EYP-UA Weekend in Zhytomyr dedicated to Europe Day in Ukraine 16-17 of May, 2015
‘Hand in Hand to a Better Ukraine’
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) With the growing importance of energy-saving technologies in households and industries on the one hand and commercial interests of suppliers of fossil fuels on the other; What steps should be taken by the government of Ukraine in order to ensure the implementation of energy efficiency plans and the usage of renewable energy resources?
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) In light of the significant impact of endemic corruption on the economic and political systems of Ukraine, a continuously low ranking of the country in the Transparency International Index of Perception of Corruption and an extensive anti-corruption law package adopted by the Ukrainian Parliament in October 2014; What further steps should be taken by Ukrainian authorities in order to ensure effective anti-corruption measures across all spheres?
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) Taking into account the growing number of European students graduating without a sufficient level of knowledge in the fields of foreign languages and soft skills, with an increasingly negative influence on the youth unemployment rate; What specific actions should be carried through by European governments in order to increase the competence level of young graduates in addition to boosting their professional growth?
Committee on Development (DEVE) Bearing in mind that the Ukrainian government has declared a course of decentralisation in the country, while local communities are lacking experience in this field; How can the EU and European governments assist Ukraine in building stronger selfgovernance mechanisms for its municipalities and help with implementing communitybased approaches for urban and rural citizens?