E X H I B I T I O N S I N T E R N A T I O N A L a r t & i l l u s t r a t e d b o o k s NAJAAR | AUTOMNE | FALL 2022

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Onder de romantische kunstenaars van het Europa van het einde van de 18e eeuw is Johann Heinrich Füssli (1741 1825) een opmerkelijke figuur. Het Engelse theater, de oude en Noorse mythologie en de bijbelse verhalen voeden een overlopende fantasie en geven vorm aan een zeer persoonlijke verbeelding waarin het monsterlijke en het schone, de droom en de nachtmerrie voortdurend met elkaar in conflict zijn.

Expo: 16/09/2022 ‐ ???, Musée Jacquemart André, Paris Commissaries: Christopher Baker, Andreas Beyer, Pierre Curie ‐ Auteurs: Christopher Baker, Andreas Beyer, Pierre Curie, Martin Myrone, David Brown

Hardback | Fr. edition 280 x 240 mm 208 p | 110 col. & bw ill € 39,95 | Sept. 2022
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C This publication, the fourth volume of an important catalogue raisonné of the work of Francis Picabia (1879 1953), includes paintings and selected drawings dating from 1940 into 1952. During the war years, while still residing in the south of France, Picabia was primarily occupied by figural subjects ‐ multi figure allegories, female nudes, and glamorous female "portraits" ‐ painted in bold illusionistic relief. Francis CataloguePicabiaRaisonné Vol IV. 1940 1953 WEBSITE:WEBSITE:https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462303256.xmlhttps://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462303270.xml 4

EntreFüssli rêve et fantastique

Hardback | Eng/ French edition 295 x 250 mm 464 p | 580 col. & bw ill € 160,00 | Dec. 2022 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds 9789462303270 (HB|EN FR)

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds 9789462303256 (HB|FR)
Préface de Beverley Calté. Auteurs : Candace Clements, Arnauld Pierre, Bill Camfield
Edited by the unchallenged specialists of the subject and with the contributions of ten distinguished writers, World of Songye is the ultimate publication on Songye (D.R.C.) culture, sculpture, masks and iron forging. The lavishly illustrated book brings a new approach to the study of Songye masterpieces, to the styles of the various regions, to the identification of Songye master artists and to the specificity of Kifwebe masks. It analysis Songye aesthetics and symbols, the religious and magical functions and powers of the objects , the Songye representation of animals, its weapons, the history of collecting Songye artifacts on the field, its influence on modern art and develops a focus on Basquiat. The book displays a large number of unpublished and specially commissioned photographs of Songye works of art fromprivate and public collections, and of historic field photographs.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462303362.xml
The World of Songye Passions and CollectionsVanderstraete François Neyt

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
Quertinmont & Nicolas Amoroso Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 270 x 210 mm | 240 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462303362 (NL) ISBN
Arnaud 9789462303379 9789462303386
2 Vol./Boxed | English ed. 320 x 250 mm | 416 p € 160,00 | Oct. 2022

Expo: 30/09/2022 08/01/2023, BOZAR, Brussels
ISBN: 9789462303331 (EN)

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462303331.xml
« Alexandrië: vervlogen toekomsten » blikt terug op de gloriejaren van de antieke grootstad aan de hand van een 200 tal werken uit de grootste Europese museumcollecties. De tentoonstellingscatalogus werpt een ander licht op Alexandrië en plaatst de stedenbouwkundige, politieke en religieuze organisatie van de stad in de kijker. Ook het dagelijkse leven van de inwoners en de wetenschappelijke en filosofische uitstraling van dit kloppende hart van de antieke beschaving tussen de 4e eeuw v.C en de 4e eeuw n.C. komt aan bod. Een 20 tal hedendaagse werken vult het relaas aan en legt kritische en poëtische verbanden in verschillende zijsprongen. Veel van de aangekaarte thema's worden bovendien verruimd met uitstapjes naar andere periodes, van de Byzantijnse en Arabische hoogdagen tot de moderne tijd, om het beeld van Alexandrië doorheen de geschiedenis nog scherper te stellen.
ISBN 9789462303300 (EN) ISBN 9789462303294 (FR)
Jan Van Imschoot
Susana Gállego Cuesta, Michel Gauthier, Zoë Gray
Expo: SMAK, Gent & Galerie Templon Parijs/Brussel
Expo: September 2022, Wiels, Brussels

The End is Never Near (NL)
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds 9789462303232 (HB|NL)
Een monografie uitgebracht ter gelegenheid van de gelijknamige solotentoonstelling van Didier Vermeiren in WIELS (herfst 2022). De naam 'Double exposition' komt van een foto van Vermeiren die verwijst naar de dubbele belichting van die foto ('exposition' in het Frans, wat ook tentoonstelling betekent). Zo roept de titel de terugkerende strategieën van herhaling, omkering, verdubbeling en inversie op die Vermeiren in zijn werk onderzoekt.
Didier Vermeiren
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
'Jan Van Imschoot. The end is never near' biedt een uitgebreid overzicht van het oeuvre van de Belgische schilder Jan Van Imschoot (1963, Gent, België). Van Imschoot studeerde schilderkunst in Gent, de stad waar hij woonde en werkte tot hij in 2013 naar Frankrijk Opvallendverhuisde.zijn de directheid van zijn figuratieve stijl, de uitgesproken penseelvoering en het evenwichtige en stoutmoedige gebruik van kleur. Jan Van Imschoot kiest bewust voor een heldere, soms tegenstrijdige en ironische taal. Zijn werk is opgebouwd rond historische thema's uit de literatuur en de kunstgeschiedenis en slaat bruggen met voorgangers zoals Caravaggio, Tintoretto, Goya en Manet.

De kunstenaar gaat permanent in dialoog met het verleden, waarin hij zich, met een dosis cynisme, vaak richt op fenomenen of figuren die zich aan de rand van de (hedendaagse) samenleving bevinden. Dit boek brengt meer dan 220 werken van Jan Van Imschoot samen, die in combinatie met vijf begeleidende teksten een grondig inzicht bieden in de schilderspraktijk van deze Belgische meester.
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 300 x 220 mm | 240 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 55,00 | Oct. 2022
ISBN: 9789462303287 (NL)
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 280 x 240 mm 240 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 42,00 | Oct. 2022
Selen Ansen, Hendrik Folkerts, Dieter Roelstraete, Philippe Van Cauteren, Alain Tapié
ISBN 9789462303225 (FR) ISBN 9789462303249 (EN)
Double exposition
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462303287.xml WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462303232.xml 6
ISBN 9789462302884 (FR) II16 ‐ HERITAGE (Belgium)
Works on Paper

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds 9789462302891 (HB|EN)

Veelzijdig kunstenaar Philip Aguirre wil een selectie grafisch werk en tekeningen schenken uit het rijke oeuvre dat hij de voorbije 40 jaar heeft opgebouwd. Deze schenking betekent een waardevolle aanvulling voor de verzameling moderne prenten en tekeningen van het Prentenkabinet en is een uitgelezen aanleiding voor het Museum Plantin Moretus om in nauwe samenwerking met de kunstenaar een tentoonstelling te presenteren. Daarin zal aandacht worden besteed aan het brede pallet aan disciplines dat hij beoefent, aan de grote thema's die doorheen zijn carrière aanwezig zijn en voor de plaats van zijn grafisch werk binnen zijn oeuvre. Philip Aguirre is een geëngageerd kunstenaar, thema's rond de bron en water in de wereld, immigratie en vluchtelingen, het verhaal van Afrika meanderen door zijn oeuvre.
Philip L'invitationAguirre.au Voyage
Philip Aguirre ziet zijn grafiek als een afgewerkt product. Tekeningen hebben voor hem dan weer een heel andere functie binnen zijn werk. De focus op tekenen vormt de start van een denkproces en loopt als een rode draad doorheen het voor hem zo belangrijke creatieproces.

Expo: 28/10/2022 29/01/2023, Museum Plantin Moretus, Antwerp
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462302891.xml WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462302884.xml 7
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL / Span. ed. 205 x 145 mm | 160 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 0,00 | Oct. 2022

De Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre is een écht product van haar tijd en haar streek: ze had op geen ander tijdstip of op geen andere plaats kunnen ontstaan. De industriële macht van België, en vooral die van het Luikse bekken, kon bogen op een eeuwenlange wapentraditie, waardoor ze in 1889 de opdracht kon vervullen die de Belgische staat haar had gegeven: de militaire onafhankelijkheid van het land waarborgen door de fabricage van legeruitrusting (Mauser geweren en patronen) op nationale bodem. Mechanica. Driving Innovation Herstal‐ Browning

Iris Kockelbergh, Simon Njami
Hardback | English ed. 320 x 240 mm 386 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 60,00 | Oct. 2022

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462303355
Jean Marc Gay
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462303355.xml
Hiëronymus Bosch (1450 1516) leefde en werkte in 's Hertogenbosch waar hij raadselachtige schilderijen en tekeningen vol bizarre wezens, fantastische monsters en angstaanjagende nachtmerries schiep. Hij schilderde ook gedetailleerde landschappen. Zijn inspiratie vond hij in fundamentele morele begrippen: bekoring, zonde en oordeel. Dit prachtige boek verschijnt naar aanleiding van de grootste tentoonstelling die ooit aan zijn werk werd gewijd. Hiervoor werd belangrijk nieuw onderzoek verricht over de 25 schilderijen en 20 tekeningen die van hem bekend zijn. In de zes secties van het boek komt de hele carrière van de kunstenaar aan bod. Het behandelt op gedetailleerde wijze thema's als Bosch' Peregrinatio Vitae, Bosch en het leven van Christus, zijn rol als ontwerper van prenten, zijn schilderijen van heiligen, en de Tuin der Lusten. Het boek is prachtig geïllustreerd met nieuwe foto's, gemaakt in opdracht van het Bosch Research and Conservation Project Team.

Jheronimus Bosch

Publicatie bij de tentoonstelling van 2016 in ’s Hertogenbosch, Noordbrabants Museum, ’s‐Hertogenbosch
PROMO: € 11,90 ! I01 ‐ OLD MASTERS 8
Visioenen van een genie
WEB: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789462301160.xml
Matthijs Ilsink & Jos Koldeweij
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed.
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301160 (NL)
270 x 225 mm | 192 p | 140 col.ill. € 11,90 | April 2016 ‐R/P
José Vermeersch Presences WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789493039803.xml ‐Lilou Vidal (Ed). Contributors: Laura McLean Ferris, Dieter Roelstraete & Rik Vermeersch Hardback | Eng/ NL ed. 330 x 240 mm | 240 p € 40,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Ludion ISBN: 9789493039803 (EN NL) I04b‐ POST WAR ART (Belgium) WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789493039834.xml 9
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed.
Il Libro dell'Arte wordt binnen de kunst‐ en restauratiewereld beschouwd als het absolute standaardwerk op het gebied van de oude schildertechnieken. Het is het best bewaarde middeleeuwse traktaat over kunst en wordt vermeld in zowat alle studies over schilder‐ en restauratietechniek. Van Il Libro dell'Arte zijn drie manuscripten overgeleverd. Deze Nederlandse vertaling berust op de oudste en meest originele versie: een afschrift uit 1437 dat gekopieerd werd door een gevangene in de Florentijnse Carcere delle Stinche.

218 x 155 mm | 192 p

€ 30,00 | Sept. 2022
[BE] Ludion
ISBN: 9789493039834 (NL)
Il Libro dell’Arte

I05b ‐ ART
Kunstenaar José Vermeersch (1922 1997) staat bekend om zijn keramieken figuren van heterogene figuren. Hij was echter ook schilder, wever en ontwerper en creëerde een rijk oeuvre dat doordrongen is van zijn passie voor mensen, dieren en het leven. Presences onthult een reeks ongepubliceerde beelden uit het archief van de kunstenaar, waarin we hem aan het werk zien in zijn atelier of bij de twee houtovens die hij zelf bouwde. Het gaat om unieke foto's die getuigen van het geduld en de zorg waarmee Vermeersch zijn sculpturen maakte. Hij Kunstenaar José Vermeersch (1922 1997) staat bekend om zijn keramieken figuren van heterogene figuren. Hij was echter ook schilder, wever en ontwerper en creëerde een rijk oeuvre dat doordrongen is van zijn passie voor mensen, dieren en het leven.

Het handboek van de kunstenaar
Boekvoorstelling in de Koninklijke Academie voor SchoneAntwerpenKunsten
Edouard Vergnon. Vertaling van Rokus Hofstede
ISBN 9789493039827 (EN) I02b ‐ ART HISTORY

I04 ‐ MODERN ART (Belgium)

Marcel Daloze, Serge Goyens de Heusch
Anne Bonnet
Hardback | Fr. edition 295 x 230 mm 240 p € 45,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Ludion 9789493039773 (HB|FR)
Schilder, etser en fotograaf Jozef Van Ruyssevelt (1941‐ 1985) heeft in een korte tijdspanne een rijk en intens oeuvre tot stand gebracht, dat nog veel te weinig bekend is. Hij was een meester in het gebruik van kleur en clair obscur, en zijn alledaagse omgeving vormde voor hem een niet aflatende bron van inspiratie ‐ meubels, gebruiksvoorwerpen, planten, muren, ramen, gebladerte, graspartijen, het omliggende platteland.

Paperback with flaps | Dutch (NL) ed. 240 x 170 mm 144 p € 22,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Ludion 9789493039711 (PB+|NL)
Een bezoek aan Jozef Van Ruyssevelt
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789493039711.xml WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789493039773.xml 10
Kunst Versus Schoonheid

Le territoire de la peinture
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 280 x 190 mm 160 p € 40,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Ludion 9789493039728 (HB|NL)
In dit boek, de eerste monografie gewijd aan Anne Bonnet, neemt Marcel Daloze, conservator van het Marthe Donas Museum in Ittre, de lezer mee op een fascinerende reis door Bonnets picturaal universum. Aan de hand van meer dan 200 kleurenreproducties en een uitstekend gedocumenteerde tekst, biedt deze publicatie een boeiend overzicht van het leven en het werk van een kunstenares die te vroeg is gestorven.
Adrian David
We leven in een tijd waarin het kunstaanbod groter is dan ooit, grote groepen mensen in aanraking komen met hedendaagse kunst, kunst meer en meer online verhandeld wordt, er ieder jaar nieuwe kunstmusea en foundations geopend worden. Er gaat geen zomer voorbij of ieder dorp in Vlaanderen organiseert zijn kunstroute. De kunstscholen leveren jaarlijks honderden kunstenaars af. De overheid blijft niet achter en subsidieert met gulle hand een lappendeken aan musea, evenementen en kunsthalletjes.
Wanneer stenen met eieren dansen

Garage Stills & Fringe Nature

Set of 2 hardback Volumes | Dutch (NL) ed. 325 x 245 mm 496 p € 60,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Ludion 9789493039797 (2 VOL HB|NL)

Isabelle de Borchgrave & Frida Kahlo
Jacquie Maria Wessels
Miradas de Mujeres

Het werk dat in dit boek aan bod komt ontstaat wanneer Wessels het wonderlijke universum van traditionele garages ontdekt: ze raakt gefascineerd door de vormen en kleuren van de mysterieuze en onbekende voorwerpen die ze er aantreft.
Leporello | Dutch (NL) ed. 280 x 240 mm 48 p € 30,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Ludion 9789493039858 (LEPORELLO|NL)
Hardback | English ed. 310 x 235 mm 176 p € 50,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Ludion 9789493039841 (HB|EN)
Wessels trekt vervolgens de wereld rond om in exotische garages poëtische stillevens te creëeren met haar analoge camera.
Kunstenares Isabelle de Borchgrave (1946) staat bekend om haar prachtige beeldhouwwerken uit papier en textiel. In Miradas de Mujeres nodigt ze ons uit om binnen te stappen in het huis van Frida Kahlo (1907 1954), haar befaamde Casa Azul, aan de hand van een magnifiek trompe l'oeil universum dat volledig uit papier bestaat.

I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C (Belgium)
ISBN 9789493039865 (EN) ISBN 9789493039872 (FR) ISBN 9789493039889 (SP)

Dit rijk geïllustreerd naslagwerk over het leven en de strijd van de abstracte kunstenaar Jozef Peeters (1895 1960) biedt een boeiende kijk in de Belgische en Europese avant garde van de dolle jaren 1920, met Antwerpen als uitvalsbasis. Daar wierp Peeters zich vlak na het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog op als de concertmeester van het vooruitstrevendste kunstgebeuren. Hij richtte de kring Moderne Kunst op en organiseerde drie grote congressen van moderne kunst, met schokkende tentoonstellingen.

Peter J.H. Pauwels
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789493039797.xml
Xavier Canonne
Jozef Peeters en de strijd tegen den tingeltangel (Inter)nationale netwerk van een Antwerps avant gardist in de jaren 1920
Alberto Ruy, Michel Draguet
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789493039858.xml 11 WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789493039841.xml
Hardback |
192 p |
Expo: 11/6/2022 ‐ 5/11/2022, Venetiaanse Gaanderijen, Oostende Norbert Hostyn, Luc François, Martine Meire
II16 ‐ HERITAGE (Belgium)
[BE] Tijdsbeeld Uitgeverij/ Editeur 9789490880361 (PB|NL)
'voor de beschaving'

Hun aangrijpende beelden over de verwoestingen van Ieper in het begin van de Eerste Wereldoorlog gingen de wereld rond. Vanaf 1919 vestigden de Antony's zich in Oostende, waar ze nauwlettende ooggetuigen waren van het leven in de mondaine badplaats.

Editeur 9789490880330 (HB|NL) ISBN 9789490880347 (EN) I12 ‐ HISTORY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789490880330.xml Behalve in Europa brak in 1914 ook in het Midden Oosten de oorlog uit. Het Osmaanse Rijk was er toen de belangrijkste macht. Het regime van de Jong Turken koos de zijde van Duitsland, de verliezer in 1918. Het rijk viel uiteen en de grenzen werden hertekend volgens de belangen van de westerse grootmachten. Een Turksnationalistische beweging onder leiding van Mustafa Kemal Ataturk verzette zich daartegen en streed tot 1923 verder voor een onafhankelijk Turkije. ....
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789490880361.xml
Maurice Antony (1883 1963) en zijn jongere broer Robert Antony (1885 1966) nemen met hun oeuvre een bijzondere plaats in tussen de grote Belgische fotografen van de eerste helft van de 20ste eeuw.

€ 34,95 |
Expo: 11/3/2022 ‐ 2/10/2022, Flanders Fields Museum, Ieper

Oostende door de lens van Antony
De Eerste Wereldoorlog in het Midden Oosten, 1914 1923 12

270 x
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 220 x 280 mm 144 p | 150 bw ill. € 24,95 | June 2022
Onder redactie van Pieter Trogh. Met bijdragen van Houssine Alloul, Djene Bajalan, Jonathan Conlin, Dotan Halevi, Nazan Maksudyan, Ozan Ozavci, Nick Saunders,.. Dutch (NL) ed. 240 mm 130 col. bw ill June 2022 Tijdsbeeld Uitgeverij/
Au fil des années 1909 à 1914, Fernand Léger est devenu un peintre cubiste de première importance. Il y a quelques années, un tableau encore inconnu de la série Fumées sur les toits a été découvert au dos d'une autre toile de Léger, appartenant à la Triton Collection Foundation. Cette découverte est à l'origine de cet ouvrage, qui souligne également les influences exercées sur Léger par Cézanne, Picasso et Braque, entre autres.
Kunstenaars: Lourens Alma Tadema, Aubrey Beardsley, Paul Cézanne, Kees van Dongen, Vincent van Gogh, Ferdinand Hodler, Fernand Khnopff, Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh, Edouard Manet, Henri Matisse, George Minne, Claude Monet, Edvard Munch, Auguste Rodin, Giovanni Segantini, Georges Seurat, Franz von Stuck, Jan Toorop, Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, Théo Van Rysselberghe, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, en anderen
[BE] Tijdsbeeld Uitgeverij/ Editeur ISBN: 9789490880385 (NL)
Fernand Léger et les toits de Paris
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
Expo: 19/11/2022 02/04/2023, Kroller Muller museum
[BE] Tijdsbeeld Uitgeverij/ Editeur 9789490880378 (HB|NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789490880378.xml 13
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 298 x 230 mm | 240 p | 220 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Sept. 2022
Klimt geïnspireerd door Van Gogh, Rodin en Matisse

Sjraar van Heugten et Gwendolyn Boevé Jones
Hardback | Fr. edition 300 x 230 mm 104 p | 75 col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Nov. 2022 [BE] Tijdsbeeld Uitgeverij/ Editeur 9789490880392 (HB|FR)
Stephanie Auer, Edwin Becker, Marian Bisanz Prakken, Markus Fellinger, Lisa Smit, Renske Suijver
I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
Sjraar Van Heugten. Gwendolyn Boevé Jones
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 300 x 230 mm 104 p | 75 col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Nov. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789490880392.xml
Enige jaren geleden werd in de Triton Collection Foundation een nog onbekend schilderij ontdekt uit de reeks Fumées sur les toits, op de achterzijde van een ander doek van Léger. De ontdekking van dit werk vormt de aanleiding voor deze publicatie, waarin ook aandacht wordt besteed aan de invloeden die Léger onderging van onder meer Cézanne, Picasso en Braque.
ISBN 9783777435183 (EN)
Fernand Léger en de daken van Parijs

De moderne en vernieuwende Europese kunst van rond 1900 stimuleerde Gustav Klimt (1862 1918) om zich los te maken van de Weense schildertraditie en zijn eigen koers te volgen. Kunstenaarsvereniging Wiener Secession, waarvan Klimt medeoprichter was, toonde in 1898 voor het eerst een overzicht van de Europese avant gardekunstenaars. Elke tentoonstelling die de vereniging daarna organiseerde, betekende een nieuwe golf van inspiratie en creativiteit voor Klimt. Hij liet zijn werk erdoor beïnvloeden en verbloemde zijn artistieke bronnen niet. Naast de kenmerkende elementen als bladgoud, sierlijke vormen en erotiek, gingen schilderkunstige aspecten uit het werk van Van Gogh, Matisse, Rodin, Whistler, Toorop, Monet en vele anderen deel uitmaken van Klimts aansprekende stijl. Dit boek biedt het eerste uitgebreide overzicht van Gustav Klimt in de context van de kunstenaars die hem inspireerden.
Expo: 7/10/2022 ‐ 8/1/2023, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 3/2/2023 - 29/5/2023, Belvedere Museum, Wenen
Expo: 19/11/2022 ‐ 02/04/2023, Kroller Muller museum

Véronique Carpiaux
Rops is een vernieuwer, een stoorzender, niet zomaar in een stroming onder te brengen en wordt dus lange tijd gecensureerd in zijn geboortestad. Maar voor de hedendaagse kunstliefhebber blijft hij een fascinerend man.
Expo: 13/5/2022 25/9/2022, "Namur en mai": Le Delta, Le Musée Rops, Le TreM.a. à Namur
Paperback | Fr. edition 240 x 170 mm 69 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 15,00 | June 2022

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058566881 (FR (NL)) HISTORY

I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
I02b ‐ ART
Paperback | Fr ed with NL summ 270 x 210 mm | 112 p | 80 col.ill. € 24,95 | May 2022
Véronique Carpiaux
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek 9789058566782 (PB|FR) 9789058566805 (EN) 9789058566799 (NL)
Joanne Devos, Véronique Carpiaux
Ter gelegenheid van Namur en mai vinden in Namen drie prestigieuze tentoonstellingen plaats in de Delta, het Ropsmuseum en het TreM.a. De wereld van het circus wordt er verkend van de middeleeuwen tot nu, met speciale aandacht voor internationale hedendaagse kunstenaars, van wie sommigen speciaal voor de gelegenheid gecreëerde werken zullen presenteren. Ik zal een acrobaat zijn en bij de clowns leven! Moge de nachtwind de tent waar ik zal bivakkeren, geselen, maar moge het hemd waarin ik bevries van paars en glitter zijn! Van tijd tot tijd droomde Félicien Rops ervan zijn artistieke carrière op te geven om in een woonwagen te gaan wonen in het gezelschap van circusartiesten. Hij roept deze wereld op in verschillende tekeningen en Netgravures.alshij hebben andere kunstenaars deze inspirerende, kleurrijke en soms vreemde wereld geïllustreerd: Gustave Doré, Camille Van Camp, Théo Van Rysselberghe, Henri de Groux, enz. De tentoonstelling geeft aan de hand van werken, foto's en documenten een overzicht van het soms moeilijke bestaan van deze artiesten die het publiek van de 19de eeuw lieten dromen en huiveren.
The Circus We Are

Museum Félicien Rops ‐ Gids
Félicien Rops (Namen, 1833 ‐ Parijs, 1898) is een kunstenaar gedreven door durf, passie en Weltschmerz. In zijn werk hekelt hij de bourgeoisie en doorbreekt hij de taboes van zijn tijd. Erotiek, vrouwen, begeerte, avontuur en het macabere vieren er hoogtij.

I01 ‐ OLD
Franciscus Kinsoen (alias François Kinson) (1770 1839), élève accompli de l'Académie de Bruges et portraitiste prometteur, se rendit vers 1795 à Paris pour tenter sa chance en tant que jeune artiste dans l'ombre des plus grands maîtres néoclassiques français. Avec son art du portrait raffiné, gracieux et brillant, il est resté l'artiste préféré du beau monde parisien, jusqu'à ce que son style devienne la cible de certains critiques d'art établis, à tel point que ceux ci réussirent à bannir son oeuvre

by Diane De Clerck
Jan Strybol Hardback | Eng/ French edition 280 x 210 mm 192 p € 75,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek 9789058566935 (HB|EN FR) I07 ‐ ETHNOGRAPHY & AFRICAN ART WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566935.xml
Le présent ouvrage invite le lecteur à découvrir la culture matérielle chamanique mongole. Celle ci est riche, très variée et parfois exubérante à nos yeux. La Mongolie est un des pays, avec la Sibérie, où le costume de chamane constitue l'expression matérielle la plus frappante du chamanisme. Ces costumes, tout comme d'autres objets, sont des éléments très importants dans la pensée chamanique, car les robes d'esprits permettent au chamane d'entrer en contact avec les esprits tutélaires et les divinités

Living with the Spirits ‐ Vivre avec les esprits ‐Shamanism in Mongolia ‐ Le chamanisme en Mongolie

Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 300 x 240 mm 192 p € 60,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek 9789058566928 (HB|NL)
ISBN 9789058566959 (FR) MASTERS (Belgium)
du Nigéria Central Central Nigeria Arts 15

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566928.xml
Sinds het einde van de vorige eeuw zijn de traditionele riten van de Mumuye ten gevolge van het oprukken van de wereldgodsdiensten in snel tempo verdwenen en met hen het in Europa en Amerika zozeer bewonderde Mumuye beeldhouwwerk. Naast houtsculptuur besteedt Jan Strybol ook aandacht aan voorwerpen in brons, ijzer, terracotta en andere materialen. Deze kunstvormen zijn tot nog toe zeer onderbelicht en ondertussen bijna volledig verdwenen.
Kinsoen De Clerck
ART WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566904.xml
Hardback | Eng/ French edition 295 x 240 mm 152 p € 65,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek 9789058566904 (HB|EN FR)
€ 115,00 | Jan. 2023
Un voyage plein de parfums et de couleurs. Des adresses qui respirent la passion. Des endroits qui vous font rêver.
Lumière sur la Provence Arles, Les Alpilles & La Camargue
440 x 310 mm | 176 p

by Leen Demeester & Jessica Garnetti-Khalaf Leen Demeester, Jessica Garnetti Khalaf
Hardback | English ed. 245 x 190 mm | 144 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 29,95 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058566720 (EN) II06 ‐ FASHION WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566720.xml

Hardback | Fr. edition
Sa quête culinaire d'adresses incontournables amène le photographe Henk van Cauwenbergh dans la région qui l'a déjà enthousiasmé il y a plus de trente ans. Il y a perdu son coeur pendant les inoubliables années aux côtés du célèbre photographe de mode Peter Lindbergh. Henk van Cauwenbergh nous fait découvrir la Camargue si pure et intacte, avec à ses côtés le paysage romantique des Alpilles et la beauté capricieuse des formations rocheuses des Baux. Sans oublier Arles, cette magnifique ville d'art et d'histoire qui nous réserve tant de découvertes.
Henk van Cauwenbergh

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
My Boyfriend is Artsy, I am the Fashionista
ISBN: 9789058566997 (FR)

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566997.xml
Gaan mode en kunst samen? Mode en kunst zijn er niet alleen op straat, beide zijn ook in onze geest aanwezig. Mode en kunst zijn zowel fysieke als psychologische instrumenten die ons aanwezig maken in deze wereld. Ze brengen momenten van betovering en passie. Ontdek de romantische botsing tussen kunst en mode in de vorm van een liefdesverhaal tussen twee jonge mensen en maak kennis met het ware karakter van twee werelden die van elkaar verschillen. Dit boek brengt een mix van fictie en non fictie. De love story tussen een kunstenaar en een fashionista leert ons dat zowel mode als kunst een élan vital voor de mens kunnen zijn. Herinnert u zich uw eerste kennismaking met kunst en mode? Werd het kunst verzamelen of mode consumeren? Mode is actie. Kunst is een weerspiegeling van deze actie. De auteurs van dit boek brengen experts van beide disciplines samen, waaronder 20 topontwerpers en kunstenaars. Treed binnen in de magische werelden van kunst en mode!


Adelin De Craene (°1951), lesgever in het kunstonderwijs, was ook zelf levenslang als beeldhouwer actief. Spreken met het licht volgt hem doorheen zijn ontwikkelingsgang en peilt naar zijn inzichten als kunstenaar. De lezer leert hem kennen als een gedreven zoeker naar authenticiteit en als een begenadigd bewonderaar van schoonheid. Zijn oeuvre geeft subtiel en behoedzaam gestalte aan de waarden waar hij voor staat en laat de ingetogenheid van zijn omgeving als het ware kristalliseren in tastbare vor
Dynamische natuur tussen land en zee

Harijanto Setiawan, van opleiding architect, gaf zijn oorspronkelijke carrière op en ging zich toeleggen op een nieuw beroep: dat van floral designer Zijn huidige werk is geïnspireerd op het zen gevoel en de minimalistische stijl van de Japanse Ikebana. Overtollige elementen worden één voor één verwijderd. Wanneer er niets meer kan worden weggehaald en de creatie er nog steeds mooi uitziet, wordt het werk als voltooid beschouwd.
Ikebana streeft naar harmonie tussen rechte en gebogen lijnen, naar een juist evenwicht tussen het wegnemen en toevoegen van elementen, een middenweg tussen het naleven van de regels en het breken ervan. Opposites Attract gebruikt het idee van 'tegenstelling' of 'contrast' als uitgangspunt. Vertrekkend van een antoniemenpaar maken meer dan 150 internationale ikebanisten telkens inspirerende en confronterende schikkingen.

Fotografie: Sylvie Van Herrewege
De Zwinfauna en ‐flora werden door natuurfotograaf en Zwinkenner Misjel Decleer op sprekende wijze in beeld gebracht. Zijn foto's getuigen van de steeds wisselende gezichten en de grote diversiteit van het Zwin, dat zijn bezoekers in elk seizoen opnieuw weet te betoveren. Dit kijk‐ en bladerboek laat zien hoe oogstrelend mooi dit stuk Belgische natuur, zo dichtbij en toch zo onbekend, is en hoe waardevol het is om daar even stil bij te staan. Wouter Faveyts zorgt voor duiding en verdieping bij de foto's.

II08 ‐ TRAVEL ‐ GUIDES WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566973.xml
OppositesIkebana. attract
ISBN: 9789058566966 (EN)
II02b ‐ FLORAL ART FLOWERARRANGING&https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566966.xml
Haribana Harijanto Setiawan
Auteur: Johan van Iseghem.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek 9789058566874 (HB|NL)

Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 300 x 245 mm 160 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | Aug. 2022
II02b ‐ FLORAL ART FLOWERARRANGING&https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789058566843.xml

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback, 330 x 245 mm 96 p, 60 col. & bw ill. € 39,90, Oct. 2022 ISBN: 9789058566843 (EN)

Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 39,95 | Oct. 2022 Stichting Kunstboek 9789058566973 (HB|NL)
Wouter Faveyts, Misjel Decleer

Spreken met het Licht Leven en Werk van Adelin De Craene
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green Hardback, 290 x 240 mm 208 p € 59,90, Nov. 2022
ISBN: 9789058566829 (NL)
De plant based keuken van Stefanie

Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed.
Op visite bij een goede kennis die sinds enige tijd in het idyllische dorp Olargues woont, ontdekken Kenneth Van den Berghe en Stefanie Van Haudenhove haast per toeval de oude 19de eeuwse Sacré Cœur kostschool. Het is l'amour à première vue Het zicht vanaf de talrijke terrassen is adembenemend en de meer dan 1300 m2 leefruimte biedt ontzettend veel mogelijkheden om de magie van het historische pand met zoveel mogelijk mensen te delen.
Onze Smaken van Zuid Frankrijk
260 x 210 mm | 160 p | 150 col.ill.
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
De natuur biedt ons een uitgebreid en uniek palet aan geuren dat door de parfumindustrie maar moeilijk te evenaren valt. En toch blijven we voor onze parfums en cosmetica steeds teruggrijpen naar synthetisch vervaardigde 'luchtjes' en (petro)chemisch gegoochel, soms zelfs ten koste van onze eigen gezondheid én die van de planeet. De grootschalige parfumindustrie heeft namelijk een kwalijk geurtje waar we ons niet altijd bewust van zijn... Karen Vande Wiele, geurconsulente en herborist, leert ons in de DIY parfumeur dat het ook anders kan. Natuurlijker, vegan en animal cruelty free. Met enkele druppels etherische olie, een draagstof en wat oefening kan iedereen à la carte een geur samenstellen die past bij zijn of haar persoonlijkheid, mood of gelegenheid. Al moeten we onze neus misschien wel trainen en herconditioneren om de meer subtiele en vluchtige natuurlijke geuren te leren (her)kennen, matchen, doseren en appreciëren.
ISBN 9789058566911 (FR)
Vijf jaar later is Ecole d'Olargues uitgegroeid tot een unieke venue die o.m. een boetiekhotel, een kunstgalerij en een restaurant herbergt.

Gastvrouw Stefanie heeft zich intussen ontpopt tot een volwaardig en gecertificeerd plant based chef en verwent haar gasten met smaakvolle, originele vegangerechten die ze op het terras met uniek uitzicht op een van de mooiste dorpen van Zuid Frankrijk serveert.

Aan de hand van enkele concrete recepturen ‐ van bloemige zomerparfums tot meer atypische geuren voor zowel hem als haar ‐ ingedeeld in zeven thema's, word je ingewijd in de kunst van het componeren van een geur en de terminologie van de parfumeur.
Stefanie Van Haudenhove; Kenneth Van den Berghe. Fotografie: Kris Jacobs e.a.
De DIY Parfumeur Flacons Food & Flowers

€ 34,95 | June 2022
‐Karen Vande Wiele. Fotografie: Bjorn Weynants e.a. Paperback with flaps | Dutch (NL) ed. 240 x 170 mm | 160 p | 75 col.ill. € 24,95 | June 2022 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058566898 (NL) II06 ‐ FASHION ‐ BEAUTY


La Cucina di Gianni

René Sépul. Photography: Cici Olsson
Photographies : Cici Olsson. Mise en page & création graphique : Quentin Lamouroux Hardback | Fr. edition 285 x 206 mm 180 p € 32,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Sh op Editions 9782930974095 (HB|FR)

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782930974088.xml Collection
Ce livre est première d'un projet plus vaste sur les liens entre gastronomie en Belgique. Gianni Caruso propose une cuisine identitaire, partir des produits de petits producteurs qu'il découvre un peu partout en Italie. Il a commencé à travailler les recettes de Sicile, des recettes de familles méconnues, comme le couscous à la sicilienne, avant d'étudier et de revoir en profondeur toutes les régions d'Italie.
Longtemps interdite, la viande chevaline a été autorisée à la consommation à partir du milieu du 19e siècle pour connaître son âge d'or après la seconde guerre mondiale. Moins chère et pourtant très qualitative, elle est devenue la viande de la classe ouvrière dans les villes et les campagnes dans les années 1960 1970. Le livre raconte l'histoire de la consommation de cette viande depuis l'Antiquité. Il présente les derniers bouchers chevalins de Belgique et leurs recettes...
Fr. edition 265 x 210 mm p 40,00 | June 2022 Sh op Editions (HB|FR)

Ruffus, une Histoire belge

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782930974095.xml
Au début des années 1980, trois amis, Raymond Leroy, Joël Hugé et Michel se promettent un soir d'été d'avoir un jour leur vignoble. Vingt ans plus tard, Raymond convainc ses comparses de planter de la vigne en Belgique, à Haulchin, à deux pas de Binche où ils vivent. Il a repéré une bande de terre calcaire, au lieu dit "Les Agaises", qu'il juge propice à la culture du chardonnay, le cépage roi de Champagne. Ensemble, ils plantent deux premiers hectares en mars 2002.

La renaissance de la viticulture en Wallonie CUISINE & Sépul.
Hardback | Fr. edition 260 x 220 mm 200 p € 30,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Sh op Editions 9782930974088 (HB|FR)

II01 ‐ COOKERYHardback|
et immigration italienne
Albert Baertsoen

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618092.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618214.xml
Expo: 12/10/2022 ‐ 04/02/2023, Louvre, Abu Dhabi
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 280 x 210 mm | 368 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 50,00 | Sept. 2022
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) ISBN: 9789461618092 (NL)
In samenwerking met de Universiteit Gent zet MSK Gent de schilder, tekenaar en graficus Albert Baertsoen (1866 1922) in de kijker: telg uit een Gentse fabrieksfamilie, een quasi autodidact, en één van de belangrijkste spelers in de Belgische en internationale kunstscène van het fin de siècle. Door tijdgenoten werd Baertsoen als 'le peintre de Gand' omschreven, een eretitel die niet alleen op zijn belang wees, maar ook sloeg op zijn opmerkelijke liefde voor Gent. Zijn blik was vooral gericht op de vervallen, vervuilde, verlaten stad, die hij vanaf de vroege jaren 1890 talloze keren in beeld bracht. Deze fascinatie voor middeleeuwse steden die als gevolg van de modernisering onherroepelijk van aanblik zouden wijzigen, verklaart ook waarom Baertsoen de interesse opwekte van symbolistische schrijvers als Georges Rodenbach.
Eerste monografische tentoonstelling ooit gewijd aan de barokmeester Theodoor Rombouts (1597-1637) de onterecht vergeten ster van het Vlaamse Caravaggisme. Rombouts was een gevestigde waarde in het Antwerpse kunstenaarsmilieu.
Expo: 3/9/2022 27/11/2022,MSK,Gent
UPCOMING JAN 2023: Expo: 21/1/2023 - 23/4/2023, MSK, Gent: Theodore Rombouts
Hardback | English ed. 260 x 180 mm 256 p | 252 col. & bw ill € 45,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618214 (HB|EN)
Johan De Smet, Stefan Huyghebaert, René Vermeir, Yann Farinaux Le Sidaner, Stephen Goddard
[BE] Snoeck Publishers | ISBN 9789461618115 |NL) ISBN 9789461618122 (FR) ISBN 9789461618139 (EN)
Louvre Abu Dhabi, in partnership with the Musée d'Orsay, invites you to think again with Impressionism: Pathways to Modernity, one of the most significant Impressionist exhibitions ever to be held outside France. Featuring pioneering works by Manet, Degas, and Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, and Cézanne, the exhibition brings together more than 150 masterpieces alongside etchings, costumes, film and photography to explore why Impressionism was considered so shocking in the 19th century and how it paved the way...
Impressionism: Pathways to Modernity

ISBN 9789461618481 (FR) I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART (Belgium)

ISBN 9789461618207 (FR) I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
Maar Baertsoen beperkte zich niet tot Gent. Hij ontpopte zich al snel tot een gewaardeerd landschapsschilder van de Schelderegio, de Noordzee en het hinterland, en bracht als zoon van een textielfabrikant de Luikse industriële landschappen in beeld.
Sylvette Botella Gaudichon Paperback | Fr. edition 270 x 220 mm | 208 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) ISBN: 9789461616326 (FR) I09 ‐ DECORATIVE ARTS
L'Art dans tout
Achter de ogenschijnlijk kinderlijke en onschuldige aard van Joan Miró's werk schuilt een diepe band met de Catalaanse traditie en de kunst uit het verleden. Van zijn academische opleiding tot zijn eerste fauvistische landschappen of stillevens tot de invloed van het primitivisme, romaanse kunst of zelfs Japanse kalligrafie, "Joan Miró. The essence of things past and present" reist door meer dan een halve eeuw van rauwe, soms wilde, maar altijd onverwachte Erexperimenten.wordeneen honderdtal originele werken gepresenteerd (schilderijen, gouaches, tekeningen, keramiek, sculpturen, enz.), afkomstig uit prestigieuze internationale openbare en privécollecties, waaronder de Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró (Palma de Mallorca), de Fundació Joan Miró ( Barcelona ), het Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, het Picasso Parijs Nationaal Museum, de Maeght Foundation of het LaM.

Miró The Essence of Things Past and Present Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 290 x 240 mm | 224 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) ISBN: 9789461618399 (NL) ISBN 9789461616382 (FR) ISBN 9789461618405 (EN) I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C Expo: 08/10/2022 ‐ 08/01/2023,BAM,Mons 21

Jamais présenté en France, l'œuvre du visionnaire William Morris a fortement marqué son époque en théorisant une utopie sociale, politique, écologique et artistique et en posant les bases de ce qu'on nommera plus tard les Arts & Crafts, qui défendent l'art dans tout et pour tous en réaction à l'industrialisation des savoir faire artisanaux. Designer textile, écrivain, poète, peintre, dessinateur, architecte, fabricant, militant socialiste, écologiste et incroyable théoricien, William Morris a développé un œuvre complexe et a milité pour qu'on considère d'une nouvelle manière l'art et l'artisanat, mais aussi les artistes et les artisans de l'Angleterre victorienne de la fin du XIXe siècle, marquée par l'apparition d'une société industrielle.

William Morris 1834 1896

Het rijke en onclasseerbare universum van de schilder, beeldhouwer, graveur en keramist Joan Miró zal te zien zijn in het BAM!
Expo: 08/10/2022 08/01/2023, La Piscine, Roubaix
Ogen spiegelen de ziel, ramen spiegelen de stad. In die weerkaatsing laten ze vandaag en vroeger samenvloeien. Over hun steden vertellen ze kleine en grote verhalen. Via vensters leer je iets over weelderige of woelige tijden, over de sociale geschiedenis, over de pendelbewegingen van de architectuur, technisch vernuft en industriële groei. Ramen delen de stad en haar gebouwen en sites op in klassen, functies, tijdperken. Ze geven je veel inzicht in een stedelijk weefsel ‐ zeker in een stad als Gent, die in sterrenstof uit de middeleeuwen baadt. Daarnaast zijn ramen gewoon ook mooie, fascinerende objecten. Wie de stad bewandelt en enkel op haar raamopeningen en vensters let, ziet weer een andere stad. De passie voor Gent, architectuur, en de liefde voor de juiste compositie en lichtinval vloeien in deze publicatie perfect samen. Annelies De Waele is geboren en getogen in Gent en werkt er als freelance journalist en stadsgids. Voor dit ramenboek pende ze kijkteksten over bekende en onbekende Gentse gebouwen en sites. ‐ Marleen Daniëls, doorgewinterd freelance reis‐ en modefotograaf voor diverse media, maakte voor dit Gent boek unieke beelden, met een retro analoge Fuji camera.
Gent Jazz 2002 2022

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618085.xml

9789461617217 (HB|NL)
Spiegels van de Stad.
Gentse ramen en vensters ‐Annelies De Waele, Marleen Daniëls Paperback with flaps | Dutch (NL) ed. 240 x 190 mm | 144 p € 29,00 | July 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) ISBN: 9789461618078 (NL) II16 ‐ HERITAGE (Belgium) WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618078.xml 22

Auteur Karel Van Keymeulen groeide op met jazzmuziek. Meer nog, hij schreef er 24 jaar lang gefascineerd en passioneel over in De Standaard, nam interviews af van legendarische jazzhelden en was vaste praatgast tijdens live uitzendingen op Jazz Middelheim.
9789461618085 (PB+|NL)
Paperback with flaps | Dutch (NL) ed. 280 x 250 mm 240 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | July 2022

Aan de vooravond van een herwaardering van het Citadelpark in Gent laten auteur Marc Cosyns, fotograaf Leo De Bock en illustrator Saskia Rogge honderd bomen vertellen over de sfeer van toen ze geplant werden, hoe ze groeiden en wat ze allemaal meemaakten. De meeste bloeien nog, van sommige is alleen nog hun naamzuiltje te vinden. Het Citadelpark is Gents, maar zeker niet alleen voor Gentenaars. Het is een metafoor voor hoe mensen omgaan met natuur en cultuur.
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium)
Marc Cosyns, Leo De Bock, Saskia Rogge
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium)
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 250 x 300 mm | 240 p | 250 col.ill. | € 29,00 | April 2022

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461617217.xml
II16 ‐ HERITAGE (Belgium)
Citadelpark Gent

Alle situaties ‐ de begrenzingen ‐ zijn er omwille van diverse redenen. In het minst om artistieke. En toch kan men stellen dat er een zekere schoonheid in zit. Het moet enkel gezien en vastgelegd worden. Kunstcriticus en curator Ronald Van de Sompel doet dat in dit boek met woorden.

Dit boek is een beeldverhaal waarin rood witte plastiek linten, verkeerselementen, dranghekken en andere belemmerende elementen een rol spelen. Omdat de duidelijkheid van de taal er niet is, zijn omstandigheden belangrijk. Sommige situaties zijn fotografisch interessant. Andere, hoe intens de fysieke afwering in de realiteit ook wordt ervaren, nodigen niet uit om er een boeiend beeld van te maken.

Daniël Dewaele (1950) is een beeldend kunstenaar die al sinds midden jaren '70 actief is. Hij maakt installaties, interventies, performances, video‐ en fotowerken. Bij Snoeck publiceerde hij in 2021 al het boek Monumenten
(Be)Grenzen Dewaele
Ronald Van de Sompel Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Nov. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) ISBN: 9789461618146 (NL) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY (Belgium) Expo: 11/11/2022 ‐ 09/12/2022, MHKA, Antwerp WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618146.xml 23
De kunstschilder Marten Melsen (1870 1947) was van Brusselse afkomst maar woonde heel zijn leven in het landelijke Stabroek. Hij verbouwde er twee aansluitende woningen en kreeg er samen met zijn vrouw 4 kinderen. De twee ongehuwde dochters en één zoon bleven in het huis wonen en hielden het in de staat zoals het was. Aan het atelier van de kunstschilder werd ook na zijn dood niet meer geraakt.Karin Borghouts bezocht en fotografeerde het huis voor het eerst in 2017. De fotografe werd getroffen door de zeer mooie lichtinval, de kleuren, meubelen en objecten in het huis. Anderzijds deed de woning haar ook denken aan haar ouderlijk huis dat in de vlammen is opgegaan en waarin de verzameling antieke gebruiksvoorwerpen van haar moeder zwartgeblakerde stillevens opleverden, doordrongen van jeugdherinneringen en een verlangen naar een beschermende huiselijke omgeving.

A Painter’s House

Karin Borghouts
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618344.xml ‐Karin Borghouts Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 300 x 240 mm | 96 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) ISBN: 9789461618344 (NL)

Marcel Vossen
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618238 (HB|FR)
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 240 x 170 mm
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) 9789461617088 (HB|NL)

De kunst van het snoeien
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461617088.xml
Marcel Vossen
Comment l’architecture, gouvernée par des règles strictes et des dogmes intangibles, pourrait elle être impossible ? Réunissant plus de 150 oeuvres de toute nature issues d'institutions nationales, internationales et de collections particulières, elle rassemble une cinquantaine d'artistes : noms éminents (Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Hubert Robert, Louis Etienne Boullée, Victor Hugo, Gustave Doré, Maurits Cornelis Escher, Max Ernst, Wim Delvoye, etc.) ou plus confidentiels (Albert Trachsel, Wenzel Hablik,...
Hardback | Fr. edition 240 x 170 mm 286 p | 400 col. & bw
ill € 32,00 | Aug. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) 9789461617163 (HB|FR) II02 ‐ GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461617163.xml Ce livre, qui repose sur plus de 60 ans d'expérience, entend répondre aux nombreuses questions auxquelles l'amateur de fruits est confronté. Il traite de tous les aspects de la culture des variétés fruitières les plus courantes en les abordant pas à pas, de manière pratique, pour aider l'amateur à adopter dans son propre jardin des variétés dignes de confiance, à les cultiver en connaissance de cause et à en récolter des fruits savoureux durant de longues années.
L’art de la taille des fruitiers

Expo: 01/11/2022
192 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | Aug. 2022
Architectures impossibles

ISBN 9789461617088 (FR)
Marcel Vossen (Provinciaal Eredicteur Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos), is de bezieler van de gerenomeerde De Museumtuin van Gaasbeek. Deze tuin van absoluut topniveau werd uitgebouwd naar het voorbeeld van een kasteeltuin in de 19e eeuw. Een sterk staaltje levend cultureel erfgoed. In het boek 'de kunst van het snoeien' geeft Marcel Vossen op een inzichtelijke manier een inkijk in de diverse snoeivormen, specificaties per fruitsoort, de tips en tricks voor gebruik in uw eigen tuin.

19/03/2023, Musée des Beaux Arts, Nancy
Hardback | Fr. edition 285 x 225 mm 304 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Nov. 2022
Dit boek wil het de veelzijdigheid van Stynen volop in de verf zetten. Het verschijnt daarom ook in drie talen én met twee verschillende covers! Met een rijke, zeg maar architecturale vormgeving en met essays van specialisten die een inzage geven in Stynens praktijk en zijn belang, evolutie en nalatenschap als ontwerper.
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 285 x 240 mm 328 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 36,00 | Sept. 2022 ‐R/P [BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) 9789461615671 (HB|NL) een de Gentse Europese avant garde, Russische het werk van Corbusier. een studiereis Nederland hij zijn eerste woningen waarin een creatieve wijze opgedane weet assimileren.
Architect Léon Stynen

Marc Dubois
Paperback with flaps | Dutch (NL) ed. 270 x 210 mm | 224 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 39,00 | Nov. 2022
II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE ‐ BELGIUMHet beperkt oeuvre van de Gentse architect Gaston Eysselinck behoort tot de meest boeiende getuigenissen van

architectuur en
vernieuwende architectuur in België. Tijdens zijn studies aan
in 1927 en 1929 naar
Eysselinck 1907 ‐ 1953 In de voetsporen van Le Corbusier WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461617545.xml WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461615671.xml 25

Onder redactie van Luc Vincent. Met bijdragen van Marc Dubois, Dirk Laureys, Pablo Lhoas et L.J. Baucher.
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) ISBN: 9789461617545 (NL)
Academie komt hij in contact met publicaties van de
hij op
II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE (monographies)
ISBN 9789461618474 (FR) ISBN 9789461617569 (EN)
Deze publicatie, in samenwerking met de estate van Léon Stynen en van designreus Bulo, focust op de lange carrière van architect Léon Stynen, en meer bepaald op diens designs. Dit minder gekende aspect van Stynens praktijk verdient alle aandacht. Vaak baanbrekend, hebben zijn ontwerpen een trend gezet die vandaag nog steeds voelbaar is.
L'exposition de la Villa Domergue permet de découvrir les Cabanes, installations, images et maquettes autours de ses films. Comme dans son cinéma, Agnès Varda abordait avec ses oeuvres plastiques les thèmes du quotidien, du souvenir, de l'intime et de l'universel. Agnès Varda était une réalisatrice majeure et reconnue pour ses films et documentaires. Mais ce que l'on sait moins, c'est qu'elle a également créé des œuvres d'art contemporain : installations, maquettes, photographies et œuvres vidéo. Le Pôle d'Art Contemporain de Cannes propose ainsi d'explorer son univers de vieille cinéaste, jeune plasticienne comme elle le disait elle même.
€ 10,00 | Sept. 2022
Striptekenaar Marc Sleen zou dit jaar 100 jaar zijn geworden. Nero in het Gents Nero in het Brussels Nero in het Antwerps 26
285 x 245 mm | 160 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | July 2022
Agnès Plages,Vardacabanes et coquillages

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) ISBN: 9789461618153 (NL) 9789461618160 (Antw) 9789461618177 (Bxl)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) ISBN: 9789461618054 (F)

"Oui j'aime la mer et les bords de mer calme. Oui j'aime les plages, leurs horizons et les petites choses qu'on y trouve. Oui j'aime les gens qui marchent, leur élan et leur énergie. Oui j'aime les patates en forme de cœur, surtout celles qui commencent à vieillir, à pourrir et à regermer. Oui j'ai toujours aimé les triptyques anciens et ils m'ont inspiré des trios d'images où je peux associer des photographies argentiques et des vidéos numériques. C'est mon désir de réconcilier le noir et blanc et la couleur, l'immobilité et le mouvement. J'ai même aimé les polyptiques et j'en ai fait un avec les veuves émouvantes de l'île de Noirmoutier.
Hardback | French ed.
Centre d'art Malmaison
Oui j'aime les vaches tranquilles et les éoliennes qui tournent sans cesse." .....
Expo: 8/7/2022 18/9/2022, Villa Domergue, Cannes et 08/07/2022 20/11/2022, La Malmaison, Cannes

Paris Cinés

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461616197 (PB+|EN FR)
Paperback with flaps | Eng/ French edition 230 x 170 mm 200 p | 180 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Sept. 2022
Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 210 x 190 mm 128 p | 76 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | Sept. 2022
"J'ai sillonné l'Ukraine en août 2013, soit trois mois avant les manifestations de Maïdan, sans bien sûr me douter que ce serait le dernier été que connaîtrait ce pays dans son intégrité territoriale.
1982‐1992, des cinémas disparaissent
Visa pour l'image est un festival international de photojournalisme créé en 1989, par Roger Thérond, le directeur de la rédaction de Paris Match. Il en avait confié l'organisation à Michel Decron, directeur du journal Photo du groupe Filipacchi.

Visa pour l'image 2022
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461617125 (HB|FR)
La chaleur alanguissait les villes. Les plages d'Odessa ou de Crimée étaient bondées de touristes russes et ukrainiens. Mais derrière l'insouciance estivale, se percevaient déjà les prémices du conflit à venir.

Entre 1982 et 1992, 110 salles de cinémaont fermé leurs portes à Paris. À travers une sélection de plus de 180 photos prises durant ces dix années, l'auteur offre un témoignage unique sur les derniers cinémas populaires de la capitale. Le Far West, le Cinex, le Rialto, l'Éden, 48 cinémas, pour la plupart disparus, sont présentés en suivant un parcours géographique, depuis les Grands Boulevards (lieu de naissance des premiers cinémas) jusqu'au Quartier latin.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618421.xml WEBSITE:WEBSITE:https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461616197.xmlhttps://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461617125.xml 27
Sunset on Ukraine
J'en ai rapporté 73 films, soit plus de 2 600 vues, pour finalement sélectionner les 76 photo..."
Dirigé par Jean François Leroy, Visa pour l'image se déroule chaque année dans toute la ville de Perpignan, de fin août à mi septembre pour une durée de quinze jours, plus une 3e semaine réservée aux scolaires.
Thierry Clech
Expo: 27/08/2022 ‐ 11/09/2022, Festival International du Photojournalisme Jean Francois Leroy

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618421 (PB|EN FR NL)
Jean François Chaput
Hardback | Fr. edition 280 x 210 mm 266 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Nov. 2022
Reboot 1999 2022
Vladimir Tchernychev Monographie
MuseumExpo: van Elsene/ Musée d'Ixelles
Louma Salamé, Claire Leblanc
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618375.xml

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618337.xml
Julien Saudubray studeerde in 2012 af aan de Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts in Parijs. Deze jonge kunstenaar excelleert in het experiment. Een synthese van zijn schilderkunst is na enkele omzwervingen nu uitgemond in een praktijk die hij zelf 'mechanistisch' noemt. Tussen abstract en figuratief in, blijft hij werken aan beelden die waaraan hij steeds lagen en kleuren toevoegt, maar ook wegneemt, waarna het subjectieve tot een minimum wordt herleid.
Hardback | English ed. 300 x 230 mm 256 p € 39,00 | Sept. 2022

Cet artiste russe est né à Léningrad en 1952, dés l'âge de neuf ans commence à peindre, et à douze ans il s'inscrit à l'Académie des Beaux Arts. Il obtient les diplômes de peintre et de décorateur en 1973 et devient décorateur de théâtre. Il connait comme beaucoup des ses confrères la destruction de ses œuvres , les art étant alors trés sévèrement encadrés et l'art contemporain censuré.
Julien WatchingSaudubray

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618429 (HB|FR)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) 9789461618337 (PB|EN FR)
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618375 (HB|EN) 9789461618320 (HB|FR)
Hardback | Fr. edition 300 x 230 mm 304 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 39,00 | Nov. 2022
Jérôme Boutterin
Since the mid 1990s, the French artist Jérôme Boutterin has been constructing an impressive work, mainly abstract, remarkable for the dynamism of its interplay of lines, its multiple perspectives and its chromatic exuberance. In different formats, he creates images in a particular formal language. His works are presented in France, but also in Germany, China, South Korea and the United States. He often exhibits in partnership with the Marc Minjauw gallery in Brussels.

Paperback | Eng/ French edition 270 x 210 mm 128 p | 130 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618429.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618061.xml
290 x 230 mm 296 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Oct. 2022
Achille Laugé 1861‐1944

Hardback | Fr. edition 285 x 245 mm
Bande Annonce
Paperback with flaps | Fr. edition
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618191 (PB+|FR)
Jean Pigozzi, dit « Johnny », né en 1952 à Paris, est un jetsetter, entrepreneur, photographe, philanthrope et collectionneur d'art contemporain africain et japonais. De nationalité italienne, mais ayant surtout vécu en France. Fils d'Henri Théodore Pigozzi capitaine d'industrie à la tête de la marque d'automobiles Simca (créée par Fiat) de 1935 à 1963 et homme d'affaires avisé. La fortune acquise par de son père lui permet de vivre une vie de jet setter, de philanthrope et de collectionneur d'art.
Achille Laugé (1861 1944) fascine par son parcours solitaire au sein du mouvement néo‐ impressionniste. L'exposition, qui réunira près d'une centaine d'oeuvres et couvrira toute la carrière de Laugé, met en lumière l'originalité profonde de ce peintre du quotidien, mû par une sensibilité exceptionnelle. En 1890, de retour à Carcassonne, Laugé se convertit à la couleur pure divisée.
21/08/2022, Gare Maritime, Cannes
Expo: 12/07/2022 ‐
160 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | July 2022
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618061 (HB|FR) & AFRICAN ART

Le train est il un artiste comme l'affirme Jules Claretie? Ayant considérablement bouleversé notre rapport sensible à l'espace et au temps, il a assurément été le moteur d'une transformation profonde de leurs représentations artistiques. Pour la première fois en France, l'exposition organisée par le Musée d'arts de Nantes mettra en parallèle le fulgurant développement du chemin de fer et celui d'un art moderne renonçant peu ou prou à l'idéal de fixité du monde préindustriel...

Voyage en train
Gare Maritime Cannes
Paperback | Fr. edition 288 x 240 mm 143 p € 36,50 | Aug. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461617552 (PB|FR) I04 ‐ MODERN ART WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461617552.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618191.xml
Expo: 21/10/2022 05/02/2023, Museée d’arts de Nantes
Le néo impressionnisme dans la lumière du Sud
Jean Pigozzi Collection

L'extraordinaire abondance de sculptures françaises aux Etats Unis est révélatrice d'un goût spécifique pour ce domaine de l'art français, mais aussi de la grande proximité des relations historiques et artistiques franco américaines. Les Etats Unis sont le pays en dehors de la France qui compte le plus grand nombre de sculptures françaises et ces dernières y représentent de très loin l'essentiel des sculptures étrangères. Une fois rassemblées, combinées, reliées, elles tissent l'histoire d'un goût.

Expo: 22/10/2022 ‐ 29/01/2023, Musée de Tessé du Mans ‐ Musée des Beaux Arts de Tours, 2023 ‐ Musée des Beaux Arts d’Angers, 2024 Musée de Tessé du Mans, Musée des Beaux Arts de Tours, Musée des Beaux Arts d’Angers

Cette exposition sur le thème du costume et de sa représentationpar les écoles du Nord au XVIIe siècle prend comme point d'appui les collections de peinture des écoles du Nord (Flandres et Pays Bas) de ces trois musées. L'exposition rassemblera plus d'une soixantaine d'oeuvres, principalement des tableaux, des gravures et des archives qui dialogueront avec des éléments de vêtements et pièces de tissus, anciens ou modernes, aidant le public à appréhender les différentes textures représentées

mm 288 p
L'étoffe des flamands
Hardback | English ed. 300 x 240 mm 464 p | 450 col. & bw ill € 45,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618276 (HB|EN)
Sculpture française en Amérique (Eng. ed)

iconiques.200œuvres y
Mode et peinture au XVIIeme siècle
I08 ‐ ANTIQUES janvier 2023, Mobilier National exposera et franc¸ais de 1930 a` 1960, avec des pièces seront rassemble´es pour la premie`re fois. La majeure partie elles sont des créations d'Andre´ Arbus, Jules Leleu, Jean Pascaud, Henri Martin, Marc du Plantier, Gilbert Poillerat ou Raphael Raffel, avec pour objet de faire de la figure du de´corateur un ro^le capital.
Une passion 22/10/2022 ‐ 29/01/2023 par Hervé Lemoine, Emmanuelle Federspiel, Gérald Remy | Fr. edition x 240 | 260 col. & bw ill 39,00 | Oct. 2022 Snoeck Publishers (France) (PB|FR)
américaine Expo:
Le Chic ! Arts de´coratifs

Le Chic décoratifs et mobilier français de 1930 à 1960

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461617996 (PB+|FR)
! Arts
Paperback with flaps | Fr. edition 280 x 220 mm 144 p | 125 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Oct. 2022
& COLLECTABLES Du 12 octobre 2022 au 29
INHA ‐ Institut National d'Histoire et de l'Art
Les soulèvements populaires de ces dernières années ont profondément bouleversé les sociétés et ont permis une amplification du militantisme LGBTQIA+. Dans plusieurs pays, les activistes s'insurgent contre les lois pénalisant l'homosexualité, questionnent et confrontent le conservatisme régnant et proposent de nouveaux modèles pour la société tout entière.
Paperback | Fr. edition 280 x 180 mm 176 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 19,00 | Oct. 2022
Open binding (Swiss binding) | English ed. 310 x 220 mm 240 p € 29,00 | Sept. 2022

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618252.xml
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618252 (PB|FR)
Partout dans le monde arabe se jouent les luttes pour pouvoir exprimer librement son identité de genre et sa sexualité.
[BE] Snoeck Publishers (France) 9789461618290 (PB|FR)
Surréalismes, art naturel, art brut, art magique

[BE] Snoeck Publishers (Belgium) 9789461617576 (OPEN|EN)
En 2019, les artistes Maxime Berthou et Mark Požlep entreprennent un voyage de plusieurs mois sur le Mississippi, du nord au sud. Leur intention est de traverser les États Unis en suivant leur voie navigable la plus importante, débordante de vie et marquée par l'histoire, mais aussi par le abus: du racisme, du chômage et de la pauvreté à la monoculture en passant par la pollution. Au fil du fleuve, ils tournent des images de leurs rencontres, également documentées par des croquis et des notes dans leur jour

Expo: 14/10/2022 ‐ 29/01/2023, LaM, Villeneuve d'Asq
Paperback | Fr. edition 260 x 190 mm 272 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Oct. 2022

Expo: 28/09/2022 ‐ 20/02/2023, Institut du monde arabe, Paris
Maxime Berthou & Mark Požlep.
Chercher l'or du temps
I02b ‐ ART HISTORY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789461618290.xml

« Le surréalisme est à la portée de tous les inconscients. » Tract surréaliste En collectionnant des œuvres rares comme des objets naturels, des expressions artistiques autodidactes ou issues de la folie, les surréalistes s'affranchissent des hiérarchies et posent un regard autre sur le monde. C'est une véritable révolution qui est à l'œuvre pour réenchanter un quotidien marqué par deux guerres mondiales. L'art brut se trouve au cœur de cette réinvention des possibles.

Les révolutions de l’amour
retrospective takes us across the planet to some astonishing places, inviting us to discover a world, whose beauty and richness can be found in the human beings who inhabit it. It offers us an opportunity to marvel, through the eyes, the Visions, of Jean-Dominique Burton.
Jean Dominique Burton
Covering fifty years of photography over 4 continents, Visions provides a retrospective of the work of the internationally renowned Belgian photographer, Jean-Dominique Burton.

From the banks of the River Ganges to the Vodou priests in Benin, not forgetting his own native Belgium, Jean-Dominique Burton has dedicated his life to revealing the beauty and the wealth of often ancient, ancestral cultures in his pictures, through which he encourages a form of transmission. As an award-winning portrait painter, he always approaches his subjects as women and men, in a positive way, through their expressions, smiles and occasionally their scars. "I am the opposite of a war photographer, but there is no real word for that"
Visions presents excerpts from some of his bestknown work, alongside previously unpublished pictures, all exceptional pieces. This compelling compilation is an invitation to meet traditional chiefs from Burkina Faso, as well as European artists, Tibetans in exile, Beninese hunters now involved in protecting their environment, together with master crystal blowers from Liège, Laotian pilgrims, and many others. His subjects make up thousands of people, unknown but connected to each other through a coherence that is as much artistic as it is human. It is this sense of dignity towards his subjects that lies at the heart of the author's photographic

‐Hardback | Eng/ French edition 297 x 297 mm | 396 p € 69,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] Prisme Éditions ISBN: 9782930451404 (EN FR) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY (Belgium) 32

Hardback | Eng/ French edition 297 x 297 mm 84 p € 32,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] Prisme Éditions 9782930451411 (HB|EN FR)
[BE] Prisme Éditions 9782930451435 (HB|FR) ART
[BE] Prisme Éditions 9782930451428 (PB|EN FR)
Past to Future
« J'écris toujours debout, comme si mon corps se dirigeait déjà vers l'autre, comme si j'allais traverser la feuille ».
Patrick Bribosia, Isabelle Toussaint & Matteo Robiglio ‐ Architects

… avant le paysage … before the landscape Collection Keramis

Expo: début 2023, Musée de Keramis, La Louvière

Daniel Pontoreau
Arboglyphes est la suite du livre Jephan de Villiers, Des Figures de silence,, paru en Les écritures de Jephan de Villiers volent de conscience en conscience. Elles pourraient être arabes, indiennes, africaines. Horizontales ou verticales, elles constituent, au fil des ans, une partition. Des gammes plutôt. Pas un jour sans écriture.

Jephan de Villiers. Arboglyphes
Paperback | Eng/ French edition 290 x 200 mm 192 p € 39,00 | Oct. 2022

La Grande Carrière Wincqz
J ephan de Villiers. Preface by Caroline Lamarche
This book documents the conversion and restoration project of the Grande Carrière Wincqz in Soignies, Belgium. Built in the 19th century to excavate the world-renowned Belgian blue stone, today, the quarry is home to an ambitious project: the Pôle de la Pierre, a training centre specialising in the stone industry. The book covers the transformation of the site in three essays.

Hors du temps, les sculptures de Daniel Pontoreau font dialoguer la terre et le cosmos. L'artiste est reconnu comme un des grands spécialistes des interventions dans le paysage et l'espace public. Ses stèles monumentales du ministère de l'Économie et des Finances à Paris, sa Pierre trouée de la place du Marché Gayot à Strasbourg ou son aménagement du site du Champ du Feu en Alsace révèlent la pleine dimension environnementale de son art.
Expo: Phare de Cordouan ‐ Juillet à octobre 2022, Journée du Patrimoine, Mirambeau ‐ 19 ‐ 20 sept. 2022, Galerie Artset ‐ Sept.‐ Oct. 2022
Hardback | Fr. edition 260 x 200 mm 160 p € 39,00 | Nov. 2022
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 305 x 230 mm | 192 p € 34,00 | Nov. 2022 [BE] Artha ISBN: 9789464368086 (NL) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE ‐ BELGIUM 34

Léon Stynen / Paul De Meyer Riverside Tower Antwerp
De Riverside Tower is een van de drie grote woontorens op Antwerpen linkeroever, ontworpen door Léon Stynen en Paul De Meyer. Dit jaar is de RIVERSIDE TOWER van Stijnen & De Meyer een halve eeuw oud! In 1972 namen de bewoners er hun intrek en in het voorjaar van 1973 verhuisde architect Paul De Meyer met zijn familie van Lier naar de Antwerpse Linkeroever. Bovenop de toren staat een prachtig penthouse, gebouwd door De Meyer voor hemzelf en onlangs gerenoveerd door Glenn Sestig. Tot aan zijn overlijden in 2011 werd het uitzonderlijk dakappartement van De Meyer nooit gepubliceerd. Vijftig jaar "Riverside Tower" is de gelegenheid om het ontstaansverhaal te schetsen met nooit eerder gepubliceerde documenten, zowel tekeningen als foto's.

Iconische woontoren / Modern erfgoed
By Marc Dubois. Photography: Filip Dujardin
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789464368086.xml ‐

Collectionneuses Rothschild. Mécènes et donatrices d'exception

€ 34,00 | Oct. 2022
Wie er acht op slaat, kan niet anders dan vaststellen: de vos is terug van weggeweest. We ontmoeten de vulpes vulpes op het platteland én in de stad, in de media, in romans, poëzie en kinderboeken. Maar waar komt die fascinatie voor de vos vandaan? Is het zijn wilde schoonheid die blijft fascineren? Of zit zijn grote succes eerder in zijn Inveelzijdigheid?decollectievan de Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience duikt de vos in talloze gedaanten op, van de oudheid tot vandaag. Gefascineerd door vos probeert die vele facetten van het sluwe dier in dertig bijdragen te vangen. Naast de rijke Vlaamse en internationale traditie rond Reynaert verschijnt de vos in zeer uiteenlopende genres: boekillustraties, drukkersmerken, fabels, sprookjes, spreekwoorden, vroegmoderne leerboeken, natuurwetenschappelijke werken, schilderijen, gedichten en satirische kranten. Van de literatuur, beeldhouwkunst, mode en film tot het stijldansen: de vos laat zich op verrassende plekken zien.

Gefascineerd door Vos
Hardback | Fr. edition
À travers une sélection de plus de 350 oeuvres issues d'une quarantaine d'institutions et de collections privées françaises, l'exposition proposera un parcours constitué d'oeuvres de toutes époques et tous horizons. Le visiteur rencontrera de grands artistes, tels que Fragonard, Chardin, Delacroix, Cézanne, Claudel, Rodin, Egon Schiele, mais aussi des manuscrits médiévaux, des tableaux de la Renaissance italienne, des collections de bijoux et de porcelaines, ou encore des objets d'art africain et d'Extrême Orient. Autant d'oeuvres d'art qui témoignent de l'histoire du goût et du collectionnisme au fil des 19e et 20e siècles.
[BE] Artha ISBN: 9789464368079 (FR)
Vincent Pomarède, Pauline Prevost Marcilhacy, Fanny Moens (eds.)
| Dutch (NL) ed. 260 x 210 mm | 208 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 34,00 | June 2022

[BE] 9789464368062
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789464368062.xml
Depuis le 19e siècle, la famille Rothschild est légendaire dans l'histoire de nos sociétés. Cette dynastie est devenue au fil du temps synonyme de réussite dans le monde de la finance, mais aussi de richesse intellectuelle et artistique. Un nom incontournable, connu de tous. Pourtant, derrière ce nom de famille se cache des personnalités méconnues et un patrimoine insoupçonné. Proposant un point de vue inédit, cette exposition mettra en lumière des femmes de la famille à la personnalité singulière. Ignorées par l'histoire de l'art, ces femmes ont été des collectionneuses, bâtisseuses, mécènes et héritières, qui ont contribué d'une manière significative à l'enrichissement du patrimoine historique et des collections des musées français par leurs dons et legs considérables. Sur un parcours de plus de 2 000 m², l'exposition retracera le goût et la personnalité de neuf femmes d'exception . Parfois très indépendantes, parfois dans l'ombre de leur mari, elles ont joué un rôle important dans l'histoire de l'art, l'histoire, la société et même dans la vie des artistes de leur époque.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789464368079.xml
Artha ISBN:
Expo: 21/10/2022 26/2/2023, Musée de la Boverie, Liège

295 x 235 mm | 246 p | 200 col.ill.
Hendrik Conscience, Linde Antwerpen de Potter, Marie Charlotte Le Bailly, Steven Van Impe (red.)
[BE] Stockmans Art Books 9789464363227 (HB|NL)

Paperback | English ed. 275 x 210 mm 320 p € 50,00 | Aug. 2022

Oog in oog ‐ Cindy Wright invites

Door Peter De Graef , Fikry El Azzouzi , Tom Lanoye

Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 180 x 135 mm 48 p € 25,00 | June 2022

P A V I L J O E N - Sinds de vroege jaren 90 onderzoekt Monique Thomaes hoe de perceptie en beleving van architecturale ruimtes verhevigd, vertraagd of bevraagd kan worden. Daarvoor bedient ze zich van video, fotografie, lichtprojectie en reflecterende materialen als glas of spiegels. Door de parameters gebouw, bezoekers en artistieke interventie op elkaar los te laten, verhevigt zij de gewaarwordingen van en de interacties tussen tijd en ruimte. ... --Uittreksel uit Paviljoen van Johan
houtskooltekeningen uit haar reeks Eye to Eye. Zes tekeningen van evenveel schedels op groot formaat. Een zevende, vervolledigt de serie als een synthese van de oorspronkelijke reeks van tien individuele schedels. De thema's als verval, eindigheid en kwetsbaarheid vormen een rode draad doorheen het werk van de kunstenaar. Zes schrijvers 'reanimeren' zes onbekenden... Jeroen Olyslaegers, Erik Vlaminck, Tom Lanoye, Joke van Leeuwen, Peter De Graef en Fikry El Azzouzi schrijven de unieke tekst ...
[BE] Stockmans Art Books 9789464363234 (PB|EN)
A venir ‐ Monique Thomaes
Door Angelika Stepken, Johan Pas, Monique Thomaes
Cathy Alvarez Trou[v]ées
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782873404918.xml
Françoise Nuñez. Hampi ‐ India Côté photo
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ ed. 170 x 240 mm 120 p | throughout duotone ill. € 20,00 | Oct. 2022

A survey of American drive in theatres / 1976
[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Photo 9782873404888 (PB|FR)
Côté photo Angles vifs
Textes: Bernard Plossu, Eric Auzoux

Hardback | Fr. edition 175 x 175 mm 48 p € 20,00 | Nov. 2022
[BE] Yellow Now 9782873404901 (HB|EN FR GE)

101 Movies

Nuñez, d'origine espagnole, est une photographe voyageuse : l'Inde, l'éthiopie, l'Amérique du Sud, le Japon « Je ne photographie pratiquement qu'en voyage. Quand je pars, je ne pense qu'à ça. Je veux être réceptive à tout, loin d'un quotidien et d'endroits que je connais trop bien. J'aime l'inattendu, la surprise, l'émotion de la découverte. Et j'essaye de faire ressentir toutes ces émotions. ». Elle a commencé à photographier en 1975. Elle épouse Bernard Plossu en 1986.

Paperback | Fr. edition 210 x 165 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. | € 24,00 | Sept. 2022
Née en 1978, Cathy Alvarez Valle est une artiste pluridisciplinaire, qui produit notamment ou utilise ou détourne des images photographiques. Une forme, chez elle, aussi bien qu’une matière, en appelle une autre, s’y verse et s’y prolonge ; une histoire n’est jamais finie, un récit jamais complet, une oeuvre jamais définitive… Électives ou pas, les affinités (multiples), c’est cette capacité à faire exister la beauté d’un objet trouvé aussi bien que d’un sentiment délaissé.
Herman van den Boom
[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Photo 9782873404918 (HB|FR)
En 1976, l'artiste, photographe et designer belge Herman van den Boom sillonne les Etats Unis à plusieurs reprises. Son ami regretté, le Néerlandais Toon Michiels, l'y accompagne. Les deux hommes exercent les mêmes activités, et ils partagent les mêmes idées. Le but duvoyage : photographier des thèmes typiquement américains, panneaux d'affichage, enseignes lumineuses, personnages publicitaires et drive in.
Ilse Roosens, Ulrich Loock, Liesje Vandenbroeck. Katharine Stout, Thibaut Verhoeven. Design: Atelier Sven Beirnaert.
Joris Ghekiere Journey on Paper

Expo: 14/05/2022 ‐ 18/09/2022, S.M.A.K., Gent Philippe Van Cauteren, Liesje Vandenbroeck, Ann Hoste Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. x mm €p25,00 | May 2022 [BE] S.M.A.K., Gent 9789075679663 (PB|EN FR NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART Splendid Isolation is a group exhibition that seeks to explore the particular conditions of life in solitude, and more precisely the creative impulses it can nourish. Bringing together an intergenerational and international group of artists, it centres on the artistic output that is induced by life under self imposed or forced restrictions and foregrounds herein a number of positions. Splendid Isolation wants to bring together different stories and ensembles from artists with very diverse backgrounds. Splendid Isolation 38

Paperback | Eng/ NL ed. x €240mmp49,00 | July 2022 [BE] MuZEE, Oostende 9789074694407 (PB|EN NL)

I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART ans, le MACS invite Laurent Busine, son directeur honoraire, imaginer une exposition qui, suivant sa conception humaniste du musée, envisage la singularité du regard de chacun et fait dialoguer œuvres d'art, objets de curiosité et images du quotidien. Célébrant la rencontre entre la curiosité du public et l'invention des artistes, Les Fabriques du Cœur témoigne de la complexité changeante et bigarrée du monde où nous séjournons.
Expo: 2/7/2022 ‐ 27/11/2022
[BE] MACS ‐ Grand Hornu 9782930368818 (PB|FR)
'Reizen op papier' gaat dieper in op de jaren 1990 1991 waarin de kunstenaar Joris Ghekiere met zijn vrouw Inge Henneman een jaar lang doorheen Azië trok. Tijdens deze maandenlange tocht werden maar liefst 170 autonome werken, maar ook talloze schetsen, ontwerpen, collages en schetsboeken gemaakt, verstuurd of meegebracht en zorgvuldig bewaard. De beelden hebben nog niets aan hun picturale kracht ingeboet en tonen een prachtig reisverslag van een jonge kunstenaar, een woestijnzwerver met zand in de ogen".

Expo: 23/10/2022 ‐ 19/3/2022, MACS, Charleroi Laurent Busine, Denis Gielen

À l'occasion de ses vingt
Les Fabriques du coeur et leur usage. Contes
Paperback | Fr. edition 210 x 160 mm 400 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 29,00 | Oct. 2022

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789085868323.xml
Christian Dotremont zou in 2022 honderd jaar zijn geworden. Om deze emblematische, Belgische kunstenaar te eren organiseert de Koning Boudewijnstichting een fototentoonstelling met werk van Georges A. Bertrand en brengt ze deze bijhorende catalogus uit. Georges A. Bertrand neemt ons mee op een poëtische reis langs betekenisvolle plaatsen uit Dotremonts leven en plaatst deze in dialoog met poëtisch werk van Christian Dotremont.
Une exposition organisée autour de ces deux collections représentatives de l'art européen de la seconde moitié du 20e siècle et composées d'artistes aussi emblématiques que Fautrier, Fontana, Alechinsky, Asger Jorn ou encore Peter Saul. Xavier Noiret Thomé nous convie ici à un voyage initiatique en cinq stations directement inspirées de la mythologie grecque qu'il convoque ici sans ambiguïté à travers la figure de Nietzche qui lui a inspiré le titre de l'exposition.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789492347251.xml
Klank van de Stad: Een Requiem voor Antwerpen Cahier #3

Expo: 8/10/2022 ‐ 8/1/2023, BAM (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons), Mons Xavier Noiret Thomé
I04b‐ POST WAR ART (Belgium)
Le voyageur et son ombre

Stefanie Beghein, Timothy de Paepe, Mirte Maes
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782873176129.xml
Christian Dotremont; Reizen / Landschappen Een fototentoonstelling van Georges A. Bertrand

Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. x mm 92 p € 7,00 | June 2022
Op 14 november 1653 wordt de juwelenhandelaar Gaspar Duarte begraven in de Antwerpse Sint Jacobskerk. De uitvaart is een indrukwekkende gelegenheid, met alle pracht en praal. Bovenal klinkt er schitterende muziek. Die muziek, vol barokke klankkleuren, is gecomponeerd door Philippus van Steelant (1611 1670). In dit Cahier maak je kennis met Philippus van Steelant en zijn requiemmuziek, met de kerk waar hij werkte en met de stad waarin hij leefde.

De Vleeshuis Cahiers, Museum Vleeshuis / Klank van de Stad, Antwerpen
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 210 x 168 mm 48 p € 12,50 | Oct. 2022 [BE] BAI 9789085868323 (PB|NL)
[BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting 9789492347251 (PB|NL)
Paperback | Fr. edition 280 x 230 mm | 112 p | 80 col.ill. | € 22,00 | Jan. 2023
Les collections du BAM vues par Xavier Noiret Thomé
II16 ‐ HERITAGE (Belgium)
[BE] Lettre Volée ‐ Art et Photographie 9782873176129 (PB|FR)
Philippus van Steelant en de Sint Jacobskerk, 1653
Objet de design et d'architecture, la boutique façonne notre pay sage urbain et imprègne la culture populaire. Lieu d'échange et d'interactions, elle joue un rôle significatif dans la diffusion des courants du design et de l'aménagement intérieur durant le 20e siècle. En combinant petite échelle et caractère éphémère,la boutique se révèle un terrain favorable à l'expérimentation et à l'expression de la modernité. Plus qu'un simple lieu, le commerce de détail est un marqueur social et un espace d'innovation.


Cet ouvrage offre l'opportunité de découvrir pour la première fois les dessins de Franquin réalisés à l'attention de ses proches. Quand on est un dessinateur de renom pris par la création et le rythme des publications qui se suivent, le temps manque pour courir les magasins à la recherche d'hypothétiques cadeaux et présents pour ses proches. Franquin avait trouvé la solution. À la fois aisée, pratique et ô combien personnelle, la trace sur le papier de « voeux » et autres « bons pour » est devenue pratique courante dans la famille Franquin. Bouquets croqués, présents dessinés étaient offerts dans l'attente que les cadeaux se matérialisent plus tard… Les dessins que l'on retrouve n'ont jamais eu pour vocation d'être publiés un jour. Conçus et imaginés pour les anniversaires ou les fêtes comme la Saint Valentin, ils ont cette saveur des dessins rares que l'on découvre avec curiosité. C'est un privilège que de pouvoir admirer ces dessins inédits couvrant une période allant des années 1950 aux années 1990. On appréciera le travail du dessinateur multipliant les techniques, passant du pinceau à la plume, du Rotring au crayon ou encore utilisant un simple stylo. On sera aussi frappés par l'usage de la couleur et l'évolution du style de Franquin liée aux époques qu'il traverse.
On Display. Designing the Shop Experience
Franquin. Bon pour… Dessins de famille Collection 7|107 FR ‐André Franquin Hardback | Fr. edition 210 x 170 mm | 116 p | throughout €col.ill.21,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] CFC Éditions ISBN: 9782875720818 (FR) II12 ‐ CARTOONS 40

Benjamin Stoz Paperback with flaps | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 275 x 210 mm 160 p € 18,00 | Oct. 2022 [BE] CFC Éditions 9782875720856 (PB+|EN FR NL)


Mathieu Van Assche
[BE] CFC Éditions 9782875720849 (PB+|EN FR)
[BE] CFC Éditions 9782875720863 (PB|EN FR)

flaps | Eng/ French edition 210 x 160 mm 112 p € 22,00 | Oct. 2022
En chair et en noces
Paperback | Eng/ French edition 210 x 170 mm 144 p € 24,00 | Nov. 2022

Manon Bara
« Mes tableaux actuels explorent le côté animal de l'homme et le côté humain de l'animal. Ce qui rend l'animal humain, c'est d'abord l'éclat de lumière dans l'oeil. Ce qui rend l'homme ou la femme animaux, c'est le pelage. […] Même mon geste en peinture est un peu sauvage. J'aime l'émotion, il faut qu'il y ait de l'émotion. » Manon Bara, entretien avec Hans Theys

Premier livre consacré à Mathieu Van Assche et à ses « photographies sabotées »
Véronique Bergen
Couverture souple avec rabats / reliure
« Depuis plusieurs années, je récupère, achète et collecte de vieilles photos, d'anciens portraits d'identité et photos de famille issues d'une autre époque. Petit à petit, j'ai commencé à dessiner au posca (feutre peinture) à même ces photos originales, d'abord comme un jeu et sans projet particulier. ..." ‐‐Mathieu Van Assche
Paperback | Fr. edition 200 x 120 mm 192 p € 0,00 | Nov. 2022 [BE] CFC Éditions 9782875720542 (PB|FR)
II16 ‐ HERITAGE (Belgium)
Sur la pistes des herbes sauvages est un livre de botanique pas comme les autres. Au détour des pages, c'est pas moins de 21 espèces de plantes sauvages comestibles présentes dans nos régions et faciles à dénicher que l'on va découvrir. Au fil des saisons, elles apparaissent une à une et se laissent reconnaître et apprivoiser. Les auteures les présentent, les décortiquent, les analysent en mêlant les différentes dimensions qui les composent : botanique, folklorique, ethnographique et culinaire.

Véronique Bergen
Collection La ville écrite
Rencontres avec 21 plantes indigènes au fil des saisons ‐ Collection Essais
Collection Lieux de mémoire
Les Marolles composent un monde dans un monde, inventent un espace de liberté dans le tissu du centre ville de Bruxelles. Essai poétique, politique, onirique, Marolles. La Cour des chats évoque un lieu en marge, marqué au cours des siècles par la "zwanze", cet esprit d'auto dérision, et les soulèvements populaires, l'esprit des luttes, soumis de nos jours à la pieuvre de la gentrification.
Sur la piste des herbes sauvages
Marolles. La Cour des chats


Paperback | Fr. edition 275 x 210 mm 240 p € 39,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] CFC Éditions 9782875720825 (PB|FR)
Paperback | Fr. edition 210 x 164 mm 160 p € 17,00 | Sept. 2022 [BE] CFC Éditions 9782875720832 (PB|FR)
Texte: Elsa Lévy & Charlotte Staber. Illustrations : Valentine Laffitte
Coédition CFC / CIVA
Jules Buyssens (1872 1958) est une figure majeure de l'art des jardins et du paysage en Belgique. Après une formation internationale d'une quinzaine d'années qu'il termine comme chef de bureau d'Édouard André à Paris, il conçoit plus de mille projets en Belgique et dans une dizaine de pays, essentiellement européens (France, Russie, Suisse, Pays Bas, Monaco, Pologne, Lituanie). Il réalise l'aménagement de parcs et de jardins pour l'aristocratie et la riche bourgeoise internationale (le prince et la princess

Jules Buyssens et le nouveau jardin pittoresque
Expo: fin septembre 2022 à fin décembre 2022, Civa, Brussels
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789464202229.xml

Patrick Nagel

Peintre de l’écriture les logogrammes
Hardback | English ed. 310 x 240 mm 252 p € 60,00 | Aug. 2022
[BE] S. Vanhoegaerden Gallery 9789464202236 (HB|EN)
Expo: 05/08/2022 ‐ 18/09/2022, Samuel Vanhoegaerden Gallery, Knokke Heist
Patrick Nagel has long deserved his place as one of the greatest artists from the beginning of the '80s, a period when Keith Haring, Jean Michel Basquiat, Tom Wesselmann and Andy Warhol set the artistic landscape. And while the name Patrick Nagel is lesser known, the images that he created between the end of the 1970's up to the mid 1980's have been imprinted upon our collective memory, and he may rightly be counted as one of the most influential artists of this period.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789464202236.xml
Hardback | Fr/ NL ed. 305 x 240 mm 242 p € 70,00 | Aug. 2019
[BE] S. Vanhoegaerden Gallery 9789464202229 (HB|FR NL)
Christian Dotremont

Het belang van Dotremont kan moeilijk worden overschat. Hij richtte samen met onder andere Corneille, Constant en Karel Appel de kunststroming CoBra op, een internationale beweging van schrijvers en schilders. Maar bovenal was Dotremont de uitvinder van de logogrammen; gedichten bestaande uit zelfverzonnen tekens die op zulke spontane manier neergeschreven werden dat ze ook een grafisch kunstwerk werden. Deze gedichten kunnen zowel gelezen als 'bekeken' worden...
The Reflexion of the '80s
In samenwerking met het Musee du Louvre.
[BE] Oogachtend 9789492672568 (HB|NL)
In zijn nauwkeurige en sfeervolle stijl tekent Victor Meijer de ommekeer in het leven van een jongetje dat weer eens veel te lang mocht opblijven. Penisnijd is zijn vierde graphic novel.


Judith Vanistendael
II12 ‐ COMICS (Belgium)
Een broeierig feestje, muziek, sigarettenrook, volwassenen die elkaar op schoot trekken en hun glas nog eens volschenken.
Victor Meijer
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 230 x 170 mm 128 p € 28,00 | Oct. 2022
Een jonge jongen loopt er onbezorgd tussendoor, gekleed in een japon van zijn moeder. Hij voelt zich het stralende middelpunt... tot hij alleen overblijft met de laatste gast.
[BE] Oogachtend 9789492672582 (PB|NL)
Atan van Kea

Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 64 p € 28,00 | Aug. 2022
De Griekse eilandengroep de Cycladen, bijna vijfduizend jaar geleden. Atan is een verlegen tiener die beelden snijdt van zijn favoriete mythologische helden. Hij blijkt bijzonder getalenteerd, en zijn werken zullen duizenden jaren later in het Louvre belanden… Judith Vanistendael laat ons kennismaken met deze weinig bekende beschaving. Dit verrassend intieme boek is tegelijk ook een teder verhaal over de immer complexe zoektocht van een opgroeiende puberjongen.
II12 ‐ COMICS (Belgium)

Johan Stuyck ‐ Stedho
II12 ‐ COMICS (Belgium)
€p27,00 | Oct. 2022
Maarten Vande Wiele
[BE] Oogachtend 9789492672575 (HB|NL)
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. x mm 36 p € 14,50 | Aug. 2022

Bungalow 5

II12 ‐ COMICS (Belgium)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789492672605.xml
II12 ‐ COMICS (Belgium)

Zomer in Lintdorp, Martin en Cécile zijn de uitbaters van 'In goed gezelschap', het café dat als een kloppend hart in het centrum van het dorp ligt, en waar de lokale gemeenschap al generaties lang lief en leed komt delen. Cécile runt het café, en zorgt intussen ook voor Edgard, haar dementerende schoonvader.
Het jongensclubje van Jef en Leo wordt opgeschrikt door een vreemde indringer.
Het zijn de jaren '50 in Hollywood en schone schijn is de orde van de dag, maar zij die deel van het wereldje uitmaken weten wel beter. Acteur Newland Archer heeft zich verloofd met de beeldschone May Welland. De terugkeer van tienderidool George Manson zorgt voor oproer. George woonde een tijdje in New York, waar hij samenleefde met een man. Newland raakt gefascineerd door George. Bungalow 5, gebaseerd op "The age of Innocence" van Edith Wharton, is een liefdesverhaal tussen de regels.
[BE] Oogachtend 9789492672599 (PB|NL)
In goed gezelschap
Die beleeft in zijn geest de meest fantastische avonturen, terwijl Cécile in haar schaarse vrije tijd enkel kan wegdromen bij de reisreportages van haar vrouwenmagazines.
| Dutch (NL) ed. 140 p € 25,00 | Nov. 2022 [BE] Oogachtend 9789492672605 (|NL)

Inne haine & Mathias Van Den Berge
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. x mm
Box | No text 230 x 170 mm 40 p € 29,95 | July 2022 [NL] Pepin Press 9789460094989 (BOX| ) II10 ‐ Paper goods ‐ GARDEN Steinlen ‐ Cats Pack | No text 162 x 114 mm 20 p € 12,95 | July 2022 [NL] Pepin Press 9789460093784 (PACK| ) II10 ‐ Paper goods ‐ GARDEN C6 SteinlenEnvelopesCats Correspondence Set Steinlen Cats . Note Pads A5 Pad | No text 210 x 150 mm 64 p € 12,95 | July 2022 [NL] Pepin Press 9789460093487 (PAD| ) II10 ‐ Paper goods ‐ GARDEN 46

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(BOX/ ‐)9789460094989.xml
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PACK/ ‐)9789460093784.xml
Note Pads A5 ‐ Kimono
C6 Envelopes ‐ KIMONO
[NL] Pepin Press, 230 x 170 mm, 40 p, € 29,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460094989
[NL] Pepin Press, 162 x 114 mm, 20 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093760
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093463.xml
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PACK/ ‐)9789460093760.xml
Note Pads A5 [NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093487

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(BOX/ ‐)9789460094743.xml
[NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093470
[NL] Pepin Press, 162 x 114 mm, 20 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093777
C6 Envelopes ‐ Steinlen Cats [NL] Pepin Press, 162 x 114 mm, 20 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093784

Correspondence Set ‐
Note Pads A5 ‐ MONET
[NL] Pepin Press, 230 x 170 mm, 40 p, € 29,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460094750
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093494.xml
[NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093463
Note Pads A5 ‐ KLIMT
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093470.xml
[NL] Pepin Press, 162 x 114 mm, 20 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093791
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PACK/ ‐)9789460093777.xml
Steinlen ‐ Cats
Correspondence Set ‐ Steinlen Cats

[NL] Pepin Press, 230 x 170 mm, 40 p, € 29,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460094996
C6 Envelopes ‐ KLIMT

[NL] Pepin Press, 230 x 170 mm, 40 p, € 29,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460094743
[NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, € 12,95, July 2022 ISBN 9789460093494
Correspondence Set ‐ Art

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(BOX/ ‐)9789460094996.xml
C6 Envelopes ‐ Claude Monet
Correspondence Set ‐ Kimono

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093487.xml
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(BOX/ ‐)9789460094750.xml
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PACK/ ‐)9789460093791.xml
Press ‐ Gift Wrap, 345
(BOX/ ‐) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789460094941.xml
Correspondence Set: Toulouse Lautrec 9789460094965 (BOX/ ‐)

PEPIN gift and creative paper books all contain pages
40 p,
* *
This first series of PEPIN manufactured in The Netherlands using [NL] Pepin Press, x 230 mm, April 2022, 9789460094958
1900 ISBN:
€ 30 ISBN:
Correspondence Set: Vienna 9789460094941
Correspondence Sets is
Correspondence Set: Flowers

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789460094972.xml *
(PB/ ‐) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789460091308.xml
Gift wrapping paper book #109: Butterflies 9789460091315 (PB/ ‐)

Gift wrapping paper book #110: Ndebele Style 9789460091322 (PB/ ‐)

This first series of PEPIN Correspondence Sets 9789460094972 (BOX/ ‐)
(BOX/ ‐)
Correspondence Set: Paris Posters 1900
16 p,
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789460091322.xml https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789460094958.xml 48
€ 15 ISBN:
Gift wrapping paper book 1950s Flowers of introduction and [NL] Pepin x 250 mm, Nov. 2021, 9789460091308
[NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, July 2022, € 13
Our Label & Sticker Books each contain sheets of high quality sticker paper with a [NL] Pepin Press, 241 x 172 mm, 32 p, April 2022, € 13 9789460094347 (PB/ E)

Note Pads A5 ‐ KLIMT

Labels, Stickers & Tape Books
ISBN: 9789460093364
Our Label & Sticker Books each contain sheets of high quality sticker paper with a [NL] Pepin Press, 241 x 172 mm, 32 p, April 2022, € 13 9789460094330
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093364.xml
PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; [NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, Sept. 2018, € 13
PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; [NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, June 2022 R/P, € 13

(PB/ E) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789460094330.xml https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789460094347.xml
ISBN: 9789460093340
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093470.xml

ISBN: 9789460093388 https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093388.xml
ISBN: 9789460093470
Vintage Alphabets

Labels, Stickers & Tape Books

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/(PAD/ ‐)9789460093340.xml
PEPIN Note Pads (A5) contain sheets of heavy (120 g/m2) premium ivory paper; [NL] Pepin Press, 210 x 150 mm, 64 p, jUNE 2022 r:p, € 13
Note Pads A5 ‐ William Morris

Note Pads A5 Japanese Art
Note Pads A5 Botanical

Expo: 20/11/2022 ‐ 26/03/2022, Drents Museum, Assen Bastiaan Steffens e.a.
De Pompeïtentoonstelling in het Drents Museum gaat vooral over de mensen die in deze twee steden woonden en werkten. Wie waren zij en hoe leefden ze voordat de vulkaan uitbarstte? Hun verhaal wordt in dit boek en in de tentoonstelling verteld aan de hand van bijzondere objecten uit Italiaanse collecties, die nooit eerder in Nederland tentoongesteld zijn.

[NL] Waanders Uitgevers 9789462624290 (HB|NL)
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 290 x 240 mm 160 p | 160 col. & bw ill € 29,95 | Nov. 2022
[NL] Waanders Uitgevers 9789462624436 (HB|NL)

ISBN 9789462624306 (EN)
Hollandse meesters uit The Frick Collection

In Manhattan Masters wordt het mooiste van het mooiste getoond uit The Frick Collection. De schilderijen verruilden Europa meer dan 100 jaar geleden voor Amerika en zijn sindsdien nooit meer in Europa te zien geweest. Bij hoge uitzondering leent The Frick Collection ze uit aan het Mauritshuis. In deze uitgave gaat alle aandacht uit naar Hollandse schilders uit de zeventiende eeuw. Er zijn topstukken opgenomen van de beroemdste kunstenaars uit die periode.

Manhattan Masters
Expo: 29/09/2022 ‐ 15/01/2023, Mauritshuis, Den Haag
Quentin Buvelot
Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 300 x 240 mm 104 p | 75 col. & bw ill € 24,95 | Feb. 2023
mm 192 p
Zeevaarders in de Gouden Eeuw

MeesterlijkBalenciaga zwart Expo: 24/9/2022 ‐ 5/3/2023, Kunstmuseum Den Haag door oa Olivier Saillard, Véronique Belloir, Gaspard de Massé Hardback | Dutch (NL) ed. 310 x 245 mm 192 p | 160 col. & bw ill € 29,95 | Sept. 2022 [NL] Waanders Uitgevers 9789462624276 (HB|NL) II06 ‐ FASHION 51

[NL] Waanders Uitgevers 9789462624283
In de zeventiende eeuw konden zeelieden voor verschillende takken van zeevaart kiezen. Er waren Oostzeevaarders, IJslandvaarders, Oost‐ Indiëvaarders, vissers, walvisvaarders en vele anderen. Wie waren die zeelieden, die op zeilschepen in de zeventiende eeuw het ruime sop kozen? Hoe zag hun leven en dat van hun gezinnen aan wal eruit? Aan de hand van overgeleverde getuigenissen schetsen de auteurs de gevaren en de ongekende hardheid van het zeemansbestaan in de Gouden Eeuw.
Anne Doedens & Jan Houter
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 230 x 150 | 50 col. & bw ill 23,95 | Oct. 2022 (PB|NL)

Naar aanleiding van het honderdste28/4/2022-7/8/2022,geboortejaar.Expo:K.K.S.K.B,Brussel

Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 260 x 215 mm | 128 p € 28,00 | May 2022
Christian Dotremont. Schilder ‐ Schrijver NL

Museo del Novecento, Florence Sergio Risaliti
Meer dan 120 werken op papier getuigen van zijn grafisch laveren tussen schrijven en schilderen. Christian Dotremont (1922 1979), een vooraanstaande naoorlogse Belgische kunstenaar en medeoprichter van de CoBrA beweging, is een van de eersten die met schriftuur plastische kunst maakt. Zijn 'logogrammen', of grafische gedichten ontstaan spontaan uit het meanderende penseel en vormen iets nieuws in de kunst. De woorden die hij impulsief op papier zet, zoeken een eigenzinnig tracé dat resulteert in expressieve composities. Schrijven en schilderen vloeien in elkaar over en openen de weg naar eindeloze experimenten.
[IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836651498 (NL)
Ouvrage collectif
The volume is dedicated to the work of Jenny Saville (Cambridge, 1970), one of the greatest contemporary painters and a leading voice in the international art scene. Saville transcends the limits between figurative and abstract, between informal and gestural, managing to transfigure the news into a universal image, which puts the human figure at the center of the history of art.
I04b‐ POST WAR ART (Belgium)
Jenny Saville

Hardback | Eng./ It. ed. 310 x 240 mm | 304 p | 152 col.ill. | € 39,00 | Sept. 2022 [IT] Silvana 9788836650835 (HB|EN IT)

ISBN 9788836651481 (FR) ISBN 9788836651474 (EN)
De tentoonstelling belicht de grote verscheidenheid van Dotremonts logogrammen aan de hand van meer dan 120 werken op papier, foto's, films en archiefstukken die voor het eerst aan het publiek worden voorgesteld.
[IT] Silvana 021368 (PB|FR) (Belgium)
Léonard Misonne
280 x 230 mm
Paperback | Fr. edition
Belgian photographer Le´onard Misonne (1870 1943) trained as an engineer before discovering photography. Raised in Gilly, Belgium, the photographer traveled throughout his homeland and beyond to capture the landscape and people of Europe in the Pictorialist style. During his lifetime, Misonne's photographs were widely exhibited in juried shows in Europe and the United States. Today, his photographs can be found in the collections of such institutions as the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Edward Steichen the Luxembourg bequest

Edited by Michel Polfer and Gilles Zeimet. texts by: Kerstin Bartels Gerd Hurm, Julia Niewind, Malgorzata Nowara, Michel Polfer, Françoise Poos, Gilles Zeimet
Hardback | English ed.
200 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | Oct. 2022
300 x 240 mm | 464 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 65,00 | Sept. 2022
[IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836651559 (EN)

In March 1985, the National Museum of Luxembourg unexpectedly received a generous bequest from the estate of Edward Steichen, the Luxembourg born and world renowned American photographer. The bequest comprises a total of 178 prints, including 175 photographs by Steichen himself that cover almost all aspects of his photographic oeuvre ‐ from the pictorialist images of his early years to portraiture, fashion, advertising, landscapes, and family photographs. For the first time, this extraordinary collection is presented in a comprehensive scholarly manner, with full page illustrations of all 178 photographs. In addition, the publication includes six new essays by five authors that deal with questions of identification, techniques, and dating of the prints as well as their conservation and preservation. They examine the provenance and impact history of the collection and compare the significance of the Luxembourg donation with other bequests made at the same time to institutions in the United States and overseas. The significance of the astonishingly large number of family photographs in the Luxembourg bequest and Steichen's special role as a mediator of Modernism between Europe and the New World are also explored.

Archdaily's Guide to Good Architecture

Norm Architects
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040555.xml
Architects are adapting existing buildings to create new spaces for a more conscious future. The urban fabric changes more slowly than our spatial needs, accelerated by digital technologies and new lifestyles. The trick for canny architects lies in an ingenious reuse and creative recycling that result in the stunning transformation of existing buildings for new purposes. Building for Change explores this architecture of reuse and adaptation.

What's best in architecture today and the most relevant for tomorrow by the world's most visited architecture website. ArchDaily's Guide to Good Architecture is their first ever book. Curated around their principles of Good Architecture, the book is a curation of what's best today and most relevant for tomorrow.
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040555 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 300 x 240 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. | € 50,00 | July 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040449.xml
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040449 (HB|EN)
Building spaces of equilibrium: Norm Architects' humane simplicity creates environments that feel as good as they look. Guided by ideas of wellbeing, the essence of Norm Architects' style is balance: richness focused by restraint, simplicity imbued with warmth, complexity heightened by order. Be it architecture, interiors, or furniture, Norm's unique brand of soft minimalism speaks to the mind as much as the body, creating spaces for people.
A Sensory Approach to Architecture and Design

Soft Minimal
The Architecture of Creative Reuse
Building for Change
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040647 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 330 x 245 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 60,00 | Aug. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040647.xml
Hardback | English ed. 300 x 240 mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. | € 50,00 | Aug. 2022
The Now and How of Built Environments
Ruth Lang
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 225 mm | 304 p | throughout col.ill. | € 50,00 | Aug. 2022

Hardback | English ed. 330 x 245 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 50,00 | Sept. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 260 x 210 mm 256 p € 39,90 | Sept. 2022

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040760.xml
Smart interior design makes the most of your home. The book reveals how design can deliver big comforts even in smaller spaces. As the world's largest cities are growing denser, many people live in ever smaller flats and fully embrace the limits of a floor plan with extraordinary creativity. Pretty Small presents some of the best ways city dwellers in the U.S., in European capitals, and in Asia have come up with to make the most of small homes.

Pretty Small Grand Living with Limited Space
Residential Architecture and Interiors with a Southern Touch
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040777.xml
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040760 (HB|EN)
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040548 (HB|EN)
The Mediterranean Home

[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040777 (HB|EN)
Jaime Hayon Elements
With their understated beauty and holistic design, Mediterranean homes are a perennial source of inspiration. The Mediterranean Home has an ongoing influence on residential architecture and interior design: from classical to rural styles to more grounded spaces that interweave form and function. Blending the inside and the outside, bringing together traditional features with contemporary elements, Mediterranean houses connect with their environments and the local culture.
The eagerly awaited second monograph of the visionary Spanish furniture and interior designer. "Elements" is the follow up to gestalten's highly successful "Works". The book compiles Jaime Hayon's famed work for iconic brands and explores his relationship with materials, his theory of color, his technique, his inspiration, his creative process. Jaime's style and vision have come to be associated with the most prestigious interior design for hotels, restaurants and galleries.
Hayon Studio
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040548.xml
Skateboarding and Urban Sports Around the World

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040418.xml ‐Benevento Hardback | English ed. 270 x 300 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 44,00 | July 2022 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783967040418 (EN) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE ‐ TRAVEL 56
Envision the city as an infinite playground. Created in collaboration with Red Bull, Urban Playgrounds explores some of the world's most thrilling places for urban sports. From Venice, Barcelona, and Los Angeles, to Brasilia, Istanbul, Cairo, Lagos, or Jarkarta, this book reveals an exhilarating marriage between space and sports in global cities. Born from a need to challenge boundaries and reclaim the right to the city, from a desire for self expression and entertainment, urban sports reimagine the city as a playground. Be it freestyling on a skateboard, riding a BMX, or stretching the human body in parkour, urban athletes demonstrate the possibilities.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040661.xml
Hardback | English ed. 300 x 240 mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. | € 50,00 | Sept. 2022
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040586 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040586.xml
Urban Playgrounds
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040661 (HB|EN)
Touring the World's Most Iconic Routes
Luke Gartside
Stefan Amato
A guide to the world's most iconic cycling routes that make up a bikepacker's paradise. Providing independence, a sense of reward, and a closeness to nature, bikepacking is among the best ways to explore places. With more people packing their panniers every year, Grand Bicycle Journeys compiles the most iconic routes that any self respecting long distance cyclist should aim to complete.

Iconic Waves and Surfing Hinterlands Around the World
The Surf Atlas

Hardback | English ed. 290 x 225 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 45,00 | Sept. 2022
Discover the devotional practice of wave riding through an atlas of fabled and iconic surf locations from around the world. Surfing is a way of life. It is communion with place. Living with and by the tides, surfers are attuned to the environment. They experience the sea at all seasons, learn the movements of the ocean, feel the moods of the break. To surf is to be at one with nature, in an intimacy that imbues any spot with a certain magic.
Grand Bicycle Journeys

The Getaways
Clara Le Fort
Spécialiste du voyage en train, Monisha Rajesh nous présente 50 itinéraires de légende, inspirés de ses nombreux voyages. Un périple fascinant à travers des paysages de montagnes, des jungles tropicales et, parfois, des sites où nul n'oserait s'aventurer. Des escapades d'une journée aux liaisons transversales de plusieurs jours, de la version classe économique aux coûteuses premières classes des trains de luxe.

[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040593 (HB|EN)
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040753 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040593.xml
Vans and Life in The Great Outdoors
A la découverte du monde en van
Slow Escapes

Monisha Rajesh
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040753.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040180.xml
Responsible hospitality connects to rural communities and creates lasting impressions. Travel ennobles the spirit and puts away with prejudices‐ Oscar Wilde‐ Travel is evolving, ever more aware of reducing its environmental impact. The next step is a kind of experience that revives rural areas in a sustainable way. A growing number of hospitality venues use only local craftspeople, celebrate local skills and produce, and reinvigorate the land around them.
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 225 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 45,00 | Sept. 2022
Get in the van and hit the open road for a weekend, a vacation or a long haul across the continent. What it's like and what it takes. The Getaways shows how creativity and ingenuity can turn vans into a cozy home on the move: from the cozily minimalist to rustic charms and design icons.

Découvrir le monde en train
ISBN: 9783967040623 (FR)

Hardback | Fr. edition 290 x 225 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 39,90 | Nov. 2022
Rural Retreats for Conscious Travelers

[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040180 (HB|FR)
La Vie Nomade
Hardback | English ed. 260 x 210 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 39,90 | Sept. 2022
The Untold Story of Menswear's Renegade Past

Hardback | English ed. 290 x 225 mm | 288 p | throughout col.ill. | € 45,00 | Oct. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 225 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. | € 45,00 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040722.xml
Courier Magazine

An entertaining exploration of trend immune fashion classics and the surprising origins of your everyday clothing items. How did the plain white T shirt become an everyday hero? Which movie star helped turn the leather jacket into a global icon? And were chinos really created for military purposes? The origin stories of these casual men's fashion stapels will surprise you, and can often be traced to subversive countercultures.
How they started, the people behind them, and how you can open one too
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040630 (HB|EN)
The World's Best Shops

Thomas Stege Bojer & Bryan Szabo
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040630.xml
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040722 (HB|EN)
A guide to the next generation of retail businesses. Meet the innovators and entrepreneurs who run shops, and learn how you can too. A new generation of founders and entrepreneurs are revolutionizing brick and mortar retail with innovative sales strategies and hybrid shop designs that leave nothing to chance. Curated by Courier magazine, The World's Best Shops is a guide to the best of modern shops.
The Rebel's Wardrobe
Our Food Stories
Gluten Free Seasonal Fare
Hardback | English ed. 260 x 210 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. | € 35,00 | Aug. 2022
Ikarus Invites the World's Best Chefs Vol. 8

Martin Klein & Uschi Korda
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040562.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040289.xml
The Wild Game Cookbook Recipes for Hunters and Gourmets

A Year with Our Food Stories
Haute Cuisine at the Hangar 7 The guest chefs at Restaurant Ikarus present their exceptional culinary art whether it is fusion cuisine, molecular gastronomy or traditional cooking. Executive Chef Martin Klein offers a potpourri of international top chefs.
The first cookbook authored by Our Food Stories celebrates nature in seasonal, gluten free recipes and gorgeous table settings. Good food speaks to all of our senses, and makes us feel good too. Laura and Nora from Our Food Stories have made it their mission to attain these delights through gluten free, vegetarian, and healthy food. Trained stylists as well as excellent cooks, for them where we eat matters as much as what.
Featured chefs include Ángel León, Enrico Bartolini, Eckart Witzigmann, Henrique Sá Pessoa, Niclas Jönsson & Daniel Höglander
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040739 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783967040739.xml
Mikael Einarsson
[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040562 (HB|EN) STYLE
Hardback | English ed. 240 x 180 mm | 204 p | throughout col.ill. | € 35,00 | Sept. 2022
Hardback | Eng. ed. 335 x 249 mm | 344 p | throughout col.ill. | € 69,95 | July 2022
Exceptional Recipes and International Chefs in Portrait

[G] Gestalten Verlag 9783967040289 (HB|E)
From woods and fields into the kitchen and onto the table. Delicious recipes for cooking game, expertly explained. This is a recipe book for both the aspiring home cook and the hands on gourmet who is prepared to reframe their view on wild game. The Wild Game Cookbook helps keen cooks rediscover this organic, sustainable and versatile meat. The book features delicious recipes that range from fine dining, to everyday meals, insightful information of handling and preparation and aesthetic photography.
Paul Bergen
€ 70,00 | Aug. 2022 [G] teNeues (firm only) 9783961713608 (HB|EN GE)
Gisbert L. Brunner
David Bowie and Bruce Springsteen, Nirvana and Oasis, Pete Doherty and Phil Collins, Prince and Motörhead ‐ the internationally acclaimed and renowned music photographer Paul Bergen has seen all the stars of the 1990s through his lens, both on stage and backstage.His photo archives are among the world's largest in the music industry. In Nineties Spirit, he is now sharing these treasures with a large audience for the very first time. The artists themselves also get a chance to have their say.
Hardback | English ed. 340 x 275 mm 256 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 60,00 | Sept. 2022 [G] teNeues (firm only) 9783961714124 (HB|EN)
Nineties Spirit Music Caught on Camera


This must be Paradise Conscious Travel Inspirations

The Watch Book‐ Vol. II

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783961713608.xml
More than Time
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783961713868.xml
Reto Guntli & Agi Simoes
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783961714124.xml
Renowned photographer Reto Guntli has photographed 25 beautiful destinations that combine sustainability, adventure, and upscale appeal. These hotels and resorts pay strict attention to complying with climate related standards such as avoiding greenhouse gas emissions, conserving resources, and eliminating plastic. They all support the local people and are committed to preserving cultural heritage.
Hardback | Eng/ Germ. edition 314 x 245 mm 224 p | 400 col.ill. | 450 col. & bw ill
Volume II of The Watch Book follows on the successful and comprehensive earlier volume with a magnificently illustrated book about the additional functions and refinements of wristwatches. For centuries, so called "complications" ‐ any feature of a mechanical timepiece beyond the display of hours, minutes and seconds ‐ have embodied the crowning glory of fine mechanical watchmaking. Among the earliest of these are alarm clocks and calendar movements.
Hardback | Eng/ Germ. edition 340 x 275 mm 256 p € 50,00 | Oct. 2022 [G] teNeues (firm only) 9783961713868 (HB|EN GE)
Hardback | Eng/ Germ. edition 340 x 275 mm | 224 p | 120 col.ill. | € 50,00 | Sept. 2022 [G] teNeues (firm only) 9783961713882 (HB|EN GE)
Hardback | Eng/ Germ. edition 300 x 235 mm 208 p € 39,90 | Sept. 2022
Christian Spencer
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783961714193.xml
Sir Paul Smith, with a wry grin in front of a bookshelf. Javier Bardem, utterly relaxed, in sneakers in a sunny field. Rasmus Kofoed, chef at Geranium in Copenhagen, one of the best restaurants in the world, atop an ivy covered wall. What all these portraits have in common‐ along with a sense of closeness and privacy is a glass. For this is how Gérard ‐Philippe Mabillard photographs his friends and acquaintances, all celebrities from the world of film, art, fashion, design, and culture.
Déjà vu Style is all about these special pieces, featuring the celebrities who made them popular while explaining their comeback.
Hardback | Eng/ French edition 297 x 215 mm 192 p | 150 bw ill. € 39,90 | Sept. 2022 [G] teNeues (firm only) 9783961714193 (HB|EN FR)

Australian artist and photographer Christian Spencer, living in the vicinity of the Brazilian rainforest since 2001, has surrendered to it as well. "The camera is my brush," is how he describes his style. His photographs truly capture the poetry of nature, letting its beauty speak for itself ‐ which is why he forgoes any image editing. He was the first to capture the breathtakingly fast beating of hummingbirds' wings in the sunlight, which forms a rainbow in the air.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783961714216.xml
One person’s deadly sin is another person’s latest go to piece. Whether it’s carrot pants, shoulder pads, or leopard print, the fact is that, when it comes to fashion, (almost) everything reappears eventually. But why do past trends return, and is there a way to predict when a piece will be back in style again?
The Stars' Share ‐ La part des étoiles Gérard Philippe Mabillard
[G] teNeues (firm only) 9783961714216 (HB|EN GE)
Fashion trends that made a comeback
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ NATURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783961713882.xml
Birds. Poetry in the Sky

Déjà Vu Style

[G] Hartmann Books 9783960700883 (PB+|EN)
Paperback with flaps | English ed.210 x 140 mm | 96 p | 45 col.ill. | € 22,00 | Sept.02022
Sarajevo Diary April 10 18, 2019 ‐ April 18, 2019

Reach Out, that Moroder tune written for the Olympics, starts playing in my head while I suddenly realize that the parking lot I am looking down at is that very one I had seen days ago in a photograph
[G] Kehrer 9783969000861 (HB|EN)
The German born New York photographer Nina Welch Kling is one of the new voices in Women Street Photography. With her latest work Duologues, Welch Kling adds an artistic aspect to the genre: by combining two photographs as fixed diptychs, she creates a visual dialogue between two images that open up new dimensions to the viewer. Photographs taken within the blink of an eye unfold through their pairing: a wealth of connections, meanings and aesthetic relations.
Expo: 15/9/2022 ‐ 12/3/2023, Kunst Haus Wien
[G] Kehrer 9783969000915 (PB|EN GE)
Gregor Sailer
Hardback | English ed. 300 x 240 mm | 96 p | 70 col.ill. | € 38,00 | Aug. 2022
Text by Peter Bialobrzeski. Design: Sarah Fricke, Distaff Studio
Christopher Giglio, Jeff Mermelstein, Gulnara Samoilova
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783960700883.xml

Peter Bialobrzeski. ‐City diaries‐ Sarajevo Diary
Nina Welch Kling Duologues

Paperback | Eng/ Germ. edition 300 x 240 mm | 144 p | 115 col.ill. | € 29,90 | Sept. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783969000915.xml
The artist is interested in the structural transformation of landscape and the complex political, military, and economic implications of architecture. KUNST HAUS WIEN is dedicating a first major exhibition in Austria to Gregor Sailer. The Tyrolean photo artist, born in 1980, has received many awards, his photos have been shown in numerous publications and exhibitions and are represented in public and private collections.
»[…] It is avantgarde architecture, a mixture of Swiss Brutalism of the eighties and playful brick decoration. I immediately like it and catch sight of the huge apartment complex that has been build for the athletes of the 1984 Winter Olympics.

Edited by Verena Kaspar Eisert, Kunst Haus Wien
Unseen Places
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783969000861.xml

Paperback | English ed. 300 x 230 mm 160 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 39,95 | Nov. 2022
Ed.: Moises Puente
Paperback | English ed. 210 x 145 mm 136 p € 24,80 | Aug. 2022
2023: Every Day is a New Day 63
In the 1910s, immediately after completing his studies, the Swedish architect Sigurd Lewerentz made a trip to Italy in order to discover classical architecture. Carrying a camera, the photos he took on that trip, collected in the book Trip to Italy (Cologne: Walther König, 2021), are mythical documents to understand the first works of this great architect.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753300740.xml
Arquitectura G is a young architectural studio based in Barcelona run by Jonathan Arnabat, Jordi Ayala Bril, Aitor Fuentes, Igor Urdampilleta that began its professional career in the midst of the economic crisis, when public architecture competitions in Spain were paralyzed and the private initiative for housing construction was frozen. Their first works were apartment renovations in Barcelona, the few opportunities that the market offered at the time,
2G #86 Arquitectura‐G.

Calendar –

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753301914.xml
2G Essays: Sigurd Lewerentz Travels Through Sweden

[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag 9783753301914 (PB|EN)
Karel Martens
Karel Martens has been an influential figure in the visual culture of the Netherlands for many decades. Martens has developed a tear off calendar 'every day is a new day'. For each day of the year, Martens has created a unique arrangement, originally constructed using his signature method of printing letterpress monoprints from found metal forms, and then digitized to comprise 365 compositions in total. Karel Martens
Paperback | English ed. 210 x 150 mm | 800 p | 365 col.ill. | € 24,00 | Sept. 2022

[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag 9783753300740 (PB|EN) ART
Ed.: Moises Puente. Introductions by Jonny Johansson, Sam Chermayeff. Photographs by Maxime Delvaux and José Hevia

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753301921.xml
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag 9783753301921 (PB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753302966.xml
Dayanita Singh. Sea of Files Hasselblad Award 2022

Irma Boom, Rem Koolhaas
World renowned Dutch designer Irma Boom is known for her bold experimental approach to her projects, often challenging the convention of traditional books in both physical design and printed content. In the book "Book Manifest" (the 3rd book in the series) Irma Boom presents her vision on the essence, meaning and relevance of the book. The basis for this book is formed by the in depth research that Irma Boom carried out into the development of the book in the library of the Vatican.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753300917.xml
Irma Boom Book Manifest
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag 9783753300917 (PB BOX|EN)
This book celebrates the South Asian photographer Dayanita Singh as the 2022 Hasselblad Award winner. It specifically highlights her consistent and unique engagement with the archive. It also reflects how the photobook is at the core of her artistic practice. The associative visual essay "Sea of Files " is included in its entirety. Turkish author and Nobel prize winner Orhan Pamuk has written a personal essay about Dayanita Singh's photography specifically for this book
Paperback in box | English ed. 150 x 110 mm 1000 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Aug. 2022
Text: Frank Demaegd, Mark Manders, Marjolein Sponselee

Expo: 02/09/2022 ‐ 15/10/2022, Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag 9783753303109 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 260 x 260 mm | 152 p | 50 col.ill. | € 49,00 | Oct. 2022
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag 9783753302966 (HB|EN)
Comes in a box 110 x150x40 mm, book size: 6.7 x 5.1cm

Hardback | English ed. 285 x 220 mm | 256 p | 215 col.ill. | € | Sept. 2022

Since 1986, Mark Manders has been working on what he calls 'Self Portrait as a Building'. His oeuvre ‐ consisting of installations, sculptures, work on paper and drawings ‐ resembles a fictional building, divided into separate rooms and levels, of which the size and shape can never exactly be determined. There is no beginning and no end. Manders strives for timelessness and universality by using archetypal forms and familiar looking materials such as clay, bronze and wood.
Mark Manders

Ed.: Stefan Jensen, Louise Wolthers
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753303109.xml
Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration
This publication is dedicated to One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting (2021). Tacita Dean knew that fellow artists Luchita Hurtado and Julie Mehretu shared a birthday. Realising they were going to turn collectively one hundred and fifty years old in 2020, she filmed them in conversation in Luchita Hurtado's Santa Monica apartment. The resulting 16mm film One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting (2021) is a moment in time.

Hardback | Eng/French/Arab 268 x 240 mm | 288 p | 112 col.ill. | € 25,00 | April 2022

9783753302553 (PB|EN FR)
La Biennale di Venezia
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 220 mm | 400 p | 327 col.ill. | € 45,00 | May 2022
Paperback | Eng/ French edition 250 x 190 mm | 120 p | 62 col.ill. | € 20,00 | Aug. 2022
Stan Douglas has long explored critical sociocultural and political change. His exhibition for the 59th Biennale di Venezia, 2011 ? 1848, reflects upon the language of protest, revolution and the uprisings witnessed across the globe in 2011. Douglas' four large scale hybrid documentary photographs re stage protests in Tunis, London, New York and Vancouver, and his twochannel HD video, ISDN, presents Grime and Mahraganat rappers exchanging subversive lyrics between studios in London and Cairo.
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag
Ed.: James Attlee, Clare Chapman, Emma Ridgway
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753301259.xml
Anish Kapoor Painting
La Biennale di Venezia 2022
Anish Kapoor Painting is the first publication to explore Kapoor's paintings in depth. It offers a unique insight into a language that has increasingly been a focus over the last ten years but has also been an integral part of his studio practice since his career began in the late seventies. In works that sit in the cusp between abstraction and figuration, Kapoor's paintings reveal the desire to go beyond the surface that has been so iconically explored in his better known sculptural works.
Mudam Luxembourg
Stan 2011Douglas.unequal to 1848
Ed: Reid Shier

Tacita Dean
One Hundred and Fifty Years of Painting
Text: Briony Fer, Jennifer King
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag 9783753301259 (HB|EN)
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig Verlag
Hardback | Fr. edition 327 x 245 mm 152 p | 130 col. & bw ill € 59,00 | April 2022
Hardback | Fr. edition 290 x 290 mm 200 p | 20 col.ill. | 110 bw ill. € 68,00 | Aug. 2022

[F] HEMERIA 9782490952038 (HB|FR)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782490952038.xml
Le livre photographique Corail est une immersion dans le monde fragile du corail et des communautés qui en dépendent. Il rend compte de la solidarité, du respect et de ce lien au vivant que ces communautés ont su tisser au fil des générations, mis à mal aujourd'hui par un modèle de production qui ne cesse de détruire les ressources naturelles de la planète.

Hardback | Eng/ French edition 360 x 290 mm | 132 p | 80 col.ill. | € 65,00 | April 2022

[F] HEMERIA 9782490952236 (HB|FR)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782490952267.xml
Expo: 30/4/2022 ‐ 30 09 2022, Palazzo Pianetti, Jesi ‐ Région des Marches
Floriane de Lassée

Emanuele Scorcelletti's book thus presents a deep and meticulous photographic journey in black and white that touches on one of the most current reflections of contemporary man on the importance of places as fundamental elements to define his personal approach. of existence. The Marches are therefore the protagonists of research on the notion of place, studied in the relationships it establishes with the individuals who live there, who have lived there or who have forged strong ties with it.
Couverture en sérigraphie. Expo: April 2022 ‐ ..., Maison de l'Océan, Institut Océanographique, Paris Direction artistique : Amélie Boutry. Préfaces: Charlie Véron, Denis Allemand
Emanuele Scorcelletti
[F] HEMERIA 9782490952267 (HB|EN FR)
Inside Views

For ten years now, photographer Floriane de Lassée has been building a series in which vast cityscapes and the intimate lives of the people who inhabit them are brought together in provocative fusion. This work started from her own experience, when she was new to NYC and didn't know many people Inside Views takes us from the collective to the intimate, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small: at first glance, sweeping urban landscapes bring us up against the impersonal face of the big city.
Photographie: Floriane de Lassée. Christian Caujolle (préface), Tatyana Franck (postface)
Elegia Fantastica
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782490952236.xml
Direction artistique : Laetitia Queste. Texts : Cyril Drouhet, Denis Curti, Simona Cardinali
Corail Matin Colognoli 66
[FR] Mare & Martin 9782362220807 (PB|FR)
De moord op Marat
Expo: 28/4/2022 ‐ 7/8/2022, K.M.S.K.B. / M.R.B.A.B., Brussels
Paperback | Dutch (NL) ed. 215 x 206 mm 48 p € 15,00 | June 2022 [FR] Mare & Martin 9782362220562 (PB|NL)
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Fabrice Biasino
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782362220791.xml
ISBN 9782362220791 (EN)
Fabrice Biasino (Red)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782362220579.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782362220807.xml
Paperback | Fr. edition 215 x 206 mm 48 p € 15,00 | June 2022 [FR] Mare & Martin 9782362220579 (PB|FR)
Expo: 28/4/2022 ‐ 7/8/2022, K.M.S.K.B. / M.R.B.A.B., Brussels
Diane Victor is known for her confrontations with difficult, sometimes taboo subjects, and her satirical and social observations on South African politics by considering the issues of corruption, of violence, and the unequal distribution of power.
Paperback | Fr. edition 280 x 245 mm 144 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 29,00 | Oct. 2022
Diane Victor is known for her confrontations with difficult, sometimes taboo subjects, and her satirical and social observations on South African politics by considering the issues of corruption, of violence, and the unequal distribution of power.
Le musée présente les résultats de l'étude matérielle et technique qui ont révélé le dessin sous jacent du chef d'œuvre et les copies et variantes d'atelier conservées à Reims, Dijon, Paris et Versailles, et un collectionneur privé français. Ce volet sera complété par les interprétations contemporaines d'artistes comme Gavin Turk, Jean Luc Moerman, ou encore une œuvre de Rachel Labastie qui pose quant à elle un regard féminin déplaçant l'attention de Marat vers Charlotte Corday, protagoniste absente
Diane Victor. Prints, Drawings, Smoke'

First monograph published about the artist Diane Victor. Its aim is to highlight the work of this important South African contemporary artist through a biographical text that retraces the main stages of her career and presents stylistic analysis of her work.
Jacques Louis David 9782362220623 (PB|EN)
Jacques Louis David
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
First monograph published about the artist Diane Victor. Its aim is to highlight the work of this important South African contemporary artist through a biographical text that retraces the main stages of her career and presents stylistic analysis of her work.
Diane Victor. Estampes, dessins, suie
Marat assassiné

I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
[FR] Mare & Martin 9782362220791 (PB|EN)
De Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België bezitten sinds 1893 het meesterwerk "De moord op Marat" (1793) van Jacques Louis David. Ter illustratie van de plaats die dit schilderij in het ontstaan van de moderne kunst inneemt, organiseren wij een tentoonstelling rond dit meesterwerk uit onze collecties. Voor het eerst bieden de Koninklijke Musea een nooit eerder geziene benadering van Davids werk door een combinatie van historische en hedendaagse inzichten, en een wetenschappelijke benadering.
Paperback | English ed. 280 x 245 mm 144 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 29,00 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782362220562.xml
[F] Norma Editions 9782376660576
[F] Norma Editions 9782376660521 (HB|FR)
Créateur et architecte de l'emblématique Maison de verre à Paris, Pierre Chareau a laissé derrière lui une oeuvre riche et cohérente, un "style Chareau" qui l'inscrit tout autant dans le courant moderniste que dans une pensée d'avant garde qui épouse un monde de forme et de matériaux nouveaux. Ce premier volume revient sur sa biographie, ses rencontres déterminantes avec des mouvements artistiques, cubisme, arts premiers, comme avec des personnalités de premier plan, qui lui sont restés fidèles.
Hardback | Fr.
Paperback | Fr. edition 312 x 237 mm 256 p € 60,00 | July 2022
Pierre Chareau. Volume 1 Biographie. Expositions. Mobilier

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782376660521.xml
Emmanuel Bréon, Claire Maingon, Victorien Geroges edition | April 2022 (HB|FR)
Alfred Janniot Momumental

Francis Lamond, Marc Bédarida, Raphaelle Billé
Francis Lamond, Marc Bédarida, Raphaelle Billé
Hardback | Fr. edition 305 x 230 mm 352 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 75,00 | May 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782376660583.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782376660538.xml
[F] Norma Editions 9782376660583 (PB|FR)
Tissier a, durant sa brève existence (1886 1926), abordé de nombreux domaines de la création artistique.Il se positionne dès la fin de la guerre comme un acteur de la Reconstruction. Russie, Moyen ou Extrême Orient, Grèce, Rome ou Egypte antique vont servir de thème de départ à l'architecte et scénographe pour élaborer des mises en scène d'un grand raffinement : salles de bal, pompes nuptiales ou funéraires, arcs de triomphe, monuments éphémères, cortèges, joutes navales, feux d'artifices ou illuminations..
Hardback | Fr. edition
Pierre Chareau, aménagements et architecture, opère une synthèse sans précédent de près de de 80 chantiers d'architecture d'intérieur (1908 1938), privés ou publics, comme de ses projets architecturaux (1925 1950). Il dévoile l'évolution de l'approche de Pierre Chareau en matière d'aménagement intérieur, de ses débuts de décorateur intégrant dans des espaces existants son mobilier, à l'avènement, au fil des projets, d'une approche résolument architecturale de l'espace,. Pierre Chareau. Volume 2 Aménagements intérieurs. Architecture
I09 ‐ DECORATIVE ARTS WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782376660576.xml
305 x 230 mm 192 p € 45,00
[F] Norma Editions 9782376660538 (HB|FR)
352 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 75,00 | May 2022
Paul Tissier: Architecte des fêtes des Années Folles

by Stephane Boudin Lestienne
305 x 230 mm
Formé à l'Ecole des Beaux arts de Paris Alfred Auguste Janniot (1889 1969) est premier prix ex aequo de Rome en 1919. A la villa Médicis il côtoie notamment les architectes Michel Roux Spitz ou Roger Séassal, futurs commanditaires. Privilégiant le bas relief plutôt que la ronde bosse, il devient dès 1925 l'un des sculpteurs en vue grâce à sa participation à l'Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs où Ruhlmann choisit son Hommage à Jean Goujon pour la‐ décoration de son hôtel du Collectionneur.
Dans la continuité du premier répertoire des oeuvres de l'artiste sculpteur chocolatier paru en 2018, 177 nouvelles créations sont ici présentées, accompagnées chacune de leur description précise. Un cahier d'inspirations contemporaines et une reproduction de son carnet de croquis viennent compléter l'ensemble.
Hardback | Fr. edition 305 x 230 mm 288 p € 0,00 | Oct. 2022

Patrick Roger Sculptures II
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782376660651.xml
Expo: 23/4/2022 ‐ 27/11/2022, 59e Biennale de Venise
Jeanne Quéheillard
[F] Norma Editions 9782376660682 (HB|FR)
Paperback | Eng/French/Arab 291 x 243 mm | 166 p | 250 col.ill. | € 39,00 | Oct. 2022
Paperback | Fr. edition 350 x 270 mm 320 p | 180 col. & bw ill € 55,00 | Oct. 2022
[F] Norma Editions 9782376660552 (PB|FR)
II01 ‐ COOKERY ‐ TECHNIQUES WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782376660552.xml
Patrick Roger, Matthieu Nuss
[F] Norma Editions I05(PB|EN9782376660651FRARAB) ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Chosen for the 59th Venice Biennale, to represent contemporary creation at the Lebanese pavilion Ayman Baalbaki is a Lebanese artist born in Beirut in 1975. He first trained at the Institute of Fine Arts of the university Lebanese school in Beirut, then at the National School of Decorative Arts in Paris. Five years after his arrival in France, he received the silver medal in painting at the Francophone Games and then participated in several exhibitions worldwide.
Nestor Perkal

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782376660682.xml
Nestor Perkal est un artiste polyvalent ayant multiplié ses activités depuis les années 70. Designer de mobilier, d'objets et de luminaires, architecte d'intérieur, scénographe, commissaire d'expositions et directeur artistique, il porte à lui seul, plus de 45 ans de savoir faire et de recherches.
Ayman Baalbaki: Face Au Ko/Facing Ko (Liban)

Barbara Hepworth Sculpture Garden

An Untold Story of Art & Magic
Hardback | English ed. 250 x 190 mm 96 p € 21,50 | Aug. 2022 [UK] Tate 9781849767941 (HB|EN)
and practice of the occult. The first

of artworks, letters, objects and ephemera in the
Victoria Jenkins
The first major survey of collection Archive. history major the occult collection Tate Archive.
the occult
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849767941.xml
Hardback | English ed. 250 x 190 mm 176 p € 35,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Tate 9781849767620 (HB|EN)
of artworks, letters, objects and ephemera in the Tate
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849767620.xml
Revealing over 150 unseen esoteric and mystical pieces, never before seen by the public and giving a new understanding to the artists in the Tate collection and the

Chris Stephens, Miranda Phillips, Jodi Dickinson
Chris Stephens and Miranda Phillips provide a comprehensove record of Hepworth's years in St Ives whilst new texts explaining the plants and flowers by Head Gardener, Jodi Dickinson, give expert insight into the nature hiding behind the studio walls at Trewyn. Barbara Hepworth (1903 75) first came to live in Cornwall with her husband Ben Nicholson and their young family at the outbreak of war in 1939. She lived and worked in Trewyn studios ‐ now the Barbara Hepworth Museum ‐ from 1949 until her death in 75.
survey of
Visions of the Occult

Tate Liverpool Kasia Redzisz & Laura Bruni

Paperback | English ed. 265 x 210 mm | 192 p | 150 col.ill. | € 35,50 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Tate 9781849766739 (PB|EN)
Theaster Gates Amalgam
Previously announced, Tate Modern, London ‐ Feb Jun 2021, Fondation Toms Pauli / Musée cantonal des Beaux Arts Lausanne
REPRINT ‐ Expo: 19/05/2020 ‐ 31/08/2020, Tate Britain, London ‐ 25/9/2020 21/1/2021, Guggenheim Bilbao ‐ Spring summer 2021, SFMOMA
Edited by Ann Coxon, Mary Jane Jacob
Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 215 mm 176 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 49,50 | Aug. 2022 [UK] Tate 9781849767231 (PB|E)
Magdalena Abakanowicz

Paperback | English ed. 275 x 230 mm | 192 p | 120 col.ill. | € 34,80 | Sept. 2022 R/P [UK] Tate 9781849767040 (PB|EN)

Theaster Gates (b.1973) is one of the world's most influential living artists. In this new book (published to accompany a major show at Tate Liverpool) the artist explores the complex and interweaving issues of race, territory and inequality in the United States. Gates takes the history of Malaga (a small island off the coast of Maine) as his point of departure. During the 19th century, Malaga was home to an ethnically mixed community.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849767231.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849766739.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849767040.xml
Lynette Yiadom‐Boakye

Edited by Isabella Maidment, Andrea Schlieker
Lynette Yiadom Boakye (b.1977) is a British artist and writer acclaimed for her enigmatic portraits of fictitious people. Her paintings often allude to historic European portraiture ‐ notably Thomas Gainsborough, Francisco de Goya, John Singer Sargent and Edouard Manet ‐ yet in subject matter and technique her approach is decidedly contemporary. Through her focus on the depiction of imagined black characters Yiadom Boakye's paintings raise important questions about identity and representation.
In the 1960s and 70s Magdalena Abakanowicz (1930 2017) wove sisal in intense colours to create towering, hanging pieces that radically expanded the field of sculpture and installation art. Known as Abakans , these 'organic environments' carried many meanings and were often large in size, containing entanglements of ropes or dividing spaces. They were spaces to contemplate, to experience.
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849768252.xml I02B ‐ ART HISTORY 72
ISBN: 9781849768276 (EN)

Within the placid confines of china cabinet, rages a long standing conflict the Blues and the Reds. When the Blues decide to sneak in and paint the Reds blue, all bets are off. It's only when they help each other pieces that they realise they are stronger together. 9781849768269
ISBN: 9781849768252 (EN)
Look Again is a new series of short books from Tate Publishing, opening up the conversation about British art over the last 500 years, and exploring what art has to tell us about our lives

Look Again is a new series of short books from Tate Publishing, opening up the conversation about British art over the last 500 years, and exploring what art has to tell us about our lives today. Author Philip Hoare takes us on an exploration of the sea and looks at its power and alluring draw for centuries of artists featured in the Tate collection ‐‐ from William Blake to Maggi Hambling.
Philip Hoare
mm 48
Paperback,Tate 178 x
Look Again: The Sea
Look Again: Visibility
pick up the
Look Again is a new series of short books from Tate Publishing, opening up the conversation about British art over the last 500 years, and exploring what art has to tell us about our lives today.Howwe

Look Again is a new series of short books from Tate Publishing, opening up the conversation about British art over the last 500 years, and exploring what art has to tell us about our lives
Look Again: Fashion
€ 14,50, Nov. 2022
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849767170.xml I02B ‐ ART HISTORY
Shahidha Bari
[UK] 108 p
[UK] Paperback,Tate 178 x 108 mm 48 p € 14,50, Nov. 2022 9781849767170 (EN)
The Fragile World [UK] Paperback,Tate 178 x 108 mm 48 p € 14,50, Nov. 2022 ISBN:

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849768269.xml I02B ‐ ART HISTORY
Author,today. photographer and broadcaster Johny Pitts examines the notion of 'visibility' in our galleries. Who gets to be seen and why? What is hidden from us and who takes decisions on what we are allowed to see how and on how we allow ourselves to be seen and represented through art.
[UK] Paperback,Tate 178 x 108 mm 48 p € 14,50, Nov. 2022
dress can be a deeply personal matter. In general, we take dress as an expression of individuality or identity. But can dress also be the object of deeper artistic enquiry, and can it tell us something more about the societies in which we live? These are the questions at the heart of this book.

Jay Bernard
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849768276.xml I02B ‐ ART HISTORY
Look Again: Complicity
Alexandra Mirzac Hardback | English ed. 304 x 245 mm 32 p € 18,50 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Tate ‐ Kids 9781849768160 (HB|EN) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849768160.xml

today.Bookended by visits to Henry Tate’s mausoleum (West Norwood Cemetery) and the tomb of Lord Mayor Henry Tulse (St Dionis Backchurch, City of London), the author of critically acclaimed poetry collection Surge goes for a six mile walk across London, ‘this city I love’, to think about the meaning of complicity.
Johny Pitts
Hardback | English ed. 200 x 245 mm 480 p | 10 bw ill. € 30,00 | Oct. 2020
[UK] Bodleian Library (Durnell) 9781851245550 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781851245550.xml
Matthew Gabriele, David M. Perry Hardback, 241 x 165 mm 336 p, 8 col.ill. € 26,50, Feb. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781851245376.xml 73
Hardback | English ed. 242 x 190 mm 208 p | 35 bw ill. € 45,00 | Nov. 2020
The Bright Ages reminds us just how permeable our manmade borders have always been and of what possible worlds the past has always made available to us. The Middle Ages may have been a world “lit only by fire” but it was one whose torches illuminated the magnificent rose windows of cathedrals, even as they stoked the pyres of accused heretics.
[UK] Bodleian Library (Durnell) 9781851245826 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781851245826.xml
€ 25,95 | Feb. 2022
Reynard was once the most popular and beloved character in European folklore, as familiar as Robin Hood, King Arthur or Cinderella. His character spoke eloquently for the unvoiced and disenfranchised, but also amused and delighted the elite, capturing hearts and minds across borders and societal classes for centuries. Based on William Caxton's bestselling 1481 English translation of the Middle Dutch, but expanded with new interpretations, innovative language and characterisation.
Anne Louise Avery
This beautifully illustrated edition contains some of the best loved fables, including the Boy who cried Wolf, the Lion and the Mouse, the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, the Hare and the Tortoise, and The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse alongside many of the lesser known tales. These timeless stories are illustrated with 35 wood engravings by Agnes Miller Parker (1895 1980), one of the greatest British wood engraving artists of the twentieth century.
A New History of Medieval Europe
This book explores twenty four literary friendships and, together with character studies and publication history, describes how each key relationship influences character, determines plot, promotes or disguises romance, preserves a reputation, sometimes results in betrayal, or underlines the theme of each literary work. Including a broad scope of literature spanning a period of 400 years from writers as diverse as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Evelyn Waugh, John Steinbeck and Alice Walker.

The Bright Ages contains an 8 page color ISBN:insert.9780062980892 (EN)

Janet Phillips
ISBN 9780062980908 (Pb) I12 ‐ CULTURAL HISTORY
Great Literary Friendships
Agnes Miller Parker
Reynard the Fox

The Bright Ages
[UK] Bodleian Library (Durnell) 9781851245376 (HB|EN)
Aesop's Fables

Hardback | English ed. 198 x 129 mm 216 p
[US] Harper Collins US (HCUK)
Spirituality, Art and Identity: The British Library Guide

[UK] British Library 9780712354660 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780712354660.xml
Drafts from Master Poets
The Lindisfarne Gospels

Ask two poets what a first draft looks like and you’ll get wildly different answers. From typed pages with delicate annotation to scribbles in a dog eared notebook, drafts tell us so much more about poems and poets than the published versions ever could. Themed chapters allow for fascinating new comparisons William Blake’s ‘London’ (1794) sits alongside Andrew Salkey’s ‘Jamaica’ (1973) in discussions of place revealing how each manuscript has shaped our understanding and practice of poetry today.
The Lindisfarne Gospels is an extraordinary book and one of the British Library's greatest treasures. It was hand written and decorated over 1,300 years ago by a single supremely gifted scribe artist. It inspires awe both as a pinnacle of book design and for the fascinating story of how it came down to us in almost pristine condition. Every aspect of its design displays meticulous care, keen responsiveness to a wide range of cultural contacts, and the workings of an immense and brilliant imagination.
Eleanor Jackson
Poems in Progress

Hardback | English ed. 250 x 200 mm 288 p € 45,00 | Sept. 2022

[UK] British Library 9780712354813 (HB|EN)
Alexandra Ault, Laura Walker
Hardback | English ed. 246 x 189 mm | 72 p | 40 col.ill. | € 19,48 | Sept. 2022

In this new volume, Johnny Mains dives into the archives of the forgotten to unearth an array of uneasy stories with Celtic folklore at their heart which resonate with our fascination for the traditions and fears of the people that came before.

This book explores the stories that began shortly after Alexander's mysterious death, and that by the Middle Ages had developed into a narrative of Alexander as the all conquering hero who fought mythical beasts and explored the unknown using submarines and flying chariots. These incredible legends are brought to life here with exquisite original illustrations in books and manuscripts from around the globe.

Dancing in Time
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780712354325.xml II11f ‐ GENERAL FICTION
The Heart of the Forest explores four enduring ways in which we connect to the woods ‐ through Refuge, Sacredness, Horror and Hope ‐ making fascinating links between emotion and genre. For Henry David Thoreau, the woods are places beyond civilisation; for Ursula LeGuin and C S Lewis, they are loaded with otherworldly potential; and for those fleeing captivity, they can provide a welcome sanctuary. Woods can strike fear, they can inspire wonder, they can be lovely, dark and deep.

[UK] British Library 9780712354615 (HB|EN)
‐ tales
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780712354561.xml II17 ‐ NATURE 75
mm 288
Richard Stoneman
Hardback | English ed. 240 x 165 mm 224 p | 150 bw ill. € 37,50 | Sept. 2022
Choreographer Robert Hylton navigates an extraordinary array of photographs, periodicals and ephemera from the British Library collections, which reveal the true origins of the popular dance styles that have, at one point or another, swept the population off their feet.

[UK] British Library Hardback,

Alexander the Great The Making of a Myth

The History of Moving and Shaking 210 x 149 p
John Miller
[UK] British Library 234 x 156 mm 304 p, 130 col.ill. 37,50, Aug. 2022 9780712354561 (EN)
Robert Hylton
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780712354615.xml
Paperback | English ed. 280 x 220 mm | 304 p | 200 col.ill. | € 45,00 | Oct. 2022 [UK] British Library 9780712354479 (PB|EN)
ISBN 9780712354769 (Hb)
Johnny Mains Weird Tales of Wicked Folklore and Dark Mythology
€ 22,48, Oct. 2022 ISBN: 9780712354325 (EN)
The Heart of the Forest Why Woods Matter
(EN) I06 ‐ ARCHAEOLOGY Quarterbound Stephen Ellcock Hardback | English ed. 230 x 165 mm 256 p |
to 'see
in a grain

sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm
Discovery WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500052167.xml ‐Nicholas Reeves Hardback | English ed. 264 x 187 mm | 464 p €

within it. This
your hand, and eternity in an hour'.
Cosmic Dance Finding patterns and pathways in a chaotic universe 76

In this new edition of his landmark book Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves revisits Tutankhamun in the context of his time, the excavators in the context of theirs, and every aspect, old and new, of the tomb's discovery, archaeology, architecture and art. If what was discovered in 1922 had the ability to amaze, then what has been discovered since will simply astonish.

& bw ill €
from the minute to the infinite, exploring the relationships and harmonies between all

the universe and inspiring personal contemplation regarding our own
A fully updated and revised edition of a classic bestseller: the definitive guide to Tutankhamun and his tomb what it contained, why, and what it means today.
The Complete Tutankhamun: Years of 55,50 | Oct. 2022 Thames & Hudson 9780500052167 throughout col. 34,50 Sept. 2022 journey parts of place stunning treasury of provides perfect guide to deeper of world around allowing readers, the words of William Blake, a world of of

[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500252536 (HB|EN) I02BA ‐ ART HISTORY ‐ POPULAR CULTURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500252536.xml A visual
New in B format paperback / With a new preface Christopher Frayling

[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500024294 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500296776.xml
Mark Stavish
A spectacular, revelatory celestial compendium to the cosmos, Phaenomena expands on and explains Doppelmayr's original, awe inspiring Atlas and reflects upon its influence on the development of the science of astronomy to the present day.

Paperback | English ed. 198 x 129 mm | 512 p | 61 col.ill. | € 21,00 | Oct. 2022
Phaenomena Doppelmayr's Celestial Atlas

A comprehensive anthology of vampires in literature, from Dracula to Twilight. Christopher Frayling has spent 50 years exploring the history of one of the most enduring figures in the history of mass culture ‐ the vampire. Vampyres is a comprehensive illustrated history of vampires in literature, from the folklore of Eastern Europe to the Romantics and beyond. Frayling recounts the most significant moments in Gothic history, while extracts from a huge range of sources .
Symbols of the Occult
A Literary Anthology
Hardback | English ed. 365 x 265 mm 256 p € 68,95 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500024294.xml
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500296776 (PB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500024034.xml
This beautifully illustrated volume explorers the key signs and symbols of the occult. Chosen for their powerful symbolism, the illustrations in the book span from the myths and legends of the ancient world to the icons used in modern religion and science. Symbols of the Occult examines over 500 symbols from history, art and culture by decoding their iconography and exploring their historical background and significance.

Quarterbound by Giles Sparrow. Foreword: Martin Rees
Hardback | English ed. 230 x 170 mm | 256 p | 500 col.ill. | € 23,95 | July 2022 ‐R/P

A Directory of Over 500 Signs, Symbols and Icons
[UK] Thames & Hudson + 9780500024034 (HB|EN)
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500296653 (PB|EN)
A concise, reader friendly illustrated survey of Western art and architecture from prehistory to the present day. Acknowledging how architecture, painting, sculpture and the decorative arts reflect the culture and society of their time, this latest addition to the Art Essentials series invites the reader to experience and appreciate the entirety of Western art from prehistory to today.
Matthew Wilson
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500025291.xml
A stimulating narrative and reference resource that guides the reader through the most significant symbols from worldwide art history. The Hidden Language of Symbols covers a wide ranging selection of visual culture under one unified theme: symbols. Often not immediately apparent, our day to day lives abound with symbols of various kinds from national emblems to emojis, allegories to logos, all of which exert a strong hold in the image saturated, globalized world of the 21st century.

A Cultural History
Hardback | English ed. 246 x 186 mm | 272 p | 249 col.ill. | € 41,50 | Sept. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500021712.xml
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500021712 (HB|EN)
Art Essentials: The History of Western Art

Hardback | English ed. 240 x 165 mm | 288 p | 125 col.ill. | € 41,50 | Oct. 2022

An exciting narrative and visual history of the artist's studio, examining the myth and reality of the creative space from early times to today. This pioneering cultural history charts the myth and reality of the creative space from Ancient Greece to the present day. Tracing a history that extends far beyond the bohemian, romantic and renaissance cults of the artist, each chapter focuses on key developments of the studio space as seen in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar images.

Janetta Rebold Benton
Paperback | English ed. 216 x 138 mm 176 p | 117 col. & bw ill € 15,50 | Oct. 2022
The Hidden Language of Symbols
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500025291 (HB|EN)
James Hall
The Artist's Studio
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500296653.xml

[DK] Strandberg (T&H distr) 9788792596307 (HB|EN)
Paperback | English ed. 270 x 200 mm 438 p | 180 col. & bw ill € 50,00 | July 2022
I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
Joaquín Sorolla

Edited by Tor Eystein Øverås
[IT] Skira (T&H) 9788857248042 (HB|EN)
[UK] T & H, Distributed 9788293560739 (PB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 275 x 245 mm 432 p | 214 col. & bw ill € 59,50 | Jan. 2023
The Master, the Monster, and the Myth
I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
Edited by Micol Forti and Consuelo Luca de Tena
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788857248042.xml
One sole truth about Edvard Munch's art does not exist. The answers depend on the questions we pose. 21 Munch experts have written 150 texts about well known and lesser known works from Munchmuseet's collection. Through these multiple ways of seeing, Munch's lifework emerges as infinite. And this book, as an exercise in the art of seeing.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788792596307.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788293560739.xml
The main subject of the Spanish painter's art however was always the Mediterranean light, that the artist masterfully captured on his canvases with vibrant, light, bright palettes and pure dazzling whites; his extraordinary works en plein air by the sea make Sorolla an exponent of an accomplished Mediterranean impressionism.

Painter of Light
Hardback | English ed. 280 x 240 mm | 208 p | 150 col.ill. | € 51,00 | Nov. 2022
Celebrated as one of early Modernism's most important figures, but at the same time condemned for his work and character, Gauguin's legacy remains ambiguous. The discussion about his art and character has become even more relevant with #MeToo drawing attention to his relationship with under age girls as well as his share in colonialism in French Polynesia. Nevertheless, Gauguin's status as an artistic genius has remained mostly undisputed.
Edvard Munch. Infinite

I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
by Flemming Friborg
A homage to the great Spanish painter of light and sea, among the Impressionist innovators of Spanish painting
Expo: fall 2022, Leopold Museum, Vienna
Hardback | English ed. 280 x 240 mm | 304 p | 250 col.ill. | € 54,00 | Dec. 2022
Between Pain and Bliss
Hardback | English ed. 280 x 235 mm 288 p € 44,00 | July 2022
Confessions of a Tortured Soul
An accessible introduction to the life and work of this trailblazing pioneer of early modernism, published to coincide with a major exhibition at the Royal Academy, London. Paula Modersohn Becker is today hailed as one of the great pioneers of modernism. Uwe M. Schneede, one of the foremost experts on Modersohn Becker's work, shows how the artist translated her life's experiences into her own, very distinctive, pictorial language.
Hans Peter Wipplinger. Text: August Ruhs, Burghart Schmidt, Annegret Hoberg, Lena Scholz
Uwe M. Schneede
Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440 1482) was the most important Netherlandish artist of the second half of the 15th century. His innovative pictorial compositions are characterised by monumental figures and realistic narrative moments. They paved the way for the development of Netherlandish painting during the following centuries. Hugo van der Goes worked in Ghent and in the Red Cloister near Brussels.
[G] Hirmer 9783777438481 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783753301983.xml
[G] Walther & Franz Koenig (T&H distr) 9783753301983 (HB|EN)
A Life in Art
I01 ‐ OLD MASTERS (Belgium)
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
Hardback | English ed. 229 x 152 mm 240 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 34,50 | Oct. 2022
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500025628 (HB|EN)
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500025628.xml
Alfred Kubin

Expo: 31/3/2023 ‐ 16/7/2023, Gemäldegalerie, Berlin Erik Eising, Stefan Kemperdick

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783777438481.xml
The art of the great draftsman, illustrator and author of the novel The Other Side, Alfred Kubin, appears more current today than ever before: for it was violence, wartime destruction, pandemics, natural disasters, the manipulation of the masses and other abysses of human existence that pervaded his highly narrational works. The oeuvre of this fantastical creator confronts us with pessimistic visions which ‐ to quote Schopenhauer ‐ delineate "the worst of all possible worlds".

Paula Modersohn Becker

Hugo van der Goes

New edition, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
Paperback | English ed. 290 x 235 mm 240 p € 56,00 | Oct. 2022 [G] Hatje Cantz (T&H) 9783775753005 (PB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 255 x 190 mm 224 p | 170 col. & bw ill € 41,50 | Oct. 2022
Text by Camille Morineau
Pascal Bonafoux
Niki de Saint Phalle (1930 2002) made a name for herself on the international art scene during the late 1950s and early 1960s. She was a key figure in the new generation of young artists who, at the beginning of the 1960s, were redefining the boundaries of what an artwork could be. Saint Phalle had a clear socio political agenda and feminist commitment throughout her career.

Her sensual Nanas buxom, colorful female figures laid the foundation for her international success beyond the art world. But the self taught artist’s creative spectrum is much broader, and her unconventional oeuvre, ranging from painting and drawing to assemblages, performances, theatre, film, and architecture, is more subversive and critical of society than is widely assumed. Based on her efforts to process her own feelings, she addressed social and political issues, critically questioning institutions
Expo: 2/9/2022 ‐ 8/1/2023, Kunsthaus Zürich 3/2/2023 21/5/2023, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
The first book dedicated to Picasso's self portraits, many held in private collections and published here for the first time. Much has been said and written about Picasso's life and art, but until now his self portraits have never been studied and presented in a single book, perhaps because the artist always left many doubts about his work From the first attributed painting in 1894 as a 13 year old boy, until Picasso's final self portrait in 1972, Bonafoux charts the evolution of the artist's life and art.

Niki de Saint Phalle
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500025833.xml
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783775753005.xml
Niki de Saint Phalle: The Retrospective

[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500025833 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788282940412.xml

The Self Portraits

Paperback | English ed. 300 x 230 mm 270 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 43,95 | Oct. 2022 NE [UK] T & H, Distributed 9788282940412 (PB|EN)

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783775752374.xml
As beautiful and rigorous as an Escher work itself, this book is the classic study of a great maverick who so memorably linked the world of imagemaking with geometry and paradox. Escher's works, from the great master prints to numerous drawings, are brilliantly arranged to form a cinematic journey of discovery that reveals the magical world of the artist's mind, an uncharted realm lush with exotic conceptions and inventions.
Oliver Kase (Ed)

Travel is a fundamental experience of human existence. For Max Beckmann it was of existential importance both in a symbolic, but also in a deeply personal sense. Max Beckmann. DEPARTURE assembles an outstanding selection of artworks and initiates a dialogue with hitherto unseen objects and materials from the Max Beckmann Archive. It shows Beckmann's relationship to film and literature as a producer of images of aspirations and longing resonating with notions of identity and home.
Hardback | English ed. 285 x 235 mm 352 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 68,95 | Nov. 2022

The Magic of M.C.Escher

[G] Hatje Cantz (T&H) 9783775752459 (HB|EN)
Ed. Ulf Küster. Text(s) by Kathrin Beßen, Ulf Küster, Susanne Meyer Büser, Bridget Riley, Benno Tempel, Caro Verbeek, Charlotte Sarrazin, graphic design by Irma
Paperback with flaps | English 265ed. x 215 mm 264 p | 308 col. & bw ill € 68,50 | June 2022 [G] Hatje Cantz (T&H) 9783775752374 (PB+|EN)
Locher Veldhuysen
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
Piet Mondrian had a decisive influence on the development of painting from figuration to abstraction. On the occasion of his 150th birthday, Mondrian Evolution is dedicated to his multifaceted work and artistic development. Initially working in the tradition of late nineteenth century Dutch landscape painting, Symbolism and Cubism subsequently took on great significance for him. It was not until the early 1920s that the artist focused on a wholly non representational pictorial vocabulary...
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500290736.xml
Mondrian Evolution
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
Expo: 5/6/2022 ‐ 9/10/2022, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen / Basel ‐ 28/10/22 12/2/23, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein Westfalen, Düsseldorf

Max Beckmann: Departure

REPRINT. Now available in paperback
Paperback | English ed. 315 x 267 mm | 198 p | 380 col.ill. | € 36,95 | April 2022 ‐R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500290736 (PB|EN)
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
Expo: 25/11/2022 ‐ 12/3/2023, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783775752459.xml
Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to Now is the most comprehensive survey of her work date. Published to accompany a major Kusama retrospective at the new M+ museum in Hong Kong, the volume is structured around six thematic sections, 'Infinity', 'Accumulation', 'The Biocosmic', 'Radical Connectivity', and 'Joy of Life', each of which is intended to elucidate the aesthetic philosophical concerns at the heart of the artist's oeuvre.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500295427.xml
Doryun Chong, Mika Yoshitake
REPRINT, Thames and Hudson Ltd

All About My Love
Hardback | English ed. 315 x 210 mm | 392 p | 200 col.ill. | € 89,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500024850 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500024850.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500025857.xml

Hardback | English ed. 280 x 221 mm 400 p | 325 col. & bw ill € 62,50 | Nov. 2022 [UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500025857 (HB|EN)

Avant garde artist Yayoi Kusama's matchless creativity and originality have been captivating the world since she moved from Matsumoto, her hometown in Nagano, Japan, to the USA in 1958.

Yayoi Kusama
The Letters of Lucian Freud 1939 1954

Yayoi Kusama
Expo: 12/11/2022 ‐ 14/05/2023, M+ museum, Hong Kong
David Dawson, Martin Gayford
Reproductions of the young Lucian Freud's letters alongside insightful context and commentary reveal the foundations of the artist's personality and creative practice. From schoolboy messages to his parents, though letters to friends, lovers, and confidants, to correspondence with patrons and associates as he became established as a professional painter, they are peppered with wit, affection and irreverence. Collectively, they provide a powerful insight into his early life and art.
Paperback | English ed. 213 x 269 mm 264 p € 34,50 | May 2022 R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson + 9780500295427 (PB|EN)
Love Lucian
1945 to Now
Yayoi Kusama
In the last ten years alone, her retrospective exhibitions in four major European and American museums, including Tate Modern, London, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, have seen record attendance.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783775752824.xml
Paperback with flaps | English 205ed. x 150 mm 320 p € 35,00 | Aug. 2022 [G] Hatje Cantz (T&H) 9783775752824 (PB+|EN)

On the occasion of his 85th birthday the famous international German artist Georg Baselitz (*1938) has donated a collection of works on paper to both the Albertina Museum in Vienna and the Morgan Library in New York. The publication combines the 100 sheets to create a representative retrospective, providing by virtue of its concentration an important contribution to the understanding of his entire oeuvre.
Georg Baselitz

Katya Tylevich
Recalling classical painting, both through technical mastery and choice in subject matter, Borremans’s depictions of the surprising and the bizarre invites a second look. Uncanny scenes of figures looking at blurred acrobatic displays, hooded subjects rendered in Rembrandt esque lighting, or solemn portraits demonstrate Borremans’s unique vision. In this recent body of work, Borremans continues to draw the viewer in closer with his intimately scaled paintings of mysterious figures in peculiar arenas.
documenta fifteen Handbook
The Exhibition Companion
Michaël Borremans
[US] David Zwirner Books 9781644230831 (PB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 285 x 245 mm | 192 p | 130 col.ill. | € 41,95 | Dec. 2022 [G] Hirmer 9783777438627 (HB|EN)
Under the guiding principle of lumbung, the Indonesian collective ruangrupa is less concerned with individual works than with forms of collaborative working. As a reference work, companion, and innovative art guide, the Handbook offers orientation for these comprehensive processes; it is aimed at visitors to the Kassel exhibition as well as those interested in collective practice.

Paperback | English ed. 178 x 114 mm | 64 p | throughout col.ill. | € 21,00 | July 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781644230831.xml
Expo: 21/10/2022 05/02/2023, Morgan Library & Museum, N.Y. ‐ 16/06/2023 27/08/2023, Albertina, Vienna Antonia Hoerschelmann, Isabelle Dervaux
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783777438627.xml
100 Drawings: From the Beginning until the Present
Expo: 18/06/2022 15/09/2022, Kassel, Germany Ruangrupa
The Acrobat

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500480694.xml
Hardback | English ed. 300 x 235 mm 288 p | 571 bw ill. € 62,50 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500480694 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 275 x 216 mm | 240 p | 245 col.ill. | € 41,00 | Aug. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500023310.xml

An instructive book that examines the practice of drawing for illustration through case studies and sketchbooks, written by one of the world's foremost experts and teachers on the subject. This essential handbook explores the subject of drawing for illustration in depth, with an emphasis on drawing as a skill and fundamental language that every illustrator should master.

The Art of the Illustrated Book

Martin Salisbury
Paperback | English ed. 220 x 170 mm | 272 p | throughout col.ill. | € 43,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Victionary 9789887566526 (PB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789887566526.xml
There is something distinctly visceral about graphite art, where every stroke of the artist or illustrator seems to convey emotion in its purest form. At a time when almost everything can be digitally done up to perfection, the smudges and smears by graphite can be refreshing to the eye and unapologetically human û touching viewers to the core. As a creative tool, it can also be the simplest and most affordable medium with which to express oneself and find joy.<br><br>GRAPHITE is a stunning collectio
The story of the illustrated book from the earliest printed books to the present day, told through the collections of the V&A's National Art Library. This study offers a new approach, grouping books by subject ‐ from natural history and travel to art, architecture and fashion. Gathered here are some of the most influential and compelling examples of the illustrated book, all chosen from the collections of the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
700 Years of History and Design
Julius Bryant
Drawing for Illustration
Hand drawn pencil sketches and drawings from around the world
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500023310 (HB|EN)
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500094334 (HB|EN)
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500094358 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781760760588.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500094334.xml

Paul Gravett
Hardback | English ed. 270 x 230 mm 400 p € 68,50 | Aug. 2022
The ToveIllustrators:Jansson

Hardback | English ed. 260 x 200 mm | 256 p | 340 col.ill. | € 41,50 | Sept. 2022
An appreciation of the life and art of Tove Jansson, creator of the Moomin books, which are adored by children and adults across the globe. This book provides fresh insights and a deeper appreciation of the life and art of Tove Jansson (1914 2001), one of the most original, influential and perennially enjoyed illustrators of the 20th century.

Jenny Uglow
A fully illustrated overview of the life and work of the universally loved Quentin Blake, released ahead of the artist's 90th birthday in December 2022. Quentin Blake is an artist who has charmed and inspired generations of readers. With unprecedented access to the artist's entire archive, The Quentin Blake Book reveals the stories behind some of Blake's most famous creations, while also providing readers with an intimate insight into the unceasing creativity of this remarkable artist.
Drawing on more than three decades of research by cultural anthropologist Professor Qiyao Deng, the book documents and demystifies the customs and rituals of more than thirty minority peoples through their clothing and accessories. Deng's never before published archival photos sit alongside contemporary imagery by photographer Cat Vinton that showcases fabrics, jewelry and the surrounding landscapes, helping readers to better understand the deep connections between people, place, ritual and adornment.
The Quentin Blake Book

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500094358.xml
Hardback | English ed. 245 x 187 mm | 112 p | 106 col.ill. | € 27,50 | Oct. 2022

China Adorned Ritual and Custom of Ancient Cultures

by Qiyao Deng. Photography: Cat Vinton
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9781760760588 (HB|EN)
Elizabeth Wilhide
Paperback | English ed. 270 x 205 mm | 224 p | 210 col.ill. | € 33,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500480816 (PB|EN)
Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 126 mm 672 p € 48,50 | Aug. 2022 ‐R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson + 9780500021484 (HB|E)
Pattern Design

Hardback | Eng. ed. 190 x 170 mm | 144 p | 120 col.ill. | € 21,95 | July 2022 ‐R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ V&A 9780500480458 (HB|E)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500480816.xml
New in paperback Anna Mason
Around 600 such designs are attributed to Morris, of which the vast majority are based on natural forms, including trees, plants and flowers. A beautifully designed, accessibly priced gift book.

Reprint, Victoria and Albert Museum
I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500021484.xml

William Morris's Flowers

The first fully illustrated and comprehensive introduction to May Morris's work as an artist, designer and embroiderer, published in association with the V&A. May Morris (1862 1938), younger daughter of William Morris, was a significant figure in the British Arts and Crafts movement and a pioneer of 'art embroidery'. She ran the embroidery department of Morris & Co., as well as designing textiles, wallpapers and jewellery.
A passionate advocate of craftsmanship over mass production, William Morris (1834‐ 1896) designed a huge variety of objects, but it is his highly original carpet, fabric and wallpaper patterns that have continued to capture the imagination and exert their influence on the decorative arts.
Rowan Bain
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500480458.xml
Throughout history, patterns have come in countless permutations of motif, colour way and scale. Yet what all have in common is the regularity of repetition, that insistent rhythm that animates a flat surface with a sense of movement and vitality and gives it depth. Evident in the arrangement of petals on a flower head, the branching growth of stems and vines, the spirals of a seashell pattern is inherent in the natural world that surrounds us.
May Morris Arts Crafts Designer

Harry Gruyaert

I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500296783.xml
Africa State of Mind gathers together the work of an emergent generation of photographers from across Africa, including both the Maghreb and sub Saharan Africa. It is both a summation of new photographic practice from the last decade and an exploration of how contemporary photographers from the continent are exploring ideas of 'Africanness' to reveal Africa to be a psychological space as much as a physical territory ‐ a state of mind as much as a geographical place.
Paperback | English ed. 280 x 223 mm 272 p | 276 col. & bw ill € 44,50 | July 2022
Harry Gruyaert. Text by David Campany

A full career retrospective on the work of Vivian Maier, bringing together a selection of key works from throughout her life and career. When Vivian Maier's archive was discovered in Chicago in 2007, the photography community gained an immense and singular talent. Maier lived in relative obscurity until her death in 2009, but is now the subject of films and books, and recognized as one of the great American photographers of the 20th century. Born in New York in 1926, she worked as a nanny in New York and Chicago for much of her adult life. It was during her years as a nanny that she took many of the photographs that have made her posthumously famous. Maier's incredible body of work consists of more than 150,000 photographic images, Super 8 and 16 mm films, various recordings and a multitude of undeveloped films. Working primarily as a street photographer, Maier's work has been compared with such luminaries as Helen Levitt, Robert Frank, Diane Arbus and Joel Meyerowitz. Drawing on previously unpublished archives and recent scientific analyses, this retrospective sheds new light on Maier's work. Bozar, Brussels
Contemporary Photography Reimagines a Continent

Hardback | English ed. 235 x 290 mm 144 p | 75 col. & bw ill € 54,50 | Oct. 2022
Vivian Maier WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500025703.xml Anne Morin, Ann Marks, Christa Blümlinger Hardback | English ed. 288 x 216 mm | 256 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 59,95 | Aug. 2022 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500025703 (EN) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY Expo: 08/06/2022 ‐ 28/08/2022,

Between Worlds
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500025758 (HB|EN) (Belgium)
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500296783 (PB|EN)
Africa State of Mind

A new collection from the award winning Magnum photographer. A master of colour saturated images, Harry Gruyaert has roamed the world searching for the perfect light for more than forty years. His very intuitive and physical sense of place immerses the spectator in a world that borrows simultaneously from the cinematic universe and from that of the painter. Dissolving the boundaries between the exterior and interior, Between Worlds offers just such a sensory immersion.
Ekow Eshun
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500025758.xml

Hardback | English ed.
275 x 215 mm | 160 p | 100 col.ill.
€ 48,50 | Sept. 2022
ISBN: 9780500545560 (EN)
Photographing the World in Autochrome

ISBN: 9780500480762 (EN)
Hardback | English ed.
Catlin Langford
[UK] Thames & Hudson
Exquisite yet too fragile to exhibit, one of the world's greatest collection of autochromes ‐ colour photography's pioneering process ‐ is presented to a wide audience for the first time. Offering unprecedented access to the V&A's collection of autochromes ‐ one of the greatest collections of early colour photography in the world ‐ Colour Mania presents this pioneering photographic process in its full, vibrant, wondrous and painterly beauty and provides a breathtaking view of the early 20th century in colour. These autochromes are so fragile and light sensitive that they cannot be displayed in public ‐ this book presents the only chance to see them. Invented by the Lumière brothers ‐ also pioneers of cinema ‐ autochrome was the first widely available direct colour photography process and remained so for the next twenty years. Upon its commercial release in 1907, it was eagerly embraced by Pictorialist photographers and advocated by its leading member Alfred Stieglitz, who predicted 'a mania for colour'.
295 x 245 mm | 240 p | 352 col.ill.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500480762.xml ‐
Colour Mania
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500545560.xml ‐
Margit Erb and Michael Parillo
Saul Leiter was born in Pittsburgh and moved to New York City in 1946. He pioneered a painterly approach to colour photography starting in the late 1940s and produced covers for fashion magazines such as Esquire and Harper's Bazaar before largely withdrawing from public attention in the 1980s. The publication in 2006 of his first monograph, Early Color, inspired an avid 'rediscovery' of Leiter's work by contemporary audiences.
The Unseen Saul Leiter

€ 62,50 | Oct. 2022
[UK] Thames & Hudson
The first sightings of newly discovered work from Saul Leiter's abundant archive of colour slides. Now widely acclaimed as one of the world's greatest photographers, Saul Leiter (1923 2013) remained relatively unsung until he was rediscovered by curators and critics in his early 80s, and his work has been drastically re evaluated over the last two decades. Leiter's images evoked the flow and rhythm of life on the mid century streets of New York in luminous colour at a time when his contemporaries were shooting in black and white. His complex and impressionistic photographs are as much about evoking an atmosphere as nailing the decisive moment.

by William Eggleston. Text: Rachel Kushner, Robert Slifkin
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781644230770.xml
Reprint. Expo: 21/07/2016 ‐ 23/10/2016, National Portrait Gallery, London Phillip Prodger
William Eggleston's photographs are special for their eccentric, unexpected compositions, playfulness, implied narrative and, above all, his portrayals of people. Over the past half century he has created a powerful and enduring body of work featuring friends and family, musicians, artists and others. Eggleston frequented the 1970s Memphis club scene, developing friendships and getting to know musicians, including Ike Turner, Alex Chilton and others.
Hardback | English ed. 240 x 240 mm 128 p | 70 col. & bw ill € 0,00 | Sept. 2022

[G] Hatje Cantz (T&H) 9783775753227 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 280 x 272 mm 184 p € 41,50 | Sept. 2022 R/P [UK] National Portrait Gallery 9781855147102 (HB|EN)
Paperback | English ed. 374 x 273 mm 192 p € 80,00 | Oct. 2022
Fred Herzog: Black and White is the first acknowledgement of a lesser known facet of the photographers' work. Complementing the seminal Modern Color, it encompasses almost graphical urban scenes of shadow and light, alongside travel photographs and depictions of rural life. Evoking notions of melancholy, this book reveals that Herzog's appeal lies in his ability to seize a condensation of a psychological state.
Fred Herzog. Black and White

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783775753227.xml
William Eggleston. Portraits
Andy Sylvester (Ed)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781855147102.xml
The Outlands, a series of photographs taken by Eggleston between 1969 and 1974, establishes the groundbreaking visual themes and lexicon that the artist would continue to develop for decades to come. The work offers a journey through the mythic and evolving American South, seen through the artist's lens: vibrant colors and a profound sense of nostalgia echo throughout Eggleston's breathtaking oeuvre. Accompanying the ninety brilliant Kodachrome images and details, a literary, fictional text.

William Eggleston: The Outlands Selected Works

[US] David Zwirner Books 9781644230770 (PB|EN)

Paperback | English ed. 355 x 267 mm | 344 p | 400 col.ill. | € 71,50 | Aug. 2022
The radical changes that occurred in the three years between January 1962 and December 1964 had a profound effect on creative life in the city and around the world, altering not only the fine arts but everything from performance to music to design. This lavishly illustrated oversize paperback traces a detailed itinerary of artists and curators, experimental exhibitions and groundbreaking happenings, as well as historical and political events that transformed society during this explosive moment.
Fiona Bae. Foreword by Na Kim
The Rise of K Style

Hardback | English ed. 300 x 240 mm | 352 p | 300 col.ill. | € 80,00 | Oct. 2022
Expo: 22/7/2022 ‐ 8/1/2023, New York, Jewish Museum

[IT] Skira (T&H) 9788857246499 (HB|EN)

[IT] Skira (T&H) 9788857247687 (PB|EN)
I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500024546.xml
I12 ‐ HISTORY ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788857247687.xml

by Walter Guadagnini
This book illustrates the captivating adventure of world photography from its origins to the present day and, with its accessible and exact narrative style, it speaks to experts, amateurs, and photography enthusiasts alike. Setting off from this medium's pioneers and early protagonists, the volume traces the spread of photography in all fields (scientific, forensic, and artistic), the devel opment of portraiture, the advent of early 18th century avant gardes, the use of photography as record, reportage,...
I12 ‐ HISTORY ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788857246499.xml
Paperback with flaps | English 220ed. x 150 mm | 304 p | 303 col.ill. | € 27,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500024546 (PB+|EN)
Photography: Two Centuries of History and Images

New York: 1962‐1964

A bold, stylish look at the global rise of Korean culture and style in the words and images of those shaping and living it. K pop, K fashion, K drama, K beauty: over the last decade, K style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K Style go from here? Make, Break, Remix: The Rise of K Style makes no attempt to define or categorize, instead celebrating the eclectic, multi faceted nature of K Style and its home city of Seoul.
Make Break Remix

Edited by Filippo Maggia
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9789171265272.xml
Weston. Edward, Brett, Cole, Cara
by Alexander Petrosyan (Photographer)
A Dynasty of Photographers
True Russia
[SW] Max Ström (T&H distr) 9789171265272 (HB|EN)
Designed in collaboration with the Weston family, this publication features over 80 works by the four photographers, leaving the leading role to the founder Edward Weston, with 40 of his pictures. These include almost all of his best known masterpieces, taking it from the late 19th‐ to early 20th century pictorialist vision to an innovative modernist and surrealist figuration that made Edward Weston one of the absolute masters of world photography.

A picture can perhaps not change the world, but it can increase our understanding of it. In True Russia, Russian photographer Alexander Petrosyan brings us on a journey through the lives of the inhabitants of St Petersburg. His ambition is to stop the beholder in their tracks and wonder what is really happening.

Alexander Petrosyan
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788857247700.xml
Hardback | English ed. 280 x 240 mm | 128 p | 100 col.ill. | € 43,95 | July 2022 [IT] Skira (T&H) 9788857247700 (HB|EN)
Expo: 31/3/2022 ‐ 24/7/2022, Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia
Hardback | English ed. 265 x 300 mm 172 p | 107 col. & bw ill € 45,00 | Sept. 2022

Hardback | English ed. 240 x 210 mm 256 p | 550 col. & bw ill € 34,50 | Sept. 2022
Featuring nineteen home building and design strategies that are direct, original and often surprisingly simple, this inspirational sourcebook presents a mix of new technology and time tested vernacular methods that will change the way we think about 'home'. With strategies and houses that span the globe.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500024003.xml
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500343715 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788794102292.xml
Claire Bingham
New Danish Architecture
The New Naturalists
1000 pages about new Danish architecture. Through 10 buildings, the book provides a vital signal of the latest Danish architecture ‐ from Bjarke Ingels (BIG) to Dorte Mandrup. Each volume unfolds a single building and portrays the architect behind. The 10 buildings also represent 10 current themes in the contemporary architecture debate. Through an essay and an in depth interview with the architect. The interview format ensures an informal description, while the essay complements with background knowledge.
[DK] Strandberg (T&H distr) 9788794102292 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500343715.xml
Twenty collectors open their homes to reveal the weird and wonderful world of natural objects. From the cabinets of curiosity of the 19th century to today's interest in foraged decorations, obsessive and eclectic collectors of natural objects have long filled their homes with their finds ‐ everything from fossils and feathers to seeds and dried flowers.
Kristoffer Lindhardt Weiss
An inspirational sourcebook of innovative and unexpected green design solutions for our homes that address the environmental and social issues facing our world today.
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500024003 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 270 x 218 mm 992 p | 700 col. & bw ill € 96,50 | Oct. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 250 x 195 mm | 224 p | 320 col.ill. | € 36,95 | Apr. 2022


Houses That Can Save the World

Inside the Homes of Creative Collectors

[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500978542 (HB|EN)
The World's Best Beach Clubs, Pools and Wild Spots for a Dip
A handbook in feel and tone, this practical guide will transport you to the sun dappled hills of Lisbon and the winding streets of Porto as well as lesser known locales from the Alentejo region, with its plentiful vineyards, to the dramatic landscapes of the Azores. Plus, discover Monocle's favourite places to stay, eat and shop ‐ stop off at an elegant palácio, indulge in a family run tasca and scour the streets for the creamiest pastéis de nata ‐ and the cross country trips we'd make
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500978542.xml
Hardback | English ed. 200 x 140 mm 232 p € 34,95 | Nov. 2022
Revealing 100 beautiful and inspiring places to take the plunge. This new book celebrates bathing in glorious full colour photography, revealing the editors' chosen spots from inner city architectural wonders to lakes, beach clubs and bagni. So whether you're looking to do laps in Italy, tread water in Australia, sink into the icy depths in Iceland ‐ or perhaps just sit on the side and let others do the hard work ‐ this guide includes a setting for everyone. Dive right in.
Step inside the most breathtaking residences in this dazzling declaration of love to the beauty and craftsmanship of VeniceVenice.has a thousand reflections of silk, marble, mirror, and light. In an intimate and informed invitation to the city, Servane Giol guides us through a maze of canals, secluded campos, and narrow alleyways to meet some of Venice's most creative residents, opening the door to private historic palazzi, as well as more recently restored houses and apartments owned by a new generation of artists and designers drawn to Venice's radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle. Whether it is in interior design, glassmaking, shoemaking, or the restoration of historic monuments, her circle of talented friends have brought a renewed vibrancy and elegance to the city, giving visibility to some of Venice's most elegant traditional crafts and passionately safeguarding them for future generations.

new series of practical travel guides. PROVISIONAL COVER, Monocle Travel
Hardback | English ed. 240 x 190 mm | 200 p | throughout col.ill. | € 48,50 | Oct. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 310 x 240 mm | 304 p | 250 col.ill. € 71,50 | Oct. 2022 [F] Flammarion (Eng) ISBN: 9782080262165 (EN)
AVenice:Private Invitation

‐by Giol
A manual for everyone from holidaymakers to hoteliers
Swim: Monocle’s 100 favourite spots for a dip

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500978573.xml
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500978573 (HB|EN)

Portugal: The Monocle Handbook

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782080262165.xml Servane. Photography by Mattia Aquila

Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 290 x 240 mm | 352 p | 300 col.ill. | € 55,00 | May 2022 R/P [IT] Skira (T&H) 9782370741042 (HB|E/ F)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782370741042.xml
Dominic Bradbury
Design: The Whole Story takes a close look at the key developments, movements and practitioners of design around the world, from the beginnings of industrial manufacturing to the present day. Organized chronologically, it locates design within its technological, cultural, economic, aesthetic and theoretical contexts. From the high minded moralists of the 19th C to the radical thinkers of modernism ‐ and from the emergence of showmen such as Raymond Loewy in the 1930s to today's superstars such as Ph.Starck

[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500022221 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 280 x 230 mm 448 p | 450 col. & bw ill € 68,95 | Oct. 2022
Mid‐Century Modern Furniture

Living with Charlotte Perriand

New edition ! Elizabeth Wilhide foreword: Jonathan Glancey
Reprint. Expo: 2/10/2019 ‐ 4/2/2020, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris Franþois Laffanour
The Art of Living. Charlotte Perriand (24 October 1903 ‐ 27 October 1999) was a French architect and designer. Her work aimed to create functional living spaces in the belief that better design helps in creating a better society. She is well known for the playful way in which she mixed and superposed materials and styles in most of the furniture she created during her career. Nonetheless, one of the most essential influence on her entire work has been the Japanese craftmanship that kept on inspiring her.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500296875.xml
This definitive book profiles hundreds of pieces in a substantial format perfect for reference in design libraries, studios and the homes of private collectors ‐ or as an object of design in its own right. Each item of furniture is presented in detail, illustrated in colour and profiled via in depth descriptive texts by Dominic Bradbury. The book's substantial reference section includes essays on materials (eg, plywood) and designer profiles. The ultimate collector's resource, including hundreds of pieces.

Flexi (Pb luxe) | English ed. 245 x 172 mm | 576 p | 1000 col.ill. | € 34,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500296875 (FLEXI|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500022221.xml
The Whole Story
The Surreal World of Elsa Schiaparelli

Expo: 6/7/2022 ‐ 22/1/2023, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
In 1937, Schiaparelli launched the fragrance Shocking, named after shocking pink, which had become her signature colour. Alongside vintage photographs, sketches and contemporary features from Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, this volume presents specially photographed masterpieces from the collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. All 120 garments and accessories from the Schiaparelli archive are illustrated, al
Robert Fairer
Karl Lagerfeld Unseen

Hardback | English ed. 170 x 120 mm 176 p | 28 col. & bw ill € 17,95 | Sept. 2022
'YouÆve just got to have a bit of an open mind, not be so judgmental, educate yourself in the world of Alexander McQueen': a stylish collection of the legendary designerÆs maxims on fashion, craft, beauty and nature.
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500025949 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500025949.xml
A glamorous tribute to Karl Lagerfeld's highly influential creations for Chanel captured behind the scenes by US Vogue photographer Robert Fairer in beautiful, never before seen images. Texts by Karl Lagerfeld's collaborators and friends provide a fresh perspective on his creative process and reveal the stories behind the now iconic designs. A treasure trove of inspiration, this publication will be a must have reference for fashion and photography lovers alike, and for dedicated Chanel fans the world over.

Hardback | English ed. 305 x 240 mm 288 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 68,95 | Aug. 2022

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500024157.xml
The World According to Lee McQueen

Hardback | English ed. 335 x 245 mm | 352 p | 250 col.ill. | € 82,95 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500024249.xml
The Chanel Years

[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500024249 (HB|EN)
Marie Sophie Carron de la Carrière
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500024157 (HB|EN)
Louise Rytter
Lou Stoppard
In this volume, longtime Cardin collaborator Jean Pascal Hesse shares his intimate knowledge of the designer's early career in Paris and analyzes the creative influences and partnerships that inspired Cardin to design some of the most emblematic haute couture creations of the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the space age inflected Cosmocorps work, which presciently explored gender fluidity. Drawing from a broad range of sources that Hesse has been gathering for more than two decades.
Founded by Egyptian born Gaby Aghion in 1952, Chloé pioneered luxury ready to wear that was all about ease and femininity, offering an elegant haute bohemian style for the modern, liberated Parisienne. Resolutely contemporary, the house spotted and hired a young Karl Lagerfeld as early as the 1960s: he stayed for over two decades, achieving fame and recognition worldwide through his Chloé work, before Stella McCartney (and her then assistant Phoebe Philo) succeeded him straight out of fashion school. This definitive publication opens with a concise history of the house of Chloé before exploring the collections themselves, which are organized chronologically. Each new era in Chloé’s history opens with a brief overview and biography of the new designer, while individual collections are introduced by a short text unveiling their influences and highlights, and illustrated with carefully curated catwalk images. A rich reference section, including an extensive index, concludes the book.
by Jean Pascal Hesse, Pierre Pelegry
Catwalk: Chloé

Hardback | English ed. 270 x 195 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | € 63,50 | Oct. 2022 [F] Flammarion (Eng) 9782080281890 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500023839.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782080281890.xml
The first comprehensive overview of Chloé’s collections presented through catwalk photography, published in collaboration with Chloé to celebrate the house’s 70th anniversary in 2022.
The Complete Collections
[UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500023839 (EN)
Hardback | English ed.
277 x 190 mm | 632 p | 1100 col.ill. € 80,00 | Nov. 2022
Pierre Cardin Fashion Modern


WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500296424.xml
This lavish retrospective is a fitting tribute to a remarkable director, now into his sixth decade in cinema and showing no signs of slowing up. Leading film writer Tom Shone draws on his in depth knowledge and distinctive viewpoint to present refreshing commentaries on all twenty three main features, from the rarely shown Who's That Knocking at My Door (1967) to the latest release, The Irishman (2019), as well as covering Scorsese's parallel career as a documentary maker.
Damien MacDonald
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500252390 (HB|EN)
Martin Scorsese

Paperback | English ed. 220 x 160 mm | 256 p | 250 col.ill. | € 32,50 | Sept. 2022 [F] Flammarion (Eng) 9782080281876 (PB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9782080281876.xml

Anatomy of Comics
An illustrated history of the most important and exceptional comics of the past 150 years.
A compelling, fully illustrated account of the worldwide phenomenon of science fiction as depicted in film, literature and art, and the scientific advances and imagination behind it. Featuring a range of essays by experts on the subject as well as interviews with well known science fiction authors and reproductions of classic ephemera, graphics and objects throughout, it also focuses on the darker elements of this genre that have populated science fiction from the beginning.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780500252390.xml
Voyage to the Edge of Imagination
Paperback | English ed. 290 x 250 mm 304 p | 266 col. & bw ill € 41,50 | Oct. 2022
Glyn Morgan
Hardback | English ed. 245 x 210 mm | 288 p | 200 col.ill. | € 41,50 | Sept. 2022
Famous Originals of Narrative Art

Tom Shone
Science Fiction

This fully illustrated history of the world's best comic strip art, including Hy Eisman's The Katzenjammer Kids, which debuted in 1897, Charles Schultz's Peanuts (1950), Peyo's Smurfs (1958), Steve Ditko's Spiderman (1962), Jack Kirby's Black Panther (1966) or Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes (1985), or Chris Ware and his ACME Novelty Library (1993).
[UK] Thames & Hudson 9780500296424 (PB|EN)
A Retrospective
The Story Behind Every Track
No stone is left unturned across more than 600 pages, illustrated with incredible photography throughout.
[UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) 9781784728243 (HB|EN)
Coffee guru James Hoffmann runs Square Mile Coffee, as well as creating extremely informative, and popular, kit and coffee reviews for his YouTube and Instagram channels. In his latest book he demonstrates everything you need to know to make consistently excellent coffee at home.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781784727246.xml
Explore 35 of the most notorious, gruelling cycling climbs the world has to offer, guided by the experts at Cyclist, the world's biggest road cycling magazine.Routemaps, altitude charts, first hand ride reports and incredible imagery from the finest cycling photographers combine in this tribute to the peaks, hills and ascents that every cyclist should try.

How to Make the Best Coffee at Home
Hardback | English ed. 224 p € 24,95 | Aug. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 270 x 210 mm | 648 p | throughout col.ill. | € 74,50 | Oct. 2022
Prince: All the Songs
[UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) 9781784727246 (HB|EN)
We all expect to be able to buy an excellent cup of coffee from the many brilliant coffee shops available. But what about the coffee we make at home? Shouldn't that be just as good?
Including: Koppenberg, Belgium
[UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) 9781784728090 (HB|EN)
Cyclist Climb
The Most Epic Cycling Ascents in the World
Benoît Clerc
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781784728243.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781784728090.xml
James Hoffmann
Hardback | English ed. 224 p € 39,95 | Oct. 2022

Spanning nearly 50 years of albums, EPs, B sides, and more, read the full story behind all of the songs that Prince ever released. Moving chronologically through his epic back catalogue, expert author Benoît Clerc analyses everything there is to know about each song and session.

Helga Prignitz Poda
Eckhard Hollmann
The Painter & Her Work
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791389110.xml
Paperback with flaps | English ed.210 x 170 mm | 112 p | 55 col.ill. | € 13,50 | Aug. 2022 [UK] Prestel + 9783791387949 (PB+|EN)

Few painters have been as celebrated and adopted into popular culture as Frida Kahlo often to the detriment of her amazing achievements as a painter. In this striking volume, one of the world's foremost scholars on Kahlo's art looks past the hype to focus on the artist's technique and motifs. A rich and rewarding exploration of an artist all too easily reduced to a single narrative, this nuanced study is also an exquisitely produced celebration of Kahlo's genius.

Hardback | English ed. 280 x 230 mm | 264 p | 175 col.ill. | € 48,50 | June 2022 [UK] Prestel 9783791379609 (HB|EN)

Hardback | English ed. 170 x 170 mm | 736 p | 365 col.ill. | € 23,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Prestel + 9783791389110 (HB|EN)

Alexander Adams
A Painting a Day 100

I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C
As functional as it is beautiful, this substantial book presents some of the world’s greatest art in an elegant package that will look good at home or in office. Every day offers a different, exquisitely reproduced artwork from variety of eras, genres, and media; quotations to ponder, surprise, and delight; and ample space to record birthdays, anniversaries, and other important dates as well as personal notes and reflections. Year in Art
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791387949.xml
Frida Kahlo
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791379609.xml
Elegant and enlightening, affordable and compact, this introduction to the master of Surrealism helps unlock the mysteries behind Magritte's famous imagery. Once derided as shocking and indecipherable, the work of Rene Magritte has now become part of the lingua franca of the Instagram age. Works such as The False Mirror, Time Transfixed, and The Treachery of Images are culturally familiar, but not widely understood. of Art: Magritte
I04 ‐ MODERN ART ‐ 20th C

Phillip Prodger
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791388991.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791387826.xml
Newton, Riviera
Prints Among Men

A Global History of Pattern in Menswear

An Alternative History of Photography

Hardback | English ed. 270 x 210 mm | 224 p | 250 col.ill. | € 52,50 | Sept. 2023 [UK] Prestel + 9783791388182 (HB|EN)
From suits to socks, tuxedos to ties, this is an utterly unique and visually exciting look at how fashionable men have been rocking polka dots, plaids, and paisley at home, at work, and at play throughout history and across the globe. Nothing embraces the post Covid aesthetic like a good print, and as gender specific rules become increasingly irrelevant, today's men are flaunting colorful patterns as proudly as ever before.

The real history of photography is a vast collection of inter‐ connected stories stretching from East Asia to West Africa, from New Zealand to Uzbekistan. It parallels acknowledged greats with forgotten masters, and lesser known works with regional champions. It is a complex interplay of fine art, scientific, anthropological, documentary, and amateur traditions forged by women and men alike.
Hardback | English ed. 280 x 240 mm 256 p € 52,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Prestel + 9783791387826 (HB|EN)
Matthias Harder, Guillaume de Sardes, Helmut Newton

Hardback | English ed. 260 x 200 mm 352 p | 150 col.ill. | 150 bw ill. € 45,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Prestel + 9783791388991 (HB|EN)
Photographs by Helmut Newton,

Kit Neale
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791388182.xml
Helmut Newton was in his sixties and already a well established photographer when he and his wife moved to the French Riviera. At an age when many people would consider retirement, Newton instead plunged headfirst into one of the most prolific and liberating stages of his career. The city of Monaco was the perfect backdrop for his fashion photography, and it also provided him with a wealth of subjects for his famous portraits, including the stars of the Ballet de Monte Carlo and the Princely Family.
24 Contemporary Graffiti and Mural Artists from around the World
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791388953.xml
Hardback | English ed. 305 x 235 mm 240 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 39,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Prestel + 9783791388953 (HB|EN)

If street art is, in itself, an act of rebellion, it is tragically ironic that the genre seems dominated by men. This exciting book is an important first step in shedding light on the substantial number of women who are gaining fame in the street art world. It brings together the work of 24 artists, through dazzling photographs of their work and intimate portraits of their lives based on interviews collected by award winning journalist Alessandra Mattanza.
Ortrud Westheider, Michael Philipp, Daniel Zamani
Jean Michel Basquiat Of Symbols and Signs

300 x 245 mm | 256 p | 180 col.ill. | € 52,50 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Prestel + 9783791379579 (HB|EN)
Though his all too brief career ended when he died at age 27, Basquiat left behind an enormous legacy not only in the number of works he produced, but also in the messages he encoded around political, social, racial, and cultural issues. This exciting book shows how Basquiat used an intricate network of signs and symbols to challenge the very system that made him a darling of the art world.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791379579.xml
The Shape of Freedom International Abstraction after 1945

Hardback | English ed. 300 x 240 mm | 256 p | 180 col.ill. | € 52,50 | July 2022 [UK] Prestel + 9783791379487 (HB|EN)
Alessandra Mattanza, Stephanie Utz
Expo:09/09/2022 08/01/2023, Albertina Modern, Vienna Dieter Buchhart, Antonia Hoerschelmann, Klaus Albrecht Schröder
Women Street Artists

Hardback | English ed.
Following World War II, Western painting went in completely new directions. A young generation of artists turned their backs on the dominant styles of the interwar period: Instead of figurative representation or geometric abstraction, painters in the orbit of Abstract Expressionism in the US and Art Informel in Western Europe pursued a radically impulsive approach to form, color, and material. As an expression of individual freedom, the spontaneous artistic gesture gained symbolic significance.
Expo: 04/06/2022 25/09/2022, Museum Barberini, Potsdam, Germany
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791379487.xml
240 x 170 mm | 128 p | throughout
| Sept. 2022
‐Paolo Parisi Hardback | English ed. 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | throughout €col.ill.24,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Prestel + ISBN: 9783791388434 (EN) II12 ‐ COMICS ‐ ART WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791388434.xml

Prestel graphic novel: Keith Haring.

Banksy is arguably the most well known street artist of all time. But we don’t actually know who he is. This is just one of many contradictions that are addressed in this enormously compelling graphic biography. When two young Londoners are caught spray painting graffiti on a city wall, they get to know each other while detained by the police. After they are released, they decide to make a film of Banksy’s life, tracing the arc of his career as they travel through the streets of London. Readers will learn not only of Banksy’s politically charged art and the causes he championed, but also of its worldwide dissemination, museum exhibitions, and record breaking auctions. While readers may not learn Banksy’s true identity, this uniquely graphic form of storytelling communicates the artist’s belief that art is for everyone, speaks to everyone, and is owned by everyone.

[UK] Prestel + ISBN: 9783791388816 (EN)
II12 ‐ COMICS ‐ ART WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783791388816.xml 103
The Story of His Life
Prestel graphic novel: His Name Is Banksy

From his boyhood days spent drawing compulsively through his tragic death, the trajectory of Keith Haring’s life is a story of incredible achievement, luck, opportunity, and extraordinary commitment. This graphic novel looks at every stage of that life, exploring his early influences, the roots of his activism, and his close friendships with other artist contemporaries. It shows readers what it was like to be part of New York City’s vibrant downtown art scene in the 1980s the nightclubs, art openings, the rise of hip hop and how world events, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall; the escalation of the nuclear arms race; apartheid; and the dawn of the climate crisis played into his work. They’ll learn how Haring’s own battle with AIDS fueled his advocacy for education and research, and they’ll get to know the figures who were most influential to his work‐ from Warhol to Basquiat, Fab Five Freddy to Madonna. Packed with key cultural reference points as well as the artist’s own reflections, this graphic biography makes for compulsive, eyeopening reading.
Text: Francesco Matteuzzi. Illustrations: Marco Maraggi
Hardback | English ed.
This study of Freud’s portraits surveys seven decades of activity, from the early 1940s to the artist’s death in 2011 and features 130 paintings, drawings, and engravings. A series of previously unpublished interviews with Michael Auping held between May 2009 and January 2011 reveal Freud's opinions on the complex relationship the artist builds with his model, on the difficulty of painting nudes and self portraits, and on the painters he admired most.
Hardback | English ed. 295 x 227 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | € 59,50 | Oct. 2022
Edited by Sarah Howgate. Interviewer Michael Auping. Contributions by John Richardson
Hardback | English ed. 381 x 305 mm | 288 p | 336 col.ill. | € 119,00 | Dec. 2022

I03 ‐ 19th CENTURY ART
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780789214409.xml
[US] Abbeville Press (ACC) 9780789214409 (HB|EN)
Sarah E. Thompson
Ratcliff expertly evokes the expatriate American milieu into which the artist was born, and offers penetrating insights into every phase of his career, every aspect of his work. Now, for the first time, this landmark monograph is offered in a special oversize format, with all of its 310 illustrations reproduced in stunning full colour, many at full page size, allowing the reader to appreciate the master's every brushstroke.
Japanese binding | English ed. 228 x 178 mm | 176 p | 120 col.ill. | € 40,00 | Nov. 2022 [US] Abbeville Press (ACC) 9780789214393 (JAP.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9788874396221.xml
Including three frameable prints
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780789214393.xml
[IT] 5 Continents Editions (ACC) 9788874396221 (HB|EN)
Carter Ratcliff
Lucian Freud. Portraits

Pictures of the Floating World An Introduction to Japanese Prints

John Singer Sargent Masterpiece Edition


In this attractive volume, Sarah E. Thompson, curator of Japanese art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, provides a highly readable overview of the cultural and artistic history of ukiyo e, showcasing 120 exceptional prints from the museum's world class collection, by masters including Utamaro, Hokusai, and Hiroshige. She explores each of the principal genres in turn: beauty and fashion, the kabuki theatre, landscape, nature, history and literature, and fantasy.
12/02/2023, Royal Academy of Arts, London
[UK] Royal Academy (ACC) 9781912520909 (HB|EN)
The Lammermuirs
The South African artist William Kentridge Hon RA was born in Johannesburg in 1955 and lives and works there to this day. He is internationally renowned for the expressionism of his work in numerous media, among them charcoal, printmaking, sculpture and film, as well as his acclaimed theatrical and operatic productions. As elusive as it is allusive, Kentridge's art is shaped by apartheid and grounded in the politics of the post apartheid era, and in science, literature and history, while always maintaining space for contradiction and uncertainty.
Making Modernism

William Kentridge

Hardback | English ed. 280 x 220 mm | 224 p | 248 col.ill.

[UK] Royal Academy (ACC) 9781912520916 (HB|EN)
[UK] Royal Academy (ACC) ISBN: 9781912520732 (EN)
Barbara Rae
Kähe Kollwitz, Paula Modersohn Becker, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin are among the exceptional artists associated with the emergence of Expressionism in Germany in the early decades of the 20th century. Each challenged prevailing ideals of feminine identity at a time of great societal change. As women, they were expected to marry and raise a family; some chose to, some did not. As ambitious artists, they wanted to work
Hardback | English ed. 270 x 230 mm | 144 p | 120 col.ill. | € 32,95 | Nov. 2022

This handsome volume reproduces a wide selection of her intensely colourful images, with an introduction by the art critic Duncan Macmillan, Emeritus Professor of the History of Scottish Art at the University of Edinburgh, and accompanying photographs, maps and historical information.

Dorothy Price, Chantal Joffe RA, Shulamith Behr, Sarah Lea

Paula Modersohn Becker, Käthe Kollwitz, Gabriele Münter and Marianne Werefkin
I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART Expo: 24/09/2022 ‐ 11/12/2022, Royal Academy of Arts, London WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781912520732.xml 105

Expo: 12/11/2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781912520909.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781912520916.xml
In a brilliant exposition of Kentridge's output, Stephen Clingman undertakes a series of enquiries, of walks around the artist and his practice, through the various layers and linkages, crossings and connections of his art. As he proceeds, he considers Kentridge's themes, explores them and proceeds by association to others. Along the way, overlaps, thought collages, allusions and assemblages come together to create a connective, dimensional way of thinking inspired by Kentridge's own habits of creation.
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 235 mm 128 p € 39,80 | Aug. 2022
€ 40,00 | Sept. 2022
Stephen Clingman
A World History of Photography

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788841221.xml
The Power of Photography
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788841795.xml

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780789213433.xml 106
Peter Fetterman
Hardback | English ed. 230 x 200 mm | 256 p | 120 col.ill. | € 40,00 | June 2022 [UK] ACC Art Books 9781788841221 (HB|EN)

This carefully curated selection offers an inspiring overview of the medium while paying homage to masters of the art. From the bizarre Boschian fantasies of Melvin Sokolsky to the haunting humanity of Ansel Adams's family portraits; from Miho Kajioka's interpretation of traditional Japanese aesthetics of to the joyful everyday scenes of Evelyn Hofer; from rare interior shots by famed nude photographer Ruth Bernhard to Bruce Davidson's wistful depiction of young men playing ballgames on a street..
Paperback | English ed. 297 x 223 mm 748 p | 900 col. & bw ill € 56,90 | May 2022 R/P [US] Abbeville Press (ACC) 9780789213433 (PB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 325 x 285 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. | € 66,00 | Oct. 2022 [UK] ACC Art Books 9781788841795 (HB|EN)

Bill Schwartz
Historic Milestones in NASA’s Human Space Flight
Naomi Rosenblum's classic history of photography traces the evolution of this young art form chronologically and thematically. Exploring the diverse roles that photography has played in the communication of ideas, Rosenblum devotes special attention to topics such as portraiture, documentation, advertising, and photojournalism, and to the camera as a means of personal artistic expression. Her text is illustrated with nearly nine hundred images by photographers both celebrated and little known.
Out of this World
5th Edition by Naomi Rosenblum
This book celebrates NASA throughout the years, from its inception to its 60th anniversary in 2018, and beyond. A visual tour de visual force, the book collects high resolution NASA photos of historic significance; from rarely seen photos and the words of President John F. Kennedy commanding the space race, to the many triumphs and tragedies of the Apollo Missions, moon landings, the International Space Station, space shuttles, journeys to Mars and explorations of our galaxy's outer reaches.

Edited by Iconic Images. Consultant editor Steve Parke
Prince: Icon

The Definitive Photographic Collection
[UK] ACC Art Books 9781788841788 (HB|EN)
The style of time Evolution of Wristwatch Design, 1900 to the Present
I10 ‐ WATCHES https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788841955.xml 107
Hardback, x mm 272 p € 66,00, Oct. 2022 ISBN: 9781788841955 (EN)
II15 ‐ MUSIC ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788841788.xml
Hardback | English ed. 325 x 285 mm | 252 p € 66,00 | Oct. 2022 ACC Art Books 9781788841818 (EN)
Hardback | English ed. 195 x 290 mm 304 p | 120 bw ill. € 46,50 | Sept. 2022
Denis O'Regan joined the band in France, where they were filming their New Moon On Monday video, and stayed with them until the end of the tour. His unprecedented access to the band gives the Careless Memories book an insight into the lives of Simon, Nick, John, Roger and Andy as they won hearts around the world. It documents the excitement of the shows and the hysteria and mayhem that surrounded them.
Duran Duran Careless Memories

[UK] ACC Art Books
Denis O’Regan
This sumptuous and luxuriously produced volume gathers portraits, album covers, photographs of performances and rehearsals, rarely seen private moments, and candid snapshots of Prince, one of the greatest singer songwriters of his generation. This collection from ACC Art Books & Iconic Images ‐ publishers of the bestselling book Bowie: Icon ‐ was curated in consultation with Steven Parke, and its impact is both powerful, and inspiring. With images by renowned and little known photographers from around the world, close friends, and colleagues, the result is the most opulent visual anthology of Prince that has ever been published. Accompanying personal essays and reflections offer unprecedented insight into what he was like: from memories of the earliest days in Minneapolis to touring the world, each contributor shares their memories and experiences of working with ‐ and knowing ‐ this legendary artist.
This book covers the art of watch manufacture as well as 60 great models, covering both their technical evolution and style trends. In each chapter in depth studies will guide the reader to the history of the most important manufacturers, the personalities linked to the models treated, technical innovations, styles of the period, or records achieved by the wristwatches: from the watch that helped Charles Lindbergh during the first transatlantic solo flight, to the one worn by Sir Edmund Hillary by Mara Cappelletti
II15 ‐ MUSIC ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788841818.xml

Hardback | Eng. ed. 298 x 248 mm 324 p € 59,50 | Aug. 2022 R/P [UK] ACC Art Books 9781851499168 (HB|E)
An unrivalled icon of grace and femininity, Audrey Hepburn is perhaps the most beloved star in the history of cinema. She enchanted millions of people with the sweetness of her smile and her inimitable style and was able to renew her image throughout the decades, anticipating fashion trends and establishing a new ideal of beauty. This volume retraces Hepburn's incredible rise, from the early years to her worldwide fame.
Simon de Burton journeys through some of the most coveted cars of the twentieth century. From the Alfa Romeo 6C to the Porsche 996 GT3, the author has chosen cars from each decade from the 1930s to the early 2000s, his choices made from the perspective of the enthusiast and collector. All are considered 'milestone' cars and all have risen substantially in value in the past five to ten years.
Hardback | English ed. 325 x 275 mm | 300 p | 100 col.ill. | € 79,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] ACC Art Books 9781788841948 (HB|EN) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ MUSIC WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788841948.xml
Terry O'Neill (1938 2019) was one of the world's most celebrated and collected photographers. No one captured the frontline of fame so broadly ‐ and for so long. Terry O'Neill's Rock 'n' Roll Album contains some of the most famous and powerful music photographs of all time. At the same time the book includes many intimate personal photos taken 'behind the scenes' and at private functions. Terry O'Neill photographed the giants of the music world ‐ both on and off stage.

Classic Cars

Paul Newman: Blue‐Eyed Cool

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781851499168.xml
Audrey Hepburn’s Life in Pictures 280 x 230 mm p € 46,50, Oct. 2022

Terry O’Neill’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Album
Simon de Burton
A Century of Masterpieces
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788841672.xml
Throughout his career, Newman was extensively photographed: these images enriched film audiences' connection to him as a cool and graceful presence both on and off screen. Milton Greene, Douglas Kirkland, Lawrence Fried, Terry O'Neill, Al Satterwhite and Eva Sereny are amongst the photographers who worked with Newman on and off set across his career. With comment and contributions from the photographers, Paul Newman: Blue Eyed Cool, gathers together portraits, stage, racing and on set photography...
James Clarke
Chiara Pasqualetti Johnson
ISBN: 9781788841917 (EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ CINEMA9781788841917.xml
Hardback | English ed. 325 x 285 mm 252 p € 59,95 | June 2022 [UK] ACC Art Books 9781788841672 (HB|EN)
[UK] ACC Art Books Hardback,
Our Fair Lady
Serge Bellu
Paperback | English ed. 280 x 210 mm 288 p € 19,50 | May 2022
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781864709124.xml

[UK] Images (ACC) 9781864709124 (HB|EN)
Ranch Land: Wagonhound

Anouk Krantz
Curves: Norway

In the world of grand touring cars, Aston Martin occupies a special place. The English firm has always distinguished itself by its restraint, by the elegance of its creations, by the discretion of its style, by a reserve rarely observed in a universe that willingly abandons itself to exuberance. This book is devoted to DB models. David Brown relaunched the brand with emblematic cars, including some models that later became legendary, like the famous DB 5 of James Bond.

Hardback | English ed. 355 x 280 mm 240 p € 86,50 | Sept. 2022
Stefan Bogner
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 235 mm | 176 p | throughout col.ill. | € 45,95 | Sept. 2022
[G] Delius Klasing (ACC) 9783667116796 (PB|EN)
From DB2 to DBX
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9783667116796.xml
In Ranch Land: Wagonhound, Anouk Krantz's beautiful photography reveals the daily and seasonal rhythms of the ranch and the daily lives of its men and women cowboys, whose long hard days ‐ starting in the dark and finishing in the dark ‐ involve everything from cattle driving to branding to training the best quarter horses in the country and more. Set in a stunning large format book, these photographs and the stories offer an inspiring new perspective into today's cowboy/ranching culture.
[UK] Images (ACC) 9781864709469 (HB|EN)
Norway has long been an insider tip among road lovers. The Trollstigen is often mentioned in the same breath as legendary passes all over the world. It's important to know that whether you move on two wheels or four, there is so much more to discover here. Curves has set out in search of the absolute highlights and presents exactly that here: breath taking views, endless winding roads, and gastronomic highlights ‐ all combined to create a travel guide of a very special kind.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781864709469.xml
Aston Martin

Meik HardbackWiking|English ed. 235 x 181 mm 256 p € 24,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Penguin II049780241517970Life(HB|EN)-STYLE&INTERIOR
[UK] Images (ACC) 9781864709339 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241517970.xml

My Hygge Home
Our homes should be a place of comfort, a place to feel safe when we shut the door. Somewhere to be ourselves, to unwind and create special memories. Inspired by Danish design and traditions, this beautiful new book from Meik Wiking shares how to turn your home into a sanctuary and live like the happiest people in the world.

In today's fast paced world, there is a growing desire among many to get back to nature to decompress. Modern Cabins: Return to the Wild illustrates the infinite possibilities in beautiful, creative cabin designs set in idyllic natural locations for a great local vacation. A worldwide selection of projects, from Asia, to Europe, to the United States, illustrates how the challenges of small floor plans and compact interiors can become non issues with inventive design solutions and technology.
[UK] Images (ACC) 9781864709315 (HB|EN)
A gorgeous guide to the Danish art of creating a cosy, happy home from the internationally bestselling author, Meik Wiking.

Return to the Wild
Dev Desai
Romantic modern getaways, rustic retreats and cabin charmers around the world

Hardback | English ed. 230 x 190 mm 272 p € 39,95 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781864709339.xml
From rustic retreats and dreamy beach houses to retro getaways and bespoke architectural havens, the diverse range of love shacks featured here offer design inspiration for your home away from home. Providing readers with an authentic perspective, the 'shack' owners share design visions and decorating tips on how they, and you, can awaken one's inner stylist by combing the natural environment, local markets and vintage fairs to source love shack treasures.

Hardback | English ed. 280 x 212 mm 256 p € 39,50 | Sept. 2022
Love Shacks
Modern Cabins

How to Make Home Your Happy Place
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781864709315.xml
by Susan Redman
Taking you on a technical journey inside the engine of a luxury car, and into the lives of the most successful pioneers of automobile history, the book also explores the possibilities of the "green" motoring, the electric engine, and the uses of AI on the roads of the future. Combining rarely seen images, insightful biographies. and fascinating features, The Story of the Car illustrates how after over a century of progress and development, cars still convey that undeniable sense of freedom, passion, excitem
The Movie Book


Hardback | English ed. 199 x 155 mm 192 p € 19,50 | July 2022 [UK] Dorling Kindersley 9780241536391 (HB|EN)
Censorship of one form or another has existed almost as long as the written word, while definitions of what is deemed "acceptable" in published works have shifted over the centuries, and from culture to
Notorious ‐ Provocative ‐ Revolutionary
[UK] Dorling Kindersley 9780241562949 (HB|EN)
Giles Chapman
Hardback | English ed. 262 x 220 mm 360 p € 28,95 | April 2022 [UK] Dorling Kindersley 9780241471272 (HB|EN)

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241471272.xml
The Definitive History of Automobiles

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241536391.xml
The Story of the Car
II11c ‐ CINEMA WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241562949.xml Introducing a brand new edition to The Movie Book, an all encompassing guide that reflects on the history of cinema, from Hollywood's golden age of black and white films to international art house and modern day masterpieces. This fantastic book on films is your detailed guide to 100 seismic films, proving something for everyone to explore and love.
(New edition 2022) 111
Books explores why some of the world's most important literary classics and seminal non fiction titles were once deemed too controversial for the public to read ‐ whether for challenging racial or sexual norms, satirizing public figures, or simply being deemed unfit for young readers.
Banned Books

Hardback | English ed. 233 x 195 mm 352 p € 28,95 | April 2022

[UK] Dorling Kindersley 9780241487556 (HB|EN)
[UK] Dorling Kindersley 9780241503546 (HB|EN)
This beautifully illustrated book details the movement of people and cultures around the world ‐ from the early migrations of Homo erectus out of Africa 50,000 years ago to modern refugee movements and migrations. Through striking photographs, evocative illustrations, and intimate first hand accounts, Migrations explores famous (and infamous) movements in history, from the Middle Passage and Trail of Tears to the California Gold Rush and the Windrush generation.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241487556.xml
A History of Where We All Came From
[UK] Dorling Kindersley 9780241515754 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 261 x 216 mm 320 p € 34,95 | May 2022
Timelines of World History

The Tree Book

The Stories, Science, and History of Trees

Hardback | English ed. 288 x 245 mm 288 p € 36,50 | April 2022
From the origins of the first humans to the political turmoil of the 21st century, Timelines of World History brings the key milestones of world history vividly to life, explaining each of them through contemporary artworks, photographs, documents, maps, and artefacts. Selected images are showcased and analyzed, providing a detailed look at the stories of past events, while short profiles and mini timelines tell you everything you need to know about the key people, scientific and technological breakthroughs
A must have volume for budding botanists, this divine nature book showcases the rich diversity of trees, combining bewildering facts about spindles, spruces and more, with dazzling landscape photography of the endless species of trees found in forests and woodland all around the globe.

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241503546.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241515754.xml

Hardback | English ed. 289 x 243 mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. | € 43,50 | April 2022


Gardens of the World


A celebration of the world's most extraordinary green spaces, Gardens of the World will sow the seeds of adventure and inspire your next trip.
Go Here Instead
Adventures on Foot DK
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241568835.xml

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241559277.xml

Hardback | English ed. 261 x 216 mm 256 p € 28,95 | May 2022 [UK] D.K. ‐ E/W 9780241559277 (HB|EN)
It's hard to beat the satisfaction of travelling on foot ‐ settling into a steady rhythm, surrounded by incredible scenery, with the freedom to stop wherever takes your fancy. This endlessly rewarding ‐ and sustainable ‐ activity is joyously celebrated in Hike, which reveals 125 of the most scenic and spectacular walking trails across the globe.
Hardback | English ed. 240 x 203 mm 224 p € 28,95 | May 2022 [UK] D.K. ‐ E/W 9780241568835 (HB|EN)
LANDSCAPE DESIGN WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780241559246.xml

The Alternative Travel List

Featuring expert advice and practical tips, Go Here Instead will open your eyes to a wealth of new, and more sustainable, travel ideas. We've organized the book by types of trip, so whether you're a wannabe art critic, an outdoor adventurer or you're into your history, this epic bucket list has an alternative adventure for you. So, why not give Machu Picchu a break and travel beyond the crowds.
Hardback | English ed. 261 x 216 mm 256 p € 36,50 | April 2022 [UK] D.K. ‐ E/W 9780241559246 (HB|EN) &

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781802792744.xml
Karen Homer
Chanel is a house known for its signatures that not only changed the course of fashion history but still resonate today the Little Black Dress, the tweed suit, costume jewellery, Chanel No5.

A Little Book About Books: Quotes for the Bibliophile in Your Life

Stuart Codling
Hardback | English ed. 180 x 125 mm 160 p € 16,95 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Welbeck 9781802790160 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 139 x 116 mm 192 p € 7,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Welbeck 9781800691742 (HB|EN)
ISBN 9781802792614 (Paris)
The House of Chanel is synonymous with not one, but two, iconic designers. First there was Gabrielle, and then there was Karl.
The Story of Porsche

curves to the powerful engineering, Porsche has been synonymous with both luxury and race car manufacturing for more than 90 years. In The Story of Porsche, every component of the legendary brand's success is studied and celebrated, from turbulent beginnings to its ascent to the summit of car design and construction.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781800691742.xml
The Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld

Emma Baxter Wright
Hardback | Eng. ed. 180 x 125 mm 160 p € 16,95 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Welbeck 9781802792911 (HB|E)
by Orange Hippo!
It doesn't matter how well read you are, A Little Book About Books is packed full of quotes, one liners and famous lines from names that everyone will recognise. For bibliophiles, they'll enjoy recognising their favourite passages and authors, all captured in one place. For the less well read, they can enjoy discovering new, illuminating quotes and passages that will provide guidance, humour and food for thought.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781802790160.xml
Hardback | English ed. 180 x 125 mm 160 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 16,95 | Aug. 2022 [UK] Welbeck 9781802792744 (HB|EN)

The Fashion Story of the Iconic City

Little Book of London Style

The Story of Porsche is a compact and beautifully designed review of the iconic car
Mary Quant. Vivienne Westwood. Alexander McQueen. Martine Rose. The list of designers inspired by the chaos and expanse of London is almost endless, as are the styles and subcultures born there. From the punks of King's Road to the New Romantics of the Soho clubbing scene, London is entirely unique in its sprawling and often unorthodox range of fashions. So many of the world's most beloved fashion icons are also Londoners, with figures like Twiggy, Kate Moss, Alexa Chung, Siouxsie Sioux and many more.
A Tribute to the Legendary Manufacturer
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781802792911.xml 114

The Ghibliotheque Guide to Anime gives an accessible beginner's tour to the wildly popular world of Japanese animated cinema, charting a path that takes in everything from titans of the industry like Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Your Name, to deeper cuts, hidden gems, and future classics that any newcomer to the artform must see. Just as Ghibliotheque was a gateway into the fantastical worlds of Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro and Princess Mononoke.

The Ghibliotheque Guide to Anime

Vintage Tattoos

Phoebe Miller & Michael Reach
Princes and prisoners, sailors and criminals, showgirls and soldiers all have submitted to the tattooist's art. Vintage Tattoos features over 500 retro designs of every style and subject matter, including nautical, patriotic, hearts and banners, circus, girls, animals, roses, daggers and symbols. Legendary rock journalist Carol Clerk's curation of the most iconic traditional ink designs also includes profiles of history's illustrious tattoo artists, as well as interviews with contemporary practitioners.

Hardback | English ed. 198 x 129 mm
80s 115
subversive. Iconic and experimental. Radical
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781802790986.xml Seminal
underground. This
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781802792881.xml
Hardback | English ed. 237 x 185 mm
Symbols of rebellion worn by skaters, punks, metalheads and surfers alike T shirts have dominated pop culture for decades. Featuring stunning photographs of each tee, interviews from die hard collectors and rare treasures from celebrated designers, Cult T Shirts is a nostalgic dive into the world of 70s and 80s rebel subcultures.
A Sourcebook for Old School Designs and Tattoo Artists

192 p € 26,95 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Welbeck 9781802792881 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 237 x 185 mm 512 p € 32,95 | Aug. 2022 [UK] Welbeck 9781802790986 (HB|EN)
II06 ‐ FASHIONand and collection over 500 vintage T shirts has them all.

Cult T Shirts

Over 500 Rebel Tees from the 70s and
512 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 26,50 | July 2022 [UK] Welbeck 9781802792522 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781802792522.xml
The Essential Guide to Japanese Animated Cinema

Carol Clerk
Michael Leader and Jake Cunningham
[UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) 9780711269200 (HB|EN) CULTURE
The Language of Tattoos Symbols They Mean
[UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) 9780711267862 (HB|EN)
Richard Prince
and What
II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE ‐ CARS WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780760372012.xml There's something for every enthusiast in Corvette 70 Years, from the classic early generation models, to the legendary race cars, to the latest stunning mid engine C8. Climb in and fasten your seat belt. Chevrolet's Corvette is one of the most influential and iconic American automobiles in history, holding the mantle of America's sports car across seven decades. Corvette: 70 Years The One and Only 116

by Nick Schonberger (Author), Oliver Munden (Illustrator)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780711269200.xml The Art of Darkness is a visually rich sourcebook featuring eclectic artworks that have been inspired and informed by the morbid, melancholic and macabre. The Art of Darkness A Treasury of the Morbid, Melancholic and Macabre

Hardback | English ed. 304 x 247 mm 256 p € 58,50 | Nov. 2022
[UK] Motorbooks (Quarto) 9780760372012 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780711267862.xml
This beautifully illustrated guide delves deep into the meaning and significance of different tattoo symbols, exploring the rich cultural history around the world of this widespread form of body art.Tattoos are everywhere: one in three of us has at least one. Body art is one of the most popular ways of expressing our identity and beliefs. But whether we're aware of it or not when we choose a design to be permanently inked on our skin, a complex language of meanings lies behind the visuals we choose.

Hardback | English ed. 224 x 170 mm 224 p € 22,50 | Oct. 2022

Hardback | English ed. 228 x 178 mm | 240 p | throughout col.ill. | € 29,95 | Sept. 2022
S. Elisabeth

Celebrate 75 years of Ferrari with this complete, fascinating, and stunningly illustrated history highlighting the company's legendary sports cars and their worldwide influence.
Hardback | English ed. 222 x 285 mm | 336 p | throughout col.ill. | € 46,50 | Jan. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 304 x 247 mm 256 p € 60,95 | Nov. 2022
Celebrate six decades of outrageous, unforgettable Lamborghini cars with this must have volume featuring fascinating history and stunning
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780760376591.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780760372661.xml
[UK] Motorbooks (Quarto) 9780760372661 (HB|EN)
Randy Leffingwell
Stuart Codling
[UK] Quayside (Quarto) 9780760372098 (HB|EN) & LEISURE
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780760372098.xml
In Porsche 75th Anniversary: Expect the Unexpected, the full story of Germany’s fabled marque is revealed through a richly illustrated account of its most surprising moves and successes.

Ferrari 75 Years

Porsche: 75th Anniversary Expect the Unexpected

Ferruccio Lamborghini put the sports car world on notice with the introduction of his V 12 powered 350 GT. Just three years later, in 1966, Lamborghini stunned the automotive establishment with its introduction of the stunning Miura, the first mid engine production car. Rivals at the 1966 Geneva Auto Show could only stare in wonder.
[UK] Motorbooks (Quarto) 9780760376591 (HB|EN)
Lamborghini 60 Years

Hardback | English ed. 304 x 247 mm 240 p € 58,50 | Dec. 2022
A stellar combination of beauty, engineering, racing success, exclusivity, and Italian flair combine to make Ferrari the world's most legendary carmaker. All these traits coalesce in the form of Ferrari's road cars. No other sports car manufacturer has so consistently set the bar for style and performance.
Few other sports car manufacturers can match Porsche’s success in the showroom or on the world’s race tracks. In this stunning volume, automotive historian, photographer, and recognized Porsche expert Randy Leffingwell focuses his attention on the key moments and models that have created the Porsche legend.

Dennis Adler
Hardback | English ed.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788794770.xml
can be used
Be Bold with Colour and Pattern

[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small 9781788794770 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788794459.xml
How to create and curate your space
A Helpful Guide to Mindful Decorating
Interiors trends for 2022 include strong, saturated colour and eye catching patterns. Fresh greens, uplifting pinks and moody blues are in vogue and statement wallpapers are the next big thing, while trend forecasters predict that retro patterns such as polka dots are making a comeback. In Be Bold with Colour and Pattern, Emily embraces this individual, free spirited look and shows how to translate it to any home.
The Sensory Home

254 x 216 mm | 160 p | 220 col.ill. | € 32,95 | Sept. 2022
In hundreds of ravishingly beautiful, inspiring pictures, he encourages the reader to see the world through his own eyes, revealing the possibilities in even the humblest of items and putting together pieces to create striking, painterly and evocative rooms and displays. Chapter by chapter, Hans focuses on and discusses the key ingredients of his distinctive look: Nature, Texture, Colour, Textiles, Collecting and Display.

Hardback | English ed.
Hardback | English ed.
Details Make a Home
254 x 216 mm | 160 p | 210 col.ill. | € 32,95 | Aug. 2022
Pippa Jameson
Hans Blomquist
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788794466.xml
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small 9781788794466 (HB|EN)
The Sensory Home will help you to understand whether your home is for or against you. Layout, colour, texture, scent, lighting and more to create a calming or stimulating environment according to family's unique needs, including for neurodiverse individuals. This offers hints and tips as well as long term solutions to bring your vision warm, inviting and harmonious home to life.
254 x 216 mm | 208 p | 200 col.ill. | € 32,95 | July 2022
of a
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small 9781788794459 (HB|EN)
Emily Henson

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781912983568.xml 119
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781788794756.xml
Merlin Jobst
Kiley Mann, one of a long line of folk witches, brings a fresh poetic voice to the ancient practices of wortcunning, divination, spell crafting and folklore. Her traditions lie deep in the swamp lands, forests and mountains that surround her in her north American homeland. Intuitive and compelling, she explains her relationship with nature, the traditions that have been passed down to her from her mother and how she learnt about the land through her barefoot wanderings.
Hardback | English ed.

Do you know your Cappuccino from your Cortado or your Americano from your Affogato? When you're bleary eyed at the counter of the coffee shop, faced with a menu of drinks as long as the queue of people eagerly waiting for that morning blast of caffeine, the minutiae and mechanics of coffee can be a little mind bending. With this simple infographic guide that clearly explains the composition of all the main types of coffee drinks available, you'll be able to identify what you're sipping.
Spells, charms, divination, remedies and folklore

235 x 190 mm | 208 p | 100 col.ill. | € 32,95 | Nov. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 186 x 123 mm | 64 p | 30 col.ill. | € 11,95 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781800651692.xml
An illustrated infographic guide to what's in your cup

[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small 9781800651692 (HB|EN)
Tristan Stephenson
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781912983575.xml
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small 9781788794756 (HB|EN)

The Curious Bartender's New Testament is the sixth book by bestselling author and legendary bartender Tristan Stephenson. You'll find 64 of the finest cocktails there have been, are or will be: 32 perfected classics and 32 game changing reinventions of classics. Tristan makes you discover tastebuds and talents you never knew you had. You will find recipes for everything from a White Russian or a Tom Collins to an Umami Bomb or a Giraffe.
[UK] Ryland, Peters & Small 9781912983575 (HB|EN)
Kiley Mann Hardback | English ed. 235 x 190 mm | 144 p | 80 col.ill. | € 22,50 | Oct. 2022
The Curious Bartender In Pursuit of Liquid Perfection

Coffee Drinks
The History of Insults

Over 100 put downs, slights, and snubs through the ages
Ever wanted to 'air the lungs (1)' like a cowboy or dreamed of channelling the wit of [UK] Ryland, Peters & Small, 152 x 115 mm, 112 p, 40 col. & bw ill, Sept. 2022, € 11 ISBN: 9781912983568 (HB/ EN)
The Witch of The Woods
A History of the World in 99 Obsessions
manias are contradictory and multiple: deeply intimate, yet forged by the times we live in ‐ the commonest form of anxiety disorder, but rarely given a formal diagnosis.
I14 ‐ REFERENCE ‐ NON FICTION WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781800813359.xml

Which nations have launched which animals into space? Which countries' leaders don't believe in climate change?
Which migrating birds fly the furthest?
A Nature Atlas for Curious Minds

Wild Maps
Wellcome Collection: The Book of Phobias and Manias

An Atlas for Curious Minds

Brilliant Maps
Hardback | English ed. 255 x 200 mm | 323 p | throughout col.ill. | € 30,50 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Granta (Faber) 9781783787104 (HB|EN)
Kate Summerscale
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781846276637.xml
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 245 x 190 mm 232 p € 19,50 | June 2022 ‐R/P [UK] Granta (Faber) 9781846276637 (FLEXI|E)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781783787104.xml
Which nations have North Korean embassies? What percentage of young people live with their families? Which country lists volleyball as its national sport? How much does it cost to get a pint around the world? And where can you find lions in the wild? Revelatory, thought provoking and fun, Brilliant Maps is a unique atlas of culture, history, politics and miscellanea, compiled by the editor of the iconic Brilliant Maps website.
Ian Wright
Trade Pb (210x135) | English ed. x €256mmp19,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Profile (Faber) 9781800813359 (TPB|EN)
With maps that cover the entire globe, Wild Maps will delight lovers of maps and lovers of nature, as well as anyone with an interest in all that is fascinating and awe inspiring in the world around us. Beautifully designed and illustrated, Wild Maps is an eye opening celebration of our planet and the plants and animals with whom we share it.
Mike Higgins
Do you recoil in arachnophobic horror at the sight of a spider ‐ or twitch with nomophobia when you misplace your mobile phone? Do your book buying habits verge on bibliomania? Perhaps you find yourself mired in indecision and uncertainty? (Would it be reassuring to give this a name:
Blurb Your Enthusiasm A of

[UK] Europa Editions (Faber) 9781787704299 (PB|EN)
The Passenger: Volume 11 ‐ Space

The Passenger: Volume 10 ‐ California
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780861542178.xml
[UK] Europa Editions (Faber) 9781787704190 (PB|EN)
Louise Willder
Paperback | English ed. 240 x 160 mm 192 p € 27,95 | Oct. 2022
It Mean to Be a Solution? by Vanessa Hua • Shadows in the Valley by Francisco Cantú. Plus: direct democracy and unsustainable development, the rise of the Land Back movement, LA's cultural renaissance in the face of rampant gentrification, visions of the future, the death of the Californian Dream, the burning of Paradise and much more.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781787704299.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781787704190.xml
They're just a few words on books. But what are blurbs really doing (other than trying to twist your arm)? This book is all about those 100 or so words that take seconds to read but can make a world of difference ‐ and what they tell us about literary history, the art of writing, authors from George Orwell to Zadie Smith, genres from children's fiction to bonkbusters, cover design, the dark arts of persuasion and even who we are as readers.
Hardback | English ed. 198 x 129 mm 352 p € 22,50 | Aug. 2022 [UK] One World (Faber) 9780861542178 (HB|EN)

Paperback | English ed. 240 x 160 mm 192 p € 27,95 | Aug. 2022
In the 1960s, the rivalry between the superpowers brought us into space, adding a whole new dimension to human life. The last frontier was open: between 1969 and 1972 twelve men (but no women) walked on the moon. No one has since. The space race revealed itself for what it really was: a political and military competition.
Literary Persuasion 121
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781838857660.xml
Hardback | English ed. 240 x 162 mm 272 p € 25,95 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Canongate (Faber) 9781838852931 (HB|EN)
Before the celebrated late career world tours, before the Grammy awards, before the chart topping albums, before 'Hallelujah' and 'So Long, Marianne' and 'Famous Blue Raincoat', the young Leonard Cohen wrote poetry and fiction and yearned for literary stardom. In A Ballet of Lepers, readers will discover that the magic that animated Cohen's unforgettable body of work was present from the very beginning.
Leonard Cohen ‐ A Ballad of Lepers

Revenge of the Librarians
Faith, Hope and Carnage
From the acclaimed author of Sabrina, Nick Drnaso's Acting Class creates a tapestry of disconnect, distrust, and manipulation. Ten strangers are brought together under the tutelage of John Smith, a mysterious and morally questionable leader. The group of social misfits and restless searchers have one thing in common: they are out of step with their surroundings and desperate for change.
Cartoons by Tom Gauld
Acting Class
Created from more than forty hours of intimate conversations with the journalist Seán O'Hagan, this is a profoundly thoughtful exploration, in Cave's own words, of what really drives his life and creativity. The book examines questions of belief, art, music, freedom, grief and love. It draws candidly on Cave's life, from his early childhood to the present day, his loves, his work ethic and his dramatic transformation in recent years.
Hardback | English ed. 250 x 215 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. | € 29,95 | Aug. 2022 [UK] Granta (Faber) 9781783788392 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781783788392.xml
Nick Drnaso
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781838858216.xml
Hardback | English ed. x €304mmp28,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Canongate (Faber) 9781838857660 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 140 x 245 mm | 180 p | throughout col.ill. | € 25,95 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Canongate (Faber) 9781838858216 (HB|EN)
Some particularly favoured targets include the pretentious procrastinating novelist, the commercial mercenary of the dispassionate editor, the wilful obscurantism of the vainglorious poet.
Nick Cave & Sean O'Hagan


An unprecedented glimpse into the formation of the legendary talent of Leonard Cohen.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781838852931.xml
Tom Gauld returns with his wittiest and most trenchant collection of literary cartoons to date. Perfectly composed drawings are punctuated with the artist's signature brand of humour, hitting high and low. After all, Gauld is just as comfortable taking jabs at Jane Eyre and Game of Thrones.
A Novel and Stories

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The Lives of Lucian Freud
William Weaver Paperback | English ed. 198 x 129 mm 704 p € 20,50 | Sept. 2022 [UK] Bloomsbury 9781408850954 (PB|EN)
A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's singular aesthetic ‐ inspired by her wildly popular InInstagram2018,without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message "Hello Everybody!"
Youth: 1922 ‐ 1968
Hardback | English ed. x €432mmp32,95 | Nov. 2022 [UK] Bloomsbury 9781526650986 (HB|EN)
Bringing together two virtuoso artistic talents, as Kate Greenaway Medal winner Jim Kay is joined by acclaimed guest illustrator Neil Packer, winner of the 2021 Bologna Ragazzi Award for non fiction. Prepare to be enchanted once again as Jim Kay depicts J.K. Rowling's wizarding world with the dazzling artistic alchemy fans around the globe have come to know and love, perfectly complemented by Neil Packer's own unique and eclectic illustrations, skilfully woven into the heart of the story.
A Book of Days Patti Smith

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781526650986.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781408850954.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781408845684.xml
J.K. Rowling. Illustrated by Jim Kay
Hardback | English ed. 267 x 226 mm € 54,50 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Bloomsbury 9781408845684 (HB|EN)
J.K. Rowling & Jim Kay ‐ Illustrated Edition

Though ferociously private, Lucian Freud spoke every week for decades to his close confidante and collaborator William Feaver ‐ about painting and the art world, but also about his life and loves. The result is this a unique, electrifying biography.

JapanEasy Bowls & Bento

[UK] Hardie Grant Hardback, 177 x 140 mm 160 p, throughout col.ill. € 16,95, Oct. 2022 ISBN: 9781784885489 (EN)

World Cocktail Adventures 40 Destination‐inspired Drinks

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/II01 ‐ DRINKS9781784883478.xml
ISBN: 9781784885694 (EN)
Rachael Cohen
[UK] Hardie Grant
Home by the Sea: The Surf Shacks and Hinterland Hideaways of Byron Bay is a beautiful interiors book that opens the doors to a range of diverse and inspiring homes in the burgeoning creative community of Australia's Byron Bay. Take an insider's tour of eighteen homes belonging to interior and fashion designers, artists, makers and more. Home by the Sea tells the stories of these homes and the people who live there ‐ uncovering, in the process, that there is so much more to Byron Bay than its natural beauty.
Everyday Plant Magic is a modern guide to enhancing your life through the magical energy of nature, from choosing the right plant for your spiritual needs to understanding where best to place it and how to harness its power.

Natalie Walton Hardback | English ed. 270 x 215 mm | 272 p | throughout col.ill. | € 38,95 | Nov. 2022 [UK] Hardie Grant 9781743798256 (HB|EN)
Loni Carr & Brett Gramse
Hardback, 248 x 190 mm 224 p, throughout col.ill.
Tim Anderson shows you how you can build your own delicious bowl from scratch as well as how you can construct your very own bento (Japan's beloved and beautiful lunch boxes) from the comfort of your own home. Fun to make (and eat) JapanEasy: Bowls & Bento celebrates the versatility, simplicity and joy of Japanese food. This is everyday self care and self love, in bowl and bento form. Tim will show you just how easy it is to cook your very own Japanese meals any time of day.
II07c ‐ MIND, BODY, https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/SPIRIT9781784885489.xml
€ 32,95, Oct. 2022
[UK] Hardie Grant
Tim Anderson
Everyday Plant Magic Change Your Life Through the Magical Energy of Nature
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781743798256.xml
Home by the Sea
ISBN: 9781784883478 (EN)
Starting with the basics, Dan covers the essentials of a home bar, from equipment and glassware to spirits needed, also including his own recipes for syrups, sours and brines. The cocktail list will have you powering through that leftover vodka you've had gathering dust in the kitchen in no time! From classic tipples to batch drinks for a crowd, hair of the dog hangover cures, inventive new drinks, seasonal hits, tropical tasters and more, this is the bible of cocktails.
World Cocktail Adventures is a virtual cocktail tour in book form by creative duo Loni Carr and Brett Gramse of The Whiskey Ginger. Each chapter focuses on a different spirit tequila, whiskey, rum, vodka, gin and speciality with a total of 40 unique cocktail recipes featured.
The Surf Shacks and Hinterland Hideaways of Byron Bay

The Ultimate Book of Cocktails Over 100 of the Best Drinks to Shake, Muddle and Stir

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/II01 ‐ COOKBOOKS9781784885694.xml

176Hardback,p€20,00,Aug. 2022 ISBN: 9781741177954 (EN) II01 ‐ DRINKS & TRAVEL https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781741177954.xml
[UK] Hardie Grant
Hardback, 225 x 175 mm 256 p, throughout col.ill. € 23,95, Sept. 2022
Dan Jones
€ 32,95, Sept. 2022
Over 15 Projects Designed to be Printed by Hand
[UK] Hardie Grant
Packed with ideas for enjoying and using spices, Spice is much more than your average recipe book. Mark Diacono shares the techniques at the heart of sourcing, blending and using spices well, enabling you to make delicious food that is as rewarding in the process as it is in the end result. Focusing on the familiars including cumin, turmeric, vanilla, pepper and cinnamon, Spice will also open the door to some lesser known spices such as grains of paradise, asafoetida, tonka beans and passion berries.
Frida: Style Icon
I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE ‐ WITTY BOOKShttps://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781787136403.xml
[UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant)
Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About the Science No One Ever Talks About
[UK] Hardie Grant 9781784884970 (HB|E)
Mark Diacono
II08 ‐ TRAVEL ‐ GUIDES https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781741177862.xml
Rude Science follows in the flatulent footsteps of Fartology, taking on those unmentionable body substances with which we're all so familiar, but rarely talk about in polite company. It's packed with weird and wonderful facts about our bodies and the disgusting gloops and gunks we ooze every single day. Reclaim your bodily functions with fun and scientific facts that will fascinate kids and adults alike.

Frida: Style Icon charts Frida's fashion evolution through 50 beautifully illustrated style moments including pieces from her famous wardrobe, her most iconic looks and her own special kind of styling. From embroidered blouses and traditional Tehuana dresses to indigenous treasures and jewellery strung by Frida herself, this book showcases how Frida used her style as a means of personal and political expression.

[UK] Quadrille (Hardie Grant)
Stefan Gates Rude Science
Ultimate Road Trips USA & Canada

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781784884970.xml
Andrew Collins
A Cook's Companion
Rowan Sivyer
ISBN: 9781787136403 (EN)
A Celebration of the Remarkable Style of Frida Kahlo
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/II09 ‐ HOBBY9781784885182.xml
Including epic journeys like California's Highway 1, the Canadian Rockies, coastal New England, Hawaii and Alaska, each chapter features route maps and colour photos. This guide also has descriptions of all the must see highlights including short hikes, family friendly attractions and world class museums, and the best places to eat and sleep, from quirky diners and hip cafes to retro cool motels, cosy cabins and stylish glamping resorts.
Hardback, 180 x 130 mm 128 p, throughout col.ill.
€ 17,50, Oct. 2022
Hardback | Eng. ed. 217 x 147 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill. | € 17,50 | Jun.2022
ISBN: 9781741177862 (EN)
[UK] Hardie Grant Flexi (Pb luxe),
Modern Block Printing

by Charlie Collins (Author)
ISBN: 9781784885182 (EN)

https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/II01 ‐ COOKERY9781787136434.xml
Rowan Sivyer demonstrates the versatility of this beautiful medium through 16 easy projects: from greeting cards to printing on fabric and clay, to ideas for making homewares such as cushions and lampshades and even making your own unique Christmas ornaments and gift wrap. Starting with the techniques, the easy to follow instructions take you through every step of the process, including choosing and caring for tools, through design essentials, carving and printing techniques.
Paperback with flaps, 253 x 201 mm 144 p, throughout col.ill. € 20,95, Sept. 2022
Hardback, 270 x 180 mm 272 p, throughout col.ill. € 32,95, Sept. 2022 ISBN: 9781787136434 (EN)


[US] Aperture (Ingram) 9781597115407 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 230 mm 808 p | 619 col. & bw ill € 155,00 | Aug. 2022 [US] Aperture (Ingram) 9781597115414 (HB|EN)
A richly illustrated chronology serves as the
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781597115407.xml
of Diane
Text by Judy Glickman Lauder, Anjuli Lebowitz, and Adam D. Weinberg. Foreword by Mark Bessire.
Hardback | English ed. 324 x 244 mm 352 p | 300 col.ill. | 200 duotone
Photographs by August Sander. Edited by Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne. Text by Gabriele Conrath Scholl, Susanne Lange

A in
the history of modern art, People of the 20th Century presents the fullest expression of the German photographer August Sander's lifelong work: a monumental endeavor to amass an archive of twentieth century humanity through a cross section of German culture. Sander photographed subjects from all walks of life, capturing bankers and boxers, soldiers and circus performers, farmers and families, to create a catalog of the German people, arranged by their profession, gender, and social status. August Sander: People of the 20th Century A Cultural Work in Photographs 126
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781597115414.xml
Expo: 30/09/2022 ‐ 15/1/2023, Portland Museum of Art, Maine
Presence is a thrilling immersion into the personal collection of photographer and humanitarian Judy Glickman Lauder. This stunningly designed album showcases the imagery of beloved and influential photographers of the twentieth century, such as Berenice Abbott, Richard Avedon, Henri Cartier Bresson, Imogen Cunningham, Nan Goldin, Susan Meiselas, Gordon Parks, Sebastião Salgado, Weegee, and James Van Der Zee.
Photographs by Diane Arbus. Texts by Doon Arbus, Sarah H. Meister, Sandra S. Phillips, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Neil Selkirk, and Elisabeth Sussman. Design by Yolanda

[US] Aperture (Ingram) 9781597115384 (HB|EN) definitive biographical reference on Arbus and her work.An irresistible object containing trove of more than 500 duotone winning anniversary of Diane Arbus's exhibition Museum of Modern Art, New York. narrative core Arbus. Revelations
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781597115384.xml The
€ill.92,50 | Sept. 2022
title, newly back in printAperture is proud to bring this best selling and indispensable title back into print, coinciding with the fiftieth
at the
Hardback | English ed. 290 x 230 mm 228 p | 160 col. & bw ill € 56,50 | Sept. 2022
a treasure
groundbreaking solo
and four color images. A best selling and award
The Photography Collection of Judy Glickman Lauder
[US] Random House US 9781684058785 (PB|EN)
Papercuts is what Kurt Vonnegut, James Baldwin, and Virginia Woolf would play if they were alive, locked in a room together, and forced to play a card game. This party game for bibliophiles and pop culture fanatics follows an intuitive and popular game format, similar to Apples to Apples: the dealer lays down a Question card and each player must fill in the blank with one of the five Answer cards in their hand. What ensues is an endless loop of hilarious literary jokes and gut-busting gameplay.

Ex Libris 50 Postcards

offers up a professionally produced series of photos imagining just what these wacky ideas (and plenty more) couldlook like.
Francois Schuiten & Benoit Peeters
II10 ‐ GIFTS ‐ Paper Goods
[US] Random House US Game / Puzzle, 143 x 94 mm 300 p € 21,95, Aug. 2022 ISBN: 9780593236468 (EN)
Graham Johnson & Rob Hibbert
A Party Game for the Rude and Well Read
Illustratior: Francois Schuiten. Text: Benoit Peeters
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781684058785.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780593235928.xml
Roland de Cremer is a young man who has just been assigned to the Center of Cartography in Sodrovno Voldachia. It's a secluded place that is usually insulated from the outside world. But something is happening out there.
The boxed set contains fifty postcards offering two each of twenty five cover interpretations of literary classics featured in Ex Libris The other side includes a thoughtful quote from Kakutani's essay about the book with plenty of room for writing a message.
Rejected Books

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780593235416.xml
Michiko Kakutani
A collection of forty hilariously unrealistic, totally cringe worthy covers for books that will never, ever be published from the authors of Images You Should Not Masturbate To. This collection of imagined book covers will have you scratching your head and guffawing with every page turn. Though Pranks with Sausages and Holy Bible II don't actually exist, Rejected Books
Send and receive gorgeous literary postcards featuring book recommendations from Pulitzer Prize winning literary critic Michiko Kakutani and stunning original cover art from illustrator Dana Tanamachi
Box | English ed. 50 p € 22,95 | Oct. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 185 x 145 mm 112 p € 19,95 | Sept. 2022
[US] Potter Style (RH US) 9780593235416 (BOX|EN)
IDW Publishing
Paperback | English ed. 293 x 235 mm 144 p € 24,95 | Nov. 2022
Uncover the strange magic of The Obscure Cities and be awed by the beautiful art and incredible storytelling! Features a new English translation of the classic graphic novel.
[US] Potter Style (RH US) 9780593235928 (HB|EN)
Rumors swirl of attacks, assassinations, war, and rebellions bloodily put down.
The Most Unpublishable Books of All Time
The Invisible Frontier (Obscure Cities)

Included are a diverse collection of sustainable travel ideas and eco friendly destinations for all ages and interests. These experiences range from volunteering at a wildlife preserve or centering a foodie getaway around zero waste to visiting the Eden Project, a series of biomes and gardens in a reclaimed Cornwall mine designed to raise ecological awareness with educational programs and agriscaping.
Catalogue to a major traveling exhibition focused on Banksy, the world's most popular graffiti artist whose real identity remains unknown despite his domination of the global street art scene for over twenty five years. This accessible volume devoted to the enigmatic artist known as Banksy showcases pivotal works from private collections grouped to reveal Banksy's key reference points and creative drives.
The Bucket List Eco Experiences: Traveling the World, Sustaining the Earth

by Stefano Antonelli, Gianluca Marziani Hardback, 292 x 267 mm 240 p € 46,50, June 2022 ISBN: 9780847872763 (EN)
[US] Rizzoli
[US] Rizzoli
Banksy Building Castles in the Sky

Hardback, x mm 416 p, 250 col. & bw ill. € 38,95, Oct. 2022 ISBN: 9780789341228 (EN)
[US] Rizzoli
The largest presentation of works by Banksy, the world's most enigmatic yet highly sought after artist, including iconic works, installation objects, ephemera, and memorabilia all in one volume. Banksy is the world's most discussed artist of recent decades, and this seminal collection features hundreds of works including Girl with Balloon, Pulp Fiction, Love Is in the Air, Barcode, and Monkey Queen.
by Stefano Antonelli, Gianluca Marziani. Contributors: Acoris Andipa, Chiara Canali (Contributor), Pietro Folena Paperback, 280 x 242 mm 196 p € 42,95, July 2022
ISBN: 9780847872930 (EN)
An Unauthorized Exhibition

John Burns
II07D ‐ OUTDOOR LIFE | ESCAPE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781648291524.xml
By John Derian
II10 ‐ GIFTS ‐ Paper Goods
John Derian Sticker Book

€ 52,00 | Oct. 2022
Hardback | English ed.
[US] Artisan (Workman)
The bestselling magic of John Derian Paper Goods continues with a new season of stationery products, puzzles, and a very special sticker book that captures the ineffable appeal of his collectibles. The designs for this group are based around some of his most popular themes: the heavens and heavenly bodies, the rose nature's most enchanting flower and books and household objects. It offers a curated collection of over 500 stickers that allow adults and children to add a touch of beauty to any surface....
[US] John Derian Paper Goods (Artisan)
ISBN: 9781648291012 (EN)
Kinfolk Adventures
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781648291012.xml

Hardback | English ed.
€ 38,95 | Sep.2021
Filled with ideas and inspiration for where to escape, explore and unwind, Kinfolk Islands is full of vibrant photography, practical guidance and thoughtful reflections on why the idea of an island embodies so many of our travel fantasies. There are the charms of urban islands, including Montréal’s beloved Mile End neighborhood. Truly unexpected destinations, like Hormuz, off the coast of Iran, with its psychedelic scenery and bohemian spirit. Italy’s sun soaked Ponza, perfect for languid afternoons. And of course some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, from jungle fringed Caribbean sands to rugged and remote Nordic Believingshores.thattravel
Join Kinfolk on a journey off the beaten track, to islands big and small, in this collection of eighteen new travel stories. Whether it’s a tour of the otherworldly landscape of Socotra in Yemen or a hike into the old growth of a Japanese forest on Yakushima, each slow travel itinerary invites you to set sail at a pace that allows for true discovery and immersion.
215 x 140 mm | 256 p

210 x 164 mm | 320 p | 500 col.ill.
Kinfolk Islands
is as much a state of mind as an action or itinerary, Kinfolk celebrates a way of exploring our world that not only fosters thoughtful perspectives on the places we visit but also deepens our relationship with home once the journey is over.
ISBN: 9781648291524 (EN)

Odd Dot
Odd Dot
The third highly anticipated follow up in the smash hit series: The Antiquarian Sticker Book: Imaginarium

An Illustrated Compendium of Adhesive Ephemera
The Antiquarian Sticker Book: Imaginarium

An Illustrated Compendium of Adhesive Ephemera
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781250792556.xml
[US] Odd Dot (MM US) 9781250792556 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781250851895.xml
The Antiquarian Sticker Book
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781250208149.xml
[US] Odd Dot (MM US) 9781250208149 (HB|EN)
The Antiquarian Sticker Book: Bibliophilia

Hardback | English ed. 210 x 165 mm 300 p € 28,50 | March 2020
Peel and decorate or browse and feast on the beauty of this lush sticker book unlike any other. A treasure trove of authentic historical prints from the ornate Victorian era to the early twentieth century can live on its own, be used on stationery and wrapping, or create an amazing collage.

Odd Dot Hardback | English ed. 212 x 162 mm 288 p € 31,50 | July 2022 [US] Odd Dot (MM US) 9781250851895 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. 206 x 159 mm 300 p € 31,50 | Sept. 2021
An Illustrated Compendium of Adhesive Ephemera
The highly anticipated sequel to the most beautiful sticker book ever created has arrived with even more stunning sticker ephemera! Create a collage or adorn your junk journal with evocative imagery, letter forms, or literary quotes to add another dimension to your project. Peel and decorate or browse and feast on the beauty of this lush sticker book unlike any other.
Another world unfolds beyond each door. An ex resident of the online game world shoots the actual shops that lead to fantasy RPGs. This book is the second title of the Gateway to Another World series. This time, Daisuke Shimizu has collected photos of shops that make you feel as if you have wandered into a fantasy role playing game. All the shops introduced in this book are actually located in Japan and open to the public! These real shops will remind RPG players of a witch's lodge, an adventurer's pub,...

[JA] Pie Books 9784756255686 (PB|EN JA)
A visual color encyclopedia presenting more than 270 traditional Japanese colors arranged in order of the four seasons.The beauty of Japan is deeply rooted in the natural colors of the changing seasons. This book contains more than 270 of the most representative traditional Japanese colors, from spring to summer, autumn and winter, along with color charts, CMYK/RGB data, and explanations of color names in both Japanese and English. Photographs of ukiyo e, plants, annual events, and festivals,
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9784756255686.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9784756254788.xml
Fantasy Worlds Behind Shop Doors
Rooms: An Illustration and Comic Collection by Senbon Umishima
Paperback | Eng./ Jap. ed. x €208mmp41,00 | Nov 2022
The Beautiful Traditional Colors of Japan: A Beautiful Dictionary of Colors with Captivating Visuals

Senbon Umishima
Gateway to Another World Next Level
Paperback | Jap. ed. 210 x 148 mm 128 p € 34,50 | Oct. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9784756256454.xml
by Daisuke Shimizu
Paperback | Jap. ed. 279 x 182 mm 144 p € 36,95 | Nov. 2022 [JA] Pie Books 9784756256454 (PB|JA)
[JA] Pie Books 9784756254788 (PB|JAP)
"Rooms," Senbon Umishima's popular illustration series, which has received 158,000 likes and 31,000 retweets on Twitter, is now available as a book! The book is an omnibus style collection of illustrations and short comics showcasing the colorful and unique rooms and the everyday lives of the girls who live there. There is one story per room, with nine rooms featured in total. Each room is lovely enough to make anyone want to actually live in them. The layout of each room, the arrangement of the furniture,

The enduring children s tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, retold for a new generation in this spectacular full color deluxe gift edition, packed with beautiful artwork and seven interactive features created by the award winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise, MinaLima. Originally published in 1883, The Adventures of Pinocchio is one of the best known and beloved children's classics. Includes specially commissioned artwork and exclusive interactive features.
[US] Harper Collins US (HCUK) by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Minalima Hardback, 235 x 159 mm 224 p € 32,95, Nov. 2021 ISBN: 9780063208247 (EN)

[UK] Harper Collins UK 9780008505509 (HB|EN)
MinaLima: Snow White and Other Grimms' Fairy Tales

[US] Harper Collins US (HCUK) Carlo Collodi Minalima Hardback, 235 x 159 mm 288 p € 32,95, July 2020
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780008505509.xml
Minalima: The Adventures of Pinocchio

The ninth book in Harper Design's deluxe classic illustrated series a beautiful and inventive fresh take on the Grimm Brothers' fairy tales, including "Snow White," with stunning full color artwork and interactive features created by MinaLima, the award winning design studio behind the graphics for the Harry Potter film franchise. Snow White and Other Grimms' Fairy Tales includes twenty three of the most popular tales penned by German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, taken from their original collection..
The Magic of MinaLima is an illustrated history and celebration of Mina and Lima's twenty year evolution and groundbreaking vision. Their wondrous creations illuminate the Wizarding World as never before, and their commentary offers insights into the imaginative thinking that shaped their designs. The Magic of MinaLima. Celebrating the Graphic Design Studio Behind the Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

MinaLima, Nell Denton Hardback | English ed. 286 x 241 mm 224 p € 56,00 | Oct. 2022
Release SEPTEMBER 2022 of a live action computer animated version of Pinocchio ISBN: 9780062905277 (E)
[UK] V&A Museum (A&CB) Expo: 11/6/2022 ‐ 16/4/2023, V&A, London
Hallyu! The Korean Wave

[UK] V&A Museum (A&CB) Expo: 24/09/2022 ‐ 25/06/2023, V&A, London
Edited by Rosalie Kim Hardback, 272 x 241 mm 272 p, 200 col. & bw ill. € 39,50, Sept. 2022 ISBN: 9781838510336 (EN)


Africa Fashion

by Christine Checinska (Editor) Hardback, 290 x 230 mm 256 p € 40,00, June 2022 ISBN: 9781838510275 (EN)
South Korea has transformed from a country devastated by war in the late 1950s to a leading cultural powerhouse of the 21st century. Through the voices of fans, journalists, practitioners, novelists and academics, Hallyu! explores the makings of the Korean Wave of cultural influence over the interlinked creative industries of cinema, drama, music, fandom, beauty and fashion.
'We face forward' Kwame Nkrumah, 7th April 1960 From Amanda Gorman resplendent in kente cloth (courtesy of Virgil Abloh for Louis Vuitton) on the cover of US Vogue, to Michelle Obama's repeated outings in Duro Olowu, African fashion exerts worldwide influence. Africa Fashion discusses how radical post independence social and political re ordering sparked a cultural renaissance across the continent.
330 x 241 mm | 120 p | 100 col.ill. | € 45,50 | Nov. 2022
Hardback with dust jacket | English ed.
305 x 254 mm | 144 p | 80 col.ill. | € 45,95 | Oct. 2022 [US] Abrams 9781419759635 (HB+|EN)
Bird Planet

Rooftop Paris

Tim Laman
Laurent Dequick
Insects are at once our most familiar fellow animals and the most mysterious. They appear to be indestructible, but globally, insect species are quietly disappearing in the sixth mass extinction that life on Earth is undergoing today. This joint project of photographer Levon Biss and the American Museum of Natural History contains indelible images of 40 extinct or endangered species in the museum's collection, selected from its vast holdings by a team of scientists.
A Photographic Journey
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ NATURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781419759635.xml
Extinct & Endangered Insects in Peril

Levon Biss, American Museum of Natural History
Rooftop Paris presents a unique panoramic and comprehensive visual tour of one of the world's most iconic cityscapes. From eight vantage points above the city, photographer Laurent Dequick invites you to explore, from dawn to dusk, a seemingly infinite landscape of zinc, slate, and copper from which emerge the great gilded monuments of the City of Light. Short essays focus on key Paris neighborhoods, and call out captions on the photographs highlight notable buildings.

Hardback with dust jacket | English ed.
Hb with slip case | English ed.
Birder extraordinaire Tim Laman is a superstar in one of photography's most challenging pursuits: The quest to portray birds in the wild. Bird Planet takes the reader on a journey to the world of birds. Laman shares his best images of spectacular birds on all continents, from the scarlet ibis of the Orinoco River in Venezuela to rhinoceros hornbills in the rainforests of Borneo; his familiar backyard American birds are as memorable as his poetic red crowned cranes in snowy Japan.

I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ NATURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781419761492.xml
305 x 305 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. | € 52,00 | Nov. 2022 [US] Abrams 9781419761492 (HB+|EN)
[US] Abrams 9781419765131 (HB BOX|EN)
A Panoramic view of the city of light
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ TRAVEL WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781419765131.xml

Japanese Prints in Transition

Hardback | English ed. 329 x 203 mm | 128 p | throughout col.ill. | € 28,95 | Nov. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781951836986.xml
Expo: 22/10/2022 ‐ 1/1/2023, de Young Museum, Legion of Honor, San Francisco Rhiannon Paget
Since debuting in 2005, tokidoki has amassed a cult like following for its larger than life characters and has emerged as a sought after global lifestyle brand. Tokidoki has managed to develop commercial public collaborations with brands and organizations like Sephora, Levi's, MLB, the San Francisco Giants, and T Mobile, while also developing more artistic partnerships with Karl Lagerfeld and the Guggenheim museum, and crossovers with other iconic pop culture characters like Barbie, Hello Kitty, Marvel heroes, and Peanuts.
Simone Legno
Celebrate the history and explore the unique universe of tokidoki in this 400 page monograph Tokidoki, which translates to “sometimes” in Japanese, is an internationally recognized and iconic lifestyle brand based on the vision of Italian artist Simone Legno.

II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART ‐ ILLUSTRATION WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781419757112.xml 135

From the Floating World to the Modern World
Postponed ! by Simone Legno. Forword by Paris Hilton English ed. 400 p € 58,95 | June 2023 [US] Cernunnos (A&BC) ISBN: 9781419757112 (EN)
A stunning introduction to the history of Japanese printmaking. Featuring selections from the renowned Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts' permanent collection, Japanese Prints in Transition:Documents the shift from delicately colored ukiyo e depictions of actors, courtesans, and scenic views to brightly colored images of Western architecture, modern military warfare, technology (railroad trains, steam powered ships, telegraph lines), and Victorian fashions and customs.
[US] Abrams 9781951836986 (HB|EN)
Hardback | English ed. x mm | 256 p | 150 col.ill. | € 25,00 | Nov. 2022 [US] Chronicle Books 9781797218571 (HB|EN)
Lindsey Bro
Healing with Heat: Saunas, Hot Springs & Baths

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781849947862.xml
Hardback | English ed. 241 x 187 mm | 224 p | 125 col.ill. | € 28,95 | Oct. 2022 [US] Chronicle Prism 9781797216874 (HB|EN)

When we first move in to a new home, we have grand visions for our space. But time passes and drawers, closets, and cabinets fill until there's no space to put things away. A few years later, we look around and find the home we dreamt of is nowhere to be seen. In Love Your Home Again, mother daughter duo Ann Lightfoot and Kate Pawlowski teach us how to manage our homes in a modern, kind, and effective way.

Full of breathtaking photography and engaging stories, THERMAL is a celebration of the places, traditions, and mythologies surrounding the healing benefits of heat. Featuring more than 50 faraway locations from an ancient holy hot spring in Turkey to a cozy sauna on a snowcapped ridge in Alaska, plus pools, tubs, and more these pages overflow with idyllic landscapes and wanderlust inspiration.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797209906.xml
Hardback | English ed. 220 x 220 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | € 32,95 | Oct. 2022 [UK] Batsford (A&CB) 9781849947862 (HB|EN)
A celebration of Britain's diverse housing styles throughout the twentieth century and beyond. This illuminating book is a fascinating insight into Britain's built heritage and the diverse housing styles of the twentieth century. Redesigned and updated in a brand new edition, it showcases 100 houses, from throughout the 20th century and stretching into the 21st, that represent the range of architectural styles throughout the years and show how housing has adapted to suit urban life.

100 20th‐Century Houses
Taku Satoh
Love Your Home Again
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797218571.xml
Twentieth Century Society

The Japanese phrase hodo hodo originates in ancient times. When contemporary designer Taku Satoh applies it to his work, it means "just enough." Hodo hodo design deliberately holds back, leaving room for individuals to engage with objects according to their unique sensibilities. In the midst of a con sumerist age, Satoh has built an illustrious design career around this philosophy, creating iconic work in fashion, food, and architecture.
Ann Lightfoot and Kate Pawlowski
Organize Your Space and Uncover the Home of Your Dreams

Paperback | English ed. 178 x 127 mm | 144 p | throughout col.ill. | € 16,95 | Nov. 2022 [US] Chronicle Books 9781797209906 (PB|EN)
Reflections on the Japanese Philosophy of Hodo hodo
Just Enough Design
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797220017.xml
Paperback | English ed. 229 x 152 mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. | € 18,95 | Nov. 2022
In partnership with Abrams, Rolling Stone has created an oversized companion book to celebrate the all new 2020 list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, telling the stories behind every album through incredible Rolling Stone photography, original album art, Rolling Stone's unique critical commentary, breakout pieces on the making of key albums, and archival interviews. T
Janie Hendrix and John McDermott
Rolling Stone
JIMI significantly expands on the authors' previously published titles, including An Illustrated Experience, and features a new introduction by Janie, extensive biographical texts, and a trove of lesser known and never before published photographs, personal memorabilia, lyrics, and more. Additionally, JIMI includes quotations by legendary musicians, such as Paul McCartney, Ron Wood, Jeff Beck, Lenny Kravitz, Eric Clapton, Drake, Dave Grohl, and others who have spoken about Hendrix's lasting influence.


[US] Abrams 9781419758836 (PB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781419758836.xml
The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time

Questlove collects the 500 songs that have changed not just popular music, but also the world. Questlove's Music Is History is an in depth look into the 500 most influential songs in the history of music. Most famously known as a the drummer and joint frontman for the Grammy Award winning band The Roots, Questlove is also an astute musicologist and voracious historian.
Rolling Stone
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781419758775.xml
Hardback with dust jacket | English ed. 279 x 279 mm | 256 p | 200 col.ill. | € 46,50 | Oct. 2022 [US] Abrams 9781419758775 (HB+|EN)
[US] Chronicle Chroma 9781797220017 (HB|EN)
Music Is History Questlove

Hardback | English ed. x €306mmp52,95 | Nov. 2022
[US] Chronicle Books 9781797212937 (HB+|EN)
How We Roll
Get Your Sh*t Together is the first book that exclusively features recent artwork in color by beloved British artist David Shrigley. The volume celebrates Shrigley's absurd, deadpan sensibility through both his signature drawing style and accompanying text. Organized by chapters with titles such as "Stupid," "Nonsense," "Dirt," "Fear," "Paranoia," "Love," and "Self Delusion," this collection is sure to delight die hard Shrigley fans and new ones alike.

I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART ‐ POPULAR CULTURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797220024.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797210322.xml
Instead of drawing on esoteric bottles of liquor, complicated syrups, and obscure sodas, this book takes readers through the home bar bottle by bottle, ensuring that every ingredient is versatile enough to be used to the last drop. Building on a very basic cocktail pantry (of Angostura bitters, sugar, citrus), each chapter thoughtfully introduces a new bottle and explains how it opens new possibilities for cocktails.

A Bottle‐by‐Bottle Guide to Mixing Up Masterful Cocktails at Home
Hardback with dust jacket | English ed. 160 x 152 mm | 164 p | throughout col.ill. | € 16,95 | Sept. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 305 x 229 mm | 240 p | throughout col.ill. | € 33,95 | Oct. 2022
From rolling techniques to ast roll ology, interviews to do's and don'ts, quizzes to charts, this lively illustrated guide to all things joints has something for potheads and casual cannabis smokers alike. From the classic joint to The Scorpion, The Braid, The Holy Cross and beyond, How We Roll brings you the best and most important rolling techniques for your favorite herbal concoction, along with interviews, quizzes, charts, and eye catching original art throughout. Exploring the many unique approaches..
[US] Chronicle Chroma 9781797220024 (HB|EN)
Brett Adams
The Art and Culture of Joints, Blunts, and Spliffs

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797212937.xml

Hardback | English ed. x €304mmp23,50 | Dec. 2022
David Shrigley Get Your Shit Together 138

[US] Chronicle Books 9781797210322 (HB|EN)
Raising the Bar
Casey Schreiner, Liana Jegers
The Health and Wellness Guide for Hypochondriacs, Overthinkers, and Worrywarts

[US] Chronicle Books 9781797218243 (HB|EN)
Featuring 500 different ideas to get you writing or drawing, this boredom busting activity journal is the perfect antidote to the everyday doldrums. Work your way through this satisfyingly chunky paperback, one sketch or short story at a time—your brain cells will thank you!
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797214894.xml
Make Your Own Fun

Press pause, step outside, and look up. There is so much to gain by simply watching the clouds go by. This take anywhere guide invites readers to tap into the calming power of nature through the contemplative practice of cloud spotting. In these pages, nature lovers, adventurers, and mindfulness practitioners will delight in discovering different types of clouds, unique sky phe nomena, and the many benefits that come from slowing down long enough to notice them.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797218243.xml

Whether it's knowing when to curl up for a good nap or taking time out to sniff the catnip, cats know a thing or two about living your best life. Discover these hidden cats and their secret knowledge in CATFFIRMATIONS. Distract yourself from your troubles by searching for the hidden cats in every page of captivating minimalist artwork Repeat the affirmations to find your most centered and playful self.
Hardback | English ed. 154 x 152 mm 80 p € 15,95 | Sept. 2022 [US] Chronicle Books 9781797217727 (HB|EN)
Mindful Mantras to Awaken Your Inner Cat
[US] Chronicle Gifts 9781797214894 (JOURNAL|EN)
David Vienna
500 Things to Help You Write, Draw, and Get Unbored!
Pretty Sure You're Fine
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797217727.xml
Hardback | English ed. 152 x 102 mm 112 p € 13,50 | Oct. 2022
Cloud Spotting: Observe the Clouds to Quiet Your Mind

Pocket Nature Series
Chronicle Books
Journal | English ed. 203 x 152 mm 304 p € 18,95 | Nov. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 178 x 127 mm 144 p € 14,50 | Dec. 2022 [US] Chronicle Books 9781797217185 (HB|EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797217185.xml
Lim Heng Swee

From David Vienna, author of CALM THE F*CK DOWN, comes this fun counter argument to every wellness fad and lifestyle expectation, assuring readers that they're doing just fine as is! Packed with amusing yet comforting advice on topics from physical fitness and nutrition to motivation and work life balance, this is the place to turn for anyone who needs to quit worrying about the little stuff (and some medium stuff, too).

A Three Year Progress Journal
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797203744.xml
lined pages, 3 ribbon page markers, foil stamped case, bellyband
[US] Chronicle Gifts 9781797203744 (HB| )
Vegan Leather
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797200705.xml
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797213019.xml
Hardback | No text 114 x 114 mm 408 p € 18,95 | Oct. 2022
II10 ‐ Paper goods
This chunky noteblock is encased in a cloth "cover" with foil stamping and luminous gilded edges, giving it the look of a well loved vintage book. With over 400 perforated pages and a handy ribbon marker, it's perfect for capturing all your bookish ideas and thoughts.
Hardback | English ed. 164 x 105 mm 372 p € 18,95 | Oct. 2022 [US] Chronicle Gifts 9781797213019 (HB|EN)
unlined perforated pages
Hardback | English ed. 203 x 152 mm 144 p € 18,95 | Nov. 2022 [US] Chronicle Gifts 9781797200705 (HB|EN)
This sophisticated new rendition of the bestselling One Line a Day journal features a padded vegan leather case that feels traditional while offering modern touches. An elegant place to record daily reflections, each page features space to jot down a quick line every day over five years. As the pages fill, journalers will be able to look back on the events of the same date in previous years. This handsome diary will become a time capsule of five years of memories to cherish for a lifetime.

One Line a Day ‐
Bibliophile Noteblock

II10 ‐ Paper goods
This stunning journal prompts reflection on the past and intention setting for the future. Whether you're working on a big creative project, learning a skill, starting a routine, or putting new habits into practice, this journal is a place to begin the next chapter of your journey. Divided into three sections to be filled out over three years, this journal offers annually repeating questions that invite you to assess progress and highlights over the past year and to thoughtfully approach goals and dreams.
Jane Mount
Katharine Watson
lined pages, faux leather wrapped case, metallic edges, padded cover, Chronicle Books
Plan, Dream, Reflect

Jane Mount
Images and Inspirations from a Life of Radical Creativity 141
II09 ‐ PAPER, PENS & PENCILS https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797203720.xml
€p22,50 | Sept. 2022
Designed to mimic the look of a book stack, this set of four rectangular erasers features sleeves illustrated to resemble classic books. The erasers are tucked inside a die cut box with their "spines" facing out, making this the ultimate desk accessory for booklovers.
Bibliophile Erasers

[US] Chronicle Gifts Box, € 17,50, Nov. 2022 ISBN: 9781797203737 (EN)
Bibliophile Pencils 10 Graphite Pencils
By Darrin Zeer and Daisy Talleur Zeer
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797214320.xml
Box | English ed. x mm
52 cards, 12 page booklet

[US] Chronicle Gifts 9781797214320 (BOX|EN)
Work has changed, so it's time to change how we care for our bodies during work hours. From the bestselling author of Office Yoga comes this accessible yoga guide that works no matter where you find your desk. With 52 practices for yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, this deck offers exercises that can be done anytime, anywhere. Whether you need a stretch break or a mental reset, there is something for everyone‐ no mat required!
Desk Yoga Deck

Jane Mount
II09 ‐ PAPER, PENS & PENCILS https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797203737.xml

52 Simple Practices for Mental and Physical Wellness, No Matter Where You Work
Nestled in packaging that makes them look as if they're sitting among a stack of books, each of the 10 pencils in this set carries a bookish quote from literary classics like Pride & Prejudice and Moby Dick stamped in bright foil on the barrel.

[US] Chronicle Gifts
Box,10p€18,95, Oct. 2022 ISBN: 9781797203720 ( )
Hervé Tullet and Sophie Van Der Linden Hardback | English ed. 279 x 203 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. | € 39,50 | Nov. 2022 [US] Chronicle Books 9781797206110 (HB|EN) I05b ‐ ART THEORY WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797206110.xml Colorful and curious. Experimental and improvisational. Each of Hervé Tullet's creations, whether the bestselling children's book PRESS HERE or the internationally traveling Ideal Exhibition, breaks the boundaries of art. Tullet is a renowned author and artist who urges people of any age to create playfully and joyfully. In this deluxe volume part career spanning monograph, part artist's manifesto he shares his origins, his inspirations, and his methods alongside illustrations, sketches, fine art, and photo
Herve Art of Play

I05c ‐ POPULAR CULTURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797217475.xml
Box | No text 184 x 165 mm, 22 p € 28,50 | Aug. 2022 [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts 9781648961670 (BOX| )
Explore exciting iconic locations and scenes with your favorite comics characters in this interactive, all ages book of mighty Marvel mazes. Accomplish missions and locate key objects along the way while discovering the mysteries of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Wakanda, Asgard, and Doctor Doom's Castle. Follow the Guardians of the Galaxy to Knowhere, help the Avengers fight the Skrulls aboard their flagship, face fearsome Sentinels with the X Men in days of future past.

1000 piece Puzzle: In the Winter
Party Animals On the Go Magnetic Play Set
Box | No text 213 x 64 mm 1000 p € 19,95 | Aug. 2022 [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts 9781648961724 (BOX| )
Illustrated by Luci Gutiérrrez
22 stamps + 2 ink pads
Sean C. Jackson
Make fun and silly animal friends with this Party Animals Magnetic Play Set from Petit Collage. These animals are ready for a celebration! Mix and match the 38 magnetic pieces to get the party started! For ages 3+. Travel friendly tin packaging for on the go fun.

3 years and up
Puzzle: 63,5 x 51 cm Luci Gutiérrez
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781648961670.xml
Paperback | English ed. 254 x 254 mm | 64 p | 30 col.ill. | € 18,50 | Oct. 2022
[US] Chronicle Books 9781797217475 (PB|EN)
[US] Chronicle ‐Petit Collage Box, 161 x 163 mm 38 p € 17,50, July 2022 ISBN: 0810073341968 (EN)

As you piece together this richly layered 1000 piece puzzle, you'll rediscover charming reasons to love the wintertime. Spanish illustrator Luci Gutierrrrez brings her love of funny characters and fascinating details to this classic winter scene, and each silly moment will surprise and delight you. A man rolls around inside a snowball; Christmas trees sing; a skier goes up instead of down. This whimsical depiction of outdoor winter fun celebrates all the joy of the winter season !

A Christmas themed mix and match rubber stamp set for adults to create endless festive combinations. Jingle Stamps is a jolly collection of 22 shapes and textures waiting to be mixed and matched into any festive Christmas scene you can dream up. Triangles become santa hats or, when stacked vertically, evergreen trees. Dots and squares become wrapped gifts. The pieces of a candle can be repurposed into a decorative ornament. An assortment of shapes and textures offer infinite combinations and endless fun.

Marvel Mazes

Jingle Stamps

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781648961724.xml
1000 piece puzzle
Rainbow Portable Puzzle 500-Piece Jigsaw & Canvas Pouch

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781922417749.xml
Marvel at these four vintage national parks posters ‐ that we cut into a thousand little pieces. Putting it all back together is fun though, trust us. In fact, this 1000 piece panoramic puzzle by Brass Monk ey is the perfect way to enjoy some breathtaking views, without breathing exhaust fumes for 7 days. Road trips always sound way better on paper, just ask our parents.

Iconic Dogs
Game / Puzzle | No text € 24,95 | Sept. 2022
1000 piece puzzle
Catffirmations Portable Puzzle 500-Piece Jigsaw & Canvas Pouch

[US] Chronicle Gifts
This striking 500 piece jigsaw puzzle will immerse puzzlers in a kaleidoscope of rainbows. Featuring the vivid artwork of Kindah Khalidy, this puzzle promises a vibrant mental escape for art and color lovers. The stylish canvas pouch which houses the puzzle is perfect for tossing in luggage as travel entertainment or for repurposing as an exceptionally chic bag for cosmetics, pens, and all sorts of supplies.

Game / Puzzle, 222 x 195 mm € 25,00, Nov. 2022 ISBN: 9781797219455 (EN)
Game / Puzzle | No text € 24,95 | Sept. 2022
[US] Smith Street Books (A&CB) 9781922417756 (GAME| )
[US] Chronicle Gifts Game / Puzzle, 222 x 195 mm € 25,00, Aug. 2022 ISBN: 9781797217192 (EN)
LEGO® Minifigure Rainbow

Kindah Khalidy
[US] Smith Street Books (A&CB) 9781922417749 (GAME| )
LEGO Box | No text 230 x 280 mm | 1000 p | 1000 col.ill. | € 19,95 | Nov. 2022 [US] Chronicle Gifts 9781797214382 (BOX| )
[US] Brass Monkey (A&CB) €Puzzle28,95, Sept. 2022 ISBN: 9780735375833 (EN)
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797214382.xml
Iconic Cats
National Parks Panoramic Puzzle 1000 pieces
1000 Piece Puzzle
II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797217192.xml 143
Get ready LEGO® builders, the next challenge in the bestselling LEGO puzzle line is here! This 1,000 piece puzzle comes together to reveal a minifigure rainbow from the Collectible LEGO® Minifigure series with everyone's fan favorites, like Corn on the Cob Guy and Mr. Gold! Perfect for the whole family but just as fun to take on solo this challenging puzzle showcases the endless possibilities of LEGO creativity and the zany humor of the world's most collectible toy.
II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780735375833.xml WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781922417756.xml
Classic Cookbooks
Panoramic Puzzle ‐ 1000 Piece: Andrea Pippins Flowers In Your Hair

1000 piece Puzzle Pigology

WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781648961632.xml
Andrea Pippins
Puzzle: Stackable Sorting Trays

[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts 9781648961700 (BOX| )
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery Game / Puzzle, € 22,50, July 2022 ISBN: 9780735375789 (EN)

€ 22,50 | June 2022 [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery 9780735373211 (|EN)
[US] Chronicle ‐ Ridley's Games Game / Puzzle, 306 x 115 mm € 27,50, July 2022 ISBN: 0810073341784 (EN)
https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780735375789.xml WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9780735373211.xml
Puzzle ‐ 1000 piece: Star Wars Millennium Falcon (double sided)

Richard Baker
1000 piece Puzzle
Size puzzle: 63,5 x 51 cm
Classic Cookbooks Piece Puzzle features 42 amazing paintings of beloved classic cookbooks, ranging from the iconic, like The Joy of Cooking, The French Chef Cookbook, and The Edna Lewis Cookbook, to quirkier classics like Fabulous Fondues and Love and Knishes Each cookbook cover featured in this puzzle is intentionally painted to capture the telltale signs of wear from years of use in the kitchen.
size puzzle: 63,5 x 51 cm
[US] Princeton - Gifts 9781648961632 (GAME|-)
Piece together one of the fastest ships in the galaxy with this 1000-piece Star Wars Millennium Falcon Jigsaw Puzzle from Ridley's Games. The double-sided puzzle features an incredible illustration of the Millennium Falcon's exterior on one side, with the other side showing a schematic blueprint. The design reflects that of the iconic starship Millennium Falcon as it was piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Game / Puzzle | No text 213 x 64 mm , 1000 p € 19,95 | Aug. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781648961700.xml
Box, No text 290 x 213 mm, 1000 p € 19,95 | Aug. 2022
Catherine Davidson Cards | English ed. x 87 mm | 80 p | throughout col.ill. | € 27,50 | Sept. 2022 Abrams Image 9781419766060 (CARDS|EN)

Nicole Tersigni
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797216300.xml
Pairing classical paintings with sassy captions, Tersigni honors all sorts of sacred female friendships and the miscellaneous nonsense that brings women closer together. Focusing on five major friend types (the Work Friend, the Nurturing Friend, the Hide a Body for You Friend, the Up for Anything Friend, and the Super Honest Friend), Tersigni’s meme style humor perfectly captures all of the weird, intimate, cherished, and often laugh out loud moments that define female friendship.

[US] Chronicle Books 9781797216904 (HB+|EN)
Self‐Care in Underwear
From bestselling author Ton Mak, here is a quirky collection of 50 easy self care practices as demonstrated by one of her most popular Flabjack characters, No Pants Pansy. Via cute, dip in dip out vignettes, Pansy?who loves spending time at home and can usually be found in her undies?presents all the happiness inducing activities and self care practices you can only do in your personal space: Play with fluffy friends, procrastibake, foam roll, jade roll, just . . . roll.

Hardback with dust jacket | English ed. 228 x 178 mm | 40 p | throughout col.ill. | € 16,95 | Sept. 2022
Hardback | English ed. 96 p € 14,95 | Sept. 2022
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797216904.xml
[US] Chronicle Books 9781797216300 (HB|EN)
Nose picking? Nail biting? Wiping dirty hands on clothes? Instead of just deeming them "bad manners," award winning author illustrator Shinsuke Yoshitake encourages readers to consider the compelling reasons that may be behind these behaviors.This laugh out loud picture book unpacks the rea sons behind a variety of relatable behaviors. Clever and creative, it will inspire children and parents alike to expand their powers of reason and view their own habits in a new, humorous, forgiving light.
WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797214214.xml
II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES ‐ POPULAR CULTURE WEBSITE: https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781419766060.xml This 78 card tarot deck and guidebook is cat themed, combining ancient mysticism with feline illustrationsThis tarot deck and guidebook set is ideal for anyone seeking the knowledge and skills needed to learn the ancient art of tarot. Offering a fun clever take on the usual tarot deck, Cats Rule the Earth Tarot creatively reinvents the traditional cards with modern, quirky cat illustrations. Cats Rule the Earth Tarot 78 Card Deck and Guidebook for the Feline Obsessed 145

I Can Explain
Shinsuke Yoshitake
Friends to Keep in Art and Life

Ton Mak Hardback | English ed. 152 x 152 mm 120 p € 17,50 | Sept. 2022
[US] Chronicle Books 9781797214214 (HB|EN)

Vader and Son
2023 Wall Calendar: Grumpy Cat

Chronicle Gifts, 12 x 305 mm, 24 p, throughout col.ill., July 2022, € 18 ISBN: 9781797217017 (CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797217017.xml 146
Astrological Year
July 2022, € 18 ISBN: 9781797217086 (CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797217086.xml
2023 Daily Calendar: Liz Climo

ISBN: 9781797216515 (CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797216515.xml 2023 Wall Calendar: I Could Pee on This [US] Chronicle Gifts, 12 x 305 mm, 24 p, July 2022, € 18 ISBN: 9781797216539 (CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797216539.xml * 2023 Wall Calendar: LEGO Enjoy a full year of LEGO® inspiration! This vibrant calendar features bold brick based [US] Chronicle Gifts, 304 x 305 mm, 24 p, Aug. 2022, € 18 ISBN: 9781797216522 (CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797216522.xml 2023 Wall Calendar: Men to Avoid in Art and Life This calendar is the perfect present for Galentine's Day, Mother's Day, birthdays, or [US] Chronicle Gifts, 304 x 305 mm, 24 p, July 2022, € 18 ISBN: 9781797212906 (CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797212906.xml 2023 Wall Calendar: This Is My Bookstore

Bibliophile Diverse Spines

[US] Chronicle Gifts, 60 x 163 mm, 314 p, throughouth col.ill., Aug. 2022, € 18
Anne Taintor's vintage ladies serve up wicked wit, dark humor, and just the right dose of [US] Chronicle Gifts, 304 x 305 mm, 24 p, July 2022, € 18 9781797210674 (CAL/ EN)

From artist and writer Michelle Rial comes an engagement calendar featuring the [US] Chronicle Gifts, 152 x 203 mm, 176 p, throughout col.ill., July 2022, € 20 9781797216706 (HB/ EN)
(CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797217673.xml
2023 Wall Calendar:
2023 Wall Calendar: Anne Taintor
2023 Wall Calendar: Darth

[US] Chronicle Gifts, 30512 x 305 mm, 24 p, July 2022, € 18
2023 Wall Calendar:
This quirky wall calendar features scenes of animals of all kinds gracing the grandest [US] Chronicle Gifts, 130 x 152 mm, 316 p, throughout col.ill., Aug. 2022, € 18 9781797217673
2023 Engagement Calendar: Am I Overthinking This? weekly calendars for planning and scheduling

Look to the stars with the ASTROLOGICAL YEAR calendar. Unlike traditional calendars, [US] Chronicle Gifts, 304 x 305 mm, 24 p, July 2022, € 18 9781797216638 EN)

Diversify your reading list and stay inspired with this beautifully illustrated wall calendar Wall calendar, 12 x 12 in, full color illustrations throughout, Chronicle Books [US] Chronicle Gifts, 304 x 305 mm, 24 p,

2023 Daily Calendar: Disney A Year of Animation

ISBN: 9781797200927 (CAL/ EN) https://www.exhibitionsinternational.be/documents/catalog/9781797200927.xml *
[US] Chronicle Gifts, 305 x 305 mm, 12 p, throughout col.ill., Aug. 2022, € 18 9781797202891 (CAL/ EN)
International Sales Representatives
U.K.: ACC Art Books: E: orders@nbninternational.com - www.accartbooks.com/uk
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