Magura- 16th National Selection Conference of EYP Ukraine

We are delighted to welcome you to Magura 2023 — The 16th National Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament Ukraine! My name is Liudmyla, and I am Head-Organiser of the Magura NSC 2023 of EYP Ukraine. I am a first-year International Economics student at West Ukrainian National University (which will also host our session). It is located in Ternopil, a beautiful city in the west of Ukraine, where I live. I am super excited for you to join us to create an amazing and unforgettable session! The last session hosted by Ternopil happened in 2018. It has been a long five years, and now the European Youth Parliament is back in our remarkable city! Ternopil oblast’ is beating Ukrainian records for being the oblast’ with the biggest number of castles. We welcome you to visit the historical part of Ternopil, where the Ternopil Castle is located! Also, Ternopil is famous thanks to its artificially-made lake, which was excavated a long time ago as a defence system for the Ternopil castle.
I am so happy to see Ternopil as the host city of the next National Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament!
«Reaching Magura: respecting an unbreakable past and creating a free future»
In Slavic mythology, Magura is a goddess of wisdom, justice, strategy, and warcraft. However, Magura also means the peak we must reach to create a strong, unbreakable, and active society, which could create a free, safe, and prosperous future. Therefore, a strong future cannot be built without knowing and respecting the past. In this session, we want you to reflect on your previous experience and the past of your country, which can help build Europe of our dreams. «Reaching Magura» is when you know your past and know how and where to use this knowledge to build and create a free future.
Free people cannot live without dignity; it is essential for them to be worthy of honour and respect. Also, dignity is not only a personal quality but a collective one; large protests, meetings, and the fight for human rights contribute to the protection of human dignity. The definition of dignity can be provided in different forms; however, in Magura 2023, we put this meaning put this meaning: «one of the highest values that can consider the future of the country». A person with dignity would not be a slave; they could stand the way someone made a choice against them, and this person would not leave their voice unheard. Young Europeans are the shining example of people with dignity: we do not stand for the harmful choices of the government, we know our rights, so we can protect them, and we won’t let anyone betray them.
Every person is born for some reason; everyone has a mission they need to complete.The fact of having duties and the ability to make changes constitutes responsibility. Responsibility is finding yourself, your love, your life mission, and making this world better. At Magura 2023, responsibility also means protecting what you have: family and friends, freedom. Individual responsibility is a key that can change this world for the better.
The biggest role in history has always been played by youth; all reforms and transformations mostly consisted of youngsters who cared about their families,
Different people have different types of perception, and I, as Head Organiser, want to show you how I feel about Magura'23.
Music creates an atmosphere that flies in the air; with the following songs, you can feel the atmosphere of Magura NSC even in the air of your home.
Visual perception is also important, and place and time matter; therefore, I want to show you beautiful Ternopil City in the summer.
Questions for the organising team
We offer the opportu ity for leader hip po itio to participate i the e io oth offli e a d o li e However we prefer a d e courage offli e participatio moreover phy ical participatio i a adva tage Al o we will make ure that all afety requireme t are met
I troduce your elf with five ra dom fact (without ame age atio ality)
I li e with the vi io of the e io which po or do you
thi k the orga i er hould co tact a a po or a d why
Why do you wa t to e o the orga i i g team of agura 2023? I what field of work i a orga i i g team do you ee your elf
What i a team for you? How to have a ucce ful o e?
Questions for the President
We offer the opportu ity for leader hip po itio to participate i the e io oth offli e a d o li e However we prefer a d e courage offli e participatio moreover phy ical participatio i a adva tage Al o we will make ure that all afety requireme t are met
Plea e provide u with your email
How do you u der ta d the motto of the e io a d how do you ee it impleme tatio i the work of the acaProvide u with your email demic team
De cri e your leader hip tyle Which compete cie will make you a good Pre ide t of agura NSC 2023
What trait are you looki g for i Vice Pre ide t a d Chair
a d how do you pla to help them further develop tho e qualitie
Are you ready to come to Ukrai e i Ju e for the e io ? If ot how will you ecure mooth work ei g o li e?
Questions for the Editor
We ffer the pp rt nity f r leader hip p iti n t participate in the e i n b th ffline and nline H wever we prefer and enc rage ffline participati n m re ver phy ical participati n i an advantage Al we will make re that all afety req irement are met
Plea e pr vide with y r email
ntr d ce y r elf in the m t creative way ing any platf rm
H w w ld y implement the vi i n f the e i n t the media pr ect
What kind f media pr ect w ld y like t ee d ring the e i n and why
Plea e pr vide with y r p rtf li
Are y ready t c me t Ukraine in J ne f r the e i n? f n t h w will y ec re m th w rk being nline
Questions for the Head of Jury
We ffer the pp rt nity f r leader hip p iti n t participate in the e i n b th ffline and nline H wever we prefer and enc rage ffline participati n m re ver phy ical participati n i an advantage Al we will make re that all afety req irement are met
Plea e pr vide with y r email
What q alitie d y val e the m t in delegate ? What criteria w ld y dge them n and why?
Seeing that ry member cann t be everywhere at nce h w w ld y w rk t en re a fair electi n pr ce f r all delegate
What d e a cce f l ry team l k like t y ?