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Art, p. 4 Photography, p. 22 Reference, p. 32 Food, p. 33 Drinks, p. 34 Architecture, p. 35 Design, p. 38 Fashion, p. 41 Lifestyle & Sports, p. 44 DIY, p. 47 Totes, p. 48 Popular Culture, p; 49 Music, p. 50 Cinema, p. 51 Literature, p. 53 Heritage & Local Interest, p. 54 Kids, p. 57 Calendars, p. 58 Colouring books, p. 64 Magazine OKV, p. 66
Expo: 6/5/2015 - 13/9/2015, Centre d'art de Hôtel de Caumont, Aix-en-Provence S.l.d. de Bozena Anna Kowalczyk Hardback | French ed. 290 x 240 mm 224 p | 100 col.ill. € 44,95 | April 2015 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462300835
Giovanni Antonio Canal, dit Canaletto (1697-1768), maître incontesté de la peinture de « vues » ou vedute, a magnifié Venise en la montrant avec une grande précision topographique et un traitement égalé de la lumière. Mais sait-on qu'il a commencé sa carrière de peintre à Rome, et qu'il a passé près de dix années de sa vie en Angleterre, peignant les rives de la Tamise à Londres et les châteaux des personnalités les plus en vue de la noblesse de l'époque ?
Canaletto Le Triomphe de la Lumière
Expo: 11/9/2015 - 25/1/2016, Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris Hardback | French ed. 290 x 240 mm 224 p € 44,95 | Sept. 2015 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462300774 I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART
Un panorama de l'art du portrait florentin au XVIe siècle, à travers ses grands thèmes et ses principales mutations esthétiques, du style sobre et austère des portraits de la République jusqu'aux représentations de la société florentine de la fin du XVIe siècle.
Le portrait florentin au XVIe siècle Bronzino, Salviati, Pontormo
Expo: 30/5/2015 - 30/8/2015, Musée des beaux-arts de Nantes Paperback with flaps | French ed. 290 x 230 mm 300 p | 300 col.ill. | 300 col. & bw ill € 29,00 | May 2015 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836630950 I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART
Le musée des beaux-arts de Nantes présente une sélection de cinquante chefs-d'oeuvre de peintres flamands et hollandais, principalement du Siècle d'Or, à l'occasion de la publication du catalogue inédit de ses peintures anciennes étrangères (près de 300 oeuvres).
Flamands et Hollandais La collection du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes
Series: Cahiers of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 100 col.ill. € 20,00 | June 2015 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836627820 I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART
Among the three most renowned Flemish Baroque painters Rubens, Van Dyck, Jordaens - Jacques Jordaens is undoubtedly the least studied, and therefore the least understood. He is often reduced to the role of talented genre painter, author of homely scenes like The King Drinks and As the Old Sing, So the Young Pipe. Yet the image of Jordaens as a poor man's Rubens however beloved - obscures the better part of his extensive and varied oeuvre.
Jacques Jordaens Allegories of Fertility in Brussels and London
edited by Stefano Grandesso Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 250 mm 304 p | 331 col. & bw ill € 38,00 | June 2015 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836629350 I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART
This volume is dedicated to Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770- 1844), a Danish sculptor of international fame during the XIX century. Born in Copenhagen in 1770, he spent more than forty years in Italy, maintaining a large workshop in Rome. When he eventually returned to his native land in 1838 he was more known in Europe than in Denmark. But in the following years it became rather vice versa.
Bertel Thorvaldsen 1770-1844
Expo: 6/3/2015 - 28/6/2015, Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht
Samen met de eerste tentoonstelling over Henri de Fromantiou, ziet bij deze gelegenheid ook de eerste monografie over de kunstenaar het licht. Met het voor u liggende boek wil het Bonnefantenmuseum deze kunsthistorische lacune opvullen. Er zijn verschillende hoofdstukken opgenomen die samen alle aspecten van deze breed georiënteerde man aan bod laten komen, zoals zijn leertijd, zijn aanstelling als hofschilder in Potsdam, zijn oeuvre en zijn rol als kunsthandelaar.
Henri de Fromantiou Vorstelijke Illusies
Anna Cecilia Koldeweij, Friso Lammertse, Volker Manuth, Fred Meijer, Monique Rakhorst, Viënna van Rosmalen Hardback | NL ed. 285 x 230 mm 124 p € 29,50 | April 2015 [NL] Bonnefanten Museum ISBN: 9789082296518 I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART
English ed.: ISBN 9789082296525.
Paperback | Eng. ed. 170 x 114 mm 256 p € 20,00 | April 2015 [BE] Occ. Publishers Belgium ISBN: 9789076417189 I03 ‐ ART HISTORY
This book turns traditional art history inside out. Not styles or forms or movements or artists or art theories are its point of departure, but the reason for being of art in civilization. Since the very beginnings of society art has raised and responded to the existential questions of the human kind. The history of the arts is the history of those questions and from that angle art should be presented: here it is.
Art is More J.L. Siesling
Hans Ulrich Obrist Paperback | Eng. ed. 229 x 153 mm 554 p € 35,00 | May 2015 [UK] Penguin UK ISBN: 9781846148279 I03 ‐ ART HISTORY
From world-renowned curator Hans Ulrich Obrist, Lives of the Artists, Lives of the Architects offers a unique opportunity to learn about the lives and creativity of the world's leading artists. Including David Hockney, Gilbert and George, Gerhard Richter, Louise Bourgeois, Rem Koolhaas, and Oscar Niemeyer, this is a wonderful and unique book for those interested in modern art.
Hans Ulrich Obrist Lives of the Artists, Lives of the Architects
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) en Edvard Munch (1863-1944) zijn beroemd om hun emotioneel beladen schilderijen en tekeningen, hun persoonlijke en vernieuwende stijl, en hun doornige levenspad. Zij streefden beiden naar een moderne uitdrukkingswijze in de kunsten, door existentiĂŤle en universele thema's in een expressieve picturale taal te behandelen. Ondanks treffende overeenkomsten in hun oeuvre en artistieke streven, en niettegenstaande dat zij dikwijls in een adem worden genoemd, werden zij nog nooit in een tentoonstelling naast elkaar gesteld. Het Van Gogh Museum en het Munchmuseet bundelden dan ook hun krachten om deze unieke tentoonstelling HQ FDWDORJXV WH YHUZH]HQOLMNHQ 'HSXLV SOXV G XQ VLqFOH (GYDUG 0XQFK HW 9LQFHQW YDQ *RJK VRQW UpXQLV GDQV XQ PrPH VRXIIOH &HV GHX[ DUWLVWHV TXL DLPDLHQW TXLWWHU OHV VHQWLHUV EDWWXV VRQW UpSXWpV O XQ HW O DXWUH SRXU OHXUV RHXYUHV pPRWLRQQHOOHPHQW FKDUJpV OHXUV VW\OHV QRYDWHXUV HW OHXUV YLHV WXPXOWXHXVHV 6 LOV RQW pWp FRQWHPSRUDLQV OHV GHX[ KRPPHV QH VH VRQW SRXUWDQW MDPDLV UHQFRQWUpV PDLV OHXUV LGpDX[ DUWLVWLTXHV HW OHXUV FRQYLFWLRQV SHUVRQQHOOHV SUpVHQWHQW G pWRQQDQWHV VLPLOLWXGHV 0XQFK D HQ RXWUH WURXYp HQ 9DQ *RJK XQ H[HPSOH SDUWLFXOLqUHPHQW LQVSLUDQW &HW RXYUDJH ULFKHPHQW LOOXVWUp pGLWp SDU 0DLWH YDQ 'LMN 0XVpH 9DQ *RJK $PVWHUGDP 0DJQH %UXWHLJ 0XVpH 0XQFK 2VOR HW /HR -DQVHQ ,QVWLWXW +X\JHQV SRXU O +LVWRLUH GHV 3D\V %DV /D +D\H HVW OH SUHPLHU j pFODLUHU HQ SURIRQGHXU OD SDUHQWp HQWUH OHV GHX[ DUWLVWHV
Munch - Van Gogh o.l.v. de Magne Bruteig and MaitĂŠ Van Dijk Expo: 7/5/2015 â&#x20AC;? 06/9/2015, Munch Museet, Oslo ~ 24/9/2015...17/1/2016,.Van.Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Hardback  | NL ed. 280 x 245 mm 256 p | 170 col.ill. ISBN: 9789462300798 (NL) | ISBN 9789462300811 (E) | iISBN 9789462300804 (F) | â&#x201A;Ź.39,95 | May 2015
[BE]  Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
De oase van Matisse biedt u een unieke kans om meer dan 100 werken van Henri Matisse (1869-1954) te bekijken. Het is voor het eerst in zestig jaar dat er een tentoonstelling van Matisse van dit formaat in Nederland te zien is. Ga mee op reis langs de veelkleurige topstukken van Matisse en werken van zijn tijdgenoten uit de vaste collectie van het Stedelijk Museum. Matisse (1869-1954) verbeeldde oosterse naakten, mooie stoffen, tapijten, kamerplanten en idyllische landschappen. Hij zocht daarbij naar een zo volmaakt mogelijke overeenstemming tussen kleur en vorm. De tentoonstelling laat zien dat Matisse tot zijn dood is blijven zoeken naar het minimum dat nodig is voor het weergeven van een lichte, vrolijke zorgeloosheid: 'de oase van Matisse'. De oase van Matisse kent een unieke opzet: een selectie topwerken van Matisse worden gepresenteerd samen met werk van tijdgenoten, leermeesters en andere navolgers uit de eigen collectie. Hiermee plaatst de tentoonstelling het werk van Matisse en dat van de andere kunstenaars in een nieuw licht. Het tijdsbestek van de vaste collectieopstelling, van 1861 (Courbet) tot Cobrabeweging in de Jaren 50, weerspiegelt bovendien min of meer de levensjaren van Matisse. De indeling van de vaste collectie leent zich daarom goed voor een andere benadering van het (late) werk van Matisse. Net als Matisse volgt de bezoeker de weg naar de oase, het paradijs van Matisse dat de Franse meester uitdrukte in effen kleurvlakken en gebogen lijnen, arabesken genaamd. Het middelpunt van de tentoonstelling is een van de publiekslievelingen uit de collectie van het Stedelijk: het monumentale papierknipsel De parkiet en de zeemeermin (1952-1953). Dit topstuk wordt samen met andere knipsels van Matisse gepresenteerd en met daarvan afgeleide, zelden getoonde werken van textiel en gebrandschilderd glas. Geniet thuis na van de veelzijdige en inspirerende reis door het oeuvre van Matisse, en lees meer over de belangrijkste thema's en beslissende momenten in zijn leven en werk. Met een voorwoord van Beatrix Ruf, een introductie door curatoren Bart Rutten en Geurt Imanse, en essays van experts Patrice Deparpe en Maurice Rummens.
De oase van Matisse Vormgeving: Mevis & Van Deursen Herdruk. Eerste druk: April 2015 ‐ Expo: 27/3/2015 ‐ 16/8/2015, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 235 mm 288 p | 150 col.ill. ISBN: 9783863357283 (NL) | ISBN 9783863357269 (E)| € 39, 80 May 2015 ‐ R/P
[NL] Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Edited by Museum Folkwang Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 228 mm 376 p € 50,95 | May 2015 [G] Steidl ISBN: 9783869308999 I04 ‐ MODERN ART
With essays by Geneviève Aitken, Christoph Dorsz, Sandra Gianfreda, Claire Guitton, Gregory Irvine, Peter Kropmanns, Michiko Mae, Ursula Perucchi-Petri, Belinda Thomson and further texts by Sabine Bradel, Ricard Bru, Claire Guitton, Ulrike Hofer, Antje Papist-Matsuo, Mario-Andreas von Lüttichau
Monet, Gauguin, Van Gogh Japanese Inspirations
Expo: Reopening of the, Musée Rodin, Paris Raphaël Masson, Véronique Mattiussi. Foreword by Jacques Vilain Hardback | Eng. ed. 255 x 197 mm 248 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 32,50 | Sept. 2015 [F] Flammarion (Eng) ISBN: 9782080202390 I04 ‐ MODERN ART
This definitive monograph from the Musée Rodin in Paris on the pioneering artist who paved the way for modern sculpture is now available in an affordable compact format. Revered today as the greatest sculptor of all time, whose expressive style prefigured that of the modernist movement and abstract sculpture, Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) stirred up much controversy during his lifetime, and his sculptures often met with hostility and incomprehension from his peers.
Expo: 4/7/2015 - 27/9/2015, Royal Academy of Arts, London Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 240 mm 208 p | 130 col.ill. € 56,95 | July 2015 [UK] Royal Academy ISBN: 9781910350218 I04 ‐ MODERN ART
Despite living through some of the most dramatic changes of the twentieth century, Stanley Anderson CBE (18841966) created a vision of an essentially timeless English rural tradition in his etchings and woodcuts This catalogue raisonné gathers together the complete oeuvre of Andersons prints, from the townscapes of his early career to the fascinating twenty-year study of rural crafts, including hedge-laying, carpentry and barrel-making, that he carried out towards the end of his life.
Joseph Cornell Wanderlust
Hardback | Eng. ed. 219 x 159 mm 224 p € 24,50 | April 2015 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844037803 I04 ‐ MODERN ART
A most striking, design-led reference book, A to Z Great Modern Artists features artist and graphic designer Andy Tuohy's portraits of 52 key modern artists, rendered in each artist's own characteristic style - including Aleksandr Rodchenko in his constructivist poster style, Andy Warhol as a classic repeat print, and Barbara Hepworth illustrated to resemble one of her distinctive bronze and rod sculptures.
A-Z Great Modern Artists UK
Expo: Mons 2015, 20/6 6/9/2015, BAM, Mons Carine Fol (s.l.d.) Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 280 x 220 mm 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 39,00 | May 2015 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720122 I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART
À travers les contributions des directions des plus grandes collections d'Art Brut européennes? cet ouvrage propose une approche historique et critique de l'Art Brut et « outsider » ainsi qu'un large choix d'oeuvres emblématiques et originales. La première partie du livre, L'Art Brut hier et aujourd'hui retrace l'évolution du « sens » conféré(s) au fil du temps aux créations issues des marges. Le second volet , « Interaction », réunit les réalisations issues d'un processus créatif...
L'Art Brut en question Outsider Art in Question (Collection Strates)
Expo: 14/03/2015 30/08/2015, Musée F. Rops, Namur - Mons 2015 Joanna De Vos Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 240 mm 280 p | 170 col. & bw ill € 32,00 | April 2015 [F] Somogy ISBN: 9782757209400 I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART
Namur, partenaire de Mons 2015 invite Jan Fabre pour une rencontre posthume avec Félicien Rops : un parcours inédit dans les musées et dans la ville, à la découverte des univers audacieux et interpellants de ces deux artistes belges. La conversation entre Rops et Fabre, au-delà du temps, va déranger, secouer, interroger.
Rops | Fabre Facing Time
64 + 32 + 96 + 96 pagina's Boxed | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 243 x 150 mm 288 p € 49,95 | Sept. 2015 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462300880 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
A first set of volumes introduces Work/Travail/Arbeid and traces the preparations for it as well as its connection to Vortex Temporum. Following the exhibition, a second set of volumes documents and reflects on its unfolding. The catalogue includes a re-edition of De Keersmaeker's original Vortex Temporum program book, photographic documentation, drawings by De Keersmaeker, and newly commissioned essays.
Work/Travail/Arbeid-box (4 vol) Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Expo: May 2015 Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels Onder leiding van Daniel Blanga‐Gubbay & Lars Kwakkenbos Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 400 p | 200 col.ill. € 45,00 | May 2015 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462300699
Met de twintigste editie van het Kunstenfestivaldesarts als I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART startpunt benadert dit boek enkele invalshoeken die van cruciaal belang zullen zijn voor het geheugen van de podiumkunsten. Eng ed : 9789462300712 The Time We Share wordt samengesteld uit belangrijke vragen Fr. ed: 9789462300705 die gedurende twee decennia werden opgeworpen op het Kunstenfestivaldesarts en vele andere scènes en die tot vandaag relevant zijn. Elk hoofdstuk brengt artistieke projecten van verschillende festivaledities bijeen.
The Time We Share Reflecties op de podiumkunsten 1 inleiding, 3 bedrijven en 2 intermezzo's
Tamara Chalabi & Philippe Van Cauteren Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 245 mm 152 p | 408 col.ill. € 25,00 | May 2015 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462300941 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
C'est par l'image que Traces of Survival (Traces de survie) révèle au monde le drame qui a frappé des communautés entières en Irak, par suite des attaques de DAECH qui ont déplacé plus de 1,8 million de personnes à l'intérieur du pays. Les dessins de ce livre ont été réalisés par les réfugiés de trois camps dans le nord de l'Irak. Sur les 350 dessins qui figurent dans le livre, les 80 choisis par Ai Weiwei sont mis en vedette. Traces de survie sera lancé à la biennale de Venise en mai 2015.
Traces of Survival Drawings of Refugees in Iraq selected by Ai Weiwei 11
Expo: 23/04/2015 07/06/2015, Roberto Polo Gallery, Brussel Text: Martin Herbert Hardback | Eng. ed. 313 x 240 mm 80 p | 39 col.ill. | E col. & bw ill € 30,00 | May 2015 [BE] Roberto Polo Gallery ISBN: 9791092599060 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Erudite artist, equally impassioned by the visual arts and history, literature and film, Noiret-Thomé sources his work from multiple references while synchronously asserting a personal style, animated by gestural and intellectual freedom. Marked by 'low culture' (graffiti, comic strips) from the start and by the audacity of Picabia, he overthrows conventional painting by multiplying and mixing his media (acrylic, spray, ink, collage, industrial paint...).
Xavier Noiret-Thomé Ghosts
Expo: 23/04/2015 - 07/06/2015, Roberto Polo Gallery, Brussel Text by Jonathan Griffin Hardback | Eng. ed. 295 x 248 mm 80 p | 25 col.ill. € 30,00 | April 2015 [BE] Roberto Polo Gallery ISBN: 9791092599077
At first glance, Partyka's painting plunges us, without transition, into a crude universe, penetrated by impetuous and antagonistic forces. His works appear as deliberately damaged palimpsests, battered surfaces, sometimes crossed-out, sometimes roughly scratched, collaged and/or decollaged. Along with his roughly etched, resonant and incantatory words, Partyka invokes fragments of Old Master paintings. Caravaggio, Courbet, Matejko, Rembrandt, Rothko and Vermeer coalesce in his rewriting of art history.
Tomek Partyka X times X
Essays Kurt Van Eeghem, Colin Lemoine Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 175 mm 80 p € 20,00 | April 2015 [BE] Transit Gallery ISBN: 9789081240734 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Johan CRETEN ( °1963, Belgium) is a Flemish sculptor based in Paris but working wherever he has the opportunity, from Miami to Mexico, from Den Haag to New York. He trained as a painter but soon turned to ceramics and bronze for his work. He has exhibited at the Louvre, at the Musée Nationale Eugène Delacroix in Paris, the Bass Museum of Art in Miami Beach, the Istanbul Biennale, the Mamco in Geneva, the Middelheimmuseum in Antwerp among many other places.
Johan Creten Strange Fruit
PROPORTIO is the new exhibition in Palazzo Fortuny during the Biennale di Venezia curated by Axel Vervoordt and Daniela Ferretti, en suite to the highly acclaimed exhibitions from the past Artempo (2007), In-finitum (2009), TRA (2011) and Tàpies, lo sguardo dell'artista (2013). Organised by the Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation and the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, the exhibition explores the omnipresence of universal proportions in art, science, music and architecture. PROPORTIO features specially commissioned artworks by contemporary artists, 20th century masterpieces, Old Master paintings, archaeological artefacts, as well as architectural models and a large library of historical books on proportions. All these works provide a lens to help us see what proportion can teach us about the essential design of the present and how we can use this knowledge to create a blueprint for the future. This exhibition is an opportunity to explore universal proportions and an invitation to reflect upon the interconnectedness of our universe. Proportio includes newly commissioned installations by contemporary artists such as Marina Abramovíc, Anish Kapoor, Massimo Bartolini, Rei Naito, Michaël Borremans, Ettore Spaletti, along with existing masterpieces by Ellsworth Kelly, Carl André and Sol Lewitt, as well as antiquities, Old Masters and antique architectural models. LIST OF PARTICIPATING ARTIST Marina Abramovic, Carla Accardi, Josef Albers, Carl Andre, Rodolfo Aricò, Ida Barbarigo, Massimo Bartolini, Domenico Bianchi, Cristiano Bianchin, Alberto Biasi, Bae Bien-U, Alighiero Boetti, Otto Boll, Agostino Bonalumi, Michaël Borremans, Sandro Botticelli, Lucia Bru, Markus Brunetti, Jean-Marie Bytebier, Pierpaolo Calzolari, Francesco Candeloro, Antonio Canova, Vincenzo Castella, Eduardo Chillida, Chang-Sup Chung, Niccolò Codazzi, Viviano Codazzi, Gianni Colombo, Dadamaino, Hanne Darboven, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Raoul De Keyser, Riccardo De Marchi, Marta Dell'Angelo, Gabriele Devecchi, Maurizio Donzelli, Jan Dries, Arthur Duff, Luciano Fabro, Philippe Favier, Giorgia Fiorio, Henri Foucault, Anne-Karin Furunes, Alberto Giacometti, Ando Gilardi, Fernanda Gomes, Antony Gormley, Kees Goudzwaard, Gotthard Graubner, Aldo Grazzi, Franco Guerzoni, Chong Hyun Ha, Erwin Heerich, Michael Heizer, Samantha Holmes, Sadaharu Horio, Akiko Horio, Ryoji Ikeda, Norio Imai, Robert Indiana, Ann Veronica Janssens, Francesco Jodice, Ilya et Emilia Kabakov, Anish Kapoor, Ellsworth Kelly, William Kentridge, Anselm Kiefer, Kimsooja, Harry Kivijärvi, Susan Kleinberg, Wolfgang Laib, Edoardo Landi, Le Corbusier, Sol Lewitt, Richard Long, Nino Longobardi, Heinz Mack, Brice Marden, Agnes Martin, Christian Megert, Richard Meier, Fausto Melotti, Marisa Merz, Mario Merz, Amedeo Modigliani, Giorgio Morandi, François Morellet, Shuji Mukai, Rei Naito, Yuko Nasaka, Shirin Neshat, Louisei Nevelson, Ben Nicholson, Renato Nicolodi, Mario Nigro, Gioberto Noro, Hans Op de Beeck, Marie Orensanz, Mimmo Paladino, Pablo Palazuelo, Izhar Patkin, Masaomi Raku, Kurt Ralske, Robert Ryman, Lucio Saffaro, Fred Sandback, Giuseppe Santomaso, Tomás Saraceno, MariaTeresa Sartori, Stéphane Sautour, Nobuo Sekine, Conrad Shawcross, Yasuhiro Shimakawa, Kazuo Shiraga, Gabriel Sierra, David Simpson, Bosco Sodi, Ettore Spalletti, Dominique Stroobant, Takis, Antoni Tàpies, Marco Tirelli, Gunther Uecker, Camiel Van Breedam, Koen Van den Broek, Dom Hans Van der Laan, Koen Vanmechelen, Grazia Varisco, Victor Vasarely, Jef Verheyen, Nanda Vigo, Bill Viola, Rachel Whiteread, Maaria Wirkkala, Hyong-Keun Yun, Gianfranco Zappettini and Raphaël Zarka.
Proportio Axel Vervoordt, Bernard Lietaer, G ulio d'Alessio, Ludovica Lumer, Spyros Papapetros, Eddie De Wolf, Gira Gratier, Francesco Poli Expo: 9/5/2015 ‐ 22/11/2015 ‐ Biennial Venice 2015, Palazzo Fortuno, Venice
Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 290 mm 440 p ISBN: 9789491775833 | € 65,00 May 2015
Sotirios Bahtsetzis. Design: Anastasia Papaleonida‐Pountza Hardback | Eng./ Greek ed. 240 x 170 mm 64 p € 20,00 | April 2015 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789491775918 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Night Of The World is a publication of Yorgos Maraziotis' work, shown between 2013 and 2015 in Athens at Beton7 gallery, in New York at the School of Visual Arts and in Thessaloniki at Nitra gallery. His work is inspired by the German philosopher Hegel, and his reference on the night of the world. Maraziotis' oeuvre consists of sculptural compositions, silkscreen prints and large scale installations that propose a study on the concept of time, the absence and the limits of our sensibility.
Yorgos Maraziotis Night of the World
Hervé Martijn Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 240 x 165 mm 128 p | throughout col.ill. € 34,00 | May 2015 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789491775871 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Hervé Martijn's years of experience as a painter drive him to the extremes of his technical ability and question the nature of the true-to-life reality that he allows to appear on the canvas. Giving shape to a painted reality forces him to constantly make artistic choices. Martijn's lifelike translation consists of a painted diversity of reproductive possibilities with an inexhaustible and multipliable creative interpretation of an emotionally charged reality.
Hervé Martijn Ounce
Paperback | Eng./ NL/ Germ. ed. 150 x 100 mm 464 p € 15,00 | March 2015 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789491775840 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Berlin based conceptual artist, poet and publisher Michalis Pichler's work evolves around the notions of appropriation and authorship. 'De enige en zijn eigendom' is the Dutch edition of his publication 'Der Einzige und sein Eigentum', in which he appropriates and creates a new vision of the classic manifesto of individual anarchism published in 1844 by German philosopher Max Stirner under the very same title : 'The Ego and Its Own'.
Michalis Pichler De Enige en zijn Eigendom
Several authors Open binding | Eng./ NL ed. 245 x 165 mm 224 p € 20,00 | April 2015 [BE] ARA ‐ MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789491775895 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
The fragility, the antimatter and the weightlessness of the material are typical of Honoré d'O's oeuvre, where the door to coincidence is always wide open. An Honoré d'O will never appear in the same form or in a cloned shape. It is his way of evading the trap of prejudice, the urge and the longing for the familiar, the glorification of the materialised object. This book unfolds as one long story of images in which the continuous plastic activity of d'O develops into a chain reaction of cross fertilisation.
Design: Kato Six and Toon Leën in conversation with Studio Luc Derycke Paperback | Eng. ed. 230 x 165 mm 312 p € 25,00 | May 2015 [BE] ARA ‐ MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789491775901 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
This publication investigates the continued potential of abstract art as a disruptive or iconoclastic practice. Six artists and thirteen authors respond to a theoretical proposal put forth by the Belgian artist and curator Ludovik Vermeersch. Vermeersch suggests that in order to allow paintings to successfully "perform" their abstraction, one has to subvert the narrative framework they operate in. Artists: Sarah Bal, Marc Bergson, Anna Ernst, Aleksey Miroshnitchenko, Stella Pinson, Jens Presser.
Ludovik Vermeersch Personally, I'm most interested in the Shapes and Colors
Expo : Sept. 2015 - .., La Fondation SMartBe, Brussels Hardback | French ed. 235 x 25 mm 216 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,00 | Sept. 2015 [BE] Yellow Now ISBN: 9782873403690 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Dans le cadre d'une exposition de sa collection « Portraits d'artistes » à Bruxelles, en septembre 2015, la Fondation SMartBe* édite un catalogue des oeuvres acquises (2008-2015).
Portraits d'artistes
Hrsg. Hauser & Wirth Texts Louise Bourgeois Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 148 mm 102 p | 69 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | April 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775739979 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
A woven mastery over personal trauma presented in a unique, high-quality clothbound edition. In the course of her artistic career, Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010) dealt with a variety of different materials and techniques for the purpose of lending direct expression to her emotions. With her tapestries she pursued an act of atonement-in the literal as well as in the metaphorical sense. She sewed scraps of fabric together, engendering new sculptural forms.
Louise Bourgeois The Spider and the Tapestries
Expo: 22/5/2015 - 20/9/2015, Albertina, Vienna Essays by M. Germann, P. Guevara, A. Haldemann, E. Lahner, A. Schallhorn, K. A. Schröder, B. Schwenk, Ph. van Cauteren, B. Verschaffel, H. Zilch Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 280 x 220 mm 280 p | 180 col.ill. € 45,00 | May 2015 [G] Hirmer Verlag ISBN: 9783777424088
Twenty-first-century drawing viewed from a multitude of angles . Current works of international art, including drawings by Michael Borremans, Robin Rhode, David Shrigley, Jorinde Voigt. Depictions from the minimalist to the fantastical provide opportunities for new discoveries.
Drawing now
Expo: 09/05/2015 - 22/11/2015, Biennial Venice edited by Marco Meneguzzo Hardback | Eng./ It. ed. 240 x 220 mm 288 p | 255 col.ill. € 34,00 | May 15 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836631360
A tangle of political, economic, religious, and social situations also finds an expression and interpretation in the art produced in these places, and it is this that the exhibition proposed for the Venice Biennale hopes to show through the work of some fifty artists working in the region and who are particularly aware of social-political questions.
The Great Game - Art, Artists and Culture from the Heart of the World Iran, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq Central-Asian Republics, Kurdish Region
Paperback with flaps | Eng. / Arab. ed. 270 x 220 mm 192 p | 80 col.ill. | 300 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | May 2015 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836630868 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Mythology, history, and social events have long provided artists with inspiration. For Shirin Neshat (Qazvin, Iran, 1957), emotions and personal life experiences have also played an essential role in her artistic practice.The artist looks at the connections between ancient history and the politics of the present in work, characterized by a strong visual language that employs photography, calligraphy, poetry, and filmmaking to explore the primal concepts of violence, passion and love that drive human history
Shirin Neshat Afterwards Paperback with red PVC dustjacket, in PVS protective bag. Expo: 4/7/15 - 8/11/15, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
In de jaren 50 en 60 van de twintigste eeuw experimenteerde de kunstenaarsgroep ZERO met de meest innovatieve materialen en media. Na de zware oorlogsjaren en de schrale periode van wederopbouw, wilden de aan dit internationale netwerk verbonden kunstenaars de kunst een nieuwe toekomst geven. Met werk van onder meer Herman de Vries, Armando, Henk Peeters, Jan Schoonhoven, Jan Henderikse, Piero Manzoni, Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein, Jean Tinguely en Yayoi Kusama.
Eds: Dirk Pörschmann, Margriet Schavemaker. Graphic design: Mevis & Van Deursen Paperback | NL ed. 250 x 250 mm 560 p | 954 col.ill. € 29,95 | April 2015 [NL] Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ISBN: 9783863356989 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Zero Let us explore the stars
Expo: 30/6/2015 - 18/10/2015, Tate Liverpool Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 215 mm 160 p | 100 col.ill. € 39,50 | June 2015 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849763325 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
This fully illustrated publication accompanies the first exhibition in over three decades of a crucial phase of Jackson Pollock's work, referred to as the Black Pourings. This controversial body of black enamel and oil paintings are accompanied here by drawings that are regarded as his most important and productive as a draughtsman. A number of virtually unknown and rarely seen sculptures are also included, illuminating Pollock's experimentations with space, density and figuration.
Jackson Pollock Blind Spots
De Kunsthal Rotterdam presenteert najaar 2015 een inspirerende tentoonstelling rondom het leven en werk van de Amerikaanse kunstenaar Keith Haring (1958-1990). Van straatkunstenaar groeit Haring uit tot maatschappelijk zeer betrokken kunstenaar en protegé van Andy Warhol. Het genie van Keith Haring is te begrijpen in de context van de roemruchte jaren tachtig. Hij tekent en schildert het liefst in aanwezigheid van anderen, waarbij hij - op muziek en heel geconcentreerd als ware het een performance - zijn muurschilderingen maakt. Haring gelooft in de bevrijdende kracht van kunst en werkt bij voorkeur in publieke instellingen als scholen en (kinder-)ziekenhuizen. Zijn ritmische tekeningen en patronen stralen ondanks hun soms zware thema's (zoals rassendiscriminatie, onderdrukking en aids) grote levenslust uit en weten, zonder woorden, rechtstreeks tot het hart van mensen van alle leeftijden en van verschillende culturele achtergronden door te dringen. De tentoonstelling is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met gastcurator Dieter Buchhart en met de Keith Haring Foundation in New York.
DIETER BUCHHART is an art critic for Kunstforum International and other magazines. JULIAN COX is the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco's founding curator of photography and chief administrative curator. ROBERT FARRIS THOMPSON is the Colonel John Trumbull Professor of Art History and African and African American Art at Yale University. JULIAN MYERS-SZUPINSKA is an art historian whose writings have appeared in Artforum, October, and other publications.
Dieter Buchhart, Julian Cox, Robert Farris Thompson, Julian Myers-Szupinska (Ed)
Exhibition Itinerary de Young museum, San Francisco, 8th November 2014 - 8th February 2015 Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Munich 1st May - 20th August 2015 Kunsthal, Rotterdam, 19th September 2015 - 7th February, 2016
Expo: 19/9/2015 ‐ 7/2/2016, De Kunsthal, Rotterdam
Hardback | NL ed. 305 x 255 mm 256 p | 150 col.ill. ISBN: 9783791354620 | € 49,95 May 2015
Keith Haring
[UK] Prestel
The Political Line
Belgian artist David Claerbout is known for investigating the conceptual impact of the passage of time through his use of video and digital photography. His work skillfully interrogates both moving and still imagery to suggest an otherworldly level of existence, something that might refer to a specific place or event, but the timeline of which is not clear, oscillating between both past and present.
David Claerbout Drawings and Studies Sean Kelly Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 245 x 295 mm 264 p | 120 col.ill. € 45,00 | Sept. 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740265 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Rather than one overarching theme, the 56th International Art Exhibition of the Biennale is informed by a layer of intersecting filters. These filters are a constellation of parameters that circumscribe multiple ideas which will be touched upon to imagine and realize a diversity of practices. All the World s Futures employs as a filter the historical trajectory that the Biennale itself, over the course of its one hundred and twenty years existence has run over. A filter through which to reflect on both the current state of things and the appearance of things. At its core is the notion of the exhibition as a stage, where historical and counter-historical projects are explored. Within this framework the main aspects of the 56th Biennale Exhibition solicit and privilege new proposals and works conceived specifically by invited artists, filmmakers, choreographers, performers, composers, and writers.
All the World's Futures 56 International Art Exhibition. La Biennale Di Venezia Okwui Enwezor Expo: 09/05/2015 ‐ 22/11/2015, La Biennale Di Venezia
2 Volumes Paperback in slipcase | Eng. ed. 270 x 209 mm 960 p | throughout col. & bw ill ISBN: 9788831721288 | € 120,00 Aug. 2015
[US] Rizzoli
The Importance of Being...is an exhibition on contemporary Belgian art taking place in several locations throughout 2015 - 2016. With the work of artists such as Marcel Broodthaers, Michaël Borremans, Wim Delvoye, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Francis Alÿs, Carld De Keyzer, Jan Fabre, Koen Vanmechelen, Hans Op de Beeck, and many others. Special attention is paid to the distinction between identity and otherness, the notions of space and time, the shifting boundaries between the inside and the outside.
The Importance of Being A Panorama of Belgian Contemporary Art 2 editions: NL/F/E and SP/ Port/Eng. Expo: travelling exhibition Texts: Hans Theys, Christophe Van Gerrewey,.. Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | 290 x 230 mm 400 p | throughout col.ill. | € 59,95 | May 2015 [BE] Stockmans ‐ Devos ISBN: 9789077207260
Expo: 14/3/2015 - 24/5/2015, S.M.A.K., Gent Paperback | Eng. ed. 360 x 250 mm 48 p € 25,00 | April 2015 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789491775864
Joris Ghekiere (°1955, Kortrijk) neemt als schilder een eigenzinnige en dubbelzinnige positie in. Hij pint zich niet vast op één schriftuur maar verkent diverse schildertechnieken en -stijlen. Vaak dienen internetbeelden of eigen foto's als vertrekpunt. Dit leidt tot een oeuvre waarbinnen figuratieve afbeeldingen en abstracte beelden op elkaar inwerken. Ghekiere is gefascineerd door ongecompliceerde, clichématige schoonheid: stillevens met planten of bloemen, of portretten van opgesmukte dames onder meer.
Joris Ghekiere Tomorrow
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 245 x 245 mm 312 p € 45,00 | May 2015 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789491775925 I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART (Belgium)
Nicolodi's first monograph will not only provide an overview of 10 years of artistic practice, but will also bring seven tributes to sources of inspiration. The voluminous book is designed by Onno Hesselink. Because the square is an important constant in Nicolodi's work, the book too has that shape and contains four texts by writers from different fields. It is an 'encounter' between the artist and Dutch architect Wim van den Bergh, philosopher B. Overlaet, psychologist J. Késenne and art historian Gildemyn
Renato Nicolodi
Expo: 13/5/2015 - 8/11/2015, Museum BELvue, Brussel Julien Volper (dir.) Paperback | NL ed. 180 x 155 mm 152 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 19,50 | May 2015 [BE] Africamuseum Tervuren (KMMA) ISBN: 9789492244147
De indrukwekkende collecties van het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika zijn tot stand gekomen in een tijdspanne van meer dan honderd jaar via talrijke aankopen, inzamelingen en giften. De beroepsachtergrond van de verzamelaars bleek in de loop der jaren extreem gevarieerd: territoriale ambtenaren, landbouwingenieurs, etnologen, militairen, artsen . of missionarissen. Dit werk behandelt het thema van de objecten die de jezuïeten hebben verzameld.
Reuzemaskers uit Congo Etnografisch erfgoed van de jezuïeten in België. Reeks Collecties van het KMMA
French ed. available: ISBN 9789082377217. Expo: 12/06/2015 -.., Musée royal de Mariemont, Morlanwelz
Een geïllustreerde publicatie die deze unieke verzameling Egyptische weefsels uit de late oudheid prachtig in beeld brengt. De collectie bestaat uit textielfragmenten van kledingstukken, voornamelijk tunica's, en interieurstoffen, waaronder kussens, bedspreien, gordijnen, tapijten en tafellakens. De meer dan 200 stuks getuigen van een enorme verscheidenheid aan technieken en stijlen, een schitterende en uitzonderlijke kleurenpracht en zeer verfijnde weefsels gedecoreerd met prachtige motieven en figuren in
Robert Trevisiol, Florence Calament, Chris Verhecken‐Lammens, Marie‐Cécile Bruwier Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 200 mm 104 p | 320 col.ill. € 7,00 | June 2015 [BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting ISBN: 9789082377200 I08 ‐ ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES
Koptisch textiel Collectie Fill-Trevisiol
Bruno Foucart & Jean‐Louis Gaillemain Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 312 p | 300 col.ill. € 77,00 | Sept. 2015 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542769 I09 ‐ DECORATIVE ARTS
Dès l'Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes de 1937 s'ébauche un style plein de fantaisie et de panache qui échappe délibérément à l'Art déco et au Modernisme pour se préciser au début des années cinquante. Exclus des encyclopédies du Mouvement moderne, ignorés des spécialistes mais très recherchés par les collectionneurs, une pléiade de décorateurs, de dessinateurs de meubles, de créateurs de luminaires, de ferronneries, etc. renouvellent les arts décoratifs.
Les Décorateurs des Années 40
Expo: 04/07/2015 - 15/11/2015, Musée de la Céramique, Vallauris Michèle Champenois Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 305 x 250 mm 256 p | 300 col.ill. € 40,00 | June 2015 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542738 I09 ‐ DECORATIVE ARTS
Céramiste, verrier, créateur de meubles, Olivier Gagnère est un alchimiste du feu et de la glace. Il est apparu sur la scène du design française dans les années 1980. Au contact du groupe Memphis d'Ettore Sottsass à Milan, il développe son esprit de fantaisie, une grande liberté formelle et un certain humour. Au Japon, il s'imprègne du savoir-faire ancestral des artisans porcelainiers dans les ateliers d'Arita, sur l'île de Kyushu.
Olivier Gagnère
Expo: 22/5/2015 - 6/12/2015, Musée de la Photographie, Charleroi Text et photographie par Stephan Vanfleteren Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. 210 x 170 mm 240 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 35,00 | June 2015 (no rights: Flanders & NL) [BE] Uitgeverij Hannibal ISBN: 9789492081414
De afgelopen jaren heeft Stephan Vanfleteren dagenlang rondgedwaald in 'le pays noir'. De fotograaf heeft een haat-liefdeverhouding met de industriestad aan de Samber, waar de steenkoolmijnen reeds lang gesloten zijn en waar de tanende staalindustrie kraakt onder de globale crisis. Charleroi, c'est clair que le gris est noir is niet alleen een visueel testament van een stad in verval maar ook de persoonlijke neerslag van impressies, mijmeringen en gedachten van een man die kijkt, luistert en schrijft
Stephan Vanfleteren Charleroi, c'est clair que le gris est noir
Kiripi Katembo Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 245 x 235 mm 108 p | 75 col.ill. € 35,00 | June 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565174 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Congolees Kiripi Katembo (°1979, Goma) startte zijn artistieke parcours als schilder, maar verlegde zijn interesse vanaf zijn 27ste steeds meer naar fotografie en videokunst. Desondanks blijft zijn achtergrond als schilder steeds herkenbaar in zijn videowerk en fotografisch oeuvre. Katembo schildert met een camera, schrijft een verhaal in beelden. Met de poëtische toets en de aandachtige blik van een impressionist slaagt hij erin het snel muterende stedelijke landschap in één beeld tot stilstand te brengen.
Kiripi Katembo
Teddy Mazina Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 245 x 235 mm 160 p | 80 col.ill. € 39,00 | April 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565167 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Vanuit het ongeloof en de verontwaardiging dat de massamoorden in zijn land Burundi in het verleden aan het oog van de wereld onttrokken waren gebleven door het ontbreken van een beeldarchief, besloot Teddy Mazina om als fotograaf - of 'visueel activist' zoals hij het zelf graag noemt - zijn land te documenteren. Dit boek getuigt van Mazina's artistieksociale strijd tegen de gewenning, de onverschilligheid en het collectieve geheugenverlies in zijn land.
Teddy Mazina Des tambours sur l'oreille d'un sourd
Text: Benoît Dusart. Photographies / Photographs: Michel Mazzoni Paperback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 147 x 200 mm 80 p | 35 duotone ill. € 38,00 | May 2015 [BE] Arp2 Editions ISBN: 9782930115306 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Sous forme d'assemblage d'images d'archives et de créations nouvelles, l'auteur réalise avec Gravity un poème photographique en hommage aux premières missions spatiales, une fiction narrative inspirée de faits réels As an assembly of archival images and new images, the author realizes with Gravity a photographic poem, a tribute to the first space missions, a narrative fiction inspired by real events. Édition limitée A 300 ex. accompagneé d'un tirage original signé.
Michel Mazzoni Gravity
Paperback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 293 x 196 mm 48 p | 20 col.ill. € 25,00 | April 2015 [BE] Arp2 Editions ISBN: 9782930115313 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Ceux qui rêvent éveillés ont conscience de mille choses qui échappent à ceux qui ne rêvent qu'endormis. Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only by night. Edgar All an Poe L'inquiétante étrangeté est cette variété particulière de l'effrayant qui remonte au depuis longtemps connu, depuis longtemps familier. The uncanny is that class of the frightening which leads back to what is known of old and long familiar. L'inquiétante étrangeté, Sigmund Freud
Hostilités sourdes Kathleen Meier Expo: 25/6/2015 - 20/9/2015, Musée d'Ixelles Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 360 x 200 mm 112 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 29,00 | June 2015 [BE] Prisme ISBN: 9782930451176 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Les portraits de Véronique BOISSACQ (Bruxelles, 1965) sont saisissants et parlent à tout un chacun. Son travail photographique démontre une grande force chez cette femme emplie de sensibilité à fleur de peau. Atypique, écorchée vive dans l'âme, visionnaire aguerrie, Art-thérapeute, elle nous transporte dans un monde sans masque et ose appuyer sur les points douloureux de la société qui dérive comme un navire en pleine tempête. Elle vit ses visions dans son âme, dans sa chair.
Véronique Boissacq-Allen Equations 23
Textes de: Claude Parent, David Liaudet, Jean‐François Mathey Hardback | French ed. 240 x 200 mm 80 p | throughout col.ill. € 29,00 | April 2015 [BE] Facteur Humain ISBN: 9782960051377 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
En 1953, le coutumier de l'architecture des cités minières va assister à la naissance de l'une des plus grandes oeuvres de Le Corbusier : la chapelle de Ronchamp. Avec un regard décalé sur une oeuvre très solennelle de l'architecte, à la différence des images où l'architecture et la lumière seraient les seuls sujets, Charles Bueb nous joue une autre partition, plus facétieuse, plus étrange et plus intime. Ce livre offre pour la première fois un regard sur des négatifs rangés soigneusement pendant 50 ans.
Charles Bueb Ronchamp / Le Corbusier
Bjarke Johansen Hardback | Eng. ed. 340 x 245 mm 496 p | 275 duotone ill. € 98,00 | July 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732806 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
The female form has been a central theme in art for as long as there has been some form of artistic expression. This new title is a worthy addition to that veritable canon that celebrates feminine grace and strength. Compiled over a period of seven years, this volume of photographs is a visual tribute to the women of Denmark to their womanly beauty and integrity as individuals. The subjects come from all walks of life-models, singers, artists, actresses, artists, and students.
Bjarke Johansen 100 Great Danes
Christian Voigt Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 370 x 290 mm 208 p | 150 col.ill. € 79,90 | Aug. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732837 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
The subjects Christian Voigt photographs are in-credibly diverse: a tattoo studio in Buenos Aires is at home in his repertoire next to New York's Morgan Library, while an enchanting landscape in Myanmar is juxtaposed with the clean lines of Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum. He uses analog and digital large-format cameras to create the desired effect of a greatly condensed image. Voigt travels the world searching for interesting stories, which he then retells for us most impres- sively in his series of photographs.
Christian Voigt Photography
Frank De Mulder is synonymous with erotic photog-raphy of the highest caliber. Known as a leader in his field, he endeavors to connect us with each models unique personality. All his images are both highly original and sensually compelling. This season marks the publication of the fourth book of his critically acclaimed and internationally renowned nude photog-raphy. Entitled Heaven, those who browse these pages will certainly enter a fantastical realm. Thoroughly charged with eroticism, these works have a sophisti-cation few others approach. Each composition is complex, combining a daring spirit with a nuanced sensibility. As you'd expect from De Mulder, the settings are exotic, the models are some of the most stunning in the world, with narratives intriguing and provocative.
Frank De Mulder Heaven Frank De Mulder
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 370 x 275 mm 168 p | 100 col.ill. ISBN: 9783832732875 | € 59,90 Sept. 2015
[G] teNeues
It takes enviable skill and dedication to achieve mastery in the arts. Yet even more remarkable is the artist who widens his scope to venture beyond his already widely acclaimed signature style. Few would dare to even consider such a risk. However, in Senza Parole, Marc Lagrange is audacious enough to make that thrilling leap as he boldly showcases a broad array of distinctive approaches-everything from starkly straight nude studies-in the honorable tradition of Helmut Newton-to Lagrange's more typically intricate and exotic compositions. The photographer's devoted followers will still find the dream-like eroticism he is known for, yet, in this work, each photograph is one of a kind, with Lagrange's hallmark of technical perfection. As one would expect from Lagrange, each tableau is carefully configured with not a singledetail left to chance.
Marc Lagrange Senza Parole Marc Lagrange
Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. 355 x 280 mm 208 p | 120 col.ill. ISBN: 9783832732981 | € 79,90 Sept. 2015
[G] teNeues
Robert Polidori & Marc Ferrez Hardback | Eng. ed. 360 x 355 mm 520 p € 126,00 | May 2015 [G] Steidl ISBN: 9783869309101 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Rio consists of a slipcase containing the work of two photographers who portray Rio de Janeiro in a visual dialogue spanning different centuries. Book one showcases 19-C photographer Marc Ferrez's classical work on the city where he was born and spent his life, from the mid-1860s to the early 1910s. Book two presents a project by Robert Polidori over the past five years, for which Polidori extensively photographed Rio, emphasizing its contemporary dynamic and dense urban configuration.
Robert Polidori & Marc Ferrez Rio Paolo Pellegrin, Alex Majoli. Literary works by Alain Mabanckou Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 290 x 390 mm 260 p | 56 col.ill. | 202 duotone ill. € 320,00 | July 2015 [US] Aperture ISBN: 9781597113250 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
In this sumptuously printed, large-format publication, distinguished Magnum photographers Paolo Pellegrin and Alex Majoli present a collaborative document of the Congo and its people. Bringing together the best of each photographer's personal styles as well as experimental forays into abstraction and collage, this volume captures what Alain Mabanckou describes as a full range of the landscape, "from urban scenes to great forests and back, reflecting the way it is in most African societies today."
Paolo Pellegrin & Alex Majoli: Congo
Each copy includes a digital C‐print Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 216 mm 452 p | 1000 col. & bw ill € 81,50 | Sept. 2015 [US] Aperture ISBN: 9781597113403 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
In 2012, the Eastman Kodak Company declared bankruptcy. That same year, a group of ten photographers from Magnum Photos Jim Goldberg, Bruce Gilden, Susan Meiselas, Martin Parr, Paolo Pellegrin, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alec Soth, Larry Towell, Alex Webb, and Donovan Wylie, plus Chien-Chi Chang, who documented the process in audio and video established a temporary base of operations in Rochester, New York
Rochester 585/716: Postcards from America Project 27
David Bate Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm 144 p | 90 col.ill. € 31,50 | Sept. 2015 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849762243 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
In this book David Bate introduces the key themes central to photographic art practice through selected visual examples and references to contemporary debates and issues, while also providing a historical overview. Featuring works from a wide and international selection of artists, the book includes conceptual and post-conceptual work, documentary photography, archives and social networks, and performance.
Photography David Bate
Jessica Yatrofsky Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm 80 p € 32,50 | June 2015 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576877395 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
The subjects of I Heart Girl do not exhibit the expected stereotypes of women in mass media today. Instead, each face and each body is presented by Jessica Yatrofsky through study and repetition, examining femininity with irreverence and countering the widely accepted female image of past generations.
I Heart Girl
Text by Ari Trausti Gundmundsson Hardback | Eng. ed. 336 x 267 mm 256 p € 75,00 | July 2015 [US] Powerhouse Books ISBN: 9781576877807 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Primordial Landscapes: Iceland Revealed elegantly explores the diverse and raw beauty of Iceland's extraordinary landscapes through striking images by photographer and naturalist Feodor Pitcairn and the inspired words of geophysicist, author, and poet Ari Trausti Guðmundsson. This collection illuminates topographical phenomenon shaped and crafted by the most powerful natural forces on earth: rain and glacier melt form thunderous waterfalls and rivers that carve at the earth's surface...
Primordial Landscapes Iceland Revealed - Feodor Pitcairn
Cindy Crawford Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 216 mm 224 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 52,00 | Oct. .2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846191 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
International supermodel Cindy Crawford chronicles her life and career, sharing stories and lessons learned, and featuring her most memorable images. ?Cindy Crawford was the cornerstone of the golden age of the supermodel in the 1990s. The photographs span her entire career, beginning from the mid 1980s, and feature unpublished images from Crawford's personal archive in addition to images by every top name in fashion photography, including Annie Leibovitz, Arthur Elgort, Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts, ..
Becoming Cindy Crawford with Katherine O' Leary
David Rimanelli Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 292 x 216 mm 224 p | 150 col.ill. € 45,00 | Oct. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846917 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
"Ryan McGinley" focuses on the work that he has become best known for since he first rose to prominence ten years ago: the summer road trips. Since the earliest days of his unparalleled career, every summer McGinley has gathered up a group of thirty college-age kids, rented a bus, and set out on a cross-country trip. These trips and the photographs created during them have established him as the most consequential photographer of his generation.
Ryan McGinley The Road Trips
Gabriela Kogan Hardback | Eng. ed. 216 x 172 mm 400 p | 400 col.ill. € 28,95 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780789329400 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
A perfect keepsake of the city in a fresh collection of New York photos that explore the vibrant, chaotic, joyous, gritty day-to-day life in the city. This memorable collection of photographs is a virtual love letter to the world's favorite city. It presents diverse images taken by various contributors that capture the quirky heart and frenetic life of the city and how it is experienced. From subway scenes to park life, from culinary delights to impressive works of street art,...
New York Non-Stop A Photographic Album
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 375 x 265 mm 480 p | 300 duotone ill. € 98,00 | Oct. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732974 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY & NATURE
Many have tried to convey the true spirit of Africa's animals in words, photography, or in music. There may be no challenge greater; Africa's fauna are vast in number and rich in diversity. In this finely crafted collection, French photographer Laurent Baheux uses the medium of blackand- white photography to capture the intricate details of both the wondrous beasts and the magnificent settings in which they dwell. This wide-ranging volume lays particular emphasis on his subjects' individual spirits.
Laurent Baheux Africa
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 370 x 290 mm 304 p | 200 col.ill. € 98,00 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732813 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY & NATURE
Few landscapes convey Nature in all of its untamed splendor like the Arctic. Fewer still conjure respect like the seldom traveled and ethereal North Pole. Yet, sadly, this largely pristine and mostly misconceived treasure is now in jeopardy. Sebastian Copeland's noble goal in these pages is to pay homage to this wonderland, and, in turn, draw awareness to its perilous plight.
Sebastian Copeland Arctica: The Vanishing North
Katharina von der Leyen Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 203 mm 160 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732912 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY & NATURE
Dogs aren't exactly shy when it comes to expressing their feelings. They do everything we humans are afraid to: dogs are ecstatic and boisterous, tactless, openly enthusiastic, take delight in rolling in disgusting things, sleep when they're tired, and don't care if you snore. Dogs teach us that joy is a way of life and that it does not depend on what happens each day; they always assume something fabulous is going to happen today.
For the Love of Dogs
Gilles Clément Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 195 mm 176 p | 154 col.ill. € 58,00 | July 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740371 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY
Leendert Blok (1895-1986) experimented with color photography and the use of the panoramic format. In the twenties, the Dutch photographer worked in close collaboration with flower producers, providing color prints and autochromes for the display catalogues of the various species they cultivated. Blok captured flowers like objects of desire, using the Autochrome Lumière technique.
Leendert Blok, Silent Beauties Photographs from the 1920s
Jordi Gomez Hardback | Eng./ Span. ed 330 x 245 mm 112 p € 49,90 | July 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565242 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ EROTICS
For his signature style Jordi Gómez mixes an arresting photographic cocktail of glamour, fun and sex-appeal, shooting fashion, advertising and lifestyle photography in his inimitable glossy style. Based in Ibiza, Gómez is surrounded by some of the world's most enigmatic and beautiful people, enveloped in a magical light from dawn 'til dusk. Glamour collides with nature, hedonsim, high end living and the world's most exciting brands.
Sexycologic Jordi Gomez
Jean‐françois Pirson Paperback | French ed. 170 x 120 mm 196 p | 100 col.ill. € 21,00 | Aug. 2015 [BE] Lettre Volée (essays) ISBN: 9782873174521 I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ ESSAYS
Ce voyage initiatique en Algérie est aussi une manière de généalogie et de réflexion nomade sur notre ancrage dans le monde rendu à travers des photos superbes de l'auteur. De ces lieux et de ces présences, du tissage de leurs parcours, naît une forme mouvante, un astérisme imaginaire, l'entre là. L'auteur revient ensuite sur le workshop « cartographie de ma naissance » qui envisage la naissance en terme de lieux et de chemins successifs, matérialisés par une cartographie en forme d'installation.
Entre là Carnets d'Algérie 31
Eng. edition: ISBN 9789063693473 Harry Starren Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 140 x 180 mm 160 p € 12,90 | April 2015 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063693855 I30 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE
Following the successful Think Like a Lawyer Don't Act like One, we now present a book that presents, in the same format, 75 extremely short and visual management lessons. Like the lawyer the manager is a professional that many people have problems with. Mistakes managers make while managing people tend to fall into similar patterns -and they are all bad. This books will clarify those patterns in a very simple way to help the reader to avoid those mistakes that so many mangers make.
Think Like a Manager, Dont Act Like One
Elizabeth Herrmann, Ryan Shelley Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 175 mm 240 p € 29,00 | May 2015 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063693732 I30 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE
The object of Co LAB is to promote the ideals and methods of contemporary design collaboration by informing on cultural context, surveying some unexpected practitioners, and highlighting techniques and practices that apply to studio work and forward-thinking education initiatives. There will be three main sections with 10-20 short-burst chapters in each, befitting the collection/handbook format.
Co Lab: Collaborative Design Survey
'De Basis', 'Het Product' en 'Het Gerecht' zijn apart verkrijgbaar, maar worden ook gebundeld in een zwartlinnen box. Wie zich deze Minestrone Box aanschaft, haalt daarmee in één keer 960 bladzijden culinaire basiskennis in huis. De Basis 'De Basis' is een statement: wie wil koken kan niet zonder de basis, wie wil experimenteren nog minder. In dit boek vindt de lezer 150 basisrecepten die elke amateurkok bij de hand moet hebben. Maar de auteurs gaan nog een stap verder. Zij gingen ook op zoek naar innoverende bereidingswijzen en technieken die nog maar net zijn ontwikkeld maar die stilaan hun plaats opeisen in de keuken van de 21ste eeuw. Het Product In dit boek vindt de lezer 130 producten met hun 'beste' bereidingswijze. Hoe maak je rodekool klaar? Wat doe je met tomaat, een raap, rode biet, andijvie? Hoe bak je een steak bleu, saignant en bien cuit? Hoe schil je een avocado zonder hem te beschadigen? Hoe bak je een zeetong? Hoe haal je het merg uit een vanillepeul? Naast de meest dagdagelijkse producten komen ook meer gastronomische ingrediënten aan bod en ook minder bekende ingrediënten. Het Gerecht 'Het Gerecht' is het laatste deel in de trilogie met 'De Basis' en 'Het Product'. Na de basisrecepten en de productinformatie komt de toepassing van al deze kennis. In 'Het Gerecht' werden 150 wereldklassiekers opgenomen, 150 gerechten die iedereen kent van naam, maar daarom niet altijd weet klaar te maken. Tomaat garnaal, kaaskroketten, hutsepot en macaroni met ham en kaas, maar ook paëlla, pasta vongole, gravad lax en de Thaise garnalensoep tom yam koong.
Minestrone Box De Basis, Het Product, Het Gerecht Filip Verheyden. Photography: Tony Le Duc Nieuwe editie
Boxed | NL ed. 160 x 120 mm 960 p | throughout col.ill. ISBN: 9789490028701 | € 79,50 Ğ ĂƐŝƐ͕ /^ E ϵϳϴϵϰϵϬϬϮϴϲϳϭ ͮ Φ Ϯϰ͕ϱϬ ,Ğƚ WƌŽĚƵŬƚ͕ /^ E ϵϳϴϵϰϵϬϬϮϴϲϴϴ ͮΦ Ϯϰ͕ϱϬ ,Ğƚ 'ĞƌĞĐŚƚ͕ /^ E ϵϳϴϵϰϵϬϬϮϴϲϵϱ ͮ Φ Ϯϰ͕ϱϬ Sept. 2015
[BE] Minestrone
De Belgen zijn fier op hun gerstenat en terecht! Deze derde herziene en geactualiseerde editie van de iconische bierbijbel 'Alle Belgische Bieren' bewijst eens te meer dat België haar reputatie van bierland nog steeds alle eer aandoen. Sinds de laatste update in 2011 werden meer dan 500 nieuwe bieren geïntroduceerd. In deze derde editie wordt de mythische kaap van 1500 Belgische bieren dan ook met gemak overschreden. Al deze IPA's, stouts, fruitbieren, tripels, blonde, amberkleurige en bruine bieren. zijn te ontdekken in deze monumentale bestseller. 'Alle Belgische Bieren' biedt een alfabetisch overzicht van alle bieren die door erkende Belgische (huur)brouwers worden gebrouwen voor het eigen assortiment of voor dat van bierfirma's. Zoals in de vorige uitgaven wordt elk bier beknopt beschreven en met het bijhorende glas geportretteerd. Zowel de bieren van grote concerns als die van artisanale (huis)brouwerijen komen aan bod, voor zover ze gebotteld zijn en te koop worden aangeboden. Distributiemerken gebrouwen in opdracht van supermarkten en etiketbieren worden in deze publicatie bewust buiten beschouwing gelaten. Gelegenheidsbieren zijn beperkt vertegenwoordigd. Deze nieuwe editie van 'Alle Belgische Bieren' laat je tal van nieuwe pareltjes ontdekken en is nog steeds de meest complete en onmisbare gids van het Belgische bierlandschap. Belgian beer pride is one of the things that unite this country. This third revamped, revised and updated edition of our iconic All Belgian Beers demonstrates that Belgium still lives up to its reputation of being a beer lover's paradise. Over 500 new beers have successfully been introduced to the market since the last update of this beer bible in 2011. All of these new stouts, lagers, trappists, lambics, abbey beers, ales, tripels, wheat and fruit beers. have now been included in this monumental bestseller, now featuring close to 1300 beers! All Belgian Beers offers an alphabetical overview of the beers brewed by recognized Belgian brewers, for their own assortment or for other beer companies. As in the previous editions, each beer is fully described and illustrated with pictures of the glasses and bottles. Beers from industrial companies and smaller craft breweries, as well as microbreweries and home breweries have been included, as long as they are bottled and sold outside the brewery or local pub. Own-label beers for supermarkets, private label beers or occasional beers have deliberately not been taken into account. The new edition of All Belgian Beers holds many new discoveries and is still the most exhaustive and indispensable guide to the flourishing Belgian beer culture.
Alle Belgische Bieren Toutes les Bières Belges All Belgian Beers Hilde Deweer (ed), Group Van Damme (Photography) Third edition, revised and updated
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 170 x 120 mm 1568 p | 1300 col.ill. | € 35,00 Sept. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565266
Christophe Van Gerrewey Paperback | NL ed. 220 x 160 mm 295 p | several bw ill. € 34,00 | April 2015 [BE] A&S/Books, UGent ISBN: 9789076714448
Dit boek is de allereerste grondige studie van de geschriften van Geert Bekaert, zijn aanpak en zijn thema's. Door de brede interesse en methode van Bekaert, en door de gerichte thematische analyse van Van Gerrewey, biedt het tegelijk een overzicht op de debatten en de onderwerpen binnen de Belgische, Nederlandse en Europese architectuurcultuur sinds 1950. Van Gerrewey heeft daarvoor een opeenvolging opgesteld van zes thema's: religie, wonen, maatschappij, geschiedenis, stad en cultuur.
Architectuur, een gebruiksaanwijzing Theorie, kritiek en geschiedenis sinds 1950 volgens Geert Bekaert
Expo: 26/6/2015 - 1/11/2015, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 220 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | June 2015 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836630844 II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE
This book will practically recap the complete graphic work by Aldo Rossi: over 300 prints. Few architects were as intensely occupied with making architecture itself the subject as Aldo Rossi (1932-1997). Drawing was second nature to him, as shown by his unending stream of drawings, which were often very poetic, colourful and humorous, and always recognisable in a continual interplay of visual analogies.
Aldo Rossi Graphic Works
Dan Rubenstein and The Editors of Mark Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 229 mm 272 p | 200 col.ill. € 76,00 | Oct. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846368 II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE
"This Is Not a House" takes a close look at spaces that reformulate the idea of what "home" means, in innovative houses in cities around the globe. ?"This Is Not a House" showcases recent projects that represent the vanguard of architects creating innovative spaces for living in the twenty-first century. Dan Rubinstein and the editors of the Amsterdam-based magazine have selected projects on five continents that will shape how we think of domestic life for a long time to come.
This Is Not a House 35
Marcia Prentice Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 224 p | 250 col.ill. € 39,90 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732189 II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR
How We Live is an intimate photographic journal of designers' and artists' homes and work spaces from around the world, including Mumbai, Beirut, Marrakech, Reykjavik, Mexico City, and Amsterdam, amongst others. American photographer Marcia Prentice traveled to each of the international cities to experience and present 'the soul' of a diverse selection of domestic spaces, revealing the unique spirit of each creative environment.
How We Live
Sarah de Boer‐Schultz and Jeanne Tan Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 240 mm 504 p | 900 col.ill. | 750 bw ill. € 69,00 | Oct. 2015 [NL] Frame ISBN: 9789491727559 II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR
Grand Stand series, the latest and fifth edition will contain stunning projects representing a varied selection of remarkable trade fair environments from around the world. From stands occupying cosy corners to those spanning supersized spaces, the book will be categorised according to theme: apparel, architectural products, consumer products, electronics, interior products, lighting, mobility, services, shoes & accessories. Each stand is presented on 2 to 6 pages with an explanatory text..
Grand Stand 5 Trade Fair Stand Design
Philipp Teufel, Rainer Zimmermann Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 165 mm 400 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 29,00 | Sept. 2015 [NL] Frame ISBN: 9789491727658 II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR
Holistic Retail Design sets out a theory that reshapes shopping by introducing strategies in holistic constitution and the improvement of retail experiences. It covers stationary, temporary and digital customer touch-points and intermediates between the consumer, the retail brand and the products being offered. The theory shapes spaces, platforms, events, interfaces, signage and communications, expanding scope whilst introducing retail archetypes linking to customer role models.
Holistic Retail Design Reshaping Shopping for the Digital Era
by Francesc Zamora Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 191 mm 480 p € 30,00 | July 2015 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062396143 II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR
For homeowners and architects alike, an irresistible collection of hundreds of inspirational full-color profiles of 150 of the most exciting contemporary bathroom designs. Showcasing an extensive collection of designs and style, captured in stunning full-color photos, 150 Best New Bathroom Ideas provides an in-depth review of outstanding bathroom designs from internationally renowned architects and designers. Here are the most attractive, functional, and cost-effective bathroom concepts.
150 Best New Bathroom Ideas
by Manel Gutierrez Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 191 mm 480 p | throughout col.ill. € 30,00 | July 2015 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062396129 II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR
A comprehensive, full-color handbook, packed with hundreds of photographs that showcase the latest in beautiful, welcoming, and efficient kitchen design. 150 Best New Kitchen Ideas offers an in-depth look at exemplary new kitchen designs from today's most renowned architects and designers. Packed with 500 pages of gorgeous full-color photographs, it features the most attractive, functional, and cost-effective kitchen designs from around the world.
150 Best New Kitchen Ideas
Ron Broadhurst Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 229 mm 300 p | 300 col.ill. € 59,50 | Oct. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847845996 II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR
The most forward-looking spaces designed for rustic living in the twenty-first century. ?Across the globe, architects are creating innovative houses for country living, reimagining the way we escape into the natural world. Some combine industrial materials like metal and concrete with traditional wood. Others create sophisticated essays in off-grid living, employing the most technologically ambitious green-living strategies. Still others place discreet structures on remote, almost-unbuildable locations.
Retreat The Modern House in Nature
Pierre Doze Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 280 x 210 mm 316 p | 440 col.ill. € 55,00 | Sept. 2015 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542745 II05 ‐ DESIGN
Né en 1955, Éric Schmitt façonne des objets qui revisitent la tradition française des arts décoratifs. D'une précision et d'un luxe laconique, ses réalisations sont montrées au milieu des années 80 par le Via, avant d'être éditées chez Néotù et Pierre Staudenmeyer, ainsi que par En Attendant les Barbares. Jouant sur les conflits de matières - le verre et l'acier, le marbre et le Corian, l'ardoise et le parchemin -, ses formes souples s'appuient sur une tension permanente.
Eric Schmitt
Expo: 21/2/15 - 21/6/2015, Turin, Museo Ettore Fico Hardback | Eng./ It. ed. 240 x 220 mm 288 p | 255 col.ill. € 34,00 | May 15 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836630721 II05 ‐ DESIGN
The exhibition catalogue Plastic Days arises from the analysis and the selection of about 600 items from Fondazione Plart, "Plastiche e Arte" by Maria Pia Incutti- Paliotto's collection, and it is made up like an original narration of the big various family of plastic materials. A witness which tells about the transformations occurred in the last 150 years of history and which reveals the innermost nature of modernity and of the mutations that marked the domestic and cultural landscape in which we ar
Plastic Days Materiali e Design | Materials & Design
Paperback | Eng. ed. 238 x 190 mm 240 p € 34,00 | May 2015 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063693756 II05 ‐ DESIGN
Why, in spite of widespread designers obsession with amazing bicycle concepts, bicycles still essentially adhere to traditional classic form? Why, in spite of countless car makes and models, the underlying car meta-form, is basically the same? On the other hand, why does our understanding of the word chair allow an extreme latitude of form variety? Why do kitchen appliances such as mixers and toasters, insist on retaining a specific form for each assigned function?
The Form of Design Deciphering the Language of Mass Produced Objects
Wat moeten we ons voorstellen bij een 'Design Derby' tussen Nederland en België van 1815 tot 2015? Is er eigenlijk sprake van een karakteristieke Nederlandse of Belgische identiteit in het design? En hoeveel weten we over elkaars geschiedenis? Precies twee eeuwen geleden, in 1815, werd het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden opgericht. Gedurende vijftien jaar werden Nederland en België door de grote Europese staten tot een eenheid gedwongen onder de bezielende leiding van koning Willem I. Deze rijk geïllustreerde publicatie laat aan de hand van talloze bijzondere objecten zien waartoe de twee landen op het gebied van vormgeving in de loop van tweehonderd jaar in staat zijn geweest. Variërend van meubelen, keramiek, glas, textiel, grafisch ontwerp, mode tot huishoudelijke apparaten, wordt geïllustreerd hoe wooncultuur, economie en politiek het karakter van de vormgeving voortdurend laten evolueren. De publicatie is ingedeeld in 21 thema's, elk begeleid door een infographic en twee karakteristieke voorbeelden uit Nederland en België. In acht verdiepende essays van vier Vlaamse specialisten - Werner Adriaenssens, Marc Dubois, Fredie Floré en Frank Huygens - en vier Nederlandse specialisten - Paul Rem, Mienke Simon Thomas, Jeroen van den Eijnde en Frederike Huygen - ontvouwt zich daarnaast het verhaal van twee eeuwen designgeschiedenis in Nederland en België. Ook hierin is een vriendschappelijke strijd opgezocht: op elk essay volgt een korte reactie van een auteur uit het buurland: Wim Nys, Claire LeBlanc, Daniela N. Prina en Johan Valcke aan Belgische zijde en Ellinoor Bergvelt en Helen Elands, Timo de Rijk, André Koch en Ed van Hinte aan Nederlandse zijde.
Design Derby Nederland-België (1815-2015) Mienke Simon Thomas, Frank Huygens, Paul Rem, Werner Adriaenssens, Marc Dubois, Fredie Floré, Frederike Huygen, Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a. Eng. ed.: ISBN 9789069182865. Expo: 13/6/2015 ‐ 13/9/2015, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam. Travelling to Designmuseum, Gent (23/10/15 ‐ 13/3/2016)
Hardback | NL ed. 247 x 185 mm 240 p ISBN: 9789069182858 | € 29,95 June 2015
[NL] Boijmans van Beuningen
Expo: 13/6/2015 - 13/9/2015, Boijmans van Beunigen, Rotterdam ~- 23/10/2015 13/03/016 Design Museum, Ghent
In the summer of 2015, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen will be staging a retrospective of Dutch and Belgian design over the past 200 years. Four hundred objects will be on show from the two neighbouring countries, varying from silver, glass, ceramics and posters to furniture, fashion and cars. The objects will be presented next to each other, in chronological order. At each moment of the time-line from 1815 to 2015, the visitor can see the most interesting items.
Mienke Simon Thomas, Frank Huygens, Paul Rem, Werner Adriaenssens, Marc Dubois, Fredie Floré, Frederike Huygen, Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a. Hardback | Eng. ed. 247 x 185 mm 240 p € 29,95 | June 2015 [NL] Boijmans van Beuningen ISBN: 9789069182865 II05 ‐ DESIGN
Design Derby Netherlands-Belgium (1815-2015)
Ana Martins Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 220 mm 500 p | 450 col. & bw ill € 59,00 | Sept. 2015 [NL] Frame ISBN: 9789491727429 II05 ‐ DESIGN
Sixty furniture products from manufacturers around the world are shown from conceptual design sketch to realization and placement in interiors Instead of just filling a book with new products, Goods takes design publishing a step further, 60 iconic design products are analysed and featured from conceptual design sketch to realisation. And that's not all. This huge book also shows international reference projects where these products have been used successfully.
Goods 2 Interior Products from Sketch to Use
Takao Katsuta Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 230 mm 304 p | 400 col.ill. € 39,00 | July 2015 [NL] Frame ISBN: 9789491727436 II05 ‐ DESIGN
The book focuses on 100 projects and gives an in-depth look at the interior design projects realised by the eleven designers of LINE-INC. with Takao Katsuta at the centre. The projects include retail spaces, offices, restaurants and bars, as well as exhibition spaces and architecture. Illustrated with a large selection of beautiful project photography, the title also contains informative materials, including illustrations, drawings, freehand sketches, plans, renderings, and more.
LINE-INC. Takao Katsuta
Expo: 1/5/2015 - 15/7/2015, Palazzo Delle Stelline, Milan Paperback with flaps | Eng./ Fr./ It. ed 220 x 170 mm 64 p | 80 col.ill. € 12,00 | April 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565280 II06 ‐ FASHION
Textifood, the most recent of the Futurotextiles exhibitions, will present fibres made from plant or animal sources, whose non-edible by-products are used to create textiles. The aim of the Textifood exhibition is to showcase the range of synergies between food production and textiles.
Textifood by Futurotextiles
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 220 p | 200 col.ill. € 59,90 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732738 II06 ‐ FASHION
Women love handbags because they are a perfect vehicle-not just for keys, credit cards, and lipstick, but also their dreams and desires. Luxury labels made the humble purse into a billion-dollar business in the 20th century. Because it is constantly being reinvented, it wields a greater influence on everyday fashion than any hemline or silhouette. from icons like the Kelly Bag, the first 'must-have' item ever, to popular Paris fashion house labels and the latest Instagram stars...
For the Love of Bags
Marlene Sørensen Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 203 mm 160 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732929 II06 ‐ FASHION
The Style Manual How to Make Your Wardrobe Fit Your Life "I don't have anything to wear!" How many mornings have you thought this while standing in front of a closet full of clothes? This book helps you pare down the clutter and shows the pieces that make any wardrobe work, and how to mix and match them so you can put together the perfect outfit every time! This is an indispensable reference guide on what to wear, from the ballerina sole to the trench coat collar and everything in between.
Giorgio Armani Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 568 p | 150 col.ill. | 200 bw ill. € 120,00 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847845309 II06 ‐ FASHION
A comprehensive celebration of the fashions of one of the world's most revered designers. On the eve of the company's fortieth anniversary, this lavish book focuses upon the key creations and important milestones in the history of the celebrated Italian designer and his eponymous fashion house. With personal texts written by Giorgio Armani, the book contains biographical details interwoven with the story of the company.
Giorgio Armani
Laurence Benaim Hardback | Eng. ed. 267 x 203 mm 152 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 42,00 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846641 II06 ‐ FASHION
The first book to focus on Dior's iconic design known as the New Look, which revolutionized the fashion industry. A must-have for followers and students of fashion.
Dior The New Look Revolution
Caroline Rennolds Milbank Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 241 mm 320 p | 700 col. & bw ill € 84,50 | Oct. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846023 II06 ‐ FASHION
This immersive timeline is illustrated by photographs- over 700-that tell the story of fashion through its changing and multitudinous silhouettes. As the years advance, we watch crinolines inflate and deflate, the bustle shape-shift, skirts narrow, and sleeves balloon. The twentieth century opens with the S-bend corset, puffed at the waist, and as the decades progress, conformity all but disappears as clothing becomes more casual. In the twenty-first century, formalwear becomes more elaborate than ever.
Fashion A Timeline in Photographs: 1850 to Today
Olivier Saillard and Tilda Swinton Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 305 x 254 mm 336 p | 400 col. & bw ill € 145,00 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847841769 II06 ‐ FASHION
An exquisitely illustrated examination of the influence of fashion, as conceived by Olivier Saillard and interpreted by Tilda Swinton. The Impossible Wardrobe documents three groundbreaking exhibitions curated by Olivier Saillard and poetically brought to life by Tilda Swinton. Serving as part fashion object, catalog, artist book, this work not only consists of the sole record of Swinton's critically acclaimed sold-out performances but also serves as a unique survey of the Palais collection of clothing
The Impossible Wardrobe
Johnson Hartig Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 254 mm 256 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 84,50 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846047 II06 ‐ FASHION
"Libertine" is an invitation into Johnson Hartig's world, as the designer shares images of his eccentric and whimsical fashion designs, inspirational references, and his captivatingly eclectic interiors. ?Johnson Hartig is the founder and designer for the innovative fashion brand Libertine, which is renowned for breathing electric life back into vintage couture pieces by cutting them up and adding ornate crystal embellishments, rich silk-screened graphics, and embroideries to create gorgeous garments.
Libertine The Creative Beauty, Humor, and Inspiration Behind the Cult Label
by Stefano Tonchi, Maria Luisa Frisa, Donatella Versace, Tim Blanks, Massimiliano Capella Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 267 mm 352 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 128,00 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846078 II06 ‐ FASHION
A long-awaited and highly intimate visual history of the glamorous, world-renowned, and family-run Italian fashion house Versace. Versace, a name that epitomizes decadent glamour, bold sexiness, and a mythical flair for the extravagant, holds its place firmly in the fashion world as a legendary and iconic luxury brand. This glamorous album illustrates the magnetic vibrancy, supreme luxury, and deep familial ties that define the Versace family and their fashion house.
Versace 43
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 224 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 49,90 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733018 II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR
Auto. Kultur. Magazin. In seven years and 30 issues, ramp has lived up to its name with its stylish take on cars, filling its pages with fresh, pioneering imager. ramp sees a car as much more than a means of trans-portation or a technical miracle: to ramp, cars equal culture. A car is a part of our lives that can become an extension of our identities, a place where we touch, get behind the wheel, drive, pursue our passions, and experience the world.
A Passion for Cars
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 178 p | 140 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Aug. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732639 II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR
Transcending sport and spectacle, all things equine and equestrian have captivated and charmed an elite global audience. Including horse racing, show-jumping, and polo, amongst other horse disciplines, this book encapsulates the glittering people, international events, fashion, and cultural impact-in such arenas as design and entertainment-that equine sports have had on the world at large.
The Stylish Life Equestrian
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 178 p | 140 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Aug. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732660 II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR
Transcending sport and spectacle, all things equine and equestrian have captivated and charmed an elite global audience. Including horse racing, show-jumping, and polo, amongst other horse disciplines, this book encapsulates the glittering people, international events, fashion, and cultural impact-in such arenas as design and entertainment-that equine sports have had on the world at large.
The Stylish Life Skiing
Edited by Glabert Brunner Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 258 p | 250 col.ill. € 69,90 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832798581 II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR
Few objects combine function, elegance, and status as well as a wristwatch. One's choice of chronograph reveals a great deal because it shows the value we place on the most precious resource of all-time. A blend of precise mechanics, craftsmanship, fine materials, and innovation distinguishes the truly superlative examples. In The Watch Book, readers can feast their eyes and minds on a magnificently-illustrated and well-documented chronicle of the world's best timepieces.
The Watch Book
Carina von Bülow & Amélie Cremer Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 203 mm 160 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832733025 II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR
This book is both a style guide and a beautiful photo book that kicks wedding stress to the curb and highlights the joy and excitement of planning your big day. The authors have extensive experience in planning weddings and share their favorite stylish wedding concepts for every season and taste, whether traditional, bohemian, or urban modern.
The Wedding Book For Every Season
René Vermeiren. Voorwoord door Christian Prudhomme, directeur Tour de France Hardback | NL ed. (E/ F summ) 265 x 235 mm 152 p € 24,95 | May 2015 [BE] Pandora ISBN: 9789053253915 II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE
In dit boek gaat René Vermeiren gedetailleerd, in woord en beeld, terug tot de eerste kennismaking in 1954 en alle verdere passages van de Tour in de provincie Antwerpen. Tour d'Anvers wordt aangevuld door een beschrijving van alle Antwerpse renners, de 'Antwerpse reuzen van de Tour'. Want Antwerpen en zijn provincie, dat is voor mij ook Tom Boonen, Rik Van Looy, Rik Van Steenbergen, Stan Ockers, Herman Vanspringel... en zoveel anderen die mee de legende van de Tour hebben geschreven.
Tour d'Anvers De Tour in Antwerpen - Antwerpen in de Tour
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm 178 p | 16 col.ill. | 105 bw ill. € 59,90 | July 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732745 II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE
Tour de France The Golden Age 1940-1970
Edited by Leslie Jonath Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 190 x 150 mm 128 p | 85 col. & bw ill € 19,90 | Sept. 2015 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832732592 II08 ‐ TRAVEL
As the song says, "If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere!" Everyone Loves New York is a joyful and whimsical ode to one of the most dynamic metropolises in the world, New York City, showcasing an array of 85 illustrations in eclectic styles, from 60 artists from around the world. From the iconic buildings and bridges that make up the Manhattan skyline-such as the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and the Brooklyn Bridge-to the world-famous shopping streets of Fifth Av. and Madison
Everyone Loves New York
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 217 x 125 mm 344 p | throughout col.ill. € 23,95 | April 2015 [UK] D.K. ‐ E/W ISBN: 9781409369554 II08 ‐ TRAVEL ‐ GUIDES
The DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Belgium & Luxembourg will lead you straight to the best attractions Belgium & Luxembourg has to offer. The guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the city's stunning architecture, plus 3D aerial views of the key districts to explore on foot. You'll find detailed listings of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets plus insider tips on everything from where to find the best markets and nightspots to great attractions
Belgium and Luxembourg DK Eyewitness Travel Guide (2015)
Andy Standing Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 250 col.ill. € 19,95 | May 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565181 II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF
In Creatief met 1 Plank ging auteur en houtbewerkingsenthousiast Andy Standing de uitdaging aan om uit één enkele plank telkens een ander leuk en praktisch item voor in huis te maken. Een gereedschapskist, een windhaan, een messenblok, laptophouder, een vouwstoel, schoenenrekje. alle 20 projecten zijn haalbaar, zowel voor professionelen als amateurhoutbewerkers, en bovendien gemakkelijk uitvoerbaar.
Creatief met 1 plank Makkelijk en zelf hout bewerken
Vicky Bogaert Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 96 p | 60 col. & bw ill € 17,95 | June 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565297 II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF
Dit boek helpt je om het beste uit je smartphone-camera te halen. Je leert niet enkel de camera technisch beter kennen, maar je krijgt ook handige en praktische tips over hoe je betere foto's maakt. Hoe je je eigen beeldstijl ontwikkelt, door de compositie maar ook door de nabewerking. Welke zijn de beste nabewerkingsapps? Welke filter gebruik je best voor welk soort foto? Waar en hoe kan je je foto's online delen? Kortom: hoe word je een betere fotograaf en hoe haal je het beste uit je foto's.
Iedereen smartphonefotograaf Gids vol tips & tricks om alles uit je smartphonecamera te halen
By Willem Popelier Paperback | Eng. ed. 150 x 105 mm 144 p | 100 col.ill. € 9,95 | July 2015 [NL] BIS Publishers ISBN: 9789063693879 II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF
Perhaps you're new to the art of the selfie. Maybe the validation from Oxford Dictionaries has given you the courage to finally try one out for yourself. If that's the case, be careful. You are about to enter a minefield of potential disasters. Willem Popelier analyzed tens of thousands of selfies, thousands of tips, and some dozen research articles on selfies for the ultimate selfie guide to capture the best version of yourself. This guide contains 66 rules, accompanied by 66 pictures.
Do It Yourselfie Guide The Ultimate Selfie Guide To Capture The Best Version Of Yourself 47
Carry with Love Totes Books Work
Carry with Love Totes Cat and Mouse
Carry with Love Totes Carry with Love
Carry with Love Totes Diderot
Tote Bag | 420 x 380 mm
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
Carry with Love Totes Facebook is not Franz Kafka
Carry with Love Totes So Many Books, So Little Time
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
Carry with Love Totes Love
Carry with Love Totes Star Turquoise
Carry with Love Totes Star Pink
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
Tote Bag | 410 x 380 mm
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
€ 12,95 June 2015 [G] teNeues
Jean Godecharle, Michiel Elsevier Stokmans, Eddy De Buf (photography) Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 340 x 245 mm 112 p | 80 col.ill. € 34,90 | Mei 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565334 II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE
Olivier Pauwels, beter gekend als Bohi, heeft als kunstenaar een beeldentrack van een apocalyptische wereld ineengeknutseld, waarbij het evenwicht gezocht wordt tussen humor en dreiging, geweld en lieflijkheid, vernieuwing en recuperatie. Het is niet voor niets dat Bohi door regisseur George Miller gevraagd werd om mee te werken aan het ontwerp van de karakters voor de film 'Mad Max: Fury Road'. Olivier Pauwels haalt objecten uit hun context om ze een nieuwe bestemming en tegelijk een nieuwe dimensie en id
Cyber-baby Olivier Pauwels / Bohi
David McComb Paperback | Eng. ed. 250 x 195 mm 288 p | 200 col.ill. | 100 bw ill. € 32,50 | Sept. 2015 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780674766 II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE
Over the past century tattoo culture has emerged from the underground and hit the mainstream. This book reveals the entire history. Combining a wealth of visual material from across the many cultures and subcultures associated with tattoos, including fashion, music and art, with examples of some of the most exquisite tattoos ever inked, the book shows over 400 photographs, many published for the first time. This visual history forms a unique examination of the tattoo as a form of personal expression.
100 Years of Tattoos
Shepard Fairey Hardback | Eng. ed. 317 x 267 mm 240 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 52,00 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846214 II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE
The seminal artist's recent art and poster works, and his triumphant return to his street-art roots with murals, all in work never before published. ?Shepard Fairey rose out of the skateboarding scene, creating his "Andre the Giant Has a Posse" sticker campaign in the late '80s, and has since achieved a mainstream recognition that most street artists never find. Fairey's "Hope" poster, created during Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, is arguably the most iconic American image since Uncle Sam.
Obey: Covert to Overt The Underground/Over-Ground Art of Shepard Fairey 49
Expo: 25/06/2015 11/10/2015, Haus der Kunst, Munich Diedrich Diedrichsen, Leonard Emmerling Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 280 x 210 mm 144 p | 80 col.ill. € 30,00 | July 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740340
Geniale Dilletanten (Brilliant Dilletantes) was the deliberately misspelled title of a music festival that took place at the Tempodrom in Berlin in 1981 and which became a synonym for a brief era of artistic awakening. An avant-garde blossomed, in particular in the context of art schools, that was characterized by artistic vehemence, cross-genre experimentation, and the desire for self-organization.
Geniale Dilletanten Brilliant Dilletantes Subculture in Germany in the 1980s Mark Seliger Paperback | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm 192 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 39,95 | Sept. 2015 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781780384399 II15 ‐ MUSIC
Featuring more than 300 photographs in colour and black-and-white.Among those who took the pictures in this book are legendary photographers Jim Marshall, Terry O'Neill, Deborah Feingold, Neil Preston and Mark Seliger
Keith Richards A Life in Pictures
With ten pieces of removable memorabilia Meredith Ochs Hardback | Eng. ed. 298 x 210 mm 176 p € 40,95 | Oct. 2015 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781783059331 II15 ‐ MUSIC
Packaged in a handsome hardcover format, the Bruce Springsteen Vault features over 100 images including concert photos (both on-stage and backstage), album covers, and personal photographs. New interviews with Springsteen insiders and artists he has collaborated with throughout his career, in addition to previously unpublished concert photographs and ephemera. The collection will also include ten pieces of removable memorabilia such as ticket stubs, posters, and handwritten lyrics.
The Bruce Springsteen Vault
Paul Lester Paperback | Eng. ed. 234 x 156 mm 256 p € 24,50 | Aug. 2015 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781783057894 II15 ‐ MUSIC
The story of the world's leading producer-pop star, from his production work with The Neptunes to his rock band N*E*R*D and his solo collaborations with everyone from Jay-Z to Kylie.
In Search of Pharrell Williams
At the occasion of his 70th birthday in november 2015 Harvey Kubernik Hardback | Eng. ed. 275 x 215 mm 224 p € 32,50 | Nov. 2015 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781783057900 II15 ‐ MUSIC
Respected journalist Harvey Kubernik charts every aspect of Neil Young's extraordinary career with the aid of exclusive interviews conducted with fellow musicians, record producers, music journalists, film directors and loyal fans. Along with a retrospective commentary on every studio and live album, this is the ultimate tribute to one of rock music's true giants.
Neil Young Heart of Gold
Travelling expo Achim Sommer Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 230 x 230 mm 112 p | 90 col.ill. € 19,80 | Aug. 2015 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740296 II14 ‐ CINEMA
His films are cult: whether Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare before Christmas, or Alice in Wonderland. Less well known, but no less relevant, is the artistic work that Tim Burton (*1958 in Burbank, California) creates outside of Hollywood. His drawings and paintings, his poems and short stories delight his fans just as much as his adventures on the silver screen. The catalogue affords fascinating insight into the bizarre, magical imagination of this exceptional multimedia artist.
The World of Tim Burton
Expo: 2/7/2015 - 18/10/2015, National Portrait Gallery, London Terence Pepper and Helen Trompeteler Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 192 p | 145 col. & bw ill € 48,95 | July 2015 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855144972
A rich collection of iconic and rare portraits of one of the world's most photographed women, international film legend Audrey Hepburn. During her lifetime, Belgian-born British actress Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) was recognized around the world. Here, Hepburn's career is charted from her early years in London as a student of ballet and a performer on the West End stage to her Hollywood heyday to her final years as a special ambassador for the UNICEF.
Audrey Hepburn Portraits of an Icon
Expo: 16/04/2014 29/06//2014, Bonnierskonsthalle, Stockholm - 28/02/2015 21/06/2015, Luzern, Kunstmuseum, Milena Milena Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 192 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | May 2015 [IT] Silvana
Milena, Milena is the second exhibition in a trilogy based on Lockhart's portrait of Polish teenager Milena - a story about the difficulty of leaving childhood behind and facing adulthood. Sharon Lockhart first met Milena in 2009 in Lódz, Poland, when the girl was nine-years old. Lockhart gravitated towards Milena's strong personality, and the two soon developed a friendship through the actof play.
ISBN: 9788836630608 II14‐ CINEMA
Sharon Lockhart
Wong Kar Wai & John Powers Hardback | Eng. ed. 228 x 305 mm 272 p | 250 col.ill. € 76,50 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846177 II14‐ CINEMA
The long-awaited retrospective from the internationally renowned film director celebrated for his visually lush and atmospheric films. ?Wong Kar Wai is known for his romantic and stylish films that explore--in saturated, cinematic scenes--themes of love, longing, and the burden of memory. His style reveals a fascination with mood and texture, and a sense of place figures prominently.
WKW The Cinema of WKW
250 genummerde exemplaren, met DVD Vormgeving: FOREST (Joris Kritis & Richard Venlet). Paperback | NL ed. 210 x 148 mm 52 p | several col. & bw ill € 35,00 | May 2015 [BE] A&S/Books, UGent ISBN: 9789076714455 II15b ‐ LITERATURE
Met 30 gedichten van de legendarische pop-art-verzamelaar Hubert Peeters, een fotoreeks van een werk van Segal, en een DVD met een interview van Bart Verschaffel. Vormgeving Richard.
Lovers on a bench Hubert Peeters. Minnegedichten 1944-1995
Hardback edition: ISBN 9781594747588 Ransom Riggs Paperback | Eng. ed. x mm 400 p € 12,95 | Sept. 2015 [US] Quirk ISBN: 9781594748400
Time is running out for the Peculiar Children. With a dangerous madman on the loose and their beloved Miss Peregrine still in danger, Jacob Portman and Emma Bloom are forced to stage the most daring of rescue missions. They'll travel through a war-torn landscape, meet new allies, and face greater dangers than ever. . . . Will Jacob come into his own as the hero his fellow Peculiars know him to be? This action-packed adventure features more than 50 all-new Peculiar photographs.
Library of Souls Ransom Riggs
Pierre Sterckx. Translated by Micahel Farr Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 234 mm 240 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 59,95 | Sept. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780789329479 II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS
Since he first appeared in Hergé's weekly cartoon strip in "Le Petit Vingtième "in Paris in 1929, Tintin has become one of the most celebrated characters in the comic world. With rarely seen pencil sketches, character drawings, and watercolors alongside original artwork from the finished stories, the book illuminates Tintin's progress from whimsical caricature to profound icon and reveals Hergé's parallel development from cartoonist to artist.
Tintin Hergé's Masterpiece
Pieter Clicteur e.a.. Fotografie: Pieter Clicteur Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 64 col. & bw ill € 29,95 | May 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565235 II16 ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST
heArt is een verrassend boek dat focust op een bijzonder thema: orgaandonatie. Voor veel mensen is transplantatie de laatste kans op verder leven. heArt wil op een kunstzinnige en ludieke wijze de aandacht vestigen op dit probleem. Want een orgaan afstaan, kan levens redden. Een mooi staaltje kunstfotografie van een buitengewoon concept: nooit eerder werden zoveel bekende Vlamingen onder water geportretteerd én werd orgaandonatie op dergelijke originele manier onder de aandacht gebracht.
Fly‐in weekend Hemelvaart 16‐17 mei 2015 Hardback | NL ed. 150 x 210 mm 96 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 9,95 | May 2015 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867104
In 1909 had in Antwerpen de eerste officiële Belgische vliegmeeting plaats. Vijftien jaar later had de stad een eigen luchthaven, een vliegschool, een vliegclub en een eigen vliegtuigbouwer, Stampe & Vertongen. Het vliegveld groeide uit tot een internationale luchthaven voor zaken- en privévluchten, en de tweedekkers van Stampe & Vertongen werden gegeerde toestellen voor restaurateurs en piloten van toestellen met een verhaal.
Luchtvaart in Antwerpen van klein naar groot(s)
Expo: 13/7/2015 22/11/2015, Navigo-Nationaal Visserijmuseum, Oostduinkerke Anton Ervynck, Jan Haspeslagh, Alexander Lehouck, e.a. Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 96 p | 75 col.ill. € 24,95 | June 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek
De eerste oestersoorten dateren van ver voor de mens. Vanaf het moment dat de mens de oesters kon proeven, was hij meteen verslaafd. Negen wetenschappers nemen de lezer mee op een zintuigelijke verkenning van de ostrea edulis. Van het excessen van Romeinen tot het bord van de cisterciënzer-monniken en van de geschiedenis van de Oostendse oester tot de erotische connotaties in moderne kunst en literatuur.
Oesterpassie Een zintuiglijke verkenning in kunst en geschiedenis
Frans Lauwers Paperback | NL ed. 210 x 170 mm 100 p | throughout bw ill. € 15,00 | May 2015 [BE] Pandora ISBN: 9789053253908 II16 ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST
Kleine uitgave door Frans Lauwers, bekend auteur van reeds tal van boeken over Antwerpen en Antwerpen-specialist en verzamelaar. De grootvader van Frans Lauwers heeft meegevochten in de Groote Oorlog' en is gestorven als krijgsgevange in een Duits kamp. Dit boek met tal van nieuwe, nooit eerder getoonde illustraties geeft een persoonlijke kijk op het Antwerpen tijdens de 'Groote Oorlog'.
Antwerpen en de Eerste Wereldoorlog
S.l.d. de Philippe Raxhon Hardback | French ed. 290 x 240 mm 240 p | 150 bw ill. € 49,95 | March 2015 [BE] Editions Marot ISBN: 9782930117492 II16 ‐ HERITAGE ‐ LOCAL INTEREST
Cet ouvrage richement illustré entend mettre l'accent sur un personnel particulier de l'histoire de Belgique : les gouverneurs de la province de Liège de 1830 à nos jours, soit dix-sept hommes ancrés dans leur époque et dans une fonction qui a évolué au fil du temps. Il ne s'agit nullement d'une simple suite de récits de mandats de gouverneurs, sans lien entre eux, mais bien d'une approche biographique couvrant leur existence tout entière et s'insérant dans un contexte historique en perpétuelle mutation.
Les Gouverneurs de la Province de Liège Histoire d'une fonction, mémoire d'une action 55
Pieter Donche, Ludo Vandamme Paperback | NL ed. 290 x 210 mm 128 p | throughout col.ill. € 24,00 | April 2015 [BE] Van de Wiele ISBN: 9789076297583 II16 ‐ HERITAGE ‐ LOCAL INTEREST
Reeds in de 17de eeuw was genealogie een bloeiend bedrijf. Zo leert het genealogische kabinet van Jacob Antoon Kerchof die leefde en werkte in Brugge. Zijn verzameling van duizenden documenten kwam nagenoeg ongeschonden in onze tijd terecht. Van onooglijke papieren snippers tot grote veekleurige genealogieën op perkament. Dit boek neem een kijk in deze onschatbare verzameling en focust op de man achter de collectie.
Een Brugse genealoog aan het werk De verzameling stambomen van Jacob Antoon Kerchof
Hardback | NL ed. 230 x 170 mm 216 p € 24,50 | April 2015 [BE] Van de Wiele ISBN: 9789076297569 II16 ‐ HERITAGE ‐ LOCAL INTEREST
Fernand Traen (°Brugge 1930) was 42 jaar gemeenteraadslid, 12 jaar Schepen van Cultuur en eerste Schepen van de stad Brugge evenals 25 jaar voorzitter en afgevaardigd bestuurder van de Maatschappij van de Brugse haveninrichtingen. Op al deze fronten heeft hij geschiedenis gemaakt en een persoonlijke stempel gedrukt.
Brugse memoires Fernand Traen
Hardback | NL ed. (E/ F summ) 320 x 240 mm 144 p € 34,50 | April 2015 [BE] Van de Wiele ISBN: 9789076297576
Deze uitgave stelt de geschiedenis van het Sint-Jooscomplex en van de orthodoxe parochie van de hh. Konstantijn en Helena aan u voor. De auteurs laten u aan de hand van schitterend beeldmateriaal en deskundige uitleg kennismaken met de opvallende en minder bekende schatten in het gebouw. Tegelijk biedt dit boek een introductie in de fascinerende wereld van de orthodoxie en geeft toelichting bij diverse aspecten van het Oosterse christendom: de liturgische praxis, de betekenis van het beeld...
Van Godshuis Sint-Joos tot Orthodoxe Kerk Brugge Maison dieu - Paroisse orthodoxe - Almshouse Orthodox parish 56
Tekst: Paul Verrept. Tekeningen: Ingrid Godon Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 64 p | 20 col.ill. € 17,95 | April 2015 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565273 II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS
Emile Van Doren (1865-1949) was een landschapsschilder, zijn leven lang. Hij schilderde aan de Belgische kust, in Brugge en in Zeeland, in de groene rand rond Brussel en aan de Schelde. Maar hij is vooral bekend als onvermoeibaar schilder van de Kempen. Paul Verrept schreef een verhaal bij het leven en werk van Emile Van Doren. Ingrid Godon tekende schimmen van zijn leven: het licht, de natuur, het landschap en de mensen die de schilder zo fascineerden.
Het laatste station van de wereld
Rebecca Emberley Paperback | Eng. ed. 279 x 215 mm 64 p € 24,95 | May 2015 [US] Ammo ISBN: 9780991293544 II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS
Everything you need to throw a party! DIY: Hundreds of perforated paper pieces, easy to assemble in dozens of ways to create your perfect party. Simply punch out the shapes desired, add some glue and string and you can make garlands, cupcake toppers, tray covers, chains, gift wrap, invitations, labels, tags, boxes, and much more.
Party in a Book Spots, Dots, & Stripes
2016 - Diary 2016 - pocket
2016 Diary by Karl
Flexi (Pb luxe) | 135 x 115 mm Eng. ed. | 120 p | € 10,50 May 2015
€ 20,95 Aug. 2015 [UK] T & H
2016 - Diary 2016 - desk Flexi (Pb luxe) | 224 x 190 mm Eng. ed. | 120 p | € 17,95 | May 2015 [UK] V&A Museum ‐ Gifts
Butterflies 2016 Wall Calendar 16-month calendar
Daily Dishonesty 2016 Wall Calendar 16-month Spiral-bound Wall calendar
Wire‐o binding | 298 x 298 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Wire‐o binding | 298 x 298 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Extraordinary Chickens 2016 Wall Calendar 16-month Calendar
Chihuly 2016 Engagement Calendar Wire‐o binding | 216 x 159 mm Eng. ed. 160 p | 80 col.ill. € 19,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
French Country Diary 2016 Calendar Hardback | 181 x 206 mm Eng. ed. 128 p | 56 col.ill. € 28,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Chihuly 2016 Wall Calendar 16-month calendar
Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
French Country 2016 Wall Calendar
€ 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - Hyperbole and a Half (QJDJHPHQW Calendar
2016 - Hyperbole and a Half :DOO &DOHQGDU (16-month
Wire‐o binding | Eng. ed. | 108 p | € 19,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. | 24 p | € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Birds 2016 Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art
2016 -Impressionism Mini Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art
€ 16,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
24 p | € 10,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - Lil Bub 2016 Wall Calendar Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. | 24 p | € 16,50 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
365 Days of Art 2016 Desk Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art 178 x 152 mm Eng. ed. | 160 p | € 19,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - Impressionism 2016 Deluxe Engagement Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art € 23,95 | Aug. 2015 | [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Highlights of the Met 2016 'HOX[H (QJDJHPHQW Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art 12 p | € 23,95 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - Highlights of the Met (QJDJHPHQW Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art 124 p | € 19,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - Impressionism (QJDJHPHQW Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art € 19,50 | Aug. 2015 | [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts 9781419717529
2016 Impressionism Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art 16-month Calendar € 16,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 John Singer Sargent Wall Cal. Metropolitan Museum of Art
Van Gogh 2016 Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art
2016 Louis Comfort Tiffany Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art
24 p | € 16,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Eng. ed. | 24 p | € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
€ 16,50 | Aug. 2016 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
New York 2016 Deluxe Engagement Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art 229 x 178 mm Eng. ed. | 124 p | € 23,95 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - New York 2016 Deluxe Engagement Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art Wire‐o binding | Eng. ed. 124 p | € 19,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - New York in Photographs 2016 Mini Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art
2016 - New York in Photographs 2016 Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art
2016 - New York in Art Wall Cal. Metropolitan Museum of Art 16-monthCalendar
24 p | € 10,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
€ 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
24 p | € 16,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - Shoes 2016 Mini Wall Calendar Metropolitan Museum of Art 24 p | € 10,50 | Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 - Planet Golf :DOO &DOHQGDU 16-month
2016 - Rube Goldberg :DOO &DOHQGDU (16-month)
2016 - Tails from the Booth :DOO &DOHQGDU 16-month
Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Stapled | 305 x 356 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 17,95
Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50
[US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
[US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Treehouses of the World 2016 Wall Calendar (16-month) Stapled | 368 x 267 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
William Wegman Puppies 2016 Wall Calendar (16-month) Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. | 24 p | € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
William Wegman 0DQ V %HVW )ULHQG :DOO &DOHQGDU 16-month
Stapled | 368 x 267 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
The Forest Feast 2016 Wall Calendar Wire‐o binding | 298 x 298 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
Wet Dog 2016 Wall Calendar 16-month calendar Stapled | 305 x 305 mm Eng. ed. 24 p € 16,50 Aug. 2015 [US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
2016 Daily Calendar: Happiness Is . . . 2016 Daily Calendar: Position of the Day € 14,80 July 2015 € 14,80 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Daily Calendar: The Onion
€ 14,80 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Daily Calendar: F in Exams
2016 Daily Calendar: Disney
€ 14,80 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
€ 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Engagement Calendar:
€.17,80 | July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: Cats of 1986 € 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
€ 17,80 | July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: Business Baby € 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: Anne Taintor € 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
Anne Taintor
2016 Paris in Color Engagement Calendar
2016 Daily Calendar: :KDW V <RXU 3RR 7HOOLQJ You? € 14,80 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: Darth Vader and Friends € 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: Grumpy Cat
€ 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: I Could Pee on This € 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: Super Graphic
2016 Wall Calendar: From Frank
€ 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
€ 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
2016 Wall Calendar: I Could Chew on This
€ 16,50 July 2015 [US] Chronicle Gifts
Universe Publishing Stapled | Eng. ed. 300 x 300 mm 24 p € 14,95 | Aug. 2015 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780789330062 II19 ‐ CALENDARS
Tintin, Herge's inimitable and intrepid roving reporter, returns for a year of adventure! Featuring rarely seen sketches and cels from Herge museum's archive in Brussels and including the full cast of characters - from Catptain Haddock to Professor Calculus - the Tintin 2016 Wall Calendar will charm and delight year round. Accompanied by the loyal snowy, Tintin's escapes lead him from scandal in Scotland to trouble in Texas, mysteries on the Moon, and beyond. The perfect gift for Tintin fans of all
Tintin 2016 Wall Calendar
Pepin Van Rooje Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm 16 p € 12,95 | May 2015 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098109 II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that, depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.
1950s Fashion Artists' Colouring Books
Pepin Van Rooje Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm 16 p € 12,95 | May 2015 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098123 II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that, depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.
Ancien Egypt Artists' Colouring Books
Pepin Van Rooje Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm 16 p € 12,95 | Oct. 2015 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098093 II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that, depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.
Art Nouveau Fashion Artists' Colouring Books
Pepin Van Rooje Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm 16 p € 12,95 | May 2015 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098116 II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that, depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.
Bauhaus Style Artists' Colouring Books
Pepin Van Rooje Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm 16 p € 12,95 | May 2015 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098147 II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that, depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.
Chinese Designs Artists' Colouring Books
Pepin Van Rooje Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm 16 p € 12,95 | May 2015 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098130 II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES
PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines. The printing is done in such a way that, depending on the techniques used, the original outline will be hardly visible after colouring. The 180 gsm drawing paper is suitable for a wide range of colouring applications, including pencil, crayon, pastel, felt marker, gouache, etc. Also water colours and liquid inks can be used. Can be framed and displayed without risk.
Rembrandt Artists' Colouring Books
Paperback | NL ed. 279 x 215 mm 40 p | throughout col.ill. € 7,00 | April 2014 [BE] OKV ISBN: OKV_2015_02BI II38 ‐ MAGAZINES
Een minder bekend en minder belicht deel van Rubens' persoonlijkheid is zijn rol als familieman. Gedurende zijn hele carrière portretteerde Rubens de mensen die hij liefhad en hem omringden: zijn broer Filips, zijn echtgenotes Isabella Brant en Helena Fourment en zijn kinderen uit beide huwelijken.
OKV 2015-02. Special Rubens Privé
Paperback | NL ed. 279 x 215 mm 40 p | throughout col.ill. € 7,00 | April 2014 [BE] OKV ISBN: OKV_2015_02 II38 ‐ MAGAZINES
"...Voor dit themanummer van OKV stel ik voor deze benadering over te nemen en de tekening te definiëren als 'alle werken op papier...'. Zoals we zullen zien, kan je niet alleen op veel manieren tekenen, maar kan de tekening ook veel verschillende functies krijgen binnen het oeuvre van een kunstenaar. Architecten tekenen, choreografen, theatermannen en filmregisseurs tekenen, beeldhouwers, schilders, videomakers en installatiekunstenaars tekenen. ...Alles is mogelijk. Als het resultaat ons maar beroert..."
OKV 2015-02 . Tekenen (April- Mei 2015)
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