9th National Selection Conference of EYP - Ukraine
Call for Vice-Presidents, Chairpersons, Editor(s), Jury Members EYP-Ukraine is incredibly happy to open the Call for Officials of Lutsk 2015 - 9th National Selection Conference of EYP-Ukraine. The session will take place in the marvelous city of Lutsk.This memorable event will be held between 11th and 15th of August, 2015. 9th National Selection Conference will gather approximetly 150 participants from various regions of Ukraine as well as from other European countries to discuss peace in Europe and around the Globe. The session theme is “United for peace”. We are proud to have charming Ms. Noura Berrouba (SE) as the President of the session. Dmytro Zinchuk and Kostyantyn Lyabuk as the Head-Organisers will make this session a bright and unforgettable event. We are now looking for 2 Vice-Presidents, 14 Chairpersons, 1-2 Editor(s) and 2-3 Jury Members to become part of the Officials’ team. Applicants who wish to edit together can submit a joint application. Please note that Officials will be asked to arrive to Ukraine on the 9th August, 2015. There is no participation fee for Officials, but travel costs will be at participants’ own expense. Only editor’s travel expenses will be covered. Please, submit the application form by Sunday, 17th May, 23:59 CET. The Selection Panel will consist of the session President, Head-Organisers and a Board Member of EYP Ukraine. All applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application individually. In case of any questions concerning the selection process do not hesitate to contact us at 9nsc.lutsk@gmail.com.
Noura Berrouba President
Dmytro Zinchuk Head-Organiser
Kostyantyn Lyabuk Head-Organiser
Kristina Chelmakina
President of EYP-Ukraine