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Issue N: 002







SOAR EMPOWERMENT SUMMIT Soar Women’s Empowerment 2nd Annual Summit being presented by Northwestern Mutual Co. is the definitive global market and conference for women around the world, and a must attend event. The event will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 23-25, 2017 at the Holiday Inn Riverfront. The event will stream live highlights on GETITLIVE.TV


Soar Women’s Empowerment planning committe have arranged expert presentations, workshops, open panel discussions, and a pitch series, for more details visit the website www. soarwomen.com SWES’s daytime events are scheduled to take place at the Holiday Inn Riverfront hotel 4700 North Port Washington Rd, Milwaukee, WI. The event ends on February 25, 2017




Celebrity Publicist and the Founder of SWES a project showing compassion and humanity for all.

Pastor and Author “Having an Affair with Faith,” discovering the power of faith.

Expert Coach | Professional Speaker “Discovering the Power in You,” she’s amazing.

with a red carpet affair the “Women of Excellence,” award cermony featuring celebrities with live entertainment by gospel recording artist Tammy Warren and national recording artists Julia Huff, who will be performing a tribute to the legendary Phyllis Hyman. In addition, appearing on the red carpet will be actress Maria Howell from the movie “The Color Purple,” and “Married to Medicine,” reality celebrity Lisa Nicole Cloud, along with Dr. Myla Bennett, Dr. Sonja Stribling, Dr. Christopher Chappell, Mayor Franklin Deese of Marshville North Carolina, film producer Cedric Nettles, Judge Michelle Havas, Pastor Deon Hayes, and a host of other prestigious guests will join the celebration; being held at 1451 Renaissance Place 1451 North Prospect Ave, Milwaukee, WI.


Singer | Actress appeared in “The Color Purple, Hungry Games II and a host of other hollywood flims.





App for women to report harassment launched in Pakistan Tech Support Helping Protect Women A smartphone application enabling women to report incidents of harassment to police in Pakistan’s Punjab province went live this week as authorities step up efforts to promote women’s safety in one of the worst provinces for crimes against them. With a click of a button, users who feel threatened can call an emergency response police team who should be able to track their location via a builtin global positioning system (GPS). Bangalore police chief: no evidence of ‘mass molestation’ “Though the app primarily covers street harassment, it also has a feature for woman who is inside the house and is suffering physical violence to call for help,” said Fauzia Viqar, chair of the Punjab Commission on the Status of

Women, a body promoting women’s rights, which was involved in the launch of the app on Thursday. She said users can also use the app to mark unsafe locations and access a tollfree helpline which provides information on laws to protect women’s rights among other services. Domestic abuse, economic discrimination and acid attacks make Pakistan the world’s third-most-dangerous country for women, a 2011 Thomson Reuters Foundation expert poll showed. About 500 women are killed in Pakistan every year at the hands of relatives over perceived damage to family “honour” that can involve eloping, fraternising with men or any other infraction against conservative values. A study by the Aurat Foundation, a Pakistani women’s rights

group, in 2013 found that Punjab province alone accounted for 5,800 crimes against women - 74% of crimes against women in the whole of Pakistan. Women’s rights campaigners welcomed the launch of the app but expressed concern not all women would have access to it. “It can ensure timely rescue. But it may not be effective in rural areas where people are generally poor and do not have smartphone,” said Romana Bashir, who heads women’s rights organisation, the Peace and Development Foundation. She also said there was a need to raise awareness among police officers of violence against women. “We often have complaints of police themselves sometimes misbehaving with the complainants of harassment. They need to be educated on gender issues so that women trust them,” Bashir

told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Last year, the province of Punjab, Pakistan’s largest, passed a law giving legal protection to women from domestic, psychological and sexual violence. But since the law’s passage, many conservative clerics and religious leaders have denounced it as being in conflict with the Muslim holy book, the Koran, and the constitution. Reported by Thomson Reuters Foundation

WOMEN IN CHINA ARE LEADING BY THE BILLIONS Women have been rapidly climbing the employment and wage ladders in recent decades. But only a small fraction have made it to the top rungs — and their progress may be slowing. Nearly 27,000 women in the world worth $30 million or more, one third are self-made. And there are reasons to think that those numbers could rise, as wealth

becomes more global and women in countries such as China start to prosper. In 2015, more than half of the female billionaires in Asia were selfmade, compared with 19 per cent in the United States, according to a report from the Swiss bank UBS and the consulting firm PwC.





Meet Beatrice Moore Co/Author of the Book Shoe Fetish

pirations is the ultimate goal which the Shoe Fetish Movement© pursues through a variety of venues and events where the central message is By Beatrice Moore always one of education, reflection, self-love, healing and empowerIt all began with the publishing of ment! the novel, Shoe Fetish, and quickly evolved into what is now The Shoe She has never abandoned the roots Fetish Movement ©. With co-col- of the Shoe Fetish Movement©, so laborator and author Sharon Ben- shoes are always an integral part of nett, the duo has worked to develop every event- book club meetings, a unique message of empowerment, Writer’s Workshops, Keynote speakrespect, love and self-worth with ing and more. The Shoe Fetish Book shoes as the catalyst! series includes two publications with The Shoe Fetish Movement© A journey to healing, one step at a time.

Beatrice’s 30 plus year career in Mathematics Education as an award winning teacher, district level mathematics supervisor, independent consultant, textbook author and internationally recognized presenter has afforded her a wealth of public speaking experience in motivating educators and students to achieve. She now uses her well-honed public speaking, writing and research skills to facilitate positive and productive conversations and attitudes within the community regarding women and self-worth.

the third soon to be released.

Each book has an accompanying workbook. Her commitment is to use her God given gifts, talents and life experiences to create a positive and powerful narrative that resonates with women of all cultures and ages. Beatrice invites you to put on your favorite shoes – you know the ones that make you feel INVINCIBLE – be it sneakers or stilettos, put your best foot forward, and step into the Shoe Fetish Movement©!

Shattering the myths and stereotypes that hold many women bondage and stunt the growth of dreams and as-

The 3 W(s) to Selling Books to Corporations Publicist Tam Lawrence breaks into the book publishing business, opening the 1st publishing company selling to corporations. Selling books to corporate buyers offers independent publishers an enormous – and somewhat untapped — opportunity for increased book sales. But many book publishers fail to approach this segment because they are unfamiliar with the steps involved in the sales process. Once you understand how the system works, making a successful transition to large, non-returnable sales may be easier than you think. The foundation of all selling is to define the people who are most likely to need your content. The answer to this is rarely “everybody.” Instead, describe your prospective corporate buyers with the Five W’s. These are the three basic steps required to make a large-quantity sale. Although they are applied differently in each situation, they have one common objective. That is, do not attempt to make sales, try to make customers. Build long-term relationships that result in larger orders, recurring revenue, and increased profits for your publishing business.

To learn more about ROTH & LAWRENCE, LLC publishing send your inquires to TL@RLASSC.COM Starting March 2, 2017 the company will be accepting new author submissions send inquiries to TL@RLASSC.COM Roth & Lawrence’s publishing department offers book clubs a full concierge service



US teens often forced to trade sex work for food, study finds Teenagers in America are resorting to sex work because they cannot afford food, according to a study that suggests widespread hunger in the world’s wealthiest country.


Teens Forced Into Trading Sex for Food

Focus groups in all 10 communities analysed by the Urban Institute, a Washington-based thinktank, described girls “selling their body” or “sex for money” as a strategy to make ends meet. Boys desperate for food were said to go to extremes such as shoplifting and selling drugs. The findings raise questions over the legacy of Bill Clinton’s landmark welfare-reform legislation 20 years ago as well as the spending priorities of Congress and the impact of slow wage growth.

Case Study: Focus Group The qualitative study, carried out in partnership with the food banks network Feeding America, created two focus groups – one male, one female – in each of 10 poor communities across the US. The locations included big cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington and rural North Carolina and eastern Oregon. A total of 193 participants aged 13 to 18 took part and were allowed to remain anonymous.

Their testimony paints a picture of teenagers – often overlooked by policymakers focused on children aged zero to five – missing meals, making sacrifices and going hungry, with worrying long-term consequences. “We heard the same story everywhere, a really disturbing picture about hunger and food insecurity affecting the wellbeing of some of the most vulnerable young people. The fact that we heard it everywhere from kids in the same way tells us there’s a problem out there that we should be paying attention to.”

Evidence of teenage girls turning to “transactional dating” with older men is likely to cause particular alarm. “Kids knew about all these strategies: hanging around your friend’s house and see if they’ll feed you, going hungry so that their younger brothers and sisters could eat, saving their school lunch so they could eat it at night so they could sleep at night. “Everybody knew where you get the cheapest food and how you keep some emergency stuff in your house. It was just very matter-offact and very common, in the richest country in the world.”

In every community, and in 13 of the 20 focus groups, there were accounts of sexual exploitation, often related with distaste. A girl in Portland, Oregon told researchers: “It’s really like selling yourself. Like you’ll do whatever you need to do to get money or eat.” Many prefer to rationalise what they are doing as dating of sorts. A boy in rural North Carolina said: “When you’re selling your body, it’s more in disguise. Like if I had sex with you, you have to buy me dinner tonight … that’s how girls deal with the struggle … That’s better than taking money because if they take money, they will be labeled a prostitute.”

Teens living in unwarranted conditions: Trading Sex In seven of the 10 communities, teenagers told stories of girls exchanging sexual favours with strangers or stripping for money in abandoned houses, at flea markets and on the street. In the communities with the highest poverty rates, both girls and boys steal food and other basics from local stores for themselves or their families. A male teenager in Chicago said: “I ain’t talking about robbing nobody. I’m just talking like going there and get what you need, just hurry up and walk out, which I do … They didn’t even know. If you need to do that, that’s what you got to do, that’s what you got to do.” Some children begin stealing at the age of seven or eight, according to the focus groups. Boys mainly take items such as phones, shoes, jewelry and bikes. Selling drugs is also common. One in Los Angeles said: “A lot of kids at a young age will sell drugs to get money for their families. People think it’s good but it messes you up.”



Joining PWSBC puts you in the heart of the incredible world of club game changers. Never before has there been a community of Pri’ve professionals in the midwest offering JV(s) collaboration series, sponsorship inclusions, and media/press like us. Join today and start growing professionally and personally. The Professionals Who Soar Boat Club offers 3 different types of memberships: club professional memberships; student memberships and associate memberships for industry creative partners (vendors). Learn more about the club during our 2nd annual summit being held in Milwaukee, WI on Feb. 23-25, 2017 It’s time for something new and exciting to happen this summer, together we can create the experience we want to feel in this lifetime. We sail out on June 2nd there will be food, wine, and music for those who enjoy a posh lifestyle. Members Only TO LEARN MORE.. Learn more about the expert trainers, speakers, and educators join us on each adventure. Boating stress free with peers who desire to live out our purpose. We mirror success and balance, join the club for a unique experience. Contact (808) 213-1548 for more details Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 3:00PM CST






The report is not an attempt to provide national statistics but does cite research that estimates 6.8 million individuals aged 10 to 17 are in food-insecure households, including 2.9 million with very low food security.

“With the boys there was a lot of hustling and shoplifting or maybe stealing a car stereo or something small they could sell. Getting pushed into drug dealing, sometimes getting pulled into gangs. “I find it particularly disturbing that all the kids in almost every focus group were aware about what was happening to the girls – they knew the story about girls dating older guys or being exploited. The stories we heard were mostly about girls dating older men in order to get them to provide money for them for rent, for food, for clothes. They’re just very vulnerable.” “It’s a sexual exploitation. You hear about homeless teenagers engaging in transactional sex, you hear it about refugees. To hear it from stably housed kids in the United States is shocking and even if it’s only a handful of kids, it should be something that we’re paying attention to, that there are kids that desperate.” Other key findings in the report include: Teens feel a sense of shame around hunger and hide it. Many refuse to accept food or assistance in public settings or from people outside a trusted circle of friends and family. Food-insecure teens think about how to mitigate their hunger and

make food last longer for the whole family. They go to friends’ or relatives’ houses to eat and save their school lunch for the weekend.

However, teens routinely take on this role, going hungry so younger siblings can eat or finding ways to bring in food and money.

Parents try to protect teens from hunger and from bearing responsibility for providing for themselves or others.

Teens would overwhelmingly prefer to earn money through a formal job but prospects for youth employment are extremely limited.

Humanity and Compassion in Action Matt White was grocery shopping in Memphis, when 16-year-old Chauncy Jones asked if he could carry White’s groceries in exchange for doughnuts. Little did Chauncy know that he was about to change his life. When White learned the full scope of Chauncy’s situation — including that of his disabled mom — he launched a GoFundMe page to get him a $250 lawnmower. The response has been astonishing.

In a few communities, teens talked about going to jail or failing school as strategies for ensuring regular meals.

ADHD is a medical scandal and scam

Dr. Richard Saul, “Over the course of my career, I have found more than 20 conditions that can lead to symptoms of ADHD, each of which requires its own approach to treatment. Raising a generation of children — and now adults — who can’t live without stimulants is no solution” The New York Times reported that from 2008 to 2012 the number of adults taking medications for ADHD increased by 53% and that among young American adults, it nearly doubled. While this is a staggering statistic and points to younger generations becoming frequently reliant on stimulants, frankly, I’m not too surprised.

Kay’s Collections






MEET SHArRON JAMISON As an entrepreneur, author, speaker, visionary, and life strategist, SharRon Jamison has been teaching principles of love and self-empowerment for more than 25 years. Her career journey has taken her from owning a fitness studio to managing multimillion dollar accounts for an international biotechnology firm. She most recently founded The Jamison Group, a leadership training and development company specializing in personal transformation and relational healing.


Dr. Christopher Chappell is the founder and pastor of the Grace Community Christian Church in Kennesaw, Georgia, with a second location in Austell, Georgia, both based in United States of America. Grace Community Christian Church has grown from its initial eight members in 2002 to over 2800 members in 14 years. Deemed as a modern day Nehemiah by building lives and families, Dr. Chappell has served as a bridge builder between business, government, community, and the church. Dr. Chappell has authored three highly acclaimed books, receiving the 2014 Xulon Press Authors Award for his second book “Living To Win”.



(414) 856.5330

As a life strategist, SharRon uses her creativity and passion to design coaching programs for individuals, couples and/or small groups. Her programs are created to help her clients set goals, develop a plan of action, and achieve the tangible results they desire. You can learn more about SharRon by visiting her website at www.SharRonJamison.com

PRESENTING AT #SWES2017 Most recently, Dr. Chappell completed his latest literary work, “Family the Way God Intended’, which is now fastly approaching the New York Times best-sellers list. “Family the Way God Intended” was written to inspire the family to “tone up their faith and tune up their family for incredible living.”



Dr. Chappell’s life as a business man, entrepreneur, author, conference speaker, evangelists, prophet, pastor, record producer and songwriter has afforded him many opportunities to teach and speak throughout the United States, Canada, Israel, and Africa. He attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham where he majored in Business concentrating in Marketing, received a Certificate of

Theology from Interdenominational Theological Center, Atlanta, GA; Bachelor of Arts, Trinity Bible College New Burgh, IN; and a Doctorate of Theology from Saint Thomas Christian College, Jacksonville, FL. Dr. Christopher Chappell has received many awards for his civic commitment and community involvement. But his greatest award is that of husband to Lynnon, and father to his five daughters, Christy, Cara, Kayla, Lauren and Brittney.

Power, Praise, & Prayer Line Join Dr. Chappell each morning @ 6:00am. Dial In: 1-605-475-4000. Participant Code: 362802#. Please be reminded to mute your phone unless leading prayer. Join Us!

FILM PRODUCER CEDRIC NETTLES Author & Film Producer Cedric Nettles in a native of Columbia, South Carolina his first book “Torrential Waters,” allowed him to thrive and speak out about bullying. Cedric Nettles is a true warrior fighting to LIVE OUT LOUD. Nettles is currently working on his new film. We asked Nettles, “How is it to be in the film industry?” Nettles shared with us more details about getting the proper funding to produce can be difficult. “As a film producer, I would suggest that anyone looking to get their film project done be sure to look for innovative ways to gaining access to funding, “ stated Cedric Nettles. You can learn more about Cedric Nettles in person at Soar Women’s Empowerment Summit “Women in Film.”





Samone Yancy is a woman on a mission to empower, equip and inspire women to live for God, be authentic, and walk in victory and purpose.

Diana enjoys writing and is the author of a premier fiction book titled, Oh My God! I Married a Devil. This book highlights the realities of domestic violence; it also shares a message of hope, peace, self-love, joy, forgiveness, and reconciliation through God’s love. Diana is married to Marion Morris and together they have four children.

In 2011 she founded Christian Women Walking in Victory women’s ministry, whose mission is to help women to reach full spiritual maturity through mentorship, discipleship, prayer, biblical principles, outreach, empowerment conferences, and workshops. Samone is author of the book From Defeat2Victory, ordained minister, mentor,expo host, and speaker.




An Alumni of Florida A & M University, member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc and proud mother of 2 beautiful children. She owns and operates La’John Media LLC , an onand off-line business consulting and marketing company specializing in developing strategic marketing, and advertising programs.

Are you wearing the right shoes?



Vernessa Blackwell is a veteran, author, and certified grief support and joy restoration coach. She earned her master’s in business administration at Strayer University, and during her twenty-threeyear career in the military, she served in numerous positions in the human resource arena..

The loss of both parents and all her siblings, to include three sisters and a brother, sparked her purposeful journey into coaching.


The Shoe Fetish Movement is about self awareness, it’s motivational and an active fun time to release, during our presentation your guests will have an opportunity to be involved, while their trurer self. We love performing at fund raisers, schools, church functions, women groups and corporations. There’s still so much room for improvement. Who said Learning had to be boring? The Shoe Fetish speaking engagements are interactive and uplifting. Would you like to impact your audience leaving them with a positive experience and memory? Book Us TODAY Call! (414) 856.5330

Sharon Bennett is a native of San Antonio, Texas and realized her passion through faithful inspiration. She speaks to motivate others to a happier & healthier way of being with improved self-esteem, self-worth, self-love to find their path and start their in life. With a Bachelor’s of Arts and a Bachelors of Science, member of NSA, NAPW, & IWLA, she is a 16 year veteran Registered Nurse Coach, with experiences in Health Management/Consultant, Motivational Speaking, poet, & author. Her desire is to plant a seed of thought to provoke an action of change.

Soul Mate Challenge

Tell us your best shoe love story. Whether it led to lasting love or it ended. What is your story. Starting January 2017, we’ll select a winner once a month. The winner will get a Shoe Fetish Movement Gift, be interviewed & posted on our social media pages & this website. Send to Publicist Tam Lawrence at TL@RLASSC.COM

Travel Concierge

The only requirement with her empowerment events is to lighten up and have fun.


ROTH & LAWRENCE (414) 856.5330

Bea Moore is a native of San Antonio, Texas and currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband Adrian. Together, she and Adrian have a blended family of 6 children. She is a graduate of Prairie View A&M University and Tarleton State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. A previous education administrator, she has a successful career in Mathematics Education and currently works as an independent consultant traveling across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean conducting seminars and speaking at conferences where her central message is that of promoting equity in mathematics. Many articles have been written for business publications. Beatrice’s creative streak has led to the publishing of a series of mathematics textbooks and she now uses that creative energy to work with co-author Sharon Bennett to create and bring to life the fascinating characters of the Shoe Fetish trilogy.






Soar Women Empowerment 2nd Annual Summit presented by Northwestern Mutual will be hosting a red carpet affair award ceremony with special guest appearance by Actress Maria Howell starred in “The Color Purple,” Reality TV celebrity Lisa Nicole Cloud, “Married to Medicine,” Mayor Franklin Deese of Marshville, NC. Pastor Deon Hayes, Film Producer Cedric Nettles, National Recording Artist Julia Huff and Gospel Singer Tammy Warren. Soar Women’s Empowerment Summit is committed to honoring women who demonstrate leadership and define the meaning of excellence. The Women of Excellence award ceremony will take place at 1451 Renaissance Place, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 25, 2017 the ceremony will start at 7:00PM ending at 9:30PM The night will start with a soul-filled “The Tribute to Phyllis Hyman,” performed by national recording artist, Julia Huff. After the tribute, award reciepients will grace the stage to receive their awards being presented by Maria Howell and Tam Lawrence along with the honorable Mayor Franklin Deese of Marshville, North Carolina. To Reserve Your Seat Visit http://www.soarwomen.com Due to security and policies all tickets must be SOLD online it is required that all guests register to access event. Limited seating available




Franklin D. Deese is the only African American to be elected to the office of Mayor, of any municipality in the county where he grew up -AND- the only African American in the United States to serve over 10 years in the prison system as a felon and then be elected to the top job of the city in the same county in which he was convicted.

Lisa Nicole Cloud is a woman of passion, purpose, and vision. Lisa, a true multifaceted business mogul, has achieved phenomenal success as a direct sales expert, author, business and success coach, speaker, sales trainer, clothing designer and philanthropist.

When a gifted singer spends well over a decade honing her craft, all the while wrestling with the sweet-n-sour sauce of life, it makes an exceptionally stunning story for a debut recording.


Anointed, Gifted, & Powerful, are some of the names used to describe this Gospel Powerhouse.



CELEBRITY AWARDS HOSTESS Mere words can only capture the refrain of her awesome talent. Maria Howell is much more. She is the ballad of beauty and elegance. The melodies flowing from the petite vocalist are truly amazing. While casting a spellbinding smile, she mesmerizes her captive audience with incredible harmonies and rhythms. Howell’s signature film performance as the choir soloist in the movie “The Color Purple” was quoted by one critic as being “one of the film’s most stirring moments!” Her ren-




dition of “God Is Trying to Tell You Something” was memorable for all who saw it, but the offerings of the all-grown-up Maria are truly unforgettable, eliciting more stirring moments, one after another.

Some may be inspired to call her best kept secret, but anyone who leaves an imprint on every medium from radio, stage and television to the Hollywood screen is hardly incognito.

DR. MYLA AND DR. SONJA LEADING THE WAY FOR WOMEN Dr. Sonja Y. Stribling has a bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management. She received a Doctoral degree as a Licensed Clinical Faith-Based Counselor. She is also a Certified Life Coach and Divorce Coach. Dr. Stribling served in the United States Army for 21 years and retired in 2014 as a Major. She is a decorated Combat Veteran and participated in 3 combat tours. With a wealth of experience helping others through challenging situations as well as leading, mentoring and coaching thousands to their Next Level.

Dr. Myla Bennett first attended the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor where she earned her degree in biology. Dr. Myla continued to pursue her passion at the Ohio State University of Medicine. After receiving her Doctor of Medicine degree from Ohio State, Dr. Myla also completed her plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as her general surgery residencies at the university. Through hard work, dedication, and impressive professional and educational experience, Dr. Myla was admitted into the fellowship program at Ohio State University’s College of Medicine.

She recognizes the critical need for divorce coaching. Dr. Stribling believes one of the most frustrating aspects of divorce is not knowing your options about the divorce process and how to get through the emotional aspects before, during and after divorce. After being married for 18 years she experienced the pain of divorce first hand. She is now dedicated to helping women walk toward the light at the end of the tunnel and getting to the Next Level in life.

Not only is Dr. Myla a skilled plastic surgeon and skin care expert, she is also the owner and founder of Ederra Bella Plastic Surgery in Johns Creek, Georgia. With several years of experience in the industry, Dr. Myla performs plastic surgery procedures with the goals of enhancing patients’ natural beauty. Dr. Myla counsels each patient personally to ensure the individual’s goals are met.

Dr.Sonja Coach, Speaker, Author

Dr.Myla Board Certified Plastic Surgeon



SWES SUMMIT SCHEDULE Soar Women’s Empowerment Summit Feb. 23-25, 2017 in Milwaukee WI Presented by Northwestern Mutual Hosted by Roth & Lawrence PR Firm Want to experience the power of working with other women like yourself on the kinds of things you tackle in business, leadership and life? Attend our 2nd Annual Summit on Feb. 23-25, 2017. Our summit guests are welcomed with a swag bag filled with FREE gifts. On Feb. 23, 2017 opens with Author’s Day being hosted by Professor Frederick Williams and Attorney Toschia Moffett, J.D., MPA. Feb. 23 2017 “Women In Film” at the Avalon Theater in Bayview at 9:00AM - Noon {screening and panel} hosted by Actress Maria Howell starred in the movie “The Color Purple”, Actor Lawrence J, and Film Producer Cedric Nettles Author Day at the Holiday Inn Riverfront opens at 4:00pm

Feb 23, 2017 Creative Writing Workshop “How you can create a Best-Seller celebrated by readers?” Feb 23, 2017 Book Business “Protecting Your Intellectual Properties with Attorney Toshia Moffett, J.D., MPA Feb 23, 2017 A Night to Soar at the Muse Gallery in Bayview @ 7:30pm [Conversation & Coffee] Feb. 24, 2017 Breakfast at Holiday Inn Riverfront opens at 7:00am Feb. 24, 2017 Workshops Open at 8:15am Feb. 24, 2017 Northwestern Mutual “Wealth Building” 9:00am - 11:00am Feb. 24, 2017 Breakout 11:15am - Noon Feb. 24, 2017 Workshops Back in Session 12:15pm Feb. 24, 2017 From a Men’s Perspective being hosted by Dr. Christopher Chappell, Mayor Franklin Deese, Pastor Deon Hayes, and others [exclusive] starts at 2:30pm - 3:45pm


Feb. 24, 2017 hosted by Tam Lawrence “Living in Your Purpose” with guest presenters Dr. Sonja and Dr. Myla [exclusive] 4:00pm 5:30pm Feb. 25, 2017 Breakfast at the Holiday Inn Riverfront opens at 7:00am Feb. 25, 2017 Workshops Open at 8:15am Feb. 25, 2017 Meet the Press & Media with Tam Lawrence at 11:00am - Noon Feb. 25, 2017 Changing the Game with Married to Medicine Reality Celebrity | CEO Lisa Nicole Cloud, Celebrity Publicist and the Founder of SWES Tam Lawrence @ 3:00pm to 4:30pm Feb. 25 2017 Women of Excellence Awards hosted by Hollywood actress Maria Howell the award is a Celebrity Red Carpet event (exclusive to registered guests ONLY) event will be held at 1451 Renaissance Place at 7:00pm - 9:30pm with a tribute to Phyllis Hyman being performed by Julia Huff opening with gospel singer Tammy Warren.


WHAT TO EXPECT: Presented by Northwestern Mutual Inspirational keynote speakers and community leaders Peer and expert advice

Get actionable advice and practical skills to help you succeed Hosting Hotel: Holiday Inn Riverfront [Soar Women’s Empowerment Summit] Award Ceremony: 1451 Renaissance Place on Feb. 25, 2017 at 7pm RSVP

www.SOARWOMEN.com https://swes2017.eventbrite.com

“Mindset for Success” with Tam Lawrence founder of Soar Women’s Empowerment Summit

EXPOSURE RADIO IS COMING TO THE AIRWAVES Exposure Magazine will be launching a radio station in 2017 reaching listeners around the world on iHeart, Google, Sound Cloud, Online, and iTunes. The socially concious radio station is looking for independent music artists looking to have their music played on the air. In addition to, the radio station is looking for radio personalities to operate and

program their very own show. Exposure Radio is a social lifestyle radio station airing humor, sports, music, socially concious message, politics, and more. For more details on how you can start your own show or have your music played on the air contact TL@RLASSC.COM before Jan. 29th 2017 to enroll





DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE GET HELP! If you have been the victim of domestic abuse, please seek help immediately

According to the 2015 Wisconsin Domestic Violence Homicide Report, instances of domestic violence homicides have increased and are set to reach a high-water mark in Wisconsin.

Crime Victim Compensation Program – Compensation for Your Financial Losses. Victims of violent crime and family or household members of deceased victims may have significant out-of-pocket expenses through no fault of their own. Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) helps pay for unreimbursed eligible expenses that result from the crime.

In the last year, 58 people lost their CONTACT THE CVC PROGRAM lives to domestic abuse in Wisconsin, a significant rise from the 43 The staff is available to assist vicdeaths reported in 2014. tims, applicants, providers and other stakeholders with questions regardThe first domestic violence homi- ing the Crime Victim Compensation cide of 2016 in America happened Program. in Wisconsin. As of 12/30/16, the Death Toll of Domestic Violence in Fax: (608) 264-6368 Wisconsin alone rests at 66 victims Phone in Madison area: (608) 264and 17 abusers, 1 unknown, for a 9497 total of 84 lives lost. That is a life Toll-free: (800) 446-6564 lost every 4.3 days. Almost one out TTY: (800) 947-3529 of four victims were age 18 or un- Email the Crime Victim Compensader. If the trend continues, that will tion Program. be at least 84 lives lost in our state this year due to domestic violence. CVC By comparison, End Abuse WI re- PO Box 7951 corded 58 domestic violence related Madison, WI 53707-7951 deaths in 2015, the most recent year on record. The highest year recorded was 67 deaths in 2009.

There are Fewer Women in the Energy Industry Than in Tech Only 5% of executive board members are women at the top 200 power and utility companies.Women are 14% of senior management at the top 200 power and utility companies. Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America have the most women executive directors. North America and Europe have the most women nonexecutive directors. Women on Mining Boards Remain Underrepresented, But There Are Signs of Improvement Women make up 7.9% of board seats in the top 500 global mining companies surveyed (an increase of 3% over three years). 94% of all board positions held by women in the top 100 listed mining companies were in non-executive roles in 2014 (compared to only 70% for men in the same timeframe and same companies). In the top 500 mining companies, those with mixedgender boards significantly outperformed in dividend yields those companies with all-male boards.


One study reports that while 30% of graduate recruits are women, the proportion of those same recruits drops to 10% at mid-level management. Although women executives are well represented across a range of roles including HR and finance, they are not well represented in operations—a role seen as a stepping-stone to board service.

Kay’s Collections







For over 22 years Ms. Lawrence has been in business for herself, from welfare to doing business around the globe; she has lead fearlessly from the front and not the back. As an advocate, Lawrence has made it her business to speak out against inequalities, racism, sexual violence and poverty. Her personal story is ravishing and bone-chilling- it answers her why. Lawrence graduated from Marquette University School of Communication and went on to Kent University where she earned a degree in Journalism. Shortly after graduating from Marquette University the (single) mother of two, quickly packed her bags and moved Charlotte, North Carolina. In Charlotte, Lawrence opened a boutique forensic and securities office; examining home loans for lenders, law firms, and home owners. In less than one year she opened, an AD agency. As a African American female in a white male dominant business, she was forced to sale. Lawrence sold 65% of the business to a mainstream newspaper and the remaining- to an investor. Landing on feet she managed to open a PR firm servicing pro athletes, celebrities, and politicans. (There’s more to the story. Join Ms. Lawrence in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Feb. 23-25, 2017 )

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Returning to Milwaukee, Wisconsin gave her the chills and not because of the cold weather. It was back to racism, injustice, disparities, and being treated less than a human.


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THE VOICE OF WOMEN American actress Natalie Portman has spoken out against women being objectified “in business, in government, and in storytelling.” The Jackie star, who was nominated for a Golden Globe award for her portrayal of the late Jacqueline Kennedy in the new biopic, said she believes Hollywood, like all industries, has a long way to go when it comes to acknowledging complex women in positions of power.





“We are so often put in roles as objects of desire, with a male view, as opposed to subjects of desire with complex weaknesses, and moments of strength and focus—and you can be all of those things,” she said in an interview with the Radio Times.

“We’re having a problem with female leadership—in business, in government, and in storytelling. and second there are so many obstacles in their way.”

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“I think it has to do with being a boss. We’re still having a problem, first with women in that position, and second there are so many obstacles in their way.” Portman, 35, said playing the late First Lady opened her eyes to the avant-garde character of Jackie Kennedy; her forthrightness and desire to separate her true self from public opinion. “She took the reins of her own narrative,” Portman said. “And it was very ahead of her time. Now, we see so many people defining the image they want other people to have of them via their social media, but she was doing it 50 years ago. “I was aware of how people perceived me early on because, at the beginning, I would read everything that was written about me. But I was never interested in crafting an image. “For me, it’s about trying to be authentic, and trying to give people a sense of who you are, while maintaining some modicum of privacy.”






BOOKLIST BOOK CLUB: JOIN THE CLUB AND RECEIVE UPDATES BOOKS, AND CLUB MEETINGS Looking for a fun way to discover great new books? The bestseller list isn’t always great, friend recommendations can be spotty, and browsing bookstores can soak up a lot of time. Instead, you could enter a book nerd’s paradise and get a Book of the Month subscription. With a Book of the Month subscription, members choose a new hardcover book each month from a lineup of five new titles, carefully selected by well-known booklovers such as Ellie Kemper, Craig Ferguson, and David Sedaris, along with writers and editors from O Magazine, The Atlantic, Esquire, and more. To account for individual reading preferences, the club curates five books each month, and members choose the one that interests them. The hardcover book

is then shipped to doorsteps or treehollow reading nooks for free. If no title stands out, subscribers can opt to skip that month and have their membership automatically extend an extra month. At less than $12 per book, it’s the perfect way indulge (or rekindle) your passion for reading. Contact TL@RLASSSC. COM to apply.


Are you an author and would like to register your book? Mail your book to: Roth & Lawrence, Publishing 342 North Water St Ste 617 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 Attention: Tam Lawrence, Publisher Book club members get Author Deon Hayes book Today for Only $12 Today Order TL@RLASSC.COM

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NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL: OUR VALUES Providing the best long-term value for our clients is something we value. More than a century ago, our leaders had a simple but powerful vision for Northwestern Mutual—to build a company that aspired less to be large than to be safe, ranked first in benefits to policyowners rather than first in size and valued quality above quantity. These beliefs, captured in an 1888 executive committee statement, are still true today. In fact, they helped shape many of the values that continue to define who we are. Ask anyone in the Northwestern Mutual family, and he or she will proudly tell you what we stand for.

DOING WHAT’S RIGHT Above all, we believe in doing what’s right for our clients. With every important decision, we ask ourselves this poignant question: “Is this in the best long-term interest of our clients?” It’s the primary reason we created a distinctive planning process and evolved from a life insurance company to a financial security company in recent decades. We knew having the solutions to meet all of our clients’ financial needs was the right thing to do.

PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST In a nutshell, our business is about helping people succeed, and that starts with putting people first – our clients, employees and financial representatives. We’re passionate about helping people build brighter futures and believe the best way to do that is by building strong, long-term relationships; finding out what matters most to people; and providing the financial guidance, tools and solutions they need to succeed.

PROVIDING FINANCIAL STRENGTH We’re known for our financial strength and have the highest financial strength ratings awarded to any life insurer by all four of the major rating agencies 1. More than just bragging rights, it means that we’ll be here for the more than 4.2 million clients who are counting on us to help them build a secure future. We not only reserve the capital needed to honor our commitments and survive economic downturns; we also grow our surplus so we can seize opportunities, invest in our people and fund initiatives that will better serve our clients.

Getting Women Into The Beauty Business! Join the Soaring Team

h t t p : / / w w w. y o u r a v o n . c o m / s o a r w o m e n

Issue N: 002







From day one the world saw a change, the moment President Barack Obama graced the winning stage accepting the United State Presidency. They may be leaving the house but never leaving the hearts of Americans. Barack Obama rose to power as the country’s first African American president with message of hope and boundless optimism for the future. “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible...who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer,” he told crowds in Chicago in 2008 after winning the election. “We started here together and now we’re leaving the same way. The funny thing is you never appreciate what you had yesterday until it is gone today.”





Opening Day: Meet book authors from around the world starting at 4:00PM at the Holiday Inn Riverfront on Feb. 23, 2017

Opening Day: Meet Actress Maria Howell and others for screening and panel discussion at the Avalon Theater at 9AM on Feb. 23, 2017

Day 2: Enjoy expert workshops wealth, business, writing, empowerment and more starting 2/24 - 2/25 at 8:00am -4:45pm Holiday Inn

Day 3: Red Carpet Affair “Women of Excellence,” Award Ceremony with Celebrities doors open at 7:00PM at 1451 Renaissance Place

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