LVIV IF 2019: Selection Report for Chairpersons

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SELECTION REPORT Selection Report for Chairpersons of Lviv Development Forum - International Forum of EYP Ukraine. The Selection Panel was comprised of Maciej Kryński (President of the Forum) and Sofia and Viktoria Bilenko (Head Organisers of the Forum) and has concluded the selection of 12 Chairpersons.

CHAIRPERSONS Applications The Panel received applications from 30 applicants (12 female, 17 male, 1 other) in total, with applicants coming from the following countries: Poland (6), Belgium (2), Slovenia (2), Switzerland (2), Ukraine (2), Latvia (2), Armenia (1), Austria (1), Czech Republic (1), Cyprus (1), Finland (1), France (1), Georgia (1), Germany (1), Great Britain (1), Norway (1), Portugal (1), Romania (1), The Netherlands (1), and Serbia (1). Deliberations The Panel was grateful to receive applications from motivated candidates who showed great interest in the session as well as in being part of the Chairs’ Team in particular. The Panel also appreciates the applicants who invested a lot of effort into their applications, especially the ones who put a considerable amount of thought while answering the application’s prompts.

The Panel guarantees that every application was discussed and considered thoroughly, taking into consideration the experience and personal motivation of the applicants, received evaluations, the profiles of potential Chairpersons, their previous EYP experiences as well as their insight into the responsibilities of the position for which they applied. It also believes that the “blind discussion” helped with ensuring the transparency of the selection process. In addition to that, candidates’ strengths and weaknesses were weighed to ensure a balanced team of individuals who are ready to complement the team’s synergy and can contribute to the successful implementation of the vision for the session. At the first stage of the selection process, the Selection Panel decided to reject those applicants who had a lack of prior experience (in the role of a Chairperson). Keeping this criterium in mind, the number of candidates was reduced to 24 individuals. At the next stage, the Panel directly evaluated the answers to the questions. The preference was given to candidates who not only possessed a more significant amount of experience but also showed a better understanding of their personal development within the framework of the Forum and suggested the most thought-after ideas for implementation. Selected Chairpersons After careful consideration and thorough analysis, the Selection Panel decided to invite the following individuals: Arne van Rooijen (NL) Arthur Wursten (CH/PL) Emilios Charalambuous (CY) Jasa Levstik (SI) Jules Genbrugge (BE) Kaya Safa (UK) Klara Kokalij (SI) Lars Hovland (NO) Martins Marks Gatavis (LV)

Milla Lehtimaki (FI) Simon Lenze (DE) Zuzanna Nowak (PL)

The Panel was thankful for the applications from motivated candidates who displayed interest in the session and being part of the Lviv Development Forum - International Forum of EYP Ukraine as well as presented their capacity to contribute to the session’s vision and ideas. The Panel strongly encourages all the applicants to use the next opportunities to become a part of the events of EYP Ukraine! The Panel guarantees that every application was discussed and considered thoroughly. Moreover, the Panel assures that the confirmation and the invitation process was monitored carefully and with complete confidentiality. On behalf of the Selection Panel, Sofia Bilenko


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