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Relationships Matter
TON ROELANDSE Originally from the Netherlands, Ton now resides in Miami and is a prominant member at the Cliff Drysdale Tennis managed resort, The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne, Miami.
EMBODY the CDT FAMILY LIFESTYLE Highlighting Ton Roelandse
36 Cliff Drysdale Tennis facilities extend across the United States and internationally, but we recognize we would be nothing without the guests and members that play tennis with us every day. Our members and guests are part of the CDT family and form a bond with our staff at each location. Members like Ton Roelandse embody what our CDT family so great. Ton is a longtime resident of Coconut Grove, Miami. He has played tennis at The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne, Miami for the last 15 years. He loves to play and enjoys his time on the picturesque courts, as well as experiencing the game with other locals, resort guests, and the local pros.
Tennis has been an integral part of Roelandse’s life since he was a young child. He remembers hitting against a wall with a wooden racquet before switching to play competitive squash in the Netherlands in his early 20’s.
Ton grew up in The Hague, Netherlands, and he has been traveling the world and lived in many countries throughout his career as a management and technology consultant. He has called Miami home since 1996 when he came to complete work for a local utility company.
Once Ton started living in Miami, he switched back to playing tennis because he loved being outside. He found The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne, Miami Tennis Garden through his then fiancée, now wife of 13 years, Monica. He religiously returns to these courts two or three times a week. He and Monica used to play singles and friendly doubles together before having two boys, now 7 and 8.
Ton lives a short 20-minute drive away from The RitzCarlton, Key Biscayne – over the Rickenbacker Causeway that connects Miami to Key Biscayne. He described the scenic drive with palm trees and beaches as “extremely relaxing and adds to the enjoyment of going to tennis.” Nowadays, he takes private lessons and enjoys the morning group clinics that are “good competitive fun, that we all take extremely seriously” with his friends that he has made on the tennis courts.
YOU ® .
Memories create a journey you can always return to.

Stay and Play at the largest Cliff Drysdale Tennis Center of any Ritz-Carlton world-wide including overnight accommodations, unlimited court time, beverages, game arranging services, and sleeve of balls.
For reservations, contact your travel professional, call The Ritz-Carlton at 800-241-3333 or visit ritzcarlton.com/keybiscayne.

Left: Ton Roelandse joined by Director of Tennis, Max Mangones, after a lesson. Right: Ton poses with Ana Ivanovic (top) and Marion Bartoli (bottom) at the Miami All Star event at The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne, Miami Tennis Garden.

He has ventured to many other Cliff Drysdale Tennis facilities, including Crandon Park Tennis Center, former home of the Miami Open, and Grove Isle Tennis Center, and occasionally other clubs, but he keeps coming back to play at The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne for many reasons. He describes the tennis courts as “very well maintained and play very nice. He has a special connection with the large staff, pro shop and coaches alike. He describes the pro shop staff as “friendly, helpful, and fun”. He has played with many of the Cliff Drysdale Tennis coaches over the years including Max “Human Backboard” Mangones, Nate “I have a good court for you” Debut, Mel “Fashion Icon” Segota, Matic “c’mon first ball in team” Leskovar, and John “The Legend” Valdez. The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne offers a unique fun atmosphere, and everyone knows his name!
Being a technology consultant, of course he uses a “smart” dampener to measure everything form his calorie burn, to the number of split steps, to the spin rate, and ball speed. He uses this data-informed approach to set clear goals for his game. Ton also strings his own racquets on a weekly basis. He describes this as going from agony to almost a zen moment of focusing on his racquet and the new strings.
Over the years, tennis has taught him that “you are never as good as you think you are.” A great example of this is when he played Marion Bartoli at the Miami All Stars event hosted at The Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne in 2013, the same year she won Wimbledon. Bartoli destroyed him with her kick serve. The following year, Ton had the opportunity to play with Ana Ivanovic at the same event. “She had an amazing attitude on court during match play. What struck me was her speed and seamless, effortless stroke production.” At the end of the match, Ana offered Ton a few pointers on his game, including one that has stuck with him over the years - hit high and deep on the return.
The CDT family would not be the same without the passion, energy, and love for the game that is celebrated by everyone who graces any of our tennis facilities. For that, thank you to Ton and every other guest who gives us the opportunity to spread for the love of the game!

Enjoy the rich tradition of grass court tennis, the way the game was meant to be played.
Set amidst the prehistoric sand dunes of central Wisconsin, Sand Valley provides the perfect canvas for grass tennis. Grass courts fit right into the property aesthetic and provide a fun and unique tennis experience for all player levels. Sand Valley’s grass courts are open daily during the season to both lodging and day guests.