The Paper | Sep-Dec Issue 2 Vol 8

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VO LU M E 8 ISSUE 2 S E P - D E C 2 02 0

Faith Family Highlight


Letter from Pastor Bob Bouwer

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On Earth as it is in Heaven Ministry Updates Gather Again Positives of the COVID-19 Season Care & Connection Beecher Cedar Lake Dyer Highland Munster Schererville

T U E S D AY, SEPTEMBER 29 SHOTGUN S TA RT AT 1 2 P M We p ro m i s e a g re a t ro u n d of g o l f, d e l i c i o u s fo o d , p r i z e s and fun!

Faith Church’s Christian Aid Ministry shares the love of Christ with those in need by providing guidance and temp o r a r y fi n a n c i a l assistance.


A LETTER FROM PASTOR BOB BOUWER The combination of my age, COVID-19, and the unrest in our country and world have caused me to evaluate my life and ministry. To be honest, there are times where I experience a strange anxiety as I ponder everything that is going on in our world. I am certain I am not alone in this. I was asked to share what my reflections are during this turbulent time. After some thought and much prayer, this is what I came up with. First, I have total confidence in God’s control. God never has and never will say, “Oops!” From the fall of humankind, God has always brought good out of bad situations. Secondly, I don’t think church as we knew it will ever be back. That being said, I like to think we could be back to better. I believe, as Christians, we are being called to more basic principles such as loving our neighbors, showing and demonstrating that love to those who think differently than we do, and caring for the weak and vulnerable. I also know that the church is not defined by a building, but rather by lives committed to loving God and serving people in His name. Thirdly, I see God pruning His Church. The Bible speaks about “lukewarm” and “lazy” Christians falling away. Pruning is a wonderful way to make a plant healthier and I think God is doing this in His Church. Finally, these unsettling times we are living in have caused me to long for heaven. The short prayer at the end of the Book of Revelation is called, “Maranatha” which means, “Lord come quickly!” This has been my prayer. I long for heaven in God’s presence where evil, hatred, sickness, disease and suffering will be gone. That all wrong will be made right in God’s name. I pray we will use these times to seek holiness and share Christ’s saving grace to family and friends as we draw closer to His return. Won’t you join me in praying this as well?





Where are you from?

Schererville, IN

How did you first get connected at Faith Church? I got connected back in 2012 through the Young Adults ministry. I began serving on the worship team there and eventually during the weekend services!

What have you seen God do at Faith Church? Exponential growth! I feel as though the church has seen a lot of growth and I feel as though there’s a sense of renewal here!

How do you connect with others at your campus? One way is through the small group that I’m involved in. Another is through fellowship with the members of the worship team and during our fellowship time in between our two weekend services.

What have you seen God do in your life? I feel as though I’ve grown in every facet of life. I’ve definitely grown spiritually for sure. I’ve also grown as a leader, which has come from observing excellent leadership from our church staff.

Where do you ser ve at Faith? On the Worship Team and as a small group leader.

What do you enjoy about the worship ser vices? I always enjoy the preaching from Pastor Jason and Pastor Tim. They present each message in an understandable manner and make it applicable! Also, I have deep appreciation for our church worship expression through music.

Is there any thing else you want to share? It has been, thus far, a great pleasure being a part of Faith Church. I’ve seen God grow me in ways I could never have imagined. Our church leaders have provided great examples of what living Christ-like life looks like. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else!


Fun & Fellowship At their level Intentional Relationships Trusting Environment Home partnership



MS & HS: September 11



dates TBD

MS & HS: September 13

HIGHLAND/ HS: September 13 MUNSTER MS: September 14 5


The conversation on racial injustice is not over, and we believe it is important for the church to lead it, including Faith Church. Sitting down with Domi and Dave, we can see how two people with different backgrounds come together to work toward a common goal: bringing God’s Kingdom to Earth. We want to educate and encourage each other as we seek to become more like Jesus every day. The change starts with us. Kassidy: First, will each of you share a brief background about yourself & your experience with the topic of diversity in the church? Dave: I grew up in Lansing, Illinois and went to my dad’s church there. It was mostly Dutch people, and Lansing was changing. White people were moving out and people of color were moving in. We didn’t see the church changing as rapidly as the community. After college I moved out to L.A. [Los Angeles, California] and was part of a multi-ethnic church. I lived in a community that was 80% Latino, but the church has White, Black, Hispanic, Filipino, Korean and others. I met my wife, Aubrey, there, and we got married at that church. Diversity, not only racially but also socio-economically, is a really important part of our lives. When we came to Faith, one of the biggest challenges for us was how White it is. That sounds weird because we are White, but we were part of a church that was [culturally] diverse, and we said we wanted to [continue] to be part of a diverse church. Domi: I was born and raised in Gary, Indiana where I still live today. I went to a church in Gary that my grandfather started. It was mostly Black and the churches we fellowshipped with were also mostly Black. Although my church and neighborhood were predominantly African American, I was still exposed to a lot of diversity in the neighboring

An Interview with Pastor Dave Nearpass and Lead Videographer Domi Edwards by Kassidy Weemhoff

towns and through school. In terms of diversity in the church, from what I have seen, people are more open to different perspectives and it is easier to reach people when the church is more diverse. Kassidy: Domi, how has being a part of Faith Church been a challenge in regards to being African American? How has it been positive? Domi: Working at Faith is not necessarily a challenge because being a minority is a normal part of life for me. I’m sure I subconsciously tone down aspects of myself, but for the most part, everybody has been more accepting than I anticipated due to past experiences in other work environments where I was encouraged to fix parts of myself. Kassidy: Dave, what have you seen in this church that frustrates you as the conversation on race comes up? What about things that have encouraged you? Dave: What frustrates me is hearing other White people say that they are “sick” of talking about the topic of race and racial reconciliation. They are already fatigued and weary from it. That frustrates me because the topic is so big. It goes all the way back to before America was even a country. It has affected so many generations that of course it is going to take a long time to work through our history. For me, this is a lifelong journey. If I am going to fight my own racism and prejudice, I am fighting that the rest of my life. I’m encouraged that people are talking about race [engaging with resources and other people to get new perspectives] because racism and prejudice are so steeped in our history and society. We need to talk about it.

Kassidy: What approach or posture should we, as Christians, take as we have conversations with people who may or may not agree with us?


Domi: It is hard to have those types of conversations because most people either avoid controversy or don’t want to hear a differing opinion. When people ask me questions, I have to gauge if they really want to know or if they’re fishing for a disagreement. My advice is to have a relationship with somebody that looks and thinks different from you.

• “Intensional” by D.A. Horton

Dave: I believe for me as a White person to continually ask a Black person about their painful experience, because of racism, can cause them to have to relive it over and over again. It’s a lot to ask of someone. What I need to do is go and do my own research about the experiences of other races in America. Domi: Yes. For example, if people really want to buy a house or a car, they do their research. They know what they’re looking for and what questions to ask. They come in prepared. If people really want to know about my experience, there are resources out there for you to examine before coming and asking me questions. Maybe instead of just continuing to ask the same person every question you have, ask them what resources they would recommend you look at. This can keep you from only listening to the perspectives you’re familiar with. Kassidy: How important is the conversation about racial reconciliation in the Church? Dave: This conversation is absolutely essential. If we don’t talk about it, then we refuse to deal with it. If we refuse to deal with it, we are apathetic--we give no energy or time or thought to it. I believe the opposite of love is not hate, but apathy. The least loving thing you can do is be completely apathetic and have no concern. Discussion has to happen because it keeps us from going toward apathy as a largely White church. Talking about it is the first step. Are you willing to do what needs to be done and make sure our brothers and sisters of color are treated better than we are? Domi: It’s important because the church has such a big reach to communicate what should be discussed. In order to eliminate racism or unfairness in the systems, it would take the church fighting for those things as well. The church has a lot of influence in changing people’s hearts, and I think that is why the church should be more involved in this conversation. Dave: I can’t put myself into what it has been like emotionally for you [Domi]. From your perspective, emotionally, what is it like for you and your family?

• “Be the Bridge” by Latasha Morrison and

• “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson • “Let Justice Roll Down” by John Perkins • “Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church” by Soong-Chan Rah

• “More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel” by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice • “One Blood” by John Perkins • “Oneness Embraced: Reconciliation, the Kingdom, and How We are Stronger Together” by Tony Evans • “Race in America” video by Phil Vischer

Domi: For my wife and I, this season has been draining. It is exhausting to continually be discouraged and frustrated by injustice and not holding people in power accountable. Kassidy: What message would you give Faith Church as we continue to take a stand against racial prejudice and injustice? Domi: Some churches right now are all-in on taking action against injustice. Some, but not enough. People are not wanting to fight for justice, and they’re not living out the gospel. If people practice the gospel in its entirety, more Christians would be fighting to fix social and racial injustice. Faith Church can be at the forefront of it. Dave: The message to all of us is found in the Bible. For example, in the prayer that Jesus gives to His disciples and all of us so we can learn how to pray, Jesus says, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” In Revelation, we see the picture of heaven, which is all people from all nations gathered together with God, praising God and in God’s glory. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we are saying to God that we want heaven to be here. We want His reign to be here. We want His peace to reign here. This topic is not dying down because we are to be forever aiming towards racial reconciliation because that is heaven. Faith Church, the question is: where are we going now? If we look the exact same ten years from now in a changing region, then we are not bringing God’s Will and God’s Kingdom.


What if you were given a pair of goggles, that once you put them on, your eyes would see as God sees us? Take a picture of the QR code to learn more about the Unity Project.

ministry Executive Pastor | Central Transitional Pastor | Beecher

EXPENSES While 2020 has not gone the way we expected and has been filled with various turns, one constant we have seen throughout this year has been God’s faithfulness to us. This has been true in many different areas of life, including our church’s finances. I wanted to point that out before walking through some financial information for the first half of 2020, as the overarching story the numbers point to is God’s faithfulness even in strange times and the recognition of this faithfulness by His people who like the churches of Macedonia have excelled in the grace of giving even in a season of affliction (2 Corinthians 8:1-7). GIVING 2019 saw our highest total of giving in our church’s General Fund (Operating Budget), as we received $7,399,000. Having seen growth over the past couple of years (6% increases the last 2 years) and desiring to keep growing in generosity, we set a giving goal of $7,700,000 for 2020 (4% higher). We were tracking ahead of last year’s giving before COVID-19. The first few weeks of online services saw great fluctuations in giving and we did not know what such an economic disruption would mean for our church. However, we continued to see faithful giving by God’s people, receiving about 85% of what we had received the previous year since COVID-19 caused things



by Brian Dennert

to shut down. Therefore, our giving is at 80% of our goal for the year, which means our year-to-date giving is higher than any year other than 2019. On top of giving to the General Fund, we have received over $38,000 to our Christian Aid account and over $37,000 to the Faith Family Market to help families in need. Thank you for your generosity!

We have sought to find ways to reduce spending in light of the events of 2020 while also continuing to minister to the community around us and across the world. Through June, our operating expenses were $3,524,806, which is around 89% of what we had budgeted for the year and about 98% of what we spent in the first 6 months of 2019. While we have reduced expenses, we continue to fulfill our commitments to ministry partners and missions causes and give over 10% of our expenses towards other organizations and have not had to lay off any staff. We are thankful for paying off our Dyer mortgage in full this past February, as this is an expense we have not had to deal with at this time or moving forward, giving us more flexibility in our budget. We continue to seek to steward the funds entrusted to us by you through your sacrificial giving and use this to further God’s work in this region and in the world. SUMMARY AND NEXT STEPS

Our expenses do exceed our giving. This is not uncommon at this point of the year (since one-third of giving typically comes in the last three months of the year while our expenses are spread out), but the gap is even larger than in past years. Since our largest single expense is staffing, we applied and received aid as part of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) that was part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act so that we would not have to make any staffing cuts in this time; these funds have allowed us to continue and adjust ministry in this season while we discern the longer-term impact on the economy and church finances. The Fall is usually when we work on the budget for the next year based upon past trends (for example, the past 12 months of giving) as well as plans and goals for this coming year. We ask for prayer as we start to think through 2021’s budget in light of the circumstances of the past year. We also want to end this note by again thanking you for your faithfulness in the area of finances in this time.

updates by Corrie Vos

Thank you, Faith Church, for your faithful giving! We continue to give 10% annually to local and global partners working on the front lines in areas of community development, leadership development and reaching unreached people. We are so thankful to be able to consistently support our partner families and organizations. Rwanda This year we will surpass 1 million dollars raised through Team World Vision over the past 12 years of partnership with World Vision in Rwanda. Faith Church is one of two churches who have accomplished this milestone with World Vision! We look forward to celebrating together this huge accomplishment, which brings vital healthcare, education and water to the country of Rwanda.


Missions Director | Central


Local Food: Faith Beecher has been hosting the Northern Illinois Mobile Food Pantry every month right in its parking lot. The mobile pantry arrives with capacity to serve 150 families. In April, Faith Beecher witnessed God stretching the food as 177 families, representing 604 individuals, were served! What a blessing to not turn anyone away!

Shelter: Faith Highland participated in a wall build and other volunteer opportunities with Habitat for Humanity. In June we were able to dedicate the home and bless a single mom from the Hammond community with her very first home.

Education: Faith Dyer hosted the Elim Hope Packs school supply drive, providing meaningful work to the adults at Elim Christian Services, and school supply packs for 450 students at Strassburg Elementary School and 400 students at Wagoner Elementary School, both in Sauk Village.


Brazil During this time the First Presbyterian Church of Manaus, Brazil has shifted its strategy to using the resources of the medical boats to bring 1,300 families monthly food and medical supplies through its storehouse project. The goal of the storehouse project is to assist families of IPM who were affected by COVID-19, both in the city of Manaus and along the riverbanks. Many of these families are also reached through the village of Intepeceau where Faith funded a vocational school.

Mobile Food Bank

We celebrate these and many other ways Faith Church continues to be on mission restoring the world one relationship at a time in our neighborhoods, local communities and around the world. To get connected or learn more visit



GATHER IN 2020?’ by Tim Huizenga Associate Pastor | Highland

Faith Church desires for each person to be gathering, growing, giving and going - living into the 4Gs. So what has it meant to Gather in 2020? Through the COVID-19 quarantine, uncertainty in large gatherings and social distancing, Faith Church has had to get creative. Even when our buildings were closed, we couldn’t stop meeting. Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us because of what God has done for us, “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

From mid-March through June, we gathered as one church on our Campus Facebook pages and through Zoom small group gatherings and online Faith Kids and Students events have helped bridge the gaps when we weren’t able to meet in-person. We even saw unique midweek opportunities to gather: Faith Highland held Take-Out Tuesdays, meeting at local restaurants; Faith Cedar Lake led outdoor worship experiences; and Faith Munster organized tailgate nights in their parking lot. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to get creative and really think outside the box, but this extrovert was ready to get back to in-person worship by July 5. It was energizing to be able to greet people again; we had signs made to let people know that even under this mask, I’m smiling! Sure there are social distancing rules we have to abide by, but I can say my people tank is refilling and I get the

opportunity to socialize with friends. While not everyone is comfortable gathering in-person, it’s great we can be a church to offer Facebook Live for six of our campuses. And that we’ve been able to launch an Online Ministry for those who don’t have a Faith Campus home ( I’d like to challenge folks continuing to worship from home to organize a watch party and participate in the live chat at your campus in order to engage with others outside of your home. Gathering is going to continue to look a little different this year, but we must continue to intentionally gather. As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, know that God is good! God has been faithful to Faith Church and we should ‘not neglect’ to gather with one another in whatever creative way keeps us connected to the body of Christ.


Discover & Partner

WITH FAITH CHURCH We offer classes to learn more about who we are and how to become a member!


to view class dates & times at your campus

FAITH OVER FEAR by Kassidy Weemhoff

The coronavirus has made for an unimaginable time in our world. As a church, we were deeply grieved at the inability to be together in person for such a long time. We were quarantined with little ‘outside world’ interaction for nearly two months before restrictions started lifting. For the nearly four months not meeting together physically, we missed handshakes and high fives by friendly greeters at the door. We missed raising a hallelujah in one resounding voice. We missed physically gathering for prayer and Bible study. We missed laughing after service with a coffee in hand. Most of all, we missed seeing the faces of Faith Church.

Easter egg hunt drive-by at Faith Cedar Lake.

Through it all and even still, we trust God has been faithful and in control of these past several months. God has done new things in and through Faith Church during COVID-19. We’ve come together in beautiful ways, and we want to highlight the good work you’ve done.

All campuses made Blessing Bags for frontline workers.

Through Zoom meetings & virtual parties, to phone calls and texts, you have stayed connected. Facebook Live has allowed campuses to enjoy fellowship and prayer even from miles apart. Our communities have grown in faith. This extends to our Faith Kids and Students ministries, and Reflectors Ministry as they have utilized this time to learn, teach and grow.

Continues on next page

Families gathered at home to watch the worship and Faith Kids services.

For our series “Faith Over Fear,” our church had yard signs placed all throughout the region.

Dyer had a food drive for a local food pantry.


Faith Church, you have poured into your communities in beautiful ways. Whether it be Blessing Bags handed out to frontline workers and first responders, or an abundance of groceries donated to Mobile Food Pantries and the Faith Family market, you have loved well. Our co-initiative to Pray for the Region created a prayer chain that lifted up police officers, firefighters, doctors and nurses in this season for an hour each day, both inside and outside of the Faith Church family. Our desire to reach the disconnected has still been accomplished as many of you have put up “Faith Over Fear” yard signs and invited people to watch our services. In fact, we had 72 new people join online small groups.

Beecher delivered yard signs and goodie bags to graduating seniors from Faith Students.

In a time of uncertainty and worldwide fear, Faith Church has clung to the assurance and steadfastness of our God. We know there are many blessings for each campus even through this continued time of uncertainty. Faith Church, thank you for your resilience and dedication, in living out our mission to transform the world one relationship at a time for God.

Faith Cedar Lake had a window mural painted for the “Faith Over Fear” series.

We had many (maybe too many) Zoom calls.

Faith Highland partered with Habitat for Humanity and helped build & dedicate this local home. Faith Munster also had a drive-by Easter celebration.

Our teams worked hard to create meangingful worship experiences online.

The Munster Campus gathered supplies to make Blessing Bags for frontline workers.

For many, Behold the Wonder has become a staple in their holiday traditions. Over the past four years, we’ve heard your stories and cheered you on as you took our mission to engage the spiritually disconnected to heart and invited those far from God! Our team is dedicated to making Behold the Wonder happen even in these unprecedented times. These new days call for a new virtual experience. Behold the Wonder is just around the corner and our team’s excitement is palpable as we construct this artistic celebration of Jesus’ birth, giving all the opportunity to encounter the true meaning of Christmas.

We will be bringing Behold the Wonder straight to you! You DO NOT need to leave your home but you DO need to invite others into your space, hosting your very own Behold the Wonder House Party. This year’s experience

will highlight our best-loved moments from year’s past with a few surprises thrown into the mix. Our team will tackle the production; you tackle the guest list & snacks. While some may be disappointed with our revamp, we know God moves in smaller spaces just as profoundly as He has swept through the square footage on 81st Ave. We are excited to see what He does using a medium. Currently, we are in the throes of the planning but would like to address a few of your questions before we release more information.

When is BTW?

December 10 @ 7 PM December 11 @ 7 PM December 12 @ 1 & 7 PM

Where will BTW be held?

Anywhere you’d like to host your House Party your living room, a (preferably heated) garage, a rented space, a senior center, etc, AND anywhere you have a Wi-Fi connection and a digital device.

Do we need to purchase tickets?

No. Let this be our gift to you! However, you will need to register to receive an access link to take in the experience. Together, this December, we will find joy, we will rest in peace and we will BEHOLD THE WONDER of the Savior of the world!



CARE &CON NEC T IONS ALL CAMPUSES INVITED CARE If you have a prayer request you would like included in the campus prayer letter, please contact your campus office. Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes-the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Mondays, 6:30-8:30 PM Faith Cedar Lake | Community Cntr Contact Jim/Brenda jnbgreenacres@comcast. net Thursdays, 7-9 PM Faith Munster Contact Jim P at Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Faith Dyer | The Garage


Contact Bill S at celebraterecovery@

Celebration Place

Tuesdays, 6:45-9 PM Faith Dyer | K5 Room Contact Beckie at Celebration Place is designed for kids Kindergarten through 13 years of age whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction and join their parents in forgiveness & healing.

Fresh Hope

Wednesdays, 7-8:30 PM Faith Highland Contact Vinnie at Fresh Hope is our Mental Health Support Group. This group is for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). Meets weekly


Tuesdays, 7 PM Faith Highland Contact Amy at aboshears@WeAreFaith. org Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month

Grief Share

Tuesdays, 7 PM Faith Highland Contact Rich at Grief Share offers help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Meets weekly

Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts

Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts is a ministry for moms who are hurting because of the choices their adult child/children are making. Mondays, 6:30-8 PM Faith Dyer Contact Karyn at 10-week session Meets twice a year

OA- Overeaters Anonymous

Fridays, 10-11 AM Faith Highland | Room 101 Contact Barb Russo at (219) 742-3397 Steps and Traditions study style with guest speakers every week. Meets weekly

Our Hope

Tuesdays, 7-9 PM Faith Dyer | Prayer Room Contact Jeri at Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays


Mondays, 7 PM Faith Dyer | Via Zoom Contact Andy at This ministry is for patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays

CONNECTIONS Card Connection

Thursday, 6:30 PM (Sep-May) Faith Dyer | Room 140 Contact Jeri Meets the last Thursday of the month to make cards for the Faith Church family.

Mobile Food Pantry

Mondays, 6:30 PM Beecher Campus Contact Mary at Meets the 3rd Monday of the month

Sep 29 | Oct 27 | Nov 17 | Dec 15

Faith Singles

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Faith Highland | Room 201 Contact Lynea at Faith Beecher

4:30-6 PM Contact Mandy at Open to any Illinois resident

NA-The Grace Street Recovery

Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM Faith Highland | Room 201 Contact Deena at (219) 742-5029 This is an open meeting where all are welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly

Wednesdays, 6 PM Faith Dyer Contact Jan at jkrediet@ Follows the Wednesdays schedule Thursdays, 7 PM Faith Highland Contact Sandy at

Visit the “calendar tab” at for information about social activities. Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month

Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May) Faith Dyer | Rooms 140/141 Contact Sharon at We knit & crochet for those in need. Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month

Marriage Ministry Groups

Contact Gina at Your marriage is the most important earthly relationship you have and we believe that being proactive is the key to success in your marriage. Here are some ways for you to thrive in your marriage.

Preparing for Marriage

Class is typically offered twice per year on Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. Further details and updates on the class and other options for pre-marriage preparation during COVID restrictions can be found at Please contact Gina with questions. We will not stop preparing you for marriage! It might just look a little different!

Marriage Enrichment

Typically meets Wednesdays, 7-8:15 PM Faith Dyer | Rooms 146/147 Put your marriage first by attending this group and connecting with other couples to grow together. Please see marriage for more details and updates on COVIDrelated changes to this group and to register.

Marriage Repair

Individual marriage mentoring is available when you are in need of support and encouragement for your relationship on a more personal level. Visit Marriage Support at

Young Couples

Wednesdays, 6 PM Faith Dyer Garage

Contact Dave at or text “YC” to 84576 For married couples who consider themselves young seeking to grow their relationship through community. Meets weekly


A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit for information on all our groups, meeting places and times. Contact Rebekah at

Pass It On Hockey

Sundays, 6:40 AM Homewood-Flossmoor Ice Arena Contact Carl at Men of all ages welcome. Meets weekly through April

Beecher Mobile Food Bank

Stitchin Sisters

Tuesday, 9:30 AM Faith Beecher Contact Marietta at Meets 1st Tuesday of the month

The Journey

The Journey is a 22-week course designed to provide a safe place for a group of 7-10 people to slow down and be intentional about focusing on their relationship with Jesus and personal discipleship. To learn more, go to vp3-pathway/the-journey/ Contact Marilyn at for more information. Join the hundreds of people from Faith Church who have come to understand God (and themselves) in a new way through The Journey!

12.1 Running Club

Saturdays, 8 AM Faith Dyer (Dec-Mar) Saturdays, 7 AM Centennial Park in Munster on Calumet Avenue (by the band stand) (Apr-Nov) Contact Yvonne at Meets weekly

What if there is


for my marriage? The Ravines is a safe place to find healing and restoration for your marriage.

TheRavines (219)864-5063

“He makes springs pour water into the ravines.” Psalm 104:10


Faith Stitchers


BEECHER PASTOR’S NOTE Welcome to Faith Church Beecher! My name is Brian Dennert and I have the honor and privilege of serving at the Beecher campus in this season as its Transitional Pastor. My family - wife, Beth, and children, Emma (9), Micah (7) and Mia (3) - have been part of Faith Church since 2015, and we are continually amazed and excited about what God is doing at Faith Church as we hear stories of lives being transformed. Our Beecher campus opened in 2012 and has sought to reach people in Beecher and the surrounding communities through worship services with biblical teaching that connects to everyday life; groups in which people experience community and belonging; and initiatives to serve and bless the local community in which God has placed us. On this page you will find some ways you can get connected to the Beecher campus through groups and serving opportunities. We would love for you to take a next step, so please reach out if you have any questions. We are a church that is about developing relationships with God and others, so if I can be of any help or service as you seek to connect with God or find community, do not hesitate to contact me at the church office or by emailing Looking forward to connecting with you and to all that God will do at Faith Beecher. Pastor Brian Dennert

WORSHIP 201 E Church Road Beecher, IL 60401 (708) 946-2545 Office Hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9 AM-2 PM FaithChurchBeecher

after all weekend services. Want to serve? Want to be connected? Have prayer needs? Need more information about Faith Beecher or any classes/events? Complete the online connect portion of the weekend program & submit to Pastor Brian or go to the Connections Center.


Service Times: Sunday, 9 & 11 AM


Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th grade) Sunday, 9 & 11 AM Start date TBD

Card Connection Monday, 6:30 PM Contact Mary at (708) 624-4066 Meets 3rd Monday of the month First meeting is September 21

*Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: The Connections area in the back corner of the Worship Center is open

Stitchin’ Sisters Tuesday, 9:30 AM Contact Marietta Koster (708) 258-6450 or Meets 1st Tuesday of the month

First meeting is September 1


A community for moms with children aged birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: Moms of Littles Thursdays, 9-11 AM Contact Megan at Meets twice monthly Moms in the Middle Fridays, 9-11 AM Contact Lisa at Meets twice monthly MEN Men’s Bible/Book Study Wednesdays, 7-8:30 PM Contact Marty at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

Men’s Bible Study Saturdays, 7 AM Contact Dave at Meets 2nd & 4th Saturdays ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) SMALL GROUPS Small groups are forming. Contact the office for details.

See page 16 for additional care groups. CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith.

SERVE Contact the following ministry leaders for more information about serving on one of these teams.

Coffee Ministry Contact the Beecher Office at

Discover Faith (Class 1) Wednesday, Sep 23 | 6:30-8:30 PM

Faith Kids (Infant-5th grade) Contact Mandy at or Rebecca at

Partner with Faith (Class 2) Wednesday, Oct 7 | 6:30-8:30 PM

Faith Students (6th-12th grade) Contact Scott at

Membership & Baptism Celebration November 22

Frontline Team Contact the Beecher Office at


Register at or pick up a paper registration form from the Connections area.

Medical Team Contact Beth at

Faith Beecher Students Contact Scott at Fridays, 6-8:30 PM Meets most Friday evenings First meeting is September 11

Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey.

Dalach Group Mike Dalach Teykl/Ipema Group Jim Teykl Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 16

CARE Mobile Food Pantry Faith Beecher parking lot Sep 29 | Oct 27 | Nov 17 | Dec 15 4:30-6 PM Contact Mandy at to volunteer or if you would like a flyer to invite family, friends or others in need of grocery assistance. Open to any Illinois resident.

Basic Sign Language Classes will be offered virtually this fall, beginning September 22 for 10 weeks. For more information and to sign up please visit SignClass. Thanksgiving Services Wednesday, Nov 25 | Times TBD Christmas Services Wednesday, Dec 23 & Thursday, Dec 24 | Times TBD Watch for details regarding holiday services.

Mobile Food Pantry Contact the Beecher Office at Moms Nation Contact Rebekah at Prayer Team Contact Sharon at Security Team Contact John at Worship - Are you an instrumentalist or vocalist interested in serving? Contact Scott at Tech - To serve with sound, lights, media, cameras or set design Contact Nick at


CEDAR LAKE PASTOR’S NOTE Welcome to Faith Church. I am excited you are here! It is our hope as you join us on the journey through life that you find places of deep connection with Jesus and others in this community. It has personally been life giving for me to be a part of the Faith Church family for the last 20 years. My wife, Karla, and I and our four kids are living proof that ordinary, imperfect people can belong in this community of believers. If you have some “baggage” from your past, are dealing with some issues, or even just trying to figure out your next steps in life, Faith Church welcomes you! As we get to know each other, it is our desire the relationships that are formed are meaningful and caring. There are many ways to connect through small groups and serving, and we would be glad to assist you in any way we can. I look forward to meeting you! If you would like to contact me, please email me at Pastor Dave Weemhoff

WORSHIP 6729 W 133rd Ave Cedar Lake, IN 46303 (219) 374-6309 Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8 AM-4 PM Fri: 8 AM-2 PM FaithChurchCedarLake Service Times: 9:30 & 11 AM *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 9:30 & 11 AM

Start date TBD

Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sun, 11 AM

CONNECT WOMEN Women’s Bible Study

Psalm 23: The Shepherd with Me by Jennifer Rothschild Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Beginning Sep 29 Contact Dea at Meets every other Tuesday Women’s Bible Study Remembering The Forgotten God by Francis Chan Saturdays, 9-10:30 AM Contact Patsy at Meets weekly Women’s Daytime Bible Study Defiant Joy by Staci Eldredge More info coming soon! Moms Prayer Group Wednesdays, 9:30 AM Contact Denise at Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through

high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: Moms of Littles Thursdays, 9-11 AM Contact Rachel at Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays Moms in the Middle Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 AM Contact Rebekah at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays MEN Bible Study Saturdays, 7-8:30 AM Contact Rob at Meets weekly Bible/Book Study Book of Philippians Wednesdays, 6:30 PM Contact Matt at Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays

ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) SMALL GROUPS New Small Groups are forming. If you are interested in being part of a small group, please contact Kristen Fennema at Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 16 Young Adults (Ages 18-early 30’s) Thursdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Beca Miller at Meets weekly STUDENTS Faith Cedar Lake Students Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Dave at Middle School Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays

High School Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Stay connected with us & our activities via: Instagram: @FaithStudentsCL Text 81010 to “@fclyouth” for text updates. CARE CELEBRATE RECOVERY CR is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Meets weekly Mondays, 6:30 PM Contact Jim/Brenda at Faith CL Care Team Looking for someone to walk alongside you during a difficult time? Our Care Team is here for you! If you battle depression, have lost a loved one, struggle with marital issues, illness or any other difficult life circumstance, you do not need to walk that path alone! We have both a men’s and women’s team. contact the Cedar Lake Office or our Care Team at Faith Family Market Mondays, 10 AM-Noon (closed the 5th Monday) Contact Beckie at Additional Market Needs: paper towels, toilet paper, detergent, pasta, spaghetti sauce, cereal, mac ‘n cheese, sloppy joe mix Reflectors Ministry Sundays, 11 AM Contact Becky at This ministry exists to help people with any disability grow in their relationship with Jesus at their own level and to be enfolded into the church community. Kids worship buddies

and prayer partners are available to help make church more accessible to participants and their caregivers. Please contact us if you know of anyone who could be blessed by this ministry or if you have an interest in serving in this capacity. See page 16 for additional care groups. CLASSES & EVENTS Prayer Gathering Wednesday | 7 PM Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Tuesday, Sep 22 | 6:30-9 PM Partner with Faith (Class 2) Tuesday, Oct 13 | 6:30-9 PM Contact Bonnie at or register at Baptism Class TBD This class is for parents who wish to have their child/ children baptized and have never attended a baptism class. Contact Karen at or register at Membership & Baptism Celebrations November 22 Getting Married? Contact Becky at weddings@WeAreFaith. org to begin your wedding journey. Basic Sign Language Classes will be offered virtually this fall, beginning September 22 for 10 weeks. For more information and to sign up please visit

Thanksgiving Services Wednesday, Nov 25 | Times TBD Christmas Services Wednesday Dec 23 & Thursday, Dec 24 | Times TBD Watch for details regarding holiday services.

SERVE Kids Hope Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Cedar Lake Campus serves the children of MacArthur Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer LeRose at jlerose@

Faith Students (Middle School, High School) Pastor Dave at Frontline Team (includes greeters, welcome center, coffee service) Karla at Photography Team Matt at Praying Moms Ministry Denise at Prayer Team Denise at t Technical Arts Caleb at Worship Team Caleb at

Musicians Wanted! Are you an instrumentalist or vocalist interested in serving? We would love to get to know you! For more information, please contact Caleb at Additional Opportunities: Contact the following ministry leaders for more information or if you’d like to serve on one of these teams! Card Ministry Marcy at Faith Family Market Becky at Faith Kids (infant-5th grade) Ronda at


DYER PASTOR’S NOTE Hello we are Dave and Aubrey Nearpass. We have two beautiful and excitingly curious and wonderful daughters, Ellie and Anna. We have been at Faith Dyer for a year and a half now. We have endured our first midwest winter so we feel like we have truly accomplished something this year. We love Faith Church because we feel like God has big plans for all of us. Faith Church is a caring church with a big heart to follow Christ in blessing the world. We are so humbled we get to serve along with the Faith Church family. We get excited thinking about what God might have in store for our church as we look to our region and our neighbors. We look forward to meeting you in person. Pastor Dave and Aubrey Nearpass

WORSHIP 100 W 81st Avenue Dyer, IN 46311 (219) 864-0300 Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM-4 PM FaithChurchDyer Service Times: Saturday, 5 PM | Sunday, 9 & 11 AM *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Saturday, 5 PM Sunday, 9 & 11 AM

Start date TBD Follow Faith Kids on Facebook @FaithKidsWorship & Insta @Faithkids_dyer Reflectors Worship (Disability Ministry) Sunday, 11 AM The Vine Bookstore and Faithful Grounds Coffee Shop are open before and after all weekend services.


your own machine and supplies. Meets the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month.

Bible Studies Enough - a study on the Book of Colossians Tuesdays, 9:15 AM Begins September 8 Zoom Meeting Contact Pat at or (708) 474-4132 for details and to register.

Prayer Group Mondays, 11 AM | Room 144 Contact Julie at Meets weekly


Card Connection Thursday, 6:30 PM (Sep-May) Room 140 Contact Jeri Meets the last Thursday of the month to make cards for the Faith Church family. Faith Stitchers Thursday, 1-4 PM (Sep-May) Room 140/141 Contact Sharon at Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month to knit & crochet for those in need. Quilters Mondays, 8:30-3 PM | Rooms 142/143 Contact Barb at A group of women who meet around a common interest of quilting. Bring your own UFO’s to work on along with

MOMSNATION A community for moms with children ages birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups: Moms of Littles (Morning Group) Thursdays or Fridays, 9-11:15 AM Contact Kristy or Sherry at Meets twice monthly Moms of Littles (Evening Group) Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Contact Elise at Meets twice monthly Moms in the Middle (Morning Group) Thursdays, 9:15-11:15 AM Contact Christina at Meets twice monthly Moms in the Middle (Evening Group) Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 PM Contact Cherilyn at Meets twice monthly

MEN Men’s Bible Study, Prayer Group & Fellowship Wednesdays, 8 AM | Room 146 Contact Philip at A Bible study to pray for the cares and concerns of the Faith family and to have fellowship together. Meets weekly Men’s Bible Study Saturdays, 6:30 AM | The Garage Contact Dante at Meets 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) Connections Contact Dave at This is a group for young adults, married or single, who are looking for a place to belong and grow in their walk with Christ. SMALL GROUPS If you would like information about small groups, please visit the “Find A Group” page at Steps. Belford Group Jim & Casey Clausing Group John Clausing Faith Singles Group Jan Krediet Farmer Group (Wed) Randy & Sue Farmer

Jeanor (Most Awesome) Group John & Kathie Jeanor Lakie Group/Dennert Group Brian & Beth Dennert Liszka Group Joe & Kim Liszka Nearpass Group Andy Nearpass Pierce Group Rich & Nancy Pierce VanDrunen/Hamstra Group Elmer VanDrunen & Al Hamstra Varela Group Lee Varela Wille Group Trudy Wille Marriage Ministry Group Contact Gina at Your marriage is the most important earthly relationship you have and we believe that being proactive is the key to success in your marriage. Here are some ways for you to thrive in your marriage. Preparing for Marriage Class is typically offered twice per year on Wednesdays in the spring and fall for dating and engaged couples. Further details and updates on the class and other options for pre-marriage preparation during COVID restrictions can be found at Please contact Gina with questions. We will not stop preparing you for marriage! It might just look a little different! Marriage Enrichment Typically meets Wednesdays, 7-8:15 PM Faith Dyer | Rooms 146/147 Put your marriage first by attending this group and connecting with other couples to grow together. Please see for more details and updates on COVID related changes to this group and to register for this group. Marriage Repair Individual marriage mentoring is available when you are in need of support and encouragement for your relationship on a more personal level. Visit Marriage Support at Young Couples Wednesdays, 6 PM | The Garage Contact Dave at or text “YC” to 84576 For married couples who consider themselves young seeking to grow their relationship through community. Meets weekly. For more information and resources, visit and the Marriage Ministry Facebook page @faithmarriageministry. STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Sundays, 5-7 PM | The Garage Contact John at Meets weekly


High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 5-7 PM | Atrium Contact Justin at Meets weekly CARE Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 7-9 PM | The Garage Contact Jim at A place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Meets weekly Childcare for Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 6:45 PM Contact Beckie at Ages infant-5 yrs Celebration Place Tuesdays, 6:45 PM Contact Beckie at Designed for kids Kindergarten-age 13 whose parents attend Celebrate Recovery. We hope to make Jesus the foundation of their lives, break cycles of dysfunction, and join their parents in forgiveness & healing. Meets weekly Faith Family Market Sundays, 8:45 AM-12 PM | Room 128 Contact Ann at Provides assistance to those who have grocery needs. Please shop & receive care before the 11 AM service; you may stop in and pick up your groceries after the service. Open 2nd & 4th Sundays Marriage Repair and Support Contact Gina at As a couple/individual providing Marriage Support and guidance through the Faith Church Care Team. Overcomers Mondays, 7 PM | Via Zoom Contact Andy at For patients and caregivers of patients with life-altering illnesses. Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays Our Hope Tuesdays, 7-9 PM | Prayer Room Contact Jeri at Grief support group for women Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays

Reflectors (Disability Ministry) Sundays, 11 AM-12 PM | Rooms 140-147 Contact Pam at There are multiple classrooms that function similar to special education classrooms but also promote inclusive activities. Volunteers are trained and have had background checks. Typical elements include modified Bible lessons, crafts, games, singing and other interactive activities. Children: ages 3-12 Gold Room | Room 140/141 Orange Room | Reflectors Room Lower Level Teen Rooms: ages 13-19 Purple Room | Room 143 Green Room | Room 146/147

to have their child/children baptized and have never attended a baptism class. Contact Pam at or register at Membership & Baptism Celebrations November 21/ 22 Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey. Basic Sign Language Classes will be offered virtually this fall, beginning September 22 for 10 weeks. For more information and to sign up please visit

Adult Rooms: ages 20 and up Blue Room | Room 144 Small Group | Room 145

Thanksgiving Services Wednesday, Nov 25 at 5 PM in person or 7 PM online

Quiet/Sensory Room | Room 142

Christmas Services Wednesday, Dec 23 at 5 & 7 PM Thursday, Dec 24 at 2 & 4 PM

If you have further questions, contact Vinnie at See page 16 for additional care groups. HEALTH & WELLNESS 12.1 Running Club Saturdays, 7 AM Centennial Park in Munster on Calumet Avenue (by the band stand) (Apr-Nov) Saturdays, 8 AM Faith Dyer (Dec-Mar) Contact Yvonne at Meets weekly CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Thursday, Sep 24 | 6:30-9 PM Partner with Faith (Class 2) Thursday, Oct 8 | 6:30-9 PM Contact Bonnie at or register at Baptism Class Sunday, Oct 25 at 9 AM | Room 147 This class is for parents who wish

SERVE God has created each one of us with unique gifts and talents. When we use those gifts to serve others, we become participants in God’s plan to transform the world. Get connected by serving at Building & Grounds Looking for willing volunteers to serve building and grounds needs throughout the year. Needs such as set up and take down of tables and chairs, light cleaning, electrical, plumbing and HVAC, etc. Contact Bryan at Landscape Maintenance Help is needed to keep the grounds at our Dyer Campus looking beautiful. If you are willing to serve in this way, Contact Roberta at Kids Hope USA Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, each week of the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. The Dyer Campus serves the children of Bibich Elementary School in Dyer. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer at



GATHER & GROW by Marilyn Miller

Director of Adult Formation

We’ve talked much about Faith Church’s commitment to the 4Gs – Gather, Grow, Give and Go. All are designed to help us in our walk with Jesus, whether you are at the beginning of your spiritual journey or a few years down the path. Let’s talk about GATHER a bit. God said it in His Word, in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” We were created for community. Community has been challenging during 2020 thus far. We’ve hit some roadblocks which have required us to be creative. Maybe you were part of a small group and COVID-19 forced you on line. Maybe your group didn’t like the online option, and you stopped meeting altogether. Some small groups were formed online during the shutdown. Maybe you’re like my new friend who moved to this area right before the shutdown. While the weekend worship has been wonderful and a great encouragement, we need more. It would be like eating one meal a week. And while some felt comfortable returning

to in-person worship, everyone did not. Regardless, we all need to be in community with the Church – in large gatherings and small groups. Is this possible in a pandemic? YES. But does it take intentionality, YES. Our gathering and growing does not have to wait – we just need to be more intentional and creative! Please visit Here you will find many opportunities to gather with believers with similar interests. There are friends waiting for you. What about GROW? We are beginning some small groups this fall that could best be described as “intentional spiritual friendships.” We will learn together and hold each other accountable in life. We want to help as you become a disciple of Jesus – as you follow Him, imitate Him and become more like Him. Check out “Grow Groups” on the website. What if you just need someone to walk you through the options, please contact and we can help you find just the right spot.

Starting Wednesday, September 16 DINNER 6-6:55 PM ADULTS $6 | CHILDREN 10 & UNDER $2 TEACHING/SMALL GROUPS 7-8 PM

Mark your calendars for the Joni & Friends fundraising dinner on November 18


HIGHLAND PASTOR’S NOTE Thanks for checking out The Paper ! I’ll give you a peek behind the curtain. In order for layout, editing, publishing and delivering of The Paper to happen, this piece was written months ago, in July to be exact. It was in the middle of our just coming back to having in-person worship services. The reality is, I have no idea what will be happening in our world or in our church when you read this. So what do I know? I know I’m excited that you are finding out about Faith Church and Faith Highland. This is a church that I love and truly count it a privilege to serve as a pastor here. I also know that we want to get to know you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you may have or just introduce yourself so the getting to know you process can begin. I really hope things are getting better in our world as you read this. I also hope that this can be a place where you connect with God and with others in a powerful way! Pastor Jason DeVries

WORSHIP 8910 Grace Street Highland, IN 46322 (219) 838-6231 Office Hours: Tue-Fri: 9 AM-2 PM

Follow our Social Media Accounts to keep up to date with everything we are doing for Faith Students including fun events, any change of meeting times and holiday breaks. Instagram: FaithstudentsMH Facebook: FaithStudentsMH Contact Abdiel at

FaithChurchHighland Service Times: Sunday, 9 & 11 AM


* Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request:

O’Quinn Small Group Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Marian at

Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Sunday, 9 & 11 AM

Start date TBD

CONNECT STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Mondays, 6-8 PM | Great Room Fall kick-off is September 14 High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8 PM | Great Room Fall kick-off is September 13

W2W-Women to Women Mentoring Group Contact Maryanne at Open to those who want to mentor and to those who want to be mentored. Hurting Moms, Mending Hearts Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM Contact Lynea at MOMSNATION A community for moms with children aged birth through high school. Visit to register, for a calendar of events or for more information on the following groups:

Moms of Littles Tuesdays or Wednesdays, 9-11 AM Contact Amy at Moms in the Middle Wednesdays, 9:15-11:15 AM Contact Kristy or Shannon at SMALL GROUPS At Faith Church, we believe God designed us to be in relationship with Him and with others. But it’s unlikely we will develop deep and meaningful relationships if all we do is attend a weekend service. Below is a list of the kinds of groups we offer:

• 20-30’s Women • 20-30’s Men • Couples • Families • Grief Share • Journey-22 week intensive study • For more information, contact Tim at

MEN’S SMALL GROUPS Promise Keepers Fridays, 6 AM Round the Clock-Highland Contact Fred at

Men of Faith Group Thursdays, 7 PM Contact Tim at MIXED SMALL GROUPS Highland Small Group Sundays, 5 PM | Room 104 Contact Rich at CARE Celebrate Recovery Meets at Faith Munster Campus 8411 Columbia Avenue Thursdays, 7-9 PM Contact Jim at CR is based on the original 12 Steps of recovery and the Beatitudes and is open to everyone as a place of rescue, restoration, safety, and renewal for those seeking God’s healing. Fresh Hope Wednesdays, 7 PM Contact This group is both for individuals who have a mental health challenge AND their loved ones (family members, close friends). For more information, visit Meets weekly Friendship Tuesdays, 7 PM Contact Amy at Friendship Ministry is a place where adults with special needs can gather to learn from God’s Word and enjoy a great time of fellowship. Meets Oct-May Grief Share Tuesdays, 7 PM Contact Rich at Help and encouragement after the death of a family member or friend. Meets weekly Habitat for Humanity Local building opportunities Contact Kim or Kolleen at NA-The Grace Street Recovery Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous Thursdays, 7-8:30 PM | Room 201 Contact Deena at (219) 742-5029 An open meeting where all are

welcome, but only members are encouraged to speak. Meets weekly OA-Overeaters Anonymous Fridays, 10-11 AM | Room 101 Contact Barb at (219) 742-3397 Steps and Traditions study style with guest speakers every week. Prayer Ministry Sundays, before & after service Contact Gary at Do you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support. See page 16 for additional care groups. CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith. Discover Faith (Class 1) Sunday, Sep 27 | 12:30 PM Partner with Faith (Class 2) Sunday, Oct 11 | 12:30 PM Membership & Baptism Celebrations November 22 Register online at or contact Highland office for more information. Marriage Ministry See Care & Connections page 16

Basic Sign Language Classes will be offered virtually this fall, beginning September 22 for 10 weeks. For more information and to sign up please visit Thanksgiving Services Wednesday, Nov 25 | Times TBD Christmas Services Wednesday, Dec 23 & Thursday, Dec 24 | Times TBD

SERVE Faith Kids Contact Melissa at Faith Students Contact Abdiel at Hospitality Contact Tim at Kids Hope - Southridge Contact Jen at Security Contact Roger at Tech Arts Contact Trent at Worship Team Contact Andy at


MUNSTER PASTOR’S NOTE My name is Charlie Contreras and I am the campus pastor at Faith Munster. My wife, Anne, and I have been at Faith Church for over 13 years. We have two children, Gabriel (14) and Gracie (12). Anne works for Faith Church as the Faith Kids 3-5 year old Director and Munster Faith Kids Director. It is a joy to be a part of a church where we see God transforming lives with the love of Jesus. We are excited to see people growing in their faith and reaching out to serve in the church and their community. We love that God empowers us to go out and love people in our diverse world, to share the love of Christ with them and help them connect in His church. We are looking forward to an awesome year of growth both spiritually and with new people coming alive in Christ! Pastor Charlie Contreras

WORSHIP 8411 Columbia Ave Munster, IN 46321 (219) 838-3929 Office Hours: Tue-Fri: 9 AM-12 PM and 1-4 PM FaithChurchMunster Service Time: Sundays 9 & 11 AM *Interpretation for the deaf is available upon advance request: Faith Kids Worship (Infant-5th Grade) Sundays 9 & 11 AM

Start date TBD

CONNECT God never intended for us to do life on our own. At Faith Munster, we have a number of ministries to get involved in. For more information on connecting at Faith Munster, please contact Linda Kruszynski at FCmunstervolunteer@WeAreFaith. org. WOMEN Ladies DIY Classes Saturdays at 6:30 PM

Contact Jill at Watch for class dates

Mitchell Group Charles & Breanne Mitchell


Tuesday Women’s Group Marianne Eenigenburg

Men’s Group Saturdays, 7-8:30 AM Contact Bob at Meets weekly ADULTS (MEN & WOMEN) SMALL GROUPS Listed below are Small Groups for Faith Munster; please contact the leaders for more information on their group. For more information on small groups, please visit connect/adults/small groups. Band of Brothers Group John Jeanor Berridge Group Bob or Lisa Berridge Friday Women’s Group Elizabeth Eizenga, Anne Contreras or Sandy Vree Ipema Group John & Julie Ipema

Van Baren Group Brian Van Baren Young Adults Group Collin Gallagher Jeff Davis Marriage Ministry Groups See Care & Connections on page 16 STUDENTS Middle School (6th-8th grade) Mondays, 6-8 PM Meets weekly at Faith Highland Fall kick-off is September 14 High School (9th-12th grade) Sundays, 6-8 PM Meets weekly at Faith Highland Fall kick-off is September 13 Follow our Social Media accounts to keep up to date with everything we are doing for Faith Students, including fun events, any change of meeting times and holiday breaks. Instagram: FaithstudentsMH Facebook: FaithStudentsMH

Contact: Abdiel at

Discover Faith (Class 1) Sunday, Sep 13 | 3-5 PM


Partner with Faith (Class 2) Sunday, Oct 4 | 3-5 PM

Celebrate Recovery Thursdays, 7-9 PM Contact Charles & Breanne at faithmunsterCR@gmailcom Celebrate Recovery (CR) is based on the original 12 steps of recovery and the Beatitudes, the actual words of Jesus. CR is open to adults, 18 yrs and older as a place of rescue, restoration, safety and renewal for those seeking God’s healing from life’s hurts, hangups and habits. Meets weekly. Childcare is available. Prayer Ministry Sundays, before & after service Contact Bob at Do you have needs, concerns, worries or praises? Stop in the Prayer Room for prayer and support. Prayer and Worship Nights Join us as we learn about prayer and worship. See the church calendar or Facebook for upcoming dates. See page 16 for additional care groups. CLASSES & EVENTS Pathway to Membership Includes two classes, both are required for membership. Discover Faith is a prerequisite for Partner with Faith.

Membership & Baptism Celebrations November 22 Contact Bonnie at or register at Getting Married? Contact Becky at to begin your wedding journey. Basic Sign Language Classes will be offered virtually this fall, beginning September 22 for 10 weeks. For more information and to sign up please visit Thanksgiving Services Wednesday, Nov 25 | Times TBD Christmas Services Wednesday, Dec 23 & Thursday, Dec 24 | Times TBD

SERVE God has given to each one our own unique set of strengths, talents, and passions. There are many different ways to serve and contribute to the building of Christ’s kingdom. We would love to help you find your place to serve, see opportunities below. For more information on sering at Faith Munster, please contact Linda at

Faith Kids: Welcome Back! Faith Kids Worship Fall Kick Off is September 13! (Infant - 5th Grade) Sundays at 9 & 11 AM Do you have a heart for kids? Would you like to serve in Faith Kids? For more information, contact Anne at Kids Hope USA Would you like to help change a child’s life? Kids Hope USA is in need of mentors for kids. Children are paired with a caring church member who serves as their mentor. The mentor and child meet for one hour a week, during the school year. Mentors spend time reading, playing games and being a “friend” to a child who needs one. Faith Munster serves the children of Kenwood Elementary School. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Jennifer at ShoutOut (4th grade & up) Contact Anne at Technical Arts Team Do you like serving behind the scenes? Maybe you’d be interested in serving on our Technical Arts Team? For more information, contact Mayi at Worship Team & Choir We would love to add to our worship team and choir. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Jen at


SCHERERVILLE CAMPUS UPDATE by Mel Bendle | Faith Schererville Launch Team For those who called Faith Schererville their church, it was more than a place to worship on Sundays. It was a home filled with family. The corner of Cline Avenue & Route 30 became a destination for the least, the lost and the broken. A destination for us all! This campus launched in the Campagna Academy gym a handful of years ago and was founded on loving in radically reaching ways. We loved people into loveliness, mirroring the way Jesus loves us. Faith Schererville wasn’t just about sharing the Gospel, it was about living the Gospel. We came alongside Campagna and welcomed their residents into our hearts and into the presence of God. During our tenure, we were privileged to see those far from God take bold steps in their faith. This side of heaven we won’t know the reach of our love but maybe it was felt in a cup of coffee served with kindness, or through the Free Garage Sale which alleviated great need, or through a comfy pair of PJ’s gifted to a kid who wouldn’t spend Christmas at home, or through a backpack filled with supplies allowing a student’s fresh school-year start, or us simply pointing to Jesus over and over again. One day we will clearly see the impact, but for now we who were a part of Faith Schererville will hold a sliver of what was done in Jesus’ name in our hearts forever.

After six years serving and ministering to the local community, Faith Schererville is closing. We are grateful as we look back at those who have served through this campus and we ask you to lift the community up in prayer with us. We know God is working in this community and look forward to where He is calling us next. - Faith Schererville Leadership

IMPACT & RECAP by Elizabeth Stanula-Kuiken On August 6 and 7 Faith Church hosted its 16th Global Leadership Summit. With the challenges of the season you might have thought the Summit would be unsuccessful. But you know what - God! He used it for even greater reach and magnitude!

“When it comes to young people, we always tell them how they will be the NEXT generation’s leaders. It’s important to let them know that they are THIS generation’s leaders. These middle and high schoolers will be making a difference in every part of their world where their influence touches. They are what THIS generation needs!” - Abdiel Valerio Faith Students Munster/Highland Director

Just our host site alone, we had the most registrants we’ve ever had - 508! And that’s 508 people from across Northwest Indiana and South Chicagoland. We estimate about 225 met at Faith Dyer, 150 participated in micro & mini sites, and 125 people watched online from wherever they wanted to. And while this networking-style event moved to an online platform - people not at a physical site had the opportunity to engage directly with others through an online chat. There were so many wins this year, including Congressional Candidate Frank Mrvan attending at Faith Dyer, an exceptional number of first-time participants in attendance, a focus on students being invited as our next generation of leaders, and so much more, which can be seen in the photos along this page. The Summit is a launching off point for Region leadership and our GLS Planning Team hopes to have continued activities to keep leadership - and our influence - at the forefront over the course of this next year.


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