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前 言 應考準備方向/前 001 100 年度 捷運英文試題/001 100 年桃園捷運行車籌備人員/003 100 年桃園捷運籌備人員/017

103 年度 捷運英文試題/037 103 年臺北捷運新進司機員•技術員/039 103 年臺北捷運助理工程員/050 103 年臺北捷運新進助理控制員•工程員•專員/075 103 年臺北捷運新進隨車站務員•站務員•常年大夜技術員/100 103 年桃園捷運新進人員/111

104 年度 捷運英文試題/127 104 年臺北捷運新進司機員•技術員/129 104 年臺北捷運新進助理工程員•助理專員/141 104 年臺北捷運新進助理控制員•工程員•專員/165 –目錄 1–

104 年臺北捷運新進隨車站務員•站務員/190 104 年臺北捷運新進客服員(視覺功能障礙類)/201 104 年桃園捷運新進人員/206 104 年桃園捷運第 2 次新進人員/215

105 年度 捷運英文試題/225 105 年臺北捷運新進助理工程員•助理專員/227 105 年臺北捷運新進技術員(各類)/251 105 年臺北捷運新進技術員(各類)/263 105 年臺北捷運各類新進人員/275

106 年度 捷運英文試題/299 106 年臺北捷運新進司機員•隨車站務員•站務員/301 106 年臺北捷運新進控制員•工程員•專員/314 106 年臺北捷運新進人員/341 106 年桃園捷運新進人員/349 106 年桃園捷運新進人員/357 106 年桃園捷運新進人員/364

107 年度 捷運英文試題/371 107 年臺北捷運新進司機員/常年大夜技術員/373 107 年臺北捷運新進各類技術員/384 107 年桃園捷運新進人員/396

–目錄 2–





100 年度 捷運英文試題


100 年桃園捷運 行車籌備人員 壹˙字彙 (

) My son is active and full of_____. Even after a day of running around and playimg games, he doesn’t seem tired at all.  spirit

 usage

 humor

 energy


full of energy(片)精力充沛

我的兒子活潑又精力充沛,在一整天跑來跑去和玩遊 戲之後,他似乎一點也不疲累。 精神。 使用。 幽默。 活力。

) I felt warm and touched seeing that many people____to help me when I fell off my scooter.  stared

 offered

 refused

 dreaded


當我從機車上摔下來時,看到許多人提供我幫助,我 感到溫暖又感動。 盯。

提供。 拒絕。



畏懼。 (

) It’s_____ to live in Taipei. Even if you don’t drive, you can use the metro system to travel around.  convenient

 considerate

 commercial

 constructive


住在台北很便利,即使你不開車,你可以使用捷運系 統四處旅行。 便利的。 解

體貼的。 商務的。 建設性的。

) Every competitor shows ambition to win the 1-million-dollar award. They stay focused and work very hard to impress the______.  topics

 morals

 judges

 designs


 每一位競爭者都展現出贏得一百萬獎金的雄心,他們 保持專注且非常努力工作來打動評審。 題目。

道德。 評審。 設計。

) Drunk-driving really should be severely punished. It poses a great_____to others.  threat

 hatred

 dignity

 thought

100 年度 捷運英文試題



 酒醉駕駛真的應該受到嚴厲的懲罰,它對其他人構成 很大的威脅。 威脅。

憎恨。 尊嚴。 思考。

) When the phone and the doorbell rang _____ , I didn’t know which to answer first.  similarly

 systematically

 synthetically

 simultaneously


 當電話和門鈴同時響起,我不知道應該先接應哪一個。 相似地。

有系統地。 綜合地。 同時地。

) On my first day of work, I was required to______how others fulfilled their duties.  reserve

 preserve

 observe

 conserve


工作的第一天,我被要求觀察其他人如何履行他們的 職責。 保留。

保護。 觀察。



節省。 (

) There is no_____that most parents expect their children to achieve a goal in life.  denying

 describing

 designing

 defining


 不可否認的是,多數父母期望他們的孩子能實現人生 的目標。 否認。

描述。 設計。 下定義。

) Greg is very_____to his boss for hiring him even though he had no work experience.  delightful

 grateful

 regretful

 resourceful


Greg 非常感激他的老闆雇用他,即使他沒有工作經驗。 令人愉快的。 解

感激的。 懊悔的。 資源豐富的。

) Many years after graduation, I could hardly____my elementary school teacher at the class reunion.  recognize

 challenge

 express

 experience

100 年度 捷運英文試題



 畢業後許多年,在同學會上我幾乎不認得我的小學老 師。 認出。

挑戰。 表達。 經驗。

貳˙文法測驗 (

)_____ the help of the public, we have collected enough money to build a school for those kids in need.  Because

 Instead of

 Thanks to

 In addition


 由於大眾的協助,我們收集到足夠的錢來蓋學校給需 要的小孩。 因為。

代替。 由於。 此外。

) We had better book our tickets earlier _____have seats with better views.  so that

 as if to

 so as to

 in order





因此。 裝作要。 為了。 按順序。 (

) As usual, a person doesn’t realize the importance of health ____ he/she loses it.  lest

 until

 while

 although


像往常一樣,直到他/她失去健康,人才了解健康的 重要性。 Not…until…意思是「直到…才…」,故選。

) It’s not smart to follow your boyfriend to move to a new city. Have you considered_____if you break up with him?  to do what

 what will you do

 what you will do

 you will do what


跟隨你的男朋友搬到一座新城市不是太聰明,你有想 過假如跟他分手,你會做什麼? 此為關係代名詞子句,關係代名詞 what 之後的字序, 先主詞、再動詞,故選。

) The man suddenly grabbed the little girl by the arm, and she ____ and burst out crying.  frightened

 frightening

 got frightened

 was to frighten


男子突然抓住小女孩的手臂,她嚇壞了且大哭出來。 連綴動詞 get 表示一個人暫時性的身心變化,後可接

100 年度 捷運英文試題


分詞;情緒動詞有現在分詞(Ving)和過去分詞(Ved) 兩種型態,現在分詞含有主動的意思、過去分詞則為 被動,依題意可知 get 後面應接被動態,故選。 (

)______on top of a hill, this B&B house overlooks a beautiful valley of tea gardens. No wonder it attracts a lot of visitors every weekend.  Stand

 It stands

 Standing

 It was stood



站在山頂上,這間為旅客提供住宿和早餐的民宿俯瞰 一座美麗的茶園山谷,難怪它每週吸引很多觀光客。 前句原為 this B&B house stands on top of a hill,兩子 句主詞相同可省略主詞,將動詞依主動、被動之意改 成現在分詞或過去分詞,依題意可知應為現在分詞, 故選。

)_____with the other dresses in the store, this one looks more fashionable.  When comparing

 To compare

 Comparing

 Compared


和商店裡其他洋裝相比,這件看起來更時髦。 前句原為 this dress is compared with the other dresses in the store,兩子句主詞相同可省略主詞及 be 動詞,故 選。

) The award-winning movie is quite worth______.  seeing

 to be seen

 of being seen

 being seen


010 正確答案

得獎電影相當值得一看。 Worth 意思是「值得」 ,後接現在分詞 Ving,故選。

) The teacher insisted that my assignment_____right away.

 handed in

 must be handed in

 hand in

 be handed in


老師堅持我要馬上交作業。 Insist 意思是「堅持」,後接原形動詞,依題意可知此 為被動態,故選。

) James has a lot of friends,

are music-lovers.

 whom

 some of them

 and some of whom

 some of whom


James 有很多朋友,之中有些人是音樂愛好者。 此為關係代名詞子句,應使用代表人的關係代名詞 who(主動)或 whom(被動或受格)。表示數量的量 詞(如 some of)可接在前面關係代名詞前,故選。

參、克漏字測驗 There are several places in the world that are famous for people who lived a very long life. Among them are the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, 21

there are amazing examples of very long-lived people. Birth records

are not available, but a woman called Tsurba probably lived until 160. In general, people there not only live a long time, but they also live well. They hardly get sick, and when they die, they have not only their own teeth but also a full head of hair, and good eyesight. About those people who enjoy

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