Exhibitions International summer 2013

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Ancient Art, p. 4 Art History, p. 4 Modern Art, p. 5 Contemporary Art, p. 9 Photography, p. 14 Fashion, p. 19 Life Style & Glamour, p. 21 Architecture, p. 22 Design, p. 26 Gifts, p. 27 Food & Drinks, p. 28 Gardens, p. 31 Heritage & Local Interest, p. 32 Travel Guides, p. 33 Music, p. 34 Popular culture, p. 36 Gifts by Chronicle, p. 37 Stationary by Galison, p. 38 Children's books, p. 39 Toys and Games by Ammo, p. 40 Graphic Art & Design, p. 41 Calendars 2014, p. 44 Postcard boxes, p. 47

Nieuwe titels Zomer/ Najaar 2013 New titles Summer/ Fall 2013 Nouveautés Eté/ Automne 2013


Piero della Francesca Edited by Anna Maria Maetzke

Each work, from the Baptism of Christ to the Nativity at National Gallery in London, is presented with full-page images and is analysed in depth from the historical point of view, as well as for its style and considering its critical fortune during the centuries. A specific focus is on the magnificent cycle of frescoes of the Legend of the True Cross, in the Basilica of San Francesco in Arezzo, which is considered as Piero's masterpiece. [IT] Silvana Hardback | 280x230mm | 240p | 150 col.ill. | Eng. & French eds. | ISBN: 9788836624638 (Eng.) ISBN: 9788836624638 (French) € 29,00 [BE] / € 31,00 [NL]/ € 29,00 I[INT] | Feb. 2013 01 - ANCIENT ART

Albrecht Dürer

His Art in the Context of its Time Edited by Jochen Sander

This magnificent volume considers every aspect of Albrecht Dürer's astonishing oeuvre. Thematically arranged, the selection of paintings, drawings, prints, and illustrated books comprise a highly diverse and accomplished body of work. In order to fully understand Dürer's reputation as one of the most important artists of his time, this volume also includes works by his predecessors and contemporaries. Expo: 23/10/2013-02/02/2014, Städel Museum, Frankfurt

[UK] Prestel Hardback | 280x230mm | 400p | 315 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791353173 € 69,50 [BE] / € 69,50 [NL]/ € 69,50 [INT] | Oct. 2013

Le Goût de l'Orient

The Illustrated Story of Art

The Museum of Scandals

Invitation au voyage en Orient à travers des personnages comme Peiresc, Pitton de Tournefort, Garcin de Tassy, Arsène Roux, Jules Laurens., l'exposition et le catalogue qui l'accompagne invitent à poser ses pas dans les traces de savants, collectionneurs, voyageurs, linguistes, artistes, témoins de l'évolution de la relation à l'Orient et de la naissance de l'orientalisme. Expo : 22/06/2013-15/09/2013, Cité du livre - Bibliothèque Méjanes, Aix-en-Provence

This invaluable reference book reveals the creative impulse behind every major visual art movement, from the Renaissance to Surrealism, with a visual timeline to show key paintings and events. Turning-point paintings that triggered movements are identified and explained as well as the influences behind the artwork such as technical advances, admired techniques of earlier artists, and changes in society. Vivid images of masterpieces from each style and a glossary of terms.

This fascinating volume presents dozens of paintings, prints, photographs, and installations that horrified audiences when they were created. Each example is presented in generous spreads with large color reproductions and an insightful text exploring the artist's intentions and the piece's historical context. Most of these works no longer have the power to shock us, but a number of them still do.

[IT] Silvana Paperback with flaps | 280x240mm | 296p | 162 col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9788836626458 € 35,00 [BE] / € 37,00 [NL]/ € 35,00 [INT] | June 2013

[UK] D. K. Hardback | 301x252mm | 400p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781409316084 € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL]/ € 34,50 [INT] | Sept. 2013





Elea Baucheron, Diane Routex

[UK] Prestel Hardback | 260x210mm | 176p | 100 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348490 € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL]/ € 27,95 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I03 - ART HISTORY


Désirs et volupté à l'époque victorienne Alma-Tadema, Leighton, Burne-Jones Véronique Gerard Powell

Durant le règne de la Reine Victoria (1837-1901), les grands peintres comme Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, Sir Frederic Leighton, Edward Burne Jones, mais aussi, John Strudwick, John William Waterhouse ou Albert Moore, qui font pour la plupart partie de la prestigieuse Royal Academy, rencontrent un immense succès en développant une esthétique sensuelle et poétique. Dans leur univers inspiré de l'Antiquité ou du Moyen Âge, la femme, à la fois muse, nymphe ou héroïne, est le sujet principal. Expo: 13/9/2013 -20/1/2014, Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | 280x240mm | 224p | 130 col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9789462300132 € 44,95 [BE] / € 44,95 [NL]/ € 42,41 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Van Gogh aan het werk Onder leiding van Leo Jansen en Marije Vellekoop

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) wordt vaak beschouwd als een genie in een klasse apart, een uitzonderlijke autodidact die nauwelijks oog had voor de hem omringende kunstwereld. In werkelijkheid leerde Van Gogh volop van anderen, wisselde hij ideeën uit met zijn tijdgenoten en paste hij vaak de bestaande methoden en technieken toe om zijn vaardigheden aan te scherpen. ISBN 9789462300040 (E, Hb). Expo: 1/5/2013 - 14/1/2014, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | 245x293mm | 304p | 350 col.ill. | NL, Fr and Eng. eds. | ISBN: 9789061539551 (NL) ISBN: 9789462300088 (Fr) ISBN: 9789462300040 (Eng) € 54,95 [BE] / € 54,95 [NL]/ € 51,84 [INT] | May 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Van Gogh's Studio Practice

Gustaaf Buffel

Prosper de Troyer

Onder leiding van Leo Jansen

Norbert Hostyn, Luc Filliaert, Evelyne De Pauw, Nicolas Van Vosselen

Kurt de Boodt, Bart Stroobants

Deze uitvoerige en baanbrekende wetenschappelijke publicatie, leert ons hoe de kunstenaar met een ongelooflijke waaier van materialen en technieken experimenteerde op zijn schilderijen en tekeningen. Dit werk is de neerslag van een grootschalig onderzoeksproject uitgevoerd door het Van Gogh Museum, Shell en de Nederlandse Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed en verschaft ons een goed inzicht in de beslissingen die de kunstenaar nam om te kiezen voor bepaalde dragers, grondlagen, pigmenten en inkten. Expo: 1/5/2013 - 14/1/2014 (heropening), Van Gogh Museum , Amsterdam

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | 305x240mm | 496p | 300 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789462300026 € 110,00 [BE] / € 110,00 [NL]/ € 103,77 [INT] | June 2013 I04 - MODERN ART



Gustaaf Buffel (°1886-+1972) was schilder, tekenaar en pastellist. Buffel is vooral bekend om zijn realistische duinengezichten en marines. Tot 1914 was Gustaaf Buffel werkzaam als huisschilder. Na de oorlog baatte hij met zijn echtgenote een winkel van kunstvoorwerpen uit in de Marktstraat te Nieuwpoort. Vanaf de late jaren twintig wijdde hij zich volledig aan de schilderkunst. Expo: June 2013 -, Stadshallen, Nieuwpoort

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 300x240mm | 96p | 80 col. & bw ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564504 € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL]/ € 35,00 [INT] | June 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Schilder in beweging

Dit boek belicht voor het eerst de evolutie van Prosper De Troyer (1880-1961) in zijn meest vernieuwende periode, de jaren 1915-1935. We horen De Troyer van gedachten wisselen met kunstenaars als Rik Wouters, Floris Jespers, Paul Joostens, Felix De Boeck en de futurist F.T. Marinetti. Tussen 1919 en 1921 komt hij tot een verrassende synthese tussen kubisme en futurisme. Na een korte abstracte periode vindt hij zijn stedelijke expressionistische stijl met geometrisch opgebouwde personages. Expo: 5/7/2013 - 22/9/2013, Lamot-site, Mechelen

[BE] Pandora Paperback with flaps | 240x182mm | 96p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789053253526 € 24,00 [BE] / € 24,00 [NL]/ € 24,00 [INT] | July 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Gustave Courbet en België

Gustave Courbet et la Belgique

Realisme van 'levende kunst' tot 'vrije kunst' (Collectie Cahiers van de Kon. Musea)

Réalisme de l'art vivant à l'art libre (Collection des Cahiers des Musées Royaux )

O.l.v. de D.Maréchal en Jean-Philippe Huys

Sous la direction de Dominique Maréchal et Jean-Philippe Huys

De tentoonstelling is gewijd aan de receptie van de Franse kunstenaar in ons land gedurende de jaren 1850, 1860 en 1870. De zes doeken van Courbet, landschappen en portretten, die het museum rijk is, zullen in deze tentoonstelling geconfronteerd worden met werk van Belgische meesters, zoals Joseph et Alfred Stevens, Charles De Groux, Gustave de Jonghe, Louis Dubois et Louis Artan, en met enkele uitgelezen bruiklenen van Courbet zelf. Expo : 07/05/2013-11/08/2013, Kon. Musea voor Schone Kunsten

[IT] Silvana Paperback with flaps | 240x170mm | 128p | 100 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9788836624430 € 20,00 [BE] / € 21,20 [NL]/ € 20,00 [INT] | June 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Les six tableaux de Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) que conservent les Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique sont confrontés à des réalisations de peintres belges (représentés dans les collections fédérales) tels Joseph et Alfred Stevens, Charles De Groux, Gustave de Jonghe, Louis Dubois et Louis Artan. Cet ensemble est enrichi de quelques prêts ciblés d'oeuvres de Courbet et de Félicien Rops ainsi que de caricatures de tableaux de l'artiste français imprimées en Belgique.

Giorgio Morandi

Giorgio Morandi

Le catalogue de l'exposition a le but de présenter un maître et son art dans le contexte historique et sociale de son époque - comprend un essai sur l'artiste et son oeuvre, accompagné d'une vingtaine de notices parmi une sélection d'oeuvres, une partie catalogue de toutes les oeuvres présentées à l'exposition ainsi que des textes analysant le travail de Morandi à la lumière de l'héritage et de l'influence du peintre bolonais sur d'autres grands artistes.

BOZAR brengt hulde aan Giorgio Morandi, Italiaans grootmeester van de moderne kunst. Hij werd beïnvloed door schilders als Giotto en Paolo Uccello, Chardin, Seurat en Cézanne. Deze uitzonderlijke overzichtstentoonstelling omvat een honderdtal werken (olieverfschilderijen, tekeningen, etsen en aquarellen), uitgekozen door curator Maria Cristina Bandera voor een tocht langs de centrale thema's van zijn oeuvre. Expo: 7/6/2013 - 22/9/2013, Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels

The Big Change

Revolutions in Russian Painting 1895-1917 By presenting this exhibition of over 80 paintings, many of which have never been seen outside Russia before, the Bonnefanten aims to show a missing link between tradition and innovation. The Big Change forms an essential link in the series of exhibitions presented in the Netherlands as part of Russia Year 2013. Expo: 9/3/2013 - 11/8/2013, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht

[NL] Bonnefanten Museum [IT] Silvana Hardback | 297x245mm | 240p | Hardback | 288x240mm | 240p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 135 col.ill. | NL, Fr, Eng. eds. | 9789072251626 ISBN: 9788836625956 (NL) € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL]/ € 34,95 ISBN: 9788836625932 (Fr) [INT] | March 2013 ISBN: 9788836625949 (Eng) I04 - MODERN ART I€ 35,00 [BE] / € 37,10 [NL]/ € 35,00 [INT] | June 2013

Expo : 07/05/2013-11/08/2013, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles

[IT] Silvana Paperback with flaps | 240x170mm | 128p | 100 col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9788836624423 € 20,00 [BE] / € 21,20 [NL]/ € 20,00 [INT] | June 2013 I04 - MODERN ART



De Grote verandering

50 Works of Art You Should Know

Revoluties in de Russische schilderkunst 1895-1917

De laatste twintig jaar voor de revolutie van 1917 was een periode van hevige veranderingen in het Tsarenrijk. Een burgerlijke elite verspreidde een verlichtingsgolf door de nog conservatieve samenleving. In die culturele explosie speelde de schilderkunst een vitale rol. Met deze expositie van meer dan 80 schilderijen, die voor een groot deel niet eerder buiten Rusland waren, wil het Bonnefanten een 'missing link' tussen traditie en vernieuwing in beeld brengen. Expo: 9/3/2013 - 11/8/2013, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht

[NL] Bonnefanten Museum Hardback | 297x245mm | 240p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789072251633 € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL]/ € 34,95 [INT] | March 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Brad FInger

Gauguin, Bonnard, Denis

Gauguin, Bonnard, Denis

Profeten van de Avantgarde

Prophets of the Avant-Garde

V. Kostenevich

V. Kostenevich

In het najaar van 2013 besteedt de Hermitage Amsterdam aandacht aan een kleine, maar buitengewoon invloedrijke groep jonge Franse kunstenaars van eind negentiende en begin twintigste eeuw. Zij noemden zich de Nabis, wat in het Hebreeuws 'profeten' betekent. Hun grote voorbeeld was Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), sleutelfiguren van de groep waren Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) en Maurice Denis (1870-1943).

In the autumn of 2013 the Hermitage Amsterdam will turn its attention to a small but exceptionally influential group of young French artists from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They called themselves the Nabis, after the Hebrew word for 'prophet'. Their shining example was Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), and two pioneering members were Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) and Maurice Denis (1870-1943). Expo: 14/09/2013-28/02/2014, De Nieuwe Kerk - Hermitage

[NL] De Nieuwe Kerk - Hermitage Paperback | 280x240mm | 286p | throughout col.ill. | NL & Eng. eds. | ISBN/ 9789078653301 (NL ed) ISBN: 9789078653295 (Eng. ed) € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL]/ € 29,95 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I04 - MODERN ART


The Surrealist movement that developed in Europe following the devastation of World War I swept energetically through all kinds of media as artists found expression in an imaginative pictorial language. This introduction to Surrealism shows 50 unique artworks that have lost nothing of their irresistible attraction to this day. Each work is featured on a beautifully illustrated spread. An informative text highlights each work's classic characteristics, its unusual aspects, and its significance. [UK] Prestel Flexi (Pb luxe) | 240x195mm | 144p | 75 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348438 € 21,00 [BE] / € 21,00 [NL]/ € 21,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Art Deco Norbert Wolf

This book draws our attention back to the birth of Art Deco-a period between two devastating world wars when industrialization was flourishing, interest in archaeology was peaking, and movements such as Cubism, Constructivism, Futurism, and Modernism were turning the art world on its head. Brilliantly designed to reflect the style it celebrates, Art Deco is filled with hundreds of examples of painting, architecture, interiors, jewelry, crafts, furniture, and fashion. [UK] Prestel Hardback | 375x260mm | 288p | 235 col.ill. | 5 bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791347646 € 82,00 [BE]/ € 82,00 [NL]/ € 82,00 [INT]| Oct. 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

George Bellows Charles Brock

This wide-ranging retrospective of an American genius covers, for the first time, every stage of George Bellows' short but prolific career and is destined to become the definitive work for Bellows scholarship. Expo: travelling exhibition, June 2012 - June 2013, Washington, New York, London

[UK] Prestel Hardback | 286x250mm | 336p | 205 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791351872 € 55,00 [BE] / € 55,00 [NL]/ € 55,00 [INT] | June 2012 I04 - MODERN ART

Calder and Abstraction From Avant-Garde to Iconic Edited by Stephanie Barron and Lisa Gabrielle Mark

Filled with images of Calder's elegant, colorful, floating shapes, this volume offers a number of critical texts that enrich our understanding of this innovative artist. Together with an illustrated exhibition chronology and bibliography, this in-depth and highly engaging volume offers something for every fan of Calder's work. Expo: 24/11/2013 - 6/7/2014, Los Angeles County Museum of Art

[UK] Prestel Hardback | 310x235mm | 240p | 200 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791353098 € 56,00 [BE] / € 56,00 [NL]/ € 56,00 [INT] | Nov. 2013 I04 - MODERN ART

Toulouse- Lautrec

and La Vie Moderne: PARIS 1880-1910 Accompanying a major traveling exhibition, this catalogue celebrates the groundbreaking avant-garde artists whose works embody the spirit and decadence of fin de siècle and Belle Époque Paris. Toulouse-Lautrec and La Vie Moderne is a celebration of the work of a generation of avant-garde artists at the turn of the nineteenth century in Paris who fought for artistic liberation against the strict codes of the Academy. Travelling exhibition in the U.S.

[US] Rizzoli Hardback | 292x241mm | 320p | 300 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847841202 € 68,95 [BE] / € 68,95 [NL]/ € 68,95 [INT] | Oct. 2013

Mig Quinet

Abstraction Faite Denis Laoureux.

Figure féminine marquante de l'abstraction lyrique en Belgique dans le courant du 20ème siècle, Mig Quinet a produit une oeuvre dense, fougueuse et poétique. Ses toiles, affichant une nette liberté dans le traitement de la couleur, de la touche vibrante et d'une gestuelle nerveuse, subsistent, aujourd'hui encore, comme les plus fortes de l'art moderne belge. L'exposition vous propose de redécouvrir l'art puissant et délicat d'une artiste hors du commun. Expo: 27/6/2013 - 15/9/2013, Musée d'Ixelles

Expo: Travelling Exhibitions (US)

[BE] Pandora Paperback with flaps | 280x240mm | 220p | throughout col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9789053253533 € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL]/ € 34,95 [INT] | June 2013




Pop Art

50 Works of Art You Should Know Gary Van Wyk

When it emerged in the 1950s, the Pop art movement presented a challenge to fine art with its incorporation of images from television, newspapers, and advertising, dissolving the barriers between high and low culture. Over time, Pop developed into one of the most influential movements of the 20th century and many of its works have achieved iconic status. This introduction to Pop art focuses on 50 of the movement's most important works and covers every major artist associated with the style. [UK] Prestel Flexi (Pb luxe) | 240x195mm | 144p | 75 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348452 € 21,00 [BE] / € 21,00 [NL]/ € 21,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I04b- 20th CENTURY ART


Cripplewood Kreupelhout

En Attendant & Cesena

En Attendant & Cesena

Par Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker et Bojana Cvejic

Par Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker et Bojana Cvejic

In A Choreographer's Score. En Atendant & Cesena voert de Belgische choreografe Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker gesprekken met performancetheoretica en musicologe Bojana Cvejic en belicht ze de choreografische principes achter haar laatste twee grote werken. De publicatie bevat niet alleen een boek met gesprekken die worden geïllustreerd met talrijke tekeningen, foto's en documenten die met de producties verband houden, maar ook drie dvd's waarop demonstraties te zien zijn van de choreografieën.

Dans Carnets d'une chorégraphe. En Atendant & Cesena la chorégraphe belge Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker s'entretient avec la théoricienne du spectacle et musicologue Bojana Cvejic. La publication combine un livre d'entretiens, illustré de nombreux dessins, schémas, photos et documents sur les spectacles, et 3 DVD réunissant des démonstrations de danse d'Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, des extraits des spectacles et des séquences documentaires où les explications elles-mêmes se mettent à danser.

2 Volumes, incl 3 DVD [Eng (Fr-Nl)]. incl. record book by Michel François, co-ed: Fonds Mercator/ Rosas

2 Volumes, incl 3 DVD [Eng (Fr-Nl)]. Avec un cahier de photos de Michel François, co-ed: Fonds Mercator/ Rosas

A Choreographer's Score

Berlinde De Bruyckere - Venice Biennale - J.M Coetzee J.M. Coetzee & Herman Parret. Layout: Gert Dooreman

Uitgegeven naar aanleiding van de deelname van Berlinde De Bruyckere aan de Biënnale van Venetië 2013. Berlinde De Bruyckere vond in de onuitgegeven geschriften van de bekende Zuid-Afrikaanse auteur de hartstocht en de bittere schoonheid waarnaar ze op zoek was. Accompagne l'exposition de Berlinde De Bruyckere a l'occasion de sa participation a la Biennale de Venise en 2013 Berlinde De Bruyckere a trouvé aupres des écrits inédits de l' auteur sud-africain l'ardeur et l'âpre beauté qu'elle recherchait.

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | 335x240mm | 308p | 400 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789462300316 € 59,95 [BE] / € 59,95 [NL]/ € 56,56 [INT] | July 2013

Expo: 29/5/2013 - 15/11/2013, Biennial Venice

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | 300x215mm | 112p | 50 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | ISBN: 9789462300064 € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL]/ € 28,25 [INT] | May 2013


Carnets d'une chorégraphe

[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds Hardback | 335x240mm | 308p | 400 col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9789462300118 € 59,95 [BE] / € 59,95 [NL]/ € 56,56 [INT] | July 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART



Stefan Annerel

Layer on layer (2006 - 2012) Stef Van Bellingen, Koen Leemans

De werken van Stefan Annerel (°1970) bieden zich aan als glanzend, transparant en abstract. In realiteit gaat het echter om uitvergrotingen van uit de werkelijkheid weggeknipte details. Motieven ontleend aan afbeeldingen voor dagelijks gebruik publiciteitsfoto's, textielpatronen, kortom allerlei images trouvées isoleert hij en blaast hij op. Expo: 24/03/2013 - 19/05/2013, Cultuurcentrum Mechelen - De Garage, Mechelen

[BE] CC Mechelen Paperback | 290x225mm | 136p | Eng./ NL ed. | ISBN: 9789077193440 € 25,00 [BE] / € 26,50 [NL]/ € 25,00 [INT] | May 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Het Plezier van de Tekst Roland Barthes

Verschijnt n.a.v. de tentoonstelling Up Close And Personal. Up Close and Personal presenteert installaties en ruimtelijke ingrepen in de tentoonstellingszalen. Met Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Stefaan Dheedene, Ben Meewis, Kristof Van Gestel, Herman Van Ingelgem en Leon Vranken. Expo: 06/4/2013 - 16/6/2013, CC Mechelen - De Garage, Mechelen

[BE] CC Mechelen Hardback | 178x115mm | 80p | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789077193433 € 17,00 [BE] / € 18,00 [NL]/ € 16,98 [INT] | April 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Jan De Vliegher

Collections. Four Recent series of oil paintings canvas Text by Willem Elias, Jan De Vliegher's Figurative Abstraction, Pretexts for Painters' Passion Roberto Polo Gallery proudly presents Collections, the first solo exhibition in Brussels of Jan De Vliegher, a painter born in 1964 in Bruges, where he resides and works. The exhibition consists of four series totaling 44 recent oil paintings on canvas. De Vliegher, who was trained at the Hoger Instituut voor Beeldende Kunsten Sint-Lucas in Ghent, has exhibited in several European cities and in New York. [BE] Roberto Polo Gallery Hardback | 290x290mm | 96p | 46 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789057791482 € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL]/ € 33,02 [INT] | May 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Bernd Lohaus Laurent Busine, Anny De Decker et Stephan Von Wiese

Réalisé à l'occasion de l'exposition monographique de Bernd Lohaus au MAC's, cette publication s'articule en cinq sections évoquant les thèmes récurrents du travail du sculpteur allemand : Action, Relation, Langue, Architecture et Couleur. Chacune de ces parties sont commentées par Laurent Busine et illustrées par de nombreuses reproductions d'images d'archives combinées aux photographies des ouvres de l'exposition. Textes d'Anny De Decker et Stephan Von Wiese. Expo: 23/06/13-06/10/2013, MAC's, Grand Hornu

[BE] MAC's Grand Hornu Paperback | 335x240mm | 128p | 60 col. & bw ill. | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | ISBN: 9782930368573 € 29,00 [BE] / € 31,00 [NL]/ € 29,00 [INT] | June 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART


Thomas Israël Memento Body

Collection « Singularités »

Cette monographie retrace le parcours tandis que les textes de R.B. Lindberg, R. Cottentin, P. Pique et B. Pérignon interrogent l'oeuvre. Cette tentative de saisir ce corpus singulier sous tous ses angles est prolongée dans les entretiens de l'artiste avec Zsolt Kozma et Philippe Franck qui a par ailleurs interviewé Jacques Urbanska, complice de Thomas Israël, et coordonné cet ouvrage. Un texte de Thomas Israël qui précise ce qu'il entend par une politique du corps vient compléter ce portrait d'un artiste. [BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie) Paperback | 220x170mm | 176p | 50 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr. ed. | ISBN: 9782873173999 € 23,50 [BE] / € 23,50 [NL]/ € 22,17 [INT] | Aug 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Willy Anthoons

Ilse D'Hollander

We are all Flesh

Marcel Daloze

Helena De Preester, Tanguy Eeckhout, David Nash

L'Esprit de la Matière | De Geest van de Materie Deze eerste complete monografie van het oeuvre van de beeldhouwer, geschreven door kunsthistoricus Marcel Daloze, behandelt alle aspecten van de productie van Anthoons, met inbegrip van zijn bijdrage aan de heropleving van de religieuze kunst, die tot nu toe niet de aandacht kreeg die ze verdiende. Men (her)ontdekt dus een overvloedig en gevarieerd oeuvre met ruim 300 sculpturen en een duizendtal tekeningen. [BE] Occ. Publishers Belgium Hardback | 240x168mm | 160p | 200 col. & bw ill. | NL/ Fr ed. | ISBN: 9782746639065 € 25,00 [BE] / € 26,50 [NL]/ € 25,00 [INT] | March 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Berlinde De Bruyckere & J.M. Coetzee

Berlinde De Bruyckere & J.M. Coetzee Allen Vlees

Peter Verhelst, Jeroen Olyslaegers, et. al.

J.M. Coetzee

J.M. Coetzee

Ilse D'Hollander werd in 1968 geboren te Sint-Niklaas en overleed in 1997. De schilderes, die op 29-jarige leeftijd uit het leven stapte, liet een indrukwekkend oeuvre na, gekenmerkt door een zachte abstractie die vaak als lyrisch wordt omschreven. Dat rustige en lyrische van haar doeken en tekeningen staat vaak in schril contrast met haar getormenteerde ziel. D'Hollanders schilderijen laten zich opmerken door horizontale en verticale trefzekere stroken, soms strakke, soms vloeiende lijnen...

Berlinde De Bruyckere's work prompts the viewer to respond. That is why it has a particular appeal for writers of literature: they are fascinated by the compositions of distorted parts of humans and horses that refer to horror and comfort, to a cruel death and the sublime. Nobel Prize winner J.M. Coetzee rises to this challenge: together with De Bruyckere he has chosen fragments from his impassioned and unsettling novels that are full of great beauty.

Wie het eerste deel van het boek bekijkt, zal merken dat Robert Devriendt zijn reeksen minischilderijen ziet als scènes van een groot verhaal. In het tweede deel van het boek bewegen zestien Nederlandstalige dichters en prozaschrijvers zich spiegelend in het intieme spanningsveld tussen de beeldengroepen, ze construeren zélf een film. De film van Robert Devriendt, die bij de aftiteling alweer verdwijnt, tot alleen een uitgezuiverde leegte overblijft, een enigmatische ervaring van wat rest.

Expo: June 2013, M-Museum, Leuven

[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Paperback | 245x165mm | 144p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789490693909 € 19,50 [BE] / € 19,50 [NL]/ € 18,40 [INT] | May 2013

In de resonantieruimtes van De Bruyckeres werk kunnen schrijvers creatief te werk gaan, niet door over de objecten te schrijven, maar door er creatieve teksten naast te plaatsen. De auteur neemt geen betekenissen van het kunstwerk weg door het uit te leggen, maar voegt er betekenissen aan toe door kunst met kunst te beantwoorden. Die uitdaging neemt Nobelprijswinnaar J.M. Coetzee aan. Berlinde De Bruyckere kiest fragmenten uit zijn gepassioneerde en ontregelende romans, die getuigen van grote schoonheid.


[BE] AsaMER Paperback | 280x216mm | 256p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490693800 € 39,50 [BE] / € 39,50 [NL]/ € 37,26 [INT] | May 2013


[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Hardback | 245x165mm | 128p | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490693671 € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL]/ € 27,83 [INT] | Jan. 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART



Robert Devriendt Scènes

[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Hardback | 260x170mm | 128p | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789491775055 € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL]/ € 27,83 [INT] | June 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Luc Dondeyne

Simryn Gill

Koen Theys

Jan Van Imschoot

Oscar van den Boogaard, Sven Vanderstichelen, Thibaut Verhoeven

Catherine de Zegher (ed)

Chris Dercon, Edwin Carels, Marie-Claude Lambotte, Martin Germann, Philippe Van Cauteren, Ulrike Lindmayr, Seamus Kealy, Thibaut Verhoeven, Hans Theys, ..

Jan Hoet


Sam Dillemans

Authors. Paintings 2010-2012 De voorbije jaren schilderde Dillemans zo'n 300 portretten bij elkaar van vooral invloedrijke auteurs, maar ook wetenschappers, componisten en zangers. In zijn typisch dynamische en vloeiende stijl voltooide Dillemans de 300 portretten haast in een ruk. De meesten zijn in zwart-wit in vloeiende vluchtige lijnen op doek gebracht; anderen worden opgelicht door hier en daar subtiele penseellijnen in kleur. Herkenbaar of niet, dat hangt van de kijker af, en van hoeveel de kunstenaar verkiest om prijs te geven. Expo: 19/4/2013 -16/06/2013, Kasteel van Gaasbeek

[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Hardback | 240x160mm | 336p | 300 col.ill. | Eng./ NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490693992 € 39,00 [BE] / € 39,00 [NL]/ € 36,79 [INT] | April 2013

This book provides a first full survey of the painted oeuvre of Luc Dondeyne. A twenty-five year formal quest that involves incessantly questioning through paint the ambiguity of everyday reality. Paintings that vibrate with a fictional narrative constructed with thickly applied paint, figurative imagery characterized by contemporary alienation . Expo: 31/1/2013 - 30/6/2013, Distances - Bedrijvencentrum Concentra, Antwerpen

[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Hardback | 245x165mm | 320p | 170 col.ill. | Eng./ NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490693978 € 29,50 [BE] / € 29,50 [NL]/ € 27,83 [INT] | Feb. 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Here art grows on trees This publication, part artist book part catalogue, presents the work by Simryn Gill, who has been selected to represent Australia at the 55th In-ternational Art Exhibition, Venice Biennale 2013. Simryn Gill was born in Singapore in 1959. She now lives and works in Sydney, Australia and in Port Dickson, Malaysia. Sirmryn Gill, who works across multiple media, will be the sole artist exhibiting at the Australian Pavil-ion in the Giardini in June 2013. The exhibition will be curated by Cath-erine de Zegher. Expo: 1/6/2013 - 24/11/2013, Australian Pavilion, 55th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia

[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Hardback | 260x210mm | 296p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789490693718 € 39,90 [BE] / € 39,90 [NL]/ € 37,64 [INT] | May 2013 - Artist book I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Home-made Victories

S.M.A.K. presents the first major retrospective of the Belgian video artist Koen Theys (°1963, Brussels). Theys was one of the founding fathers of the Belgian video art scene since the early eighties and stood at the cradle of the discourse around video art in Belgium and by extension throughout Europe. In his work Theys combines a thorough substantive and formal research on video art as a medium, with a very expressive imagery, often combined with references to the European and Belgian political history. Expo: 30/3/2013 - 18/8/2013, SMAK, Gent

[BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Hardback | 280x230mm | 256p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789490693961 € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL]/ € 32,55 [INT] | March 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART



You can use my skin

The book 'You can use my skin' comes out at the occasion of the 50th birthday of the artist Jan Van Imschoot. Het boek 'You can use my skin' komt uit naar aanleiding van de 50ste verjaardag van de kunstenaar Jan Van Imschoot. [BE] MER.paperkunsthalle Hardback | 280x240mm | 55p | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490693985 € 24,50 [BE] / € 24,50 [NL]/ € 24,50 [INT] |March 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

Thomas Lerooy Bittertweet

Marc Donnadieu, Martin Germann, Christophe Tannert. Design: Kim Beirnaert

De Stad Brussel koopt een werk aan van beeldhouwer Thomas Lerooy. Het beeld werd gekozen tijdens de kunstexpo Art in the City, die op 25 en 26 april 2009 plaatsvond in het Egmontpark. Het werk van Lerooy krijgt binnenkort een plaats in de Brusselse Vijfhoek. De kunstenaar gaf zijn werk de naam 'Not enough brain to survive'. Letterlijk vertaald is dat 'Niet genoeg hersenen om te overleven'. 14 beeldhouwwerken deden mee aan de wedstrijd Art in the City. De Belg Thomas Lerooy won de competitie. [G] Hatje Cantz Hardback | 350x251mm | 132p | 100 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr. ed. | ISBN: 9783775736787 € 38,00 [BE] / € 38,00 [NL]/ € 38,00 [INT] | July 2013

Jockum Nordström

All That I Learned and Then Forgot Jockum Nordström (*1963 in Stockholm) is one of the most renowned Swedish artists of his generation. He is inspired by music, poetry, and architecture-particularly the Stockholm suburb he grew up in and which both his drawings and his sculptures are referring to. Stylistically the artist's works are based on poor materials like paper or cardboard, and developed in a manner that is naïve as well as erudite, both descriptive and enigmatic. [G] Hatje Cantz Hardback | 290x230mm | 192p | 130 col. & bw ill. | Eng./ Fr. ed. | ISBN: 9783775735827 € 38,00 [BE] / € 38,00 [NL]/ € 38,00 [INT] | March 2013

Walk the Line

Kendell Geers, 1988-2012

Drawing has always been a fundamental skill and good drawing skills allowed artists to grasp the reality around them. At the turn of the millennium, however, the general impression was that with the wide availability of computers, scanners, digital cameras and image software, drawing would dwindle into a marginal activity.

Monographic survey of the life and work of South African-born, Brussels-based artist Kendell Geers. Covering a period of more than two decades, and encompassing the entire range of his work in all media, this book explores the artist's early conceptual and political works, produced during apartheid and South Africa's transition into a democracy, and his later European period of production, evocative of a poetic sensibility.

The Art of Drawing

[UK] Laurence King |320x280mm | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781780671109 € 36,95 [BE] / € 36,95 [NL]/ € 36,95 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART

[UK] Prestel Paperback | 240p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791353005 € 48,50 [BE] / € 48,50 [NL]/ € 48,50 [INT] | March 2013 I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART


Imaginary Palace

55th International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia An overview of the state of contemporary art and its ultimate trends. The Imaginary Palace is the title chosen by the director for the 55th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. It evokes the design registered in 1955 with the US Patent office by the self-taught artist Marino Auriti, depicting an imaginary museum that was meant to house all worldly knowledge, bringing together the greatest discoveries of the human race, from the wheel to the satellite. [US] Rizzoli Boxed | 279x219mm | 500p | 400 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9788831714853 € 83,50 [BE] / € 83,50 [NL]/ € 83,50 [INT] | Aug. 2013 2 paperback volumes in slipcase I05 - CONTEMPORARY ART




Filip Naudts

Photographic portraiture Of hij nu eigen werk creëert in functie van tentoonstellingen of fotografeert in opdracht van populaire Vlaamse magazines als P-Magazine, Ché en Knack, in beide gevallen is Filip Naudts gefascineerd door zowel de afbeelding van de schoonheid als door de relativering ervan. Humor als ultieme wapen. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 240x170mm | 192p | 175 col.ill. | Eng./ NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564498 € 29,95 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL]/ € 29,95 [INT] | Sept.2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Camera Exotica

A Western European image of the world in photographs Een West-Europees wereldbeeld in fotografie (1850-1960) (1850-1960) Brecht Bostyn en Guy Voet

Fotografie speelde een belangrijke rol in de West-Europese beeldvorming van de exotische werelden. Ze droeg bij tot de ontsluiting én de verbeelding van het 'vreemde'. Het FoMu toont een selectie foto's uit de eigen collectie van het ontstaan van de fotografie tot in de jaren 1960. Photography played an important role in the western European perception of the exotic worlds, because it opened up a dialogue about what is 'foreign' and fuelled people's imagination in the process. The FoMu shows a selection of photographs from its own collection going back to the very beginning of photography up until the 1960s. Expo: 15/2/13 - 9/6/13, Fotomuseum, Antwerpen

[BE] Fotografiemuseum Paperback | 250x170mm | 150p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789066251571 NL ed. | ISBN: 9789066251564 € 16,00 [BE]/ € 16,95 [NL]/ € 16,00 [INT] | March 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY


Jean-Yves Camus. Land(escape)

Un sentiment de paysage / A sense of landscape Textes de Antonio Guzman. Design & concept: Dojo Design, Bruxelles

Ce recueil photographique nous fait arpenter et pister les chemins de travers des contrées dépouillées, mais également ceux du vécu à la vision et au visuel, de la transformation de trois dimensions en deux, de la vue en regard et de la translation du contexte au projet. L'essai photographique de Jean-Yves Camus relate un récit de la terre. Il raconte visuellement et librement des faits du passé, préhistoriques et antédiluviens. Il est question de sol, de flore, du climat. [BE] Arp2 Art & Research Publ. Hardback | 297x244mm | 78p | 42 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr. ed. | ISBN: 9782930115214 € 40,00 [BE] / € 42,50 [NL]/ € 40,00 [INT] | March 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Avoir un bon copain. Photographies trouvées Collection Véronique Marit

Avoir un bon copain dévoile une sélection de photographies de l'impressionnant collection privée de Véronique Marit. Composée d'images glanées, trouvées, chinées, cette collection est dédiée aux photographies anonymes prises entre la fin du XIXe siècle et les années 60. Coédition Yellow Now / Côté photo Un quai sur Meuse

[BE] Yellow Now Paperback | 170x120mm | 128p | French ed. | ISBN: 9782873403331 € 14,00 [BE] / € 14,00 [NL]/ € 14,00 [INT] | May 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Guido Argentini Argentum

Frank De Mulder Glorious

Once again with Glorious, Belgian fine art photographer Frank De Mulder captures the intimate beauty of the female form in all its captivating charm. With fascinating scenarios, stunning models and a true sense of intimacy, the internationally renowned erotic master De Mulder conveys a charged sense of sensuality and sophistication few others can equal. Creating thrilling narratives of complexity and originality, these sensual photographs feature shyness and daring in equal measures.

[G] teNeues Hardback | 370x275mm | 168p | 120 col.ill. | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | ISBN: 9783832797300 € 59,90 [BE] / € 59,90 [NL]/ € 59,90 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Color and texture radically influence how we perceive shapes. While looking for an innovative approach on a 1995 Miami photo shoot, photographic master Guido Argentini was moved to coat a model in silver makeup. The result was as beautiful as it was intriguing-the subtle grayish tones highlighted angles and surfaces in a way that was otherworldy. Inspired by the results, Argentini created a whole series of silver-hued models. In so doing, he uncovered a fresh perspective for nude photography.

Before they pass away

Elliott Erwitt

Jimmy Nelson


Jimmy Nelson

To select the never-before published color photographs for this vast project, Elliott Erwitt sifted through his ample archive of nearly half a million 35mm slides. Then he began the mammoth task of whittling it down to this epic collection of roughly 450 pages. For most of these images, the color managed to stay miraculously preserved and every evocative detail is as crisp as the date of its creation.

This historic volume showcases tribal cultures around the world. With globalization, these societies are to be prized for their distinctive lifestyles, art and traditions. They live in close harmony with nature, now a rarity in our modern era. Jimmy Nelson not only presents us with stunning images of customs and artifacts, but also offers insightful portraits of people who are the guardians of a culture that they-and we-hope will be passed on to future generations in all its glory.

[G] teNeues Hardback | 290x290mm | 192p | 100 duotone ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783832796723 € 69,90 [BE] / € 69,90 [NL]/ € 69,90 [INT] | Aug. 2013

[G] teNeues Hardback | 370x290mm | 408p | 500 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797591 € 98,00 [BE] / € 98,00 [NL]/ € 98,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013




[G] teNeues Hardback | 360x270mm | 448p | 420 col.ill. | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | ISBN: 9783832795771 € 98,00 [BE] / € 98,00 [NL]/ € 98,00 [INT] | Aug. 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY


Eugenio Recuenco

Yousuf Karsh

Mario Sorrenti

One of the most compelling celebrity photographers of his generation, Rankin brings a charged vitality to all the subjects he portrays. Never afraid to break with convention, he always brings a distinctive artistry to his saucy and irreverent interpretations of sex and glamour. This comprehensive overview combines the best of his work from the worlds of fashion, music and the media.

Spanish photographer Eugenio Recuenco has gained widespread acclaim as a noted advertising and fashion photographer. With other-worldy narratives of great vitality, his complex signature style uses elaborate handmade scenery and contains multiple references to art history-the Renaissance, Picasso, Tamara de Lempicka just to mention a few of his varied influences.

[G] teNeues Hardback | 360x270mm | 368p | 300 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797089 € 98,00 [BE] / € 98,00 [NL]/ € 98,00 [INT] | Oct. 2013

[G] teNeues Hardback | 360x270mm | 304p | 240 col. & bw ill. | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed | ISBN: 9783832797287 € 98,00 [BE] / € 98,00 [NL]/ € 98,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013

Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002) made some of the most iconic photography of his age. His wry portrait of Winston Churchill lingers in the mind's eye like few others. Though prolific, for him there could be no shortcuts. His probing images reveal deeper truths, as he once stated, "Within every man and woman a secret is hidden." He was an artist unafraid to boldly feature negative space. Aesthetically precise, his style makes deft use of studio lights and enveloping, inky tones.

This collection pays tribute to top fashion and celebrity photographer, Mario Sorrenti. Born in Italy, he moved to New York when he was ten. His unique style blends Euro glamour and NYC chic. Sorrenti shot to stellar fame in the early 90s due to a daring Calvin Klein "Obsession" campaign with Kate Moss. His distinguished advertising clients include Lancôme, Paco Rabanne, and Benetton, and his images have featured in many international magazines like Vogue and Harper's Bazaar .



[G] teNeues Hardback | 360x270mm | 96p | 90 col. & bw ill. | Eng./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783652001557 € 18,00 [BE] / € 18,00 [NL]/ € 18,00 [INT] | March 2013

[G] teNeues Hardback | 360x270mm | 96p | 90 col. & bw ill. | Eng./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783652001564 € 18,00 [BE] / € 18,00 [NL]/ € 18,00 [INT] | Aug. 2013




Marc Lagrange

Diamonds & Pearls Belgian photographer Marc Lagrange has quickly gained a reputation as one of the most original and talented erotic photographers around. Taking a distinctive approach to setting voluptuous scenes, Lagrange meticulously composes timeless settings-with each location and prop carefully chosen to enhance the romantic and revealing mood. Building trust and chemistry with his models, Lagrange is daring but never crosses into mere titillation. The tension is palpable and a sense of mystery pervades each elaborate


[G] teNeues Hardback | 355x280mm | 208p | 120 col.ill. | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | ISBN: 9783832797058 € 79,90 [BE] / € 79,90 [NL]/ € 79,90 [INT] | May 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY


Stern Portfolio no. 71

Stern Portfolio no. 72

The artist's eye Edited by Fiona Kearney and Marco Pierini

The Artist's Eye presents photographic portraits of artists working, relaxing, and sometimes deliberately posturing for the camera. It is an opportunity to see into the intimacy of the studio environment as many artists are depicted in the dynamic and personal creation of the work of art. We glimpse the surrealist Max Ernst smoking in an ornate chair, the neatly arranged ceramics of Pablo Picasso and the intense performances of Joseph Beuys. [IT] Silvana Paperback with flaps | 240x170mm | 160p | 80 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9788836626229 € 24,00 [BE] / € 25,50 [NL]/ € 24,00 [INT] | April 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Mexican Portraits

Walker Evans

Drive Style

In the history of photography in Mexico, portraiture is an important, established tradition, transcending styles, subjects, and decades. Mexican Portraits includes more than 350 portraits from over eighty well-known Mexican photographers, including Romualdo García, Agustín V. Casasola, Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Enrique Metinides, and Graciela Iturbide. Including both contemporary and classic works, mostly created from the 1970s to the present.

Walker Evans is one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. The progenitor of the documentary tradition in American photography, his principal subject was the vernacular the indigenous expressions of a people found in roadside stands, cheap cafés, advertisements and small-town main streets. For fifty years, from the late 1920s to the early 1970s, Evans recorded the American scene with the nuance of a poet and the precision of a surgeon, creating an encyclopedic visual catalogue.

Horst Friedrichs surveys every angle of Britain's coolest car scenes with page after page of gorgeous photographs. Friedrichs not only captures some magnificent vehicles but also their owners, drivers, spectators, and other enthusiasts: decked out in beautiful gear while racing Bugattis, changing tires on an Aston Martin DB5, manhandling Minis, posing by their bubble cars, or stylishly watching the action in their shades from the stands. The perfect accessory for car enthusiasts everywhere.

[US] Aperture Hardback | 289x327mm | 356p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781597112277 € 80,00 [BE] / € 80,00 [NL]/ € 80,00 [INT] | May 2013

[UK] Tate Hardback | 220x200mm | 208p | 87 duotone ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781849761284 € 34,95 [BE] / € 34,95 [NL]/ € 34,95 [INT] | July 2012

[UK] Prestel Hardback | 270x193mm | 176p | 160 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348599 € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL]/ € 27,95 [INT] | Sept. 2013




Pablo Ortiz Monasterio and Vesta Mónica Herrerías

American Photographs


Horst A. Friedrichs

Robert Mapplethorpe Polaroids Sylvia Wolf

The images include self-portraits, figure studies, still lifes, portraits of lovers and friends such as Patti Smith, Sam Wagstaff, and Marianne Faithful, and observations of everyday objects. Marked by a spontaneity and creative curiosity, these fragile images offer an illuminating contrast to the glossy perfection of the work for which Mapplethorpe is best known, allowing us a more personal glimpse of his artistry. [UK] Prestel Paperback | 230x180mm | 256p | 230 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348704 € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL]/ € 34,50 [INT] | Sept. 2013 | Now in Paperback. I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

Gregory Crewdson Gregory Crewdson, Jonathan Lethem

A Year in Photography Magnum Archive

Nearly 70 photographers are represented with five to six images each, and the current Magnum members have selected the photographs that they consider to best represent their own output. Published in a brilliant new compact format, running more than 700 pages, this book includes images that make history both individual and universal.

[UK] Prestel Hardback | 200x200mm | 752p | 300 col.ill. | 65 bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348377 € 27,95 [BE]/ € 27,95 [NL]/ € 27,95 [INT]| Sept. 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY

New in compact format

A definitive and comprehensive survey of the work of one of America's best-known and most acclaimed photographers. Published together for the first time are images from each of his many series of work, from the little-seen black-and-white images of Fireflies to more recent masterpieces such as Beneath the Roses and Sanctuary. With a narrative of short stories written specially to accompany each series by Jonathan Lethem, an introductory overview by Nancy Spector, and an essay by Melissa Harris. [US] Rizzoli Hardback | 317x342mm | 400p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847840915 € 140,00 [BE] / € 145,00 [NL]/ € 140,00 [INT] | Oct. 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY


The Art of the Wadden Sea

Equine Beauty A Study of Horses

Jürgen Wettke

Raphael Macek

A world heritage site since 2009, the Wadden Sea offers a landscape of irresistible beauty. A breathtaking view of the uniqueness and diversity of the Wadden Sea's natural heritage Aerial photographs offering obvious proof of our planet's beauty

Raphael Macek's inspiring images of equine majesty feature both close-ups and complete figures against the backdrops of artful landscapes. His balanced composition and exquisite lighting highlight the form, texture and muscularity of each unique creature. There's a liveliness and immediacy to this collection. So much so, that at times, it's as if these compelling portraits might just come to life at any second.

[G] teNeues Hardback | 340x276mm | 112p | 51 col.ill. | Eng./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797195 € 79,90 [BE] / € 79,90 [NL]/ € 79,90 [INT] | May 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY & NATURE

[G] teNeues Hardback | 340x275mm | 208p | 150 col.ill. | Eng/ Fr/ Germ/ Sp/ Port. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797270 € 79,90 [BE] / € 79,90 [NL]/ € 79,90 [INT] | Sept. 2013 I20 - PHOTOGRAPHY & NATURE


Fetishism in Fashion

Jean Patou

Lidewij Edelkoort

Emmanuelle Polle

The Mode Biennale in Arnhem provides insight into the current position of lifestyle and fashion, fashion design and fashion culture on an international level. Now in its fifth year, the 2013 event has a theme of 'Fetishism in Fashion' and will be curated by trend forecaster Lidewij Edelkoort.

This original, illustrated monograph recounts haute couture designer Jean Patou's charmed life and career during the apex of twentieth-century glamour, and is drawn from extensive research into previously unpublished family archives.

Mode Biennale in Arnhem 2013

Dirk Bikkembergs

25 Years of Athletes and Fashion Dirk Bikkembergs

This volume marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the groundbreaking fashion designer who bridged the exclusivity and sex appeal of fashion and the universality and masculinity of sports. The first designer to hold a fashion show in a sports stadium, Bikkembergs uses his local soccer team as a laboratory for styling with the latest fabric technology, creating designs that are sexy yet comfortably flexible, from exclusive jackets to high-performance underwear and sporty street shoes.

[NL] Frame Hardback | 300x240mm | 208p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789491727139 € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL]/ € 32,08 [INT] | June 2013

A Fashionable Life

[F] Flammarion (Eng) Hardback | 310x240mm | 280p | 250 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9782080201522 € 95,00 [BE] / € 95,00 [NL]/ € 95,00 [INT] | Oct. 2013 II06 - FASHION

Talking Fashion

From Nick Knight to Raf Simons. In their own words Jan Kedves

A fashion-world insider in his own right, Kedves knows how to talk to models, designers, photographers, and artists, sharing his own opinions and recollections as a way of drawing out even the most reticent. Journalist Jan Kedves isn't afraid to ask a pointed question, and his subjects certainly aren't afraid to answer. Whether it's Bruce Weber discussing nudity, dogs, and Clint Eastwood; or Raf Simons waxing nostalgic about his days and nights as a club kid... [UK] Prestel Hardback | 235x135mm | 208p | 100 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348230 € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL]/ € 27,95 [INT] | Oct. 2013


[US] Rizzoli Hardback | 361x279mm | 452p | 400 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847841622 € 140,00 [BE] / € 145,00 [NL]/ € 140,00 [INT] | Oct. 2013




For the Love of Shoes Patrice Farameh

Women have long realized that cool shoes do not only complement the outfit, they are the whole point. From Cinderella to Carrie, we have all fallen head over heels for "the right pair"-and to hell with cost or comfort! This book explores the outer realms of avant-garde shoe design. Unfettered by commercialism, these pioneering designers give full rein to their artistic visions. These zany pieces contain an array of extraordinary forms and materials. [G] teNeues Hardback | 320x250mm | 304p | 250 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783832796976 € 79,90 [BE] / € 79,90 [NL]/ € 79,90 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II06 - FASHION

Dior Glamour Photographed by Mark Shaw

Shaw's photographs-some of the first fashion photographs ever shot in color-capture the most stunning and extraordinary fashion of the era. This lavish volume embodies the glamour of that time, from rare moments of Christian Dior during fittings to editorial-style photographs of models, socialites, and actresses posing in Dior's ballgowns, day suits, and haute couture collections. This book features more than 200 color and black-and-white photographs, many never published before,


Six Decades of Style The book explores his career at Chloé, along with Martine Sitbon (in 1988), Stella McCartney, who joined Chloé when she was 26 (in 1997), and Phoebe Philo, who was responsible for Chloé's major reinvention from 2001 to 2006, where she is credited for bringing a sensual and personal touch to the line. It is currently helmed by Clare Waight Keller, who previously reinvigorated the fashion line Pringle of Scotland. Chloé, in short, is the modern woman-refined and redefined.

[US] Rizzoli Hardback | 272p | 3 col.ill. | 00 bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847838523 € 76,50 [BE]/ € 76,50 [NL]/ € 76,50 [INT]| Oct. 2013

[US] Rizzoli Hardback | 355x279mm | 240p | 200 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847841851 € 108,00 [BE] / € 108,00 [NL]/ € 108,00 [INT] | Oct. 2013 II06 - FASHION


Dior Impressions

Hello, My Name is Paul Smith: Fashion and Other Stories

Written by Florence Muller, Text by Philippe Thiebaut, Farid Chenoune, Barbara Jeauffroy-Mairet and Brigitte Richart

This volume celebrates not only the line's fashion history, collections, and collaborations but also the inspirations and obsessions that have helped to transform a small bedroom-sized shop into an innovative global forum for culture and style. 'Paul Smith' is a full-on bright and rich visual experience, illustrated throughout with documentation of its diverse creative community and design inspirations, including Martin Parr, David Bowie, and Henry Moore, to name a few.

The Inspiration and Influence of Impressionism at the House of Dior

Published to accompany the Impressions Dior exhibition presented at the Musée Christian Dior in Granville, France, this lavish volume features over 150 pieces of gorgeous art-including noted artworks by Monet, Renoir, Degas, and Manet-alongside a magnificent visual tour of Dior garments, from Christian Dior's first designs to Raf Simons's latest collection. Expo: Musée Christian Dior, Granville

Expo: Fall 2013, Design Museum, London

[US] Rizzoli Hardback |273x213mm | 152p | 150 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847841547 € 42,95 [BE] / € 42,95 [NL]/ € 42,95 [INT] | Sept. 2013

[US] Rizzoli Hardback | 279x228mm | 272p | 250 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847841585 € 61,50 [BE] / € 61,50 [NL]/ € 61,50 [INT] | Nov. 2013





Making Aston Martin Dr. Ulrich Bez

The Ferrari Book Günther Raupp

"One must first imagine a car," stated Enzo Ferrari. Nobody creates pictures worthy of the Commendatore's imagination quite like Günther Raupp. Not just a random flood of images, this internationally renowned automotive photographer's artworks capture the seductive essence of these status symbols from Maranello-maintaining the legendary Ferrari luster. [G] teNeues Hardback | 370x290mm | 304p | 250 col.ill. | English/ French/ Germ/ Ital. ed | ISBN: 9783832797256 € 98,00 [BE] Sept. 2013

Aston Martin CEO Dr. Ulrich Bez turned a niche British car maker into a profitable global business. This is a unique, lavishly illustrated blend of business case and personal memoir. We get up-close with the intense challenges of running an exclusive car manufacturer and see just how a global luxury brand is developed. Bez also shares his thoughts on the future of the automobile - and his plans for Aston Martin. [G] teNeues Hardback | 292x229mm | 408p | 200 col.ill. | Eng./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832795429 € 79,90 [BE] Sept. 2013

The Bentley Book For Bentley there is no contradiction between supreme luxury and sheer exhilaration. This was James Bond's first car, the record-setting ride of the Bentley Boys, the vision of founder W.O. Bentley - "a fast car, a good car, the best in its class" - and a vision that is still unfolding. Here is a grand tour through one of automotive's truly distinctive brands. [G] teNeues Hardback | 370x290mm | 304p | 250 col.ill. | Eng/ French/ Germ./ Chinese/ Russ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797393 | € 98,00 [BE] July 2013 II07 - LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR

-previously announcedII07 - LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR



IDEAT The Book #100 IDEAT est devenu en quelques années l'un des plus beaux magazines lifestyle français, le plus moderne aussi. A l'occasion de la sortie de son numéro 100, IDEAT a réalisé un numéro absolument exceptionnel de 560 pages, édité en livre XL ! [G] teNeues Hardback | 345x270mm | 562p | 150 col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9783832797188 € 69,00 [BE] May 2013 II07 - LIFESTYLE & GLAMOUR


Tuinieren in het Stedelijk Veld - Gardening in the Urban Field Michiel Dehaene

Herwerkte en uitgebreide tekst van de inaugurale lezing van Michiel Dehaene, uitgesproken op 28 februari 2012, bij het aantreden als hoofddocent stedenbouw aan de UGent.

a2o architecten

Marc Corbiau

Angelique Campens, Luc Vanmuysen, Eline Dehullu , Tom Avermaete, Hein Smedts

Luk Lambrecht. Design: Dojo Design, Bruxelles

Over Connectieve Architectuur

Met het boek neemt A2O-architecten stelling in een wereld waar 'de waan van de dag' lijkt te overheersen. Door te focussen op 'connectiviteit', authenticiteit en duurzaamheid wil A2O-architecten een eigen kleur [BE] A&S/Books, UGent Pb | 175x155mm | 104p | several bw laten zien binnen het veld van de architectuur in Vlaanderen, België ill. | Eng./ NL ed. | ISBN: en in de Euregio Maas-Rijn. 9789076714417 € 13,00 [BE] / € 13,95 [NL]/ € 13,00 A2O-architecten maakt 'connecties': knooppunten en kortsluitingen, [INT] | April 2013 waar alles samenkomt en samen II03 - ARCHITECTURE valt. Tijdens het ontwerpen verweven we plekken, tijden, dingen, mensen met elkaar. [BE] AsaMER Hardback | 265x225mm | 240p | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490693688 € 39,50 [BE] / € 39,50 [NL]/ € 37,26 [INT] | April 2013 Eng. ed available: ISBN: 9789490693879

Architectures 2000-2012

Spacious houses are a privilege in which architecture becomes space, projecting the play of light from within, like an interacting mirror, reflecting nature, that which is public, and the intimacy of living. Through the quietude that originates in the proportions of the volumes, the simplicity of the concept and the visible use of natural materials, the architecture of Marc Corbiau becomes condition generative, set against the echo of the harmonious coexistence of life and art and elusive beauty. [BE] AsaMER Paperback | 305x245mm | 304p | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | ISBN: 9789490693732 € 39,50 [BE] / € 39,50 [NL]/ € 39,50 [INT] | Oct. 2012 Hardback ed.: isbn 9789490693725 II03 - ARCHITECTURE




Vernieuwing van stationsomgevingen in Vlaanderen en Nederland Joeri De Bruyn en Maarten Van Acker (eds.),

Deze tweede golf van stationsvernieuwingsprojecten vereist een andere aanpak en een andere ruimtelijke visie dan die voor de grootstedelijke HST-stations. Het Spoorboek brengt het relaas van de vernieuwing van de stationsomgeving in elf kleine en middelgrote Vlaamse en Nederlandse steden: Aarschot, Bergen op Zoom, Diest, Hasselt, Herentals, Heerlen, Roosendaal, Sint-Truiden, Tienen, Tongeren en Turnhout. [BE] Public Space Paperback | 235x170mm | 344p | 500 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789491789007 € 40,00 [BE] / € 40,00 [NL]/ € 37,74 [INT] | April 2013 II03 - ARCHITECTURE

Bewegende landschappen

(incl DVD)

Bewegende landschappen bevat stukken van vier specialisten stedenbouw die elk een aspect van de naoorlogse omgang met landschap en verstedelijking in België belichten aan de hand van een film uit de jaren 1950-1970. De films bevinden zich op de bijhorende dvd. Sofie De Caigny en Ellen Van Impe (beide CVAa) plaatsen het geheel binnen de beeldvorming rond landschap en stedenbouw en duiden de films als interessant bronnenmateriaal voor inzicht in de bebouwde omgeving. V.A.I. / CVAa

[BE] VAi Paperback | xmm | 120p | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789081326391 € 25,00 [BE] / € 25,00 [NL]/ € 23,58 [INT] | Oct. 2013 II03 - ARCHITECTURE

Apartment Buildings Plan Atlas

Tadao Ando: Houses The most comprehensive collection of residential projects from the world's most internationally recognized and renowned architect. This exhausitive study of his residentail work includes striking color photographs as well as detailed architectural drawings and plans of more than thirty years of Ando's residential work, from the Sumiyoshi Row House in 1975 to the current houses for such design connaisseurs as Karl Lagerfeld and Tom Ford.

Carles Broto

This volume features a wide-ranging selection of residential buildings presented together with their floor plans. The collection illustrates current trends in the design of apartment blocks and the diversity of approaches to issues such as context and community, the efficient use of resources and the configuration urban neighborhoods. [US] Rizzoli Hardback | 279x279mm | 300p | 350 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847831593 € 108,00 [BE] / € 108,00 [NL]/ € 108,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013

[ES] Links Hardback | 300x240mm | 600p | 250 col.ill. | 1250 bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9788415492436 € 60,00 [BE]/ € 60,00 [NL]/ € 56,60 [INT]| May 2013


-previously announced-

Urban Spaces Design & Innovation.

Bars & Restaurants

This volume brings together the best public space projects of recent years. Each of the interventions is illustrated with full color photographs, diagrams, drawings and a descriptive text by the designers.

The wide range of projects presented in this volume constitutes a comprehensive survey of the latest trends in the architecture and design of bars and restaurants.

[ES] Links Hb with slip case | 284x242mm | 300p | 492 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9788415492030 € 49,00 [BE] / € 49,00 [NL]/ € 46,23 [INT] | May 2013 Announced as: Designing Tomorrow's Urban Spaces II03 - ARCHITECTURE


Mark # 43

(April-May 2013) Berlin-based Augustin und Frank Architekten makes buildings that are both rough and refined. An example is the former market hall in Berlin-Oberschöneweide that the architects converted into a house and studio for photographer Werner Huthmacher. The demolition of

lightweight partitions and ceilings created an interior composed of two large rooms: one for working and one for living. Since Augustin und Frank's portfolio features a diversity of projects that bear littel resemblance to one another.


[NL] Frame Paperback | 280x220mm | 224p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 8710966141267 € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]/ € 18,82 [INT] | April 2013 II03 - ARCHITECTURE

Carles Broto

[ES] Links Hb with slip case | 284x242mm | 300p | 492 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9788415492498 € 49,00 [BE] / € 49,00 [NL]/ € 49,00 [INT] | May 2013 II04 - STYLE & INTERIOR

Latest Trends in Shop Design Carles Broto

Office Spaces: 1000 Inspirational Ideas

This book is bursting with some of today's most original and impressive work in the field of shop design. Leading designers and architects showcase their finest projects to create a dazzling compendium of ideas full of imagination, while at the same time intelligently designed for a specific purpose: to sell the products. Explanatory texts accompany striking, full-color photographs which highlight all facets of each and every one of the featured projects.

GUIDELINES: an extensive technical introduction lays out all the aspects that the designer or architect will need to consider in each phase of the design process from the first schematic layout to construction, including spatial and functional distribution diagrams, façades and materials. CASE STUDIES: the book is packed with inspirational built examples that are grouped thematically in nine highly accessible sections Plan, Exterior, Common Working Space, Private Spaces, Furniture and Interior Elements..

[ES] Links Hardback | 284x242mm | 300p | 498 col.ill. | 110 bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9788415123705 € 49,00 [BE]/ € 49,00 [NL]/ € 46,23 [INT]| May 2013

[ES] Links Hb with slip case | 284x242mm | 300p | 435 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9788415492023 € 49,00 [BE] / € 49,00 [NL]/ € 46,23 [INT] | May 2013



Interior Design Review Vol. 17

Andrew Martin Few arts are as of such compelling and enduring interest as interior design. It's a field in which just about all of us participate at our own personal levels of enthusiasm and competence. The Andrew Martin Interior Design Review is the definitive chronicle for the most recognized interior designers. This generously illustrated overview with more than 1,000 images showcases almost a hundred of the top design professionals worldwide, displaying their captivating, original designs. [G] teNeues Hardback | 317x235mm | 512p | 1000 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797232 € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL]/ € 49,90 [INT] | Aug. 2013 II04 - STYLE & INTERIOR


Living in Style - Berlin

Love Where You Live

No other city has changed in the last twenty years as Berlin has. Entire neighborhoods have been reborn, and long-neglected buildings are once again gleaming brightly. But the renovation does not stop at the facades. Berlin has also become a creative laboratory for living, leading trends in interior styles. However, there are a multiplicity of Berlin styles-not just one. Living in Style Berlin shows the wide range of exclusive living options in this world metro polis.

Full of practical decorating tips and easy and casual hosting ideas, this book features a range of traditional and contemporary house styles that are truly inspiring for today's informal country lifestyle-airy, minimalist living rooms look out onto the lush countryside; a rustic tiled floor shines through a sleek glass-topped table of a dining room; a welcoming, roaring log fire warms a great room with rough-hewn beams.

[G] teNeues Hardback | 320x250mm | 220p | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797416 € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL]/ € 49,90 [INT] | Oct. 2013 II04 - STYLE & INTERIOR

At Home in the Country

[US] Rizzoli Hardback | xmm | 224p | 250 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847840069 € 45,95 [BE] / € 45,95 [NL]/ € 45,95 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II04 - STYLE & INTERIOR

The Urban House

Townhouses, Apartments, Lofts and other spaces for city living Ron Broadhurst. Forword by Richard Meier

This carefully curated book presents twenty-five new and recent spaces for city living. Where the great experimenters of the last century were stripping away ornamentation and creating free-flowing spaces for the first time, today's innovators are pioneering research in the potential of new materials for both formal invention and environmental sustainability and creating bold and sophisticated essays in the adaptive reuse of spaces originally designed for other purposes. [US] Rizzoli Paperback | 228x228mm | 300p | 250 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847839551 € 45,95 [BE] / € 45,95 [NL]/ € 45,95 [INT] | Feb. 2014

Cool Escapes Beach Resorts

Cool Hotels America

This completely up-to-date volume features the coolest beach hotels where you can escape all the stresses of the modern world. Set in an array of delightful waterside locations all across the globe, each sandy spot offers a chance to paddle in the surf or bask in the sun's rays, all the while enjoying the hippest surroundings and most exclusive amenities available. Just the right mix of décor, landscaping and alluring design mean there's sure to be one you'll want to make your own personal beach getaway.

This guide is packed full of both alluring images and useful information. Browsing the pages, you'll get an in-depth glimpse of the carefully curated furnishings, artwork, and fi ne design details which make each hotel a byword for chic sophistication. Along with fi ne service and precise attention to detail, they all offer the ambiance and amenities sure to please even the choosiest of hip travelers.

[G] teNeues Hardback | 320x250mm | 220p | 250 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797249 € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL]/ € 49,90 [INT] | Aug. 2013

[G] teNeues Hardback | 320x250mm | 220p | 250 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. | ISBN: 9783832797409 € 49,90 [BE] / € 49,90 [NL]/ € 49,90 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II08 - TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE





Charlotte Perriand

L'envolée, l'aventure japonaise Cette exposition dediée à Charlotte Perriand (Paris, 1903- 1999) s'intéresse tout particulièrement à l'impact de la découverte des richesses culturelles et économiques de l'archipel nippon, par une créatrice innovante dans le domaine du design des avant-gardes du XXème siècle. Sa mission au Japon à partir de 1940 ainsi que les liens qui perdurèrent jusqu'à la commande de la "Maison de Thé" (Dialogues des culturesUnesco,1993) ont été à l'origine de propositions inédites. Expo: 23/2/2013 - 26/5/2013, Musée d'Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne

[IT] Silvana Paperback with flaps | 200x165mm | 256p | 110 col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9788836625727 € 28,00 [BE] / € 29,95 [NL]/ € 28,00 [INT] | April 2013

Keisuke Fujiwara

Interior Elements for Space and Product Design Keisuke Fujiwara

A book showcasing the projects of Japanese interior designer Keisuke Fujiwara, with insight into his idea and design processes. Keisuke Fujiwara's first portfolio book covers 15 years of design. International and local projects of this Japanese design firm cross over between 'space design', retail interiors, offices and exhibitions, and 'product design' including home ware, lighting and a number of chair design collections. [NL] Frame Hardback | 300x240mm | 256p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789491727023 € 39,00 [BE] / € 39,00 [NL]/ € 36,79 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II05 - DESIGN

Great Designs

The worlds best design explored & explained Great Designs is a fascinating overview of the dynamic history of design from the 1860s onwards, tracing the development of modern designs, from sketches and prototypes to the final product. Which technological advancements have pioneered ground-breaking design? How did political struggle in 1930's Germany inspire modern graphic design? Over 100 of the best modern design ideas are explored and explained, from Bauhaus posters and bubble chairs to the Citroen DS and the iPad. [UK] D. K. Hardback | 256p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781409319412 € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL]/ € 27,95 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II05 - DESIGN


Koloman Moser

Designing Modern Vienna 1897-1907 Edited by Christian Witt-Dörring

Tracing the career of Koloman Moser, one of the most influential figures in 20th-century design, this stunning book focuses on Moser's accomplishments in the decorative arts. The book features his designs for the Vienna Secession, Thonet Brothers and the Mautner family, among others that characterise his early modern style. The book also explores Moser's seminal role as a founding member of the Vienna Workshops, along with architect Josef Hoffman and patron Fritz Waerndorfer. Expo: 23/5/2013 - 2/9/2013, Neue Galerie New York, New York

[UK] Prestel Hardback | 285x235mm | 400p | 400 col.ill. | 70 bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791352947 € 68,50 [BE]/ € 68,50 [NL]/ € 68,50 [INT]| May 2013 II05 - DESIGN



Zeg het met Kama

Zeg het met Kama

Zeg het met Kama

Zeg het met Kama

gefeliciteerd met..

Ik zie je graag, maar...

Kamagurka stelde met 't Is de leeftijd, Ik zie je graag, maar., Gefeliciteerd met... en Beterschap vier schitterende gelegenheidsboekjes samen voor een hele resem aan meer en minder universele gebeurtenissen. Cartoons in zijn typische stijl; intelligent, cynisch, vlijmscherp, fijnzinnig en heel af en toe eens uitgesproken romantisch. Humor als pleister op of zout in de wonde. Het perfecte geschenkboek, leuk om te geven én misschien nog net iets leuker om te krijgen. Zeg het voortaan met Kama!

Kamagurka stelde met 't Is de leeftijd, Ik zie je graag, maar., Gefeliciteerd met... en Beterschap vier schitterende gelegenheidsboekjes samen voor een hele resem aan meer en minder universele gebeurtenissen. Cartoons in zijn typische stijl; intelligent, cynisch, vlijmscherp, fijnzinnig en heel af en toe eens uitgesproken romantisch. Humor als pleister op of zout in de wonde. Het perfecte geschenkboek, leuk om te geven én misschien nog net iets leuker om te krijgen. Zeg het voortaan met Kama!

Kamagurka stelde met 't Is de leeftijd, Ik zie je graag, maar., Gefeliciteerd met... en Beterschap vier schitterende gelegenheidsboekjes samen voor een hele resem aan meer en minder universele gebeurtenissen. Cartoons in zijn typische stijl; intelligent, cynisch, vlijmscherp, fijnzinnig en heel af en toe eens uitgesproken romantisch. Humor als pleister op of zout in de wonde. Het perfecte geschenkboek, leuk om te geven én misschien nog net iets leuker om te krijgen. Zeg het voortaan met Kama!

Kamagurka stelde met 't Is de leeftijd, Ik zie je graag, maar., Gefeliciteerd met... en Beterschap vier schitterende gelegenheidsboekjes samen voor een hele resem aan meer en minder universele gebeurtenissen. Cartoons in zijn typische stijl; intelligent, cynisch, vlijmscherp, fijnzinnig en heel af en toe eens uitgesproken romantisch. Humor als pleister op of zout in de wonde. Het perfecte geschenkboek, leuk om te geven én misschien nog net iets leuker om te krijgen. Zeg het voortaan met Kama!

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Paperback | 168x120mm | 96p | 85 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564597 € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL]/ € 9,95 [INT] | Aug. 2013

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Paperback | 168x120mm | 96p | 85 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564627 € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL]/ € 9,95 [INT] | May 2013

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Paperback | 168x120mm | 96p | 85 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564610 € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL]/ € 9,95 [INT] | May 2013

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Paperback | 168x120mm | 96p | 85 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564603 € 9,95 [BE] / € 9,95 [NL]/ € 9,95 [INT] | May 2013




't is de leeftijd



Zeg het met Kama Gevulde DISPLAY 4 titels, elk 6 ex Kamagurka stelde met 't Is de leeftijd, Ik zie je graag, maar., Gefeliciteerd met... en Beterschap vier schitterende gelegenheidsboekjes samen voor een hele resem aan meer en minder universele gebeurtenissen. Cartoons in zijn typische stijl; intelligent, cynisch, vlijmscherp, fijnzinnig en heel af en toe eens uitgesproken romantisch. Humor als pleister op of zout in de wonde. Het perfecte geschenkboek, leuk om te geven én misschien nog net iets leuker om te krijgen. Zeg het voortaan met Kama! [BE] Stichting Kunstboek Paperback | 168x120mm | 96p | 85 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564689 € 238,80 [BE] / € 238,80 [NL]/ € 238,80 [INT] | Aug. 2013 II11 - POPULAR CULTURE



De keuken van ons vader

La cuisine de papa

Ann Olaerts. Photography: Tony Le Duc

Ann Olaerts. Photography: Tony Le Duc

Dit boek gaat over 'vaders die graag achter het fornuis staan en in de potten roeren voor de familie en vrienden'. Want niet alleen de moeders zijn keukenprinsessen, ook vaders staan aardig hun mannetje in de keuken.

[BE] Minestrone Hardback | 265x200mm | 320p | 172 col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9789490028510 € 35,00 [BE] / € 36,95 [NL]/ € 35,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013

40 mannen koken voor familie en vrienden

Rendez-vous rond de barbecue Kurt Dekoninck. Fotografie: Heikki Verdurne

Kurt Dekoninck presenteert in dit boek 50 unieke BBQ grill- en rookgerechten, overgoten met een lekker sausje en vergezeld van een frisse salade of side dish. Vlees en gevogelte in crumble of roulade, vis en schaaldieren gemarineerd of in een jasje, gevarieerd veggie, lievelingsgerechten van de kids, originele desserts. Inspiratie gegarandeerd voor een hele zomer culinair genieten. Alle keukengeheimen van deze chef, wereldkampioen BBQ in 2011, worden in 'Rendez-vous rond de BBQ' mooi in beeld gebracht.

Restaurant A'Qi

Arnold Hanbuckers, Karen Keygnaert

In restaurant A'Qi draait het rond spanningsvelden. Nooit zomaar iets voor zeker aannemen. Niet meedrijven op een stroom. Twee chefs, elk met hun eigen inbreng. Een dialoog. De ene klassiek geschoold, een pak ervaring en grootgebracht binnen het beroep, met een ijzersterke eigen visie. De andere jonger, wispelturiger, die inzichten meebrengt uit andere creatieve disciplines en met evenveel eigen visie. Dat botst soms, maar uit die clash worden de mooiste dingen geboren.

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 240x170mm | 144p | 120 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564580 € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]/ € 19,95 [INT] | May 2013

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 280x280mm | 144p | 100 col.ill. | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564412 € 49,00 [BE] / € 49,00 [NL]/ € 49,00 [INT] | May 2013




40 vaders, uit alle windstreken van het land en van alle leeftijden vertellen hun culinaire verhaal aan journaliste An Olaerts en maken hun favoriete gerechten klaar voor de cameralens van Tony Le duc. Net zoals bij de moeders, wordt dit boek een werkelijke weergave van hoe onze vaders koken, zonder moderne styling en gefotografeerd op hun eigen borden en tafellakens. Zoals het echt is. Een ode aan de vaders, die toch weer héél anders koken dan de moeders.

Arnold Hanbuckers, Karen Keygnaert. Fotografie: Bart Van Leuven

[BE] Minestrone Hardback | 265x200mm | 320p | 170 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490028503 € 35,00 [BE] / € 35,00 [NL]/ € 35,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II01 - COOKERY

De Brooddoos Meer dan kaas en salami Lut De Clercq. Fotografie: Tony Le Duc


De brooddoos of la boîte à tartines is een typisch Belgisch fenomeen. Dagelijks 130 bereidingen van spreads, salsa's, drankjes en volwaardige gerechten. Aangevuld met tientallen tips.

+speciale prijs+ [BE] Minestrone Hardback | 180x145mm | 256p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490028183 € 16,50 [BE] / € 16,50 [NL]/ € 16,50 [INT] | Sept. 2010 Promoprijs !! nu 16,50 euro in plaats van 24,50 euro

Het Foodprocessor Kookboek KitchenAid

Le Robot Ménager, livre de cuisine KitchenAid

Veerle de Pooter. Fotografie: Tony Le Duc

Veerle de Pooter. Fotografie: Tony Le Duc

Starting from the advice of our experts, 40 healthy recipes based on fruit and vegetables have been created especially for the Artisan Food Processor. Whatever your mood, you can enjoy a three-course meal, experiment with unusual flavour combinations or simply go for a healthy dish bursting with nutrients.

Starting from the advice of our experts, 40 healthy recipes based on fruit and vegetables have been created especially for the Artisan Food Processor. Whatever your mood, you can enjoy a three-course meal, experiment with unusual flavour combinations or simply go for a healthy dish bursting with nutrients.

[BE] Minestrone Hardback | 300x250mm | 144p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490028534 € 39,50 [BE] / € 39,50 [NL]/ € 39,50 [INT] | June 2013

[BE] Minestrone Hardback | 300x250mm | 144p | throughout col.ill. | French ed. | ISBN: 9789490028541 € 39,50 [BE] / € 39,50 [NL]/ € 39,50 [INT] | June 2013

Dutch (NL), English, French and German editions available

Dutch (NL), English, French and German editions available



Save with Jamie

Shop Smart, Cook Clever, Waste Less Jamie Oliver started cooking at his parents' pub, The Cricketers, in Clavering, Essex, at the age of eight. After leaving school he began a career as a chef that took him to the River Café, where he was famously spotted by a television production company. His television and publishing career began in 1999 with The Naked Chef series. Since then he has set up Fifteen restaurant in London, changed school dinners in the UK and revolutionized home cooking. [UK] Penguin UK Hardback | xmm | 288p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780718158149 € 36,50 [BE] / € 36,50 [NL]/ € 36,50 [INT] | Aug. 2013 II01 - COOKERY

Denk Groenten! Lente De Vier Seizoenen van Groentekok Frank Fol +speciale prijs+ Marc Declercq. Recepten: Frank Fol. Fotografie: Tony Le Duc. Design: Katleen Miller

The Food & Cooking of Belgium

Traditions, Ingredients, Tastes and Techniques in Over 60 Classic Recipes Suzanne Vandyck

Strongly influenced by its proximity to southern France, yet retaining rustic, homely traits from its medieval past, Belgian cuisine combines haute cuisine and fine ingredients with comfort food and substantial portions. In this beautiful new book, Suzanne Vandyck explores the fascinating history, rich culture and social traditions of the Belgian people, and the development of their unique cuisine. [US] Aquamarine Hardback | 279x228mm | 128p | 300 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781903141540 € 23,50 [BE] / € 23,50 [NL]/ € 23,50 [INT] | March 2013 4th reprint II01 - COOKERY

[BE] Minestrone Hardback | 210x150mm | 96p | 40 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789081293136 € 12,50 [BE] / € 12,50 [NL]/ € 12,50 [INT] | May 2013 promo Promoprijs !! nu 12,50 euro in plaats van 19,95 euro II01 - COOKERY


Recipes from my Dutch Kitchen Explore the Unique and Delicious Cuisine of the Netherlands

Recipes from a Belgian Kitchen

Janny de Moor

60 Authentic Recipes from Belgium's Classic Cuisine Suzanne Vandyck

This book provides a comprehensive guide to the ingredients of the region, including Belgian endive, asparagus, mussels, charcuterie, chocolate, beer, spices and condiments. It features soups, appetizers and vegetable sides, fish, meat and poultry as well as desserts and bakes, and including all the classics, such as Cream of Endive Soup, Beef Stew with Beer and Chocolate Mousse. It includes 300 beautiful and evocative photographs, and complete nutritional information for every recipe.

[US] Aquamarine Hardback | 213x175mm | 128p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781908991225 € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL]/ € 12,95 [INT] | July 2013 II01 - COOKERY

This title features a fascinating introduction to the culture and traditions of the Netherlands, including information on the local geography and produce, national festivities, key ingredients and cooking techniques. You can explore the range of tastes found in Dutch cuisine with 75 varied recipes such as Alkmaar Cheese Soup, Hussar's Salad, Terrine of smoked Limburg Trout, Poffertjes (pancake puffs), Spice cake and Frisian Sugar Bread. It includes more than 350 stunning pictures. [US] Aquamarine Hardback | 213x175mm | 160p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781903141991 € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL]/ € 12,95 [INT] | March 2013 II01 - COOKERY


World Beer Tim Hampson

Craft beer is experiencing a radical renaissance, with new breweries with exciting beer styles and personalities appearing all over the world, from the USA and Japan to the great brewing nations of Europe. Discover the stories of over 800 creative and successful breweries with accompanying maps to show brewery locations, alongside information on the brewing process, different beers and food pairing suggestions. [UK] D. K. Hardback | 276x229mm | 300p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781409321606 € 28,50 [BE] / € 28,50 [NL]/ € 28,50 [INT] | Oct. 2013 II01 - DRINKS

Boutique Beers

500 Craft Beer Classics Ben McFarland

Boutique Beers is the must-have book that every beer connoisseur will need to own. Ben McFarland's in-depth knowledge and extensive travels means his beer hunter's antennae is perfectly primed to seek out the brews, the brewers and the insider knowledge that inform the world's finest premium ales. [UK] JACQUI SMALL Hardback | 224p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781906417864 € 32,00 [BE] / € 32,00 [NL]/ € 32,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II01 - DRINKS


Je eigen groentetuin op één vierkante meter (Herdruk)

Anne-Marie Nageleisen

Groene vingers maar weinig tijd en ruimte? Geen nood, een moestuin ligt vanaf nu ook binnen uw handbereik. 'Square Foot Gardening' is een systeem van efficiënt, biologisch en ecologisch moestuinieren op één vierkante meter. De vierkante meter tuin is een droom voor wie enkel over een dakterras, een stadskoertje of een verloren hoekje in de siertuin beschikt en een verademing voor de doorwinterde tuinier die kleinschaliger wil werken of het eindeloos wieden, harken en schoffelen moe is. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 220x170mm | 192p | 200 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058563828 € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]/ € 19,95 [INT] | April 2013 -R/P


The Art of the Maze

Ikebana Ohara A Song of Flowers

Godelieve Van den heuvel-Janssens. Photography: Peter Staes

In his first book in ten years, Franco Maria Ricci presents a rich and refined collection of photographs celebrating the art and mystery of mazes throughout the ages, chronicling also the massive bamboo labyrinth near Fontanellato opening spring 2014. This book explores labyrinths in every form-drawn graffiti-like on crockery, stamped on coins, traced in manuscript illuminations, carved on cathedral walls, and planted in gardens-and features literary quotations.

Godelieve Van den heuvel-Janssens is van één van België's Ikebana pioniers. A Song of Flowers is opgebouwd uit twee delen, Ikebana-leken worden in een intrigerend eerste deel ingewijd in de geheimen van de kunst. Het tweede deel is een verzameling van Van den heuvel-Janssens' beste werk, haar warmste herinneringen en opvallende hoogepunten van haar carrière.

[US] Rizzoli Hardback | 298x298mm | 240p | 120 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847841646 € 76,95 [BE] / € 76,95 [NL]/ € 76,95 [INT] | Oct. 2013

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 290x240mm | 128*p | 120 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789058564542 € 39,90 [BE] / € 39,90 [NL]/ € 39,90 [INT] | June 2013



Eddie Zaratsian

Visit Antwerp Guide

Met de lancering van zijn nieuwe merk Eddie Zaratsian, Custom Florals and Lifestyle wil Eddie Zaratsian een stapje verder gaan. Niet langer een bloemenboetiek zijn, maar een heus design house, met de kennis en expertise in huis om de styling van gelijk welk project van start tot finish tot een goed einde te brengen. Eddie Zaratsian has built a reputation as a visionary floral artisan while at the helm of Tic-Tock Couture Florals. With his new brand he is taking his expertise to the next level.

Welkom in Antwerpen ! Dit praktisch gidsje heeft de ambitie je snel wegwijs te maken in onze stad. Het is opgedeeld in acht wijken, elk met hun eigen karakter. Of je hier komt voor een stevige portie cultuur, om geschiedenis te snuiven, te shoppen of culinair te genieten, het kanin elke wijk en in de hele stad. Antwerpen is compact, maar heeft veel te bieden. Aan jou om het te ontdekken. Geniet ervan !

Custom Florals and Lifestyle

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 290x290mm | 140p | 100 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789058564399 € 49,00 [BE] / € 49,00 [NL]/ € 49,00 [INT] | May 2013 II02B - FLORAL ART & FLOWERARRANGING

Ontdek Antwerpen

[BE] BAI - Special prices Paperback | 210x147mm | 102p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789085866510 € 1,00 [BE] / € 1,00 [NL]/ € 1,00 [INT] | May 2013 [only for sale per 32 copies - special conditions] II16 - HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Also English, French, and German eds. available





Zeevisserij aan de Vlaamse Kust

Stefan Brijs (red.). Koenraad Tinel (Illustraties)

Willem Lanszweert

Een wereld van verhalen

Toen schrijver Stefan Brijs op een dag werd uitgenodigd om in zijn geboortestad Genk een project uit te werken, stelde hij voor om het boeiende experiment van Paul Auster over te doen. In 1999 had deze Amerikaanse auteur zijn landgenoten opgeroepen om hem waargebeurde verhalen te bezorgen die klonken als fictie. Met overweldigend succes. Het sociaal-artistieke totaalproject groeide uit tot een breed gedragen initiatief, met een rijke en gevarieerde oogst van universele verhalen. [BE] Stichting Kunstboek | 240x170mm | 208 p | 190 ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564535 € 29,00 [BE] / € 29,00 [NL]/ € 29,00 [INT] |April 2013 II16 - HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Stap met dit boek in de rijke geschiedenis van de Vlaamse zeevisserij. Al meer dan tien eeuwen staat de zeevisserij voor werk en welvaart maar evenzeer voor verdriet en wanhoop. In dit rijk geïllustreerde boek dat door de medewerkers van het Nationaal Visserijmuseum (NAVIGO) werd samengesteld, ontdekt de lezer talrijke verrassende aspecten van de zeevisserij. Snuif de sfeer op in het visserskwartier, leer bij over het onderwijs, de rijke vangsten in IJsland, het bijgeloof en de recente ontwikkelingen. i.s.m. Navigo Nationaal Visserijmuseum

[BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 240x170mm | 192p | 150 col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564306 € 24,95 [BE] / € 24,95 [NL]/ € 24,95 [INT] | April 2013 II16 - HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST


Hoe de waanzinnige zee kolkt in lichaam en geest Yves Segers, Jan Parmentier, Lisa Devriese, Ineke Steevens, Maja Wolny, Filip Geerardyn

Hippocrates beschreef al het gevaar van scheurbuik en andere maritieme ziektes zoals tyfus, reizigersdiarree en waanzin. Bootreizen duurden in het verleden dikwijls maanden en de omstandigheden aan boord waren veelal erbarmelijk. Niet alleen het gebrek aan vers voedsel maar ook de povere hygiëne aan boord werd velen nefast. Eens een epidemie uitbrak, hadden de scheepsartsen weinig mogelijkheden. 'Zeeziek' is de begeleidende publicatie bij de gelijknamige tentoonstelling in het NAVIGO (Koksijde). [BE] Stichting Kunstboek Hardback | 240x170mm | 96p | 60 col. & bw ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789058564641 € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]/ € 19,95 [INT] | June 2013 II16 - HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST


A Propos Hendrik Conscience Tweede volume in de reeks wandelgidsen rond historische Antwerpse figuren. Met het grote succes van De Leeuw van Vlaanderen verdiende Conscience de titel "de man die zijn volk leerde lezen" [BE] Pandora Paperback with flaps | 210x115mm | 100p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789053253540 € 14,00 [BE] / € 14,00 [NL]/ € 14,00 [INT] | June 2013 II16 - HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST

Bonjour Ostende

Oostende in de internationale kunst Sinds een tiental jaar kent Oostende een hergeboorte en wordt ze terug op de culturele kaart van Vlaanderen, België en Europa geplaatst. De tentoonstelling Bonjour Ostende tijdens de zomer 2013 in de Venetiaanse gaanderijen moet daarvan getuigen met schilderijen, tekeningen en gravures van binnen- en buitenlandse kunstenaars. De tentoonstelling zal ons Oostende tonen in een reeks werken uit de 18de tot en met de 21ste eeuw. Expo: 15/6/2013 -15/9/2013, Ventiaanse Gaanderijen, Oostende

[BE] Pandora Hardback | 280x230mm | 208p | throughout col.ill. | NL/ Fr ed. | ISBN: 9789053253519 € 42,95 [BE] / € 42,95 [NL]/ € 42,95 [INT] | June 2013 II16 - HERITAGE & LOCAL INTEREST


The Rough Guide to Vintage London (1st edition, 2013) [UK] Rough Guides | May 2013 | ISBN: 9781409325369 | € 14,50 [BE] | € 14,50 [NL]

Belgium & Luxembourg Eyewitness Travel Guide 2013 [UK] D.K. - E/W | July 2013 | ISBN: 9781409386285 | € 21,50 [BE] | € 21,50 [NL]

Brussels Flexi Map -Insight Guides 2013 [UK] Insight Guides | Laminated, tear-resistant map | Jan. 2013 | ISBN: 9781780054186 | € 7,20 [BE] | € 7,20 [NL]

Brussels, Bruges, Ghent & Antwerp Eyewitness Travel Guide 2013 [UK] D.K. - E/W | Jan. 2013 | ISBN: 9781409385905 | € 15,95 [BE] | € 15,95 [NL]

Bruges Smart Guide (3rd e) [UK] Insight Guides | May 2013 | ISBN: 9781780051673 | € 9,95 [BE] | € 9,95 [NL]

Bruges Step by Step Guide Insight Guides 2013 [UK] Insight Guides | Jan. 2013 | ISBN: 9781780051277 | € 12,95 [BE] | € 12,95 [NL]

Bruges Popout Map

Bruges. InsideOut

Brussels Popout Map

[UK] PopOut Maps | Sept. 2011 | ISBN: 9781845878634 | € 5,95 [BE] | € 5,95 [NL]

[UK] PopOut Maps | April 2011 | ISBN: 9781845878351 | € 10,50 [BE] | € 10,50 [NL]

[UK] PopOut Maps | Sept. 2011 | ISBN: 9781845878696 | € 5,95 [BE] | € 5,95 [NL]



Waits / Corbijn '77-'11 Collector's Edition

Jim Jarmusch and Robert Christgau

Music: The Definitive Visual History

Collector's Edition in a slipcase, limited edition

This visually stunning reference book charts and explains the entire history of music, from bone flutes to electronica and everything in between. Discover the evolution of music era by era, from baroque to rock and roll, with biographies that profile the lives and works of ground-breaking musicians from Mozart to Elvis to Johnny Cash. Inside you'll also find detailed profiles of instruments as well as listening suggestions for each musical style.

[G] Schirmer/ Mosel Hb with slip case | 360x255mm | 272p | 262 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783829605557 € 159,50 [BE] / € 159,50 [NL]/ € 159,50 [INT] | May 2013

[UK] D. K. Hardback | 301x252mm | 400p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781409320791 € 35,50 [BE] / € 35,50 [NL]/ € 35,50 [INT] | Oct. 2013

Limited Edition of 6,000 copies [firm sale only]

Including free digital audio offering

Photographs of Tom Waits by Anton Corbijn, photographs by Tom Waits of the vivid quotidian, stretching down through the years, and presented for the first time in a beautiful clothbound book; side by side, these 226 images record one of the longest and most fruitful collaborations in the careers of both artists.



The Art of Metal

50 Years of Metal Cover and Poster Art Showcases 400 of the finest examples of metal poster and cover art and is the first book ever to concentrate specifically on work created by artists working in this genre of music. Spans the entire 50-year history of metal, from the earliest proto-metal bands of the 1960s to the most recent releases. Every genre is represented, including Traditional Metal, NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal), Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Prog Metal, Nu Metal, Big Hair Metal, Doom & Stoner Metal. [UK] Omnibus +firm+ Hardback | 279x248mm | 224p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781783050420 € 35,50 [BE] / € 35,50 [NL]/ € 35,50 [INT] | Nov. 2013

The Beatles - Illustrated Lyrics

David Bowie

Edited by Alan Aldridge

Barry Miles, Chris Charlesworth

Originally published in 1969, this book has become a symbol of an era, a must-have for Beatles fans and a brilliant tribute to the band that changed a generation.Clarification of controversial lyrics is offered by the only true authorities, the Beatles themselves.

Now available once again after being out of print for several years, the David Bowie Black Book remains one of the most elegant books about the iconic superstar ever to have been published. Art directed by acclaimed graphic designer Pierce Marchbank and with text written by former NME journalist and cultural commentator Miles, the David Bowie Black Book contains photographs from every era of Bowie's genre-defining career and was for many years the world's best-selling Bowie book.

[UK] Omnibus +firm+ Hb with slip case | 278x222mm | 224p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781780385334 € 63,50 [BE] / € 63,50 [NL]/ € 60,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013 1000 limited edition signed, numbered, and with a print ready for framing. II15 - MUSIC

Black Book

[UK] Omnibus +firm+ Paperback | 290x230mm | p | several bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781783051830 € 24,50 [BE] / € 24,50 [NL]/ € 24,50 [INT] | July 2013 II15 - MUSIC



Elvis 1956

Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer Introduction by Chris Murray. Essays by E Warren Perry Jr & Amy Henderson

1956 was the year Elvis released his first record, made his first television appearance and started his movie career. It was the year he became a star. Taken during the year Elvis turned 21, Alfred Wertheimer's photographs are a remarkable visual record of a defining time for rock 'n' roll's most enduring figure. Includes photos of Elvis never before published. Features images of him in every aspect of his life - from performance and with the fans, to the recording studio and at home. [UK] Omnibus Hardback | 265x215mm | 128p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781783050482 € 23,95 [BE] / € 23,95 [NL]/ € 23,95 [INT] | June 2013

Marianne Faithfull As Years go by

As Years Go By is a richly detailed portrait of a woman who has lived an incredible life, one that far transcends her best known role as courtesan to the chief Rolling Stone. From aristocratic lineage to convent school, stardom to attempted suicide, junkie to punk, folk singer to torch chanteuse, Marianne has seen her life flash by in banner headlines. Researched through over 50 interviews with her family, former lovers and friends, As Years Go By reveals the truth behind the headlines. [UK] Omnibus Paperback | 280p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781780388373 € 21,50 [BE] / € 21,50 [NL]/ € 21,50 [INT] | May 2013


Gabba Gabby Hey

Mick Rock, David Bowie

Jim McCarthy & Brian Williamson

The small format edition of the bestselling book.A seminal collection of images from the glam rock era taken by the legendary photographer Mick Rock whose describes the glam era as being about 'make-up, mirrors and androgyny'. Includes iconic photographs of David Bowie, Lou Reed, Debbie Harry, Iggy Pop, Queen and many others.

Set against a backdrop of New York facing bankruptcy and terrorised by Son of Sam, The Ramones tale takes in endless inter-band fighting and finally the tragic deaths of three of the founding members: Joey, Johnny and Dee Dee. Yet their influence has proved immense, with their early British tours having a profound impact on bands like The Pistols and The Clash, and the band finally receiving due recognition when they were induced into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

An eyewitness Account

[UK] Omnibus Paperback | 267x208mm | 208p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781780388816 € 21,50 [BE] / € 21,50 [NL]/ € 21,50 [INT] | July 2013 II15 - MUSIC


The Ramones Graphic Novel

[UK] Omnibus Paperback | 224x166mm | 176p | throughout bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781780385402 € 21,50 [BE] / € 21,50 [NL]/ € 21,50 [INT] | March 2013 II15 - MUSIC

David Bowie Is The V&A has been given unprecedented access to the David Bowie archive to curate the first international retrospective of his extraordinary career. David Bowie is will explore the creative processes of Bowie as a musical innovator and cultural icon, tracing his shifting style and sustained reinvention across five decades. More than 300 objects are selected and brought together for the first time. They include handwritten lyrics, original costumes, fashion, photography, film, music videos, ... Reprint. Expo: 23/03/2013 28/07/2013, Victoria & Albert Museum, London

[UK] V & A Museum Hardback | 310x240mm | 288p | 300 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781851777372 € 48,00 [BE] / € 48,00 [NL]/ € 48,00 [INT] | March 2013 II15 - MUSIC





One Size fits all Steven Bryden, with an essay by Gary Warnett

The 21st century has witnessed a cap craze. Nearly every facet of society has embraced its own version-from rappers to punk rockers, cyclists to baseball stars, hipsters to high fashionistas. In Caps: One Size Fits All, Steven Bryden explores the evolution of the cap, tracing its roots from functional item to fashion must-have. Filled with expertly shot color images, the book features interviews with cap connoisseurs and icons of cap fashion. [UK] Prestel Paperback with flaps | 193x195mm | 192p | 215 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9783791348520 € 27,95 [BE] / € 27,95 [NL]/ € 27,95 [INT] | Oct. 2013 II11 - POPULAR CULTURE

Kat von D. Go Big or Go Home

Taking Risks in Life, Love and Tattooing Two time New York Times bestselling author KAT VON D is back with a new book: Go Big or Go Home, which presents a vivid series of large-scale tattoos accompanied by personal essays that reflect on how taking risks can change our lives. With foreign rights of her past books selling in over 40 markets, Kat von D is an international superstar whose profile keeps getting bigger. Kat's previous books, High Voltage Tattoo and The Tattoo Chronicles, were international bestsellers. [US] Collins US Hardback | 254x203mm | 224p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780062108135 € 29,99 [BE] / € 29,99 [NL]/ € 28,29 [INT] | April 2013

City as Canvas

New York City Graffiti From the Martin Wong Collection A visual account of the birth of graffiti and street art, showcasing as-yet-unseen works collected by preeminent artist Martin Wong. Referred to by the New York Times as an artist "whose meticulous visionary realism is among the lasting legacies of New York's East Village art scene of the 1980s," Martin Wong (1946-1999) was firmly entrenched in the NYC street art world of the late '70s and '80s. City as Canvas chronicles the most important chapter in the street art movement and the artists involved.



Expo: Oct. 2013 - ..., Museum of the City of New York

[US] Rizzoli Hardback | 254x209mm | 240p | 200 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780847839865 € 42,95 [BE] / € 42,95 [NL]/ € 42,95 [INT] | Oct. 2013 II11 - POPULAR CULTURE


642 Fashion Things to Draw [US] Chronicle Gifts | | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452118321 | € 16,95 [BE] | € 16,95 [NL]

The Big Ideas Notepad 100 Tear-Out Sheets for Brainstorming, Mind-Mapping, and Awesome Idea-Generating [US] Chronicle Gifts | Notepad with rounded corners, 100 sheets, 15 different designs repeating | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452114149 | € 14,50 [BE] | € 14,50 [NL]

Card Catalog [US] Chronicle Gifts | 30 colour cards (30 designs), 30 envelopes, 5 dividers | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452114323 | € 19,50 [BE] | € 19,51 [NL]

Cook's One Line a Day A Five-Year Culinary Memory Book [US] Chronicle Gifts | | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452118970 | € 16,95 [BE] | € 16,95 [NL]

A Curious Collection 20 Different Notecards and Envelopes By Hugo Guinness

[US] Chronicle Gifts | box with removable lid, 20 cards (20 designs), 20 envelopes | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452115412 | € 14,50 One line a Day, A Five-Year Memory Book| ISBN 9780811870191 [BE] | € 14,50 [NL] | € 15,50 [BE] | € 15,50 [NL]

Love Haikubes

House Industries 100 Postcards [US] Chronicle Gifts | Box with hinged lid, 100 diff. postcards, metallic silver ink, lifting ribbon | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452112541 | € 19,95 [BE] | € 19,95 [NL]

Travel Listography Exploring the World in Lists

[US] Chronicle Gifts | box tray with acetate lid, 63 word cubes | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452119717 | € 25,95 [BE] | € 25,95 [NL]

Old-School Iron-Ons [US] Chronicle Gifts | Matchbook-style book, 15 decal sheets, 50 full-colour iron-on decals | Aug. 2013 | ISBN: 9781452118383 | € 14,50 [BE] | € 14,50 [NL]

[US] Chronicle Gifts | Paperback with lay-flat binding, ribbon page marker | Nov. 2008 | ISBN: 9781452115573 | € 16,95 [BE] | € 16,95 [NL]


Star Wars - Ice Sabers 30 Chilled Treats Using the Force of Your Freezer [US] Chronicle Gifts | Reprint | May 2013 | ISBN: 9781452107615 | € 24,50 [BE] | € 24,50 [NL]


Accordion Organizer: Bon Voyage [US] Galison | € 10,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735329881

Gift Notes Bon Voyage [US] Galison | € 10,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735330283

Gift Tags Birdhouse [US] Galison | € 5,40 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735331723

Journal Andy Warhol Idea Journal [US] Galison | € 14,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735336797

Forest Friends Magnetic Bookmark [US] Galison | € 6,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735336827

Mini Journal Warhol Marilyn [US] Galison | € 3,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735337220

Pencil Set Warhol Philosophy [US] Galison | € 10,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735337008

Perpetual Calendar World Traveler [US] Galison | € 10,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735335691

Pocket Journal Idea [US] Galison | € 9,20 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735336896

Pocket Planner Around the World [US] Galison | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735334076

Pocket Planner Vintage Typewriter [US] Galison | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735330757

Book of Labels: Book Friends [US] Galison | € 6,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735332829

Book of Stickers: Travel [US] Galison | € 6,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735336339

Shaped Memo Pads Vintage Telephone [US] Galison | € 8,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735335578

Decorative Garland Pirates [US] Galison | € 7,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780735334731



LEGO® Minifigure Year by Year A Visual Chronicle

A vibrant history of LEGO® minifigures from their introduction in 1978 to the present day. With more than 1,500 featured, this guide covers everything you ever wanted to know about the cult objects and includes three LEGO® minifigures to add to your collection. [UK] D. K. Hardback | 301x252mm | 256p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781409333128 € 34,50 [BE] / € 34,50 [NL]/ € 34,50 [INT] | Oct. 2013

The LEGO® Play Book Be inspired by this collection of more than 200 LEGO® builds. Create a hidden doorway in an enchanted castle, race LEGO cars and build a robot army. Includes ten-minute build suggestions and tips and advice on activities you can play and things you can do. [UK] D. K. Hardback | 276x229mm | 200p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781409327516 € 25,00 [BE] / € 25,00 [NL]/ € 25,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013

Star Trek The Visual Dictionary

Brooddoos Een verhaal in 14 sneetjes

Beam into the Star TrekT Universe and get the facts on the characters, ships and amazing gadgets from all six Star TrekT TV series and the first ten movies.

+speciale prijs+

[UK] D. K. Hardback | 301x252mm | 96p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781409323419 € 21,00 [BE] / € 21,00 [NL]/ € 21,00 [INT] | March 2013 II18 - CHILDREN'S BOOKS



The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Touch and Feel Playbook Eric Carle

In this tactile early-learning playbook which features artwork from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other Eric Carle picture books, first concepts such as colours, numbers, shapes and first words are introduced through textures,


words and pictures. Ideal for older babies and toddlers, this bright, sturdy board book is perfect for sharing and encouraging interactive play. [UK] Penguin UK Hardback | xmm | 12p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780241959565 € 12,95 [BE] / € 12,95 [NL]/ € 12,95 [INT] | II18 - CHILDREN'S BOOKS March 2013

Dimitri Leue. Illustraties: Tom Schoonooghe

Casie Opijn gaat voor de eerste keer naar school. Ze wil ontzettend graag leren. Het eerste wat ze leert, is dat niet alle kinderen even leuk zijn. In 'Brooddoos' zit een stevige boterham over pesten, maar ook een hartige boterham over zoeken naar wie je zelf bent. Een brooddoos is een schatkist.'Tijdens een drukke dag op school van gejengel en geduw en getrek en gezaag is zo'n brooddoos heel eventjes thuiskomen.

Promoprijs !! nu 12,50 euro in plaats van 17,50 euro.

Een samenwerking tussen Minestrone Culinaire Uitgeverij en Bronks Jeugdtheater.

[BE] Minestrone Hardback | 180x145mm | 96p | throughout col.ill. | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789490028176 € 12,50 [BE] / € 12,50 [NL]/ € 12,50 [INT] | May 2013 promo II18 - CHILDREN'S BOOKS


Charles and Ray Eames Memory Game [US] Ammo | € 14,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429655

Alexander Girard Coloring Book [US] Ammo | € 6,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429860

Alexander Girard Memory Game [US] Ammo | € 14,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429761

Alexander Girard Nesting Blocks [US] Ammo | € 21,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429853

Alexander Girard Block Puzzle 10 blocks, 2 puzzles, 26 letters + more [US] Ammo | € 16,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429877

Alexander Girard Eden Giant Floor Puzzle 24-piece jigsaw puzzle [US] Ammo | € 24,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429785

Classic Wooden Peg Puzzles [Game] [US] Ammo | € 11,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429242

Charley Harper Flash Cards and Floor Puzzles [US] Ammo | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429273

Charley Harper Ladybug Giant Floor Puzzle 61 x 96,5 cm, 24- piece jigsaw puzzle [US] Ammo | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429532

Charley Harper Memory Game [Game] [US] Ammo | € 14,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429266

Charley Harper Nesting Blocks [US] Ammo | € 24,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429563

Patrick Hruby Memory Game [Game] [US] Ammo | € 15,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429624

Imaginary Castle Floor Puzzle (60x96cm, 24 pieces) [US] Ammo | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429631

Natural Wonders A Patrick Hruby Coloring Book [US] Ammo | € 5,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429716

Modern Art Deluxe Memory Game [US] Ammo | € 16,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9781934429419




Frame # 92

Elephant travels to Cape Town in the company of photographer Pieter Hugo gathering an explosive mix of writing, music, design and art, not to mention some highly original socio-political ideas and interesting anecdotes. Sue Hubbard looks at the career of South Africa's seminal artist William Kentridge, who is not the only seminal artist in this issue as we reassess the work (and colourful personality) of Maggi Hambling and visit the studio of France's most controversial artist, Adel Abdessemed.

Tough times and internet shopping mean retailers must reinvent or die. Frame talks to shoe brand Camper about its three-pronged store design strategy and visits My Boon, a singular shop in Seoul that's conceived as an interior garden only without the plants. Then it's back to nature with artist Paula Hayes and off to São Paulo to sample the design delights of Brazil's biggest city.

March/April 2013

[NL] Frame Paperback | 280x220mm | 208p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 010837 € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]/ € 19,95 [INT] | April 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

May-June 2013

[NL] Frame Paperback | 300x230mm | 224p | throughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 8710966441145 € 19,95 [BE] / € 19,95 [NL]/ € 19,95 [INT] | April 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

75 technieken voor Creatief Denken

Een handige kaartenset voor creatieve inspiratie Booreiland

Met 75 technieken voor creatief denken maak je kennis met 75 direct toepasbare technieken om problemen op te lossen, ideeën te genereren of out-of-the-box te denken. De 75 creativiteitstechnieken zijn verdeeld over de vijf stappen die je doorloopt bij het oplossen van een probleem. De informatie op de kaart is kort, praktisch en direct toepasbaar: wat is de techniek, wanneer zet je hem in, hoe doe je het en met welk resultaat? Daarnaast geeft een praktisch boekje verdere uitleg . [NL] B.I.S. Box | 75p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063693190 € 24,00 [BE] / € 24,00 [NL]/ € 24,00 [INT] | Aug. 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN


Design Transitions

Untold stories on how design practises are transitioning Joyce Yee, Emma Jefferies and Lauren Tan

The world of design is changing. In response designers are expanding their professional boundaries, moving from designing objects to designing services and experiences to designing for positive social change. The designer no longer exists as a lone creative voice but is increasingly becoming a facilitator of other people's creativity, working in collaboration with stakeholders through participatory approaches. [NL] B.I.S. Paperback with flaps | 240x175mm | 224p | 200 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063693213 € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL]/ € 34,00 [INT] | Aug. 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Designing Meaningful Play

with Games, Stories, Music and Everything The role of designers in communication and visual culture is evolving, from designers serving as commercial 'hired guns' to assuming the more empowering roles of design authorship. It has become standard practice in design education to teach designers to develop their own voice and create self-initiated projects. The role of the designer can expand to being the author, producer, curator, network facilitator, activist, consultant, entrepreneur... the list goes on and on. [NL] B.I.S. Hardback | 270x210mm | 240p | 300 col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063693008 € 39,00 [BE] / € 39,00 [NL]/ € 39,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Handboek voor het opzetten van een ontwerppraktrijk

The Innovation Expedition

Kitty de Jong e.a. . Design: Leon Bloemendaal

Gijs van Wulfen. Design: Frederik de Wal

(6de ed)

Het handboek is gebaseerd op de vele vragen over het opzetten van een eigen bedrijf die dagelijks binnenkomen bij de beroepsorganisatie voor ontwerpers, BNO. Deze geactualiseerde editie van het Handboek voor het opzetten van een ontwerppraktijk is aangepast aan nieuwe wet- en regelgeving en op sommige onderwerpen, zoals offreren en acquireren, uitgebreid. Het handboek voorziet in de grote behoefte aan praktische en speciaal op de ontwerppraktijk toegespitste informatie. Zesde editie. [NL] B.I.S. Paperback | 240x170mm | 160p | NL ed. | ISBN: 9789063693183 € 29,90 [BE] / € 29,90 [NL]/ € 29,90 [INT] | June 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

A visual toolkit to start innovation In Innovate, The Expedition Way doet auteur Gijs van Wulfen voor innovatie wat Alexander Osterwalder met zijn boek Business Model Generation heeft gedaan : een ingewikkeld onderwerp zeer toegankelijk maken door het verhaal visueel en inspirerend te vertellen. Het boek volgt de analogie van een expeditie. In 9 stappen leiden inspirerende landkaarten je op je innovatie expeditie naar een resultaat van concreet inzetbare concepten voor innovatieve nieuwe producten en diensten. [NL] B.I.S. Hardback | 190x240mm | 240p | 500 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063693138 € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL]/ € 34,00 [INT] | May 2013

Storytelling on Steroids 20 Stories That Hijacked Popular Culture John Weich

In this captivating book, John Weich pinpoints the iconic 'moments' that helped transform storytelling from a fringe communication movement into a pop culture phenomenon. From the awesome storytelling prowess of Nike to the popular provocations of British artist Damien Hirst. from hilarious Twitter parodies of TV celebrities to The New York Times infographics and Jay-Z, Weich explores the campaigns, stunts, exhibitions, visualizations and shenanigans that helped make storytelling a buzzword. [NL] B.I.S. Paperback | 160p, 60 ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063693114 € 19,00 [BE] / € 19,00 [NL]/ € 19,00 [INT] |Sept. 2013 I13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN I


Sustainist Design Primer Handbook with design principles for and cases of social design in the era of sustainability. Many successful social design projects have embraced qualities such as connectivity, sharing, localism as well as sustainability. Sustainism Design Primer charts what such "sustainist" values could mean for the practice of social design.It formulates an open-ended agenda for social design, and presents a set of design criteria that goes well beyond "green" design. [NL] B.I.S. Paperback with flaps | 245x175mm | 120p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063692834 € 19,00 [BE] / € 19,00 [NL]/ € 19,00 [INT] | May 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Visual Persuasion Unveiled 50 effective influence techniques in visual communication

Prof. Dr. van Baaren, Dr. Van Leeuwen, Marc Andrews

Visual messages are omnipresent in our daily life. They are constantly attempting to persuade us to buy, learn and act. Some are more successful than others in influencing our behaviour and choices. What is the secret power of these messages? How do they succeed in changing our behavior? This book explains the psychology behind 50 effective influence techniques of visual persuasion and how to apply them. The techniques range from influence essentials to more obscure and insidious ones. [NL] B.I.S. Hardback | 245x180mm | 192p | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063693145 € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL]/ € 34,00 [INT] | Aug. 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN


Wayshowing > Wayfinding

Basic & Interactive Per Mollerup

This is the completely renewed edition of the standard reference book Wayshowing which was published in 2005. This new edition by Per Mollerop is fully updated with digital signage systems and has much more tool-oriented practical content. And all signage examples are newly selected for this edition. [NL] B.I.S. Paperback with flaps | 300x190mm | 240p | 500 col. & bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9789063693237 € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL]/ € 34,00 [INT] | Sept. 2013 II13 - GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN

Typography Sketchbooks

Maurice Sendak

Selected by the worlds most knowledgeable and well-connected graphic-design commentator, Steven Heller, this survey gets into the minds of designers who create typefaces, word-images and logos through their private sketchbooks. Arranged by designer, this collection of typographic explorations intimately reveals how nearly 120 of the worlds leading designers and typographers continually strive to find new and exciting ways of communicating through letters and words, and provides fascinating insights.

The preeminent children's book artist of the 20th century, Maurice Sendak and his 60-year career are celebrated in this full-colour catalogue of more than 200 images. Accompanied by 12 essays from such noted scholars and historians as Leonard S. Marcus, Iona Opie, Steven Heller and Paul O. Zelinsky, the book showcases the collection of Justin G. Schiller and Dennis M. V. David, prominent authorities on Sendak's artwork, and is a deeply personal and thoughtful tribute to a seminal artist.

12 cards, 6 designs, inside a keepsake box. Cards feature one-of-a-kind hand-drawn typefaces as well as classics that originated or were popular in the early decades of the 20th century. The back of each card includes a capsule history of each typeface's origins and use. Typophiles and ephemera aficionados will love to pen letters about letters on these elegant vintage type specimen notecards; features selections from vintage typography manuals and specimen books of the 1920s through 1950s

[UK] T & H Paperback | 245x185mm | 368p | 375 col.ill. | 225 bw ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9780500289686 € 28,50 [BE]/ € 28,50 [NL]/ € 28,50 [INT]| June 2013 -R/P

[US] Abrams Hardback | 224p | troughout col.ill. | Eng. ed. | ISBN: 9781419708268 € 34,00 [BE] / € 34,00 [NL]/ € 34,00 [INT] | May 2013

[US] Princeton Boxed | 12 cards| ISBN: 9781616891466 € 14,95 [BE] / € 14,95 [NL]/ € 14,95 [INT] | May 2013



Steven Heller and Lita Talarico

A Celebration of the Artist and His Work



Vintage Typography Notecards



Parisian Chic Weekly Planner 2014 [F] Flammarion| € 18,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9782080201515

Adventure Time 2014 Wall Calendar 16-month calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419706684

Archer 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707148

Art of Andy Warhol 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419708756

Ender's Game 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419709159

Extraordinary Chickens 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707445

Garbage Pail Kids 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419708183

Mars Attacks 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419708190

Planet Golf 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707469

Planetfall 2014 Wall Calendar Beyond: Visions from Our Solar System 2014 Wall Calendar: [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707391

Puppyhood 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707735

Sea Glass Hearts 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419709173

Steampunk Bible 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419708206

The Legend of Zelda 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707803

Treehouses of the World 2014 Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707452


William Wegman Man's Best Friend 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707421

William Wegman Puppies 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Abrams | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781419707438

365 Things to Draw 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452118765

All My Friends are Dead 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452118789

Anne Taintor 2014 Engagement Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115580

Anne Taintor 2014 Small Agenda [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452118819

Anne Taintor 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115597

Boo The World's Cutest Dog 2014 Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115702

Daily Doodle 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115504

Darth Vader and Son 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452123080

Disney 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 13,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115641

Everything is Going to Be OK 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452118802

F in Exams 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115658

I Could Pee on This 2014 Wall Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452118796

Listography 2014 Engagement Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 15,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452118826


Sex Every Day in Every Way 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115665

The Calendar of Awesome 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115627

The Onion Presents: 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452109428


What's Your Poo Telling You 2014 Daily Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115689

Worst Case Scenario 2014 Daily Survival Calendar [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 12,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452115696


Dr. Who Postcards from Time and Space - Postcardbox [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781405908290 Doctor Who. Character Encyclopedia 9781409325710 | € 18,50 [BE]

Beautiful Farmyard (Postcard box) 100 Gorgeous Portraits of Chickens, Cows, Ducks, Owls, Pigeons, Pigs, Rabbits, Sheep & Tractors [UK] IVY PRESS | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781908005311

One Hundred Postcards Flower Fairies [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780723268420

Postcards from Ladybird 100 Classic Ladybird Covers in One Box [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781409311522

Postcards from Penguin [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780141044668

Postcards from Puffin 100 Book Covers in One Box [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780141333373

Postcards from The New Yorker: One Hundred Covers from Ten Decades: Ten Decades, 100 Covers [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781846144691

100 Writers in a Box Postcards from Penguin Modern Classics [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780141197333

The World of Peter Rabbit A Box of Postcards: One hundred pictures [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9780723267331

Hey Ugly Postcard Box [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 9,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780811857604

House Industries 100 Postcards [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781452112541

Pantone 100 Postcards [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 18,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780811877541

Position of the day. Postcard box [US] Chronicle Gifts | € 9,50 [BE] | ISBN: 9780811838252

The Art of Classic Comics: 100 Postcards from the Fabulous 1950s [UK] Ilex | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781781570050

Postcards from Vogue Postcard Box 100 Iconic Covers [UK] Penguin UK | € 19,95 [BE] | ISBN: 9781846144684





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