Call for Head Organisers of EYP Ukraine Events 2022

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Dear Member of EYP Ukraine, We are happy to open the call for Head Organisers of our events in 2021. We are looking for candidates willing to bring their own spin on the events of EYP Ukraine with their skills as well as gain and share knowledge in this adventure. A Head-Organiser is selected for a one-year term, with the task of headorganising the chosen type of event of the designated region, supported by a team of organisers. COVID-19 DISCLAIMER: The National Committee of EYP Ukraine is continually working to adapt to the evolving times and circumstances. Currently, risk assessments are being performed for all events, and all projects will happen in accordance with government guidelines and with participant welfare as the priority. EYP Ukraine reserves the right to transform the session to a digital one should the need arise.

CALL FOR HEAD-ORGANISERS FOR EVENTS OF EYP-UKRAINE EYP-Ukraine is looking forward to a great 2022 year. Hence, next year will bring a number of projects that will boost the development of EYP-UA. We are looking for Head Organisers of National Selection Conference, Regional Selection Conferences, Summer Academy as well as Head Organiser of EYP Ukraine Training Camp. Those projects might take place both online and offline. Please note, that you are also welcomed to develop your own ideas and introduce some different types of events other than Regional or National sessions. Head-Organising an event is both challenging and rewarding. Over a period of several months Head-Organisers fundraise, find and book venues, publish calls and information about the event and closely cooperate with the board, to name a few of their responsibilities. Ultimately, this work will guarantee another addition to the high-quality sessions that EYP Ukraine has hosted in the past years – and it will have your name written all over it. GENERAL INFORMATION The Head Organisers will be responsible for the practical arrangements before the event, such as the venues, budget, program, as well as acquiring sponsors and leading organising team. Experience as an organiser of EYP events is desirable and considered an advantage but is not mandatory. The person responsible for this call is Yaryna Kalynych, Project Coordinator of EYP Ukraine You can contact her at any stage of the organizing process as well as any other Member of the Board if you have any questions or already want to discuss ideas. You may already contact your school or other institutions/organisations about your plans. However, do not make any binding arrangements without the support of the board. You can explain to potential partners that you are still at the beginning of project planning and will come back to them for a final agreement later.

The Head Organisers will participate in a mandatory two-day training at the beginning of the year. FINANCE EYP-Ukraine‘s Finance Department will be happy to support Head-Organisers in pursuing their fundraising ideas, ensure the high quality of fundraising work and coordinate the fundraising of different sessions. However, it should be noted that fundraising is primarily the responsibility of the organising team. We expect the majority of funding for EYP events to be acquired due to your efforts. You are welcome to discuss your fundraising plans with Daria Pavlenko, Member of the Board responsible for Finance in 2021-2022. SUPPORT FOR HEAD-ORGANISERS The Board will support Head-Organisers throughout the course of realising their project. Templates and a high number of documents for reference will also be available. If you want to apply as a Head Organiser of the event you can do it any form you prefer. SOME OF THE EXAMPLES ARE: • Video • Booklet • Usual text format (but try to include pictures/infographics)

YOU SHOULD CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN YOUR APPLICATION: • Who is applying as a Head Organiser(s) (you can apply alone or in pairs) • Which type of event are you willing to organize? (National Selection Conference/ Regional Selection Conference/ Summer Academy/ EYP Ukraine Training Camp/ other option). Do you have any extra ideas regarding the concept of your event in mind? • Is your event taking place online of offline? • What are the preliminary dates of the event? • What is your motivation to apply as a Head Organiser? • What could be the potential venues? • What could be the theme of the event and why? • Are you able to commit to the event for the whole year? (taking into account your studying/working etc) • Could you tell about your organising experience? (EYP or non-EYP related) • Taking into account unstable COVID situation, are you willing to adopt to the quarantine restrictions and how are you planning so? • How would you describe your crisis and time management skills? Have you ever had situations when you had to apply them? Please give examples. Please fill in the budget form ( attached herewith. It can be changed later, but we would like to see the draft to have a clearer picture of your future project. The deadline for the application is: 09.01.2022, 23:59 EET To submit your application, send it to Also, if you have any questions regarding the application process or want to get some feedback regarding your application beforehand do not hesitate to contact us via We will gladly give you feedback concerning your ideas so you can make some changes to it before the deadline.

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