Jesus’ Crucifixion
Volume 1:12/2/14 Synoptic Gospels Matthew Mark
+ The date of Jesus’ Crucifixion is April 3, 33 C.E.
There are different explanations of the Crucifixion in the four Gospels.
Four Gospels: Matthew Mark Luke John
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Jesus’ trial Lorem Ipsum
Issue | Date
Jesus was arrested on Passover night, which is also known as the Last Supper. He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of the 12 Apostles, for 33 pieces of silver. He was handed over to Pontius Pilate by the Jews, he took a man by the name of Barabas and asked them “Which man do you want killed?” They all said Jesus, he was later brought to the Chief Priest and put on trial. The Chief Priest had questioned Jesus asking “You are the messiah?” where Jesus responded “I am.” The
Top: The Last Supper Left: Jesus on trial
Bottom: Jesus with Pilate
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Crucifixion Lorem Ipsum
Issue | Date
April 3, 33 C.E., is the date of Jesus’ Crucifixion. The estimated time of the Crucifixion is nine in the morning. Pontius Pilate is the man that crucified Jesus. Two nails were hammered into Jesus’ left and right hands, and two more nails were hammered into his left and right feet. There is also another interpretation of Jesus having two nails in his hands and his feet overlapping with one nail in them.
Jesus crucified with two nails in hands and one nail for feet
Jesus Crucified with two nails in hands and feet
Jesus was crucified with two rebels or criminals. He was taken to “The Place of Skulls.” This place is also known as Golgotha, and “The Place of The Skull.” He died around noon-time according to one of the Gospels. He was placed in a tomb hidden inside of a cave like structure. Bottom Left: Jesus’ tomb
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Bottom right: Golgotha/The Place of Skulls
Resurrection/ Lorem Ipsum
Issue | Date
April 23, 33 C.E. Jesus said that he would arise from the dead in 3 days, but not a zombie! Once brought back from the dead, he told the people (the Jews) that if they destroyed the Temple, he would rebuild it in 3 days.
Jesus resurrected
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+ He arose from the dead several times, healing hundreds of people from sickness and disease.
Jesus leaving his hidden tomb
Lorem Ipsum
Synoptic Gospels
Matthew Mark A man named Simon from Simon was forced Cyrene was to carry the cross forced to carry Jesus was offered the cross. They a sponge with brought Jesus to wine and vinegar, Golgotha. They but didn't like the offered him wine taste so he mixed with myrrh refused it. (he did not accept Jesus recited “Eli it). They crucified Eli lema him, dividing up sabachthani?” his clothes by meaning “My G-d casting lots. He My G-d, why have was crucified at you forsaken me?” nine in the Jesus was morning. People crucified with a walking by, chief rebel at his left priests, teachers and at his right of the law, and “This is Jesus the other rebels King of the Jews” being crucified was written over insulted him Jesus The people separated Jesus’s clothes by casting lots
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John Jesus was | Date forced Issue to carry his own cross. Luke Jesus of Simon was seized Nazareth King on his way into the country and forced to of The Jews, was written carry the cross. above Jesus. Jesus said The people “Daughters of separated Jerusalem, do not Jesus’s weep for me; weep clothes and for yourselves and put them in a for your children. “ The soldiers offered lot. Jesus’s Jesus wine vinegar. family stood near the The people were cross. Jesus saying to Jesus, “If was thirsty you are the chosen and asked for one, then save wine vinegar, yourself. Soldiers then died made fun of him. One of the criminals insulted him. “This is the King of the Jews”, was written on a notice around Jesus. They cast lots to see who would receive Jesus’ clothes. Two other rebels were crucified with Jesus. He was crucified at a place called the Skull