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YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING BY MELANIE ROBITAILLE, SR. STAFF WRITER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER Winners are called go-getters for a reason; they go after what they want in order to be the best. They train consistently and effectively because that’s what it takes to be successful in any endeavor. In real estate, when the fish are jumping in the boat faster than a Mississippi River carp derby, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to keep pace and put off refining your sales skills. You get used to clients seeking you out, instead of knowing where to find them, knowing how to ask for their business, and knowing how to build trusting referral-worthy relationships. After 11 years of being an EXIT Realty MIND-SET Trainer, Erica Nasby knows that many agents lack the confidence to do these things on a normal day. She has witnessed real estate markets ebb and flow. So, what do you do when listings in your market are all seemingly fished out? Top Real Estate Coach, Author and Speaker, Brian Buffini suggests that, “There’s not a shortage of inventory, there’s a shortage of listed inventory,” and that essentially there’s plenty of fish, (or houses in this case) just not enough agents going out and asking for the business. Where the great online, social media world of today can leave you waiting to be found amidst a sea of search results, ads, and news feed posts, getting one-on-one time in front of potential clients is invaluable because as Buffini also shared on a recent exclusive EXIT webinar, even though 97% of sales start with online searches, 94% still end with a real estate professional’s help. “Technology provides a softer way to do business. Most agents are looking for that because we’re afraid of rejection, and stranger danger has been ingrained in us our entire lives. Technology is certainly an easier way where we’re hiding behind a screen, but the reality is, the fastest way to inspire somebody is through face-to-face interaction,” Erica said, explaining why her door-knocking training is so important right now.
Volume 10 Issue 1 31