How Agritourism Can Revitalize Modern Agriculture
Getting Radically Traditional with White Oak Pastures By Ainsley Schoppel | Excerpts from interview by Ty Johnson Agrotourism is a self-explanatory venture: it’s the crossroads of agriculture and tourism—it’s the linkage of agricultural production and/or processing with tourism to attract visitors onto a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the purposes of entertainment and/or
education that is a source of income for the business owner. Agrotourism operations can be found throughout the U.S. and all over the world, ranging from seasonal operations to larger, year-round operations that offer numerous
consumer services. Examples of larger-scale agrotourism include dude ranches, demonstration farms, agricultural museums, petting and feeding zoos, living-history farms, winery tours and tastings, rural bed and breakfasts, and some multiproduce you-pick operations.
Seasonal agrotourism includes pumpkinpicking patches, corn mazes, hayrides, cutyour-own Christmas tree farms, and some smaller produce farms such as strawberry patches. FACE the CURRENT MAGAZINE