I have never taken part in EYP. What can I expect from EYP-UA Weekend in my city? For the majority of Ukrainian youngsters the word “session” is usually associated with rather dark prospects. However, there is a group of young people from different cities of our country, for whom the word “session” has become a symbol of freedom, fun, friendship and communication. You think it’s strange? Not at all, if we are talking about members of the European Youth Parliament. For them, the “session” is associated not with the students’ record-book and exams, but with exciting trips, fun parties, serious disputes, solving important problems and, of course, socialising! So, what you can expect: Intense English practise – 2 days at all stages of the conference you will communicate exceptionally in English.
Innovative approach – we believe you will remember your first Teambuilding forever.
Cultural exchange – all discussions will be moderated by EYP members from different European countries and Ukraine.
Friendly atmosphere and ability to express yourself.
Every session consists of the following parts: a. Teambuilding Which is an informal activity aimed at close acquaintance of participants and their preparation for further challenges of the conference. Though some games might seem random and unnecessary, there is something more significant behind them. Group moves from ice-breaking to complicated problem-solving. We have a great variety of activities, developed and tested by 25 years of experience. b. Committee work The committee work is the most European activity you could possibly imagine, as it is entirely built on cooperation and consensus of its members. The delegates
committee topic about a regional, European, global or moral issue which they have to prepare and analyse before arriving at the session. Guided by the chairpersons, they go through an intense workshop including brainstorming, debating and finalising. The purpose is to produce a resolution that is a political statement often used in international organisations. c. General Assembly At the General Assembly, all participants are gathered,
resolution. Others are invited to attack it and ask questions during the open debate, and at last the assembly casts its votes. It follows a strict parliamentary procedure, led by the board of the session.
What's next? EYP-UA Weekend in your city
Membership in EYP-Ukraine