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Hawkins-Bucklew HawkinsBucklew.com

Creative Director Jewelry Designer Hawkins Bucklew Handcrafted Jewelry Designs

I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA being a natural leader. I was an organizer and an advocate for women’s rights way before I knew what it was called. When girls weren’t allowed to wear pants to elementary school, I wanted to know

why. When we weren’t permitted to be studentcrossing guards, I petitioned to change the rules. At an early age I felt that girls should be allowed to do anything boys could do, as long as we were physically able.

Perhaps this is where my drive to become an entrepreneur originated. I envisioned a life without glass-ceilings and salary inequities for a life that included servant leadership and the potential for unlimited earning power. For some starting a business is easier said than done. Most people get stuck in the plan and never move forward to implement it. I have been blessed with my jewelry company to be in a position where I could put aside my fears and walk in faith toward my dreams. I didn’t arrive at this decision hastily; it came through stillness and redirection. Sometimes your Plan A is not where your destiny lies. Often times we are our biggest obstacles, we get in our own way however, once I decided to hear my call I was free to live in my purpose. I believe Hawkins Bucklew Handcrafted Jewelry Designs is my calling. I didn’t set out to start this company, it was given to my by divine direction. I’ve watched this business unfold in front of my eyes; the right people at the right time have

shown up in my life to assist me with the development of this company. I am enthusiastic about our potential for success and confident we will achieve our highest company goals! My personal mission in life is to give back to the community. Hawkins Bucklew Foundation was established to support this mission. A portion of the revenue generated from my jewelry company will eventually fund our foundation. Just like when I was a little girl, I want to continue to be an advocate for other women. I truly believe that knowledge is power and I want to empower the young women in our communities through entrepreneurship. To give them a choice, an opportunity to take control of their future, their lives and their destiny! I would like to be remembered as a granddaughter, daughter and mother. A woman who paid homage to her ancestors by recognizing, who I am today is directly related to who they were and the lives they lived. I embrace their truth, which is now my truth and pass it on to my daughter with love.

My hope is that somehow my life-contribution to our family lineage would elevate our spiritual existence in a way that would honor the past and pay tribute to our future bloodline. I want to thank the women who came before me for providing a strong foundation from which I stand and the women who will come after me, for continuing to carry the torch that will light the path for all of us into eternity. If I could speak to the little girl in me I would say, “You are enough just the way you are. You do not need the approval or acceptance of others for you are worthy. You are worthy to be acknowledged, heard and loved. Your destiny is uniquely yours, move forward in faith relying on your intuition and you will be on the right path!” Blessings to all, SHB

Danaya Azure Owner of Danaya Designs4U Danielle Carroll aka Danaya has always been fascinated by jewelry. She grew up around fabulous gems because her mother world renown belly dancer Nazaree Azure designed "Dazzlers" Belly Dance Costumes .She has danced all over the Midwest and per formed at several prominent Chicago events and establishments from The Taste of Chicago, University of Chicago to 1996 Democratic National Convention. . Danaya Azure started out as just her stage name for dance then it became that she used any time she did a solo per formance; now it officially her brand. Danaya began designing pieces for herself and her mom but after many requests friends and family she decided to sell them and that is when Danaya Designs4U was born. Danaya now has clients around the country rocking her and Nazaree Azure’s Dazzlers around the world Some of her clients include Per formance Artist and Founder of Keys for Kids Brian Keys Writer/Director of the hit web series “Black Man Depressed” www.blackmandepressed.com Derrick "Pretty Boy" Dow world renown fashion designer Polo The Fur King International Producer and Owner of HFL Magazine Kevin Forrest www.k4sent.com International vocalist Alica Ya Ya Townsend and Model/Actress Empire Radio Model Director Dalila Torres just to name a few.

She also help promote music for an incredible up Chicago Music Awards Nominee and Latin Grammy Nominees North Rock 360 www.northrock360.com Singer/Actor /Model Rotimi Her work has been featured on the cover of HFL Magazine in multiple music videos and on WGN Chicago Teacher Of the Month Segment Danaya Designs4U can be seen in music videos for local artists North Rock 360 JHollins, Pinqy Ring, Alicia Ya Ya Townsend and many more.

Danaya absolutely loves what she does and it shows in every custom design that she creates. She is a City Year Chicago alum she has been doing charity work since the age of 6 She just finished her 3rd summer working with the Fashion program at the Boys and Girls Club of Chicago where she helped young divas to create show stopping pieces for their end of the summer fashion show.

GET IT STRAIGHT Finding My Purpose Where do I start? I’ve worn a lot of labels in my life. Few I’ve mastered. And some I’ve actually failed at. I’ve been a daughter all my life and from what my Mother tells me I’ve been rather successful at being a daughter. Half of my life I’ve been a Mother and it’s something I consider a privilege. My daughter is the best of me and for that I’m grateful. Yesterday she was telling me how happy she is to have her Father and to have me as her parents. I feel the same. I can’t say the same for being a wife. I don’t have a sesquipedalian word to describe the type of wife I was. Let’s just say I sucked. It’s very hard to love someone and allow yourself to be loved when you haven’t yet mastered self-love. Self-esteem, self-confidence, and of course self-love were all things I struggled with. Obviously, I had yet to discover or know self. It’s only now as I’ve gotten older that I make the correlation between self-love and GOD’S love. To love you is to love GOD. To love GOD is to love you.

As much as I was taught to love and revere GOD no one ever told me it had to begin with me.“I praise you because I am fear fully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14 As a little girl I wanted to be Wonder Woman. My Mother had to go to night classes and I would entertain myself with television and music. My Auntie was close by if I needed something, but being an only child I knew how to keep myself entertained. I would wait until Mom was gone and then if iWoman. She was gorgeous and tall. But more than that she was saving the world!

WONDER WOMAN, WONDER WOMAN All the world's waiting for you, and the power you possess. Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman. Now the world is ready for you, and the wonders you can do. Wonder Woman, Get us out from under, Wonder Woman. All our hopes are pinned on you. And the magic that you do. Stop a bullet cold, Make the Axis fold, Change their minds, and change the world. Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman. You're a wonder, Wonder Woman. I knew some of the lyrics, but not all. I just knew I wanted to be a superhero. They only thing I didn’t like was the fact Diana (Wonder Woman in disguise) was always saving Col. Steve Trevor; the man that crashed on her island and was nursed back to health by Wonder Woman. It’s interesting that in the original comic Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor fought side by side. On the television show he was portrayed as being resentful and threatened by her powers. Diana became apologetic for who she was. What a waste. My Mother was my personal hero, but so was Wonder Woman. I don’t remember seeing other examples of extraordinary women on TV. My Mother set the bar high. She was one of the first black executives for Boise Cascade in Boise, Idaho. She went to work during the day. Was at school finishing her degree at night

and was Minister of Music for our church during the weekend. I had an opportunity to travel with her on a few business trips and created havoc by ordering everything I could from room service. She also traveled for photo shoots. I thought everyone’s Mother did all these things. One of my favorite memories was going to Sun Valley, Idaho and watching her take pictures on the slopes. I had a rather glamorous Mom. Looking back I’m not sure about how appropriate her dress was for the office. Maybe that was the influence of the modeling? I share this to show the major influences in my life. My Mother has continued to be a major influence and I still secretly want to be Wonder Woman, or at least possess her superpowers. I’ve had jobs, but not careers. I went off to school and met my ex-husband. Although we divorced several years ago we have been united as parents and continue to be great friends. I have struggled in a lot of my relationships. But remember I’m the one that hadn’t discovered self. Growing up I was taller than most. I had a woman’s body and was still a child. I was shy and people would mistake that for arrogance. That wasn’t the case. I was just fear ful of everything and everyone. It’s hard to reveal who you are when you’re not sure. It was clear I was going to be tall like my Father’s side of the family so my Mother encouraged me to pursue modeling. I think she did it so I wouldn’t be so awkward with my height. It’s funny because I really didn’t get into modeling until I was married and a Mother.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are power ful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” It took me almost ALL of my life to be free. I no longer walk in fear of anything or anyone. I’m excited about what I don’t know because I know WHO holds my future. I have been freed from my past and I don’t allow others to hold it over me. I’m no longer looking for a fight or feeling that I have to validate who I am to anyone. People won’t always understand your journey or the path that GOD is leading you. That’s okay. Actually, it doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter. I’m thankful for my heartache and every disappointment. They all led me to where I am. I found my calling. I am now a Life Coach and Spiritual Advisor. My job is to help others live their best life. After failure comes success. The best truly is yet to come. I didn’t dwell on my past or my mistakes. They’re not important. What is important is that someone who reads

this believes that GOD has a calling on their life. You are here for a purpose. It’s much more than just living day to day. I tell anyone that will listen that I see the GOD in you and that alone makes you qualified. People will always have their judgments, but in the end it’s important what you say about yourself. I believe everything GOD says about you. And to my 8 year old self I would say you are beautiful inside and out. You’re a good person and as long as you have GOD on your side you have nothing and no one to fear. HE is more than the world against you. That makes you Wonder Woman. You’re meant to succeed and that’s why I finally have gotten it straight.

*Veela Ammons sees herself as a citizen of the world because of the multiplicity of cultures and diversity all found in this country. She will be launching a website in the coming weeks so that you can obtain her services as a Life Coach and Spiritual Advisor. veela@SCENE-Chicago.com https://www.facebook.com/veela.ammons.5 https://plus.google.com/+VeelaAmmons www.linkedin.com/pub/veelaammons/8/543/2b5


The Pursuit of the perfect formula: The recipe for Manhattan Moonshine was developed by Will Kehler, inconjunction with Ian Smiley, the man who literally wrote the book on making Un-Aged Whiskey (Making Pure Corn Whiskey: A Professional Guide For Amateur And Micro Distillers, Ian Smiley), and who has over 40 years of experience in distilling and recipe formulation. Whereas other moonshines are made by following traditional Aged-Whiskey or Bourbon recipes and excluding the final step of barrel aging, the recipe for Manhattan Moonshine was developed specifically for an Un-Aged Whiskey leading to a balanced, flavorful product. This attention to detail and precise planning for the final product is what makes Manhattan Moonshine so special. FOUR NOBLE GRAINS: To create Manhattan Moonshine, we start with a blend of locally grown New York grains that is primarily made up of oats, for their honey and baking-spice flavor, and rye, for its warm vanilla and spicy taste and spelt and 2-Row malt to round out the flavors. In addition to these grains, Manhattan Moonshine’s highly unusual recipe uses a unique yeast.

Manhattan Moonshine is able to use oats because it is Un-Aged. The barrel-aging process typically overpowers the flavor of subtle grains in Aged-Whiskey, but because Manhattan Moonshine is not aged, it could be made from grains that are too subtle for a traditional aged Whiskey. The Oats are what gives Manhattan Moonshine its signature smooth yet complex flavor. The development and perfection of the grain bill took more than a year of work balancing the sweet and soft flavor of the Oats with the warm spiciness of the Rye. Rounding out the grain bill with spelt and 2-row malt creates the balance and crispness of the final product. Unlike other Moonshines, Manhattan Moonshine does not use corn. SOURCING THE GRAIN: For each production run, Manhattan Moonshine is careful to source the finest local grains that New York State has to offer, ensuring that the

Whiskey is made from the highest quality, freshest ingredients possible Producing Manhattan Moonshine: Once the grain bill was perfected, additional months of work were required to perfect the production method, which had to be developed from the ground up because of the oat’s unique consistency and flavor. We distill our Whiskey in small batches in a handmade Christian Carl pot still with only one activated plate, allowing us to preserve the natural grain flavors and subtle aromatics of the Whiskey, creating the boldest yet smoothest flavor possible. After many taste trials, we agreed on the ideal ABV for the product at 47.5%. Finally, once Manhattan Moonshine has been distilled, it is immediately bottled without chill-filtering, barrelaging, or blending, so as not to alter the wonderful flavor that we have carefully crafted.





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Dr. LaSean Rinique Shelton Dr. LaSean Rinique Shelton is an acclaimed International public speaker, community leader and servant, radio personality, media strategist and published author of “Congratulations! You Just Lost Your J.O.B!”. LaSean has become a sought after speaker in the industry as she is notorious for breaking barriers and creating stepping stones for the masses. She was born and raised in Jamaica Queens, NY, oldest of 3 children. She attended August Martin High School in 1987 where she juggled cheerleading, mixing and editing for the tech crew, member and served as a sound board of the Leadership Team and served on various community service committees. Known as a motivator back then, LaSean encouraged her peers and those around her to do better and strive for better. In 1990 she graduated from August Martin, and broadened her education by attending Delaware State University. While at DSU, she was dedicated and active in many activities. Her most acclaimed memories include the choir, cheerleading and being lead actress in Dr. Damus Kenyattas Play Production troop which later became a traveling production troop. While at DSU, she was always there to assist and encourage those around her. She used acting as a mode to brighten others day in an art form. She always believed that laughter is the best form of medicine, while dramatic inspirational works tend to sooth the soul. After graduation, LaSean became a professional actress and was casted in several plays (off-off Broadway and local), Law and Order, NY Undercover,

Improv Troops, commercials, local cable shows and several movies. Though acting was quite enjoyable, she felt something missing from her life. She felt that being acclaimed simply for fame and fortune was not enough, her community and those around her needed more. After being knocked down by life’s many blows, it was then that LaSean learned her true purpose in life-to motivate, teach, inspire and encourage others to be their stellar best. Her first opportunities to motivate started at Treatment Facilities, Correction Institutions, Churches and small businesses. Going to places that others dared not, LaSean prayed, encouraged and comforted those in need. Knowing that drug houses and under bridge homes were a danger for some, she felt alive and a sense of purpose showing people how to manifest their vision to reality- and change a perceived “doomed” end into an optimistic position to change . Speaking life in dead situations, many believed in her mantra “there’s glory in every story”! Sticking steadfast to her goals, LaSean prides herself in showing others the way to reposition themselves towards integral God Ordained success. Her ministry touches self-esteem building, HIV prevention, Drugs and Gangs prevention as well Ex-Offenders and the homeless. Needed a more formal platform to reach the masses, LaSean launched “Awake the Champion in you” with the vision to improve as many lives that she can, one person at a time. As a social media strategist LaSean Rinique, has the market cornered and locked when it comes to exposure.

She teaches agencies way to improve exposure and maximize their vision. As a “Transformational Coach”, LaSean reaches deep within her clients to grasp the voice and vision within. As the “Motivator’s motivator”, LaSean assists with keeping Coaches, Professional Speakers, Supervisors, Business Owners and Leaders fresh and relevant. She also privately and discretely works with celebrated clients with imagery, refocus and reedifying their careers. In addition, LaSean heads various outreach movements keeping those less fortunate in mind. She reminds us that one does NOT have to be homeless to be hungry so she periodically distributes packed lunches for those that will accept them as well as assembling the youth to do the same. Thirteen years later, she has increased her territory and is now experienced with assisting teams, families, youth groups, agencies, Celebrities, Churches and individuals with stellar ways to brand or re-brand their products or service, while motivating them towards success. She also encourages her community to step out on faith and assist the least of thee- as stated in “Matthew 25:31-46”. Her energy is positively contagious and genuine, once you encounter LaSean, you will truly want to engage with her again! While LaSean is dedicated to the aforementioned ministries, LaSean has also served as a contributing writer for several blogs, online magazines both National and International, hosted and co-hosted over 15 radio shows both terrestrial and internet, hosted or co-hosted over 5 television talk shows and has a long acting resume inclusive of movies and TV network shows.

LaSean has served on multiple speakers associations and symposiums that taught the benefits of monetizing your worth on the web, being your brother’s keeper and rebranding series such as “It’s Not Over” Iron Sharpens Iron” and youth series that empowers self-esteem building and anti-gang/drug use. LaSean learned how to master the Media industry while simultaneously crushing traditional outlets. LaSean has shared platforms with greats such as Les Brown, Dr. Willie Jolley, Dr. Tiana Von Johnson, Dr. George Frazier, Carl Stokes, Cheryl Wood and many more. LaSean has inspired over 100,000 lives with these combined events and over 1 million radio listeners and television viewers over the years. She is currently encouraging the masses with her book “Congratulations! You just lost your J.O.B”, this book shows those that are unemployed or underemployed that they can monetize their gifts and experience the benefits of entrepreneurship. She has traveled through the States inspiring many and this message has resonated on the airwaves, YouTube and beyond. Lastly, LaSean has been appointed by Dr. E Faye Williams Esq. to head the development of the National Congress of Black Women, Delaware Chapter which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the educational, political and cultural development of African American women and youth. Currently, NCBW trains women for leadership and decision-making positons in government, nonprofit organizations and the private sector. LaSean understands the needs of her community; her chapter welcomes men, women and youth from all cultures and creeds to lend their expertise, time and passion to the needs of Delaware.

She strongly believes that the color of one’s skin should not determine their level of help or giving to those that needs it most. Thus far she has been supported by political and influential volunteers and she is optimistic that the chapter will grow and help the youth and women in the State of Delaware. At Church, LaSean serves as the Director of Public Relations on the Katherine B Ross Lay Organization, a member of the Florida M Grant Missionaries Society, Chaplain of the Young Adult Network, member of the Chaplains Corner, member of the Women’s Ministry, member of the Liturgical Dance Minis-

try and is assisting with the Prison Ministry. She believes that God is the gel and foundation of her life and serves him with all of her being. How does she complete all of her blessings- she said with God’s help as promised in “Psalms 54:4” and “Philippians 4:13”. LaSean has earned many accolades; however, her most prized and celebrated of them all are her three children Anthony- Marc, JiHaadHarmeen and Aliya-Bernice. She tirelessly teaches them to follow the word of God, be kind to others and to remember to love each other unconditionally despite of and because of.

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