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Overmeesterd. Vlaamse Meesters in Situ (Pelgrimsgids zonder stickers) Vlaamse Meesters in Situ opent van 1 juni tot en met 30 september 2019 deuren van kerken, kapellen, kloosters, begijnhoven, kastelen en stadhuizen waar schilderijen en beeldhouwwerken van Vlaamse meesters uit de vijftiende, zestiende en zeventiende eeuw nog altijd te bewonderen zijn op hun oorspronkelijke plaats. Het pelgrimsboek van Vlaamse Meesters in situ geeft een mooi overzicht van alle sites per provincie. [BE] OKV Paperback,260x215 mm, NL ed., 128 p, May 2019, € 14,00 ISBN: 017461 (PB‐NL)
Vlaamse Meesters in Situ Pelgrimsboek (stickers) [BE] OKV Paperback,260x215 mm, NL ed., 128 p, May 2019, € 10,00 ISBN: 9789492455123 (PB‐NL)
De wereld van Bruegel in Bokrijk ‐ Spiegel naar vandaag OKV Themanummer Deze publicatie vertelt het verhaal van De wereld van Bruegel. Daarin komen behalve het parcours ook de voorgeschiedenis en het creatieve proces van dit ambitieuze project aan bod. Dit OKV‐themanummer biedt de lezer dus zowel een blik achter de schermen als een overzicht van wat je als bezoeker in 2019 in Bokrijk kunt beleven. [BE] OKV ‐ themanummers Paperback,x mm, NL ed., 40 p, April 2019, € 10,00 ISBN: 017313 (PB‐NL)
Bartolome Bermejo Catalogue of the exhibition Bartolomé Bermejo, one of the most surprising and fascinating painters of the 15th century in the Iberian Peninsula Adapting the new pictorial model established by the Flemish masters to his own needs, Bartolomé Bermejo (about 1440‐about 1501) combined a painstaking naturalistic technique with an extraordinary ability to reinterpret traditional themes and compositions.
[UK] Thames & Hudson Hardback,300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 248 p, June 2019, € 37,50 ISBN: 9788484805090 (HB‐E) Expo: 12/6/2019 ‐ 29/9/2019, National Gallery London. Previously in Museo Nacional del Prado (9/10/2018‐27/1/2019)
Dancing Peasants at a St. Sebastian’s Kermis A Rediscovered Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder After it first surfaced in public, Dancing Peasants at a St. Sebastian's Kermis was recognized as a work by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, among others by Max Friedländer, the great connoisseur of Flemish painting. However, after it entered the collection of Baroness Bentinck‐Thyssen‐Bornemisza, the scholarly interest in the painting diminished. When it reappeared many decades later on the art market in a heavily restored condition, its artistic qualities could no longer be appreciated. [IT] Silvana Author(s): Maximiliaan P.J. Martens? Hardback with dust jacket, 280x230 mm, Eng. ed., 64 p, 15 col. & bw ill, Jan. 2019, € 28,00 - ISBN: 9788836641987 (HB+‐E)
E Meester van Elsloo Van eenling tot verzameling From Lonely Hand to Collection of Masters Aan het einde van de middeleeuwen bestond in het huidige provincie Nederlands Limburg en aangrenzende gebieden in Duitsland en België een levendige productie van houtsculptuur. De vraag ernaar was groot want de Luiks‐ Bourgondische oorlogen van de vijftiende eeuw hadden grote verwoesting aangericht en vele kerken moesten worden heropgebouwd en opnieuw worden ingericht. [NL] Waanders & De Kunst Author(s): Lars Hendrikman Hardback, 260x210 mm, NL ed., 208 p, 100 col.ill., March 2019, € 29,95 ISBN: 9789462622180 (HB‐NL). Other editions: ISBN 9789462622197 (E)
Expo: 22/02/2019 ‐ 16/06/2019, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht
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Grotesken ‐ Grotesques Een fascinerende fantasiewereld ‐ Fantasy portrayed Vandaag verbinden we het begrip 'grotesk' nog steeds aan het grillige, bizarre, monsterachtige maar ook aan het karikaturale en lachwekkende. Bosch en Bruegel waren met hun drollerieën de grote pioniers van het groteske in de prentkunst. James Ensor, Fred Bervoets, René De Coninck, Carll Cneut en anderen staan in een lange traditie van kunstenaars die zich lieten en nog steeds laten inspireren door het groteske en de grotesken.
[BE] BAI Hardback,260x210 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 120 p, May 2019, € 22,50 ISBN: 9789085867944 (HB‐E/ NL) Expo: 5/4/2019 ‐ 15/9/2019, Museum Plantin‐Moretus, Antwerpen
Dürer Selections from the Sunaert Collection Dürer ©: Selections from the Sunaert Collection” presents woodcuts and engravings by and after Albrecht Dürer (1471‐1528) originally belonging to the Belgian painter and collector Adolf Pieter Sunaert (1825‐1876). Never exhibited since their donation to the Universiteetsbibliotheek Gent in the late nineteenth century, these prints were objects of fascination both for Dürer’s contemporaries and the following generations of print artists.
[BE] A&S/Books, UGent Author(s): Noam Andrews ,280x220 mm, Eng. ed., 80 p, May 2019, € 18,50 ISBN: 9789076714554 (‐E) Expo : 10/05/2019 ‐ 22/06/2019, Ghent University
Leonardo 500 Published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death This volume represents an important tool for getting to know every aspect of Leonardo da Vinci's work: his pictorial technique, his scientific and technological investigation, his study on anatomy, his Codices, and every suggestion produced by his genius. All works and paintings are accompanied by descriptive and technical sheets. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC Hardback,330x248 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 304 p, June 2019, € 75,00 ISBN: 9788895847450 (HB‐E/ F) Published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, Scripta Maneant Srl
E/F Leonardo de Vinci. Peintre L'oeuvre complet A Léonard de Vinci ‐ figure brillante de la Renaissance italienne, personnalité complexe capable d'exercer pratiquement tous les domaines de l'activité humaine, de la science à l'art, de l'ingénierie à la médecine jusqu'à à la musique ‐ est dédiée cette nouvelle monographie, uniquement sur sa peinture, présentant l'ensemble du corpus des oeuvres authentifiées. [IT] Silvana Author(s): sous la direction de Giovanni Villa Paperback with flaps, 280x240 mm, French ed., 240 p, 80 col.ill., Oct. 2011, € 19,90 ISBN: 9788836621453 (PB+‐F) PROMO: 19.90 EUR instead of 35 EUR
F Rembrandt's universe His Life ‐ His Art ‐ His World Here is the ultimate book on Rembrandt's art and life ‐ his work as an artist, his family, friends and patrons, his place in European culture ‐ by one of the world's best‐known writers on Dutch art. Designed to be the Rembrandt book of first resort, this complete and accessible volume, available again in a new, reduced format edition, will be an invaluable work of reference and vital reading for art lovers, art students and museum‐goers. [UK] Thames & Hudson Author(s): Gary Schwartz Hardback, 306x230 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p, 600 col.ill., 50 bw ill., May 2019 ‐R/P, € 48,95 ISBN: 9780500093863 (HB‐E) Reprint. First published Oct. 2014
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The Paintings of the Vatican Museums The Vatican Museums hold a treasure trove of art and history, as well as an inestimable patrimony of our culture and our civilisation. This volume focuses on the paintings to be found in the collection ‐ including The Sistine Chapel. Text in English and Italian. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC Author(s): Antonio Paolucci Hardback, 298x245 mm, Eng./ It. ed., 380 p, 271 col.ill., March 2019, € 76,95 ISBN: 9788895847559 (HB‐E/ IT) Scripta Maneant srl
The Sistine Chapel The images in this volume are the result of the photo shoot carried out in the Sistine Chapel between December 2015 and January 2016. New technologies have made it possible to achieve spectacular results, ensuring a more faithful and accurate reproduction of the Sistine masterpieces. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC Author(s): Antonio Paolucci Hardback, 298x245 mm, Eng./ It. ed., 380 p, 271 col.ill., March 2019, € 76,95 ISBN: 9788895847436 (HB‐E/ IT) Scripta Maneant srl
Abdelkader L'Emir de la Résistance Les collections du musée de Roubaix conservent un très beau portrait d'Aïcha, une femme d'Abd‐El‐Kader (1866), par Constant Brochart (1816‐1899). Ce pastel très fragile et rarement montré est un exemple parfait des choix esthétiques de l'art orientaliste du XIXe siècle mais son modèle supposé permet surtout d'évoquer la grande figure de la résistance algérienne à la conquête française, l'émir Abdelkader (1808‐1883). [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) Hardback,240x180 mm, French ed., 112 p, April 2019, € 15,00 ISBN: 9789461614896 (HB‐F) Expo: 09/03/2019 ‐ 02/06/2019, La Piscine, Roubaix
What Makes Great Art 80 Masterpieces Explained Why do some artworks stand out head and shoulders above others? Exceptional art somehow satisfies at a deeper level than the rest. What Makes Great Art showcases a selection of 80 outstanding paintings and sculptures from around the world and throughout time, assessing just what it is that makes them so great. [UK] Aurum (Quarto)
Author(s): Andy Pankhurst, Lucinda Hawksley Flexi (Pb luxe), 130x178 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, throughout col.ill., May 2019 ‐R/P, € 12,80 ISBN: 9780711235076 (FLEXI‐E)
The Self‐Portrait From Schiele to Beckmann
This visually stunning volume offers perceptive examinations of several renowned German and Austrian Expressionist artists who redefined modern self‐portraiture. The self‐portrait has been a vital aspect of artistic expression throughout history. Neo‐Classical painters such as El Greco and Rembrandt formalised the practice, and the first half of the 20th century saw a dramatic transformation in the self‐portrait's style and context, especially in the hands of the German and Austrian Expressionists. [UK] Prestel Author(s): Tobias G. Natter Hardback, 285x235 mm, Eng. ed., 216 p, 167 col.ill., Feb. 2019, € 53,50 ISBN: 9783791358598 (HB‐E) Expo: 28/02/2019 ‐ 24/06/2019, Neue Galerie, New York
Remedios Varo The Mexican Years Fully illustrated, the volume presents all of the Remedios Varo s most important works and Masayo Nonaka s illuminating text offers a unique insight into the life and work of the painter. This book deals with the life and works of one of the most interesting and mysterious surrealist painters of the twentieth century.
[UK] Editorial RM (Prestel) Hardback,279x216 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, May 2019, € 45,95 ISBN: 9788415118220 (HB‐E) 9
NL [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée Paperback, 260x215 mm, NL ed., 96 p, 50 col.ill., June 2019, € 14,95
Van Gogh en de zonnebloemen Een meesterwerk onderzocht
Author(s): Nienke Bakker en Ella Hendriks
ISBN: 9789493070073 (PB‐NL) Van Gogh Museum / Tijdsbeeld
De zonnebloemen‐schilderijen behoren tot de bekendste werken van Vincent van Gogh. Hij maakte ze in Arles, in Zuid‐Frankrijk, in 1888 en 1889. In stralende tinten geel schilderde hij vijf grote stillevens van zonnebloemen in een vaas, die nu in musea over de hele wereld hangen. In dit boek staat Zonnebloemen uit de collectie van het Van Gogh Museum centraal. Het meesterwerk is onderzocht met de nieuwste technieken, om erachter te komen welke materialen Van Gogh gebruikte, wat de conditie van het schilderij is, en wat er nu, 130 jaar nadat het schilderij gemaakt werd, gedaan kan worden om het schilderij zo goed mogelijk te bewaren voor de toekomst. Expo: 21/6/2019 - 1/9/2019, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Emil Nolde The Artist During the Third Reich Emil Nolde created some of the most powerful works of the Expressionist movement. Despite the fact that his art was represented more prominently than anyone else's in the infamous exhibition Degenerate Art, he continued to be an ardent sympathizer of the Nazi regime and an admirer of Adolf Hitler.
[UK] Prestel + Author(s): Bernhard Fulda Hardback, 300x230 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p, 250 col.ill., May 2019, € 60,50 ISBN: 9783791358949 (HB‐E) Expo: 12/04/2019 ‐ 15/09/2019, Hamburger Bahnhof ‐ Museum for Contemporary Art, Berlin
Gertsch ‐ Gauguin ‐ Munch Cut in Wood
On the occasion of the upcoming 90th birthday of Franz Gertsch, MASI Museum in Lugano invites the artist to plan an exhibition devoted to his oeuvre. This has led to a remarkable and striking meeting between Gertsch's outstanding woodcuts and the wood engravings by two artists whom he regards as much more than simply pioneer revolutionaries of xylography, Paul Gauguin and Edvard Munch. Despite their historical distance and stylistic divergences, these three artists display profound and unexpected affinities [G]] Keh Hardback,280x220 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, May 2019, € 36,00 ISBN: 9783868289336 (HB‐E). Other editions: ISBN 9783868289329 (G) Expo: 12/5/2019 ‐ 22/9/2019, MASI (Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana), Lugano
Joaquin Sorolla A painter of vast pieces in his early days ‐ works intended for salons and national exhibitions ‐ Joaquín Sorolla (Valencia, 1863‐1923) very soon developed a style of outdoor painting of his own which, though not connected stylistically with the Barbizon School, nevertheless pursued the same postulates, as a result of which he came to be known as a Spanish Impressionist painter. He began to devote himself entirely to this practice in 1900, painting landscapes, views of cities, studies of nature, seascapes.. [UK] Poligrafa Author(s): Blanca Pons Sorolla Hardback,290x251 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p, May 2019, € 70,50 ISBN: 9788434312258 (HB‐E)
E Sorolla Masterpieces Celebrated as a painter of light, Joaquin Sorolla (1863‐1923) was one of the most successful artists of his time. This is a selection of Sorolla's works, lavishly illustrated, with a short selection of recommended further reading included. [UK] Poligrafa Author(s): José Maria Faerna Paperback, 225x165 mm, Eng. ed., 72 p, 65 col.ill., May 2019, € 8,95 ISBN: 9788434313835 (PB‐E)
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Braque, Miro, Calder, Nelson Une constellation d’artistes à Varengeville‐sur‐Mer
Après Picasso à Boisgeloup en 2017 et Marcel Duchamp en 2018, le musée des Beaux‐Arts se penche sur un moment tout aussi important, qui a vu une véritable colonie d'artistes se former à Varengeville‐sur‐mer, autour des figures tutélaires de Georges Braque et de l'architecte Paul Nelson. En 1928, Paul Nelson fait découvrir le village de Varengeville à Marcelle et Georges Braque. [IT] Silvana Hardback, 279x244 mm, French ed., 256 p, 350 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 39,00 ISBN: 9788836640898 (HB‐F) Expo: 05/04/2019 ‐ 02/09/2019, Musée des Beaux Arts, Rouen
Giorgio Morandi The volume accompanies a large retrospective dedicated to Giorgio Morandi, organized by the historic Galleria d'Arte Maggiore g.a.m. of Bologna, the artist's birthplace. An exhaustive overview that offers a selected group of oils, watercolors, drawings and etchings that, ranging from the famous still lives to the refined flower vases and the solitary landscapes, reveals all the silent but profound pictorial innovation of Morandi, suspended between reality and abstraction. [IT] Silvana Author(s): Edited by Alessia Calarota Hardback, 280x230 mm, Eng./ It. ed., 160 p, 130 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 45,00 ISBN: 9788836642267 (HB‐E/ IT) Expo: 15/12/2018 ‐ 16/02/2019, Galleria d’Arte Maggiore, Bologna
Andy Warhol The Alchemist of the Sixties Painters and alchemists alike strive to transform reality into its highest expression. Thus Andy Warhol can truly be seen as a modern alchemist ‐ capable, by means of his art, of transforming matter into shape as it meets colour and surface, only to merge with light and supreme beauty. This volume retraces the creative universe of the Father of Pop Art through 140 works of art. [IT] Silvana Author(s): Edited by Maurizio Vanni Paperback, 240x170 mm, Eng./ It. ed., 336 p, 312 col. & bw ill, May 2019, € 34,00 ISBN: 9788836642335 (PB‐E/ IT) Expo: 25/01/2019 ‐ 28/04/2019, Villa Reale, Monza 12
A.R. Penck I Think in Pictures The artistic language of Penck (1936‐2017) ‐ characterised by brusquely and expressively painted signs and 'primitive' symbols ‐ is instantly recognisable. This publication introduces his art to an audience that may be yet unfamiliar with two of his most dominant themes: The Cold War and political conflict, and love and sexuality. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC Author(s): A.R. Penck Paperback, 264x197 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, 60 col.ill., June 2019, € 18,95 ISBN: 9781910807316 (PB‐E) Expo: 27/6/2019 ‐ 3/11/2019, Ashmolean Museum Publications
Russian Avant‐Garde Pioneers and Direct Descendants The State Tretyakov Gallery, the leading reservoir of Russian fine art in the world, has presented iconic masterpieces for the first time ever in Doha as part of Qatar‐Russia 2018 Year of Culture. The exhibition catalogue traces the connections between the artworks by revolutionary pioneers of the early 20th century such as Vladimir Tatlin, Alexander Rodchenko and Mikhail Matyushin in comparison to the creations of the artists of the avant‐garde second wave. [IT] Silvana Author(s): Edited by Irina Gorlova? Paperback with flaps, 290x230 mm, Eng./Arab. ed., 240 p, 200 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 40,00 ISBN: 9788836641710 (PB+‐E/ ARAB)
Claude Vicente Hommage 1929‐2017 C’est une figure discrète et réservée à laquelle s’attache La Piscine de Roubaix. À la fois enseignant, collectionneur et artiste originaire d’Oran, Claude Vicente garde en lui de nombreux souvenirs d’Algérie. Vous pourrez voir pour la première fois ses céramiques, ses gravures, ses peintures ainsi que ses témoignages, dotés d’une grande sensibilité accompagnée par une force maîtrisée. Après une première période figurative, solide et très construite, sa peinture a basculé vers l’abstraction..
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) - Paperback with flaps,250x180 mm, French ed., 113 p, April 2019, € 15,00 - ISBN: 9789461615497 (PB+‐F) Expo: 7/3/2019 ‐ 2/6/2019, La Piscine, Roubaix 13
Keith Haring
Author(s): Darren Phi
F [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Paperback, 246x189 mm, French ed., 128 p, 100 col.ill., May 2019, € 19,95 ISBN: 9789462301467 (PB‐F) ISBN 9789462301306 (NL) ISBN 9781849766272 (E)
Keith Haring (1958‐1990) est connu pour ses tableaux hauts en couleurs, ses dessins, ses sculptures et ses fresques. Au début des années 1980, il explose sur la scène artistique new‐yorkaise avec ses dessins saisissants inspirés des graffitis, dont beaucoup sont exposés dans le domaine public, comme le panneau publicitaire de son fameux Enfant rayonnant (Radiant Child), à Times Square, en 1982. Reconnaissable au premier coup d'oeil, son imagerie proche de la bande dessinée ne se contente pas de puiser dans l'iconographie de la culture pop et de club contemporaine, mais se base aussi sur les motifs et les rythmes des arts islamique et japonais, ainsi que sur les peintures murales primitives. Son oeuvre reflète en outre son engagement en faveur de la justice sociale et son activisme, et pose quantité de questions toujours d'actualité, évoquant notamment la crise du SIDA, la guerre froide et la crainte d'une attaque nucléaire, le racisme, les excès du capitalisme et la dégradation de l'environnement. Expo: 7/06‐27/10/2019, Tate Liverpool, 6/12/2019 ‐ 19/4/2019, BOZAR, Brussels
S.M.A.K. ‐ La Collection Highlights for a future
Un ouvrage qui donne un aperçu aussi généreux que représentatif d'une collection de plus de 3500 œuvres. Avec œuvres de Francis Alÿs, Kader Attia, Francis Bacon, Dara Birnbaum, Michaël Borremans, Marcel Broodthaers, N. Dash, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Marlene Dumas, Mekhitar Garabedian, Zvi Goldstein, David Hammons, Georg Herold, Ann Veronica Janssens, Jac Leirner, Mark Manders, Panamarenko, Zhang Peili, Wilhelm Sasnal, Nedko Solakov, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Luc Tuymans, Lois Weinberger, James Welling,… [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Author(s): Philippe Van Cauteren, Iris Paschalidis, Thibaut Verhoeven, Richard Armstrong Hardback, 270x220 mm, French ed., 304 p, 200 col. & bw ill, March 2019, € 44,95 ISBN: 9789462300828 (HB‐F). Other editions: ISBN 9789462301283 (NL) ISBN 9789462301283 (E) Expo: 16/03/2019 ‐ 29/09/2019, S.M.A.K., Gent
Carole Solvay To Move Without Noise - (é)mouvoir sans bruit This is the first book to explore the oeuvre of contemporary Belgian sculpor Carole Solvay (b. 1954). Using primarily feathers and thin wire, Solvay has, over the past 25 years, created ethereally beautiful sculptures that seem to defy gravity. This publication illustrates over 100 of her works alongside short quotations from Solvay's favorite literary works, including by Carson McCullers, Syvia Plath, Mahmoud Darwish, Fernando Pessoa, and Yi Jing, among many more.
Ce livre est le premier à explorer l'oeuvre de la sculptrice belge contemporaine Carole Solvay (née en 1954). Au cours des 25 dernières années, en utilisant essentiellement des plumes et du fil de fer, elle a créé des sculptures d'une beauté éthérée, qui semblent défier la gravité. Cet ouvrage illustre plus d'une centaine de ses oeuvres, assorties de brèves citations de ses oeuvres littéraires favorites, dues notamment à Carson McCullers, Syvia Plath, Mahmoud Darwish, Fernando Pessoa et Yi Jing. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Author(s): Editor: Alain Chang. Authors: Richard O. Prum & Roger Pierre Turine Hardback, 270x240 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, 115 col. & bw ill, May 2019, € 50,00 ISBN: 9789462301061 (HB‐E). Other editions: ISBN 9789462301078 (F)
Mondo Cane ‐ Belgian Pavilion of the 58 the Venice Biennale Jos De Gruyter ‐ Harald Thys MONDE CANE functioneert als een compilatie van artikelen die rapporteren over de verschillende feiten en gebeurtenissen die plaatsvinden in de wereld die ons omringt. Zonder ooit in een moralistische of cynische houding te vervallen, slaagt het kunstenaarsduo ‐ met kunde, en niet gespeend van humor ‐ erin om wat lijkt op een staat van angst en latentie in een griezelige en kritische werkelijkheid om te vormen die de status‐quo overstijgt. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Author(s): Jos De Gruyter, Harald Thys, Anne‐Claire Schmitz Paperback, 256x210 mm, E/ F/ NL/ It/ Germ ed., 192 p, 160 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 35,00 - ISBN: 9789462300033 (PB‐E/ F/ NL/ I/ G) (according to the authors) Expo: 8/5/2019 ‐24/11/2019, Venice Biennale
Sophie Whettnall at Work This unconventional publication explores the process of making art through the work and studio practice of Sophie Whettnall (b. 1973), a contemporary Belgian artist whose works range from video art, installation, and performance to sculpture and drawing. In addition to copious illustrations of Whettnall's artwork that highlight its relationship to the studio and the artist's creative process, the book features three conversations. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Author(s): Marina Abramovic, Emiliano Battista, Carine Fol, Scott Samuelson & Sophie Whettnall Hardback, 300x220 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, 200 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 49,95 ISBN: 9789462301054 (HB‐E) Expo: 4/4/2019 ‐ 4/8/2019, CENTRALE for contemporary art, Brussels
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Feast of Fools Bruegel herontdekt / Bruegel Rediscovered Author(s): Luc Lambrecht, Leen Huet, Lieze Eneman
Hardback,260x210 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 208 p, April 2019, € 24,00
Pieter Bruegel wordt vaak beschouwd als dé belichaming van de Vlaamse identiteit. Waarom is dat zo, sinds de revival van zijn werk rond 1900? Hoe komt het dat hij uitgroeide tot een icoon, een onuitputtelijke bron van inspiratie én een huizenhoog cliché? In de expo Feast of Fools. Bruegel herontdekt, van 7 april tot 28 juli 2019, maakt de bezoeker kennis met een reeks sleutelwerken van Vlaamse en internationale kunstenaars die 'iets met Bruegel hebben'. Ze knopen aan bij zijn thema's, herinterpreteren die, citeren hem, … en tonen zo aan dat zijn werk niets aan relevantie heeft ingeboet.
ISBN: 9789461615206 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Expo: 7/4/2019 ‐ 28/7/2019, Kasteel Gaasbeek
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium)
De Blik van Bruegel Reconstructie van het landschap Bruegel woonde in Brussel en kwam naar het Pajottenland om te schilderen en inspiratie op te doen. De tentoonstelling katapulteert Bruegel naar de 21ste eeuw. Vijftien kunstenaars, designers en architecten trekken een spoor door het landschap dat Bruegel heeft geïnspireerd. Met werk van Rotor, Filip Dujardin, Koen van den Broek, Erik Dhont, Office KGDVS & Bas Pincen, Bas Smets, Lois Weinberger, Landinzicht, Guillaume Bijl, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, Futurefarmers, Georges Rousse en Josse De Pauw. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green Author(s): Stefan Devoldere. Met bijdragen van Manfred Sellink, Leen Huet, Katrien Lichtert, Marc Jacobs, Michiel Dehaene, Joachim Declerck en Bas Smets. Paperback with flaps, 270x215 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 192 p, 100 col. & bw ill, May 2019, € 29,95 ISBN: 9789058566232 (PB+‐E/ NL) Expo: 7/4/2019 ‐ 31/10/2019, Dilbeek. Curator is Stefan Devoldere. Photography: Filip Dujardin.
Wim Delvoye
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) Hardback,297x245 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 176 p, March 2019, € 34,00 ISBN: 9789461615336 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Wim Delvoye, een centraal figuur in de Belgische kunstscène, staat bekend om zijn vaak bijtende humor, zijn voorliefde voor technologische experimenten en zijn ongebreidelde en uiteenlopende productiviteit. Zijn reputatie strekt al lang verder dan de grenzen van zijn vaderland, met recente tentoonstellingen in landen zoals Canada, Azerbeidzjan, Rusland, Luxemburg en zelfs Iran. De tentoonstelling van de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, die in nauwe samenwerking met de kunstenaar is ontwikkeld, toont een breed panorama van zijn recente productie en benadrukt het multidisciplinaire aspect van zijn kunst. De werken van Wim Delvoye vloeien voort uit een ontmoeting tussen ambacht en de meest geavanceerde industriële productietechnieken. Verankerd in de hedendaagse wereld, bestudeert Wim Delvoye het verleden en denkt na over de toekomst. Op een geheel nieuwe manier verbindt deze tentoonstelling zijn creaties met meesterwerken uit de collectie oude kunst van de KMSKB. Daarnaast getuigen recente werken, die voor het eerst aan het publiek worden voorgesteld, van de kunstenaars aandachtige kijk op de veranderingen in onze hypergeconnecteerde samenlevingen, waarin de grenzen tussen de reële en virtuele wereld steeds meer vervagen Expo: 22/3/2019 ‐ 21/7/2019, K.M.S.K.B. / M.R.B.A.B, Brussels
Honoré d'O God is a Child
Voor de tentoonstelling 'Feast of Fools. Bruegel Rediscovered' besloot Honoré d'O op het nachtkastje van Markiezin Visconti een boek met verbanden te leggen. Hij besloot om aan de hand van drie grote kunstenaars uit de geschiedenis een tentoonstelling in een boek te maken. Wat deze kunstenaars bindt, is hun nadrukkelijke aandacht voor de reële mens waarin we onszelf herkennen. Het boek bevat alleen beelden. Het is een reisverhaal, het is een studieboek. [BE] S.M.A.K., Gent Author(s): Honoré d'O, Luk Lambrecht Hardback,235x165 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 528 p, April 2019, € 35,00 ISBN: 9789075679540 (HB‐E/ NL) Expo: 7/4/2019 ‐ 28/7/2019., Kasteel van Gaasbeek (Feast of Fools)
Pascale Marthine Tayou Tornado
Tornado gaat geen enkel onderwerp uit de weg ‐ migratie, gender(on)gelijkheid, identiteit en afkomst, evoluties binnen het nationalistisch denken, de koloniale wonden en hun plaats in de individuele en collectieve herinnering, vrede, angst en geweld, maar bovenal ook het belang van kennis, en het doorgeven van de oeroude kracht die daarin schuilt. Tayou schuwt deze thema's niet maar politiseert ze evenmin. Hij observeert, stelt zich kritisch en vooral nieuwsgierig op in zijn queeste.. [BE] MuZEE, Oostende Author(s): Sorana Munsya, Simon Njami, Phillip Van den Bossche, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Mieke Mels. Paperback,270x220 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 184 p, May 2019, € 45,00 ISBN: 9789074694346 (PB‐E/ NL) Expo: 06/4/2019 ‐ 1/9/2019
Lara Almarcegui Béton En résidence à Digne‐les‐Bains, après plusieurs sessions de repérage, l'artiste espagnole Lara Almarcegui tourne son attention vers le site de réaménagement de la Bléone, la rivière qui traverse la ville. Son projet réinvestit le chantier en cours qui vise à rétablir l'état originel de la rivière suite aux interventions massives accomplies dans les dernières années pour orienter le cours d'eau.
[IT] Silvana Author(s): Textes de Natacha Pugnet et Latitudes Paperback with flaps, 240x170 mm, French ed., 48 p, 20 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 10,00 ISBN: 9788836640904 (PB+‐F)
Paul De Vylder Les Demoiselles de Saint Antoine. Met een essay van Bart Verschaffel
[BE] A&S/Books, UGent ,350x280 mm, NL ed., 112 p, Aug. 2019, € 55,00 ISBN: 9789076714547 (‐NL) Beperkte oplage, kunstenaarsboek
Pieter Vermeersch 17 Signatures presents a complete survey of Vermeersch's work, from the beginning of his career until his recent solo exhibition at Museum M Leuven (March 15‐August 11 2019), and includes a broad selection of painted works (canvases, stones, photographs, walls), installations and sketches. The book is organized by theme and is beautifully designed by the Dutch design studio Mevis & Van Deursen. Every copy is unique as each cover is printed in a different colour variation. [BE] Ludion Author(s): With texts by François Piron, Kersten Geers, Dieter Roelstraete en Moritz Küng. Paperback,275x203 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, July 2019, € 39,90 ISBN: 9789493039155 (PB‐E) Expo: 15/3/2019 ‐ 11/8/2019, Museum M, Leuven
United Arab Emirates Pavilion ‐ Venice Biennale Passage is a site‐specific, two‐channel video installation, which expands Nujoom Alghanem's experimentation with contemporary Arabic poetry through the language of film. Taking her quintessential 2009 poem, The Passerby Collects the Moonlight, as a point of departure, this installation explores the universal experience of displacement. [IT] Silvana
Author(s): Edited by Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath Hardback, 315x220 mm, Eng. ed., 136 p, 80 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 35,00 ISBN: 9788836643486 (HB‐E) 19
Olafur Eliasson In Real Life
Author(s): Edited by Mark Godfrey
E [UK] Tate Paperback, 254x190 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 120 col.ill., July 2019, € 27,50 ISBN: 9781849766326 (PB‐E)
Published to accompany the first UK retrospective of Olafur Eliasson's work, this book is conceived as an illustrated `field guide' to his practice. Featuring a substantial conversation between the artist and the Tate curator Mark Godfrey, as well as a range of short dialogues with a strikingly varied range of people, the book provides readers with a `compass' to Eliasson's thinking: a 360‐degree view of the frames of reference that inform his work. Eliasson builds such conversations into his daily life and work. They help him not only to understand other people's unique fields of knowledge, but also to ask, `What does my understanding of your knowledge do to my understanding of the world?', and touch on topics as wide‐ranging as the social and cultural factors that contribute to social trust, the `topography' of scent, the chronobiological effects of light, public space and civic infrastructure, and the power of art. The interweaving of these texts with stunning photography of his remarkable and immersive works provides an insight into what Eliasson calls his ongoing aim of `reaching out into the world'. Expo: 11/07/2019 ‐ 05/01/2020, Tate Modern, London
Tate Modern Highlights Tate Modern is the world's most visited museum of modern and contemporary art, with its pioneering collection, ground‐breaking international exhibitions, innovative commissions and inspiring events. Since its opening in 2000 it has transformed attitudes to the visual arts, and its exciting expansion in 2016 has reinforced its reputation as one of the UK's most important sites for visitors. [UK] Tate Author(s): Simon Bolitho Paperback, 214x185 mm, Eng. ed., 64 p, 60 col.ill., July 2019, € 6,80 ISBN: 9781849766678 (PB‐E)
E Takis One of the most playful, innovative and eccentric artists of post‐war Europe, Takis (b.1925, Athens) was a catalysing figure in the artistic and literary circles of Paris, London and New York from the 1950s onward. Pioneering a variety of sculpture, painting and musical structures, Takis made works that harness invisible natural forces. Perhaps best known are his innovative 'telemagnetic' works, begun in the late 1950s using everyday metallic objects that float in space through the use of magnets. [UK] Tate Author(s): Edited by Guy Brett & Michael Wellen Flexi (Pb luxe), 246x190 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, 100 col. & bw ill, July 2019, € 27,50 ISBN: 9781849766319 (FLEXI‐E)
Expo: 03/07/2019 ‐ 27/10/2019, Tate Modern, London 20
Mario García Torres Illusion Brought Me Here „Illusion Brought Me Here" maps out the extensive body of work of Mexican artist Mario García Torres for the first time. New essays by Sophie Berrebi, Julia Bryan‐Wilson, Rulo David, Vincenzo de Bellis, Caroline Dumalin, and Tom McDonough look at the way García Torres's work addresses ideas of failure, uncertainty, and memory, and at how the counter‐narratives he weaves invite us to revisit and rethink the legacies of conceptual art in the Americas and Europe. [G]] Walther Koenig Ver Author(s): Ed.: Vincenzo de Bellis, Caroline Dumalin Text: Dirk Snauwaert, Sophie Berrebi, ... Hardback, 270x210 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 166 col.ill., May 2019, € 39,80 ISBN: 9783960985907 (HB‐E) Expo: 17/5/2019 ‐ 18/8/2019, WIELS Contemporary Art Centre
Don’t Trust Anyone Over Thirty An Entertainment by Dan Graham "Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty" is a satiric entertainment continuing the artist's cultural analysis of the '60s, which began with Graham's 1981 video "Rock My Religion," a video dealing with the evolution of youth culture during the '50s, '60s, and after. "Don't Trust" is set in the late '60s to early '70s period when the "hippie" tribes moved their "counter culture" to settlements to the bucolic "wilderness" of the countryside. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag
Author(s): Dan Graham Paperback, 280x216 mm, Eng. ed., 108 p, 103 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 24,80 ISBN: 9783863351977 (PB‐E)
Sharon Hayes Echo With her Lesbian Love Tour in 1996, which visited and photographed forty‐five "lesbian living rooms" in almost as many cities, Hayes investigates how political intention and longing can manifest concretely, in a movement from the individual or the protective community of groups to larger forums. With a background in journalism and anthropology, she is currently one of the most influential politically and socially committed artists in the USA. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Ed.: Lena Essling. Text: Lena Essling, Sharon Hayes, Ann‐Sofi Noring Paperback, 235x170 mm, Eng./ Swed. ed, 72 p, 100 col.ill., 80 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 24,00 ISBN: 9783960985983 (PB‐E/ SW) Expo: 13/04/2019 ‐ 11/08/2019, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Ai Weiwei 'Everything is art. Everything is politics,' says internationally renowned artist Ai Weiwei. His statement informs this comprehensive book that features sculptural installations, photographs, and videos from every aspect of the artist's forty‐year career and touches on many contemporary social issues. [UK] Prestel + Author(s): Susanne Gaensheimer, Doris Krystof, Falk Wolf Hardback, 280x200 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 230 col.ill., May 2019, € 56,95 ISBN: 9783791359069 (HB‐E)
Expo: 18/05/2019 ‐ 01/09/2019, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein‐Westfalen, Düsseldorf,
Video Art Abundantly illustrates with frames and sequences, Video Art offers a history of the medium seen through the perspectives of its early practitioners, through the vast array of conceptual, political, personal and lyrical installations of the 80s and 90s to the present digital revolution. Reissued in a revised and updated edition, this book remains the most complete and up‐to‐date overview of an art form born less than forty years ago and now ubiquitous worldwide. [UK] Thames & Hudson Author(s): Michael Rush Paperback, 270x230 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 296 col.ill., 103 bw ill., May 2019 ‐R/P, € 27,95 ISBN: 9780500284872 (PB‐E). Other editions: Thames & Hudson Reprint. First published April 2007
E Leiko Ikemura Toward New Seas Luminous, large‐scale paintings, fantastical, chimerical sculpture, girlish warriors, and Amazon goddesses ‐Leiko Ikemura's artistic output is as diverse as it is prolific. In this book that gathers together drawings, monotypes, paintings, and sculpture, Ikemura's unique talent for fusing Eastern and Western art is profoundly evident. In her work, Ikemura explores themes of hybridity, cross‐culturalism, sexuality, and death. [UK] Prestel Author(s): Anita Haldemann Paperback, 305x245 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 116 col.ill., June 2019, € 40,50 ISBN: 9783791358901 (PB‐E) Expo: 11/05/2019 ‐ 01/09/2019, Kunstmuseum, Basel
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Bowie by O'Neill The definitive collection with unseen images This book is the breathtaking result of iconic photographer Terry O'Neill's creative partnership with David Bowie that spanned over a number of years, including images published here for the first time. [UK] Cassell (octopus) Author(s): Terry O'Neill Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 340 p, Aug. 2019, € 50,50 ISBN: 9781788401012 (HB‐E)
E Ray Gun The Bible of Music and Style Founded in 1992, Ray Gun was the only magazine wherein a die‐hard culture seeker could find information on alternative music and the street‐inspired style that really mattered. Punk rock had torn pop music to shreds and created a hunger for an original lifestyle beyond mainstream culture, and Ray Gun was its graphic chronicler: across its pages blasted a visual feast made up of era‐defining artists such as Sonic Youth or Iggy Pop, music‐inspired art, and a complete redefinition of sartorial style. [US] Rizzoli
Author(s): Marvin Scott Jarrett Hardback with dust jacket, 305x254 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 200 col. & bw ill, May 2019, € 74,00 ISBN: 9780847863150 (HB+‐E)
Mountains By Magnum Photographers Magnum Photos is arguably the most celebrated photographic cooperative ever created and these images represent the world's most iconic photographers capturing the world's most breathtaking peaks. Robert Capa portrays the glamour of skiing the Austrian Alps circa 1950; Chris Steele‐Perkins offers a hallucinogenic view of Mt. Fuji; Steve McCurry shows us life and war in the shadow of Afghanistan's Hindu Kush; Harry Gruyaert captures childhood in the Moroccan High Atlas. [UK] Prestel Author(s): Annalisa Cittera, Nathalie Herschdorfer Hardback, 300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 230 col.ill., 130 col. & bw ill, July 2019, € 53,95 ISBN: 9783791384696 (HB‐E)
Expo: 14/06/2019 ‐ 13/10/2019, Museum of Fine Arts in Le Locle, Switzerland 23
o Struyven Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. ed 201 x 338 mm | 332 p € 55,00 | June 2019 [BE] Occ. Publishers Belgium ISBN: 9789081925327 (E/ F/ G)
A vi e, military view of 90 90 km of coastlin coastline, military det details ails and pictures nding ng on D-Day. pictures of the la landi Une vue sur 90 km de côte, des détails militaires aires et d des es ph ébarq arqu uemen ementt. milit photos du du déb Ein Blick auf auf 90 90 km Kü Küste, militärisch militärischee Detai Bilder der Landung am D-Day. Detaills und Bil
The Normandy Coast and Landing Beaches
Expo: 06/06/2019 - october 2019, Port-en-Bessin-Huppain
La Côte de Normandie et les Plages du Débarquement - Die Küste der Normandie une Landungsstrände
D‐Day A Photographic History of the Normandy Invasion Although it took a multinational coalition to conduct World War II's amphibious D‐Day landings, the U.S. military made a major contribution to the operation that created mighty American legends and unforgettable heroes. In D‐Day: A Photographic History of the Normandy Invasion, WWI historian Martin K. A. Morgan presents 450 of the most compelling and dramatic photographs captured in northern France during the first day and week of its liberation. [UK] Quarto other imprints Author(s): Martin Morgan Hardback with dust jacket,304x245 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, May 2019, € 21,50 ISBN: 9780785836926 (HB+‐E)
Women War Photographers From Lee Miller to Anja Niedringhaus
Women have been on the front lines of the war for more than a century. With access to places men cannot go, the women who photograph war lend a unique perspective to the consequences of conflict. From intimate glimpses of daily life to the atrocities of war, this exhibition catalogue reveals the range and depth of eight women photographers' contributions to wartime photojournalism. [UK] Prestel + Author(s): Anne‐Marie Beckmann, Felicity Korn Hardback, 280x240 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 163 col.ill., March 2019, € 47,50 ISBN: 9783791358680 (HB‐E) Expo: 08/03/2019 ‐ 10/06/2019, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
Our Planet With a foreword by Sir David Attenborough, breathtakingly beautiful still photography, specially commissioned maps and graphics, and compelling text expanding on the remarkable TV stories and giving the reader a depth of information that is impossible on screen, this companion to the groundbreaking NETFLIX series presents a whole new view of the place we call home. [UK] Random House ‐ Bantam Author(s): Alastair Fothergill, Keith Scholey, Fred Pearce, David Attenborough (Foreword) Hardback,286x225 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, April 2019, € 35,50 ISBN: 9780593079768 (HB‐E)
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Daily Rituals Women at Work Filled with the innovative, inspiring and wonderfully prolific accounts of some of the world's best female creators, Daily Rituals: Women at Work is the powerful and championing sequel to Mason Currey's first book, Daily Rituals. Barbara Hepworth sculpted outdoors and Janet Frame wore earmuffs as she worked to block out noise. Kate Chopin wrote with her six children 'swarming around her' whereas the artist Rosa Bonheur filled her bedroom with the sixty birds that inspired her work. [UK] Picador (MacMillan) Author(s): Mason Currey Hardback,207x138 mm, Eng. ed., 416 p, March 2019, € 21,50 ISBN: 9781509852833 (HB‐E)
E White Bret Easton Ellis The first non‐fiction book by the author of American Psycho ‐ a candid, fearless and provocative look at what is going on in the world right now. Bret Easton Ellis is most famous for his era‐defining novel American Psycho and its terrifying anti‐hero, Patrick Bateman. With that book, and many times since, Ellis proved himself to be one of the world's most fearless and clear‐sighted observers of society ‐ the glittering surface and the darkness beneath. [UK] Picador (MacMillan) Trade Pb,x mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, April 2019, € 17,50 ISBN: 9781529012439 (TPB‐E)
E Medieval Bodies Life, Death and Art in the Middle Ages Dripping with blood and gold, fetishized and tortured, gateway to earthly delights and point of contact with the divine, forcibly divided and powerful even beyond death, there was no territory more contested than the body in the medieval world. In Medieval Bodies, art historian Jack Hartnell uncovers the complex and fascinating ways in which the people of the Middle Ages thought about, explored and experienced their physical selves. [UK] Profile (Faber) Author(s): Jack Hartnell Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p, Feb. 2019, € 18,50 ISBN: 9781781256800 (PB‐E) Wellcome Collection
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Everything is F*cked A Book About Hope From the author of the international mega‐bestseller The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck comes a counterintuitive guide to the problems of hope. We live in an interesting time. Materially, everything is the best it's ever been‐we are freer, healthier and wealthier than any people in human history. Yet, somehow everything seems to be irreparably and horribly f*cked‐the planet is warming, governments are failing, economies are collapsing, and everyone is perpetually offended on Twitter. [US] Harper Collins US (HCUK) Author(s): Mark Manson Paperback,x mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, May 2019, € 16,50 ISBN: 9780062888464 (PB‐E)
Siege Trump Under Fire With Fire and Fury, Michael Wolff defined the first phase of the Trump administration; now, in Siege, he has written an equally essential and explosive book about a presidency that is under fire from almost every side. A stunningly fresh narrative that begins just as Trump's second year as president is getting underway and ends with the delivery of the Mueller report. [UK] Little Brown (Hachette) Author(s): Michael Wolff Trade Pb,232x152 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p, June 2019, € 21,95 ISBN: 9781408711644 (TPB‐E)
E Rebel Women All You Wanted to Know about Women's History from 1800 to the present day Now it is time for Rebel Women: All you wanted to know about women's history from 1800 to the modern day. This is history as made by women: famous, infamous and little known, whose actions changed the course of the world. [UK] Little Brown (Hachette) Author(s): Rosalind Miles Trade Pb,x mm, Eng. ed., p, July 2019, € 21,50 ISBN: 9780349006079 (TPB‐E)
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Food Eating Tomorrow From urban farming to public feasting and sensuous tableware, and from edible insects to lab‐grown meat, the future of food is a hot topic of debate. The need for food systems that are more sustainable, healthy, and fair is recognized as a major global challenge. [UK] V&A Museum Author(s): May Rosenthal & Catherine Flood Paperback, 250x180 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 120 col. & bw ill, May 2019, € 31,95 ISBN: 9781851779765 (PB‐E) Expo: 18/05/2019 ‐ 17/11/2019, V&A Museum, London
Future Food Today Cookbook by SPACE10
Future Food Today is a collection of recipes based on future food trends, coming straight out of the SPACE10 food lab and test kitchen. The book expresses SPACE10's beliefs around food and food production. From "dogless hotdogs" and "algae chips," to "bug burgers" and "microgreen popsicles," it's packed with dishes we could one day be eating on a regular basis. [NL] Frame Author(s): SPACE10 Hardback, 280x240 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 320 col.ill., May 2019, € 39,00 ISBN: 9789492311405 (HB‐E)
Taste of Belgium
Author(s): Ruth van Waerebeek
E [UK] Occ. publications Paperback, 246x185 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, throughout col.ill., April 2019, € 22,50
Belgium is a country that boasts many Michelin‐starred restaurants and it is sometimes said that Belgian food is served in the quantity of German cuisine but with the quality of French cuisine. It's a country where home cooks ‐ and everyone, it seems, is a great home cook ‐ spend copious amounts of time thinking about, shopping for, preparing, discussing, and celebrating food. With its hearty influences from Germany and Holland, herbs straight out of a medieval garden, and condiments and spices from the height of Flemish culture, Belgian cuisine is elegant comfort food at its best ‐ slow‐cooked, honest and satisfying, perfect for a Sunday lunch, a dinner party, or a casual family gathering. Here in Ruth Van Waerebeek's wonderful compendium of 250 delicious recipes, is the best of Belgian cuisine. Grub Street
ISBN: 9781911621300 (PB‐E)
Neni's Tel Aviv Food. People. Stories. A culinary journey with Neni
Tel Aviv is colourful, cosmopolitan and modern; a city full of contrasts, fragrances, stories and flavours. It is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, religions and delicious culinary traditions. Haya Molcho and her four sons take us on a journey to meet Tel Aviv's local chefs and story‐tellers ‐ from the epicures and the urban forager, to the magician and the survivor ‐ capturing the special spirit of the city's many cuisines and inhabitants. [UK] Murdoch (Faber) Author(s): Haya Molcho Hardback,256x190 mm, Eng. ed., 280 p, April 2019, € 35,90 ISBN: 9781760634674 (HB‐E)
The Flexitarian Cookbook Ingeniously adaptable recipes for part‐time vegetarians Less of a rigid regime, and more of an organic attempt to eat a mainly vegetarian diet, The Flexitarian Cookbook features delicious plant‐centric recipes, with options for incorporating meat or fish as needed. Many of us are looking to eat less meat and/or fish, as the host of environmental, ethical and health‐related reasons for doing so stacks up. The concept of not centering every meal around an animal‐based protein is well on its way to settling into mainstream society.
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small Hardback, 235x190 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, 70 col.ill., Aug. 2019, € 18,95 ISBN: 9781788791465 (HB‐E)
Salt & Pepper Cooking with the world’s most popular seasonings More than 70 deliciously innovative recipes that showcase salt and pepper as gourmet seasoning ingredients, from the aromatic and subtle to the hot and fiery. In this beautiful book, top cook and food stylist Valerie Aikman‐Smith introduces you to an amazing array of culinary salts and peppers that will add flavor, depth and panache to your cooking. From French fleur de sel to Indonesian Lampong pepper, sublime seasonings you've probably never heard of feature in more than 70 gourmet recipes.
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small Author(s): Valerie Aikman‐Smith Hardback, 210x170 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, 70 col.ill., July 2019, € 12,80 ISBN: 9781788791229 (HB‐E)
Food The History of Taste Since earliest times food has encompassed so much more than just what we eat ‐ whole societies can be revealed and analysed by their cusines. In this wide‐ranging book, leading historians from Europe and America piece together from a myriad sources the culinary accomplishments of diverse civilizations, past and present, and the pleasures of dining. [UK] Thames & Hudson Author(s): Paul Freedman Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p, June 2019, € 18,50 ISBN: 9780500295373 (PB‐E) New in B‐format paperback
E 30
Hungry Eating, Road‐Tripping, and Risking It All with the Greatest Chef in the World A food critic chronicles four years spent traveling with renowned chef René Redzepi in search of the most tantalizing flavors the world has to offer. Hungry is a book about the hunger not only for food but for risk, reinvention, creative breakthroughs, and connection. Feeling stuck in his work and home life, writer Jeff Gordinier happened into a fateful meeting with Danish chef René Redzepi, whose restaurant, Noma, has been called the best in the world. [US] Random House US Author(s): Jeff Gordinier Hardback,210x140 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, July 2019, € 25,50 ISBN: 9781524759643 (HB‐E)
Happy Days with the Naked Chef (Anniversary Editions) Jamie Oliver Celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Naked Chef Penguin are re‐releasing Jamie's first five cookbooks as beautiful Hardback Anniversary Editions ‐ an essential for every kitchen.This book is full of recipes for every meal of the day, with chapters on: Potty about Herbs, Morning Glory, Tapas, Munchies & Snacks, Simple Salads and Dressings, Soups and Broths, Pasta & Risotto, Fish & Shellfish, Meat Poultry & Game, Vegetables, Bread, Desserts, Bevvies, and Stocks, Sauces, Bits, Bobs, This, That & The Other! [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Michael Joseph Hardback,254x196 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, April 2019, € 35,95 ISBN: 9781405933537 (HB‐E)
Dierendonckblancke Selected Works 2007‐2018 Author(s): Ed.: Lisa De Visscher, Iwan Strauven Isabelle Blancke and Alexander Dierendonck are exemplary for the shifting sands of a burgeoning culture of architecture in Flanders that has now clearly come to fruition. Of this group, or generation, Dierendonckblancke architecten may well be one of the most ‘normcore’ of all. There is little evidence of an uninhibited burst of expressionism or obvious critical gestures. What sets them apart is this apparent normalcy. It allows their clients to seamlessly integrate their lives into the environment provided by Dierendonckblancke architecten. The selection of 15 designs collected in this volume illustrates their architectural vision. The assignments represented here were varied, ranging from housing projects to healthcare institutions, from cultural infrastructure to education. Expo: 05/04/2019 ‐ 23/06/2019, Bozar, Brussels
E [G]] Walther Koenig Ver Paperback, 292x215 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 209 col.ill., April 2019, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960985808 (PB‐E)
AgwA Chantier / Construction Site The book consists of a selection of images from different construction sites by Brussels based architecture office AgwA, accompanied by texts by Jan De Vylder (architects de vylder vinck taillieu, Gent) and Tom Emerson (6a architects, Londen). [BE] MER ‐ B&L
Author(s): Jan De Vylder, Tom Emerson, AgwA Architects Paperback,270x210 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 96 p, May 2019, € 20,00 ISBN: 9789463930024 (PB‐E/ F) 32
Carrousel Confessions Confusion 1 Jan De Vylder, Peter Swinnen, Arno Brandlhuber „Carrousel Confessions Confusion" is a series of books curated by Studio Jan De Vylder at ETH Zürich. World‐renowned architects are asked to confess a building, a garden, a book or whatever could have been relevant in a certain moment of their life and career. The authors share places or situations that became sensible for personal reasons and sometimes unexpectedly. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Ed.: Studio Jan De Vylder, ETHZ Box, 227x176 mm, Eng. ed., 204 p, 170 col.ill., May 2019, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960985020 (BOX‐E)
Bovenbouw Architectuur ‐ Architecture office Living the Exotic Everyday Author(s): Dirk Somers, Maarten Van Den Driessche, Bart Verschaffel
E [BE] VAi Paperback,240x160 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, Feb. 2019, € 29,50 ISBN: 9789492567130 (PB‐E)
Architecture office 'Bovenbouw' presents its work in all of its variety and maps the rich world of references with which it designs. 'Bovenbouw Architectuur. Living the Exotic Everyday provides a look inside the variety of projects and the rich world of references of the eponymous architecture office from Antwerp. The book and the exhibition act as complements to one another; autonomous, but all the richer when read together. The characteristic attitude towards design of Bovenbouw shapes the publication as well as the projects it contains; intuitively yet thought out, and with a measured dose of humour it maps an extensive frame of reference. In formulating the varied fascinations which nurture the architectural design, Dirk Somers is aided by Bart Verschaffel and Maarten Van Den Driessche. All of this abundantly illustrated by images from the architectural practice. Expo: 18/2/2019 ‐ 16/6/2019, DeSingel, Antwerp ‐ The House of the Explorer
Restoration House
Restore peace and joy to your home as you create a space that gives your loved ones a comfortable place to connect. In Restoration House, designer and lifestyle guide Kennesha Buycks shows you how to curate and decorate your home (even on a small budget!) and create mindful spaces that give life to all who enter.How many times have you felt discouraged as you scrolled through Instagram or Pinterest at impeccably styled home decor that your family would destroy in moments? [US] Harper Collins US (HCUK) Author(s): Kennesha Buycks Hardback, 234x211 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, throughout col.ill., May 2019, € 21,50 ISBN: 9780310092063 (HB‐E)
Global Bohemian How to satisfy your wanderlust at home
Why settle for one style when you can indulge your love of several? Whether exuberant or subtle, eclectic or sophisticated, bohemian style welcomes a freethinking approach to decorating. Fifi O'Neill shows you how to combine originality, creative energy, whimsy and a love of travel to create adventurous, authentic, and enchanting interiors. Find inspiration for making your home truly unique by mixing pieces with traditional style alongside finds from your travels. [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small Author(s): Fifi O'Neill Hardback, 254x216 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 200 col.ill., April 2019, € 25,50 ISBN: 9781782497189 (HB‐E)
Home Futures Living in Yesterday’s Tomorrow The twentieth century offered up countless visions of domestic life, from the aspirational to the radical. Whether it was the dream of the fully mechanised home or the notion that technology might free us from home altogether, the domestic realm was a site of endless invention and speculation. But what happened to those visions? Are the smart homes of today the future that architects and designers once predicted, or has 'home' proved resistant to radical change? [UK] Design Museum London Author(s): Eszter Steierhoffer, Justin McGuirk Paperback, 240x170 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p, 260 col.ill., Feb. 2019, € 42,95 ISBN: 9781872005423 (PB‐E) Expo: 07/11/2018 ‐ 10/03/2019, Design Museum, London
Made in Japan Awe‐inspiring graphics from Japan Today When a product is labelled as "Made in Japan", it is often a promise of quality, and the consistent clarity, order and precision of Japanese designs definitely ensures that the reputation is not exaggerated. Known for their minimalist, clean lines, the iconic styles of Japanese designs are admired and imitated all over the world. With the spotlight on more than 40 local creatives behind all sorts of different projects in different fields, it spans from brand identities to spatial design to illustrations. [UK] Victionary Paperback,210x150 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, June 2019, € 41,95 ISBN: 9789887774730 (PB‐E) Reprint. First published June 2018
Thonet With around 400 objects in its possession, Die Neue Sammlung ‐ The Design Museum in Munich boasts one of the world's largest and most important collections of Thonet furniture. One that therefore not only reflects the development of seating furniture but also, and in particular, represents an important chapter in European company history. The catalogue shows distinguished chair designs from 1838 to the present day. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag Author(s): Ed.: Anggelika Nollert Paperback, 300x230 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 168 p, 165 col. & bw ill, May 2019, € 29,80 ISBN: 9783960985822 (PB‐E/ G)
E/ G Dysfunctional La forme doit‐elle encore suivre la fonction, comme l'enseignaient le Bauhaus, Le Corbusier ou ses disciples ? En confrontant le travail de dix‐sept artistes et designers internationaux à l'architecture Renaissance du palais Ca' d'Oro à Venise, « Dys‐functional », exposition organisée par la Carpenters Workshop Gallery, interroge ce commandement qui a durablement marqué l'histoire de l'architecture et du design au XXe siècle. [F]] Norma Editi Author(s): Glenn Adamson Hardback, 305x250 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 100 col. & bw ill, June 2019, € 55,00 ISBN: 9782376660255 (HB‐E) Expo: 11/05/2019 ‐ 24/11/2019, Ca D'Oro, Venice
Memphis Plastic Field En 1981, le designer italien Ettore Sottsass, sorti de l'aventure de Studio Alchymia, fédère autour de lui un collectif de jeunes architectes afin de faire voler en éclat les codes de la modernité. Son aura attire des créateurs de premier plan tels qu'Andrea Branzi, Michael Graves, Shiro Kuramata, Alessandro Mendini, Marco Zanuso ou Nathalie Du Pasquier. [F]] Norma Editi Author(s): Constance Rubini, Jean Blanchaert Hardback, 280x210 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 192 p, 400 col. & bw ill, June 2019, € 39,00 ISBN: 9782376660279 (HB‐E/ F) Expo: 21/06/2018 ‐ 05/01/2020, MADD, Bordeaux
E/F 36
Wild London Urban Escapes in and around the City From the authors of London for Lovers, this is an inspiring and comprehensive guide to London's wild side. From exploring secret gardens, parks, farmers markets and city farms, to discovering the best spots for urban bee‐keeping, foraging, open‐air swimming and mudlarking, Wild London is packed with ideas for how to make the most of London's hidden natural wonder. [UK] Random House ‐ Square Peg
Author(s): Sam Hodges & Sophie Hodges Trade Pb,178x178 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, July 2019, € 21,50 ISBN: 9781910931622 (TPB‐E)
Unforgettable Places to See Before You Die We owe it to ourselves to see as much of this beautiful world as possible. This is for people that want to see ancient monuments, extraordinary scenery, endangered wildlife, inspiring cultures, architecture and art ‐ places that give us the chance to grow and expand our horizons. Unforgettable Places to See Before You Die is the first title in an exciting international bestselling series of books that will help you search out essential sights and experiences around the world. [UK] Random House ‐ BBC Books Author(s): Steve Davey Hardback,252x162 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, May 2019, € 27,50 ISBN: 9781785944161 (HB‐E)
Unforgettable Things to do Before you Die In Unforgettable Things to Do Before You Die, international travel writers and photographers Steve Watkins and Clare Jones draw on their years of experience to select their ultimate trips of a lifetime. This book will introduce you to a host of unusual and amazing activities to be done in fabulous destinations during a break of two weeks or less. [UK] Random House ‐ BBC Books Author(s): Clare Jones, Steve Watkins Hardback,252x162 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, May 2019, € 27,50 ISBN: 9781785944154 (HB‐E)
CITIX60 ‐ Melbourne 60 local creatives bring you the best of the city Citix60 is a pocket‐sized informative, handpicked list of local hot spots for travellers who are ready to lose themselves into the truest spirit of the world's most exhilarating design hubs. Focusing on urban life, each volume is a unique collaboration with 60 regional creatives who have distinctive tastes and vision in life and discipline varying from music, design, architecture, advertising and food. Whether it's a one day stopover, or a week‐long journey, CITIx60 is your inspirational sputnik. [UK] Victionary Paperback with flaps, 165x115 mm, Eng. ed., 132 p, throughout col.ill., June 2019 ‐R/P, € 12,60 ISBN: 9789881320438 (PB+‐E)
E CITIX60 ‐ Paris 60 local creatives bring you the best of the city Citix60 is a pocket‐sized informative, handpicked list of local hot spots for travellers who are ready to lose themselves into the truest spirit of the world's most exhilarating design hubs. Focusing on urban life, each volume is a unique collaboration with 60 regional creatives who have distinctive tastes and vision in life and disciplines varying from music, design, architecture, advertising and food etc. Whether it's a one day stopover, or a week‐long journey, CITIx60 is your inspirational sputnik. [UK] Victionary Paperback with flaps, 165x115 mm, Eng. ed., 132 p, throughout col.ill., June 2019, € 12,60 ISBN: 9789887850014 (PB+‐E)
E CITIX60 ‐ Stockholm 60 local creatives bring you the best of the city Citix60 is a pocket‐sized informative, handpicked list of local hot spots for travellers who are ready to lose themselves into the truest spirit of the world's most exhilarating design hubs. Focusing on urban life, each volume is a unique collaboration with 60 regional creatives who have distinctive tastes and vision in life and discipline varying from music, design, architecture, advertising and food. Whether it's a one day stopover, or a week‐long journey, CITIx60 is your inspirational sputnik. [UK] Victionary Paperback with flaps, 165x115 mm, Eng. ed., 132 p, throughout col.ill., June 2019 ‐R/P, € 12,60 ISBN: 9789881320384 (PB+‐E) Reprint
E 38
Bruxelles‐Pentagone Guides des communes de la région bruxelloise Il existait déjà le célèbre Guide illustré de Bruxelles de Guillaume Des Marez, publié au lendemain de la Première Guerre et réédité de nombreuses fois. Aujourd'hui encore l'amateur de patrimoine culturel trouve dans le commerce des synthèses historiques de très bonne qualité. Le Guide de Bruxelles‐Pentagone, quant à lui, rassemble en un seul volume plus de 30 ans de conférences, de visites guidées et de publications sur le patrimoine de Bruxelles menées par Roel Jacobs. [BE] CFC‐Éditions Author(s): Roel Jacobs Paperback, 205x135 mm, French ed., 400 p, 200 col.ill., Nov. 2013, € 15,00 ISBN: 9782930018881 (PB‐F) PROMO: 15 EUR instead of 35 EUR
Brussels, Bruges, Antwerp & Ghent DK Eyewitness Top 10 Travel Guide 2019 An unbeatable, pocket‐sized guide to Brussels, Bruges, Antwerp and Ghent, packed with insider tips and ideas, colour maps, top 10 lists, and a laminated pull‐out map ‐ all designed to help you see the very best of Brussels, Bruges, Antwerp and Ghent.
[UK] D.K. ‐ E/W Paperback,109x103 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, Jan. 2019, € 12,80 ISBN: 9780241355930 (PB‐E)
Madrid Popout Map Experience the rich and energetic city of Madrid with this genuinely pocket‐sized, pop‐up map. Small in size, yet big on detail, this compact, dependable Madrid city map will ensure you don't miss a thing. [UK] PopOut Maps MAP,x mm, Eng. ed., p, Feb. 2019, € 7,50 ISBN: 9781910218716 (MAP‐E)
E 39
Into the Forest: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness Humans are increasingly becoming an indoor species. We spend 90 per cent of our life indoors. And, on average, we dedicate eight hours a day looking at screens. Our increasingly domestic lives are having huge consequences to our health. In Into the Forest, Immunologist and Forest Medicine expert, Dr Qing Li, examines the unprecedented benefits of the world's largest natural health resource: the great outdoors. This practical guide will help you overcome some of life's most problematic health issues. [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Michael Joseph Author(s): by Dr Qing Li Paperback,210x149 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, June 2019, € 13,95 ISBN: 9780241377598 (PB‐E)
E Zen: The Art of Simple Living In clear, practical and easy to follow lessons ‐ one a day for 100 days ‐ renowned Buddhist monk Shunmyo Masuno draws on centuries of wisdom to show you how to apply the essence of Zen to modern life. You will learn how to exhale deeply to eliminate negative emotions, to arrange your house simply to clear your thinking, to line up your shoes at night to bring order to your mind, to plant a single flower and watch it grow, to worry less about what you cannot control, and so much more . . . [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Michael Joseph Author(s): by Shunmyo Masuno (Author), Harry and Zanna Goldhawk (Illustrator) Hardback,180x130 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, , € 18,50 ISBN: 9780241371831 (HB‐E)
E The Little Book Of Buddhism Dalai Lama This jewel of a book offers the core teachings on Buddhism applicable in daily life from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This is a classic timeless collection of advice and teachings about the importance of love and compassion, individual responsibility and awareness of the problems in everyday life. Whoever you are, whatever your beliefs, the Dalai Lama's words have the power to calm and inspire. [UK] Random House ‐ Rider Hardback,167x119 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, March 2019, € 8,60 ISBN: 9781846046049 (HB‐E)
E 40
Kinfolk ‐ Volume 32 Tokyo In Haruki Murakami's breakthrough novel, Norwegian Wood, the young lovers spend days tramping the streets of 1960s ‐ era Tokyo. The landscape unfurls boundlessly before them: 'We kept walking... climbing hills, crossing rivers, and railway lines, just walking and walking with no destination in mind,' Toru recalls. It's a romantic vision of a city that, today, can feel impenetrable to the outsider. Building on the unparalleled popularity of our Japan Issue, Kinfolk is spending summer in the Japanese capital [US] Simon & Schuster Paperback, 279x215 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, throughout col.ill., June 2019, € 18,50 ISBN: 9781941815366 (PB‐E)
Crafted A Collection of Crafts – New, Old and Forgotten Crafted is a celebration of craft in the 21st century ‐ a definitive visual guide to all things handmade. Featuring 80 of the most popular and well‐established crafts, Sally Coulthard explores their history, materials and techniques as she offers a deeper insight into why people make, while also providing inspiration for both new and ancient creative pursuits. [UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant)
Author(s): Sally Coulthard Hardback, 234x153 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, throughout col.ill., Feb. 2019, € 25,00 ISBN: 9781787132566 (HB‐E)
Kitchen Lab Handboek voor de thuisdrogist Van anti‐katerthee, plasticine en snorrenwax tot wc‐onstopper: KITCHEN LAB loodst je langs meer dan 100 haalbare recepten om de producten die je in en om je huis gebruikt in een handomdraai met ingrediënten uit tuin en keukenkast zelf te maken. Met natuurlijke producten, zonder additieven en met veel fun. Niets moeilijks aan. Je hebt echt alles in huis om het zelf te maken. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek Author(s): Natalie Schrauwen, Sarah Schrauwen. Fotografie: Sarah Schrauwen Paperback with flaps, 240x170 mm, NL ed., 128 p, 60 col.ill., June 2019 ‐R/P, € 19,95 ISBN: 9789058565303 (PB+‐NL)
Reprint. First published Sept. 2015 41
Legendary Artists and the Clothes They Wore Whether it's Cecil Beaton's flamboyant, classically tailored suits, Frida Kahlo's love of bright color, or Cindy Sherman's penchant for minimalism, an artist's attire often reflects the creative and spiritual essence of his or her work. In Legendary Artists and the Clothes They Wore, fashion authority Terry Newman presents more than forty fully illustrated profiles of masters whose enduring art bears an idiosyncratic stamp.
[US] Harper Collins US (HCUK) Author(s): Terry Newman Hardback,241x178 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, June 2019, € 31,95 ISBN: 9780062844187 (HB‐E). Other editions: ISBN 9780062428301 (Authors)
Habiller l'Opera Costumes et ateliers de l’Opéra de Paris À l'occasion du 350e anniversaire de l'Opéra de Paris, célébré en 2019, le Centre national du costume de scène présentera une exposition sur l'histoire du costume dans ce théâtre depuis l'ouverture du Palais Garnier jusqu'à nos jours. Ce vaste panorama s'articulera autour des grands courants esthétiques dans ce domaine scénique au cours des XXe et XXIe siècles.
[IT] Silvana Hardback, 297x240 mm, French ed., 160 p, 150 col. & bw ill, May 2019, € 25,00 ISBN: 9788836640928 (HB‐F) Expo: 25/05/2019 ‐ 03/11/2019, Centre National du Costume de Scène, Moulins
Chanel Catwalk The Complete Karl Lagerfeld Collections Author(s): Patrick Mauriès
The definitive overview of Karl Lagerfeld's Chanel creations since his first show in 1983 ‐ the first book in a new 'Catwalk' series.
E [UK] Thames & Hudson + Hardback, 277x190 mm, Eng. ed.,632 p, 1100 col. & bw ill, May 2019‐R/P, € 63,50 ISBN: 9780500518366 (HB‐E)
Ever since his first show for the house in 1983, Karl Lagerfeld's Chanel collections have consistently made headlines and dictated trends the world over. For the first time, every Chanel collection ever created by Lagerfeld is here gathered in a single volume ‐ a unique opportunity to chart the development of one of the world's most influential fashion brands and discover rarely seen collections. This definitive publication opens with a concise history of the house of Chanel, from the days of Coco Chanel to today, followed by a brief biographical profile of Karl Lagerfeld, before exploring the collections themselves, which are organized chronologically and introduced by a short text unveiling each collection's influences and highlights. Reprint
Dior: Catwalk The Complete Collections Author(s): Alexander Fury
E [UK] Thames & Hudson Hardback, 277x190 mm, Eng. ed., 632 p, 1100 col.ill., May 2019 ‐R/P, € 63,50 ISBN: 9780500519349 (HB‐E)
This book gathers together, for the first time, every Dior haute couture collection, including also ready‐to‐wear collections after the arrival of John Galliano (when ready‐to‐wear presentations took on a new importance), and the first two collections designed by creative director Maria Grazia Chiuri, appointed in 2016. It offers a unique opportunity to chart the development of one of the world’s most famous fashion brands and discover rarely seen collections. This definitive publication opens with a concise history of the house of Dior before exploring the collections themselves, which are organized chronologically. Each new ‘era’ in Dior’s history is inaugurated by a brief overview and biography of the new designer, while individual collections are introduced by a short text unveiling their influences and highlights and illustrated with carefully curated catwalk images. A rich reference section, including an extensive index, concludes the book. After Chanel, Dior is the second volume in a series of high‐end, cloth‐bound books that offer a complete and unrivalled overview of the collections of the world’s top fashion houses through original catwalk photography. Reprint. First published: June 2017
De koninklijke serres van Laken
NL - E - F - G [BE] BAI Hardback,280x240 mm, NL ed., 160 p, May 2019, € 35,00 ISBN: 9789085867937 (HB‐NL) ISBN 9789085867968 (F) 9789085867951 (E) 9789085867975 (G)
De Koninklijke Serres van Laken zijn iets uitzonderlijks, niet alleen door hun sierlijke glas‐ en metaalarchitectuur, die vandaag nog evenveel indruk maakt als in de tijd dat de Serres werden gebouwd (1874‐1905), en door de unieke plantencollectie die ze bevatten, maar ook door hun ligging naast het kasteel van Laken, in het park van het uitgestrekte Koninklijk Domein. In dit overvloedig geïllustreerde album komen de geschiedenis, de architectuur en de plantenrijkdom van de Serres aan bod. Ook de vele koninklijke ontvangsten en evenementen die sedert de jaren 1880 in de Serres plaatsvinden, worden in herinnering gebracht en in tal van ïllustraties opgeroepen. Zelden gepubliceerde historische documenten en afbeeldingen uit het archief van het Koninklijk Paleis in Brussel belichten het verleden en het heden van de Serres. De schitterende foto's van Karin Borghouts brengen het glazen paleis en de flora die het bevat, helemaal tot leven.
Gilbert van Schoonbeke Visionair ondernemer tijdens Antwerpens Gouden Eeuw Gilbert van Schoonbeke: een grotendeels vergeten figuur. Hoe is het mogelijk…Wie vandaag in Antwerpen binnen de Leien wandelt kan niet anders dan in zijn voetsporen treden. In het midden van de zestiende eeuw creëerde deze projectontwikkelaar‐urbanist hele nieuwe wijken met als centra de Stadswaag, de Vrijdagmarkt, het Tapissierspand (huidige Bourlaschouwburg) en de Graanmarkt. Zijn meest indrukwekkende realisatie was de aanleg van havendokken in wat vandaag 'Het Eilandje' is.
[BE] Pandora Author(s): Hugo Soly ea Hardback,297x245 mm, NL ed., 224 p, April 2019, € 39,95 ISBN: 9789053254608 (HB‐NL) 44
Jan Kempenaers Belgian Colonial Monuments De Belgische publieke ruimte telt behoorlijk wat monumenten ter nagedachtenis van het Belgische koloniale verleden. Deze monumenten staan er vandaag nog steeds, ter verering van Koning Leopold II's Vrijstaat tot en met de onafhankelijkheid van Congo in 1960. Vanaf 2006 trok Jan Kempenaers naar het voormalige Joegoslavië en bracht hij er abstracte communistische monumenten in beeld, genaamd Spominici. Kempenaers brengt hier de koloniale monumenten in dialoog met zijn Spomenik‐reeks en werken uit de collectie [BE] MuZEE, Oostende
Author(s): Phillip Van den Bossche, Paperback, 220x220 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 72 p, May 2019, € 24,00 ISBN: 9789492811509 (PB‐E/ NL) Expo: 28/4/2019 ‐ 13/10/2019, Mu.Zee, Oostende
La mémoire du Congo Le temps colonial Ce livre nous donne une image diversifiée de la période coloniale de l'histoire congolaise. Il se démarque de toute approche où les colonisés n'apparaissent que comme des ombres, tantôt victimes d'un système politique condamnable, tantôt, au contraire, bénéficiaires reconnaissants d'une œuvre civilisatrice visant à introduire le modèle européen. Les quelque quarante contributions se présentent comme un patchwork, illustrant certaines des questions que nous pose un passé à la fois proche et déjà lointain. [BE] Snoeck Publishers - Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren Author(s): Jean‐Luc Vellut, Jan Vansina, Els Cornelissen, Guy Vantemsche, Mary Jo Arnoldi, et al., Paperback, 305x245 mm, French ed., 272 p | 130 col.ill., 120 duotone ill., Feb. 2005,€ 42,00 ISBN: 9789053495414 (PB‐F)
F Au Coeur du Congo Congo Revisited ‐ Angelo Turconi Al meer dan 50 jaar is Angelo Turconi bezeten door de Democratische Republiek Congo. Ook vandaag nog blijft de gepassioneerde fotograaf het gebied en het dagelijkse leven van de Congolezen met evenveel enthousiasme documenteren. Dankzij foto's van ambachtslieden, boeren, transporteurs en marktkramers krijgen we een uniek beeld van de sociale en economische organisatie van dit Centraal‐Afrikaanse volk. Zijn foto's getuigen van de kracht van de aloude ceremoniën en de opwinding die de populaire feesten... [BE] Stichting Kunstboek Author(s): Guillaume Jan, Lye M. Yoka. Photography: Angelo Turconi Hardback, 380x270 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 260 p, 150 col. & bw ill, April 2019, € 59,90 ISBN: 9789058565921 (HB‐E/ F)
Circe Madeline Miller From the Orange Prize‐winning, internationally bestselling author of The Song of Achilles comes the powerful story of the mythological witch Circe, inspired by Homer's Odyssey. In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe has neither the look nor the voice of divinity, and is scorned and rejected by her kin. Increasingly isolated, she turns to mortals for companionship, leading her to discover a power forbidden to the gods: witchcraft. [UK] Bloomsbury Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p, April 2019, € 10,50 ISBN: 9781408890042 (PB‐E)
Shortlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction 2019
The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted Robert Hillman Tom Hope doesn't chase rainbows. He does his best on the farm ‐ he milks the cows, harvests the apples, looks after the sheep ‐ but Tom's been lonely since his wife Trudy left, taking little Peter with her to go join the holy rollers. Enter Hannah Babel, quixotic smalltown bookseller: the second Jew ‐ and the most vivid person ‐ Tom has ever met. When she asks him to move in, and help her build Australia's most beautiful bookshop, Tom dares to believe they could make each other happy. [UK] Faber & Faber Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, April 2019, € 11,50 ISBN: 9780571349784 (PB‐E)
E The Nickel Boys Colson Whitehead The Nickel Boys is Colson Whitehead's follow‐up to the Pulitzer Prize‐ and National Book Award‐winning bestseller The Underground Railroad, in which he dramatizes another strand of United States history, this time through the story of two boys sentenced to a stretch in a hellish reform school in Jim‐Crow‐era Florida. Elwood Curtis has taken the words of Dr Martin Luther King to heart: he is as good as anyone. [UK] Little Brown (Hachette) Trade Pb,234x153 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, July 2019, € 19,95 ISBN: 9780708899434 (TPB‐E)
E 46
No Friend but the Mountains The true story of an illegally imprisoned refugee ‐ Behrouz Boochani In 2013, Kurdish journalist Behrouz Boochani was illegally detained on Manus Island, off the coast of Australia. He has been there ever since. This book is the result. Behrouz Boochani spent almost five years laboriously typing passages of this book into a secret mobile phone in prison, these were then organised and translated from the Farsi. [UK] Picador (MacMillan) Paperback,197x130 mm, Eng. ed., 416 p, April 2019, € 14,50 ISBN: 9781529028485 (PB‐E)
E Heroes Mortals and Monsters, Quests and Adventures The dazzling companion volume to the bestselling Mythos. There are heroes‐ and then there are Greek heroes. Filled with white‐knuckle chases and battles, impossible puzzles and riddles, acts of base cowardice and real bravery, not to mention murders and selfless sacrifices. Few mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart‐sitting adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek heroes. [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Michael Joseph
Author(s): Stephen Fry Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 400 p, June 2019, € 12,50 ISBN: 9781405940368 (PB‐E)
Middle England Jonathan Coe Beginning eight years ago on the outskirts of Birmingham, where car factories have been replaced by Poundland, and London, where frenzied riots give way to Olympic fever, Middle England follows a brilliantly vivid cast of characters through a time of immense change. [UK] Penguin UK Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 432 p, July 2019, € 12,50 ISBN: 9780241983683 (PB‐E)
E State of the Union: A Marriage in Ten Parts Nick Hornby Each week, Tom and Louise meet for a quick drink in the pub before they go to meet their marriage counsellor. Married for years and with two children, a recent incident has exposed the fault lines in their relationship in a way that Tom, for one, does not wish to think about. [UK] Penguin UK Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, June 2019, € 11,50 ISBN: 9780241987797 (PB‐E)
E 47
The Cut Out Girl Bart van Es The Cut Out Girl by Bart van Es has won the Costa Book of the Year 2018. Described as 'extraordinary' by the judges, The Cut Out Girl is the harrowing true story of a young girl's struggle to survive Nazi persecution, and a man's attempt to unveil his family's secrets. [UK] Penguin UK Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, Jan. 2019, € 13,95 ISBN: 9780241978726 (PB‐E) Costa Award Book of the Year 2019
E Bridge of Clay Markus Zusak A lost typewriter ‐‐ A dead dog ‐‐ The bones of the snake that killed it. Matthew Dunbar, eldest of five brothers, is on a journey to find them all. Only then can he tell the astonishing story of his family, rocked by tragedy and a long‐buried secret. [UK] Random House ‐ Black Swan Pb (B),x mm, Eng. ed., 592 p, May 2019, € 12,95 ISBN: 9780552774765 (B‐E)
E There There Tommy Orange Jacquie Red Feather and her sister Opal grew up together, relying on each other during their unsettled childhood. As adults they were driven apart, but Jacquie is newly sober and trying to make it back to the family she left behind. That’s why she is there. Dene is there because he has been collecting stories to honour his uncle's death. Edwin is looking for his true father. Opal came to watch her boy Orvil dance. All of them are connected by bonds they may not yet understand. [UK] Random House ‐ Harvill Secker Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p, May 2019, € 12,95 ISBN: 9781784707972 (PB‐E)
E The Overstory Richard Powers The Overstory unfolds in concentric rings of interlocking fables that range from antebellum New York to the late twentieth‐century Timber Wars of the Pacific Northwest and beyond. An Air Force loadmaster in the Vietnam War is shot out of the sky, then saved by falling into a banyan. An artist inherits a hundred years of photographic portraits, all of the same doomed American chestnut. [UK] Random House ‐ Vintage Books Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 640 p, May 2019 ‐R/P, € 12,95 ISBN: 9781784708245 (PB‐E)
Reprint. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction 2019, William Heinemann
Pan's Labyrinth The Labyrinth of the Faun A thrillingly dark novel that shows the rare magic that can happen when two dazzlingly original imaginations come together to make a book. Bestselling author Cornelia Funke has written a novel inspired by Guillermo del Toro's captivating 2006 film. Beautiful, haunting, visceral, gutsy, it's a vastly inventive, grown‐up modern fairytale, pulsing with power of stories to shape lives, hearts and minds. [UK] Bloomsbury
Author(s): by Guillermo del Toro, Cornelia Funke Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, July 2019, € 18,50 ISBN: 9781526609571 (HB‐E)
William Shakespeare's Get Thee Back to the Future In the iconic film Back to the Future, Marty McFly travels from the 1980s to the 1950s, changing the path of his parents destiny. Now fans of the movie can travel back even further to the 16th century, where the Bard of Avon unveils his latest masterpiece: William Shakespeare s Get Thee Back to the Future! [US] Quirk Author(s): Ian Doescher Hardback,203x133 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, April 2019, € 13,50 ISBN: 9781683690948 (HB‐E)
E William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Mean Girls Power struggles. Bitter rivalries. Rampant jealousy. Betrayals. Star‐crossed lovers. When you think about it, it s pretty surprising William Shakespeare DIDN T write Mean Girls. But at last, readers will be treated to the epic drama and epic hilarity of the classic teen comedy rendered with the wit, flair, and iambic pentameter of the Bard. [US] Quirk Author(s): Ian Doescher Hardback,203x133 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, April 2019, € 13,50 ISBN: 9781683691174 (HB‐E)
E Days of Awe A.M. Homes The winner of the Women's Prize for Fiction returns with signature humour and psychological accuracy, to tell thirteen stories exposing the heart of an uneasy 21st‐century America. In tales of a family obsessed with the surfaces of their lives, or the story of a shopper who suddenly finds himself nominated to run for President, she explores our attachments to each other through characters who aren't quite who they hoped to become, though there is no one else they can be. [UK] Granta (Faber) Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p, June 2019, € 11,95 ISBN: 9781847083265 (PB‐E)
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Tales of Japan Traditional Stories of Monsters and Magic This collection of 15 traditional Japanese folktales transports readers to a time of adventure and enchantment. Drawn from the works of folklorists Lafcadio Hearn and Yei Theodora Ozaki, these tales are by turns terrifying, exhilarating, and poetic. Each story is brought to life with a striking illustration by contemporary Japanese artist Kotaro Chiba, and this special gift edition features an embossed, textured case with metallic gold ink, and a satin ribbon page marker. [US] Chronicle Books
Author(s): Chronicle Books. Illustrated by Kotaro Chiba Hardback, 229x191 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 18 col.ill., March 2019, € 21,95 ISBN: 9781452174464 (HB‐E)
Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories This fantastically varied and exciting collection celebrates the great Japanese short story, from its modern origins in the nineteenth century to the remarkable examples being written today. Curated by Jay Rubin (who has himself freshly translated several of the stories) and introduced by Haruki Murakami, this is a book which will be a revelation to many of its readers. Short story writers already well‐known to English‐language readers are all included. [UK] Penguin Classics Author(s): Jay Rubin & Haruki Murakami (introduction) Pb (B),198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 576 p, April 2019, € 15,80 ISBN: 9780241311905 (PB‐B‐E)
E The Penguin Book of the Contemporary British Short Story We are living in a particularly rich period for British short stories. Despite the relative lack of places in which they can be published, the challenge the medium represents has attracted a host of remarkable, subversive, entertaining and innovative writers. Philip Hensher, following the success of his definitive Penguin Book of British Short Stories, has scoured a vast trove of material and chosen thirty great stories for this new volume of works written between 1997 and the present day. [UK] Penguin UK Author(s): Edited by Philip Hensher Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 432 p, June 2019, € 14,50 ISBN: 9780141986210 (PB‐E)
E Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad Life on the river is brutal, and unknown threats lurk in the darkness; the silence of the jungle is broken only by the ominous sound of drumming. Marlow's mission to captain a steamer upriver into the dense interior leads him into conflict with the others who haunt the forest. But his decision to hunt down the mysterious Mr Kurtz, an ivory trader who is the subject of sinister rumours, leads him into more than just physical peril. [UK] Random House ‐ Vintage Classics Pb (B),198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, June 2019, € 12,95 ISBN: 9781784875305 (B‐E)
Vintage Voyages
Four Tales Philip Pullman Four stories of myth, magic and adventure from the master teller of tales. The Firework Maker's Daughter, I Was A Rat!, Clockwork, The Scarecrow and His Servant. A devilish inventor, a girl who must face a Fire Fiend, a scarecrow brought to life by a bolt of lightning, and a boy who can only say the words 'I Was a Rat!'... Drawing on the rich tradition of fairytales, these are four incredible stories that will obsess and enchant readers. [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Puffin Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 640 p, July 2019, € 13,95 ISBN: 9780241410042 (PB‐E)
E Poems Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath was one of the defining voices of the twentieth century, and one of the most appealing: few other poets have introduced as many new readers to poetry. The poems in this fresh and inviting edition were chosen by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy. [UK] Faber & Faber Author(s): Selected by Carol Ann Dufy Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, March 2019, € 14,50 ISBN: 9780571348510 (PB‐E)
E The Scandal of the Century and Other Writings Gabriel Garcia Marquez From one of the titans of twentieth‐century literature, collected here for the first time: a selection of his journalism from the late 1940s to the mid‐1980s‐‐work that he considered even more important to his legacy than his universally acclaimed works of fiction. "I don't want to be remembered for One Hundred Years of Solitude or for the Nobel Prize but rather for my journalism," Gabriel García Márquez said in the final years of his life. [US] Random House US Hardback,242x169 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p, May 2019, € 27,95 ISBN: 9780525656425 (HB‐E)
E Harry Potter, The Prisoner of Azkaban Ravenclaw Edition Let the magic of J.K. Rowling's classic Harry Potter series take you back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Issued to mark the 20th anniversary of first publication of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, this irresistible Gryffindor House Edition celebrates the noble character of the Hogwarts house famed for its courage, bravery and determination. [UK] Bloomsbury Author(s): J.K. Rowling Hardback,203x133 mm, Eng. ed., 480 p, May 2019, € 19,50 ISBN: 9781526606181 (HB‐E)
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Buck Frederik Van Den Stock Buck bedenkt alles wat er te bedenken valt, van taal tot vuur tot kunst tot de wet van vraag en aanbod. Maar wanneer het enige wat hij echt wil niet voor hem lijkt te zijn weggelegd, is hij niet alleen de eerste, maar ook de eenzaamste man op aarde.
[BE] Oogachtend Paperback,x mm, NL ed., 96 p, May 2019, € 28,00 ISBN: 9789492672155 (PB‐NL)
Madelfried 2 Kim Er zijn diverse redenen te bedenken waarom Madelfried de tweede beste superheld* ter wereld is, maar ik beperk mij tot drie. Allereerst is er die naam. Volgens de wetten van de superhelderij zou de gekozen naam Superkonijn of Konijnman moeten luiden, maar daar doet Madelfried niet aan mee, wat hem op zijn opponenten meteen al een voordeel qua onvoorspelbaarheid geeft en haal dát nog maar eens in. [BE] Oogachtend Paperback,210x210 mm, NL ed., 80 p, May 2019, € 16,00 ISBN: 9789492672162 (PB‐NL)
NL Migrations Open Hearts, Open Borders As the world refugee crisis intensified, back in 2017 two teachers of Illustration at Worcester University had the idea of contacting illustrator friends around the world, asking them to draw and send an original postcard on the theme of Migration, to form an installation at the Biennale of Illustration at Bratislava, Slovakia. The response astonished them, with hundreds of cards and personal messages, forming a visually stunning show. [UK] Bounce Distributed - Otter-Barry Books
Author(s): With an introduction by Shaun Tan Hardback, 135x185 mm, Eng. ed., 112 p, throughout col.ill., May 2019, € 12,60 ISBN: 9781910959800 (HB‐E) 52
Eileen Gray A House Under the Sun In 1924, work began in earnest on a small villa by the sea in the south of France. Nearly a century later, this structure is a design milestone. Meet Eileen Gray, the woman behind the E‐1027 house and a pioneer of the Modern Movement in architecture. Like so many gifted female artists and designers of her time, Eileen Gray's story has been eclipsed by the men with whom she collaborated. [UK] Nobrow (Bounce) Author(s): Zosia Dzierawska, Charlotte Malterre‐Barthes Hardback,250x190 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, June 2019, € 20,50 ISBN: 9781910620434 (HB‐E)
Guantánamo Kid he True Story of Mohammed El‐Gharani Saudi Arabia offers few prospects for the bright young Mohammed El‐Gharani. With roots in Chad, Mohammed is treated like a second‐class citizen. His access to healthcare and education are restricted; nor can he make the most of his entrepreneurial spirit. At the age of 14, having scraped together some money as a street trader, Mohammed seizes an opportunity to study in Pakistan. [UK] SelfMadeHero Author(s): Jérôme Tubiana & Alexandre Franc Paperback with flaps, 240x170 mm, Eng. ed., 168 p, throughout bw ill., April 2019, € 18,95 ISBN: 9781910593660 (PB+‐E)
Letters To Survivors by Gébé & Edward Gauvin A haunting and darkly funny post‐apocalyptic graphic novel that follows an unusual postal worker on his very bizarre mail route. Amid the blasted rubble of a once‐perfect suburb, a hazmat‐suited postman delivers the mail, aloud. He shouts his letters down a vent to the bunker‐bound family below. They describe the family's prosperous past life, and then get stranger and stranger... Drawn by the famed cartoonish and Charlie Hebdo contributor Gébé, and never before available in English. [US] New York Review of Books (RHUS) Author(s): Gébé, Edward Gauvin Paperback,191x141 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, Feb. 2019, € 16,50 ISBN: 9781681372402 (PB‐E) New York Review of Books
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Tintin on the Moon. 2 Volumes in one Destination Moon & Explorers on the Moon Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing with this fantastic new Tintin bindup of Destination Moon and Explorers on the Moon. The world's most famous travelling reporter struggles to keep his feet on the ground as his adventures take him all the way to the moon! [UK] Egmont Publishers Hardback,295x218 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, June 2019, € 17,95 ISBN: 9781405295901 (HB‐E)
E The Rolling Stones In Comics When the Rolling Stones hit the scene in the 60s it was to play Rhythm & Blues, nothing more. They were far from imagining that they are not just going to change music but also become the mouthpiece of a changing world. Sticking their tongue out at the establishment with their brilliant music and hard‐hitting lyrics, they achieve planet‐wide success. [UK] NBM (Turnaround) Hardback,254x190 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, March 2019, € 37,50 ISBN: 9781681121987 (HB‐E)
E Gomer Goof, Vol. 4 The Goof Is Out There Nothing is ever simple with Gomer. Between his deplorable sense of timing, his absent‐mindedness and his never‐ending quest for new ways to avoid work, he causes a lot of fuses to blow – those of his colleagues, De Mesmaeker and poor Prunelle, of course, but also the actual ones at the office. And that is not at all to Alistair Bacus’s taste – the accountant at Spirou Publishing … [UK] Cinebooks (Turnaround) Author(s): Franquin Paperback, 287x217 mm, Eng. ed., 48 p, throughout col.ill., May 2019, € 11,20 ISBN: 9781849184397 (PB‐E)
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A Brief History of Life on Earth It's difficult to grasp the enormous changes life on Earth has undergone since it first came into existence, but this marvelously illustrated book makes learning about our planet's fascinating history easy and entertaining. In an accordion style, the series of pages take readers through every major geological period, with bright artwork and detailed drawings. [UK] Prestel ‐ Kids
Author(s): Clémence Dupont Leporello, 290x220 mm, Eng. ed., 76 p, 76 col.ill., April 2019, € 24,00 ISBN: 9783791373737 (LEPORELLO‐E)
Tomorrow Most Likely Dave Eggers & Lane Smith Rather than focusing on going to bed ‐ and what kid wants to think about going to bed? ‐ this book explores all of the dreamy, wonderful, strange things the next day might bring. Whimsical, witty, and hopeful, this revolutionary rewriting of a classic goodnight book from bestselling author Dave Eggers and award‐winning illustrator Lane Smith is a bedtime story for tomorrow ever after.
[US] Chronicle Books Hardback, 254x203 mm, Eng. ed., 40 p, throughout col.ill., April 2019, € 16,50 ISBN: 9781452172781 (HB‐E)
Giraffes Can't Dance Celebrate the 20th birthday of much‐loved picture book classic, Giraffes Can't Dance, with this special new edition featuring a super‐shiny cover! [UK] Hachette Author(s): Giles Andreae, Guy Parker‐Rees Paperback,295x240 mm, Eng. ed., 32 p, May 2019, € 10,00 ISBN: 9781408354414 (PB‐E) Hachette Children's Group
Fanatical About Frogs Owen Davey Owen Davey returns with another guide to animals, this time digging into the wonderous world of frogs! Cool illustrations and fun facts give you all a kid could want to know, and more about frogs! Did you know that there are over 4,000 known species of frog? Some are bigger than your dinner plate, while others are small enough to sit on your fingernail, and in between is about every color and size you can imagine!
[UK] Nobrow (Bounce) Hardback,297x236 mm, Eng. ed., 40 p, May 2019, € 16,50 ISBN: 9781912497058 (HB‐E)
Encyclopedia of Grannies Why do grannies always tell us to speak up? Why do they have creases on their faces? Are grannies flexible? How do you cheer up a sad granny? How old are grannies, actually? [UK] Bounce Distributed Author(s): Eric Veillé Hardback,270x195 mm, Eng. ed., 32 p, May 2019, € 12,60 ISBN: 9781776572434 (HB‐E) Age Range: 3 ‐ 7, Gecko Press
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The Little Prince Antoine De Saint‐Exupéry Having crash‐landed in the Sahara desert, a pilot comes across a young boy who introduces himself as the "Little Prince" and tells him the story of how he grew up on a tiny asteroid before travelling across the galaxies and coming to Earth. His encounters and discoveries, seen through childlike, innocent eyes, give rise to candid reflections on life and human nature. [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Classics Paperback,190x130 mm, Eng. ed., 112 p, May 2019, € 8,95 ISBN: 9781847498243 (PB‐E)
E File au musée! Les enfants philosophes interrogent les artistes Ce livre propose un voyage aux Musées royaux des Beaux‐Arts de Belgique. On y découvre ses chefs‐d'œuvre à travers 10 grandes questions sur l'imagination, la justice, l'intelligence, la guerre, le bonheur, la croyance, la nature, la mort, le nu et l'art. Un parcours artistique jalonné de questions qui permet de réfléchir au sens des œuvres d'art, de mieux les observer, de comprendre pourquoi et comment elles ont été créées mais aussi, d'imaginer d'autres époques et d'autres lieux. [BE] K.M.S.K.B., Brussels Author(s): Catherine Steffens, Véronique Vandamme & Julie Stouffs Hardback,280x250 mm, French ed., 48 p, March 2019, € 16,00 ISBN: 9789077013250 (HB‐F)
Corso à contre‐main Collection 7|107 Le lecteur est emmené dans l'errance d'un personnage perdu dans un environnement qui lui est étranger. Il s'agit ici peut‐être d'un migrant fraîchement débarqué sur la côte italienne. Le récit ne confirmera pas cette sensation mais on y vit une étrangeté telle que celle du récit minutieux, La promenade, de Robert Walser. Le personnage principal apparaît en silhouette. [BE] CFC‐Éditions Author(s): Olivier Spinewine Hardback,140x100 mm, French/ It. ed., 168 p, Sept. 2019, € 22,00 ISBN: 9782875720436 (HB‐F/ IT) Collection 7|107
No Drama Llama Drop the drama and start leading a no‐nonsense lifestyle Tense? Worried? Overwhelmed by the modern world? You need to meet Leroy the llama, a beast who knows a thing or two about burden. Leroy leads the alPAC(k)a when it comes to helping people quit the am‐dram in favor of living a hassle‐free lifestyle. Having been reared on the challenging Argentinian landscape, Leroy is as tough as anything. He can tolerate a harsh environment, but when it comes to the petty troubles of modern living, his patience wears thin.
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small Author(s): Sarah Jackson Hardback, 186x123 mm, Eng. ed., 64 p, 40 col.ill., Sept. 2019, € 10,00 ISBN: 9781912983018 (HB‐E)
Pocket Queer Wisdom Inspirational Quotes and Wise Words from Queer Icons Who Changed the World
Featuring beautifully illustrated portraits, Pocket Queer Wisdom is a tribute to some of the most inspirational people of all time. LGBTQIA+ people are some of the coolest in history ‐ legendary figures such as Freddie Mercury, Virginia Woolf, Laverne Cox, Harvey Milk and Audre Lorde have made an unforgettable impact. Queer subculture has had an enormous influence on style, music, art, and literature ‐ the queer community were the first to vogue, throw shade and say YAS to life before it hit the mainstream. [UK] Hardie Grant Hardback,138x118 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p, May 2019, € 8,95 ISBN: 9781784882853 (HB‐E)
To Be Read A Booklover's Notebook This pocket‐size notebook is designed for the avid reader on the move. The ruled pages make it easy to collect your favorite lines from books, track the titles you want to read next, and more. Throughout are inspiring quotes that touch on a reader's love language, the magic of storytelling, and the life‐changing power of a good book. [US] Abrams Noterie ‐ Gifts Hardback,175x98 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, March 2019, € 13,20 ISBN: 9781419734007 (HB‐E)
Midnight Mandala ‐ Posh Monthly Pocket Planning Calendar Aug. 2019 ‐ Dec. 2020 The Posh: Midnight Mandala 2019‐2020 Monthly Planning Calendar is attractive, functional, and the perfect tool for keeping months organized. Small enough to fit in a purse or tote, this petite planner features a lay‐flat binding, an elastic band, monthly grids for August 2019 through December 2020, and a three‐year calendar for reference. At the back there's 2021 planning space, and room to jot down names, addresses, and notes.
[US] Simon & Schuster ‐ Adams Media Paperback,165x114 mm, Eng. ed., 44 p, July 2019, € 22,51 ISBN: 9781524853686 (PB‐E)
Beach Bag LoveLit Tote Bag Stylish totes for carrying your favorite books! [US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts Tote Bag,x mm, Eng. ed., p, July 2019, € 13,95 ISBN: 9781423633433 (TOTE‐E)
Eat. Sleep. Beach. Read. LoveLit Tote Bag Stylish totes for carrying your favorite books!
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[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts Tote Bag,x mm, Eng. ed., p, July 2019, € 13,95 ISBN: 9781423645085 (TOTE‐E)
Andy Warhol Flowers 500 Piece Puzzle The Andy Warhol 500 Piece Puzzle from Galison features a print from Warhol’s iconic Flowers series (1970). Galison puzzles are packaged in matte‐finish sturdy boxes, perfect for gifting, reuse, and storage. [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery Author(s): Galison Box,203x203 mm, Eng. ed., 500 p, Feb. 2019, € 15,50 ISBN: 9780735357839 (BOX‐E)
Doodle Dogs 500 Piece Puzzle
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery Author(s): Galison Box,203x203 mm, Eng. ed., 500 p, Feb. 2019, € 14,50 ISBN: 9780735357310 (BOX‐E)
New York, New York ‐ Vincent Giarrano 1000 Piece Puzzle Realist painter and former comic book artist Vincent Giarrano is well known for his urban portraits of contemporary women, and intimate interiors of New York City. Vincent Giarrano 1000 Piece Puzzle features the artist’s painting Stone Street featuring a woman on the street taking a moment to use her phone. Galison puzzles are packaged in matte‐finish sturdy boxes, perfect for gifting, reuse, and storage. [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery Box,286x210 mm, Eng. ed., 1000 p, Jan. 2019, € 17,95 ISBN: 9780735356917 (BOX‐E)
Baby Blues 2020 Calendar 2020 Day to day Calendar
Created by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott, the Baby Blues® comic is celebrating its thirtieth year in syndication in 2020. Relatable, family‐friendly, and—most of all—funny, the Baby Blues® 2020 Day‐to‐Day Calendar makes a great gift for new and veteran parents and grandparents. [US] Simon & Schuster ‐ Adams Media Author(s): Jerry Scott, Rick Kirkman, Box,157x132 mm, Eng. ed., 640 p, July 2019, € 22,51 - ISBN: 9781449497583 (BOX‐E)
Cats 2020 Calendar 2020 Day to day Calendar New for 2020, AMP's traditional Cats Mini Day‐to‐Day Calendar is now available as a full‐size day‐to‐day! Cat lovers rejoice as you go bigger with this Cats 2020 Day‐to‐Day Calendar that includes an adorable feline photo or cat‐centric quote on every page.
[US] Simon & Schuster ‐ Adams Media - Box,178x132 mm, Eng. ed., 640 p, July 2019, € 22,51 - ISBN: 9781449497705 (BOX‐E)
Wild Words from Wild Women 2020 Calendar
The fully wrapped keepsake box featuring one of her hand‐drawn, intricate illustrations and embellished with rose‐gold foil sets the Johanna Basford 2020 Coloring Calendar apart from other daily calendars. The specialness continues inside with loose pages of specifically selected stock richly printed with designs from Johanna's seven best‐selling books and awaiting your personal touch. When open, the box's ribbon‐hinged lid serves as an easel for the current day's page or to display your work. [US] Simon & Schuster ‐ Adams Media - Author(s): Autumn Stephens, ox,178x132 mm, Eng. ed., 640 p, July 2019, € 19,50 - ISBN: 9781449499020 (BOX‐E) 61
Fauna #90 Gift wrapping paper book PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high‐quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). [NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap Paperback,345x250 mm, E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed, 16 p, March 2019, € 12,95 ISBN: 9789460091032 (PB‐E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH)
Mineralogie De collecties in het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden‐Afrika (Tervuren, België) omvatten drie verzamelingen specimens, die apart worden geregistreerd en opgeslagen: mineralen, rotsen en fossielen. In het departement Geologie bevinden zich ook grote verzamelingen kaarten en luchtfoto's en archieven gelinkt aan prospectie naar ertsen, mijnbouw en geologisch onderzoek, beiden voornamelijk gericht op Centraal‐Afrika. [BE] Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA) Author(s): Florias Mees Paperback with flaps, 180x155 mm, NL ed., 192 p, 180 col. & bw ill, June 2019, € 19,50 ISBN: 9789492669506 (PB+‐NL). Other editions: ISBN 9789492669513 (E) ISBN 9789492669490 (F) Reeks Collecties van het KMMA. Gezamenlijke uitgave met Philippe de Moerloose
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