Faith’s mission remains the same as it did more than 50 years ago. A move from South Holland to Dyer, Indiana has been blessed by God with tremendous growth, more than we could ever imagine. And now with the 7th campus of Faith Church launching in the fall of 2014, the heartbeat of this church strengthens with every story of life change. The velocity of change in Faith Church in the next five years may be greater than the past fifty. This project is not strictly about the people that are already here, but also about the unbeliever that we are called to REACH.
“Reach” has always been a part of the Gospel story
Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of
from the fall of humankind continuing to the second
your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back;
coming of Christ. God reached us through Jesus
lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.
Christ and invites us into the journey of reaching others. We invite you to participate in The Reach
For you will spread abroad to the right and to the
Project and the eternal impact we pray it has. Look
left, and your offspring will possess the nations and
at the following passage from God’s word…
will people the desolate cities. - Isaiah 54:2-3
REPRODUCE EVERYTHING Faith Church is a reproducing church through its ministries, campuses and people. God is calling us to launch this next wave of multi-site campuses, raising $600,000 as seed funds.
Each campus and facility is a resource in their local community that cares and invests in local people both connected and disconnected local people. Specifically we are called to expand the Dyer facility by 56,000 square feet ($11 Million) for the ministry and community we serve. We will also plant permanent roots in Cedar Lake with an 18,000 square foot facility ($3.5 Million). Ultimately our goal is to mobilize each campus in its community.
ADVANCE MISSIONS Faith Church will release unprecedented amounts of compassion locally, regionally and globally. In the heart of leadership we feel called to plant a church internationally. This could be a reproducing movement. $250,000 would launch the initial planting effort.
CONTRIBUTE KINGDOM Faith Church and its people will be a catalyst in our communities. We are all called to contribute our time, treasure and talent to support The Reach Project and Faith Church. We cannot do this with 50% or 70% participation. It will take all of us ages 2 through 92. We can only do this if everyone works together for and through Him.
HONOR GOD All of the glory belongs to God and we will bring honor to Him through what he does in and through The Reach Project.
GLEN’S STORY I have been a member of Faith Church since its start and have seen God’s blessing on this church in the last 50 years. It is amazing! I have personally grown so much in this church. I have been taught that my main purpose in life is to love Jesus and glorify God. I have had pastors who not only taught that but they lived it. People ask me how come Faith Church is reaching people. I always respond- only one reason, Jesus Christ is preached and Him crucified. It is such a blessing to come on weekends and see all the young people. Sometimes there are adults I taught in Sunday School class that say hi who are part of this church now. It is amazing to me that something I said in Sunday School may have had something to do with them loving the Lord and wanting to serve him all their lives. As we look to the future with more churches in more towns in the area, I get excited! We start a church under the leadership of Faith Church and are the nurturing force behind it. That is how it should be done. I would not have the same relationship with the Lord as I have right now if I had not joined Faith Church and I think a lot of people can say the same thing.
SELENA’S STORY My family and I have become part of the Faith Church family in the last year and we are so thankful! We found a place to get connected and it means so much to us. As I look back at my life I can see God at work. In my 20’s I was making a lot of poor choices and deep inside I knew I was missing something, but I didn’t know it was Jesus. I met my husband and he was the one who invited me to church. I first got connected to Faith Church through the MOPS ministry, and then found out about the Highland campus starting. It was right by our house and we started going on the grand opening weekend. We experienced the love of Jesus through the people there and loved coming each week. We have seen God at work in so many ways, including working in the life of my dad. He had not gone to church for 17 years, and now he is a part of Faith Church too. God has taken us on an amazing journey and now I am on staff in the Faith Kids ministry. My family and I feel so blessed to be part of this church. We are serving together as a family and it is so fun to see our kids involved in set-up and tear-down at their young ages. My husband has made friendships too and it just feels like home. I am so thankful to God for what He is doing in and through Faith Church. Lives are being changed and Jesus is the center; He is the one who gets all the glory. I am one life, in one family…. and I know that there are so many more people who have met Jesus here. As we look to the future I am excited to see what God will do!
56,000 SQUARE FT.
MINISTRY MEETING SPACE • Expand the number of living rooms and classrooms for additional meetings, training and other ministry activity.
WORSHIP CENTER • Improve the technology and aesthetics to support Dyer and all sites experience in a multi-site church.
FAITH KIDS • Increase the size of rooms to address capacity issues in various rooms. • Create a clear entrance and exit to improve the flow of Faith Kids. • Create intentional family connection space to partner with families and encourage community.
OFFICE • Expand the office setup conducive for a multi-site environment and that operationalizes the flow of work and ministry. The office space will accommodate an additional 45 staff as we increase the ministry to 20 sites.
BUILDING: $3,500,000
18,000 SQUARE FT.
GOALS • Create a space that is an asset to the community. • Create a space that allows for high quality worship in the use of technology and arts. • Ample Faith Kids space that is intentional in teaching children about Jesus. • Office space for the Cedar Lake Team. • Arts & Community space similar to the existing CAC (Community Arts Center). • Sufficient room for expansion with 300 seats and over 10 acres of land.
BUILDING: $650,000
GOALS • Address Parking concerns in Beecher. • Add office space and expand Faith Kids space in Beecher. • Make modifications to existing Faith Kids space to improve the environment and create more capacity in Highland.
• We feel led and called to plant a church with indigenous leaders. • It truly is God building His church and He is using Faith Church to REACH unreached people.
The Lord is blessing the multi-site movement. Over 1,500 people worship at a location other than Dyer. We are able to reach so many people because of multi-sites. We are called to launch another 6-8 sites, and we believe the 20/20 goal is alive. These seed funds will expand the Kingdom.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HOW MUCH DOES THIS ALL COST, AND WHEN CAN WE GET STARTED? We’re estimating a total of $16.5 million in three years. We will accomplish each item as the funds come in. Dependent on how the launch of the Reach Project begins, we would like to start the projects as soon as possible.
ISN’T $16.5 MILLION A BIG ASK? CAN WE GET THIS DONE? Yes, $16.5 million is a God-sized goal, and we are confident this is attainable. But we can’t accomplish this with 50% of our congregation or even 75%, we need everyone involved in the Reach Project. From the infant in Faith Kids Nursery to a faithful legacy member that is 85 years young, from those who sit in the front row to the back row, this is only possible through you and us together! Our consultants have advised us that we can accomplish this project.
DO I GIVE TO A SPECIFIC PROJECT OR THE OVERALL REACH PROJECT? Currently people give to the overall general fund budget and then we empower teams to make solid decisions; such as our Missions Team, Building Teams and Stewardship Team. This allows these leaders called by God to use the gifts with which they were equipped. We would encourage the same strategy across the Reach Project. We are one church, with one mission and one vision. Based on discussions with our consultants that oversee and advise on these significant projects, we are poised to be most successful with the Reach Project covering all of Faith Church as one effort. We are better together.
12,800 6,400 3,200 1,900 1,300 640 480 320 160 64 51 32 19 13 6
55,600 27,800 13,900 8,300 5,500 2,800 2,100 1,400 700 280 222 140 83 55 28
667,000 334,000 167,000 100,000 67,000 33,300 25,000 16,700 8,300 3,300 2,650 1,650 1,000 665 330
2,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 8,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 1,000
A CALL TO ACTION This project isn’t being proposed so that we can have bigger and better things. We believe we’re moving forward into a future directed by God and directed toward changing the heartbeat of our community so that people know they matter to Him and to us. Whether they’re alone or in a family, poor or rich – this is about creating space and relationship so that people can meet God in a place that reflects His love and can take steps toward a new beginning. The Reach Project is a call to action, a chance to demonstrate what’s in our hearts. Our part accelerates this vision to reality.
Pray for wisdom for our leaders safety in the construction process and for the community to be impacted. Pray about how you can be involved.
Reflect on how God has blessed you and what sacrifice you can make to support the Reach Project
www.thereachproject.com #TheReachProjectFC