Dreaming Edition
The Future of Indigenous Fashion
Written by JACK BAILEY
n the bustling backstage area of Afterpay Australian Fashion Week, Nathan McGuire is cool, c collected. Dubbed the “face of the future” by GQ , Nathan is about to step out on the Indigenous Fashion Projectsrunwayinfrontofhundredsofeagerfashionaficionados. When asked about walking the runway, Nathan tells Façon“I: feelamazing.It' . snicetobearoundothermobs andI'mreallyexcitedforallthedesignerstoshowcasetheirnewcollections.”
Nathan is walking for designer and Yuwaalaraay woman Julie Shaw and her brand Maara Collective.
This year, the Indigenous Fashion Projects runway is supp DavidJones.WorkingwiththisiconicAustralianbrandhas to Nathan. “Thedesignerisafriendofmineandshe’sjuststartingtoreleasesome menswear and asked if I would walk,” he says, “and I thought, yeah, I'd “David Jones is a brand I’ve worked with many times over the years and love to walk! I’m just excited about sharing our different throughout mycultures career,” he says. and “They’re one of the biggest brands in mobswiththeindustry.It’sanexcitingspacetome.Australia, ” sotohavetheirsupportandthatkindofbacki how our industry can really work together to make everything powerful Beingfeaturedincampaignsforiconicbrandssuchand asimpactful GQ,Davidwhen Jones you support the designers to be able to sell their and Country Road, Nathan is no stranger to the modelling world. With clothes, and just have another way for the designers to b such huge success of his own, he is now looking to the future of First another outlet to have their market.” Nations people in the modelling industry. And as if all of his modelling success wasn’t enough, Nathan has also “I don’t walk runways as much anymore,” he says. “I get to attend a lot been busy working on his own fashion line, Solid Ochre. The brand was of shows now, and it’s really exciting to see all the shown young for the new firstmodels time at Melbourne Fashion Festival earlier this year come in and showcase our beauty and how diverse we are. That’s why to much acclaim. it’s important for the sustainability and longevity of our industry to have that First Nations presence.”