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FALL 2019 - NAJAAR 2019 - AUTOMNE 2019
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FALL 2019 NAJAAR 2019 AUTOMNE 2019
Jan Brueghel A Magnificent Draughtsman Author(s): dr. Teréz Gerszi en dr. Louisa Wood Ruby
9789085867999 (HB‐E)
Jan Brueghel was a prominent painter in his hometown of Antwerp, a good friend and frequent collaborator of Rubens. What is perhaps less well known is that Jan was also an exceptional draughtsman. At the Snijders&Rockox House in Antwerp, some seventy works by Jan Brueghel are being brought together to create a unique exhibition. These drawings hail from collections held around the globe, including print rooms in Berlin, Paris, New York, Amsterdam, London and Stockholm, and this is the first time that they will all be on view together, presenting a significant cross‐section of Jan Brueghel's authentic drawn oeuvre. To celebrate this exhibition, the publishing firm BAI, in collaboration with the Snijders&Rockox House, has published the catalogue Jan Brueghel the Elder ‐ A Magnificent Draughtsman. The book includes a biography, essays by Dr.Teréz Gerszi and Dr Brueghel and his draughtsmanship, , and six chapters in which the drawings are discussed according to their theme: sojourning in Italy, riverside and village scenes, study‐sheets, roads and travellers, views of the sea and ports and coastal scenes, and impressions while travelling. The authors also place Jan's draughtsmanship within the context of his complete works and the times in which he lived, in the process signalling relationships and making enlightening comparisons. [BE] BAI, Oct. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback, 280x210 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 130 col.ill. Expo: 5/10/2019 ‐ 26/1/2020, Rockox Huis, Antwerpen
Jan Van Eyck & Brugge Author(s): Jean Luc Meulemeester Het olieverfschilderij Madonna met kanunnik van der Paele van Jan van Eyck is zonder twijfel het pronkstuk van de collectie Vlaamse Primitieven van het Brugse Groeningemuseum, het is een icoon, een publiekstrekker en zonder meer één van de topwerken van de Zuid‐Nederlandse schilderkunst in de vijftiende eeuw. In het licht van het van Eyck‐jaar 2020 schreef kunsthistoricus Jean Luc Meulemeester hét definitieve boek over het roemruchte paneel. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek, Nov. 2019, € 49,90, Hardback, 300x240 mm, NL ed., 240 p, throughout col.ill.
9789058566355 (HB‐NL)
Bosch in detail The Portable Edition Author(s): Till‐Holger Borchert
9789491819810 (HB‐E)
Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450‐1516) is one of the most famous painters in the history of Netherlandish painting, if not the world. This compact and affordable book presents his best‐known works, revealing them as never before in magnificent, full‐page close‐up details. Chapters explore characteristic themes in Bosch's work, such as faces, visions of heaven and hell, the four elements, landscapes, and creatures both fantastic and monstrous. Bosch in Detail offers an exceptional insight into masterpieces like The Garden of Earthly Delights, The Haywain, the Temptation of St Anthony and the Last Judgment. Author Till‐Holger Borchert, an expert in Netherlandish art, guides us through this popular painter's work in clear and accessible language, and from less‐familiar and even surprising angles. [BE] Ludion, Sept. 2019, € 14,90, Hardback,190x150 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, ISBN 9789491819827 (Bruegel) ISBN 9789493039070 (Da Vinci)
Chefs‐d'oeuvre de la peinture italienne La Collection Alana Author(s): Carlo Falciani, Carl Brandon Strehlke, Pierre Curie Les oeuvres présentées dans cet ouvrage démontrent la vitalité du goût pour la Renaissance italienne et offrent un aperçu exhaustif de l'une des plus grandes collections privées d'art ancien, de la peinture du XIIIe siècle aux oeuvres caravagesques. Bien connue des historiens de l'art, cette collection est encore méconnue du grand public.
9789462301481 (HB‐F)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Sept. 2019, € 39,95, Hardback, 280x240 mm, French ed., 240 p, 160 col. & bw ill. Expo: 13/09/2019 ‐ 20/01/2020, Musée Jacquemart‐André, Paris
Van Titiaan tot Rubens
Meesterwerken van Antwerpen en andere Vlaamse collecties Vanaf 5 september loopt in het prestigieuze Palazzo Ducale in Venetië de tentoonstelling 'From Titian to Rubens.' Speciaal voor deze gelegenheid worden de appartementen van de doge omgevormd tot Vlaamse 'constkamers', die de rijkdom van de Vlaamse barok illustreert. Werk van onder meer Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck en Michiel Sweerts is er te zien naast schilderijen van Italiaanse grootmeesters zoals Titiaan en Tintoretto. De collecties van het Rubenshuis en verschillende andere Antwerpse musea zijn in Venetië vertegenwoordigd met enkele topwerken.
9789461615657 (HB‐NL) ISBN 9789461615640 (E)
Curator van de tentoonstelling is Ben van Beneden, directeur van het Rubenshuis [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Aug. 2019, € 32,00, Hardback, 270x215 mm, NL ed., 240 p, throughout col.ill. Expo: 5/9/2019 ‐ 1/3/2020, Venezia, Palazzo Ducale – Appartamento del Doge
Pieter Bruegel de Oude De val der opstandige engelen Author(s): Tine L. Meganck Dit zestiende nummer van de Cahiers van de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België verscheen naar aanleiding van meerdere jaren onderzoek naar het oeuvre van Pieter Bruegel de Oude. Het boek onthult de geheimen van De val van de opstandige engelen, in het bijzonder de weergave van fantasiedieren en enigmatische objecten door nieuwe verbanden te leggen tussen kunst, kennis en politiek in de tijd van Bruegel. [IT] Silvana, Sept. 2019, € 28,00, Hardback, 240x170 mm, NL ed., 200 p, 100 col. & bw ill.
9788836642915 (HB‐NL) ISBN 9788836642908 (F) ISBN 9788836629206 (E)
Bruegel The Complete Graphic Works Author(s): Maarten Bassens
9780500239995 (HB‐E)
One of the greatest Netherlandish artists, Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525/30‐1569) is best known today for his paintings of peasant life. Yet it was above all through his exceptional graphic work that he achieved widespread fame during the 16th century. This luxurious book offers readers the opportunity to get up close and personal with Bruegel's famous prints. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Oct. 2019, € 62,50, Hardback,300x270 mm, Eng. ed., 250 p, Expo: 10/10/2019 ‐ 16/2/2020, Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels ‐ Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Brussel
The Golden Age of Dutch and Flemish Painting Author(s): Norbert Wolf The Golden Age in Holland and Flanders roughly spanned the 17th century and was a period of enormous advances in the fields of commerce, science ‐ and art. Still lifes, landscape paintings, and romantic depictions of everyday life became valued by the increasingly wealthy merchant classes in the Dutch provinces, while religious and historic paintings as well as portraits continued to appeal to the Flemish patronage. [UK] Prestel +, Sept. 2019, € 125,00, HB/ Boxed, 364x300 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, 220 col.ill.
9783791384061 (1 VOL BOXED‐E)
Van Eyck Masters of Art Author(s): Simone Ferrari This generously illustrated volume on the work of Jan van Eyck makes the world's greatest art accessible to readers ofevery level of appreciation. A 15th‐century Flemish painterwho spent most of his life in Bruges, Van Eyck was revered for his innovative manipulation of oil paint. Overflowing with impeccably reproduced images, this book offers full‐page spreads of masterpieces as well as highlights of smaller details, allowing the viewer to appreciate every aspect of the artist's technique and oeuvre. [UK] Prestel +, March 2013, € 11,50, Paperback, 210x170 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 80 col.ill.
9783791348261 (PB‐E) 7
Trésors de l’Albertina Dessins d’architecture 9789461615435 (HB‐F)
Dans le cadre de la « Saison viennoise" de La Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine, ce catalogueprésente une centaine de chefs‐d'œuvre de la prestigieuse collection de dessins d'architecture de l'Albertina. [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Oct. 2019, € 25,00, Hardback, 240x290 mm, French ed., 152 p, 100 col. & bw ill. Expo: 11/11/2019 ‐ 16/3/2020, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris
Nicolaes Maes Rembrandts veelzijdige leerling Author(s): Ariane Van Suchtelen, Marijn Schapelhouman, Bart Cornelis
9789462622647 (PB‐NL)
Dit boek geeft een overzicht van het leven en werk van Nicolaes Maes, één van Rembrandts meest getalenteerde leerlingen. Maes begon zijn carrière met het schilderen van Bijbelse verhalen, waarin de invloed van zijn leermeester duidelijk terugkomt. In de daarop volgende jaren schilderde hij intieme huiselijke taferelen, die meestal gericht waren op vrouwen die zich bezighielden met huishoudelijke taken. Het boek verschijnt bij de eerste, grote internationale tentoonstelling over deze kunstenaar. [NL] Waanders & De Kunst, Oct. 2019, € 27,50, Paperback, 280x240 mm, NL ed., 224 p, 200 col. & bw ill.
ISBN 9789462622654 (E)
Expo: 17/10/2019 ‐ 19/01/2020, Mauritshuis, Den Haag ‐ 22/2/2020‐31/5/2020, National Gallery, London
Giovanni Bellini The Last Works Author(s): David Alan Brown Giovanni Bellini (d. 1516) worked to the end of a long career that left an indelible mark on Venetian painting. His longevity and indefatigable devotion to his art created a problem for art historians, however, for he is one of those Quattrocento masters who remained active into the period we call the High Renaissance. But while his colleagues became irrelevant, Bellini, in the first decades of the Sixteenth century, continued to be creatively vital. Indeed, he flourished as never before. [IT] Skira, June 2019, € 91,00, Hardback, 280x240 mm, Eng. ed., 400 p, 368 col.ill., 32 bw ill.
9788857239965 (HB‐E) 8
The Drawings of Rembrandt Author(s): Seymour Slive This sweeping overview of Rembrandt's extraordinary achievement as a draughtsman fills a gap in the otherwise enormous literature on the artist. Beautifully illustrated, mostly in colour, the more than 150 drawings ‐ culled from a corpus of some 800 ‐ are discussed in detail. The drawings span Rembrandt's entire productive life as an artist, from early self‐portraits in the 1620s to late drawings from the 1660s of the victim of an execution, a state coach, and historical and mythological images. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Sept. 2019, € 41,95, Paperback,250x203 mm, Eng. ed., 264 p,
9780500295359 (PB‐E)
Rembrandt Year ‐ 350th anniversary of Rembrandt's death
Rembrandt in Print The Ashmolean Museum holds a world‐class collection of over 200 prints made by Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1606‐1669). Widely hailed as the greatest painter of the Dutch Golden Age, Rembrandt was also one of the most innovative and experimental printmakers of the seventeenth century. Rembrandt was extraordinary in creating prints not merely as multiples to be distributed but also as artistic expressions by using the etching printmaking technique for the sketchy compositions so typical of him. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC, Sept. 2019, € 18,95, Paperback,267x190 mm, Eng. ed., 104 p,
9781910807330 (PB‐E)
Drawings by Francisco de Goya Author(s): José Manuel Matilla This book brings together more than 100 drawings by Goya from the Prado's own collections and from public and private ones around the world. It is presented as a chronological survey of his work that includes drawings from throughout his career, ranging from the Italian Sketchbook to the Bordeaux Albums. It also offers an up‐to‐date vision of the ideas that recurrently appear in Goya's work, revealing the ongoing and long‐lasting relevance of his thinking. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Nov. 2019, € 35,40, Hardback,239x152 mm, Eng. ed., 360 p, Expo: 19/11/2019 ‐ 16/2/2020, Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid
9780500971000 (HB‐E) 9
Postures: Body Language in Art Body Language in Art ‐ Desmond Morris Every time an artist portrays a human subject, a decision has to be made about the posture of the figure. Will they be standing, sitting, or reclining? Smiling, screaming, or weeping? Never before given such dedicated attention, Postures argues that the gestures portrayed in a work of art can reflect the mores of a particular period in history, the customs of a certain culture, or a fashion in artistic styles. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Oct. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback,240x165 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p,
9780500022610 (HB‐E)
The Pursuit of Art Travels, Encounters and Revelations Author(s): Martin Gayford In the course of a career thinking and writing about art, critic Martin Gayford has traveled all over the world both to see works of art and to meet artists. Gayford's journeys, often to fairly inaccessible places, involve frustrations and complications, but also serendipitous encounters and outcomes, which he makes as much a part of the story as the final destination. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Aug. 2019, € 24,00, Hardback,216x135 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
9780500094112 (HB‐E)
A Little Feminist History of Art Author(s): Charlotte Mullins This book is a short accessible introduction to some of the most important and interesting artworks borne out of the feminist art movement. Fifty outstanding works ‐ from the late 1960s to the present ‐ reflect women's lives and experience, as well as the changing position of women artists, and reveal the impact of feminist ideals and politics on visual culture.
9781849766562 (HB‐E)
[UK] Tate, Aug. 2019, € 13,50, Hardback, 173x140 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, 60 col.ill.
All good things Stephen Ellcock Author(s): Stephen Ellcock
9781912836000 (HB‐E)
All Good Things is an exciting, eclectic collection of over 200 images from world‐leading museums as well as lesser‐known collections. In a finely calibrated procession of image, quote and myth, Stephen Ellcock leads us through the Realms of Creation ‐ from the Stars to the Seas, the Natural to the Supernatural ‐ to give us his extraordinary world vision. A treasure trove of 3,000 years of artistic creation, scientific enquiry and pan‐global magical, philosophical and religious traditions. [UK] September (Turnaround), Oct. 2019, € 30,00, Hardback, 210x178 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, throughout col.ill.
Signs & Symbols An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings Author(s): Miranda Bruce‐Mitford Discover the fascinating origins and meanings of over 2,000 signs and symbols from mythology and religion to astrology and ancient tribes. For centuries, symbols have been imperative throughout the world, signifying ideas, relationships, and objects across different cultures. Delve into the meaning of each symbol and investigate how they have been interpreted in myth, religion, folklore, and art over time, with authoritative text from experts in the field and striking line drawings and photography.
1720241387047 (HB‐E)
[UK] Dorling Kindersley, June 2019, € 27,95, Hardback,235x200 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p,
Collage Cut and Paste: 400 Years of Collage Author(s): Patrick Elliott There are no other affordable books available on this important subject. This is the only book that looks closely at the early centuries of Collage. Collage is popular, fascinating and historically revealing. Accompanies an exhibition at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh from June to October 2019. Collage is one of the defining subjects in Modern Art. It is as important and popular today as it has ever been. [UK] National Galleries Scotland (ACC), July 2019, € 31,50, Paperback,260x241 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
9781911054313 (PB‐E) 11
The Story of Painting How Art Was Made Author(s): Andrew Graham‐Dixon (Foreword) A fascinating new history of art, this gloriously illustrated book reveals how materials, techniques, and ideas have evolved over the centuries, inspiring artists to create their most celebrated works. Covering a comprehensive array of topics, from the first pigments and frescos to linear perspective in Renaissance paintings, the influence of photography, Impressionism, and the birth of modern art, The Story of Painting follows each step in the evolution of painting over the last 25,000 years. [UK] Dorling Kindersley, Sept. 2019, € 27,95, Hardback,262x220 mm, Eng. ed., 360 p,
9780241335185 (HB‐E)
The Trouble with Women Artists Reframing the History of Art Author(s): Laure Adler This book draws the portraits of 67 fascinating woman from groundbreaking Renaissance painter Artemisia Gentileschi to the photography of Nan Goldin today. Tracing the painters, sculptors, photographers, and performance artists who shaped modern art, readers discover key figures and their signature works, including Mary Cassatt, Sonia Delaunay, Georgia O'Keefe, Tamara de Lempicka, Frida Kahlo, Dorothea Tanning, Leonora Carrington, Yoko Ono, Eva Hesse, Marina Abramovic, Carrie Mae Weems, and Cindy Sherman. [F]] Flammarion (Eng Aug. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback,282x212 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
9782080203700 (HB‐E)
The Hermitage: Masterpieces of the Painting Collection Author(s): Text by Alexey Shestakov
9785912084140 (PB‐E)
For 255 years, the State Hermitage has been one of Europe's largest and significant museums. Its collection was started in 1764 by Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, and now encompass more than 3 million works of art and artifacts displayed within a spectacular architectural ensemble, the heart of which is the famed Winter Palace. This new edition captures the masterpieces of European painting from the 14th to the early 20th centuries with brief and thrilling commentaries on every illustration. [UK] Arca (Prestel), Oct. 2019, € 40,00, Paperback, 215x205 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p, 280 col.ill.
Henri De Braekeleer 1840‐1888 Author(s): Herwig Todts
9789493039261 (HB‐NL/ F)
In 1872 bezocht Vincent Van Gogh de grote zomertentoonstelling in Brussel. Hij werd er getroffen door 3 "prachtige" schilderijen van Henri De Braekeleer. Van Gogh noemde zijn werk "curieus mooi", en de kunstenaar "een fameus kolorist" die "niet bang is voor een franke techniek" en die "rigoureus analyseert ‐ even oorspronkelijk als Manet". Vandaag is er nood aan een hernieuwde kennismaking met De Braekeleer. Het Musée Rops brengt de eerste retrospectieve over De Braekeleer sinds 1988. [BE] Ludion, Oct. 2019, € 49,90, Hardback,325x245 mm, NL/ Fr ed., 440 p, Expo: 12/10/2019 ‐ 02/02/2020, Musée Rops, Namur
Fernand Khnopff (1858‐1921) Author(s): Michel Draguet
9789462301634 (HB‐E)
This monograph offers an enlightening examination of the life and art of Belgian Symbolist painter Fernand Khnopff (1858‐1921), who strongly influenced Gustave Klimt. Moody, dreamlike paintings, commissioned portraits, designs for costumes and sets for the theater and opera, photography, sculpture, book illustrations. Knopff focused his attention on the design and construction of a lavish, secluded home and studio in Brussels, deeply entwined with the artist's work and sense of self. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Nov. 2019, € 49,95, Hardback, 270x240 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 200 col.ill.
Spiegel van de werkelijkheid.
Negentiende‐eeuwse schilderkunst in Nederland Author(s): Jenny Reynaerts 'Spiegel van de Werkelijkheid' brengt een synthese van individuele studies uit de voorbije vijftig jaar, met bijzondere aandacht voor de kunstmarkt, de stilistische ontwikkelingen en de relaties van Nederlandse kunstenaars met de (internationale) kunstwereld. Met werk van Vincent van Gogh, Joseph Israëls, Anton Mauve, George Hendrik Breitner, Isaac Israels, Jan Toorop, Johan Thorn Prikker..
9789462301795 (HB‐NL)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Dec. 2019, € 49,95, Hardback, 290x230 mm, NL ed., 384 p, 500 col. & bw ill. Expo: 15/1/2020 ‐ 15/5/2020, Museum Singer, Laren
ISBN 9789462301856 (E)
Van Gogh and the Sunflowers A Masterpiece Examined Author(s): Nienke Bakker en Ella Hendriks De zonnebloemen‐schilderijen behoren tot de bekendste werken van Vincent van Gogh. Hij maakte ze in Arles, in Zuid‐Frankrijk, in 1888 en 1889. In dit boek staat Zonnebloemen uit de collectie van het Van Gogh Museum centraal. deze publicatie de bijzondere ontstaansgeschiedenis van het schilderij en de speciale betekenis die de zonnebloem had voor Van Gogh. Van Gogh besefte dat hij met zijn zonnebloemen‐schilderijen een ware prestatie had geleverd en dat werd ook door anderen erkend.
9789493070080 (PB‐E)
[BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée, June 2019, € 14,95, Paperback, 260x215 mm, Eng. ed., 80 p, 50 col.ill. Van Gogh Museum / Tijdsbeeld. Expo: 21/6/2019 ‐ 1/9/2019, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
ISBN 9789493070073 (NL)
Spinnende poezen en speelse katjes Het werk van Henriette Ronner‐Knip (1821‐1909) Author(s): Han van der Horst
9789055949960 (HB‐NL)
Katten zijn om naar te kijken. Ze draperen zich bevallig op hun kussentje. Ze genieten in de vensterbank van het middagzonnetje, zodat de passanten hun glanzende vacht en hun atletische lichaam kunnen bewonderen. Henriëtte Ronner‐Knip is vooral bekend om haar bekoorlijke schilderijen van katten. Dit kleurrijke boek toont haar mooiste schilderijen met de kattenfamilie als onderwerp. [NL] Scriptum Art, Oct. 2019 ‐R/P, € 16,00, Hardback, 230x205 mm, NL ed., 80 p, 58 col.ill. Reprint
James Tissot Author(s): Melissa E. Buron James Tissot is best known for his paintings of fashionable women and society life in the late 19th century. Born in Nantes, France, he trained at the Ecole des Beaux‐Arts in Paris where he befriended James McNeill Whistler and Edgar Degas. Tissot's career defies categorisation and he never formally belonged to the Impressionist circle despite an invitation from Degas. [UK] Prestel +, Aug. 2019, € 68,95, Hardback, 305x240 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 250 col.ill. Expo: 23/03/2020 ‐ 19/07/2020, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
9783791359199 (HB‐E)
Impressionist and Post‐Impressionist Drawings Author(s): Christopher Lloyd
9780500021231 (HB‐E)
Manet, Pissarro, Morisot, Cézanne, Seurat, Gauguin, Van Gogh and their colleagues made some of the most beautiful drawings in the history of art. This book sets their drawings in the context of late nineteenth‐century France and explains why these particular works are as important as their paintings in the representation of modernity. A new approach to materials and a wholly inclusive attitude to exhibitions gave drawings a more elevated status in this period than ever before. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Aug. 2019, € 46,50, Hardback, 290x250 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, 200 col.ill.
Cézanne Drawings and Watercolours Author(s): Christopher Lloyd Drawing was central to Cézanne's indefatigable search for solutions to the problems posed by the depiction of reality. Many of his watercolours are equal to his paintings, and he himself made no real distinction between painting and drawing. This book's six chapters are arranged thematically covering the whole range of Cézanne's oeuvre. [UK] Thames & Hudson, July 2019, € 26,50, Paperback, 229x152 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 226 col.ill.
9780500295212 (PB‐E) 15
William Blake The Artist Author(s): Edited by Martin Myrone
9781849766333 (PB‐E) ISBN 9781849766449 (Hb)
William Blake is a universal artist an inspiration to visual artists, musicians, poets and performers worldwide as well as everyone who aspires to the ideals of personal, spiritual and creative liberty. His heroic story has inspired and invigorated generations: his personal struggles in a period of political terror and oppression, his technical innovation, his vision and political commitment, are perhaps never more pertinent. This book presents Blake as a visual artist for the twenty‐first century. [UK] Tate, Sept. 2019, € 33,50, Paperback, 269x228 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 200 col.ill. Expo: 11/09/2019 ‐ 02/02/2020, Tate Britain, London
William Blake
Songs of Innocence and Experience Author(s): Richard Holmes William Blake's (1757‐1827) Songs of Innocence and of Experience Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul (1789/94) is an unrivalled masterpiece both in word and image ‐ its seeming simplicity belying its visionary wisdom. This unique edition allows Blake to communicate with his readers as he intended, reproducing his illumination and lettering from the finest existing example of the original work. Here readers can experience the mystery and beauty of Blake's poems as he first created them [UK] Tate, July 2019, € 13,60, Hardback, 161x110 mm, Eng. ed., 75 p, 56 col.ill.
9781854377296 (HB‐E)
William Morris's Flowers Author(s): Rowan Bain
9780500480458 (HB‐E)
A passionate advocate of craftsmanship over mass‐production, William Morris (1834‐ 1896) designed a huge variety of objects, but it is his highly original carpet, fabric and wallpaper patterns that have continued to capture the imagination and exert their influence on the decorative arts. Around 600 such designs are attributed to Morris, of which the vast majority are based on natural forms, including trees, plants and flowers. A beautifully designed, accessibly priced gift book. [UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ V&A, Aug. 2019, € 20,95, Hardback, 190x170 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, 120 col.ill.
J.M.W. Turner Watercolours 9781849766661 (HB‐E)
Author(s): Edited by David Blayney Brown Few can doubt that J.M.W. Turner was the greatest exponent of English watercolour in its golden age. An inveterate traveller in search of the ideal vista, he rarely left home without a rolled up, loosebound sketchbook, pencils and a small travelling case of watercolours in his pocket. He exploited as no one before him the medium's luminosity and transparency, conjuring light effects on English meadows and Venetian lagoons and gauzy mists over mountains and lakes. [UK] Tate, Oct. 2019, € 34,00, Hardback, 230x264 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, 103 col. & bw ill.
How Turner Painted Materials and Techniques Author(s): Joyce Townsend This authoritative visual guide to the artistic materials and painting techniques of J. M. W. Turner brings to life the skills of one of the world's greatest artists. Details of his watercolours and oil paintings, usually only available to small numbers of museum professionals, and an experienced artist's recreation of his core painting processes, combine with in‐depth research into Turner's use of new materials to give unique insights into his creative processes. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Aug. 2019, € 21,00, Paperback, 215x160 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, 200 col.ill.
9780500294833 (PB‐E)
The Drawing Ideas Book Author(s): Frances Stanfield The sketchbook has been the companion of creatives for centuries. It has always been the artist's tool to jot down ideas, observations, notes, doodles, digressions and a forum in which to develop composition, colour combinations, line, figure drawing and mark making. Practitioners turn to the intimate art of drawing both to record thoughts and evolve these into finished works.
9781781576885 (PB‐E)
[UK] Ilex (Octopus), July 2019, € 12,60, Paperback,167x140 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p,
365 Days of Creativity Inspire your imagination with art every day Author(s): Lorna Scobie 365 Days of Creativity is a thoughtful and inspiring book designed to help you carve out moments of self‐expression and unlock your creative potential. Lorna Scobie shows you how to experiment, explore and let go of your artistic inhibitions, encouraging you to look for creative inspiration wherever you go. With themes that look at imagination, nature, memory and pattern, this book is designed to encourage you to think outside the box and spark the artist within. [UK] Hardie Grant, Sept. 2019, € 16,50, Flexi (Pb luxe), 210x160 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p, throughout col.ill.
9781784882792 (FLEXI‐E)
You will be able to Draw by the end of this book : Ink Author(s): Jake Spicer Discover the endless possibilities of ink ‐ whether you are using a nib pen, brush, biro or marker. This interactive book teaches you how to draw in line, wash and colour, and allows you the space to practise on the page through guided exercises in mark‐making and drawing. You will: ∙ Experiment with line ∙ Learn about hatching and cross‐hatching ∙ Work with ink wash ∙ Understand colour and tone [UK] Ilex (Octopus), Oct. 2019, € 18,95, Paperback, 249x189 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 120+ col.ill.
9781781576533 (PB‐E) 18
Dali & Magritte Author(s): Michel Draguet, WillIam Jeffet, DanIelle Johnson
9789493039193 (HB‐NL) ISBN 9789493039209 (E) ISBN 9789493039216 (F)
Dit najaar wijden de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België een uitzonderlijke tentoonstelling aan Salvador Dalí en René Magritte (11 oktober 2019‐9 februari 2020). De expo belicht de verhoudingen tussen beide surrealisten en toont hun onmiskenbare wederzijdse beïnvloeding. Dalí en Magritte ontmoeten elkaar in het voorjaar van 1929 in Parijs. In augustus van datzelfde jaar reist Magritte op uitnodiging van Dalí naar Cadaqués, de thuishaven van de Spaanse schilder. Die zogenaamde surrealistische zomer van 1929 ‐ ook Éluard, Miró en Buñuel maken deel uit van het gezelschap ‐ zal van groot belang blijken te zijn voor beide kunstenaars. Zowel Dalí als Magritte tasten de grenzen van de werkelijkheid af: ze betwisten onze blik en gooien onze zekerheden om. Hun stijl en persoonlijkheden waren erg verschillend en hun wegen zouden uiteindelijk scheiden. Nochtans bestaat er een fascinerend verwantschap tussen de Catalaan en de Belg. De tentoonstelling werpt licht op de persoonlijke, filosofische en esthetische relatie van deze iconen van het surrealisme aan de hand van meer dan 100 schilderijen, sculpturen, foto's, tekeningen, films en archiefstukken. [BE] Ludion, Oct. 2019, € 29,90, Hardback,280x240 mm, NL ed., 256 p, Expo: 11/10/2019 ‐ 09/02/2020, K.M.S.K.B / M.R.B.A., Brussels
Vendredi Une correspondance surréaliste Author(s): Xavier Canonne Vendredi is one of the most unusual magazines issued by Belgian Surrealists. It was written by hand, never published and created weekly for almost two years, from 11 November 1949 to 5 October 1951. Over 100 issues were produced in total by the driving force, Paul Colinet, in collaboration with René Magritte, Marcel Mariën, Louis Scutenaire, Irène Hamoir, Marcel Broodthaers and Pierre Alechinsky, among others. [BE] Ludion, Nov. 2019, € 125,00, Hardback,240x170 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 992 p,
9789493039247 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Expo: Nov 2019 ‐ ..., Koninklijke Bibliotheek ‐ Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels
Léon Spilliaert (1881 ‐ 1946) Author(s): Anne Adriaens‐Pannier, Adrian Locke, Will Stone, Noémie Goldman, Anna Testar
9781912520220 (HB‐E)
Belgium symbolist painter and graphic artist. Watercolourist, pastellist, painter (gouache), draughtsman. Portraits, genre scenes, still‐lifes, landscapes, seascapes. From childhood he displayed an interest in art and drawing and was a prolific doodler, spending much time sketching scenes of ordinary life and the Belgium countryside. In 1889 he studied briefly at the Terenacademie in Bruges. His early work, already Symbolist in style was informed by his readings of writers such as Friedrich Nietzsche Maurice Maeterlinck . From February 1903 to January 1904 he worked for Edmond Deman in Brussels, a publisher of symbolist writers, whose work Spilliaert was to illustrate. In 1904 Spilliaert stayed in Paris, where he was on the fringe of Picasso’s circle and discovered the work of Munch and Toulouse‐Lautrec, whose influences he acknowledged. He continued to spend most winters in Paris to keep in touch with the city’s cultural life. Although often associated with the key figures of Belgian Symbolism, Léon Spilliaert in fact demonstrated a peculiarly individual style. Born in Ostend, he worked there for most of his career. An introvert and insomniac who suffered from poor health as a young man, Spilliaert wandered the night‐time streets of the North Sea resort, creating mysterious and highly atmospheric depictions of its dark docks, beaches and promenades. Almost entirely self‐taught, he drew influence from such painters as Odilon Redon and James Abbott McNeill Whistler, as well as the writers Edgar Allan Poe and Friedrich Nietzsche. This book brings together over a hundred works from international collections, including a series of haunting self‐portraits that Spilliaert created in his twenties. [UK] Royal Academy (ACC), Feb. 2020, € 43,95, Hardback, 290x220 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 130 col.ill. Expo: 23/02/2020 ‐ 25/05/2020, Royal Academy, London
Léon Spilliaert. De droom van anderen Illustrator van Verhaeren, Maeterlinck, Hellens, … Author(s): Anne Adriaens‐Pannier Dit boek begeleidt de tentoonstelling De droom van anderen in Het Spilliaert Huis in Oostende (van 19 november 2017 t.e.m. 2 april 2018), waar de uitgaven met originele tekeningen of gedrukte illustraties en aanverwante autonome werken samen te zien zijn. De stukken, uit openbare en particuliere collecties, bieden voor het eerst, en waarschijnlijk eenmalig, een volledig beeld van Spilliaerts literair geïnspireerde creaties. [BE] Van de Wiele, Dec. 2017, € 29,50, Hardback, 290x215 mm, NL ed., 240 p, throughout col. & bw ill. SPECIAL PRICE: 29,50 euro instead of 49,00 euro. Expo: 19/11/2017 ‐ 2/4/2018, Het Spilliaert Huis, Oostende
9789076297712 (HB‐NL) 20
Brancusi (NL) Europalia Romania
9789461611451 (HB‐NL) ISBN 9789461612106 (F) ISBN 9789461612748 (E)
EUROPALIA ROMANIA pakt uit met een prestigieuze tentoonstelling over Constantin Brancusi (1876‐1957), de meest invloedrijke beeldhouwer van de twintigste eeuw. Het is de allereerste keer dat er in Brussel een expo aan Brancusi wordt gewijd – de laatste solotentoonstelling vond bijna 25 jaar geleden plaats in Parijs. Brancusi is een sleutelfiguur in de kunstgeschiedenis. Hij wordt een pionier van het modernisme genoemd. De tentoonstelling brengt topstukken uit musea en privé‐collecties van over de hele wereld bijeen. Denk aan meesterwerken als ’Slapende muze’, ‘De Kus’ en ‘Leda’. Verschillende stukken worden voor de eerste keer getoond, samen met werk van tijdgenoten (Duchamp, Modigliani, Man Ray, e.a) en sculpturen van Rodin, bij wie Brancusi kort in de leer ging. [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium), Oct. 2019, € 40,00, Hardback, 295x240 mm, NL ed., 240 p, 300 col. & bw ill. Expo: 02/10/2019 ‐ 12/01/2020, Bozar, Bruxelles
Charles Rennie Mackintosh Making the Glasgow Style Author(s): Alison Brown In the final decades of the nineteenth century, the Glasgow Style introduced Art Nouveau in Britain and helped transform an industrial city into Scotland's premier cultural capital. The predominant force behind the Glasgow Style was Charles Rennie Mackintosh, an architect and designer who personified the movement's intellectual freedom, sensuality, and spirit of collaboration. [UK] Prestel +, Oct. 2019, € 34,50, Hardback, 280x230 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p, 180 col.ill. Expo: 06/10/2019 ‐ 05/01/2020, Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
9783791359182 (HB‐E)
Henry Darger Author(s): Klaus Biesenbach Self‐taught and working in isolation until his death in 1973, Henry Darger realised an elaborate fantasy world of remarkable beauty and strangeness through hundreds of paintings and an epic written narrative. Angel‐like Blengins with butterfly wings, natural catastrophes, innocent girls, and murderous soldiers all appear in Darger's scenes, which are reproduced in this book in double‐page and gatefold illustrations. The book also includes Darger's autobiography ''A History of My Life'' . [UK] Prestel, July 2019, € 46,95, Paperback with flaps, 300x233 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 280 col.ill. Including 4 gatefolds
9783791385839 (PB+‐E)
Picasso Illustrateur ‐ Illustrator L'exposition Picasso Illustrateur ouvre très largement la question inédite du texte et de l'image dans l'œuvre de Picasso. Eternel inventeur et éternel joueur, Picasso a su aussi s'hasarder vers les supports parfois les plus singuliers ou modestes: enveloppes, cartes postales,uvre très largement la question inédite du texte et de l'image dans l'œuvre de Picasso : de l'oeuvre de commande à l'oeuvre d'engagement ‐ dessins de presse ; en passant par l'œuvre libre et poétique [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Oct. 2019, € 25,00, Hardback, 300x230 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 144 p, 200 col. & bw ill. Expo: 19/10/2019 ‐ 13/01/2020. + livret NL, Muba, Tourcoing
9789461615510 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Charlie Chaplin Dans l'oeil des avant‐gardes L'exposition se propose de mettre en parallèle des oeuvres cinématographiques de Charlie Chaplin et des productions des avant‐gardes, mêlant extraits de films, peinture, photographie, sculpture et documents. L'exposition présentera des oeuvres de Marc Chagall, Fernand Léger, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Meret Oppenheim, Claude Cahun, John Heartfield, Max Ernst... [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Oct. 2019, € 28,00, Paperback with flaps, 290x230 mm, French ed., 256 p, 200 col. & bw ill.
9789461615572 (PB+‐F)
Expo: 18/10/2019 ‐ 03/02/2020, Musée des Beaux‐arts, Nantes
Variétés Avant‐garde, Surrealisme en de Fotografie
9789490880224 (HB‐NL)
Author(s): Damarice Amao & Xavier Canonne [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée, Jan. 2020, € 79,90, Hardback,310x250 mm, NL ed., 368 p,
Magritte Abstracte Veelzijdigheid Author(s): André Garitte
9782930532035 (HB‐NL/ F)
Abstracte Veelzijdigheid biedt een overzicht van de collectie van het Museum voor Abstracte Kunst, dat binnenkort opent in Brussel. Het is het eerste in ons land en het vierde in de wereld. Het boek bevat 88 kunstenaars en 170 hoogtepunten uit de collectie met voornamelijk Belgische abstracten. Daarnaast zorgt het boek voor een nieuwe insteek: de auteur speurde naar zoveel mogelijk vormen, thema's en technieken in de abstractie. Hij vond niet minder dan 62 categorieën. [BE] Pandora, Oct. 2019, € 29,00, Hardback, 297x245 mm, NL/ Fr ed., 192 p, throughout col.ill.
Pologne 1840‐1918 Peindre l'âmed'une nation C'est cette histoire d'une Pologne sans nation mais en quête de liberté qu'entend raconter le Louvre‐Lens à travers une exposition de peintures des artistes les plus illustres de l'époque. [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Sept. 2019, € 39,00, Hardback, 290x230 mm, French ed., 376 p, 200 col. & bw ill. Expo: 27/09/2019 ‐ 20/01/2020, Louvre‐Lens
9789461613455 (HB‐F)
Russian Avant‐Garde Pioneers and Direct Descendants Author(s): Edited by Irina Gorlova The State Tretyakov Gallery, the leading reservoir of Russian fine art in the world, has presented iconic masterpieces for the first time ever in Doha as part of Qatar‐Russia 2018 Year of Culture. The exhibition catalogue traces the connections between the artworks by revolutionary pioneers of the early 20th century such as Vladimir Tatlin, Alexander Rodchenko and Mikhail Matyushin in comparison to the creations of the artists of the avant‐garde second wave.
9788836641710 (PB+‐E/ ARAB)
[IT] Silvana, July 2019, € 40,00, Paperback with flaps, 290x230 mm, Eng./Arab. ed., 240 p, 200 col. & bw ill. Expo: 4/12/2018 ‐ 3/2/2019, Doha, Fire Station – Garage Gallery
Vienna 1900 Birth of Modernism The catalogue highlights the splendor and wealth of artistic achievements of an era shaped by the emergence of the Secessionists, the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy and the deaths of eminent artists of Viennese Modernism, including Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Koloman Moser and Otto Wagner. The publication aims to convey on many pages a sense of the character of this time and of the vibrant atmosphere in the then metropolis Vienna. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag (T&H distr), Sept. 2019, € 64,00, Hardback, 280x235 mm, Eng. ed., 560 p, 1300 col. & bw ill.
9783960985976 (HB‐E) ISBN 9783960985341 (G)
Dora Maar Author(s): Edited by Amanda Maddox, Karolina Ziebinska‐Lewandowska, Damarice Amao
9781849766869 (HB‐E)
This new publication will not only explore the breadth of Dora Maar's (1907‐97) long career but also examine it in the context of work by her contemporaries. Maar had a remarkable eye for the unusual, which translated to her commercial photography as well as to her social documentary projects. She documented the creation of Pablo Picasso's Guernica in 1937 and in turn he immortalised her as the Weeping Woman. Together they made a series of portraits combining experimental photographic and printmaking techniques. In middle and later life Maar concentrated on painting and found stimulation in poetry, religion, and philosophy, returning to her darkroom only in her seventies. Essays explore Maar's commercial work in fashion and advertising, the nude and eroticism, Maar's social and political engagement, her position among the surrealists, Maar's portraits by Picasso, her documentation of Guernica, and an examination of her late negatives. [UK] Tate, Nov. 2019, € 53,50, Hardback, 285x230 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, 240 col. & bw ill. Expo: 20/11/2019 ‐ 15/03/2020, Tate Modern, London ‐ 05/06/19 ‐ 29/07/19, Centre Pompidou, Paris ‐ 21/4/20 ‐ 26/7/20 Getty Museum
Into the Night Cabarets and Clubs in Modern Art Author(s): Florence Ostende, Lotte Johnson
9783791358888 (HB‐E)
This thrilling book explores the role of cabarets, clubs, and cafés in modern art. These creative spaces were incubators of radical thinking, in which artists could exchange provocative ideas. They were welcoming environments for artists, dancers, designers, writers, and musicians pushing the boundaries of cultural and social norms. Spanning the decades from the 1880s to the 1960s, this unique and multi‐faceted illustrated history of alternative artistic spaces covers four continents and includes both famed and little‐known sites of the avant‐garde. Organized by city, it features painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, film, and archival material emanating from over a dozen cabarets, clubs, and bars that were home to the likes of Henri de Toulouse‐Lautrec, Loie Fuller, Josef Hoffmann, Giacomo Balla, Sophie Taeuber‐Arp, Theo Van Doesburg, Jeanne Mammen, Jacob Lawrence, Ramon Alva de la Canal, and Ibrahim El‐Salahi. It includes photographs of the interiors of the Chat Noir in Paris, the Cafe L'Aubette in Strasbourg and the Mbari Club in Nigeria; a cocktail menu from the Cabaret Fledermaus in Vienna; a 1930s night club map of Harlem; posters and invitations advertising performances at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich and Mexico City's Cafe de Nadie; and countless artworks that emerged from these spaces conveying the energy and excitement of the time. A series of enlightening essays explore how each space fostered and stimulated new forms of artistic expression. [UK] Prestel +, Oct. 2019, € 50,00, Hardback, 280x240 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 350 col.ill. Expo: 04/10/2019 ‐ 19/01/2020, Barbican Art Gallery, London
Lucian Freud De zelfportretten Author(s): David Dawson, Joseph Koerner, Jasper Sharp, Sebastian Smeet en Tilda Swindon
9789490880255 (PB‐NL) ISBN 9789462301511 (F) ISBN 9781912520060 (E)
Alle zelfportretten van Lucian Freud nu in één boek verzameld. In 1964 gaf Lucian Freud (1922‐2011) zijn studenten aan het Norwich College of Art een opdracht: om naakte zelfportretten te schilderen die 'onthullend, sprekend, geloofwaardig ... echt zonder schaamte' waren. Het was een advies dat de kunstenaar zelf later ook zou volgen in zijn vele zelfportretten. Rauw, onversaagd en vaak naakt lezen Freuds zelfportretten als het ware als zijn biografie, en geven zij tegelijk inzicht in de ontwikkeling van zijn stijl als schilder. In de portetten is de kunstenaar steeds overweldigend aanwezig, of hij nu de rechtstreeks de confrontatie met de toeschouwer aangaat, of alleen aanwezig is als een schaduw of in een reflectie. Freud verkende het genre van het zelfportret op tal van onverwachte manieren. [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée, Oct. 2019, € 39,90, Paperback, 260x230 mm, NL ed., 160 p, 130 col.ill. Expo: 27/10/2019 ‐ 26/01/2020, Royal Academy of Arts, Londen ‐ 22/2/2020 ‐25/5/2020, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
Lucian Freud Herbarium
Author(s): Giovanni Aloi Lucian Freud's portraits are known for their spectacular detail and unflinching gaze. Although Freud brought the same qualities to his paintings and drawings of plants, flowers, and landscapes, these are largely unknown. This elegant book shows how working with plants emboldened Freud to experiment with style and composition.
9783791385334 (HB‐E)
[UK] Prestel +, Sept. 2019, € 50,00, Hardback, 305x250 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 100 col.ill.
Francis Bacon Books and Painting Author(s): Didier Ottinger Published to accompany the first Francis Bacon retrospective in Paris for twenty years, this catalogue analyses Bacon's works from 1971 onwards in light of his relationship to literature. Bacon always vigorously opposed over‐analysis of his paintings, preferring to interpret them in purely illustrative or symbolic terms; he admitted, however, that literature was a powerful stimulus to his imagination. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Oct. 2019, € 52,95, Hardback,300x230 mm, Eng. ed., 242 p,
9780500239988 (HB‐E)
Expo: 11/09/2019 ‐ 20/01/2020, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Niki de Saint Phalle aan Zee Author(s): Joost Bergman en Xandra Schutte Wereldberoemd zijn de Nana's van de Franse beeldhouwer Niki de Saint Phalle (1930‐2002). Kleurrijke, uitbundig vrolijke vrouwenfiguren die dansend, springend en bruisend van energie door het leven gaan. Daarmee heeft ze een iconisch vrouwbeeld geschapen. Daarnaast speelde ze met controversiële kunstwerken zoals haar 'schietschilderijen' een voorname rol in de Europese kunststroming 'Nouveaux Réalisme' en wist ze de openbare ruimte in vele steden met monumentale sculpturen te verfraaien.
9789462622623 (PB‐E/ NL)
[NL] Waanders & De Kunst, Aug. 2019, € 22,50, Paperback, 290x240 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 144 p, 100 col. & bw ill. Expo: 05/10/2019 ‐ 01/03/2020, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen
De Collectie Wout Hoeboer Hoe? Boer! Dada voor nu, en voor straks, Dada voor altijd Tentoonstelling rond de schenking van ca. 100 kunstwerken door de erfgenamen van Wout Hoeboer (1910‐1983) aan MuZee. Met werk van onder andere Pierre Alechinsky, Karel Appel, Enrico Baj, Jean Brusselmans, Jacques Calonne, Sergio Dangelo, Christian Dotremont, Paul Joostens, Asger Jorn, Marcel Mariën, Joseph Noiret, Victor Servranckx, Kurt Schwitters, Serge Vandercam e.a. [BE] MuZEE, Oostende, Sept. 2019, € 49,00, Hardback,275x215 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 352 p, Expo: 28/9/2019 ‐ 5/1/2020, MuZee, Oostende
9789074694360 (HB‐E/ NL) 26
Yayoi Kusama
All About My Love Author(s): Yayoi Kusama
9780500295427 (PB‐E)
Avant‐garde artist Yayoi Kusama's matchless creativity and originality have been captivating the world since she moved from Matsumoto, her hometown in Nagano, Japan, to the USA in 1958. In the last ten years alone, her retrospective exhibitions in four major European and American museums, including Tate Modern, London, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, have seen record attendance. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Oct. 2019, € 33,20, Paperback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
Yayoi Kusama Love Forever Author(s): Harrie Verstappen, Paul Damstee, Margriet Schavemaker. Design: Tijs Visser with Luc Derycke Yayoi Kusama is certainly one of the most important post‐war and contemporary artists of the moment, with exhibitions all over the world. Her work is not only of historical importance, but it also appeals to a huge, broad and international audience, and escapes almost all art concepts such as Minimal Art, Pop Art and Happening. Since 2005, the 0‐institute has been collecting archive material with a team of art historians and doing interviews with eyewitnesses, including artists, friends, and organizers. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Oct. 2019, € 25,00, Paperback,210x140 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p,
9789463930772 (PB‐E)
Gilbert & George The Paradiscical Pictures Author(s): Text: Michael Bracewell The art of Gilbert & George confounds and rejects all art historical classification or affiliation to other schools or movements in art. As affirmed by the thirty‐five PARADISICAL PICTURES there is no formalist, aesthetic or conceptual precedent to the ideology and vision they convey with such intensity. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag, Nov. 2019, € 18,00, Paperback, 300x245 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p, 35 col.ill.
9783960986959 (PB‐E)
Arman 1955‐1974 Author(s): Edited by Germano Celant Arman was a US‐naturalised French painter. He is recognised internationally as being one of the leading artists of the second half of the 20th century and one of the main figures of the French artistic current of Nouveau Réalisme. [IT] Silvana, Oct. 2019, € 45,00, Flexi (Pb luxe), 300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 350 col. & bw ill.
9788836636181 (FLEXI‐E) ISBN 9788836636198 (F)
Nam June Paik Author(s): Edited by Sook‐Kyung Lee & Rudolf Frieling Considered to be the founder of video art, Nam June Paik (1932‐2006) was a visionary artist who foresaw the importance of mass media and new technology, and its impact on visual culture. His cutting‐edge yet playfully entertaining work continues to be a major influence on art and culture to this day. [UK] Tate, Oct. 2019, € 34,50, Paperback, 246x189 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 120 col.ill.
9781849766357 (PB‐E)
Expo: 24/09/2019 ‐ 05/01/2020, Tate Britain, London ‐ 14/03/2020 ‐ 23/08/2020, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam ‐
Abstract Expressionism Author(s): David Anfam, Susan Davidson, Edith Devaney, Jeremy Lewison, Carter Ratcliff, Christian Wurst In 1946 the art critic Robert Coates, writing in the New Yorker, first used the term 'Abstract Expressionism'. The two words combine the emotional intensity of the German Expressionists with the anti‐figurative aesthetic of the European Abstract schools. Although they were being painted by then little‐known artists working in low‐rent studio space, works of Abstract Expressionist art now dominate the walls of major museums. [UK] Royal Academy (ACC), Sept. 2019, € 35,50, Paperback,298x279 mm, Eng. ed., 262 p,
9781912520398 (PB‐E)
Olafur Eliasson In Real Life Author(s): Edited by Mark Godfrey
9781849766326 (PB‐E)
Published to accompany the first UK retrospective of Olafur Eliasson's work, this book is conceived as an illustrated `field guide' to his practice. Featuring a substantial conversation between the artist and the Tate curator Mark Godfrey, as well as a range of short dialogues with a strikingly varied range of people, the book provides readers with a `compass' to Eliasson's thinking: a 360‐degree view of the frames of reference that inform his work. Eliasson builds such conversations into his daily life and work. They help him not only to understand other people's unique fields of knowledge, but also to ask, `What does my understanding of your knowledge do to my understanding of the world?', and touch on topics as wide‐ranging as the social and cultural factors that contribute to social trust, the `topography' of scent, the chronobiological effects of light, public space and civic infrastructure, and the power of art. The interweaving of these texts with stunning photography of his remarkable and immersive works provides an insight into what Eliasson calls his ongoing aim of `reaching out into the world'. [UK] Tate, July 2019, € 26,95, Paperback, 254x190 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 120 col.ill. Expo: 11/07/2019 ‐ 05/01/2020, Tate Modern, London
Yves Zurstrassen Free. 2009‐2019 Author(s): Ed: Olivier Kaeppelin. Authors: François Barré, Anne Pontégnie et Sophie Lauwers
9789462300071 (HB‐E)
Focus on the last decade of work, produced between 2010 and 2019, by Belgian abstract painterYves Zurstrassen (b. 1956) who had a strong career in Canada. Essays delve into the artist's unique 'découpage' process and offer a critical analysis of the work. Detailed biography. Insightful, informal conversations with the artist. The recent work of Belgian abstract artist Yves Zurstrassen Is explored in depth in this handsome volume, designed in close collaboration with the artist himself. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Sept. 2019, € 45,00, Hardback, 300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 160 col. & bw ill. Expo: 26/09/2019 ‐ 12/01/2020, Bozar, Brussels
Matthieu Ronsse
A Procession of Lobsters Author(s): Maarten Inghels Matthieu Ronsse (1981) is a Belgian artist. His paintings often appear unfinished and incorporate references to old masters, fragments from his private life and clippings from photography and architecture books. He often rips the works up or cuts them into pieces; in some cases, he even weathers them in the wind and rain. Ronsse engages in a confrontation with painting and questions all its qualities ‐ materials, techniques, subjects and history. [BE] Ludion, Oct. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback,300x230 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 240 p,
9789493039254 (HB‐E/ NL)
Dr. Hugo Heyrman The Double Life of Images
[BE] Galerie De Zwarte Panter, Nov. 2019, € 30,00, Hardback, 300x230 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 112 p, 52 col.ill.
9789491349089 (HB‐E/ NL)
Carole Vanderlinden Uppercut
De Brusselse Carole Vanderlinden maakt schilderkunst die vrij is. Dat lijkt misschien makkelijk, maar langs alle kanten wordt er getrokken om een schilderij vast te zetten. Vast in materiaal, vast in vorm, vast in structuur, vast in betekenis. Het is weinigen gegeven om zo vrij te zijn bij het schilderen. Carole Vanderlinden legt zichzelf geen begrenzingen op. Ze vertrekt niet vanuit één werk om het volgende te maken. Haar stijl is niet in één woord te vatten. [BE] C.C. Warande, Sept. 2019, € 35,00, Paperback with flaps,230x168 mm, NL ed., 144 p, Expo: 14/09/2019 ‐ 17/11/2019, De Warande, Turnhout
9789080752368 (PB+‐NL) 30
Richard Tuttle The Role Of The Story Teller Author(s): Phillip Van Den Bossche, Ann Demeester Color is not easy to translate into words. Perhaps color actively resists language or plausible definition? And vice versa: words can change color. With his documented writings, images of artworks and selections of text, Tuttle departs from concrete notions of color, instead proposing a boundless vision of "real" color. Tuttle's themes and provocative ques‐tions bring together seemingly disparate episodes, providing new ways to consider and experience our own relationship to color. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Sept. 2019, € 125,00, Hardback,210x210 mm, Eng. ed., 504 p,
9789463931137 (HB‐E)
J‐M Bytebier A B(ee) Author(s): Denis Gielen Jean‐Marie Bytebier (°1963) graduated from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Gent in 1988. Togeth‐er with artists such as Wim Delvoye (°1965) he focus‐es mainly on the possibilities of how painting could be presented in order to understand our increasingly complicated postmodern society. In doing so he wants to seal the gap with conceptual art, as opposed to a previous generation of contemporary artists in Belgium, which followed the new German painting.
9789463931175 (PB‐E)
[BE] MER ‐ B&L, Dec. 2019, € 29,90, Paperback,315x210 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p,
Laura De Coninck Saudade
9789089319944 (PB‐NL)
Met het boek 'Saudade' doet Laura een oproep naar ambassadeurs van het woord. Ze hoopt zo veel mogelijk mensen te 'besmetten' met de liefde voor dit woord, zodat het gedeeld en gemeengoed wordt. Toen ze het woord hoorde en de betekenis bij herhaling tot haar doordrong, ervaarde ze dit als een soort thuiskomen. Het was alsof plotseling alles op zijn plaats viel; haar oeuvre en dat wat haar dreef om te schilderen had plots een gemeenschappelijke noemer gevonden, een vlag die de lading dekt. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, June 2019, € 39,99, Paperback,300x200 mm, NL ed., 100 p,
Luc Dondeyne Third Eye Author(s): Arno Kramer, Eric Rinckhout, Diana Wind
9789463931144 (PB‐E/ NL)
Luc Dondeyne geeft ons met zijn werk zijn blik op de wereld. Hij biedt ons de mogelijkheid met hem mee te kijken door soms letterlijk te laten zien dat hij via de lens de wereld bekijkt. Dat meekijken levert bijzondere en ongebruikelijke composities op zoals portretten zonder of met afgewend gezicht en perso‐nen die op de rug worden afgebeeld. De toeschouwer wordt daardoor onderdeel van de driehoeksverhou‐ding waarin Luc Dondeyne zichzelf en ons bewust plaatst. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Dec. 2019, € 35,00, Paperback,251x251 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 192 p,
Koen van den Broek Stuff
In his paintings, Koen Van den Broek investigates the human experience of the environment. His personal collection of photographs, snapshots that he takes on his countless journeys, are his artistic points of departure. Koen Van den Broek opts for unsightly motifs, fragments that are recurrent in any town. The artist seeks out anonymity, the general rather than the specific. The oeuvre of Koen Van den Broek consists of painted versions of his snapshots. The relationship vis‐à‐vis photography is essential.. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Dec. 2019, € 39,99, Paperback,240x240 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p,
9789089319975 (PB‐E)
Ricardo Brey Adrift
Author(s): Arie Hartog, Erica Moiah James, Evan Moffitt, John Welchman, Roel Arkesteijn This book can be seen as and independent editorial project that resume the core of Ricardo Brey's most recent body of works Adrift (2014‐ongoing) The publication, developed as a separate undertaking reflects as well on the core of the overall aspiration of Ricardo Brey for his exhibitions in Museum De Domijnen in Sittard, the Netherlands (10 February ‐ 10 June 2019) and Gerhard‐Marcks Haus, Bremen, Germany (date tbc, 2019). [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Sept. 2019, € 39,99, Hardback,310x240 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 240 p,
9789089319968 (HB‐E/ G) 32
Incarnations African art as philosophy Author(s): Edited by Kendell Geers IncarNations is an exhibition created by the South African artist Kendell Geers in dialogue with the Congolese collector Sindika Dokolo. A fascinating initiative that reflects the diversity of the African artistic heritage, from an Afrocentric point of view and including the itineraries of slaves, colonialism and independence movements. [IT] Silvana, July 2019, € 15,00, Paperback with flaps, 270x200 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, 100 col. & bw ill.
9788836642991 (PB+‐E)
Expo: 28/06/2019 ‐ 06/10/2019, Bozar, Brussels
Keith Haring Author(s): Darren Phi Keith Harings (1958‐1990) onmiddellijk herkenbare, "stripachtige" beeldtaal putte niet alleen uit de iconografie van de hedendaagse pop‐ en clubcultuur maar greep ook terug op patronen en ritmes uit de islamitische en Japanse kunst en de primitieve wandschilderingen. Uit zijn werk sprak daarenboven een diepgaand engagement met sociale rechtvaardigheid en activisme. Hij verwerkte er tal van thema's in die ook vandaag relevant blijven [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, July 2019, € 19,95, Paperback, 246x189 mm, NL ed., 128 p, 100 col.ill. Expo: 7/06‐27/10/2019, Tate Liverpool, 6/12/2019 ‐ 19/4/2020, BOZAR, Brussels
9789462301306 (PB‐NL)
French edition : ISBN 9789462301467 (F) ISBN
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Choreographer’s Score. Fase, Rosas danst Rosas, Elena's Aria, Bartók Author(s): Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker & Bojana Cvejic A Choreographer's Score is a conversation in which the Belgian choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker gives the performance theorist and musicologist Bojana Cvejic wide‐ranging insights into choreography and into the making of the four early works (1981‐86). The publication comprises a book of interviews, illustrated by numerous drawings, schemes, photos, working notes and post‐performance documents. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Sept. 2019, € 25,00, Paperback, 275x190 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 190 col. & bw ill. New edition in paperack
9789462301658 (PB‐E)
French edition: ISBN 9789462301627 (F)
Antony Gormley Author(s): Martin Caiger‐Smith, Priyamvada Natarajan, Michael Newman and Jeanette Winterson
9781912520053 (HB‐E)
The sculptor Antony Gormley has become a household name, thanks to prominent public installations and major solo shows. Awarded the Turner Prize in 1994, he was knighted in 2014. From the Angel of the North (1998) to the hundred cast‐iron life‐size human figures that populate Crosby Beach in Liverpool, his works often explore the human body and its relationship to the space it inhabits. [UK] Royal Academy (ACC), Sept. 2019, € 50,00, Hardback, 300x280 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, 200 col.ill. Expo: 21/09/2019 ‐ 03/12/2019, Royal Academy, London
William Kentridge A Poem That Is Not Our Own Author(s): Ed.: Seibastien Delot, Josef Helfenstein In more than three decades, Kentridge has produced an oeuvre spanning diverse media including animated film, drawings, prints and rare books, stage production and sculpture. A Poem That Is Not Our Own aims to create a link between his early drawings and films from the 1980s and 1990s and his most recent work as well as examples of the more recent output, including the first adaptations for museum presentation of elements from The Head & The Load. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag, July 2019, € 38,00, Hardback, 240x165 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 248 p, 89 col.ill.
9783960986256 (HB‐E/ G)
Garden of Earthly Delights Author(s): Edited by Stephanie Rosenthal with Clara Meister Alongside the classical reading of the garden as a secluded and circumscribed place of yearning full of meditative, spiritual, and philosophical possibilities, it is viewed in the exhibition as a place of duality and contradiction: a threshold between reality and fantasy, utopia and dystopia, harmony and chaos, between being shut out and being included. [IT] Silvana, Aug. 2019, € 38,00, Paperback,300x225 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 352 p, Expo: 26/07/2019 ‐ 01/12/2019, Gropius Bau, Berlin
9788836644544 (PB‐E/ G) 34
Kiki Smith Author(s): Edited by Camille Morineau, Lucia Pesapane
9788836643851 (HB‐E/ F)
This unique collection of exceptional breadth brings together almost one hundred works by American artist Kiki Smith, spanning from the 1990s to the present day. The exhibition at La Monnaie in Paris covers the major themes of the artist's oeuvre, including the human body, the female figure and the symbiotic relationship with nature, all of which are recurring motifs. [IT] Silvana, July 2019, € 28,00, Hardback, 220x160 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 192 p, 120 col. & bw ill. Expo: 18/10/2019 ‐ 02/02/2020, 11 Conti, Monnaie de Paris
Pushing paper Contemporary drawing from 1970 to now Author(s): Isabel Seligman Focusing on 56 selected works from the 1970s to today, Pushing paper examines why drawing has endured as a method of making art, and explores the vital and fundamental nature of drawing through themes such as systems and process, identity, place and space, time and memory, and power and protest. These broad themes allow for original connections to be made between images, which will inspire all practitioners of drawing. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Sept. 2019, € 26,50, Paperback,250x220 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p,
9780500480540 (PB‐E)
100 Sculptors of Tomorrow Author(s): Kurt Beers How do you find the most promising emerging artists at work in a rapidly transforming medium? Bypassing traditional art world channels, 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow is the culmination of a major, democratic open call for up‐and‐coming sculptors. From thousands of entries, an internationally renowned jury has identified the most exciting names in sculpture today, all showcased in this beautifully illustrated, authoritative book. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Aug. 2019, € 52,95, Hardback,320x240 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p,
9780500021477 (HB‐E)
Ai Weiwei Author(s): Susanne Gaensheimer, Doris Krystof, Falk Wolf 'Everything is art. Everything is politics,' says internationally renowned artist Ai Weiwei. His statement informs this comprehensive book that features sculptural installations, photographs, and videos from every aspect of the artist's forty‐year career and touches on many contemporary social issues. [UK] Prestel +, July 2019, € 56,95, Hardback, 280x200 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 230 col.ill. Expo: 18/05/2019 ‐ 01/09/2019, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein‐Westfalen, Düsseldorf,
9783791359069 (HB‐E)
Shirin Neshat I Will Greet the Sun Again Author(s): Ed Schad In the 1990s, Shirin Neshat's startling black‐and‐white videos of Iranian women won enormous praise for their poetic reflections on post‐revolutionary life in her native country. Writing in the New Yorker, Peter Schjeldahl called her multi‐screen video meditations on the culture of the chador in Islamic Iran ''the first undoubtable masterpieces of video installation. [UK] Prestel +, Oct. 2019, € 44,00, Hardback, 280x230 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 180 col.ill. Expo: 19/10/2019 ‐ 16/02/2020, The Broad, Los Angeles
9783791358758 (HB‐E)
Troy Myth and reality Author(s): Lesley Fitton Troy is familiar to us from the timeless and epic tales of Homer's Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid. These have been retold over the centuries by writers from Chaucer to Shakespeare to Madeline Miller and Rick Riordan, and enacted by stars such as Elizabeth Taylor and Brad Pitt. But how much do we really know about the city of Troy; its storytellers, myth, actual location or legacy? In this richly illustrated book, the story of Troy is told through a new lens. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Nov. 2019, € 35,00, Paperback,280x250 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, Expo: 21/11/2019 ‐ 8/3/2020, British Museum, London
9780500480588 (PB‐E) ISBN 9780500480557 (Hb)
The Aztecs Author(s): Inés De Castro, Doris Kurella, Martin Berger Five hundred years ago, the landing of Hernán Cortés in Mexico marked the end of the Aztec Empire. This volume presents the wealth of this culture with spectacular, sometimes unpublished finds: rare feathered shields, impressive stone sculptures, precious mosaic masks and goldwork as well as brilliantly coloured illustrated manuscripts bring the world of the Aztecs to life. [G] Hirmer, Nov. 2019, € 39,95, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
9783777433783 (HB‐E)
Ellora Author(s): Gilles Béguin. Photographs by Iago Corazza Thirty‐four places of worship (temples, monasteries, and shrines) were carved out of the rock between the fifth and tenth centuries over an area of around two square kilometres. All the sculpture at the site is testimony to the superb skill and sheer determination of the workforce involved, as well as being evidence of the religious harmony of the time. [IT] 5 Continents Editions (ACC), Sept. 2019, € 68,95, Hardback, 340x255 mm, Eng. ed., 284 p, 280 col.ill.
9788874398720 (HB‐E) 37
Kazerne Dossin Holocaust & mensenrechten
9789490880217 (PB‐NL) Tijdsbeeld / Kazerne Dossin
Het verhaal van de Belgische Holocaust in een uniek en rijk geïllustreerd boek. Over de holocaust in België bestaan vooral wetenschappelijke publicaties. Met Kazerne Dossin. Holocaust en mensenrechten brengt uitgeverij Tijdsbeeld een boek toegankelijk voor een breed publiek. Het grote verhaal zoals het te zien is in Kazerne Dossin wordt hier te boek gesteld. Ruim 700 foto's en documenten en jaren opzoekingswerk worden gebundeld in dit indrukwekkend naslagwerk. De Kazerne Dossin in Mechelen, is een intense plaats van herinnering, een unieke 'lieu de mémoire', met een indringende tentoonstelling over de vervolging van Joden en zigeuners in België. In 1942‐1944 gebruikten de nazi's de achttiende‐eeuwse Dossinkazerne als transitgevangenis voor deportaties naar Auschwitz‐Birkenau. In 28 transporten werden 25.898 Joden en 352 Roma en Sinti ('zigeuners' zoals men ze in die tijd noemt) weggevoerd. Slechts 5% van de gedeporteerden keerde levend terug. De Belgische casus van de Holocaust komt in dit boek uitgebreid aan bod, met een focus op de raciale vervolging van Joden, Roma en Sinti, op de rol van daders, slachtoffers en omstaanders en op de onderliggende processen van cumulatieve radicalisering en maatschappelijke polarisering. Cruciaal zijn een reeks indringende persoonlijke verhalen van slachtoffers, daders en omstaanders. Daarnaast treedt het historische verhaal in dialoog met mensenrechten en mensenrechtenschendingen. [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée, Aug. 2019, € 34,90, Paperback, 230x150 mm, NL ed., 480 p, 700 col. & bw ill.
Never again. Gardens of Peace A landscape and architectural history of war cemeteries Author(s): Author: Michel Racine. Photos by Bastin & Evrard
9789462301207 (PB‐E) ISBN 9789462301221 (FR)
Hundreds of cemeteries and memorials from the First and Second World Wars are featured‐locations throughout Europe with particular emphasis on sites in England, France, Belgium, and Germany. The essays delve in to the landscape and architectural history of these hallowed spaces, which were designed by architects such as Charles Henry Holden, Edward Luytens, John Russell Pope, and Robert Tischler, among others. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Oct. 2019, € 35,00, Paperback, 280x220 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 250 col. & bw ill.
J'étais chirurgien dans l'armée de Napoléon Jean‐Baptiste Bruggeman, la princesse et son portrait. Author(s): Nicole Ceulemans Un autre point de vue de la campagne de Russie De son engagement dans la Grande Armée vers 1807 à son retour de Russie durant l'hiver 1815, en passant par la campagne d'Espagne et du Portugal et la déroute de la Bérézina, J'étais chirurgien dans l'armée de Napoléon retrace le parcours de Jean‐Baptiste Bruggeman (1787‐1863), jeune médecin originaire de Turnhout, en Belgique actuelle, chirurgien au sein du 36e régiment et prisonnier de guerre dans les contreforts de l'Oural. [BE] Editions Marot, Aug. 2019, € 34,95, Hardback, 240x170 mm, French ed., 200 p, 150 col. & bw ill.
9782930117737 (HB‐F)
Timelines The Events that Shaped History Author(s): John Haywood
9780500022573 (HB‐E)
John Haywood presents a grand sweep of global history in an immediately accessible format via concise, insightful and engaging text summaries alongside timelines, maps and illustrations. There are 50 sections, each dealing with significant moments in the human story from the origins of our first ancestors right up to the present day. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Aug. 2019, € 28,00, Hardback,178x236 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
The Lives of the Objects Author(s): Tristram Hunt In this intriguing insight into the work and history of a museum, V&A director and historian Dr Tristram Hunt brings together ten renowned V&A curators to tell the stories behind ten of their most treasured objects. 'Tipu's Tiger' (an almost life‐size wooden semi‐automaton mauling a European soldier), the 'Great Bed of Ware' (an Elizabethan bed for 8 people) and a Shakespeare First Folio are among the featured highlights whose route to the V&A collections are entertainingly revealed. [UK] V&A Museum, Oct. 2019, € 32,00, Hardback, 225x185 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 180 col.ill.
9781851779727 (HB‐E)
Vooruit Icon & Future Author(s): Essay by Christoph Grafe and Beatrice Josse, Interview with artists Bonom, Strook and Christoph Hefti. Interview with architect Geert Pauwels by Louis Demey
9789463930796 (HB‐E/ NL)
Dit boek biedt een architecturaal verslag van de metamorfose die kunstencentrum Vooruit gekend heeft gedurende de laatste tien jaar. Aangespoord door een groeiende noodzaak van het kunstencentrum om zich fysiek aan te passen en nieuwe verbindingen te leggen met zijn omgeving en zijn gebruikers, onderging het iconische monument een transformatie van historisch cultuurhuis naar stedelijk platform. Het boek gaat verder in op de visie van de architect en hoe hij op een unieke en uitdagende manier verder wil bouwen aan deze kunst‐ en architectuurschat uit het verleden. Het maatschappelijke belang en de verantwoordelijkheden van het kunstencentrum in de stad worden uitgediept in een debat, waarin ook duurzaamheid en vergroening een plaats krijgen. Daarnaast wordt kunst in de publieke ruimte een belangrijk thema in de publicatie. Via interviews geven drie kunstenaars hun reflectie weer op de nieuwe architectuur. Hun kunstwerken zijn een blijvende getuige. In het eerste deel gaat architectuur recensent Christoph Grafe dieper in op het maatschappelijke en architecturale belang van de transformatie.In een tweede deel gaat Louis Demey (ov) de dialoog aan met architect Geert LM Pauwels. Ten slotte geven de kunstenaars Christophe Hefti, Strook en Bonom hun kijk op kunst in de publieke ruimte. De dialoog tussen oud en nieuw wordt mooi verbeeld door de krachtige fotografie van Karin Borghouts, Michiel Devijver en Reinhart Cosaert. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Oct. 2019, € 39,00, Hardback,292x215 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 160 p,
Kweker, keuring en kordeel De Belgische trekpaardencultuur in Vlaams‐Brabant Dit boek schetst een beeld van de veelzijdigheid van de huidige Belgische trekpaardencultuur. Na een korte beschrijving van de eigenheid van het trekpaardenras en een historisch overzicht van de trekpaardencultuur, belicht dit boek eerst de fokkerij, namelijk de toepassing van methoden die bijdragen aan het behoud en de verbetering van het trekpaardenras. Ten tweede de traditie van prijskampen en keuringen, waarop de kwaliteiten van trekpaarden worden getoetst aan de standaard van het ras. [BE] OKV, , € 28,00, Hardback,285x245 mm, NL ed., 208 p,
9789492455130 (HB‐NL)
De gebeurtenis Antwerpen, hoe het ging en gaat? Author(s): Jacques Claes
9789053254615 (HB‐NL)
In De Gebeurtenis Antwerpen vertellen soldaten, moeders, veldheren, kinderen, brandweerlui, arm en rijk de kleurrijke en inspirerende geschiedenis van de grootste, boeiendste en toonaangevende stad van Vlaanderen. Gisteren en vandaag. Jacques Claes verzamelde meer dan 12.000 prenten, documenten, tekeningen, zeldzame boeken en cahiers, foto's en verhalen die de stad Antwerpen in voor‐ en tegenspoed als een boeiend fresco, een gedeeld gesamtkunstwerk tot leven wekken. [BE] Pandora, Nov. 2019, € 19,95, Hardback, 270x210 mm, NL ed., 256 p, 200 col. & bw ill.
Antwerpen. Verloren Stad 1860‐1880 Edmond Fierlants Author(s): Ronny Van de Velde & Jan Ceuleers
9789491819650 (HB‐NL)
In Antwerpen, verloren stad maakt samensteller Ronny Van de Velde een wandeling door een stad die niet meer bestaat. Aan de hand van adembenemend archiefmateriaal toont hij ons de stad Antwerpen net voor deze aan een spectaculaire transformatie werd onderworpen. De ingeslapen nederzetting aan de rivier moest en zou bevrijd worden van al wat economische groei belemmerde: de Scheldekaaien werden rechtgetrokken en de oude omwalling gesloopt. Door de middeleeuwse stadspoorten had de moderne tijd de stad nooit in kunnen trekken. Dit boek is in de eerste plaats een esthetische ervaring, met beelden uit een moment waarop fotografie als kunstvorm begint op te komen. De spectaculaire reeks van Edmond Fierlants, aangevuld met foto's van andere beroeps‐ en gelegenheids‐fotografen, geven ons een uniek beeld van een stad die verloren is gegaan. Of zoals een journalist zijn artikel besloot over Fierlants' fotografische expeditie van 1860: 'Nu zijn die oude gebouwen gered, misschien niet van de sloop, maar zeker van de vergetelheid.' [BE] Ludion, Aug. 2019 ‐R/P, € 39,90, Hardback, 325x245 mm, NL ed., 400 p, 350 col. & bw ill. Reprint
Mon Plat Pays Author(s): Henk van Cauwenbergh Het West‐Vlaamse hinterland, le plat pays, werd door Jacques Brel vereeuwigd in meer dan één chanson. Fotograaf Henk van Cauwenbergh groeide op in dit vlakke land tussen de Noordzee en Brugge, waar hij als 16‐jarige Jacques Brel ontmoette. Een korte ontmoeting die een onuitwisbare indruk naliet en nu resulteert in dit indrukwekkende fotoboek. Het werd een beeldverhaal van 200 pagina's met als rode draad de vele culinaire topadressen die de streek rijk is, van authentiek eethuis tot sterrenzaak.
9789058566263 (HB‐NL/ F)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek, Nov. 2019, € 115,00, Hardback, 440x310 mm, NL/ Fr ed., 232 p, 150 col. & bw ill.
Brussel ‐ Bruxelles ‐ Brussels ‐ Brüssel Left Bank ‐ Right Bank ‐ Jo Struyven Author(s): Jo Struyven & Nathalie Strubbe
9789081925310 (HB‐E/ F/ NL/ G)
Fourteen kilometers that have been splendidly photographed by Jo Struyven. By leafing through this book, you will be able to discover the numerous faces of the Port of Brussels. From the rural spaces of Anderlecht to the industrial activity of the outer port, via the locks, the many bridges over the canal and the densely populated downtown area of Brussels. For twenty years, the port authorities, with the Brussels‐capital Region's support, have been striving to modernise the port facility of Brussels and to [BE] Acta‐S, April 2013, € 25,00, Hardback,223x400 mm, Eng./Fr/NL/Germ. ed., 120 p, ‐ SPECIAL PRICE ‐
Land in Zicht ‐ Terre en Vue ‐ Land Ahoy Jo Struyven Author(s): Jo Struyven & Nathalie Strubbe
9789081925303 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
A trip by boat along the Belgian coast between 51° 22´ 09´´ N and 51° 05´ 20´´ N. June 2011, one day, 65 kms. One image, composed of 1500 pictures taken from the sea. A second boattrip along the English coast between 51° 23´ 38´´ N and 51° 04´ 22´´ N. October 2011, one day, 65 kms. One image, composed of 1500 pictures taken from the sea. [BE] Acta‐S, April 2013, € 30,00, Hardback,223x400 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 208 p,
Colouring Brussels Gwen Guéguan This is a coloring and activities book for children. The theme is Brussels and its eclectic architecture. When she lived in Brussels, Gwen Guégan drew many facades of houses, sometimes remarkable, sometimes simple. She had fun re‐composing the city, grouping the houses regardless of their geographical location but associating them according to her whim. [BE] CFC‐Éditions, Aug. 2019, € 12,00, Paperback,270x230 mm, Eng. ed., 52 p,
9782875720504 (PB‐E)
Bruxelles à colorier
ISBN 9782875720344 (F -Bruxelles à colorier)
Poèmes de pluies 9782875720467 (PB‐F)
Mélanie Godin Author(s): Serge Meurant, Anne Versailles, Virginie Cordier, Arnaud Matagne, Aliette Griz De 2017 à 2019, Mélanie Godin a imaginé des interventions artistiques dans plusieurs quartiers de la ville, invitant chacun à (ré)introduire de la poésie dans son quotidien. À l'aide d'un spray rendant les mots, typographiés sur des pochoirs en carton, visibles uniquement au contact de l'eau, des poèmes se sont ainsi révélés sous l'effet de la pluie à même un trottoir, des marches, un rebord de fenêtre dans la rue. Une cartographie des mots dans la ville s'est dessinée, menant d'un point à l'autre.. [BE] CFC‐Éditions, Nov. 2019, € 18,00, Paperback,220x165 mm, French ed., 112 p,
Le chemin de fer dans la ville Gares et urbanisation au nord‐est de Bruxelles 1850‐1930 Author(s): Alix Sacré Ce livre de la collection Lieux de mémoire propose un regard original sur le développement urbanistique de Bruxelles mis en corrélation avec le déploiement du chemin de fer à Bruxelles dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. [BE] CFC‐Éditions, Aug. 2019, € 18,00, Hardback,210x140 mm, French ed., 96 p,
9782875720429 (HB‐F)
Brilliant Maps An Atlas for Curious Minds Author(s): Ian Wright Which nations have North Korean embassies? What percentage of young people live with their families? Which country lists volleyball as its national sport? How much does it cost to get a pint around the world? And where can you find lions in the wild? Revelatory, thought‐provoking and fun, Brilliant Maps is a unique atlas of culture, history, politics and miscellanea, compiled by the editor of the iconic Brilliant Maps website. [UK] Granta (Faber), Oct. 2019, € 28,95, Hardback,245x190 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9781846276613 (HB‐E)
An Atlas of Geographical Wonders From Mountaintops to Riverbeds Author(s): Gilles Palsky, Jean‐Marc Besse, Philippe Grand
9781616898236 (HB‐E)
This is the first book to catalog comparative maps and tableaux that visualize the heights and lengths of the world's mountains and rivers. Produced predominantly in the nineteenth century, these beautifully rendered maps emerged out of the tide of exploration and scientific developments in measuring techniques. Beginning with the work of explorer Alexander von Humboldt, these historic drawings reveal a world of artistic and imaginative difference. Many of them give way to the power of fantasy... [US] Princeton, Sept. 2019, € 44,00, Hardback, 305x280 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, 156 col.ill.
In Miniature How Small Things Illuminate The World Author(s): Simon Garfield A delightful, entertaining and illuminating investigation into our peculiar fascination with making things small, and what small things tell us about the world at large. Simon Garfield reveals the secret histories of tiny Eiffel Towers, the truth about the flea circus, a doll's house made for a Queen, eerie tableaux of crime scenes, miniature food, model villages and railways, and more. [UK] Canongate (Faber), July 2019, € 14,50, Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p,
Hardback edition: ISBN 9781786890771 (Hb)
9781786890795 (PB‐E) 44
An Underground Guide to Sewers or: Down, Through and Out in Paris, London, New York, &c. Author(s): Stephen Halliday
9780500252352 (HB‐E)
Lose yourself in the vast sewer networks that lie beneath the world's great cities ‐ past and present. Let detailed archival plans, maps and photographs guide you through these subterranean labyrinths ‐ previously accessible only to their builders, engineers and, perhaps, the odd rogue explorer. This execrable exploration traces the evolution of waste management from the ingenious infra‐structures of the ancient world to the seeping cesspits and festering open sewers of the medieval period. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Sept. 2019, € 28,50, Hardback,240x170 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
How to Randall Munroe The world's most entertaining and useless self‐help guide, from the brilliant mind behind the wildly popular webcomic xkcd and the million‐selling What If? and Thing Explainer For any task you might want to do, there's a right way, a wrong way, and a way so monumentally bad that no one would ever try it. How To is a guide to the third kind of approach. It's full of highly impractical advice for everything from landing a plane to digging a hole. [UK] John Murray (Hachette), Sept; 2019, € 24,60, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 304 p,
9781473680326 (HB‐E)
Philosophers Their Lives and Works From Confucius and Plato to Karl Marx and Noam Chomsky, this book brings together more than 100 illustrated biographies of the world's great philosophers. Introduced with a stunning portrait of each featured philosopher, each profile traces the ideas, friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired the world's greatest thinkers and influenced their work, offering revealing insights into what drove them to question the meaning of life, and come up with new ways of understanding the world..
9780241301722 (HB‐E)
[UK] Dorling Kindersley, Sept. 2019, € 27,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
21 Lessons for the 21st Century Yuval Noah Harari Yuval Noah Harari returns in August 2018 with a new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. In bringing his focus to the here and now, Harari will help us to grapple with a world that is increasingly hard to comprehend, encouraging us to focus our minds on the essential questions we should be asking ourselves today. [UK] Random House ‐ Jonathan Cape Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 368 p, Aug. 2019, € 14,50 ISBN: 9781784708283 (PB‐E)
We Are the Weather
Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast Author(s): Jonathan Safran Foer Climate change is the single biggest threat to human survival ‐ and we are dealing with it all wrong. We take shorter showers to save water ‐ because we don't know that producing one pound of meat requires the equivalent of six months' showers in water waste. We buy hybrid cars ‐ because we don't know that just one day a week without meat consumption is equivalent to taking every car in America off the road. [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Hamish Hamilton, Sept. 2019, € 20,95, Trade Pb,x mm, Eng. ed., 288 p,
9780241405956 (TPB‐E)
She Speaks The Power of Women's Voices Author(s): Yvette Cooper Looking at the greatest speeches of all time, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Elizabeth I and Boudica were about the only women to have dipped a toe into the pool of public oratory. But the truth is very different ‐ countless brave and bold women have used their voices to inspire change, transform lives and radically alter history. In this timely and personal anthology, Yvette Cooper MP tells the story of 30 inspirational speeches given by women. [UK] Atlantic (Faber), , € 14,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9781786499929 (HB‐E)
On the Shoulders of Giants The Milan Lectures Author(s): Umberto Eco The final collection of essays from the internationally acclaimed and bestselling author of The Name of the Rose and The Prague Cemetery, on the subjects of art and culture. In this collection of essays we find Umberto Eco's perennial areas of interest explored in a lively and engaging style, accompanied by beautiful reproductions of the art he discusses.
9781787301450 (HB‐E)
[UK] Random House ‐ Harvill Secker, Oct. 2019, € 35,95, Hardback,210x150 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p,
Porcelain Pugs. A Passion The T. & T. Collection Author(s): Editors: Claire Dumortier, Patrick Habets
9789462300415 (HB+‐E)
A treasure trove for dog‐lovers and porcelain enthusiasts alike, this book celebrates a collection of more than 100 porcelain pugs, most of which were designed in the mid‐18th century by Johann Joaquim Kändler, the eminent modeler in the Meissen porcelain factory in Germany. Stunning new photography of the objects is accompanied by essays that place the figures in their historical and artistic context. [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds, Nov. 2019, € 49,95, Hardback with dust jacket, 270x240 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 170 col. & bw ill.
Cabinets of Curiosities Author(s): Patrick Mauriès Unicorns' horns, mermaids' skeletons, stuffed and preserved animals and plants, precious metals, clocks, scientific instruments, celestial globes‐‐all knowledge, the whole cosmos, arranged on shelves in a single room. Such were the cabinets of curiosities of the seventeenth century, the last period of history when man could aspire to know everything. [UK] Thames & Hudson, July 2019, € 28,00, Hardback,259x190 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9780500022887 (HB‐E)
Miller’s Antiques Handbook & Price Guide 2020‐2021 Author(s): Judith Miller Miller's Antiques Handbook & Price Guide remains the essential and trusted guide to the antiques market. It has earned the reputation of being the book no dealer, collector or auctioneer should be without. Compiled by Judith Miller, world‐renowned antiques expert and co‐founder of the book, the guide features more than 8,000 antiques. [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus), Sept. 2019, € 44,00, Hardback,250x190 mm, Eng. ed., 600 p,
9781784725266 (HB‐E) 47
Sculptures of the Nigerian Middle Belt Author(s): Jan Strybol. Fotografie: Dominique Provost The ethnographic literature of the 20th century focused mainly on the sculptural traditions of the numerous ethnic groups that populated Southern Nigeria while the more northern areas remained largely terra incognita. In 2013 Jan Strybol published a study on the sculpture of Northern Nigeria. He pointed out that in many parts of this region there are peoples who still had, at least until recently, their own sculptural tradition. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek, Aug. 2019, € 75,00, Hardback, 280x210 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 144 p, 100 col. & bw ill.
9789058566294 (HB‐E/ F)
In Praise of the Human Form Josette and Jean‐Claude Weill Collection Author(s): Edited by Charles‐Wesley Hourdé While the foundations of the Josette and Jean‐Claude Weill Collection lie in painting, their passion for seeking out exciting new forms soon led them to embrace the infinite diversity of tribal art. Expanded over the decades under the enthusiastic stewardship of their son Jean‐Pierre, the collection now includes over 120 works of the very highest order, covering Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. [IT] 5 Continents Editions (ACC), Sept. 2019, € 68,95, Hardback, 285x240 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, 240 col.ill.
9788874398980 (HB‐E)
Kifwebe A Century of Songye and Luba Masks Author(s): Francois Neyt, Polly Nooter, Kevin Dumouchelle, Woods Davy Kifwebe masks are ceremonial objects used by the Songye and Luba societies (Democratic Republic of Congo), where they are worn with costumes consisting of a long robe and a long beard made of plant fibres. As in other central African cultures, the same mask can be used in either magical and religious or festive ceremonies. In order to understand Kifwebe masks, it is essential to consider them within the cosmogony of the python rainbow, metalworking in the forge, and other plant and animal signs. [IT] 5 Continents Editions (ACC), Jan. 2020, € 112,50, Hardback, 337x241 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 175 col.ill.
9788874398645 (HB‐E)
Glasworks Inside/Outside Author(s): Piet Augustijns, Geertje Bruyninckx, Tim Costima, Hilde De Ruysscher, Dominique Everaert, Jan Geens, Les Nossent, Dirk Schrijvers, Roland Severijns, ...
9789058566362 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Christine Vanoppen volgde de opleiding Monumentale Kunsten aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten van Antwerpen omwille van haar belangstelling voor architectuur en meer in het bijzonder de relatie tussen beeldend werk en de private en publieke ruimte. Het was tijdens die periode dat ze besloot om met glas te gaan werken, een materie die soepel, buigzaam en tegelijkertijd stug en broos is; een uitdaging! [BE] Stichting Kunstboek, Sept. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback, 300x230 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 144 p, 100 col. & bw ill.
Fanny Viollet Une histoire de femme et de fil Cet ouvrage dresse un panorama de l'oeuvre d'une plasticienne qui, en tant que femme, a décidé d'abandonner la toile et le pinceau au profit du fil et de l'aiguille. La première partie de l'ouvrage est consacrée aux regards et réflexions d'historiens, de critiques et d'écrivains sur le travail de l'artiste. [BE] Yellow Now, Sept. 2019, € 30,00, Hardback,225x235 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 180 p,
9782873404536 (HB‐E/ F)
Expo: 18/09/2019 ‐ 26/10/2019., Maison des arts, Châtillon. Coédition 100 Titres – Yellow Now
New Wave Clay Ceramic Design Art and Architecture Author(s): Tom Morris A 296 ‐ page survey of 80 international ceramicists who bridge the worlds of product design, interiors, fine art and luxury craftsmanship. The book will examine a new breed of ceramicist: not traditional artis ans, but designers who choose clay as their means of creative expression. It is divided into four thematic chapters and accompanied by written contributions on the subject from designe rs, decorators and collectors. [NL] Frame, Sept. 2019 ‐R/P, € 39,00, Hardback, 260x200 mm, Eng. ed., 296 p, 400 col. & bw ill. Reprint. First published April 2018
9789492311245 (HB‐E)
Bai Ming Vibrations de la Terre ‐ Vibrations of the Earth Author(s): Christine Shimizu Bai Ming is a is a multi‐facetted visual artist, professor and lecturer, director of the Department of Ceramics at Qinghua University (Beijing), and the Shangyu Celadon Int'l Art Centre of Contemporary Ceramics. Above all, he also heads two workshops, where he boldly mixes ancestral techniques, traditions and practices with those of international contemporary art. The delicacy of his technique in ceramics, painting and lacquer has revitalised Chinese porcelain, freeing it from its archaic forms.
9782930451305 (HB‐E/ F)
[BE] Prisme Éditions, Oct. 2019, € 39,00, Hardback,260x200 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 160 p, Expo: 16/11/2019 ‐ 15/03/2020, Keramis, La Louvière
N°3 of the collection «Keramis»
Kwon Dae Sup Author(s): Axel Vervoordt Kwon Dae‐sup is a Korean contemporary pottery master known for his series of Moon Jars, traditional Korean plain white porcelain which was originally made during the late 17th through 18th century, the late period of the Choson Dynasty (1392‐1910). Originally trained as a painter in Honkik University, Kwon was introduced to moon jars in 1970s and became so fascinated that he changed his course of life to pottery. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Dec. 2019, € 39,99, Paperback,345x255 mm, Eng. ed., 156 p,
9789463930833 (PB‐E)
Ed Miller Author(s): Arjen Ribbens Nobody can remember that the wood turner Ed Miller (1928‐2017) ever considered himself an artist. At the very most, he'd speak of "the art of wood," or 'the art of turning.' Miller was a medical man from Columbus, Ohio. He was a man who had an incredible urge to create. From the age of thirteen until just before his death, he would regularly stand at a lathe and engraved his name in no less than two thousand wooden bowls and platters. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Dec. 2019, € 39,99, Paperback,345x255 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p,
9789463930826 (PB‐E) 50
Harry Gruyaert Last Call Author(s): Harry Gruyaert Alongside American photographers such as Saul Leiter, Joel Meyerowitz, Stephen Shore and William Eggleston, Harry Gruyaert became one of the few European pioneers to explore the creative possibilities of colour in the 1970s and 1980s. The previous decades had elevated black and white photography to the realms of art, relegating colour to use in advertising, the press and illustration. Gruyaert’s work suggested new territory: an emotive, non‐narrative and boldly graphic way of perceiving the world. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Oct. 2019, € 42,50, Paperback,317x235 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p, Paperback with transparent jacket
9780500545225 (PB‐E)
1:20 Bastiaan Van Aarle One of the remarkable things in Iceland is that the sun doesn't set during summer. This book visualizes this change in light: these thirty‐one images, each taken at 01:20 AM, represent the darkest moment of every day in the month of July. At the same time, 01:20 is also a documentary about a small fishing village, seclusion and everyday life, romance and roughness?an alternative to today's globalized world. [G] Hatje Cantz (Thames), Aug. 2019, € 33,50, Paperback,305x241 mm, Eng. ed., 64 p,
9783775746007 (PB‐E)
Turning 18 Anne‐Catherine Chevalier Author(s): Anne‐Catherine Chevalier, Geneviève Damas Dreams, fears, projects, desires. Being 18, with your future in front of you: it's a special time, which the talented photographer, Anne‐Catherine Chevalier, has tried to capture. Her sensitive lens is matched by the delicate writing of Geneviève Damas: the result is a selection of 50 exceptional portraits. [BE] Prisme Éditions, Aug. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback, 260x200 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 112 p, 50 col. & bw ill.
9782930451336 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Expo: 12/09/2019 ‐ 26/10/2019, Hangar Gallery, Brussels
Damien Caumiant Construire un feu ‐ Angle vif #28 Author(s): Textes et images de Damien Caumiant La pratique de Damien Caumiant s'articule autour de l'idée du déplacement, de l'exploration du territoire et de l'espace; elle est avant tout liée au sens d'un profond dépaysement et d'un questionnement itinérant, plus ou moins rêveur, dans la lignée des photographes (Philippe Herbet en tête) qu'il fréquente ou dont, avec prudence et modestie, il admire le travail. [BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Photo, Aug. 2019, € 20,00, Hardback,210x165 mm, French ed., 144 p,
9782873404550 (HB‐F)
Alexis Gicart Hinterland.
Author(s): Alexis Gicart. Texte: Noémie Nicolas The Hinterland photographic series is a long‐term project exploring the different realities of a territory. These images show marginal places, fragmented transition zones, abandoned structures; spaces between proximity and distance, presence and absence, natural and artificial. They also have a fictional potential: a territory beyond the visible or known, this strange hinterland where life begins and ends.
9782875720443 (PB‐E/ F/ NL)
[BE] CFC‐Éditions, Aug. 2019, € 24,00, Paperback,255x195 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 96 p,
Debby Huysmans Flotsam
In de foto's van Debby Huysmans zien we hoe de dagelijkse realiteit wordt gedocumenteerd. Tijdens haar reizen naar voormalige communistische landen probeert ze authentieke momenten vast te leggen zonder strikte narratieve lijnen. Hoewel het niet om onze realiteit gaat, zijn de foto's toch sterk herkenbaar. Huymans' werk legt de veranderingen vast die door het modernisatieproces zijn teweeggebracht. [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Sept. 2019, € 34,00, Paperback,240x150 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p,
9789463930840 (PB‐E)
9879463930857 (PB‐E)
Tim Onderbeke Labyrinth
Author(s): Veronique Boone Na het afwerken van een reeks foto's over Bruta‐lisme in opdracht van een Belgisch magazine bleef Tim Onderbeke (°1983, Gentbrugge) met een ongenoegen zitten. "Wat is de intentie van een gebouw? Wat betekent de symbiose van het functionele en de esthetiek beïnvloed door zijn tijd en welke invloed heeft dit op het het landschap zoals we het vandaag kennen? [BE] MER ‐ B&L, Sept. 2019, € 39,00, Paperback,297x210 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p,
Visa pour l'image 2019 Depuis sa première édition en 1989, le festival nous rappelle que, pour une information visuelle de qualité, le regard du photojournaliste est indispensable. Rendez‐vous immanquable des amoureux de la photographie et du reportage, le festival réunit plus de 220 000 visiteurs chaque année à Perpignan. [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France), Aug. 2019, € 25,00, Paperback, 230x170 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 192 p, 1580 col. & bw ill. Expo: 31/08/2019 ‐ 15/09/2019, Festival International du Photojournalisme, Perpignan
9789461615442 (PB‐E/ F) 53
Fadia Ahmad Beyrouth | Beirut Author(s): Pascale Le Thorel Fadia Ahmad, née en 1975, vit et travaille à Beyrouth. Photographe, elle a réalisé des séries sur la ville de Beyrouth, les camps de réfugiés, et sur le thème du voyage, en Afrique et en Asie. Elle sillonne quotidiennement sa ville depuis 2003 selon un parcours de 10 452 mètres qui est un échantillon de la surface du Liban, 10 452 km2. Quartier après quartier, maison après maison, elle explore la ville tel Le Piéton de Paris de Jean‐Paul Fargue.
9782376660262 (HB‐E/ F)
[F] Norma Editions, Oct. 2019, € 49,00, Hardback, 305x246 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 192 p, 160 col. & bw ill. Expo: Oct ‐ Dec 2019, Beit, Beirut
Surf Like a Girl Author(s): Carolina Amell If you thought surfing was a male‐dominated sport, think again. The thirty women surfers profiled in this thrilling collection can rip a wave with the best of them. Hailing from all over the world, each surfer is featured in spectacular photography and with their own inspirational words.
[UK] Prestel, Aug. 2019, € 46,95, Hardback,298x241 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9783791385952 (HB‐E)
Vincent Peters Selected Works
9783961712281 (HB‐E)
Vincent Peters, born in Bremen, Germany, in 1969, is one of today’s most active fashion photographers. At age of 20, he moved to New York, where he worked as a photo assistant. Upon his return to Europe, he worked for a number of art galleries before launching his own fashion photography career at Giovanni Testino. Peters’s clients include Wolfgang Joop, Bottega Veneta, Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss, Emporio Armani, and Lancôme. Over the last quarter century, Vincent Peters’s photographs have graced the pages of Vogue, Glamour, and GQ and defined fashion campaigns from Dior to Hugo Boss to Yves Saint Laurent. One of the most sought‐after portrait and fashion photographers, Vincent Peters prints also have a significant following in the fine art market.
[G] teNeues, June 2019, € 30,00, Hardback, 240x195 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 177 duotone ill.
Anton Corbijn The Living and the Dead ‐ Special price ! ‐ Anton Corbijn's most recent publication goes back to his roots featuring his autobiographic series a. somebody; an early series of tombs, Cemetery; and eighty iconic portraits of musicians and bands from his career of 40 years. [G] Schirmer/ Mosel, June 2018, € 19,80, Hardback, 280x225 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 160 p, 110 col.ill. Special Price: now at 19,80 euro !! Expo: 7/6/2018 ‐ 6/1/2019, Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg
9783829608343 (HB‐E/ G)
Thomas Struth Unconscious Places Unconscious Places presents Thomas Struth's photographs of streets in all parts of the world: narrow lanes in Edinburgh and Naples, satellite towns in Pyongyang, thoroughfares in Lima and Los Angeles, grand boulevards in St. Petersburg, New York, and Beijing. Frequently devoid of people, Struth's urban landscapes are also a critical depiction of different human habitats. Unchanged reprint in reduced size at a quite reasonable price. [G] Schirmer/ Mosel, Oct. 2019, € 29,80, Hardback, 200x190 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 300 p, 258 col.ill.
9783829608800 (HB‐E/ G) 55
Douglas Kirkland Douglas Kirkland is the legendary photographer who captured Hollywood elite. Kirkland has been the cutting edge of fashion, photojournalism and portraiture, working for the world's most reputable magazines for more than 50 years. As a young photographer in 1961 he was assigned to shoot Marilyn Monroe during several hours in a closed studio one night, captured a stunning portfolio of alluring and intimate images that survive to this day as a testament to her beauty and vulnerability. [IT] Silvana, July 2019, € 24,00, Hardback, 280x230 mm, Eng./ It. ed., 96 p, 50 col. & bw ill.
9788836643189 (HB‐E/ IT)
Magnum Streetwise Author(s): Magnum Photos Magnum Streetwise is the definitive collection of street photography from Magnum Photos, and an unparalleled opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the true greats of the genre. An essential addition to the street photography canon, this volume showcases hidden gems alongside many of street photography's most famous images. Magnum photographers such as Henri Cartier‐Bresson pioneered modern concepts of street photography before the term was even coined.
9780500545072 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson +, Oct. 2019, € 37,00, Hardback, 242x190 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p, 329 col.ill.
Northern Plains Native Americans A Modern Wet Plate Perspective Author(s): Shane Balkowitsch North Dakotan Shane Balkowitsch's first personal camera was not an Instamatic Kodak or a point‐and‐ shoot Nikon, but rather a large format wet plate camera. As a self‐taught 'image‐maker' and one of the fewer than 1,000 wet plate collodion artists practicing around the world, Balkowitsch has fully devoted himself to mastering the obsolete photographic technology since 2012. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC, Sept. 2019, € 50,00, Hardback, 320x250 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, 54 bw ill.
9781943876082 (HB‐E) 56
Inge Morath The life and photography Author(s): Edited by Marco Minuz This book is dedicated to Inge Morath (Graz, 1923 ‐ New York, 2002), an exceptional photographer and refined intellectual, as well as the first woman to be admitted to the famous Magnum Photos agency. Over 150 photographs and documents retrace the main phases of her work, highlighting the humanity that characterizes her entire production. [IT] Silvana, July 2019, € 30,00, Hardback,250x200 mm, Eng./ It. ed., 208 p,
9788836643165 (HB‐E/ IT)
Expo: 01/03/2019 ‐ 02/06/2019, Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso
Autofocus: The Car in Photography Author(s): Marta Weiss Undeniably one of the most influential innovations of the modern world, the car has revolutionized manufacturing and transformed how we move, forever changing our landscapes, cities, environments and economies. With each revolution, each transformation, have come almost unmatched impacts upon wider culture, changing not only the way we live, but the ways we look at and consider the world around us. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Oct. 2019, € 34,95, Hardback,250x195 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
9780500480526 (HB‐E)
Into the Woods: Trees in Photography Trees and Photography Author(s): Martin Barnes Wild or cultivated, rural or urban, solitary or within a forest, trees have long provided a compelling source of inspiration for artists and photographers alike. Both as stand‐alone aesthetic objects and as symbols of broader cultural significance, trees have an understated, sometimes underappreciated, ability to evoke a deep, primal sense of wonder. With over 100 outstanding images, including photographs by Ansel Adams, Alfred Stieglitz, Henry Irving, Agnes Warburg, Mark Edwards and Edward Steichen, a.o.
9780500480533 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Oct. 2019, € 34,95, Hardback, 250x195 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, 141 col. & bw ill.
Tim Walker Shoot for the Moon
9780500545027 (PB‐E)
‘Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars’ Norman Vincent Peale Tim Walker’s monograph Story Teller, published by Thames & Hudson, introduced audiences to this unique photographer’s fantastical, magical worlds, conjured anew with each shoot. But every point must have its counterpoint, day its night, light its dark; creativity is no different. Shoot for the Moon, Walker’s much anticipated followup, draws audiences close to reveal fantasy’s other, darker side. Delving deep into the art and mind of one of the most exciting and original fashion photographers working today, Shoot for the Moon showcases the gamut of Walker’s weird, wild Wonderlands. In images that demand to be read as art as much as fashion, his signature opulence and decadent eccentricity encroach ever further beyond the ‘real’, exploring the mysteries of imagination and inspiration, and where it is they come from. Dazzlingly designed to a lavish spec, with images featuring some of the biggest names in fashion and contemporary culture, and texts and commentary by a collection of noteworthy contributors as well as Walker himself, Shoot for the Moon is set to be an unmissable addition to the lexicon of fashion photography. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Sept. 2019, € 115,00, Paperback,324x248 mm, Eng. ed., 340 p,
Tim Walker Wonderful Things Author(s): Susanna Brown, Tim Walker A journey through the unique creative mind of one of the world's leading photographers, this book includes over 100 new photographs by Tim Walker, inspired by the V&A's enormous and eclectic collection, from Renaissance stained glass to an Alexander McQueen gown. Known for creating fantastical, elaborately staged images, Walker collaborates with set designers, stylists, hair and make‐up artists, models and muses to bring his imagination to life.
9781851779710 (HB‐E)
[UK] V&A Museum, Sept. 2019, € 37,50, Hardback, 270x216 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, 200 col.ill. Expo: 21/09/2019 ‐ 08/03/2020, V&A Museum, London
Sally Mann. At Twelve Portraits of Young Women (30th Anniversary Edition) Author(s): Sally Mann First published by Aperture in 1988, At Twelve: Portraits of Young Women is a contemporary classic by one of photography's most renowned photographers. To mark the book's thirtieth anniversary, Aperture is reoriginating it in a masterful facsimile edition that retains the purity of the original. [US] Aperture, Oct. 2019, € 56,00, Hardback,276x238 mm, Eng. ed., 56 p,
9781597114585 (HB‐E)
Hiroshi Sugimoto Architecture
Author(s): Hiroshi Sugimoto Known for his long‐exposure photographic series Hiroshi Sugimoto has been turning his camera on international icons of twentieth‐century architecture since 1997. His deliberately blurred and seemingly timeless photographs depict structures as diverse as the Empire State Building and Le Corbusier's Chapel de Notre Dame du Haut. The resulting black‐and‐white photographs, shot distinctly out of focus and from unusual angles, are not attempts at documentation but rather evocation .. [IT] Damiani, Oct. 2019, € 63,95, Hardback,279x254 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
9788862086585 (HB‐E)
Cindy Sherman That's Me Author(s): Paul Moorhouse This major new retrospective of works by leading contemporary artist Cindy Sherman will explore the development of Sherman's work from the mid‐1970s to the present day, and will feature around 150 works. Whether using make‐up, costumes, props and prosthetics to manipulate her own appearance, or devising elaborate tableaux, her entire body of 40 years' work constitutes a highly distinctive response to contemporary and earlier culture, whose stylistic tropes she appropriates and quotes.
9781855147126 (HB‐E)
[UK] National Portrait Gallery, June 2019, € 48,95, Hardback, 340x250 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 120 col. & bw ill. Expo: 27/6/2019 ‐ 15/9/2019, National Portrait Gallery, London
Anders Petersen Stockholm
9789171264862 (HB‐E)
Renowned photographer Anders Petersen turns his lens on the people of his home city, Stockholm Photographer Anders Petersen has spent four years documenting the people and urban spaces of Stockholm. The work is a unique document of our time, its hustle and bustle and tranquil spaces, its joy, sorrow and love. Following in a tradition of Stockholm photographers, this, however, is the first time Anders Petersen has chronicled his own city. He has previously documented Café Lehmitz in Hamburg, Gröna Lund in Stockholm, Rome, mental hospitals, circuses and prisons. Anders’ new book is filled from page to page with hundreds of photographs depicting life in Stockholm in 2015–2018. These are images of a rapidly expanding city, of everyday life and celebration, of young and old, snow falling on Katarinavägen, a parade of dachshunds in Gärdet, an operating theatre in Danderyd, New Year’s Eve celebrations at Skeppsbron’s giant Christmas tree... [SW] Max Ström (T&H distr), Aug. 2019, € 62,95, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
Daido Moriyama: A Diary. Hasselblad Award 2019 Author(s): Ed.: Sara Walker, Louise Wolthers With its generous image flow, this book celebrates Daido Moriyama as the 2019 Hasselblad Award winner and his highly influential, lifelong radical and authentic approach to photography. "A Diary" points to his continuous, daily photographic expeditions, resulting in an oeuvre charged with fragments, repetitions, chance and chaos. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag (T&H distr), Oct. 2019, € 53,50, Hardback,300x249 mm, Eng. ed., 250 p, price to be confirmed
9783960986621 (HB‐E)
Photographs Author(s): Phil Penman Leica ambassador photographer Phil Penman understands New York City as a 'kind of living thing in itself' ‐ a creature of unrelenting motion and metamorphosis and a thing of serendipitous beauty. For over two decades, he has kept his fingers on the pulse of the city, pounding the pavement on the frenzied streets as a portraitist of local personalities, fine art photographer documenting the sublime cityscape, and a paparazzo, chasing stars who circulate through the world's greatest city from around the globe [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC, July 2019, € 75,00, Hardback, 305x254 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 28 col.ill.
9780999243053 (HB‐E) 60
Jessica Lange Highway 61 9781576879375 (HB‐E)
"I was born in a small town in Northern Minnesota on Highway 61, as were my mother and father, my sisters. ...I drove that road countless times growing up and have been driving it again often in the last eight years, back and forth between New Orleans and my Minnesota,... The landscape forlorn, you sense a longing for what has gone missing. The small towns, the stores, neighborhoods, family farms, the factories. Even the strip malls have failed. What remains is mysterious, melancholy, lonely." [US] Powerhouse Books, Oct. 2019, € 75,00, Hardback,320x277 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p,
Vivian Maier Developed The Real Story of the Photographer Nanny Author(s): Ann Marks Author Ann Marks unravels the mysteries surrounding the life of Vivian Maier, the nanny who lived secretly as a world‐class photographer. Revelations include a traumatic New York childhood with a family at such odds, its ten members were buried in nine different cemeteries. An emotionally damaged Maier overcame early constraints through fortitude, intellect, and immense creative resources, to live an independent, fulfilling life on her own terms. [US] Powerhouse Books, Dec. 2019, € 28,00, Hardback, 229x152 mm, Eng. ed., 250 p, 500 col. & bw ill.
9781576879030 (HB‐E)
Always Audrey Six Iconic Photographers. One Legendary Star. Author(s): Iconic Images, Introduction by Terence Pepper Audrey Hepburn once said "I never thought I'd land in pictures with a face like mine." Nothing could be further from the truth. As one of the 20th century's most loved icons, her face is instantly recognisable the world over. Here, for the first time, ACC Art Books and Iconic Images proudly present the work of six wonderful photographers ‐ Norman Parkinson, Milton H. Greene, Douglas Kirkland, Lawrence Fried, Terry O'Neill and Eva Sereny ‐ who captured the star at different moments of her life. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Sept. 2019, € 56,50, Hardback, 325x285 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, 171 col. & bw ill.
9781788840323 (HB‐E)
The Essential Marilyn Monroe Milton H. Greene: 50 Sessions Author(s): Joshua Greene
9781788840361 (HB‐E)
Now Joshua Greene, in conjunction with Iconic Images, presents The Essential Marilyn Monroe: Milton H. Greene, 50 Sessions. With 280 photographs, including newly scanned and restored classics, as well as images that have appeared only once in publication, Greene's Marilyn Monroe archive can finally be viewed as it was originally intended when these pictures were first produced more than 60 years ago. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Sept. 2019, € 44,00, Hardback, 250x250 mm, Eng. ed., 368 p, 167 col.ill. New format, lower price
Nathalie Amand Parêtre ‐ Angle vif #27 Author(s): Nathalie Amand, Emmanuel d’Autreppe La photographie entretient un rapport complexe et subtil avec la réalité : elle la reproduit de manière fidèle mais ne l'est pas puisqu'elle est soumise au regard subjectif du photographe. Celle que pratique Nathalie Amand emprunte tout autant aux mises en scène et aux poses obscènes des toutdébuts de la photographie pornographique. [BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Photo, Aug. 2019, € 20,00, Hardback,210x165 mm, French ed., 120 p,
9782873404543 (HB‐F)
Nude Stefan Rappo
9783961712236 (HB‐E/ F/ G)
Stefan Rappo's nude photography strikes an intriguing note between intimacy and distance. At first, the viewer feels a certain distance, and in the next moment they are entangled in the picture's tangible tensions and emotions. A longtime assistant to Peter Lindbergh and a renowned portrait photographer, Rappo has found his own nude pictorial language that focuses on the female form‐at times drawing on the studio tradition and at others reveling in the body in motion. [G] teNeues, July 2019, € 40,00, Hardback, 235x300 mm, Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., 208 p, 200 col. & bw ill.
Tom Waits by Matt Mahurin A collection of wildly inventive portraits of musician Tom Waits, the result of a 30‐year collaboration with photographer and illustrator Matt Mahurin. This visually arresting book is a testament to the unique collaboration, going back three decades, between the photographer and illustrator Matt Mahurin and the musician Tom Waits.
9781419739095 (HB+‐E)
Having shot magazine portraits, album covers, and music videos of Waits, Mahurin was inspired to resurrect 100 dormant film negatives as a jumping off point to explore his own surreal, poetic, and occasion‐ally dark vision. The images vary from traditional por‐traits to ones that capture Waits in concert?but the majority are richly imagined scenes in which Waits is more muse than musician. In addition to the diverse images, the book includes a foreword by Waits, an essay by Mahurin on their longtime collaboration, and 20 original paintings, drawings, photographs, and digital images inspired by Waits’s song titles. [US] Abrams, Oct. 2019, € 49,90, Hardback with dust jacket, 305x305 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 175 col.ill.
Bowie by O'Neill The definitive collection with unseen images Author(s): Terry O'Neill This book is the breathtaking result of iconic photographer Terry O'Neill's creative partnership with David Bowie that spanned over a number of years, including images published here for the first time. [UK] Cassell (octopus), Sept. 2019 ‐R/P, € 50,50, Hardback, Eng. ed., 340 p, Reprint
9781788401012 (HB‐E)
Jim Marshall Show Me the Picture Author(s): Amelia Davis
9781452180373 (HB BOX‐E)
Jim Marshall created iconic images of rock 'n' roll stars, jazz greats, and civil rights leaders. He had the power to look into the soul of an individual and to capture the mood of an entire generation. This deluxe, career‐spanning volume showcases hundreds of photographs: intimate portraits, heady crowd scenes, and haunting street shots evoking the sights and sounds of the 1960s and 1970s. [US] Chronicle Books, Aug. 2019, € 50,50, Hb with slip case, 229x279 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, throughout col. & bw ill.
Fragile Pedro Jarque Krebs
9783961712229 (HB‐E/ F/ G/ SP)
There are few things more fascinating than the diversity of the animal kingdom—and it’s a wonder under immense threat. The latest figures estimate that 60 percent of all animal populations on our planet have been wiped out in the last 50 years. Pedro Jarque Krebs, a multi‐award‐winning wildlife photographer, focuses his lens on this fragile natural world to draw attention to its precarious situation. His photographs aim to break down the psychological and emotional barriers that separate us from our fellow creatures, capturing every animal—whether a bird, a reptile, or a big cat—in an atmosphere of breathtaking intimacy. Beautiful and humbling, his images give the animals their full and due dignity. They remind us that we are not the center of the universe, and that our most important project is to protect the intricate ecosystem of which we are just a small, constituent part. [G]] teNeue June 2019, € 50,00, Hardback, 320x250 mm, Eng/Fr/Germ/Span. ed., 220 p, 120 col.ill.
Forests in our World How the Climate Affects Woodlands Author(s): Gunther Willinger Global deforestation is not a doom‐laden future hypothesis, but a reality. Every year, forest areas the size of Austria are lost to the cultivation of crops, livestock, and the expansion of cities and infrastructure. This book is a tribute to and exploration of forests at a time when we urgently need to understand and protect them. It explores different forest types and their development according to local climate and soil conditions. [G] teNeues, Oct. 2019, € 50,00, Hardback, 320x250 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 120 col.ill.
9783961712182 (HB‐E)
Iran: Labyrinth of Imagination Maria Luisa Gaetani d'Aragona Iran ‐ known as Persia until 1935. The country is among the most loaded with history in the entire Asian continent. The cradle of ancient civilisations, it was the scene of events and changes that irreversibly modified the history of humanity. This beautiful volume of photographs by Maria Luisa Gaetani, who, on the occasion of her most recent trip to Iran, has been able to capture, with a rare sensitivity, the shapes and colours of the country, cities and buildings, but also people and everyday life. [IT] Silvana, July 2019, € 39,00, Hardback, 320x240 mm, Eng./ It. ed., 304 p, 200 col. & bw ill.
9788836643127 (HB‐E/ IT) 64
Horses of Iceland Author(s): Guadalupe Luiz A showcase of unfettered nature and the animal kingdom at its finest, this gorgeous photography book presents approximately 300 lush color images of the serene and spirited horses of Iceland in the rarefied, dramatic backdrop of their native landscape
9783961711956 (HB+‐E)
[G]] teNeue Jul. 2019, € 80,00, Hardback with dust jacket, 340x275 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p, 300 col.ill.
Polar Bears A Life Under Threat Author(s): Michel Rawicki Spectacular photographs of the polar bear: the largest carnivore to walk the earth today‐ Follows the bears across the Arctic, from settlements to forests, pack‐ice to tundra‐ Contains a collection of evocative essays and poetry‐ Foreword by Hubert ReevesA symbol of strength, survival despite hardship and ‐ more recently ‐ the perils of global warming, the polar bear wears many different faces across the world. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Oct. 2019, € 44,00, Hardback,300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p,
9781788840422 (HB‐E)
Lions Laurent Baheux The French photographer Laurent Baheux dedicates his new book to the "King of the Animals"‐the lion. Breathtaking black‐and‐white images create a powerful portrait of one of the most majestic and endangered species in the world. [G] teNeues, Sept. 2019, € 40,00, Hardback, 297x210 mm, Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., 192 p, 100 bw ill.
9783961712342 (HB‐E/ F/ G) 65
The World ‐ Michael Poliza Limited and numbered XXL photo book Michael Poliza is more than a seasoned globetrotter who has traveled through almost 170 countries. He is also a collector of the world, always on the lookout for breathtaking landscapes, remote regions, and intact nature reserves. With his camera ever on hand, Poliza does not only want to experience the beauty of the planet, but also to make it accessible to all.
9783961712120 (HB‐E/ G)
In his two great books, Africa and Eyes over Africa, as well as his single volumes on South Africa, Kenya, and Namibia, Poliza opened our eyes to the diversity of the African continent. In AntArctic, the WWF ambassador created a sensitive double portrait of the polar regions. And in his characteristic aerial photographs, he even opened up new perspectives on well‐known places like Mallorca. In this new limited edition, The World, Poliza opens his digital treasure chest to reveal previously unpublished images from all seven continents. Like a true photographic world tour, we travel with him to Australia and New Zealand, to Vietnam and Myanmar, to the west of the USA and north to Canada, to the Galapagos Islands and Bolivia, across the Antarctic and the many lands of Africa. No matter how different the regions he explores, the photographer always captures extraordinary images, instilling both the beauty of our planet and an urgent need to protect the natural world. [G] teNeues, Sept. 2019, € 250,00, Hardback, 485x380 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 416 p, 200 col.ill. Available as two special editions and two collector's editions
Tales from the Roads Less Traveled Pie Aerts
9783961711970 (HB‐E/ F/ G)
In the past few years, Dutch photographer Pie Aerts has traveled to some of the most remote corners of our planet. From the deep jungles of West Papua to the high plains of Bolivia, from the tiniest Himalayan mountain villages to the beating heart of the Okavango Delta, Pie ventures well off the beaten track to capture real people and everyday experiences in extraordinary habitats around the globe. The avid Instagrammer now presents his best travel photographs in Tales from the Roads Less Traveled. Featuring vibrant images alongside first‐hand travel anecdotes, the book invites Pie’s many fans to join his photographic world tour, together with his girlfriend and favorite model, Jessica Wintz. Page after page brings viewers face‐to‐ face with astonishing landscapes, captivating characters, and some of the most awesome and endangered animals. With Pie’s unique view on people, wildlife, and nature, Tales from the Roads Less Traveled provides a unique view on our beautiful planet, as well as a new sense of belonging and community around the globe. [G]] teNeue Jul. 2019, € 60,00, Hardback, 320x250 mm, Eng./Fr./Germ. ed., 288 p, 190 col.ill.
Water ‐ Sebastian Rudi A Journey through the element
9783961712212 (HB‐E/ G)
A large‐format photographic book presenting water in all its diversity and beauty. Includes fascinating texts on the natural history of water on earth. Where does it come from? What role has it played in the emergence of life? An original gift for science buffs, nature lovers, and photography enthusiasts alike. [G] teNeues, Aug. 2019, € 40,00, Hardback, 235x300 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 288 p, 200 col.ill.
Live from F*cking Everywhere Adam Katz Sinding Adam Katz Sinding, formerly known as Le 21ème, is a true innovator in the realm of street‐style photography. Since 2003, Sinding spends the majority of the year documenting the fashion zeitgeist. In this new publication, he widens his scope and explores culture and landmarks with the same sophisticated eye he uses to photograph fashion. In the last year, he has traveled through over 35 countries across the globe, snapping a breathtaking number of beautiful photos that capture the essence of a place. [G] teNeues, Jun. 2019, € 40,00, Hardback, 300x220 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, 299 col.ill.
9783961711994 (HB‐E)
Jimmy Nelson Before they pass away ‐ Compact edition‐ Author(s): Jimmy Nelson
9783832733186 (HB‐E/ G) ISBN: 9783832734503 (F)
This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles, art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are the guardians of a culture that they‐and we‐hope will be passed on to future generations in all its glory. [G] teNeues, Feb. 2018 ‐R/P, € 49,90, Hardback, 320x250 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 304 p, 320 col.ill. Reprint ‐ Available again !
9789492567147 (HB‐E/ F/ NL)
Juliaan Lampens 1950‐1991 Juliaan Lampens 1950‐1991 is the reissue of the catalogue published by the deSingel Arts Centre in 1991. The hand of the master is present in every facet of this publication, which makes this a unique reference work. In both a literal and figurative sense, Lampens helped shape the book: he selected the texts and images, wrote specifically for the publication and collaborated with the designer. Publications about Juliaan Lampens are scarce and highly sought after. Interest in the architect's oeuvre has only increased in recent years, including internationally, as demonstrated by the special edition of the renowned Japanese architecture magazine a+u that was devoted to Lampens. With this reissue, supplemented by an updated biography, the Flanders Architecture Institute is responding to an ever‐growing demand. Previously untranslated texts are now provided in both French and English, thereby offering the reader three equivalent language editions in one volume. [BE] VAi, Oct. 2019, € 49,50, Hardback, 217x301 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 136 p, throughout bw ill. facsimile 136 p. + insert 24 p.
Belgium New Architecture 7 Author(s): Ouvrage collectif architectures
9782930451312 (FLEXI‐E/ F/ NL)
The introduction to the 7th volume will focus on the broader theme of public space. How do you bring together habitat, mobility, social interactions, amenities/services and culture? How do you rethink urban mobility consistent with current technological, ecological and digital issues? What place does the citizen have in the public space, as a place to meet, a place where links are made and an clear driving force for the quality of life? What examples are there to follow and what solutions to offer? With the participation of the Bouwmeesters, who have set out for us their vision in Belgium, and of the Citilinks architects, for an international perspective ‐ from New York to Shanghai. A must read current and timeless about the greatest achievements of recent years. A book of reference for contemporary architecture which should be in every library. Offices/shops ‐ housing/working ‐ public spaces ‐ cultural & educational sites : 63 recently completed structures by Belgian and foreign architects, to be discovered, here in this tome. [BE] Prisme Éditions, Sept. 2019, € 49,50, Flexi (Pb luxe), 300x240 mm, Eng./Fr./NL ed., 288 p, throughout col. & bw ill.
Eren en citeren Onze grote architecten die ook iets te zeggen hebben Author(s): Filip Canfyn
9789078699064 (‐NL) ISBN 9789078699071 (Coasters)
In 'Eren & Citeren', een vestzakboekje dat tot stand kwam in samenwerking met Redactiebureau Palindroom, bespreekt Canfyn in zijn typische stijl een twintigtal belangrijke Belgische architecten die niet alleen een mooi oeuvre nagelaten hebben, maar die ook iets te zeggen hadden (of nog steeds hebben). Zo passeren onder andere Victor Horta, Henry van de Velde, Leon Stynen, Renaat Braem, Luc Deleu, Leo Van Broeck, Jo Crepain, Paul Robbrecht en Laurent Ney de revue. [BE] Palindroom, Sept. 2019, € 15,00, ,150x110 mm, NL ed., 216 p,
The Home Upgrade New Homes in Remodeled Buildings Author(s): Gestalten & Tessa Pearson
9783899559798 (HB‐E)
With a little imagination you can see the potential of an older property. Modern, sustainable design can transform an aging edifice into a stunning, one‐of‐a‐kind home with an eye to the future and a foot in the past. With a little imagination you can see the potential of an older property. Modern, sustainable design can transform an aging edifice into a stunning, one‐of‐a‐kind home with an eye to the future and a foot in the past. How do you you bring new life to a home while celebrating its unique character? Revealing the true potential of a heritage property is more about developing an eye for opportunity than inheriting the perfect home. The transformation from ugly duckling to swan requires savvy ideas and the right approach. From lush suburban residences to former churches and barns, The Home Upgrade shows the rewards of reinventing a historic property that needs work. Whether changing floor plans, adding extensions, or using sustainable building techniques and innovative new materials, the juxtaposition between the old and the new is key. Through diverse case studies and interviews with leading architectural studios, The Home Upgrade inspires you to bridge the gap between the old and the new with sensitive interior design. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Sept. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback, 300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, throughout col.ill.
We Build Drawings Author(s): Mikkel Frost 'Architects do not actually build buildings,' says Mikkel Frost, co‐founder of Danish architecture firm CEBRA. 'What we build is an idea. To visualize it, we build drawings.' Over 200 drawings are organized into 20 sections, each relating to one of CEBRA's projects. An index containing colour photographs and renders of their works further illuminates how the drawings are translated into reality. Introducing the book, a written version of Frost's TEDx talk: Let your fingers do the talking... [NL] Frame, Sept. 2019, € 29,00, Paperback, 208x145 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, 250 col. & bw ill.
9789492311382 (PB‐E)
A Chronology of Architecture Author(s): John Zukowsky
9780500343562 (HB‐E)
A Chronology of Architecture presents a fresh perspective on the medium by taking a purely chronological approach to its history, tracing the complex links between structural innovations, social changes, and artistic interventions. Organized around a central timeline that charts the development of architecture from the earliest structures to the present‐day skyscrapers and global cities, it features key buildings, together with commentaries and contextual info about the social, political and cultural events [UK] Thames & Hudson, Nov. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback, 254x216 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, 300 col. & bw ill.
Model City Pyongyang Author(s): Cristiano Bianchi Many 'model' cities, both imagined and physical, have existed throughout history; from the ideal cities of the Renaissance, Urbino, Pienza and Ferrara, to modernist utopias, such as Brasília or Chandigarh. North Korea's Pyongyang, however, is arguably unique. Entirely rebuilt following the Korean War (1950‐53), the city was planned and fully implemented to model a single ideological vision ‐ a guide for an entire state. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Sept. 2019, € 28,00, Hardback,185x210 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p,
9780500343531 (HB‐E)
Off the Grid Houses for Escape Author(s): Dominic Bradbury
9780500021422 (HB‐E)
Recent advances in technologies and home‐generated renewable energy have made building away from urban and rural infrastructures more practical and affordable than ever. This survey of the world's most innovative off‐grid homes reveals the cuttingedge architecture and technology that is enabling us to escape to some of the most extraordinary natural environments on the planet. All of the houses featured in this book are self‐sufficient in terms of energy, water and, in some cases, food. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Aug. 2019 ‐R/P, € 39,80, Hardback, 290x230 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, 268 col.ill., 42 bw ill. Reprint. First published Feb. 2019
New Nordic Houses Author(s): Dominic Bradbury Divided into four chapters ‐ rural cabins, coastal retreats, town houses and country homes ‐ this survey of over forty of Scandinavia's finest and most innovative houses features work by a broad spectrum of leading architects, such as Jon Danielsen Aarhus, Tham & Videgård, Snorre Stinessen, Reiulf Ramstad and Todd Saunders. The book is full of fresh thinking about living spaces that are at once universal and distinctively Nordic.
9780500021552 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson +, Aug. 2019, € 46,50, Hardback, 290x230 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 400 col. & bw ill.
White Houses Author(s): Philip Jodidio
9780500519837 (HB‐E)
This survey presents the most striking, innovative and unusual white houses by contemporary architects spanning the globe from Asia to the Americas, showcasing inspirational residential projects by established and emerging talents, including Aires Mateus, Jakob + Macfarlane, Jürgen Mayer and Shinichi Ogawa. From radical new takes on traditional building forms in Latin America to state‐of‐the‐art urban projects in Europe and Japan, each featured house employs the apparent simplicity of white to reflect light [UK] Thames & Hudson +, July 2019, € 48,95, Hardback, 260x230 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, 268 col. & bw ill.
Bricks Now & Then The Oldest Man‐Made Building Author(s): Chris van Uffelen The use and popularity of this building material has not feigned one bit over the millennia, and is even gaining even popularity today. Bricks are the only non‐natural building material that can look back at several thousand years of history. Amazing constructive qualities, inexpensive and at the same time environmentally friendly production as well as its longevity are among the qualities that are particularly valued today. In this volume, historical and contemporary brick edifices are featured... [G] Braun, Oct. 2019, € 42,50, Hardback, 297x240 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p, throughout col. & bw ill.
9783037682517 (HB‐E)
Small but Smart Design Solutions for Mini Homes Author(s): Chris van Uffelen Enthralling room concepts and convincing spatial solutions for the efficient use of limited space The aim to live in a mini house can have various reasons: for many it stands for a better, more livable existence on the basis of what is necessary, possible and desired, making one's life easier, more economical and more sustainable. The limitation of the floor space promotes concentration on the essentials in order to integrate what one needs for life. [G] Braun, Aug. 2019, € 42,50, Hardback,271x210 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p,
9783037682494 (HB‐E)
Tadao Ando: Endeavours Author(s): FrÚdÚric Migayrou This comprehensive monograph on Pritzker prizewinning architect Tadao Ando covers the span of his impressive career, with previously unpublished material and insight into his sources of inspiration. This in‐depth monograph offers insight into Tadao Ando's sober and elegant architecture through photographs, architectural drawings, and descriptions of eighty of his most significant works. Japanese design principles are essential elements that Ando uses to provoke a physical experience through his architecture [F] Flammarion (Eng), Sept. 2019, € 50,00, Hardback,280x240 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9782080204042 (HB‐E)
Architecture China: Building for a New Culture Author(s): Li Xiangning, Jiang Jiawei, Mo Wanli, Rebecca Gross, Gina Tsarouhas Architecture China is a journal focusing on the leading architectural design projects with regional characteristics in contemporary China. This 2018 Fall issue of Architecture China, focusing on how a new culture might be constructed through the action of building, showcases 15 newly‐completed museums and galleries with certain characters from contemporary Chinese culture. [UK] Images (ACC), Feb. 2019, € 22,60, Paperback, 300x230 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 176 col.ill.
9781864708356 (PB‐E)
Buildings Reimagined A Dialogue Between Old and New Author(s): Introductory texts by Michael Louw and Stella Papanicolaou The transformation and reuse of old buildings is by no means only a kind of renovation in the simple sense, but it's about adjusting a certain site to accommodate new functions. The key is to find the proper use for the building's architectural heritage. This book provides an in‐depth analysis of a selection of thirty building types: looking closely at the property's background, the transformation of the motivation, the transformation strategy, as well as the problems encountered in the transformation.
9781864708257 (HB‐E)
[UK] Images (ACC), July 2019, € 43,95, Hardback, 285x215 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, 400 col.ill.
1001 Buildings you must see before you die 1001 Buildings You Must See Before You Die is a visual testament to the world's greatest achievements in architecture. Beginning with the marvels of the ancient world and continuing with the masterpieces of our present day, this book details the historical and geographic considerations that influenced the design, with stunning photographs illustrating the technical ingenuity and aesthetic brilliance of architects past and present. [UK] Cassell (octopus), Oct. 2019, € 25,50, Paperback, 210x160 mm, Eng. ed., 960 p, 800 col. & bw ill.
9781788401760 (PB‐E)
East German Modern Author(s): Hans Engels The buildings constructed in East Germany after the Second World War are often dismissed as drab, Soviet‐style, prefabricated blocks of cement. But the architecture of the German Democratic Republic was created with an eye toward modernity and efficiency, and heralded the birth of a new country and a new economic and social system. Hans Engels has traveled throughout East Germany to photograph iconic modernist buildings that survived demolition. [UK] Prestel +, June 2019, € 44,00, Hardback, 280x240 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p, 130 col.ill.
9783791385358 (HB‐E)
100 Houses
Nature and Nurture
9781864708431 (FLEXI‐E)
Unparalleled variety in style and type: traditional and modern, and everything in between; grand villas and homes with small footprints; posh seaside or rural escapes, resplendent and remote cabins; urban townhouses and dream dwellings Coverage of projects ranges across most continents, from alpine regions in Scandinavia and Europe to vast rocky outcrops and plains across North and South America; from vibrant New York City neighbourhoods to relaxed Australian bushland settings; from dramatic Mediterranean cliff‐top backdrops to calm French forest settings, and so much more. These days, the architect and designer are both tasked with the challenge of designing the 'perfect' new home, be it traditional or modern in style, and everything in between. This grand edition pulls together an exceedingly diverse collection of 100 of the best contemporary houses from across the globe, each showcasing new and recent cutting‐edge residential designs by some of the world's leading architects and designers. [UK] Images (ACC), Oct. 2019, € 37,95, Flexi (Pb luxe), 229x190 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 350 col.ill.
Tiny House Live Small, Dream Big Author(s): Brent Heavener
9781785039355 (HB‐E)
Having less is the secret to living more. Whether you’ve been dreaming about a treehouse in the wilderness of Quebec, or a remote mountain cabin in Scotland or the Swiss Alps; driving a campervan on the open roads of Australia, or steering a houseboat along the Canal du Midi – find escape, inspiration and a window into a freer, simpler, happier kind of life. In this visual manifesto for the tiny house lifestyle, discover over 250 awe‐inspiring images of the world’s most creative small homes, alongside the stories, ideas and advice of those living in them. Curated by the founder of the #1 @tinyhouse Instagram feed. [UK] Random House ‐ Ebury Press, Aug. 2019, € 21,50, Hardback,190x140 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
The Touch Spaces Designed for the Senses Author(s): Gestalten, Kinfolk & Norm Architects
9783899559781 (HB‐E)
It is often said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. In The Touch, Kinfolk and Norm Architects present an alternative: that good design is not only visually appealing‐‐it engages all of the human senses. What do a museum in Marrakech, a mid‐century apartment in Berlin, and a graveyard north of Venice all have in common? In The Touch, creative collaborators Nathan Williams of Kinfolk and Jonas Bjerre‐Poulsen of Norm Architects explore the idea that these inspiring spaces, and many more like them, share the five essential tenets of haptic, human‐centric design: materiality, light, color, nature, and community. Revealing some of the world's most sensual architecture and interiors, The Touch offers a wealth of inspiration through stunning photography, philosophical essays, and practical tips from the minds of design industry leaders. [G]] Gestalten Verla Aug. 2019, € 45,00, Hardback, 330x245 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, throughout col.ill.
Cabin Porn Inside Author(s): Zach Klein Initially created by a group of friends as an online scrapbook, Cabin Porn became an international sensation following the publication of the first volume of photographs of hand‐made homes in breath‐taking natural landscapes around the world. In this book, its creators delve deeper into the best‐loved homes featured on the blog over the last ten years, offering close‐ups of the stunning architecture and interior design that make them truly remarkable. With more timeless photography and new design stories, Cabin Porn‐ Inside brings fresh inspiration for your quiet place somewhere. [UK] Penguin UK, Oct. 2019, € 30,50, Hardback, 320x233 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p, throughout col.ill.
9780241388549 (HB‐E)
The New Mediterranean Homes and Interiors under the Southern Sun Author(s): Gestalten
9783899559811 (HB‐E)
A modernist take on Mediterranean aesthetics, this new movement in interior design embraces sumptuous minimalism through warm, earthy tones, and natural materials. A welcoming, new, down‐to‐earth minimalism is gaining momentum in home interiors, from California to Morocco, Portugal to Mexico. This trend combines folkloric influences with a rustic aesthetic, taking cues from arid landscapes to embrace warmth, light, and organic elements. Striking, sun‐kissed interiors are replete with greenery to bring the outdoors in, and whitewashed walls are complemented by warm, earthy tones. Detailing like terracotta tiles, rattan furniture, and colorful handwoven textiles are offset by concrete, brick, and glass. The New Mediterranean showcases inspiring residences and apartments that are infused with this relaxed, Mediterranean aesthetic. The book introduces the designers, architects, and brands who are bringing the style to life, outlining key elements in order to show how to create this look at home. More than a design trend, this is a philosophy to transform interiors into havens of light, craftsmanship, and simplicity. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Sept. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback, 290x225 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, throughout col.ill.
The House of Glam Lush Interiors and Design Extravaganza An ode to extravagant and lush interiors that are not afraid to take risks, this new design movement proves that when it comes to bold colors and rich detailing, more is always more. A 21st‐century take on sumptuous interiors is sweeping through the design world, combining expressive colors and textures with unusual forms and materials. [G]] Gestalten Verla Sept. 2019, € 49,90, Hardback, 300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p, throughout col.ill.
9783899559828 (HB‐E)
Axel Vervoordt: Portraits of Interiors Author(s): Axel Vervoordt Eighteen recently‐designed homes demonstrate how Axel Vervoordt incorporates nature, art, and timeless interiors to create living spaces that encourage self‐reflection, inspiration, and happiness. For a half century, Axel Vervoordt's vision has been defined by a continual quest for harmony, beauty, and the creation of interior atmospheres that are rooted in the past, connected to the future, and imbued with today's comforts. Here, the designer reveals his guiding philosophy. [F] Flammarion (Eng), Oct. 2019, € 75,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
9782080203755 (HB‐E)
Natural Elegance Luxurious Mountain Living Author(s): Rush Jenkins Natural Elegance showcases the award‐winning interiors of WRJ Design, headquartered in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and led by Rush Jenkins and Klaus Baer. The firm's homes are set against the backdrop of dramatic Western landscapes from the Rockies to the Pacific. Their interiors are infused with a unique elegance ‐ one versed in the beauty of the wilderness combined with sophisticated contemporary design. [US] Vendome Press (T&H distr), Oct. 2019, € 69,50, Hardback,305x254 mm, Eng. ed., 248 p,
9780865653726 (HB‐E)
Café Culture For Lovers of Coffee and Good Design Author(s): Robert Schneider There's something very special about being able to relish a quality espresso or expertly brewed filter coffee in beautifully designed surroundings. What is the magic formula that makes a café space so inviting, so successful, with a buzz in the atmosphere that's so enjoyable? Café Culture: For Lovers of Coffee and Good Design brings together a selection of well‐crafted interior spaces by those with both a strong sense of good design aesthetics and a refined appreciation of the art of a coffee experience. [UK] Images (ACC), Sept. 2019, € 37,95, Hardback, 254x254 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 300 col.ill.
9781864708349 (HB‐E)
Inspired by Nature
Creating a personal and natural interior Author(s): Hans Blomquist In Hans Blomquist's new book Inspired by Nature, the stylist and art director identifies the connection between our home environment and our emotional wellbeing. [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, Sept. 2019, € 25,50, Hardback, 254x216 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, 250 col.ill.
9781788790215 (HB‐E)
wood‐free paper
Shades of Grey Decorating with the most elegant of neutrals Author(s): Kate Watson‐Smyth Crammed with fascinating facts, expert advice, and a wealth of essential information, Shades of Grey will guide you through the minefield that is choosing exactly the right shade of gray paint. [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, July 2019, € 21,50, Hardback, 235x190 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 230 col.ill.
9781788791243 (HB‐E)
Down to Earth Laid‐back Interiors for Modern Living Author(s): Lauren Liess
9781419738197 (HB‐E)
Down to Earth picks up right where Lauren Liess's critically acclaimed Habitat left off. While Habitat walked readers through the decorating process step‐by‐step, Liess's latest title takes a step beyond the basics and invites readers to incorporate the main components of her familiar design aesthetic: nature, easy living, and approachability. With evocative photos and substantive design advice, Down to Earth focuses on creating a lifestyle that inspires creativity and functionality. [US] Abrams, Oct. 2019, € 38,50, Hardback, 254x216 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 150 col.ill.
Reclaimed Wood A Field Guide Author(s): Klaas Armster, Alan Solomon The first handbook on reclaimed wood, combining useful information, rich history, and design ideas. Wood reclaimed from old houses, factories, barns, water tanks, and boardwalks has become a valuable commodity, treasured for the patina that gives witness to its history. Reclaimed Wood: A Field Guide is the first complete visual handbook to this popular resource, covering history, culture, salvage, sources, contemporary uses (in buildings and furniture), and practical advice. [US] Abrams, Sept. 2019, € 29,50, Hardback, 229x178 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 200 col.ill.
9781419738180 (HB‐E)
Travel Home Design with a Global Spirit Author(s): Caitlin Flemming, Julie Goebel
9781419733833 (HB‐E)
Travel through 20 sophisticated homes of designers deeply influenced by their international adventures abroad. A road map for bringing far‐flung design ideas back home, Travel Home shows us how to curate interiors that reflect our favorite places and experiences in ways that are beautiful and authentic. Touring the homes of leaders in global design who share a deep affection for travel, the book explores interiors with influences as widespread as Marrakesh, Paris, Cuba, Tokyo, Portugal, and beyond. [US] Abrams, Sept. 2019, € 38,50, Hardback, 254x216 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, 200 col.ill.
Bibliostyle How We Live at Home with Books Author(s): Nina Freudenberger, Sadie Stein Interior designer Nina Freudenberger, New Yorker writer Sadie Stein, and Architectural Digest photographer Shade Degges give readers a peek at the private libraries and bookshelves of passionate readers all over the world, including Larry McMurtry, Silvia Whitman of Shakespeare and Co., Gay and Nan Talese, and Emma Straub. Throughout, gorgeous photographs of rooms with rare collections, floor‐to‐ceiling shelves, and stacks upon stacks of books inspire readers to live better with their own collections.
9780525575443 (HB‐E)
[US] Potter Style (RH US), Oct. 2019, € 36,80, Hardback,279x203 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p,
Charlotte Perriand Author(s): Jacques Barsac, Sébastien Cherruet and Pernette Perriand Charlotte Perriand (1903‐1999) was a pioneer of modern design in France during the twentieth century. Her avant‐garde vision was expressed in colour, organic forms, and streamlined functionality, elements which are still at the heart of contemporary design today. Her furnishings were created from aluminium, rubber, chrome, leather, bamboo, and above all, wood; their appeal is timeless. This book offers a plurality of perspectives and explores Perriand's creative legacy through the 20th century and beyond. [F] Gallimard (Eng. titles) (ACC), Oct. 2019, € 56,50, Hardback, 300x270 mm, Eng. ed., 376 p, 400 col.ill. Expo: 02/10/2019 ‐ 24/02/2020, Louis Vuitton Foundation, Paris
9782072857195 (HB‐E)
Thonet & Design Author(s): Ed.: Anggelika Nollert With around 400 objects in its possession, Die Neue Sammlung ‐ The Design Museum in Munich boasts one of the world's largest and most important collections of Thonet furniture. One that therefore not only reflects the development of seating furniture but also, and in particular, represents an important chapter in European company history. The catalogue shows distinguished chair designs from 1838 to the present day. [G] Walther Koenig Verlag (T&H distr), Aug. 2019, € 38,95, Paperback, 300x230 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 168 p, 165 col. & bw ill.
9783960985822 (PB‐E/ G)
Expo: 17/5/2019 ‐ 2/2/2020, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum, Pinakothek der Moderne, München
Dysfunctional Author(s): Glenn Adamson Shape must still follow the function, as taught by the Bauhaus, Le Corbusier, or his disciples. With work of 17 artists and designers. The lamps or furniture‐sculpture by Nacho Carbonell, Studio Drift, Vincent Dubourg and Virgil Abloh, the organic benches of Wendell Castle or Mathieu Lehanneur, the inhabited clocks of Maarten Baas are as many contemporary challenges to the boundaries between beauty and beauty. [F] Norma Editions, Oct. 2019, € 55,00, Hardback, 305x250 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, 100 col. & bw ill. Expo: 11/05/2019 ‐ 24/11/2019, Ca' d'Oro, Venice
9782376660255 (HB‐E)
Pierre Legrain Author(s): Laurence Salmon Les multiples talents de Pierre‐Émile Legrain (1888‐1929), designer, architecte d'intérieur, relieur, encadreur, paysagiste, en font un personnage aussi mystérieux que recherché des bibliophiles, amateurs de beaux‐arts et collectionneurs de meubles d'exception. Formé par Paul Iribe, Pierre Legrain fait la rencontre décisive de Jacques Doucet en 1912. Première monographie transversale sur ce créateur hors normes, cet ouvrage restaure le fil de sa vie, ses nombreuses rencontres et ses réalisations.
9782376660170 (HB‐F)
[F] Norma Editions, Oct. 2019, € 85,00, Hardback, 305x243 mm, French ed., 336 p, 300 col. & bw ill.
Memphis Plastic Field Author(s): Constance Rubini, Jean Blanchaert During the 1980s, the Memphis group revolutionised the European design scene, radically reinventing the language of form and colour and challenging the status quo of functionalist design. This book looks at the genesis of the Memphis collective and the furniture, household objects, glassware, lighting, ceramics, and textiles they designed. It reproduces nearly all the pieces they produced between 1981 and 1988, around 400 works, and includes first‐hand accounts by some of its founding members. [F] Norma Editions, Aug. 2019, € 39,00, Hardback, 280x210 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 192 p, 400 col. & bw ill.
9782376660279 (HB‐E/ F)
Expo: 21/06/2018 ‐ 05/01/2020, MADD, Bordeaux
Charlotte Perriand L'oeuvre Complète Volume 4: 1968‐1999 Author(s): Jacques Barsac, Michèle Perrot Dernier volet de l'oeuvre complète, le volume 4 est en grande partie consacré aux Arcs, station savoyarde de loisirs d'hiver et d'été pouvant accueillir plus de 25.000 personnes. Pendant plus de vingt ans, Charlotte Perriand, pionnière de l'architecture bioclimatique, assure la conception urbanistique et architecturale d'Arc 1600 et Arc 1800, en collaboration avec une équipe d'architectes qu'elle dirige. [F] Norma Editions, Sept. 2019, € 95,00, Hardback with dust jacket, 305x230 mm, French ed., 528 p, 900 col. & bw ill.
9782376660293 (HB+‐F)
More is More Memphis, Maximalism, and New Wave design Author(s): Claire Bingham Pump up the postmodernism! Instantly recognizable and never, ever boring, Memphis is one of the most important design movements of the 20th century. Founded by Italian architect and designer Ettore Sottsass, the Memphis Group put forward a visionary new approach to design, defining the ’80s with its radical combinations of shapes, materials, and patterns. Serving up kooky design that’s eclectic yet tightly curated, the Memphis look is exuberant, outrageous, and entertaining. Who doesn’t want a bit of that?
9783961712038 (HB‐E/ G)
Spanning the worlds of interiors, furniture, fashion, and graphics, this new design book explores how the rule‐breaking Memphis aesthetic continues to shape the modern creative scene. It started with Millennial Pink. Now the sweet shop colors, terrazzo floors, and curved cartoon shapes have been given a black outline and made graphic and cool. In More is More, editor Claire Bingham curates iconic Memphis designs and interiors alongside contemporary projects steeped in the effervescent Memphis mood. Step inside stunning, postmodernism‐loving homes, studios, and hotels, capturing the Memphis spirit with their hello‐there hues, vive la différence mindset, and flamboyant creativity – all hopefully, in the teeth of good taste. And along the way, hear from fashion‐forward creatives embracing the Memphis look, as well as from Memphis Group founding member Peter Shire—a man who knows that stripes make you happy. Shire shares the stories behind the signature high‐energy style and tells us how the ’80s vibe has impacted his life and work. For both the leaders and followers of the New Wave, Memphis is more than a style. It’s an attitude. [G] teNeues, Aug. 2019, € 40,00, Hardback, 287x223 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 192 p, 140 col.ill.
Moving to Mars: Design for the Red Planet Author(s): Justin McGuirk Arrive. Survive. Thrive. Getting humans to Mars has become one of the great challenges of our time. Mars holds the potential of human settlement, and the promise of life after Earth. Some of the world's greatest entrepreneurs, architects and engineers are dedicated to conquering this next frontier. It is one of the first books to focus on the crucial role that design will play. With striking, rarely‐seen imagery and a unique design‐led focus, this book will appeal to 'space junkies' and design enthusiasts [UK] Design Museum London, Oct. 2019, € 32,95, Hardback,271x241 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
9781872005461 (HB‐E)
Living with Charlotte Perriand Author(s): Franþois Laffanour The Art of Living. Charlotte Perriand (24 October 1903 ‐ 27 October 1999) was a French architect and designer. Her work aimed to create functional living spaces in the belief that better design helps in creating a better society. She is well known for the playful way in which she mixed and superposed materials and styles in most of the furniture she created during her career. Nonetheless, one of the most essential influence on her entire work has been the Japanese craftmanship that kept on inspiring her.
9782370741042 (HB‐E/ F)
[IT] Skira, July 2019, € 56,00, Hardback, 290x240 mm, Eng./Fr. ed., 352 p, 300 col.ill. Expo: 2/10/2019 ‐ 4/2/2020, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris
Objects of Desire Surrealism and Design 1924 – Today Author(s): Mateo Kries & Tanja Cunz Among the featured artists and designers are Gae Aulenti, Achille Castiglioni, Giorgio de Chirico, Le Corbusier, Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, ntoni Gaudí, Frederick Kiesler, René Magritte, Carlo Mollino, Meret Oppenheim, and many others. The book is rounded off with historical text material as well as short texts and statements by contemporary designers. This in‐ depth examination makes one thing abundantly clear: form does not always follow function ? it can also follow our obsessions, our fantasies, and [G] Vitra Design Museum (T&H), Sept. 2019, € 82,00, Hardback,241x178 mm, Eng. ed., 380 p, Expo: 28/09/2019 ‐ 19/01/2020, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein
9783945852330 (HB‐E) 84
A New Light on Decorative Techniques ‐ Een nieuw licht op de decoratieve technieken Author(s): Karolien De Clippel, Florence Müller, Corinne Thépaut‐Cabasset, Peter McNeil, Romy Cockx, Rebecca Devaney, Anaïs Huyghe, Eve Demoen, Nadia Albertini
9789082765922 (HB‐E/ NL)
Dit boek bundelt voor het eerst wetenschappelijke inzichten in decoratieve opsmuktechnieken in de luxemode‐industrie. Door de vraag naar decoratie op kledij ontstonden heel wat specialisaties, zoals de broderie (borduurwerk), de plumasserie (bewerking van pluimen) en de parurerie florale (bloemenopschik). Dit handwerk staat synoniem voor exclusiviteit en luxe en speelt nog steeds een cruciale rol in de haute couture. In hun verlangen naar glamour blijven hedendaagse ontwerpers experimenteren met zowel ambachtelijke als machinale technieken. De technologische ontwikkelingen zorgden ervoor dat decoraties op grotere schaal geproduceerd kunnen worden en ze vandaag ook opduiken in prêt‐à‐portercollecties. EMBELLISHMENT/SMUK toont de werking van de belangrijkste Parijse ateliers, een quasi verborgen aspect van de mode‐industrie, de invloed van machinale toepassingen en de rol van decoratie in couture en prêt‐à‐porter vandaag. Tegelijk duikt het boek in de kleerkast van de man, meer bepaald die van de achttiende‐eeuwse hoveling, die goede sier maakte met mantels en vesten met rijkelijk geborduurde bloemmotieven. [BE] Hasselt Fashion Museum, Oct. 2019, € 45,00, Hardback, 280x215 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 192 p, 100 col. & bw ill. Hardback with hotfoil stamp. Expo: 12/10/2019 ‐ 08/03/2020, Modemuseum, Hasselt
Fabienne Delvigne Author(s): Catherine Seiler
9782930117812 (HB‐E)
In this book, Fabienne takes a refined and joyful look at fashion and takes us into her creative world of encounters, hard work, inspiring walks, and daily pleasures with her clients. An original and sparkling format that not only traces a career but also reveals a woman of character, both guarantor of a creative heritage and well anchored in its time. In thread, the words that helped her to build her creative world. Dotted, passion, his passions. Confessions, memories, unpublished projects... [BE] Editions Marot, Nov. 2019, € 49,95, Hardback, 305x250 mm, Eng. ed., 200 p, 200 col. & bw ill.
ISBN 9782930117744 (F)
The New Luxury
Highsnobiety: Defining the Aspirational in the Age of Hype Author(s): Gestalten & Highsnobiety 21st century luxury is about the interplay between cult streetwear brands and elite fashion houses. Explore fashion's transformation for a new generation of in‐the‐know consumers. Highsnobiety, the publication geared at culturally‐connected, style‐savvy, forward‐thinking young men, is seen as a gatekeeper to the growing intersection of music, fashion, and style.
9783899559835 (HB‐E)
[G] Gestalten Verlag, Oct. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback, 290x225 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, throughout col.ill.
Prada Catwalk The Complete Collections Author(s): Susannah Frankel Founded as a luxury leather goods house in 1913 in Milan, Prada entered the field of fashion when Miuccia Prada took the helm of the family company in 1979. After initially focusing exclusively on accessories, she presented the house's first fashion collection in 1988. She would soon transform Prada into one of the world's most influential luxury brands with a deeply personal, sophisticated and subtly subversive approach.
9780500022047 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson +, Sept. 2019, € 63,50, Hardback, 277x190 mm, Eng. ed., 632 p, 1300 col.ill.
Parisian Chic Encore A Style Guide Author(s): Ines de la Fressange Ines de la Fressange, always one step ahead, shares the secrets for embodying her new style of Parisian chic. Completely revised and vastly augmented, this new book includes style "equations" that make dressing for every occasion as easy as 1 + 2 + 3, and an expanded section on accessories ? brand new shoes and handbags, but also hats, scarves, belts, and glasses.
9782080204127 (PB‐E)
[F] Flammarion (Eng), Sept. 2019, € 25,10, Paperback,235x152 mm, Eng. ed., 242 p,
Cuiness 33 Author(s): Michaël De Moor. Fotografie: Stefanie Geerts Hij wou professioneel motorcrosser worden, maar na een zware val moest hij die jeugddroom opbergen. En dus besluit Edwin Menue om zich met al zijn ambitie en Zeeuwse koppigheid op de keuken te storten. Falen was geen optie. Na een stage bij onder meer Oud Sluis start hij, samen met zijn vrouw Fleur Boussy en schoonbroer Frederik, Cuines 33 een uniek restaurant in Knokke. De drive, exquise smaak en passie werden nog geen jaar later beloond met een eerste Michelinster
9789058566256 (HB‐E/ NL)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Food, Nov. 2019, € 59,90, Hardback, 315x260 mm, Eng./ NL ed., 224 p, 100 col. & bw ill.
Delicious Wintertime The Cookbook for Cold Weather Adventures Author(s): Markus Saemmer
9783899556506 (HB‐E)
When the temperature drops, out come the winter sweaters, and our appetites for snowy adventures and warm, hearty meals. Alpineinspired breakfasts kick‐start an active day, while thermos‐fillers and trail mixes fuel ski trips or family outings. The shorter days bring leisurely evenings with good friends and slow‐cooked food—enjoy bread dumplings, gnocchi, or roast chicken and root vegetables. Finish off the evening next to a wood stove sipping homemade liqueurs or hot chocolate. Chef and outdoorsman Markus Sämmer guides the reader into the mountains for Delicious Wintertime featuring recipes to celebrate the season. Served with a side of action photography, and tales from the backcountry, Delicious Wintertime is sure to stir the senses. [G]] Gestalten Verla Aug. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback, 270x200 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p, throughout col.ill.
Japanese Table Small plates for simple meals Author(s): Sofia Hellsten In The Japanese Table Sofia Hellsten celebrates her love of Japan with the simple recipes that are the backbone of Japanese home cooking. Based on the ichijuu‐sansai tradition ‐ which literally means 'one soup, three dishes' ‐ uncomplicated, delicious small plates are served with steamed rice, and can be enjoyed any time of day. Each ingredient is treated like royalty, and recipes include Onigiri, Clear shiitake soup, Soy‐pickled eggs and Sweet miso cod. [UK] Hardie Grant, Sept. 2019, € 22,80, Hardback, 248x190 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, throughout col.ill.
9781784882150 (HB‐E)
Story on a Plate The Delicate Art of Plating Dishes Author(s): Gestalten Plating‐‐the art of presenting food on the plate‐‐is brought to life for amateurs and pros alike, with spectacular photography and how‐to's for creating a visual feast with exquisitely arranged dishes. Delicious food lives through presentation as much as taste, and creatively displaying food on a plate can turn a great dish into an artwork. In plating, a dish of food is transformed into a feast for the senses.
9783899559873 (HB‐E)
[G] Gestalten Verlag, Sept. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback, 290x225 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, throughout col.ill.
Copenhagen Cult Recipes Author(s): Christine Rudolph, Susie Theodorou Let Copenhagen Cult Recipes take you on a journey to the heart of Copenhagen's culinary traditions, to find out why the Danes embrace their food heritage so passionately and why their lifestyle continues to be adopted enthusiastically around the world. This cuisine is about traditional foods and locally grown ingredients; it's about keeping things simple and tasty, using fresh herbs and greens that are grown on rooftops and in window boxes, and small vegetable patches
9781911632313 (HB‐E)
[UK] Murdoch (Faber), Oct. 2019, € 28,50, Hardback,256x190 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p,
Downton Abbey The Official Film Companion Author(s): Emma Marriott A unique behind‐the‐scenes look at the making of the film, including detailed descriptions of how some of the most dramatic scenes came to life, and the talented team who made it all possible. Discover the new sets at Shepperton and other locations of England that are now part of the Downton story. Lavishly illustrated with stunning shots from both behind and in front of the camera, original costume illustrations and historical photographs, as well as capturing some wonderful off‐guard moments. [UK] Headline (Hachette), Sept. 2019, € 35,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
9781472267320 (HB‐E)
The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook Author(s): Annie Gray. Forword: Gareth Neame
9781781319574 (HB‐E)
The Cookbook presents over 100 recipes showcasing the cookery of the Crawley household ‐ from upstairs dinner party centrepieces to downstairs puddings and pies ‐ and brings an authentic slice of Downton Abbey to fans' modern kitchens. it includes a special section on hosting Downton‐themed dinner parties, notes on the etiquette and customs of the times, quotes from the characters and descriptions of the scenes in which the foods appear, complete with fascinating insights from food historian Annie Gray. [UK] White Lion (Quarto), Sept. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 272 p,
The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book Author(s): Forword: Julian Fellowes. Introduction: Annie Gray The Cocktail Book is a lavish toast to the glamorous world of the Crawleys, including 70 delicious cocktail recipes. With a foreword by Julian Fellowes, writer and creator of the series, and an introduction by Annie Gray, this curated selection of recipes spans the world of Downton from drawing‐room party drinks to downstairs hangover cures and more. In addition to classic concoctions like Prince of Wales Punch, this collection features character‐specific twists such as Downton Turkish Attaché...
9781781319567 (HB‐E)
[UK] White Lion (Quarto), Aug. 2019, € 18,95, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
The Shared Table
Vegetarian and Vegan Feasts to Cook for Your Crowd Author(s): Clare Scrine This cookbook is a celebration of shared homes and their most iconic dishes ‐ the food designed to feed the crowd, without breaking the bank or spending hours in the kitchen. It is a book about community, warmth, love and the unique connection of a nurturing home, where shared meals are central to the environment. Plus, without getting preachy or "clean 'n green eating" about it, all the recipes in the book are vegetarian and vegan.
9781925811247 (FLEXI‐E)
[US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Sept. 2019, € 25,50, Flexi (Pb luxe),275x210 mm, Eng. ed., 220 p,
Stuff Every Sushi Lover Should Know Author(s): Marc Luber, Brett Cohen Sushi is one of the most popular foods in the world. But sushi lovers know there s more to learn beyond the spicy tuna, salmon avocado, and California maki roll lunch special at your local restaurant. This staple of the Japanese diet has been perfected by sushi chefs for hundreds of years. Each component from the fish and the rice to the nori, vegetables, wasabi, and soy sauce works in perfect harmony to create a single bite of pure pleasure. [US] Quirk, Dec. 2019, € 10,50, Hardback,146x89 mm, Eng. ed., 144 p,
9781683691587 (HB‐E)
Menus that Made History From the First Meal in Space to the Last Dinner on the Titanic Author(s): Alex Johnson, Vincent Franklin This fascinating miscellany of menus from around the world will educate as well as entertain, delighting both avid foodies and the general reader. Each menu provides an insight into its particular historical moment ‐ from the typical food on offer in a nineteenth‐century workhouse to the opulence of George IV's gargantuan coronation dinner. [UK] Kyle Books (Octopus), Oct. 2019, € 18,95, Hardback,210x150 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p,
9780857835284 (HB‐E)
De Theeroos Author(s): Valérie Hallin. Fotografie: Véronique De Walsche Valérie Hallin is anglofiel in hart en nieren. Voor haar voelt reizen naar Engeland als thuiskomen. Het hoeft ons dan ook niet te verbazen dat ze van 's lands nationale trots, de thee, haar beroep heeft gemaakt. Ze schoolde zich om tot theesommelier en trakteert gasten in haar Engelse tuin, vol schitterende rozen. In dit heerlijke boek geeft Valérie wat achtergrond bij de verschillende theeën en hun (geneeskrachtige) eigenschappen, deelt ze naast heel wat theeweetjes ook haar succesrecepten.
9789058566331 (HB‐NL)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Nov. 2019, € 29,95, Hardback, 240x195 mm, NL ed., 160 p, 75 col. & bw ill.
Infused Waters 50 Simple Drinks to Restore, Revive & Relax Author(s): Georgina Davies We all know we should drink more water ‐ sales of reusable water bottles have soared as we seek to cut down on our plastic and maintain maximum hydration. But it isn't the most inspiring of drinks ‐ until now. Infused Waters offers 50 beautiful, healthy drinks that will help you get through the day's challenges. With chapters on fruit infusions, herbal waters, and spicier blends, you'll find ways of adding a little vitamin C to your office bottle, and floral fragrance to the dullest of drinks. [UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant), Aug. 2019, € 16,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
9781787134201 (HB‐E)
Cape Winelands The Art of Luxury Tasting Author(s): Peter De Leeuw, André Morgenthal. Photography: Henk van Cauwenbergh Vader De Leeuw begon ruim veertig jaar geleden met het invoeren van Zuid‐Afrikaanse wijn. Ondertussen is Kaapwijn Import De Leeuw onder de gedreven leiding van zoon Peter uitgegroeid tot een van de meest performante aankoopplatformen in België. Het huis vertegenwoordigt een fijne selectie van topdomeinen die niet alleen schitterende wijnen voortbrengen, maar evenzeer zelf de moeite van het ontdekken waard zijn.
9789058566270 (HB‐E)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Food, Dec. 2019, € 85,00, Hardback, 380x267 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, 150 col. & bw ill.
Indoor Jungle The Leaf Supply Guide to Creating Your Indoor Jungle Author(s): Lauren Camilleri & Sophia Kaplan With this stunningly photographed greenery‐guide, anyone can master the art of making your living room thrive. When done correctly, curating any decent houseplant can be just as effective as hanging a beautiful work of art. After all, our green companions are known to be beneficial for mental health, for general health (being oxygenators) as well as being a key element of any well‐balanced interior fit out. [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Sept. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback, 250x210 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, throughout col.ill.
9781925811254 (HB‐E)
Bouquets With how‐to tutorials Author(s): Laura Dowling Bouquets is het tweede boek in de inspirerende 'how‐to' reeks van Laura Dowling en bouwt voort op de premisse van haar succesvolle eerste boek Floral Diplomacy in the White House (2016), namelijk de idee dat bloemen de kracht hebben om de manier waarop mensen denken en voelen te veranderen én om krachtige emotionele verbindingen ‐ met de natuur en met anderen, met ons verleden en met onze wensen voor de toekomst ‐ te creëren.
9789058566249 (HB‐E)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Nov. 2019, € 30,00, Hardback, 260x210 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, throughout col.ill.
Creativity with Flowers A collection of floral recipes Author(s): Per Benjamin, Max van de Sluis. Fotografie: Helén Pe, Pim van der Maden Topfloristen Per Benjamin (SE) en Max van de Sluis (NL) delen hun uitgebreide kennis op het vlak van bloemsierkunst in dit vuistdikke receptenboek voor smaakvol en eigentijds bloemwerk. Stap‐na‐stap toveren ze boeketten, tafeldecoraties, schikkingen met snijbloemen maar ook met planten, bruidsboeketten, rouwwerk, spektakelstukken voor het interieur en feestelijke kerststukken uit hun vingers.
9789058566348 (HB‐E)
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green, Oct. 2019, € 65,00, Hardback, 245x245 mm, Eng. ed., 448 p, throughout col.ill.
The Atlas of Amazing Birds Author(s): Matt Sewell Matt Sewell has made his personal selection of the most amazing birds from around the world and illustrated them in his dazzling style, accompanied by witty and informative descriptions and maps of every continent. Did you know that the bald eagle holds the record for the world's biggest nest ‐ weighing more than two tons? When the elf owl gets into trouble, it plays dead rather than fighting? The Adelie penguin can hold its breath for six minutes and leap up to three metres out of the water?
9781843654063 (HB‐E)
[UK] Harper Collins UK, Sept. 2019, € 23,95, Hardback,234x153 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
Remarkable Trees Author(s): Tony Kirkham More than 60,000 species of trees are found in an amazing variety of forms, sizes and habitats. Every tree has its own story and here are over 60, selected for their particular resonance and connection with humankind and representing most of the world's major zones and ecologies. In portraits that combine vivid cultural and historical narrative with a firm scientific grounding, the authors reveal the details of trees from around the world, both familiar and strange. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Oct. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback,246x186 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9780500021927 (HB‐E)
Green Housekeeping Recipes and solutions for a cleaner, more sustainable home Author(s): Christina Strutt This book reveals how to have a calmer, healthier, eco‐friendly home. Green Housekeeping is full of advice and information to help you take a more sustainable path. Recycling, reusing, and shopping at farmers' markets are a good start, but cutting down on the use of poisonous chemicals is just as important. Here old‐fashioned methods are complemented by newer ideas and innovations, and applied not only to cleaning but also to caring for clothes, furniture, and even silver and glassware.
9781782497837 (HB‐E)
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, July 2019, € 18,95, Hardback, 235x190 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, 300 col.ill.
Kaizen The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time Author(s): Sarah Harvey From Marie Kondo to Hygge to Ikigai, in recent years, philosophies to help people live better lives have taken the world by storm. Kaizen will change your habits for good. [UK] MacMillan, Sept. 2019, € 14,50, Hardback,186x132 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p,
9781529005356 (HB‐E)
The Art of Making Memories How to Create and Remember Happy Moments Author(s): Meik Wiking
When our senses are stimulated, when we harness the power of first experiences, and when we are conscious of our feelings and emotions, we are more likely to hold on to our happy memories. But what ingredients produce these happy memories? Why is it that a piece of music, a smell, a taste can take us back to something we had forgotten? And can we learn to create happy memories and be better at holding on to them? Using research on happiness, Meik Wiking explores how we can learn to create happy memories
9780241376058 (HB‐E)
[UK] Penguin UK, Sept. 2019, € 18,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 288 p,
The Book of Ichigo Ichie The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way Author(s): Francesc Miralles, Héctor García Every moment in our life happens only once, and if we let it slip away, we lose it forever‐‐an idea captured by the Japanese phrase ichigo ichie. Often spoken in Japan when greeting someone or saying goodbye, to convey that the encounter is unique and special, it is a tenet of Zen Buddhism and is attributed to a sixteenth‐century master of the Japanese tea ceremony, or 'ceremony of attention', whose intricate rituals compel us to focus on the present moment. [UK] Quercus (Hachette), Jan. 2020, € 18,90, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 208 p,
9781529401295 (HB‐E)
The Almanac 2020: A Seasonal Guide to 2020 A perfect toolkit connecting with the world around us and the year ahead as it unfolds – all in a compact and pocket size that just begs you to pick it up and browse. It gives you the tools and inspiration you need to celebrate, mark and appreciate each month of the year in your own particular way. Divided into the 12 months, a set of tables each month gives it the feel and weight of a traditional almanac, providing practical information that gives access to the outdoors and the seasons... [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus), Sept. 2019, € 12,60, Hardback,198x126 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9781784725211 (HB‐E)
The Little Book of Fika The Uplifting Daily Ritual of the Swedish Coffee Break Author(s): Lynda Balslev
9781449489847 (HB‐E)
A little book on the Swedish tradition of fika—the twice‐daily coffee break—including facts, quotes, tips, and 20 sweet and savory recipes. While the Danish concept of hygge as caught on around the globe, so has lagom—its Swedish counterpart. An essential part of the lagom lifestyle, fika is the simple art of taking a break—sometimes twice a day—to enjoy a warm beverage and sweet treat with friends. This delightful gift book offers an introduction to the tradition along with recipes... [US] Simon & Schuster, March 2018, € 10,50, Hardback,137x102 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
Rolex ‐ The Watch Book Author(s): Gisbert L. Brunner Extended and updated reprint of the bestselling reference book. A historical record including the latest models. Renowned wristwatch expert and historian Gisbert Brunner generously shares his unparalleled expertise in the field. [G] teNeues, Sept. 2019, € 70,00, Hardback, 320x250 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p, 310 col.ill. New, extended edition
9783961712083 (HB‐E)
French edition: ISBN 9783961712090 (F)
The Watch A Twentieth Century Style History Author(s): Alexander Barter Offering the perfect blend of high‐quality imagery and impeccable research, this magnificent book takes readers through the twentieth century to show how the watch, in all its forms, evolved. It charts the early rise of the wristwatch, shows how the cataclysmic events of the 1929 Wall Street Crash unexpectedly led to a golden age of watch production, and demonstrates how the electronic watch led to a mechanical watch renaissance in the last two decades of the 20th century. [UK] Prestel +, Sept. 2019, € 56,50, Hardback, 300x240 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p, 400 col.ill.
9783791385068 (HB‐E)
Rare Watches Explore the World’s Most Exquisite Timepieces Author(s): Paul Miquel Rare Watches features more than fifty of the most unusual watches in the world, including incredible one‐off models and collector's editions. From watches that have set new records in auction houses, to feats of modern technology and engineering, via iconic models worn by figures such as Elvis and James Bond, this book appeals to professionals, collectors and amateurs alike. [UK] Conran (Octopus), Sept. 2019, € 50,50, Hardback,329x248 mm, Eng. ed., 340 p,
9781840917833 (HB‐E) 96
Ultimate Toys for Men Masculine Must‐Haves, Brands by Hands and the Best Collector’s Items Author(s): Michael Brunnbauer
9783961711727 (HB‐E/ G)
There are only two notable differences between toys for little boys and toys for grown‐up boys: the toys get bigger with age‐and more expensive. Matchbox cars give way to high‐end sports cars, model boats become motorboats and sailing yachts, and the plastic wristwatch turns into a Swiss chronograph with a perpetual calendar and minute repeater. The Toys for Men series has always stayed abreast of this male drive to play; in the latest volume, we present the ultimate wish list, a selection of the most exclusive, most innovative, and most luxurious toys that men with money can buy. Of course, the list includes the classic male fantasies of executive jets, mega‐yachts, and super sports cars‐the truly giant and great things that move men in the air, on water, or on land. But it also includes the little gadgets‐from headphones and wristwatches to SLR cameras‐that make tech‐loving men's hearts beat a little faster. We also include the vices that speak to connoisseurs, like that special bottle of Spanish wine or one from the USA, Scottish whiskey, or cigars from the Dominican Republic. And last but not least, we include one of the greatest luxuries of all: having a product tailored to you and you alone, bespoke‐style. But we're not just talking about custom‐tailored suits. Cars, golf clubs, skis, nearly everything today can be customized to suit your particular tastes. If you're searching for the ultimate toys for the gentleman who has everything, you'll hit pay dirt here. Because as philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche already knew, "There is a child hidden in every man: and it wants to play." [G] teNeues, Aug. 2019, € 80,00, Hardback, 340x275 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 304 p, 700 col.ill. New edition
Beautiful Machines The Era of the Elegant Sports Car Author(s): Gestalten
9783899559880 (HB‐E)
Buckle up and enjoy a tour of the most stylish sports cars of the last 100 years‐‐and the fascinating stories that made them icons of the road. Petrolheads and auto devotees: buckle up, we're going for a ride on the best works of machinery to have ever hit the road. From the legendary Porsche 917 to the Ferrari Daytona (famously replicated for the Miami Vice TV series) and the slick Aston Martin DB5, discover the fascinating stories behind quintessential sports cars. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Sept. 2019, € 49,90, Hardback, 300x270 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, throughout col.ill.
1001 Cars to Dream of Driving Before You Die Author(s): Simon Heptinsall. With a preface from founding member of Pink Floyd, Nick Mason. Prepare yourself for the world's greatest road trip. Strap yourself in for a cavalcade of the fastest, biggest, smallest, most expensive, most innovative and downright sexiest motorized vehicles ever produced. Whether you're a vintage car spotter or an armchair petrolhead, 1001 Cars To Dream Of Driving Before You Die brings you the best stories and the most amazing photographs of the finest cars from every corner of the globe. [UK] Cassell (octopus), Oct. 2019, € 25,50, Paperback,210x161 mm, Eng. ed., 960 p,
9781788401630 (PB‐E)
Neo Classics From Factory to Cult Car in 0 Seconds ‐ René Staud Author(s): René Staud
9783961712007 (HB‐E/ G)
Neo Classics(R) are rare manufactured vehicles, one‐of‐a‐kind high‐end cars, special short‐run cars, and "young classics." They are vehicles that become legends‐‐and coveted collectors' items‐‐the moment they leave the factory. Faster, more powerful, more exclusive: whether they're called supercars or hypercars, these are turbo‐charged fantasies in chrome. For most of us, however, they will remain dreams on wheels. In this book, René Staud brings the dream a little closer. [G] teNeues, Sept. 2019, € 80,00, Hardback, 340x275 mm, Eng./ Germ. ed., 288 p, 175 col. & bw ill.
Accelerating The Modern World Author(s): Brendan Cormier, Elizabeth Bisley A world without cars would be unrecognizable. They have altered the shape of our cities, transformed our nations and landscapes, revolutionised the way we make and buy things, and profoundly influenced our relationship with speed itself. [UK] V&A Museum, Oct. 2019, € 38,50, Flexi (Pb luxe), 250x200 mm, Eng. ed., 244 p, 150 col. & bw ill. Expo: 23/11/2019 ‐ 19/04/2020, V&A Museum, London
9781851779673 (FLEXI‐E)
Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile The definitive story of the finest cars ever made Author(s): Zef Enault & Michaël Levivier Created in collaboration with the iconic car manufacturer, Jaguar: The Art of the Automobile is a celebration of Jaguar's most legendary models. Known for elegant design as much as for pushing the limits of speed, the brand has always been at the cutting edge of mechanics without sacrificing aesthetics. This official book dives into Jaguar's archives for stunning photography and detailed reports of its most memorable models showcasing celebrated cars such as the E‐Type, XK120, XJS and XKR‐S. [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus), Oct. 2019, € 50,00, Hardback,305x245 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p,
9781784726171 (HB‐E)
Classic Motorcycles A Century of Masterpieces Author(s): Simon de Burton Featuring exceptional vehicles from the 1930s to the 1990s, Classic Motorcycles entertains us with intriguing facts and witty accounts of the bikes' highs and lows. Including motorcyles such as the Scott Squirrel, Vincent Black Shadow, Munch Mammoth and Harley‐Davidson XR750, they may not be the fastest or the most expensive, but all have captured hearts in some way; whether for their unique style, the distinctive roar of their engine or for the sheer thrill they give to their riders. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, March 2020, € 50,00, Hardback, 295x245 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p, 300 col.ill.
9781788840248 (HB‐E)
Legend, Legacy and Life Author(s): Gary Charles Expanded and updated. Bikers: Legend, Legacy and Life is a painstakingly detailed chronicle of this unique band of Brothers, and trawls deep into their history to detail the early town‐sieges of America's Mid‐West in the 1940s through to the British Mods and Rocker coastal clashes of the 1960s, the Easy Riders of the 1970s, the Street Fighters of the 1990s, and the vibrant multifaceted Biker Culture scene of the first quarter of 21st Century
9781908211835 (HB‐E)
[UK] Carpet Bombing Culture books, Sept. 2019, € 21,95, Hardback,220x165 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
Wanderlust USA The Great American Hike Author(s): Gestalten & Cam Honan
9783899559859 (HB‐E)
Long‐distance trekking, short day trips out of town, an extended weekend escapade; the first series installment of our bestselling Wanderlust has it all. Experienced outdoor enthusiasts and those lacing‐up their boots for their first time: prepare to hike the diverse American landscape. Whether aiming to conquer epic expeditions, or simply complete a day hike to recharge, paths of every size await the intrepid wayfarer in Wanderlust USA, a book that serves as a blueprint for adventurous souls in search of new summits. Stunning photography and insightful tips from veteran long‐distance hiker Cam Honan bring many bucolic treks to life, including the unmissable California ancient redwoods and misty waterfalls of Yosemite Park, as well as Utah's dramatic canyons, and the Atlantic cliffs of Maine. [G] Gestalten Verlag, Sept. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback, 290x225 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, throughout col.ill.
Slow Travel
Reconnecting with the World at Your Own Pace Author(s): Penny Watson It can be challenging to travel at your own pace in the modern world without falling for the temptations of fast planes, cheap airlines, last‐minute tickets, quick‐fix travel apps and overzealous tour operators. To actually take a back seat and allow yourself time to embrace the ebb and flow of travel requires a more thoughtful and philosophical way of journeying. Slow Travel: A Movement is a beautifully designed and practical compendium of places, activities, tours and experiences that will inspire you .. [UK] Hardie Grant, Nov. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback,253x201 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p,
9781741176674 (HB‐E)
Remote Places to Stay The Most Unique Hotels at the End of the World Author(s): Debbie Pappyn & David De Vleeschauwer Discover magical, remote locations around the world, from Africa to the Arctic, that will help you disconnect from modern life and enter a state of wonder. Silence. Calm. Open spaces. These are the new luxuries. In this turbulent era it has become ever more crucial to disconnect and slow down. Remote Places to Stay shares 22 out‐of‐the‐way places where you can get off the grid and reconnect to the essentials, surrounded by raw pristine nature.
9783899559866 (HB‐E)
[G] Gestalten Verlag, Aug. 2019, € 39,90, Hardback, 270x205 mm, Eng. ed., 312 p, throughout col.ill.
Primitive Technology A Survivalist's Guide to Building Tools, Shelters, and More in the Wild Author(s): John Plant John Plant, the man behind the channel, Primitive Technology, is a bonafide YouTube star. With over 8 million subscribers and an average of 5 million views per video, John's channel is beloved by a wide‐ranging fan base, from campers and preppers to hipster woodworkers and craftsmen. Now for the first time, fans will get a detailed, behind‐the‐scenes look into John's process. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Oct. 2019, € 20,95, Hardback,229x152 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
9781984823670 (HB‐E)
The Art of Fire Step by step guide to starting, building and handling fires Author(s): Daniel Hume Fire can fascinate, inspire, capture the imagination and bring families and communities together. It has the ability to amaze, energise and touch something deep inside all of us. For thousands of years, at every corner of the globe, humans have been huddling around fires: from the basic and primitive essentials of light, heat, energy and cooking, through to modern living, fire plays a central role in all of our lives. [UK] Penguin UK, Oct. 2019, € 13,80, Paperback,198x129 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p, Postponed.
9781784758424 (PB‐E) 101
Atlas Obscura Author(s): Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras, Ella Morton Praised as the "bestest travel guide ever" (Mary Roach) and "a joy to read and reread" (Neil Gaiman), Atlas Obscura is a phenomenon of travel books. Now the best gets better and the weirdest gets weirder with this completely revised and updated second edition that includes 120 new entries that offer readers even more of the most unusual, curious, bizarre, and mysterious places on earth. In addition, the second edition includes a full‐color gatefold Atlas Obscura road trip map, with a dream itinerary. [US] Workman, Oct. 2019, € 42,50, Hardback,272x185 mm, Eng. ed., 480 p, 2nd Edition
9781523506484 (HB‐E)
Orient Express The History of a Legend Author(s): Guillaume Picon, Benjamin Chelly, preface by Sir Kenneth Branagh "The Orient Express, in the collective imagination, embodies the golden age of travel. The abrics, the silverware, the woodwork; their evocative fragrance... all contribute to this particular atmosphere, created by the best craftsmen of the time. The experience on board is absolutely unique..." ‐ Sir Kenneth Branagh, from the foreword The first train to connect Paris to Constantinople ‐ the gateway to the Orient and epitome of all its associated desires and fantasies ‐ the Orient Express was an immediate success. Quickly nicknamed 'the king of trains, the train of kings', it had already become a legend in its own time. This unique train and its celebrated passengers (both real and fictional) have become one of the great cultural icons of our times and have helped to create a limitless source of stories and fantasies to feed our imaginations. It's a story told here through fabulous new photographs of the restoration workshops where the historic train carriages are being brought back to life, through archive photos of famous and exotic destinations, and portraits of the most famous passengers who were lucky enough to climb aboard.
9781851499151 (HB‐E)
[UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Aug. 2019 ‐R/P, € 50,00, Hardback, 290x240 mm, Eng. ed., 260 p, 294 col.ill. Reprint
City of Immortals Père‐Lachaise Cemetery Author(s): Carolyn Campbell This first account of a legendary necropolis will delight Francophiles, tourists and armchair travellers, while enriching the experience of taphophiles (cemetery lovers) and aficionados of art and architecture, mystery and romance. Carolyn Campbell's text and evocative images are complemented by those of renowned landscape photographer Joe Cornish.
9781943532292 (PB‐E)
[UK] Oro (ACC), Oct. 2019, € 25,00, Paperback, 228x152 mm, Eng. ed., 200 p, 100 col.ill.
Nomad Author(s): Emma Reddington The ubiquity of the internet has ushered in a new era of connectivity that makes working from an Airstream beside a roaring river or running a photography business from a mountaintop a reality. It's now possible to do whatever you want from wherever you want and still have a foothold in the world. This book shows you how, with tours of 26 unconventional homes and the people who live in them, plus all the information you need to make your own off‐the‐grid dream a reality. [US] Artisan (Workman), Sept. 2019, € 32,50, Hardback, 241x190 mm, Eng. ed., 320 p, 400 col.ill.
9781579658137 (HB‐E)
The Gardener's Travel Companion to England What to see and where to stay Author(s): Janelle McCulloch Every summer, people from all over the world travel to England to stay at charming guest houses with bucolic gardens, drink at country pubs with flower‐decked beer gardens, wander from gate to gate on garden tours, shop at stores for irresistible garden tools and seeds, and dine at cafes and restaurants with floral‐themed interiors. bestselling author Janelle McCulloch ‐ part guidebook and part armchair delight for garden lovers ‐ shows you where to find these wonderful garden destinations. [UK] Images (ACC), Aug. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback,229x178 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p,
9781864707571 (HB‐E)
Don't Be a Tourist in New York The Messy Nessy Chic Guide Author(s): Vanessa Grall This book invites you to travel in a way that tourists rarely do, whether you're a lifelong New Yorker looking for an excuse to leave your apartment or a first time visitor searching for a companion that won't drag you around like a sightseer. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC, July 2019, € 31,50, Hardback,222x165 mm, Eng. ed., 376 p,
9781916430914 (HB‐E)
ISBN 9781916430921 (Paris)
Writers' London Author(s): Carrie Kania and Alan Oliver London has long been a centre of the literary world. From Shakespeare to Amis, Bryon to Blake, Plath, Thomas, Christie and Rowling; many of the greatest names in literature have made this metropolis their home. Writers' London guides the reader through homes, bookshops, pubs and cemeteries, in search of where literary greats loved and lost, drank and died. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Nov. 2019, € 18,95, Paperback with flaps,210x150 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
9781788840460 (PB+‐E)
ISBN 9781788840385 (Art London)
Monocle Travel Guide:
Brussels & Antwerp
9783899559736 (HB‐E)
[G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides, Oct. 2019, € 18,00, Hardback, 210x140 mm, Eng. ed., 148 p, Throughout col.ill.
ISBN 9783899559712 (Chicago) ISBN 9783899559729 (Marrakech)
Zo Koop Je een Huis in Spanje Author(s): Marleen De Vijt
9789053254646 (PB+‐NL)
Je droom is een huis in Spanje kopen, je staat aan het begin van je zoektocht en je zoekt inspiratie, je bent al gevorderd in je aankooptraject en zoekt informatie, je bent klaar om te kopen en hebt behoefte aan een stappenplan 5. je wil geen kat in een zak kopen, en je wil vooral niet teveel betalen. Dan is dit de perfecte gids. Marleen De Vijt ademt Spanje. Zoals een echte expert betaamt, durft ze ook over de negatieve zaken vertellen. Precies dat maakt haar tot een echt gewaarde expert. [BE] Pandora, Oct. 2019, € 21,95, Paperback with flaps, 211x145 mm, NL ed., 224 p, throughout col.ill.
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Author(s): General Editor: Steven Jay Schneider Packed with vital statistics, and a few facts that might surprise you, this is a collector's must for the bookshelf as well as an entertaining read for all those who love the world of film. Newly revised and updated, this definitive edition features 500 original movie posters and hundreds of stunning movie stills, including recent Oscar‐winning and nominated films such as BlacKkKlansman, The Greatest Showman, The Favourite, Roma and A Star is Born. Quotes from movie directors and critics, together with litt [UK] Cassell (octopus), Oct. 2019, € 25,50, Paperback, 210x160 mm, Eng. ed., 960 p, 800 col.ill. Updated edition.
9781788401777 (PB‐E)
Cinema: The Whole Story Author(s): Philip Kemp Cinema: The Whole Story takes a close look at the key time periods, genres and key works in world cinema. It places the burgeoning world of cinema in the context of social and cultural developments that have taken place since its beginnings. Organized chronologically, the book traces the evolution of cinematic development, from the earliest days of film projection to the multiscreen cinemas and super‐technology of today. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Oct. 2019, € 35,00, Flexi (Pb luxe),245x172 mm, Eng. ed., 576 p,
9780500295274 (flexi‐E)
Cinephile. A Card Game Author(s): Cory Everett
9781984825575 (BOX‐E)
This card‐based party game is a well‐crafted mix of sleek design, pop culture, and film‐‐sure to be a hit at any game night, family gathering, movie night, or even as an ice breaker for your new book club. With multiple ways to play based on difficulty level ranging from casual movie‐goer to bonafide film nerd, Cinephile will have you and your friends racking your brains for Sean Connery's lesser‐known films, Cate Blanchett's filmography, and Steve Buscemi's most memorable cameos. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Aug. 2019, € 23,80, Box,93x141 mm, Eng. ed., 150 p,
The Secret Life of Movies Author(s): Simon Brew
9781788401272 (HB‐E)
Hidden motifs, references, background details, set design, cameos, crossovers, inspirations and oddities Get ready to spot hundreds of things you've never seen before across a wide range of films, in this brand new book from the creator of alternative culture website Den of Geek From the small references and inspirations, through to clues, hidden meanings and moments in frame that you may have simply missed, this indispensable guide is a jam‐packed treasure trove that every film fan will find exhilarating [UK] Cassell (octopus), Aug. 2019, € 20,00, Hardback,217x165 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p,
Game of Thrones A Guide to Westeros and Beyond, The Complete Series Author(s): Myles McNutt Bound in gorgeous gold and silver foil, this remarkable volume celebrates and explores the complex stories, relationships, and world building in HBO's Emmy‐award winning Game of Thrones series, from Season 1 through Season 7. The book follows the story of Essos and southern Westeros, with firebreathing dragons and clashing noble houses, and the story of northern Westeros, where the Night King leads his army of the dead across the icy landscape. [UK] Penguin UK ‐ Michael Joseph, Nov. 2019, € 27,95, Hardback,279x229 mm, Eng. ed., 288 p,
9780241355510 (HB‐E)
The Art of Frozen 2 Author(s): Jessica Julius Through never‐before‐seen development art, character sketches, storyboards, and color scripts, The Art of Frozen 2 gives fans a front‐row view of the vast creative effort behind the much‐anticipated sequel to Frozen. Filled with gorgeous four‐color images and fascinating facts and details from the production team, it’s the ultimate insider’s look. [US] Chronicle Books, Nov. 2019, € 36,50, Hardback,229x279 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
9781452169491 (HB‐E)
Alfred Hitchcock 120th anniversary of his birth, the life and masterpieces by Alfred Hitchcock, a British filmmaker, master of suspense and cinema genius. Through a vast selection of photos and original contents taken from the set of masterpieces like Psycho (1960), Rear Window (1954), Birds (1963), Vertigo (1958), North by Northwest (1959), Dial M for Murder (1954), readers are taken backstage to discover curious details and better understand the life of this master of suspense. [IT] Skira, Sept. 2019, € 42,50, Hardback,280x240 mm, Eng. ed., 200 p,
9788857240930 (HB‐E)
Quentin Tarantino The iconic filmmaker and his work Author(s): Ian Nathan With a visually arresting design that mimics Tarantino's approach to film‐making and chapters organized by film, the pages are brimming with images taken on set and behind the scenes. This is the ultimate celebration for any Tarantino fan. Through in‐depth and informative text written by renowned film journalist Ian Nathan, this book examines the entirety of Tarantino's work. You'll also go behind the scenes of Tarantino's latest epic, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
9781781317754 (HB‐E)
[UK] White Lion (Quarto), Oct. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback, 240x210 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p, 150 col. & bw ill.
Tarantino A Retrospective Author(s): Tom Shone Quentin Tarantino is one of the most influential and distinctive filmmakers at work in the world today. His films are so admired that nearly every one he makes becomes an instant cult classic. Here, Tom Shone presents in‐depth commentaries on each of the nine films Tarantino has directed, from Reservoir Dogs to The Hateful Eight, as well as looking at his early life, acting career, and his indisputable talent for scriptwriting. [UK] Thames & Hudson, Oct. 2019, € 35,00, Paperback,292x248 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, New edition
9780500023174 (PB‐E) 106
Beatrice Joris Mertens Debuut van een van de meest virtuoze Vlaamse tekenaars van het moment. Nostalgisch avontuur in Parijs; een gevonden rode damestas opent een nieuwe wereld voor Beatrice... Beatrice neemt elke dag de trein naar haar werk. In het station valt haar oog op een felrode tas. De volgende dagen, bij elke passage door het station, lijkt deze onaangeroerd op haar te wachten. Ze kan uiteindelijk haar nieuwsgierigheid niet meer de baas en neemt de tas mee naar huis, waardoor er onverwacht een nieuwe wereld opengaat...
9789492672230 (HB‐‐)
[BE] Oogachtend, Oct. 2019, € 24,00, Hardback, 310x240 mm, No text, 112 p, throughout col.ill.
Brecht Evens Lontano
Veraf. Lang geleden. Of vlakbij en pasgebeurd? Deze beelden overstijgen ruimte en tijd. Een bundel losse prenten uit Het amusement, Panter en Ergens waar je niet wil zijn.
[BE] Oogachtend, Nov. 2019, € 25,00, Hardback, 400x300 mm, No text, 36 p, throughout col.ill.
9789492672254 (HB‐‐)
Penelope Judith Vanistendael
9789492672179 (HB‐NL) 9789492672186 (LUXE EDITION - Firm)
Penelope is vrouw, moeder en chirurg. Haar dochter, thuis, worstelt met de ablatief en met haar pubertijd, terwijl Penelope levens redt in een veldhospitaal in Aleppo. Maar in de bikkelharde oorlogsrealiteit verliest ze ook patiënten, loopt ze trauma's op, en merkt ze dat ze haar roeping steeds moeilijker verzoend krijgt met haar gezin. [BE] Oogachtend, Sept. 2019, € 26,90, Hardback,250x180 mm, NL ed., 160 p,
[BE] Oogachtend (Limited editions), Sept. 2019, € 69,00, Paperback, 250x180 mm, NL ed., 180 p, throughout col.ill. Limited editie met extra katern, oplage 175 ex. *** FIRM SALE ONLY
Mikel Judith Vanistendael, Mark Bellido Mikel lives with his wife and two children in Costur, an idyllic Spanish town surrounded by hills. He has a job selling confectionary, but Mikel is a dreamer, not a businessman, and money is tight. What's more, the mundanity of small‐town life is preventing him from fulfilling a life‐long dream: to become a writer. Seeking both drama and financial security, Mikel takes a job as a bodyguard. [UK] SelfMadeHero, Oct. 2019, € 32,00, Hardback, 240x170 mm, Eng. ed., 368 p, throughout col.ill.
9781910593707 (HB‐E)
Dieter Van der Ougstraete Dino
9789492672193 (HB‐NL)
Wanneer de 13‐jarige Didier 'Dino' Duyckelaere en zijn vader door omstandigheden van de anonieme stad naar het plattelandsdorpje Erfschote verhuizen, loopt dat niet van een leien dakje. Dino moet zich op het Sint‐Vincentiuscollege zien op te werken van loser tot coole kid; terwijl vader onderaan de sociale ladder moet beginnen bij Fritfrost, de enige werkgever die de regio rijk is. Ondertussen razen de hormonen en demonen en dreigt alles elk moment weer in elkaar te stuiken. [BE] Oogachtend, Sept. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback, 320x240 mm, NL ed., 196 p, throughout col.ill.
Zeep #2 Maarten Vande Wiele Met moeder in kritieke toestand, moet Ken noodgedwongen een stap terugzetten uit het familiebedrijf. Hij vraagt Barbra om Castelson zeep te leiden. Maar hoe doe je dat? Zakenvrouw zijn? Gelukkig is er de altijd behulpzame Todd die Barbra maar al te graag de knepen van het vak leert. Ook Rachella Kabuki zit niet stil. Ze wil Barbra zo snel mogelijk weg uit castelmaine... en uit het hart van Ken. Wraak is een gerecht dat je het best koud serveert. Een nieuwe episode vol spanning, passie en intriges! [BE] Oogachtend, Sept. 2019, € 17,00, Paperback,x mm, NL ed., 160 p,
9789492672216 (PB‐NL)
Zeep 1+2 (pakket) Maarten Vande Wiele Met moeder in kritieke toestand, moet Ken noodgedwongen een stap terugzetten uit het familiebedrijf. Hij vraagt Barbra om Castelson zeep te leiden. Maar hoe doe je dat? Zakenvrouw zijn? Gelukkig is er de altijd behulpzame Todd die Barbra maar al te graag de knepen van het vak leert. Ook Rachella Kabuki zit niet stil. Ze wil Barbra zo snel mogelijk weg uit castelmaine... en uit het hart van Ken. Wraak is een gerecht dat je het best koud serveert. Een nieuwe episode vol spanning, passie en intriges!
9789492672261 (PB‐NL)
[BE] Oogachtend, Sept. 2019, € 25,00, Paperback, 230x160 mm, NL ed., 320 p, throughout col.ill.
Esther Verkest 15. Heelhuids in de Hel Kim
[BE] Oogachtend, Dec. 2019, € 9,95, Paperback, 300x210 mm, NL ed., 48 p, throughout col.ill.
9789492672223 (PB‐NL)
Naasten Melanie Kranenburg, Niek van Ooijen, Maaike Haan De vrouw van Geert krijgt te horen dat haar kanker niet meer te genezen is. De vader van Eva is al lange tijd ernstig ziek en takelt steeds verder af. Ze belanden in dezelfde situatie, maar hebben ieder hun eigen verhaal. Naar een onderzoek van Maaike Haan hebben afstuderende studenten Comic Design Melanie Kranenburg en Niek van Ooijen de twee fictieve verhalen over mantelzorg in de laatste levensfase verbeeld. [BE] Oogachtend, Oct. 2019, € 19,99, Paperback, 250x180 mm, NL ed., 160 p, throughout col.ill.
9789492672209 (PB‐NL)
La déesse requin Lison Ferné L'histoire est librement inspirée de La fille du roi dragon, un conte classique chinois, sorte de variation orientale de La petite sirène d'Andersen. Le monde est divisé en deux : d'un côté celui des humains, de l'autre celui des dieux de la mer dont est issue la jeune Dahut. Cette dernière ne craint pas de braver les interdits de sa mère, la déesse Boddhisatava, pour assister à une grande fête dans le monde des humains. [BE] CFC‐Éditions, Jan. 2020, € 18,00, Hardback,275x200 mm, French ed., 112 p,
9782875720498 (HB‐F)
Kanar y croit toujours ! Kanar possède un style graphique épuré immédiatement reconnaissable, qu'il s'agisse de ses personnages filiformes ou de ses collages tout aussi décapants. rien de notre actualité morose ni des travers de notre humanité n'échappe à son humour corrosif et souvent dérangeant qui ne connaît d'autre règle que de faire mouche. [BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie, Nov. 2019, € 25,00, Paperback, 240x170 mm, French ed., 160 p, 148 col.ill.
9782873175368 (PB‐F)
Rusty Brown Chris Ware 'The week after I finished the last page of Jimmy Corrigan I immediately started a new long story based on characters who had originated as parodies, but whom now I wanted to humanize... amidst a setting of memories of my Omaha childhood and Nebraska upbringing.' (Chris Ware, Monograph) Now, twenty years later, Ware is publishing Rusty Brown in book form.
[UK] Random House ‐ Jonathan Cape, Sept. 2019, € 36,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 348 p,
9780224078139 (HB‐E)
Katsuya Terada Real Size Author(s): by Katsuya Terada Collection of amazing one‐shot drawings using only a black marker by the "Doodle King" Katsuya Terada. This is the definitive collection of Katsuya Terada's black marker artworks, which have been displayed at his exhibitions both domestically and internationally, and of course including illustrations from his live drawing events. Containing over 150 illustrations, each work is displayed at 16% of the original to show the whole artwork, along with the original size (real size).
9784756251879 (HB‐E)
[JA] Pie Books, Sept. 2019, € 49,50, Hardback,302x176 mm, Eng. ed., 218 p,
Speak The Graphic Novel Author(s): Text: Laurie Halse Anderson. Illustrations: Emily Carroll Melinda is an outcast at Merryweather High. Something happened over the summer ‐ something bad ‐ and now nobody will talk to her, let alone listen. So what's the point in speaking at all? Through her work on an art project, Melinda is finally able to face what really happened that night. But before she can make peace with the ghosts of the past, she has to confront the reality of the present ‐ and stop someone who still wishes to do her harm. Only words can save her. She can't stay silent. Not any more.
9781444953732 (PB‐E)
[UK] Hodder (Hachette), Sept. 2019, € 15,50, Paperback,216x182 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p,
The ABC of Typography Author(s): David Rault. Art by Syhan Argun, Aseyn, François Ayroles, Hervé Bourhis, Alexandre Clérisse, Olivier Deloye Libon, D. Panique, Jake Raynal, Anne Simon, S Ingeon The ABC of Typography traces 3,500 years of type, from Sumerian pictographs, through Roman calligraphy, to Gutenberg, the Bauhaus and beyond. Brimming with insight and anecdote, this witty and well‐informed graphic guide explores the historical, technological and cultural shifts that have defined the look of the words we read, as well as introducing the artists who have marked typography's long history.
9781910593714 (HB‐E)
[UK] SelfMadeHero, Aug. 2019, € 18,95, Hardback, 260x190 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p, throughout col.ill.
The Book of Forks Rob Davis The Motherless Oven and The Can Opener's Daughter may have raised more questions than they answered. But The Book of Forks explains everything. Castro Smith finds himself imprisoned within the mysterious Power Station, writing his Book of Forks while navigating baffling daily meetings with Poly, a troubled young woman who may be his teacher, his doctor, his prison guard… or something else entirely. [UK] SelfMadeHero, Oct. 2019, € 16,95, Paperback, 240x170 mm, Eng. ed., 200 p, throughout bw ill.
9781910593738 (PB‐E) ISBN 9781906838812 (1) ISBN 9781910593172 (2)
The much‐anticipated final volume of Rob Davis’s dark and inventive trilogy
After the Spring
A Story of Tunisian Youth Author(s): Helene Aldeguer 2013. Two years after the "Jasmine Revolution," Tunisia is unstable and unable to recover economically. High unemployment abounds among the country's youth, who feel abandoned. Saif goes to college and worries about his younger brother Walid, still living with their parents and jobless. Aziz works in a call center to make himself palatable to the family of his fiancée, Meriem, who herself is a law student. [US] Random House US, Nov. 2019, € 23,00, Hardback,229x178 mm, Eng. ed., 136 p,
9781684055463 (HB‐E) 113
Asterix: and the Chieftain's Daughter (Pb) Author(s): Jean‐Yves Ferri (text) & Didier Conrad (Illustrator) The next action‐packed adventure from Asterix and Obelix! [UK] Hachette ‐ Orion (Asterix), Oct. 2019, € 11,50, Paperback, 287x216 mm, Eng. ed., 48 p, throughout col.ill.
Hardback edition: ISBN 9781510107137 (Hb)
9781510107144 (PB‐E)
Animal Farm: The Graphic Novel George Orwell When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master Mr Jones and take over the farm themselves, they imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality. But gradually a cunning, ruthless elite, masterminded by the pigs Napoleon and Snowball, starts to take control. Soon the other animals find themselves hopelessly ensnared as one form of tyranny is replaced with another... [UK] Penguin Classics, Sept. 2019, € 23,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 176 p,
9780241391846 (HB‐E)
Finnish Nightmares An Irreverent Guide to Life's Awkward Moments Author(s): Karoliina Korhonen
9781984857040 (HB‐E)
Mild‐mannered protagonist Matti is a typical Finn who appreciates peace, quiet, and personal space‐‐but things do not always go according to his wishes. Finnish Nightmares is an illustrated collection of his and many people's worst fears when it comes to social interactions. [US] Random House US, Aug. 2019, € 15,80, Hardback,134x185 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p,
Gangster Doodles Author(s): Marlon Sassy A collectible, four‐color illustrated A‐Z treasury of gangster rappers, the hip‐hop high‐life, and notorious pop culture history, told through a series of graphic doodles on 3" x 3" sticky notes. [US] Harper Collins US (HCUK), Sept. 2019, € 27,95, Hardback,178x178 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p,
9780062856555 (HB‐E)
Excuse Me Cartoons, Complaints, and Notes to Self Author(s): Liana Finck With her trademark, scratchy style and keen eye for the absurd, Liana Finck has amassed a large, devoted following who love the deeply insightful, delightfully odd way she describes how we all experience the world. [US] Random House US, Sept. 2019, € 20,95, Paperback,201x151 mm, Eng. ed., 416 p,
9781984801517 (PB‐E)
Love and Other Weird Things Author(s): Rich Sparks Love and Other Weird Things is a cartoon collection by the soontobehouseholdnameifthere'sanyjusticeinthisworld Rich Sparks. The cast of characters seem innocuous enough: foulmouthed animals, Paul Bunyan, Smokey the Bear, stout men in tighty whities. But the situations give Monty Python a run for their money. And the juxtapositionsgood heavens! Sparks has been published in the New Yorker, the Wall Street Journal, and many other publications.
9781684055791 (PB‐E)
[US] Random House US, Dec. 2019, € 15,80, Paperback,203x152 mm, Eng. ed., 152 p,
Poorlier Drawn Lines Reza Farazmand Poorlier Drawn Lines is the hilarious third instalment of Reza Farazmand's New York Times bestselling Poorly Drawn Lines series. It follows up his 2017 hit Comics for a Strange World, and takes place in the same bizarre, now utterly beloved universe with Reza's familiar characters. This new collection from the webcomic artist brings his signature snark and poignant observation of these singularly strange and confusing times. [US] Random House US, Nov. 2019, € 15,80, Paperback,178x178 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p,
9780593087701 (PB‐E) 115
Jazz Age Design #99 Gift wrapping paper book PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain 4 pages of introduction and 12 large sheets of very high‐quality wrapping paper. They can easily be removed from the books by tearing them along a perforated line. The wrapping papers are folded to fit into the book; when removed and opened they measure 50 cm x 70 cm (191/2 inch x 271/2 inch; a standard size for gift wrapping papers). [NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap, June 2019, € 12,95, Paperback,345x250 mm, E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed, 16 p,
9789460091124 (PB‐E/ F/NL/G/SP/IT/J/CH)
Art Nouveau Paper Craft Book This book contains 50 sheets (= 100 pages) of different types of artist papers that can be used to create and customize a range of papercraft projects. There is 1 sheet with text and 9 sheets with foldable cards, 8 sheets with templates for envelopes to be cut and folded, 4 sheets of sticker paper with total 48 stickers, 8 sheets 200gsm artist paper with 10 postcards , 4 gift‐card cards and 24 gift tags. [NL] Pepin ‐ Paper Craft Books, Sept. 2019, € 19,95, Paperback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
9789460094057 (PB‐E)
9789460094293 (PB‐E) (Fashion)
C6 Evenlopes ‐ Botanical 20 C6 size envelopes, premium ivory paper 120gs printed with 1 design [NL] Pepin Press, Sept. 2019, € 9,95, Set/ Pack,x mm, No text, 20 p,
9789460093661 (SET‐‐)
Botanical Letter writing Set Luxury box with fine paper sheets, matching envelopes and assorted stickers 10 sheets (A5) of 4 different designs, total of 40 sheets 40 envelopes with 2 different designs 50 assorted stickers and labels Sheets, envelopes and stickers can be used in combination or independently. [NL] Pepin Press, Oct. 2019, € 19,95, Box,170x230 mm, No text, 40 p,
9789460094873 (BOX‐‐)
9789460093364 (PAD‐‐)
Note Pads A5 ‐ Botanical PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain 64 sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; 32 sheets are ruled and 32 are blank. The backs of the sheets are decorated with 4 designs or works of art, 16 sheets each. Matching DL envelopes are available in packs of 25. [NL] Pepin Press, Sept. 2019, € 9,95, Pad,210x150 mm, No text, 64 p,
Chinese Fairy Tales and Legends Author(s): Frederick H Martens, Richard Wilhelm, Lucrezia Botti An elegantly packaged new edition of a classic Chinese folk tale collection that responds to the contemporary fascination with the ancient culture of the Far East. This elegantly presented edition of Richard Wilhelm & Frederick H. Martens' classic collection of 73 Chinese fairy tales has been re‐edited by a leading Chinese historian to heighten its appeal to the modern Western reader. [UK] Bloomsbury, Sept. 2019, € 16,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 240 p,
9781912392155 (HB‐E)
The Well‐Read Cat Author(s): Michele Sacquin, Pierre Rosenberg From medieval manuscript to Japanese prints, from Steinlen's splendid drawings to 17th century prints, the author introduces the reader to the hundreds of books and manuscripts (belonging to the Bibliotheque Nationale de France in Paris) in which the lovely feline is represented. The cat has been the main character of many tales, but also the inhabitant of the most diverse books: from natural histories to household manuals, from medieval prayer books to famous writers' manuscripts. [UK] Other Distributed publishers ACC, July 2019, € 25,00, Hardback, 240x165 mm, Eng. ed., 212 p, 135 col.ill.
9788889854563 (HB‐E)
Nordic Tales Author(s): Illustrated by Ulla Thynell This collection of 16 traditional tales transports readers to the enchanting world of Nordic folklore. Translated and transcribed by folklorists in the 19th century, and presented here unabridged, the stories are by turns magical, hilarious, cozy, and chilling. They offer a fascinating view into Nordic culture and a comforting wintertime read. Ulla Thynell's glowing contemporary illustrations accompany each tale, conjuring dragons, princesses, and the northern lights. [US] Chronicle Books, Aug. 2019, € 21,50, Hardback,229x184 mm, Eng. ed., 168 p,
9781452174471 (HB‐E)
Year of the Monkey Patti Smith Following a run of New Year's concerts at San Francisco's legendary Fillmore, Patti Smith finds herself tramping the coast of Santa Cruz, about to embark on a year of solitary wandering. Unfettered by logic or time, she draws us into her private wonderland, with no design yet heeding signs, including a talking sign that looms above her, prodding and sparring like the Cheshire Cat. In February, a surreal lunar year begins, bringing with it unexpected turns, heightened mischief, and inescapable sorrow. [UK] Bloomsbury, Sept. 2019, € 16,50, Hardback,234x153 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
9781526614759 (HB‐E)
Bowie's Books The Hundred Literary Heroes Who Changed His Life Author(s): John O'Connell Three years before he died, David Bowie made a list of the one hundred books that had transformed his life ‐ a list that formed something akin to an autobiography. From Madame Bovary to A Clockwork Orange, the Iliad to the Beano, these were the publications that had fuelled his creativity and shaped who he was. [UK] Bloomsbury, Nov. 2019, € 18,95, Trade Pb,x mm, Eng. ed., 288 p,
9781526605801 (TPB‐E)
The Secret life of Books Why They Mean More Than Words Author(s): Tom Mole The Secret Life of Books is about everything that isn't just the words. It's about how books transform us as individuals. It's about how books ‐ and readers ‐ have evolved over time. And it's about why, even with the arrival of other media, books still have the power to change our lives. In this illuminating account, Tom Mole looks at everything from binding innovations to binding errors, to books defaced by lovers, to those imprisoning professors in their offices, to books in art, to burned books, to... [UK] Simon & Schuster, Sept. 2019, € 21,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9781783964581 (HB‐E)
Just Kids Illustrated Edition Author(s): Patti Smith Patti's Smith's exquisite prose is generously illustrated in this full‐color edition of her classic coming‐of‐age memoir, Just Kids. New York locations vividly come to life where, as young artists, Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe met and fell in love: a first apartment in Brooklyn, Times Square with John and Yoko's iconic billboard, Max's Kansas City, or the gritty fire escape of the Hotel Chelsea. [UK] Bloomsbury, Nov. 2019, € 37,95, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 384 p,
9781526615008 (HB‐E)
Joni Mitchell. Morning Glory on the Vine Early Songs and Drawings
9781786898586 (HB‐E)
Originally handcrafted in 1971 as a gift for friends, this edition of Joni Mitchell's best‐loved poems, illustrations, watercolours and hand‐lettered song lyrics is now publicly available for the first time In 1971, as her groundbreaking album Blue emerged as a singular commercial and critical success around the world, Joni Mitchell puzzled over what gift to give her friends that Christmas. The result was a handmade book, with only one hundred copies produced, filled with Joni's hand‐written lyrics and reproductions of many of her stunning drawings ‐ portraits, abstracts, random concertgoers, and more. Each was given to a friend and, until now, the edition has remained private. Today, with Morning Glory on the Vine, Joni's long‐ago personal Christmas present is a present to us all. [UK] Canongate (Faber), Oct. 2019, € 35,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., 128 p,
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (vol.4) Illustrated Edition Author(s): J.K. Rowling & Jim Kay (Illustrator)
9781408845677 (HB‐E)
An extraordinary creative achievement by an extraordinary talent, Jim Kay's inspired reimagining of J.K. Rowling's classic series has captured a devoted following worldwide. This stunning new fully illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban brings more breathtaking scenes and unforgettable characters ‐ including Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Professor Trelawney. With paint, pencil and pixels, Kay conjures the wizarding world as we have never seen it before. [UK] Bloomsbury, Oct. 2019, € 40,00, Hardback,267x226 mm, Eng. ed., 464 p,
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald The Original Screenplay by J.K. Rowling The Wizarding World journey continues . . . The powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald was captured in New York with the help of Newt Scamander. But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escapes custody and sets about gathering followers, most of whom are unsuspecting of his true agenda: to raise pure‐blood wizards up to rule over all non‐magical beings. In an effort to thwart Grindelwald's plans, Albus Dumbledore enlists Newt, his former Hogwarts student... [UK] Little Brown (Hachette), Nov. 2019, € 23,95, Paperback,222x138 mm, Eng. ed., 304 p,
9780751578287 (PB‐E)
Minalima: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking‐Glass Lewis Carroll & Minalima Lewis Carroll's beloved classic stories are reimagined in this deluxe illustrated gift edition from the award‐winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima‐designed with stunning full color artwork and several interactive features. [US] Harper Collins US (HCUK), Oct. 2019, € 31,95, Hardback,235x159 mm, Eng. ed., 336 p,
Minalima: The Secret Garden 9780062936615 (HB‐E)
9780062692573 (HB‐E)
Frances Hodgson Burnett & Minalima The classic English children's novel of three young friends and one special garden, stunningly reimagined in a deluxe full‐color edition, illustrated with beautiful artwork and unique interactive features created by the award‐winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima‐sure to delight fans of the live action film versions coming in 2018 from Disney and Universal Studios. [US] Harper Collins US (HCUK), Sept. 2018, € 31,95, Hardback,241x165 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p,
Redefining the Brand Experience Author(s): Moment Tokyo‐based design firm MOMENT, run by Hisaaki Hirawata and Tomohiro Watabe, creates rich and sleek commercial environments for a wide spectrum of brands, having attracted many celebrated clients. Their work ranges from store designs for high‐end fashion brands to temporary retail spaces, cafés, restaurants, and ambient plans for department stores. [NL] Frame, Sept. 2019, € 39,00, Hardback, 297x225 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p, 300 col.ill.
9789492311443 (HB‐E)
Type & Color How to Design and Use Multicolored Typefaces Author(s): Mark van Wageningen To create his award‐winning multicolored typefaces, Mark van Wageningen first returned to the past for his research: wood‐type printing. His subsequentform and color studies led to a series of popular digital typefaces and awards for typographic excellence from the Type Directors Club. In Type and Color, the pioneering typographic designer provides all the tools you will need to participate in the hottest typography trend: designing with multicolored fonts. [US] Princeton, Oct. 2019, € 31,95, Hardback, 260x210 mm, Eng. ed., 180 p, 200 col.ill., 185 duotone ill.
9781616898465 (HB‐E)
The Type Directory Author(s): Peter Dawson There is an astonishing diversity of typefaces, with over 100,000 now available. With such a diverse and inspiring range of types now on offer, The Type Directory presents old and new, popular and obscure, separating and identifying these considered forms to provide a comprehensive and fascinating selection of typefaces available to use today.
9780500241547 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson +, Nov. 2019, € 46,50, Hardback,229x216 mm, Eng. ed., 672 p,
Prince The Beautiful Ones Author(s): Prince & Dan Piepenbring From the enigmatic musical genius Prince, and his hand‐picked editor Dan Piepenbring, comes the story of one of the greatest artists of all time. Publishing in October 2019, this beautiful book features never‐before‐seen photos, original scrapbooks and lyric sheets, and the exquisite memoir he began writing before his tragic death. We will never see the full memoir that Prince intended to write, but this is the closest readers will ever get to the enigmatic genius, in his own voice. [UK] Random House ‐ Century, Oct. 2019, € 35,95, Hardback, Eng. ed., 336 p,
9781780899176 (HB‐E)
Jeff Buckley His Own Voice Author(s): Mary Guibert, David Browne Throughout his life, Buckley obsessively kept journals chronicling his goals, inspirations, aspirations, and creative struggles. His diaries amount to one of the most insightful life chronicles any musical artist has ever left behind. Jeff Buckley: His Own Voice will mark the first‐ever publication of Buckley's account of his journey through his handwritten diaries and lyrics. [UK] Cassell (octopus), Oct. 2019, € 37,95, Hardback,230x160 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9781788400077 (HB‐E)
Metallica: The Stories Behind the Songs Author(s): Chris Ingham Metallica: The Stories Behind the Songs explores the writing and recording of the band's greatest records, including classic albums such as Master of Puppets (1986) and Metallica ("the black album") (1991), right through to 2016's Hardwired... to Self‐Destruct. This is the perfect book for any metalhead who wants to get an insight into the creative process of one of the heaviest bands of all time. [UK] Carlton, July 2019, € 25,00, Hardback,237x185 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p,
9781787392779 (HB‐E) 122
Elton John by Terry O'Neill
The definitive portrait, with unseen images Author(s): Terry O'Neill Elton John and iconic photographer Terry O'Neill worked together for many years, taking in excess of 5,000 photographs. From intimate backstage shots to huge stadium concerts, the photographs in this book represent the very best of this archive, with most of the images being shown here for the first time. [UK] Cassell (octopus), Oct. 2019, € 37,95, Hardback,253x201 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9781509853311 (HB‐E)
Elton John. Me Author(s): Elton John
9781788401487 (HB‐E)
A multiple Grammy‐winning legend and flamboyant superstar, Elton is the most enduringly successful singer/songwriter of all time. Fans have been eagerly waiting for him to tell his story. Now the wait is (almost) over. Coming in October 2019, the first and only official autobiography of a much‐loved global icon. [UK] MacMillan, Oct. 2019, € 35,50, Hardback,200x130 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p,
Freddie Mercury A to Z The Life of an Icon Author(s): Steve Wide & Paul Borchers Celebrate Freddie Mercury in the next iteration of Steve Wide's Icons A to Z series. Follow Freddie, born Farrokh Bulsara, as he harnesses hyperdontia to develop an unparalleled vocal range. See Smile, Freddie's first complete band, graduate to become the global phenomenon Queen. Dissect lyrical oddities like "radio gaga" and "Scaramouch," and revel in the glorious chevron mustache Freddie grew in 1980… Ripples of Freddie's legacy are still felt in music recorded today. [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Nov. 2019, € 16,50, Hardback, 240x200 mm, Eng. ed., 56 p, throughout col.ill.
9781925811346 (HB‐E)
Classic Albums by Women Author(s): Colleen Murphy Classic Album Sundays ‐ the world's most popular album listening event and content platform ‐ initiated an #AlbumsByWomen campaign in support of International Women's Day 2018. The hashtag soon grew into a movement, devoted to women's musicality and the power of the female voice. Collaborators shared photographs and commentary on their favorite albums by female artists, gathered together here in a single volume. [UK] ACC ART BOOKS, Sept. 2019, € 18,95, Paperback with flaps,190x190 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p,
9781788840392 (PB+‐E) 123
Street Art Europe Author(s): Julio Ashitaka Colossus is the definitive showcase of epic European street art. From Berlin to Barcelona, Budapest to Lisbon it's a visual guide to both the astonishing and the epic. From figurative to abstract, geometric to photo‐realistic, all of the major creative executions are covered in the expansive collection. This book is the culmination of years of obsessively keeping up with the explosion of the art form.
[UK] Carpet Bombing Culture books, Sept. 2019, € 32,00, Hardback,240x196 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p,
9781908211798 (HB‐E)
Street Culture Author(s): Seleen Saleh Street Culture is a stunning collection of photographs representing women and men of colour who exhibit a unique style. Seleen Saleh's photographs reveal individuality, fearlessness, and creativity in the most vibrant beings who collectively represent street style. This style is as varied as the people; it is a personal expression that changes day to day. It is an expression of a person's culture, mood, influences, and aesthetics. [UK] Oro (ACC), Nov. 2019, € 25,00, Paperback with flaps, 178x127 mm, Eng. ed., 300 p, 290 col.ill.
9781943532599 (PB+‐E)
Archipelago An Atlas of Imagined Islands Author(s): Huw Lewis‐Jones Islomania is a recognized affliction. But what is it about islands that is so alluring, and why do so many people find these self‐contained worlds completely irresistible? Utopia and Atlantis were islands, and islands have captured the imaginations of writers and artists for centuries. Venetian sailors were the first to make collections of them by drawing maps of those they visited in their isolari – literally the ‘island books’. Then in 1719 Daniel Defoe published his tale of a castaway on a desert island, Robinson Crusoe, one of the first great novels in the history of literature and an instant bestseller. Defoe’s tale combined the real and the imagined and transformed them into a compelling creative landscape, establishing a whole literary genre and unleashing the power of an island for storytelling.
9780500022566 (HB‐E)
To celebrate the tercentenary of Robinson Crusoe’s publication, a truly international range of leading illustrators imagine they too have been washed up on their own remote island. In a specially created map they visualize what it looks like, what it’s called and what can be found on its mythical shores. In a panoply of astonishingly creative and often surprising responses, we are invited to explore a curious and fabulous archipelago of islands of invention that will beguile illustrators, cartographers and dreamers alike. [UK] Thames & Hudson +, Aug. 2019, € 32,95, Hardback,260x200 mm, Eng. ed., 192 p,
The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering A Visual Guide to Contemporary Styles and Designs Author(s): B.J. Betts The Graphic Art of Tattoo Lettering is a visually led, comprehensive guide to designing and realizing hand‐drawn letterforms in the most widely used contemporary tattoo styles. Each chapter constitutes an accessible overview to these key tattoo styles, including an account of the history, complexities and relevant sub‐styles, interviews spotlighting leading practitioners, galleries of exemplary artists' work, sketches, sketchbooks, ...
9780500241530 (HB‐E)
[UK] Thames & Hudson, Sept. 2019, € 28,00, Hardback,209x164 mm, Eng. ed., 272 p,
Deeper Than Skin Art of the New Tattoo Author(s): Ed Hardy & Karin Breuer Ed Hardy s (b. 1945) unique vision spans decades, creating an indelible mark on popular culture. Accompanying a major exhibition, this profusely illustrated survey of his life in art traces his inspirations, rooted both in traditional American tattooing of the first half of the twentieth century and in the imagery of Japan s ukiyo‐e era. Hardy, raised in Southern California, became intrigued with tattoo art at the age of ten, setting up shop in his parents den. [US] Rizzoli, July 2019, € 52,50, Paperback,265x235 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
9780847867349 (PB‐E) 125
Imagine Moscow Architecture, Propaganda, Revolution Author(s): Ezster Steierhoffer Published at the centenary of the Russian Revolution, Imagine Moscow: Architecture, Propaganda, Revolution portrays Moscow as it was envisioned by a bold generation of architects in the 1920s and early 1930s. Through evocative imagery and a wealth of rarely seen material, this book provides a window into an idealistic fantasy of the Soviet capital that was never realised and has since been largely forgotten. [UK] Design Museum London, Sept. 2019, € 20,95, Hardback,180x125 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p,
9781872005348 (HB‐E)
Godless Utopia Soviet Anti‐Religious Propaganda Author(s): Roland Elliott Brown The first book to tell the visual story of the USSR's war against religion of all denominations, from the 1917 revolution to its fall in 1991 [UK] Fuel, Sept. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
9780995745575 (HB‐E)
Soviet Metro Stations Author(s): Christopher Herwig Following his best‐selling quest for Soviet Bus Stops, Christopher Herwig has completed a subterranean expedition ‐ photographing the stations of each Metro network of the former USSR. From extreme marble and chandelier opulence to brutal futuristic minimalist glory, Soviet Metro Stations documents this wealth of diverse architecture [UK] Fuel, Sept. 2019, € 35,00, Hardback,160x200 mm, Eng. ed., 240 p,
9780995745568 (HB‐E)
The Art of the Devil An Illustrated History Author(s): Demetrio Paparoni The Devil is a beautiful book showcasing the past and present portrayal and manifestations of the Evil One in Western and Eastern art and a richly illustrated account of the history, symbols and manifestations of the devil in the collective imagination of the past and the present. The book features artistic masterpieces, engravings, ancient documents, books, posters, postcards, tarots, album covers, comics, objects and plenty of oddities related to the world of demons, the occult, and evil. [US] Cernunnos (A&BC), Oct. 2019, € 44,00, Hardback, 263x207 mm, Eng. ed., 384 p, 400 col. & bw ill.
9782374951171 (HB‐E)
Cats Rock Felines in Contemporary Art and Pop Culture Author(s): Elizabeth Daley Curated around the work of internationally known artists and feline enthusiasts such as Mark Ryden, Shepard Fairey and Kat von D, this large volume is a love letter to our furry friends that purr and pounce. In more than 350 lavishly illustrated pages, you'll find the best of contemporary creations examining our obsessive relationship with these mischievous companions. [US] Cernunnos (A&BC), Nov. 2019, € 31,50, Hardback, 302x238 mm, Eng. ed., 250 p, 300 col. & bw ill.
9782374950464 (HB‐E)
Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark Author(s): Lucia Peters This compendium collects the most spine‐chilling games based on urban legends from around the world. Centuriesold games such as Bloody Mary and Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board are detailed alongside new games from the internet age, like The Answer Man, a sinister voice that whispers secrets to whomever manages to contact him with a cellphone. With step‐by‐step instructions, historical context, and the stakes for each game, this black handbook is the ideal gift for anyone looking for a late‐night thrll [US] Chronicle Books, Aug. 2019, € 11,50, Hardback,152x114 mm, Eng. ed., 200 p,
9781452179797 (HB‐E) 127
The Addams Family 30 Deluxe Postcards Author(s): Chas Addams The Addamses are a satirical inversion of the ideal twentieth‐century American family: an eccentric wealthy aristocratic clan who delight in the macabre and are seemingly unaware, or do not care, that other people find them bizarre or frightening. They originally appeared as an unrelated group of 150 single‐panel cartoons, about half of which were originally published in The New Yorker between their debut in 1938 and Charles Addams' death in 1988. [US] Cernunnos (A&BC), July 2019, € 16,79, Box,216x152 mm, Eng. ed., 30 p,
9782374950914 (BOX‐E)
JapanEmoji! The Characterful Guide to Living Japanese Author(s): Ed Griffiths How to live Japanese delivered through 100 familiar modern icons ‐ humble emojis. These Japanese inventions, used around the world by billions, are simple, playful gateways into the essential elements of Japanese living. Cherry blossom, autumn leaves, love hotel, manner mode, kimono, lantern, the star festival, moon viewing, mount fuji, bullet train, the tokyo tower, noh theater, anime, hanafuda, panda, snow monkey, chopsticks, ramen, sushi, bento, sake and green tea ‐ they are all explained. [UK] Random House ‐ Pop Press, May 2019, € 14,50, Hardback,197x142 mm, Eng. ed., 128 p,
9781785039898 (HB‐E)
We Are Everywhere Protest, Power and Pride in the History of Queer Liberation Author(s): Leighton Brown & Matthew Riemer A rich and sweeping photographic history of the Queer Liberation Movement, from the creators and curators of the massively popular Instagram account @lgbt_history, released in time for the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. Through the lenses of protest, power, and pride, We Are Everywhere is an essential and empowering introduction to the history of the fight for queer liberation. [US] Ten Speed Press, May 2019, € 41,50, Hardback,313x235 mm, Eng. ed., 368 p,
9780399581816 (HB‐E) 128
Hotel Chelsea Living in the Last Bohemian Haven Author(s): Colin Miller, Ray Mock Jackson Pollock, Robert Mapplethorpe, Patti Smith, Dylan Thomas, Arthur Miller, Bob Dylan, Arthur C. Clarke, Andy Warhol, William S. Burroughs, Janis Joplin, Eugene O'Neill, Rufus Wainwright, Betsey Johnson, R. Crumb, Thomas Wolfe, Jasper Johns‐‐these are just a few of the figures who at one time occupied one of the most alluring and storied residences ever: the Chelsea Hotel.
9781580935258 (HB‐E)
[US] Monacelli Press, Nov. 2019, € 52,50, Hardback,292x241 mm, Eng. ed., 256 p,
Art on Deck An Exploration of Supreme Skateboards from 1994‐2018 Author(s): Byron Hawes For 25 years, Supreme's skateboard collaborations have represented an iconic intersection between art and skate culture, ultimately birthing an entire culture of skateboard art. This book features original images of all decks, including ultra‐rare and un‐released pieces such as the 'LV' Cease‐and‐Desist series, the 'Japan‐only Jesus', and the Louis Vuitton x Supreme trunk. [US] Powerhouse Books, Nov. 2019, € 65,00, Hardback,273x220 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p,
9781576879382 (HB‐E)
Object Oriented An Anthology of Supreme Accessories from 1994‐2018 Author(s): Byron Hawes Noted design critic Byron Hawes traces the history of Supreme's industrial design objects, from cheeky early objects like a skate tool that moonlights as a pipe and a low‐key Fuck Tha Police branded tallboy paper bag through to notable collaborations with the likes of Spalding, Louisville Slugger, Everlast, and more, positing a theory that 'Preme's design output is actually a highly curated alt‐design museum, proposing an ongoing series of highly important and overlooked quotidian industrial design icons. [US] Powerhouse Books, Nov. 2019, € 65,00, Hardback,273x220 mm, Eng. ed., 352 p,
9781576879399 (HB‐E) 129
The Bucket, F*ck It, Done It List
What Would Arnie Do?
Brain Dump
3,669 Things to Do. Or Not. Whatever
Motivate and Perspirate With His Best Quotes
Become a Genius on the Loo
You don't have to do everything on the list to live your best life. Swap FOMO for JOMO and tick off 'Bucket', ' F*ck it' or 'Done it' for each of the 3,669 things to do, depending on whether you intend to do it, couldn't care less/would rather die than do it or have already accomplished it. Bucket, F*ck it or Done it. Which box would you tick when it comes to...? [UK] Random House ‐ Pop Press| Sara Kinninmont & Jamie Armstrong| Paperback| Eng. ed.| 178 x 110 mm| 320 p| July 2019| € 11,50 ISBN: 9781529104745 (PB /E)
Do you revere the legend that is Arnie? Do you agree that the best activities for your health are pumping and humping? Do you trust that if it bleeds, you can kill it? Then this is the book for you. Be inspired by the no‐nonsense life philosophy of Arnold Schwarzenegger, through his best and most ridiculous motivational quotes. And remember: Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer. [UK] Random House ‐ Pop Press| | Hardback| Eng. ed.| 167 x 119 mm| 128 p| Aug. 2019| € 8,50 ISBN: 9781785038778 (HB /E)
Queer Icons From Gay to Z
Girls and Their Cats
Artists, Activists and Trailblazers
For New York City fashion and beauty photographer BriAnne Wills, the "crazy cat lady" is a myth. Co‐written with Elyse Moody, senior editor at Martha Stewart Living, this book redefines the stereotype by showcasing 50 strong, independent, and artistic women who take the world in stride, flanked by their beloved felines.
This illustrated picture book is an alphabetic celebration of queer activists, artists, comedians, writers, philosophers, musicians, poets and Olympic gold medallists. These icons of the LGBTQ+ community have collectively championed civil rights, radically increased queer visibility and provided means of escapism through their soul‐affirm artistry. Just some of the trailblazers featured in Queer Icons from Gay to Z include Josephine Baker, Laverne Cox, Ellen DeGeneres, Keith Haring, Neil Patrick Harris,...
[US] Chronicle Books| Brianne Wills| Hardback| Eng. ed.| 165 x 165 mm| 176 p| throughout col.ill| Aug. 2019| € 22,50 ISBN: 9781452176796 (HB /E)
[US] Smith Street Books (A&CB)| Patrick Boyle & Antoine Corbineau| Hardback| Eng. ed.| 240 x 200 mm| 112 p| Aug. 2019| € 16,50 ISBN: 9781925811292 (HB /E)
If there is one other paper‐based product you will want to keep close at hand in the loo it is Brain Dump. Discover thousands of fun facts and stats, quirky lists, trivia and other things you need to know in the time it takes you to do a poo. Guaranteed to boost your brain while the rest of your body is otherwise occupied, this bumper compendium covers every subject from football to phobias, mountains to the Muppets and spiders to Shakespeare. [UK] Random House ‐ Pop Press| Geoff Tibballs| Paperback| Eng. ed.| 198 x 126 mm| 800 p| throughout col.ill| Aug. 2019| € 14,50 ISBN: 9781529102574 (PB /E)
Shedonism 101 Excuses to Escape to Your Shed Find yourself, in your shed. Turn your she‐shed or man cave into your own private escape with 101 simple, practical ideas. Take some well‐deserved alone time and learn to preserve lemons and chillies, whittle a butter knife, tie your own fishing flies, keep chickens, plant a roof garden or make a camera obscura. Why not transform your shed itself? [UK] Random House ‐ Pop Press| Ben Williams| Hardback| Eng. ed.| 198 x 126 mm| 224 p| throughout col.ill| Aug. 2019| € 18,50 ISBN: 9781529104882 (HB /E)
William Shakespeare's MacTrump Ian Doescher A clever satire that adapts the events of the first two years of the Trump administration into a Shakespearean tragedy, loosely modeled on Macbeth, by the best‐selling author of the William Shakespeare s Star Wars and Pop Shakespeare series, and a former Obama staffer who publishes historical mash‐ups under a well‐regarded pseudonym. No one thought MacTrump Lord of MacTrump Towers, Son of New York would ascend to the highest position in the kingdom. [US] Quirk, Sept. 2019, € 14,95, Hardback,203x133 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p,
9781683691600 (HB‐E)
The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump Newly Updated Edition Including 12 Recently Discovered Poems Author(s): Rob Sears This groundbreaking collection gives readers a glimpse of Trump's innermost thoughts and feelings on everything from the nature of truth, to what he hates about Lord Sugar. Now with twelve all‐new poems as we lurch deeper into the Trump presidency, this timely publication also includes Sears' scholarly footnotes and introduction, in which he excavates new critical angles and insights into the President's poetry which the casual reader might initially overlook. [UK] Canongate (Faber), Sept. 2019, € 14,50, Hardback,214x135 mm, Eng. ed., 176 p,
9781786894724 (HB‐E)
This Book is Literally Just Pictures of Cute Animals That Will Make You Feel Better
9781925811186 (HB‐E)
As its name subtly suggests, this book features 80 pictures of excessively cute animals. That's Literally it. Among other gems, you can expect some cats flaunting some fabulous wigs, sloths dangling casually, otters holding hands (an actual thing that occurs in nature) and piglets wearing little rainboots for some adorable reason. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this book is a landmark moment in the history of photojournalism. [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Aug. 2019, € 12,50, Hardback,184x159 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p,
Word Nerd Author(s): Michael Powell The English language is full of beauty and surprises. If you're a lover of the weird and wonderful, from fascinating etymology to the ten most overused and useless English phrases, this book isn't averse to a peppering of persiflage! This book contains a boatload of things you didn't know about the English language and it's a guaranteed prolix‐free zone. [UK] Cassell (octopus), Oct. 2019, € 11,50, Hardback,200x140 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p,
ISBN 9781788402002 (Grammar Geek)
9781788402019 (HB‐E)
A Spot the Odd One Out Puzzle Book Author(s): John Bigwood
9780062955623 (PB‐E)
Life is odd. People are odd. Things are odd. There is oddity in the strangest places, not least in this collection of extreme odd‐one‐out teasers that will bamboozle the brain and test even the eagle‐eyed. Oddities challenges you to discover the minute differences lurking on every page. Simply pick a puzzle and follow the instructions on the left‐hand page. There are odd ones out to spot, hipster accessories to match, and random trivia that delights and educates. [US] Collins US, Oct. 2019, € 15,95, Paperback,194x146 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p,
Where's Bowie Search for David Bowie in Berlin, Studio 54, Outer Space and More Author(s): Kev Gahan This book is a reverent and interactive homage to David Bowie, with dense illustrations of the many real and imagined universes of his own making. Hidden somewhere on each of these double page spreads, a Bowie is patiently waiting to be spotted by the well‐trained eye of a fan. As the chameleonic Bowie took on so many iconic personas across his illustrious career, each moment is celebrated chronologically in this book. [US] Smith Street Books (A&CB), Aug. 2019, € 12,50, Hardback, 270x195 mm, Eng. ed., 24 p, throughout col.ill.
9781925811193 (HB‐E)
Love Author(s): Alex Pilcher A beautiful gift publication ‐ perfect for anyone in, out or in search of love. Divided by key themes ‐ such as courtship, passion, symbolism, enduring love and even loss ‐ each of the 50 works of art included has been individually selected for the particular way in which the artist has attempted to capture the ineffable, affirmative, devotional aspects of love.
9781849766555 (HB‐E)
[UK] Tate, Aug. 2019, € 13,50, Hardback, 173x140 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p, 50 col. & bw ill.
Artsy Cats Board Book Author(s): Galison A pawsitively purrfect tour through modern art history! Introduce modern art meowsters with this book of adorable cat portraits, each inspired by an iconic style of art. The Artsy Cats Board Book from Mudpuppy features clever kitty‐inspired artist names and painting credits, from Clawed Monet to Paw Klee. ‐ 28 sturdy pages ‐ Book trim: 7 x 7"
9780735361065 (BOARD‐E)
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Sept. 2019, € 13,50, Board book,180x180 mm, Eng. ed., 28 p,
Cats Are the Worst Author(s): Bexy McFly From shredded furniture to messy litter boxes to fur on everything, there are times when every cat owner wants to shout, "Cats are the worst!" This playful book shows what it looks like if cats could shout back, "No, humans are the worst!" For every grievance humans have about their feline friends (knocked over glasses!), cats have one about their humans (unprovoked vacuuming!)?and each is explored in a lively exchange that is as funny as it is familiar. [US] Chronicle Books, July 2019, € 13,80, Hardback, 254x203 mm, Eng. ed., 80 p, throughout col.ill.
9781452178899 (HB‐E)
The Acrobat Family Author(s): Anouck Boisrobert & Louis Rigaud Join a family of acrobats as they twirl and twist through the pages of The Acrobat Family in this delightful pop‐up that playfully teaches the magic of counting. Up and up they go, watch the family of acrobats balance on top of each other to create a magnificent show! This charming, collectable pop‐up teaches valuable counting skills and the joys of working as a team. As you turn the pages, count not one but ten characters balance one on top of the other, creating ever more daring shapes. [G] Little Gestalten, Aug. 2019, € 21,90, Hardback, 400x163 mm, Eng. ed., 18 p, throughout col.ill.
9783899558357 (HB‐E)
Recommended for ages 3 and up
The Fate of Fausto A Painted Fable Author(s): Oliver Jeffers A stunningly presented modern‐day fable from world‐renowned talent Oliver Jeffers. There was once a man who believed he owned everything and set out to survey what was his. "You are mine," Fausto said to the flower, the sheep and the mountain, and they bowed before him. But they were not enough for Fausto, so he conquered a boat and set out to sea… [UK] Harper Collins UK, Sept. 2019, € 24,00, Hardback,280x280 mm, Eng. ed., 96 p,
9780008357917 (HB‐E)
What Will These Hands Make? Author(s): Nikki McClure A picture book that celebrates community and creativity from acclaimed cut‐paper artist Nikki McClure [US] Abrams Books for Young Readers, Feb. 2020, € 19,50, Hardback, 279x203 mm, Eng. ed., 40 p, THROUGHOUT col.ill.
9781419725760 (HB‐E) 134
Patience, Miyuki Roxane Marie Galliez, illustrations by Seng Soun Ratanavanh
9781616898434 (HB+‐E)
Anyone with a small child knows that patience is not a virtue easily won. In this magically illustrated story the young girl Miyuki, who we first met in the critically acclaimed Time for Bed, Miyuki, anxiously awaits the opening of one sleepy flower. When, on the first day of spring, the flower still hasn't bloomed, Miyuki begins a frantic search for water to wake it up. Her grandfather gently encourages her to sit and watch with him, as she learns the important lesson that good things come to those who wai [US] Princeton, Oct. 2019, € 16,50, Hardback with dust jacket, 296x216 mm, Eng. ed., 28 p, 21 col.ill. Ages 5 ‐ 8
A Life Made by Hand The Story of Ruth Asawa Author(s): Andrea D'Aquino This lushly illustrated book by collage artist Andrea D'Aquino brings Asawa's creative journey to life, detailing the influence of her childhood in a farming family, and her education at Black Mountain College where she pursued an experimental course of education with leading avant‐garde artists and thinkers such as Anni and Josef Albers, Buckminster Fuller, Merce Cunningham, and Robert Rauschenberg.
9781616898366 (HB+‐E)
[US] Princeton, Aug. 2019, € 16,50, Hardback with dust jacket, 273x203 mm, Eng. ed., 40 p, throughout col.ill. Ages 5 ‐ 8
How Do You Dance? Author(s): Thyra Heder A playful picture book that urges readers to bop, bounce, and shake from the author of Fraidyzoo
9781419734182 (HB+‐E)
[US] Abrams Books for Young Readers, Aug. 2019, € 16,95, Hardback with dust jacket, 222x254 mm, Eng. ed., 40 p, throughout col.ill. Ages 3‐7
Fucking Brilliant One Line a Day A Five‐Year Memory Book Author(s): Calligraphuck A marriage of two of our bestselling series, Calligraphuck and One Line a Day, this keepsake journal includes space to record a brief note every day over the course of five years, allowing journalers to reflect on the past as they capture the present. With positive profanity in gold calligraphy on the cover, metallic accents throughout the interior, gilded page edges, and a silky ribbon marker, this handsome diary serves as a unique time capsule perfect for anyone with a sense of style and humor! [US] Chronicle Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 17,95, Hardback,165x102 mm, Eng. ed., 372 p,
9781452180915 (HB‐E)
Spark Balance
9781452178226 (BOX‐E)
This shimmering matchbox contains 50 prompts on faux matchsticks for cultivating a more balanced life, from mindfulness practices to self‐care activities. The gift of rejuvenation and calm, this is a perfect way to refresh for New Year, New You?or anytime of the year. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 13,20, Box,68x127 mm, Eng. ed., 50 p, box tray with sleeve, 50 kraft faux matchsticks inside
ISBN 9781452178219 (Magic)
La Fiorentina (Neutrals) A5 Journal David Hicks Author(s): Galison David Nightingale Hicks was an English interior decorator and designer, noted for using bold colors, mixing antique and modern furnishings, and contemporary art for his famous clientele. The David Hicks La Fiorentina Journal features a famous Hicks geometric pattern with gold foil stamping. [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Aug. 2019, € 14,50, Journal,180x130 mm, Eng. ed., 136 p,
9780735360556 (JOURNAL‐E) 136
Chaque jour est un roman ‐ journal Ce journal composé d'autant de pages qu'il y a de jours dans l'année. Chaque page est imprimée de la première phrase d'un roman d'un auteur francophone ou étranger qui donne à chaque jour une nouvelle inspiration. Objet‐cadeau très apprécié pour les fêtes et qui trouve aisément sa place autant sur les comptoirs des libraires que des papeteries de luxe. [BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie, Nov. 2019, € 20,00, Paperback,190x150 mm, French ed., 368 p, Troisième réédition
9782873175399 (PB‐F)
Whaleboats A Kyler Martz Postcard Set Author(s): Kyler Martz A beautiful postcard set filled with artist Kyler Martz's popular whaleboats; and other nautical inspired images. This illustrated postcard set makes it fun to send a thank you or stylish greeting to the people in your life. This collection, which is packaged like a small book, contains 32 postcards featuring 8 different nautical images including Kyler's much‐loved whaleboats. [US] Random House US, Aug. 2019, € 15,80, Set/ Pack,x mm, Eng. ed., p,
9781632172495 (SET‐E)
The Fox and the Star Note Cards and Envelopes: Set of 12 Author(s): Coralie Bickford‐Smith From Coralie Bickford‐Smith, the award‐winning author of the beloved children's book The Fox and the Star, comes a set of 12 all‐occasion note cards with envelopes embellished with full‐color illustrations from the original book. This format includes 12 brightly printed cards in a keepsake box with tinted envelopes. Note cards, envelopes, and the box will be covered with Coralie Bickford‐Smith's adorable images of the fox and his friend the star. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Sept. 2019, € 19,00, Box,x mm, Eng. ed., 12 p,
9780525574439 (BOX‐E)
Letters to the Happy Couple Next in the bestselling (Oprah’s favorite) LETTERS series! A truly unique gift for a couple, simple to create and meaningful to receive. [US] Chronicle Gifts, July 2019, € 15,50, Paperback,95x202 mm, Eng. ed., 12 p,
9781452177922 (PB‐E)
Color A Sketchbook and Guide Author(s): Princeton Architectural Press
9781616898557 (HB‐E)
Color has captivated artists, designers, scientists, and philosophers for centuries. From early principles of color theory to color wheels, great thinkers study and use color to explain and illustrate their ideas. Color is a sketchbook with thick, blank pages and a full‐color appendix with striking vintage illustrations from rare books on color theory. The textured cover features a tipped‐in color wheel. Inspired and inspiring, this journal is the perfect jumping off point for creative expression. [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Oct. 2019, € 24,50, Hardback, 280x210 mm, Eng. ed., 140 p, 40 col.ill.
Ex Libris
A Journal for Bookish Types Author(s): Princeton Architectural Press This lightly lined notebook features sixty full color vintage bookplates. Perfectly sized to toss in your bag for book group or to take to your favorite cafe, this journal is as appealing to the lover of ephemera and graphic design as it is to the lit lover. Bookplates featured include those of luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Greta Garbo, Bing Crosby, Harry Houdini, Jacqueline Onassis, and Edith Wharton. A tipped‐on bookplate on a cloth cover and a ribbon marker complete this notebook.
9781616898632 (HB‐E)
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Sept. 2019, € 17,95, Hardback, 165x120 mm, Eng. ed., 216 p, 60 col. & bw ill.
Thank You Box 20 Thank You Cards by 5 Artists Author(s): Princeton Architectural Press
9781616898564 (BOX‐E)
Filled with gratitude and tremendously useful, Thank You Box collects twenty thank you cards in one handy box. Five talented artists contribute four images each for a diverse set of blank cards ‐ perfect for everyone in your life: child, parent, family friend, or coworker. The box is matchbook‐style and slides open to reveal the assortment of cards. Artists are organized by envelope color: each five. Artists: Leah Duncan, Blanca Gómez, Maria‐Ines Gul, Becca Stadtlander, and Fotini Tikkou. [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Oct. 2019, € 21,95, Box,178x140 mm, Eng. ed., 20 p,
The Quiet Journal Discover Your Secret Strengths and Unleash Your Inner Power Author(s): Susan Cain The international bestselling phenomenon Quiet permanently changed how we see introverts and, equally important, how introverts see themselves. Now here is the companion journal with an assessment quiz and powerful prompts to help you harness your secret strengths, empower communication at home and at work, and nurture your best self. A lay‐flat cover, smooth writing paper, and a ribbon marker make this an accessible tool for reflection and exploration. [US] Random House US, Dec. 2019, € 17,95, Journal,205x145 mm, Eng. ed., 208 p,
9780593135921 (JOURNAL‐E)
Go‐To Notebook
Midnight Blue Blank ‐ with Mohawk Paper When Chronicle Books and Mohawk teamed up to create their ideal notebook, the Go‐To was born, made with the highest quality of materials and designed with productivity in mind. [US] Chronicle Gifts, July 2019, € 23,95, Notebook,232x159 mm, Eng. ed., 224 p,
9781452180786 (NOTEBOOK‐E)
Grids & Guides Softcover (Black) Two Notebooks for Visual Thinkers Author(s): Princeton Architectural Press The beloved original Grids & Guides Black Notebook is now available in softcover, featuring the same great content in lighter and more portable editions. The notebooks have thick, paper covers stamped with a grid and rounded corners. A great value for everyday users. [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 17,95, Paperback,210x146 mm, Eng. ed., 80 p,
9781616898663 (PB‐E)
Amazing Facts About Baby Animals An Illustrated Companion Author(s): Maja Säfström A whimsically illustrated collection of fascinating, surprising, and funny facts about baby animals and their parents, from the author of The Illustrated Compendium of Amazing Animal Facts. Who doesn't love baby animals? Amazing Facts About Baby Animals is an adorable celebration of all kinds of fuzzy, fluffy, scaly, and feathery animal babies and their parents. [US] Ten Speed Press, Sept. 2019, € 14,95, Hardback,190x152 mm, Eng. ed., 112 p,
9780399580680 (HB‐E)
Wild Animals of the World 50 Postcards Author(s): Dieter Braun From the author of Wild Animals of the North and Wild Animals of the South, this 50‐postcard set combines the best of both books in one awe‐inspiring collection. These 50 colorful postcards (including polar bears from the Arctic, pandas from Asia, llamas from South America and so much more!) include vibrant art on the front of the card and a fun fact about the animal along with its complete name on the back. Labeled tabs organize everything by continent. [US] Potter Style (RH US), Oct. 2019, € 23,50, Box,170x112 mm, Eng. ed., 50 p,
9780525577058 (BOX‐E)
Disney Postcard Box ‐ Frozen Author(s): Disney This vibrant box of postcards celebrates the art of the Disney Frozen series. Featuring gorgeous concept art and illustrations from Frozen (2013), Frozen Fever (2015) and Olaf’s Frozen Adventure (2017), this is a beautiful, must‐have collection for Disney fans of all ages. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Oct. 2019, € 20,50, Box,x mm, Eng. ed., 100 p, 100 postcards in a box
9781452176871 (BOX‐E)
Disney 2020 Daily Calendar From Aladdin to The Incredibles 2, this beautiful calendar features a daily full‐color image from Disney and Pixar's most iconic feature films and shorts, accompanied by exclusive insider information, fun trivia, interesting plot notes, or memorable quotes from the films. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 15,50, Pad, 152x130 mm, Eng. ed., 316 p, throughout col.ill. Easel‐back tear‐off calendar
9781452159416 (PAD‐E) 140
The Writing Deck 52 Prompts for Putting Pen to Paper Author(s): Emily Campbell, Harry Oulton Jump‐start writing projects with this colorful card deck of engaging prompts. Whether retelling a familiar story from a different perspective, describing a scene without using adjectives, or writing a story in the style of Jane Austen, these exercises break down the process of writing into small, doable activities that are sometimes playful, sometimes challenging, but always enlightening. [US] Princeton, Aug. 2019, € 21,95, Pack,150x105 mm, Eng. ed., 54 p,
9781616898328 (PACK‐E)
My Memory Library (Kit) Record Your Life on Date‐Stamped Cards Author(s): Noterie My Memory Library is for those who want to collect experiences rather than things. Perfect for keeping life's events in one tangible place and a great gift for any milestone occasion, this book‐shaped keepsake box contains a library date stamp, an ink pad, and 60 cards designed for creating a log of your life as it happens. Pull out a card, jot down the latest event, and stamp the date that it occurred.
9781419739002 (BOX‐E)
[US] Abrams Noterie ‐ Gifts, Sept. 2019, € 23,50, Box,178x140 mm, Eng. ed., p,
Start with a Word A Journal for Finding Your Voice Author(s): Peter H. Reynolds
9781419738296 (PB‐E)
Find your inner creative with one simple suggestion ‐ start with a word. From New York Times best‐selling author Peter H. Reynolds (The Dot, The Word Collector, I am Yoga), Start with a Word takes you on a creative journey to find the words that best express what is in your head, heart, and dreams. [US] Abrams Noterie ‐ Gifts, Sept. 2019, € 18,50, Paperback, 210x146 mm, Eng. ed., 160 p, throughout col.ill.
Jourdain Handmade Embroidered A5 Journal Designers Guild Author(s): Galison Established in 1970 by Tricia Guild, Designers Guild designs and produces fabrics, wallcoverings, upholstery, and more all over the world. The Jourdain Handmade Embroidered Journal combines pattern and texture with blue and green geometric trellising over a smooth marbled background. [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Aug. 2019, € 13,50, Hardback,148x210 mm, Eng. ed., 100 p,
9780735360648 (HB‐E)
Your Baby’s First Word Will Be Dada Jumbo Puzzle Author(s): Mudpuppy, Jimmy Fallon
9780735361447 (BOX‐E)
Jimmy Fallon, NBC's The Tonight Show host and one of the most popular entertainers in the world, shows you how to ensure your baby's first word will be DADA in his #1 New York Times bestselling book, Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA (Macmillan). Bring this clever book to life and make learning fun with Mudpuppy's Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA Jumbo Puzzle featuring adorable illustrations of dada and baby cows, ducks, pigs, frogs, and more! [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, June 2019, € 15,95, Box,230x230 mm, Eng. ed., 25 p,
Metamorphosis Mix & Match Character Puzzle Set Patch NYC Author(s): Galison
9780735359581 (BOX‐E)
Change is good. Create amusing and inspiring new characters by mixing and matching the colorfully dapper animal illustrations of Patch NYC, designers Don Carney and John Ross. This creative puzzle is the perfect diversion from screen time diversion to keep on your coffee table. [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery, Sept. 2019, € 20,95, Box,120x152 mm, Eng. ed., 40 p,
Anne Taintor 2020 Wall Calendar Add some cheeky humor to every month with this perennially popular and wickedly funny wall calendar. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 15,50, Paperback, 305x305 mm, Eng. ed., 24 p, throughout col. & bw ill.
9781452177533 (PB‐E)
Baby Animals in Sweaters 2020 Wall Calendar This wall calendar features squeal‐worthy photos of a variety of adorable baby animals in cozy sweaters. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 15,50, Stapled, 305x305 mm, Eng. ed., 24 p, throughout col.ill.
9781452178127 (STAPLED‐E)
Cats on Instagram 2020 Wall Calendar This irresistible calendar compiles cat photos from the hugely popular Instagram profile @cats_of_instagram. Showcasing all the loveable attitude and personality we've come to expect from the wide world of quirky kitties, this calendar is purr‐fect for any cat lover's wall. [US] Chronicle Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 15,50, Paperback, 305x305 mm, Eng. ed., 24 p, throughout col. & bw ill.
9781452178141 (PB‐E)
Comedy Wildlife 2020 Wall Calendar Award‐winning photographs of adorably hilarious animals caught just at the right moment! [US] Chronicle Gifts, Aug. 2019, € 15,50, Stapled, 305x305 mm, Eng. ed., 24 p, throughout col. & bw ill.
9781452178158 (STAPLED‐E)
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