Exhibitions International - New Titles - Fall 2016

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E X H I B I T I O N S a r t



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b o o k s

Nieuwe titels - Nouveautés - New titles







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Nieuwe titels Najaar 2016 NouveautĂŠs automne 2016 Ancient Art, p. 4 Archaeology & Ethnography, p. 7 Antiques & Collectables, p. 8 Art History, p. 9 Modern Art, p. 11 20th Century Art, p. 19 Contemporary Art, p. 23 Popular Culture & Street Art, p. 31 History & Reference, p. 34 Photography, p. 36 Counterculture, p. 49 Food & Drinks, p. 50 Life Style & Sports, p. 55 Travel, p. 57 Gardens, Patio & Indoor Plants, p. 60 Architecture, p. 63 Style & Interior, p. 65 Design, p. 68 Fashion, p. 71 DIY | Crafts, p. 76, 114 Gifts, p. 77 Literature, p. 86 Cinema, p. 94 Comics & Graphic Novels, p. 95 Creative thinking & Graphice Art & Design, p. 97 Music, p. 100 Belgium | BelgiĂŤ | Belgique, p. 103 Children's Books, p. 108 Games for all ages, p. 110 Magazines, p. 114

New titles Fall 2016

De Japanse prentencollectie van de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België telt meer dan 7500 exemplaren en geniet dankzij zijn uitstekende conservatie wereldwijde faam. Aan de hand van 360 prenten uit die verzameling toont deze publicatie een overzicht van de evolutie van de Japanse prentkunst vanaf de eerste stappen in zwart-wit, over de sublieme ontwerpen in polychromie, die op het einde van de 19de eeuw westerse kunstenaars en verzamelaars in vervoering brachten, tot de 20ste eeuw.

Expo : 21/10/2016 - 12/2/2017 K.M.K.G., Brussel | M.R.A.H., Bruxelles Nathalie Vandeperre, Chantal Kozyreff, Chris Uhlenbeck et al. Hardback | NL ed. 290 x 230 mm | 320 p | throughout col.ill. € 35,00 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers

ISBN: 9789461613356 (NL)

ISBN: 9789461613363 (F)

360 estampes ont été sélectionnés parmi les plus belles de la collection du Musée du Cinquantenaire, qui est internationalement réputée. Ils offrent un aperçu de l'art japonais de l'estampe, depuis ses débuts en noir et blanc (vers 1720) jusqu'au début du XXe siècle. Le terme japonais ukiyo-e, qui signifie littéralement « images du monde flottant », trouve son origine dans le bouddhisme. Avec estampes de Harunobu, Shunshô, Kiyonaga, Utamaro, Sharaku, Hokusai, Hiroshige, ...

NL - F

Ukiyo-e De mooiste Japanse prenten Les plus belles estampes japonaises


Henri‐Alexis Baatsch

Sarah E. Thompson

Hardback | Eng. ed. | 230 x 160 mm | 448 p | € 28,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500094037 (E)

Hardback | Eng. ed. 197 x 210 mm 248 p | throughout col.ill.| € 35,80 | Aug. 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9780878468263 (E)

Hokusai's Lost Manga A mysterious 1823 advertisement for illustrated books by renowned artist Katsushika Hokusai refers to an otherwise unknown work called Master Iitsu’s Chicken-Rib Picture Book.

Hokusai A Life in Drawing

Henri-Alexis Baatsch is a writer and translator who lived in Tokyo in 1981 and again from 1984 to 1986, during which time he wrote an essay on Hokusai, revised for this book. He is the author of several plays and numerous books, includingt Henri Michaux: Painter and Poetry and Questions of Style.


Deze rijk geïllustreerde catalogus (NL/ENG) verschijnt bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, met een uitgebreide bespreking van alle tentoongestelde werken en de voorbereidende tekeningen. Daarnaast wordt in vier inleidende essays het leven en werk en de atelierpraktijk van Fra Bartolommeo besproken, evenals de iconografie van de schilderijen en de verzamelgeschiedenis van de collectie tekeningen die uiteindelijk in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen terechtkwam.

Expo: 15/10/2016 ‐ 15/1/2017, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

The celebrated portrait Fra Bartolommeo painted of his spiritual source of inspiration, the hellfire preacher Girolamo Savonarola, is also coming to Rotterdam. This major exhibition - a unique opportunity to learn about and understand this great master artist and the time in which he lived - will be staged in Rotterdam only.

NL - E

Albert Elen, Chris Fischer, Bram de Klerck, Michael Kwakkelstein Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 225 mm | 240 p € 34,95 | Oct. 2016 [NL] Boijmans van Beuningen ISBN: 9789069182957 (NL)

ISBN: 9789069182940 (E)

Fra Bartolommeo De goddelijke renaissance The Divine Renaissance


Expo: 16/9/2016 ‐ 23/1/2017, Musée Jacquemart‐André, Paris


Autour des trois chefs-d'œuvre de Rembrandt conservés au Musée Jacquemart-André, le catalogue d'exposition retracera les moments forts de la carrière de cet artiste majeur. En présentant une quarantaine de tableaux, répartis en trois chapitres, ce catalogue d'exposition présente trois étapes-clés de la création de Rembrandt et permet d'appréhender de façon très claire l'évolution de ce peintre qui a dominé l'art hollandais du XVIIe siècle.

Rembrandt intime


Sous la rédaction de Claire Durand‐Ruel et Jacques‐Sylvain Klein Hardback with dust jacket | French ed. 280 x 240 mm 192 p | 110 col.ill. € 39,95 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301450 (F) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Expo: 8/10/2016 ‐ 22/1/2017, Cassel, Musée de Flandre


Au XVIIe siècle s'affirme dans la peinture flamande un genre bien singulier, l'art animalier. Les peintres flamands, si sensibles au rendu des matières, excellent dans la représentation plus ou moins fidèle de l'animal. La primeur est donnée au réalisme au détriment du fantastique.

Sandrien Vézilier & Cécile Laffon Paperback with flaps | French ed. 230 x 290 mm 256 p | 140 col.ill. € 35,00 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613387 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

L’Odyssée des animaux Les peintres animaliers flamands au XVIIe siècle

Expo: 1/8/2016 ‐ 27/11/2016, Schweizerisches Nationalmusem, Landesmuseum Zurich


The Renaissance experienced some of the most important advances in human history: the invention of the printing press using movable letters, the discovery of an unknown continent, and the formulation of a new view of the earth. It was a time when people sought to solve the riddles of nature, experimented with alchemy, set out to develop a new medical science, conceived a new vision of humankind, and created beauty in the form of pictures and architecture, sculpture and literature.

Edited by Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 228 mm 336 p | 320 col. & bw ill € 49,80 | Aug. 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775740739 (E) I01 ‐ ANCIENT ART

Europe in the Renaissance Metamorphoses 1400-1600

Expo: 20/11/2016 ‐ 26/3/2017, Los Angeles County Museum of Art Hardback | Eng. ed. 295 x 230 mm 240 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 41,50 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791355399 (E)


Featuring more than a hundred outstanding paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, and treasures of the Age of the Reformation, this publication comprises masterpieces by Albrecht Dürer, Lucas Cranach the Elder and Lucas Cranach the Younger, Hans Holbein the Elder and Hans Holbein the Younger, Matthias Grünewald, and Tilman Riemenschneider, among others.

Renaissance and Reformation German Art in the Age of Dürer and Cranach 6


Expo: 2/11/2016 ‐ 23/1/2017, Musée du Louvre‐Lens

La Mésopotamie, le pays entre les deux fleuves situé pour l'essentiel en Irak actuel, est le berceau de l'économie moderne et de l'écriture avec laquelle commence l'histoire. C'est aussi le pays des premières villes et des systèmes politiques et administratifs les plus anciennement connus à ce jour. Le musée du Louvre entend ainsi montrer l'importance fondamentale de ce patrimoine mondial, connu partiellement grâce à la Bible et redécouvert à partir du 19e siècle lors des fouilles archéologiques

Hardback | French ed. 290 x 230 mm 360 p | 500 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461612854 (F) I06 ‐ ARCHAEOLOGY

L'histoire commence en Mésopotamie

F L'exposition souhaite, à partir de l'exemple de Khâemouaset, fils de Ramsès II, montrer les relations étroites entre savoir et pouvoir dans l'Egypte ancienne. Ce prince, grand prêtre de Ptah n'a pas été choisi au hasard. De son vivant, il était considéré comme un grand érudit et il a laissé l'image d'un archéologue tant il s'est intéressé au passé et a restauré les monuments des rois de l'Ancien Empire dans la région Gizeh et Saqqarah.

Khaemouaset, Le Prince Archéologue Savoir et pouvoir à l'époque de Ramses II

Expo: 8/10/2016 ‐ 22/1/2017, Musée départemental, Arles antique Hardback | French ed. 280 x 220 mm | 328 p | 355 col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613240 (F) I06 ‐ ARCHAEOLOGY

F Parfois intimidantes, parfois familières, souvent étranges et complexes, les divinités égyptiennes ne cessent de fasciner, depuis l'Antiquité. Cet ouvrage vous conduira à travers les sables du temps, à la rencontre d'Osiris, Anubis, Hathor, Sobek et Isis. Au contact des mythes de l'ancienne Égypte, des dieux, des génies et des démons, comment ne pas s'interroger ? Un nouvel univers s'ouvre à nous.

Dieux, génies et démons en Égypte ancienne

Expo: 21/5/20116 ‐ 20/11/2016, Musée de Mariemont Sous la direction d’Arnaud Quertinmont Hardback with dust jacket | French ed. 300 x 230 mm | 384 p | 300 col.ill. € 45,00 | May 2016 [F] Somogy ISBN: 9782757210161 (F)

À la rencontre d’Osiris, Anubis, Isis, Hathor, Rê et les autres… I06 ‐ ARCHAEOLOGY

F Dans la tradition religieuse des Yoruba, on considere que les jumeaux ont une seule ame, unie et inseparable. Pour cette raison, si un jumeau meurt, la vie du survivant est mise en danger, car son ame n'est plus en equilibre. La colere du jumeau mort peut faire courir de graves risques a toute la famille : en effet, sa colere peut apporter la maladie et la malchance, mais aussi provoquer la sterilite de la mere.

Ibeji Divins Jumeaux - Divine Twins



Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 280 x 220 mm 208 p | 170 col.ill. € 45,00 | Sept. 2016 [F] Somogy ISBN: 9782757210727 (E/ F) I07 ‐ ETHNOGRAPHY & AFRICAN ART

Expo: 19/10/2016 ‐ 16/1/2017, Musée Guimet, Paris


Le jade s'inscrit dans l'histoire la plus ancienne de l'art chinois. En quelques lignes restées célèbres, Confucius énonce sa dimension pleinement symbolique et chargée de valeurs fondatrices. À travers plus de 300 oeuvres le catalogue propose une épopée historique et esthétique du jade depuis les sources de l'histoire chinoise, où le jade puise ses valeurs symboliques et esthétiques, jusqu'aux années 1920 où le goût du jade s'empare des grands noms de la joaillerie de Paris et de New York.

Sous la direction de Marie Christine Rey et Huei‐Chung Tsao Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 230 mm 288 p | 280 col. & bw ill € 38,00 | Oct. 2016 [F] Somogy ISBN: 9782757211779 (E)

ISBN: 9782757211482 (F) I08 ‐ ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES

Jade from Emperors to Art Deco des empereurs à l’Art déco

Paul Gambino Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 208 p | 175 col.ill. € 28,50 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780678665 (E)

A fascinating insight into the strange world of collectors of the macabre, Morbid Curiosities features 17 unique collections and an extensive interview with each collector, explaining how and why they collect, and showcasing the most remarkable pieces from each collection.


Morbid Curiosities


Collections of the Uncommon and the Bizarre

A gloriously illustrated and informative celebration of Art Deco. The book explores all the key collecting areas, with chapters on furniture, glass, ceramics, sculpture, metalwork, silver and plastics, prints and posters, rugs and textiles. With clear price codes and biographies of key makers and designers, the book also contains "A Closer Look" and "Good, Better, Best, Masterpiece" features comparing ranges of items from makers and factories.

Miller's Art Deco Living with the Art Deco Style

E 8

Judith MIller Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 240 mm | 240 p € 38,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Mitchell Beazley (Octopus) ISBN: 9781784721060 (E) I08 ‐ ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES

Susie Hodge Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 220 mm 432 p | 700 col. & bw ill € 33,95 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500239544 (E)


Art in Detail examines 100 iconic paintings from the Western canon and spotlights the finer points a quick glance will almost certainly fail to reveal. hese include subtle internal details, such as hidden symbols and artistic tricks employed by the painter to achieve particular effects. In addition, Susie Hodge writes intelligently about external influences on the artist.


Art in Detail 100 Masterpieces

David Hockney and Martin Gayford Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 216 mm 344 p | 325 col.ill. € 40,00 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500239490 (E)


The making of pictures has a history going back perhaps 100,000 years to an African shell used as a paint palette. Two-thirds of it is irrevocably lost, since the earliest images known to us are from about 40,000 years ago. But what a 40,000 years, explored here by David Hockney and Martin Gayford in a brilliantly original book. They privilege no medium, or period, or style, but instead, in 16 chapters, discuss how and why pictures have been made, and insistently link 'art' to human skills and human needs.


A History of Pictures From the Cave to the Computer Screen Hardback | Eng. ed. 170 x 170 mm 736 p | 365 col.ill. € 23,50 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382913 (E)

Imagine 365 masterpieces of art from around the world at your fingertips. That's what readers will find as they turn the pages day after day to discover a full-page exquisitely reproduced artwork from a variety of eras, genres, and media. Further enhancing these pages are quotations to ponder, surprise, and delight.


A Year in Art A Painting a Day



Collected for the first time in book form, this selection of 50 essays-a number of which have been exclusively written for this volume-is organized in an unexpected manner, allowing readers to see connections and juxtapositions between works. Their subjects cover an enormous span in terms of style, era, and geography-from Rembrandt's Bathsheba with King David's Letter and El Greco's The Vision of St. John to Ai Wei Wei's Iron Tree and Georgia O'Keeffe's Single Lily with Red.


Michael Glover Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 240 x 165 mm 224 p | 55 col.ill. € 30,80 | Aug.. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791383019 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

Great Works Encounters with Art From ancient Egyptian wallpaintings to contemporary Western canvases, this book is truly comprehensive in scope and beautiful to leaf through. Within its pages you will see displayed 1001 of the most memorable, haunting, powerful, important, controversial and visually arresting paintings that have ever been created.

1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die

New edition Mark Irving & Stephen Farthing Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p € 25,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844039203 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

E The first publication to focus on images of artists from within the Royal Collection, Portrait of the Artist not only features portraits by world renowned artists, but also examines a range of themes played out within these works, from the cult of the artist to the symbolism evoked through images of the artist's studio.

Portrait of the Artist

Expo: 04/11/16 ‐ 23/04/17, The Queen's Gallery, Buckingham Palace Anna Reynolds Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 200 mm | 240 p | 150 col.ill. € 43,50 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Royal Collection ISBN: 9781909741324 (E) I03 ‐ ART HISTORY

E Scot McKendrick and Kathleen Doyle Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 250 mm 366 p | 300 col.ill. € 81,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500239476 (E)


For two millennia the Bible has inspired the creation of extraordinary art. Within this history illuminated biblical manuscripts are among the best tools for understanding early Christian painting and artistic interpretations of the Bible. This extensively illustrated new book, compiled and written by two internationally renowned experts, transports readers, by way of forty-five featured manuscripts, across the globe and through 1,000 years of history.

The Art of the Bible Illuminated Manuscripts from the Medieval World 10


A fresh look on the later paintings of Munch and his importance for the Danish artist Asger Jorn's body of works. Offers new perspectives on the free, spontaneous and gestural aspects of Munch's paintings as perceived by Jorn in the late 1940s. In a larger perspective, this book looks more closely at Munch's significance in the development of the modernistic painting in the latter half of the 20th century, as well as how Munch, as one of many, has influenced later generations of artists.

Jorn + Munch


Expo: 15/10/2016 ‐15/1/2017, Munch Museum, Oslo ‐ 11/2/2017 ‐ 28/5/2017, Jorn Museum, Silkeborg Eds: Oda Wildhagen Gjessing. Texts: Oda Wildhagen Gjessing, Knut Steene Johansen, Stian Grøgaard & Gerd Presler Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 240 mm | 256 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 44,95 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301535 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART Expo: 15/7/2016 ‐ 25/9/2016, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

NL - E - F

Sinds de dood van Vincent van Gogh, nu 125 jaar geleden, waren het incident waarbij hij zijn oor afsneed en zijn zelfmoord met een revolver een permanente bron voor discussie en ze speelden een grote rol in het creëren van de mythe rond de kunstenaar. Wat was precies de ziekte waaraan Van Gogh leed, en hoe heeft deze zijn werk beïnvloed? Deze fascinerende publicatie onderzoekt hoe Van Goghs ziekte zich al in zijn jeugd manifesteerde en hoe hij er tot aan zijn dood mee worstelde.

Prof. dr Louis van Tilborgh, Nienke Bakker, Teio Meedendorp, Laura Prins Hardback | NL ed. 245 x 188 mm 160 p | 90 col.ill. € 25,00 | July 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301405 (NL)

Aux confins de la folie ISBN: 9789462301412 (F)

De waanzin nabij On the Verge of Insanity

Van Gogh en zijn ziekte

ISBN: 9789462301429 (E)

Expo: 21/10/2016 - 29/1/2017, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


De landschapschilder Charles-François Daubigny (1817-1878) schiep niet alleen een indrukwekkend oeuvre maar opende ook nieuwe wegen in de schilderkunst. Met zijn schetsmatige schildertechniek, zijn gebruik van levendige kleuren en zijn voorkeur voor het schilderen in de openlucht kondigde hij het werk van de impressionisten aan. Als jurylid van de Parijse Salon brak hij een lans voor de jonge impressionisten en hij introduceerde Claude Monet en Camille Pissarro bij de kunsthandelaar Paul Durand-Ruel.

Daubigny, Monet, Van Gogh Impressies van het landschap 11

Lynne Ambrosini, Frances Fowle, Maite van Dijk Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 265 x 245 mm 176 p | 170 col.ill. € 24,95 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Tijdsbeeld‐Piece Montée ISBN: 9789079310586 (NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

De schrijver-criticus en de kunst van zijn tijd (1881-1916) - L'écrivain-critique et l’art de son temps (1881-1916) Naar aanleiding van de honderdste verjaardag van zijn overlijden brengt het MSK een hommage aan Emile Verhaeren (1855-1916), één van de hoofdrolspelers in het Belgische culturele landschap rond de eeuwwisseling. We nodigen je uit om de kunstwereld van de 19de en 20ste eeuw te herontdekken door de ogen van de schrijver die het vanop de eerste rij meemaakte.

Expo: 15/10/2016 ‐ 15/1/2017, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent Paperback | NL/ Fr ed. 270 x 210 mm | 304 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Oct. 2016

A l'occasion du centenaire du décès d'émile Verhaeren (1855-1916), le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand souhaite rendre hommage à celui qui fut l'un des principaux acteurs du paysage culturel belge vers 1900. Verhaeren fut à la fois un poète et un chroniqueur de l'art de son temps. Son regard, que ses contemporains trouvaient si acéré, nous permets de voir et de redécouvrir, d'un autre point de vue, l'art d'artistes tels, entre-autres, Léon Frédéric, Eugène Laermans et Constantin Meunier, James Ensor, Toorop...

[BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613394 (NL/ F)

Verhaeren Verbeeld


Le regard de Verhaeren

In deze uitgave komt voor het eerst het accent te liggen op de onderbelichte, 'Nederlandse periode' (1914- 1916) van de kunstenaar, zonder dat wordt voorbijgegaan aan de succesvolle jaren kort voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog toen Wouters nog in een dorpje onder de rook van Brussel woonde en werkte. In Nederland leerde Wouters een aantal invloedrijke kunstliefhebbers kennen, die een belangrijke rol speelden gedurende zijn verblijf in achtereenvolgens Kamp Zeist, Amersfoort en Amsterdam.

Rik Wouters & Nederland De Nieuwe Beelding en de internationale kunst 1917-2017


Expo:8/10/2016 ‐ 8/1/2017, Museum Flehite, Amersfoort Maarten Jager, Gerard Raven Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm | 128 p | 100 col.ill. € 22,50 | Oct. 2016 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621022 (NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART (Belgium)

NL This guidebook invites you to discover Montmartre-its history, the artists who lived and worked there, their studios, and the collections in its historical heritage museum, via more than one hundred and fifty works of art, including paintings, drawings, engravings, posters, and photographs, all of which attest to Montmartre's artistic diversity at the turn of the twentieth century.

A Montmartre’s History Museum Guide

E 12

Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 265 x 190 mm | 160 p | 140 col. & bw ill € 19,00 | Sept. 2016 [F] Somogy ISBN: 9782757211267 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Expo: 22/10/16 ‐ 8/1/17, Musée Félicien Rops, Namur Sous la direction scientifique de Denis Laoureux Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 240 mm 148 p | 80 col.ill. € 25,00 | Nov. 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836634088 (F)

Considérées avant tout comme des épouses, des mères et des maîtresses de maison, les femmes n'ont accès à une formation académique officielle qu'à partir de 1889 en Belgique. Pour certaines, être « fille de… » ou « femme de… » leur permet de sortir de l'ombre. Sans liens familiaux ou maritaux efficaces, d'autres embrassent le célibat pour se consacrer à une carrière, comme Cécile Douard, Marie Collart ou Jenny Montigny.



Femmes artistes Les peintresses belges (1880-1914)

Erwin Joos Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 280 x 220 mm 304 p | 465 col.ill. € 40,00 | Nov. 2016 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867449 (E/ NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Deze publicatie zal voor de eerste keer de geschiedenis beschrijven van de vier broers die elk op hun terrein tussen 1900 en 1950 een belangrijke rol speelden in de culturele en politieke wereld in Vlaanderen.



een uitzonderlijke Antwerpse familie an outstanding Antwerp family

Sarah Lombardi, Valérie Rousseau, Antoine de Galbert Expo: 8/7/2016 ‐ 18/9/2016, Maison Rouge, Paris

Expo: 19/11/2016 ‐ 5/3/2017, Musée de la Piscine, Roubaix Paperback | French ed. | 280 x 220 mm | 256 p | € 29,00 | Nov. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers

Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 164 p | 200 col. &.bw.ill. | € 30,00 | June 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613226 (E)

ISBN: 9789461613257 (F)

ISBN 9789461612960

Georges Dorignac (1879-1925)

Eugen Gabritschevsky

Le trait sculpté


Participant à l'effervescence cosmopolite de la première École de Paris, tout en empruntant une voie très singulière, Georges Dorignac développe une technique propre. Sculptant littéralement le papier, il compose des images puissantes, servies par une science irréfutable du dessin comme du modelé, de l'anatomie comme de l'expression. Près de 90 œuvres permettront de redécouvrir cet artiste méconnu grâce à la présentation des impressionnants dessins réalisés à la sanguine ou au fusain.

Généticien ayant souffert de schizophrénie à l'âge de 35 ans, il a été interné pendant plus de 45 ans, période durant laquelle il a produit une œuvre très importante. Cette œuvre reconnue très tôt par Dubuffet et Daniel Cordier est aujourd'hui dans d'importantes collections (MNAM, CAB de Lausanne…), mais il n'y a pas eu de grande monographie depuis 1987, ni d'ouvrage sur le travail depuis 1990.


James Ensor (1860–1949) produced one of the most unusual bodies of work at the turn of the twentieth century. Marked by psychological complexity, contradictions and sheer eccentricity, his works – featuring such bizarre subject-matter as dressed-up skeletons and macabre carnival masks – have continued to baffle and intrigue in equal measure. Ensor was born in Ostend and barely left his home town during his lifetime; his family, however, ran a curio shop filled with an array of exotic objects including parrots, a monkey and masks from around the world, which perhaps in part influenced the imagery of his mature work. In this volume, essays explore Ensor’s life and legacy, while Luc Tuymans’s comments on his selection provide a dictinctive picture of James Ensor, who has been such a major influence on Expressionism and Surrealism. An exhibition selected and curated by Luc Tuymans - one of Belgium's leading contemporary painters


Expo: 29/10/2016 ‐ 29/1/2017, Royal Academy, London Luc Tuymans, Herwig Todts, Gerrit Vermeiren Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm | 176 p | 130 col.ill. € 47,80 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Royal Academy ISBN: 9781910350454 (E)

James Ensor Through the Eyes of Luc Tuymans


"Groots, ambitieus en duizelingwekkend", schreef The New York Times over de tentoonstelling Picasso Sculpture in het MoMA. Samen met het Musée Picasso in Parijs bouwt BOZAR verder op het thema. Meer dan zestig beeldhouwwerken verbeelden de ondoorgrondelijke scheppingskracht van een kunstenaar die volop experimenteerde met een waaier aan materialen en technieken. Ze gaan in dialoog met schilderijen, keramiek, foto's en kunstvoorwerpen uit Picasso's privéverzameling. De tentoonstelling werpt een frisse blik op een minder bekend maar zeer persoonlijk aspect uit het oeuvre van de kunstenaar.

Exp o: 26/10/2016 ‐ 5/3/2017, Bozar, Brussels | Previously at the Musée National Picasso, Paris and MOMA, N.Y. Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 220 mm | 356 p € 45,00 | Sept. 2016 [F] Somogy ISBN: 9782757211076 (NL)

ISBN: 9782757210796 (F)

« On ne peut vraiment suivre l'acte créateur qu'à travers la série de toutes les variations. » Tout au long de sa vie, Picasso a entretenu une relation privilégiée avec la sculpture, un pan essentiel de son œuvre qu'il a longtemps tenu à garder secret et à protéger. Connues que tardivement, elles sont restées chez lui, dans son atelier et n'ont été que très rarement exposées.

Picasso Sculptures

ISBN: 9780870709746 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


NL - F - E

Expo: 6/10/2016 ‐ 5/2/2017, National Portrait Gallery, London Elizabeth Cowling Hardback | Eng. ed. 285 x 230 mm 256 p | 230 col. & bw ill € 50,00 | Oct. 2016 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855145429 (E)


The focus of this book is Picasso's creative process and, although following a broadly chronological path, its chapters are structured thematically. Issues addressed in depth include Picasso's exploitation of familiar poses and formats, his sources of inspiration and identification with favourite Old Masters, the role of caricature in his expressive conception of portraiture, the relationship between observation, memory and fantasy, critical differences between his portrayal of men and women.


Picasso Portraits Overzichtswerk met keramiek en sculptuur van een iconisch kunstenaar: Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973) Het boek geeft een zinnenprikkelend beeld van de periode die Picasso doorbracht aan de Franse Rivièra; een vitale periode uit zijn rijke oeuvre waarin hij het keramiek herontdekte en ook zijn sculpturale werk nieuw leven inblies. In deze omgeving, waar hij vanaf 1947 verbleef tot het einde van zijn leven, vervaardigde hij meer dan 4.000 werken in keramiek en talrijke sculpturen.

Picasso aan Zee - at Sea keramiek en sculptuur 1947 - 60

džƉŽ͗ ϭϱͬϭϬͬϮϬϭϲ ͲϱͬϯͬϮϬϭϲ͕ DƵƐĞƵŵ ĞĞůĚĞŶ ĂĂŶ ĞĞ͕ ^ĐŚĞǀĞŶŝŶŐĞŶ͘ J.‐A. Andral and Marilyn McCully Paperback with flaps | Eng./ NL ed. 290 x 240 mm | 144 p | 100 col.ill. € 19,95 | Oct. 2016 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621114 (E/ NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

E/NL Avec une centaine d'oeuvres, l'exposition témoigne du renouvellement permanent des les vingts dernières années de l'oeuvre de Picasso. Une manière de revisiter avec lui les grands maîtres qu'il interroge sans fin durant ces années-là : Vélasquez (les Ménines), Delacroix (les Femmes d'Alger) et Manet (le Déjeuner sur l'herbe)... Une façon aussi d'entrevoir le génie qu'il met en place dans la céramique ainsi que dans la sculpture, notamment les tôles découpées.


Expo: 17/6/2016 ‐ 20/11/2016, Fondation Gianadda, Martigny Jean‐Louis Prat, Caroline Edde, Brigite Léal, Maria Teresa Ocana & Emilia Philippot Paperback | French ed. 240 x 221 mm | 276 p € 37,00 | July 2016 [CH] Fondation Gianadda ISBN: 9782884431590 (F)

L'oeuvre ultime. Hommage à Jacqueline


Whether curled into a figure 8 or splayed like a cat's whiskers, Dali's moustache is arguably the world's most famous facial hair. But when asked to explain why he styled it in such bizarre and seemingly comic fashion, the artist remarked that his moustache was "the most serious part" of his personality. In this book, Boris Friedewald tells the life story of the renowned Spanish Surrealist through the various moustache styles he had throughout his life.

Boris Friedewald Hardback | Eng. ed. 185 x 140 mm | 144 p | 60 col.ill. € 20,80 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382555 (E)

Dali's Moustaches



An Hommage



One of the most popular painters of all time, J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851) created a remarkable collection of sketchbooks over the course of his career. The 'Skies' sketchbook takes its name from its many richly coloured sky studies. Most of the sketches in the book were presumably observed in England, but a few may have been seen in Italy, Germany and the Netherlands. This edition of the sketchbook reproduces all these beautiful drawings in near-facsimile.

Ian Warrell Hardback | Eng. ed. 135 x 257 mm | 152 p | 144 col.ill. € 23,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764902 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

J.M.W. Turner The 'Skies' Sketchbook

What do Louis Aragon, Antonin Artaud, Paul Éluard, Joan Miró, and André Masson have to do with the painter and Bauhaus master Paul Klee? This cross-genre and fascinating subject is now being examined for the first time in a multifaceted exhibition. The exhibition and catalogue shed light on the fascinating chapter of the relationship between German and French artists and expose its enormous art-historical dimension.

Paul Klee

Expo: 18/11/2016 ‐ 12/3/2017, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern Hardback | French ed. 270 x 230 mm | 374 p | 380 col. & bw ill € 49,80 | Nov. 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775741552 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

et les surréalistes

F Known for its whimsy and levity, Paul Klee's art is often considered gleefully childlike. This groundbreaking volume argues that Klee's style emerged from a philosophical school that originated with early German Romanticism and consisted of perpetual shifts between satire and affirmation of the absolute, finite and infinite, and real and ideal. Featuring approximately 250 works, this careful appreciation of Klee connects each stage of his career to the larger philosophical context.

Paul Klee

Expo: 6/4/2016 ‐ 1/8/2016, Centre Pompidou, Paris Edited by Angela Lampe Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 235 mm | 312 p | 300 col.ill. € 54,50 | July 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791355436 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Irony at Work

E François Blanchtière, Claire Barbillon, Sophie Biass ‐Fabiani, Catherine Chevillot & Camille Morineau Expo: 17/10/2016 ‐ 22/1/2017, Musée Rodin, Paris

Raphaël Masson Musée Rodin, Paris Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 255 x 197 mm | 248 p | 300 col.& bw.ill | € 25,50 | Sept. 2016 [F] Flammarion (Eng) ISBN: 9782080202390 (E)

Paperback with flaps | French ed. 280 x 220 mm | 256 p | 250 col. & bw ill | € 34,00 | Nov. 2016 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542981 (F)

L'enfer selon Rodin


L'Enfer selon Rodin permet de revivre la création d'une icône de l'art : La Porte de l'Enfer, l'oeuvre centrale de toute la carrière d'Auguste Rodin (1840-1917). Le catalogue présente les cent cinquante oeuvres exposées - dont cinquante « dessins noirs » rarement présentés et une trentaine de sculptures montrées pour la première fois -, qui permettent de découvrir l'histoire fascinante de ce chef-d'oeuvre dont l'influence fut considérable dans l'évolution de la sculpture et des arts.

This definitive monograph from the Musée Rodin in Paris on the pioneering artist who paved the way for modern sculpture is now available in an affordable compact format. Revered today as the greatest sculptor of all time, whose expressive style prefigured that of the modernist movement and abstract sculpture, Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) stirred up much controversy during his lifetime, and his sculptures often met with hostility and incomprehension from his peers. 16

Expo: 22/10/2016 ‐ 29/1/2017, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto ‐ 13/3/2017 ‐ 25/6/2017, Musée d’Orsay, Paris


This richly illustrated volume explores mystical themes in European, Scandinavian, and North American landscape paintings from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. This book features works by Emily Carr, Marc Chagall, Arthur Dove, Paul Gauguin, Lawren Harris, Wassily Kandinsky, Gustav Klimt, Piet Mondrian, Claude Monet, Edvard Munch, Georgia O Keeffe, Vincent van Gogh and James McNeill Whistler, among others.

Eds: Katharine Lochnan, Roald Nasgaard, Bogomila Welsh‐Ovcharov Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 235 mm 356 p | 222 col.ill. € 54,50 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791356006 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Mystical Landscapes From Vincent Van Gogh to Emily Carr

Katharina Alsen & Annika Landmann Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 340 x 280 mm 272 p | 225 col.ill. € 68,95 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791381312 (E)


This book features an enormous variety of artists and works that explore the impact of Nordic geography, history, social mores, and national identities on the region's painters. Focusing on the "core" countries-Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland-as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and the Danish-German border region, the authors present a thematically organized overview of Nordic art between the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


Nordic Painting The Rise of Modernity

L'Impressionnisme est né de la rencontre d'artistes, épris de peinture en plein air et en quête de renouveau esthétique. Gustave Courbet est au centre de ces échanges : chaque fois qu'il aborde une thématique, il révolutionne les codes esthétiques en vigueur par la vision nouvelle qu'il donne et par la technique qu'il utilise.

Courbet et l’Impressionnisme

Expo: 9/7/2016 ‐ 17/9/2016, Musée Gustave Courbet, Ornans Paperback with flaps | French ed. 270 x 210 mm | 180 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | July 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836633425 (F) I04 ‐ MODERN ART



Alastair Duncan Hardback | Eng. ed. 308 x 240 mm 408 p | 800 col. & bw ill € 100,00 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500239483 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART


This book showcases and puts into historical context a host of sculpted works created in the 1920s and 1930s in the decorative vernacular defined loosely today as 'Art Deco'. With artists' biographies and details of manufacturers, a full glossary and a thematic index, this volume is the essential and authoritative guide for all those interested in the Art Deco style, from the amateur collector of animalier sculpture to professional historians of the period.

Art Deco Sculpture A reconstruction of the artistic milieu surrounding Peggy Guggenheim. The catalog contains more than 100 masterpieces of European and American art ranging from the 1920s to the 1960s, reconstructing relationships on both sides of the Atlantic through the figures of the American collectors Peggy and Solomon Guggenheim. The book describes the birth of the postwar neo-avant-garde movements in a dense and constant dialogue between European and American artists.

From Kandinsky to Pollock

Expo: ϭϬͬϭϬͬϮϬϭϲͲ ϭϮͬϮͬϮϬϭϳ /E' ƌƚ ĞŶƚĞƌ͕ ƌƵƐƐĞůƐ ;'ƵŐŐĞŶŚĞŝŵ &Ƶůů ďƐƚƌĂĐƚŝŽŶͿ ͮ ϭϵͬϯͬϮϬϭϲ Ͳ ϮϰͬϳͬϮϬϭϲ͕ &ŽŶĚĂnjŝŽŶĞ WĂůĂnjnjŽ ^ƚƌŽnjnjŝ͕ &ůŽƌĞŶĐĞ͘ Luca Massimo Barbero Paperback | Eng. ed. 292 x 241 mm | 384 p | 400 col.ill. € 45,00 | Sept. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9788831723824 (E)

The art of the Guggenheim collections I04 - MODERN.ART

E Expo: 24/9/2016 ‐ 2/1/2017, Royal Academy of Arts, London

This bold publication, and the exhibition it accompanies, seeks to redress the balance and re-evaluate the movement, recognising its complex and fluid reality, and encompassing sculptors such as David Smith and photographers such as Aaron Siskind as well as some of the most famous painters of the twentieth century.


David Anfam Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 280 mm 262 p € 57,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Royal Academy ISBN: 9781910350300 (E) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

Abstract Expressionism

Samenvattend kan gezegd worden dat in de literatuur over De Stijl en haar kunstenaars sprake is van grote invloed, maar dat deze nooit als centraal thema voor een boek is genomen. Het honderdjarig bestaan van De Stijl in 2017 bood daarom een goed aangrijpingspunt om de invloed en inspiratie van De Stijl voor een breed publiek te schrijven.

Hardback | NL ed. 200 x 170 mm | 300 p € 35,00 | Nov. 2016 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462620858 (NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

De Stijl 100 jaar inspiratie

NL 18

Expo: 1/10/2016 ‐ 5/3/2017, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam Eds: Margriet Schavemaker, Barbara Til en Beat Wismer. Vormgever: Mevis & Van Deursen Paperback | NL ed. 290 x 220 mm | 288 p | 434 col. & bw ill

Deze publicatie biedt een uitgebreid overzicht van het werk en leven van Jean Tinguely (1925-1991), de Zwitserse kunstenaar die zo'n grote rol heeft gespeeld in de ontwikkeling van de kinetische kunst. Op het eerste gezicht zijn de bewegende metalen beelden van Tinguely grappig en speels - maar de vrolijke absurditeit heeft ook een donkere kant: spel, plezier en ironie staan in contrast met agressie, zelfdestructie, en de angst voor de dood. Precies die tegenstelling maakt het oeuvre van Tinguely zo indrukwekkend en interessant. 'Ik schilderde en schilderde en schilderde. ( …) Ik kon het nooit opbrengen om een schilderij af te maken, ik voelde me verlamd, als in een doodlopende steeg. Ik kon gewoon nooit het einde zien en wist niet wanneer ik moest stoppen met schilderen. ( …) Dus begon ik te werken met beweging. Beweging bood mij een uit weg uit deze verstarring, bood me een eindpunt. Beweging zorgde ervoor dat ik kon zeggen: ok, het werk is af.' Jean Tinguely, 1976


€ 39,95 | July 2016 [NL] Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ISBN: 9783863359393 (NL)

ISBN: 9783863358235 (E) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Tinguely Machinespektakel Machine Spectacle Retrospective

This insightful catalogue examines anew the full range of Neel's celebrated paintings of people, still life and cityscapes. Featuring around 70 paintings spanning the entire length of her career, this handsome book accompanies a major retrospective of her work. Renowned for her visual acuity and psychological depth, Neel's portraits and nude paintings of friends, family, strangers, and prominent cultural figures alike convey an incredibly consistent intimacy regardless of the relationship to her subject.

Alice Neel Portret van het moderne leven Peintre de la vie moderne


Expo: June 2016 ‐ Oct. 2016, Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki | Nov. 2016 ‐ Feb. 2017, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag | ... Onder redactie van Jeremy Lewison & Susanna Pettersson Hardback | NL ed. 290 x 250 mm | 240 p | 130 col. & bw ill € 44,95 | June 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301368 (NL)

Painter of Modern Life ISBN: 9789462301375 (F)

ISBN: 9789462301382 (E)


džƉŽ ͗ ϭͬϭϮͬϮϬϭϲ Ͳ ϮͬϰͬϮϬϭϳ dĂƚĞ DŽĚĞƌŶ͕ >ŽŶĚŽŶ Edited by Leah Dickerman and Achim Borchardt‐Hume Paperback | Eng. ed. 305 x 241 mm 392 p | 475 col.ill. € 48,50 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849762724 (E)


The first US artist to win the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale in 1963, Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) blazed a new trail for art in the second half of the twentieth century. With personal and touching contributions by those who knew him, this richly illustrated publication is an essential reference to one of the most compelling and unique voices in twentieth-century art, as well as a significant contribution to the field of international modernism.

ISBN9781849764889 (Hb) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Robert Rauschenberg

Expo: 19/4/2016 ‐ 15/8/2016, Reina Sofia, Madrid | 14/9/2016 ‐ 18/1/2017, Tate Modern, London Edited by Catherine David Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 280 x 235 mm 240 p | 330 col.ill. € 41,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849763721 (E)


Wifredo Lam (1902-82) is one of the most important figures in global modernism. Born in Cuba, he travelled extensively in Europe in the 1930s where he was inspired by (and knew personally) many of the 20th century's greatest artists, most significantly Picasso. A selection of esteemed contributors explore Lam's prolific six-decade career, from his encounter with cubism and surrealism in Paris to the post-war circles he worked within in Havana.

I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Wifredo Lam

Expo: 26/10/2016 ‐ 5/3/2017, Tate Britain, London Edited by Emma Chambers Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 265 x 210 mm 192 p | 180 col.ill. € 34,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764919 (E)


Paul Nash was a British surrealist painter as well as a photographer, writer and designer of applied art. He is also known for his work as an official war artist, producing some of the most memorable images of the First and Second World Wars. Fully illustrated with beautifully reproduced works from Nash's entire career, fresh scholarship and a wealth of archival material (some of it never before published), this is a timely survey of a significant artist.

Paul Nash 20

ISBN: 9781849764353 (Hb) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

This revelatory publication features a selection of beautifully reproduced images from his sketchbooks. Most of the sketches – which include works in pencil, pastel and watercolour from across the artist’s long career – are published here for the first time. These fascinating images extend our understanding of Freud’s work and demonstrate the scrutiny he brought to his subjects.

Martin Gayford Hardback | Eng. ed. 220 x 220 mm | 108 p € 26,95 | July 2016 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855147157 (E)

Lucian Freud's Sketchbooks

I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E This publication will look exclusively at the portraits he has been painting in the last few years - the subjects of which are friends, family and art-world luminaries. Vibrant, observant and full of life, these portraits mark a return to vivid, Technicolor form. The book will show the stages of each painting, from first to last mark, to give the reader a unique insight into Hockney's working method.

David Hockney 82 Portraits and 1 Still-LIfe

Expo : 2/7/2016 ‐ 2/10/2016, Royal Academy of Art, London Tim Barringer, Edith Devaney Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 176 p | 150 col.ill. € 40,95 | June 2016 [UK] Royal Academy ISBN: 9781910350287 (E) I04B ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E Louise Bourgeois was a prolific artist known for her highly personal body of work consisting of sculptures, installations, drawing and prints that deal with themes of memory, trauma, fear and hidden emotion. Renowned critic and curator Robert Storr presents a chronological account of the Bourgeois's career, weaving in thematic discussions accompanied by sequential 'portfolios' of the artist's work.

Robert Storr Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 280 mm | 752 p | 900 col.ill. € 140,00 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500093849 (E)

Intimate Geometries

I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

The Art and Life of Louise Bourgeois

E The second of an important multi-volume catalogue project, this publication features work by Francis Picabia (1879-1953) that dates from 1915 into mid-1927. Beginning with Picabia's elaboration of a personal machinist aesthetic, the book continues by looking at the artist's central role in the formulation of the Paris Dada movement. That irreverent movement included Picabia's increasingly provocative mechanomorphic compositions, complemented by his unorthodox writings and graphic designs and performances.

William A. Camfield, Beverley Calté, Candace Clements, Arnauld Pierre, Aurélie Verdier, Pierre Calté [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301436 (E/ F)

ISBN 9789462301399 (Notre..) ISBN 9789462301443 (Album) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Francis Picabia Catalogue Raisonné. Volume II (1915-1927)

E/F ISBN 9789462301399 ISBN 9789462301443 (Album) (Notre..) 21

This fascinating and beautifully illustrated book on the work of Francis Bacon, one of the 20th century's greatest painters, takes an in-depth look at his trademark motif of figures imprisoned within ghostly frames. This book also contains a series of essays that explore the range of variation in Bacon's use of isolating constructions over a period of nearly 50 years, as well as the nature of his painting technique and compositions.

Francis Bacon Unsichtbare Räume/Invisible Rooms

Expo: 18/5/2016 ‐ 18/9/2016, Tate, Liverpool ‐ 7/10/2016 ‐ 8/1/2017, Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart Edited by Staatsgalerie Stuttgart & Ina Conzen Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 235 mm | 312 p | 300 col.ill. € 41,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791355764 (E) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E Jackson Pollock's name has become synonymous with the abstract drip paintings that he famously created on the floor of his studio. Before these paintings, from the 1930s to the late 1940s, Pollock created figurative works. The Figurative Pollock features 100 paintings and works on paper. From rolling landscapes to experiments in non-Western totemic painting to sketches and drawings fueled by Jungian analysis, the enormous range of Pollock's early and late work is presented here.

The Figurative Pollock

Expo: 2/10/2016 ‐ 22/1/2017, Kunstmuseum, Basel Edited by Josef Helfenstein & Nina Zimmer Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 200 mm | 208 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 55,00 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791355863 (E) I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

E Figurative painting is due a reappraisal. From the early 1950s to the early 1980s, modern art and abstraction were almost synonymous, with figurative painters cast as 'backward children', conservative throwbacks and outdated survivors. In The World New Made , Timothy Hyman argues that figuration never went away; abstraction was just one of the ways by which artists renewed pictorial language.

Timothy Hyman Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 190 mm | 256 p | 142 col.ill. € 43,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500239452 (E)

The World New Made

I04b ‐ 20th CENTURY ART

Figurative Painting in the Twentieth Century



Cette publication, éditée par le Mudam Luxembourg et Somogy éditions d'Art, accompagne la plus grande exposition consacrée à ce jour à l'œuvre de l'artiste belge Wim Delvoye, connu pour ses premières œuvres mêlant objets de chantier et arts décoratifs flamands, pour ses projets controversés Cloaca et Art Farm et pour ses récentes œuvres 'gothiques'. Depuis le début de sa carrière, commencée dès la fin des années 1980, Wim Delvoye s’attache à déplacer les frontières qui séparent traditionnellement la culture populaire et l’art, les arts décoratifs et les « beaux-arts », l’ancien et le contemporain, le noble et l’impur. « En un mot, Wim Delvoye pratique l’oxymore », écrit Michel Onfray : ses œuvres apparaissent en effet comme traversées par différents contraires, suspendues quelque part entre la séduction et la dissonance.

džƉŽ͗ ϬϮͬϳͬϮϬϭϲ Ͳ ϴͬϭͬϮϬϭϳ Dh D͕ >ƵdžĞŵďŽƵƌŐ Sous la direction d'Enrico Lunghi Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 297 x 245 mm | 224 p | 140 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Aug. 2016 [F] Somogy ISBN: 9782757210932 (E/ F)

Wim Delvoye (1965) is a fervant empiricist. His work is of a hybrid nature, a good example being Cloaca, the famous mechanical digestive apparatus that produces "artists' shit". He takes a shrewd pleasure in abolishing distinctions between beauty and ugliness and purity and impurity by mixing craftsmanship, technology, the scatological and the sacred.


Wim Delvoye


Expo: 18/11/2016 ‐ 8/1/2017, Musée Ianchelevici, La Louvière

Goran Djurovic (*1952 in Belgrade) studied painting in Dresden and currently lives and works in Berlin. His painting deals with irritating stagings that border on the absurd and possess a disturbing and at the same time magical appeal. The dramatically lit, stage-like architecture causes the protagonists to appear on a cool but not cold scene. The artist applies his sometimes dismal, sometimes humorous vision of a tragicomical existence to the canvas in several layers of paint.

Goran Djurovic Tragikomedia 23

Texts by Bernard Dewulf & Roger Pierre Turine, Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 295 x 245 mm 160 p | 110 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | Sept. 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775741965 (E/ F/ NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Artiste international investissant l'espace public entre autres à New York, Shanghai, Londres, São Paulo et Bruxelles, Arne Quinze a cette fois choisi la maison Bocholtz, fleuron architectural liégeois du 16e siècle devenu il y a peu Maison internationale de Liège, pour ériger sa nouvelle installation: Natural Chaos. Point par point, vous découvrirez dans ce livre toutes les étapes de la réalisation de l'œuvre : des schémas à la construction, en passant par la maquette et les études architecturales

Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 304 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 49,50 | Nov. 2016 [BE] Prisme Éditions ISBN: 9782930451190 (E/ F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Arne Quinze Studies & Public installations


Theo Van Rompaey. Photographs by Bart Grietens Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 180 mm 408 p € 34,50 | June 2016 [BE] P.A.R.T.S. ISBN: 9789090297484 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

The book concludes with one hundred images of life at P.A.R.T.S., and lists of all the students, teachers and collaborators who have, over the past twenty years, contributed to making P.A.R.T.S. what it is today. Photographs by Bart Grietens.


P.A.R.T.S. 20 Years - 50 Portraits

Expo: 29/10/16 ‐ 14/02/2017., Venetiaanse Gaanderijen, Oostende Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. 265 x 200 mm 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 44,95 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Pandora ISBN: 9789053254165 (NL/ F)


De tentoonstelling B.LAST brengt een eeuw Belgische abstractie bekeken vanuit de ziel, zonder het kunsthistorische pad te volgen. Het is een passioneel parcours zonder gebondenheid, spelend met een bevrijdende gedachte waarmee de eerste avant-gardegroepen overtuigend het begrip abstractie kneden.L'exposition B.LAST présente un siècle d'art abstrait belge, vu à travers l'âme, sans suivre la route de l'histoire de l'art. Il s'agit d'un medley artistique qui introduit une pensée libératoire .

B-Last 3 generaties Belgische abstracte kunst.



Un ouvrage de référence sera publié à l'occasion de la première exposition d'envergure consacrée à l'artiste à Paris. Ce catalogue rassemblera une importante iconographie (260 illustrations), essais historiques, textes inédits de Ben, biographie, bibliographie. La première section, sous la direction de Monsieur Andres Pardey, présentera les débuts de la carrière de Ben avec une sélection d'œuvres clés des années 1958 à 1978. Ben investit la seconde partie de ses installations les plus contemporaines.

Ben Vautier


Expo: 14/9/2016 ‐ 15/1/2017, Musée Maillol, Paris Sous la rédaction de Andres Pardey Paperback | French ed. 230 x 205 mm | 216 p | 210 col.ill. € 35,00 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301474 (F)

Tout est art? I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Tout en assumant sa fonction de catalogue pour l'exposition du Musée d'Ixelles, l'ouvrage est également conçu comme un objet autonome questionnant la pratique de la peinture, sa perméabilité avec la musique, les phantasmes et les images qu'elle a entretenus dans l'imaginaire collectif et dans lesquels l'industrie du disque a largement puisé pour produire les 250 pochettes de disques présentées

Juan d'Oultremont. Rien ne va plus Tableaux d'une exposition

Expo: 30/6/2016 ‐ 25/9/2016, Musée d’Ixelles Hardback | French ed. 185 x 120 mm | 266 p € 22,00 | July 2016 [BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie) ISBN: 9782873174705 (F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


The oeuvre of the Italian contemporary artist Francesco Clemente (b. 1952) spans over four decades and has achieved international acclaim. Predominantly interested in themes of both religion and spirituality, Clemente's work for the most part depicts both the human form (in its entirety or metamorphosing between human and animal) or symbolic motifs.

Francesco Clemente

Hardback | Eng. ed. 308 x 308 mm | 100 p | throughout col.ill. € 45,00 | July 2015 [BE] Jablonka Maruani Mercier Gallery ISBN: 9782930487229 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

E Gavin Turk (b 1967) is a British born, international artist. He has pioneered many forms of contemporary British sculpture now taken for granted, including the painted bronze, the waxwork, the recycled art-historical icon and the use of rubbish in art.

Gavin Turk

Expo: August. 2016 ‐ .., JMM Gallery, Knokke Hardback | Eng. ed. 308 x 308 mm | 100 p | throughout col.ill. € 45,00 | July 2016 [BE] Jablonka Maruani Mercier Gallery ISBN: 9782930487212 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART



Expo: 21/9/2016 ‐ 13/11/2016, Drawing Room, London Mary Doyle, Jo Applin. Design: Luc Derycke. Photography: Joke Floreal Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 234 mm 160 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Sept. 2016 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321404 (E)


Philippe Vandenberg’s (1952–2009) works on paper are highly personal responses to social issues and political upheavals. Powerful abstract and figurative images about sex, death, good and evil, express Vandenberg’s existential despair about the world, as well as his dark sense of humour. His works on paper are distinguished by fluid draughtsmanship in pencil, ink and richly coloured watercolour. They possess a sense of urgency, an economy of means and keen playfulness.


Crossing The Circle Works on paper by Philippe Vandenberg

Paperback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 245 x 170 mm 320 p € 25,00 | [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321398 (E/ F/ NL) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

E / F/ NL

"In order to get a strong understanding of a thousand years worth of Western Culture, I have made lists of, to me, indispensable characters, organised by discipline. They are figures whose work or entire body of work were of great importance .... Of each of them an image is presented in ... a CD-case. This results in a series of about three hundred images of crucially important people. Of these cases, a catalogue was made, presenting essential information and, in my opinion, their most important works.."

Werner Cuvelier Parallellen 1975-2016

Japanese binding Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 190 mm 104 p € 25,00 | June 2016 [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle ISBN: 9789492321374 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


On the occasion of the exhibition The (Hemi)Cycle of Leaves and Paper at the Ghent Museum of Fine Arts, Malaysian artist Simryn Gill brings out an artist book entitled "Wormholes". At its core are subtle black and white photographs that trace the delicate remains of life in a building that slowy and gradually turns into ruin. Textual interventions by the artist guide the reader towards an atmosphere that is filled with subtle impressions.

Simryn Gill Wormholes



Laurent Ney and Toshio Shibata Laurent Ney and Toshio Shibata

The book presents a collection of photographs by the Japanese artist Toshio Shibata (°1949) of structures designed by the Belgian-Luxembourgish engineer Laurent Ney (°1964). Two artists, two media meeting one another. Both media deal with the same subject: the civil-engineering structure embedded in a natural setting. Both artists analyze topography, geology and landscape and detect essential forms that emphasize their artificial creations. [BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle | Hardback | 290 x 290 mm | 100 p | ISBN: 9789492321251 (E) | € 60,00 [BE] | Aug. 2016

F - NL

F - NL

Gerolf Van de Perre

Patrick Corillon

Le Grand Meaulnes revisited

Vlietende beelden

Schilder Gerolf Van de Perre laat zich inspireren door Le Grand Meaulnes. Gerolf Van de Perres schilderijen stippelen een wandeling uit doorheen het boek. In drie grote 'bedrijven' word je meegesleept langs de verschillende etappes van het verhaal. Daarbij doemen beelden op die zowel aards als mysterieus zijn, vanuit een wereld die heftiger, echter en raadselachtiger is dan de onze. Een elegie over het verlies van illusies en over de groeipijnen en de brutaliteit van het volwassen worden.

In zijn performance Vlietende Beelden nodigt Patrick Corillon de toeschouwer uit tot het maken van een reis, rijk aan beeldende ontdekkingen en aan filosofische vragen. De kunstenaar vertelt er het verhaal "van de gedaanteverwisseling van een al te dromerig kind tijdens een ongelofelijk atelier ter inwijding in de schilderkunst in het Museum voor Moderne Kunst van Oostende".

Expo: 8/9/2016 ‐ 6/11/2016, Kasteel van Gaasbeek [BE] Snoeck Publishers | Hardback | 260 x 210 mm | 128 p | 80 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789461613110 (NL) ISBN 9789461613127 (F) | € 22,00 [BE] | Sept. 2016

Expo: 14/5/2016 ‐ 24/7/2016, Mu.ZEE, Oostende [BE] MuZEE, Oostende | Paperback | 280 x 225 mm | 46 p | ISBN: 9789074694186 (NL) ISBN 9789074694230 (F) | € 20,00 [BE] | May 2016

E - NL E

NL Honoré D'O

Stoffel Debuysere

Yves Beaumont

Figures of Dissent Cinema of Politics Politics of Cinema

Omzwervingen. Schilderijen en tekeningen

Stoffel Debuysere

Marc Ruyters, Carlos Alleene, Johan De Bruyne, Michael Keenan, Keran James

How can the relation between cinema and politics be thought today? This question was the starting point for Figures of Dissent, a project consisting of an extensive series of discussions, dialogues and screenings that were organized over the course of three years. Some of the thoughts and doubts that have been simmering as a result of these encounters were expressed in the form of letters. This manuscript assembles six of those letters, addressed to fellow filmmakers, artists, producers and theorists [BE] ARA ‐ MER. Paper Kunsthalle | Paperback | 297 x 210 mm | 256 p | ISBN: 9789492321244 (E) | € 25,00 [BE] | July 2016

Yves Beaumont behoort tot de generatie van 'stille schilders' die naar een beeldtaal zoeken die baadt in sereniteit en verstilling en waarbij een soort vertraging van het beeld ontstaat. Hij zoekt naar vereenvoudiging en reduceert dat beeld tot zijn essentie. Toch vertonen zijn schilderijen en tekeningen een grote schakering aan tinten in de schemer van het land, en in het alles omheersende licht van het water en de lucht. [BE] Snoeck Publishers | Hardback | 275 x 255 mm | 112 p | 90 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789461613202 (NL) | € 28,00 [BE] | Nov. 2016


Holy Molecule Axioms-Second Reading / Mieke Mels, Honoré D'O, Phillip Van den Bossche

Honoré d'O blikt in deze tentoonstelling terug op een oeuvre dat hij sinds midden jaren 80 heeft opgebouwd. In 'Holy Molecule' wordt een aantal sleutelwerken uit het rijke oeuvre van de kunstenaar gelicht. Daarvoor maakt hij gebruik van eigentijdse industriële materialen piepschuim, pvc, watten, plastic, stofmaskers en knikkers - die vormgeven aan een niet-aflatende gedachtestroom. Expo: 16/4/2016 ‐ 4/9/2016, Mu.ZEE, Oostende [BE] MuZEE, Oostende | Hardback | 330 x 245 mm | 163 p | ISBN: 9789074694179 (E/ NL) | € 21,50 [BE] | April 2016

Expo: 07/04/2016 ‐ 18/09/2016, Museo di Santa Giulia, Brescia Edited by Germano Celant Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 240 p | 400 col.ill. € 34,00 | April 2016 [IT] Silvana ISBN: 9788836633579 (E)


Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Water Projects, edited by Germano Celant in collaboration with con CVJ Corporation, is the title of the catalogue (published in English and Italian) released on the occasion of the exhibition by the same title, opening in Brescia at the Santa Giulia Museum, April 7, 2016. The catalogue will include Christo and Jeanne-Claude's realized and not realized large-scale projects from 1961 to 2016.


Christo & Jeanne-Claude Water Projects


Edited by Dieter Buchhart Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 265 mm 160 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | Sept. 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775741842 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART


In the New York of the eighties, Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) was the first African-American artist to receive international attention. The enormous scope of his oeuvre is inversely proportional to the short, productive period he was given. As the complexity and trailblazing innovative power of his paintings and drawings has been previously discussed at length-this book focuses on the creative aspect of language in Basquiat's work

Words Are All We Have Paintings by Jean-Michel Basquiat

Cy Twombly’s immortal work will be celebrated in a major retrospective at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, presumably the last major Twombly exhibition for many years to come. This lavishly printed exhibition catalog features first-class reproductions of the Paris exhibits and essays by fellow artists and art historians such as Sally Mann, Nicolas Cullinan, Alessandro Twombly, Giorgio Agamben, and Nicola Del Roscio.

Cy Twombly Retrospective

džƉŽ͗ ϯϬͬϭϭͬϮϬϭϲ Ͳ ϮϰͬϬϰͬϮϬϭϳ ĞŶƚƌĞ WŽŵƉŝĚŽƵ͕ WĂƌŝƐ Jonas Storsve Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 280 mm | 320 p | 160 col.ill. € 78,00 | Dec. 2016 [G] Schirmer/ Mosel ISBN: 9783829607698 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART



Trent Morse Paperback | Eng. ed. 260 x 185 mm 176 p € 25,80 | July 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780678528 (E)


This stunning book is the first compendium of art made with ballpoint pens. Ballpoint drawing has evolved into a thriving art form since the pen emerged as a writing tool in the 1940s. Throughout the 1950s and '60s, as the ballpoint became cheaper and more accessible, Alberto Giacometti, Jean Dubuffet, Andy Warhol, Francis Bacon, Nam June Paik, Louise Bourgeois, Jan Fabre and many others, sketched with the pens. With works of 30 artists.


Ballpoint Art Marie Desplechin Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 165 mm 508 p | 400 col.ill. € 76,00 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382043 (E) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Throughout her career, the photographer and installation artist Sophie Calle has been creating tableaux that recreate her personal journeys. Projects from the past 10 years are explored in this magnificently illustrated volume. Following on the heels of Calle's highly acclaimed Did You See Me? This new book offers numerous images of Calle's most recent works.


Sophie Calle And So Forth The artist who dared put into question the parameters of ordinary vision. One of the main exponents of Capitalist Realism-a current that arose in the 1970s in opposition to both the Socialist Realism widespread in the countries of Eastern Europe and Western pop art-Sigmar Polke was a tireless experimenter of techniques, art materials, and chemical-alchemical processes.

Sigmar Polke

džƉŽ͗ ϭϳͬϰͬϮϬϭϲ Ͳ ϭϭͬϬϲͬϮϬϭϲ WĂůĂnjnjŽ 'ƌĂƐƐŝ͕ &͘WŝŶĂƵůƚ͕ sĞŶŝƐĞ Elena Geuna & Guy Tosatto Paperback | Eng./Fr./It. ed 248 x 197 mm | 248 p € 45,50 | Sept. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9788831723794 (E/ F/ IT) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

E Artiste phare de la scène de l'art contemporain, Johan Creten développe depuis 1993 une oeuvre exclusivement céramique matériau dont il a très tôt saisi le potentiel plastique -, mêlant imagerie populaire, sensualité et beauté. À partir du 3 juin 2016, Johan Creten est invité à investir les vignes et le domaine du château Pommard (Côte-d'Or). Une trentaine d'oeuvres seront intégrées dans la nature et les bâtiments, offrant une confrontation forte.

Johan Creten Terre fertile, terre fébrile - Fertile Soil, Febrile Clay

E/F 29

Expo: 3/6/2016 ‐ 20/11/2016, Château de Pommard Camille Morineau & Mathilde de Croix Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 240 x 170 mm | 64 p | 40 col.ill. € 19,00 | June 2016 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542974 (E/ F) I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART

Richard Shiff and Catherine Lampert Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. | 279 x 203 mm 432 p | 400 col.ill.| € 68,50 | Sept. 2016 | [ US] Rizzoli

Ralph Rugoff Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. | 254 x 219 mm 384 p | 350 col.ill.| € 49,50 | Sept. 2016 | [ US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847858255 (E)

ISBN: 9780847849796 (E)

Compact edition

Compact edition

Raymond Pettibon The definitive collection of Raymond Pettibon's art, spanning from his early flyers for the influential punk band Black Flag through his most recent political work, including much unpublished material. This book-produced in close collaboration with the artist-is the most comprehensive volume on Pettibon's work to date. It explores his art over the past thirty years, including many previously unpublished works, as well as works from zines and posters and excerpts from screenplays.

Peter Doig The most comprehensive monograph on Turner Prize-nominated artist Peter Doig. In this lavish new volume devoted to his entire career-which includes paintings, drawings, and reference material, such as found photographs-art historians Richard Shiff and Catherine Lampert mine the artist's rich and varied work.

You have the artistic talent, but do you know how to make a success of it? The thing they don't teach you in art school is just how active and engaged you need to be; you'll have to become your own finance, business and marketing manager, as well as a researcher, curator and administrator. What They Didn't Teach You in Art School is the ultimate survival guide to life as an artist, and the perfect springboard for aspiring artists who haven't yet given up the day job.

Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 180 x 120 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. € 19,20 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781572962 (E) I05b ‐ ESSAYS

What They Didn't Teach You in Art School How to survive as an artist in the real world

E L'histoire de l'art, n'est-elle qu'une succession de styles, de mouvements, de théories et de noms d'artistes ? Ou de prix de vente record ? Le livre que vous avez dans la main vous propose une approche différente, plus simple et plus juste. Son point de départ est la raison d'être de l'art dans la société. Depuis le commencement l'art a relevé et a répondu aux questions essentielles de l'humanité. L'histoire de l'art est l'histoire de ces questions et devrait être présentée dans cette optique.

Paperback | French ed. 170 x 114 mm | 276 p € 20,00 | June 2016 [BE] Arte Libro ISBN: 9789076417202 (F)

ISBN 9789076417189 (E) I05b ‐ ESSAYS

L'Art Autrement J.L. Siesling

F In Opwinding kijkt oud-directeur Rudi Fuchs terug op zijn lange loopbaan. Een bijna 1350 vierkante meter tellend overzicht biedt meer dan 100 werken, aankopen waarmee Fuchs een bepalende rol heeft gespeeld in het opbouwen van de kunstcollectie Nederland. Beleef de opwinding die Fuchs voelde bij zijn eerste ontmoeting met topstukken van o.a. Georg Baselitz, Jan Dibbets, Tracey Emin, Gilbert & George, Damien Hirst, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Merz, Piet Mondriaan, Bruce Nauman en A.R. Penck.

Expo: 27/5/2016 ‐ 2/10/2016 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam NL ed. , 320 p. € 25,00 | Sept. 2016 [NL] Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ISBN: 9783960980254 (NL) I05b ‐ ESSAYS


Opwinding Rudi Fuchs


Robert Crumb Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 178 mm 132 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 35,95 | July 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9781941701348 (E)

One of America’s most celebrated cartoonists, Robert Crumb helped define cartoon and punk subcultures of the 1960s and 1970s with comic strips like Fritz the Cat, Mr. Natural, and Keep on Truckin’. The open sexuality of his work, paired with frequent self-deprecation and a free, almost stream-of-consciousness style, have made Crumb into a global voice and a renowned contemporary artist.



Robert Crumb Art & Beauty: Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Fuel Amanita (Alexander Erashov) Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 112 p € 14,80 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames Distributed + ISBN: 9780993191145 (E) II29 ‐ COLOURING BOOKS


This colouring book for all ages marks the first publication of the graphic works of Russian artist Amanita. His fantastical images form a unique world - they are like modern variations of illustrated manuscripts, packed full with elements of Soviet and post-Soviet cultures. The book also works as an introduction to the Russian alphabet. Every drawing depicts a word beginning with each letter from the Cyrillic alphabet, also shown in English, giving a light-hearted guide as to how the letters look and sound

Russian Alphabet Colouring Book

Discover the true meanings behind over 200 popular tattoos with this comprehensive book, illustrated with over 100 tattoo designs. From sailors' swallows and Mexican skulls to prisoners' barbed wire and intricate Maori patterns, tattoos have been used as a means of communication by cultures all over the world for thousands of years.

Trent Aiken‐Smith Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 149 mm | 256 p € 19,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] M. Beazley (Octopus) ISBN: 9781784721770 (E)

The Tattoo Dictionary


An A-Z guide to the secret language of tatoos




Sticker Robots SRK

This pack contains 12 cool robot stickers from three cutting-edge artists: Swedish illustrator Matthias Adolfsson (whose work has featured in The New Yorker and The New York Times); TomatoZero, a duo of super-hip sticker artists; Niark1, a French artist and graphic designer who has worked for companies including Sony, Logitech, and Converse. These extra-large stickers (each one is approx. 6.5x4 in) are durable, splash proof, and scratch proof. [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts | Pack | 225 x 165 mm | 36 p | ISBN: 9781856699723 (E) | € 10,50 [BE] | July 2016


In Heroes We Trust Street Artists and Their Heroes


In Heroes We Trust asks sixty international street artists to muse on heroism. With original works ranging from a portrait of Gandhi on an electrical box to an image of a typewriter on a wall spelling out "joie de vivre," this contemporary look at heroes lets readers view street art from all over the globe without the jet lag. Knock Knock books make perfect gifts for your arty friendsWarning: this street art book may inspire heroic acts Paperback; 8 x 6.5 inches, 144 pages

A Bestiary of the Bizarre -mini edition-

[US] Knock Knock ‐ Books | Hardback | 165 x 203 mm | 144 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781601068521 (E) | € 15,50 [BE] | Sept. 2016


Christopher Dell

Monsters have preoccupied mankind from the earliest times: even cave art includes animal-human monsters. This book explores monsters down the ages and throughout the world. It provides a dark yet engrossing visual history of the human mind, lit up by flashes of wild and unearthly inspiration. [UK] Thames & Hudson | Hardback | 170 x 120 mm | 192 p | 161 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500292556 (E) | € 14,50 [BE] | Aug. 2016


SuicideGirls: Inked

1000 Sneakers

The LSD Library

Missy Suicide

A Guide to the World's Greatest Kicks, from Sport to Street

Altered States and the Counterculture

The SuicideGirls are a collection of more than 2,500 pin-up girls devoted to changing your idea about what makes a woman beautiful ... and they are naked. Started in Portland, Oregon, by Missy Suicide and her friends in 2001, the SuicideGirls broke conventional notions of beauty and the pin-up girl ideal as defined by men's and women's magazines and the culture at large. SuicideGirls was born in an era when tattoos were still taboo. [US] Ammo | Hardback | 279 x 279 mm | 204 p | ISBN: 9781623260736 (E) | € 39,95 [BE] | Aug. 2016

Peter Watts

A visual history of the world's most coveted and popular footwear, from early Keds and Converse All Stars to the latest fashion and design icons. Every sneaker has a story to tell, and this encyclopedic book features 1,000 full-color images of the sneakers that have most influenced global sneaker culture with examples to engage sneaker aficionados of all stripes.

A celebration of the world's greatest collection of psychedelia and its profound impact on popular culture. A visually stunning and endlessly surprising celebration, The LSD Library brings an unprecedented insight into the influence of drugs in America and abroad. It is the perfect gift for students and fans of sex, drugs, and rock and roll-and the fascinating world that created this iconic culture.

[US] Rizzoli | Paperback with flaps | 229 x 171 mm | 256 p | 1150 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780789332554 (E) | € 30,00 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[US] Rizzoli | Hardback | 330 x 244 mm | 532 p | 500 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9780847849758 (E) | € 77,50 [BE] | Sept. 2016

Mathieu Le Maux


Expo: 20/11/2016 - 7/01/2018 , MIAT, Gent Hilde Langeraert, Sofie De Schampheleire Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 112 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 24,95 | Nov. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565624 (NL)


Deze publicatie geeft kinderarbeid een gezicht. Veertien kinderen nemen het woord. Norbertine, 14 jaar, werkt in de Lokerse haarsnijderijen. Juliana, 12 jaar, gaat aan de slag in een Gentse vlasspinnerij. Joseph Balthazar en Marie Daeninck, beiden 8 jaar, zijn werkzaam in een drukkerij. Het zijn stuk voor stuk meeslepende verhalen. Van vroeger en nu. Uit de textielindustrie, de steenbakkerijen en de showbizz. Verhalen van bij ons en verhalen van kinderen uit het Zuiden.


Made by children Kinderarbeid vroeger en nu

Mike Jay Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 180 mm 256 p | 350 col.ill. € 35,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500518977 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE


This Way Madness Lies is a thought-provoking exploration of the history of madness and its treatment as seen through the lens of its proverbial home: the Royal Bethlem Hospital, London, popularly known as Bedlam. Organized chronologically, the book charts the evolution of the asylum through four distinct incarnations: the 18th-century madhouse, the 19th-century asylum, the 20th-century mental hospital and the wider community.

This Way Madness Lies The Three Ages of the Asylum



This is the ultimate book of lists that is sure to entertain and inform-a 1,000-page collection of fun and fascinating facts in a wide range of topics, presented in a wonderfully eclectic format that invites browsing, yet also provides an absorbing read. Featuring 100 lists each in turn showcasing 100 "bests" covering a wide variety of subjects-including the arts, science, nature, history, sports, design, technology, and philosophy.

10.000 Things You Need to Know The Big Book of Lists

Elspeth Beidas Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 216 mm 1000 p | 2000 col. & bw ill € 41,50 | Oct. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780789332523 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

From the bestselling 1001 series, comes a collection of 1001 quotations from numerous brilliant minds of the Ancient World through to the present day. With quotes from everyone including Marcus Aurelius, Sun Tzu, Shakespeare and Nietzsche through to Ellen DeGeneres, Nelson Mandela, Mark Zuckerberg and Monty Python's Flying Circus, there is an immense range of ideas, witticisms and musings to ponder.

1001 Quotations

New edition Robert Arp Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p € 25,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844038954 (E) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

To Inspire You Before You Die


Johnny Acton, David Goldblatt, James Wyllie

Travel through time to witness some of the most extraordinary and colorful events in world history with this unusual and entertaining guide that includes fascinating cultural details from each period, including what and where to eat, what to wear, how to act like a local, and most importantly, how to stay alive


The Time Traveler's Handbook 18 Experiences from the Eruption of Vesuvius to Woodstock


Hardback | Eng. ed. 206 x 137 mm 352 p € 21,99 | Aug. 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062469397 (E) I12 ‐ HISTORY




A History of the World in 500 Walks

Map Stories

Sarah Baxter

Through this magnificent collection of historical maps, travel writer Francisca Mattéoli takes us on a geographical adventure, telling the stories of twenty-three places and voyages that inspired her, as they inspired the creation of these fascinating charts. Discover some of the world's most magical places and how they revealed themselves, from the lost trails of the first colonies of the American West to Amundsen's exploration of the South Pole, and the rediscoveries of Petra and Angkor Wat.

This book will lead you on a grand tour of world events, from prehistory to the 21st century. Meandering along 500 historically resonant trails, A History of the World in 500 Walks is learned but light-footed and never pedestrian, combining inspirational and knowledgable commentary with practical detail. [UK] Aurum (Quarto) | Hardback | 236 x 178 mm | 400 p | ISBN: 9781781316009 (E) | € 25,80 [BE] | July 2016

The World's 100 Weirdest Museums

The Art of Discovery

[UK] Ilex (Octopus) | Hardback | x mm | 176 p | ISBN: 9781781573778 (E) | € 31,95 [BE] | Oct. 2016

Geoff Tibballs

From the Moist Towelette Museum in Michigan to the Museumof Broken Relationships in Zagreb. A guide to the weirdest and most wonderful museums in the world, from the Currywurst Museum of Berlin to French Fries Museum in Bruges. Scattered across the globe are museums dedicated to every conceivable subject, from bananas to Bigfoot, teapots to tapeworms, mustard to moist towelettes, and pencils to penises. Many are serious collections housed in grand buildings, others are located in tiny premises. Robinson [UK] Little Brown (Hachette) | Paperback | 198 x 126 mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9781472136954 (E) | € 12,95 [BE] | Oct. 2016

NL - E E

Alles is Onderhandelen


Creëer in 7 stappen inzicht in de kunst van het onderhandelen

Games, Tests, Questionnaires, Histories

Geurt Jan De Heus

Julian Rothenstein

Onderhandelen doe je dagelijks. Alleen heb je het vaak niet in de gaten en/of ben je er zelf niet bewust van. Bij deze toenemende behoefte aan onderhandelingsinzichten reikt dit boek de juiste handvaten daarvoor aan. Dit boek past 7 fundamentele principes toe zodat je de reis van het onderhandelen eigen kunt maken. Het boek bouwt voort op de grondleggende theorie van Getting to Yes. Het geeft inzicht in je persoonlijke valkuilen en laat je bewuster en wendbaarder omgaan met de toenemende complexiteit

Psychobook takes a subversive, sideways look at psychology and its tools and methods, and contains fascinating content and images. With Psychobook people of all ages can develop their emotional intelligence, discover their imaginations, and delve deeper into their subconscious with interactive quizzes, games, and questionnaires from classics like the Rorshach Inkblot test to surveys remastered and reinvented for a new generation. [US] Princeton | Hardback | 300 x 210 mm | 192 p | 128 col.ill. | 35 bw ill. | ISBN: 9781616894924 (E) | € 31,95 [BE] | Sept. 2016

[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback with flaps | 260 x 200 mm | 240 p | ISBN: 9789063694494 (NL) | € 34,00 [BE] | Sept. 2016


Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./.Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm | 272 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 79,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] teNeues

English cover:

Across the vast, wind-swept plains of Mongolia, nomadic tribes freely roam-only guided by the rhythmic changes of the seasons. Beginning in 2000, Hamid Sardar immersed himself in this fascinating people's way of life, following them throughout their daily rituals, hunting expeditions,and spiritual practices to capture their centuries-old practices. With a breathtaking mix of color and black-and-white images, Sardar's debut book is a poignant visual journey showcasing Mongolia's last traveling shamans and hunters. Especially fascinated by their spiritual relationship with land and animals, Sardar beautifully documents the wisdom, customs, and manners of an array of individuals, from horse-breeders and eagle masters to traditional healers. Accompanied by an informative text, this title is a must-have for anyone interested in anthropology, photography, and adventure.

ISBN: 9783832734084 (E/ G)

French cover: ISBN: 9783832734497 (E/ F) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

Hamid Sardar - Dark Heavens Shamans & Hunters of Mongolia

Paradis nomades

Chamans et chasseurs des mongolie

This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles, art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are the guardians of a culture that they-and we-hope will be passed on to future generations in all its glory.

Jimmy Nelson Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 304 p.| 320 col.ill. € 49,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] teNeues

Frendh cover: ISBN: 9783832734503 (E/ F)

Les dernières Ethnies Avant qu'elles ne disparaissent - Compact edition

English cover: ISBN: 9783832733186 (E/ G)

Jimmy Nelson.


Compact editions

Horses, just horses, sans riders, saddles and bridles-unless they're in a stall, it's not something you see much anymore. But this is precisely what Tony Stromberg, equine photographer extraordinaire, gives us. He photographs these graceful animals in a pure and natural way that no other photographer can match.

Horses ISBN: 9783832734268 (E/ F/G)

Horses Chevaux by Tony Stromberg


Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 320 x 246 mm | 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | Aug. 2016 [G] teNeues

Cheveau ISBN: 9783832734718 (E/ F/G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY 36




Above the World

Mountains. Beyond the Clouds


Earth Through a Drone's Eye

Tim Hall

Bernhard Hartmann

Sometimes, all that is needed to change someone's mind is a change of perspective. Flying cameras, freed from the constraints of gravity, redefine how we perceive the world we live in and reveal previously unseen moments of beauty. With this book, we are shining a spotlight on some of the world's best aerial photography. We examine not just the works of well-known aerial photographers, but also the many phenomenal images captured by non-professionals.

Mountains, one of nature's greatest masterpieces, in their rugged beauty, breathtaking views from the top, clear air, green pastures, mountain lakes and glaciers, have captivated mankind all along. Photographer Tim Hall beautifully captures the powerful solace of mountains in his images. He often chooses to shoot in dramatic weather, making his work and the photographed mountains look even more stunning and transcendent.

Havana. Just saying the name evokes images of bright Caribbean colors, American cars with fins from the 1950s, and once-glorious buildings fallen into ruin. Now that this socialist island country is open once more, this picture will soon change. Now is the time to pause for a moment and take a closer look at Cuba's capital city.

[G] teNeues | Hardback | 320 x 250 mm | 208 p | 125 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783832733773 (E) ISBN 9783832733933 (F) | € 59,90 [BE] | Aug. 2016

[G] teNeues | Hardback with dust jacket | 320 x 250 mm | 208 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832733919 (E/ F/ G) ISBN 9783832734701 (F) | € 49,90 [BE] | Sept. 2016

NL / E / F / G



Marc Lagrange


Vincent Peters

Diamonds & Pearls



Belgian photographer Marc Lagrange has quickly gained a reputation as one of the most original and talented erotic photographers around. Taking a distinctive approach to setting voluptuous scenes, Lagrange meticulously composes timeless settings-with each location and prop carefully chosen to enhance the romantic and revealing mood. Building trust and chemistry with his models, Lagrange is daring but never crosses into mere titillation. The tension is palpable and a sense of mystery pervades each elaborate

#NSFW is an Erotic Greatest Hits of photographer Rankin's nude photography. Throughout his twenty-five year career, he has returned time and again to photographing the female form. #NSFW presents the most daring shots. Unapologetic. Provocative. Beautiful. Designed on a super-size scale, it elevates nude photography to the next level, brazen yet intimate.

Vincent Peters

[G] teNeues | Hardback | 370 x 290 mm | 304 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783832734169 (E) | € 98,00 [BE] | Sept. 2016

[G] teNeues | Hardback | 355 x 280 mm | 208 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832797058 (E/ F/ NL/ G) | € 49,90 [BE] | March 2016 ‐R/P



[G] teNeues | Hardback with dust jacket | 320 x 250 mm | 176 p | 100 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783832734329 (E/ F/ G) | € 49,90 [BE] | Aug. 2016

For more than 20 years, Vincent Peters has been among the best photographers internationally. Now he dedicates himself to his favorite subject in Personal: women. Once again, we encounter stars as they have never been seen before; Penélope Cruz, Linda Evangelista, and Irina Shayk are only some of the prominent ladies featured. Vincent Peters hand-selected the pictures for this book, most of which have never been published before. [G] teNeues | Hardback | 350 x 285 mm | 240 p | 220 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783832734091 (E/ F/ G) | € 98,00 [BE] | Sept. 2016

Text and photography: Marc Popelier Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 200 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 40,00 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565617 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Japan is a country with a unique and somewhat mysterious culture. It is a land of diversity and contradictions. You will find ancient customs, cherished and unchanged for over thousands of years, as well as cutting edge technology and the latest gadgets.It is also a country with stunning landscapes made up of thousands of islands lying on the Pacific Ring of Fire. Marc Popelier's life-long love for the country has crystallized into the pages of this book.

Sights and Scenes of Japan Marc Popelier

Hardback | Eng. ed. 440 x 310 mm 200 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 115,00 | Nov. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565532 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

In a city as liberal and eclectic as Amsterdam, there's an almost endless stream of new and daring places to eat, dine and party. Most of the city's hotspots combine eccentric locations with culinary delights. After capturing the culinary delights of Paris and London, photographer Henk van Cauwenbergh, makes his tour around Amsterdam to take in the amazing flavours of a city where there's something fantastic for everyone.


Amazing Flavours of Amsterdam Henk van Cauwenbergh

Coédition Yellow Now – Un quai sur Meuse


Après Avoir un bon copain, publié en 2013, La réconciliation. Avoir un bon copain /2. dévoile une nouvelle sélection de photographies de l'impressionnante collection privée de Véronique Marit. Parmi ces images 'de l'ordinaire', figure une galerie de portraits d'hommes et de femmes, de jeunes et de moins jeunes, campés dans des scènes plutôt familières et attestant d'un moment fort, d'un instant complice : celui d'être ensemble, bras dessus, bras dessous, sur la photo.

Avoir un bon copain Les retrouvailles.


Avant‐propos : Christine Aventin Paperback with flaps | French ed. 170 x 120 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,00 | Nov. 2016 [BE] Yellow Now ‐ Carnets ISBN: 9782873404017 (F) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

E / NL


E /F

Settle in

Fotofever 2016

Quelque chose a bougé

An architectural journey by Vittorio Simoni

Du 11 au 13 novembre 2016, le Carrousel du Louvre accueillera la 5e édition de fotofever avec 75 galeries internationales et françaises en plein coeur du Paris artistique, au pied du musée le plus visité au monde. Foire de photographie indépendante, fotofever paris 2016 propose un programme audacieux.

La double épreuve de la photographie

Marc Dubois. Photography: Vittorio Simoni

Architect Vittorio Simoni is een verwoed en gepassioneerd reiziger. Op stap gaan doet hij niet uitsluitend om werk van vakgenoten te zien of hoogtepunten van de bouwkunst te bewonderen. De fotoselectie van 'Settle in' volgt de kijkrichting van de architect. De drang om het tactiele van het maken te bewonderen, het zoeken naar authenticiteit en genot, gecombineerd met beheersing van kleur en vorm, straalt uit deze foto's.

Expo: 11/11/2016 ‐ 13/11/2016, Carousel du Louvre ‐ Paris [BE] Snoeck Publishers | Hardback | 210 x 160 mm | 208 p | 80 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789461613141 (E/ F) | € 20,00 [BE] | Nov. 2016

Didier Decoux

Entre 2012 et 2014, les Établissements Decoux ont collecté dans des boutiques de seconde main des photographies jumelles d'un même sujet prises à quelques secondes d'intervalle ou suivant un angle de vue légèrement différent et réuni une collection de près de deux cents de ces images doubles. Il s'agit de clichés en noir et blanc pris par des amateurs entre les années 1920 et les années 1970. [BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie) | Hardback | 210 x 170 mm | 160 p | 142 bw ill. | ISBN: 9782873174729 (F) | € 24,00 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek | Paperback with flaps | 250 x 210 mm | 128 p | 150 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9789058565501 (E/ NL) | € 29,95 [BE] | June 2016




Africa Hotel

[Never] Let me go

Vilaine Fille

Olivier Le Brun

Solal Israel

Cathérine Lambermont

Olivier Le Brun, photographe amateur (éclairé), a parcouru l'Afrique et Haïti au cours de ses missions d'économiste. Il y a découvert des petits hôtels sans étoiles pour le confort mais plein d'étoiles pour la convivialité. Voici quelques étapes-phare de ce périple politico-poétique, gastronomique et photographique, depuis les Hauts Plateaux de Madagascar jusqu'à Tombouctou aux portes du Sahara, voyage qui se poursuit en Haïti dans les quartiers populaires de Port-au-Prince et de Pétionville.

Solal Israel aborde la photographie avec un mélange d'exigence, de rigueur, et de liberté inventive déconcertant. Plusieurs séries, entamées pour la plupart dès ses études, ont pris forme au fil du temps au point de pouvoir s'entrecroiser à présent: récit autobiographique d'une rupture, chronique émouvante de la disparition de sa grand-mère, détournement de photos trouvées qui se transforme en appropriation fantasmatique de l'identité d'une personne ayant quitté son lieu de vie…

Catherine Lambermont s'est toujours attachée, dans son travail, à questionner les notions de visibilité, d'apparition ou de disparition, de perception et d'interprétation de la part du spectateur. Elle aborde ainsi la nature même de l'image, la feuilletant dans ses multiples épaisseurs de forme et de sens, liée aux choses non représentées, à la force d'évocation ou de suggestion d'éléments simples, confrontés ou mélangés par l'expérience subjective, singulière que nous en avons.

[BE] Yellow Now | Paperback with flaps | 120 x 170 mm | 120 p | throughout duotone ill. | ISBN: 9782873403928 (F) |€ 12,00 [BE] | Nov. 2016

[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Photo | Paperback | 210 x 165 mm | 164 p | 140 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9782873404000 (F) | € 26,00 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[BE] Yellow Now ‐ Côté Photo | Hardback | 210 x 150 mm | 120 p | 70 col.ill. | ISBN: 9782873403997 (F) | € 20,00 [BE] | Nov. 2016

Couverture souple avec jaquette


Expo: 8/11/2016 ‐ .., Parlement francophone bruxellois

127 artistes belges contemporains photographiés par Patricia Mathieu, dans leurs ateliers, lors de performances, sur scène ou chez eux. Il a fallu faire un choix parmi plus de 300 artistes qui ont permis à la photographe de les immortaliser. Avec Jan Fabre, Rinus Vandevelde, Koen Van Mechelen, Ann Teresa De Keersmaeker, Jacques Charlier, Ann Veronica Janssens, Arno, David Claerbout, Charley Case, Jacques Lizène, Hans Op De Beeck, et tous les autres..

NL / F / E

Préface de Jacques Charlier. Texte d'introduction par Nathalie Gilly Paperback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 235 x 180 mm 136 p € 19,95 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Occ. Publishers Belgium ISBN: 013268 (E/ F/ NL) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY (Belgium)

127 Artistes belges | Belgische kunstenaars Photographies: Patricia Mathieu




Michael Kenna

New York

Cindy Sherman


A Century of Aerial Photography

Imitation of Life

Forword by James Steward

Peter Skinner

Philipp Kaiser

One of the world's most acclaimed photographers working exclusively in black-and-white, Michael Kenna has traveled the world to create stunning, magical images of nature and manmade objects. Long out of print, Rouge has been brought back to life with a spectacular new design, an authoritative essay by art historian James Steward, and many previously unpublished images that were part of the original series.

From the ground, New York City can feel like a chaotic jumble of traffic, pedestrians, one-way streets, parks, and buildings of every shape and size. But above the city, away from the cacophony and the commotion, New York can be tranquil and awe-inspiring. A series of chronological illustrations show the city's northward expansion, the establishment of its grid system, and the creation of Central Park.

Known for slipping seamlessly behind the rotating masks of fairy tale characters, centerfold models, historical figures, and clowns, Cindy Sherman tackles popular tropes in her photographs and brilliantly dismantles the stereotypes surrounding the roles she embodies. Featuring illustrations that draw from the Broad collection, the world's largest collection of Sherman's photography, as well as other sources, this book traces Sherman's most important works from 1977 to the present.

[UK] Prestel | Hardback | 280 x 240 mm | 196 p | 100 duotone ill. | ISBN: 9783791382975 (E) |€ 61,50 [BE] | Aug. 2016

[UK] Prestel | Hardback | 325 x 240 mm | 240 p | 180 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783791382937 (E) | € 40,95 [BE] | Aug. 2016

Expo: 11/6/2016 ‐ 2/10/2016, The Broad, Los Angeles [UK] Prestel | Hardback | 280 x 230 mm | 160 p | 130 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783791355566 (E) | € 47,80 [BE] | July 2016


Texts by David Campany, Hans‐Michael Koetzle, Jeff Wall Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 265 x 265 mm 320 p | 230 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | Nov. 2016 [G] Hatje Cantz ISBN: 9783775741811 (E/ G) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Fred Herzog is known for his unusual use of colour in the fifties and sixties, a time when art photography was almost exclusively associated with black and white imagery. The Canadian photographer worked almost exclusively with Kodachrome slide film for over 50 years, and only in the past decade has technology allowed him to make archival pigment prints that match the exceptional color and intensity of the Kodachrome slide.

Fred Herzog

The Leica made it easier for amateurs, newcomers, and emancipated women to take pictures, and more, it also enabled a whole new way of seeing things – a faster, more dynamic view of the world from new angles. Just in time to mark a milestone birthday of the legendary compact camera, this volume with about 1.200 images offers a wide artistic and cultural history of the Leica from the 1920s to the present day.

Eyes Wide Open!

Reprint. Expo: 17/6/2016 ‐ 21/8/2016, St. Pietersabdij, Gent Hans‐Michael Koetzle Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 270 mm | 564 p | 1200 col.ill. € 98,00 | Sept 2016 ‐R/P [G] Kehrer ISBN: 9783868285307 (E)

100 Years of Leica Photography I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Expo : 21/07-23/10/2016, National Portrait Gallery, London Phillip Prodger Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 272 mm 184 p € 42,95 | July 2016 [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855147102 (E)


William Eggleston's photographs are special for their eccentric, unexpected compositions, playfulness, implied narrative and, above all, his portrayals of people. Over the past half-­-century he has created a powerful and enduring body of work featuring friends and family, musicians, artists and others. Eggleston frequented the 1970s Memphis club scene, developing friendships and getting to know musicians, including Ike Turner, Alex Chilton and others.

William Eggleston Portraits



Expo: 10/11/2016 ‐ 7/5/2017, Tate Modern, London Edited by Shoair Mavlian and Simon Baker Paperback | Eng. ed. 290 x 218 mm | 240 p | 150 col.ill. € 41,50 | Nov. 2016

Sir Elton John, musician and philanthropist, has built one of the greatest private collections of photography in the world. This book presents an unparalleled selection of modernist images, which introduce a crucial moment in the history of photography when artists were beginning to use the camera and darkroom to redefine and transform visions of the modern world. Technological advancements gave artists the freedom to experiment and test the limits of the medium enabling new imaginings of portraits, nudes and still lifes; and street life and the modern world was captured from a new, uniquely modern perspective. Showcasing only original vintage prints by the artists themselves, the book features key figures from the 1920s to 1950s, such as Brassai, Andre Kertesz, Dorothea Lange, Tina Modotti, Man Ray, Edward Steichen and Alexander Rodchenko. Also includes a newly commissioned interview with Sir Elton John and essays on modernist photography and technology and innovation by Dawn Ades and Shoair Mavlian.


[UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764070 (E)

ISBN: 9781849764063 (Hb)

The Radical Eye Modernist Photography from the Sir Elton John Collection


Simon Grant Hardback | Eng. ed. 195 x 154 mm 144 p | 100 duotone ill. € 23,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Tate ISBN: 9781849764407 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


For the first time in a generation, the world of Paul Nash's photographs is revealed in this intimate new book. Best known for his evocative landscape paintings, Nash was also a consummate photographer, who believed that the camera could reveal aspects of the world that the painter could not. While they have long been known as a compositional tool for Nash's paintings, this book reveals his black-and-white photographs as powerful and atmospheric works in their own right.

Informal Beauty The Photographs of Paul Nash

Black and white street photography. Includes works from Henri Cartier-Bresson, Martine Franck and Bill Brandt.

Street Photograph

Journal | Eng. ed. 140 x 90 mm | € 9,20 | June 2016 [UK] Tate (Gifts) ISBN: 9781849764773 (E)

Tate Pocket Diary 2017 II19 ‐ CALENDARS


Expo: 15/8/2016 ‐ 1/1/2017, Harry Ransom Center, Austin, US Elliott Erwitt, Jessica S. McDonald Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 227 mm 312 p € 64,50 | Aug. 2016 [US] Aperture ISBN: 9781597113694 (E)


A timely and critical reconsideration of Erwitt's unparalleled life as a photographer. Home Around the World traces the development and refinement of Erwitt's unique visual approach over time. With over two hundred photographs, and ephemera including magazine reproductions, advertisements, and contact sheets, this volume is the first to offer a comprehensive historical treatment of Erwitt's body of work and position in the field.


Elliott Erwitt Home Around the World

Barbara Levine Hardback | Eng. ed. 190 x 130 mm 144 p | 10 col.ill. | 90 bw ill. € 12,80 | Oct. 2016 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616893927 (E)

The delightful photography of People Knitting, from the 1860s to 1960s, showcases everyone from Hollywood starlets to the farm wives of the Shetland Islands. People Knitting is a quirky and fascinating gift for the knitter in your life a charming tribute in photographs and colorful printed ephemera to this ever-popular and sometimes all-consuming craft.


People Knitting A Century of Photographs



Capturing the splendor and very soul of what remains wild and free in our world through incredibly intimate-close enough to touch-portraits, Wild Encounters chronicles legendary photographer David Yarrow's photographic exploits in the field. Driven by a passion for sharing and preserving the Earth's last great wild cultures and species, Yarrow is as much a conservationist as a photographer and artist. His work has transcended wildlife photography, and is now collected and shown as fine art.

Wild Encounters Iconic Photographs of the World's Vanishing Animals and Cultures


David Yarrow Hardback | Eng. ed. 356 x 318 mm 320 p | 200 bw ill. € 76,00 | Oct. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847858323 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY



Women in Trees

Benjamin Katz

Dennis Hopper

Edited by Jochen Raiß

Essais de Fabrice Hergott, Emmanuelle de l'Ecotais, Eric Darragon, Freddy Langer et Heinrich Heil


"You know, I don't know how one can walk by a tree and not be happy at the sight of it?" writes Fyodor Dostoyevsky in The Idiot. Perhaps this sentence could also be used to explain the theme of women in trees that was so popular between the twenties and fifties and has, until now, never before been assembled in a book. Whether cheerfully dangling their legs, casually nestling in the forks of branches, or athletically climbing to the treetop-each picture has its very own story to discover. [G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | 177 x 127 mm | 112 p | 55 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775742184 (E) | € 15,00 [BE] | June 2016

E Nan Goldin

Benjamin Katz a grandi en Belgique. Il s'installe à Berlin en 1956, où il étudie à l'Académie des Beaux-Arts. En 1963, il fonde avec Michael Werner la Galerie Werner & Katz dont il s'occupe jusqu'en 1969. Benjamin Katz s'établit à Cologne en 1972, puis à partir de 1976, il commence à photographier ses amis à l'aide d'un simple boîtier n'exigeant aucune connaissance technique particulière. Progressivement, il photographiera avec un Reflex toute la scène artistique rhénane. Expo: 30/09/ ‐ 31/12/2016, Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris [G] Hirmer Verlag | Hardback | 240 x 170 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9783943616392 (E/ F/ G) | € 22,00 [BE] | Oct. 2016


Aaron Rose

After losing himself in Taos, New Mexico, for 15 years, Dennis Hopper returned to Los Angeles in the mid-1980s. In 1987, Hopper began to use a Polaroid camera to document gang graffiti. Hopper firmly considered himself an "Abstract Expressionist and action painter by nature, and a Duchampian finger pointer by choice." This book is a companion to Drugstore Camera (Damiani, 2015) also edited and designed by Michael Schmelling, which presented Hopper's personal photographs taken in Taos, New Mexico. [IT] Damiani | Hardback | 203 x 235 mm | 132 p | 120 col.ill. | ISBN: 9788862084765 (E) | € 38,50 [BE] | Oct. 2016


Todd Hido

Nobuyoshi Araki

The Beautiful Smile

Intimate Distance

Hi-Nikki (Non-Diary Diary)

Walter Keller, Jack Ritchey & Gerhard Steidl

Todd Hido: Intimate Distance is the first comprehensive monograph charting the career of acclaimed American photographer Todd Hido. Though he has published many smaller monographs of individual bodies of work, this gathers his most iconic images for the first time and brings a fresh perspective to his oeuvre with the inclusion of many unpublished photographs.

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary in 2014, the Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain asked the Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki to take a photograph every day, that would then be published weekly on its website in the shape of a slide show. Getting caught in the game, Araki took more than one picture a day from May 2014 to March 2015, producing 1,250 colour photographs featuring views of Tokyo, portraits of young women, sensual still-lifes, or shots taken at restaurants or in a small bar.

The Beautiful Smile, unavailable since its original publication on the occasion of Nan Goldin's (born 1953) Hasselblad Award of 2007, is finally back in print. The Hasselblad Award is considered the most important international photography prize in the world today; since 1980, award winners have included some of the greatest names the medium has known. [G] Steidl | Hardback | 270 x 250 mm | 160 p | 150 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783958291744 (E) | € 45,50 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[US] Aperture | Hardback | 290 x 245 mm | 272 p | 300 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781597113601 (E) | € 64,50 [BE] | Oct. 2016

Fondation Cartier [UK] T & H, Distributed | Hardback | 270 x 180 mm | 500 p | ISBN: 9782869251250 (E) | € 42,95 [BE] | Nov. 2016


Max Evans and Francis Hodgson Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 220 mm 144 p | 80 col.ill. € 50,00 | July 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544679 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


Bernard Plossu has been called “the most American of French photographers” by his friend and colleague Lewis Baltz. Although he is best known for his work in black and white, often capturing a bohemian world of free-spirited adventure, Plossu has also shot in color throughout his career. This book showcases 88 bold and cinematic color photographs, many of which are previously unpublished, dating from the 1970s and early 80s, when Plossu was resident in the US.

Bernard Plossu Western Colors

Roger Ballen introduction: Colin Rhodes Hardback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 192 p | 90 col.ill. € 35,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544648 (E)


The Theatre of Apparitions is a highly anticipated body of work by one of the most original image-makers of our times, whose remarkable artistic trajectory spans the past 40 years. This book is the culmination of his ongoing study of the connections between photography, drawing, the mind and the body. Created between the years 2004 and 2008, these 90-odd black-and-white images encourage viewers to delve deep into the darkest part of their psyches.


Roger Ballen The Theatre of Apparitions


Edited and curated by William A. Ewing, Edward Burtynsky: Essential Elements provides an overview of Burtynsky's work across four decades, including both iconic images and previously unpublished photographs. It dissolves previous project-based definitions to set out Burtynsky's oeuvre as five free-flowing sections that provide a sense of both his visual language and his exploration of the dilemmas at the heart of our globalized world

William A. Ewing Hardback | Eng. ed. 276 x 330 mm 202 p | 140 col.ill. € 61,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500544617 (E)

Edward Burtynsky


Essential Elements 45

This globetrotting collection of contemporary photographers and their work is a great way to become familiar with the wide variety of techniques and styles embraced by the medium. Organized chronologically by year of birth, each photographer is introduced in double-page spreads that feature reproductions of their work and a perceptive and concise appreciation of their life and career

50 Contemporary Photographers You Should Know

Florian Heine & Brad Finger Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 240 x 193 mm | 160 p | 70 col. & bw ill € 20,80 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382593 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY

E Paul Lowe Flexibound | Eng. ed. 242 x 199 mm 288 p | 150 col.ill. € 28,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500544624 (E)

What makes some photographs stay in the memory forever? Sometimes it's the subject matter alone, but more often it's the skill of the artists who took them. The premise of this magnificent book is quite simple: take 100 leading examples of the work of the world's greatest photographers, and a distinguished academic will describe how they achieved their effects to allow you to recreate them yourself.



Photography Masterclass Creative Techniques of 100 Great Photographers

Henry Carroll Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 180 mm 128 p € 17,80 | July 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781780678887 (E)

Discover a whole new way of seeing the world while honing your photography skills across composition, exposure, lighting, lenses and observation. This journal is packed with fun photography prompts and inspiring images by master photographers so you can get creative with your camera. Create your own highly personal photobook by sticking in your pictures with the adhesive corners provided or simply dip in and out when you’re stuck for ideas



Use This if You Want to Take Great Photographs A Photo Journal Magnum Photos Paperback | Eng. ed. 354 x 276 mm 20 p € 25,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9780500420461 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Magnum Photos


Poster Book (Icons) With 20 detachable, ready-to-hang posters 46


For over a decade, Magnus Hastings has been photographing the world's greatest drag superstars and asking each of them a simple question: Why drag? The result is this mesmerising volume in which the queens strut their stuff and reflect on their shared passion through a mixture of quips and philosophising.


by Boy George (Foreword, Introduction), Magnus Hastings (Photographer) Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 254 mm 224 p € 45,00 | July 2016 ‐R/P [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452148977 (E) I20b ‐ COUNTER CULTURE

Why Drag? Magnus Hastings Amphoto Books

'Red-Blooded American Male' features more than 100 imaginative, striking, and sexy portraits from award-winning photographer Robert Trachtenberg. Uncovering a unique (and often self-deprecating) side to such talents as Jimmy Fallon, Seth Rogen, Channing Tatum, Waris Ahluwalia, Will Ferrell, and Kevin Hart, this collection goes beyond mere portraiture to challenge conventional notions of masculinity and traditional male imagery.


Hardback | Eng. ed. 338 x 259 mm 224 p € 40,00 | Sept. 2016 [US] Random House US ISBN: 9781607749660 (E) I20b ‐ COUNTER CULTURE

Red-Blooded American Male A Singular Take on Male Portraiture by Robert Trachtenberg Uncovering the lost history of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender artists in New York City. Queer people have always flocked to New York seeking freedom, forging close-knit groups for support and inspiration. Gay Gotham brings to life the countercultural artistic communities that sprang up over the last hundred years, a creative class whose radical ideas would determine much of modern culture.

Gay Gotham Art and Underground Culture in New York

Expo: Oct. 2016 ‐ Feb. 2017, Museum of the City of New York Donald Albrecht Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 279 x 210 mm | 304 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 68,00 | Oct. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847849406 (E) I20b ‐ COUNTER CULTURE



This collection of quotations by and about gay people is a celebration of the advances in LGBT rights in the UK over the last half-­-century and a demonstration of the battle against oppression and prejudice that led to them. A diverse range of people from the worlds of entertainment, sport, fashion, business, science, politics and the arts share their thoughts on coming out, equality, homophobia, love, sex, promiscuity, fidelity, bullying, labels and marriage.

Edited by Christopher Hardback | Eng. ed. | 194 x 152 mm | 336 p | € 27,80 | Oct. 2016 | [UK] National Portrait Gallery ISBN: 9781855147256 (E)

Speak It's Name!


Quotations by and about gay men and women 47

Divine Food takes readers on a culinary journey through Israeli and Palestinian cuisine and its local varieties from the Arab-Jewish kitchen of the north to nomadic specialties of the negev Desert, from the contemporary food scene of tel Aviv to the fish dishes of the coast. The book presents a wide range of delicious recipes. Because the food of the region is characterized by authenticity and tradition, it also provides insight into the origins of iconic dishes.

David Haliva, Robert Klanten Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm | 304 p | throughout col.ill. € 29,90 | Aug. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556421 (E)

Divine Food


Food Culture and Recipes from Israel and Palestine

E Stay for Breakfast presents breakfast ideas from around the world in all their delectable diversity from poached eggs to cold-pressed juices and from granola with chia seeds to the classic english breakfast . Its spectrum of recipes will give readers the opportunity to rediscover traditions and be introduced to enticing new possibilities. In the process, the book will inspire them to make more time for their morning meal and for themselves.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm | 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 29,90 | Oct. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556438 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

Stay for Breakfast How the World Starts the Day

E Hardback | Eng. ed. 265 x 200 mm 400 p | throughout col.ill. € 45,00 | Sept. 2016 [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle Guides ISBN: 9783899556681 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY ‐ DRINKS


In this vibrant large-format manual, discover and explore good food and its power to shape both people and places. If Monocle were a restaurant it would be where local produce is simply prepared, wine is served without fuss, and all are welcome. It would anchor the neighborhood, support young chefs, and none would worry about Michelin stars. This world of slowish food and pleasures informs the forthcoming guide to food and drink.

Monocle Guide to Drinking and Dining


Dineren in Ciel Bleu is een onvergetelijke, bijna fabelachtige ervaring. Het restaurant, op de 23ste verdieping van de prachtige vijf-sterren Okura Hotel met een al even gedenkwaardig panoramisch uitzicht over Amsterdam, serveert exquise gerechten in elk seizoen.Het gehele team van Ciel Bleu is dan ook vastbesloten om de gasten op een stukje hemel te trakteren. Guestronomy laat u de kleine verhalen ontdekken achter enkele van deze geliefde ambachtelijke producten en verhaalt de symbiotische relatie tussen de producenten en de twee chefs bij de ontwikkeling van unieke Ciel Bleu producten en signature smaakcombo's.

Jurriaan Geldermans, Onno Kokmeijer, Arjan Speelman. Photography: Ivo Geskus Hardback | NL ed. 340 x 245 mm | 360 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 75,00 | Nov. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Food ISBN: 9789058565556 (NL)

ISBN: 9789058565563 (E)

Ciel Bleu Guestronomy


NL De nieuwe trend is groen en heet matcha! Matcha is een bijzondere groene thee die wordt vermalen tot poeder. Matcha heeft een lange traditie in de Japanse theeceremonie, maar ook in de moderne keuken wordt dit poeder steeds vaker gebruikt. Nu verovert dit neongroene ingrediënt ook Europa. Met zijn bitterzoete smaak geeft matcha niet alleen aan ijs en smoothies een heel aparte kick.

Gretha Scholtz Hardback | NL ed. 250 x 190 mm | 176 p | 125 col.ill. € 29,90 | Aug. 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832734053 (NL)

Dit schitterende kookboek laat zien wat je met dit g roene poeder zoal kunt maken: een gezond ontbijt, diverse hartige gerechten en natuurlijk een brede waaier aan zoete en gezonde lekkernijen en baksels.

ISBN: 9783832733995 (E)


Matcha Het Kookboek

NL Vivre de manière équilibrée, cela signifie manger des aliments nutritifs et énergétiques sains et savoureux, prendre soin de soi et des autres et préserver la coexistence entre l'homme et la nature. Vivre en conscience, c'est vivre intégralement. La philosophie de l'experte en nutrition et mode de vie, Liora Bels, s'attache aux effets positifs que notre alimentation peut avoir sur le corps et l'esprit et aux avantages d'un régime végétarien. The Mix présente des recettes vives, simples et saines

Le Mix Tendres Fusions de la Cuisine Végétale

The Mix

Liora Bells Hardback | French ed. 250 x 190 mm | 176 p | 125 col.ill. € 29,90 | Aug. 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832734480 (F)

ISBN: 9783832733810 (E) II01 ‐ COOKERY

A Loving Blend of Plant-Based Recipes


In Cocktail Cookbook, Oskar Kinberg presents 75 cocktails that will change the way you drink. The master barman shows you simple recipes for homemade bar ingredients such as nettle cordial, olive oil-infused gin and kiwi and avocado puree - and then how to incorporate them into original cocktails, all invented and tested at his destination drinking den Oskar's Bar in London.

Oskar Kinberg Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 175 mm | 192 p € 22,95 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711238282 (E)

Cocktail Cookbook


E 49




River Cottage Ingredients


Eat Vegan

An A-Z of Our Favourite Things (and How to Cook Them)

Mourad Mazouz and Pierre Gagnaire

A cookbook that happens to be vegan

Mourad Mazouz & Pierre Gagnaire

Kick-ass vegan food that packs a full-flavour punch A vegan feast that celebrates plant-based creativity in the kitchen, this book combines science and innovative methods to create dishes and flavours that aren't the norm for vegan food. Across 7 chapters, including big plates, small plates, salads, sweets, dressings and cocktails, Eat Vegan offers 80+ delicious vegan recipes to recreate at home.

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

This huge and beautiful book is a River Cottage 'Larousse' of ingredients. With entries on vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, meat, fish, fungi, foraged foods, dairy, oils, vinegar and much more, it celebrates more than 300 ingredients that the modern cook might come across. With stunning photography by Simon Wheeler and evocative illustrations, this is an ambitious work that will become an indispensable guide for every kitchen.

Sketch is a unique meeting place in London created by Mourad Mazouz and Pierre Gagnaire. Whether you want a tearoom, bistro, restaurant, bar or nightclub, Sketch has the best to offer. Now these myriad food, drink and entertainment styles are captured in a book - the phantasmagoric compendium of all things sketch, in the best 85 recipes. A sensual feast in a book. [UK] Bloomsbury | Hardback | 340 x 245 mm | 320 p | ISBN: 9781472906854 (E) | € 52,00 [BE] | Sept. 2016

[UK] Bloomsbury Academic | Hardback | 272 x 205 mm | 672 p | ISBN: 9781408828601 (E) | € 51,50 [BE] | Aug. 2016

[AUS] Hardie Grant | Hardback | 260 x 205 mm | 208 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9781743792070 (E) | € 25,80 [BE] | Nov. 2016



Nordic Light

Italian Street Food

The Chef's Library

Lighter, Everyday Eating from a Scandinavian kitchen

Paola Bacchia

Favorite Cookbooks from the World's Great Kitchens

Nordic Light presents a new angle on the trends in Scandinavian recipes and techniques, shying away from the classics and instead presenting lighter, cleaner, simpler modern recipes. Simon focuses on using seasonal produce and preparing them with clever techniques to make them interesting. The recipes often consist of three or four components brought together to create a light dish, whether it be a cold salad topped with a sauce, or a simple, delicate broth.

Eighty-five delicious recipes from Italy's street food scene. We're all familiar with Italy's classic recipes, but few are aware of the traditional dishes that come from a burgeoning street-food scene. Hidden behind the town squares, away from the touristy restaurants, and down back streets are little-known gems offering up some of Italy's tastiest and best-kept secret dishes that the locals don't want you to know about. [US] Smith Street Books (Abrams) | Hardback | 250 x 200 mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9781925418187 (E) | € 31,95 [BE] | Sept. 2016

[AUS] Hardie Grant | Hardback | 260 x 205 mm | 224 p | ISBN: 9781743791448 (E) | € 25,50 [BE] | July 2016

Jenny Linford

All chefs love and cherish cookbooks, and increasingly, cookbooks have become treasured manuals of the trade, as well as beautiful art objects. The Chef s Library is the world s first attempt to bring together in a single volume a comprehensive collection of cookbooks that are highly rated and actually used by more than 70 renowned chefs around the world. Also featured are influential restaurant cookbooks, essential books on global cuisines, and historic favourites that have stood the test of time. [US] Abrams | Hardback | 235 x 220 mm | 352 p | ISBN: 9781419720802 (E) | € 31,95 [BE] | Oct. 2016


As craft brewing continues to go from strength to strength across the world, THE WORLD ATLAS OF BEER is the definitive and essential guide to beer, with information on brews ranging from the Trappist ales of Belgium to the wheat beers of Bavaria, Breton black beers, barrel-aged Californian beers, British bitters, Vietnamese bia ho , traditional Finnish sahti, and the output of the hundreds of craft breweries around the world, from the USA and Canada, to Japan and even the Easter Islands.

The World Atlas of Beer

Tim Webb and Stephen Beaumont Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 229 mm | 272 p € 32,00 | Sept. 2016 [UK] M. Beazley (Octopus) ISBN: 9781784721442 (E) II01 ‐ DRINKS

The essentiel guide to th beers of the world

E What is the most unforgettable place you've ever taken a refreshing sip of a cold beer? In Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die, Chris Santella explores the best destinations to crack open a cold one, reflect on the day, and take in the scenery. The book features the world's top locations for imbibing, from beautiful landscapes to beer festivals, breweries, classic drinking establishments, and brand-new, under-the-radar spots.

Chris Santella Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 203 x 178 mm | 224 p | 40 col.ill. € 20,50 | Sept. 2016 [US] Abrams Image ISBN: 9781419722165 (E)

Fifty Places to Drink Beer Before You Die


For centuries the pub has been an essential part of London's cultural and social fabric. This beautifully illustrated book takes readers through the doors of 25 historically and architecturally significant London pubs. This book reveals why The Lamb and Flag in Covent Garden earned the nickname the "Bucket of Blood", and features a pub that Charles Dickens described as a "great rambling queer old place".

George Dailey Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm | 208 p | 170 col.ill. € 34,00 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382708 (E)

Great Pubs of London



E Pete Brown Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 210 mm 256 p € 28,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Jacqui Small (Quarto) ISBN: 9781910254523 (E)

Pete Brown has visited hundreds of pubs across the UK and is uniquely placed to write about pubs that ooze atmosphere, whatever the reason, be it food, people, architecture, location or decor. This collection of 300 pubs with atmosphere will include 50 pub features and 250 smaller descriptions, alongside quirks of local history, pen portraits of punters or publicans, legends, yarns and myths, and case studies of different trends and types of pub.


The Pub A Cultural Institution from Country Inns to Craft Beer Bars and Corner Locals 51


Nathaniel Adams Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 225 mm 288 p € 39,90 | Oct. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556674 (E) II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR


Around the world, dandies embrace style while respecting their local cultural traditions. Dandyism transcends fashion, it is a committed way of life. An international survey of the global dandy community from the creators of I am Dandy. From America to Africa to Asia, dandyism is a way of life. It is fashion in the best sense, self-esteem through style. We Are Dandy throws open the doors of the wardrobe and explores the dandy as a global phenomenon.

We Are Dandy The Return of the Elegant Gentleman

After the success of The Watch Book in 2015, the new follow-up volume, just as beautifully done, is a must-have. Informative text and many pictures highlight 22 additional watch brands and show their unique features and quirks. However, this book includes a much broader spectrum of timepieces than the previous volume: along with many watches that fall into the "affordable luxury" segment, there are timepieces from the chronometric crème de la crème.

The Watch Book II Le Livre des Montres II

Gisbert Brunner Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 272 p | 300 col. & bw ill € 49,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832734213 (E/ F/ G)

ISBN 9783832734725 (F) (le Livre des Montres) II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

E/F/G Luxury, exclusivity, status-for centuries, the cigar has been a symbol for the special and extraordinary. Connoisseur and cigar expert Cosima M. Aichholzer is one of the world's leading authorities on cigars. In this standard reference work for all cigar experts and fans, the sophisticated Austrian provides authoritative answers to questions about the cigar's history, production process, where tobacco for cigars is grown, how to buy and store cigars, and much more.

Cosima M. Aichholzer Hardback | Eng./Fr./Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 220 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 79,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832734756 (E/ F/ G)

The Cigar World

ISBN 9783832734695 (F) II07 ‐ LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

L'univers du cigare



Jake Millar & Michael Sanderson Hardback | Eng. ed. 185 x 160 mm 112 p € 14,50 | Aug. 2016 [US] Smith Street Books (Abrams) ISBN: 9781925418118 (E)


Puts the fun back into the fundamentals of being a modern man. This sleek guide combines the wit of Glenn O Brien's How To Be a Man with the style and tone of cult fashion magazine Fantastic Man. With tips on everything from dating to careers, it will appeal equally to the twenty-something hipster as the established career man who has his sights set on that corner office.


The Modern Man Guide A Guide to Being the Ultimate Gentleman Without the Boring Bits

Like the opening riff of the famous AC/DC song, Black Beauties is predestined to delight little boys and big boys alike. In his consistently compelling images, Staud shows us a series of historic cars painted in the "color" of classical elegance and sporty power: the legendary Alfa Romeo 8C of the 1930s, the Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse, the fastest open-topped production car ever made, and even the "Goddess" Citroën DS.

Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 370 x 290 mm | 304 p | 150 col.ill. € 98,00 | Sept. 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832734305 (E/ G) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE

Black Beauties Iconic Cars Photographed by Rene Staud

E/G When Ferdinand Porsche could not find a sportscar he liked, he decided to build one himself. The rest is history. Jerry Seinfeld collects Porsches, Steve McQueen loved the car. Since its launch, the 911 has built a reputation for itself as "the thinking man's sportscar". It is not just a car but a cultural icon with a fanbase spanning young to old, east to west, rich and poor.

Ulf Poschardt Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 210 mm | 200 p € 35,00 | Oct. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556872 (E)

Porsche 911


The Ultimate Sportscar as Cultural Icon

E 120 ans ont passé depuis la naissance de l'Automobile Club de Belgique et de la mise sur pied du premier Meeting de Spa. Le sport automobile est toujours une affaire de gens riches. Ou du moins qui ont des moyens. Mais, aujourd'hui, ce ne sont plus les mêmes gens riches ni les mêmes moyens.

120 ans de sport automobile belge Volume 3: 1981 - 2016

F - NL

Hardback | French ed. 297 x 210 mm | 340 p € 59,00 | July 2016 [BE] Kon. Boudewijnstichting ISBN: 9789492347060 (F) ISBN: 9789492347077 (NL) II07C ‐ SPORTS & LEISURE


The woods are alive with possibilities: Retreat into nature, meet mushroom pickers, collectors, and explorers. Build cabins and scenic trails, create crafts, or start inspired projects. This is the way to the forest. Step into the woods, refuge and escape and home. Some go there to hike or fish. The people and projects presented in this book do so much more. Join them as they gather honey from wild hives and pick mushrooms from beneath secretive oaks. Build a cabin of your own, or a lookout up there in the treetops. Bike trails, walking paths, woodcrafts. Anything and everything to experience the forest, both architectural and intangible. With profiles and essays that inspire us to step off the beaten path and photographs that bring the experience home, Wildside is the guide to modern outdoor activities.

E Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 256 p € 39,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556728 (E)

Wildside The Enchanted Life of Hunters and Gatherers


From dog sledding to ice fishing to waterfall climbing to bandy, countless possibilities await beyond the crowded ski slope and traditional winter activities. Create the winter wonderland that you desire and crave. Colder temperatures invite a variety of unique ways to interact with nature. Dog sleighs and snowshoes facilitate movement across snowy plains for everyday icy life whilst ice motocross and figure skating provide a burst of adrenaline.

Hardback | Eng. ed. | 300 x 240 mm | 256 p | € 39,90 | Sept. 2016 | [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556780 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL ‐ NATURE

Below Zero The Adventures Out in the Cold



Hardback | Eng. ed. 259 x 185 mm 224 p € 25,80 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Aurum (Quarto) ISBN: 9781781315323 (E)


Travis Elborough goes in search of the obscure and bizarre, the beautiful and estranged. Taking in the defiant relics of ancient cities such as Ani, a once thriving metropolis lost to conquered lands, and the church tower of San Juan Parangaricuto, that miraculously stands as the sole survivor of a town sunk by lava. Through the labyrinths of Berlin and Beijing - underground realms dug for refuge, espionage and even, as Canada's Moose Jaw, used as the playground for gangsters trading liquor and money over


Atlas of Improbable Places A Journey to the World's Most Unusual Corners (Atlases)

Extensive travel and the experience of foreign cultures seem to be becoming an essential requirement for the modern citizen. However, actually visiting these places may not be the best way to discover them, as literature professor and psychoanalyst Pierre Bayard reveals. He champions the importance of 'armchair travel', arguing that being able to describe somewhere you have never been may even prove crucial to your survival should you need to lie about where you were.

How to Talk About Places You've Never Been

Reprint Pierre Bayard. Translated by Michele Hutchison Hardback | Eng. ed. 216 x 135 mm | 224 p € 24,50 | Aug. 2016 ‐R/P [UK] Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781620401378 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE

On the Importance of Armchair Travel


Hardback | Eng. ed. 301 x 252 mm 256 p € 28,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] D. K. ISBN: 9780241238981 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL


Take a close look at the world's greatest city maps through history - from Rome and Jerusalem to New York and Tokyo - and explore the geography, cultures and beliefs of the great civilizations that created them. This beautifully illustrated book explores the world's most celebrated historical city maps. Richly detailed ancient and modern maps of important cities take you on a journey across the globe in stunning detail, from Athens to Alexandria and Cape Town to Cairo, with close up views.

Great City Maps 55

Cee Cee is one of Berlin's most widely read online mediums, with 30,000 readers every week. For five years, Cee Cee has charted and appraised the capital's perpetually changing urban landscape, tracing the diverse and multifaceted gastronomy and cultural scenes. The selection of recommendations is carefully vetted and has become an indispensable guide for Berlin lovers-resident expats and locals, visitors from Germany and abroad.

Sven Hausherr & Nina Trippel Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 270 x 200 mm | 288 p | 400 col.ill. € 34,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] Distanz ISBN: 9783954761531 (E/ G)

Cee Cee Berlin No. 2


E These pages hold the wonders of the world's largest and most dynamic cities, such as New York, Tokyo and Mumbai. There are also many cities on an entirely different scale altogether: St David's in Wales (with a population so small it's more of a village than a city), Bulgaria's 'Pearl of the Black Sea' or Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay's oldest city. Alongside the informed and colourful descriptions of each of the cities is vital information on when to visit and highlights not to be missed.

D. Brown, J. Brown and A. Findlay Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 190 mm | 544 p € 12,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Bounty (Octopus) ISBN: 9780753729830 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL

501 Must-Visit Cities




Lost In Berlin

Copenhagen Monocle Travel Guide

Getting lost in the city is not about throwing away the map. It's about surrendering yourself to the essence of the place. The sights, smells, flavours and sounds that make it unique. The photography, the art, the creativity that provide its individual inspiration. Getting lost is diving headfirst into what makes each city its own. by Uwe Hasenfuss(Editor) Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm ͮ ϲϴ Ɖ € 10,00 | June 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ‐ Lost In

Monocle s Travel Guides speak to you in an informed but informal way about everything from architecture to art, late-night bars to early-morning markets. Expect a mix of experiences dotted with some quirky surprises. These are books where grand hotels appear alongside family-owned bistros and internationally renowned galleries sit next to unassuming indie clubs that play host to top music talent. They mix the classic with the contemporary, go beyond the conventional, and reveal all the hidden spots.

ISBN: 9783000451690 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL ‐ GUIDES

Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck & Joe Pickard Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 140 mm | 148 p € 15,00 | Aug. 2016 [G] Gestalten ‐Monocle 'ƵŝĚĞƐ 56

ISBN: 9783899556827 (E) II08 ‐ TRAVEL GUIDES

The labyrinth is one of the world's oldest symbols, and its meaning is often shrouded in myth and mystery or ties to religious rites. Today, this enigmatic form inspires artists to create their own interpretations in different, even unusual, ways, including by working with materials as varied as ice, snow, salt, wood, stone, glass, cement, and metal. This new collection features both classical examples and the best contemporary projects.


Labyrinths & Mazes

Francesca Tatarella Paperback | Eng. ed. 150 x 210 mm | 216 p € 32,00 | Nov. 2016 [US] Princeton ISBN: 9781616895129 (E) II02 ‐ GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN

A Journey Through Art, Architecture, and Landscape

Stephen Anderton Hardback | Eng. ed. 246 x 186 mm 304 p | throughout col. & bw ill. € 35,95 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500518564 (E) II02b ‐ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS


Throughout history great gardeners have risen from all walks of life. Some have been aristocratic amateur gardeners, others professional designers with an international practice. Some have come to garden-making from sister arts such as sculpture or painting; some have been hands-on nurserymen or botanists. What they all have in common, no matter where or when they were born, is the ability to take an idea and develop it in a new manner relevant to their times.

Lives of the Great Gardeners

Gardens hold a special place in many author's lives. In this book of 18 gardens and 20 writers, the author examines how the poet, writer, novelist derived a creative spirit from their private garden, how they tended and enjoyed their gardens, and how they managed their outdoor space. Gardens: Jane Austen at Godmersham and Chawton, Rupert Brooke at Grantchester, John Ruskin at Brantwood, Agatha Christie at Greenway, Beatrix Potter at Hill Top, Roald Dahl at Gipsy House, Charles Dickens at Gad's Hill Place

The Writer's Garden



Jackie Bennett Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 250 x 250 mm | 176 p € 21,95 | June 2016 [UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711238404 (E) II02b ‐ GARDENS & LANDSCAPE DESIGN

Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p | throughout col. ill. € 39,90 | Aug. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556735 (E) II02a ‐ INDOOR PLANTS


From rooftop gardens to flora-laden balconies, flowers and plants bestow warm grace to unconventional and indoor spaces. Private paradises nestled in the backyards of homes. Rooftops that act as community gardens. Edible patches of beauty hidden within city blocks. Evergreen shows the green aesthetic statement that allows city dwellers to bring nature back into the every day and quenches urban gardening desires.

Evergreen vergreen Living with Plants

Bree Claffey Hardback | Eng. ed. 274 x 213 mm 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 28,50 | July 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500500538 (E) II02a ‐ INDOOR PLANTS


For centuries, plants have transformed interiors. Today house plants are once again experiencing a revival. The author journeys into the worlds of fellow plant lovers to explore the enduring attraction of house plants. From the ever-reliable Peace lily and beguiling Fiddle leaf fig to the elusive Chinese money plant, house plants are showcased in all their weird and wonderful forms. More than good-looking props, plants are living growing things rooted in community and creativity and they are a way of life.

Indoor Green Living with Plants Rose Ray & Caro Langton Hardback | Eng. ed. 255 x 195 mm 192 p | throughout col. ill. € 25,50 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711238374 (E) II02a ‐ INDOOR PLANTS


HOUSE OF PLANTS is a practical and beautiful guide to how to love and care for your succulents, cacti, tropical and air plants. These indoor plants are handsome, hardy and perfect for urban living - and this book is a comprehensive companion, showing you how to nurture and enjoy these plants, as well as how to stylishly arrange them in your home.

House of Plants Living with Succulents, Air Plants and Cacti


Manabu Hashigushi. Photographs Kiyokazu Nakajima Hardback | Eng./ Jap. ed. 330 x 245 mm 96 p | 75 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green ISBN: 9789058565495 (E/ J)

E / Jap

The wreath is Japanese floral artist Manabu Hashiguchi's preferred floral shape. Its symbolism is universal. With no beginning or end, the wreath represents eternity and the endless processes in nature. His graceful designs look so natural as if there has been no artist's hand involved and nature by accident created the shapes. The humble materials get all chances to shine and tell their story. Discover this intriguing collection of seasonal wreaths balancing between classical floristry and land art.


The Wreath Manabu Hashiguchi

Fifteen years ago, Laura Dowling was inspired to change careers from strategic communications to flowers after travelling to Paris and becoming intrigued with French flower design. She studied French floral art under the direction of leading Parisian designers and continued her floral training with German master florist Gregor Lersch. From this position, Laura competed in the nation-wide search for the prestigious position of White House Chief Floral Designer and won.

Laura Dowling Hardback | Eng. ed. | 260 x 210 mm | 144 p | € 35,00 | Oct. 2016 | [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ‐ Green ISBN: 9789058565587 (E)

Floral Diplomacy at the White House


Roadside fennel, flowering fruit trees, garden roses, tiny violets; ingredients both common and unusual, humble and showy, Foraged Flora is a new vision for flowers and arranging. It encourages you to train your eye to the beauty that surrounds you, attune your senses to the seasonality and locality of flowers and plants, and to embrace the beauty in each stage of life, from first bud to withering seedpod.

Louesa Roebuck & Sarah Lonsdale Hardback | Eng. ed. | 298 x 216 mm | 272 p | € 40,00 | Oct. 2016 | [US] Ten Speed Press ISBN: 9781607748601 (E)


Foraged Flora


E 59

Belgium New Architecture est le 6e volume d'une collection qui passe en revue les réalisations significatives en architecture contemporaine. Un ouvrage incontournable, actuel et intemporel sur les plus belles réalisations de ces dernières années. Un livre de référence en matière d'architecture contemporaine qui doit se trouver dans toutes les bibliothèques. En introduction, Pierre Loze, écrivain, rencontre Christian Kieckens, architecte, pour une conversation à bâtons rompus à propos de l'architecture actuelle et de son devenir. Steven Beckers, architecte, nous présente ses recherches sur les fermes urbaines et des projets novateurs. Offices/shops - housing/working - cultural & educational sites - public spaces : découvrez 61 réalisations d'architectes belges et étrangers, reprises dans ce volume.

NL / F/ E

Ouvrage collectif architectures Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 300 x 240 mm | 288 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 49,50 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Prisme Éditions ISBN: 9782930451213 (E/ F/ NL)

Belgium New Architecture 6



The past thirty years have been crucial for architecture in the Low Countries, north and south of the border between Belgian Flanders and the Netherlands. Although both parts have developed a very different architectural culture with very different histories, they nonetheless connect with each other and function in complementary ways. Despite its differences, the selection of 65 projects presented in this book demonstrates a strong reciprocity between Flanders and the Netherlands.

Maatwerk. Made to measure Concept and craft in architecture from Flanders and The Netherlands

Authors: Sofie De Caigny, Peter Cachola , Schmal Christoph Grafe, John L .Heintz Paperback | Eng. ed. 256 x 164 mm ͮ ϮϰϮ Ɖ € 24,50 | Oct. 2016 [BE] VAi ISBN: 9789082122596 (E) VAi ism. Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)

Container Atlas features container structures used as pop-up stores and temporary exhibits as well as sophisticated housing and office spaces that provoke and inspire while setting new standards in functionality and aesthetics. But the book is not only visually inspiring. Because it documents plans, describes associated costs, and suggests concrete solutions for common problems, it is a practical reference for architects, planners, and cultural activists as well as event and marketing managers.

Han Slawik, Julia Bergmann , Matthias Buchmeier & Sonja Tinney Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 288 p € 49,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556698 (E)

Container Atlas


A Practical Guide to Containter Architecture


Expo: 8/10/2016 ‐ 10/2/2017, Deutsches ƌĐŚŝƚĞŬƚƵƌŵĞƵƐĞƵŵ (DAM), &ƌĂŶŬĨƵƌƚ Sofie De Caigny (Ed.).


Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p € 39,90 | Aug. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556636 (E)

The cabin has become our third place, our hideaway where we can recharge our spirits and reconnect with ourselves, away from the restraints of society and the stress of the everyday. This book presents the best new cabin architecture and design. The Hinterland explores architecture and design approaches to creating the refuges that refresh and revitalize amidst the beauty of nature.



The Hinterland Cabins, Love Shacks and Other Hide-Outs

The combination of architecture and vacations is highly inspiring. It promises relaxation and pleasure, beauty and style, all in one. Each of the vacation domiciles presented here can fulfill even the most discerning demands of a traveling architect.

Architectural Travel Jewels: Lodgings for Design Enthusiasts

Sibylle Kramer Paperback | Eng. ed. 230 x 190 mm | 192 p | 300 col.ill. € 38,95 | Sept. 2016 [G] Braun ISBN: 9783037682081 (E) II03 ‐ ARCHITECTURE


Alan Powers

John Hill

Hardback | Eng. ed. | 250 x 225 mm | 304 p | € 42,95 | July 2016 [UK] Laurence King

Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 248 mm 224 p | 150 col.ill.| € 34,00 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Prestel ISBN: 9783791382128 (E)

ISBN: 9781780678238 (E)

100 Years of Architecture

100 Years, 100 Buildings

This unique visual history documents in pictures the most exciting and dynamic period of architecture: from the early 20th century to the present day, covering all the key movements, styles and architects, together with many lesser known but important names and buildings.

The founder of the blog A Daily Dose of Architecture, John Hill, is obsessed with his subject and determined to expose his fellow citizens to the glorious structures that shape our environment. In this beautifully designed compendium Hill presents his selection of the most significant building to be built each year from 1916 to 2015. Each two-page spread includes one or two large color photos and text that explains the importance of each structure.


Catherine Seiller Hardback with dust jacket | Eng./Fr. ed. 338 x 270 mm 416 p| throughout col. ill. € 89,50 | Aug. 2016 [BE] Editions Marot ISBN: 9782930117546 (E/ F) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Cet ouvrage présente le travail d'Hélène et Olivier Lempereur, architectes et décorateurs à Bruxelles et à Paris. Il s'agit de l'histoire de leur vie, une synthèse de 20 ans de travail main dans la main. Pour chaque projet, un court texte de présentation permet au lecteur d'engouter à la saveur particulière. A de nombreuses reprises, les plans et croquis préparatoires contribuent à en saisir le processus créatif et artistique.

Lempereur Architectes décorateurs

Emma Fexeus & Angel Trinidad Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 256 p € 39,90 | Aug. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556704 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


Scandinavian design has a worldwide reputation for the effortless combination of classical restraint and warm materials. Nordic solutions and inspirations create an aesthetically balanced and traditionally elegant space. Modern and minimalist. Rational but stylish. The world of Scandinavian architecture is a visual vault of grace, understated elegance, function, and tradition.

Scandinavia Dreaming Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design

In Modern Living Scandinavian Style, design writer Claire Bingham escapes to the Nordic nations with this inspiring and practical guide to creating feel-good interiors that are pared-back, yet characterful. But it is also a book full of practical tips-including easy updates and decorating solutions for the homemaker wanting to make their space brighter and better.

Modern Living Scandinavian Style


Claire Bingham Hardback with dust jacket | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm | 176 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] teNeues ISBN: 9783832734183 (E) II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR


This breathtakingly illustrated style book takes us into the homes of 27 artists from around the world whose domestic interiors are inspired by natural materials and organic forms. A visual source section is included, as are contact details for each artist. This is a magical blend of the timeless and the highly contemporary, and a rich visual source of interior design ideas.

Contemporary Natural

Reprint. First published Feb. 2006 Phyllis Richardson. Photography: Solvi dos Santos Paperback | 275 x 240 mm | 192 p | 345 col.ill. € 25,95 | Aug. 2016 ‐R/P [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500285398 () II04 ‐ STYLE & INTERIOR

Francesc Zamora Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 191 mm 480 p € 29,99 | Sept. 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062444639 (E)


Packed with detailed color photographs, comprehensive layout illustrations, and essential information, 150 Best Tiny Homes is the ideal solution for making the most of small living spaces-homes between 500 and 800 square feet-common to contemporary urban environments. Inside you'll find 150 homes from around the world-each a model of efficiency and an inspiration for designing and decorating a range of compact dwellings.


150 Best of the Best House Ideas

Maxime Old

The Design Hotels Book


Edition 2016

Yves Badetz

Design Hotels™

La réédition de cette monographie sur Maxime Old (1910-1991) retrace de manière chronologique la carrière et l'oeuvre de ce grand décorateur, à travers une étude approfondie de ses carnets de fabrication, de ses archiveset de ses participations aux Salons. Maxime Old représente un trait d'union entre la grande époque des décorateurs et les temps modernes, un authentique et précieux témoin assurant le lien entre la période Art déco et les survivances d'un style quarante qui se fond dans l'époque du design.

Each edition of the much-anticipated Design Hotels™ Book details the company's stunning portfolio of one-of-a-kind, handpicked hotels. The book includes exquisite photographs of bold new hotels and design legends, and stories of the original hoteliers who brought them to life. The Red Dot Design Award and a "Special Mention" from the German Design Council are some of the honors the publication has received. [G] Gestalten Verlag | Hardback | 320 x 230 mm | 512 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9783899556612 (E) | € 59,90 [BE] | April 2016

Where They Create Japan: Creative Studios Shot by Paul Barbera Creative Studios Shot by Paul Barbera Kanae Hasegawa

Photographer Paul Barbera presents his next volume in the Where They Create series - this time with a different approach, by exploring the theme of his series through geographical locales - not just physically but also spiritually, as 'place' is a very fluid concept in today's global world. Reinvigorated by his first visit to Japan in five years, he makes this metropolis the starting point of this new volume of photographs. [NL] Frame | Paperback | 255 x 200 mm | 312 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9789492311023 (E) | € 29,00 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[F] Norma Editions | Hardback with dust jacket | 305 x 230 mm | 320 p | 350 col.ill. | ISBN: 9782915542967 (F) | € 85,00 [BE] | Oct. 2016


Elizabeth Wilhide foreword: Jonathan Glancey Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 245 x 172 mm 576 p | 1000 col.ill. € 26,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500292280 (E)

Design: The Whole Story takes a close look at the key developments, movements and practitioners of design around the world, from the beginnings of industrial manufacturing to the present day. Organized chronologically, it locates design within its technological, cultural, economic, aesthetic and theoretical contexts.



Design The Whole Story Bruno Foucart & Jean‐Louis Gaillemain Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 312 p | 300 col.ill. € 77,00 | Juillet 2016 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542769 (F) II05 ‐ DESIGN


Dès l'Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes de 1937 s'ébauche un style plein de fantaisie et de panache qui échappe délibérément à l'Art déco et au Modernisme pour se préciser au début des années cinquante. Exclus des encyclopédies du Mouvement moderne, ignorés des spécialistes mais très recherchés par les collectionneurs, une pléiade de décorateurs, de dessinateurs de meubles, de créateurs de luminaires, de ferronneries, etc. renouvellent les arts décoratifs.

Les Décorateurs des Années 40 Anne Bony Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 250 mm 304 p | 300 col.ill. € 75,00 | Nov. 2016 [F] Norma Editions ISBN: 9782915542950 (E) II05 ‐ DESIGN


Ingrid Donat creates sculpted furniture, most often in bronze. Taking a painterly approach to this weighty medium, Donat draws on diverse decorative influences. Art Deco, tribal tattooing, the work of Gustav Klimt and Armand-Albert Rateau have all inspired the intricate patterning of her work. Though often large and heavy, there is a delicacy to Donat's work. Almost like armour, she uses bronze to shield an idea of the fragile.

Ingrid Donat 64

101 Danish Design Icons

Natural Designs

Nomadic Furniture 3.0

Edited by Designmuseum Danmark

Contemporary Organic Upcycling

New Liberated Living

Denmark has long since written international design history. Today, Danish furniture, textiles, and home appliances and utensils from the sixties and seventies are more popular than ever. This publication provides an extensive overview of those everyday objects that have to this day written design history both in Denmark as well as worldwide.

Aurélie Drouet

MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts

In this book Aurelie has collated 20 original DIY projects from internationally-renowned designers, and a few of her own, to create natural and durable furniture of your own. Since the beginning of time, nature has been a source of inspiration for designers: Natural Designs is part of this creative process and offers you the possibility to create furniture and everyday objects with raw materials from mineral to plant.

Influenced by the currently very popu-lar do-it-yourself movement, the contemporary design scene is increasingly shaped by a creative fusion of production and consumption. When it comes to the development of a self-made furniture culture, this book project combines for the first time design history research and consumerism theory with numerous historical and contemporary construction instructions and interior design recommendations.

[G] Hatje Cantz | Hardback | 265 x 205 mm | 464 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9783775742122 (E) | € 39,80 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[UK] T & H, Distributed | Paperback with flaps | 237 x 185 mm | 192 p | 350 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781902686844 (E) | € 28,50 [BE] | Sept. 2016

[CH] Niggli | Hardback | 235 x 235 mm | 272 p | ISBN: 9783721209358 (E) | € 42,95 [BE] | Sept. 2016

Duct Tape Engineer

Chairs by Architects

Pallets 3.0.

The Book of Big, Bigger, and Epic Duct Tape Projects

Agata Toromanoff

Remodeled, Reused, Recycled: Architecture + Design

Lance Akiyama

The Duct Tape Engineer, hands-on educator and master tinkerer and author of Duct Tape Engineer, Lance Akiyama will show readers how to design, sculpt, and build eighteen mega projects. From backpacks to kayaks and kiddie pools to catapults - out of duct tape in their own back yards. Projects are designed to be long-lasting as well as fun, with advice on solid construction techniques and weather proofing. [UK] Quarto | Paperback | 254 x 216 mm | 144 p | 200 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781631591303 (E) | € 19,50 [BE] | Jan. 2017

What is it that distinguishes a chair designed by an architect? Why is it so tempting for an architect to have a chair in his or her portfolio? Is it possible to use creative solutions interchangeably in both domains? Chairs by Architects answers these and many other questions to show how qualities in the buildings by architects are also evident in their chair design: pieces of furniture, like manifestos, become signatures of architectural style. [UK] Thames & Hudson | Paperback | 260 x 210 mm | 160 p | 125 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500292501 (E) | € 24,20 [BE] | July 2016


Chris van Uffelen

Pallets are a universal symbol of the globalized world. The properties of this transport platform – standardization, stability, simplicity and internationality – are carried over into the work of architects and designers who use pallets as the material for their own creations. This book shows the variety of possibilities that can emerge from the creative interaction with an inconspicuous everyday article. [G] Braun | Hardback | 180 x 270 mm | 304 p | 450 col.ill. | ISBN: 9783037682111 (E) | € 58,50 [BE] | Sept. 2016

Arianna Piazza Hardback | Eng. ed. 311 x 231 mm 536 p | 700 col.ill. € 57,50 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ISBN: 9781780676203 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Covering everyone from Azzedine Alaïa to Yohji Yamamoto, and everything from Boho Chic to Space Age style, this is an indispensible and delightful guide to the creative world of fashion. This encyclopedic volume contains over 150 entries on designers and styles, with multiple images and a comprehensive text for each one.


Fashion 150 150 Years, 150 Designers

Dit najaar brengt de Franse couturier Hubert de Givenchy een eerbetoon aan zijn muze Audrey Hepburn. Hubert de Givenchy is een van de grote modeontwerpers van de twintigste eeuw. Voor expositie en boek selecteerde Monsieur Hubert de Givenchy zelf, talrijke van zijn meeste geliefde creaties. Hierbij is tevens aandacht voor de bijzondere vriendschap en professionele samenwerking tussen Hubert de Givenchy en Audrey Hepburn.

Madelief Hohé Hardback | NL ed. 300 x 240 mm | 144 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 24,95 | Nov. 2016 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462620974 (NL)

Hubert de Givenchy


To Audrey with Love. Haute couture uit Parijs

NL Introduced by a short essay on the designer's work and peppered throughout by insight from McQueen's close collaborators and top fashion commentators, Alexander McQueen: Unseen unfolds chronologically, revisiting the designer's most iconic creations and revealing previously unseen behind-the-scenes moments that capture models, hairdressers, stylists, make-up artists and Alexander McQueen himself at their most candid and creative.

Robert Fairer Hardback | Eng. ed. 335 x 245 mm | 352 p | 450 col.ill. € 65,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500519042 (E)

Alexander McQueen



E 66

An exquisite ode to color, this book presents the history of Dior cosmetics placed within contexts of fashion and art. Divided into twelve chapters (White, Silver, Nude, Pink, Red, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Gold, Gray, and Black) Dior: The Art of Color showcases not only the sometimes glamorous, sometimes natural cosmetics, but also the aesthetics of color, which was the source of inspiration for so much of Dior's creations.


Edited by Marc Ascoli and Jerry Stafford Hardback | Eng. ed. 349 x 267 mm | 296 p | 250 col.ill. € 112,50 | Sept. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847849345 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

The Art of Color


Previously announced Isabelle Fiemeyer Hardback | Eng. ed. 235 x 155 mm 176 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 38,50 | Sept. 2016 [F] Flammarion (Eng) ISBN: 9782080202239 (E)


This new biography offers unprecedented insight into Coco Chanel's complex and enigmatic life, and features previously unpublished information and images. Coco Chanel continues to beguile more than two decades after her death, her life and work are a source of enduring fascination. Chanel expert Isabelle Fiemeyer unveils the mysteries that have surrounded the private and public figure by piecing together new research with accounts from Chanel's intimate friends and relatives, artists, writers,...


Chanel The Enigma

by Stefano Tonchi, Maria Luisa Frisa, Donatella Versace, Tim Blanks, Massimiliano Capella Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 267 mm 352 p | 250 col. & bw ill € 91,50 | Sept. 2016 [US] Rizzoli ISBN: 9780847846078 (E)


A long-awaited and highly intimate visual history of the glamorous, world-renowned, and family-run Italian fashion house Versace. Versace, a name that epitomizes decadent glamour, bold sexiness, and a mythical flair for the extravagant, holds its place firmly in the fashion world as a legendary and iconic luxury brand. This glamorous album illustrates the magnetic vibrancy, supreme luxury, and deep familial ties that define the Versace family and their fashion house.




Elyssa Dimant Hardback | Eng. ed. 318 x 260 mm 280 p € 85,00 | Nov. 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062215994 (E)

With more than 175 color high-fashion photographs, this stunning, comprehensive, and authoritative handbook on modern French couture, covering the finest Parisian houses of couture-including Chanel, Dior, Balenciaga, Yves Saint Laurent, Lanvin, and more-and the creative directors who are redefining their legacies for the twenty-first century



New French Couture Icons of Paris fashion

Caroline Young Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 170 mm 256 p € 25,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Frances Lincoln (Quarto) ISBN: 9780711237513 (E)

Style Tribes: The Fashion of Subcultures explores the style, fashions and ideology of youth movements of the last 100 years, including flappers, swing kids, mods, rockers, surfers, hippies, punks, disco, hip hop, Harajuku and hipsters. Fully illustrated, it delves into the stories behind the styles, what sets each of them apart, and looks at the influence and legacy of each of these tribes.



Style Tribes The Fashion of Subcultures Self-Styled is about the celebration of freedom of expression, diversity and individualism through personal style. Showcasing photographic diptychs of a select group of fabulous urbanites, each double-page spread illustrates a unique personal choice while implicitly exploring themes such as gender, colour, body shape and taste.

Anthony Lycett Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 165 mm | 256 p € 25,50 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Jacqui Small (Quarto) ISBN: 9781910254752 (E)

Self Styled


Dare to be Different

E Africa's young, self-confident creative scene is attracting worldwide attention and its work is showing the continent in a new light. Its dynamic design and fashion, as well as the products of its other creative industries, constantly surprise with their unique combination of innovation and tradition. Africa Rising is a compelling exploration of this scenes talented pioneers and their outstanding projects.

Africa Rising Fashion, Design and Lifestyle71 from Africa


Clara Le Fort, Sven Ehmann, Robert Klanten Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 256 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,90 | Sept. 2016 [G] Gestalten Verlag ISBN: 9783899556414 (E) II06 ‐ FASHION

Fashion in Film

Fashion + Music

Men of Style

Christopher Laverty

Fashion Creatives Shaping the Pop Culture

Josh Sims

Fashion designers have been involved in movies since the early days of cinema. The result is some of the most eye-catching and influential costumes ever committed to film, from Ralph Lauren’s trend-setting masculine style for Diane Keaton in Annie Hall to Audrey Hepburn’s little black Givenchy dress in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. [UK] Laurence King | Hardback | 292 x 220 mm | 224 p | 281 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781780678733 (E) | € 43,50 [BE] | Sept. 2016

Katie Baron

As twin agents of creative expression, fashion and music have long shared a powerful mutual attraction: from the Sex Pistols to Madonna, Kylie Minogue to Lady Gaga, fashion has consistently amplified our understanding of the band (and in many cases the brand) – fuelling the fantasy, giving context to the sound and adding depth to artists’ wider agendas.

The core focus of the book is not only the story of men’s style, but the men who embody it and act as its most inspiring exemplars. A useful for book for students of fashion history, followers of celebrity and stylish men alike. [UK] Laurence King | Paperback | 257 x 190 mm | 192 p | ISBN: 9781780678641 (E) | € 28,95 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[UK] Laurence King | Hardback | 291 x 220 mm | 208 p | ISBN: 9781780677484 (E) | € 42,95 [BE] | July 2016

The New Garconne

Rebel Threads

Agnes B.

How to Be a Modern Gentlewoman

Vintage Streetwear


Navaz Batliwalla

Roger Burton

The New Garconne is a non-prescriptive guide for today’s modern, independent and stylish woman. It espouses a grown-up style and attitude with a masculine-feminine aesthetic, where culture, history, beauty, intelligence, feminism, quality and taste are celebrated.

The Contemporary Wardrobe Collection is the most comprehensive collection of street clothing in the world, regularly used in movies and music videos. With more than 15,000 garments, designed since the 1930s, the collection covers a multitude of cult fashions from zoot suiters, to mods to new romantics, and has dressed everyone from David Bowie to Kanye West. Rebel Threads showcases some of the most iconic styles in this amazing Aladdin's cave of street fashion, takes us up close to the garments.

Since opening her first shop in Paris in 1975, agnès b. has been dedicated to creating timeless designs. Snap cardigans, striped T-shirts, strapless dresses, mini skirts, leather pants-each of her unforgettable pieces mixes classical influences with street style. This richly illustrated clothbound book explores her signature approach to design, the history of the brand, and her continuing influence, which extends beyond fashion to the worlds of art, film, publishing, and music.

[UK] Laurence King | Hardback | 210 x 162 mm | 160 p | 150 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781780678580 (E) | € 24,50 [BE] | Sept. 2016

[UK] Laurence King | Hardback | 280 x 240 mm | 304 p | 300 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781780679020 (E) | € 42,95 [BE] | Dec. 2016


[US] Abrams | Hardback | 210 x 279 mm | 288 p | 250 col. & bw ill. | ISBN: 9781419719363 (E) | € 38,50 [BE] | Oct. 2016

Eef Theys Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 200 col.ill. € 24,95 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565549 (NL) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF


Wie jonge kinderen heeft, laat zich al snel eens verleiden tot 'twinning', waarbij zoon of dochterlief exact zelfde outfit als papa of mama wordt aangemeten. Leuk en vaak aandoenlijk schattig, maar misschien toch niet voor elke dag. Matching Outfits Matching Minds van Eef Theys is gebaseerd op het twinning principe, maar toont hoe het net iets subtieler kan. Het boek bevat acht bijzondere creaties met telkens een variant voor volwassenen en kinderen (voor meisjes en jongens). Met vele step-by-step foto’s en twee inbegrepen patroonbladen

Matching Outfits - Matching Minds Max McMurdo Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 210 mm 144 p € 25,50 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Jacqui Small (Quarto) ISBN: 9781910254479 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF


In Upcycling, Max McMurdo teaches you how to discover your inner design genius, where to find great scrap items, and techniques on how to transform them into great designs. Max shows simple design ideas throughout the book that will inspire you to roll up your sleeves and have a go. Step away from the chipboard and venture out of your comfort zone into a glorious world of doodles, sanding, waxing, stunning colours and the satisfaction of telling people you made that!

Upcycling 20 Creative Projects Made from Reclaimed Materials

With 3 million Instagram fans and counting, Aimee Song knows a thing or two about taking the perfect Instagram photo. In Capture Your Style, Song reveals the secrets behind creating the ultimate feed and breaks down the technical and editorial essentials for creating an account that will draw thousands of followers to earn you likes and brand attention. Organised by lifestyle categories, including fashion, travel, food, décor and more, the book presents the best apps and filters for processing photos, ...

Capture Your Style


How to Transform Your Instagram Images and Build the Ultimate Platform


Aimee Song Paperback | Eng. ed. 203 x 203 mm | 208 p € 15,50 | Sept. 2016 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419722158 (E) II09 ‐ DIY | DOE‐HET‐ZELF

Millions are addicted to the Retronaut blog, one of the Web's leading visual sites, that shows you the past you never knew existed. In the first of a new series of books, Wolfgang Wild, brings together an astonishing and thought-provoking collection of photographs from the forgotten corners of the archives. The Retronaut Guide to Keeping Pets is the first book to reveal how people once thought it amusing to picnic with crocodiles, and will appeal to anyone who enjoys laughing at cats on the internet.



The Retronaut Guide to Keeping Pets Here Wolfgang Wild brings you a thought-provoking collection of photographs from our hidden history. Often witty and entertaining, but also thought-provoking and at times puzzling, the images are chosen to shift our perceptions, making us think-and look again. Discover what our ancestors considered to be good parenting in the days before the 'care' was put into childcare, from dangerous sports to the best brand of cigarette for your baby. A perfectly reassuring gift for today's new parent...


Chris Wild Hardback | Eng. ed. 146 x 203 mm | 128 p € 12,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781572993 (E)

Chris Wild Hardback | Eng. ed. 146 x 203 mm | 128 p € 12,95 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781573006 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

The Retronaut Guide to Raising Children Life is full of surprises. Things are rarely what they seem. We all have secret hidden talents. These are some of the lessons that Miss Peregrine’s students learn, sometimes the hard way. You may not have an ymbryne as your guide, but now you can map your days, record your most peculiar thoughts, and bare your second soul in this beautifully designed journal that’s right out of the world of the peculiars. Features vintage black-and-white photos and quotes from all three books.

Ransom Riggs Journal | Eng. ed. 210 x 127 mm | 192 p € 14,99 | Sept. 2016 [US] Quirk ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781594749407 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Miss Peregrine's Journal for Peculiar Children Diary


Like a paper version of your funniest friend, this pocket-sized volume provides an honest look at what it's actually like to take the plunge into something new, while also offering commonsense reassurance that everything's going to work out fine. Probably. Maybe. Definitely. Dare to dream and to panic. illustrated by Gemma Correll

100 Reasons to Panic About Following Your Dreams



Hardback | Eng. ed. 127 x 952 mm 112 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 7,80 | Aug. 2016 [US] Knock Knock ‐ Books ISBN: 9781601068873 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Every cat owner knows that no two cats are alike. This pitch-perfect illustrated book proves this simple fact by diving whiskers first into the unique personality, charisma, and character of 50 real all-black cats. From Alfie, who "has no tolerance for wet humans or being ignored," to Sashi, who "enjoys freeze-dried chicken by candlelight and full-on body rubs," each cat comes to life through a lovingly hand-drawn portrait and quick-witted profile.

All Black Cats Are Not Alike

Amy Goldwasser Hardback | Eng. ed. 152 x 152 mm | 120 p € 12,95 | July 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452158716 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

E @dogs_of_instagram @cats_of_instagram

Hardback | Eng. ed. | 178 x 178 mm | 144 p | € 14,50 | July 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452151977 (E)

Hardback | Eng. ed. | 178 x 178 mm | 144 p | € 13,95 | July 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452151960 (E)

Cats on Instagram

Dogs of Instagram

Cat lovers, rejoice! This irresistible book compiles over 400 photos from the hugely popular Instagram profile @cats_of_instagram into a keepsake treasure. Playful categories including "bowties," "surprise!," and "happy cats" showcase all the charm and delightful quirks of the wide world of cats. This is a gift that will have feline fans smiling in recognition, surprise, and appreciation.

Dog lovers are a passionate bunch, and Instagram is the perfect platform for expressing their devotion. The curators behind @dogsofinstagram channel this passion perfectly in this delightful book, a must-have collection featuring over 400 of the best crowdsourced dog photographs from their wildly popular feed. For dog lovers by dog lovers, this eclectic compilation celebrates the full spectrum of things to love about our four-legged friends.

This DIY construction guide offers fun and easy instructions for making cardboard purr-a-mids and regal cat castles, along with many more "paw-some" homemade habitats. Build your cat an airplane, a food truck, a train, a pirate ship, or a submarine. All the projects are quick to assemble, use inexpensive and common materials, and can be customized however you-or your cat- would like. Don't wait, get your copy right meow!

Carin Oliver Paperback | Eng. ed. 229 x 178 mm | 96 p € 13,50 | Nov. 2016 [US] Quirk ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781594749414 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Cat Castles 20 Cardboard Habitats You Can Build Yourself

E A humourous look at fifty of the most popular dog breeds. Dogs. You cannot move for them. They are absolutely everywhere, and whether in the handbag of a celebrity, rounding up cattle, destroying your shoes, or pulling a chilly Canadian through the tundra, they play a big part in most cultures on Earth. What Your Dog Says About You covers fifty of the most popular dog breeds and explains how choosing a particular breed reflects on the owner's personality.

What Your Dog Says About You How Your Pet's Breed Matches Your Personality

E 72

Liam Ryan Hardback | Eng. ed. 185 x 160 mm | 96 p € 11,50 | Aug. 2016 [US] Smith Street Books (Abrams) ISBN: 9781925418019 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

There's a new cat in town! This feisty sibling of the international bestseller I Could Pee on This will be making its own sensational mark in the cat-poetry world. I Could Pee on This, Too explores fresh feline emotions and philosophical musings through cats' own poetry, such as "Welcome New Cat," "Sleeping My Life Away," and "You Also Live Here." Any cat lover who's longed for a deeper look into the enigmatic world of their cats will fall whiskers over paws for this well-versed follow-up.

Francesco Marciuliano Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 140 mm | 112 p € 12,20 | Aug. 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452132945 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

I Could Pee on This Too And More Poems by More Cats

E Beautifully illustrated, lovingly composed and artfully curated, this is a delightful gift for all those who delight in the beard. Contents include: The beard boom and lifestyle; Who's who of bearded icons; The beard as a cultural and fashion statement; Indispensible advice and tips on beard care and grooming; Seasonal beard calendar and facial hair glossary.

Carles Suñé & Alfonso Casas Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | 160 p € 16,80 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Aurum (Quarto) ISBN: 9781781316016 (E)

This Bearded Life


From the comedian behind the popular parenting blog The Ugly Volvo comes a refreshing spin on the baby milestone book. Instead of a place to lovingly capture the first time baby sleeps through the night, this book shows what it's like the first time baby rolls off the bed/sofa/changing table, leaving mom or dad in a state of pure terror (it happens).

Raquel D'Apice Hardback | Eng. ed. 178 x 127 mm | 144 p € 12,80 | July 2016 [US] Chronicle Books ISBN: 9781452153476 (E)

Welcome to the Club



100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming

E Arthur C. Gackley Hardback | Eng. ed. 203 x 171 mm 112 p | 120 col.ill. € 11,50 | Sept. 2016 [US] Abrams Image ISBN: 9781419722264 (E) II11 ‐ POPULAR CULTURE


In Bad Little Children's Books, illustrator Arthur C. Gackley creates hysterical parodies of children's book covers from more innocent times. Many of these original books focus on life's lessons, joys, and curiosities. Gackley cleverly takes the books' classic covers and turns them into unforgettable, edgy, politicaly incorrect parodies that speak to the bad little kid in all of us.

Bad Little Children's Books Kidlit Parodies, Shameless Spoofs, and Offensively Tweaked Covers 73

E Spirit Listography My Inner Self in Lists Lisa Nola illustrator: Becca Stadtlander

Paperback | Eng. ed. 241 x 178 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 15,80 | Aug. 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452148335 (E)

642 Things About You That I love San Francisco Writers' Grotto indroduction: Jason Roberts

This journal extends the bestselling 642 Series and in particular the very popular tiny format. Capitalising on the tiny format s impulse giftiness, 642 Things About You (That I Love) offers gift givers a chance to create a quirky, meaningful, and completely personalised present for someone they care about, whether a significant other or a best friend.

Next in our bestselling Listography series, this charmingly illustrated journal focuses on the mind, body and spirit--encouraging users to think about ways of living a well-balanced and intentional life. With over 75 thought-provoking prompts ranging from the quintessential (things I'm grateful for, ways to care for the planet) to the whimsical (favourite things to smell, ways of thinking to unlearn)


Paperback | Eng. ed. 133 x 107 mm | 304 p € 8,60 | Sept 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452158396 (E)

This book of twelve prompted letters offers a meaningful way for friends, family and long-distance loves to be there in spirit when they can t be there in person. The gift-giver fills this book of letters with pep talks and good cheer, seals each envelope with a sticker and gifts this keepsake for future opening. The recipient gets to break the seals to find the greatest gift: their loved one s encouraging words whenever they need them the most.

Lea Remond Hardback | Eng. ed. 95 x 203 mm | 12 p | throughout col.ill. € 13,50 | July 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452148724 (E)

Letters to open when


Write now. Read later. Treasure forever.

Paperback | 143 x 98 mm 64 pages each € 18,50 | Aug. 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452149783 () II10 ‐ GIFTS

A gorgeous block of colour! Ten sumptuous shades of Pantone's iconic colour chip design adorn the 10 mini notebooks in this chic collection. Gridded interior pages and a sturdy slipcase make this set ideal for both on-the-go notetaking and eye-catching desktop display.

Pantone 10 Notebooks 74

This notebook is embossed with an all-over Paseo design on beautiful faux leather. Includes a striped elastic closure and ribbon marker with a lay-flat construction for ease of use.

Notebook | Eng. ed. 148 x 105 mm | 152 p € 15,95 | Sept. 2016 [US] Galison / Lacroix ISBN: 9780735350502 (E)

Gold Paseo II10 ‐ GIFTS

A6 Notebook This notebook is embossed with an all-over Paseo design on beautiful faux leather. Includes a striped elastic closure and ribbon marker with a lay-flat construction for ease of use.

Scarlet Paseo A6 Notebook

Notebook | Eng. ed. 148 x 105 mm | 152 p € 15,95 | Sept. 2016 [US] Galison / Lacroix ISBN: 9780735350410 (E) II10 ‐ GIFTS

Vintage Gilded Journal Galison's Vintage Gilded Journal features witty title interpretations of classic books. Delicate gold foil embellishment adorns the book spines and gilded pages add a glamorous flair to this journal, which is perfect for everyday note-taking. - 160 lined pages Gilded page edges - Acid-free paper Journal | Eng. ed. 180 x 130 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 14,50 | Aug.2016 [US] Galison Gifts & ISBN: 9780735348448 (E)

Adrift Gilded Planner

Adrift Correspondence Card Box Galison's Adrift Correspondance Card Box features an on-trend marbled design by artist Natalie Stopka. The unique monarch-shaped notecards come in 9 different marbled designs in bright colour pallates. 25 cards in 9 designs coloured envelopes with marbled feature card 184 x 95 mm Cards | Eng. ed. 12 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,95 | Aug. 2016 [US] Galison Gifts & ISBN: 9780735348059 (E)


Galison's Adrift Gilded Planner features an on-trend marbled design by artist Natalie Stopka. This conveniently-sized planner allows you to plan weekly and monthly schedules, and features an embossed cover with gold foil accents as well as gilded page egdes. 160 pages Hardback | Eng. ed. 180 x 130 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,95 | Aug. 2016 [US] Galison Gifts & ISBN: 9780735348110 (E)

Vintage - Sticky Notes

Don't Forget On & off the Wall Chalkboard

Hardback | Eng. ed. 184 x 137 mm | 480 p | throughout col.ill. € 9,80 | Aug.2016 [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery ISBN: 9780735348462 (E)

444 x 298 mm € 12,20 | Aug. 2016 [US] Knock Knock ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781601068248 (E)


Galison's Adrift Sticky Notes Portfolio features vintage objects from the archives of Phat Dog Vintage. The typwriter-adorned portfolio houses eight decorated pads in three different sizes for a total of 480 stickies. Package: 8 decorated pads in 3 sizes 480 stickies total, 60 per pad

Who says a chalkboard's place is only in the classroom? On & Off the Wall Chalkboards are repositionable, reusable and easily removable which means your message can go (almost) anywhere.Fun desk accessories that aren't just for desks!A chalkboard decal that won't let you forget a thing11.75 x 17.5 inches; soapstone "chalk"; chalk holder

Brillante Pencils

Perfetto Pencils

Legendary designer Louise Fili brings a sparkle to her stationery collection with this set of twelve double-sided pencils in six metallic shades. A shimmering twist on classic Italian packaging, Brillante is a companion to her bestselling pencil sets Perfetto and Tutti Frutti . This stunning new set is ideal for drawing, coloring, or writing and perfect for desktop display in a sturdy, elegant box.

Inspired by legendary designer Louise Fili's love of vintage pencils, this collection of twelve, double-sided pencils housed in a gorgeous desktop case is the perfect companion to Fili's Elegantissima. Designed by Fili, this collection is a pencil and paper lover's dream come true.

Louise Fili Pens & Pencils | 57 x 187 mm | 12 pencils € 13,50 | Oct. 2016 [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781616895136 (‐)

Reprint. First published March 2014 Louise Fili Boxed | Eng. ed. 57 x 187 mm | 12 pencils € 14,20 | Dec. 2014 ‐R/P [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781616892432 (E)


Icons of Style 20 Postcards


210 x 150 mm | 20 cards € 11,60 | July 2016

75 Postcards of 75 Covers

[UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781780678399 (E)

€ 20,00 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Penguin UK ‐ GIFTS ISBN: 9781846148637 (E)

i-D is one of the coolest fashion magazines around. Since it launched in 1980, it continues to pioneer the hybrid style of documentary and fashion photography. Its design and typography have always been intimately connected to street fashion and youth culture. i-D has launched the careers of many models, stylists and photographers, and competed with the more directly commercial fashion magazines.

A selection of 20 postcards based on the images from the bestselling Icons of Women's Style title. Anita Ekberg • Audrey Hepburn • Bianca Jagger • Brigitte Bardot • Catherine Deneuve • Chrissie Hynde • Debbie Harry • Elizabeth Taylor • Faye Dunaway • Françoise Hardy • Grace Jones • Grace Kelly • Greta Garbo • Jackie Onassis • Jane Birkin • Jerry Hall • Kate Moss • Marlene Dietrich • Sophia Loren • Twiggy Luxury fold-around binding with graining and foiling.

Cards | Eng. ed. 168 x 114 mm 100 cards € 20,00 | Oct. 2015 [UK] Penguin UK ‐ GIFTS ISBN: 9780241202883 (E) II10‐ CARDS


In 1900, aged twenty and travelling from Havana to Europe, Margarita Johnson met and fell in love with the dashing gold prospector Charles Lumb. Her father disapproved, and after three years of secret postcards, the couple eloped to London. Cut out of her father's will, Margarita was never welcomed again in Havana. Margarita treasured her postcards from Charles, her family and friends, who wrote from England America and Europe. They remained with her until she died in 1959.

Dearest Margarita An Edwardian Love Story in Postcards


Amazing Animal Facts

The Very Arty Box

Roald Dahl


100 Phizz-Whizzing Postcards

Inspiration for budding artists and designers, a box bursting with 100 decorative postcards and activity cards including make-and-dos, creative writing ideas, covers of best-loved children's books and iconic pieces from the V&A collection. Puffin Cards | Eng. ed. | 52 cards € 20,00 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Penguin UK ‐ GIFTS ISBN: 9780141370811 (E)

Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this little box tremendous postcards are inside. From Golden Tickets and giant peaches to thank you, good-luck and congratulations cards, it's filled with MAGIC . Fizzing with the iconic illustrations of Quentin Blake, greetings for every occasion, and quotes and covers from your favourite stories. All you need to do is add your own WHOPPSY-WHIFFLING words Cards | Eng. ed. 50 cards [UK] Penguin UK ‐ GIFTS € 13,50 | Sept. 2016 ISBN: 9780141371221 (E)

Postcards Housed in a keepsake box and arranged, much like a recipe box or card catalog, in tabbed sections (air, forest, sea, etc) this posctard box lets the user share all the curious knowledge and amazing artwork that makes Maja's book so special. From the Otters (they hold hands when they sleep in the water so they don't float away from each other!) to the elephant (mother elephant pregnanices last two years!) each postcard presents a unique look at the animal kingdom that will delight and astound. Maja Säfström Bpx | Eng. ed. | 50. cards € 24,00 | Sept. 2016 [US] Random House US ISBN: 9780451494917 (E)

It presents us with truth, challenges, humor, and delight. This collection of 100 postcards showcases bold graphic interpretations of 50 of the greatest literary quotes of all time. From Virginia Wolf to Oscar Wilde, from Brontë to Poe to Asuten, each piece will spark your imagination and kindle your creative spirit.


Evan Robertson Box | Eng. ed. 167 x 113 mm | 100 cards € 24,00 | Sept. 2015 [US] Random House US ISBN: 9780553447897 (E) II10‐ CARDS

100 Literary Postcards



DAP Publishers Hans Christian Andersen & Yayoi Kusama Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 203 mm 96 p | throughout bw ill. € 42,80 | July 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9788792877598 (E)


Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Little Mermaid (1839), a story about a girl from the sea who followed her dreams and suffered a disastrous fate on land, is known all over the world (particularly in its animated incarnation). But the familiar story is brought to new life in this gorgeous edition, a collaboration between the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and artist Yayoi Kusama.


The Little Mermaid A Fairy Tale of Infinity and Love Forever

Pop‐up book | Eng. ed. 260 x 216 mm 14 p | 7 col.ill. € 21,95 | Aug. 2016 [US] Abrams ISBN: 9781419721977 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE


Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door . . . Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven is one of the most widely recognised poems in the English language. Master paper engineer David Pelham amazes us once again with his pop-up design to interpret this haunting love story.

Edgar Allen Poe The Raven (Pop-Up Book)


Literary Wonderlands is a thoroughly researched, wonderfully written, and beautifully produced book that spans two thousand years of creative endeavor. With hundreds of pieces of original artwork, illustration and cartography, as well as a detailed overview of the plot and a "Dramatis Personae" for each work, Literary Wonderlands is a fascinating read for lovers of literature, fantasy, and science fiction.

Literary Wonderlands

Laura Miller. Contributions by Lev Grossman, John Sutherland, Tom Shippey Hardback | Eng. ed. 127 x 127 mm 320 p € 31,95 | Nov. 2016 [US] Hachette ISBN: 9780316316385 (E)

A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created II11 ‐ LITERATURE 79

At stake is the very meaning of home--and the fundamental question of how much aliveness one can bear. Showcasing the same high-energy inventiveness, hilarious irreverence, and emotional urgency that readers and critics loved in his earlier work, " Here I Am "is Foer's most searching, hard-hitting, and grandly entertaining novel yet. It not only confirms Foer's stature as a dazzling literary talent but reveals a mature novelist who has fully come into his own.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 162 mm 592 p € 16,50 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Penguin UK Hamish Hamilton ISBN: 9780241146187 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE

Here I Am Jonathan Safran Foer

E It is the 1980s and the Winshaw family are getting richer and crueller by the year: Newspaper-columnist Hilary gets thousands for telling it like it isn't. Henry's turning hospitals into car parks, Roddy's selling art in return for sex; down on the farm Dorothy's squeezing every last pound from her livestock, Thomas is making a killing on the stock exchange, and Mark is selling arms to dictators.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 178 x 111 mm | 512 p € 9,95 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Penguin Essentials ISBN: 9780241978917 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE

What a Carve Up! Jonathan Coe

E When you travel across the ocean on a boat, all your memories are washed away and you start a completely new life. That is how it is. There is no before. There is no history. The boat docks at the harbour and we climb down the gangplank and we are plunged into the here and now. Time begins. In this mesmerising allegorical tale, Coetzee deftly grapples with the big questions of growing up, of what it means to be a parent, the constant battle between intellect and emotion, and how we choose to live our lives

The Schooldays of Jesus



J.M. Coetzee Hardback | Eng. ed. 222 x 144 mm | 272 p € 18,80 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Random House UK ISBN: 9781911215363 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE

When Frans Laarmans, a feckless clerk at an Antwerp shipyard, is offered a job importing Edam cheese from Holland, he meekly accepts, despite his loathing of the product. His head soon fills with ambition and hope to be accepted by his brother's posh friends. But when the first shipment arrives, he has no idea what to do with the ten thousand red-skinned cheeses, and spends most of his time looking for a pedestal desk for his office instead of selling.

Paperback | Eng. ed. 198 x 128 mm | 160 p € 10,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Classics ISBN: 9781846884160 (E) II15b ‐ LITERATURE

Cheese Willem Elsschot

E When the Americans Mr and Mrs Otis and their four children move into Canterville Chase, its previous occupant Lord Canterville warns them that the ghost of his ancestor still haunts the house. Their disbelief is soon shattered by the nightly sound of rattling chains in the hallways and the appearance of mysterious bloodstains in the living room.

The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories

Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | 128 p € 8,95 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Classics ISBN: 9781847496126 (E) II15b ‐ LITERATURE

Oscar Wilde


Haruki Murakami's passion for music runs deep. Before turning his hand to writing, he ran a jazz club in Tokyo. Now, in Absolutely on Music, Murakami fulfills a personal dream, sitting down with his friend, acclaimed conductor Seiji Ozawa, to talk about their shared interest. Transcribed from lengthy conversations about the nature of music and writing, here they discuss everything from Brahms to Beethoven, from Leonard Bernstein to Glenn Gould, from record collecting to pop-up orchestras, and more.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 222 x 138 mm | 256 p € 26,80 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Random House UK ISBN: 9781846559181 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE

Absolutely on Music Haruki Murakami

E Newly discovered in the Cash family archives, a treasure of never-before-published poems and song lyrics, with copies of original handwritten documents from the legendary Johnny Cash, edited by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Paul Muldoon and with a preface by John Carter Cash.

Forever Words The Unknown Poems by Johnny Cash

Blue Rider Press by Johnny Cash (Author), Paul Muldoon (Editor, Introduction), John Carter Cash (Foreword) Hardback | Eng. ed. 215 x mm | 144 p € 25,00 | Nov. 2016 [US] Random House US ISBN: 9780399575136 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE

E 81

Hardback | Eng. ed. 229 x 152 mm 192 p € 18,50 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Penguin UK ISBN: 9780141373409 (E) II11B ‐ MOVIE‐TIE‐IN


"Before Miss Peregrine gave them a home, the story of peculiars was written in the Tales." Riggs now invites you to share his secrets of peculiar history, with a collection of original stories in this deluxe volume of "Tales of the Peculiar," as collected and annotated by Millard Nullings, ward of Miss Peregrine and scholar of all things peculiar. Featuring stunning illustrations from world-renowned artist Andrew Davidson, this compelling, rich, and truly peculiar anthology is the perfect gift.

Tales of the Peculiar Miss Peregrines Peculiar Children . By Ransom Riggs

Published in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of George R. R. Martin's landmark series, this lavishly illustrated special edition of A Game of Thrones-with gorgeous full-page illustrations in every chapter-revitalizes the fantasy masterpiece that became a cultural phenomenon. The mystery, intrigue, romance, and adventure of this magnificent saga come to life as never before.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 232 x 156 mm | 896 p € 50,00 | Oct. 2016 [US] Random House US ISBN: 9780553808049 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE

A Game of Thrones: The Illustrated Edition George R. R. Martin

E Bob Eckstein Hardback | Eng. ed. 171 x 210 mm 176 p € 20,00 | Oct. 2016 [US] Random House US ISBN: 9780553459272 (E) II11 ‐ LITERATURE


This collection of seventy-five of the most cherished bookstores from around the world features evocative paintings by Eckstein paired with colorful anecdotes about each shop, featuring a roster of great thinkers and artists of our time, including David Bowie, Tom Wolfe, Joe Frank, Patti Smith, Mo Willems, Alice Munro, Dave Eggers, Roz Chast, Neil Gaiman, Ann Patchett, Jo Nesbo, Diane Keaton, Chris Ware, Robin Williams, Patricia Marx, Philip Glass, Paul McCartney and others.

Footnotes from the World’s Greatest Bookstores



Mansfield Park

Dante Aligheri

Jane Austen

Alma Evergreens

Alma Evergreen

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 396 p ISBN: 9781847496119 | € 6,95 Oct. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

The Double Fyodor Dostoevsky

Inferno Alighieri Dante Alighieri Dante

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 448 p ISBN: 9781847495983 | € 6,95 Sept. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens


Charles Dickens


Alma Evergreens

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 396 p ISBN: 9781847493408 | € 6,95 July 2016 ‐R/P [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 112 p ISBN: 9781847496171 | € 6,95 Sept. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

The Great Gatsby

A Hero Of Our Time

Tales Of Horror

Scott F. Fitzgerald

Mikhail Lermontov

Edgar Allan Poe

Alma Evergreens Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 256 p ISBN: 9781847496034 | € 6,95 Aug. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

A Christmas Carol

Alma Evergreens

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 256 p ISBN: 9781847496140 | € 6,95 Oct. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 236 p ISBN: 9781847495761 | € 6,95 Nov. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

William Shakespeare

Gulliver's Travels The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman Jonathan Swift

Alma Evergreen

Laurence Sterne

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 256 p ISBN: 9781847496089 | € 6,95 Sept. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

Alma Evergreens

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 256 p ISBN: 9781847495976 | € 6,95 July 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 608 p ISBN: 9781847494160 | € 6,95 Nov. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens


Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 201 mm 352 p ISBN: 9781847496096 | € 6,95 Sept. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Alma Ev ergreens Paperback 240 x 201 mm 320 p | Eng. ed. ISBN: 9781847496027 | € 6,95 Aug. 2016 [UK] Alma Books ‐ Alma Evergreens

Tim Burton is one of the most popular and remarkable filmmakers of the last 30 years, being responsible for such films as Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride and Alice in Wonderland. He is famed for the visually arresting style of his films that combine with highly original storylines. A truly international filmmaker, Tim Burton has carved a reputation as one of the world's greatest creative directors. This stunning treasury explores the influences on his development as a filmmaker and assesses how he has captured the fruits of his imagination on screen. Illustrated with many behind-the-scenes photographs and stunning film stills, chapters analyze the success and style of films such as Beetlejuice, Ed Wood and Mars Attacks!, and examine how Burton breathed new life into well-known stories that include Batman, Planet of the Apes and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Finally, the book looks towards the future and his upcoming films Alice Through the Looking Glass, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, and Beetlejuice 2. Ian Nathan Hardback with slipcase | Eng. ed. 241 x 216 mm | 176 p | 8 gatefold pages € 38,50 | Nov. 2016


Tim Burton's entire filmography is presented across a stunning 8-page gatefold in the heart of the book. Packaged in a handsome slipcase

[UK] Aurum (Quarto) ISBN: 9781781315958 (E) II11c ‐ CINEMA

Tim Burton The iconic filmmaker and his work


Witness the genesis of peculiardom! This visual tour of the movie world of "Miss Peregrine s Home for Peculiar Children," created by iconic filmmaker Tim Burton, is sure to be a must-have for fans of the series. A companion book to the film, it features behind-the-scenes images and set information from two of Burton s longtime collaborators, including details on costume design, cinematography, set design, concept art, and more. The beautiful hardback edition makes a perfect gift or collector s item."

Leah Gallo Hardback | Eng. ed. 298 x 273 mm 176 p € 39,99 | Aug. 2016 [US] Quirk ISBN: 9781594749438 (E) II11c ‐ CINEMA

The Art of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children The Art of the Film Movie Tie In

Since its publication in June 2011, this offbeat blend of supernatural fantasy and vintage photography has dominated the YA best-seller lists - and with a Tim Burton adaptation arriving in 2016, Miss Peregrine's Home for Pecular Children shows no signs of slowing down. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of a long-abandoned house - yet still familar house.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Ransom Riggs



Ransom Riggs Paperback | Eng. ed. 208 x 132 mm 384 p € 11,99 | Aug. 2016 [US] Quirk ISBN: 9781594749025 (E) II11c ‐ MOVIE‐TIE‐IN

Actes Sud Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 203 mm 208 p € 42,95 | Aug. 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9782330060763 (E)

This reference work presents the full range of the filmmaker’s artistry (photography, painting and music) through the optic of his films. It is an original work combining all facets of his creation for the first time, bringing a fresh vision of his cinematographic work. At the heart of the book is the exhibition curator Matthieu Orléan’s unpublished interview with Gus Van Sant in Portland in June 2015, discussing the whole scope of his work and inspirations through a network of images organized into themes.



Gus Van Sant Icons Removable posters Jennifer Bass Paperback | Eng. ed. 405 x 304 mm 20 p € 25,80 | July. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781856699891 (E)

This collection of 20 iconic film posters by Saul Bass, one of the greatest American designers of the 20th century, is a must for graphic designers and film fans. Each poster is removable and designed to fit the standard frame size.


20 Iconic Film Posters by Saul Bass

E Expert critics in each genre of film, from romance to horror and sci-fi, have once again painstakingly revised this list of essential must see-movies, cut and added films to bring the must-watch list bang up to date for 2016, from great classics like The Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind to recent Oscar nominees like Interstellar, Birdman, Boyhood and the blockbusters that are Guardians of the Galaxy and The Grand Budapest Hotel.

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

New edition General Editor: Steven Jay Schneider Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 25,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844038893 (E) II11c ‐ CINEMA

E Artavazd Péléchian Une symphonie du monde ISBN: 9782873403881 (F) | €.25,00.|.Oct..2016 | [BE]..Yellow.Now

Anatomie d'un rapport de Luc Moullet et Antonietta Pizzorno. Côté films #31 ISBN: 9782873403898 (F) | €.12,50.|.Oct..2016 | [BE]..Yellow.Now.

Antonioni - Ferrare une hypothèse plausible 9782873403881



ISBN: 9782873403904 (F) | €.25,00..|.Nov..2016 | [BE]..Yellow.Now



J.K. Rowling Hardback | Eng. ed. | 144 p € 15,95 | March 2017 [UK] Bloomsbury Academic ISBN: 9781408880715 (E)

A brand new edition of this essential companion to the Harry Potter stories, with a new foreword from J.K. Rowling and an irresistible new jacket by Jonny Duddle. An approved textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since publication, Newt Scamander's masterpiece has entertained wizarding families through the generations. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an indispensable introduction to the magical beasts of the wizarding world.


Fantastic Beasts and where to find them When Magizoologist Newt Scamander arrives in New York, he intends his stay to be just a brief stopover. However, when his magical case is misplaced and some of Newt's fantastic beasts escape, it spells trouble for everyone... Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them marks the screenwriting debut of J.K. Rowling, author of the beloved and internationally bestselling Harry Potter books. Featuring a cast of remarkable characters, this is epic, adventure-packed storytelling at its very best.

J.K. Rowling Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 304 p € 20,95 | Nov. 2016 [UK] Little Brown (Hachette) ISBN: 9781408708989 (E)

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Illustrated Edition J.K. Rowling. Illustrated by Jim <ĂLJ Hardback | Eng. ed. |267 x 226 mm 256 p | €.38,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781408845653 (E)

The Original Screenplay Step inside the world of the talented art departments who, led by Academy Award®-winning production designer Stuart Craig, were responsible for the creation of the unforgettable characters, locations and beasts from the eagerly anticipated new adventure in J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World. Dermot Power, concept artist on the film, takes you on a magical journey through a design process every bit as wonderful as that encountered by Newt Scamander in the wizarding world.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 256 p € 50,00 | Nov. 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062571335 (E)

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


The Art of the Film Return to the wizarding world and discover how director David Yates and producer David Heyman brought J.K. Rowling's all new adventure, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to the big screen.

Ian Nathan Hardback | Eng. ed. 144 p € 18,95 | Nov. 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062571328 (E)

Inside the Magic: The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them introduces filmmaking fans to Newt Scamander, Magizoologist, and the principal characters, locations, artifacts and beasts that he encounters in 1920s New York.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Illustrated Edition J.K. Rowling & Jim Kay Hardback | Eng. ed. | 267 x 226 mm | 256 p |€ 38,50 | Oct. 2015 [UK] Bloomsbury ISBN: 9781408845646 (E)


Inside the Magic The Making of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Mark Salisbury Hardback | Eng. ed. 160 p € 45,00 | Nov. 2016 [US] Collins US ISBN: 9780062571373 (E)

Take a front-row seat and witness the filmmaking magic that brought J.K. Rowling's script for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to the screen. Explore the realm of fantastical creatures that roam the wizarding world and discover the magical cast of characters in pursuit of them. The Case of Beasts delivers an enchanting interactive experience by sharing filmmaking secrets, film photography and artwork, and behind-the-scenes stories from cast and crew. With removable reproductions.


The Case of Beasts Explore the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them



Harry Potter and the cursed child. Parts I & II J.K. Rowling Hardback | Eng. ed. 237 x 164 mm , 352 p € 25,95 | Sept. 2016 ‐R/P [UK] Little Brown (Hachette) ISBN: 9780751565355 (E)

Tintin au Congo was first published in book form in French in 1931. This translation by Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper and Michael Turner, the original Tintin translators, includes a fascinating foreword describing the publication history of Tintin's African adventure, and placing it in its historical context. "In his portrayal of the Belgian Congo, the young Hergé reflects the colonial attitudes of the time... he depicted the African people according to the bourgeois, paternalistic stereotypes of the period.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 297 x 215 mm | 64 p | throughout col.ill. € 13,40 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Casterman ISBN: 9782203096509 (E) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS

Tintin in the Congo The Adventures of Tintin (Collector's Edition)

E The high-quality Japanese woodcuts and graphic novels from the 17th to the 19th centuries are products of an urban popular culture in pre-modern Japan, in which clothing, stage stars, myths, monsters, sexuality and commerce were the governing factors. The publication shows the enchanting imagery of both historical and contemporary pop culture in Japan, which today focuses on manga and anime.

Hokusai X Manga

Sabine Schulze Paperback | Eng. ed. 279 x 207 mm | 240 p € 30,95 | Aug. 2016 [G] Hirmer ISBN: 9783777426679 (E) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS

Japanese Pop Culture Since 1680

E 'Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children' as you've never seen it before. A beautiful and powerful graphic-novel adaptation of Ransom Riggs' cult hit. A journey that will change him for ever. Desperate to uncover the truth about his grandfather's death, sixteen-year-old Jacob sets out on a life-altering quest. Arriving on a remote island off the coast of Wales, he hopes to revisit the past his grandfather left far behind, at Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar C hildren.

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children The Graphic Novel

E 88

Ransom Riggs. Illustrated By Cassandre Jean Hardback | Eng. ed. 234 x 153 mm | 272 p € 20,00 | Oct. 2013 [UK] Hodder (Hachette) ISBN: 9781472210562 (E) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS

Pretending Is Lying is a memoir unlike any other. The first book to appear in English by the acclaimed Belgian artist Dominique Goblet, it is at once an intimate account of love and familial dysfunction and an audacious experiment in graphic storytelling. In a series of dazzling fragments-skipping through time, and from raw, slashing color to delicate black and white-Goblet examines the most important relationships in her life: with her partner, Guy-Marcn, with her daughter, Nikita, with her alcoholic, wellmeaning father, and with her abusive mother.


Pretending is Lying

Dominique Goblet. Translated by Sophie Yanow Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 144 p € 24,95 | Dec. 2016 [US] Random House US ISBN: 9781681370477 (E) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS ‐ Belgium


Dominique Goblet Headline

How to Talk to Girls at Parties by Sunday Times bestselling writer Neil Gaiman is a graphic novel with extraordinary artwork by the Eisner Award-winning duo Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá. Soon to be a feature film starring Nicole Kidman, this adaptation is 'a quirky delight' (Audrey Niffenegger) and will appeal to fans of Alan Moore, Dave McKean and beyond.

Illustrated By Gabriel Ba, Fabio Moon Hardback | Eng. ed. 263 x 178 mm 64 p € 15,95 | June 2016 [UK] Hachette ISBN: 9781472242488 (E) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS

How to Talk to Girls at Parties


Neil Gaiman

Genius, eccentric, exhibitionist: There is no shortage of adjectives to describe the great surrealist painter Salvador Dalí (1904-1989). Yet this iconic artist and controversial thinker remains a figure shrouded in mystery. Plunging into the Spanish painter's unbridled, fantastical universe, graphic novelist Edmond Baudoin takes us on the trail of a man known as much for his talent for self-promotion as for his bold and extraordinary work.

Edmond Baudoin Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm | 160 p € 16,80 | Aug. 2016 [UK] SelfMadeHero ISBN: 9781910593158 (E) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS

Dali Art Masters

E Simon, a bookseller, has hit hard times. The financial crisis has struck and sales have slumped; his store looks set to close, and he has become increasingly withdrawn. Returning from his storage facility in the woods, he stops at an isolated railroad crossing. There, he witnesses a suicide. The moment hits him like a bomb. Withdrawing deeper into himself, Simon is haunted by memories from his past-memories repressed, from a time he'd prefer to forget.

The Return of the Honey Buzzard



Aimée de Jongh Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm | 160 p € 19,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] SelfMadeHero ISBN: 9781910593165 (E) II12 ‐ COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS

This outstanding global survey brings together the dazzling talent of 50 leading illustrators from over 20 countries, among them Julia Rothman, Whitney Sherman and Mike Perry, and also provides them with the opportunity to indulge in a brilliant, creative experiment. The book is curated into two interleaved strands: in the first, each illustrator showcases their own work and is interviewed by the author to shine a light onto what inspires and motivates them.

Ana Benaroya Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 185 mm | 320 p | 382 col.ill. € 24,50 | July 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500292525 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Illustration Next Contemporary Creative Collaboration

E Steven Heller and Louise Fili Paperback | Eng. ed. 245 x 172 mm 352 p | 500 col.ill. € 32,50 | aug. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson ISBN: 9780500518496 (E)

Since being introduced in the 19th century, when they were considered the bastard cousins of more refined serif types, slab serif typefaces have become ubiquitous. Prized for their bold visual impact and versatility, they are used on a broad variety of demonstrative communications, from posters and newspapers to product packaging. In 1931, Morris Fuller Benton created the Stymie typeface, a reworking of a slab serif type popular in Europe at that time: Memphis.



Slab Serif Type A Century of Bold Letterforms

Mateo Kries Hardback | Eng. ed. 274 x 195 mm 512 p € 85,50 | Nov. 2016 [UK] T & H, Distributed ISBN: 9783945852057 (E) II13 ‐ GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN


Alexander Girard (1907–1993) was one of the most important modern textile artists and interior designers of the twentieth century. He worked closely with designers such as Charles Eames and George Nelson and combined Pop Art and Folk Art influences to create a colourfully opulent aesthetic language, whose impact continues to be felt today. The book presents the entire oeuvre of the multitalented Italian- American designer in all its facets while offering the first scholarly critical examination of his work.

Alexander Girard A Designer's Universe 90


TheTypography Idea Book

Design My Privacy

Art and Illustration by Simple Means

Inspiration from 50 Masters

8 Principes voor beter privacy design

Marc Valli

Steven Heller

Tijmen Schep

Artless presents some of the most compelling images created by contemporary artists and illustrators using the simplest of tools, such as colour pencils, crayons, watercolour, scissors and glue. Work produced in this manner represents a growing and particularly resilient trend in the visual arts world.

This book serves as an introduction to the key elements of good typographic design. Broken into sections covering the fundamentals of typography, the book features inspiring works by acclaimed typographic designers from across the world

Met alles dat we doen via moderne technologie, geven we data aan bedrijven en de overheid. Dit boek motiveert designers om na te denken over privacy issues voor producten en diensten. De techniek achter de slimme producten en systemen is zo complex, dat het voor de consument moeilijk te begrijpen is wat de gevolgen zijn voor het alledaagse leven. Designers moeten gaan meedenken over transparantie en toegankelijkheid in het ontwerp van privacygevoelige producten en diensten.

[UK] Laurence King | Hardback | 260 x 185 mm | 272 p | 327 col.ill. | ISBN: 9781780678535 (E) | € 36,00 [BE] | Oct. 2016

[UK] Laurence King | Paperback | 220 x 157 mm | 128 p | ISBN: 9781780678498 (E) | € 18,50 [BE] | July 2016

[NL] BIS Publishers | Paperback with flaps | 180 x 140 mm | 160 p | ISBN: 9789063694470 (NL) | € 12,00 [BE] | June 2016

Picture This

Copy Paste

Cut That Out

How Pictures Work

How Advertising Recycles Ideas

Molly Bang

Joe la Pompe

Molly Bang's brilliant, insightful, and accessible treatise is now revised and expanded for its 25th anniversary. Bang's powerful ideas-about how the visual composition of images works to engage the emotions, and how the elements of an artwork can give it the power to tell a story-remain unparalleled in their simplicity and genius. Why are diagonals dramatic? Why are curves calming? Why does red feel hot and blue feel cold?

Contemporary Collage in Graphic Design

Books about advertising are supposed to be a source of inspiration, yet here is one that takes the opposite tack. Not that the dozens of adverts compiled here are bad - au contraire. They have been presented at major industry conferences and some have even won awards -but because many of them are, knowingly or not, reproductions. Whether that is the result of deliberate plagiarism or unlucky coincidence remains an open question. You are free to judge for yourself.

[US] Chronicle Kids | Paperback | 245 x 254 mm | 152 p | ISBN: 9781452151991 (E) | € 17,95 [BE] | Aug. 2016

[G] Gestalten Verlag | Hardback | 300 x 240 mm | 228 p | ISBN: 9783899556902 (E) | € 39,90 [BE] | Sept. 2016



Curated by Ryan Doyle and Mark Edwards, who work together under the name of DR.ME, Cut That Out focuses on the compositions of 50 leading designers and studios from 15 different countries for whom collage has been the key to creating vibrant, effective work among them Hort, Paul Sahre and atelier bingo. [UK] Thames & Hudson + | Paperback | 250 x 195 mm | 288 p | 400 col.ill. | ISBN: 9780500292242 (E) | € 34,00 [BE] | Aug. 2016

Een reis door de hedendaagse kunst via de rockmuziek en haar drie belangrijkste facetten. Aan elk van deze facetten is een hoofdstuk gewijd in dit boek dat, vertrekkend vanuit "artrock duo's" (Andy Warhol + Bob Dylan, Tony Oursler + Sonic Youth, Jeremy Deller + New Order,…), rond diverse afbeeldingenreeksen is georganiseerd. Deze drie delen, die respectievelijk Roots, Looks en Fools heten, worden aangevuld met bio's, een chronologie en een glossarium. Cet ouvrage propose une traversée de l'art contemporain à travers le prisme du rock et de ses trois principales facettes. A chacune de ces facettes correspond un chapitre du livre qui, partant de duos 'art-rock' (Andy Warhol + Bob Dylan, Tony Oursler + Sonic Youth, Jeremy Deller + New Order,… ), s'organise en divers planches iconographiques.

Expo: 23/10/2016 ‐ 22/1/2017, MAC’s, Grand Hornu Editor: Denis Gielen. Authors: Denis Gielen, Jeff Rian, Julien Foucart Hardback | French ed. 300 x 215 mm | 304 p | 300 col.ill. € 39,95 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301498 (F)

F Rebel Rebel Art + Rock


Hardback | Eng. ed. 355 x 280 mm 248 p € 90,00 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Vision ISBN: 9789079881437 (E) I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY


"My portraits in this book have revealed nothing profound about the subject. What I tried to achieve, was to share a moment with the artist. And now I share those moments with you, no more and no less!" After having strolled through my archives, kind of 'on a roadtrip" in my own most impulsive way, this is the ... result. This selection isn't about the "Who's" or the "When's" of the portraits. More than anything, I offer you my kind of journal, full of emotions and beautiful memories… (Bernaded Dexters)<

Bernaded Dexters No more No less


The late 1960s were a period of great turbulence and rapid social and political change. You Say You Want a Revolution? examines that moment when youth culture drove an optimistic idealism, motivating people to come together and question established power structures across every area of society. Essays on music, politics, the counter-culture, social living, mind-altering experiences, festivals and more chart revolutions across media and culture, illustrated throughout with some of the most iconic images.

You Say You Want a Revolution? Records and Rebels 1966-1970

Expo: 10/9/2016 - 26/2/2017, V & A Museum, London Victoria Broackes & Geofrrey Marsh Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 240 mm | 320 p | 250 col.ill. € 51,50 | Aug. 2016 [UK] V&A Museum ISBN: 9781851778911 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

E DJ Semtex Hardback | Eng. ed. 308 x 240 mm 448 p | 1000 col.ill. € 54,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Thames & Hudson + ISBN: 9780500518946 (E)

In Hip Hop Raised Me. Semtex examines the crucial role of hip-hop in society today, and reflects on the huge influence it has had on his own life, and the lives of many others, providing inspiration and purpose to generation after generation of disaffected youths.


Hip Hop Raised Me

E Darren and Elliott Bloom Hardback | Eng. ed. 248 x 190 mm 288 p € 32,00 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Omnibus +firm+ ISBN: 9781785582011 (E)

Photographers Darren and Elliott Bloom had a remarkably close working relationship with Amy Winehouse. Their photos appeared in the recent acclaimed documentary Amy and now they have opened up their archive for this lavish photo book.


Amy Winehouse A Life Through the Lens

E Putting the style in your stylus, Vinyl Me, Please is more than your average book of music recommendations. Brought to you by the vinyl subscription club of the same name - 'the best damn record club there is'* - Vinyl Me, Please is a lively, visually handsome guide to the 100 albums you need to own on vinyl and why, with added extras: cocktail recipes to match your listening needs, and 'Like this, then listen to this' suggestions.

Vinyl Me, Please 100 Albums You Need on Vinyl and Why



Hardback | Eng. ed. 255 x 235 mm | 256 p € 31,95 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Cassell (octopus) ISBN: 9781844039159 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC

This newly revised edition of 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die will keep you up to date on the most fascinating and inspirational records of all time. Including both popular music milestones and lesser-known records, this book explores a variety of genres, covering everything from funk to punk, jazz and soul, hip-hop, disco, pop and rock, as well as allowing you to discover experimental directions and minor movements.

1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die

Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 25,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Cassell ISBN: 9781844038909 (E) II15 ‐ MUSIC


E Organized chronologically by album, this massive, 704-page hardcover begins with their 1963 eponymous debut album recorded over five days at the Regent Studio in London; through their collaboration with legendary producer Jimmy Miller in the ground-breaking albums from 1968 to 1973; to their later work with Don Was, who has produced every album sinceVoodoo Lounge. Packed with more than 500 photos, All the Songs is also filled with stories fans treasure.

Philippe Margotin, Jean‐Michel Guesdon Hardback | Eng. ed. 266 x 209 mm | 704 p € 51,50 | Oct. 2016 [US] Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers ISBN: 9780316317740 (E)

The Rolling Stones. All the Songs


The Story Behind Every Track


A graphic novel telling of the life of the great Jamaican reggae singer, song writer, musician and guitarist who achieved international fame and acclaim. Starting out in 1963 with the group The Wailers, he forged a distinctive songwriting and vocal style that would later resonate with audiences worldwide.

The Life of Bob Marley Wake Up and Live

Jim McCarthy & Gerry Kissell Paperback | Eng. ed. 224 x 160 mm | 160 p € 21,95 | July 2016 [UK] Omnibus ISBN: 9781783059676 (E) II12 ‐ GRAPHIC NOVELS & MUSIC

E The history of photography is teeming with portraits of musicians made iconic by their album covers: Thelonious Monk by W. Eugene Smith, Miles Davis by Irving Penn, Grace Jones by Jean-Paul Goude, Laurie Anderson by Robert Mapplethorpe.

Total Records

Jacques Denis Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 210 x 210 mm | 448 p | 444. col.ill. € 28,50 | Oct. 2016 [US] Aperture ISBN: 9781597113847 (E)

Photography and the Art of the Album Cover II15 ‐ MUSIC



Tekst: Frank Beke, foto's: François Nussbaumer Paperback | NL/ Fr ed. 430 x 300 mm 120 p € 45,00 | Nov. 2016 [F] Le Noyer ISBN: 9782955408506 (NL/ F)


Binnenkort publiceren Uitgeverij Le Noyer en Uitgeverij Snoeck 'Gent Verticaal', een prestigieus en ruim bemeten boek dat hulde brengt aan al het verticale dat Gent rijk is. Alle vormen, stijlen en perioden komen aan bod. De foto's zijn van François Nussbaumer, de tekst is van de Gentse oud-burgemeester Frank Beke. Voor al wie de hoofdstad van de provincie Oost-Vlaanderen in het hart draagt, is dit het uitgelezen geschenkboek voor de eindejaarsfeesten.


Gent Verticaal Gand Vertical co‐ed STAM, Gent


Gent. Stad van alle tijden is meer dan zomaar een historisch boek, het is een gids om het stedelijke geheugen te lezen. De auteurs gebruiken de actuele stedelijke ruimte, de straten, de vier torens en de universiteit en de typische Gentse sporen van een rijk verleden, de Gentse Feesten, de scheldwoorden en liedjes, de Stroppendragers en de andere stadslegenden als uitgangspunt en als geheugensteun voor een historische wandeling door Gent.

Gent. Stad van alle tijden Compacte editie

Brugge, een stad met een fascinerende geschiedenis. Brugge, een stad van mensen en verhalen. Brugge, een stad als in een sprookje... Historicus Paul Van Damme schreef met dit boek een ode aan de stad, haar inwoners en haar patrimonium. Dit werk vormt een ideale introductie voor wie Brugge voor het eerst bezoekt, maar evenzeer voor hij of zij die er graag terugkomt of er al levenslang woont: toegankelijk, intrigerend en verrassend verrijkend.

O.l.v. Marc Boone, Gita Deneckere. Bijdragen van Georges Declercq, Marie‐Christine Lalemand, Pieter Uyttenhove en Anne‐Laure Van Bruane Paperback | NL ed. 260 x 220 mm 240 p | 200 col.ill. € 25,00 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds ISBN: 9789462301566 (NL)

ISBN 9789061539384 (E/Hb) ISBN 9789061539377 (F/Hb) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Paul Van Damme. Photography: Hugo Maertens a.o. Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 195 mm | 160 p | 80 col. & bw ill € 24,95 | July 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565136 (NL)

Brugge Het verhaal van een stad


ISBN 9789058565143 (E) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST


Geert Van Doorne (red.) Hardback | NL ed. 270 x 230 mm 194 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 29,00 | Aug. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613158 (NL)


Het Patershol, een aanvankelijk bescheiden nederzetting van leerlooiers in de schaduw van het Gravensteen, evolueert in de 12de eeuw tot een rijke handelsbuurt in het centrum van Gent. In de jaren 1970 slagen ze er na hevig verzet in de plannen voor de sloop van de wijk om te buigen tot een renovatie die historische sfeer, toeristische aantrekkingskracht en prettig wonen combineert. Van die rijke geschiedenis zijn in de levendige buurt die het parteshol vandaag is nog talrijke sporen aan te treffen.


Patershol Gent Eeuwenoud - eigenwijs - springlevend

Guido Everaert, Sophie Derom, Tamara Rogiest, Patrick Viaene, Norbert Poulain en Marc Dubois Hardback | NL ed. 297 x 240 mm 256 p | 375 col. & bw ill € 38,00 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613165 (NL)


Gebaseerd op uitvoerig archiefonderzoek en getoetst aan winkelpuien die vandaag nog in het straatbeeld te vinden zijn, wordt de evolutie van het winkelen en de weerslag ervan op de architectuur geschreven. Aan de hand van historische en actuele foto's en archiefdocumenten worden de algemene tendensen geïllustreerd. Het boek wordt een wandeling langs winkelpuien doorheen de tijd.


Verleidelijke vitrines 700 jaar winkelpuien in Gent

Het Collectieboek STAM is geen klassieke catalogus waarbij alle collectiestukken uitvoerig beschreven worden. Het verhaal van de stad wordt verteld aan de hand van een aantal grote thema's waarbij de museale voorwerpen illustratie en leidraad vormen. Ook de architectuur van de schitterende museale site komt ruim aan bod. Een boek over het museum, maar tegelijkertijd het verhaal van Gent.

Collectieboek Stam

Christine Deweerdt, Maria De Waele, Wout De Vuyst, Jeanine Baldewyns. Redactie: Patrick De Rynck Hardback | NL ed. 270 x 210 mm | 208 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 36,00 | Nov. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613189 (NL)

ISBN 9789461613271 (E) ISBN 9789461613264 (F) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

NL 96

Op 5 april boden tweehonderd edellieden landvoogdes Margaretha van Parma een smeekschrift aan. Zij wilden dat er een einde kwam aan de geloofsvervolgingen en dat de Staten-Generaal zou worden bijeengeroepen. Omdat er geen onmiddellijk gevolg werd gegeven aan de oproep komen volk en adel steeds openlijker in het verzet. Via Antwerpen bereikten de beeldenstormers Gent waar ze acht parochiekerken, vijfentwintig kloosters, tien hospitalen en zeven kapellen plunderden.


Marcus van Vaernewyck‐ Joris de Zutter Hardback | NL ed. 260 x 240 mm 136 p € 18,00 | Aug. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613172 (NL) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Te triest om 't al te vertellen. Beeldenstorm in Gent 1566 Het ooggetuigenverslag van Marcus van Vaernewijck

Christoffel Plantin, de bekendste Belgische drukker aller tijden is geboren in Frankrijk rond 1520. Op zijn dertigste vestigt hij zich met vrouw en kind in Antwerpen. Daar sticht hij zijn onderneming, de Officina Plantiniana. 'Door werk en standvastigheid' - Labore et Constantia, zoals zijn devies luidt - groeit de uitgeverij uit tot een multinational met bijhuizen in Frankfurt, Leiden en Parijs. De belangrijkste schrijvers en wetenschappers uit die tijd vinden hun weg naar de Vrijdagmarkt.

Museum Plantijn Moretus Musée Plantin Moretus

Iris Kockelbergh, Dirk Imhof, Kris Geysen, Kristof Selleslach Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 250 x 195 mm | 160 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 19,50 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613295 (NL)

ISBN: 9789461613301 (F) ISBN 9789461613318 (E) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

NL - F - E MAS souvenirs biedt een blik op de rijke en uiterst gevarieerde collectie van het MAS. Het is tegelijk een aandenken onder vorm van zo'n 250 beelden van objecten uit het MAS, die los van hun herkomst, ouderdom of context naast elkaar geplaatst worden en de verschillen, maar vooral de merkwaardige overeenkomsten benadrukken binnen het wereldpatrimonium van de mens.

MAS : Souvenirs

ISBN: 9789085867296 (E)



met leeslint, MAS, Antwerpen Hardback | NL ed. 140 x 100 mm | 304 p | 280 col. & bw ill € 9,95 | May 2016 [BE] BAI ‐ MAS Books ISBN: 9789085867333 (NL)


Er zijn weinig havens in de wereld die kunnen bogen op zo'n rijke geschiedenis als Antwerpen. Zaha Hadid Architects heeft een nieuw Havenhuis voor Antwerpen gecreëerd dat zich passend heeft ingeschreven in de eeuwenlange dialoog tussen stad en rivier. Het boek behandelt het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de Haven en de omgeving van de dokken waar het nieuw Havenhuis staat en de recente situatie van de Antwerpse Haven in een tweede deel wordt het Nieuwe Havengebouw behandeld, uitgebreid geïllustreerd met foto's van het bouwproces.

Teksten van Eric van Hooydonk, Rutger Tijs, Marc Dubois en Joris Pauwels Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 280 mm | 186 p € 39,95 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Pandora ISBN: 9789053254141 (NL)

Het Havenhuis Antwerpen The Antwerp Port House

ISBN: 9789053254158 (E)

Zaha Hadid Architects


The history of Spa is intimately linked to that of its waters. The city, whose name has become the generic term used for health centers is one of the places added to the list of the 'Great Water Cities of Europe', recently detailed on UNESCO's world heritage indicative list. This recognition is based on the city's unique and delightful character which developed specific health treatments, the infrastructure and its landscapes around the springs, and became known as the "Café de Europe".

Luc Peeters & David Houbrechts Hardback | Eng./Fr. ed. 300 x 240 mm | 192 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,50 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Prisme Éditions ISBN: 9782930451206 (E/ F) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Spa Ville thermale - The Source of the Spas

E/F Een jaar lang dompelde topfotograaf Henk van Cauwenbergh zich onder in het voor hem relatief onbekende Bredene. Hij ging op ontdekkingstocht in de badplaats en stelde vast dat Bredene heel wat verrassingen in petto heeft. In vier hoofdstukken (zee strand duinen, cultuur en patrimonium, op mensenmaat en bruisend Bredene) brengt van Cauwenbergh, die voor dit project artistiek carte blanche kreeg, verslag uit van zijn ontdekkingstocht.

Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 280 mm | 112 p € 29,95 | Aug. 2016 [BE] Stichting Kunstboek ISBN: 9789058565518 (NL) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Verrassend Bredene


Henk van Cauwenbergh

Op de site van de Duinenabdij te Koksijde, een van de grootste cisterciënzerabdijen van de Lage Landen, zijn meer dan 1000 stoffelijke resten opgegraven: abten, monniken en leken, mannen, vrouwen en kinderen. Ze leren ons hoe onze voorouders het sterven ervaarden en werden begraven. Hoe zij met het oog op het hemelse voortbestaan bij leven hun dood organiseerden en de doden gedenken.

Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 270 x 210 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. € 19,95 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Van de Wiele ISBN: 9789076297620 (NL) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Idesbald Begraven en gedenken in de Duinenabdij

NL Jean Dillen Paperback | NL ed. 210 x 165 mm 200 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Sept. 2016 [BE] Snoeck Publishers ISBN: 9789461613219 (NL) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST


Jean Stampe en Maurice Vertongen waren zonder twijfel de meest succesvolle Belgische vliegtuigbouwers. Hun betekenis voor de Belgische luchtvaart is dan ook zonder voorgaande. Ondanks de relatief beperkte middelen die ze hadden, slaagden ze er telkens in om betrouwbare vliegtuigen te bouwen waarop iedereen die ermee vloog verliefd werd. Maar het bleef niet bij romantiek van open cockpits en wapperende sjaaltjes. Zij waren de enigen die vliegtuigen exporteerden en in licentie lieten bouwen in het buitenlan

Jean Stampe & Maurice Vertongen Vliegtuigbouwers 98

Bruxelles est actuellement la ville du monde où se déroulent le plus de manifestations : de toute l'Europe les mécontents de la « politique de Bruxelles » y convergent. Le livre s'interroge sur les espaces et les lieux qui, au fil des ans, ont accueilli des révolutionnaires ­ belges et étrangers - et leurs activités. Il met aussi en relief les interactions entre la géographie sociale de Bruxelles et la pratique politique transgressive.

Le Bruxelles des Révolutionnaires de 1830 à nos jours

Sous la direction d'Anne Morelli Hardback with dust jacket | French ed. 240 x 210 mm | 304 p | throughout col.ill. € 40,00 | Nov. 2016 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720191 (F) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

F BXL UNIVERSEL est un récit où des opposés se rencontrent, des sensibilités s’entrechoquent, l’humour et la gravité dialoguent au sein d’une structure célébratoire. L’esprit bruxellois est évoqué à travers des documents d’archives, films, photographies et créations originales d’artistes qui y vivent et y travaillent. Humour local, photographies personnelles issues d’albums récoltés au Vieux Marché, films drôles et intimistes, caricatures, clips, extraits de concerts et de pièces de théâtre, installations baroques et conceptuelles, BXL UNIVERSEL réunit les multiples visions qui forment la diversité de la créativité bruxelloise. limites du sérieux.

Expo: 20/10/2016 ‐ 26/03/2017, CENTRALE Sous la direction de Carine Fol Hardback | Eng./Fr./NL ed. 210 x 170 mm 224 p € 30,00 | Oct. 2016 [BE] CFC‐Éditions ISBN: 9782875720238 (E/ F/ NL) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

BXL Universel portrait subjectif - subjectief portret - subjective portrait

F / NL/ E Dit boek onthult alle aspecten van het Koninklijk Paleis in Brussel. Het is de voornaamste werkplek van de koning, waar hij met zijn medewerkers zijn functie uitoefent en audiënties verleent. Het Belgische vorstenhuis, vanaf de grondlegger koning Leopold I tot de huidige koning Filip, wordt uitgebreid belicht. Biografieën brengen de vorsten tot leven en staan telkens stil bij een bijzonder kenmerk van hun regeerperiode.

Het koninklijk Paleis in Brussel. Gids Le Palais Royal de Bruxelles. Guide The Royal Palace in Brussels. Guide

Irene Smets Paperback | NL ed. 220 x 169 mm 112 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 15,00 | Aug. 2016 [BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085867340 (NL)

ISBN 9789085867357 (F) ISBN 9789085867364 (E) ISBN 9789085867371 (G) II16a ‐ HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

NL - F - E - G Deze kunstreisgids biedt een rijke schakering van musea die helaas onder de radar zijn gebleven, maar die op grond van hun bijzondere collecties en markante onderkomens zeker de publieke aandacht verdienen. Ga mee op deze boeiende museumtocht en laat u verrassen door de burgerlijke atelierwoning van René Magritte in Brussel of door de Alexander de Grote-tapijten in het laatgotische stadhuis van Oudenaarde. Ontdek met deze gids de musea van Jabbeke tot Kemzeke.

De museale snelweg af België & Noord-Frankrijk

NL 99

Karel Schampers Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 224 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Sept. 2016 [NL] Waanders & De Kunst ISBN: 9789462621015 (NL) I14 ‐ REFERENCE & SCIENCE

Om met (klein)kinderen te genieten van een museumbezoek, hoef je zelf geen kunstexpert te zijn. Door nieuwsgierig te zijn en op onderzoek uit te gaan ontstaan vaak al bijzondere gesprekken. Waar zit Rembrandts kleine Titus aan te denken? Waarom huurt Rineke Dijkstra geen fotomodel in? I.s.m. zes Nederlandse musea: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Kröller-Müller museum, Centraal Museum, Museum De Pont, Stedelijk Museum, Rijksmuseum.

De kleine kunstkijker

Deirdre Carasso, Catrien Schreuder Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 140 mm | 192 p € 14,95 | Sept. 2016 ‐R/P [NL] Boijmans van Beuningen ISBN: 9789069182735 (NL) I04 ‐ MODERN ART

NL Animals paired with accessories elicit smiles and bestow knowledge in this larger-than-life volume with charismatic poster-sized illustrations. The iconic vintage style of illustrator Dawid Ryski reimagines well-known animals into works of art reminiscent of classic posters. Within the captivating pages of All My Animals, one page shows the animal and, on the opposite page, sits its matching accessory.

Dawid Ryski Hardback | Eng. ed. 370 x 270 mm | 48 p € 19,90 | Oct. 2016 [G] Little Gestalten ISBN: 9783899557770 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS

All My Animals

E Oskar, a charming raven, loves trees, red cherries, and the smell of spring. He also loves rain, snow, clouds, books, and the moon. With this book's simple, boldly colored, and beautiful illustrations, children are invited into Oskar's world and in turn to explore the wonders of the world around them. As she has done in her previous books, such as Grumpy Cat and Before I Wake Up…, Britta Teckentrup combines evocative art with a storyline that will appeal to children and those who read to them.

Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 190 mm | 32 p | 16 col.ill. € 13,80 | Sept. 2016 [UK] Prestel ‐ Kids ISBN: 9783791372709 (E) II18 ‐ CHILDREN'S BOOKS

Oskar Loves... by Britta Teckentrup

E This sensitively-told story for readers of all ages illustrates the inseparability of life and death. Rosy-cheeked and wrapped in blue, with a flower in her hair, Death rides a pink bike. Death, a green-eyed little girl in this pastel world, visits small animals with soft fur and big animals with sharp teeth. Elisabeth Helland Larsen and illustrator Marine Schneider weave a tapestry out of direct, poetic words and hand-drawn pictures to give voice to emotions that are moving, real, and most of all, honest.

Life and I


A Story About Death


Elisabeth Helland Larsen (text) & Marine Schneider (illustrations) Hardback | Eng. ed. | 275 x 220 mm | 48 p | € 14,90 | April 2016 | [G] Little Gestalten ISBN: 9783899557718 (E)


Anja Brunt Box | Eng. ed. 145 x 75 mm 50 cards | throughout col.ill. € 15,00 | Nov. 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9789063694432 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES


'Outsider Art Memory Game' collects authentic works of art produced by off-beat artists. The task, as always, is to collect two cards that make one set. In this case, two artworks by the same artist. The sets are clearly recognisable by the style and expression of the artwork. To help, the brochure includes all the artworks in pairs and brief descriptions about the artists.

Outsider art Memory Game

If there is, indeed, nothing lovelier than a tree, artist Bryan Nash Gill reminds us why. This fun memory game based on his best-selling book, Woodcut , offers twenty-six distinctive woodcut prints (fifty-two pairs) nested in a handsome keepsake box. The arboreal rings come to life in exquisite detail to challenge your mind and beautify your table.

Bryan Nash Gill Boxed | No text 75 x 75 mm 52 p € 17,95 | Oct. 2016 [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781616895433 (‐)

Woodcut Memory Game II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

60 cards in a box Bjorn Uyens Box | Eng. ed. 140 x 110 mm 60 p € 15,00 | Nov. 2016 [NL] BIS Publishers ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9789063694425 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES


There are more start-ups than ever and you can start a company out of a cardboard box. With 68 tool cards that place you actively in the seat of an entrepreneur this game helps you to actually go and do it.

The Startup Game Grow your business or inspire others to grow theirs 101

Revive the art of storytelling using these nine beautifully illustrated wooden dice to create ghostly stories. Construct your own spooky adventure tale with an array of creepy characters like vampires, headless horsemen and decapitated knights. You can use your cloak of invisibility to escape from the dungeon in the haunted house, but beware of the creaking staircase! Once you've made it out, will your getaway car break down in the middle of a forest lit by a full moon...?


Hannah Waldron Box | Eng. ed. 900 x 340 mm | 9 dices € 13,60 | Aug. 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781856699815 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Ghost Story Dice The storytelling game with nine wooden dice

Cajsa Holgersson Boxed | Eng. ed. 121 x 216 mm 60 p € 19,50 | July 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781780678429 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES


Can you identify your favourite TV show from just three visual clues? Put all those hours spent watching box sets to good use puzzling out the answer from Casja Holgersson's intriguing illustrations. Featuring 60 shows – from Game of Thrones to The West Wing, The Killing to Twin Peaks – this after-dinner game is an ideal gift for TV aficionados everywhere.

Previously, On? Guess the TV Series (Set of 34 cards) Mikkel Sommer Christensen Boxed | Eng. ed. 108 x 73 mm 34 p € 11,50 | July 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ gifts ISBN: 9781780678467 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Canvas crunch time! Whose impasto impresses the most? Was Monet the greatest painter, or does Manet's brushwork beat them all? Who was the greatest Renaissance wonder? Pit 32 Old Masters against each other in a trump card battle encompassing hundreds of years of amazing art history and learn about the greatest artists ever to have lived!


Clash of the Titians the Trump biggestGame diva, Maddy or Gaga? Who would win a trump OldWho's Masters

dust-up between Harry Styles and Ryan Gosling? And who's got the most Instagram followers, Beyoncé or Oprah? 32 celebrity trump cards tell you who's up and who's down, who's hot and who's not. The stars are rated for number of followers online, style, notoriety, longevity, sex factor and net worth. Stage the battle of the world's biggest celebrities with this quick-draw celebrity trump game.

The Fame Game Celebrity Trump Cards

E 102

Michael Gillette Cards | Eng. ed. 106 x 70 mm | 32 cards € 11,50 | July 2016 [UK] Laurence King ‐ ISBN: 9781780678481 (E) gifts II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Oslo Davis Paperback | Eng. ed. 260 x 190 mm 64 p | throughout bw ill. € 12,20 | Aug. 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452159782 (E) II29 ‐ COLOURING BOOKS


Here at last is the stress-reducing coloring book that lets adults of all ages color their way through the funny and true annoyances of everyday life. From trying to assemble flat pack furniture to clearing an office paper jam, juggling remote controls, dropping contact lenses on the bathroom floor, and nudging the cat who absolutely won't let you read your book, the dozens of witty and sympathetically amusing illustrations offer real therapy and poke gentle fun at the meditative coloring craze.

This Annoying Life A Mindless Coloring Book for the Highly Stressed

Fredericks & Mae Pad | Eng. ed. 127 x 127 mm 750 p € 16,95 | Aug. 2016 [US] Princeton ‐ Gifts ISBN: 9781616895310 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Put down your smartphone and pick up a pencil! This fresh interpretation of classic paper-and-pencil games features five tear-off pads with colorful edging and sleek modern graphics. The set includes five two-player games, some familiar and some new: three-dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe, Dots & Boxes, Hedron, Nim, and Hex. Each pad has 150 sheets for a total of 750 single games, enough to keep players of any age happy for hours! The instructions are printed on the base of each pad.

Paper Games


Perfect for parties big or small, this uproarious game will have everyone laughing as they learn what their fellow players think they're really capable of. Offbeat questions inspire hilarity, making it a great conversation starter for new and old friends alike. Who's the guilty party? The majority wins! Let the laughter (and good-natured outrage) ensue.

Guilty as Charged! The Game of Pointing Fingers


Forrest‐Pruzan Creative € 18,50 | nov 2016 [US] Chronicle Gifts ISBN: 9781452151762 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Keith Haring

Copper Hewitt Design

Mini Memory Match Game

Patterns Constructibles

Put your brain to the test with Mudpuppy's Keith Haring Mini Memory Game, which includes 12 pairs of vibrant Haring designs for you to match. 24 cardboard pieces (12 pairs), Small cube box - Ages 3+ Accessories | Eng. ed. 70 x 70 mm 24 p | throughout col.ill. € 4,95 | Aug.2016 [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery ISBN: 9780735348035 (E)

With Mudpuppy's Frank Lloyd Wright Contructables, use 25 interlocking shapes featuring Wright's designs to create colourful 3-D sculptures. Pieces come in multiples shapes and sizes with connector slots on each side for easy building. 25 interlocking shapes Box measures - Ages 4+ Accessories | Eng. ed. 197 x 102 mm 25 p € 14,60 | July 2016 [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery ISBN: 9780735348004 (E)


Put together this 500 piece puzzle from Galison to reveal an array of Vintage Luggage Tags, an eye-catching and iconic design by Troy Litten. Includes insert with information about the artist and image

Vintage Travel Luggage Labels 500pc Puzzle Boxed | Eng. ed. 203 x 203 mm 500 p | throughout col.ill. € 14,50 | Aug.2016 [US] Galison Gifts & Stationery ISBN: 9780735348394 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Nothing rewards close attention like the work of the great old master painters - and with Masterpiece Spot-the-Difference, you'll be lost in a gallery of the world's most stupendous artworks - each given a puzzling twist. Lose yourself in the Paris of the Impressionists, the iconography of Renaissance Florence, and the lush still lifes of the Dutch Masters: forty eye-bending visual teasers, from beginner to expert, will challenge your puzzling wits to the full.

Masterpiece - Spot the Difference 40 Eye-Bending Fine Art Puzzles

E 104

Paperback | Eng. ed. 248 x 248 mm | 96 p € 11,50 | Oct. 2016 [UK] Ilex (Octopus) ISBN: 9781781573693 (E) II29 ‐ TOYS & GAMES

Art Deco Tiles #71 Gift & Creative Paper Book

Natural History #72 Gift & Creative Paper Book

Paperback | E/ F/ NL/ G/ SP/ IT/ Jap / Chin ed 345 x 250 mm | 12 p € 12,95 | Oct. 2016 [NL] Pepin Press ‐ Gift Wrap ISBN: 9789460090837

ISBN: 9789460090844

Labels & Stickers: Art Nouveau Labels & Stickers: Japan The Label & Sticker Books each contain 32 sheets of high-quality sticker paper with a total of about 250 labels, stickers and strips of sticker tape per volume.

William Morris Giant Artists' Colouring Books

Vincent Van Gogh Giant Artists' Colouring Books

Pepin van Roojen Cards | Eng. ed. 241 x 172 mm | 32 p € 9,95 | April 2016 [NL] Pepin Press ISBN: 9789460094200 (E)

ISBN: 9789460094217 (E)

180gsm art paper Paperback | Eng. ed. 420 x 300 mm | 24 p € 19,95 | June 2016 [NL] Pepin ‐ Artists' Colouring Books ISBN: 9789460098543 (E)

PEPIN Artists' Colouring Books contain 16 sheets of superior acid-free drawing paper, printed with exceptional designs in very light lines.

ISBN: 9789460098567 (E)

Postcard Colouring Books

ISBN: 9789560096280 ()


Birds of America Vincent Van Gogh

ISBN: 9789460096273 ()

ISBN: 9789460096266 ()

William Morris

Paper Placemat Pads glued spine, greyboard back, shrink‐wrapped, 8 x 6 designs Pad | No text | 300 x 420 mm | 48 p | € 19,95 | Oct. 2016 | [NL] Pepin Press

Belle Époque


Turkish Designs William Morris

ISBN: 9789460097126 (‐)

ISBN: 9789460097157 (‐)

ISBN: 9789460097140 (‐)


ISBN: 9789460097133 (‐)

Jozefien Van Beek, Frederik Willem Daem Paperback | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm 92 p | throughout col.ill. € 14,00 | Oct. 2016 [BE] Oogst ISBN: 9789082553666 (NL) II11 ‐ LITERATURE


Met bijdragen van o.a. Patrick Kyle, Kati Heck, Freek Wambacq, Jozefien Van Beek, Sam De Wilde, Carmen De Vos, Jan Cremer, Bertien van Manen, Stefan Vanthuyne, Hanna Bervoets, Marnix Verplancke, Jimmy Kets, Jason McCormic, Tom Pardoen, Rob van Essen, Heleen Debruyne

Oogst - Vol. 7 Een tentoonstelling op papier

FOAM #45 - Talent Printed on selected specialized paper, FOAM ‐ Fotografiemuseum, Amsterdam [NL] Frame | Paperback | 300 x 230 mm | 288 p | troughout col.ill. | ISBN: 013262 (E) | € 22,50 [BE] | Aug. 2016

Frame # 112

Mark # 63

Sept./ Oct. 2016

(August - September 2016)

[NL] Frame | Paperback | 300 x 230 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 8710966441145 (E) | € 19,95 [BE] | Aug. 2016

[NL] Frame | Paperback | 280 x 220 mm | 224 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 013231 (E) | € 19,95 [BE] | July 2016

OKV 2016-04 - September 2016

Elephant N° 28 - Autumn 2016

Toile #1. Reset

[BE] OKV | Paperback | 279 x 215 mm | 40 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: OKV_2016_04 (NL) | € 7,00 | June 2016

[NL] Frame | Paperback | 280 x 220 mm | 208 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 013165 (E) | € 19,95 | Sept 2016

[NL] Frame | Paperback | 300 x 230 mm | Eng. ed. throughout col.ill. | ISBN: OILE001 (E) |€ 14,95 | Sept. 2016

Plantin-Moretus Museum, 9 generaties boeken

Photography versus Reality


The Fabric of Fashion

Alain Biltereyst Texts by Sam Steverlynck and Jack Hanley

Alain Biltereyst lives and works in Brussels Expo: 28/5/2016 â€? 25/9/2016, Loods 12, Wetteren | 6/11/2016 â€? 6/12/2016, Galerie Van der Mieden, Antwerpen 7KH SO\ZRRG SDLQWLQJV VHULHV UHIHU WR WKH *HR

Peter De Cupere

Lust for life

Scent in context. Olfactory Art

Tom Liekens

Peter de Cupere, Willem Elias, Hsuan Hsu, Annelies Nagels, Ashraf Osman, Ruth Renders, Caro Verbeek

Frank Herreman, Sven A. Kirsten, Katharina Van Cauteren

Peter de Cupere, Scent in context, Olfactory art, geeft een weergave van 20 jaar onderzoek, praktijk en beeldende kunst van de Belgische hedendaagse kunstenaar Peter de Cupere. Het boek is onderbouwd met teksten van de kunstenaar, curatoren en kunsthistorici die affiniteit hebben met de olfactorische praktijk. Dit rijkelijk geĂŻllustreerde boek geeft u een blik in het atelier en het hoofd van de kunstenaar en de wijze hoe hij in de wereld staat ‌ met zijn neus. 11 geuren in boek met scratch& sniff technologie. Expo: 10/9/2016 â€? 22/1/2017, De Waranda, Turnhout [BE]  Stockmans â€? Devos | Hardback | 290 x 240 mm | 472 p | throughout col.ill. | ISBN: 9789077207338   (E/ NL)  | â‚ŹÂ 60,00 [BE] | Sept. 2016

Tom Liekens maakt monumentale schilderijen en collages in een heel eigen beeldtaal. Een onderwerp dat steeds terugkomt in zijn werk is de natuur in haar kunstmatige vorm, doorspekt van kunst- en cultuurhistorische citaten. Hij bekleedt met zijn eigenzinnige werk een unieke positie in de kunstwereld. Expo: 18/9/2016 â€? 16/11/2016, Galerie De Zwarte Panter, Antwerpen [BE]  Stockmans â€? Devos | Hardback | 280 x 280 mm | 80 p | ISBN: 9789077207321 (E/ NL)  | â‚ŹÂ 25,00 [BE] | Sept. 2016




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