have captivated readers since the first works of literature. Lovingly researched and beautifully produced, Literary Wonderlands explores the timeless , captivating features of literature's greatest fictional worlds and the minds that created them. The book is comprised of nearly 100 sections, each of which details the plot of a famous fantasy world, the historical circumstances that surrounded its production , the author's inspiration, and the place it holds in the public imagination.

Laura Miller Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. ϮϭϬ x ϭϱϬ mm | ϯϮϬ p € 34,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] MODERN BOOKS (T&H) ISBN: 9781911130345 (E) II15b ‐ LITERATURE

Literary Wonderlands A Journey through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created

E Modern Books

Ever racked your brain for a word you're convinced should exist, yet is inexplicably absent from the dictionary? All languages have their limitations ‐ should Engl ish fall short, the expression may lie elsewhere.

The Untranslatables: Weird and Wonderful Words from Around the World

Christopher J. Moore Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 190 x 140 mm | 128 p | 130 col. & bw ill € 13,95 | Nov. 2017 [UK] MODERN BOOKS (T&H) ISBN: 9781906761882 (E) I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

E From the New York Times bestselling author of Lost in Translation comes this charming illustrated collection of more than fifty expressions from around the globe that explore the nuances of language. From the hilarious and romantic to the philosophical and literal, the idioms, proverbs, and adages in The Illustrated Book of Sayings reveal the remarkable diversity, humor, and poignancy of the world’s languages and cultures.

Ella Frances Sanders Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 165 mm | 112 p € 15,95 | Sept. 2017 [US] Ten Speed Press ISBN: 9781607749332 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

The Illustrated Book of Sayings


Curious Expression from Around the World

Anna Maria Kiosse Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 170 mm 168 p € 15,00 | Oct. 2017 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694678 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Swearing is and always has been regarded as undereducated, obscene, rude and profane in society. It has been censored, forbidden and the institutions of power continue to ban it from society and all media. Yet despite your mum's best efforts, cussing is mainstream. It's even more than that, it's an integrated part of our culture. We have used profane language since the beginning of time.


The F***ing History of Swearing 106

Hardback | NL ed. 272 x 230 mm 216 p € 50,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Stockmans Art Books ISBN: 9789077207406 (NL) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS


De meeste mensen kennen maar een bepaald aspect van kameleon Jan Bosschaert, die op zijn zestigste verjaardag kan terugblikken op een uitgebreid oeuvre. Hoog tijd dus voor een boek waarin alles wat hij in die periode "bij mekaar getekend, geschilderd, gekrabbeld, gegomd, gepend en geprutst heeft" samenkomt, zoals hij het zelf graag verwoordt. Jan vindt zichzelf in de eerste plaats een verteller die met lijnen leven op papier schept.

Het Beste van Jan Bosschaert

Chris Ware, Ira Glass Hardback | Eng. ed. 457 x 330 mm 280 p € 65,00 | Oct. 2017 [US] Rizzoli + ISBN: 9780847860883 (E) II12 ‐ GRAPHIC NOVELS


The first and much‐anticipated monograph by multi‐award winning cartoonist and graphic novelist Chris Ware, chronicling his influential quarter‐century career. While illustrator Chris Ware's singular body of work is often categorized as comics, his trailblazing work defies genre. Whether he is writing graphic novels, making paintings, or building sculptures, Ware explores universal themes of social isolation, emotional torment, and depression with his trademark self‐effacing voice.

Chris Ware Monograph



NL Zeep

Frida Kahlo

Maarten Vande Wiele Het is 1986 en in New York City is de jacht naar geld, succes en geluk geopend. Maar dat kan de jonge secretaresse Barbra Roberts gestolen worden. Barbra droomt van een prins, net zoals in haar geliefde soapopera's. Ze valt als een blok voor de rijke Kenneth Castelson, en als Kenneth haar ten huwelijk vraagt lijken al haar dromen uit te komen. Maar wat is er gebeurd met de ex van Kenneth? [BE] Oogachtend | 160 p | € 15,00 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9789492672018 (NL, PB)

The Story of Her Life (Graphic Novel) Vanna Vinci

The perfect subject for a graphic novel, Frida Kahlo's brief life was dramatic and romantic, tragic and painful. In this illustrated "biography", Vanna Vinci captures the spirit of Kahlo's world in boldly colored, minutely detailed illustrations. Blending facts and history with dreamlike and surreal sequences, Vinci creates an intimate portrayal of an artist who incorporated her life experiences into her art. [UK] Prestel | 260 x 200 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. | € 26,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9783791383880 (E, HB)

%HQRLW 3HHWHUV )UDQÊRLV 6FKXLWHQ Benoit Peeters & François Schuiten

After a metaphysical accident on a roller coaster, young Mary begins to lean. Five years later, as a young woman, Mary joins Prof. Wappendorf in a rocket. On an alien planet, they meet Jules Verne and a lonely artist. This is a story of persevarance and a search for love. This is the first time this award-winning graphic novel has been published in English. [US] Random House US | 295 x 236 mm | 176 p | € 29,95 [BE] | June 2017 9781684050963 (E, TPB)

Mercy on Me Reinhard Kleist

Musician, novelist, poet, actor: Nick Cave is a Renaissance man. His wide-ranging artistic output always uncompromising, hypnotic and intense is defined by an extraordinary gift for storytelling. In Nick Cave: Mercy on Me, Reinhard Kleist employs a cast of characters drawn from Cave's music and writing to tell the story of a formidable artist and influencer. [UK] SelfMadeHero | 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | throughout col. & bw ill. | € 18,95 [BE] | Aug. 2017 9781910593363 (E, PB+)



E The Leaning Girl 2EVFXUH &LWLHV

E Nick Cave


Benoit Peeters & François Schuiten Young officer, Franz Bauer, is asked by the leaders of Xhystos to visit the mysterious city of Samaris and research the rumors that have been circulating. Several before him had left to explore the city and never returned. After a long journey by Altiplan and Aerophele, Franz reaches Samaris, only to find that the rumors he had heard in Xhystos don't compare to the real secrets held within the walls of this fantastic city. IDW Publishing [US] Random House US | 295 x 236 mm | 96 p | € 19,95 [BE] | June 2017 9781631409424 (E, TPB)

The Making Of Brecht Evens Evens, Brecht

Peterson, a moderately successful artist, is finally given a chance to shine at the Beerpoele biennial festival. However, upon arrving in the village, he realises the festival is a little more amateur and its organisers a little more laid-back than he had expected. Still hoping for his fifteen minutes of fame, Peterson takes matters into his own hands and tries to rally the other participants with a grandiose project. It will not go to plan. The Making Of is a graphic novel like no other. 240mm x 200mm [UK] Random House ‐ Jonathan Cape | 241 x 200 mm | 224 p | € 24,95 [BE] | Oct. 2017 9781787330757 (E, PB)





Gomer Goof, Vol. 1

Lucky Luke Vol. 66

Mind the Goof!

The Promised Land


Jul & Achdé

Edgar P. Jacobs

Welcome to the offices of Spirou Magazine. Everyone here is hard at work to keep the magazine ticking, from reporters to secretaries, including editor Fantasio and even, occasionally, Spirou himself. Everyone? Well, not quite... There’s that office boy, Gomer. No one’s entirely sure what his job description is, or how he got hired. One thing is certain, though: he’s a walking disaster zone! From work-shirking scheme to disastrous invention, enter the hilarious world of the most famous layabout of all!

When an old cowboy friend asks Luke to escort his family, freshly arrived from Poland, to their new home in the West, our lonesome hero has no idea what sort of difficulties to expect. If the Sterns are brave and resolute, they are also ignorant of American ways – and bring with them a multitude of baffling customs. And as if that wasn’t enough, the extremely valuable Torah that travels with them has caught the eyes of some unsavoury characters...

The |Yellow Mark| is a criminal that has London enthralled in his exploits: holding up the Bank of England, robbing the imperial crown and many more. The Home Office asks Captain Francis Blake to discover the identity of the man who hides behind the Yellow Mark. Blake immediately calls upon his old friend, Professor Philip Mortimer, to help him unmask this mysterious criminal.

[UK] Cinebook (Turnaround) | 287 x 217 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | € 10,95 [BE] | July 2017 9781849183581 (E, PB)

The Yellow "M" (Vol. 1) The Adventures of Blake and Mortimer

[UK] Cinebook (Turnaround) | 287 x 217 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | € 10,95 [BE] | Sept. 2017 9781849183666 (E, PB)

[UK] Cinebook (Turnaround) | 287 x 217 mm | 72 p | throughout col.ill. | € 14,20 [BE] | Jan. 2007 9781905460212 (E, PB)


Baking with Kafka


E Asterix: Asterix and the Chariot Race


Jean-Yves Ferri

Gravett, Paul

Jean‐Yves Ferri

Join Asterix and Obelix on a wacky new journey with your favourite characters, packed with laughs by the bucket-load and all the usual adventure and action! Hachette Children's Group [UK] Hachette ‐ Orion (Asterix) | 287 x 216 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. | € 15,50 [BE] | Nov. 2017 9781510104013 (E, HB)

The Definitive Guide to Asian Comics This beautiful and engaging volume charts the evolution of manga from its roots in late 19th-century Japan through the many and varied forms of comics, cartoons and animation created throughout Asia for more than 100 years. Expo: Autumn 2017, Barbican Gallery, Bologna ‐ touring wordlwide [UK] Thames & Hudson | 264 x 206 mm | 320 p | 800 col.ill. | € 41,95 [BE] | Oct. 2017 9780500292433 (E, FLEXI)


Tom Gauld Tom Gauld

In Baking with Kafka, Tom Gauld asks the questions no one else dares ask about civilisation as we know it. - How do you get published during a skeleton apocalypse? - What was the secret of Kafka's lemon drizzle cake? - And what plot possibilities does the exploding e-cigarette offer modern mystery writers? A riotous collection of laugh-out-loud cartoons in his signature style, Baking with Kafka reaffirms Gauld's position as a first-rate cartoonist... [UK] Canongate (Faber) | 156 x 206 mm | 160 p | € 18,95 [BE] | 10/09/2017 9781786891501 (E, HB)

New edition

Packed with vital statistics, and a few facts that might surprise you, this is a collector's must for the bookshelf as well as an entertaining read for all those who love the world of film. Whether your passion lies with The Blue Angel or Blue Velvet, from the films you shouldn't have missed the first time around, to the films you can see again and again, 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is the definitive guide for all movie lovers.

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

General Editor: Steven Jay Schneider Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 25,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781844039869 (E) II11c ‐ CINEMA

E Quentin Tarantino is one of the most influential and distinctive filmmakers at work in the world today. His films are so admired that nearly every one he makes becomes an instant cult classic. Here, Tom Shone presents in‐depth commentaries on each of the nine films Tarantino has directed, from Reservoir Dogs to The Hateful Eight, as well as looking at his early life, acting career, and his indisputable talent for scriptwriting.

Tom Shone Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 248 mm | 256 p € 34,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519486 (E) II11c ‐ CINEMA

Tarantino A Retrospective


Andrew DeGraff & A.D. Jameson Hardback | Eng. ed. 312 x 234 mm 208 p € 30,00 | Oct. 2017 [US] Quirk ISBN: 9781594749896 (E)

Acclaimed artist Andrew DeGraff has created beautiful hand‐painted maps of all your favorite films, from King Kong and North by Northwest to The Princess Bride, Fargo, Labyrinth, Pulp Fiction, even The Breakfast Club ‐ with the routes of every major character charted in meticulous cartographic detail. Follow Marty McFly through the Hill Valley of 1985, 1955, and 1985 once again as he races Back to the Future. Trail Jack Torrance as he navigates the corridors of The Overlook Hotel in The Shining.


Cinemaps An Atlas of 35 Great Movies 110


New in paperback Steven Heller & Louise Fili Paperback | Eng. ed. 246 x 173 mm 352 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 27,95 | July 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500291900 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN


Stencils are ubiquitous in the fields of industry, military, traffic and transportation, as well as in the home, often applied as ornamental patterns on cabinets, walls and floors. And because they are an affordable means of mass communication, stencils are even employed by populist, rebellious and street‐art movements. This follow‐up to the cult typography volumes Scripts and Shadow Type, perennial favourites among designers looking for fresh and unexpected ideas, presents hundreds of examples...

Stencil Type

The Visual History of Type is a comprehensive, detailed survey of the major typefaces produced since the advent of printing with movable type in the mid‐ fifteenth century to the present day. Arranged chronologically to provide context, more than 320 typefaces are displayed in the form of their original type specimens or earliest printing. Each entry is supported by a brief history and description of key characteristics of the typeface. This book will be the definitive publication in its field.

Paul McNeil Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 300 x 247 mm 672 p | 350 col. & bw ill € 84,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780679761 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

The Visual History of Type E

The Specimen Box is a collection of cards with stunning examples of typography for inspiration, correspondence or display featuring classic alphabets, pages from specimen books, and individual letterforms.The cloth covered box mimics a vintage. specimen book special, valuable, and steeped in history. Historic typefaces from all over the globe are organized into five geographic categories by tab: Germany, France, United States, Russia and the U.K.

Fifty Type Specimens Collection From the of Tobias Frere-Jones

E 111

Tobias Frere‐Jones Boxed | Eng. ed. 137 x 108 mm | 50 p € 27,80 | Oct. 2017 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616896447 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Handstyle Lettering puts the best in contemporary hand‐lettering on display with artist profiles as well as broad surveys of handcrafted typographic projects used for signage, logos, invitations and more. The on‐trend pieces within exist at the intersection of art, typography and design; their creators help lend authenticity and style to corporate identities, or allow small brands and individual projects distinguish themselves from competitors with elegance and flair.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 205 x 190 mm | 256 p € 39,00 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Victionary ISBN: 9789887714842 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

Handstyle Lettering From calligraphy to typography

E Rick Landers Boxed | Eng. ed. 174 x 112 mm 55 p | 55 col.ill. € 19,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9780500420799 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS


Typefaces come in thousands of shapes, sizes and styles. Like verbal language, with all its nuances, dialects, accents and tics, typography is not simply a container of meanings but a translator too. Different faces say distinct things to many people. Type projects authority and frivolity. Type is communication on so many different levels of perception and reception.

Type Deck A Collection of Iconic Typefaces

Picking up where our successful Vintage Typography Notecards left off, this new notecard set features one‐of‐a‐kind typefaces as well as modern classics. Each card is accompanied by a capsule history of its origin and use, and housed in a handsome box sure to appeal to typophiles, designers, and fans of mid‐century design and modern art.

Boxed | Eng. ed. ϭϱϲ x ϭϮϭ mm | € 14,95 | Aug. 2017 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616896485 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Modern Typography Notecards 12 Notecards and Envelopes


of wrapping paper and twelve gift tags. Ten sheets

Type Wrap Typographic Gift Wrapping Paper

E 112

Rick Landers Paperback | Eng. ed. 343 x 251 mm | 24 p € 18,20 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500420805 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Photographs by Tony Casillo Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 279 mm 48 p € 37,95 | Sept.. 2017 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452154886 (E)

This handsome volume is a visual homage to the golden age of the typewriter, charting a century of beautiful machinery and design innovation. Eighty vintage devices ranging from the world's first commercially successful typewriter the Sholes & Glidden Type Writer of 1874 to the iconic electric models of the 1960s are profiled in elegant photographs and fascinating text, highlighting the design modifications, intricate details, and peculiar quirks that make each typewriter unique.



Typewriters Iconic Machines from the Golden Age of Mechanical Writing

The stunning Olivetti Pattern notecards are writ large in this elegant all‐purpose journal featuring patterns made on an Olivetti Lettera 32 typewriter, a design icon held in the collections of the MoMA and the Cooper Hewitt, and revered by writers from Sylvia Plath to John Updike. The beautiful hardcover journal includes a set of ribbon markers: one red and another black, like the two‐color ribbon on a vintage Lettera 32.

Made by Memo Notebook | Eng. ed. Ϯϭϲ x ϭϱϮ mm | ϭϲϬ p € 17,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616896256 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Olivetti Pattern Series ‐ Notebook


Bestselling poet Tyler Knott Gregson's most popular love poems from his beloved Typewriter Series are featured in this 2018 16‐month wall calendar. Each month includes a different inspirational poem about love, beauty, and nature by Gregson. His poems are stunningly presented on scraps of paper, vintage postcards, and other ephemera and typed on an original Remington typewriter he found in a thrift store, bringing a rich visual appeal to his tender words.

Tyler Knott Gregson Poems from the Typewriter Series


2018 Wall Calendar - 16-month


Tyler Gregson Stapled | Eng. ed. 298 x 298 mm | 144 p | 13 col.ill. € 14,50 | Sept. 2017 [US] Abrams Noterie ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781419724541 (E) II19 ‐ CALENDARS

Drawing on a wide spectrum of topics‐including politics, cosmology, the arts, philosophy and religious beliefs, 1001 Ideas That Changed the Way We Think traces the exponential growth of human knowledge across the centuries. Ranging from the ancient wisdom of Confucius and Plato to the cutting‐edge theories taking shape in the twenty‐first century, this book offers a wealth of stimulation and amusement for any reader with a lively and curious mind.

Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 25,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781844037506 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

1001 Ideas that Changed the Way We Think

E The sixth in our popular Words of Wisdom series, The Inventor Says invites readers to a gathering of history's most brilliant creative minds, where inventors past and present jostle, compete, contradict, and compliment each other. Groundbreakers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Ada Lovelace, the Wright Brothers, and Sejong the Great converse with the twentieth century s most ingenious tinkerers and thinkers.

Kevin Lippert Hardback | Eng. ed. ϭϴϳ x ϭϯϯ mm | ϭϲϬ p € 12,60 | Oct. 2017 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616896225 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

The Inventor Says Quotes, Quips and Words of Wisdom

E Elspeth Beidas Hardback | Eng. ed. 234 x 221 mm 1000 p | 2000 col. & bw ill € 18,95 | Oct. 2016 [US] Rizzoli [ONLY FIRM] ISBN: 9780789334077 (E)


This is the ultimate book of lists that is sure to entertain and inform‐a 1,000‐page collection of fun and fascinating facts in a wide range of topics, presented in a wonderfully eclectic format that invites browsing, yet also provides an absorbing read. Featuring 100 lists each in turn showcasing 100 "bests" covering a wide variety of subjects‐including the arts, science, nature, history, sports, design, technology, and philosophy.


10.000 Things You Need to Know The Big Book of Lists Koos de Wilt Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 180 x 140 mm 160 p € 12,90 | Oct. 2017 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694760 (NL) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

This book presents 75 ways to look at art and 75 life lessons you can learn from it. From the works of ancient Egypt and Greece to today's abstract and conceptual pieces, by way of Leonardo, Dürer and Rembrandt, Picasso, Warhol and Ai Wei Wei, art inspires us to take a fresh look at the fundamental questions we face. Questions about success, about love, about work, about friendship and about life and death.


Think Like an Artist, Don’t Act Like One 114

ISBN: 9789063694685 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

The first comprehensive exploration of postcards used as propaganda on all sides of the major military and political conflicts of the twentieth century, including World Wars I and II .

The Propaganda Front Postcards from the Era of World Wars

Anna Jozefacka Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. ϮϭϬ x ϭϱϬ mm | ϯϮϬ p € 42,00 | Nov. 2017 [US] Museum of Fine Arts Boston ISBN: 9780878467631 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN


Expo: 08/11/2017 ‐ 18/02/2018, Tate Modern, London Edited by Natalia Sidlina & Matthew Gale Paperback | Eng. ed. 218 x 170 mm 96 p | 75 col.ill. € 12,95 | Nov. 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849765237 (E)


In exploring the intersection of art, politics and society, few collections in the world can compare with the David King collection. David King (1943‐2016) was not only a passionate collector, but also an artist, designer and historian. Over a lifetime he amassed one of the world's largest collections of Soviet political art and photographs.



Red Star Over Russia Revolution in Visual Culture 1905-55

This perfect gift book is a delightful A‐Z. E: Erroneous: Capable of being proved true ; J: Jolly: The downfall of our enemies; M: Mystery: What I understand and you don t . . . Enter the delightful, satirical world of the Good Citizen, according to one of the best‐known writers and philosophers of modern times. In this pocket‐sized book, Bertrand Russell s witty, subversive A Z encompasses pedants and nincompoops, knowledge and virtue, providing a diverting and entertaining guide to the English alphabet.

Bertrand Russell & Franciszka Themerson (ill¨.) Hardback | Eng. ed. | 150 x 118 mm | 112 p | € 12,95 | Oct. 2017 | [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849765305 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

The Good Citizen's Alphabet

E Martin Salisbury Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 300 x 210 mm 200 p € 34,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519134 (E)

The middle decades of the twentieth century saw an extraordinary flourishing of the illustrated, pictorial dust jacket. From the 1920s, as the potential for the book's protective wrapping to be used for promotion and enticement became clear, artists and illustrators on both sides of the Atlantic applied their talents to this particular art form.


The Illustrated Dust Jacket 1920‐1970 115


Expo: 28/06/2017‐ 17/09/2017, Bozar, Bruxelles

Hiphop is een wereldwijd fenomeen dat zijn wortels vindt in de culturele ontwikkeling van de grootsteden en de plaats die jongeren daarin innemen, zowel op het terrein als in de media. Nog nooit was de Brusselse hiphop zo populair als vandaag. Het boek brengt een overzicht ‐ in woord en beeld ‐ van 35 jaar creativiteit in de hoofdstad met, onder meer, Roméo Elvis, Stikstof, Kool Koor, Phil Fourmi, Shed Mojahid, Ralers, Rival CNN … Met foto's van Maïté Renson, Vivian Hertz, Renaud Fang, Caroline Lessire, Ham


Adrien Grimmeau & Benoît Quittelier Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 174 mm 160 p | 130 col.ill. € 20,00 | June 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614100 (NL)

ISBN 9789461613967 (F) II15 ‐ MUSIC ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

Yo! Brussels Hip Hop Generations

*** PRIX PROMO à partir du 1/10/2017: 25,00 euro au lieu de 49,95 euro


Le 12 décembre 2015, nous fêterons le 100e anniversaire de la naissance de Frank Sinatra. Cet ouvrage est la seule publication officielle ‐ réalisée avec le concours de la famille Sinatra ‐ qui sera produite au cours de cette année anniversaire. Frank Sinatra était un « entertainer » absolument fascinant par son talent, son charisme et son élégance, c'est un artiste qui a connu un succès commercial phénoménal, un acteur oscarisé qui a tenu la vedette dans plus de 60 films et une icône culturelle.

Charles Pignone. Voorwoord Tony Benett & Steve Wynn / Nawoord Nancy Sinatra, Frank Sinatra Jr., Tina Sinatra Hardback | French ed. 345 x 275 mm 288 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Oct. 2015 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462300897 (F) II15 ‐ MUSIC

Frank Sinatra 100

Le livre officiel du Centenaire -PROMO-

The Jacksons: Legacy is the first ever official book on the the Royal Family of Pop. This major volume reveals the untold, unseen and utterly unforgettable story behind the legend that is the Jacksons. Four specially commissioned chapters deftly weave together an unprecedented 12 days' worth of exclusive interviews with the brothers, recounted in their own words, with contributions from key players throughout their careers.

The Jacksons : Legacy The Jacksons with Fred Bronson



First official book created by the Jacksons themselves Hardback | Eng. ed. 227 x 216 mm | 320 p | 1000 col. & bw ill € 34,95 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500519639 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

From Tin Pan Alley to the Brill Building, Bob Dylan to Kurt Cobain, and Joni Mitchell to Amy Winehouse, gifted songwriters have crafted a cherished body of music that has become part of our lives. Updated for 2016, this edition also includes new entries for songs such as Bowie's 'Where Are We Now?', Pharrell's 'Happy', The War on Drugs' 'Eyes to the Wind' and Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off', amongst other additions.

Updated edition Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 25,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781844039876 (E)

1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die


E Putting the style in your stylus, The Vinyl List is more than your average book of music recommendations. Brought to you by the vinyl subscription club, Vinyl Me, Please ‐ 'the best damn record club there is'* ‐ The Vinyl List is a lively, visually handsome guide to the 100 albums you need to own on vinyl and why, with added extras: cocktail recipes to match your listening needs, and 'Like this, then listen to this' suggestions.

Please Vinyl Me Hardback | Eng. ed. 211 x 194 mm | 256 p € 18,50 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781788400039 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

The Vinyl List 100 Albums You Need on Vinyl and Why

E Overlook Press Leonard Cohen & Malka Marom Hardback | Eng. ed. 248 x 170 mm 288 p € 31,50 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781785584350 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

Here are the complete lyrics of Leonard Cohen accompanied by Malka Marom's intimate portrayal of her friendship with Cohen, which spanned four decades.

The Lyrics Of Leonard Cohen E

All The Answers Are Here


Streampunks: How YouTube and the New Creators are Transforming Our Lives

Robert Kyncl & Peyvan Trade Pb | Eng. ed. | 240 p € 21,95 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Random House UK ‐ Virgin Books ISBN: 9780753545928 (E) I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE

E 117

This official book tells the story, for he first time, of the Stones through their many radio and TV appearances as they rose to fame in the sixties.

The Rolling Stones ‐ On Air in the Sixties

Richard Havers & The Rolling Stones Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 250 mm | 320 p € 42,00 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Random House UK ‐ Virgin Books ISBN: 9780753557556 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

E Opera is traditionally regarded as an elitist art form far removed from reality by its fantastical plots and melodramatic divas. This book shows that beneath the opulent sets and sumptuous costumes, opera is very much a product of its time. Like all the great narrative arts, it draws on essential human experiences to create a form that can be endlessly reinvented to reflect a changing society. Focusing on seven opera premieres in seven distinct cultural landscapes.

Opera Passion, Power and Politics

Expo: 30/09/2017 ‐ 25/02/2018, V&A, London edited by Kate Bailey Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 240 mm | 272 p | 260 col.ill. € 50,00 | Sept. 2017 [UK] V&A Museum ISBN: 9781851779284 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

E Close up on rock's greatest era. Released to coincide with an exhibition at the Proud Gallery (7th ‐ November until Christmas), this huge rock treasure chest contains over 250 previously unpublished premium images from the epicentre of London’s exploding music scene, from the mid‐sixties to the early seventies. Lavishly produced to create a fitting showcase for Alec’s extraordinarily rich, until now hidden, private collection, London Rock is a stunning experience.

Expo: 7/11/2017 ‐ 25/12/2017, Proud Gallery, London Byrne, Alec Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 341 x 276 mm | 256 p € 70,00 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Random House ‐ Virgin Books ISBN: 9780753550007 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

London Rock Alec Byrne


Each of the 50 record‐shaped cards in this conversation deck is printed with a music‐themed question on each side (100 questions total).

Songversations Conversation Starters about Music and Life (100 Questions)

Eric Hutchinson Boxed | Eng. ed. 121 x 121 mm | 224 p € 18,95 | Sept. 2017 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419727184 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

E 118

Na het vastleggen van de culinaire hotspots en excentrieke places to be van Parijs, Londen en Amsterdam brengt fotograaf Henk van Cauwenbergh in Wonderful Antwerp één van onze Belgische steden voor de lens. Antwerpen is een stad die geen trends volgt, maar ze zet ‐ aldus de fotograaf over 'zijn' Antwerpen. Naast de the usual suspects zoals The Jane, Sips, Bar Burbure, 't Gebaar, The Glorious… zijn er ongetwijfeld ook nieuwe locaties en verborgen schatten te ontdekken. Afgewisseld met beelden van de vele historische parels en andere trekpleisters die Antwerpen rijk is ‐ het MAS, de Zoo, het station, de Onze‐Lieve‐Vrouwe kathedraal, de haven etc ‐ wordt dit boek een fotografische bloemlezing van een stad die niemand onbewogen laat.

Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 440 x 310 mm | 200 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 115,00 | Nov. 2017 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565785 (E/ NL)



Henk van Cauwenbergh. Wonderful Antwerp A story of fine dining, spirit and style

Patrick Verhoeven & Noortje Palmers Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 210 x 135 mm 200 p | throughout col.ill. € 19,95 | Nov. 2017 [BE] Pandora ISBN: 9789053254349 (NL)

ISBN 9789053254356 (E) II06 ‐ TRAVEL

Toeristische gids met wandelroutes en fietsroutes in het Antwerpese Havengebied, met portretten en invervieuws van mensen die een bijzondere band met de haven hebben. Bijzondere restaurants, typische cafés, fun facts, infographics,….


Havenstad Antwerpen Stad-havenwandelingen van Scheldekaaien tot Sint-Andrieskwartier


Bruno Demoulin Hardback | French, Dutch, Eng. and Germ. eds. 290 x 240 mm 368 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 50,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Editions Marot ISBN: 9782930117614 (F)

Liège, terre romane, sœur de France, capitale d'un Etat millenaire bilingue, membre du Saint‐Empire romain, méritait un ouvrage à la hauteur de son histoire. Ce sera chose faite avec cette superbe publication dirigeé par Bruno Demoulin et rédigée par une équipe de professeurs, publiée à l'occasion des 200 ans de l'Université de Liège. Construit selon un ordre chronologique (partant de la pre´histoire pour aboutir à la renaissance urbaine actuelle), le livre offrira un aperçu historique de la cité et de sa région mais présentera également le fruit de réflexions sur les enjeux institutionnels actuels et la place privilégiée de Liège au cœur de l'Europe, gage d'un redressement futur prometteur. Ce « beau livre » permettra de mettre en valeur le patrimoine liégeois par le biais de nombreuses illustrations (plus de 350), telles que des documents d'époque, des reproductions de la tre`s riche production artistique liégeoise et un ensemble photographique réalisé spécialement pour ce projet.


ISBN: 9782930117621 (NL) ISBN: 9782930117638 (E) ISBN: 9782930117645 (G)

Histoire de Liège Une cité, une capitale, une métropole

Stad, Hoofdstad, Metropool Hardback | NL ed. 300 x 265 mm 192 p | throughout col.ill. € 35,00 | Oct. 2017 [BE] OKV ISBN: 9789492455093 (NL) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST



Limburg Ongefilterd Nick Hannes

" 'Globalization', a commonly used word these days, is the reason of changing global landscapes. Larger firms buy small, authentic companies, the small companies that want to keep doing what they do, and don't want to be bought by larger firms, struggle to compete, eventually they disappear... These past 2 years I travelled through Belgium to document their activities, to feel the atmosphere on board and to show who they are. What's evolving and what could be lost in a few years." Nick Claeskens

Nick Claeskens Bus Stop 120

Nick Claeskens Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 235 x 305 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,00 | Jan. 2017 [BE] Stockmans Art Books ISBN: 9789077207345 (E/ NL) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Expo: 6/10/2017 ‐ 27/3/2018, Stam, Gent ‐ Sint‐Pietersabdij, Gent Gita Deneckere. Design: Gert Dooreman

Hardback | NL ed. 250 x 200 mm | 256 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Tijdsbeeld ISBN: 9789490880170 (NL) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Monumentale geschiedenis van een betrokken universiteit De Universiteit Gent was van bij het begin een maatschappelijk betrokken universiteit. Dat bewijst Gita Deneckere in haar monumentale synthese van de geschiedenis van de Universiteit Gent sinds 1817. Van bij het ontstaan van de universiteit kwamen Gentse professoren al uit de ivoren toren. Ze maakten hun onderzoek dienstbaar aan de noden van de maatschappij, zowel economisch, sociaal, politiek als cultureel. Dat gaf soms aanleiding tot controverse. Zo gooiden professoren en studenten zich vanaf de negentiende eeuw in de strijd voor de vernederlandsing. Maar ook rond ethische en sociale kwesties, seksuele emancipatie, ecologie, derde wereld, ontwapening en wereldvrede liet de Gentse universiteit zich niet onbetuigd. Wetenschap en engagement gaan vandaag hand in hand onder het motto 'Durf denken'. Gita Deneckere neemt de lezer mee in het universiteitsarchief en het collectief geheugen van haar universiteit en laat de mensen aan het woord die de universiteit gemaakt hebben tot wat ze is.


Uit de Ivoren Toren 200 jaar universiteit Gent

Hardback | NL ed. 290 x 210 mm 284 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614308 (NL) II16a ‐ LOCAL INTEREST ‐ CINEMA

Skopiumschuivers is de titel van zowel een boek als een expositie. Centraal staat hierin het eerste decennium van de filmzaal Studio Skoop, en hoe die pionierstijd resoneert tot in het heden. Onder impuls van Ben ter Elst heeft Studio Skoop bakens verzet in het door conservatieve krachten gedomineerde Vlaanderen.


Skopiumschuivers De Dolle Jaren van Studio Skoop


ETWIE ‐ Expertisecentrum voor Technisch, Wetenschappelijk en Industrieel Erfgoed ‐ Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 235 mm 240 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614124 (NL)


Vlaanderen en Brussel zijn rijk aan bedrijven die al meer dan honderd jaar bestaan. Doorheen de jaren zijn deze ondernemingen er telkens in geslaagd de grote uitdagingen het hoofd te bieden: wereldoorlogen, economische crisissen, globalisering, snelle technologische evoluties... Achter de poorten van hun fabriekshallen en de deuren van hun kantoren gaan dan ook interessante verhalen schuil. Honderd . ondernemingen doken in hun archieven en stellen u in dit boek hun geschiedenis voor in woord en beeld.


Eeuwen Ondernemen 100 honderdjarige bedrijven vertellen hun verhaal

Thomas Janssens Hardback | NL ed. 300 x 210 mm 192 p | 120 col.ill. € 20,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461614131 (NL)


Amateurfotograaf Thomas Janssens kijkt dagelijks met bewondering en verwondering naar zijn stad. In Gent anders bekeken brengt hij een eigenzinnige lezing van 'zijn' Gent. Een subjectieve tocht langs de plekken die hem doen stilstaan bij zichzelf, in relatie tot de stad die hem omringt. Een verhaal zonder woorden, een persoonlijke reflectie over de stad, los van de overbekende toeristische trekpleisters.


Gent Anders Bekeken

Een eigenzinnige kijk op een eigenzinnige stad Philippe Crombé & Davy Herremans Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 210 mm 128 p | 120 col.ill. € 20,00 | Sept. 2017 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613820 (NL)


Voorafgaand aan de bouw van een nieuwe stuw op de Boven‐Schelde ter hoogte van Kerkhove werd een gebied naast de Schelde archeologisch onderzocht. Tijdens de prehistorie huisden er in Kerkhove jagers‐verzamelaars op een natuurlijke hoogte langs de Schelde. Later in de Romeinse tijd was Kerkhove dan weer een belangrijke halte op de handelsweg van Bavay naar Aardenburg.


De Schelde. Stroom in Verandering Mens, landschap en klimaat van de prehistorie tot nu Wanneer aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw moderne brouwtechnieken en transportmiddelen innovatie en schaalvergroting mogelijk maken, komen langzaam maar zeker de merken opzetten. Een bier positioneren tegenover andere bieren, het wegdrukken van binnen‐ en buitenlandse concurrenten, wordt belangrijk om als brouwer te overleven, zeker in een slinkende binnenlandse markt.

Paul Daeleman, Ivan Derycke e.a. Hardback | NL ed. 297 x 245 mm | 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,95 | Oct. 2017 [BE] Pandora ISBN: 9789053254332 (NL)

Brouwerspoëzie II01 ‐ DRINKS

Of de Marketing van Bier



Life is in all things; personified as an unassuming yet enchanting creature, Life visits flowers, animals, and humans with her gifts of energy and positivity. A pink‐winged creature flies across each page; Life is present within all things. The pastel‐colored protagonist befriends and animates every living being from bees that pollinate spring flowers to turtles that live under the sea to grandparents who impart wise words. Whether short or long, Life is always present.

Elisabeth Helland Larsen & Marine Schneider Hardback | Eng. ed. 275 x 220 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. € 14,90 | June 2017 [G] Little Gestalten ISBN: 9783899557930 (E)

I Am Life


E Franklin the dragon loves stories and loves reading stories to people too, but everyone is too scared to even look at him. One day he meets a girl named Luna who, far from being scared, is fascinated to meet Franklin, having recently read all about dragons in one of her books. They instantly become friends and talk non‐stop about what they've read: books about roller skating, King Arthur, spiders and how to do kung fu.

Jen Campbell Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 275 mm | 32 p € 16,95 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500651094 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS

Franklin's Flying Bookshop

E 8 Books

Big cats, little cats, bob‐tailed cats, long‐tailed cats, smooth cats, skinny cats, funny cats, scarry cats, wild cats...... here they all are in their furry, fanged and clawed glory.

Big Cats, Little Cats A Visual Guide to the World’s Cats (Big & Little)

Jim Medway Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 350 x 280 mm | 32 p | 200 col.ill. € 18,20 | Oct. 2017 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9780957471795 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS



Britta Teckentrup delighted children around the world when she introduced them to Oskar, the charming raven who loves the ocean, snow, books, the sun, and the rain. Oskar Loves was named one of the best children's books of 2016 by School Library Journal. Now Oskar has a new friend, Mo. Featuring the same gorgeous colors and geometric collages that have made Teckentrup such a popular author and illustrator worldwide, this story will speak to young readers.

Hardback | Eng. ed. | 245 x 190 mm | 32 p | € 14,60 | Sept. 2017 | [UK] Prestel ‐ Kids ISBN: 9783791373133 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS

Oskar And Mo Britta Teckentrup


Hardback | Eng. ed. 72 p € 19,95 | Aug. 2017 [UK] Prestel ‐ Kids ISBN: 9783791373027 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS


Sometimes it's easy to forget that humans are not the only inhabitants of Earth. This visually striking book reminds us that not only do we share an ecosystem with other living things, but that we can also learn much from the behavior and instincts of our animal neighbors. In Pablo Salvaje's handcrafted, softly colored prints readers encounter a wide range of creatures‐ from jellyfish and peacocks to polar bears and snakes.

Animalkind Pablo Salvaje

Age: 2+ Dick Bruna Paperback | Eng. ed. 260 x 203 mm 24 p | throughout col.ill. € 9,00 | Oct. 2017 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764803 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS


Ever since Dick Bruna first created Miffy in 1955, she has endeared herself to generations of young children and has become one of the best‐loved children's characters of all time. In this charming new addition to the Miffy story, Miffy takes inspiration from a visit to an art gallery and decides to become an artist herself. This wonderful new activity book is filled with fun activities, puzzles and colouring‐in for budding little artists!

Miffy the Artist Art Activity Book


plus 4‐colour images

From Snow White to Moana, this calendar showcases a daily full‐color image from one of Disney's iconic feature films and shorts, accompanied by insider information, trivia, plot notes, or film quotes.

Disney ‐ Day to Day Calendar 2018 Daily Calendar

Disney Pad | Eng. ed. 130 x 152 mm | 314 p € 13,20 | Aug. 2017 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452159393 (E) II19 ‐ CALENDARS

E Disney Cards | Eng. ed. 159 x 111 mm 100 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 20,95 | July 2017 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452159102 (E)


This vibrant box of postcards celebrates the art of the Disney Princess, celebrating all eleven official Disney princesses. Featuring a mix of gorgeous concept art including some never‐before‐published work as well as final frames, this beautiful collector's item is sure to delight Disney fans of all ages. Contains images of : Snow White ? Cinderella , Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida


The Disney Princess Postcard Box 100 Collectible Postcards

Magma Boxed | Eng. ed. 130 x 165 mm 40 p | 40 col.ill. € 14,20 | Sept. 2017 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781786270122 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES


Create your own spooky tales – based on a unique and original format, this game contains 20 story‐telling puzzle pieces printed on both sides. Each piece can be interchanged or flipped over to allow for all kinds of plot twists and turns, and there are even three alternative endings! When all the puzzle pieces are used, they stretch out to over 8‐feet long to tell your own mega ghost story! Can you help a friendly family of ghosts save their house?

Story box

Create Your Own Fairy Tales ISBN: 9781856699808 (E)

Ghost Story Box Create Your Own Spooky Tales

Find two matching cards of the same artist which can be recognised by the same style in collage art. Collage is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.

Collage Memory Game


Anja Brunt Boxed | Eng. ed. 75 x 145 mm 60 p € 15,00 | Nov. 2017 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063694661 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES


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