ow to add an artistic note in your home? How do I choose the right artwork? Always pick (wall) art that you love.
It may be a presentation of flowers to make your naked wall more dramatic and colourful, or maybe you admire the animals and you want a painting of an animal to hang on your wall? Maybe you want Budda to give you more peace and a spiritual feeling in the room? Perhaps landscapes or sea paintings as a lovely memory from your last family vacation? Every space needs a touch of art. In this article, I will share some valuable tips on decorating with fine art. Our home extends ourselves, transmitting our personality and individuality. Proper decorated surroundings can affect our mood and inspire our state of mind, simultaneously enjoying bringing inspiration to others with our distinct style and ideas. Artistic expression and individuality are beautiful, powerful things. We’re all unique and deserve to have inspiring spaces to live in that reflect who we are to our guests.
eYs Magazine, Spring 2020 | 60
How much importance do you put on wall art when decorating a room? At what point in your design process do you usually select your art? Art in the interior design should never be an afterthought. By relegating art to the sidelines, you are missing out on an amazing design opportunity. (Wall) art matters the most in interior design. When wall art has such a prominent role in your design plans and selected thoughtfully and accurately, art can provide for the entire room one harmonious interior. Art is that little extra touch that can make the space/ room appear finished and complete. Incorporate art that you love and will make you happy seeing hang on your wall is the one properly selected for your interior. The art or décor piece has to fit in with the decorating style that you’ve already chosen for the room. Once you have found a painting or wall hanging art you absolutely
love, you can use that piece as the inspiration for your room’s eventual pallet. Art provides an instant colour palette and has to bring out the accent colours in the room. Choose the dominant colour, and a few additional shades that you’d like to pull out as an accent. It’s difficult to narrow down the possibilities into the colours that best fit your vision for the space, but always keep only one dominant colour. A brilliant piece of wall art or a single design element creates a focal point in the space. It is the eye catcher for? your soul. The art piece has to be in the right size and to fit the measurements of the wall or the space available for it. A huge size painting needs prominent space for it to be noticed from a distance. Smaller paintings are easily lost when hung on a big wall, and in that case combining next to each other more of them is a better solution. Combination of art in a variety of