Fall of 1936 Jews burned down another Catholic church yesterday, despite the Catholics’ continued efforts to create a peaceful dynamic. Although none were found on the scene, their reputation tells us it was most likely razed by Jews.
Jews continue to torment defenseless Christians Tragically, a church burned down Tuesday at midnight, killing none, but injuring the hearts of the entire Christian community of the town of Loughborough. This offense adds to the list of transgressions recently committed by Jews. Either these Christ killers simply cannot see the evil they do, or are truly sent by Satan himself. Catholics want peace, they do not want to have to take action, but it seems as if the Jews simply don’t understand. “I just
“I just don’t understand,” exclaimed local churchgoer Matthew Hill, “What would lead them to continue to commit such horrible violations?”
Commit these violations?” Obviously, the Christians have the power and authority to shut out the Jews, but they are needed. First of all, they do contribute to society in some ways, most noticeably as moneylenders. But more importantly, they must stay to witness the second coming of the messiah, Jesus Christ. So now Christianity and its followers have their hands tied. They can’t get rid all of the Jews, and they cannot keep letting themselves be attacked
don’t understand” said local churchgoer
by the Christ killers. All they can do now
Matthew Hill, “What would lead them to
is pray and hope the Lord will answer our
continue to
commit such horrible violations?” Obviously, the Christians have the power and authority to shut out the Jews, but they are needed. First of all, they do contribute
Inside this issue Page 36; Who built that? The Wheel By John Creak
Page 42; The life and Times of Pope Boniface IX By Andrew Rhodes
Name That Apostle! 1. This apostle’s name means manly, or strong. 2. He recognized Jesus as the messiah
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at once . 3. He died on the cross in a state of martyrdom in the city of Achaea.
A look back at some of this century’s finest pieces of art to date
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Q&A with Reverend Simon Long on his new book,
Christ Killers . Interviewer: So what spurred you to write this book, can you think of any particular moment? Reverend Simon: not anything in particular, I think it was really was just the constant disobedience on the part of the Jews.
CHRIST KILLERS Reverend Simon Long
Interviewer: Since this is your first published book, do you feel a little nervous about taking such a strong stance on the Jews and the way they should be treated, right from the getgo? RS: Yeah, not too much, because I know that I have a lot of people standing behind my argument as well. But yes, I am somewhat nervous. Interviewer: Will we get to see another one of your books published? RS: Depends how well this one is
Answer: Andrew
received by the public. Interviewer: Well then, good luck!