500 MORNINGS AGO I first read about the Miracle Morning™ routine in a Facebook post written by Nick Libert, the Broker/Owner of EXIT Strategy Realty in Chicago. After listening to the book on Audible, I decided to try the 30-day challenge myself and I considered asking my EXIT Family to join me in the challenge. The conversation in my head went like this: Me: I wonder if any EXIT folks would want to do this with me. The Universe: They might, but if you put it out there, you realize you’re going to actually have to do it for 30 days, right? Me: That’s true, but it’s only a 30-day commitment and I don’t have to continue beyond that. The Universe: Do it. My life works best when I do what the Universe tells me to do, so I posted the challenge on Facebook, and to my delight, several of our associates expressed interest. I created an EXIT-only Miracle Morning™ Facebook group for the participants to keep in touch. The Miracle Morning™ routine involves waking up earlier than usual and spending a period of time on each of the following activities first thing in the morning: Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading and Scribing (ie journaling). The acronym spells SAVERS. Thanks to the guidance of EXIT’s Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, our company is holistic and believes that productivity will come as a natural result of strengthening the individual first, so some of these activities were already part of my daily routine, but not all and not first thing in the morning. The challenge helped me to formalize my commitment. Members of our group are encouraged to complete their SAVERS daily, post in the group and engage with other members. There are participants in every role at EXIT: administrative staff, agents, broker/owners, regional owners, head office staff and executives. Regardless of our role with the company, each individual is striving to become the best version of ourselves. Sometimes we do well and sometimes we struggle, and the group is warm and supportive regardless. Mid way through our initial 30-day challenge, I started to experience the positive aspects of the routine. My affirmations were manifesting, I was meditating and walking daily and so on. Other members reported similar results and because we were also enjoying the camaraderie of the group, we collectively decided to continue beyond the initial 30 days. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the routine and daily interaction with the group kept me grounded in a positive mindset of prosperity and gratitude. Fast forward to March 15, 2021; our group was 500 days old, I had completed the SAVERS routine for 500 consecutive days and I have continued since. The positive impact of both the routine and participation in the group have compounded for me in life-changing ways. I believe there is always something to be grateful for, and in my life, those things include my EXIT Family and the Miracle Morning™ routine.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the routine and daily interaction with the group kept me grounded in a positive mindset of prosperity and gratitude.
Volume 10 Issue 1 39