Call for Chairpersons Kharkiv'17

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CALL FOR CHAIRPERSONS Kharkiv'17 - 11th National Selection Conference of European Youth Parliament Ukraine. This year, EYP Ukraine organises the 11th National Selection Conference that will take place in Kharkiv from the 11th to 15th of July. For officials, the Session will start 2 days prior, on the 9th of July since we would like to have 2 days dedicated to the pre-session training. The Chairpersons are expected to arrive in Kharkiv on the 9th of July before 15:00 EET and the departure may be planned from Kharkiv on July 15 18:00 EET​ onwards.

VISION FOR THE SESSION Ukraine is a country at a critical historical moment, reaching towards European values while maintaining its own identity with strong integrity. A great many challenges lie in the country's immediate future. As a result, an open and stimulating environment has arisen, creating the ideal circumstances to organise a truly innovative session.

In Kharkiv, we want to celebrate uniqueness and embrace the fact that life is a learning experience, focusing mainly on ​ self-development​ . As Socrates said: “Let him who would move the world first move himself.” EYP is all about seeking for growth and challenging ourselves. We aim the session, like no other to be able to make all of the participant whole, at the same time, having a deep hope that everyone can contribute to its collective since taking and giving is the essence of expansion. Know who you are, and be it. Know what you want, and go out and get it! Collaboration is important not just because it's a better way to learn. The spirit of collaboration is penetrating every institution and all of our lives. So learning to collaborate is part of equipping yourself for effectiveness, problem solving, innovation and life-long learning. Eastern Europe is a place where, because of historic and geopolitical reasons, tradition meets modernity. This session will be a great opportunity to implement better solutions that meet new requirements and unarticulated needs. For good ideas you need human interaction, conflict, argument and debate. It leads to innovation​, which key ingredients are the ability to challenge already existing solutions and break rules.

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