by Ger trude M. Puelicher
A MIRACLE need not necessarily involve a supernatural act. According to the American College Dictionary it may be a wonder or a marvel. Walt Whitman, nineteenth century poet who glorified the common place, believed that “every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, every cubic inch of space is a miracle.” Perhaps you and I should lay aside the concerns of today’s world and acknowledge that we, too, are surrounded by miracles that could lift our spirits from the mundane to the wonders and marvels that surround us. We need but seek them. I watched a very little girl, kneeling close to a bed of African daisies, as she stared in excited wonder at a monarch butterfly that had flown directly to her and then, wings fluttering, attached itself to her skirt. “Oh,” she whispered, “look, look quick. It wants to play with me.” What a miracle of childish innocence and delight! A crash of thunder, a startlingly broad band of lightning, a deluge of rain, and in less than five minutes a rainbow highlighted by a rose colored sunset, breathtakingly beautiful. Only in the mountainous Southwest does one experience such a miracle of dramatic beauty as the aftermath of a sudden storm. A huge silver bird winging its way back to its air base across soft clouds powderpuffing the blue canopy high above me.
What else but a miracle of man’s ingenuity, guided by Divine Wisdom! A mammoth coliseum overflowing with boisterous thousands intent on the professional contest being ballyhooed noisily by equally professional broadcasters. Scantily attired cheerleaders cavorting jauntily for the benefit of television cameras. Security police on the alert. A band director raises his baton; a faceless voice solemnly intones, “Our national anthem.” The thousands rise, and for a brief second a hush falls over the coliseum as our flag slowly reaches the tip of the flagpole and unfurls in all its beauty. A roar goes up from the crowd, and the spell is broken. What a miracle of mingled emotions! How Whitman would have savored it! Do you know what is the greatest miracle of all? Don’t be surprised when I tell you that you are. You and all the “yous” who comprise our universe are the greatest miracle ever created. Why? Because you aren’t merely flesh and blood and bones and organs. You are in touch with the Divine. You have a Soul, your credit card to Infinity. When you are bogged down with the limiting fears of humanhood, look around quickly for a miracle. It is waiting to be recognized. A miracle is really God in action. n