Better Together Booklet

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Through BETTER TOGETHER , we are trusting God to provide $10 million for much-needed construction projects at our Faith Beecher, Cedar Lake and Highland locations.


Facility Expansion | $1.75 million


Lower Level Completion | $750,000

Worship Center Expansion | $3.9 million


West Expansion | $2.1 million

In my role as “Papa” to several grandchildren, I love to celebrate each step of their growth. They love to tell me about every significant event in their lives.

In my role as Senior Pastor of Faith Church, I love to celebrate each step of growth throughout our ministry. After carefully measuring current needs due to growth, I am inviting you to help with some improvements at three of our Faith locationsBeecher, Cedar Lake and Highland. Each location has found ways to work around their facility limitations, and our leadership senses this is God’s timing to address these growing needs.

Each improvement is designed to greater assist the Faith site in taking the gospel message to its community in a stronger and more impactful way.

Won’t you join us as we fulfill God’s call to be BETTER TOGETHER . May God guide and bless you as you prayerfully determine your level of faithful involvement in this campaign.

For the Kingdom,

FAITH BEECHER Facility Expansion | $1.75 million

Faith Beecher is located in a building originally designed by Beecher Community Church and we are thankful for this place! We have realized, however, that for the amount of people God has brought and continues to bring to Faith Beecher there needs to be an addition.


The only current space for midweek gatherings is the worship center, which always requires teardown and set up. It is currently the only area of the building able to handle more than 25 people. Midweek ministry groups find it difficult to maneuver gathering in the established worship area.

Faith Students face a space challenge with up to 75 students and 15 leaders. Relationship building, care and mentoring are critical to this group - most of whom are non-churched. Being in such a tight space can make it very difficult to hear one another when they are having critical small group conversations.

Faith Kids gather just outside the only restrooms in the building, not an optimal place for children to meet. These rooms are relatively small and are not suitable for any growth.


Our proposed eastward expansion of approximately 6,400 square feet will provide adaptable meeting space for multiple ministries at Faith Beecher.

› Midweek groups, such as Faith Students, will no longer need to teardown (and thus set up) the worship area in order to use the space.

› Installation of additional bathrooms will give Faith Kids a dedicated and more secure setting.

› Expansion will allow us to better serve current ministries and allow for new growth and opportunities to serve the community.

› This addition will allow for future additions as part of the original master plan for the building.

It is not uncommon to have 90 participants (students and leaders) crammed into our worship space. Ninety percent are from the community and don’t attend church anywhere.

God has called us to provide a place where these students can ask questions, belong and feel loved. Our passion is to walk alongside them as they consider following Jesus. Recently in one small group, more than half of the students said they want to follow Jesus. Praise God!

Lower Level Completion | $750,000 Worship Center Expansion | $3.9 million

When Faith Cedar Lake began in 2007 (the first in Faith Church’s multi-site story), it moved from rented space at Hanover Central High School to Cedar Lake Ministries. While great launching pads, eventually rented space became restrictive to growth and ministry. The current Faith Cedar Lake building opened in 2016 and people came. With so much continued new housing development in the Cedar Lake area, it is now clear the current facility cannot sustain the increasing growth of this location.


When Faith Cedar Lake was built in 2016 approximately 300 people began attending. Now, more than 800 individuals and families worship at this location every week.

Student Ministries has a mobile presence - meeting in whatever open space is available to accommodate the group size and activities, with no consistency or ownership of space.

The Reflectors Ministry uses the office area for weekend gatherings, which does not meet the necessary requirements for accessibility and safety.

With many ministry gatherings hosted throughout the week, Faith Cedar Lake has found that MomsNation gatherings have no room to grow and small groups are maxed out of space to meet on a consistent basis.


The proposed addition to Faith Cedar Lake will add approximately 12,000 square feet to the west side of the building. Three multi-purpose rooms will serve both weekend and weekday ministries.

› An expanded worship space will seat 750 people for weekend worship.

› Faith Students has a vision to grow beyond the 45 young people they currently serve. The additional space will help facilitate that growth.

› Faith Kids will also benefit from having more space as the ministry is nearly at capacity in the number of children it serves.

› Limited space restricts Reflectors from serving more than their current 15 participants. The expansion will allow for growth, providing for a Reflector’s adult room, sensory room and appropriate bathroom space.

God is bringing so many new families to our location. This extra space will make a significant difference as we minister to our growing number of children. Moving nursery, older and younger groups into expanded spaces will also allow for more partnership between Faith Kids and Reflectors participants.

Expansion | $2.1 million

After 104 faithful years of ministry, the leaders and congregation of First Highland CRC was led to partner with Faith Church to reach their area in new and fresh ways. In 2013 First CRC was enfolded by Faith Church and became Faith Highland.


Flourishing Reflectors and Faith Kids ministries are in desperate need of adequate space to serve children well and to keep them safe. Accessibility is critical to serving the community. As we expand our ability to serve more families in these areas, we expect to see continued growth at Sunday worship services.

As Faith Highland grows, so does the need for space for small groups like GriefShare, Fresh Hope and numerous small groups. One small group has found space in a local knitting shop because no rooms were available at Faith Highland.


The proposed two-story building expansion on the west side of Faith Highland will provide a combined space for Faith Kids and Reflectors. This project will include a reception area for both ministries, a Reflectors teen/family room, a sensory room, K-5 rooms, appropriate bathroom space and an elevator.

Ministry is expanding in Highland through GriefShare, Fresh Hope and small groups, so people can grow and become connected to the body of Christ. A living room-style meeting space will be added for these purposes, as well as expanded office and storage space.

“One goal of Reflectors is to provide an inclusive environment for our special needs friends when possible, to be visible and not totally removed from other aspects of ministry. I envision a designated Reflectors classroom for our kids with special needs within the Faith Kids area. With proper accessibility and volunteer assistance, children with mobility issues can attend Faith Kids.”


Q: Why aren’t there proposed expansion projects for Faith Dyer and Faith Munster?

A: While both locations are having discussions regarding their facilities, they are still in the process of bringing formal recommendations for consideration. We anticipate their recommendations to be of a size and scope that could be covered through God providing excess funds raised through this Better Together campaign or through our regular operating budget. The $10 million for the Better Together campaign should cover all three proposed projects and leave close to a $2 million surplus for future projects.

Q: What is the time frame for fulfilling our commitment to the campaign?

A: Our goal would be to collect all funds within three years but understand things may arise during that time. We would like to see a five year hard deadline to closing out this campaign.

Q: How soon will these projects begin?

A: This has been a long process of discussions and planning for these locations. Work has already been done on structural and mechanical designs. Because of funds already committed, some work is already underway, including the finishing of Cedar Lake’s lower level. Other work will begin as soon as possible.

Q: Do I fulfill my pledge by giving through the offering during services?

A: While you can definitely do that, you can also give online or even arrange a “gift in kind” or stock transfer. If you have an asset that has appreciated in value, it could be a tax advantage for you to fulfill all or part of your pledge by donating that asset instead. Please talk to your financial advisor and if it is advantageous for you, contact a deacon at your location or our financial office to work through the details.

Q: Where can I learn more and commit to give?

A: Visit to learn more about the Better Together campaign. If you have questions and would like to talk to someone, please contact your Faith Church pastor.

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